Home Smell from the mouth Pediatrician about streptoderma in children. How to identify (9 main symptoms) and how to treat the disease in a child? Angulitis in the corners of the mouth in children Streptoderma in children: types of treatment

Pediatrician about streptoderma in children. How to identify (9 main symptoms) and how to treat the disease in a child? Angulitis in the corners of the mouth in children Streptoderma in children: types of treatment

If there is irritation around the child’s mouth, there is a change in the texture and color of the skin, areas with redness, swelling, or a rash appear, there are many reasons for this: from a banal increase in salivation to development serious illnesses. In some cases, redness around the mouth in an adult is also diagnosed. What could be the cause of this symptom, and how to treat it?

Influence of environmental factors

The most comfortable environment for the human body is room temperature. If it decreases significantly or, on the contrary, increases, it becomes stressful for the body, the functioning of internal organs and systems is disrupted, and defenses are reduced. As a result, the risk of bacterial and viral infections increases.

Due to increased dryness of the skin at low air temperatures, redness, irritation, and an itchy rash occur on the face. Since the skin of children, including newborns, is still quite delicate, it reacts sharply to a drop in temperature. You can remove rashes near your child’s mouth and in other areas of the face by applying moisturizer throughout the day.

Causes not related to diseases

Irritation around the mouth of a baby can be pathological and physiological. The latter includes a symptom caused by excessive salivation during teething. Also, a rash on the face around the mouth occurs when hygiene rules are not followed.


The appearance of red ones may be due to increased salivation during teething.

This phenomenon is characterized by the occurrence big size plaques, not blisters, as, for example, occurs with a herpes infection. The spots have a loose crust on the surface and blurred edges.

In some cases, rashes and redness around the mouth occur in women and men if there is excessive salivation. You can eliminate irritation around the mouth from drool by practicing good personal hygiene.

Poor hygiene

If parents do not monitor the child and do not carry out the necessary hygiene procedures, the appearance of irritation around the mouth cannot be avoided.

After eating, it is recommended to wipe your mouth with napkins, removing food and saliva. In this case, the risk of a rash is reduced to a minimum, and inflammatory processes do not occur. You can purchase special children's cosmetics and wipes for newborns, which are designed taking into account the characteristics of delicate skin.

Diseases as a cause

A photo symptom such as redness around a child’s mouth may indicate a serious illness that requires specific treatment.

Allergic diathesis

Irritation and redness in a child around the mouth are characteristic symptoms that occur in response to the use of a shower product, a cosmetic product, the use of a certain product, or the use of soap.

Important! In most cases, you can determine the allergen yourself by eliminating possible irritants from everyday life one by one.

If it is not possible to identify the provocateur, laboratory diagnostics (allergological tests) are prescribed.

Exudative-catarrhal diathesis

Diathesis occurs with the development of allergic reactions (usually in the form allergic dermatitis) and has reduced resistance to infectious pathogens. The pathology is most often diagnosed in newborns up to 6 months. Symptoms appear over 1-2 years, then disappear without a trace.

The pathology occurs with itchy nodules on the face, thickening and peeling of the skin on the cheeks, diaper rash, and seborrheic scales on the scalp. Most patients develop diseases that occur in the oral cavity (glossitis, gingivitis, etc.) and eyes (blepharitis, conjunctivitis, etc.).

Atopic dermatitis

Red watery blisters near the lips and around the mouth, in another area of ​​the face - a symptom. New growths have the ability to merge with each other, forming round conglomerates. The provoking factor is a decrease in the body’s defenses or heredity. If you do not start fighting the disease in a timely manner, the risk of pathology developing into eczema increases.

Lymphatic diathesis

For lymphatic diathesis characterized by the development of anomalies in the constitution.

The pathology appears by the age of 2-3 years and, with proper therapy, disappears by puberty. In some cases, symptoms are present throughout life.

Symptoms characteristic of the disease:

  • disproportionate physique, for example, lengthening of the limbs and shortening of the torso as one grows;
  • weakening of muscles;
  • decreased skin turgor, pallor of the epidermis;
  • malaise;
  • enlarged lymph nodes;
  • splenomegaly and hepatomegaly (enlarged spleen and liver, respectively).

Irritation on the face when lymphatic diathesis rarely occurs.

Neuro-arthritic diathesis

Irritation of the skin around the mouth, around the nose and other areas of the face or body occurs extremely rarely with neuro-arthritic diathesis. The disease is typical for adolescents and is often accompanied by symptoms of the joints (pain, swelling), nervous system (night terrors, enuresis, stuttering).

Interesting: Neuro-arthritic diathesis is general concept, which includes various incompletely studied defects, mainly associated with metabolic disorders.

Enteroviral stomatitis

Severe irritation around the nose and mouth occurs when enteroviral stomatitis. The disease is also characterized by the appearance of ulcerative tumors in the oral cavity. Red pimples appear on the face, which is accompanied by vomiting and diarrhea, lymphadenitis, malaise, and fever.

Perioral dermatitis

If a helminthic infestation is present in the body of a child or adult, this may cause the development of various disorders, including those affecting the skin.

Other symptoms of pathology include disruption of work digestive tract, malaise, lack of interest in food, weight loss.


Irritation around the lips and around the mouth, the formation of blistering neoplasms - symptoms herpes infection. The exudate contained in such vesicles contains a large number of pathogens, so prevent them from coming into contact with healthy areas torso is not recommended.

You cannot open the bubbles yourself. After opening them, a crust forms, which falls off, leaving not a trace. Among the reasons for the development of infection are heredity and a decrease in the body’s defenses.

lupus erythematosus

For acute cutaneous form lupus erythematosus In a child, irritation is localized on the cheeks and nose. In some cases, erythema is located on the skin of the forehead, neck, and chest. Increased severity of redness occurs upon contact with sun rays to areas with erythema.

Chicken pox

The main symptom is a rash on the skin of the entire body, not just around the mouth and on the face. Concomitant clinical manifestations of the pathology are malaise, headache and muscle pain, increased general temperature (not in all cases).


At piggy skin rash is not a characteristic symptom and appears more often in adult patients. The disease occurs with an increase in body temperature to critical levels, malaise, muscle and head pain, fever, loss of appetite, and insomnia.

The main symptom is enlargement of the submandibular or parotid salivary glands. More often the disease is unilateral, but cases of bilateral damage are not excluded.

Scarlet fever

The causative agent of the infection (streptococcus) secretes a specific substance - erythrotoxin, which causes inflammation on the skin. The toxin has an effect on blood vessels, expanding them, causing a rupture, which causes the formation of red spots.

Important! In a child, irritation occurs not only on the face, but also in the oral cavity.

At the initial stage of the disease, the pathology is confused with sore throat due to similar clinical manifestations: the presence of plaque on the palatine tonsils, an increase in their size, redness of the pharynx, enlarged lymph nodes, etc.

Diagnosis of rashes

Symptoms such as irritation and peeling, itching around the mouth and others may have an allergic etiology, infectious or autoimmune. In the latter case, in addition to the skin rash, there is damage to other organs and systems, as well as general intoxication of the body.

First of all, when visiting a doctor with irritation around the mouth in a child or adult, information is collected about how long ago the symptoms occurred, their nature, and accompanying manifestations. An allergic history is examined to determine whether there have been cases of a similar reaction in the past. The hereditary factor is no less important.

To identify the allergen, allergy tests are performed. Differential analysis implies biochemical research salivary fluid or exudate from the mucous membrane, which allows you to identify or exclude bacterial infections.

If there is a suspicion of development gastrointestinal disease, additional events are being held:

  • general and biochemical analysis blood;
  • coagulogram;
  • study for hepatitis markers;
  • coprogram;
  • endoscopic examination;
  • colonoscopy;
  • endoscopy;
  • ultrasound analysis of internal organs.

It is possible to determine how to treat redness and peeling around the mouth, rash, and itching syndrome only after making a final diagnosis.

Features of treatment

If irritation occurs around the mouth, only a doctor can determine how to relieve the symptoms. In most cases, medications in the form of local funds or oral medications.

Advice: You can enhance the effect of the main treatment with the help of folk remedies.

Drug therapy

If the cause of irritation around the child’s mouth is an allergic reaction, drugs from the antihistamine group are prescribed to help suppress the activity of histamine. In some cases, with severe inflammation, hormonal compounds are used. If a bacterial infection is present, topical or oral antibiotics are prescribed.

External preparations

Areas with redness and peeling of the skin around the mouth and rash can be treated with solutions that have an antibacterial effect. These are Chlorhexidine and Miramistin.

Helps reduce the severity of an allergic reaction on the skin antihistamines in local form. This is Fenistil in the form of a gel, Advantan. For urticaria, use Sudocrem or Zinc ointment. Special lotions, such as Calamine, help relieve itching.

Oral medications

To eliminate increased excitability, medications with natural composition, for example, based on motherwort, lemon balm, valerian.

Among the oral antihistamines, it is worth highlighting Dimetindene, Desloratadine, Loratadine, Levocetirizine.

Preparations for intestinal microflora

To restore the natural intestinal microflora and remove toxic and allergenic components, sorbents are used - activated carbon, Polysorb, Laktofiltrum.

Folk remedies

Decoctions and infusions are prepared based on medicinal herbs (chamomile, sage, yarrow), which are used to treat areas of irritation.

Rash treatment and nutrition

It is not recommended to select medications on your own, without first consulting a doctor, to treat areas of redness around the mouth. This is especially true if the symptom is due to infectious causes. Self-therapy not only slows down recovery, but also causes additional harm to health.

In addition to using facial treatment products prescribed by your doctor, you need to learn the rules for caring for irritated skin.


  • use compounds that stain the skin and interfere with diagnosis;
  • scratch the irritated area;
  • burst bubbles and squeeze out pimples.

If the rash appears in an infant, it is recommended that the newborn continue to be fed breast milk for as long as possible. New products are introduced gradually, without mixing with each other. When being bottle-fed, a formula is selected to which the body is not hypersensitive.

How long does the rash last and when should it go away?

It is impossible to say exactly how long the rash will be present on the face. It all depends on the primary pathological or physiological process that caused the irritation around the mouth, as well as on the effectiveness of the prescribed treatment and the characteristics of general health.

You can remove irritation caused by an allergic reaction within a day of using antihistamines. If the cause of irritation is an infectious disease, recovery time can reach several weeks.

Preventing rashes

To reduce the risk of rashes and irritation for an adult, it is enough to follow the rules of personal hygiene and facial skin care. Recommended to use cosmetical tools proven brands and brands, pre-testing for individual tolerance.

The diet should not be dominated by foods harmful to the body (with a large amount of fat and sugar), and alcohol. It is necessary to exclude bad habits, such as smoking and taking drugs.

If you cannot avoid the appearance of irritation around the mouth, you should not self-medicate. Only a doctor can determine the cause of the symptom and prescribe effective treatment.

We recommend watching a video about skin irritation in children

A rash near a child's mouth can be a sign of various diseases. It may be a reaction to a sudden change temperature indicators, external manifestation of allergies, pathologies at work gastrointestinal tract and other violations.

Let's look at the main reasons that can provoke the appearance of such an “illness”. A child's mouth rash may be a reaction to mosquito bites. Externally, it appears as pinkish or red spots, which are accompanied by severe itching. If in this case the allergy does not manifest itself, then this symptom does not require specific drug treatment.

However, as a rule, a symptom such as a rash in a child’s mouth is caused by the presence of an allergen in the body. The most common cause is food allergy. In this case, the following symptoms are characteristic:

  1. Red spots of irregular shape, the appearance of which is accompanied by severe itching.
  2. The appearance of a rash on the buttocks and cheeks.
  3. The child’s general condition is disrupted: he becomes lethargic or, on the contrary, overexcited.

Very often, allergies occur as a result of direct skin contact with chemicals (for example, washing powder.)

In a child, a rash around the mouth can be caused by infections of various natures:

  1. In children older than one year, this may be a consequence of chickenpox. In addition to the face, the rash appears on other parts of the body, and is accompanied by an increase in body temperature.
  2. A small red rash that initially appears on the face and then spreads throughout the body is a symptom of rubella. It goes away on its own in about 4-5 days, without additional treatment.
  3. Measles. Its initial manifestation is an increase in body temperature. A cough also appears, and the eyes begin to water.

If the disease proceeds without complications, a rash near the child’s mouth is in this case does not require treatment. Mandatory measures in this case: drink plenty of fluids, access to fresh air. Sometimes the use of antipyretic drugs is required.

It turns out that a similar symptom is characteristic of bacterial infections:

  1. Scarlet fever. The child should be immediately taken to a pediatrician for specialized treatment. Children need plenty of fluids, a semi-liquid diet, plenty of warm fluids and bed rest. The swelling in the child’s mouth, as well as in the body, in this case is rough, small and quite abundant,
  2. Pyoderma. In this case, the spots have an irregular shape and are covered with a purulent crust. Treatment of the disease should be carried out under the strict supervision of a dermatologist.

It should be remembered that a rash near a child’s mouth requires mandatory and immediate contact with a pediatrician in order to correctly identify the cause of its appearance. Very rarely it is a symptom of some atypical serious diseases (Lael's disease, pseudofurunculosis or bullous impetigo) that require immediate treatment.

Sometimes a rash appears due to the development of blood vessel diseases. In any case, you need to seek advice from a specialist, because self-medication can lead to irreversible consequences.


Common reasons

All of the above reasons can cause irritation in the corners of the lips and on the face. But how to distinguish one disease from another? Let's look at each disease in more detail and try to understand what means need to be used to combat these diseases. Let's start with the most common - cheilitis.


Zaeda or cheilitis are inflammatory processes in the oral mucosa that occur as a result of exposure to harmful microorganisms or yeast fungi. There are certain favorable conditions for the occurrence of cheilitis. Most often this is:

  • diabetes;
  • lack of B vitamins in the body;
  • malocclusion.

Fungal cheilitis often appears after long-term treatment antibiotics. This type jams are externally distinguished by a whitish coating. The “sore” itself is bright red and covered with a small crust. Bacterial cheilitis is a small blister that bursts with any movement of the mouth. These types of cheilitis have one thing in common - constant discomfort when eating food, as well as during conversation. In children, cheilitis occurs more often bacterial origin. This is due to the fact that children often bite their nails and put dirty toys into their mouths.


Infections of the oral mucosa of viral origin are called herpes. This disease is characterized by irritation and redness of the skin followed by the appearance of small blisters. Herpes, which occurs on the lips and around the mouth, is itchy and sometimes painful. In addition to all the aesthetic and physical inconveniences, there is one more unpleasant property of herpes - it is contagious. The risk of infection applies to both adults and children.

Herpes - no treatment. Once it enters the human body, it lives inside until death. There are certain factors that create a favorable atmosphere for the manifestation of herpes. These factors include:

  • severe hypothermia;
  • overheating of the body;
  • reduction in work immune system.

That is why during severe frosts or heat, herpes blisters on the corners of the lips appear much more often. Prolonged depression and lack of vitamins can also affect the occurrence of herpes on the mucous membrane of the lips. In women, herpes often appears during menstruation, since it is at this time that the body is vulnerable to such diseases. There are currently only 3% of people in the world who are immune to this virus. The rest of the people are divided into two categories. The former periodically suffer from its manifestations. In the second, this virus is present in the body, but does not make itself felt until favorable conditions appear.


Immune system rejection foreign bodies is a common cause of irritation around the lips. Most often this is a so-called “cold” allergy. During this type of allergy, small wounds form around the lips of a child or adult. As they heal, they become covered with a thin crust. At the same time it is felt severe itching and soreness.

Redness and swelling in the mouth can be signs of a food allergy. For this type of allergy, distribution in the oral mucosa is most favorable place. Citrus fruits are considered the most allergenic foods. No less allergenic is honey, chicken eggs, all types of nuts, mushrooms, tomatoes and eggplants. In addition, while vacationing abroad, in order to avoid allergic reactions, you should refrain from unfamiliar exotic fruits and berries.

Treatment options

There is an appropriate treatment for each type of mouth irritation. However, all these diseases have one thing in common - drug treatment. For infections of bacterial origin, drug treatment involves the use of antibiotics together with Fucarcin. For cheilitis, fungal in nature, drug therapy involves the use of sulfur-salicylic and nystatin ointments. This treatment is applicable for both adult patients and children.

Also, for any form of seizures and rashes around the lips, doctors recommend that patients take a course of B vitamins. Total duration treatment, in order to avoid relapse, should be 8-10 days. In some cases, when cheilitis of the oral mucosa has a dangerous oncological form, it is possible surgery, as well as the use of physiotherapy.

Treatment of herpes that occurs close to the mouth is carried out with the help of antiviral agents. Such products are mainly produced in the form of tablets and ointments. Among antiviral tablets, Lavomax is the most effective. This drug effectively and quickly relieves itching and flaking of the skin around the mouth. This remedy also perfectly heals ulcers that form close to the mouth. Contraindications for taking Lavomax are pregnancy and lactation. This drug should also not be used for a child.

The most effective ointments in the fight against herpes are Acyclovir and Fenistil Pencivir. They localize the virus and stop its active phase. Thanks to this, ulcers around the mouth heal much faster. Peeling of the skin, redness and itching also disappear under the influence of ointments. It is better not to use these drugs during pregnancy and breastfeeding. These products are considered safe for a child, but you should still consult a dermatologist before use.

Treating allergies is truly pointless. Allergies cannot be cured, you can only temporarily reduce their symptoms unpleasant symptoms. Currently, there are a huge number of antihistamines. Such products effectively combat allergic peeling in the corners of the mouth. Among tablets and injections, Tavegil and Suprastin have been leading in terms of effectiveness and speed of impact for many years. They quickly stop the release of histamine. As a result of their influence, inflammation of the mucous membrane is reduced, swelling in the mouth is eliminated, and wounds in the corners of the lips heal.

Antihistamine ointments will also help stop allergic irritation. The most effective of them are Elokom and Radevit. These drugs eliminate peeling and itching of the skin in the corners of the lips. True, such ointments are not safe for a child. They should also not be used while expecting a baby or during the lactation period. It is impossible to stop an allergic reaction in the oral mucosa using these remedies, since ointments can only be used externally.
If a child has allergic irritation in the corners of the lips, the best remedy to get rid of this scourge is Bepanten ointment. It is also effective to overcome allergic rash on the face close to the mouth, Panthenol cream will help. Such remedies prevent inflammation of the mucous membrane and the appearance of wounds in the corners of the lips. These ointments can also be used for minor cuts and burns. Bepanten and Panthenol are the safest creams and are approved for children from birth.

Whatever the nature of the irritation around the lips, bacterial, viral or fungal, it should be treated by a qualified dermatologist. Wrong and self-treatment is fraught with serious consequences that threaten the health and sometimes the life of the patient.


Rash around the mouth in newborns and infants

Pimples on the face of a newborn are hormonal in nature. Neonatal acne- not a disease, but a condition of the skin, a reaction to maternal hormones remaining in the baby’s body. The rash is usually localized to the face and scalp, but can spread to the chest and back.

Hormonal rash occurs in approximately 75% of newborns under 1 month of age. Severe redness near the mouth and on the cheeks in children of this age group can also be a manifestation of a neonatal rash.

The expansion of capillaries leads to the appearance of spots on the face of different shapes and sizes. This type of rash does not require treatment.

Parents need to bathe their baby daily in water with the addition of chamomile infusion. The air temperature in the children's room should be maintained at 21–22°C, humidity at 60%. There is no need to lubricate neonatal acne with iodine or brilliant green, or to use hormonal or antibacterial external agents.

Rash as a consequence of diathesis (video)

A rash often occurs around the baby's mouth when teething. Salivation increases, and saliva irritates the delicate skin under the lower lip, in the corners of the mouth and on the chin. To eliminate the causes, you need to regularly blot your skin with a clean, moisture-absorbing cloth.

A common cause of rashes near the mouth in infants is skin contamination due to poor hygiene. The baby's lips and gums participate in the “research” of everything that comes into their hands. The child pulls toys and other objects into his mouth; they come into contact with the skin around the mouth, injuring and irritating the delicate epidermis.

Allergies as a cause of facial rashes If a red rash suddenly appears on the face in the mouth area, this may be an excessive reaction to foods, medications, or hygiene products. Allergies appear in infants after the introduction of new foods as complementary foods, when a nursing mother consumes exotic fruits, or with other nutritional disorders. Allergic type

A small rash around a child's mouth occurs as an allergic reaction to synthetic materials. There are too many different polymers around the baby; they are used to make pacifiers, nipples for bottles, rings and other items used during teething. When a rash appears around the baby's mouth, parents should first replace the pacifier or try to give it up.

The introduction of vaccines and preventive vaccinations are also common causes of allergic reactions in children. In such cases, rashes appear on the face around the mouth and eyes, on the torso and limbs. Pediatricians at the appointment shortly before vaccination prescribe antihistamines for oral administration: Suprastin tablets or Fenistil drops. The age of the child must be taken into account when determining the dosage and frequency of administration of each allergy medicine.

Medicines also cause allergies, a rash appears around the lips and nose, in the eyes, and on other parts of the body. By-effect medication use is observed within 60–90 minutes after ingestion or external use. Medical experts note an increase in allergic reactions to antibiotics, sulfonamides, and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. If you suspect that your child has a drug allergy, you should stop taking the medication and consult a doctor.

Rashes on the face due to infectious diseases

The most common causes of rashes under a child's nose and around the mouth are fungal, viral and bacterial infections. The clinical picture of candidiasis is complemented by white spots and ulcers in the oral cavity. A rash due to a viral infection usually occurs against a background of low-grade or high fever.

Young children are more susceptible to viral infections. In addition to the rash on the face around the mouth, nodules or blisters appear on the arms, stomach and back. Nausea, abdominal pain, vomiting, and diarrhea may occur. Rash when enterovirus infection persists for about 3 days, at the same time the child may develop a runny nose and cough.

Complex treatment of a rash around a child’s mouth due to a viral infection:

  1. Antiviral drugs: Famacyclovir. "Acyclovir", "Virolex", "Tebrofen".
  2. Antiviral, immunomodulatory drugs: “Immunal”, “Interferon”, “Cycloferon”, “Arpetol”.
  3. Antipyretics: Paracetamol, Nurofen.
  4. Antihistamines: Fenistil, Erius, Cetrin, Zirtec, Claritin.
  5. Folk antivirals: propolis tincture, garlic juice solution.

The blisters in patients with chickenpox regress within 5 days, and falling off crusts remain in their place. Herpes simplex virus type 1 causes so-called fever on the lips, near the nose and around the mouth. Bubbles with liquid contents dry out within a week. The child experiences severe burning, itching and pain, and sometimes the temperature rises. The use of the antiherpetic drug Zovirax begins in the first hours of the disease. After a few days, the body produces antibodies, and there is no need for specific treatment.

Atopic dermatitis or infantile eczema in young children

The disease is usually difficult to treat and requires long-term drug therapy, adherence hypoallergenic diet. The rash around the mouth and nose consists of itchy red spots and clusters of blisters. It is characterized by the addition of a bacterial infection and bleeding.

Doctors call the cause of a rash around the mouth in a child with atopic dermatitis an innate sensitivity to allergens in the external environment and certain substances in the body itself. Often an abnormal immune response leads to allergic rhinitis or bronchial asthma, then spots and pimples may appear around the nose and on the cheeks. The first symptoms of allergic dermatitis are observed already at 2–6 months. The child experiences severe itching, becomes restless, capricious, and sleeps poorly.

Treatment of atopic dermatitis involves the use of local anti-inflammatory drugs with corticosteroids and immunomodulatory components. Ointments with GCS are used once a day in the first days, then after 1–2 days. Additionally, apply a moisturizer to the affected area. Antihistamines, antibiotics, and immunomodulators are prescribed internally.

List of ointments:

  • "Mupirocin";
  • "Gyoksizon";
  • "Fluorocort";
  • "Lokoid".

A daily shower with warm water, visits to salt caves, and lotions with water in which Dead Sea salts are dissolved significantly alleviate the condition of the skin during exacerbations of atopic dermatitis. Right after water procedures It is recommended to apply nourishing cream to the skin. For one bath for a child over 2 months old, it is enough to take 2 tbsp. l. Dead Sea salts. The duration of bathing is 20–30 minutes, then you need to take a shower.


Hello, dear doctors!
Happy New Year!

I hope very much for your help.
Best regards, Maria.


Possible causes of a rash around a child's mouth

There are many causes and types of rash. Below are just the main ones. The symptoms in the photo are also approximate and may appear different, depending on the severity of the rash.


A rash around a child's mouth may indicate an allergy. Most often, allergies occur to foods such as milk, eggs, and nuts. An allergic reaction, in addition to rashes, is manifested by lacrimation, nasal congestion, slight swelling of the lips and eyes, and itching in the throat. In serious cases, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea occur.

A rash around the mouth may appear in a baby from sucking on a latex pacifier. If parents have suspicions about this, they need to replace the pacifier or completely abandon it.

If a child has very sensitive skin, a rash can occur from any irritant.

A rash around the mouth can be caused by poor nutrition of the mother. During breastfeeding, you must adhere to certain rules.

A rash around a child's mouth may appear as a reaction to a vaccine. In this case, consultation with a pediatrician is required.

Enterovirus infection

Enterovirus infection is another cause of rashes around the mouth in a child. As a rule, the rash occurs in summer and autumn. This infection is transmitted by a person whose disease proceeds without visible signs.

Enterovirus infection is especially severe in children younger age. The rash appears not only around the mouth, but on the palms of the hands and soles of the feet. Ulcers form in the mouth. Vomiting, diarrhea and abdominal pain add to the symptoms of this disease.

The illness lasts about a week. Then a cough and runny nose appear. The rash disappears completely after another 3 days. Find out in more detail with examples of photos about the rash caused by enterovirus infection.


The youngest children experience excessive drooling when teething. It contributes to the appearance of rashes around the mouth. In order to get rid of it, you need to periodically wipe your skin with a dry cloth. At night, this area can be lubricated with baby cream or powder.

A child may develop a rash due to failure to comply with basic hygiene rules. Children are constantly putting things in their mouths. The mother's task is to prevent dirty objects from getting there.

A baby may develop a rash after a walk in the cold. To prevent it, it is enough to wrap the child’s neck and chin with a warm scarf.

How to cure a rash

Methods for treating a rash around a child’s mouth completely depend on the reasons that caused it. If it is an allergy, the doctor will help identify the allergen and prescribe treatment.

In any case, the mother needs to carefully monitor her baby and be sure to consult a pediatrician.

More information about rashes in children can be found here.


Source: allergy5.ru

Streptoderma is a human skin disease of inflammatory etiology caused by streptococcus bacteria. Depending on the location and depth of penetration pathogenic microflora Various types and varieties of streptoderma are distinguished into the layers of the skin.

Children are most susceptible to the disease: streptoderma occurs more often in children than in adults due to developing skin immunity, an increased number of minor skin lesions and the inability to comply with all hygiene rules that prevent the onset of streptoderma. How to treat streptoderma in children depends on the age of the child and the characteristics of the clinical picture of the disease.

Streptococcus: the microorganism that causes streptoderma

Streptococci are opportunistic bacteria present on the skin of every person. They are detected by analyzing intestinal microflora, scrapings from mucous surfaces, samples from the internal surface respiratory tract. The sizes of microorganisms are so small that they can only be seen in photographs of streptococci taken with multiple magnification through microscopes. However, the prevalence of bacteria and statistical data suggest that every person is familiar with streptococcal infection, and some people may be constant latent carriers that spread pathogenic organisms.

Streptococci are bacteria that survive well outside the human body: the viability period lasts for months, and infection is possible through contact with household items. During disinfection, these microorganisms die within 7-15 minutes depending on the concentration of the solution; at a temperature of 60°C, neutralization begins after 15 minutes, at boiling temperatures and above - instantly.

Streptococci are almost universal microorganisms that can cause not only streptoderma of various types, but are also responsible for the development of scarlet fever, streptococcal sore throat, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, pneumonia of bacterial etiology, bronchitis, meningitis, myocarditis, glomerulonephritis, erysipelas of the skin, lymphadenitis, contribute to the development of abscesses, etc.

Often, with streptoderma and abscesses, treatment is complicated by the addition of an additional microorganism - staphylococcus, which is also present on the skin and in the human body.

Skin injuries as a factor in the development of streptoderma

Normally, streptococci live on the surface of the skin without causing harm to humans. Local skin immunity allows you to maintain a balance between beneficial and opportunistic microflora, preventing microorganisms from destroying the layers of the epithelium. However, to begin rapid reproduction and the inflammatory process, it is enough for them to penetrate into the layers of the skin through a scratch, crack, cut, or scratching the site of an insect bite. In this case, injury to the epithelium can be microscopic and invisible to the eye. The phenomenon of streptoderma in the nose is one of the common manifestations of streptoderma disease in children who are prone to exploring the nasal passages with their fingers. Streptococci that inhabit the skin or mucous membranes are activated in the slightest scratches of the mucous membranes left by children's nails.

The “entry gate” for infection can also be damage to the skin that is not associated with mechanical trauma: manifestations of an allergic reaction, atopic dermatitis, urticaria, skin rash due to chickenpox, etc.

How does streptoderma begin?

The causative agent of streptoderma can be present everywhere, and the likelihood of developing the disease largely depends on the child’s immunity and the number of pathogenic organisms existing on his skin or coming into contact with it.
Sources of streptococcal bacteria:

  • the skin of the child himself, a carrier of streptococci;
  • household items: dishes, furniture, toys, bed linen, towels, etc.;
  • another child or adult, a healthy carrier of bacteria;
  • a patient with diseases caused by streptococci: streptoderma, tonsillitis, bronchitis, pneumonia of streptococcal etiology, as well as scarlet fever. In this case, the development of streptoderma is more likely, since contact occurs with aggressive bacteria that have multiplied in favorable conditions and require less time to activate.

Streptoderma in children's institutions can occur as an epidemic outbreak, when a sick child is the source of infection and spreads pathogens. The latent incubation period for this disease ranges from 2 to 10 days.

How does infection transmission occur during streptoderma and other diseases caused by streptococci? The infection can be transmitted in the following ways:

  • contact path: when touching, skin-to-skin contact between a patient or a carrier and a healthy person, when children play together, kisses from adults, etc.;
  • contact and household spread of streptococcal infection occurs when using the same household items: dishes, toys, books, towels, etc.;
  • The rarest is considered to be airborne transmission of infection, when streptococcus moves from a sick person or carrier during coughing or sneezing to an area of ​​damaged skin.

Causes of relapses and complications in the treatment of streptoderma

In some cases, streptoderma in children lasts a long time. It is difficult to treat streptoderma that occurs with relapses. This occurs in the absence of therapy, as well as in cases where the patient’s body cannot independently resist the pathogen due to the following reasons:

  • the child has diseases that damage the skin: allergic, atopic dermatitis, pediculosis, scabies or a tendency to scratch bites, wounds, pick off scabs, etc.;
  • at general decline immunity against the background of chronic or frequent diseases, anemia, helminthiases, inflammatory processes in the oral cavity with slit-like streptoderma (“zaede”), with prematurity, malnutrition and other factors that inhibit the development of the immune system or reduce its protective functions;
  • streptoderma in the nasal passages and ears is difficult to cure in the presence of otitis, rhinitis, accompanied by secretions that irritate the mucous membranes and skin and promote the growth of bacteria;
  • under unfavorable living conditions: poor hygiene, as well as exposure to low or high temperatures that contribute to damage to the epidermis, sunburn, constant or prolonged contact of the damaged surface with liquids, water (during bathing, rare diaper changes, etc.);
  • the addition of a secondary infection, staphylococcus, causes streptostaphyloderma, vulgar impetigo, requiring complex therapy directed against two pathogens.

CTreptoderma in children: forms and symptoms

Depending on the form of the disease, streptoderma in children can cause temporary discomfort or occur with severe symptoms. In severe forms the following is observed clinical picture streptoderma:

  • the child’s body temperature rises to febrile levels;
  • symptoms of general intoxication of the body are observed: headaches, muscle, joint pain, nausea, vomiting, lethargy, loss of appetite;
  • local lymph nodes enlarge and may be painful on palpation;
  • Blood tests reveal a characteristic picture of the inflammatory process.

The disease normally, with appropriate therapy, lasts from 3 days to two weeks, ending with recovery. Symptoms of streptoderma, the period of the acute stage depend on the form of streptoderma, the localization of inflammation, its depth and severity, as well as on the individual characteristics of the body’s resistance to infection.
Depending on the location of development of the inflammatory process, the depth of penetration of the pathogen into the skin and the severity of the disease, several forms of streptoderma are distinguished. All of them belong to streptoderma, but have different names.

Streptococcal impetigo

Among all forms of streptoderma, this is the most common. It includes streptoderma, which develops in the nasal passages, as well as small local skin lesions located on the front of the head, hands, feet and other open areas of the child’s skin.

This form of streptoderma is a superficial lesion of the skin, in which the initial development of the disease is resisted by the mechanism of local immunity, which limits the inflammatory process. It proceeds in accordance with the following stages of the disease:

  • on an apparently calm area of ​​skin, a phlyctena forms - a dense bubble with transparent or cloudy contents with a diameter of up to 3 mm, redness appears around it;
  • at the next stage, the phlyctena bubble spontaneously opens or falls off, a light yellow crust forms at the site of the lesion (drying out or weeping “sores” on the face);
  • the crust separates, leaving spots of dark pink or pinkish-bluish color, which subsequently disappear.

Each individual site of inflammation from onset to healing lasts for 5-7 days. If therapy is started at the first stage of the appearance of a vesicle, in most cases the infection affects the skin as a single infection. However, if you do not pay attention to the manifestation of streptoderma, the pathogen spreads throughout the body during touching, bathing, drying with a towel or sleeping, which causes multiple lesions. Such an illness can last from a month or longer, causing a decrease in the child’s general immunity and contributing to the spread of infection in the family and children’s groups.

Slit impetigo

This form of streptoderma is better known by the popular name “jams”: a narrow strip of inflamed skin in the form of a gap, most often appearing in the corners of the lips, less often in the lateral folds of the eyelids and wings of the nose.

At the beginning of the disease, a conflict is formed, usually a single one. The disease in most cases is limited to one area of ​​the skin, causing itching, soreness, discomfort, and goes away on its own or with minor local therapy.

However, with reduced immunity or the presence of inflammatory processes near the site of development of streptoderma (oral candidiasis, caries, gingivitis, conjunctivitis, rhinitis, etc.), the disease can develop into a chronic, sluggish stage, difficult to cure.

Nail felon

Streptococcal inflammation of the skin around the nails develops when the pathogen gets into the wounds, most often due to hangnails or injury to the cuticle. Streptococcus can penetrate both from the surface of the skin around it and through contact of the injured area with the environment or during the process of scratching existing streptoderma-impetigo.

Panaritium is expressed in redness, swelling, soreness of the skin around the nail fold, the formation of phlegmon, and erosive changes. Without treatment, it can lead to loss of the nail plate, spread of the pathogen through the bloodstream to other organs, and cause meningitis.

Streptococcal diaper rash

They usually occur in young children. They develop when a streptococcal infection joins a skin lesion at the site of diaper rash, manifestations of dermatitis, and allergies. The manifestation of this form of streptoderma is observed with high frequency during ears, in the inguinal skin folds, axillary folds.

Secondary damage to damaged skin by streptococci leads to the merging of erosions, pain in the skin area, and a long course that is difficult to treat. Treatment is carried out against the background of therapy for the underlying disease.

Dry form of streptoderma or erymatosquamous

Most often, erymatosquamous streptoderma occurs on the face, sometimes on the limbs or torso. Weeping elements characteristic of other types of streptoderma are absent; the disease is expressed in the appearance of pink or reddish spots of uneven round shape with a surface of flaking whitish particles of the epidermis.
This is one of the least active forms of all types of streptoderma in spreading throughout the body, and does not cause much discomfort during its course. However high level contagiousness requires both treatment and isolation of sick children.

Bullous impetigo

This form differs both in appearance and in the more severe course of the disease. Most often the hands, feet and legs, on initial stage Large serous purulent blisters form, soft to the touch, with pronounced inflammation around. They tend to develop slowly. After spontaneous opening of purulent blisters, areas of open erosion are formed.

There may be a sharp deterioration in health, febrile temperature (from 38°C), enlarged local lymph nodes, and signs of intoxication of the body.

Ecthyma vulgaris

Refers to the most severe forms of streptoderma. Streptococci affect the deep layers of the epidermis. The tissue becomes necrotic and ulcers form. Typical location: buttocks, lower limbs with possible exceptions.

Factors contributing to the development of vulgar ecthyma are a decrease in the body's resistance after ARVI, influenza, chickenpox, measles, intestinal infections, as well as hypovitaminosis, systemic diseases(diabetes mellitus of all types, diseases of the hematopoietic system, endocrinological pathologies).
It is difficult and requires complex therapy.

Diagnosis of streptoderma

Diagnostic measures for streptoderma may be limited to anamnesis and visual examination by a pediatrician or dermatologist. In some cases, to clarify the diagnosis, the presence primary disease and the composition of pathogenic microflora, additional examinations may be prescribed:

  • laboratory analysis of blood parameters (general, biochemical);
  • general indicators of urine analysis;
  • fecal analysis for helminth eggs;
  • sometimes they may prescribe an analysis for the Wasserman reaction, the presence of immunodeficiency states of viral etiology.

Streptodermain children: types of treatment

All forms of streptoderma, even mild ones, must be accompanied by treatment, since the disease is highly contagious to others, without treatment it can affect large areas of the skin and lead to the development of severe complications.

The importance of hygiene in the treatment of streptoderma

Streptoderma is a disease in the treatment of which the hygiene factor plays an important role both in preventing its development and in the spread of the pathogen to others. Treatment of streptoderma without following hygiene rules may not have a therapeutic effect and lead to a protracted form of the disease.
Hygiene rules for all forms of streptoderma:

  • Avoid wetting the affected area of ​​skin; do not bathe the child for 3-5 days, limiting yourself to washing individual parts of the body (legs, genitals) if there are no inflamed areas. Use wet wipes, towels, etc.;
  • if there is skin itching, try to avoid scratching or touching the affected area; it is possible to use antihistamines;
  • use an individual towel and dishes for the patient, wash and wash them frequently;
  • All minor injuries and scratches on the skin should be regularly treated with antiseptic preparations;
  • carry out regular hygienic cleaning of the premises, remove soft toys, bed dress Wash and iron frequently.

Streptoderma: treatment at home with antiseptic drugs

For local treatment For streptoderma in children, antiseptic solutions and ointments are used at home. They need to wipe the areas of inflammation. But in some cases it is necessary to open the bladder and treat the affected area antibacterial agent. This should only be done by a medical professional.

Streptoderma can be treated with the following antiseptics:

  • hydrogen peroxide solution;
  • fucorcin;
  • salicyl alcohol;
  • furatsilin;
  • brilliant green (“zelenka”).

The products are used to treat the affected area and the skin around it 2 to 4 times a day. Can be used as a drying and disinfectant zinc ointment. To enhance the effect, it is possible to apply decoctions chamomile, oak bark, succession of flowers.

Antibiotics for streptoderma

Antibiotic drugs are used in the treatment of the disease in forms that have local and systemic effects. How to treat streptoderma in children with antibacterial drugs is determined by a specialist.

Medicines from the group of antibiotics used for streptoderma can be either monocomponent, with one active ingredient, or combined. Combination drugs used in the treatment of various forms of streptoderma include local medications (creams, ointments) with a combination of antibacterial and hormonal therapy.

Systemic antibiotic therapy for streptoderma

Penicillins are considered to be the first choice antibiotics in the treatment of various forms of streptoderma. In some cases, it is possible and appropriate to replace penicillin drugs with a cephalosporin group or macrolides.
When is penicillin not prescribed to children for the treatment of streptoderma?

  • if the child has an individual intolerance to medications of this group, allergic reactions to previously taken penicillins or cross-allergens to it;
  • if there is a recent history of a disease for which penicillin antibiotics were used;
  • if tests for microflora resistance reveal high resistance of pathogenic microorganisms to penicillin.

Streptodermaand similar diseases

There are a number of diseases with manifestations on the skin, which at different stages of development can look similar to streptoderma. Most of the coincidences occur in the first stage of vesicle formation, however, there are disease variants similar to any stage of development of streptoderma. It is for this reason that diagnosis and choice of treatment method should be carried out by a specialist.


Pyoderma is a group of all purulent inflammations of the skin; all forms of streptoderma are included in this group. However, unlike other pyoderma, with streptoderma the primary stage is more similar to the manifestation of a viral rather than a bacterial infection. Thus, other pyoderma of bacterial etiology differs from streptoderma in the turbidity of the secreted and distinctive forms of the inflammatory process.

Herpetic rashes

Manifestations of human herpes virus activity on the lips are often confused with streptococcal infection. When differentiating, you should pay attention to three main differences:

  • herpes rashes are localized on an intact area of ​​the skin; all forms of streptoderma require skin trauma to develop;
  • stages of development of streptoderma proceed faster, the bubbles fall off or open within much more short term than with herpetic infection;
  • with herpes, skin itching precedes the onset of rashes; with streptoderma, itching occurs only in the presence of skin manifestations.

Thrush or candidiasis

Oral candidiasis can spread to the corners of the lips and form cracks in the skin. Differentiation from pyoderma is carried out by the presence of characteristic white dotted rashes on the internal mucous membrane of the oral cavity, white plaque, and an ulcerated surface of the mucous membrane underneath.

Manifestations of allergies

Some children may experience a non-classical manifestation of a skin rash of allergic etiology in the form of small blisters with transparent contents. In particular, photodermatosis, an “allergy” to solar radiation, which at an early stage looks like a form of pyoderma, can manifest itself in infants.

To differentiate, you need to gently press the rash element with your finger. If the rash is allergic in nature, the skin around the inflammation will lose its pink or red color. With streptoderma, the color remains unchanged after pressure.


Sometimes the debut of chickenpox can be mistaken for the first stage of streptococcal inflammation of the skin: chickenpox, as a rule, begins to appear first on the skin of the face, a characteristic place for banal impetigo. Rapid development of infection when chicken pox promotes fairly short-term differentiation from skin inflammation. If necessary, in both cases you can use a local antiseptic, zinc ointment until an accurate diagnosis is established.

Prevention of pyoderma caused by streptococcus

Streptococcal infections cannot be prevented; the prevalence of this pathogenic microorganism is too high. However, it is possible to increase the body's resistance to contact with streptococci and reduce the likelihood of contact with active agents.

To strengthen the child’s immune defense, it is necessary, first of all, to pay attention to the observance of sleep patterns, rest and play, walks, study, as well as a complete diet rich in vitamins and minerals. From an early age, it is necessary to instill the rules of hygiene, washing hands, using personal utensils, towels, etc. Sports activities, physical education, swimming, hardening and sunbathing also have a beneficial effect on both general and local skin immunity of the child, increasing it resistance to streptococci.

After diagnosing the disease, it is necessary to take measures to reduce the likelihood of streptoderma occurring in family members in contact with the child. General hygiene measures and rules (cleaning, frequent replacement of clothes and bed linen, removal of soft toys, blankets from the patient’s room, individual dishes and towels) will help not only maintain the health of your family, but also avoid long-term progression and relapses of pyoderma.

In order to prevent an epidemic outbreak of streptococcal infection in preschool and general educational institutions, sick children are isolated from the team during treatment, all children who have been in contact with the patient are quarantined for 10 days (the maximum incubation period of the disease).

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A child's mouth rash occurs due to various factors. Not all cases require urgent therapeutic intervention, but some diseases still require treatment.

Main causes at different ages

Often the disease goes away without outside intervention, since it has a natural origin for children of a certain age. Enough preventative measures and there will be no problems.

General etiology of the rash:

  • allergic origin;
  • psychological reasons;
  • drug factor;
  • viral infection;
  • immunological problems;
  • chronic pathologies.

In newborns

In newborns, the main factor that causes rashes is neonatal acne. They affect about a third of all babies. This disease is caused by hormones, and you can see what it looks like in the photo.

This red rash is observed not only on the face in the mouth area, but also on the neck and on. The reasons for the appearance are the reaction of the immune system to nutrition not from the mother's breast. The formation of the skin is accompanied by the formation of yeast-type fungi.

This rash around the mouth and on the body goes away on its own within a few months. No specific therapy is required.

If such rashes appear at 1 year of age, baths are used, the water in which contains a weak concentration of potassium permanganate. Cleanliness of bed linen is of utmost importance.

For children from one year old

Until the age of 2 years, the rash is caused by excessive secretion of saliva. This happens at the time when teeth are cutting. The skin is irritated by saliva, and stains with a crust around the edges are observed.

Simple hygiene procedures will help you cope with this problem. After feeding, it is enough to wipe the skin near the oral cavity with special hypoallergenic wet wipes. Another remedy is gels that bring the balance back to normal.

A rash around the mouth in a child at this age may be accompanied by red spots for other reasons. The most common is . Spots and. The main factor that can lead to the disease is heredity or weakened immunity.

Over time, the lesion can spread not only to the face, but also to other parts of the body. Rashes should not be scratched. The mother should reconsider the child's diet or her own if the mother is still breastfeeding. Antihistamines for external use are used as medications.

In children under three years of age

If you are already 3 years old, then rashes are often a consequence of the presence of helminths in the body.

You can understand that the problem is worms by a number of accompanying signs:

  • stool disorders;
  • dry cough;
  • sleep disorders;
  • pale skin around the mouth and nose, as well as throughout the body;
  • appetite disorders;
  • weight loss;
  • sensation of itching near the anus.

The main reason for the appearance of worms at any age is non-compliance hygiene standards when playing outside or with animals.

The final diagnosis, namely the presence of helminths, can be confirmed after appropriate tests are carried out.

In case of infestation with worms, the pediatrician will prescribe anthelmintics. Usually these are Sanoxal, Albendazole, Levamisole. They do not have a negative effect on children's bodies. At the same time, various sorbents are taken.

If a rash appears on the roof of a child’s mouth, this is a symptom of one of the many enteroviral infections. This occurs in addition to formations on the external skin of the face.

The problem arises as a result of infection in children both in infancy and even at 4 years old. The rash looks like small pimples, the edges of which are very clear.

Other signs of infection:

  • hyperemia and temperature;
  • classic symptoms of acute RVI;
  • increased size of lymph nodes;
  • disorders in the gastrointestinal tract.

Only the attending physician will tell you how to treat the infection. Making an independent decision about taking certain medications is not recommended, since the prescription of therapy will take into account the characteristics of the body.

The pediatrician will prescribe certain antipyretic and antiviral medications. Antibiotics are prescribed less frequently. Parents provide children with bed rest. A special diet will be required.

The rash in the child’s mouth disappears within a week after recovery

Other causes of formations

There are several more factors that result in rashes on the skin of the face. The most common:

  • Atopy - manifests itself as a small rash. It occurs as a result of the reaction child's body to consume new foods. The latter can be fruits, berries, chocolate. Treatment involves eliminating the allergen from the diet.
  • Oral dermatitis is the result of exposure of clothing, cosmetics and other products to the skin. Rashes are observed around the mouth, nose and eyes. To eliminate problems, it is necessary not only to get rid of clothing or cosmetics that cause a reaction, but also to use ointments, the use of which must be agreed with a doctor. Without fear, you can only use folk remedies - infusions of chamomile or calendula.
  • Herpetic lesions are the result of decreased immunity after illness. Can appear at any age. If the rash appears as a result of herpes, it may recur periodically throughout life. Treatment is carried out using special means - mainly for external use.
  • The influence of weather - wind and frost cause rashes. A related factor is increased salivation. Protective creams and periodic wiping of the skin with napkins will help to avoid formations on the face.
  • Infectious diseases - other infectious diseases include rubella and scarlet fever. In any case, therapy is prescribed by the attending physician...


A rash near a child’s mouth should not cause alarm in every case. But to avoid problems, you should consult a doctor in any case. The pediatrician will prescribe treatment that will avoid worsening the problem and the development of harmful pathologies.

Rash around the mouth infant may occur for various reasons. These may be internal, cosmetic, hygienic problems. Establishing the factors causing the disorder helps prescribe treatment to help cope with it.

Rash around a child's mouth of different ages occurs for several reasons:

  • excessive salivation;
  • violation of hygiene;
  • infectious diseases;
  • dermatitis;
  • helminthic infestation;
  • influence of external factors.
A rash around a child's mouth can be caused by many factors that are important to identify for proper treatment.

Many of these reasons are associated with vitamin deficiency, use hormonal drugs for the treatment of certain diseases. The impetus for the spread of the rash can be a disruption of the digestive tract. This is both an imperfection of the enzymatic system and functional disorders.

Children of different ages go through several growth spurts. These are the stages of maturation of internal and endocrine organs. Therefore, a rash may appear for some period of time and go away on its own.

Environmental factors

Rash and irritation around a child's mouth often occurs if the skin is exposed to:

  • wind;
  • ultraviolet radiation;
  • humid hot climate.

A baby's skin is very delicate, so it needs to be protected from open sunlight. The result of insolation is the appearance of red spots and rashes. If a child has increased salivation and is outdoors, then when there are gusts of wind, the skin may become chapped, reddened, and covered with dermatological elements.

The increase in symptoms occurs gradually: From the first hours, dry skin appears, then it turns red, and bubbles with watery contents appear. When the climate changes or vacations in hot countries, the elements appear due to the onset of excess work sebaceous glands.

Neonatal acne in newborns

Newborns include children up to 28 days of life. Some mothers notice irritation on the baby's skin during this period, which makes them worry. This condition is typical for 20-30% of children and refers to physiological phenomena.

A rash around a child’s mouth is a consequence of hormonal changes in the body, which begins to live independently.

The second reason for the phenomenon is the proliferation of yeast-like fungi on the surface of the body, which need sebum for nutrition. Externally, it is not difficult to determine that this is acne of the perinatal period. The elements are pointed, with a white rod in the center. The contents of the bubble are viscous, which distinguishes transparent discharge for herpes infection or dermatitis.

Unlike other causes of its appearance, newborn acne migrates over the face and neck and is not typical for other parts of the body, as with urticaria and miliaria. In addition, there are no signs of intoxication, which would indicate infectious process.

Irritation from drooling in infants

Starting at approximately 4 months, the baby begins a period of hypersalivation. Parents notice that the child has a lot of saliva, which hangs like ropes from his mouth. This is due to the start of the salivary glands, although it often coincides with the period of teething.

Physiologists believe that this defense mechanism, which allows you to get rid of microorganisms that get into your mouth with your hands. Due to the constant damp environment, redness and irritation appear on the chin. Mechanical removal of viscous secretion does not produce results.

Hypersalivation can be caused by pathological conditions:

  • oral candidiasis;
  • helminthic infestation;
  • otitis;
  • diseases of the central nervous system;
  • intoxication as a result of exposure to heavy metal salts.

If a large amount of saliva appears, pathology must be excluded. You need to blot the skin with a disposable or reusable clean scarf.

Atopic dermatitis or infantile eczema

Atopic dermatitis is a reaction to hazardous foods. Redness can occur on the body in the chest area, arms and neck. If the allergen is not excluded, the elements open up, begin to get wet, and the skin becomes very itchy.

Five foods that cause atopic dermatitis

Genes responsible for predisposition to the development of the disease have been identified. But it can be realized only with an initially low state of immunity. Often, manifestations of pathology begin under the influence of a stress factor. If there inflammatory diseases skin, traumatic injuries, then this is the entrance gate for infection and allergens.

The cause of the development of dermatitis can be food, respiratory antigens, or the body’s reaction to long-term use of antibiotics.

Tips about proper treatment atopic dermatitis:


If a child or parents do not follow hygiene rules and allow contact with street animals, then there is a high probability of worms appearing. This phenomenon is typical not only for children from the category of dysfunctional families, due to their activity and great desire to explore the world around them. This period usually occurs after 1 year.

You can suspect that the rashes are associated specifically with worms by the long-lasting rash, which does not decrease even under the influence of medicinal drugs. After therapy, the phenomena disappear on their own, without additional help. As worms multiply, they cause intoxication. It manifests itself as local allergic reactions.

Children are most often characterized by the appearance 3 types of helminths:

  • pinworms;
  • roundworm;
  • whipworms.

Enterovirus infection

This is an inflammation of the small intestine, accompanied by nausea and vomiting. Another sign is the appearance of pinpoint rashes around and in the mouth. It can take the form of herpetic sore throat. These are blisters that cover the tonsils and throat. Other places where exanthema (rash) is localized are the arms, back, neck, and feet.


Inflammation of the skin around the mouth often appears as a result of allergies. You can suspect this reason if the child has moved from infancy in the junior preschool group, teeth have already erupted, and the rashes are periodic. This means that the body reacts to certain foods, the rest of the time the immune system functions quietly.

Allergens are divided into several categories, depending on the route of entry. Often with this form of the disorder other symptoms appear: lacrimation, runny nose, swelling of the mucous membranes. The use of anti-cold medications has no effect.

Perioral dermatitis

Perioral dermatitis occurs predominantly in individuals young, up to 20 years. People who use hormonal-based cosmetics are at risk. In children, the disorder appears in no more than 5% of all cases, followed by peeling and the appearance of small dotted elements with a white dot in the center. Localization of manifestations is the chin, nasolabial triangle.

As the elements spread, they merge with each other and infection occurs. The rash does not cause significant discomfort or itching. If you don't start treating early stage, the skin becomes rough and may change color to brown. Subsequently, the restoration of the normal pale pink color of the cover does not occur.

This type of irritation occurs for several reasons:

  • decreased immunity;
  • the use of hormonal agents to combat dermatitis;
  • allergy;
  • hormonal changes;
  • skin damage from bacteria;
  • vitamin deficiency;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • use of fluoride-containing paste;
  • disruption of the nervous system;
  • prolonged exposure to the sun.

The border between diseased and healthy skin is defined as a thin white film.


Decreased immunity can be caused by viral and bacterial infections. Often a sign unstable work The defense system is a herpetic rash. These are small elements with watery contents. The appearance of herpetic elements in an infant is a very unfavorable sign.

As a rule, infection occurs through direct contact with close relatives during an exacerbation period.

Since immunity is just being formed, innate immunity and protective factors contained in breast milk protect for up to 6 months, herpetic eruptions may indicate congenital pathologies with an immunosuppressive effect.

Exacerbation of infection is typical after 3 years of age, when he begins to visit kindergartens, comes into contact with various bacteria and viruses, ends up in social sphere.

Other causes of rash around a child's mouth

If there are no signs of allergies, dermatitis or enterovirus infection, then the appearance of irritation may be due to individual feature digestion. In this case, the child has unstable stools, a tendency to constipation, and particles of undigested food in the stool. This may occur due to inappropriate nutrition for the child's age.

The most common cause of the disorder is infection. The aggressive factor is staphylococcus, an element of normal microflora. With hypothermia and decreased immunity, it begins to multiply on the skin, causing a pustular rash on the face and other parts of the body.

Fungal flora also reacts to decreased immunity. If the mother had thrush during pregnancy, which was not completely cured at the time of birth, then candida remains on the surface of the body and can appear at any time. A sign of a fungal infection is the presence of white or yellowish patches that peel off when rubbed.

If there is a strong wind outside and the face is not protected, then foci of peeling appear on the chin and in the perioral area. This is caused by chapping of the surface of the skin.

Violation of personal hygiene rules an additional factor in changing the state of the protective cover. If you touch your mouth with unwashed hands, bacteria begin to multiply on the mucous membrane.

Other reasons may be:

  • allergy to the latex from which the pacifier is made;
  • consequence of vaccination;
  • insect bite

The main sign indicating the category of rash is the nature of the rash and the presence of auxiliary symptoms.

What does the color and type of rash indicate?

All types of rash are different. That's why external manifestations elements can tell the doctor a lot. A pinpoint rash often indicates an infectious process and intoxication. If it is filled with fluid, it is caused by the herpes virus.

When the rash is detected only in one place, the cause is most often local in nature . If elements appear on the back, arms, neck, then the matter is internal processes.

Based on the appearance of the manifestations, one can suspect the cause of the phenomenon:


Appearance rash

Perinatal acne Small elements with a white rod inside. Contents viscous
Atopic dermatitis The elements merge with each other, the surface of the skin is red and peeling
Herpes Bubbles different sizes, filled with clear liquid
Allergy Elements rise above the surface of the skin, the skin around is red, there is no content inside
Weathering Characterized by redness of the skin, areas of peeling and itching
Worm infestation The rash is pinpoint, elements without content, appear in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle, neck
Perioral dermatitis At first, the elements are located separately, then merge with each other, pus appears, wet areas appear, the surface peels off

When redness and peeling are observed, this is a sign of the allergic nature of the disorder. If the affected area is large, the specialist suspects toxic erythema. The purulent contents of the vesicle indicate infection, a bacterial complication.

Regardless of the type of rash, they occur on initially intact skin. The intensity and location of the process determine the type of elements. Each characterizes a disruption in the functioning of the entire organism.

Diagnostic methods

A rash around a child's mouth is classified as being of a specific type using similar studies using the algorithm:

  • general analysis blood;
  • immunological study for antibodies to the suspected infection;
  • general urine analysis;
  • prick allergy test;
  • stool analysis for worm eggs.

Since a number of conditions are caused by contact with an allergen, conducting a test reduces the time to search for the type of pathogen. An important type of diagnosis is examination of the nature and color of the rash. He tells you what microorganisms it is caused by.

Treatment with drugs depends on the cause of the rash

A rash around a child’s mouth is treated taking into account the cause that caused it. There is no universal remedy that would help in all cases.

Some measures help prevent the development of the disorder:

  • compliance with hygiene rules;
  • early contact with a doctor;
  • for dry skin, you need to use nourishing creams;
  • before going outside during the cold period, you need to apply a protective cream;
  • use only children's clothing and body care products;
  • reduce the time a child spends outdoors in the open sun in summer.

Therapy for the disorder must be comprehensive. These are local and system tools.At all stages of treatment, it is necessary to monitor whether the patient’s condition improves. When the type of pathogen is determined, it is prescribed etiological treatment. It involves antibacterial or antiviral treatment, active against this pathogen.

In most cases, physiotherapy methods are included in therapy. They help improve local blood flow and have an anti-inflammatory effect. The possibility of using alternative medicine should be checked with a doctor.

Folk remedies for treating rashes around a child’s mouth

ethnoscience has proven itself to be simple, inexpensive and safe way cope with problems of various kinds. It is not always acceptable for young children, due to the high likelihood of allergies to herbs. When a rash appears around the mouth, products with anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects help.

For example, the following can cope with perioral dermatitis:

  • a decoction of string, St. John's wort, chamomile or sage in the form of lotions on the affected areas every 4-5 hours.
  • lubricating the elements with propolis boiled in a water bath;
  • using a mixture of honey, flax and onion juice, taken in equal volumes, boiled for 10 minutes. and cooled to room temperature;
  • application of lotions with soda solution(1 tsp per 1 cup of warm water);
  • lotions with pulp or juice of fresh pumpkin;
  • application of oak bark decoction topically.

Before using any product for the first time, you need to do a sensitivity test. To do this, apply a decoction to an inconspicuous area of ​​the skin and wait for 2 hours for the appearance of a focus of inflammation.

The following remedies can also help with atopic dermatitis:

If your child has chapped lips and the skin around them, you can try to relieve the pain by applying vitamin masks. They are used for shallow damage to the epidermis.

As available funds speakers:

  • chamomile ointment prepared at home;
  • a mixture of liquid honey, vitamin A and E;
  • mask made from sour cream or cream with a high degree of fat;
  • Vaseline oil mixed with sea buckthorn and apricot oil.

A rash around the mouth and in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle in a child often occurs as a result of a combination of several factors. Monitoring the child helps to quickly determine the cause of the violation, which allows you to avoid unpleasant consequences and complications.

Decor: Anna Fleyman

Video about a rash around a child’s mouth:

Dr. Komarovsky about rashes in children:

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