Home Coated tongue Maternity clinic or paid doctor: choose your option. “Punitive gynecology? I haven’t heard”: interview with the head of the antenatal clinic Which doctor is better in the antenatal clinic 2

Maternity clinic or paid doctor: choose your option. “Punitive gynecology? I haven’t heard”: interview with the head of the antenatal clinic Which doctor is better in the antenatal clinic 2

The best gynecologists in Moscow, their ratings, you will find on this page and you can make an appointment online! A gynecologist is considered a “women’s doctor.” No lady can do without this specialist. A gynecologist should become a true friend so that he can be entrusted with the most intimate secrets, which sometimes it is impossible to tell either relatives or friends. Experience, personal qualities, popularity among patients are the components of the best gynecologists, their ratings are high, but it is not always possible to “get through” to such a doctor.

The competence of gynecology includes:

  • prevention of gynecological diseases;
  • treatment of problems associated with the female genital area;
  • assistance in conception or in preventing pregnancy;
  • explanation of the functioning of the body, their connection with other areas of a woman’s health.

A gynecologist must be sensitive, attentive, and professional. His attitude, competence, knowledge not only in the field of reproductive and related fields form the basis of the recommendation.

Many people ask their friends: “Where can I find something like this? Do not consult a gynecologist with high rating? How to find". The answer is simple. On the portal where the best doctors in Moscow are presented.

Knowing firsthand that a “female doctor” is worth his weight in gold, we have compiled a portfolio of the most competent medical workers. Anyone interested can find information about the place of work and office hours.

If you are interested in a good gynecologist, the price of services varies depending on:

  1. Qualifications.
  2. Experience.
  3. Experience in handling the most complex cases.

Consultation costs start from 1000 rubles!

The best obstetrician-gynecologist is always nearby

As for the management of pregnancy and childbirth, you need to be especially careful when choosing a doctor. The management of pregnancy, successful childbirth, the health of the mother and the unborn baby depend on his professionalism.

It is advisable to find it before giving birth the best doctor- a gynecologist who can be contacted at any time. He will become a personal doctor, one who will observe, advise, and carry out research procedures in a timely manner.

From visits to such a doctor, only good memories will remain, and not fears and fear of failure. Pregnancy is one of the best moments in a woman's life. More than half of her future depends on how confident she is in herself and in the doctor.

Among other things, below you can sort the best gynecologists in Moscow by:

  • rating;
  • length of service;
  • cost;
  • Possibility of home visits.

Gynecologist is a doctor who monitors the condition of the female genital organs, as well as identifies and treats diseases characteristic only of the female body. Very often, his area of ​​competence includes obstetrics - monitoring the dynamics of processes that occur in a woman’s body during pregnancy, and the condition of her genital organs at this time, as well as in the postpartum period. To determine the objective condition of the genital organs of the youngest patients, a visit to a pediatric gynecologist may be necessary.

The examination, as a rule, begins with a conversation, during which the doctor finds out whether the patient has any complaints and measures her blood pressure. First, a gynecologist for the purpose of timely detection possible pathologies will examine the external genitalia and the development of the woman’s mammary glands. If necessary, the gynecologist can additional examination refer the patient for a consultation with a mammologist (a doctor who specializes in diagnosing diseases of the mammary glands) or for a mammogram. Then the examination will continue on a special gynecological chair.

A mandatory procedure during a visit to a gynecologist is taking a smear for analysis. Moreover, such a smear will be taken from a child or a young girl only from the outer labia. The doctor examines virgins through the anus, inserting a finger there and feeling the internal genital organs. Women who are sexually active are examined using special mirrors. Such mirrors can be either metal or plastic (disposable). This way the doctor can see the condition of the cervix and assess the vaginal environment. Next, the gynecologist enters the vagina with a rubber-gloved hand and feels the area pelvis, determining the condition of the genital organs located there: the appendages (they are also sometimes called the ovaries), fallopian tubes and uterus. At the same time, the doctor takes a smear from the cervix for analysis, the result of which can be found out in a few days. If necessary, the gynecologist can send the patient to ultrasound examination small pelvis.

How to find a good gynecologist?

Good gynecologist is a doctor who will help diagnose and solve the problem as quickly as possible a short time at minimal cost. The experience of patients who have already been treated by this doctor will help you in choosing the best doctor. Carefully read the reviews about the doctor, his experience and specialization.

We ask all patients who make an appointment with a gynecologist on our portal: “Would you recommend this doctor to your friends?” This indicator is one of the most important when forming a doctor’s rating. Therefore, we can safely recommend doctors with maximum ratings and a large number of positive reviews.

At the beginning of August, Afisha Daily published the text “,” in which the patient, who is also the editor of this site, shares her bewilderment about the trials pregnant women go through in such institutions. We decided to continue the topic and give the floor to the doctors: the head of one of the Moscow consultations agreed to answer our questions.

Irina Bolosheva

Head of Women's Clinic City clinical hospital them. E.O. Mukhina

- How did the reorganization of Moscow healthcare affect antenatal clinics?

- Tricky question. There are several aspects to the introduction of a unified medical analytical system (UMIAS). On the one hand, this is a very convenient thing: a person can make an appointment with a doctor via the Internet, change the appointment time at any time, and there are SMS notifications. But, on the other hand, the time is now strictly regulated so that there are no queues. For us it's 15 minutes. And given our specialization, this causes certain difficulties. This is contrary to the federal order of the Ministry of Health, which sets out the approved standards of time that must be spent on each patient.

The number of examinations and tests that need to be commented on has increased, because women are worried, especially pregnant women - for some reason their level of anxiety has increased today. He reads something on the Internet, but we need to dissuade him and explain. But now there is no time for this, and people want communication and judge the doctor based on its results. What opinion will be formed about the doctor and his attitude towards the patient if he writes all the time without ever looking at the patient? But the doctor, in fact, is also obliged to fill out documentation, examine, conduct an examination, perform various manipulations- for example, put a spiral.

- Of these 15 minutes, how much time does the doctor spend on paperwork?

- There are a lot of papers: maps, documentation, various magazines. But if there is a well-trained midwife or nurse, then in principle the doctor only fills out medical card patient.

- How much does a doctor in a antenatal clinic earn on average?

- It all depends on the workload, on the length of service, on the category. There are doctors who are on duty a lot and take overtime - this is paid in a completely different way. Basically, our doctors of the highest category earn from 30 to 40 thousand. Considering that the cost of living is about 16 thousand per person in Moscow, and doctors are family people, there are also nurses - divorced women who drag the whole family down. At the same time, the doctor shift work- on the evening shift you work until 8, and the next day you have an appointment at 8 am. In everyday terms, this does not suit many people: there is no one to pick up the child from kindergarten or school. Well, in terms of psychological load the work is difficult.

- What motivation then does a doctor have to work in government agency, and not in private?

- Our motivation is not financial at all, that’s clear. As the employees themselves say, they are satisfied with the manager and the team is very good. And this is a very important thing. This is probably why people work for 20–30 years. For example, I have been working here for 29 years.

- How many young specialists have come to you over the past 10 years?

Three specialists.

- What average age doctors?

From 40 to 45 years, but this is on average. Because two doctors are about 30 years old, 30% of doctors are already about 50 years old, and the rest are about 40 years old.

By and large, the doctor’s rights are not protected in any way, even though this is the 21st century

Patients sign an informed consent that everything was explained to them, but they are not given any information - neither about the purpose of the document, nor about their state of health or treatment.

This document is signed upon your first visit. What it is? You agree to be observed in this institution, with this doctor who will provide you with primary care. medical care, including examining, examining and prescribing treatment. Do you give permission to medical intervention(even ordinary procedures such as ultrasound and cardiotocography are considered as such). I understand that it may be a formal approach to require consent in advance. On the other hand, this does not oblige the patient to anything. And if he does not want to take certain medications or undergo an examination, if he goes to consult with some other doctor - now this is fashionable, this is not forbidden. The patient has the right to change the doctor, and I always cooperate in this matter. Although often a woman simply has an initially biased attitude. Either I read some reviews, or my neighbor said something.

- Does it happen that a doctor refuses a patient?

- Of course, sometimes patients come to me directly with the doctor, and he says: “We agreed to separate by mutual consent.” But this is a rare case.

By the way, we asked lawyers: “The patient has many rights, but what rights do we have? Is it possible to refuse a patient, knowing that we will not be able to reach an agreement if she does not trust me?” They didn't answer anything concrete. By and large, the doctor’s rights are not protected in any way, even though this is the 21st century. True, Federal Law No. 323 contains a very interesting phrase: “The patient can choose a doctor with the consent of the doctor himself.”

Many women complain that nothing is explained to them at antenatal clinics, and doctors perceive questions as a personal insult. What to do about it? Where can patients get information?

For example, I always explain if I have time. Sometimes I have to dissuade people of things that the doctor could not dissuade. I can explain for half an hour, but you must understand that during a doctor’s appointment you don’t have as much time as I do. When they complain to me that the doctor doesn’t say anything, I ask: “Bring me your card. I will explain". 9 times out of 10 I say: “You should be happy that everything is fine with you and there is nothing to explain to you.” But people are not satisfied with this; they need to explain every point. And this is normal, you need to communicate with the patient. The doctor must also be a good psychologist. Calm down, understand, explain. All this subsequently passes into the stage of trust or distrust, and therefore effective treatment- whether the woman will tell you anything about any symptoms or not.

Do you know that 93% of patient complaints are unfounded? This year there was not a single substantiated

- Are there any complaints about disrespectful treatment of patients - sometimes they get personal, for example?

- We have all been working together for a long time, and I have been leading the consultation for almost 10 years, so I know what and from whom to expect. I can say for sure: we will not be allowed to treat a patient this way. general level culture, humanity, just self-respect. We employ intelligent young or middle-aged women. Even the reception and wardrobe workers are praised in our consultation.

- Do you keep statistics of patient complaints? What are the main complaints about?

- Each complaint is monitored by the deputy head physician clinical expert work and definitely finds out whether it is justified or not. I collect explanatory notes for all requests, call absolutely all patients, invite them to a conversation: I have a reception for the population on Thursdays, an open day. For some reason no one comes. I try to meet patients halfway. Sometimes I even take it to my place to observe if they ask.

Of course, sometimes there are complaints - mainly due to misunderstandings. And then, forgive me, now patients are also not sugar. Did you know that 93% of complaints are unfounded? There have not been any substantiated ones this year.

- What are they complaining about unfoundedly?

- I went to do an ultrasound, they looked at me wrong, they pressed me painfully, they didn’t give me a napkin. Sometimes such treatment happens that I feel ashamed for the person.

- What if they really pressed hard?

- Yes, some studies suggest painful sensations, especially prenatal screening, when you need to try on a lot of things, turn the fetus so that it can be painful. Some doctors will warn you about this, some won’t. The woman does not understand this and may complain about it.

- In this case, do you carry out any work so that this specialist can warn you in the future?

- I think doctors themselves draw their own conclusions after they write me detailed explanatory notes.

- What should you do if you are treated rudely at a reception in a residential complex - they treat you with disdain and get personal?

- I think that the girl needs to change the specialist, because it is difficult to prove this except with a voice recorder. In such a situation, you need to go to the head of the consultation and change the doctor and explain the situation.

- It depends on the manager whether such a boorish specialist will work in the organization or not?

- Unfortunately, the code of ethics in employment contract not registered. It is not easy to fire a doctor for systematic rudeness. If a doctor accumulates a certain number of justified complaints, a reprimand is first made, then they may be reprimanded and recorded, and so on. Labor Code- it is the same for everyone. Another question is what you can try to educate first. Fortunately, I have succeeded so far. Agree, if people regularly complain about the same doctor and it’s a system, it’s immediately obvious. And if I know that the doctor is wonderful, a good person, well, I snapped - maybe I didn’t feel well or something happened at home. We are all humans. The doctor himself will understand that he is to blame. You can’t destroy a person for one offense. Our work is no less stressful than that of surgeons.

- Why do you think it happened that Moscow women are afraid of gynecologists and complain about rudeness in antenatal clinics, for example, about being called an old woman? How do you feel about the fact that in Russia free gynecology called punitive?

- Punitive gynecology? Did not hear. Regarding rudeness: if a patient comes to you for help, it is absolutely not the doctor’s place to evaluate her or her actions. For example, this is her desire to give birth at least at the age of 50, and your task is to help her with this, and not to discuss that “you should have had it earlier”, “you shouldn’t have had ten abortions”. We put attitude first. I always say: “Girls, the patient will always note first your attitude, and then your professionalism. Your professionalism is not needed if you don’t have an attitude.”

- In many antenatal clinics, patients are poked. How do you address a patient - “you” or “you” - and how do you feel about addressing a patient using “you”?

- If we ignore the “doctor-patient” gradation, then communication on a first-name basis, this is my personal opinion, as with relatives or friends, brings us a little closer. Of course, you need to communicate in “you,” but, for example, very young women come to me, even younger than my daughter, and then I ask: “Is it okay if I speak in “you”?” Most often they don’t mind. Naturally, in most cases, both I and our doctors try to say “you”; firstly, it is respectful, and secondly, it is correct.

- Why do they still ask pregnant women initial appointment: Will you continue the pregnancy?

- We don’t ask at all, this is already some kind of atavism. I even forgot about this phrase. In general, I’m used to the fact that everyone basically continues their pregnancy, which somehow faded into the background for me, that it could be different. Nowadays there are many commercial institutions, and pharmacological abortions are widely used. Very few people come to us with such requests. And, again, there is no need to judge anyone, it is the woman who makes the decision.

- Does the child’s father have the right to attend consultations in the housing complex? Or other relatives?

- Pregnant women sign a non-disclosure document medical confidentiality, and if in it they indicate all their relatives to whom they trust information about themselves, please let them be present.

- How often do residential complex employees improve their qualifications?

- It's officially written down federal laws. Each doctor undergoes advanced training once every five years, and this is monitored by the HR department. This confirms or increases the doctor’s category. Each head necessarily has a schedule for the year, which doctors go to study when, and the same goes for nursing staff - midwives. Additionally, many doctors can take some short-term courses.

- By choice?

- Yes, if they are interested in something and have the opportunity to learn. This does not affect the category, but is necessary for professional development. We often go to lectures, conferences, symposiums, conventions, and clinical discussions. We offer internal advanced training courses, including quite rare ones - for example, in hemostasiology or immune treatment.

- Do you select employees based on their qualifications? Or do you motivate them in some other way?

- Personnel policy Fortunately, I don’t need to conduct it, because we have an established team. Many doctors and average medical staff they work here for 20–25 years. Almost all doctors highest category, there is one candidate of sciences. 70% of our doctors have two specialties, and they use this in their work. Let's say, an obstetrician-gynecologist and an ultrasound doctor, a hematologist or an endocrinologist. This is a very rare combination.

Employees are motivated to learn only by personal desire. In terms of money, you can suffer just because of the category, but not much. There is such a thing as the image and reputation of an institution, and we work for them. Nowadays life happens on social networks, so before coming, a person carefully studies who works, what reviews, what ratings.

- It turns out that according to the law, a woman can choose any institution to which to join, regardless of her registration?

- Absolutely right. Most antenatal clinics in the city are located at clinics. We work at perinatal center- and this is a very rare, exclusive case. Since February 2016, Moscow City Fund health insurance, which issues policies, has provided two letters of recommendation, according to which you can now attend any consultation by simply writing an application, without leaving your clinic.

If you are still in doubt, this short analysis of the pros and cons of both options will help you make a decision faster.

Upon learning of your pregnancy, future mom is faced with a choice: where exactly to be observed, in the district antenatal clinic or a paid clinic? Of course, if she is able to pay for the contract for pregnancy management, otherwise such a question will not arise. So where is better?

Your choice is a paid doctor if...

  1. First pregnancy. You shouldn’t expect anything from LC doctors individual approach, special courtesy or tenderness that inexperienced expectant mothers so need. Some of the gynecologists are capable of empty space bring the patient to tears or seriously frighten the patient.
  2. Pregnancy occurs with complications. In a huge flow of pregnant women, the doctor may not be able to track the pathology or simply not prescribe consultations. additional tests and examinations.
  3. You are anxious by nature. In this case, you probably won’t have enough of the required three ultrasounds over the entire 9 months and will want to communicate with your doctor more often. Fortunately, gynecologists from paid clinics usually give their Cell phones in case of any questions, and some even do an ultrasound themselves during each appointment - if necessary.
  4. You have a weakened immune system or are afraid of getting sick. In private clinics, in principle, there are fewer patients than in free ones, so the risk of contact with patients is lower. In addition, you don’t have to sit in line for hours - everything here is clear by appointment and time.
  5. You don't like changing doctors. Paid gynecologist He will definitely notify you about vacation or illness, reschedule your appointment, and in case of any problems, he will see you at almost any time. The same cannot be said about a doctor from a antenatal clinic: before your next visit, you may be surprised to find out that a completely different doctor will see you.
  6. You are working. Moreover, in a responsible position, it is almost impossible to go to the doctor at any time except during lunch break. In this case, an antenatal clinic is not suitable for you, where you cannot make an appointment for a convenient time even a couple of weeks in advance, and you can only take tests on the appointed day at 8:30 in the morning. In paid clinics it is easier to get an appointment at a certain hour. In addition, many private medical centers and laboratories are open even on Saturdays.
  7. Your choice is a doctor from the antenatal clinic if...

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