Home Stomatitis How to find out whether you have tuberculosis or not. How to identify tuberculosis: the most important symptoms and diagnostic methods

How to find out whether you have tuberculosis or not. How to identify tuberculosis: the most important symptoms and diagnostic methods


Pulmonary tuberculosis is a disease known to mankind from a long time ago. Over the years, only its name changed (previously tuberculosis was called consumption), but the essence of the disease remained the same. This is a serious illness from which no one is immune.

It is terrible not only for its consequences, but because it directly affects the social component of the life of any individual. And in general, pulmonary tuberculosis can safely be called a social disease. Why is this so? This and many other issues are worth understanding thoroughly, since this can affect everyone.

What is tuberculosis?

This is an infectious disease that is transmitted by airborne droplets.

This makes pulmonary tuberculosis very dangerous, since it has all the prerequisites to become an epidemic. However modern society this is hardly a threat. It’s worth saying “thank you” to vaccination. In the old days, pulmonary tuberculosis (consumption) could become (and often became) a real killer, responsible for great amount lives lost.

What causes this disease? The basis of tuberculosis is the so-called Mycobscterium tuberculosis, its other name is Koch's bacillus. This type The bacteria was discovered in the late 19th century by a scientist named Robert Koch. To date, Mycobscterium tuberculosis has been well studied. By the way, this microbe can cause tuberculosis not only in humans, but also in some animal species, which only aggravates the spread of the disease. As a rule, domesticated animal species are susceptible to pulmonary tuberculosis.

The lungs are not the only organ that can be targeted by tuberculosis. But it is pulmonary tuberculosis that is much more common, and its essence has been studied in most detail. The mortality rate from this disease is approximately 16-19%. As for the number of sick people, this moment in Russia, tuberculosis in the lungs is detected in approximately 80 people out of 100,000. It is slightly more common in men than in women. But statistics say that in women this disease has a less active course.

How does infection occur and what is the further development of the disease?

As mentioned earlier, the bacterium Mycobscterium tuberculosis is transmitted by airborne droplets. This can happen when talking to a sick person, sneezing near them, coughing, or having any close contact with them. The most accurate statement would be that it is not so much the proximity of contact that is important, but rather the entry of Mycobscterium tuberculosis in the form of aerosol secretions.

After this, the stick gets onto the human mucous membranes, and then inside the body: into the lungs or into the gastrointestinal tract. In this case, primary tuberculosis infection occurs. In this case, it will be much better if the stick goes into the stomach. There it has a chance to dissolve under the influence of a harsh acid-base environment. If it gets into the lungs, the chance of contracting tuberculosis is much higher. The environment for the development of tuberculosis there is much more favorable.

In the first period after entering the human body, Mycobscterium tuberculosis does not manifest itself in any way. Moreover, even from the immune system it remains unnoticed. The incubation period can last indefinitely. The incubation period ends at the moment when the body can no longer resist infection. By the way, during the incubation period a person can infect others.

The bacterium takes advantage of this favorable period and multiplies as quickly as possible. The infection multiplies especially well in tissues where there is good blood and lymph circulation. For example, in the lungs, kidneys and lymph nodes.

After the bacteria multiply, decisive moment. During this period, a lot is decided. If the body and its immunity are strong enough, then Mycobscterium tuberculosis is perfectly eradicated from the human body, which prevents the development of the disease itself. In this case, we can say with almost complete certainty that the treatment will help. But if the body is weakened, it contains factors that weaken it (chronic vitamin deficiency, diabetes, HIV, hepatitis and other ailments, then there is a high probability that pulmonary tuberculosis will soon develop into its active stage, having the opportunity to develop quickly.

At this point, another question is being decided: will a person with Mycobscterium tuberculosis be contagious? So, if the bacterium comes out of the so-called granuloma, then the disease has entered an open form, which means that the patient is actively releasing the infection into environment. If the granuloma containing the bacteria has retained its integrity, then it is almost impossible to become infected from such a person.

But it’s time to figure out what the first signs of tuberculosis are. How does it manifest itself in the early and subsequent stages? And how to independently determine the symptoms of this terrible disease? Every person should have this knowledge, because it can help prevent or stop the disease in time.

Symptoms of the disease that you can identify yourself

Of course, the most accurate way to detect tuberculosis is when laboratory research, as well as with a full examination by a doctor and his professional consultation. But there are a number of symptoms that should be a “wake-up call” for a person. The signs of pulmonary tuberculosis in adults and children are almost the same.

In general, we can say that absolutely not characteristic symptoms, which are characteristic exclusively of tuberculosis.

But, for example, you should worry if there is for a long time persistent cough, which is accompanied by active production of sputum, and in some cases, blood. Shortness of breath appears, and sometimes it becomes difficult for a person to breathe.

Along with this, a dry cough is often encountered, so the production of sputum or blood is not a defining sign. And hemoptysis itself occurs in late stages pulmonary tuberculosis. This is due to the occurrence of bleeding in the lungs, which results in such an unpleasant and very alarming symptom. What other signs of tuberculosis could there be?

Shortness of breath is also a symptom that is observed in advanced stages of pulmonary tuberculosis. At this moment most of this body is already affected, which makes breathing significantly more difficult for the sick person. As a result, shortness of breath occurs. The lack of oxygen is very difficult to compensate for with anything, but even if it is possible (with oxygen masks and other devices), this significantly limits the patient’s vital activity and mobility.

But still there is one a clear sign pulmonary tuberculosis. And it's called tuberculosis intoxication. How to recognize it? Tuberculosis intoxication negatively affects the body. It manifests itself with the following symptoms:

  • sudden and unmotivated weight loss;
  • an unusual and previously unobserved blush on the cheeks of a reddish tint;
  • at the same time there is an unhealthy pallor of the skin throughout the body;
  • persistent drowsiness that persists even after long sleep(this is due to brain intoxication);
  • constant increase in body temperature in the range from 37.2 to 38.3 ° C ( low-grade fever);
  • changes in appetite (from its complete absence to a significant increase bordering on overeating);
  • night sweats of the body, due to which a person often wakes up in the so-called cold sweat.

However, often in the first stages, pulmonary tuberculosis is completely asymptomatic and unnoticed by its owner. In this case, only timely clinical researches, a number of which are familiar to everyone. What methods exactly are we talking about?

Diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis

All of the above symptoms and signs of the disease can be called primary. They can be noticeable to the person himself. But medicine is not limited to this. For staging accurate diagnosis a number of already established studies are used that will accurately determine the presence of the disease, its stage and development.

The most common type of examination, which is familiar to absolutely everyone, is fluorography. Currently, billions of people do it every year. Such manipulation reveals any changes in the lungs and intrathoracic lymph nodes. This method is instrumental. The same group includes chest x-rays, CT scan, bronchoscopy and some others.

As for laboratory methods for detecting pulmonary tuberculosis, bacterioscopy of sputum and bronchial washings is now most often used. The resulting material is subjected to a test, during which the bacteria Mycobscterium tuberculosis are painted in a characteristic color. Along with this, it can be carried out laboratory study pleural fluid, biopsy of the lung, pleura and lymph nodes.

And finally, immunological methods for detecting the disease. These include the well-known Mantoux test. 2 tuberculated units are injected under the skin of a person, which helps to see the body’s reaction to them. But today we can state the fact that the Mantoux test is an outdated method. Quite often it gives false positive results, which makes both the patient and the doctor worry.

Much more advanced and modern immunological test can be called Diaskintest. This is a rapid test to detect pulmonary tuberculosis. It is based on the same subcutaneous injection with specific tuberculosis proteins. The chance of error is minimal, and therefore experts around the world prefer to use Diaxintest rather than the Mantoux test.

In extremely complex and difficult to diagnose cases, the polymerase chain reaction can be used, which also belongs to the group of immunological methods for detecting pulmonary tuberculosis.

Treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis

Treatment of this disease consists of several components. Of course, everything depends on its manifestation and form.

The most important condition for treatment is that it must be carried out in specialized clinics, otherwise called tuberculosis dispensaries. Such measures are associated with the desire to limit the patient’s contact with society in order to prevent further spread of the infection.

Treatment is based on special anti-tuberculosis antimicrobial drugs that suppress the activity of the bacterium Mycobscterium tuberculosis. Treatment with such drugs is quite effective, especially in the early stages. But they also have their tangible disadvantages. Thus, over time, the number of strains that are insensitive to the effects of the drug increases.

Surgical methods can also be used to treat tuberculosis. It is used for advanced forms of the disease, in the presence of complications. As for the latter, these may include various bleedings, pneumothorax, empyema and some others.

The next stage of treatment for pulmonary tuberculosis is aimed at eliminating the inevitably occurring tuberculosis intoxication. Intoxication also occurs from taking antimicrobial drugs. To reduce intoxication of the body, various vitamins, sorbents, hepatoprotectors, infusion therapy and other elements.

During treatment, you will also have to deal with oxygen deficiency, which, as already mentioned, is caused by damage to the lung tissue. Elimination of hypoxia significantly facilitates the course of the disease and the treatment itself. For this purpose, some devices can be used to normalize breathing. Among them are oxygen masks, oxygen concentrators for premises and some others.

In general, treatment must be carried out in a timely manner, it must have a clearly thought-out program, there must be systematicity and consistency. At all times throughout the treatment, the patient must be under close supervision of a specialist. By the way, this is done by doctors such as a pulmonologist and a phthisiatrician.

But where the best remedy than any, even the most effective treatment– this is prevention. Treatment for tuberculosis can last for years, and sometimes even throughout life. And prevention will take much less time and effort.

Tuberculosis: prevention

Vaccination is the basis for prevention of this disease. As already said, this social disease. This important factor. Equally important is that it can be transmitted from person to person through the air. Therefore, a person who does not lead an antisocial lifestyle, but, for example, is constantly in contact with a large number of people at work, can become infected. In this and other cases, vaccination will help avoid infection.

At the moment there are no more effective method for prevention than vaccination. Additionally, it is necessary to limit all contacts with persons who are potential carriers of tuberculosis. Those at risk include people without a fixed place of residence, HIV-infected people and those serving sentences in prison, and some other categories of people leading an antisocial and deviant lifestyle. It is these people who most often suffer from pulmonary tuberculosis.

For preventive purposes, it is worthwhile to undergo lung fluorography annually in adults and children. It is included in the list of mandatory medical measures that every person must undergo periodically. This applies to both adults and children. In addition, there is no distinction in terms of vaccination. Both adults and children need to be vaccinated.

Thus, today's knowledge will help strengthen your knowledge on the issue of a disease such as pulmonary tuberculosis. This will help not to become infected or to recognize the disease in time, based on the symptoms of pulmonary tuberculosis, to stop the disease, to treat effective treatment. And let health not let anyone down! The life of every person can and should be fulfilling. AND physical state plays one of the primary roles in this.

Discussion 1

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Scientists have found signs of this infection in Egyptian mummies: tuberculosis is so “old”. According to WHO, it is still one of the leading causes of death worldwide. How to identify early signs infection and how to treat it? Let's figure it out.

Why do people still get tuberculosis?

Koch's bacillus (the causative agent of infection) has a special shell that helps it resist antimicrobial drugs. Scientists have recorded 558 thousand new cases of infection with a microbe resistant to rifampicin - the very effective drug against tuberculosis. In addition, mycobacteria multiply extremely slowly, which complicates the work of doctors.

However, the incidence is decreasing by about 2% per year, and WHO plans to completely eliminate the epidemic by 2030.

Where does this disease come from?

The causes of tuberculosis were unknown until 1882, when Robert Koch discovered the causative agent - a bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Like anyone infectious disease, it has two main reasons: contact with an infected person and weak immunity. At risk are children, elderly people, homeless people, prison inmates and people who are in constant contact with the patient.

How does infection occur?

  • Wash your hands for at least 20 seconds with warm water and soap;
  • Do not use other people's cups and hygiene items;
  • Go through regular medical examination: according to the law, once every 3 years Russians can pass free medical examination;
  • Eat a balanced diet;
  • Play sports and be outdoors more often.

Find out more about modern methods diagnosis and prevention of tuberculosis, it is possible from

Pulmonary tuberculosis is an infectious pathology caused by the Koch bacillus, characterized by different clinical and morphological variants of the lesion. lung tissue.

The variety of forms causes variability in symptoms. The most typical respiratory disorders for pulmonary tuberculosis (cough, hemoptysis, shortness of breath) and symptoms of intoxication ( prolonged low-grade fever, sweating, weakness).

Next, we will look at what pulmonary tuberculosis is, what forms of the disease there are and how a person becomes infected with them, as well as signs of the disease in the early stages and treatment methods in adults today.

What is pulmonary tuberculosis?

Pulmonary tuberculosis is an infectious disease. It develops due to the entry of a pathogen into the body - mycobacterium tuberculosis. Penetrating into the human body, bacteria cause local inflammation, manifested in the formation of minor epithelial granulomas.

Even if mycobacteria has penetrated into human body, it is not a fact that you can immediately notice signs of pulmonary tuberculosis - the probability of the disease is not one hundred percent. As shown medical research, the Koch bacillus itself is present in the body of many modern people, among them, every tenth suffers from an unpleasant disease.

If the immune system strong enough, it successfully resists the infectious agent, over time developing a strong immunity to it.

Because Koch's bacillus multiplies quickly V unsanitary conditions, there is an opinion that the disease occurs only among the poor, but anyone can get tuberculosis, regardless of age and position in society.

Forms of tuberculosis

According to WHO, 1/3 of the world's population is infected with mycobacteria. According to various sources, every year 8-9 million people become ill with tuberculosis and 2-3 million die from complications of this disease.

You should know that tuberculosis is transmitted exclusively from people who have an open form of the disease. The danger lies the fact that under some circumstances the patient himself may not know about the transition of the disease from a closed form to an open one.

Depending on the nature of the occurrence, the following types of disease are distinguished:

  1. Primary. It develops when the patient makes first contact with Koch's bacillus. The human body to which the infection is first transmitted can easily become infected. The disease can take hidden form, long years remaining in the body and “waking up” only when the patient’s immunity is weakened;
  2. Secondary pulmonary tuberculosis develops upon repeated contact with the office or as a result of reactivation of the infection in primary focus. Basic clinical forms secondary tuberculosis is represented by focal, infiltrative, disseminated, cavernous (fibrous-cavernous), cirrhotic, tuberculoma.
Pulmonary tuberculosis
Disseminated A large number of small dense areas with a high concentration of Koch bacillus are formed in the lung tissue. It can be subacute or chronic. It develops slowly and may not bother you for years.
Miliary The miliary form of the disease is characterized by a breakthrough of infection from the source of inflammation to vascular system. In a short period of time, the infection affects not only the lung tissue, but also any organs and systems, leaving behind granulomas.
Limited or focal Characterized by occurrence in one or two lung segments several specific foci (from 3 to 10 mm in diameter), of varying duration. The progression of this stage leads to enlargement of the lesions, their fusion and possible disintegration.
Infiltrative Tuberculosis foci are identified in one or both lungs, in the center of which there is a zone of necrosis. It may not show any clinical signs and is discovered by chance on an x-ray.
Cavernous It is characterized by the fact that as it progresses, formed cavities form on the affected organ. Cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis does not have significant fibrous pathologies, but it can occur in patients who are already affected by other forms of the disease. The cavity can be found using x-ray.
Fibrous With fibrous pulmonary tuberculosis, in addition to the formation of cavities, changes appear in the lung tissue, which lead to the loss of its ability to perform respiratory functions. The infection affects the lungs and bronchi. In the lungs, as the form of the disease develops, bronchiectasis occurs.
Tuberculoma Fossilized areas are formed in the lungs, up to 5 cm in diameter. They can be single or multiple.

Open form of pulmonary tuberculosis (contagious)

This form is the most dangerous. The lungs are most often affected, but other organs may also be involved. Infection occurs when the infectious agent is inhaled. A patient with an open form must be isolated. This term means that a person is infectious to others because he releases active mycobacteria into the environment. The presence of an open form can be determined by examining a sputum smear.

Mycobacteria can survive even on dust, so it is very easy to become infected with them when using the same objects. In addition, the use of public institutions and transport, even short-term, can lead to the transmission of an open form of tuberculosis from one person to many others.

Closed tuberculosis

The closed form of pulmonary tuberculosis does not involve the release of Koch bacilli into the environment by the patient. This form is called TB-, and this means that a person who has this disease will not be able to infect others.

Closed tuberculosis is associated with changes in the patient’s health status, which can take physical and internal forms. It should be noted that under the influence of BC on the lung area, the epidermal tuberculin test in infected patients in 80% of cases guarantees positive result. Its confirmation is necessary through testing and instrumental examinations.

Other characteristics boil down to the fact that patients do not feel unwell - they do not develop any unpleasant symptoms, indicating problematic functioning of the lungs or other body systems.

Signs of the early stage of pulmonary tuberculosis

Signs of tuberculosis in adults may not appear immediately. Duration incubation period(the time from the moment of infection with the virus to the appearance of the first noticeable symptoms) may vary depending on several factors. Very often, the signs of pulmonary tuberculosis in the early stages are mistakenly confused with ARVI, and the real cause of the disease can only be detected during routine fluorography.

The first signs of tuberculosis manifest themselves weakly, but then gradually increase. These include:

  • cough with expectoration of sputum for 3 weeks;
  • hemoptysis;
  • constantly high temperature;
  • fatigue, apathy, low performance;
  • unexpected mood swings, irritability;
  • sudden loss of kilograms;
  • loss of appetite.

Symptoms do not necessarily appear immediately: as a rule, one or two appear first (and this is not necessarily a cough) or two, followed by others. If these symptoms collectively last longer than 3 weeks, there is a serious need to consult a doctor.

Pay attention to your appetite; in patients it decreases very quickly. First characteristic feature tuberculosis in children and adults - sudden weight loss and prolonged cough.


The causative agents of this disease in humans are bacteria of the genus Mycobacterium, or more precisely: Mycobacterium tuberculosis.

The main provoking factor is a decrease in the body's resistance. This may occur under the following circumstances:

  • if a person has severe somatic diseases;
  • chronic alcoholism;
  • exhaustion of the body.

As it was revealed during research, the infectious agent is characterized by increased resistance to any aggressive influences; it is not afraid of alcohol, acid, or alkali. Tuberculosis can survive in soil, snow, and the methods of destruction identified by the German scientist suggested a direct influence sun rays, heating, antiseptic components containing chlorine.

The main predisposing factors for the development of pulmonary tuberculosis are:

  • smoking;
  • malnutrition (lack of vitamins and animal proteins);
  • physical fatigue;
  • neuropsychic overstrain (stress);
  • drug use;
  • substance abuse;
  • hypothermia;
  • frequent viral and bacterial infections;
  • serving a sentence in prison;
  • overcrowding of teams;
  • staying in rooms with insufficient ventilation.

Transmission routes

  1. Penetration of mycobacteria into our body usually occurs through the air, or aerogenous route. Contact, transplacental and nutritional (food) routes are much less common.
  2. Respiratory system healthy person protected from microbial penetration special mechanisms, significantly weakened in acute or chronic diseases of the respiratory tract.
  3. The alimentary route of infection is possible in case of chronic intestinal diseases that impair absorption functions in it.

Regardless of the route of entry, mycobacteria enter The lymph nodes. From there on lymphatic vessels they spread throughout the body.

Symptoms of pulmonary tuberculosis in adults

The incubation period of the disease can range from one to three months. The danger is that in the early stages of the disease the symptoms are similar to simple respiratory infection. As soon as the stick enters the body, it begins to spread through the blood to all organs, and the first manifestations of infection appear.

With tuberculosis, a person feels weak, as at the beginning. Performance decreases, apathy appears, the patient constantly wants to sleep, and the patient gets tired quickly. Signs of intoxication do not go away for quite a long time.

Symptoms of pulmonary tuberculosis:

  • persistent cough;
  • shortness of breath, which gradually increases after infection with tuberculosis, occurs even with minor physical activities;
  • wheezing, noted by the doctor when listening (dry or wet);
  • hemoptysis;
  • chest pain that occurs with deep breaths or at rest;
  • elevated body temperature: up to 37 degrees or more;
  • painful shine in the eyes, pallor, blush on the cheeks.

The temperature with tuberculosis usually rises at night. Fever occurs, the thermometer can show up to 38 degrees.

With greater bacterial activity, patients may complain of:

  • sudden temperature rises up to 39° - especially towards the end of the day;
  • girdle pain in chest and shoulder areas;
  • spasms under the shoulder blades (if the disease has affected the pleura);
  • dry persistent cough;
  • heavy sweating during sleep.

Similar symptoms are characteristic of primary tuberculosis - this means that the person has not encountered this disease before.

Coughing up blood and causing acute painful sensations when inhaling - most dangerous symptoms pulmonary tuberculosis in adults. It is very difficult to treat the disease at this stage. The patient is recommended to be hospitalized. Foci of the disease rapidly affect various organ systems, and the musculoskeletal system may also be affected.

In severe cases, the patient experiences complications such as:

  • pulmonary hemorrhage;
  • pulmonary hypertension;
  • cardiopulmonary failure;
  • swelling of the limbs;
  • abdominal ascites;
  • fever;
  • sudden weight loss;
  • painful sensations in the cage;

To a greater extent, tuberculosis affects the lungs - in almost 90% of cases. However, mycobacteria can also be dangerous for other organs. The patient may be diagnosed with tuberculosis genitourinary system, bones, central nervous system, digestive organs. The symptoms of the disease in this case are caused by a malfunction of the affected organs.

Stages of development

When the pathogen enters the lungs, the following occurs:

  1. Mycobacterium tuberculosis settles in the bronchioles and alveoli, penetrates the lung tissue, and causes inflammatory reaction(focus of specific pneumonia).
  2. Next, they are surrounded by macrophage defenders, which, having turned into epithelioid cells, stand around the pathogen in the form of a kind of capsule and form the primary tuberculosis focus.
  3. Some mycobacteria manage to penetrate this protection, then they move through the bloodstream to the lymph nodes, where they come into contact with cells immune defense and cause a complex of reactions that form specific cellular immunity.
  4. Inflammation occurs and is replaced by a more advanced reaction, in which macrophages also participate; it is their activity that determines whether the body’s anti-tuberculosis defense will be effective.
Stages of pulmonary tuberculosis Symptoms
Primary lesion Koch's bacillus enters the human body for the first time. This stage is typical for newborns and people with weakened immune systems. Any severe symptoms absent, vague signs of intoxication appear. Body temperature long time stays at 37 degrees or more.
Latent The second degree is the phase of the disease, called latent or latent. Among the signs of this stage are a suffocating cough, a stable but significant increase in temperature, and physical weakness. Mycobacteria multiply quite slowly, since the human immune system constantly fights them. In rare cases, if the patient has serious immune disorders, pulmonary tuberculosis progresses very quickly.
Active Third degree - at this stage tuberculosis becomes open. Is a person with this disease contagious? Definitely yes. Signs in the early stages include active discharge of sputum with blood, sweating (especially at night), and severe fatigue.
Relapse Under unfavorable conditions, a previously cured disease is reborn. Bacteria “awaken” in old lesions or a new infection occurs. The disease occurs in open form. There are signs of intoxication of the body and bronchopulmonary manifestations.


Diagnostics consists of several stages:

  • Collection of anamnestic data (what complaints, whether there were contacts with tuberculosis patients, etc.).
  • Clinical examination.
  • Radiography.
  • Laboratory tests (blood and urine tests).
  • Three times microscopic and bacteriological examination of sputum.
  • If necessary, a number of special examinations are carried out: bronchoscopy, biopsy of lung tissue, molecular biological diagnostics, etc.

If you suspect possible availability disease, a Mantoux test is performed. In this case, an antigen of the causative agent of the disease is injected under the human skin, and after a few days the injection site and the body’s immune response are studied. If infection occurs, the reaction will be quite pronounced: the spot is large.

Based on the diagnostic results, pulmonary tuberculosis is differentiated from:

  • pulmonary sarcoidosis,
  • peripheral lung cancer,
  • benign and metastatic tumors,
  • pneumomycosis,
  • lung cysts, abscess, silicosis, abnormal development of the lungs and blood vessels.

Additional diagnostic search methods may include bronchoscopy, pleural puncture, lung biopsy.

The combination of tuberculosis and Lately is not at all rare. Recent studies show that people who have had tuberculosis have lung cancer occurs 10 times more often.

Treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis

Treatment of tuberculosis is a very long, systemic process. To get rid of the disease completely, you need to put in a lot of effort and patience. It is almost impossible to cure yourself at home, since Koch's wand gets used to many drugs over time and loses sensitivity.

Doctors prescribe to patients:

  • physiotherapeutic procedures;
  • breathing exercises at home;
  • drugs to enhance immunity;
  • special food for illness at home;
  • surgical intervention.

Surgery for the treatment of adults is used if it is necessary to remove part of the lung due to its serious damage during illness.

Treatment of tuberculosis in the early stages in adults

  • rifampicin;
  • streptomycin;
  • isoniazid;
  • ethionamide and their analogues.

Pharmacotherapy takes place in two stages. At the initial stage, intensive treatment is prescribed to suppress bacteria with high metabolism, and at the final stage, blocking of the remaining microorganisms with low metabolic activity is prescribed. The main group of anti-tuberculosis drugs used include:

  • Isoniazid
  • Rifampicin
  • Pyrazinamide
  • Ethambutol
  • Streptomycin

If bacteria are resistant to drugs of the main group, reserve drugs are prescribed:

  • Kanamycin
  • Amikacin
  • Cycloserine
  • Prothionamide
  • Ethionamide.

Treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis should begin with first-line drugs; if they are ineffective, then others are prescribed. The best solution is to use several groups of drugs.

If the patient’s condition allows, he receives treatment on an outpatient basis, with a weekly appointment with a phthisiatrician.

Should be considered that outpatient treatment is possible only if a non-contagious form of pulmonary tuberculosis is diagnosed, in which it will not infect others.

The effectiveness of therapy is judged not by how long it takes to treat pulmonary tuberculosis, but by the following criteria:

  1. bacterial excretion stops, which is confirmed by microscopic examinations and sputum culture (some foreign researchers believe that only this criterion is sufficient to confirm cured tuberculosis);
  2. signs of tuberculosis inflammation, both clinical and laboratory, disappear;
  3. the foci of the process, noticeable on the radiograph, regress, forming residual inactive changes;
  4. The patient's functionality and ability to work are restored.

Spa treatment

This type is indicated for focal, infiltrative, disseminated forms of tuberculosis at the stage of scarring of lung tissue, resorption and compaction of changes in it, after surgical operations. Spa treatment includes:

  • pharmacotherapy;
  • dietary food;
  • beneficial effects of climate;
  • physiotherapy;
  • physical therapy.


Pulmonary tuberculosis requires surgical treatment, if destructive processes - cavities or large caseous formations - in the lungs do not decrease after 3-9 months of complex chemotherapy.

Also surgical methods Treatment of tuberculosis is indicated when complications develop:

  • stenosis and deformations of the bronchi,
  • chronic empyema (extensive purulent lesion),
  • atelectasis (areas of collapse of lung tissue) and abscesses.


  1. Social prevention (carried out at the state level) is a set of measures to improve people’s lives and health, educational work regarding tuberculosis, etc.
  2. Sanitary prevention includes various measures in foci of tuberculosis infection.
  3. Specific – vaccination and revaccination with BCG.
  4. Chemoprophylaxis is the administration of an anti-tuberculosis drug not for treatment purposes, but for prevention purposes to people who have been in contact with a patient with tuberculosis.

Pulmonary tuberculosis is dangerous disease, which needs to be treated under the supervision of a specialist and preferably in the earliest stages. Monitor your health, get diagnosed 1-2 times a year and follow preventive measures.


It is quite difficult to determine such a disease with some accuracy, and the patient cannot diagnose himself. First of all, because tuberculosis can have many forms and characteristics. Moreover, it can even hit different organs, and not just the lungs, as is commonly believed. In addition, this condition is quite difficult to distinguish from many other diseases, for example, from pneumonia, which is much more common.

However, observing yourself characteristic symptoms This illness described below should be a reason for the patient to immediately visit a medical facility. Indeed, if tuberculosis really manifests itself, even a minimal delay can seriously affect your health.

Early symptoms

How to identify tuberculosis at home? Early symptoms play a major role in diagnosis of this state. Late symptoms, often, are already very strongly expressed and by the time they appear the patient has already begun treatment in one way or another and consulted a doctor. In the early stages, the symptoms are not expressed and therefore it is quite difficult to recognize them in a timely manner. But it is at this stage that the disease is treated most successfully.

Tuberculous bronchoadenitis

A fairly common form of the disease. Occurs almost as often as lung damage. In fact, it has a lot in common with him. The symptoms are almost completely similar, although the pathology itself affects only the roots of the organ. In children, symptoms are usually absent altogether; low-grade fever is rarely observed, sometimes increasing.

There is no cough. It only appears when the bronchi are compressed as a result of enlarged lymph nodes. Even as a result full recovery For a certain period of time, the patient belongs to a group with an increased likelihood of infection, because he may be subject to re-development of the disease. Or he may develop tuberculosis in a different form.

Brain tuberculosis

Tuberculosis meninges develops rapidly and always has acute course. The disease produces pronounced symptoms already at initial stage, both in children and adults. Most often it does not develop independently, but as a complication of pulmonary tuberculosis. Has the following symptoms:

  1. Headache;
  2. Dizziness;
  3. Vomit;
  4. Neurological disorders;
  5. Nausea;
  6. High body temperature.

Another type of tuberculous brain damage is tuberculous meningitis. It develops in children independently or as a complication after the pulmonary form. At the initial stage it manifests itself in the form of malaise, constipation, sleep disturbances, and irritability. Then nausea and vomiting, abdominal pain, and muscle hypertonicity develop.

Use of rapid tests

Pharmacies sell various rapid tests for tuberculosis that help determine the presence of the pathogen in the body. They are not very accurate, but can be used to get an approximate result.

Other diagnostic methods

How to get tested for tuberculosis? The following methods are used:

  1. Tuberculin tests (Mantoux, Diaskintest, etc.);
  2. X-ray is the main method showing foci of tuberculosis in the lungs;
  3. Blood test, urine test;
  4. PCR and bacteriological research body fluids.

Based on these data, we can conclude that the bacterium that causes tuberculosis is present in the body.


But it is important to understand that any accurate diagnosis of this disease is beyond medical institution it can not be. If you notice in yourself similar symptoms, do not panic - they are not necessarily talking about tuberculosis. But it is still necessary to immediately consult a specialist.

Despite the achievements modern medicine, pulmonary tuberculosis in the adult population remains a dangerous and active disease.

In Rus', consumption was incurable; not only ordinary people, but also celebrities died from it: Belinsky, Chekhov, Dzerzhinsky. Nowadays, the disease can be successfully treated if the infected person consults a doctor in a timely manner.

In contact with


Who gets pulmonary tuberculosis?

Signs in the early stages of the disease

  1. Profuse sweating at night. The next morning the person wakes up literally wet.
  2. Regular increase in evening.
  3. Nonproductive cough without sputum discharge.
  4. Increased fatigue even with light loads and normal sleep patterns.
  5. Decreased appetite.
  6. Headache.

In addition to the main symptoms listed early stage an adult may also experience other signs: tachycardia, enlarged lymph nodes, liver, wheezing and whistling in the lungs.

Later, a cough is added, sometimes with blood.

What to do if you suspect tuberculosis?

You really need to worry if the above symptoms persist for more than three weeks.

You must visit your local doctor, who will issue a referral for general tests and fluorography. True, this study does not always show the presence of tuberculosis in the lungs, especially at an early stage, if the lesions are located in the apexes, closer to the back.

General tests will show:

  • Increased ESR;
  • high levels of protein in the urine;
  • leukocytosis;
  • decrease in lymphocyte content.
Affordable and quick method One-stage rapid tests are used to diagnose pulmonary tuberculosis at an early stage. They are sold in online stores and in pharmacies.

IN special cases done by adults - traditional method diagnosis of tuberculosis, which is already more than 50 years old. This is necessary when in contact with a sick person or to determine. The drug tuberculin, which contains harmless tuberculosis bacteria, is injected into the skin of the forearm. If after three days there is no trace left at the injection site, then the result is negative.

People who have been infected in the past or present may still have significant signs of redness and swelling.

A more universal and sensitive method for detecting pulmonary tuberculosis in the early stages is. This is a modern version of Mantoux.

However, DST and Mantoux test cannot be performed during exacerbation chronic diseases, skin diseases, allergic reactions and tuberculin intolerance.

An alternative method in such a situation is to determine immune reaction in the blood in the presence of mycobacteria. Since the sample is not carried out inside the human body, but in blood taken from him, the test has no adverse reactions and contraindications.

IN modern clinics Diagnosis is carried out using polymerase chain reaction (PCR). It quickly detects DNA fragments of the tuberculosis bacillus in the early stages. This is an expensive method that requires a highly qualified doctor.

Determination of the form and stage of the disease

A common method for diagnosing a form of pulmonary tuberculosis is x-ray tomography(fluorography), a more highly accurate method is computed tomography.

In complex diagnostic measures Bacterial culture of sputum may also be necessary. Growing microbes contained in sputum in nutrient media makes it possible to determine the sensitivity of the bacterium to antibiotics and prescribe highly effective therapy.

A common diagnostic method is repeated sputum collection at an anti-tuberculosis dispensary. A sputum smear is taken from the patient when he coughs, placed on glass, a substance is added and examined under a microscope. If it is possible to detect Koch's bacillus, this indicates an open form of pulmonary tuberculosis. This analysis will take approximately 3 months.

Precautions and prevention measures

The first thing to do if you suspect pulmonary tuberculosis is to protect your loved ones. Use only personal hygiene items. Wash your own clothes and dishes separately from others.

If a closed form of the disease is detected in the early stages, it is important to prevent it from becoming open, in which pulmonary tuberculosis becomes contagious.

To prevent the emergence and development of tuberculosis it is necessary:

  • Conduct an annual fluorographic examination;
  • people at risk should increase their immunity, take immunomodulators;
  • maintain a balanced diet, work and rest;
  • to refuse from bad habits;
  • Monitor your well-being closely and listen to your body.

An excellent natural stimulant of the immune system are beekeeping products - honeycombs, honey, beebread, pollen.

Tuberculosis is not something to joke about. Dies from it more people than from any other infection. Treatment of this disease, even in the early stages, is long and difficult for the body, combining several drugs. Treatment will require a lot of time and effort from a person. Therefore, it is important not to start, and ideally, not to allow the disease to occur!

Complexity and duration of treatment, high risk infections make tuberculosis one of the leading places in the world in terms of the number of infected people. A pulmonologist explains the ways of infection with tuberculosis and preventive measures.

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