Home Smell from the mouth List of hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs. Steroid drugs what is this list of drugs

List of hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs. Steroid drugs what is this list of drugs

When simple drugs no longer help, steroids can always relieve inflammation and pain. Powerful hormonal-based drugs have a number of severe side effects. To avoid them, you need to clearly know everything about the drug that enters the body.

Most joint diseases are accompanied by inflammation. This leads to the development of a symptom complex, headed by pain. Steroid drugs prescribed to get rid of inflammatory phenomena V damaged tissues. At the microscopic level, this is achieved by preventing the movement of leukocyte blood cells to the lesion.

Most pathologies of the musculoskeletal system are associated with autoimmune mechanisms. In this case, for some reason, the body’s own protective agents are directed to the cartilage tissue and destroy it. This process is observed in cases of ankylosing spondylitis. Steroids block the flow of these agents, thereby preventing their destruction.

In the presence of infection (bacterial, viral nature), steroid drugs reduce permeability cell membranes, which leads to stopping the release of destructive enzymes. This leads to a rapid reduction in inflammation. A number of complex biochemical reactions occur after the administration of hormone-based products. All of them lead to relief from the main manifestations of the inflammatory syndrome.

Indications for steroids

Most doctors try not to prescribe steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for the treatment of joints for a long time due to high risk development of side effects.

Some circumstances require the use of glucocorticosteroids. They are:

  • pronounced inflammatory process,
  • full or insufficient effectiveness,
  • development of side effects while taking non-steroidal drugs,
  • systemic manifestations of the disease (for example, rheumatoid vasculitis),
  • intolerance to the drug.

If the dosage is chosen correctly, the patient can quickly relieve symptoms.

Possible courses of drug treatment

Depending on the goals of therapy, the following dosage regimens may be prescribed:

  • low (5-15 mg/day) doses of glucocorticosteroids,
  • high (more than 20-60 mg/day) doses,
  • pulse therapy (1000 mg/day).

Small amounts of the drug used over a long period of time significantly reduce the progression of the lesions. For example, a dosage of 7 mg may be used. At the beginning of therapy, it is divided into 2-3 doses. As the inflammatory process subsides, the steroid is taken in the morning until there is persistent clinical improvement. The duration of treatment depends on the nature of the disease. Sometimes it is several months. If you take the hormone at night, you can get rid of morning symptoms such as stiffness and joint pain.

To quickly relieve severe manifestations of the disease, so-called pulse therapy is used. It consists of drip administration of steroids. In this case, 1000 mg of the hormone is diluted with 150 ml of isotonic water, and the solution is administered over 45 minutes for three days. Treatment quickly eliminates symptoms, but does not affect the further pathological process.

Side effects of anti-inflammatory drugs

The following side effects are observed when using glucocorticosteroids:

  • increased blood sugar levels,
  • arterial hypertension,
  • Cushing's syndrome,
  • osteoporosis,
  • renal failure,
  • progression of the disease against the background of relief from symptoms,
  • nephritis and pyelonephritis,
  • sinusitis, tonsillitis and other exacerbations of chronic infection,
  • glaucoma, cataracts, etc.

It is important to remember that under no circumstances should you self-prescribe glucocorticosteroids. An incorrectly selected dosage can provoke a worsening of the condition, which is difficult to correct with medication.

Reception hormonal drugs for the treatment of joints should be accompanied by dynamic monitoring of health status. Patients using steroids have their arterial pressure, blood sugar and calcium levels. If necessary, undergo FGDS.

Who should not use steroids?

Since hormones increase blood pressure, they should not be taken by patients with severe arterial hypertension.

In addition, drugs can be dangerous if:

  • peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum,
  • low kidney function,
  • glaucoma and cataracts,
  • herpes virus infection,
  • diabetes mellitus,
  • kidney amyloidosis,
  • osteoporosis,
  • myopathies,
  • pregnancy, breastfeeding,
  • allergic reaction.

Even if the patient does not have the listed conditions, only the attending physician can prescribe glucocorticosteroids. He will calculate the required dosage, monitor the effectiveness of the drug, and take the necessary measures if adverse events develop.

Methods of administering hormonal drugs for joint diseases

Steroids are available in various forms: solutions, tablets, ointments. Accordingly, they can be taken orally, injected into veins, joints, muscles, skin, and the affected area can be treated with ointments and gels.

It is important to remember that even the external use of hormones must be strictly calculated, since active substance still gets into the body. The annotation for each product states what the single dosage is. It should be followed.

A doctor can determine which method is necessary. It depends on the disease, its degree, as well as concomitant diseases. Intra-articular administration is required when it is necessary to quickly relieve the patient of painful symptoms. Once in the cavity, the hormone acts only on the source of inflammation, without causing harm to other body systems. The success of such treatment depends on the professionalism of the specialist, the drug, and its dosage.

Diprospan in the treatment of joints

The product is available in the form of a solution in 1 ml ampoules containing betamethasone (active ingredient) 5 mg. Due to the fact that diprospan contains different fractions of betamethasone, it has an immediate effect that lasts for some time.

It can be administered intramuscularly and intraarticularly. The dose is determined by the size of the joint and the severity of the condition. So, for example, 1 ml is required for the shoulders and knees; in the ankles, wrists and elbows, 0.5 ml; in small metatarsals, fingers, etc. - less than 0.2 ml. It is not recommended to administer diprospan more than once every 3 months in the same place. Low effectiveness indicates the need to review basic treatment with other drugs.

It is usually not necessary to combine the administration of the drug with anesthesia. But it is not forbidden to mix diprospan and local anesthetic (lidocaine, novocaine) in one syringe.

Long-term use of diprospan can cause weight gain, neurological disorders, the addition of a secondary infection. It must be taken under regular monitoring of blood sugar levels.

Other drugs containing betameson are Akriderm, Beloderm, Betliben, Celestoderm, Flosteron.

The active active substance is methylprednisolone. The product is available in the form of tablets of 4, 16 mg, lyophilisate for solution preparation - 250 mg.

The tablet form of metipred is used for the following pathologies:

  • SLE (lupus), its articular manifestations,
  • rheumatoid and
  • rheumatism,
  • Bechterew's disease (ankylosing spondylitis),
  • inflammation of any part of the joint.

Metypred solution is used to treat the acute form of rheumatoid arthritis. Pulse therapy is carried out together with cyclophosphamide. To achieve lasting improvement, use 1000 mg of both products. In this case, cyclophosphamide is administered only on the first day of treatment intravenously in 400 ml of isotonic solution. For the remaining days, only metypred is administered. Noticeable results occur on the 2-3rd day of therapy.

Analogues of Metypred are Depot Medrol, Ivepred, Lemod, Medrol, Solu-Medrol, etc. They all contain methylprednisolone and act similarly.

A well-known drug from the group of glucocorticosteroids, prednisolone, is included in the list of vital important medicines. It is used for inflammation of the joints after injuries, rheumatism, ankylosing spondylitis, arthrosis, etc.

Prednisolone can be administered inside the joint, parenterally, orally, and also used externally. High doses of the drug are used when treatment of reactive arthritis is ineffective. Prescribed 40-60 mg. prednisolone per day orally or intravenously as pulse therapy.

Treatment can be supplemented with an ointment for external use containing 0.5% of the active substance. It is applied to the affected area 1-3 times a day. The duration of the course is from 1 to 2 weeks. Further prescription of prednisolone requires repeated consultation with a specialist. To enhance the effect, you can apply the drug followed by applying a bandage.

Many companies produce products based on prednisolone. They are Decortin, Prednisol, Solu-Decortin, Prednisolone-bufus, etc. Methylprednisolone contains the drug Urbazon.

The corticosteroid, produced in the form of ointments and powder for the preparation of a solution, is used externally, intra-articularly, intramuscularly, intramuscularly for the treatment of joint diseases. Indications are similar to prednisolone.

Typically, prednisolone therapy begins with the administration of 100-500 mg of the drug. Subsequently, the dosage can be increased based on the clinical picture. High doses are not used. If hydrocortisone is injected into the joint cavity, then more than 3 anatomical areas cannot be treated at the same time. In this case, the following conditions are contraindications for administration:

  • bone fracture inside the joint cavity,
  • pronounced deformation,
  • severe osteoporosis,
  • absence of symptoms of the disease,
  • joint instability,
  • history of arthroplasty,
  • tendency to bleed
  • necrosis of articular surfaces.

Physiotherapeutic procedures (phonophoresis) can be performed with hydrocortisone. The drug is not used as monotherapy, only in combination with other methods of treatment. Products containing hydrocortisone can be produced by different manufacturers. The most popular names are Lokoid, Akortin, Corteid, Solu-Cortef, Cortef, Sopolkort-N.

Regardless of the country and company that produces the drug, the maximum single and daily dosage must be observed. To avoid poisoning, side effects and direct the effect of the drug in the right direction, you should be treated only under the supervision of a specialist.

One of the common pathological processes in the body is inflammation. Inflammatory reaction is not simply the human body's response to infection or injury. This is protection and damage at the same time.


With mechanical, chemical, thermal or infectious damage to any organ, inflammation develops in it. What it is?

The inflammatory process is primarily an increase in local blood circulation and the production of special substances designed to fight the damaging agent. Thanks to this reaction, the body is able to restore its integrity and eliminate the effects external factor. However, the results of the inflammatory process do not occur unnoticed by humans. Accelerated blood flow and the release of inflammatory mediators leads to the following symptoms:

  • edema;
  • deformation;
  • redness;
  • local increase in temperature;
  • pain.

Together they lead to dysfunction. The most obvious manifestation of the inflammatory process is in the joint area. It often forces the patient to see a doctor.

Arthritis and arthrosis

If one joint is affected, this pathology is called monoarthritis; if there is multiple inflammation, it is called polyarthritis. There is also an intermediate state when only one or two joints are involved in the process. Then it will be an oligoarthritis variant of the disease.

Usually, special doctors - rheumatologists - treat inflamed joints. Sometimes they can observe the patient together with other specialists - cardiologists, endocrinologists, dermatovenerologists. The causes of inflammatory processes in the joints are very diverse and the list of diseases that cause arthritis is quite large.

Do joint inflammation need to be treated? Or is it better to let the body fight infection or injury on its own?

It is certainly necessary to treat arthritis. First of all, during inflammatory processes in the joints, the pain syndrome is quite pronounced. It limits his motor function. In addition, the joint will work worse due to developing edema. Repeated inflammatory processes in the joints subsequently lead to the development of a degenerative disease - arthrosis.

The same thing happens with untreated arthritis. In severe cases, these two diseases occur simultaneously, and without treatment the patient will experience great suffering.

Are there effective methods treatment of joint diseases?


As can be seen from the mechanism of development of the pathological process in the joint, treatment should be primarily aimed at reducing inflammation. This will have the following effects:

  1. Inhibition of the inflammatory, and therefore destructive reaction in the joint. Inflammatory mediators can destroy not only a foreign agent, but also worsen the condition of their own organs.
  2. Reducing swelling. Edema is a localized accumulation of fluid due to increased blood flow. One of the clearest manifestations of inflammation.
  3. Reducing pain intensity. Both the work of inflammatory agents and compression of edematous tissues lead to the development of pain. Elimination of these pathological processes significantly alleviates the patient's condition.
  4. Restoring range of motion in the joint. This becomes possible when local swelling is eliminated and pain subsides.

To treat arthritis and arthrosis, there is a class of medications called anti-inflammatory drugs. According to their structure, they are steroidal (hormones) and non-steroidal (NSAIDs).


Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, or NSAIDs, can suppress any inflammation - regardless of the cause that caused it. Besides, the most important property NSAIDs prevent the development of drug dependence.

The list of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs is huge. It includes more than eighty medications, on the basis of which about a thousand different dosage forms have been created.

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are most often used as individual drugs, but can sometimes be included in combination forms.

Every year, about 300 million people use NSAIDs, most of them purchasing over-the-counter medications. In Russia, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs occupy about 30–35% of the total pharmaceutical market. Every fifth patient in the therapeutic department receives a prescription for NSAIDs.

A third of the world's population has used an anti-inflammatory drug at least once in their lives.

How do non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs work?

Principle of operation

The mechanism of action of NSAIDs is quite complex. There are three main actions in their work:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • pain reliever;
  • antipyretic.

Any of the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs has these effects, but they can be expressed to varying degrees. So, Aspirin perfectly reduces fever, Analgin relieves pain, and Diclofenac eliminates inflammation. But if necessary, it is quite possible to use Diclofenac for fever, and Analgin to relieve the inflammatory process. All NSAIDs are interchangeable, but when selecting therapy, it is highly advisable to take into account their most pronounced effect. What happens when you take anti-inflammatory drugs?

Anti-inflammatory effect

The anti-inflammatory effect of drugs is nonspecific. This means that they are equally effective in combating any inflammatory reaction.

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs suppress two phases of the pathological process - alterative, or damaging, and exudative (edematous). In addition, most of these drugs are chemical composition refers to organic acids, therefore, will accumulate in the acidic environment of the inflammatory focus and directly affect the processes occurring in it. Increased permeability of small vessels - capillaries - during inflammation also helps the medicine reach the source of the disease.

An important mechanism of the anti-inflammatory effect of NSAIDs is their effect on cyclooxygenase (COX). At the beginning of the pathological process, special substances - prostaglandins - begin to be released into the blood. They contribute to the progression of inflammation - both acute and chronic. The regulator of their production is the enzyme COX. By suppressing its activity, drugs significantly inhibit the pathological process. This is how the anti-inflammatory effect of NSAIDs is realized.

Analgesic effect

The analgesic effect of NSAIDs is also associated with inhibition of prostaglandin production. In addition, the reduction of inflammatory edema when using them is also of certain importance. Compression of tissue by liquid can cause significant pain.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are significantly inferior in their analgesic effect to morphine derivatives - narcotic analgesics. However, unlike the latter, they do not cause addiction, euphoria or withdrawal symptoms. NSAIDs do not depress the respiratory center like morphine.

The analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect of NSAIDs has found application in various colics, arthrosis, arthritis, myositis, and neuralgia.

Antipyretic effect

All NSAIDs have the property of lowering body temperature. However, they only work in conditions of fever - when infectious diseases, poisoning, malignant tumors. Normal temperature Unlike, for example, antipsychotics, NSAIDs do not reduce the body’s

The antipyretic effect is associated with blocking cyclooxygenase, inhibition of prostaglandin production and an effect on the thermoregulation center in the hypothalamus.

The effectiveness of reducing fever among different drugs can vary significantly.


Considering great amount NSAIDs, for ease of use, are divided into groups according to structure, strength of anti-inflammatory action, and duration of effect.

The classification of anti-inflammatory drugs by chemical structure distinguishes several groups. These are derivatives of the following acids:

  1. Salicylic acid and anthranilic acid. The most well-known medicinal substances in this group are acetylsalicylic acid, sodium salicylate, niflumic and mefenamic acids. One of the first drugs in this group is Aspirin.
  2. Arilalkanovs. These include diclofenac, ketorolac, ketoprofen, naproxen, ibuprofen. In pharmacies, these drugs are known under the names Diklak, Dikloberl, Voltaren, Ketanov, Fastum, Ibuprom.
  3. Enolikova. These are pyrazolidinediones (phenylbutazone) and oxicams (meloxicam, piroxicam). Trade names of drugs in this group are Movalis, Melbek, Revmoxicam.
  4. In addition, non-acid derivatives are isolated - colchicine, proquazone, epirazole, and combination drugs - Arthrotec. Arthrotec is diclofenac with misoprostol. The latter protects the gastric lining from the irritating effects of NSAIDs.

However, the classification of NSAIDs by intensity of action is of great practical interest. There are high activity anti-inflammatory drugs:

  • Salicylates (well-known acetylsalicylic acid).
  • Pyrazolidines - phenylbutazone, or Butadione, is often used.
  • Indoleacetic acid. Its main representative is Indomethacin.
  • The phenylacetic acid group and the gold standard in rheumatology is diclofenac.
  • Oxicams – meloxicam and piroxicam.
  • Medicines based propionic acid– dexketoprofen, ketoprofen, and also ibuprofen.
  • Sulfonamide and its derivatives. These are nimesulide (Nimesil), celecoxib.

Highly active NSAIDs are widely used to treat rheumatological diseases. However, drugs with mild anti-inflammatory effects have also found their niche. They are used as a pain reliever - non-narcotic analgesics.

Low anti-inflammatory activity is observed in the following drugs:

  • Mefenamic acid.
  • Ketorolac (Ketanov, Ketolong).
  • Paracetamol (Panadol).
  • Metamizole, or Analgin.

Another classification of NSAIDs is also widely used - by time of action. Drugs can be divided into 3 groups:

  1. Medicines with a short period of action - diclofenac and ibuprofen, ketoprofen, indomethacin.
  2. Medium duration - naproxen and sulindac.
  3. Long-acting medications are phenylbutazone and a group of oxicams.

The duration of action of the drug is important in the ongoing treatment of arthrosis or other rheumatological diseases. It is much more convenient to take one tablet per day than 2-3.

Despite the huge number of existing anti-inflammatory drugs, new medications are constantly being developed - with minimal side effects and maximum effectiveness. Today, new generation non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are very popular among rheumatologists. What medications are they, and what makes them different from other NSAIDs?

Modern generation of NSAIDs

Why is the synthesis and research of new anti-inflammatory drugs necessary if the existing ones cope with their tasks perfectly? In addition, unlike narcotic analgesics, addiction does not develop to them.

The difficulty of long-term use of NSAIDs is associated with their side effects. The most severe complications which may threaten the patient are the formation of stomach ulcers and bleeding. Since the treatment of arthrosis is usually long-term, the high frequency of such complications imposes significant restrictions on the use of such medications. That is why last years In medicine, not only stronger but also safer drugs were actively developed. New generation NSAIDs include oxicams and coxibs.


Oxycams appeared on the pharmaceutical market not so long ago, but are widely used in the treatment of many diseases. Most often they are used in rheumatology to treat joints.

Oxycams are represented by the following medicinal substances:

  • piroxicam;
  • meloxicam;
  • lornoxicam.

Piroxicam is known commercially as Pirocam or Erazon. Its anti-inflammatory effect is very strong, although it develops quite slowly. A pronounced effect is observed only at the end of the second week of continuous use. Piroxicam reaches its peak effect after 3–4 weeks.

In addition to anti-inflammatory, the drug also has a strong analgesic effect, which occurs quickly, especially with intramuscular injection. However, Piroxicam is a rather toxic drug; it has a negative effect on the gastrointestinal tract (GIT).

Meloxicam is a bright representative latest generation anti-inflammatory drugs. It selectively inhibits a subtype of the cyclooxygenase enzyme - COX-2, so it side properties minimal. Meloxicam is significantly less toxic to the gastrointestinal tract and kidneys than piroxicam or diclofenac. In the pharmaceutical market it is known under the names Movalis, Melbek, Revmoxicam.

Lornoxicam, unlike other drugs in this group, has the most pronounced analgesic effect. In terms of the strength of its analgesic effect, it can be compared with morphine derivatives. It is commercially known as Xefocam and is available in the form of injections and tablets.


Coxibs belong to the modern generation of NSAIDs. They, like oxicams, selectively inhibit the action of COX-2. Coxibs have pronounced anti-inflammatory activity. In addition, they are also used as non-narcotic analgesics. Due to their selective action, their side effects occur much less frequently. When using coxibs, damage to the digestive, urinary, or blood coagulation systems is infrequently observed.

However, some studies have shown that long-term use of coxibs can worsen the condition of the cardiovascular system, and therefore the advisability of using these drugs remains debatable. In pharmacies, this generation is represented by celecoxib - Celebrex.

And yet, despite greater safety, even the new generation of NSAIDs is characterized by the same side effects as long-known drugs.

Side effects

All anti-inflammatory drugs have an ulcerogenic effect - they affect the mucous membranes with the formation of erosions or ulcers. Long-term use of NSAIDs is fraught with the development of gastric and duodenal ulcers. The same happens in case of drug overdose. Particularly dangerous for digestive system aspirin. Aspirin ulcers are not uncommon when treated with this drug. Also highly toxic to gastrointestinal tract are piroxicam and indomethacin.

In addition to the ulcerogenic effect, NSAIDs can affect the coagulation system - thin the blood. This property is used in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, for the prevention of heart attack and stroke. However, for heart diseases, NSAIDs - aspirin - are prescribed in small doses.

If the medicine is used for anti-inflammatory purposes, in the usual dosage, it can cause bleeding - gastric, intestinal or hemorrhoidal. This happens especially often when NSAIDs are abused – for example, in case of severe pain.

Many anti-inflammatory medications have a negative effect on the kidneys and exhibit nephrotoxicity. A serious complication of taking them can be damage to the renal parenchyma - interstitial nephritis. Even harmless paracetamol, which is approved for use in pregnant women and children, is dangerous in this regard. Nephrotoxicity of NSAIDs should be considered when treating elderly patients and those with heart disease.

Sometimes anti-inflammatory drugs also exhibit side effects in relation to respiratory system. There is even a separate disease - aspirin asthma.

Certain drugs can inhibit the formation of new blood cells. Depending on which hematopoietic germ they affect, aplastic anemia or agranulocytosis develops. Such complications are characteristic of treatment with Analgin.

Various allergic reactions are also not uncommon - from urticaria during treatment with tablets to Quincke's edema during an injection.

The risk of side effects can be reduced by correct selection of dosage and optimal dosage form.

Release forms

NSAIDs are available in various forms. This is done not only for the convenience of patients, but also for the correct distribution of the drug, quick access to the lesion, and reducing the risk of complications. The list of forms of anti-inflammatory drugs is quite large:

  • pills;
  • capsules;
  • powders;
  • ointments;
  • gels;
  • cream;
  • lotions;
  • solutions for injections;
  • candles;
  • plasters.

The advantages of tablets are obvious. They are easy to take and do not require special training or any medical skills.

The tablets can be taken on the go and taken at any time. But this form is not suitable for all patients. Some tablets simply dissolve in the acidic environment of the stomach. Others cause discomfort in a person after taking them. The effect of the medication taken in this form does not occur immediately.

Unlike pills, injections act very quickly. But they also have their drawbacks - pain, inconvenience, and not everyone has the skills to perform injections.

NSAIDs in suppositories act quickly enough and do not irritate the stomach. Capsules are susceptible to gastric juice to a lesser extent than tablets. Powders are characterized by a rapid onset of effects, but may cause a feeling of discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract.

An excellent dosage form for NSAIDs is the patch. It does not require frequent changes, is highly effective, and free of irritation. But not all drugs can boast of this form of release.

Local remedies - creams, lotions, gels and ointments - can only be used for mild forms of arthrosis and arthritis. Their effectiveness is significantly inferior to tablets and injections. But, at the same time, the risk of complications when using them is very low.

Steroid drugs

Like NSAIDs, steroid drugs are widely used in rheumatology. They are used to treat degenerative and inflammatory joint diseases. What are steroid drugs?

By their structure, they are hormonal substances and are characterized by all the properties of hormones. Steroids have the following effects:

  1. Inhibits inflammation.
  2. Stops the proliferation of connective tissue at the site of injury.
  3. Eliminate swelling and, as a result, pain.

Steroid hormones are stronger and longer acting than NSAIDs. Sometimes one injection is enough to stop an exacerbation. They are often prescribed for chronic joint damage. But in this situation, tablets become the preferred form of release.

However, steroids also have many more side effects. They also lead to the development of ulcers and bleeding, but in addition they can cause diabetes, obesity and adrenal dysfunction. Steroids should only be used under the close supervision of a physician.

Popular hormonal drugs in rheumatology are Kenalog, Diprospan, Polcortolone and tablet forms of prednisolone - Metipred.

Anti-inflammatory nonsteroidal and steroidal drugs are the main therapy for joint diseases in modern medicine. However, it can only be carried out under the supervision of a doctor and according to his recommendations. Self-treatment with NSAIDs and hormones is unacceptable.

Steroid drugs are the most powerful anti-inflammatory drugs available today. This is a group of drugs based on cortisol, a hormone produced by the human adrenal glands. Medicines containing steroid hormones include the following:

  • Steroid drug in the form of an ointment;
  • New generation steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • Steroid anti-inflammatory drugs for the treatment of joints

Mechanism of action

Steroid drugs relieve inflammation by suppressing function immune system. They reduce the production of leukocytes and anti-inflammatory enzymes, thereby stopping tissue erosion at the site of the affected area.

List of indications

  • There was a malfunction in the immune system, which led to skin allergies.
  • The inflammatory process in the joint has a destructive effect on the surrounding tissues and causes severe pain (rheumatoid arthritis).
  • For systemic inflammation blood vessels(vasculitis).
  • With systemic muscle inflammation (myositis).
  • For inflammation of internal organs and tissues.
  • Hepatitis.
  • Shock states.

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  • Tissue damage is caused by infection.
  • The body is exposed to bacterial diseases.
  • With the potential for bleeding.
  • When taking blood thinning medications.
  • With extensive erosion of tissues and joints.
  • In case 3 injections of steroid drugs have already been made this month.
  • Immunodeficiency of the body.
  • Pregnancy and lactation.

Side effects

The study showed that the use of steroid drugs may be accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Hypertension.
  • Increased blood clotting.
  • Low immunity.
  • Peptic ulcer of the digestive system.
  • Osteoporosis.
  • Masculinization of the female body (acquiring masculine properties).

Withdrawal syndrome

The hormone cortisol is involved in the body's energy metabolism. It helps break down proteins. When the level of this hormone in the body increases, and then when it sharply decreases, problems with metabolism arise. Muscles may become more flabby, and the percentage of fatty tissue in the body increases.

Popular steroid drugs

Available in the form of a solution for injection. It is used in cases requiring immediate administration of an anti-inflammatory drug, as well as in shock conditions.

Available in the form of a suspension. Used orally or intramuscularly to relieve pain in acute rheumatoid arthritis.

Clear gel, cream or ointment. It is used externally for psoriasis, priororal dermatitis and other itchy skin lesions.

Ointment for external use. Used for itchy skin inflammation and skin allergies.

White or transparent gel. Apply to the surface of the skin for allergic reactions and itchy inflammation.

New generation anabolic drugs

Available in the form of tablets or ampoules for injection. It should be taken in cases of dermatitis, allergic conjunctivitis and other inflammations of internal organs.

Produced in tablet form. Used for acute stressful situations, multiple sclerosis syndrome and growth retardation in children.

It is produced in the form of ampoules or a bottle for the preparation of a solution for injection. Accepted in shock situations.

Ointment or cream white. Used as an antipruritic and anti-inflammatory agent.

Available in tablet form. Used for asthma, acute rhinitis and allergic reactions.

Anti-inflammatory drugs for joints based on steroid hormones

Powder for preparing a solution for infections. It is used for inflammation of the joints and in surgical practice.

Tablets or solution for injection. Used for allergic reactions, inflammatory or shock conditions.

Injection. It is used for pinching of the lumbosacral region, allergies and dermatitis.

Solution for intramuscular and intravenous administration. Used for acute shock or allergic conditions and inflammatory reactions.

Sold in the form of double ampoules with solution. It is used intramuscularly as an anti-inflammatory agent for acute joint pain.

Steroid ointments

Steroid ointments can come in the form of a cream, ointment, or gel. Each patient can individually choose a form that is convenient for themselves.

Steroid ointment, cream or gel. Used for skin dermatitis and eczema.

A cream distinguished by its softening properties. Used for itchy and flaky dermatitis and eczema.

Cream used for dermatitis.

Ointment used for seborrhea, psoriasis and dermatitis.


What is the difference between hormonal and steroid drugs?

Steroid medications are a type of hormonal medication. In addition to the adrenal hormone, there are drugs that can replace pituitary hormones, sex hormones, anabolic hormones, pancreatic hormones, thyroid and parathyroid hormones.

How is treatment carried out with both steroid and non-steroidal drugs?

Many diseases are recommended to be treated with steroidal and nonsteroidal (NSAIDs or NSAIDs) drugs simultaneously. Anabolic steroid drugs help reduce inflammation and tissue swelling, and non-steroidal drugs act on the cause of inflammation. When taking steroid drugs, be sure to take into account that they can provoke an allergic reaction to the medications and vitamins that you take at the same time. Compose the right plan Only a highly qualified attending physician can take and combine steroid hormones.

What is the best way to use such drugs for osteochondrosis?

Steroid drugs relieve pain well and relieve tissue swelling in osteochondrosis of the joints. Ambene is a fairly popular drug. This is a medicine that consists of two solutions for infections. This drug relieves swelling of tissues, relieves pain, reduces fever and has a calming effect on the nervous system.

What are new generation steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs?

IN Lately began to produce a new generation of anabolic steroid anti-inflammatory drugs that have fewer side effects. The use of such drugs is more preferable, but their anti-inflammatory effect is lower than that of traditional drugs.

How are anti-inflammatory drugs with a steroid structure produced?

Anabolic steroid drugs are obtained through a series of chemical and biological transformations and deep purification of the resulting raw materials. Special immobilized microbial cells participate in these transformations.

Steroid and non-steroidal drugs. What is the difference?

The difference between steroidal and non-steroidal drugs lies in their effect on the body. The effect of steroid drugs is that they suppress the human immune system. Non-steroidal non-narcotic painkillers have an analgesic effect on the body. They slow down the enzyme reaction in the membranes of nerve cells. Both medications have significant negative effects on the body, so they should not be used regularly.

The modern pharmaceutical market offers the use of steroid drugs that help avoid a large number of problems associated with allergic reactions of the body or exacerbation of inflammatory processes.

Medicines for gout: tablets, ointments, injections, full list of drugs

Gout is a complex joint disease that will have to be treated medications. The joint is affected due to excessive amounts of uric acid and its salts. Medicine for gout is selected based on examination of the patient, determining the causes of the pathology. Treatment must be carried out immediately.

Causes and symptoms of pathology

So, gout is most often localized on the big toes. The cause of the development of the disease may be too much physical activity, poor nutrition, or metabolic processes in organism.

Gout is an insidious disease. It may not appear for a long time. During an exacerbation, it has the following symptoms: swelling of the affected area, increased local temperature, severe pain, which appears most often at night. The joint becomes very sensitive to any touch.

Features of treatment of gout during exacerbation

So, it is advisable to carry out treatment inpatiently. At this stage of treatment, it is important to eliminate severe pain, eliminate or reduce the intensity of the inflammation process, and restore normal mobility of the joint. During the period of exacerbation, the attack is stopped with the help of the following drugs:

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

"Butadion". This is an anti-inflammatory ointment that can relieve pain and fever. In addition, this drug is considered a good antirheumatic agent. Apply the ointment in a thin layer around the affected area. There is no need to rub it in.

"Indomethacin". This tablet drug is considered one of the most effective non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. It is prescribed for the treatment of gout in the legs in most cases. The main advantage of the medicine is the ability to quickly relieve pain during exacerbation. It is necessary to take tablets three times a day, 0.05 g.

"Ibuprofen." This medicine is also used in tablet form. Most often, Ibuprofen is used during the period when the exacerbation attack has reached its peak, that is, when the symptoms are most pronounced. The daily dose can range from 1200 to 2400 mg.

Steroid hormonal drugs

These drugs cannot always be taken for treatment, since they have a strong effect, but a large number of adverse reactions. If they are prescribed, it is only in extreme cases, and the period of their use is significantly limited. The most commonly used steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for treatment are:

  • "Betamethasone." This is a pain reliever that is used to reduce inflammation. This hormonal drug can be used systemically or locally;
  • "Methylprednisolone." This is an anti-inflammatory drug that is used in the form of ointments, tablets, and injections (shots);
  • "Ketasone". It eliminates the inflammatory process well. You can drink it in the form of dragees or tablets. You need to take medicine for gout twice a day.

You can take steroid medications only with the permission of your doctor. Independent use of such products can be fraught with various health problems.

More details

One of the most effective medications against gout on the legs is Colchicine. This drug is made from plant based. It is almost completely safe, so it has no restrictions for patients, except renal failure and allergies. Colchicine not only helps relieve severe pain and other symptoms of gout. In addition, the medicine stops the formation of uric acid salts. Therefore, this remedy relieves gout attacks well, as it has analgesic properties.

Colchicine ensures the removal of uric acid from the blood. However, the effectiveness of the drug depends on when the patient starts taking it. The fact is that Colchicine must be taken on the first day of inflammation. At the same time, you should take these gout tablets every hour (no more than 10 pieces per day).

Colchicine has good reviews from patients who note that with the help of the drug it is possible to reduce the level of uric acid in the blood plasma. The medication is completed after the intensity of the symptoms decreases and the signs of the disease disappear.

Medicines for basic treatment of gout

After an acute attack of gout has been stopped, it is necessary to switch to basic treatment, which involves reducing the level of uric acid in the blood, as well as removing salts from the body. The drugs in this case are non-steroidal and practically do not serve to relieve pain or other symptoms of the disease. There are two groups of these drugs:

Uricodepressants (suppress uric acid synthesis)

"Allopurinol." It should be taken once a day at a dosage of 300 mg or 3 times a day. 100 mg each. It is advisable to take the tablet after meals. "Allopurinol" ensures the removal of uric acid from the blood plasma. In addition, this remedy prevents complications of the disease. While taking Allopurinol, the patient is required to monitor the level of uric acid in the blood monthly. The use of the medicine must be agreed with the doctor. The fact is that Allopurinol can aggravate the condition of the body in the presence of concomitant diseases. An analogue of the presented drug is Thiopurinol.

Uricosuric medications (remove salts from joints and cleanse the blood)

  • "Benemid." These tablets can speed up the removal of salts from the body several times. The presented medicine is quite well tolerated by patients;
  • "Anturan". These tablets are more effective than the previous remedy. However, the drug cannot be taken together with Aspirin, which blocks the action of Anturan;
  • "Amplivix". Treatment with this remedy helps speed up the removal of uric acid salts from the body. However, you will have to take it from several weeks to a couple of months;
  • "Flexen". The medicine presented is sold in capsules, tablets, ampoules and suppositories. This medicine is used if it is necessary to stop an acute attack, as well as other symptoms of gout.

All non-steroidal drugs presented are prescribed by a doctor, depending on the nature of the attack. In addition, the age of the patient must be taken into account, as well as the ability of the liver and kidneys to perform their functions well.


The most used medicine for lotions is Dimexide. It is used as an additional remedy for the treatment of gout. You need to use it correctly:

  • the product must be mixed with water in equal quantities;
  • Next, a piece of gauze is soaked in the mixture, applied to the affected joint and covered with film;
  • Additionally, the compress must be wrapped in cotton cloth and a woolen scarf;
  • it must be removed after half an hour.

The course of treatment can last 10-90 days. Reviews about this medicine are quite good. However, use it during acute attack do not do it.

Treatment of joints


During an acute attack of gout, it is vital to take medications that relieve pain. Among them, the most effective are:

  1. "Diclofenac". This remedy works very quickly. It can be used in the form of tablets or ointment (the latter is used most often). The treatment course can last about 1.5 months.
  2. "Movalis injections." Treatment with this remedy allows you to get a quick, short-term effect. The drug is administered intramuscularly. Injecting the medicine into a vein is strictly prohibited, as this can lead to kidney failure.
  3. "Voltaren." It is used for severe pain. Here you need to use both tablets and ointment at the same time.
  4. "Blemaren." This drug promotes the rapid removal of uric acid, as well as its alkalization. The advantage of the product is its complete safety for the kidneys and liver.

It is strictly forbidden to self-medicate gout.

New drugs for the treatment of gout

Diseases of the body's supporting system significantly complicate a person's life. Gout is an insidious pathology that brings great suffering. Therefore, it is necessary to fight it thoroughly. Pathology can be treated using modern, new generation means:

  • "Arcoxia". It is used to treat pain and other symptoms of gout. However, Arcoxia is not for everyone. This medicine can cause a large number of side effects. Although, if Arcoxia is used correctly, side effects are isolated and infrequent. The drug is sold in the form of film-coated tablets. Arcoxia is more often used as an analgesic and anti-inflammatory drug.
  • Febuxostat. This product is non-purine in nature and is used to treat high levels of uric acid in gout. Febuxostat should not be used during exacerbation of the disease. The fact is that it first increases the acid level. Taking Febuxostat can be long-term. If an exacerbation develops after the drug was prescribed, then you should not stop using it. Febuxostat is a fairly effective remedy, but it should be used only for its intended purpose.

All modern medicinal drugs against gout are effective. However, which of them is better in each individual case will be determined by the doctor. Be healthy!

This article is for informational purposes only, and in no case is it a guide to action. If there are inflammations and injuries, you should contact a traumatologist and not self-medicate.

It should also be noted that this article is purely about sports injuries and inflammation that are caused by damage from exercise; other cases will not be discussed.

1. Inflammatory process.

Inflammatory process– a pathological process resulting from damage to cellular structures (muscles, joints, bones, ligaments or tendons). Most often in sports, the inflammatory process occurs due to injury; it can be a tear, rupture or damage to a muscle, joint, ligament or tendon.

Symptoms of inflammation:

  • Redness.
  • Local increase in temperature.
  • Tissue edema.
  • Pain.

Types of inflammation:

  • Acute inflammation– duration from several minutes to several hours.
  • Subacute inflammation– duration from several days to several weeks.
  • Chronic inflammation– duration from several months to lifelong.

Stages of inflammation:

  1. Alturation– cell damage.
  2. Exudation– release of fluid and blood cells into cells and tissues from the blood.
  3. Proferation– cell proliferation and tissue proliferation. At this stage, tissue integrity is restored.

Inflammation must be eliminated as quickly as possible, a long-term inflammatory process can lead to degenerative changes (reduction of bone, ligament or other tissue). Therefore, with a prolonged inflammatory process, the following more serious injuries are possible, and the inflammatory process is also accompanied by pain.

Before starting to describe the drugs, it should be added, that all anti-inflammatory drugs also have an analgesic effect (pain reliever). Therefore, when taking them, it is necessary to completely eliminate heavy training so that, against the background of an anesthetized injury, you do not aggravate it with inadequate load.

2. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are divided into two types:

  • Non-selective drugs – affect the enzyme COX-1 and COX-2.
  • Selective drugs – affect the COX-2 enzyme.

Enzymes COX-1 and COX-2- Cyclooxygenases (very concise and short description).

  • COX-1 – The enzyme functions constantly and performs physiologically important functions.
  • COX-2 – an enzyme that begins to function during inflammation.

Conclusion: Selective NSAIDs are more preferable, since they act only on COX-2, actually relieving inflammation, and do not affect COX-1; by acting on this enzyme, all side effects appear.

Preparations (according to active substance):


  • Diclofenac - side effects on the stomach.
  • Paracetamol is very toxic to the liver.
  • Ibuprofen - stomach side effects.


  • Nimesulide.
  • Celecoxib.
  • Meloxicam.

The best course of NSAIDs(examples only, consult your doctor before use).

Many specialists They identify drugs that they consider more preferable in a given situation, but almost everyone agrees that for sports injuries it is best suited Nimesulide. Since the drug is best suited for relieving inflammation in muscles, tendons, ligaments and joints.

A course of treatment: From 7-12 days, 200 mg daily in 2 doses, take after meals and drink a sufficient amount of water.

3. Steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (SAAIDs).

Almost all SPVPs are used for glucocoticoids. Just like NSAIDs, they affect the COX-2 enzyme, but do not affect COX-1 at all. The course of treatment is sometimes combined with NSAIDs.


  • Cortisone and hydrocortisone– natural glucocorticoids.
  • Dexamethasone – synthetic analogue of glucocorticoid.
  • Diprospan– glucocorticoid drug.

A course of treatment SSVP usually lasts from one to two months, this is due to the fact that SSVP is resorted to in critical situations when NSAIDs have not worked. However, in some cases, the course of treatment can be short, up to several days, when treatment for PVS begins immediately after the injury. It should also be remembered that SPVP is most often injected locally, at the site of injury.

How and when to take SVP drugs.

Immediately after injury after some time, the first phase of the inflammatory process (acute inflammation) begins in the damaged area. In some cases, if you administer SPVP immediately after an injury, you can stop the inflammation already at the first stage of exudation. In this case, suitable Dexamethosone, Since this drug works faster and stops working faster (about 4 hours), it will work quickly and will not cause significant harm. In some cases, 1-3 injections of 1 ml of desamethasone are sufficient.

If the injury has already progressed to subacute or chronic inflammation, most likely it is necessary to use SPVA for a longer period of time, from three to four weeks. In this case, it is better to take a drug that works for a long time, and there is no need to inject it often; Diprospan is suitable here. About 3-4 injections once a week can completely relieve inflammation.

Medicines containing steroid hormones include the following:

  • Steroid drug in the form of an ointment;
  • New generation steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;

Mechanism of action

Steroid medications reduce inflammation by suppressing the functions of the immune system. They reduce the production of leukocytes and anti-inflammatory enzymes, thereby stopping tissue erosion at the site of the affected area.

List of indications

  • There was a malfunction in the immune system, which led to skin allergies.
  • The inflammatory process in the joint has a destructive effect on the surrounding tissues and causes severe pain (rheumatoid arthritis).
  • With systemic inflammation of blood vessels (vasculitis).
  • With systemic muscle inflammation (myositis).
  • For inflammation of internal organs and tissues.
  • Hepatitis.
  • Shock states.

Watch a useful video on this topic


  • Tissue damage is caused by infection.
  • The body is exposed to bacterial diseases.
  • With the potential for bleeding.
  • When taking blood thinning medications.
  • With extensive erosion of tissues and joints.
  • In case 3 injections of steroid drugs have already been made this month.
  • Immunodeficiency of the body.
  • Pregnancy and lactation.

Side effects

The study showed that the use of steroid drugs may be accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Hypertension.
  • Increased blood clotting.
  • Low immunity.
  • Peptic ulcer of the digestive system.
  • Osteoporosis.
  • Masculinization of the female body (acquiring masculine properties).

Withdrawal syndrome

The hormone cortisol is involved in the body's energy metabolism. It helps break down proteins. When the level of this hormone in the body increases, and then when it sharply decreases, problems with metabolism arise. Muscles may become more flabby, and the percentage of fatty tissue in the body increases.

Popular steroid drugs

Dexamethasone (price from 208 rubles).

Available in the form of a solution for injection. It is used in cases requiring immediate administration of an anti-inflammatory drug, as well as in shock conditions.

Cortisol (price from 426 rubles).

Available in the form of a suspension. Used orally or intramuscularly to relieve pain in acute rheumatoid arthritis.

Clear gel, cream or ointment. It is used externally for psoriasis, priororal dermatitis and other itchy skin lesions.

Ointment for external use. Used for itchy skin inflammation and skin allergies.

Bematethasone (price from 108 rubles).

White or transparent gel. Apply to the surface of the skin for allergic reactions and itchy inflammation.

New generation anabolic drugs

Celeston (price from 128 rubles).

Available in the form of tablets or ampoules for injection. It should be taken in cases of dermatitis, allergic conjunctivitis and other inflammations of internal organs.

Produced in tablet form. It is used for acute stressful situations, multiple sclerosis syndrome and growth retardation in children.

It is produced in the form of ampoules or a bottle for the preparation of a solution for injection. Accepted in shock situations.

White ointment or cream. Used as an antipruritic and anti-inflammatory agent.

Berlicort (price from 208 rubles).

Available in tablet form. Used for asthma, acute rhinitis and allergic reactions.

Anti-inflammatory drugs for joints based on steroid hormones

Lidocaine (price from 134 rubles).

Powder for preparing a solution for infections. It is used for inflammation of the joints and in surgical practice.

Prednisolone (price from 115 rubles).

Tablets or solution for injection. Used for allergic reactions, inflammatory or shock conditions.

Cyanocobalamin (price from 32 rubles).

Injection. It is used for pinching of the lumbosacral region, allergies and dermatitis.

Dexazone (price from 188 rubles).

Solution for intramuscular and intravenous administration. Used for acute shock or allergic conditions and inflammatory reactions.

Sold in the form of double ampoules with solution. It is used intramuscularly as an anti-inflammatory agent for acute joint pain.

Steroid ointments

Steroid ointments can come in the form of a cream, ointment, or gel. Each patient can individually choose a form that is convenient for themselves.

Steroid ointment, cream or gel. Used for skin dermatitis and eczema.

Akriderm (price from 102 rubles).

A cream distinguished by its softening properties. Used for itchy and flaky dermatitis and eczema.

Diprolene (price from 160 rubles).

Cream used for dermatitis.

Ointment used for seborrhea, psoriasis and dermatitis.


What is the difference between hormonal and steroid drugs?

Steroid medications are a type of hormonal medication. In addition to the adrenal hormone, there are drugs that can replace pituitary hormones, sex hormones, anabolic hormones, pancreatic hormones, thyroid and parathyroid hormones.

How is treatment carried out with both steroid and non-steroidal drugs?

Many diseases are recommended to be treated with steroidal and nonsteroidal (NSAIDs or NSAIDs) drugs simultaneously. Anabolic steroid drugs help reduce inflammation and tissue swelling, and non-steroidal drugs act on the cause of inflammation. When taking steroid drugs, be sure to take into account that they can provoke an allergic reaction to the medications and vitamins that you take at the same time. Only a highly qualified attending physician can draw up the correct dosage plan and combination of steroid hormones.

What is the best way to use such drugs for osteochondrosis?

Steroid drugs relieve pain well and relieve tissue swelling in osteochondrosis of the joints. Ambene is a fairly popular drug. This is a medicine that consists of two solutions for infections. This drug relieves swelling of tissues, relieves pain, reduces fever and has a calming effect on the nervous system.

What are new generation steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs?

Recently, a new generation of anabolic steroid anti-inflammatory drugs have begun to be produced, which have fewer side effects. The use of such drugs is more preferable, but their anti-inflammatory effect is lower than that of traditional drugs.

How are anti-inflammatory drugs with a steroid structure produced?

Anabolic steroid drugs are obtained through a series of chemical and biological transformations and deep purification of the resulting raw materials. Special immobilized microbial cells participate in these transformations.

Steroid and non-steroidal drugs. What is the difference?

The difference between steroidal and non-steroidal drugs lies in their effect on the body. The effect of steroid drugs is that they suppress the human immune system. Non-steroidal non-narcotic painkillers have an analgesic effect on the body. They slow down the enzyme reaction in the membranes of nerve cells. Both medications have significant negative effects on the body, so they should not be used regularly.

The modern pharmaceutical market offers the use of steroid drugs that help avoid a large number of problems associated with allergic reactions of the body or exacerbation of inflammatory processes.

In the treatment of complex diseases, anti-inflammatory drugs (steroids) are often used. They have a wide spectrum of action and can provide many positive effects for the body. There are several types of these funds, each of which is aimed at obtaining a specific effect.

General characteristics of the funds

Steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (SAAIDs) are derivatives of glucocorticoid hormones produced by the adrenal glands. They are divided into the following types:

  • Natural.
  • Synthetic: non-halogenated and halogenated.

The first group includes drugs such as Hydrocortisone and Cortisone. Non-halogenated steroids are presented in the form of Methylprednisolone and Prednisolone. Fluoridated - Triamcinolone, Dexamethasone and Betamethasone.

The effect of taking such substances is ensured by influencing the body at the cellular level. By binding to DNA, drugs can have a strong effect on various processes. The main ones include:

Among the most pronounced actions of glucocorticoids are the following: antipruritic, antiallergic, and naturally anti-inflammatory. They produce products for both external and internal use. Very often, various gels, ointments and creams are used to treat skin diseases, and injections are used for joint diseases.

The use of SPVP should only be prescribed by a doctor, since independent use can lead to various negative consequences.

Mechanism of action of SPVP

The principle of action of SPVP is based on intracellular effects. During the use of such funds, the following processes occur:

  • When entering the body, substances begin to interact with receptors in the cytoplasm of cells, penetrating into the nucleus. Due to their action on DNA, they influence some of the genes, which allows you to change the balance of purines, water, proteins and fats.
  • The mechanism of action includes the process of activation of gluconeogenesis, which increases the amount of glucose in the blood and increases the concentration of glycogen in liver cells. This, in turn, helps to impede protein biosynthesis and increase the breakdown of structures located near muscle fibers, connective tissue and skin.

If there is an inflammatory process in the body, it includes protection against various pathogenic microflora. If the immune system is weakened, this protection is not enough, which often leads to the destruction of joints, tissues, and the development of other pathologies. The affected areas turn red and begin to feel painful.

SPVPs relieve pain and eliminate the inflammatory process. According to their chemical structure, they are classified as 17, 11-hydroxycorticosteroids. The first substance of the group to be obtained is a glucocorticoid from the adrenal glands. Now there is a large selection of these substances of both synthetic and natural origin.

Glucocorticoids help inhibit the process of protein synthesis, while enhancing catabolic reactions in muscle fibers, connective tissue and skin, providing an anti-anabolic effect. If you use such drugs for a long time, muscle weakness, slower regeneration processes, developmental delays, an increase in the amount of fat in the body and other adverse reactions may develop. In this regard, you should consult your doctor before taking such substances.

The effect of using SPVP

The anti-inflammatory effect provided by steroid drugs is ensured by their ability to be inhibited through lipocortin. They also inhibit the gene that encodes the production of COX-2, which is actively involved in areas of inflammation. Glucocorticoids also suppress prostaglandin activity. They provide an antioxidant effect, slowing down lipid oxidation and maintaining the integrity of cell membranes. Thus, the spread of the inflammatory process is prevented.

The main actions of SPVP include:

  1. Anti-inflammatory. Glucocorticoids are inhibitors of all inflammation in the body. They help stabilize cell membranes, ensure the release of proteolytic enzymes from cells, and prevent destructive changes tissues, and also slow down the formation of free radicals. When a substance enters the body, the number of mast cells in places of inflammation, small vessels narrow, and capillary permeability decreases.
  2. Immunosuppressive. SPVPs reduce the level of circulating lymphocytes and microphages. They disrupt the production and action of interleukins and other cytokines that regulate various immune responses. There is a decrease in the activity of B and T lymphocytes, a decrease in the production of immunoglobulins and the amount of complement in the blood. Fixed immune complexes are formed, and the formation of factors that inhibit the movement of microphages is inhibited.
  3. Antiallergic. This effect is achieved by suppressing different stages of immunogenesis. Glucocorticoids slow down the process of formation of circulating basophils, and also reduce their number and prevent the development of the synthesis of sensitized cells, basophils, which contribute to the development of an allergic reaction and reduce the sensitivity of effector cells to them. The production of connective and lymphatic tissues is suppressed, as well as the formation of antibodies.
  4. Antitoxic and antishock. SPVPs are involved in ensuring vascular tone, water and salt balance. They improve the activity of liver enzymes, which are involved in the process of converting exogenous and endogenous substances. There is an increase in the sensitivity of blood vessels to catecholamines and their permeability decreases. The amount of blood plasma increases as the substances retain sodium and water in the body. This allows you to reduce hypovolemia, improve vascular tone and the process of myocardial contraction.
  5. Antiproliferative. This effect is associated with a decrease in the migration of monocytes in areas of inflammation and a slowdown in the process of fragmentation of fibroblasts. The synthesis of mucopolysaccharides is suppressed, which helps slow down the binding of plasma protein and water to tissues that have entered the site of inflammation.

Each of the drugs, depending on its type, can provide a certain effect. The selection of funds should only be carried out by a specialist.

Difference between non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

Steroid and non-steroidal drugs are used to solve various health problems. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are used if the disease has not reached an advanced stage. They come in two types:

The first group includes substances that affect the COX-1 and 2 enzymes. The second group includes substances that affect the COX-2 enzyme. The enzyme COX-1 takes an active part in various processes of the body and provides its important functions. It works constantly. COX-2 is an enzyme that is produced only in the presence of an inflammatory process.

Based on their active substance, non-selective NSAIDs are of the following types: Ibuprofen, Diclofenac, Paracetamol. Selective ones include: Meloxicam, Nimesulide, Celecoxib. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs have the following effects:

These drugs help reduce pain, eliminate fever and inflammation. Unlike glucocorticoids, they do not cause such a large amount negative consequences.

Most NSAIDs are prescribed for acute and chronic form, which occur with severe symptoms in the form of pain and inflammation. Their use is relevant in cases where the disease is not advanced. Most often, they are prescribed for arthritis, osteoarthritis, gout, fever, renal colic, migraine, headache, dysmenorrhea and other disorders.

SPVPs also have an effect on COX-2, but have no effect on COX-1. Very often, they are prescribed in combination with NSAIDs. Glucocorticoids are used in different areas medicine. They are used to treat joints, dental diseases, skin diseases and others.

Glucocorticoids suppress the immune system, have an anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic and anti-shock effect. They are prescribed in cases where the use of NSAIDs has not brought positive results. There is also a difference between these drugs in the list of adverse reactions. NSAIDs have fewer of them.


Anti-inflammatory steroid drugs relieve inflammation by suppressing immune function. They ensure a reduction in the production of leukocytes and anti-inflammatory enzymes, which makes it possible to achieve relief of inflammation. These drugs are most often prescribed for the following disorders or diseases:

  • State of shock.
  • Skin diseases.
  • Systemic connective tissue diseases.
  • Various types of hepatitis.
  • Allergies.
  • Pathologies of joints and muscles.
  • Disturbances in the functioning of blood vessels.
  • Inflammatory processes in internal organs and tissues.

Glucocorticoids are often used for rheumatism and rheumatic carditis, osteochondrosis, diseases of the hematopoietic organs, dermatomyositis, lupus erythematosus and other diseases. Anti-inflammatory steroid medications can treat a wide variety of conditions. In order for the effect of the products to be as effective as possible, they are most often administered locally.

SSAIDs are very powerful medications, so you cannot decide on their use on your own. Only a doctor should select medications and determine dosage.

Most popular SPVP

Steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs cope well with the inflammation process and relieve pain. The means that are most often used in medical practice, relate:

  • Dexamethasone. Used for inflammations that require immediate administration of such substances and for different states shock. The product is sold as an injection solution.
  • Cortisol. Can be used both orally and intramuscularly, if necessary, to relieve pain and acute rheumatoid arthritis. Presented in the form of a suspension.
  • Sinalar. Used for skin diseases. Most often, with psoriasis and dermatitis, as well as other skin lesions accompanied by itching. It can be produced both in the form of a gel and an ointment.
  • Bematethasone. Sold in the form of a gel, which is applied to the skin for allergies and inflammation with itching.

New anabolic agents are also now being introduced. They have pronounced effects and are used to treat various diseases. The most popular of them include:

  1. Celeston. Used for dermatitis, allergic conjunctivitis and inflammation of internal organs. Produced in injection and tablet form.
  2. Mendrol. Prescribed for severe situations of stress, multiple sclerosis and slow development in children. Sold in tablet form.
  3. Urbazon. Used in states of shock. Available in injection form.
  4. Momat. Relieves inflammation and also eliminates itching. Used for various diseases skin. Sold as a cream or ointment.
  5. Berlicourt. Prescribed for asthma, acute rhinitis and allergies. Available in tablet form.

Each of the drugs is prescribed by a doctor, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient, the nature of the course of the disease and its type. The dosage and course of treatment are also determined only by a specialist.

Contraindications and adverse reactions

Steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are the most powerful in pharmacology, so they cannot be taken arbitrarily. Treatment is prescribed by a specialist. The main contraindications include:

  • Infectious tissue damage.
  • Diseases caused by bacteria.
  • Risk of bleeding.
  • Taking blood thinners.
  • Significant erosive lesions of joints and tissues.
  • Weakened immunity.
  • During pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • Individual intolerance.
  • In cases where three injections of SPVP are performed per month.

If the patient has various lesions and infectious diseases, steroids cannot be used. The active substances included in the products help reduce the body's defenses and suppress the immune system. In turn, this does not allow the body to overcome pathogens, which increases the spread of infection.

If a patient is taking blood thinners and is at risk of bleeding, steroid medications may cause severe bleeding at injection sites. Such drugs should not be used more than three times a month, as there is a possibility of infection as a result of weakening of the tissues.

Steroids belong to the group of hormonal drugs, so they cannot be used for a long time. This is due to the fact that there is a risk of developing various adverse reactions. The main ones include:

  • Hypertension.
  • Exacerbation of peptic ulcer disease.
  • Swelling.
  • Osteoporosis.
  • Decline protective functions immune system.
  • Increased blood clotting.
  • Masculinization in women.
  • Increased amount of subcutaneous fat.

In order to avoid such undesirable consequences, taking anti-inflammatory steroid drugs should last no more than two weeks. It is also advisable to take them with meals.

Preventing Negative Reactions

It is not recommended to take anti-inflammatory steroid drugs during pregnancy and breastfeeding. It is necessary to take into account the list of contraindications in which their use is completely excluded. There are certain recommendations that can reduce the risk of negative consequences. It includes:

  1. Body weight control.
  2. Regular blood pressure measurement.
  3. Study of sugar levels in blood and urine.
  4. Monitoring the electrolyte composition of blood plasma.
  5. Diagnosis of the gastrointestinal tract and musculoskeletal system.
  6. Consultations with an ophthalmologist.
  7. Testing for infectious complications.

These measures make it possible to avoid various negative consequences, since they are aimed at studying exactly those indicators that may indicate the presence of changes in the body.

Steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are very strong substances that should only be used for specific purposes. They cannot be used at your own discretion. The prescription should only be made by a doctor, based on the patient’s condition and the type of disease.

Steroid and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

This article is for informational purposes only, and in no case is it a guide to action. If there are inflammations and injuries, you should contact a traumatologist and not self-medicate.

It should also be noted that this article is purely about sports injuries and inflammation that are caused by damage from exercise; other cases will not be discussed.

1. Inflammatory process.

An inflammatory process is a pathological process that occurs as a result of damage to cellular structures (muscles, joints, bones, ligaments or tendons). Most often in sports, the inflammatory process occurs due to injury; it can be a tear, rupture or damage to a muscle, joint, ligament or tendon.

  • Acute inflammation lasts from several minutes to several hours.
  • Subacute inflammation lasts from several days to several weeks.
  • Chronic inflammation – duration from several months to lifelong.
  1. Alturation is cell damage.
  2. Exudation is the release of fluid and blood cells into cells and tissues from the blood.
  3. Proliferation is cell reproduction and tissue proliferation. At this stage, tissue integrity is restored.

Inflammation must be eliminated as quickly as possible; a prolonged inflammatory process can lead to degenerative changes (reduction of bone, ligament or other tissue). Therefore, with a prolonged inflammatory process, the following more serious injuries are possible, and the inflammatory process is also accompanied by pain.

Before starting to describe the drugs, it should be added that all anti-inflammatory drugs also have an analgesic effect (pain reliever). Therefore, when taking them, it is necessary to completely eliminate heavy training so that, against the background of an anesthetized injury, you do not aggravate it with inadequate load.

2. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are divided into two types:

  • Non-selective drugs - act on the enzyme COX-1 and COX-2.
  • Selective drugs - act on the COX-2 enzyme.

Enzymes COX-1 and COX-2 - Cyclooxygenases (very concise and short description).

  • COX-1 is an enzyme that functions constantly and performs physiologically important functions.
  • COX-2 is an enzyme that begins to function during inflammation.

Conclusion: Selective NSAIDs are more preferable, since they act only on COX-2, actually relieving inflammation, and do not affect COX-1; by acting on this enzyme, all side effects appear.

Preparations (according to active substance):

  • Diclofenac - side effects on the stomach.
  • Paracetamol is very toxic to the liver.
  • Ibuprofen - stomach side effects.

The best course of NSAIDs (examples only, consult your doctor before use).

Many experts identify drugs that they consider more preferable in a given situation, but almost everyone agrees that Nimesulide is best suited for sports injuries. Since the drug is best suited for relieving inflammation in muscles, tendons, ligaments and joints.

Course of treatment: From 7-12 days, 200 mg daily in 2 doses, taken after meals and with a sufficient amount of water.

3. Steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (SAAIDs).

Almost all SPVPs are used for glucocoticoids. Just like NSAIDs, they affect the COX-2 enzyme, but do not affect COX-1 at all. The course of treatment is sometimes combined with NSAIDs.

  • Cortisone and hydrocortisone are natural glucocorticoids.
  • Dexamethasone is a synthetic analogue of glucocorticoid.
  • Diprospan is a glucocorticoid drug.

The course of treatment with SSVP usually lasts from one to two months, this is due to the fact that SSVP is resorted to in critical situations when NSAIDs have not worked. However, in some cases, the course of treatment can be short, up to several days, when treatment for PVS begins immediately after the injury. It should also be remembered that SPVP is most often injected locally, at the site of injury.

How and when to take SVP drugs.

Immediately after the injury, after some time, the first phase of the inflammatory process (acute inflammation) begins in the damaged area. In some cases, if you administer SPVP immediately after an injury, you can stop the inflammation already at the first stage of exudation. In this case, Dexamethosone is suitable, since this drug works faster and stops working quickly (about 4 hours), thereby it will work quickly and will not cause significant harm. In some cases, 1-3 injections of 1 ml of desamethasone are sufficient.

If the injury has already progressed to subacute or chronic inflammation, most likely it is necessary to use SPVA for a longer period of time, from three to four weeks. In this case, it is better to take a drug that works for a long time, and there is no need to inject it often; Diprospan is suitable here. About 3-4 injections once a week can completely relieve inflammation.

Steroid anti-inflammatory drugs for the treatment of joints

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for the treatment of joints. List of medications

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for the treatment of joints are used to reduce the symptoms of arthrosis, arthritis and other diseases. They are created in order to stop inflammation and get rid of pain, which strongly manifests itself at the 2-3 stage of development of the pathology.

Challenges for non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for the treatment of joints were created for specific purposes. There are only two such tasks:

  • eliminate joint pain;
  • reduce inflammation and prevent it from developing.

Currently, such drugs are widely used and show high effectiveness compared to other drugs. They can reduce the main manifestations of symptoms of joint diseases.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for the treatment of joints are not able to completely rid a person of arthrosis. Their task is to eliminate the painful symptoms of pathology. They do a great job with it. These medications provide relief from illness that other medications cannot achieve.

When arthrosis worsens, you cannot engage in physical therapy or do some physiotherapeutic procedures. Some patients are inclined to traditional medicine, but its methods work very slowly. In this situation, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for the treatment of joints can help.

Popular means

There is a varied range of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that are designed to treat diseases such as arthrosis and arthritis. When used, the disease stops developing and symptoms decrease.

The most famous drugs are:

Each medicine has its own characteristics: some are weaker, and some are intended to treat the disease in an acute form. You should not decide on the choice of drug on your own; it should be prescribed by a doctor.

Methods of application

Various methods of using non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs have been developed. Here are the existing options:

  • pills;
  • intramuscular injections for joints;
  • injections into the joint;
  • candles;
  • joint cream;
  • ointments.

When the joint disease is severe and the condition worsens, then strong drugs, having a wide range of side effects. The doctor uses injections for the joints so as not to cause great harm body. Often such procedures are done for gonarthrosis and coxarthrosis. At the same time, negative substances that affect the gastric mucosa do not penetrate into the gastrointestinal tract, unlike tablets. With the help of injections, beneficial elements are delivered in large quantities when compared with other methods of application.

Non-hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs are available for oral administration. They are made in tablet form.

Precautionary measures

The use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs is required under the strict instructions of a doctor. The specialist is obliged to issue a prescription that must be followed. If you use the drug in large doses, problems and complications will appear that can even lead to the death of a person.

People who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, allergies, liver cirrhosis, heart and vascular diseases should be careful. The action of the components that are part of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can reduce the effectiveness of other drugs that are used. Therefore, you need to combine drugs carefully; it is best to consult a specialist.

Therapy takes a long time. Patients are prescribed about 15 injections or 7 intra-articular injections. It all depends on the stage of the disease and sensitivity to the drug.

Some important facts

In medical practice, situations have been noted when the patient, after receiving the result, feels relief, lack of pain, and quits treatment. But arthrosis or arthritis has not yet been defeated. When the symptoms have disappeared, the person needs to diligently begin to treat the underlying disease. There are the following ways to do this:

  • proper nutrition;
  • taking chondroprotectors;
  • massage;
  • swimming;
  • gymnastics;
  • traditional methods;
  • stay in medical sanatoriums.

If you take nonsteroidal drugs for a long time, the production of new cells by cartilage tissue is disrupted, and this function is inhibited. But arthrosis is characterized by the destruction of cartilage. Consequently, these drugs accelerate the deformation process. They disrupt the synthesis of proteoglycans, which causes water loss. Therefore, the duration of treatment with non-steroidal drugs should also be monitored. You need to know which joint ointments to use in a particular case so as not to cause harm.

Side effects, contraindications

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are relatively safe medications. But they also have some side effects:

  • worsen kidney function;
  • adversely affect the activity of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • may contribute to the development of heart or vascular disease;
  • can cause rash, nausea, diarrhea;
  • can cause miscarriage if there is a pregnancy of up to 20 weeks.

These drugs are contraindicated for people with bronchial asthma.

It is important to know

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs show excellent results in treatment. But there are some nuances:

  1. When a patient has a stomach ulcer, asthma, hypertension, serious kidney, liver, or heart disease, these drugs cannot be used.
  2. Taking these medications can cause bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract. Because of this, tests are constantly taken to monitor the situation.
  3. A person who takes non-steroidal drugs in any form puts himself at risk of blood clots, stroke or heart attack. They are especially dangerous for those who have problems with the cardiovascular system.
  4. A person who has had coronary artery bypass surgery should stop taking these medications.

Doctor prescribing various non-steroidal drugs

Depending on the manifestation of the disease, the doctor may prescribe the following medications:

  1. Ibuprofen (tablets). The instructions for use indicate an almost complete absence of side effects. This drug is particularly effective. Also available in the form of an injection solution. Included in ointments.
  2. "Ketoprofen". It is available in different forms, namely: ointment, gel, tablets, injections, joint cream. Any form reduces inflammation. Most often the drug is prescribed for arthritis hip joint and rheumatoid arthritis.
  3. Meloxicam. Like the previous product, it is released in a variety of variations. A long course of treatment is required.
  4. "Celecoxib" The medicine is potent and comes in capsule form. It does not adversely affect the gastrointestinal tract. This can be considered a big advantage.
  5. "Indomethacin". It works quickly and is quite effective. Available in the form of suppositories, tablets, gels.
  6. "Nimesulide". It is a unique product. With its help, pain is eliminated, inflammation goes away, and the cartilage tissue is not destroyed in the future. It is especially often used for pathologies of the hip joints.
  7. "Sulfasalazine." It has long-lasting results, but takes about 6 weeks to be noticeable.
  8. "Diclofenac" (ointment). The price of the drug is low, but it is distinguished by its power. Available in the form of a solution for injection, tablet preparations (Diclofenac, Voltaren Acti, Ortofen, etc.).

Rules of use

When using non-steroidal drugs, you must follow certain rules:

  1. The instructions must be strictly followed.
  2. When using a capsule or tablet, take it with a full glass of water. This will create some protection for the stomach; it will not be so irritated.
  3. You cannot combine drugs with alcohol. This increases the risk of stomach pathologies.
  4. Pregnant women are better off avoiding non-steroidal drugs.
  5. After taking the capsule or tablet, half an hour should pass, after which you are allowed to lie down. Vertical position body promotes the rapid passage of medicine through the esophagus, gravity affects this.
  6. If, for example, anti-inflammatory ointments for joints were taken, then other non-steroidal drugs should not be taken on the same day. This does not make the effect greater, but the side effects overlap each other.
  7. If the effect of any drug is not observed, you need to pay attention to the dosage. You should not increase the dose on your own; this should be agreed with your doctor. It may be necessary to change the medicine you are using to another one. This may give you the desired result.


Reduces fever and relieves headaches with Ibuprofen (tablets). Instructions for use include various nuances of using the drug. In large doses it is used for diseases of the joints and spine.

You should be careful as side effects often occur, such as:

  • gastrointestinal disorders;
  • dizziness;
  • headache;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • insomnia.

There are other side effects and contraindications. You need to read them carefully to avoid complications. It is best to consult a doctor and then follow his instructions.


One of the effective remedies is Diclofenac (ointment). Its price is affordable for many people. The drug has a strong analgesic effect. Doctors often recommend it for joint or back pain.

The downside of the medicine is the presence of side effects, so it cannot be used for a long time. Diclofenac can cause dizziness, headache, and tinnitus. In this case, the activity of the liver is disrupted. It should not be used if you have asthma, pregnancy or breastfeeding.

Diclofenac with paracetamol

"Panoxen" is an effective remedy that contains two powerful components. The drug reduces pain with:

Side effects do not differ from those of diclofenac. Has the following contraindications:

  • renal, liver and heart failure;
  • intestinal diseases;
  • recent coronary artery bypass surgery;
  • active, progressive kidney and liver diseases;
  • pregnancy, childhood.


Just like diclofenac, indomethacin relieves inflammation and relieves pain. But this drug is considered outdated, as it has a number of side effects and contraindications. This product should not be used by children under 14 years of age.

There are various anti-inflammatory ointments for joints, creams, tablets, injections, suppositories that do not contain hormones. They show themselves effectively in the treatment of arthrosis, arthritis and other diseases. Such drugs will not be able to completely get rid of the disease, but will only suppress the symptoms. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are relatively harmless when compared with hormonal ones. They perfectly relieve signs of the disease, relieve pain, after which the patient can begin comprehensive treatment.

Anti-inflammatory drugs for joints

All pathologies of the musculoskeletal system are accompanied by pain syndrome and inflammation. In the early stages of disease development, these signs are weakly expressed, and to eliminate them, physiotherapy, gymnastics and local influences. As the disease progresses, it is necessary to use anti-inflammatory drugs for the joints. Depending on the origin of the active ingredients, they are classified into 2 large groups - steroidal and non-steroidal drugs. Each type has a number of features, advantages and disadvantages.

Steroid anti-inflammatory drugs for the treatment of joints

The described type of medication is the most effective and fast-acting. Such medications are based on chemical compounds that are similar in molecular structure to cortisone, which is secreted by the human body.

Typically, steroidal anti-inflammatory joint medications are used in the form of injections. With the help of injections, the maximum therapeutic effect is achieved, especially if they are performed directly into the affected area, the intra-articular space.

It is worth noting that in severe cases of joint diseases, blockades alone are not always enough. Therefore, glucocorticosteroids can also be recommended for systemic use.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for joints

This group of drugs has a less pronounced effect, but it is quite sufficient to relieve moderate, moderate and moderate stages of pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. Moreover, such medications cause much fewer negative side effects and consequences than steroids and do not cause addiction.

Most often, anti-inflammatory drugs for joints are used in tablet form:

Most of the medications listed are also sold in other countries. dosage forms, including solutions for injections.

Local non-steroidal anti-inflammatory and painkillers for joints

Mild forms of joint pathologies do not always require the administration or internal use of NSAIDs. You can relieve pain and reduce the severity of inflammation by applying local medications:

Review of modern drugs for arthritis

There are many ways to treat arthritis. One of the main methods of traditional medicine is drug therapy, which is aimed at eliminating inflammation, alleviating symptoms of the disease and restoring joint function. What medications are used for this? Let's talk in more detail about the pros, cons and features of each group of medications.

Analgesics (painkillers)

Analgesics are drugs that relieve pain. There are several types of analgesics: acetaminophen-based (available from pharmacies without a prescription), opioid analgesics (available with a doctor's prescription), and combination medications that contain both acetaminophen and an opioid.

Acetaminophen-based medications (such as Tylenol) are suitable for relieving moderate pain and discomfort. Opioid and mixed analgesics - Oxycodone, Methadone, Tramadol, Morphine, Oxycontrin, Vicodin, etc. - are prescribed for severe pain.

Principle of operation

Opioids (synthetic drugs) bind to receptors on brain cells, spinal cord and gastrointestinal tract and thus “turn off” the pain centers and block the transmission of pain impulses. Opioid pain relievers are more effective than acetaminophen in many cases, but they are more likely to cause side effects. These medications are taken either on demand or on a schedule at regular intervals.

Opioids used to be used primarily to relieve acute pain (such as after surgery or a serious injury), but they are now also prescribed to relieve chronic pain, including arthritis. These drugs are a suitable option for patients suffering primarily from severe pain rather than inflammation.

Non-narcotic acetaminophen-based analgesics work in a different way: they inhibit the synthesis of certain enzymes involved in the formation of prostaglandins, which are the cause of pain. More details about prostaglandins a little further.

The advantages of analgesics over non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (specifically in terms of pain relief) are higher efficiency and the absence of side effects from the gastrointestinal tract. A significant disadvantage of painkillers is that they do not relieve inflammation, and with prolonged use they can become addictive.

Use of analgesics: important to know

  • Do not suddenly stop taking the medication - this can cause serious side effects.
  • After using an opioid analgesic for the first time, do not drive or do other activities that require alertness. The medicine affects the body differently, in some people the reaction speed decreases, drowsiness and slight dizziness occur.
  • If you experience discomfort when swallowing tablets, discuss with your doctor the possibility of using another form of analgesic, such as a patch. In this case, the active substance will reach the source of pain through the skin.

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Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are widely used to treat arthritis by reducing inflammation and pain.

Principle of operation

While analgesics combat pain directly, NSAIDs reduce both unpleasant symptoms diseases: pain and inflammation. This group of medications includes Motrin, Advil, Ecotrin, Celebrex, Clinoril, Voltaren, Naprosyn, etc.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs block the work of hormone-like substances - prostaglandins. These substances perform an important function - they protect the gastric mucosa from their own digestive fluids. At the same time, it is prostaglandins that are involved in pain and inflammation. NSAIDs block the work of prostaglandins. Pain and inflammation decrease, but the gastric mucosa becomes more vulnerable to the formation of ulcers and bleeding.

Use of NSAIDs: important to know

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs show excellent results in the treatment of arthritis, but the use of these medications has its own nuances:

  • These medications are not recommended for patients with stomach ulcers, a history of stomach bleeding, liver disease, kidney disease, heart disease, asthma, or hypertension.
  • Taking any NSAIDs carries a risk of blood clots, heart attack or stroke. The risks are higher in patients suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • NSAIDs should not be used in patients who have undergone coronary artery bypass surgery.
  • The use of NSAIDs may cause sudden bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract. In this regard, you should regularly undergo tests (blood, liver enzymes) to monitor the effect of the medication.

Disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs)

Different DMARDs have different principles of action, but the same positive effect is achieved in all cases - the progression of the disease either stops or slows down. The use of DMARDs helps prevent damage to joints and internal organs.

This group includes drugs: Plaquenil, Arava, Neoral, Imuran, Cytoxan.

Disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs are most often prescribed to patients who are at high risk of irreversible joint destruction. The use of these medications is indicated for rheumatoid, psoriatic and juvenile idiopathic arthritis.

The main advantage of DMARDs is that even with long-term use they do not cause addiction or serious side effects. A significant disadvantage of this group of medications is their slow action. That is why, in the treatment of arthritis, DMARDs are often used in combination with other drugs that have a faster effect, for example, NSAIDs, corticosteroids, etc.

Use of DMARDs: important to know

  • DMARDs act slowly enough, sometimes to obtain the first tangible effects weeks or even months of treatment are required.
  • Before starting to take DMARDs, be sure to notify your doctor about infectious diseases, if any, at the time of treatment. If during treatment there are signs of infectious diseases (fever, sore throat, painful urination, etc.), consult a doctor immediately.
  • The use of these medications is not allowed in patients with hypertension, liver and kidney diseases, or after vaccination.

Biological agents

Biological agents (biological response modifiers) are medications obtained by genetic engineering from living organisms (viruses, genes or proteins).

Popular biological agents prescribed for arthritis: Actemra, Orence, Rituximab, Simponi, etc.

Principle of operation

The purpose of these medications is to stimulate the body's natural response to infection or disease. The target of biological agents entering the body are proteins, cells and intercellular communication pathways responsible for the symptoms and destructive effects of rheumatoid and other types of arthritis. These drugs work in one of the following ways:

  • block extracellular protein (tumor necrosis factor), which is produced by white blood cells and causes inflammation of the joints;
  • block white blood cells (B-lymphocytes), which produce antibodies and are present in large numbers in the body of patients with arthritis;
  • block proteins involved in the development of inflammatory processes in joints;
  • suppress the activation of white blood cells (T-lymphocytes), thereby interrupting the chain reaction leading to the development of inflammation.

Use of biological agents: important to know

The use of biological response modifiers, like any other medication, entails certain risks:

  • When treating arthritis with these drugs, the risk of developing infectious diseases increases. If there are signs of infection during treatment, the patient should immediately consult a doctor.
  • Before starting treatment, the patient should be tested for tuberculosis and other infectious diseases.
  • Vaccination is not permitted during treatment.


Corticosteroids are medications that mimic the effects of the hormone cortisol, which is naturally produced in the body by the adrenal glands. Cortisol has an effect on different systems body, including the immune system.

This group includes Celeston, Prednisolone, Diprospan, Metipred, etc.

Operating principle

Corticosteroids lower prostaglandin levels and disrupt the interaction between certain white blood cells (T and B lymphocytes) involved in the immune response. Due to this, corticosteroids control inflammatory processes. Medicines are available in various forms: tablets, mixtures, sprays, drops, injections, ointments, etc. They act quickly and are often prescribed to patients suffering from arthritis and similar diseases. Compared to NSAIDs, corticosteroids have a more powerful anti-inflammatory effect, and these medications are simply irreplaceable for autoimmune diseases, when it is necessary to suppress the body's immune response. However, due to this action, the body becomes more vulnerable to infections - this is the main drawback of these drugs.

Corticosteroid use: important to know

Medicines in this category can be used either alone or in combination with other medicines. Remember:

  • You should not change the dose of corticosteroids on your own, otherwise this may reduce the natural hormone cortisol to dangerous levels.
  • The dosage reduction should be gradual to allow the adrenal glands to adapt to the changes.
  • Long-term use of corticosteroids in low doses is often prescribed for rheumatoid arthritis, but debate among doctors about the benefits and side effects of such treatment continues to this day.

What is the best way to treat arthritis?

Assign suitable drug Only a doctor can correctly calculate the dosage and draw up a medication regimen.


A huge variety of medications to relieve symptoms and treat arthritis allows you to choose the optimal treatment regimen for each patient, taking into account all the features of a particular situation. If one method is not suitable, you can try another or combine drugs from different groups. The most important conditions for successful treatment illness - reliable information about the state of the body (features of the functioning of certain organs, the presence or absence of diseases), a clearly drawn up treatment regimen and correct dosage medicines.

Anti-inflammatory tablets for joints

There are many anti-inflammatory drugs for treating joints. Let's look at what types of joint pills there are, how they affect the body and whether they relieve discomfort. If pain in the joints or ligaments occurs, treatment must be started immediately.

Joint pain in young people occurs due to overload of the musculoskeletal system and a lack of adequate nutrition. For this reason, deformation of the interarticular cartilage occurs. Crunching, creaking, and pain appear in the joints.

You cannot endure these pains, because restoring damaged surfaces of bones and joints is a very difficult and lengthy process. You should not self-medicate, because medications recommended for joint pain also have side effects. Therefore, before using them, you need to consult a specialist.

Rules for treatment with non-steroidal drugs for joint diseases

Non-steroidal drugs to relieve inflammation in the joints are the main drugs in the treatment of arthritis and osteoarthritis. They relieve inflammation and reduce pain in problem joints. Their peculiarity in comparison with corticosteroids is the absence of hormones and fewer side effects.

When using non-steroidal drugs for joints, you must follow some rules.

  1. NSAIDs are contraindicated for gastrointestinal diseases, as they have a negative effect on the mucous membrane of the intestines and stomach.
  2. Long courses of taking NSAIDs adversely affect the liver, kidneys and heart, can disrupt their function and lead to surges in blood pressure.
  3. Allergic reactions of the body to taking NSAIDs are possible, so treatment should begin with minimal dosages.
  4. When taking anti-inflammatory drugs, you need to drink plenty of water to reduce the effect on the gastrointestinal tract.
  5. You should not take 2 or 3 non-steroidal drugs at once, this will increase the number of adverse reactions in the body.
  6. NSAIDs should not be used for treatment by pregnant women and nursing mothers.
  7. During the course of treatment with NSAIDs, it is necessary to abstain from alcoholic beverages, they will increase the effect on the gastrointestinal tract.

It is not advisable to use nonsteroidal drugs only urgently to relieve pain. For effective therapy it is necessary to use them evenly throughout the day. This will ensure a constant concentration of the drug in the blood and reduce the total daily dose of the drug.

List of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

Let's look at the most commonly used NSAIDs.

  1. Group of salicylates. Acetylsalicylic acid- the ancestor of all non-steroidal drugs. Its discovery allowed many people suffering from diseases of the skeletal system to return to normal life and not experience chronic painful pain in the joints. A small dose of aspirin reduces the temperature and anesthetizes the affected joint; to stop the inflammatory process, the dose is increased.

A group of drugs similar in composition to indomethacin is considered one of the most effective drugs in the treatment of joint diseases, as it works well for pain and inflammation due to gout. Available in the form of tablets, suppositories and ointments.

  • The group of drugs similar to diclofenac includes ortofen, voltaren, diclonac and other drugs. This is the most popular drug, since its effect is fast and long-lasting, and it is tolerated by the body more easily than other non-steroidal drugs. It is used in the form of intramuscular injections, regular and extended-release tablets, suppositories and gels for external rubbing.
  • Ibuprofen, Nurofen and Bolinet are drugs with the lowest anti-inflammatory effect, but with a high antipyretic and analgesic effect. Therefore, they are used for arthritis that occurs without complications. This remedy is well tolerated by the body and has a minimal number of side effects. It is used in the form of regular tablets and capsules of prolonged action; syrup and suppositories are used for children. Sold without prescription in pharmacies.
  • Drugs similar to ketoprofen include ketonal, artrosilene, profenid and others. Their chemical composition is similar to ibuprofen, but they act more strongly and quickly relieve pain. At the same time, they penetrate well into the blood through the skin pores, so their most popular use is in the form of an ointment, but they are also available in the form of injections, suppositories, tablets, capsules of regular and prolonged action.
  • Ketorolac - non-steroidal drug, which has the strongest analgesic effect, therefore it is used for severe pain and only for a short course. This group of non-steroids includes ketorol, ketalgin and adolor. The disadvantage of these strong analgesics is that they have little effect on the inflammatory process in the joints. They are used in the form of injections and tablets.
  • The group of drugs such as oxicam includes drugs: piroxicam (with a persistent and prolonged effect), tenoxicam and lornoxicam - drugs in the form of injections, used in a short course due to the strong effect on the gastrointestinal mucosa. Meloxicam, arthrozan, meloflam are drugs with a more gentle action, with the least number of side effects. They are used over a long period of time
  • The group of nimesulides (Novolid, Nimesil, Koxtral, Aponil, etc.) is considered to be drugs that quickly stop the inflammatory process and reduce temperature, but with a weak analgesic effect. Therefore, when used, patients may consider them to be weakly effective, but this is not the case. Indeed, as a result of the strong anti-inflammatory effect, pain quickly disappears.
  • There are also drugs similar to celecoxib from the coxib group. They are equally good at relieving pain and affecting the inflammatory process. They are used in capsule form only for the treatment of adult patients, because the pediatric dosage has not yet been calculated.

    Arthra tablets and their use

    Drugs from the Artra line are chondroprotectors. The composition of the drug includes two components: chondroitin sulfate and glucosamine hydrochloride. The function of chondroitin is to stimulate the regeneration of interarticular cartilage and activate the production of hyaluron and collagen. These substances give elasticity to the connective tissues of the joint. And glucosamine not only affects the regeneration of interarticular cartilage, but also provides reliable protection against the negative effects of non-steroidal drugs and corticosteroids. Therefore, the drug Artra is prescribed for the complex treatment of diseases of the skeletal system.

    The most effective use of Artra tablets is at the initial stage of the disease. For progressive diseases of the musculoskeletal system, endoprosthetics of the affected joint is prescribed. Contraindications for treatment with Artra tablets are kidney disease, bronchial asthma, diabetes mellitus, poor blood clotting, pregnancy and breastfeeding. Taking the drug Artra is relatively easily tolerated by the body, but mild side effects also occur: diarrhea, flatulence, constipation, abdominal pain, dizziness, allergies. If you have such symptoms, you should consult your doctor about further use of Artra-tablets.

    The course of treatment with these drugs is long, about 6 months. Take the medicine in the form of tablets or capsules. Moreover, at the initial stage the drug is prescribed twice a day, and after a 3-week course the tablets are taken once a day. In addition to tablets, Artra preparations are also produced in the form of a cream-balm. This type of joint healing is effective for degenerative processes in the knees, feet, shoulders, elbows and hands.

    Complex treatment with Artra tablets and cream provides external and internal nutrition of joint tissues with all the substances necessary for recovery.

    It is better to prevent a disease than to treat it. To do this, you need to establish a complete supply of nutrients to your joints. Forever Freedom is a product worth considering. An ideal remedy for joints contains shark cartilage, crustacean shell, active sulfur, vitamin C. All these active substances in combination with aloe vera juice are perfectly absorbed by the body, which greatly increases the healing effectiveness of this dietary supplement.

    Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for arthrosis

    Joint diseases have always plagued humanity and there are many reasons for this. This is the very structure of the human skeleton, associated with upright walking, and hereditary diseases, age-related changes, injuries, consequences of inflammatory phenomena and complications after operations. In our time, metabolic disorders have been added to this list due to improper and excess nutrition, physical exercise or the absence of them, constant stay in an uncomfortable position, characteristic of sedentary work, so common now. Joint diseases cause many serious problems for a person, ranging from constant pain to limited mobility. Treatment of arthrosis of the joints is long and complex and requires a visit to the doctor. Prescribing medications arbitrarily or on the advice of friends, not doctors, can seriously aggravate the problem and cause significant complications of the disease itself of the joints and other organs of the body.

    Numerous drugs are used to treat such diseases, one of the most popular and widespread are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for arthrosis.

    What are NSAIDs?

    Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are a group of drugs of non-hormonal origin, intended to reduce and eliminate inflammatory processes occurring in joints affected by arthrosis. An important component of the action of such drugs is a pronounced reduction in pain in the joint, which is very important for patients whose disease deprives them of the opportunity to fully live, work and move.

    Since NSAIDs do not contain hormones, they have a generally milder effect on the body and do not have such a large list of contraindications and side effects. However, these drugs are also not absolutely harmless and should be prescribed exclusively by the attending physician for each specific patient according to the indications.

    Contraindications when taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

    Like most medications, NSAIDs have a number of contraindications. Following the recommendations for taking these medications will help avoid unpleasant consequences and protect against possible complications during the course of the disease.

    • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs should not be taken uncontrolled for a long time. The accumulation of these substances in the body, especially those with chronic diseases cardiovascular system and gastrointestinal tract, can lead to their exacerbation.
    • Acute and chronic diseases of the mucous membranes of the digestive tract, such as gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers and many others, are an absolute contraindication to the use of NSAIDs. They can cause irritation of the mucous membrane and significantly worsen the patient's condition.
    • Another contraindication is kidney and liver disease. Due to their specific effects, NSAIDs cause fluid and salt retention in the body, which is very dangerous for sick kidneys and liver. The use of these drugs in such patients may cause sharp increase blood pressure, as well as kidney and liver failure.
    • NSAIDs should not be taken by pregnant or nursing mothers. If their appointment is vital, then their selection and administration takes place under the constant supervision of a doctor.
    • Allergies to these drugs and individual sensitivity to individual components are indications for refusing to prescribe non-steroidal drugs.

    The most common non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for arthrosis

    All NSAIDs are two types of cyclooxygenase inhibitors. Among the most famous are:

    • Aspirin. One of the most famous and long-used medicines, which is used for various diseases. It is usually prescribed in the initial stages of the disease to relieve painful symptoms. Use with caution for people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system.
    • Diclofenac and its many synonyms. It has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and pain-reducing effect. Available in tablets and ointment form.
    • Ibuprofen and synonyms. Relieves pain and reduces inflammation in joints. Well tolerated by the body.
    • Indomethacin with analogues. One of the most powerful remedies, it relieves pain well, available in the form of tablets, gel, ointment and suppositories. Affordable, but has quite a few contraindications.
    • Ketoprofen and synonyms. Like the above, it belongs to the first type of cyclooxygenase inhibitors. It is similar in action to Ibuprofen and is available in various forms: tablets, injections, ointments, gels, aerosols, suppositories and preparations for external use (applications).
    • Movalis with numerous trade analogues. Its main active ingredient, meloxicam, is less toxic to the gastrointestinal tract and is well tolerated by patients, but has a number of contraindications for the cardiovascular system. It also has many forms: suppositories, tablets, ointment and injection solution. A single dose has a long-lasting effect.
    • Celecoxib is a drug with minimal side effects on the digestive and cardiovascular systems.
    • Nimesulide, like many others, has many trade names from different manufacturers. Available in different forms, including in the form of lozenges and granules to create a liquid preparation. It not only relieves pain and inflammatory conditions, but also protects joints from further destruction.
    • Etoricoxib (Arcoxia). This modern drug is well tolerated and has a positive effect when the dosage is observed, but requires monitoring of blood pressure and heart conditions.
    • Do not combine several similar products.
    • Follow the dosage and doctor's instructions.
    • Take this medication with water only. Juices, tea, coffee and especially milk can distort the effect of the product.
    • Avoid alcohol completely while taking NSAIDs.
    • Do not self-medicate.

    Compliance with all doctor's instructions and regular correct technique prescribed remedies will quickly bring relief and significant relief to the condition of a patient with arthrosis.

    The leading symptoms of degenerative-dystrophic and inflammatory pathologies of the musculoskeletal system are acute pain, severe swelling, and stiffness. If NSAIDs and analgesics do not cope with these clinical manifestations, then patients are prescribed steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for joints (glucocorticosteroids). They eliminate quickly clinical manifestations osteoarthritis, correct the immune response in patients with arthritis.

    The therapeutic effectiveness of glucocorticosteroids is sometimes offset by their severe adverse local and systemic reactions. When taken orally, medications have a negative effect on the gastrointestinal tract, urinary organs, and reduce bone mass. Therefore, when prescribing steroid drugs, the doctor carefully calculates single and daily dosages.

    What are glucocorticosteroids

    The coordinated functioning of all vital systems and individual organs is ensured by hormones - biologically active substances produced in the endocrine glands. They enter the bloodstream and then bind to receptors on target cells. Hormones regulate various processes in the human body, including metabolic ones. Glucocorticosteroids are analogues of hormones produced by glandular cells of the adrenal glands. An increase or decrease in their level in the systemic bloodstream seriously worsens a person’s well-being and causes the development of pathologies.

    Steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for the treatment of joints contain active ingredients that have a variety of effects on the body. After intra-articular injection or taking a tablet, the intensity of pain decreases and the range of motion increases. Glucocorticoids are able to normalize microcirculation and stop acute inflammatory processes.


    The clinical and pharmacological group of steroids includes drugs with main components that have biological activity. Cortisone and Hydrocortisone are glucocorticosteroids of natural origin. The rest of the drugs are their synthetic analogues, derivatives of hydrocortisone, obtained as a result of fluoridation or other chemical reactions. Artificial steroids are characterized by higher therapeutic efficacy, lower frequency of use, and less pronounced adverse reactions. In medical practice, a classification of hormonal drugs is accepted depending on the time of their therapeutic effect:

    • The half-life of short-acting steroids (cortisone, hydrocortisone) is from 8 to 12 hours. They are usually included in external agents that are rarely used in the treatment of joint pathologies. Intended mainly for the treatment of inflammatory skin lesions. Hormone replacement therapy is carried out using tablets and injections for a deficiency of natural hormones in the body;
    • The half-life of intermediate-acting steroids (methylprednisolone, prednisolone, triamcinolone) is from 18 to 36 hours. They are most often used in orthopedics, rheumatology, and traumatology. They are several times more clinically effective than short-acting agents, but have less effect on water and electrolyte balance. Significantly less likely to provoke adverse systemic reactions;
    • The elimination period for long-acting steroids (betamethasone, dexamethasone) ranges from 36 to 54 hours. The drugs are not intended for long-term treatment due to severe side effects and toxic effects on the body.

    Glucocorticosteroids are also classified depending on the route of administration. Tablets and injections are used to treat joint pathologies. The latter are injected intramuscularly, intravenously, into the joint cavity, sometimes directly into the inflamed tendon. Hormonal products are produced in the form of lyophilisates for the preparation of solutions and suspensions. The following steroid drugs are most often used in the treatment of degenerative-dystrophic and inflammatory joint pathologies:

    • Dexamethasone;
    • Depo-Medrol;
    • Triamcinolone (Kenalog);
    • Hydrocortisone;
    • Betamethasone (Diprospan, Celeston, Flosteron);
    • Prednisolone.

    These hormonal agents are characterized by pronounced anti-inflammatory, antiallergic and immunosuppressive activity. They also affect metabolism: lipids, proteins, carbohydrates.

    pharmachologic effect

    Steroid drugs contain ingredients that quickly penetrate cell membranes and act on cytoplasmic receptors. During the binding process, active complexes are formed that enter the nuclei and affect the biosynthesis of special proteins. The immune response changes, there is a direct or indirect effect on the production of mediators of pain, inflammation, fever - prostaglandins, leukotrienes, bradykinins. The ability of steroid drugs to inhibit phospholipid mediators, preventing platelet aggregation, has been clinically proven. Glucocorticosteroids are also characterized by other pharmacological properties:

    • inhibition of the activity of phospholipase and hyaluronidase, which stimulate the biosynthesis of prostaglandins;
    • stabilization of cell membranes, inhibition of the release of histamine, thromboxane, and leukotrienes from mast cells, which provoke inflammatory processes;
    • slowing down the synthesis of specific cytokine proteins from arachidonic acid that regulate the immune response;
    • enhancing glucose synthesis in hepatocytes and protein catabolism, providing the body with high-energy substances;
    • immunosuppressive effect - suppression of excessive activity of the immune system in relation to the body's own cells.

    Taking steroid drugs prevents the interaction of lymphocytes and their migration to inflammatory foci. With hormonal therapy, the release of adrenaline into the bloodstream increases, and the sensitivity of certain receptors to this bioactive substance is restored. At the same time, a narrowing of blood vessels occurs, reducing their permeability. The combination of these effects explains one of the side effects of glucocorticosteroids - a rise in blood pressure. But this property is often used to eliminate state of shock in a critical, life-threatening situation.

    Indications for use

    In the treatment of autoimmune diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis, steroid drugs are used in small doses to pathogenetic treatment. They are prescribed to patients not so much to relieve symptoms, but to correct the immune response. Hormonal agents are included in therapeutic regimens when diagnosing juvenile, psoriatic and gouty arthritis. The drugs are also used in the treatment of diseases not accompanied by inflammation in the joints.


    Treatment with steroid drugs is carried out only after a thorough diagnosis of the patient and examination of the medical history. Throughout the therapy, the doctor monitors the patient’s condition based on the results biochemical tests. But, despite the pronounced side effects of hormonal drugs, all contraindications to their one-time use are relative. If the patient requires urgent administration of injection solutions, then the only contraindication is hypersensitivity to the active auxiliary ingredients. When prescribing a long course of treatment, the doctor takes it into account possible consequences. Long-term use of hormonal drugs is contraindicated in the following pathologies:

    • Itsenko-Cushing's disease (primary hypercortisolism);
    • active forms of tuberculosis of any localization;
    • severe arterial hypertension;
    • ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract;
    • severe circulatory failure;
    • diabetes mellitus;
    • acute and chronic pathologies urinary organs.

    The steroid drug is not used in therapy if the patient has previously experienced allergic reactions after taking glucocorticosteroids.

    Drugs are strictly prohibited during pregnancy due to the high likelihood of developing congenital anomalies of the adrenal glands in the fetus. Steroids are prescribed to children only for health reasons, as they provoke growth retardation.

    Side effects

    Predict the appearance side effect steroid drugs in a specific patient is impossible. Studying the medical history and minimizing the dosage of glucocorticosteroids helps to minimize the likelihood of local and systemic adverse reactions. But with long-term treatment, the following negative consequences often occur:

    • symptomatic Itsenko-Cushing complex: due to sodium and water retention, edema forms, potassium deficiency occurs, blood pressure increases, and steroid-induced diabetes mellitus may develop;
    • regeneration processes in tissues slow down;
    • the mucous membranes of the digestive tract become ulcerated, gastritis, stomach and duodenal ulcers worsen;
    • pancreatic tissue degenerates due to the development of necrosis, saturation of the parenchyma with blood, and bleeding;
    • immunity decreases, respiratory and intestinal infections become more frequent;
    • body weight increases, acne appears or worsens, and the menstrual cycle is disrupted.

    Most of the complications that arise are reversible, that is, they disappear after treatment. Irreversible consequences include growth retardation in children, subcapsular cataracts, and steroid-induced diabetes.

    special instructions

    The dosage regimen depends on the nature of the pathology, the patient's response to the steroid drug used, age and weight. But even with effective therapy without serious manifestations The withdrawal syndrome characteristic of hormonal drugs should be taken into account. It consists of an exacerbation of the degenerative or inflammatory process after abrupt cessation of treatment. The following pathological conditions may also occur:

    • increased body temperature;
    • weakness, fatigue, drowsiness.

    Sometimes (usually under stress) an Addisonian crisis occurs - vomiting, collapse, convulsions. To prevent the development of withdrawal syndrome, at the last stage of treatment, dosages are gradually reduced, as is the frequency of their administration.
    The main principle of treating joint diseases with glucocorticosteroids is to ensure maximum therapeutic effects using minimal doses. It is unacceptable to use any hormonal drugs without a doctor's prescription.

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