Home Prosthetics and implantation Symptoms of lung cancer at an early stage. Signs of lung cancer, first symptoms and manifestations All signs of lung cancer

Symptoms of lung cancer at an early stage. Signs of lung cancer, first symptoms and manifestations All signs of lung cancer

Symptoms of lung cancer in the early stages are often vague and resemble colds.

Therefore, when constant cough, chest pain and general deterioration in health, it is important to visit a doctor for diagnosis and further adequate treatment.


Before you understand how lung cancer manifests itself, it is important to know the causes of the disease. This pathology of oncology is characterized by the rapid development of tumor formations and early appearance of metastases .

The following factors provoke the disease:

  1. Age. The disease actively develops most often in adults after 40 years of age and reaches its peak by 75 years of age. The disease is rare in adolescents.
  2. Floor. For every 5 adult men diagnosed with lung cancer, there is 1 woman. As you age, the proportions change 8 to 1.
  3. Genetic predisposition.
  4. Long history of smoking and a large number of cigarettes smoked per day.
  5. In 20% of cases it can provoke lung cancer passive smoking.
  6. Work in radon mines. Signs of the disease are observed in such people more often than in heavy smokers.
  7. Work in hazardous production conditions.
  8. Chronic diseases of the pulmonary system: tuberculosis, bronchitis, asthma, lung destruction.
  9. Radioactive exposure.


The first signs at the initial stage of the disease are often not associated with problems of the respiratory system. Many patients undergo a large number of doctors, complaining of a wide variety of symptoms, suspecting that they have other diseases.

Often the early stage of lung cancer passes without symptoms, so recognizing the disease is quite difficult.

In lung cancer, the manifestations of the disease are as follows:

  • Low temperature within 37.1-37.3 degrees;
  • Dizziness and bad feeling which provokes intoxication of the body;
  • Increased weakness and fatigue;
  • Reduced performance;
  • Severe sweating at rest or with minor physical exertion;
  • Patients begin to develop skin problems in the form of dermatitis and severe itching skin;
  • In older people, growths may appear on the body;
  • Allergic reactions with fever;
  • Swelling of the face;
  • Muscle weakness;
  • At the initial stage of the disease, there may be no cough;
  • Observed functional disorders nervous system;
  • Depression appears;
  • Insomnia;
  • Older people may develop dementia and their character changes greatly.

These are the primary signs and syndromes that patients at the initial stage of lung cancer complain about. Disturbances in the functioning of the respiratory system begin to appear later.

The main symptoms that indicate the disease appear when the tumor takes over a certain lung area and begins to actively destroy healthy tissue organ.

As the disease progresses, the patient experiences the following symptoms:

  • Prolonged, dry cough - first and main symptom lung oncology. Most often, painful coughing attacks bother the patient at night. Many patients mistake it for a smoker's cough;
  • As the disease progresses, the cough begins to produce sputum, which resembles pus or thick mucus;
  • The sputum has an unpleasant odor;
  • Over time, hemoptysis begins due to the destruction of blood vessels by the tumor. It is sputum with blood that alarms the patient, and he consults a doctor;
  • Chest pain appears as the tumor invades the pleura. The pain can be aching or sharp, bother you constantly or during physical activity;
  • Shortness of breath appears;
  • Temperatures may fluctuate throughout the day. Wherein colds the doctor does not find it;
  • Possible weight gain;
  • Pink streaks may appear on the skin;
  • Anorexia may also occur;
  • The patient is concerned about vomiting and nausea, which may contain blood;
  • Vision is impaired;
  • The patient is diagnosed with osteoporosis;
  • Swelling of the neck appears;
  • The saphenous veins begin to protrude;
  • Hoarseness of voice;
  • Bone pain;
  • Change in skin color;
  • The patient has difficulty swallowing food.

Symptoms are generally the same in men and women. But some symptoms, depending on gender, may be more pronounced or barely noticeable.

In most cases, due to the characteristics of the body, women are more difficult to tolerate the symptoms of the disease.

Types of cancer

Doctors use several classifications of the disease, which give an idea of ​​the stage of the disease, the size of the tumor, and the condition of the organs as the tumors grow.

To choose the necessary treatment, it is important to know what types of lung cancer exist, their external features and how this or that form proceeds.


This type of disease affects the large bronchi.

The growth begins inside, then invades the walls of the organ, eventually narrowing the bronchi and blocking the lumen.

Oxygen stops flowing and atelectasis appears. Inflammatory processes begin to progress in it. At later stages, decomposition of the lung is revealed.

If this type of lung cancer is diagnosed in time, the first signs have not yet progressed, treatment has a favorable prognosis. Therefore, it is important to identify the early process of the disease, determine what pathology already exists and begin active treatment.


It is easy to recognize this type of disease using diagnostic procedures.

Small bronchi are damaged.

The tumor, growing, begins to come out, filling the alveoli. Quite large nodes can form over time.

The danger of this disease is that this type of cancer develops very slowly and in the early stages there are practically no symptoms. Sometimes it takes up to 5 years to feel signs of the disease. The tumor seems to be dormant. But as soon as any unfavorable factor becomes active, education begins to grow rapidly. In a short period of time, the tumor can become large.

The following factors can trigger growth:

  • Viral diseases;
  • Pneumonia;
  • Physiotherapy;
  • Decreased immunity;
  • Visit to the solarium.

With this type of disease, men and women do not experience different symptoms. They are similar in their manifestations.

You can recognize the progression of the disease by shortness of breath, paroxysmal pain, and hemoptysis.

Small cell

The disease is characterized by an aggressive course. Metastases grow very quickly, affecting nearby organs.

25% of patients are diagnosed with this type of disease. Men are most often affected by this form of cancer.

It is important to know where the disease begins in order to consult a doctor in a timely manner.

The main features are:

  • The appearance of a cough;
  • Sputum production with blood;
  • Hoarse voice;
  • Back pain.

The disease may be accompanied by fever.


Treatment can have a favorable outcome if diagnosed early. Despite the fact that it is difficult to identify the disease at this stage, in 60% of cases pathological changes in the lungs are detected during a fluorographic examination.

Therefore, for preventive purposes, fluorography must be done at least once a year. It is used to determine the state of the pulmonary system.

If symptoms and manifestations of the disease are established, the patient is given an x-ray to confirm the diagnosis. If lung diseases are detected, a course of treatment is prescribed, after which control studies are carried out.

In tuberculosis, the signs and formations are similar to peripheral cancer.

Therefore, in order to accurately diagnose the disease, the patient undergoes a histological examination of the affected tissue. This will confirm or remove suspicion of cancer.

The disease is determined by using computed tomography . This procedure will help to detect nodes, determine the stage of cancer, the size of the tumor, its location, the presence of the smallest metastases, and the condition of the lymph nodes.

Boronchoscopy or bronchography is also used. To do this, a study of the bronchial tree is performed using a contrast agent.

Inflammatory and pathological processes in the pulmonary system are determined by sputum.



Treatment may have a favorable prognosis if the disease can be diagnosed early stage.

The following methods are used:

  • Antitumor treatment;
  • Chemotherapy;
  • Radiation therapy;
  • Preventive measures to prevent relapses.

At large size formation and the presence of metastases, surgery is performed. Self-medication at home is strictly prohibited.

It is important to carry out preventive measures in a timely manner and monitor your health. If people genetic predisposition to oncology, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the pulmonary system and completely stop smoking.

Stage 1 – malignant neoplasm in the respiratory system, requiring immediate contact with a medical institution specializing in this disease. The tumor is based on bronchial epithelial tissues of various sizes. The type of disease is recognized by the location of the tumor and can be called central, peripheral, massive, that is, mixed.

Signs of a malignant neoplasm may not appear in any way, but still, you need to pay attention to your own state of health. There are also exceptions; the disease is detected if a tumor begins to grow in a certain area of ​​the organ.

Signs and stages of lung cancer initial period development manifest themselves in central localization (in the very center of the respiratory organs). In this place, the tissues from which the tumor begins to form actively irritate the bronchial mucosa, causing improper functionality of the organs. Next, the nerve trunks and hymen grow, which causes pain in a person. At the first stage of lung cancer, metastases are not detected, but what happens to the organs next can lead to immediate death. Rupture of bronchial tissue due to tumor enlargement leads to the opening of internal bleeding.

Signs of stage 1 lung cancer (and in some cases, other stages of lung cancer) of peripheral disease are asymptomatic.

As tumor tissue grows, its size increases, reaching the bronchi, hymen, and organ junctions, which leads to serious consequences.

With any type of pathology, the patient can observe:

  • Cough.
  • Shortness of breath.
  • Increased body temperature due to the inflammatory process.
  • Weight loss.
  • Loss of appetite.
  • Weakness, rapid fatigue.

How does bronchogenic carcinoma manifest in the early stages? , Only a specialist can explain, but if the patient comes to the appointment with obvious symptoms, he will be immediately referred to oncology and the appropriate tests will be prescribed.

When receiving a diagnosis of stage 1 lung cancer, patients wonder how long they can live with this pathology? If you address this problem in time and complete the entire course of treatment, a complete recovery is possible. The first stage of the pathology does not have metastases, but the oncological disease has the ability to develop quickly, so the consequences are very unpredictable, especially without complex treatment.

Diagnosis of lung cancer in the early stages

  • The cough may resemble a cold or complications after an acute respiratory infection.
  • A clear and serious sign is coughing up mucus and blood.
  • Shortness of breath does not appear just like that; you also need to pay attention to this symptom.
  • Pain in the chest area that occurs for no reason.

This symptomatology is primary and can develop into more severe forms, if you do not undergo treatment.

The initial stage of lung cancer may not show any symptoms if its formation does not affect the bronchi. Tumor cells grow in an environment favorable to them, without complicating breathing and without causing any symptoms until they increase in size. Most cases of stage 1 lung cancer are detected during a routine medical examination. That is, people do not even suspect about the pathology; they learn about their diagnosis after a fluorography image is taken and deciphered.

It is impossible to recognize the early stage of lung cancer by breathing! If it says medical specialist who claims that a cough accompanied by expectoration of blood is the consequences of a cold, do not believe it. Having lost precious time that could have been spent on treatment, people in a hopeless situation trust such “specialists.” Only appropriate diagnostics will help determine the diagnosis, and it is impossible to accurately make a conclusion after listening to breathing in the bronchi area with a stethoscope.

Prognosis after treatment for stage 1 lung cancer

Bronchogenic carcinoma at stage 1 has a high life expectancy and a high chance of full recovery. Innovative technologies and research in the field of medicine have made great strides. As practice shows, patients continue to live a full life after removal of part of the respiratory organ.

To have a chance for a full recovery, you must undergo a full course of procedures prescribed by a specialist. Treatment is necessarily comprehensive and may include:

  1. Chemotherapy.
  2. Radiation therapy.
  3. Operation.
  4. Taking medications.
  5. Rehabilitation.

Answer whether lung cancer can be treated at an early stage , Sometimes it’s difficult even for the doctors themselves. This disease has not been fully studied, so it behaves unpredictably in each individual case. Medicines, prescribed to the patient, can cause allergic or other negative reactions that do not allow the destruction of malignant cells. Therefore, it is necessary to take other treatment methods that are more gentle on the body, but have less effect on the tumor.

Life expectancy for stage 1 lung cancer

Failure to contact the oncology center in a timely manner significantly reduces the chances of recovery, so if you notice changes in your own health, be sure to seek help immediately.

If therapy is started on time, life expectancy, of course, increases. But according to statistics, only 70-80% of patients diagnosed with the first stage of oncology cross the 5-year life threshold. The rate varies depending on age, physical fitness and other chronic ailments.

Prevention and prevention of disease

Preventing pathology is much easier than getting rid of it. Statistics show that the disease is most often diagnosed in smokers. That's why healthy image life without a bad habit gives big chance for a long, carefree life.

Correct lifestyle, environmentally friendly air, lack stressful situations, significantly reduce the likelihood of disease occurrence in general.


Rapidly developing, this terrible disease destroys the lives of men and women. Appearance clear signs only in the later stages of its development does it reduce the patient’s chances of recovery. It is important to know the symptoms of cancer so that treatment can begin earlier.

The first signs of lung cancer

The disease develops covertly for a long time. The tumor begins to form in the glands and mucous membrane, but metastases grow very quickly throughout the body. Risk factors for the occurrence of malignant neoplasms are:

  • air pollution;
  • smoking;
  • viral infections;
  • hereditary causes;
  • harmful production conditions.

Signs of the disease at first do not cause concern - they are similar to inflammation of the respiratory system. Symptoms of early stage lung cancer include:

  • fatigue;
  • decreased appetite;
  • dry cough;
  • slight weight loss;
  • fatigue;
  • temperature increase;
  • sweating;
  • decline in performance;
  • unpleasant odor when breathing.

This organ has a peculiarity - there are no nerve endings, when exposed to which pain is likely to appear - at the beginning of the disease it is not observed. The difficulty of diagnosing this period is due to:

  • location of the tumor under bone tissue;
  • similarity in the density of healthy and diseased cells;
  • the absence of visible lymph nodes signaling a problem.

Lung cancer stage 4 - symptoms before death

The tumor can grow at high speed and be fatal within a year. The reason lies in the lack specific signs in the early stages of the disease, when treatment is possible. If stage 4 lung cancer is observed, the symptoms before death are very pronounced. The period is characterized by:

  • cough at night;
  • depression;
  • chronic drowsiness;
  • lack of appetite;
  • severe weight loss;
  • apathy;
  • rave;
  • lack of concentration;
  • purulent sputum with blood;
  • problems with swallowing;
  • swelling of the legs;
  • severe headaches.

How does stage 4 lung cancer manifest? Its symptoms depend on the extent of metastases. The adult patient becomes frail and extremely emaciated. Signs of last stage lung cancer that lead to death are determined:

  • venous spots on the legs;
  • pulmonary hemorrhage;
  • unbearable chest pain;
  • suffocation;
  • loss of vision;
  • cerebral hemorrhages;
  • thready pulse.

Symptoms at different stages

How to recognize lung cancer? The process of disease development is usually divided into 4 stages, which have their own characteristics. At the first stage, lung cancer - the symptoms and signs of which are mild in the initial stages - is concentrated in one place. The neoplasm is small in size - less than 3 cm, there are no metastases, the following characteristic manifestations are:

  • dry cough;
  • weakness;
  • loss of appetite;
  • malaise;
  • temperature increase;
  • headache.

At the second stage, the symptoms of lung cancer are more pronounced, which is associated with the growth of the size of the tumor, its pressure on neighboring organs, and the appearance of the first metastases in the lymph nodes. The disease manifests itself:

  • hemoptysis;
  • wheezing when breathing;
  • weight loss;
  • elevated temperature;
  • increased cough;
  • chest pain;
  • weakness.

At stage 3, the symptoms are more smoothed out, in this it differs from the fourth, which is accompanied by unbearable pain and ends fatal. The tumor is widespread, the metastases are extensive, the symptoms are more intense than in the second stage. Signs of cancer appear:

  • reinforced moist cough;
  • blood, pus in sputum;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • dyspnea;
  • problems with swallowing;
  • hemoptysis;
  • sudden weight loss;
  • epilepsy, speech impairment, in the small cell form;
  • intense pain.


Due to the destruction of the mucous membrane of the bronchi, damage to the blood vessels by the tumor, pieces of tissue begin to separate. Hemoptysis in lung cancer is characterized by the appearance of:

  • large clots with a bright red color;
  • individual small streaks of blood;
  • jelly-like form of raspberry color;
  • pulmonary hemorrhage - which will quickly lead to death.


The discharge looks like thick, clear mucus that is difficult to clear when this symptom first appears. As the tumor develops, the sputum in lung cancer changes. She may be:

  • foamy, streaked with blood - with swelling;
  • bright scarlet – accompanies the destruction of blood vessels;
  • with pus – with the development of complications;
  • similar to raspberry jelly - accompanies tissue decomposition.

Cough - what is it like?

This characteristic feature diseases - a response to irritation of receptors by an enlarging tumor. There is no such thing as lung cancer without a cough, but its manifestation changes as the tumor develops:

  • at first - causeless, dry, prolonged, causing breathing difficulties;
  • then - with the addition of sputum - viscous or liquid mucus;
  • further – the appearance of pus and blood in the discharge.


Since there are no nerve endings in the organ, the answer to the question - do lungs hurt with cancer? - will be negative. It all starts with tumor metastases to neighboring organs. The pain occurs due to compression of the nerve endings in them, can intensify with tension, inhalation, and have the following character:

  • pricking;
  • with burning;
  • compressive;
  • with numbness;
  • blunt;
  • encircling;
  • spicy;
  • local.

Symptoms of lung cancer in men

Since men are at risk, the disease is more often diagnosed in them. When cancer begins, the symptoms and early signs are blurred. Everything unfolds with the appearance of a prolonged, causeless cough. Signs of lung cancer in men begin to rapidly intensify and include:

  • hoarseness of voice;
  • dyspnea;
  • decreased vitality;
  • whistling when breathing;
  • swelling of the face;
  • violation heart rate;
  • difficulty swallowing;
  • enlarged axillary lymph nodes;
  • depression;
  • dizziness;
  • pain when inhaling;
  • headache;
  • fatigue.

Among women

The difference from the disease in men is that the first symptoms of lung cancer in women - the urge to cough - begin earlier. They are also absent in the early stages. Symptoms begin with a dry cough, gradually turning into a wet cough with mucous discharge. Cancer is suspected when:

  • weight loss;
  • lack of appetite;
  • worsening swallowing;
  • enlarged lymph nodes;
  • blood in sputum;
  • fever;
  • temperature rise;
  • jaundice – with liver damage by metastases.
  • How to Diagnose Lung Cancer

    For early diagnosis of diseases, the adult population is required to undergo a fluorographic examination every two years. When darkening is detected, additional procedures are performed to distinguish between oncology and tuberculosis. How to diagnose lung cancer? There are several methods:

    • x-ray – the very first, accessible and informative at an early stage;
    • computed tomography - determines the size and position of the tumor, helps to see metastases far from the site of the disease.

    When X-rays are contraindicated for a patient, an MRI is prescribed. During the examination, small tumors are identified and the size of the internal lymph nodes is determined.

    Signs of cancer are clarified with additional studies:

    • blood test for tumor markers;
    • bronchoscopy – detects disturbances in the lumens of the bronchi, has the ability to take material for a biopsy, determines the presence of a tumor;
    • Tissue biopsy is an accurate method for detecting oncology, but after such an intervention, the growth of cancer cells is likely to accelerate.


    Attention! The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials of the article do not call for self-treatment. Only qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give treatment recommendations based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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    Lung cancer - symptoms and signs in women and men

    Lung cancer is a malignant neoplasm consisting of epithelial cells of the respiratory organ. Cells, under the influence of a number of factors, become atypical and cease to obey the internal control processes responsible for the appearance of new tissues. Damaged epithelial layer grows quickly. In the presence of malignancy, the tumor progresses rapidly. It shows aggressiveness towards the organism in which it was formed.

    The code according to ICD-10 (International Classification of Diseases, 10th revision) is assigned to C34. A serious illness, if left untreated, will result in the death of the patient.

    Cancer formed from epithelial tissues of the lung is considered the deadliest among oncological pathologies and the most frequently diagnosed. A similar problem is typical for industrialized countries. The main role is played by social and cultural factors. Often diagnosed in smokers.

    For the Russian Federation, the problem of the frequency of diagnosis of this type of oncology is extremely relevant. Respiratory cancer occupies a leading position in the statistics of diagnosing malignant processes.

    Fighting lung cancer - important task society, it is necessary to take serious measures to reduce the mortality rate of the population.

    The lungs in the human body are a paired organ responsible for the respiratory function. Location: human chest. The lungs are limited below by the diaphragm. Narrow part the organ is located at the top, rising several centimeters above the collarbone. The lungs expand downwards.

    The lungs are usually divided into lobes. In this case, the left lung includes 2 lobes, and the right lung has 3 lobes. The shares consist of corresponding segments. Any segment is a specific section of the lung parenchyma. The center of the segment is marked by the presence of a segmental bronchus and is fed by arterial blood, a lead from the central pulmonary artery.

    The smallest component of the lungs is the alveoli. They consist of connective tissue and represent balls of the thinnest epithelium of alluvial tissue and elastic fibers. The main gas exchange between blood and air occurs directly in the alveoli. In adults, the normal number of alveoli is 700 million.

    The breathing function is made possible by the difference between the pressure inside the lungs and in the surrounding atmosphere.

    The difference between a malignant oncological process and a benign one

    A benign oncological process is the appearance of a non-aggressive neoplasm. It has a slower development rate and is not life-threatening. In addition, there is no process of metastases spreading throughout the body.

    Of course, even benign neoplasms must be removed from the body due to the risk of their degeneration into malignant form. Such structures sometimes develop for years without causing significant negative manifestations of discomfort to a person, without causing symptoms. There is a possibility of recovery without treatment.

    Malignant tumors pose a serious threat to life and are called cancer. On a cut, the damaged tissue looked like the claw of this representative of the Arthropod phylum - this is how Hippocrates saw the manifestation of the disease. The main danger lies in the development of secondary foci of pathology. Another name for foci is metastases. The mentioned cellular structures are separated due to the disintegration of the main focus pathological process and spread through the lymph nodes (causing carcinomatous lymphangitis, inflammation of the lymph nodes) and blood vessels. The lymphogenous route of spread of metastases is considered the main one. These systems are distributed throughout the body; secondary lesions can spread not only to the chest organs, but also to distant areas of the body.

    The list includes:

    • organs of the gastrointestinal tract;
    • pelvic organs;
    • human skeleton;
    • brain;
    • trachea;
    • esophagus;
    • human heart.

    The appearance of pain in any of the listed organs may be a symptom of the formation of a secondary focus of the pathological process.

    The most severe and life-threatening situation for the patient is observed if a primary tumor in the lungs is discovered after secondary foci of oncology have been identified.

    A malignant tumor is determined by the speed of development. In the shortest possible time, the formation increases in diameter to a significant size, inhibiting the functions of breathing, food absorption, and other functions depending on the location of primary localization tumor process.

    The rate of growth and invasion into affected tissues depends on the type and shape of the tumor. There are large cell and small cell forms of the tumor. The small cell form is characterized by increased aggressiveness, develops quickly and is often inoperable. The rate of development of the primary tumor itself and the appearance of metastases occurs much faster in comparison with large cell tumor structure.

    With cancer, at the beginning of the process of invasion (penetration) of the tumor into the lung, a cough and intense pain occur, which can lead to painful shock. Such pain is relieved with drugs based on narcotic substances. They are recognized as strictly controlled medications; they cannot be purchased without a prescription from an oncologist.

    Malignant tumors are called cancer. For many, such a diagnosis becomes a death sentence. Great danger lies in the fact that cancer exhibits symptoms already at an advanced stage, when the disease enters the third stage of development. Lung cancer mortality statistics show paramount importance early diagnosis of pathology. Required to be taken regularly medical examination and consult with specialists regarding your own health status.

    If the disease is detected at asymptomatic stages - the first and second stages - the cancer is curable, the survival prognosis is much higher than with the third and fourth stages of the disease. A favorable prognosis is based on the 5-year survival rate of a person after treatment of the pathology. Cancer without metastases is much more treatable.

    Regular examinations should be carried out not only by people included in the risk group (those who are exposed to harmful factors that contribute to the appearance of atypical forms of epithelial cells), but also by people who are not exposed to such factors. The isolated applied medical science of oncology has not identified the trigger causes for the oncological process. We were able to establish only risk factors that have a negative effect on the body, contributing to the mutagenic process in the cells that make up the lung organ.

    The malignant process has a clearly defined staged progression. In total, there are 4 stages of pathology. Each stage is characterized by a certain value according to the TNM classification:

    • the “T” value refers to the primary tumor;
    • the “N” value contains information about the condition of regional lymph nodes;
    • the value “M” indicates the spread of metastases throughout the patient’s body.

    Depending on the data diagnostic study patient's disease is assigned a stage and its values ​​according to international standard. The classification is divided into subgroups depending on the severity of the pathological process. The information mentioned is extremely important for choosing a cancer treatment method.

    Cancer of the third and fourth stages is practically not curable. Doctors are making efforts to alleviate the patient's condition.

    Causes of lung cancer

    The trigger causes of lung cancer have not yet been identified. Risk factors include the following types of negative effects on the body:

    • Exposure to carcinogens (for example, from inhaling tobacco smoke).
    • Radiation impact of technogenic and natural nature. For example, frequent x-ray studies, passage radiation therapy in the treatment of an oncological process of a different localization, prolonged exposure to direct sun rays(the reason is typical for people living in tropical and subtropical climates), performing a labor function (for example, at a nuclear power plant or nuclear submarine).
    • Viral infections (for example, human papillomavirus). Viruses can cause mutations cellular structures, which provokes the appearance of oncological pathologies.
    • Exposure to household dust. If a person is exposed to dust inhaled in the air for a long time, the risk of developing a pathological process in the lungs increases significantly.

    The lungs are the only internal organ that directly interacts with the surrounding space. There is a need for constant monitoring of the health of the paired organ. The lungs are a vital organ; when dysfunction occurs, a person’s death occurs.

    Tobacco smoking is considered the main cause of lung cancer. The poisons and carcinogens contained in tobacco provoke intoxication of other organs. But the lungs suffer primarily from smoke, and this is where the main process of poisoning occurs. Based on statistics, we summarize: the risk of developing lung cancer in smoking man 20 times higher than that of a non-smoker. Slightly lower risk of developing cancer in lung tissues in people who are constantly exposed to passive smoking (inhaling smoke in direct contact with a smoking person).

    The nicotine contained in a cigarette provokes the emergence of a chemical and psychological dependence on smoking. The human immune system is suppressed, which provides a high chance of any pathology occurring in the body. According to statistics, 90% of cases of malignant oncological process, which resulted in the death of the patient, are caused by smoking tobacco products. These statistics are typical for industrialized countries of the world.

    In addition to nicotine, cigarettes contain radon gas, a colorless chemical. The cigarette contains its radioactive isotope.

    In men suffering from nicotine addiction, the risk of developing cancer reaches 17 percent, in women - 14 percent. For non-smokers, the risk is 1 percent.

    Asbestos exposure has also been cited as a cause. A similar problem is typical for professional repairmen and builders who are regularly exposed to particles of this material.

    The most dangerous is considered to be simultaneous exposure to tobacco products and asbestos, since they can enhance the negative aspects of each other. With the constant inhalation of asbestos particles, a pathology called asbestosis develops. The disease provokes the development of many chronic pulmonary pathologies.

    Additional risk factors include a person's age and older age. age group. With aging, the body's resistance to pathogenic factors decreases.

    Genetic predisposition - it has been statistically observed that the risk of developing pathology is higher in individuals whose relatives in one or two generations have suffered from the described type of cancer.

    The risk of cell mutation is increased in the presence of chronic diseases respiratory organs, tuberculosis and pneumonia (inflammatory process in the lungs) are dangerous.

    Arsenic, cadmium, and chromium also affect the development of mutations. It is possible to be exposed to chemicals while performing work duties in industrial facilities.

    Other reasons for its appearance have also been recorded. In some cases, it is not possible to find out what caused the cancer.

    People exposed to cancer-causing factors are at risk. To reduce the risk of getting sick, it is necessary to carry out regular examinations and prevent pathologies.

    Prevention includes avoiding bad habits, regular physical exercise, walks in the open air.

    Classification of lung cancer by histology

    Histological sign is the main classification of oncological pathology of an organ. Histology examines the original cell and makes a conclusion about the malignancy of the process, the rate of spread, and the stage of pathology. The following types of oncological pathology are distinguished according to histological characteristics:

    1. Squamous cell or epidermoid carcinoma. This type of pathology is common and is divided into highly differentiated, moderately differentiated, and poorly differentiated types. The aggressiveness of the tumor towards the patient depends on the degree of differentiation. At late stage low-grade cancer, the chances of recovery are close to zero.
    2. Squamous cell carcinoma. This segment covers types of lung cancer such as oat cell and pleomorphic.
    3. Large cell carcinoma. There are giant cell and clear cell types of cancer.
    4. Adenocarcinoma. Carcinoma shows a degree of differentiation similar to that of squamous cell carcinoma. But the list is supplemented by bronchoalveolar tumor.
    5. Mixed cancer is the presence of several types of cancer cells at once.

    Small cell cancer shows the most pronounced aggression towards the patient and is more difficult to respond to treatment procedures than others. The frequency of its diagnosis is 16 percent of the other types. When small cell cancer appears, the rate of development of the pathology is rapid; already at the second stage, a system of metastases appears in the regional lymph nodes. The survival prognosis for patients with this type of cancer is poor. Most often (in 80 percent of cases) large cell carcinoma is diagnosed.

    To make an accurate diagnosis, the patient must undergo a series of diagnostic procedures.

    Symptoms of the disease

    In the initial stages of the primary formation of a tumor, the disease is asymptomatic. The initial stage of the disease passes even without coughing. One of the main dangers of cancer lies in secrecy. Often detected in the last stages.

    There are no specific symptoms related to the tumor. Often the symptoms manifest themselves in such a way that they are correlated with other pathologies of the human respiratory system. The clinical picture of symptoms depends on the location of the tumor, and the intensity of symptoms depends on the size of the tumor.

    When the negative impact of oncology spreads to a person’s bronchi, frequent symptoms lung cancer:

    • complaints of cough;
    • dyspnea;
    • coughing up sputum with pus;
    • coughing up blood;
    • bronchial obstruction;
    • temperature increase;
    • expectoration of mucus.

    Spreading cancer large bronchi received a special name - central cancer.

    When a tumor penetrates into pleural cavity the patient begins to experience alarming symptoms:

    • cough without the presence of phlegm (dry cough);
    • intense pain in the affected organ (the main symptom indicating the appearance of metastasis in the organ).

    This process is called peripheral cancer. Peripheral lung cancer often develops against the background of vascular sclerosis in the upper lobe of the right or left lung. A diffuse type of change appears. Precancerous processes are squamous metaplasia, dysplasia of the epithelium of small bronchi and bronchioles, adenomatosis with cell atypia and atypical hyperplasia of the epithelium in oval and slit-like structures.

    At the same time, heart rhythm disturbances, inflammatory processes in the pericardial area occur, heart failure and edema appear. When the influence spreads to the esophagus, the free passage of food into the stomach is disrupted.

    The listed signs are characteristic of damage to organs located near the original source of the tumor disease. Medical statistics show that when initial appointment The doctor has already observed symptoms of manifestations of secondary lesions at a distance from the primary source.

    It is impossible to talk about a specific clinical picture; it depends on the geography of the spread of cancer with metastases throughout the body of a person with cancer. When metastases enter the liver, a yellow tint may appear on the skin and whites of the eyes, pain with right side peritoneum.

    When metastases enter the organs of the urinary system, manifestations may occur inflammatory processes in the kidneys, bladder, problems with urination.

    If the central nervous system is damaged, the following symptoms are likely to occur: impaired consciousness, loss of consciousness, loss of coordination, changes in the functionality of the senses.

    The intensity of symptoms directly depends on the extent of the pathological process.

    There are a number of signs characteristic of any tumor process. These symptoms include:

    • chronic symptoms of fatigue;
    • fast fatiguability;
    • a sharp decrease in body weight;
    • manifestation of anemia.

    The symptoms listed above are the first signs in the early stages of the disease. If a pathology is suspected due to the presence of the listed symptoms, you need to be tested for cancer as soon as possible!


    Cancer does not have specific symptoms and can be differentiated from other chronic pathologies respiratory system, and to obtain an accurate diagnostic conclusion, a comprehensive examination of the body is required. Diagnostics are performed comprehensively. Treatment of any pathology begins with an examination.

    At the beginning of the study, biomaterial of blood, urine and feces is collected. Blood is tested in three studies:

    • complete blood count (CBC);
    • blood test for tumor markers;
    • blood chemistry.

    Based on the data obtained during the research, the doctor concludes what the patient’s health condition is. After this, they move on to studying the tumor and searching for secondary foci (metastases). Various types of research are used.


    Fluorography - a specific type x-ray examination, used to diagnose the patient’s chest and organs located in it. Doctors recommend undergoing a chest examination using fluorography once every 12 months. Employees of budgetary organizations undergo research in mandatory. The same obligation applies to people performing a labor function and undergoing annual specialized tests. medical research to obtain permission to work.

    When conducting a fluorography study, it is impossible to establish the nature of the neoplasm and assert whether the pathology is benign or malignant. This study allows us to thoroughly establish only the location of the tumor and its approximate size.

    To be sure, not only direct photographs of the chest are used, but also lateral ones (used to understand the specific location - peripheral or central lung cancer). The image shows the contours and cavities of the tumor. On x-rays the neoplasm is visible in the form of darkening. But X-rays cannot detect a tumor smaller than 2 centimeters in diameter.

    Another name for the procedure is fluoroscopy. The method is based on the use of radiation in doses that are safe for health, providing an image internal organs on a fluorescent screen (x-ray picture).

    The information content of fluorography is not the highest, but it serves as a starting point for further research, allowing one to diagnose the primary tumor and identify its location on the tissue of the right or left lung.

    Magnetic resonance imaging

    Magnetic resonance imaging, abbreviated as MRI, is one of the best practices research. When performing a study in a tomograph, the tumor is imaged in several projections at once. It is based on a layer-by-layer construction of the picture.

    The information content of the method is significantly higher than fluorography.

    Further tomography studies will allow us to determine the clear structure of the tumor. Computed tomography is used for this. The minimum slice size for computed tomography is 1 millimeter.

    The most informative study performed on a tomograph is positron emission tomography (abbreviated PET). This method uses the introduction of a radioactive substance that illuminates atypical cells and damaged tissue. This study allows us to establish the metabolism between the tissues of an organ and its functionality.

    During the procedure, a 3D drawing of the tumor is drawn, and the patient will receive a dose of radiation equivalent to two x-ray examinations.


    Bronchoscopy is used for a detailed examination of the respiratory organs. This method uses an endoscope. A thin tube of the device is inserted into the bronchi through oral cavity patient.

    Thanks to fiber optics, it becomes possible to visually inspect damaged tissue. At the same time, biomaterial is taken for a biopsy (this is a microsurgical method for obtaining tumor cells to conduct research on the malignancy of the tumor, structure, and structural features). The molecular composition of the tumor is determined.

    This method is rightfully considered the most informative, as it allows you to examine the tumor in detail and see the features of the tumor of a sick person.

    Despite the minimally invasive basis, the method can lead to a mild side effect: the patient may cough up dark mucus for a number of days after completion of the procedure.

    Study of sputum biomaterial

    The study involves examining secretions from the respiratory system under a microscope. Includes cytological examination for the presence of atypical cells. The presence of squamous cell structures in the biomaterial will indicate cancer.

    Puncture of fluid in the pleural area

    Taking fluid from the pleura indicates the presence of cancer when atypical cells are detected in the collected material.

    The above research methods are necessary for the selection proper treatment identified pathology. It is required to clearly understand the features that characterize the neoplasm:

    • tumor size;
    • tumor structure;
    • location;
    • presence of metastases;
    • tumor shape;
    • histological structure.


    In modern medicine, primarily three main treatment methods are used to defeat the disease:

    1. An operative (surgical) intervention to remove tissue damaged by a tumor.
    2. Use of radiation therapy.
    3. Use of chemotherapy.

    A joint complex application The above methods allow you to achieve results in treatment. However, for a number of reasons, it is possible to use only one or two options.

    Surgical intervention

    Surgery to remove the tumor is the main method of treatment. When small cell cancer is detected, it is often not possible to operate. For large cell cancer, surgery is performed regularly and allows you to cure the cancer completely. initial stages development.

    When undergoing diagnostics and preparing for surgery, a decision is made to amputate a lobe of an organ (lobectomy), two lobes of an organ (bilobectomy), or complete removal lung (pulmonectomy). It is possible to carry out combined surgical operations, other types of surgical intervention (depending on the indicators obtained during diagnostic measures).

    The scope of the procedure depends on the advanced stage of the tumor process and the stage of the tumor. Most effective treatment is achieved when lung surgery is performed at the first and second stages of the disease.

    To make a decision on total amputation of the lung, the spread of cancer to the tissue of the main bronchus, the spread of the tumor to several lobes of the tumor, damage to the vessels in the lung, and carcinomatosis are required.

    The spread of metastases to lung tissue in the third and fourth stages of pathology can also become the basis for total amputation of the pulmonary organ.

    An important positive aspect of surgical intervention is the ability to immediately perform a histological examination of amputated tissue.

    Until recently surgical intervention was the only method of treating cancer. In modern medicine they are used additional methods: chemotherapy and radiation therapy.

    It is important to perform correctly and scrupulously clinical guidelines doctors in postoperative period. In many ways, it depends on the patient how rehabilitation will go after surgery.

    After lung removal, a long recovery period is required.

    Radiation therapy

    Oncologists do not recognize this method of treatment as an independent one. Despite the frequent use of the method, it is considered effective only with the participation of chemotherapy or surgery.

    The essence of the technique: radiation exposure negatively affects the cell’s ability to divide. Radiation accumulates in the cell and destroys the cell's DNA structure.

    Radiation therapy is prescribed if the patient has inoperable cancer. The impossibility of surgical intervention is dictated by the patient's health condition. If the patient's heart may stop due to use general anesthesia, invasive intervention is not performed according to indications.

    Radiation therapy may be prescribed if the patient refuses surgery. Or when cancer metastases spread to organs whose amputation is impossible - the back and brain, heart.

    Two methods are used for therapy:

    1. Non-contact or remote method is used to irradiate not only the tumor, but also regional lymph nodes. It is carried out using a gamma ray accelerator.
    2. Contact method, or brachytherapy, involves irradiation using special equipment that specifically targets the tumor. To apply the contact method, it is required that the size of the tumor is cross section did not exceed 2 centimeters.

    The use of radiation therapy entails side effects. Reason: when radiation is used, damage occurs not only to cancerous formations, but also to healthy tissue.

    The use of radiation therapy requires the absence of contraindications. The main ones include:

    • the appearance of hemoptysis;
    • acute infectious pathologies;
    • tumor invasion into the tissue of the esophagus;
    • heart failure;
    • liver failure;
    • renal failure;
    • anemia;
    • stroke;
    • heart attack;
    • exacerbation of mental disorder.

    To use radiation therapy, it is necessary to eliminate identified contraindications. Otherwise, the therapy will cause complications.


    Chemotherapy involves administration medicinal drug based on cytostatic effects. Can be used without surgery. The drug used for therapy is a toxin that accumulates in atypical tumor cells and stops cell division and development. The accumulation of the toxin occurs during the course of exposure to the drug. Introduction into the body occurs through a vein.

    The drug and course duration are selected by the oncologist. There is also a choice of dosage, method and speed of administration of the drug into the body.

    Chemotherapy does not help in the treatment of lung cancer desired results. Possible use of polychemotherapy. This means the simultaneous use of a number of drugs in a single therapy.

    The interval between courses is at least 3-4 weeks. Chemotherapy causes side effects that negatively affect the patient's health. It is important to understand the difference in the level of harm caused by the disease and the course of treatment.

    A person undergoing chemotherapy experiences similar consequences: hair falls out, signs of body poisoning appear - diarrhea, nausea, vomiting. Temperature is likely to rise.

    The use of drugs is carried out if there are indications:

    1. At inoperable tumors small cell type.
    2. In the presence of metastasis, to reduce the rate of spread of the pathological process.
    3. When conducting palliative care to maintain the patient’s health and prolong life.

    The use of chemotherapy is difficult to tolerate for most patients. Taking into account the fact that drugs poison the body with toxins, the prescription of chemotherapy must be a balanced and thoughtful decision.

    Survival prognosis

    The survival prognosis is made depending on the circumstances taken into account by the oncologist. These factors include:

    • patient's age;
    • health status;
    • characteristics of the tumor process;
    • patient's lifestyle.

    Life expectancy is determined by the stage at which cancer was detected and appropriate treatment began. If the disease is recognized at the first and second stages, with properly selected treatment it will be possible to live for more than ten years. Patients whose cancer was detected at stages three and four live an average of 2 years, depending on the type of cancer pathology.

    Relapse after lung cancer is common. To avoid the reappearance of cancer after remission, it is necessary to follow the clinical recommendations of the treating oncologist. Lead a healthy lifestyle and follow your dosage instructions medicines, recommendations for undergoing medical examinations, recommendations for regular visits and examinations.

    Recently, researchers noted a surprising link between first diagnosis of depression, anxiety and other mental symptoms, and lung cancer. In a large number of cases, cancer patients (especially lung cancer) discover that they have a tumor after being referred to psychiatric care. For example, one study that followed more than four million people over ten years found that when a group of people aged 50 to 64 saw a psychiatrist for the first time in their lives, their overall cancer incidence was almost four times that of those who were not referred to a psychiatrist due to the absence of symptoms mental disorders.

    • What does a person experience?: symptoms of mental disorders can take various shapes, from fatigue, apathy, depression and despondency characteristic of depression, to panic attacks. Irritability, unexplained outbursts of anger, and other personality changes may also indicate mental problems.
    • What causes these symptoms: The link between anxiety, depression and lung cancer is unclear, except that people may feel less than normal without knowing why.
    • What to do: If you notice personality and mood changes that are out of character (either in yourself or someone else), talk about them and find the reason. If they are persistent and out of control, seek help from a doctor and ask if there may be a physical explanation.

    Frequent illnesses

    Signs of early stage lung cancer include the frequent occurrence of bronchopulmonary illnesses such as colds, flu, bronchitis or even pneumonia. This symptom may make you wonder what is causing frequent illnesses– reduced immune function or something more serious. After all, others possible culprit recurring illnesses may be lung cancer. This is especially true for women who smoke (see Lung Cancer in Women: Symptoms and Signs, Causes, Treatment, Types).

    • What does a person experience?: Symptoms are the same as for common colds, flu and respiratory tract infections. The difference lies in how persistent the symptoms are: either they last a long time, or they pass quickly, but then relapse again.
    • What causes these symptoms: because the cancer develops in the tissue of the lungs and bronchi, it causes symptoms similar to a cold or flu. Lung cancer also makes the lungs more susceptible to disease and infection. Busy in the fight against cancer the immune system The body is less able to defend against germs, leading to more serious infections such as bronchitis and pneumonia.
    • What to do: Monitor your health and if you feel like you are getting sick more often or more severely than usual, tell your doctor.

    Loss of appetite or unexplained weight loss

    If you're losing weight but haven't made any lifestyle changes that would affect your weight, or if foods in your regular diet start to seem unappealing to you, it's important to look for an explanation because early lung cancer symptoms stages may include loss of appetite and unexplained weight loss.

    • What does a person experience?: Some people lose interest in food and forget to eat; others find that when they sit down to eat, they end up eating too little food very quickly or feel nauseous when they eat too much or too quickly; still others may notice that their clothes are getting too big, even though they haven't eaten less.
    • What causes these symptoms: Lung cancer can cause loss of appetite and weight loss for a number of reasons. Because you have to work harder to breathe (even if you don't realize you're doing it), your appetite may be affected. Abdominal pain may contribute to nausea. Severe loss of appetite may occur when the cancer has spread to the liver.
    • What to do: Monitor this symptom to make sure it is not caused by gastrointestinal diseases, food poisoning or some other reason such as bloating and PMS in women. If your lack of appetite persists or you continue to lose weight without any effort on your part, consult your doctor.

    Abnormal breast growth in men

    Male breast enlargement, known as gynecomastia, is an embarrassing topic. However, it can also be an important clue to underlying health problems, as early stage lung cancer can present itself in this way.

    • What does a person experience?: Breast enlargement can be subtle or very noticeable and can occur on one breast or both. Enlargement may also occur primarily around the nipple and under the nipple rather than in the surrounding breast tissue.
    • What causes these symptoms: As tumors metabolize, they often release hormones, proteins and other substances into the bloodstream, causing what are called “paraneoplastic syndromes.” The resulting hormonal abnormality can lead to breast growth.
    • What to do: Breast augmentation is extremely important to discuss with your doctor. There is a possibility that this is due to weight gain, but there are other possible explanations that should be explored.


    Another early sign of certain types of lung cancer is debilitating fatigue that is not associated with any obvious cause.

    • What does a person experience?: Similar to the exhaustion you experience when you have a fever, cold or flu - you can't get out of bed. Cancer fatigue manifests itself persistently - you can’t just get rid of it, even by drinking a cup of strong coffee.
    • What causes these symptoms: substances released into your bloodstream by tumors lung cancer, can affect oxygen levels, red blood cell health, adrenal function, and other aspects of energy production. Metastatic cancer can spread to the adrenal glands, which directly control energy release and produce cortisol (the fight-or-flight hormone) that motivates you to take action.
    • What to do: Since fatigue can be caused by insomnia, overwork, overexertion and many other things, you should try to determine its cause before you see a doctor. (This will also help relieve your anxiety.) Describe what you can and cannot do, and how your condition differs from normal fatigue.

    Thickened, painful fingertips

    How to detect lung cancer at an early stage? Often one of early signs Lung cancer is a "drumstick symptom" or thickening of the fingertips. This symptom can occur for several reasons, but the most common is lung cancer. Although many people mistakenly attribute this symptom to arthritis.

    • What does a person experience?: terminal phalanges fingernails may become wider, forming a club-shaped thickening in the nail area, or may be swollen, red, or warm. You may also notice awkwardness and difficulty lifting things - it may seem like you are losing skills fine motor skills in your hands.
    • What causes these symptoms: Lung tumors may release cytokines and other chemical substances into the bloodstream, which stimulate the growth of bones and tissue in the fingertips and under the nails. Lack of oxygen in the blood can also limit circulation to the fingertips.
    • What to do: Any unusual symptom, such as thickening, swelling, or drumstick sign, or lack of fine coordination of movements, is important to bring to the attention of a doctor.

    The first symptoms of early stage lung cancer include shortness of breath. About 15% of lung cancer cases occur in non-smokers, often as a result of exposure to air pollution, second-hand smoke or toxins such as asbestos and radon. And although shortness of breath is one of the classic symptoms of lung cancer, it tends to go unnoticed by many people until it becomes quite severe because it can be easily attributed to other causes.

    • What does a person experience?: as if you have bronchial asthma or are “out of shape.” You may find it difficult to take deep breaths, especially if you try, or you may notice some wheezing in your chest.
    • What causes these symptoms: A tumor in the lungs can develop in the air sacs of the lungs themselves or in the bronchial tubes leading to the lungs. Tumor growth interferes with the lungs' ability to fully inhale and exhale air.
    • What to do: Ask your doctor to perform breathing tests, which are usually done for asthma and COPD, to see if there is another potential cause shortness of breath. If not, ask for a chest x-ray.

    Persistent cough or hoarseness

    How does lung cancer manifest in the early stages and what else may you feel during this period of the disease? People diagnosed with lung cancer often look back and realize that they have been plagued by changes in their voice or a recurring cough for months or even years, but they thought it was the result of an allergy or illness. Smokers may associate this symptom with "smoker's cough".

    • What does a person experience?: your voice may be hoarse, your cough may be dry, such as due to allergies; or wet, for example, as with flu and colds. The mucus may be orange, brown, or red, or you may even notice blood in your saliva.
    • What causes these symptoms: When there is a blockage in the bronchial tubes or lungs due to a developing tumor, mucus may form behind it. A lung tumor can also press upward and outward on the vocal cords and larynx. Tumors often have a rich blood supply that can leak into Airways, coloring saliva and coughed up mucus.
    • What to do: If you develop a chronic cough or hoarseness that does not go away after a few days, tell your doctor. If you cough or cough up blood, you should tell your doctor immediately.

    Muscle weakness

    If you feel like even carrying groceries is too much of a burden, you'll likely assume you're tired or affected by the weather. But persistent muscle weakness can be one of the earliest signs of certain types of early-stage lung cancer.

    • What does a person experience?: doing everything becomes more difficult. Climbing stairs and doing housework can be doubly difficult or even impossible, and when you exercise, you may feel like you are only able to do part of your regular routine.
    • What causes these symptoms: special type muscle weakness, known as Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome, occurs when lung tumors release autoantibodies that attack the muscles. Cancer cells can release chemicals that interfere with the normal activity of red blood cells, cause anemia, or reduce sodium levels and increase calcium levels in the blood. When lung cancer spreads to the brain, it can cause weakness on one side of the body.
    • What to do: Describe the weakness as specifically as possible, giving examples of physical activities that you can no longer perform easily. If you are no longer young and weakness may be a result of your age, clearly identify how you feel now and how you have felt in the recent past.

    Pain in the chest, shoulder, back or stomach

    Thanks to movies and campaigns to educate the public about heart disease, chest pain is often associated with a heart attack. However, it is important to consider lung cancer as a cause, especially in people who do not have risk factors for heart disease. How to recognize lung cancer at an early stage if you experience certain types of pain? The following descriptions will help you with this.

    • What does a person experience?: Chest or back pain caused by tumor growth tends to take on the shape dull ache, which persists over time. The pain may be in the chest or lungs, but it can also be present in the upper back, shoulders or neck - and can easily be confused with muscle pain. In some cases, pain is felt in abdominal cavity, as a result of which it can be attributed to a disease of the digestive tract.
    • What causes these symptoms: Lung cancer can cause pain directly (when the tumor puts pressure on other tissues) or indirectly (when the tumor irritates the nerves passing through the area). In some cases, pain occurs in chest, neck and shoulder - this occurs when the brain misinterprets signals from a tumor pressing on the thoracoabdominal nerve. Small cell lung cancer can cause chest pain because it usually starts in the center of the chest in the bronchial tubes leading to the lungs and spreads quickly, pressing on blood vessels and other organs. A certain type of tumor, known as a Pancoast tumor, forms in the upper part of the lungs and puts pressure on the nerves, causing shoulder pain. armpit or giving it to your hand.
    • What to do: If you experience persistent, unexplained pain in your chest, shoulder, back, or abdomen, you should contact your doctor immediately. Chest pain is a symptom in about a quarter of people with lung cancer, but it is most often associated with other causes, such as heart disease.

    These 10 first signs of lung cancer at an early stage may not always indicate the presence of this particular disease, since other pathologies can also cause similar conditions. In order for you to accurately diagnose and begin to treat lung cancer, you must consult a doctor promptly.

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