Home Coated tongue Prison food. Stories from former prisoners - what they feed in Russian prisons

Prison food. Stories from former prisoners - what they feed in Russian prisons

The Federal Penitentiary Service (FSIN) returned 1.2 billion rubles to the state budget. One of the categories on which the prison department saved was food. 72 rubles a day are spent on food for one prisoner in Russia. The head of the Sitting Rus' organization, Olga Romanova, told Takim Dela about the difference between the food system in Russian and European prisons.

As Olga Romanova explained, one of the differences between the European prison food system and the Russian one is the amount of public money allocated for these needs. In Europe, about 600 rubles are spent on food for a convicted person per day. In addition, in all European prisons there is a separate menu for vegetarians, Muslims, Jews and people with digestive problems. There are even special prison suppliers of halal or kosher food. All prisoners in Europe prepare their own food for themselves or for everyone. As Olga Romanova notes, “the main task of places of detention is to give a person every opportunity for correction, and not to punish him.” And the food system contributes to achieving this goal.


In Germany, prisons offer prisoners three meals a day. Deutsche Welle, in a report from Tegel - the largest men's closed prison - describes that the menu consists of five categories of products: regular, pork-free, vegetarian, light food and diabetic. For breakfast, convicts are offered porridge, yoghurt, salads, sausages, scrambled eggs or omelettes. For lunch and dinner - meatloaf with bacon, eggs and spices, jacket potatoes, pickled cucumbers, pork, cutlets.

As in many European prisons, prisoners in Germany must work. "Rossiyskaya Gazeta" notes that their wage is about 150-200 euros per month. With this money you can buy necessary funds hygiene or food products in prison stores.

Great Britain

Photo: Photo from Pixhere.com

According to Bournemouth University professor John Edwards, in UK prisons prisoners are offered oven-cooked food. healthy food, in which there is practically no salt. The main attention in prison nutrition is given to carbohydrates, the amount of which always corresponds daily norm consumption.

John, who is serving his sentence in England's Chelmsford prison, told the BBC that prisoners have the opportunity to choose a dish to taste. For breakfast, convicts are offered porridge with various cereals, bread, jam, and milk. At lunchtime, the prison canteen offers a wide selection of dishes: pasta with vegetables, tuna and corn sandwiches, pork or beef with pickled vegetables. In addition, you can eat cookies and chips. The most popular dish during dinner is omelet. In the evening, prisoners can also eat beef, beef pate, vegetarian goulash, salad or vegetable pie. Once a week, prisoners are offered tea and coffee.


Photo: Photo from Pixhere.com

Paul Denis, who served his sentence in France, shared with “ Russian newspaper» food rations in local prisons. In the morning, prisoners are served boiling water for tea or instant coffee and given a French baguette, which they can eat throughout the day. Cocoa and jam are typical Sunday delicacies. For lunch and dinner we offer salads or smoked meats and a second course - meat, poultry with sauce, Fried fish with rice, pasta or stewed vegetables. Fried potatoes are served twice a week.

In addition, prisoners buy food from prison stores. They can earn money on their own, but only 35% of convicts have this opportunity. The rest receive money from family and friends.


Norway's prison food system is different from others European countries. The Guardian noted that prisoners are given one organized meal, when they must eat in the canteen. The rest of the time, convicts cook on their own. The head of the Sitting Rus' organization, Olga Romanova, said that in Norwegian prisons all prisoners work and receive a salary of 68 kroner per day (about 500 rubles), which they can spend on food. The prison stores have all the necessary products. Of course, the convict can buy himself chips and eat them. However, in this case, a doctor will come to him, who will talk with him about the harm from such food, and a volunteer who will teach him how to cook.

Despite the fact that prisoners are fed once a day, the state spends 80 crowns a day (583 rubles) on their food.


Photo: Daniella Segura // Flickr.com

In Russia, in February 2017, for the first time in thirty years, new rules for feeding prisoners were approved. The daily diet of a convicted person should be 2600 - 3000 kcal. According to the order, prisoners cannot be fed the same food throughout the day, nor can they be offered the same food more than three times a week. For example, if they are served pea porridge for breakfast, then pea soup cannot be prepared for lunch.

As stated on the website of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation, the approximate diet in Russian prisons should be structured as follows: for breakfast, convicts receive porridge, bread and tea. For lunch they are served a first course with meat broth and a second course, cold appetizers, bread, jelly or compote. For dinner they offer fish dishes with a vegetable or cereal side dish, bread, sugar and tea. Minors should be given additional butter, and pregnant women and women with children should be given bread, vegetables, dried fruits, butter, and one egg. In prison canteens in Russia, all prisoners eat with spoons, as forks and knives are strictly prohibited for use. Such a food system costs the state 72 rubles per day per prisoner.

Olga Romanova

“Theoretically, [the diet in European prisons] is no different [from Russian]. Almost everyone. This is connected with poverty, theft, and food culture. Food culture is the last thing people think about in prison, and this is understandable. There are plenty of other problems, such as torture. And here’s another thing: I have never seen anywhere in Europe that convicts only had a helmet (a bowl - TD’s note) and a spoon. Everywhere there are normal dishes, forks, spoons and knives. Plates and mugs. In our country, a fork is a terrible prohibition, worse than eroticism. Not to mention the knife.

To be honest, I don't think it can get any worse. No one feeds anyone with 72 rubles, because theft is widespread - both large and small. Without support from the outside or from the common fund (for certain services, of course), it is impossible to survive in our prison. You can even reduce it to zero - the situation will remain the same. Some people feed from the wild, others from the common fund.”

Some citizens of our country are wondering how taxpayers’ money, essentially the money of every law-abiding citizen of Russia, feeds prisoners in prisons called for the correction of criminals and their subsequent integration into a social legal society. Do they eat the so-called “gruel”, which many singers in the chanson genre praise as something unique and to some extent romantic, which, together with the “stage” and “shkonka”, is associated by many with “places not so remote”. In this article we will talk about this specific topic, which is to explain the established diet Russian Federation.

Nutritional standards for prisoners in Russia.

As it was before

It’s worth starting with the fact that until 2016, in all, without exception, correctional colonies and prisons in Russia, the choice of diet for prisoners was, in fact, left to chance. It was before this time period that every second person (if not more) constantly complained about the system daily nutrition, which was defined by the single slang concept of “gruel”, which is the simplest possible stew (soup) without the presence of high-calorie foods in it. This circumstance has always led to difficult adaptation among persons who have just arrived at the place of serving their sentence, and it often turns into a psychological crisis. In addition, the lack of high-calorie food led to a decrease in the activity of the contingent correctional institutions, but on the contrary, sometimes it led to mass riots and hunger strikes.

It should be noted that not all citizens of our country care about how and what the criminals eat, and even if their diet is truly terrible, this circumstance, due to the acts committed by the prisoners, does not cause pity. We can partly agree with this, since a place that is designed to ensure the infliction of appropriate punishment, and, therefore, as a result to achieve repentance and prevent, a priori should not seem like a trip to a sanatorium. And the absence good nutrition For centuries, it has been a fairly solid motivational factor for those who have already experienced all the “delights” of prison life.

New diet

All of the above is already a forgotten past by many, since since 2016, with the entry into force

Order Federal service Execution of Sentences dated 02.09.2016 No. 696 “On approval of the Procedure for organizing meals for convicts, suspects and accused persons held in institutions of the penal system” and Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 11, 2005 No. 205

the entire system of material and living support in terms of the established diet was completely revised. Now, with the changes actually working, which are provided for by the above-mentioned legal acts, no one will have the desire or justification to call food “gruel.” So, specifying the changes made, we can outline what the power supply system currently looks like and how it differs from previously established standards:

  • "Diversity". If previously a prisoner could receive the same dish or different dishes prepared from the same products for both lunch and dinner, now this is not allowed. In addition, main courses should also be varied, for example, if it is meat cutlet, then it should be prepared in two variations - fried and boiled;
  • "One-time use." Establishment of three meals a day with breaks between meals of no more than 7 hours.
  • "Temperature". All food intended to be eaten hot must be served accordingly. For example, the first - the temperature is not lower than 75 degrees, the second - not lower than 65 degrees, tea - not lower than 80 degrees;
  • "Volume". The minimum daily nutritional standards are defined in the provisions of Federal Law No. 205 of 2005 and generally look as follows (in comparison with a similar system for accused and suspects):

Daily volume per person (in grams)
Minimum rate

for those sentenced to imprisonment


for suspects and accused

Men Women Men Women
Bread made from a mixture of peeled rye and wheat flour, grade I 300 150 300 150
Wheat bread from grade II flour 250 200 200 200
Wheat flour, grade II 5 5 5 5
Various cereals 100 90 90 90
Pasta 30 30 30 30
Meat 90 100 100 100
Poultry meat 30 30 30 30
Fish 100 100 100 100
Margarine products 35 30 25 20
Vegetable oil 20 20 20 20
Cow's milk (milliliters) 100 100 100 200
Sugar 30 30 30 30
Table salt 20 15 15 15
Natural tea 1 1 1 1
Bay leaf 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1
Mustard powder 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,2
Tomato paste 3 3 3 3
Potato 550 500 500 450
Vegetables 250 250 250 250
Dry jelly fortified 25 25 25 25
or dried fruits 10 10 10 10
Chicken eggs (pieces per week) 2 2 0

Of course, all of the above is just small part requirements established by new legislation. Order No. 44689 describes many nuances, including the state of a particular product after primary processing or how vegetables should be cut.

The level of food quality in various penitentiary institutions on the planet can probably be assessed using a five-point system. The prisons of some European countries are worthy of the highest rating, where prison canteens are more reminiscent of cafes; “good” can be given North America, Australia, South Korea for relatively high-calorie and high-quality, but monotonous food, Japan, India, China, Russia and the countries of Eastern Europe get a C grade - “soup and porridge are our food.” And the last place in this ranking is occupied by Africa, Latin America, and the republics of the post-Soviet space. In general, the dishes there look more like slop.

If we talk about Russia, then in the prison budget, in the “food” column, about 12 billion rubles per year are written down. This is almost 900 thousand convicted and under investigation.

The author of these lines had a chance to “spy”, apparently, a typical menu in an average colony. For breakfast: cabbage stewed with vegetables and butter, compote, bread. For lunch, cabbage soup made from fresh cabbage with meat, boiled pasta with butter and bread. For dinner, the same pasta, but with meat added, often in the form of gravy, pickles, bread and tea with milk.

The diet of those kept in prisons or pre-trial detention centers contains a significant supplement: milk, eggs, dried fruits and vitamins. Minors and pregnant women receive additional vegetables, sugar and meat to the main menu.

But here is the testimony of one of the former convicts on how to prepare the soup for consumption. The combined fat is removed first by pouring the liquid into a bucket, and then the remaining mass is washed several times with tap water. At the next stage, rotten vegetables and pieces that cause suspicion are removed from the brew. Then everything floods again hot water and ingredients received from the outside are added in the form of, for example, instant noodles or puree.

It must be said that convicts are less fortunate than those who are in pre-trial detention. At least those under investigation (if, of course, they are free) They have compassionate relatives) can receive a monthly food parcel weighing up to 30 kilograms.

The list of products is quite extensive: no more than two sticks of hard smoked sausage, canned fish and meat - also no more than two pieces, since the cans are opened and their contents must be destroyed immediately upon receipt, salted lard, butter and sunflower oil, cookies, gingerbread, tea, etc. d. True, in some pre-trial detention centers, wealthy prisoners can order food from restaurants through the administration. But let's return to the zone.

Bread is the head of everything

Indeed, this aphorism, which was coined by the 19th century Moscow baker Filippov, perfectly reflects the degree of significance of this product. But, alas, only prisons have their own bakeries. Western Europe. Therefore, our compatriots receive secondary baked bread. Stale loaves that are not sold in the store are sent back to the plant, ground, mixed with bran and cake, baked and sent to the zone. Naturally, such products, which are more like putty, do not evoke much appetite.

But in two cases it is in demand. In the first, figures are made from it, for example, for chess, which then become intra-camp currency, with which you can buy a more decent bakery product in the prison shop and cook something delicious for the holiday table.

But for now, let’s leave the official loaf alone, although from its crumb you can create an “Ostrozhensky pie” if you pinch it around the edges, and the filling will be sprat in tomato or “sprat pate”. This is how he prepares. Those who have access to a camp kitchen dry fish heads and tails on a stove or radiator, then grind them into powder and, mixing with margarine, turn the product into a relatively edible mass.

The main culinary research of Russian prisoners is aimed at confectionery products. For example, “apple pies”. The crust is cut off from a loaf of white bread, which is used for crackers, the pulp is cut into layers, between which apple jam is spread, the edges are pinched, and the dish is ready to eat.

The recipe for the “Festive” pie is much more complicated. Several packs of cookies are ground with spoons in mugs, margarine, sugar are added, if possible - condensed milk and sweets. From the resulting mass, cakes are molded, which are sandwiched with the same condensed milk or cream of margarine and sugar.

But what kind festive table no booze? This is where prison bread comes into play. It is moistened with water and placed in plastic bag and wrap some warm clothes, such as a sweater. After which they hide it in a hiding place, the role of which can be played by an empty fire extinguisher or an oxygen cylinder. After a week, when the bread turns into yeast, warm water and sugar are added to it, and if possible, dried fruits. Three days later the mash is ready.

But perhaps the most common and accessible drink is chifir. Water is poured into a mug, heated until bubbles appear, then 50 grams of loose leaf tea is poured in and boiled a little. The invigorating drink is drunk in small sips, passing the mug around.

Our response to Martha Stewart

But in the USA, culinary exercises are more in the nature of a creative search rather than an additive to the diet.

In 2004, for fraud with securities The “queen of housewives,” the host of culinary television programs, Martha Stewart, was sentenced to 5 months in prison and another five months of house arrest. Even while behind bars, she continued to feed her fans culinary recipes. And then the prisoners of the Washington prison had the idea to react to this event.

This is how the Outlaw Cookbook was born. In addition to essays by prison residents on the topic “Why We Cook in Prison Cells” and “Bad Boys, Good Taste,” it contains about 200 recipes from prisoners, which were collected by prison doctor Rick Webb, and the best-selling book was illustrated by prisoner John Buco, who also offered his own recipe - “How to cook the perfect omelet in a plastic bag.” Namely, mix all the ingredients and bring to readiness in boiling water, fortunately, the use of a “sting” - a boiler - is allowed in American prisons.

A recipe came from the Fort Fix prison on how to prepare pickles in a cell from vegetables stolen from the kitchen in a plastic bucket with a sealed lid. As a shredding tool, it is recommended to use not only plastic knives, sharpened can lids, but also disposable razor blades.

Prisoners of the Orient prison shared the secrets of preparing “Tortillo Baklava”. In fact, this is an analogue of our “Holiday” pie, only instead of cakes we use round corn tortillas with a layer of honey, butter, peanuts and bananas.

The names of other dishes are no less exotic. For example. “Prison block toffees” can be prepared using a well-known technology in our country by boiling a can of condensed milk.

Another masterpiece is the “Sandwich for the Stoner” - peanut cookies filled with a slightly melted Snickers-type chocolate bar. It is called that because drug addicts who are in jail experience withdrawal symptoms, and sugar helps reduce it.

"Dummy Soup" - "Idiot's Soup" based on the contents of a thirty-cent bag of soup, seasoned with bell peppers and lettuce, an analogue of our leeks. The fact is that for some reason black prisoners disdain vegetable salads, and they can easily be taken out of the prison canteen. And, in addition, it is recommended to add... cigarette ash. According to the authors of the recipe, this component gives the dish the taste of a boiled egg. For dessert - "Outlaw Mocha", coffee made from chocolate candies. There are also culinary revelations from the Chinese prison diaspora. For example, how to properly cook rice with mushrooms.

In Europe they decided not to lag behind and, edited by the doctor of one of the French maximum security colonies, Claude Derruson, a similar cookbook was published, and one of the restaurateurs even organized a competition for best recipe cooking in the chamber. The main prize - a color TV - was won by the prisoner who proposed not only the recipe for “Fried sea bass with mushrooms on salad”, but also the method of preparing the dish. To do this, you need a stool wrapped in foil, on which two electric frying pans are placed on top of each other.

Leonid Luzhkov
Based on newspaper materials
"Behind Bars" (No. 12 2010)

The order of the director of the Federal Penitentiary Service, Gennady Kornienko, “On the procedure for organizing meals in penal institutions,” approved by the Ministry of Justice, changes the entire system of organizing meals for convicts. Now the same dishes should not be repeated more than twice a week on the menu of pre-trial detention centers and colonies.


The document specifies which products and what specific dishes should be served for breakfast, lunch and dinner. So, soups should be cooked with meat broth. It is assumed that main courses, meat and fish, can be of three types: boiled, fried or stewed. Meat dishes will be prepared from beef, pork, chicken, turkey, and fish ones will be prepared from pollock, halibut, saffron cod, and cod.

The order specifies the number of dishes that should consist of breakfast, lunch and dinner. In addition, the time interval between meals is separately prescribed - no more than seven hours. In correctional institutions where juvenile convicts are kept, a five-course meal plan is introduced: breakfast, second breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner.

In accordance with the order, the daily ration of a prisoner in Russia should be 2600–3000 kcal. For comparison: the daily calorie intake for men in US prisons is 2400–2800 kcal, for women – 1800–2000 kcal.

It is forbidden to feed prisoners cold food, ready-made meals should be served in the canteens of correctional institutions only hot, representatives of the Federal Penitentiary Service clarified to Life.ru. It is noteworthy that the temperature of soups should be 75 degrees, the second - 65 degrees, and for tea the standard is set at 80 degrees. It is now prohibited to dispense cold drinks, a department representative noted.

Let us remind you that in modern Russia Before the order of the head of the FSIN, prisoners were fed according to Soviet rules. The regulatory document was approved in 1988 by the first deputy head of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs, Colonel General Vasily Trushin.

According to Valery Borshchev, a member of the expert council under the Commissioner for Human Rights of Russia, the order of the director of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia can be considered revolutionary. “There is hope that the diet, the quality of the food itself, will improve,” the human rights activist believes.

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