Home Gums Options for oxygen breathing devices at home. Oxygen concentrator and its health benefits! What are oxygen concentrators for?

Options for oxygen breathing devices at home. Oxygen concentrator and its health benefits! What are oxygen concentrators for?

Oxygen Concentrator and its health benefits!

For normal life, a person needs clean air. However, today the environment is at an unsatisfactory level. The air contains gases that are harmful chemical elements, dust and other substances that negatively affect health. For this reason, experts recommend regularly undergoing oxygen treatments. Oxygen therapy has a positive effect on the human body and is characterized by a beneficial effect. To carry out oxygen therapy, oxygen concentrators are used, created on the basis of PSA technology - adsorption at variable pressure. Initially, oxygen switches were developed for the space industry, but are now widely used to improve the health of residents of megacities.

Operating principle of oxygen devices

Oxygen concentrators operate according to the following scheme: molecular oxygen particles are released from the surrounding atmosphere, which are concentrated and released in the form of a stream of purified oxygen. Ordinary air is sucked into the concentrator and enters special filter columns. The air then splits into pure oxygen and impurities. Oxygen remains inside the device, and harmful components freely exit the concentrator. As a result, the patient receives oxygen that has a higher concentration than in atmospheric air.

The result of oxygen exposure on the human body

Receiving a portion of purified air from an oxygen apparatus activates vital functions, which leads to comprehensive rejuvenation of the body. Constant procedures prevent colds and improve sleep. Oxygen therapy saturates the brain with oxygen, which promotes mental activity and leads to increased vital activity at the cellular level. Systematic sessions cleanse the skin and give it beauty, saturate the capillaries with oxygen. In addition, oxygen exposure increases concentration, strengthens tone and increases stress resistance.

Oxygen concentrators from LifeCore International

Where to buy an oxygen concentrator

LifeCore International offers a wide selection of oxygen concentrators that can be purchased or rented. In order to make a purchase, just contact our representatives, who will help you choose the right option, advise you and provide all the information the buyer needs. In addition to sales, we provide oxygen equipment rental services for any period of time.

Oxygen concentrator FreeStyle from LifeCore International

Renting oxygen concentrators allows you to conduct oxygen therapy sessions in salons, schools, kindergartens, sanatoriums, etc. All equipment provided for temporary use is in working condition and fully ready for use. In this case, consumable items (nasal tubes, filters, oxygen masks, humidifiers, etc.) are supplied along with the rental devices in new condition and are in the original packaging.

You can rent concentrators http://www.lifecore.ru/arenda-kislorodnyh-koncentratorov here. More information on the company website www.lifecore.ru.

It is no secret that city air often contains insufficient amounts of oxygen due to environmental and meteorological factors. This instantly affects our well-being. The situation is aggravated under conditions of increased stress on the body: stress, illness, and sports require increased oxygen consumption. How to compensate for oxygen deficiency?

For urban air, the oxygen content is considered normal at 20.8%. At 18% even healthy people Headaches, drowsiness, and decreased mental activity may begin. This minimum concentration, in which a person can breathe normally without an oxygen apparatus. A drop in oxygen concentration to 16% causes increased breathing and dizziness, and 13% leads to loss of consciousness.

IN last years weather reports began to include data on the oxygen content in the air and warnings about possible illnesses in people with chronic diseases respiratory organs and cardiovascular systems s. To the relatively harmless, quickly passing weather fluctuations are added more persistent ecological problems, and often disasters. For example, in the summer of 2010 in some areas of Moscow and the region, during forest fires, the oxygen concentration in the air decreased by 3.7 times compared to the norm. It turns out that during this period literally every resident of the region needed oxygen support. And if the composition of outdoor air is difficult to normalize due to large volumes, then indoors there is a chance to take control of the situation.

What is an oxygen concentrator

Previously, the problem of insufficient indoor air quality was solved using liquefied oxygen cylinders. However, this method has a number of disadvantages: it is difficult to ensure a uniform supply of oxygen, there is a risk of leakage and increased fire hazard, and the cylinder may even explode. A modern and safe solution is an oxygen concentrator. Using this device, you can pass pressurized air through a filter that traps nitrogen and releases a gas mixture with 95 percent oxygen. The hub can operate on mains power or autonomously, using a battery.

The filter is a cylinder filled with granules of a sorbing mineral - zeolite, which is known for its properties high blood pressure retain nitrogen. When the device is turned off, some nitrogen will be released back into the atmosphere - but this will be a very small amount, the bulk of the nitrogen will remain in the filter. Any sorbent becomes saturated over time, so approximately every five years the zeolite granules must be changed so that the performance of the concentrator does not decrease. You cannot replace the filler yourself - to do this, you should contact one of the service centers. This is an inexpensive service that should not be neglected.

By the way!
Oxygen concentrators were invented by NASA engineers to provide oxygen to astronauts. Soon they began to be used in medicine. Now space technologies are available for everyday use. Zeolite, which is used in oxygen concentrators, is a natural sorbent with a microporous structure; it also finds wide application in industrial water treatment, agriculture, medicine and food industry.

Oxygen concentrators are used in medical, health, sports institutions, and in Lately household models have also become widespread.

Types of oxygen concentrators

Depending on the purpose of use, the devices vary in size and performance.

  • Medicinal. Designed for hospitals sanatorium-resort institutions, ambulances. Can be used for long-term or emergency breathing support, producing 5–10 liters of oxygen per minute. Equipped with alarm systems to monitor the patient's condition.
  • Universal. They are used to prepare oxygen-rich foamy drinks (so-called oxygen cocktails) and oxygen therapy sessions in fitness centers and beauty salons. Produce 3–5 liters of oxygen per minute.
  • For home use. These oxygen concentrators have a capacity of 1–3 liters of oxygen per minute, are small in size, operate silently, easily fit into any interior, and can be used for inhalation using a nebulizer (usually included in the kit) or preparing oxygen cocktails.

The attitude towards an oxygen concentrator as an expensive toy is gradually being replaced by an understanding of its necessity in every home. Why is this happening?

Who needs an oxygen machine

People with respiratory and cardiovascular diseases need an oxygen concentrator literally like air. Particularly noteworthy is chronic obstructive pulmonary disease - COPD, the causes of which are mainly air pollution and smoking. According to WHO data, it ranks fourth in terms of mortality, second only to heart disease, stroke and lower respiratory infections. respiratory tract. In light of the fact that any disease is easier to prevent than to treat, there is reason to think about the quality of the air you inhale.

Oxygen therapy is recommended for athletes, smokers, and elderly people. Sometimes it is prescribed to pregnant women to prevent fetal hypoxia. The benefits of oxygen cocktails are confirmed by research Science Center children's health Russian Academy medical sciences. Thus, an oxygen concentrator is useful for the whole family, especially in metropolitan conditions, which provoke slight but constant hypoxia even in healthy people.

It is important!
The supply mode, duration of sessions and dosage of oxygen must be agreed upon with the attending physician. Despite the absence absolute contraindications to oxygen therapy, remember that an overdose of oxygen can cause no less harm to the body than a deficiency. This should be especially taken into account if you are going to use the concentrator with the whole family.

Read the instructions before use

You will learn the details of using a particular model of oxygen concentrator from the instructions, which you must read carefully. General rules The safety precautions are as follows:

  • Oxygen is explosive, so using the concentrator near gas stoves and other fire sources is unacceptable. Smoking in the room where the concentrator operates is also prohibited.
  • The distance from the operating concentrator to walls and furniture should be at least 30 cm.
  • When inhaling, be sure to use a humidifier (included in the kit).
  • Nasal cannulas for inhalation should be used individually.
  • Filters and zeolite granules must be changed at the intervals specified in the instructions.

Like any electrical device, an oxygen concentrator should not be left turned on unattended.

How to choose an oxygen concentrator

First of all, determine the purpose of using the device. If it is purchased for one or two healthy people for preventive purposes, a household model is suitable. For a large family in which someone suffers from chronic lung diseases, it is better to purchase a universal concentrator. If there are elderly people in the family with serious heart problems and pulmonary diseases or bedridden patients, a treatment device may be required.

    • Manufacturer. On Russian market devices produced in the USA, Germany, Russia and China are presented. In terms of price-quality ratio for home use Russian concentrators can be recommended.
    • Dimensions and weight. Directly related to performance, which requires more or less zeolite granules. Medical concentrators, as a rule, are larger and heavier due to additional functionality. Concentrators with a capacity of 1–5 liters can weigh from 6 to 30 kg. The smallest, portable devices can be installed on a desk; larger ones are equipped with wheels for easy transportation (see figure).

Rice. Oxygen concentrators with air flow 0–5 l/min (left) and 0–1 l/min (right).

  • Noise level. Home hubs are noisy at 35-45 dB, which is comparable to a soft conversation. Medical concentrators produce a slightly higher noise level.
  • Functional. The oxygen concentrator can be designed for one or several users. If it is intended for inhalation, a humidifier is built into it. Many models are equipped with a timer so that you can set the exact duration of the session.
  • Performance. For short-term preventive inhalations, a capacity of 1–3 liters per minute is sufficient. If a concentrator is required in medicinal purposes, it is better to choose a model with higher performance.
  • Gas flow saturation. The maximum oxygen concentration at the outlet is 96%. On average, saturation parameters range from 87–96%. Keep in mind that they decrease as the resource of zeolite granules is used up.
  • Price. The minimum cost of a concentrator is about 20,000 rubles. Professional models can cost several hundred thousand rubles.
  • Equipment. The kit may include humidifiers, nasal cannulas, masks, diffusers, a mixer for preparing oxygen cocktails, and a remote control. remote control.
  • Service life and warranty. As a rule, the concentrator is designed for 5–10 years of operation, which makes its cost not so high, especially taking into account the warranty period. Some manufacturers provide a warranty of up to 3 years.

When determining which model of oxygen concentrator is right for you, try to simulate the situations in which you will use it. Imagine where it will stand, whether it will need to be moved, how often you will turn it on. This will help to do right choice.

In big cities, when daily walks fresh air are becoming less accessible, and the environmental situation is in no hurry to improve, purchasing an oxygen concentrator is becoming a profitable investment in the health of the whole family. Oxygen therapy helps strengthen the immune system, improve metabolism, and increase performance.

Where can I buy an oxygen concentrator for the whole family?

We have reached out to a representative for comment. Russian company"Armed" - a well-known manufacturer of oxygen concentrators:

"Purchase equipment medical purposes It is best to contact official representatives of the manufacturer. In this case you are offered favorable prices and signature service. The Armed company produces oxygen concentrators for domestic, commercial and medical use. The most budget model is Armed 8 F-1 - costs about 23,400 rubles and is designed specifically for home use. It weighs just under 8 kg, can be conveniently installed on a table, and there is a wood-look design available. Armed 8 F-1 is equipped with a large display, convenient for people with low vision, operates very quietly, and consumes only 100 W of electricity. The kit includes a remote control. This is a stylish and modern device, affordable to almost every family, taking into account the average service life of 10 years. That is, you will invest less than 2,500 rubles a year in the health of your family, which is comparable to monthly expenses on medicines. In addition, we provide a three-year warranty on all our oxygen concentrators and provide our own service center. From our official representatives you can always purchase consumables for concentrators, as well as food mixtures for preparing oxygen cocktails, which, by the way, children are especially willing to drink because it is not only healthy, but also tasty.”

P.S. You can learn more about Armed oxygen concentrators on the website.

Oxygen concentrator: an absolute benefit for everyone It is no secret that city air often contains insufficient amounts of oxygen due to environmental and meteorological factors. This instantly affects our well-being. The situation is aggravated under conditions of increased stress on the body: stress, illness, and sports require increased oxygen consumption. How to compensate for oxygen deficiency? For urban air, the oxygen content is considered normal at 20.8%. At 18%, even healthy people may experience headaches, drowsiness, and decreased mental activity. This is the minimum concentration at which a person can breathe normally without an oxygen apparatus. A drop in oxygen concentration to 16% causes increased breathing and dizziness, 13% leads to loss of consciousness

In recent years, weather reports have begun to include data on the oxygen content of the air and warnings about possible illnesses in people with chronic respiratory and cardiovascular diseases. To the relatively harmless, quickly passing weather fluctuations are added more persistent environmental problems, and often disasters. For example, in the summer of 2010 in some areas of Moscow and the region, during forest fires, the oxygen concentration in the air decreased by 3.7 times compared to the norm. It turns out that during this period literally every resident of the region needed oxygen support. And if the composition of outdoor air is difficult to normalize due to large volumes, then indoors there is a chance to take control of the situation. What is an oxygen concentrator Previously, the problem of insufficient indoor air quality was solved using cylinders with liquefied oxygen.

However, this method has a number of disadvantages: it is difficult to ensure a uniform supply of oxygen, there is a risk of leakage and increased fire hazard, and the cylinder may even explode. A modern and safe solution - . With this device, you can pass pressurized air through a filter that traps nitrogen and releases a gas mixture with 95 percent oxygen. The hub can operate on mains power or autonomously, using a battery. The filter is a cylinder filled with granules of a sorbing mineral - zeolite, which is known for its ability to retain nitrogen at high pressure. When the device is turned off, some nitrogen will be released back into the atmosphere - but this will be a very small amount, the bulk of the nitrogen will remain in the filter.

Any sorbent becomes saturated over time, so approximately every five years the zeolite granules must be changed so that the performance of the concentrator does not decrease. You cannot replace the filler yourself - to do this, you should contact one of the service centers. This is an inexpensive service that should not be neglected. By the way! Oxygen concentrators were invented by NASA engineers to provide oxygen to astronauts. Soon they began to be used in medicine. Now space technologies are available for everyday use. Zeolite, which is used in oxygen concentrators, is a natural sorbent with a microporous structure; it is also widely used in industrial water treatment, agriculture, medicine and the food industry. Oxygen concentrators are used in medical, health, and sports institutions, and recently household models have become widespread.

Types of oxygen concentrators Depending on the purpose of use, the devices vary in size and performance. Medicinal. Designed for hospitals, health resorts, ambulances. Can be used for long-term or emergency breathing support, producing 5–10 liters of oxygen per minute. Equipped with alarm systems to monitor the patient's condition. Universal. They are used to prepare oxygen-rich foamy drinks (so-called oxygen cocktails) and oxygen therapy sessions in fitness centers and beauty salons. Produce 3–5 liters of oxygen per minute.

For home use. These have a capacity of 1–3 liters of oxygen per minute, are small in size, operate silently, fit easily into any interior, and can be used for inhalation using a nebulizer (usually included in the kit) or preparing oxygen cocktails. The attitude towards an oxygen concentrator as an expensive toy is gradually being replaced by an understanding of its necessity in every home. Why is this happening? Who needs an oxygen machine

People with respiratory and cardiovascular diseases literally need it like air. Particularly noteworthy is chronic obstructive pulmonary disease - COPD, the causes of which are mainly air pollution and smoking. According to WHO, it ranks fourth in terms of mortality, second only to heart disease, stroke and lower respiratory tract infections.

In light of the fact that any disease is easier to prevent than to treat, there is reason to think about the quality of the air you inhale. Oxygen therapy is recommended for athletes, smokers, and elderly people. Sometimes it is prescribed to pregnant women to prevent fetal hypoxia. The benefits of oxygen cocktails are confirmed by research from the Scientific Center for Children's Health of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. Thus, an oxygen concentrator is useful for the whole family, especially in metropolitan conditions, which provoke slight but constant hypoxia even in healthy people. It is important!

The supply mode, duration of sessions and dosage of oxygen must be agreed upon with the attending physician. Despite the absence of absolute contraindications to oxygen therapy, remember that an overdose of oxygen can cause no less harm to the body than a deficiency. This should be especially taken into account if you are going to use the concentrator with the whole family. Before use, read the instructions. You will learn the details of using a particular oxygen concentrator model from the instructions, which you must read carefully.

General safety rules are as follows: Oxygen is explosive, so using the concentrator near gas stoves and other sources of fire is unacceptable. Smoking in the room where the concentrator operates is also prohibited. The distance from the operating concentrator to walls and furniture must be at least 30 cm. When inhaling, it is necessary to use a humidifier (included in the kit). Nasal cannulas for inhalation should be used individually.

Filters and zeolite granules must be changed at the intervals specified in the instructions. Like any electrical device, an oxygen concentrator should not be left turned on unattended. How to choose an oxygen concentrator First of all, determine the purpose of using the device. If it is purchased for one or two healthy people for preventive purposes, a household model is suitable. For a large family in which someone suffers from chronic lung diseases, it is better to purchase a universal concentrator. If there are elderly people in the family with severe heart and lung diseases or bedridden patients, a treatment device may be required.

Manufacturer. The Russian market includes devices manufactured in the USA, Germany, Russia and China. In terms of price-quality ratio, Russian concentrators can be recommended for home use. Dimensions and weight. Directly related to performance, which requires more or less zeolite granules. , as a rule, larger and heavier due to additional functionality. Concentrators with a capacity of 1–5 liters can weigh from 6 to 30 kg. The smallest, portable devices can be installed on a desk; larger ones are equipped with wheels for easy transportation

With air flow 0–5 l/min (left) and 0–1 l/min (right). Noise level. Home hubs are noisy at 35-45 dB, which is comparable to a soft conversation. Medical concentrators produce a slightly higher noise level. Functional.

Can be designed for one or more users. If it is intended for inhalation, a humidifier is built into it. Many models are equipped with a timer so that you can set the exact duration of the session. Performance. For short-term preventive inhalations, a capacity of 1–3 liters per minute is sufficient. If a concentrator is required for medicinal purposes, it is better to choose a model with higher performance. Gas flow saturation. The maximum oxygen concentration at the outlet is 96%. On average, saturation parameters range from 87–96%.

Keep in mind that they decrease as the resource of zeolite granules is used up. Price. The minimum cost of a concentrator is about 20,000 rubles. Professional models can cost several hundred thousand rubles. Equipment. The kit may include humidifiers, nasal cannulas, masks, diffusers, a mixer for preparing oxygen cocktails, and a remote control. Service life and warranty.

As a rule, the concentrator is designed for 5–10 years of operation, which makes its cost not so high, especially taking into account the warranty period. Some manufacturers provide a warranty of up to 3 years. When determining which model of oxygen concentrator is right for you, try to simulate the situations in which you will use it. Imagine where it will stand, whether it will need to be moved, how often you will turn it on. This will help you make the right choice.

Oxygen therapy, or oxygen therapy, is the use of oxygen for medicinal purposes. The method is suitable for adults and children from infancy. Its main task is to replenish oxygen in the tissues of the body and prevent oxygen starvation.


Indicated for patients with lack of movement, frequent stress, illness respiratory system. Oxygen therapy is necessary for patients with oncological diseases who have undergone surgery and are undergoing chemotherapy or radiation therapy, patients with prolonged stay in bed. WITH scientific point From the perspective, the mechanism of oxygen’s action on the body has not yet been well studied, but practical application shows numerous positive examples of a positive effect.

A series of experiments was conducted at the Düsseldorf radiation therapy clinic, which revealed that oxygen therapy enhances the effect of radiation, partially eliminates complications and side effects. It also became known that in healthy tissues regeneration occurs faster, the effect of oxygen on diseased tissue is reversed - cancer cells they die faster. The general condition of the patients improves significantly. Oxygen therapy has the greatest effect in the treatment of neuroblastomas.

Health promotion

People who do not have any special illnesses also need to be saturated with additional portions of oxygen, this is especially true for residents major cities where industrial zones are concentrated.

Normal functioning of the body is possible if the presence of oxygen in the air is at least 21% of the total mass. In fact, the oxygen level is no more than 19%. As a result, tissues suffer internal organs, diseases of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems occur.


Oxygen therapy is indicated for the following diseases:

  • Cyanosis, respiratory failure acute or chronic course.
  • Obstructive pulmonary pathology chronic form.
  • Pulmonary edema, shock.
  • Cystic fibrosis, eye diseases.
  • Traumatic brain injuries.
  • Allergic pathologies accompanied by attacks of suffocation.
  • Arthritis, arthrosis, cardiac asthma.
  • Rehabilitation after poisoning.
  • Increasing the effectiveness of cancer therapy.


  • Autism.
  • Some types of brain diseases (dystrophy).
  • Pulmonary hemorrhage.

Oxygen therapy is never carried out using pure O2 gas. The pure substance causes drying of lung tissue. For treatment, mixtures of gases are used, where the proportion of oxygen ranges from 40 to 80%, the concentration is determined by the patient’s diagnosis.

What is the benefit

Oxygen therapy has a positive effect on many functions of the human body. During the procedure, the following is noted:

  • Replenishment in tissues.
  • Normalization of cell regeneration processes.
  • Recovery normal level cellular respiration.
  • Stabilizing metabolic processes in tissues.
  • The immune system is strengthened.
  • Bouncing back arterial pressure.
  • The body is detoxified.
  • Metabolism accelerates.
  • Hemodynamics improve, respiratory functions are normalized.

The effect of oxygen therapy is prolonged. Within a few hours after the procedure, the patient improves:

  • Blood oxygen saturation.
  • Improving blood circulation in all organs.
  • The amount of hemoglobin and leukocytes in the blood increases.
  • The kidneys produce more fluid and excretion functions improve, which reduces swelling.
  • The pain threshold decreases, etc.

Types of mixtures

Oxygen therapy is carried out using healing mixtures of gases, where O 2 is present in a strictly dosed volume. For patients with pulmonary edema, mixtures are administered through an antifoam agent.

Types of mixtures used:

  • Carbogen - consists of oxygen and carbon dioxide in a 50:50 ratio. The presence of CO 2 makes it easier for the patient to absorb oxygen.
  • Oxygen-argon - a mixture of oxygen (70-80%) with argon. This version of the gas prevents drying of the mucous membranes and improves the absorption of O 2.
  • Helium-oxygen - the majority (60-70%) is helium, the rest is O 2.


Oxygen therapy is a method of restoring health through physical therapy. The procedure is offered and prescribed in hospitals, outpatient clinics, and sanatorium-resort institutions.

The oxygen therapy system has several options, the most commonly used are the following:

  • Inhalation - the supply of an oxygen mixture occurs through catheters, masks, cannulas or This is a method of directly introducing oxygen into the lungs, usually through the nose. The duration of the session is at least 10 minutes and up to 1 hour. For inhalation, a Bobrov apparatus is used, in which the gas mixture is moistened. The supply comes from oxygen bags, stationary cylinders or clinic storage facilities.
  • Extrapulmonary - oxygen is supplied to the peritoneum, subcutaneously or subconjunctivally. Each type of this therapy has its own goals - rectal administration increases partial pressure, accelerates metabolic processes in the gastrointestinal tract, regulates some nervous processes. Intraperitoneal injection into the pleural area is indicated to overcome pulmonary insufficiency, gas poisoning, tuberculosis, wounds, etc. The introduction of an O2 mixture into the stomach using a probe eliminates bleeding, improves motility, secretory functions, promotes tissue restoration. Subcutaneous administration is indicated for diseases nervous system. In case of eye injuries or inflammation, oxygenation is carried out by injections into the periocular areas. For treatment helminthic infestation oxygen is introduced into the intestines.
  • Hyperbaric oxygenation is carried out using a sealed pressure chamber into which a gas mixture is supplied under pressure. Indicated for patients with a number of pathologies - hypoxia, air embolism, all types of shock, decompression, blood microcirculation disorders, gas gangrene, etc.
  • Oxygen baths - this type of balneotherapy activates redox processes in the body, eliminates insomnia, improves the functioning of the nervous system, and lowers blood pressure. For the procedure, the water in the bathroom is heated to 35 degrees Celsius and enriched with oxygen. The required number of sessions to achieve results is at least 10 baths of 15 minutes each.
  • Oxygen tent, awning, incubator - equipment used for oxygen therapy of infants.
  • Oxygen cocktails, mousses - enteral oxygen therapy. Juices and herbal decoctions are passed through liquefied oxygen. Drinks bring invaluable help for otolaryngological diseases, acute respiratory viral infections, allergies, bronchial asthma, chronic fatigue, long-term illnesses. Used to prevent colds in young children.

Ozone and oxygen

Ozone-oxygen therapy provides complex action on the body - blood microcirculation improves, protective functions body. External use of drugs in this group eliminates inflammation on the skin, and the bactericidal, oxidative and anti-inflammatory effects of ozone appear.

A course of ozone therapy is recommended for people leading a sedentary lifestyle and having bad habits- gray complexion is eliminated subcutaneous injection drugs. have a destructive effect on foreign and harmful bacteria, viruses, and damaged skin fibers. Fungal infections nail plates are successfully treated with ozone therapy.

Oxygen-ozone therapy is indicated for the following diseases:

The drugs are administered subcutaneously with short needles, used externally, or administered rectally. After the course of treatment, rashes disappear, including weeping ones, itching disappears, the skin becomes healthy looking and integrity of the cover.

In cosmetology, ozone therapy methods are actively used for the following purposes:

  • Eliminate or reduce the appearance of cellulite.
  • Reducing the signs of age - wrinkles, dullness and decreased skin tone.
  • Massages for general strengthening skin and its rejuvenation.


Like any other method, ozone therapy has its limitations in application. Contraindications to oxygen-ozone therapy are as follows:

  • Low blood clotting.
  • Blood clots, ozone allergy, hypocalcemia.
  • Diabetes mellitus, hyperfunction thyroid gland.
  • Hypoglycemia, myocardial infarction.
  • Convulsions, internal bleeding.
  • Pancreatitis in acute form.

Activated oxygen

Singlet oxygen therapy is the use of activated oxygen for treatment. It is obtained by passing a steam-water mixture through a magnetic-ultraviolet activator. The magnetic field promotes the formation of new oxygen compounds that act more efficiently and exhibit greater stability.

Therapy with such oxygen normalizes the antioxidant functions of the body and is indicated for diseases of the following areas:

  • Pulmonology (tuberculosis, asthmatic bronchitis, emphysema, occupational diseases, bronchitis, etc.).
  • Cardiology (hypertension, angina pectoris, VSD, cardiopathy, varicose veins, rheumatism, thrombophlebitis, etc.).
  • Gastroenterology (gastritis, ulcers, hepatitis, gastroduodenitis, colitis, etc.).
  • Hematology (anemia and leukemia).
  • Endocrinology (obesity, diabetes).
  • Neurology (VSD, neuroses, diencephalic syndrome, asthenic conditions, etc.).
  • Traumatology and orthopedics (Bechterew's disease, post-traumatic injuries, osteochondrosis, etc.).
  • Dermatology (neurodermatitis, eczema, trophic ulcers, etc.).
  • Infectology (tonsillitis, intestinal infections etc.).

The qualities and positive effects of activated oxygen have found application in sports medicine, surgery, urology, radiology and other fields of medicine.

Oxygen mesotherapy

Oxygen therapy for the face and body solves many skin problems and age-related changes.

The method helps to get rid of:

  • Stretch marks, swelling, rosacea.
  • Scars, scars, acne, dry skin.
  • Age spots, facial wrinkles, acne.

Dark circles under the eyes and a sagging chin are also eliminated or reduced.

With the help of oxygen, the epidermis is restored after traumatic procedures (peeling, photorejuvenation, etc.).

Apparatus for oxygen therapy used in for cosmetic purposes, has several attachments for influencing different areas of the skin. Treatment is carried out externally using pure O2. Before starting the procedure, the skin is prepared - cleaned, applied special means, reinforcing therapeutic effect. To achieve results, you must undergo at least 10 procedures.

Home oxygen therapy

Oxygen therapy at home is carried out using:

  • Oxygen cartridge. The container contains a gas mixture where the oxygen content is 80%. A special mask is used for breathing. The use of a spray can is recommended for asthma attacks, insomnia, heart attacks, hangover syndrome or to overcome motion sickness syndrome.
  • Oxygen cushion - is a rubberized bag with a device for connecting individual equipment. To ensure humidification of the supplied oxygen, the outlet of the pillow is wrapped with a damp cloth. The pillow holds up to 75 liters of gas mixture; filling occurs from a stationary cylinder at the nearest clinic.

Helpful information

The oxygen therapy procedure is painless. Before the session, the doctor checks the patient’s oxygen level with a special device - a pulse oximeter; this is not a mandatory requirement, but gives the doctor a situational picture. Prescriptions are made individually, depending on the patient’s condition and treatment goals.

Most often, treatment is carried out by inhalation using nasal cannulas or a mask. The duration of the session can last several hours or be continuous for several days. After the session you need to monitor your condition. Some symptoms may indicate a negative effect of therapy, namely:

  • Dry cough, chest pain, difficulty breathing.
  • Insomnia, intermittent night sleep.
  • Changes in skin color around the eyes, lips or gums (bluish, gray tint).

If such signs or one of them are detected, you must contact your doctor to adjust the prescription, condition, or cancel oxygen therapy.

To obtain required dose oxygen, you often have to run to doctors asking for directions

Oxygen breathing apparatus at home: who needs it and why?

Such a device is necessary for people suffering from the following ailments:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • chronic obstructive disease lungs (COPD);
  • cystic fibrosis;
  • cardiac or respiratory failure;
  • pulmonary hypertension.

It is these diseases that prevent the normal saturation of the cells of the human body with oxygen. But even if pulmonary or cardiovascular diseases are missing, a home oxygen concentrator may be useful. In conditions of gas pollution in modern large cities, a person begins to oxygen starvation. It is not clearly felt, but the state of the body can be judged by frequent headaches, chronic fatigue, and irritability. In this case, oxygen therapy will not hurt. She will become the source Have a good mood and a surge of strength. An oxygen installation for your home can help with one more thing: it can be used to prepare delicious and healthy cocktails, but more on that later. First, let's figure out what effect oxygen has on humans.

But such concentrators, in addition to inhalations, can also provide the most useful oxygen cocktails

Oxygen produced by the concentrator: effects on body cells

The oxygen produced by the device helps with recovery after surgery and has a tonic effect on the body. It is especially useful for growing child's body. Doctors say that oxygen cocktails and inhalations are recommended for everyone without exception. There are no disputes about the benefits and harms of oxygen concentrators - about negative impact there is no information.

Oxygen generator for home: device and principle of operation

The design of the device can be called quite simple. These are two cylinders filled with zeolite beads. The principle of operation of an oxygen concentrator is as follows: zeolite separates nitrogen molecules, allowing only pure oxygen to pass into the diffuser. The gas mixture produced by the device contains about 95% oxygen, which is more than enough to saturate the body's cells. In the circuit of such a device, it is necessary to have a compressor that forces air through the cylinders, a dryer, air filters and a humidifier. If you wish, you can assemble an oxygen concentrator with your own hands. You just need to find the zeolite that will fill the cylinders.

Such devices operate from rechargeable batteries or from the mains. The separated nitrogen is released back by the device, but its amount is so negligible that it cannot cause harm to others.

Having figured out how an oxygen concentrator works, let's try to consider Various types similar devices and their properties.

Types of oxygen concentrators and their inherent properties

Such devices can be divided into 3 types, each of which has certain properties. Let's list them:

  1. Universal or therapeutic oxygen concentrator.
  2. Devices for home use.
  3. Portable devices.

Let’s try to understand in detail what features each type has and how they differ from each other.

Medical (therapeutic) oxygen concentrators: purpose, scope of application

Medical devices are quite diverse - for providing first aid for in case of emergency, long-term pulmonary therapy. There are also devices for permanent installation. These are mounted in therapeutic departments hospitals and produce 5-10 liters of oxygen per minute.

Portable oxygen concentrators: what are they and who are they using?

Ambulances are equipped with portable devices to enable them to respond in emergency situations. Also, such devices are used by people who are indicated for daily inhalations, but at the same time the person leads an active lifestyle - goes to the forest, to the lake, to the river. In this case, a portable generator of much-needed gas will be simply irreplaceable. Even though it produces less than 5 liters of oxygen mixture per minute, in pulse mode this figure can increase to 6-7 liters.


Pulse – mode of release of oxygen accumulated in a special reservoir, which is released by the device when inhaling.

A universal device: how does it differ from a medical one?

Medium power device (productivity – 5-6l/min). Suitable for both home and therapeutic use. Used in fitness centers and beauty salons.

Oxygen concentrator for home use: equipment features

The lowest power of the listed types. Productivity – only 1-3l/min. Suitable for inhalation at home, preparing oxygen cocktails. They are quite compact, the design is modern and aesthetic, and they are quite convenient to use.

Which oxygen concentrator is best to buy for home use: expert advice

When choosing a similar device and thinking about which oxygen concentrator is better for home use, you should pay attention to its performance and saturation of the gas flow. It must contain at least 70% oxygen. Otherwise, he is worthless.

The next parameter you should pay attention to is the size of the device. This is important for its correct placement. There is a rule - the concentrator cannot be placed closer than 30 cm from walls and heating appliances.

Next, let's pay attention to noise. Low-power devices are practically inaudible during operation, but those with a higher power rating are not so convenient in this regard. In any case, you should not purchase a device with a noise level above 35 dB.

Concentrators can be very compact - they are convenient to transport in a car

Oxygen cocktail at home: what is it for and how to make it

An oxygen cocktail can be consumed daily for preventive purposes. It is very suitable for children who find it difficult to sit still during inhalations. The cocktail has almost the same effect on the body's cells. If the concentrator has a function for preparing it, the process will not be difficult at all. Any juice without pulp is poured into the glass up to half, after which the tube of the device is lowered into it. The device turns on, and you don’t need to do anything else: after 3-4 minutes, the oxygenated cocktail is ready.

Models of concentrators that are the best according to the editors of the site

Having read many reviews on the Internet, having considered specifications many models, the site's editorial team selected several best models. This should help our dear reader make the right choice without unnecessary hassle and hours of scouring the Internet in search of a good device.

"ARMED 7F-3L" - an oxygen concentrator with good functionality

"ARMED 7F-3L" is recommended not only for home use, but also for use in kindergarten, school, fitness center. The productivity of the device is up to 3 l/min at an oxygen concentration of 93%. Device dimensions 480 × 280 × 560 mm, weight – 26.5 kg. Suitable for preparing oxygen cocktails. Here are some of its characteristics.

A little noisy, but overall a pretty decent unit. Here's what netizens say about him.


"OXYbar Auto" - a product from the very famous brand "Atmung"

Very quiet, light and compact device. The kit includes an adapter for connecting in a car, which is very important for many on long trips. Weight only 5.2 kg. Today there are no such lightweight devices on the Russian market. The manufacturer claims that the device can operate around the clock. The maximum productivity of the unit is 6 l/min, but the oxygen concentration will be only 30%, which is not encouraging. With a performance setting of 1 l/min, the concentration is acceptable - 90%. Let's look at the characteristics of the device.

Thus, the device can be called not only the smallest, but also one of the quietest.

Atmung OXYbar Auto

"BITMOS OXY-6000" is a device with fairly good performance

"BITMOS OXY-6000" is the brainchild of German manufacturers. And, like any German technology, it is made of very high quality. It has a very convenient shape - it is a “suitcase” on wheels, which is very convenient with a weight of 19.8 kg. The dimensions of the device are 520 × 203 × 535 mm. There is a function for preparing oxygen phyto-cocktails. When the temperature rises, the flow rate drops, the oxygen concentration drops, the network turns off and microprocessor errors, the device sounds an audible signal. At a productivity of 1-4 l/min, the oxygen concentration reaches 95%. What about the characteristics?


The cost of such devices is quite high and not everyone can afford it. That is why today you can find many companies offering oxygen concentrators for home use for rent at very reasonable prices.

The most famous concentrator manufacturers present on the Russian market

The most famous brands on the Russian market are: “Bitmos”, “Armed”, “Atmung”. It might be possible to consider Russian manufacturer oxygen concentrators - “Mediaflex”, however, there are no owner reviews about it on major Internet resources, which means we won’t be able to really evaluate it. Let's try to look at the other three manufacturers with their best models.

Rules for using an oxygen breathing apparatus at home

The rules for using the device are quite simple. Let's try to consider the algorithm of actions.

  1. Pour water into the humidifier (special container). You can easily find out where it is located from the technical passport.
  2. We attach a special mask or nasal cannulas to the device.
  3. Turn on the device and put on the mask.
  4. We regulate the oxygen flow according to the doctor’s indications.
  5. We breathe for the required time.


If for the prevention of diseases a duration of inhalations of 20-30 minutes a day is sufficient, then with severe forms COPD patients must wear an oxygen mask for up to 15 hours a day.

Advantages of a concentrator over an oxygen breathing tank

In fact, the can and the concentrator perform one function - replenishing the lack of oxygen. However, the canister has one very big drawback - the limited gas mixture, while the concentrator is capable of performing more fundamental treatment tasks. However, we must give credit to the spray can - sometimes, in individual situations, it can be a big help, and its compactness allows you to take it with you anywhere.

An oxygen cartridge will not replace a concentrator, but it can help out in an emergency

Oxygen concentrator for home use: reviews from owners

It may seem that all reviews about oxygen concentrators for home use famous brands perfect.. Believe them or not – it’s up to you.

Oxymed F7-1

The problem is that the cost of devices of this type is quite high. This is precisely the reason for so few reviews about oxygen concentrators on the Internet.


Oxygen concentrators are equipment that will be useful to everyone. Of course, not everyone can afford such devices. Let's hope that the price situation will change in the near future better side. In the meantime, you can try to find zeolite on sale and try to make this miracle of technology, which bestows youth and health, with your own hands. This will obviously be cheaper than purchasing a factory-produced unit.

We hope that the information was presented in the article clearly and intelligibly. If after reading you still have any questions, the editorial team website will be happy to answer them. All you have to do is state the essence of the issue in the discussion below. Do you have an oxygen concentrator at home and do you actively use it? Write about this in the discussions, not forgetting to indicate the brand and model of the device. This information will be very useful to those who are already thinking about such an acquisition. Write, ask, communicate, share your opinion - after all, that’s what discussions exist for. And finally, as has already become customary, we suggest watching a short but quite fascinating and informative video on today’s topic.

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