Home Orthopedics An invisible rash on a child's body. Allergic rash in children: photos, description and varieties

An invisible rash on a child's body. Allergic rash in children: photos, description and varieties

Babies often develop a rash on their body. It can have a different nature, so you need to start treatment based on its appearance and localization. The symptoms accompanying the rash are also important. They primarily differ in their appearance: size, color, shape, and location.

Types of rashes on the body

The main types of rash are as follows:

First of all, with any type of small rash in a child, it should be shown to a specialist. Because only experienced doctor will be able to install accurate diagnosis. Self-medication in some cases can be very dangerous.

Location of spots

It is very important to pay attention to where exactly the stain is located. Thanks to this, it will be possible to determine the baby’s initial illness, which triggered the appearance of the rash.

The reasons for the appearance of spots on the face can be:

If the rash covers the entire body, then the following factors should be considered:

  • presence of infection in the body;
  • allergies manifested as contact dermatitis or urticaria;
  • newborn acne. The solution to this problem is proper nutrition and care, air baths and bathing with baby soap;
  • toxic erythema. Affects approximately 90% of the skin. It goes away 3 days after toxins are removed from the body.

As for rashes on the legs and arms, they most likely indicate an allergy. This rash can cover the baby's limbs long time, especially if he is under stress and is constantly tired. If you do not pay attention to it in a timely manner, it can develop into eczema.

In addition, other diseases can cause the appearance of a rash on the arms and legs: scabies, psoriasis and even lupus. But if there are no spots in other places, there is a possibility that the child has simple heat rash.

Infectious diseases contribute to the appearance of spots on the stomach: chicken pox, scarlet fever, rubella, measles. If you start therapy correctly and on time, the spots will begin to disappear on the third day. If there are no rashes in other places, then the child may have contact dermatitis, which is caused by an allergen coming into contact with a child's tummy.

A rash on the neck or head is most often the result of heat rash. It is necessary to ensure proper care of the baby’s skin and normalize thermoregulation. You can bathe the baby in a series and apply ointments to the affected areas. But there are other ailments that provoke the appearance of spots in these places: atopic dermatitis, neonatal pustulosis, scabies, chickenpox.

The most common causes of red spots on the back and shoulders are scarlet fever, rubella, measles, insect bites, prickly heat and allergies. But it can also be quite serious illnesses.

White dots

The rash is usually pink or red in color. But in some cases the rashes are white; they appear if the child has allergies, fungal infections, Problems digestive system, hormonal disbalance, vitamin deficiency.

A small rash on a child’s body can be caused by the following factors:

In infants

In the first weeks after birth, active hormonal changes occur in the baby’s body, as evidenced by rashes on his skin. Most parents turn to specialists because small rash all over the baby's body.

However, this is a common occurrence in infants. At elevated temperatures environment their sweat glands actively secrete sweat. Therefore, in places of natural folds - under the arms, in the groin, on the butt and face, a small reddish rash appears. The skin feels damp to the touch.

Miliaria is not a dangerous disease and, after some time, goes away on its own. But parents need to be aware that factors such as being in a wet diaper for a long time or wearing hot clothes can cause diaper rash. When caring for a newborn, the mother must carefully monitor the condition of the baby's skin and notice any changes on it.

Keep in mind that infants can often develop allergies to clothing materials, hygiene products or food. When forming children's immunity they must be protected from external irritants.

Diseases accompanied by rashes

A small red rash can occur not only with prickly heat, but also with other childhood diseases.

Chicken pox

This disease is most common among children. Almost every child suffers from it. Chickenpox is characterized by a small red itchy rash, which is replaced by small blisters that barely rise above the surface of the skin.

These blisters contain infectious fluid. After the blister bursts, a small red ulcer remains in its place. Most discomfort the child feels rashes in the mouth, genitals and on inside century From the period of infection to the appearance of the first red rash, 11 days pass. Very often the patient has a headache and a rise in body temperature. Don't scratch the rash, as this may delay the healing process.

You can help your baby by smearing the wounds with brilliant green or a solution of potassium permanganate. It is necessary to minimize leaving home and contact with other people during the period of illness.


This viral disease is very rare in our times. Its first symptoms can easily be confused with digestive problems or a cold. Only after 4-7 days do red rashes appear. They are preceded by fever and elevated temperature, sometimes reaching 40 degrees. The first areas to suffer from the rash are the gums and mucous membrane of a child's cheeks. After this, the spots spread to the neck and face, shoulders, stomach, back and chest. The last place the rash appears is on the extremities. When the disease begins to pass, the skin in their places turns brown. This disease can provoke severe consequences. Therapy is prescribed only by a specialist.


This disease is highly contagious. Incubation period is asymptomatic and lasts about 21 days. The first rashes can be found behind the ears and on the back of the head. After a short period of time, the disease spreads to the baby’s body. At the same time, the baby's body temperature rises. There are no special drugs to treat this disease.


Anyone can face this disease baby under 2 years of age. Pronounced signs of the disease are:

  • sore throat;
  • increased body temperature;
  • enlarged lymph nodes.

After this, small red spots appear on the baby’s face and spread throughout the body at high speed. This disease is contagious, but does not require therapy. It goes away on its own.

Scarlet fever

The first sign of its appearance is a high temperature and the appearance of a characteristic rash in the form of pimples on the tongue. Scarlet fever is caused by streptococcus. The latent phase of the disease has a period of 3−7 days. Rashes are added on the lower and upper limbs, face and body. When the spots disappear, peeling of the skin begins in their place. During this period the person is contagious. It is best to exclude contact with other people.


This is very dangerous disease , even newborn babies are susceptible to it. The symptoms are:

  • the appearance of rashes;
  • rigidity and hardness occipital muscles;
  • drowsiness;
  • increase in body temperature, which is accompanied by vomiting.

The rash appears in the form of small subcutaneous spots that look like an injection mark or a mosquito bite. They appear primarily on the buttocks and abdomen. After this, they move to the legs and spread throughout the body. If no measures are taken in time, the rash will increase in size and volume and will look like bruises. If not provided on time medical care death is also possible.

Allergic reactions in children

IN modern world There are many factors that irritate children's delicate skin. Very often there is a rash on children's body- manifestation of an allergic reaction. She may have different kind: small blisters, pimples or spots . It can be localized on any area of ​​the skin. At food allergies rashes are most often observed on the stomach and back, and when reacting to clothing - on the legs, arms, shoulders, sometimes even on the feet.

In any situation, you should consult a doctor, this will help avoid complications and undesirable consequences. Since when severe allergies Quincke's edema may develop or a malfunction of internal organs may occur.

The most common manifestations of an allergic reaction are:.

  1. Atopic dermatitis, which is a red papular rash. Over time, they merge and become crusty. The place of their localization is most often the bends of the limbs, cheeks and face. Accompanied by itching.
  2. Hives appear due to temperature factors, medications and food. There are situations when it is impossible to determine the exact cause of this disease.

Insect bites

In summer, the rash may be the result of an insect bite - ants, midges or mosquitoes. The bite site can be felt for several days; it constantly itches, causing discomfort to the child.

But here's a hornet bite, wasps or bees cause much more trouble. They pierce the skin with a sting and inject venom, which causes swelling, swelling and severe painful sensations. Such bites are also dangerous because after them the baby may develop an allergy, and rashes spread throughout the body, while the child feels severe itching and pain. Along with this, breathing problems and fainting are possible, and in some situations, anaphylactic shock.

The bite site should be thoroughly examined, remove the sting from it, give the baby an antihistamine and monitor his condition.

A red rash on a child’s body can be a manifestation of about a hundred diseases, from completely harmless (sweating heat) to terrible ones, for example, meningococcal infections. Today we will look at the main causes of rashes on children’s bodies and what to do if a rash appears on your child’s body.

Causes of the rash

The main causes of rashes can be divided into four groups:

  • infectious and invasive diseases
  • allergic reaction
  • violation of proper child care
  • blood and vascular diseases

Let's take a closer look at each of them.

If the cause of a child's rash is one or another infectious disease, then in most cases the rash is accompanied by other symptoms - fever, chills, malaise and loss of appetite.

Chickenpox (varicella)

The rash appears after two to three days of elevated temperature. The number of rashes at the beginning of the disease is small, however, over time, more and more new spots appear. It is characteristic that the spots quickly turn into tubercles, then into bubbles and finally burst, forming crusts. The rash is distributed throughout the body, even on the mucous membranes.


It appears on the fourth or fifth day after fever, cough and conjunctivitis. Spots that tend to merge appear on the child’s body.

When you have measles, the rash appears on the fourth or fifth day after the fever rises.

The peculiarity of measles is that on the first day, rashes appear on the face, then after a short time on the torso, and, after about a day, on the legs. By that time, the rash on your face may already have disappeared.


Rubella spots spread like measles - from top to bottom. However, unlike measles, they spread much faster. The disease is accompanied by inflammation of the occipital lymph nodes. The spots disappear without a trace.

Rubella rash spreads like measles - from top to bottom

Pregnant women should avoid communicating with children with croasnia, especially in the first months of pregnancy.

Scarlet fever

The rash with scarlet fever begins within a few hours after a rise in temperature, sore throat and sore throat. More often pinpoint rash appears in the folds of the skin. In the second week of the disease, peeling forms after the rash. A characteristic sign of scarlet fever is a “grainy” tongue of bright red color, 2-4 days after the disease.

With scarlet fever, the rash begins a few hours after the fever rises

Patients are prescribed antibiotics to prevent complications in the kidneys and heart. Bed rest and drinking plenty of fluids are recommended.

Erythema infectiosum

Before the rash, the child shows signs of acute respiratory infections - fever, runny nose. Initially, the rash appears in the form of small dots on the face, which then merge. Gradually, the rash spreads throughout the body, uniting and forming spots. After about a week, the rash disappears, but sometimes it can reappear.

Before rashes erythema infectiosum the child shows signs of acute respiratory infections


In children, the temperature rises, the lymph nodes become enlarged and the throat becomes inflamed. Then small rashes appear that quickly spread throughout the body.

With roseola, the child’s temperature rises and the lymph nodes become enlarged

No specific treatment is required for roseola.

Meningococcal infection

Typical symptoms of meningitis include fever, vomiting, drowsiness, stiff neck and rash. The rash first appears on the buttocks and feet, then spreads throughout the body. The rash looks like mosquito bites or injection marks.

With meningitis, the rash first appears on the buttocks and feet, then spreads throughout the body.

The disease develops very rapidly, so at the first signs of meningitis, call a doctor immediately.


Scabies is caused subcutaneous mites and most often it appears on the stomach, between the fingers, on the wrists. The rash is accompanied severe itching, rashes are often paired.

Most often, a scabies rash appears on the stomach, between the fingers, and on the wrists.

This is very contagious disease– if it appears, you should consult a dermatologist.

Insect bites

In the case of insect bites, the affected areas are accompanied by itching, and bite marks are visible. Insect bites are usually general state do not affect the child unless they cause an allergic reaction. Let's say wasp venom is very allergenic.

Allergic rash

One of the important differences between an allergic rash and an infectious one is that the child’s general condition does not suffer. He may become irritable if he is very itchy, but there is no fever or other signs. First of all, it is worth reviewing the diet of the child and the mother if she is breastfeeding, and also pay attention to baby care products and clothing - they should be hypoallergenic. If the allergic rash does not go away, consult a doctor.

With an allergic rash, the child’s general condition does not suffer

If the allergen is not removed, the child may experience anaphylactic shock.

Rash caused by poor child care

Due to improper care of the child, prickly heat may occur, diaper dermatitis and diaper rash. Try not to wrap your baby too tightly and change his diapers and diapers on time. Air baths are recommended for children.

Improper child care causes heat rash

Rash due to blood and vascular disease

The rash occurs due to bleeding under the skin. Its main feature is that when pressed, the spots do not fade or disappear. With such a rash, the child is advised to rest in bed until the doctor arrives.

The rash occurs due to bleeding under the skin

What to do if your child has a rash on his body?

  • Call a doctor at home. So, if an infection occurs, you will not infect people in transport and in the clinic. Until the diagnosis is known, limit your child's contact with pregnant women
  • If you suspect meningitis or find a hemorrhagic rash on your child’s body, call an ambulance immediately
  • Until the doctor comes, you should not lubricate the rash, especially with dyes (green paint, for example) - this will only complicate the diagnosis.

Any rash on a child’s body requires timely treatment, be sure to consult a pediatrician if a rash appears, because a rash that appears on your baby’s body can be either an ordinary heat rash or a sign of a serious illness.

Many young children may develop a rash on their body. It can arise by various reasons. In some cases this is not dangerous, but sometimes such rashes indicate serious illnesses. If a suspicious rash appears, parents should take their child to a doctor, who will determine the cause of the illness and recommend what to do next.

Causes of rashes

A rash on a child’s body may occur for the following reasons:

  • postpartum rashes;
  • manifestation of infectious diseases - scarlet fever, mononucleosis, chickenpox, rubella, measles;
  • atopic dermatitis;
  • an allergic reaction that develops as a result of using hygiene products or eating food;
  • mechanical damage to the skin and reaction to insect bites;
  • problems with blood clotting.

Let's look at these reasons in more detail.

Rashes in newborns

Erythema toxicum. Such rashes can affect half of all full-term babies. They are pustules or white-yellow papules with a diameter of 1 - 2 mm with a red rim. Sometimes only red spots appear, which can be either single or covering the entire body (except for the feet and palms). The largest number of rashes occurs on the second day of life, after which they disappear. It is unknown why toxic erythema appears, but it goes away on its own.

Newborn acne. About 20% of all babies aged three weeks and older go through this condition. A rash in the form of pustules or inflamed papules appears on the face. It can be found much less frequently on the neck and scalp. The cause of this disease is the activation sebaceous glands mother's hormones. Typically, such acne does not require treatment, you just need to maintain careful hygiene. Newborn acne, unlike juvenile acne, does not leave scars or spots and goes away before 6 months of age.

Prickly heat. Very often, newborns experience heat rash, especially in hot weather. It develops due to the fact that the baby is wrapped too tightly, and the contents sweat glands comes out with great difficulty. A small red rash often affects the head, face and diaper rash areas. Spots, blisters and pustules almost never become inflamed and disappear with good care. A decoction of calendula, chamomile or string, added to a baby’s bath during bathing, helps fight heat rash.

Atopic dermatitis

Red spots on a child’s body occur with atopic dermatitis. This disease occurs in every 10 children, but the typical triad of symptoms is not observed in everyone. The triad includes:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • allergic rhinitis;
  • eczema.

The first signs of pathology appear in the child in the first year of life, and the rash is localized mainly on the cheeks, face, extensor surfaces of the legs and arms. The baby experiences severe itching, which can intensify at night, as well as with chemical and temperature effects on the skin. At acute form the rash appears in the form of red papules with liquid discharge. The subacute period is characterized by peeling of the skin, sometimes it can thicken. This is due to the fact that the child constantly scratches the affected areas.

Almost all children overcome this illness without consequences. Only with a hereditary predisposition can the disease develop into chronic form with accession allergic rhinitis or asthma.

To reduce itching and rashes, need to reduce reception time water procedures and stop contact with hard tissues, and treat the skin with moisturizing creams more often. If the skin itches very much, use hormonal ointments.

If the child has an individual intolerance to drugs and food products, then there may arise allergic rashes. They can cover the entire body, be different shapes and sizes. A feature of an allergic rash is that it intensifies under the influence of an allergen and disappears after eliminating the latter. The only one unpleasant symptom This pathology is severe itching.

Quite rarely, Quincke's edema can develop., which is a severe reaction of the body to an allergen. It usually occurs on products or medications. In this case, the red rash on the child’s body lasts quite a long time, and swelling forms in the throat area, blocking the larynx and preventing breathing. This may also appear allergic manifestation like hives. It occurs on medications, foods, and under the influence of temperature factors.

Insect bites

Bites from ants, midges or mosquitoes usually leave marks that become very itchy within a few days. Much more trouble comes from the bites of wasps, bees or hornets. Such insects pierce the skin with a sting and inject poison, causing swelling, severe pain. The danger of such bites lies in the fact that that the child may develop an allergy, the rashes begin to quickly spread throughout the body, causing severe pain and itching. This may cause breathing problems, fainting, and sometimes anaphylactic shock. In this case, you must give the child antihistamine.

Pediatric infectious diseases

A small red rash in a child may be a symptom of the following infectious diseases.


With this disease, an itchy, small red rash appears., which after some time gives way to small blisters with infectious liquid inside. When they break through mechanically (carding) or naturally, red ulcerations remain on the skin. Most often, unpleasant sensations arise from such rashes if they occur in the mouth, genitals, or on the inside of the eyelids. This condition is accompanied by headache and fever.

Scratching the rash is strictly prohibited, as this will only delay recovery. To cure a child, rashes are lubricated with brilliant green or a solution of potassium permanganate. During illness, you should limit your baby’s communication with other people.


This disease is now quite rare. Its first symptoms can easily be confused with colds or digestive problems. Small red rash all over the body appears only a week after infection. It is preceded by fever and very high temperature, reaching up to 40 degrees. First of all, rashes appear on the neck and face, then they begin to spread to the shoulders, stomach, back, and chest. Lastly, the rash covers the legs and arms. When it subsides, the skin on the affected areas turns brown. The consequences of measles can be very severe.

Rubella and roseola

A highly contagious disease. The incubation period proceeds without any symptoms. First of all, a rash appears behind the ears and on the back of the head. After a short period of time, the child’s entire body is covered with red rashes. Rubella is accompanied by fever.

Roseola affects children under two years of age. First, the lymph nodes become enlarged, the body temperature rises and the throat becomes inflamed. Then a small red rash appears on the face, which begins to quickly spread throughout the body. This is a highly contagious disease. It goes away on its own.

Scarlet fever and meningitis

First, body temperature increases. Then a characteristic rash in the form of pimples appears on the tongue. After some time, a small rash covers the entire body, arms and legs. After the rash disappears, the skin in the affected areas begins to peel off. This is a contagious disease, so you must avoid any contact with others.

Meningitis is very dangerous illness. It can even affect newborn babies . Its symptoms include:

The rash resembles an injection mark or a mosquito bite. First they appear on the buttocks and abdomen, and then on lower limbs. If timely measures are not taken, the rash increases in size and resembles bruises. At the first symptoms of meningitis, you should immediately consult a doctor, as delay can be fatal.

What to do if your child has a rash?

If the baby's entire body is covered with a small rash, you need to pay attention to whether there are any signs infectious infection, for example, sore throat, diarrhea, vomiting, high fever. Then you should determine whether the rash covers the child’s entire body or is localized in certain areas. It is necessary to evaluate what type of rash the rash has: in the form of spots, purulent formations, blisters with liquid, etc.

Such an examination helps to understand whether it is necessary to urgently show the child to the doctor. After comparing all the symptoms and signs, the doctor may prescribe necessary treatment. If an infection is suspected, it is best to call a doctor at home and isolate the sick baby in a separate room. Before the pediatrician arrives, it is not recommended to treat the rash with any means, so as not to complicate the diagnosis.

Thus, there are quite a few reasons for the appearance of a small red rash in a child. In this case, you should not panic, it's better to see a doctor. Only a specialist can determine how serious the situation is and, if necessary, prescribe the correct treatment. Self-medication is prohibited.

Rash – the child's body's reaction to various changes: the appearance of allergies, the consequences of acute respiratory viral infections and others inflammatory process and other. Below the text will describe the causes of the rash on the child’s body, photos with explanations.

Rash on a child's body

A rash on a child’s body may appear for several reasons: of different nature. Most often these are consequences or signs of the baby’s painful conditions. It's important to note that the rash can't just appear. To find out the reasons, you need to visit a doctor.

It is for the reasons for the appearance that the types of rash are distinguished. Classification example:

Allergic rash in children photo

Allergic rash in children (pictured) it may appear for various reasons: as a reaction to a new product in the child’s diet, or if the child has eaten too much of a product; for flowering of plants and shrubs; for various fragrances or aerosols for the home.

The main difference between an allergic rash and rashes associated with other diseases is general condition of the child's body: fever appears extremely rarely, the child is active, and his appetite does not disappear. In general, the baby feels and behaves as usual.

If an allergic rash appears, you should consult a specialist. And parents also need to remember that something new has been introduced into the child’s life: a new product, some kind of medicine or vitamins, and perhaps they went somewhere on vacation, changed their place of stay. Present all the information to the doctor, and then simply act based on the recommendations for the child. In such cases, most often antihistamines are prescribed. IN mandatory everyone is excluded from the child’s life possible reasons the appearance of this allergy.

A child has a rash all over his body without fever

There can be many reasons for the appearance of this rash. Eg:

All these diseases in most cases are not accompanied by fever. But 99% have a rash. And parents shouldn't panic. A child’s rash all over the body without fever is just the child’s body’s response to the virus inside it.

Also, the cause of the appearance of a rash without fever can be the “classic” one:

or :

What is the correct behavior of parents in this case? Firstly, no panic; secondly, immediately call a doctor for examination; thirdly, it is imperative to monitor the child’s condition in the future and transfer everything to a specialist. And lastly, strictly follow all prescribed instructions from your doctor.

The reasons for the appearance of a small rash on a child’s body that looks like goosebumps (pictured):

Treatment for such a rash is prescribed by a specialist, based on the root cause of its appearance.

Rash due to enterovirus infection in children photo

This type of infection is especially dangerous for children. Why? is an infection of “dirty hands”. Namely, children, as you know, put everything “in their mouths”, try everything, and in most cases do not wash their hands. As a result - . In adults, the onset of this disease most often occurs only from an infected person through touch.

The rash in children (pictured) consists of many small and medium-sized bumps collected in small clusters.

The first to be affected are the mucous membranes, for example oral cavity. Then the rash spreads to the extremities (palms, hands, heels and ankles), then throughout the body. It is important that with this disease the child may experience vomiting and nausea. And areas of the skin where there is a rash, they itch terribly.

Treatment consists of reception antiviral drugs , of course, on the recommendation of a specialist after the examination. The course of each baby is different. Basically, the disease lasts no more than 5-7 days, then when proper treatment the child recovers and is fully restored.

Rash on a child's back

A rash on the back of a child is a common occurrence. The reasons for the appearance may be the following:

In every case, a rash is a sign of painful changes. The rash may have different character and appearance– small, large, in the form of papules, flattened, purulent or filled with liquid, etc.

Depending on the cause of the appearance, there will be appropriate treatment.

Rash on a child's stomach

The cause of a rash on the stomach of a child can be, like the most common heat rash, an allergic reaction, or the appearance infectious disease. So is the result of the course of a serious illness in the baby’s body.

In this case, it is better not to hope that this is just . Better call a pediatrician at home, based on the examination results, the doctor will prescribe treatment. Or he will general recommendations for child care so that the rash no longer bothers the baby.

Calling an ambulance is necessary in the following cases:

  • Observed sharp increase temperature after the appearance of a rash on the child’s stomach.
  • The rash takes on the character of ulcers with discharge.
  • The baby becomes lethargic, inactive, and drowsy.
  • The appearance of a rash not only in the child, but also in other children or parents.

Every mother sooner or later asks the question: if a rash appears on a child’s body, what to do? Sometimes the rash is a reaction to physiological changes in children's body, Not dangerous, but also exist pathological causes rashes that require immediate action to eliminate them.

Some parents simply ignore this, especially if the child has a rash on the body without fever, and some begin to give various medications without consulting a doctor. In both the first and second cases, a mistake is made, because for some diseases it is very important to quickly identify the cause of the rash and prescribe appropriate treatment.

What the rash might look like

A child’s rash does not always appear all over the body; very often it occurs in a limited area. It is formed both symmetrically and asymmetrically, acquiring all sorts of shapes:

  • Spots are a limited area of ​​skin of a different color (can be white, red, pink, etc.). As a rule, the spots do not protrude above the surface of the skin.
  • Bubbles and vesicles are small or large formations with liquid inside.
  • Papules are formations above the surface of the skin without a cavity inside. You can feel it well.
  • A pustule is a cavity with pus inside.
  • A plaque is a formation that has a large area and is raised above the skin.
  • Tubercles are formations that do not have a cavity and are clearly felt upon palpation.

The color of the rash can also vary - from pale pink to purple. The child's photo is shown below.

Each type of rash can indicate absolutely for various reasons Therefore, to make a diagnosis, it is very important to determine the location of the rash and its type.


If a rash appears on a child’s body, the causes of this condition are very diverse, but they can still be divided into main categories:

The symptoms of the rash are quite multifaceted. It depends on what reason contributed to it. Next, we will look at what pathologies can cause a rash and what signs they are accompanied by.

Non-communicable diseases. Newborn acne

Approximately 20-30% of infants develop so-called neonatal acne, which is characterized by the appearance of a rash on the child’s body without fever. The main location is the face and hairy part heads, neck. Rash in in this case looks like papules and pustules. This occurs due to the fact that maternal hormones affect the functioning of children's sebaceous glands. Does not require special care, except for moisturizing and careful hygiene. As a rule, it goes away on its own within the first 6 months of the baby’s life.

Prickly heat

A rash that occurs in warm time years or when tightly wrapped in clothes. The reason is difficulty in sweat escaping and increased humidity when wrapped. Often occurs in areas of diaper rash. This rash rarely causes inflammation, but it causes discomfort as it can be very itchy. Passes at proper care pretty quickly.

Atopic dermatitis

This is a disease that a large number of mothers encounter during the first days of a baby’s life. Dermatitis has genetic predisposition And allergic nature. Characterized by the appearance of red itchy spots and dry skin. The rash may cover a small area - with mild form, and spread over a large area of ​​the body. In some cases, when the rash is extensive, the child develops marks from scratching all over the body, as unbearable itching occurs. As a result, a secondary infection is sometimes associated with dermatitis.

Since dermatitis has several stages of development, there are also many variants of rashes for this disease. These can be spots, papules, vesicles, plaques, crusts. Sometimes, if treatment is not done in a timely manner, scars and pigment spots remain on the skin after rashes.

Teething rash

Sometimes during teething the baby is bothered by a rash located in the mouth area. These are small pimples that appear due to increased salivation, and then by the friction of this area. This rash does not leave any consequences and, as a rule, goes away on its own. To make the healing process faster, you can gently wipe the mouth area from drool and prevent the child from licking dirty hands, as there is a risk of infection.

Allergic rash in children

If parents notice the appearance of a rash on a child’s body without fever, this is most likely an allergic reaction. Nowadays people are surrounded by great amount all kinds of allergens. Children are most susceptible to them, so at the first manifestations you need to identify the cause and get rid of the irritant. Allergic reactions can be of the following types:

  • Food. When a child eats a product that is an allergen for him. Appears within approximately 24 hours. In this case, the rash occurs on the child’s face, stomach, arms and legs.
  • Household. In this case, the allergen can come from laundry detergent, chlorinated pool water, new shampoo, and many other household products.

An allergic rash looks like red spots on the child’s body, but sometimes plaques and scratches appear, since such rashes are very disturbing itchy skin. One type of rash in this case is hives - pink or red blisters that are very itchy. When scratched, they increase in size and can merge with each other, forming large affected areas. In addition to the rash, symptoms may include irritability, moodiness, runny nose and cough.

In newborn children, the allergen can enter the body with mother's milk. A nursing woman needs to review her diet as soon as possible. There are also cases when allergies are triggered by food. expectant mother during pregnancy. Sometimes a child develops a rash all over his body. But after getting rid of the allergen, the rash goes away very quickly. A photo of an allergic rash on a child’s body is presented above.

Insect bites

Insect bites are a very common occurrence, especially in the summer. Many parents are frightened by red spots, which can be large and appear above the skin. But, as a rule, other than itching, they do not have any third-party symptoms or consequences. But the exception is allergic consequences to the saliva and poison of some insects. In this case, it is very important to give an antihistamine at the first sign of allergy. One more dangerous phenomenon when bitten, they are infectious diseases, the carriers of which are some insects.

Infectious type rash in children

The appearance of a rash in a child throughout the body very often occurs due to infectious diseases. Some of them are common in childhood, because after a child gets sick, he develops one hundred percent immunity. Cases of reinfection occur very rarely. If the rash appears due to infection, then the symptoms will be fever and a small rash on the child’s body; chills, cough, runny nose, lack of appetite, and general malaise are also added here.

In childhood, the most common diseases accompanied by a rash are the following:

  • Varicella (chickenpox). This disease is highly contagious and is easily transmitted by airborne droplets. The incubation period lasts 2-3 weeks. General malaise, accompanied by a moderate increase in temperature, sometimes slight abdominal pain, occurs 1-2 days before the onset of the rash. Then a small rash appears on the child’s body, which is located chaotically, not affecting only the feet and palms. At first it looks like a red spot, which as soon as possible turns into a papule, and that, in turn, into a vesicle with an infectious liquid inside. At the site where it breaks through, either naturally or mechanically (during combing) a crust forms. The rashes are accompanied by itching, but you should not scratch them, as you can spread the infection even further. Chickenpox is characterized by the fact that during the illness there are several spots that are completely covered with a crust. Then they disappear completely, leaving small scars that disappear after a while. This happens approximately on the tenth day from the onset of the rash. It is not recommended to visit public places during illness. After recovery, the child develops lifelong immunity to chicken pox. Re-infection happens only due to reduced immunity and under stress.
  • Measles. Very contagious infection transmitted by airborne droplets. Nowadays, measles rarely appears, mainly in the form of short outbreaks in certain regions. Hidden form the illness lasts approximately 2-4 weeks, then within about four days the first signs of the illness begin to appear, which can very easily be confused with a cold or indigestion: cough, runny nose, loose stool, elevated temperature, which can rise to 40 degrees. After this period, rashes begin, which are cyclical. First, white spots appear on the inside, which look like semolina porridge. These spots are very important symptom measles Then rashes appear on the face and neck, go down to the chest, shoulders, stomach and back, and then a rash appears on the child’s body on the legs and arms. On the fourth day, the primary symptoms begin to subside, and the rash begins to subside. At the site of the spots, the skin becomes brown, then begins to peel off and clears up after 7-14 days. During measles, the rash may itch a little, and sometimes small bruises appear. Sometimes individual spots can merge into a continuous surface. It is worth noting that some manifestations of measles may occur within 10 days after receiving the live measles vaccine.
  • Rubella is contagious viral disease transmitted by airborne droplets. The incubation period can last up to three weeks. At the end of this period, a slight increase in temperature, general malaise, joint pain, and inflamed cervical lymph nodes may occur. Then a small rash appears on the child’s body. It starts on the forehead and cheeks and spreads throughout the body. Favorite places for rubella are the areas around the joints, knees, elbows and buttocks. The rash with this disease does not affect the child’s feet and palms. After about four days, the rashes stop, and after a week there is no trace left of them.
  • Roseola is a contagious disease that can affect anyone infant. The first signs will be an increase in temperature, sore throat and enlarged lymph nodes. Then a small rash appears on the child’s body, similar to rubella rashes.

  • Scarlet fever is an infectious disease caused by streptococcus. It is transmitted by airborne droplets; there are no vaccinations against this disease. The latent phase lasts about a week. Then an elevated temperature appears (up to 38-40 degrees), the lymph nodes become enlarged and symptoms of sore throat appear. The tongue becomes covered with a white coating. When cleared, it becomes a bright crimson color with pronounced papillae. After 1-2 days, a rash begins, which first affects the face, then the neck and everything else. Most of the rashes are in the groin, in the elbows, on the inside of the arms and legs, in the fold area. At first the rash has bright color, but as the spots decrease, they begin to fade. A clear sign Scarlet fever is a pale nasolabial triangle against a background of bright red cheeks. This occurs because the rash does not affect this area and the skin in this area does not turn red. After 4-7 days, the rash goes away, but leaves behind peeling. The sore throat has to be treated for some more time.
  • Infectious mononucleosis- an infection belonging to herpes viruses and not too contagious. Characteristic features mononucleosis are inflammation lymph nodes, enlarged spleen and liver, body aches, tonsils covered with plaque, fever. A rash with this disease occurs very rarely. If rashes do appear, they look like a small pink rash that does not itch and goes away without a trace within a few days.
  • Meningococcal infection. This is a very dangerous disease that requires immediate attention. therapeutic actions, since delay is fraught with death of the patient. Meningococcus is a bacterium that lives in the nasopharynx of 5-10% of people and does not cause concern. Because of viral infections or decreased immunity, the active growth phase of the bacterium may begin, leading to dangerous consequences. Transmitted by air. When it enters the bloodstream, it travels to the brain, causing meningitis. In this case, no rash is observed. The main symptoms are fever, drowsiness, vomiting, loose stools, stiff neck, confusion, the child cannot reach his chin chest. Symptoms develop very quickly. Meningococcus can also cause sepsis. It is very dangerous! The temperature can rise to 41 degrees and be accompanied by uncontrollable vomiting. Within a few hours, a rash appears that has an uneven star-shaped shape and a bright purple or bluish color; there is no itching. Individual rashes may merge into one large dark purple spot. On the feet and palms, this fusion forms “socks” and “gloves.” In such cases, the skin in these areas may die. Sometimes meningitis and sepsis occur simultaneously. Meningococcal infection is deadly! At the first symptoms, you should immediately go to infectious diseases hospital. With this disease, every second counts. Before the ambulance arrives, you need to lay the child on the floor with his legs elevated; if he loses consciousness, lay him on his side, and do not give him anything to drink or eat.

  • Scabies. This disease is caused by the scabies mite. The rash is localized between the fingers, in groin area, on the wrists, legs, butt and anywhere there is thin skin. The rash is accompanied by severe itching, which occurs as the tick passes under the child's skin. Scabies is highly contagious.

The difference between an infectious rash and a non-infectious one

Infectious rash must be accompanied additional symptoms, while non-infectious occurs practically without third-party manifestations. So, a rash on the body of a child with a fever will always indicate infectious nature diseases. Rashes without external symptoms do not pose a serious danger. The photo (without fever the disease is not so dangerous) is not a very pleasant sight.

Itching without rash

Sometimes parents are alarmed by the situation in which the child itches, but external reasons fails to notice. Body itching in a child without a rash can be for several reasons, but the final conclusion can be made only after seeing a doctor and undergoing certain tests:

A rash is not an independent disease, but a symptom. Therefore, first of all, you need to find the cause of the rash. It is not recommended to self-medicate even in situations where parents are confident that they know the cause. In any case, you should consult a doctor. Therapy will depend on the diagnosis and condition of the sick child:

  • If an allergic reaction is confirmed, it is necessary to exclude contact with the allergen and take antihistamines.
  • For chickenpox, treatment will be aimed at relieving symptoms - antipyretic drugs and antihistamines are prescribed to help relieve itching. Rashes can be burned with brilliant green. It is allowed to bathe the child, but only by gently pouring water over it.

Prevention of infectious diseases is vaccination. It is strictly forbidden to pick off the rashes, squeeze them out or comb them.

Dangerous symptoms

There are some symptoms that accompany the rash, and for which you should immediately call an ambulance:

  • The rash covers the entire area of ​​the body.
  • There is unbearable itching.
  • There is a fever.
  • Accompanied by swelling, vomiting, loss of consciousness and nausea.
  • Most danger sign- if the rash looks like stellate hemorrhages.


In most cases, the rash is not serious. But it's worth remembering serious illnesses, which she can accompany. Therefore, if a rash appears on a child’s body with fever and other symptoms, it is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible.

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