Home Orthopedics Calculate a shift schedule. Work scheduling software - what to choose

Calculate a shift schedule. Work scheduling software - what to choose

“Shift work schedule, Labor Code, standard hours” is a current search query from accountants. In our article we will consider issues related to shift schedules, summarized recording of working hours, and other nuances.

Shift work as a type of employment according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation

Having objective reasons, the employer can establish a shift work schedule for employees, which is permitted by Art. 103 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

As objective reasons labor legislation calls such criteria production process, How:

  • the length of the production cycle is greater than the maximum duration of daily work determined by law;
  • intensifying the use of production equipment to increase the output of finished products.


As an example, let's take the process of manufacturing products on a continuous cycle conveyor line. In this case, production equipment must operate around the clock, including Saturday and Sunday - traditional days off. This equipment loading mode creates the need for a similar work schedule for workers engaged in production. Thus, the described production process requires the introduction of a shift work schedule.

The shift work schedule involves the employment of groups of workers during the work process. Each group provides maintenance of the production cycle within normal working hours in accordance with the shift schedule.

Shift schedule, restrictions on its use

A shift schedule is a local regulatory act that determines the working conditions of workers who work in shifts. The development of this document, as well as its approval and mandatory communication to employees engaged in the work process on shift conditions, is the responsibility of the employer.

In Art. 103 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation notes that according to general rule The shift schedule is part of the collective agreement; therefore, it must be agreed upon with the representative body of workers (Article 372 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). In the absence of a collective agreement and/or a representative body of employees, the shift schedule in the form of a separate legal act is approved by the manager.

Shift schedule in mandatory must contain essential conditions for working in shift mode:

  • number of shifts during the accounting period;
  • duration of working hours per shift, its start and end times;
  • rest and meal breaks;
  • daily and weekly rest time;
  • shift rotation schedule.

When drawing up a shift schedule for analytics labor law suggest to be guided by current provisions Methodological recommendations on the organization of multi-shift work of production associations (enterprises) of industry approved by the State Committee for Labor of the USSR (Moscow, 1988).

In the example above, it is logical and effective to use a shift schedule of 4 teams that work in the following mode: 3 teams provide work around the clock in 3 shifts of 8 hours each, the fourth has a rest.

IMPORTANT! If employment contract with the employee contains a condition on shift work, the employer is obliged to notify him of the shift schedule for the next accounting period at least a month before the start of its validity (Article 103 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

So, in our example, the shift schedule is a tool created by the employer to ensure a work cycle that is technologically longer than the maximum duration of daily work determined by law. This entails the need to work in the evening and night hours.

Labor legislation, protecting the rights of the employee, introduces certain restrictions on the use of labor in the evening and at night and, as, indeed, under any working time regime, requires an established ratio of work and rest time.

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation establishes the following restrictions:

  • Art. 103 prohibits the involvement of 2 shifts in a row;
  • Art. 96 prohibits the use of labor of pregnant women and workers under 18 years of age at night (according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, this is the period from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m.) and limits the possibility of using the labor of disabled people, persons with family responsibilities in relation to young children and other persons, requiring their written consent to work at night, provided that it is permitted by him for medical reasons.

Standard hours for a shift work schedule, summarized recording of working hours

Labor legislation regulates the normal length of the working week - no more than 40 hours per day. general case. A shortened week and a shorter duration of daily work are established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation for certain groups of workers due to their age, health status, training, as well as employment at work with harmful or dangerous working conditions (Articles 92, 94 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). These standards are generally applicable, including for shift work.

What is harmful and hazardous conditions labor, see article “Dangerous and harmful production factors (list)” .

However, employers who practice shift work often find it difficult to adhere to the principle of a normal working week of no more than 40 hours. This is due to the specifics of the production process. In this case, Art. 94 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation allows the employer to use summarized recording of working time.

When calculating hours worked, the base period is taken to be a month, quarter or year. This period for calculating the number of working hours is called accounting. Time spent by the employee performing labor responsibilities in the accounting period, there should not be more than the normal number of hours of the working week, a multiple of the number of weeks.

Consequently, when using summarized working time tracking, 1 individual shift may differ in duration both up and down. But in general, the number of hours worked for the period of time accepted as an accounting period should not be more than that established for this period, provided that the work hours are normal.

For the form for recording working hours and the procedure for filling it out, see the article “Working time sheet - form T-13 (form)” .

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation limits the duration of the accounting period: it cannot be more than 1 year. The use of summarized working time recording affects the fundamental rights of the employee - to work and rest. That is why it must be formalized by a separate local legal act of the employer or a regulation on internal regulations.


Some production processes (continuous, technologically complex or with long production cycles) require the organization of work in shift mode. With a shift work schedule, it is difficult to maintain the normal working hours per working week (40 hours). Therefore, with such a labor regime, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation allows for the possibility of a different definition of the standard working time. This norm is established for a specific accounting period (month, quarter or year).

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Last year, my employer suggested that I switch to a two-by-two schedule, so that weekends in our organization would also be working days, and the work process itself would not stop. At first it was difficult for me to switch over to this option after the usual five-day work week.

But after a couple of weeks I adapted and really liked this schedule. Only my working days in a month became only 15 instead of the standard 21. And for this reason, my salary also changed downwards. Therefore, I decided to refuse such an offer. A similar shift schedule can be found in many organizations, and today I will tell you about it in detail.

Shift work

Each employer has the right to independently choose the type of work schedule for its employees, depending on the goals of the enterprise and the assigned tasks. A shift schedule is most often used in cases where the production process extends beyond the standard 8 hours of work, and the work shift is 10 hours or more.

For example, such a schedule can be found in security companies when providing emergency services. medical services, in retail sales. In all these cases, the work process itself does not imply the presence of days off for the enterprise. Also, in most of these cases, there is a need for round-the-clock work.

To provide uninterrupted operation The organization needs to organize the schedule in such a way that employees work in shifts. And the most comfortable schedule is usually 2 days every other day. But it is important to consider that the duration of the shift should not exceed 12 hours. Although in the case of medical workers this rule often does not work, and they are on duty all day long.

It means 2 working shifts for a certain number of hours, and then 2 days off, which are given to a person to recuperate.

The shift schedule is not always presented 2 through 2; in addition to it, there may be other options:

  • 2 day shifts, when employees divide daytime and night time between themselves;
  • 4 brigades, when there is an alternation of night shifts with day shifts, as well as weekends with working days;
  • 72 hours in this case, the entire work process looks like this: the employee works 2 shifts a day, then rests for 2 days, then works 2 shifts a day evening time and rests for 1 day, then goes to work 2 shifts a night and has 3 days off.

Such schedules make it possible to work 10-15 days a month, while in a regular five-day week employees work 21 days. But the amount of working time may be the same, since the shift itself will not be the standard 8 hours, but, for example, 12. Then 15 days of 12 hours will amount to 180 working hours per month. And the five-day schedule consists of 21 days of 8 hours, which is only 168 hours.

Chart Features

The main nuance here is that a person goes to work on official days off if the shift falls on him. And all his work is paid in the same standard as on a regular working day, even if he has to work on a holiday. In addition, the following nuances can be highlighted:

  1. The increased number of hours is not considered overtime., despite the fact that with a 12-hour shift the employee works much longer.
  2. There is no overtime here, since all work is carried out within a shift. If the company needs an employee to work overtime, an additional agreement on this is signed with him.
  3. If the shift is 12 hours, then it is necessary to comply with the number of days off during the week and month. The total number of working hours per month should not exceed 167 hours.
  4. The schedule is always drawn up for a certain period. It can mean a month or a quarter. Representatives of the trade union may participate in its preparation. In small enterprises, some employees can draw it up on their own, based on internal agreements.
  5. The duration of the shift may vary in different organizations, but the required day off must arrive on time. In addition, all employees are entitled to in the standard amount of 28 days, unless it has certain benefits that add additional days.

Many people keep track of their working days, and initially they like that they can rest not the standard 9-10 days a month, but 15 days or even more. But if you actually count working hours, then in most cases it turns out that a person works much more. And the actual salary per month may be less. Therefore, it is extremely important to independently calculate the cost of a working hour in order to determine the profitability of such a schedule.

You can learn more about this from the video presented.


It can be calculated based on various options recording time worked. There are several ways:

  1. Daily. In this case, payment is made by day, regardless of how many hours each employee’s shift was. Therefore, all overtime hours will not be taken into account. But if an employee goes to work an extra day, he will be paid in full.
  2. Weekly. In this case, records are kept for weeks, and the work itself is carried out in shifts in accordance with the schedule. And since there are only 7 days in a week, with a 2/2 schedule, it may turn out that one employee actually works 4 days, and another 3 days. But on next week it will be the other way around.
  3. Summarized. This method takes into account several periods such as quarter, month or week. This method is usually typical for enterprises with a special nature of work. The worker may be subject to regular overtime or overtime work, but the employer regulates total his hours worked during a certain period. And his income is equalized with other employees during this period, or he receives a material additional payment for more time worked.

The general formula that is used to calculate salaries under this schedule is the following:

Salary = Rate * T

That is, the employer must set a certain rate for specific hours worked. This could be a fixed-time shift, a workday, or work week or a month. And depending on the number of time periods worked, a general calculation is carried out. The greatest difficulty is usually the end of the period, when all processed shifts, days, and hours are calculated.

You also need to know that night shifts are always characterized by increased difficulty for a person. And if the production process requires their presence, then the additional payment for them should be at least 20%. This value is provided for by law and cannot be reduced by the head of the enterprise at his own discretion.

The amount of additional pay for night work is usually influenced by the following factors:

  • minimum acceptable value 20%;
  • premium coefficient, which is developed by the organization itself and recorded in local acts enterprises;
  • duration of work in the period from 22 to 06.

If you are still thinking about the possible transition to such a schedule as an employee, be sure to calculate how many hours per month you will actually have to work, and calculate the cost of each hour. Because at first it seems to many that such work is much easier than a five-day week, but as a result it turns out that the number of hours worked is much greater, and the payment for them is lower.

Also, before signing an agreement, be sure to familiarize yourself with the established work schedule in this company. It must include such nuances as:

  • duration each shifts;
  • number of days off, which must be after the shift, or in a certain calendar period;
  • total number of shifts per month or other period;
  • sequence of employees and their number;
  • set number of breaks and their duration throughout the shift.

After analyzing these conditions, you will be able to accurately determine the proposed conditions and decide how suitable they are for you.

Each individual enterprise has its own work schedule. For any company it is determined individually, in accordance with characteristic features its production process. Nevertheless, there are generally accepted requirements for scheduling, which we will consider further, and we will also look at how to correctly create a work schedule.

Principles for creating a work schedule

The basic rule that applies when drawing up a schedule is compliance legal norms. In order for the schedule to comply with these standards, it is important to take into account the length of the working day at the enterprise when creating the schedule. For example, if an organization works in one shift, then the length of the working day should be as close as possible to 8 hours, and the time for an hour-long lunch break should also be taken into account. In addition, it is necessary to pay attention to the type of activity of a particular enterprise, the features of serving visitors and their total number. The work schedule will comply with the legal requirements governing this type of activity only after analyzing the above aspects. When studying the question of how to create a work schedule, you should know that this can be done in several ways.

Types of work routines

In the labor legislation of the Russian Federation, there are several working procedures regulated by established internal rules or a collective agreement. The work schedule is divided into the following types:

  1. Work in one shift.
  2. Irregular schedule.
  3. Flexible schedule.
  4. Shift work.
  5. Shift method.
  6. Part time.

What is a shift schedule

Shift work is a routine where different days The employee's schedule is subject to change. Such a system is necessary in organizations that work around the clock. These include:

  1. Ambulance.
  2. Police.
  3. Fire Department.
  4. Supermarkets.
  5. 24-hour cinemas.
  6. Gas stations.
  7. Cafe and others.

In addition, they draw up a 2/2 (shift) work schedule, often for banking institutions. Here this is necessary not for the 24-hour operation of the branch, but for customer service over the phone (customer service). An eight-hour working day in this case imposes some inconveniences on workers and management, which can be easily solved by introducing a shift work schedule. You will learn below how to create a shift work schedule.

IN legislative framework it is prescribed that a person must work two shifts per day, the duration of each of which should not be longer than 12 hours. However, in practice there are quite often cases when only one shift works for 24 hours.

Features of a shift work schedule

Depending on the type of activity of the organization, the characteristics of the production process, socio-economic issues and the coordination of work by collective agreement, several shift options are distinguished:

1. So, let's consider the first option - how to create a 12-hour work schedule? This schedule involves working in two shifts. As a rule, these are day shifts - from 8 am to 8 pm and night shifts - from 8 pm to 8 am, 12-hour shifts.

2. Three shifts with a schedule for 4 teams. In factories that carry out a continuous production cycle and have a large staff of workers, it is most profitable to schedule the work of employees in three shifts of 4 teams, three of which work, and one rests. Most often, in such a schedule, the division of working time occurs according to the following principle:

  • 4 night trips for 8 hours (from 11 pm to 7 am), then 2 days off.
  • 4 day trips (from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m.), then rest.
  • 4 evening exits (from 15.00 to 23.00), a day off after.

3. Three shifts for 5 teams. In this case, you can create an employee work schedule as follows:

  • Two eight-hour working days in the morning (8.00-16.00), then two days off.
  • Two eight-hour evening shifts (from 16.00 to 24.00), a day for rest.
  • Two night shifts (from 0.00 to 08.00), three days off.

4. How to create a work schedule for 3/3? It is important to remember here that the duration of weekly continuous rest cannot be less than 42 hours (Article 110 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), and the work shift time cannot exceed 12 hours.

5. Don’t know how to create a work schedule for 4 people? In this case, you can use the time distribution as in the second point, when three people work and one person rests. Or use the first option - a 2/2 work schedule: two work, two rest.

Night shift is work performed by an employee from 10 pm to 6 am. The duration of this shift should be shorter by one hour, without the need for modification. The item is regulated by Article 96 Labor Code.

Who can't work the night shift?

  1. Pregnant women.
  2. Persons under 18 years of age.
  3. Persons who cannot be hired to work at night, in accordance with industry documentation and internal regulations.

In addition, categories of workers have been identified who can be involved in work at night only with their written consent. These include:

  1. Women who have children under three years of age.
  2. Disabled people.
  3. Persons caring for disabled children.
  4. Workers caring for sick relatives (this fact must be confirmed by a medical certificate).
  5. Single mothers and guardians whose child is less than 5 years old.

The employer has the right to independently choose how to draw up a work schedule in accordance with his needs. It is important to note that the optimal option is a four-shift schedule. Working in two shifts does not have a very favorable effect on the performance of employees, and working in three shifts does not allow for the maximum use of all resources, since a person cannot enter the work mode due to the constant change in working hours.

The legislative framework

The relationship between employer and employee is regulated by the Labor Code, including the preparation of shift work schedules; this issue is covered in Article 103.

Since most often the shift work schedule obliges the employer to form small groups within structural divisions, then a collective agreement is drawn up, which spells out the interests of each employee.

When concluding this agreement, the employer is obliged to talk with a representative of the body acting in the interests of employees, as a rule, this is a trade union. The employer is obliged to independently familiarize employees with the approved version of the contract one month before the start of its validity.

Based on the Labor Code, several points can be noted that must be taken into account when drawing up a collective agreement:

  1. One worker cannot work two shifts in a row.
  2. Each employee must rest at least 42 consecutive hours per week.
  3. The total number of working hours should not exceed 40 per week.
  4. Breaks during the working day.

Formation of the schedule

Don't know how to create a work schedule? To clearly organize the work process, it is necessary to create an official shift schedule. It must contain the following information:

  1. Information about shift composition.
  2. Shift start and end time.
  3. Work schedule.
  4. Time for a break.

There is no specific template for creating a schedule, so it is formed by an authorized person of the organization in free form.

What is important to consider when drawing up a work schedule

There is no clear answer to this question, since each company has its own specifics, so it is impossible to form a specific template. When drawing up a work schedule, the manager must take into account all the specifics of the work, strengths and weak sides workers, and based on this information, form a suitable shift composition and set optimal working hours for them.

The simplest way to create a work schedule is to number the shifts. After this, combine several employee names under one number and set for them work time. It turns out clear and simple.

Features of scheduling

When creating a work schedule, it is important to remember the following features:

  1. Before holidays The duration of the shift must be reduced by an hour.
  2. With equal pay for day and night shifts, the latter's time should be reduced by an hour.
  3. Overtime hours are not included in the schedule.
  4. If a shift falls on a calendar day off, it is still a working day. Pre-holidays and public holidays that fall on calendar weekends are not postponed.
  5. Holidays are paid at double rate.
  6. For working on a working holiday, an employee can ask for an extra day of rest, in which case payment for the shift is made according to the standard form.

Putting the work schedule into effect

As mentioned above, in order to introduce a new work schedule, it is necessary to draw up a collective agreement. The work schedule for shifts must certainly be regulated by internal regulations.

Each employee must be familiar with the shift schedule upon hiring; this fact is recorded in the employment agreement.

Most often, difficulties arise during the transition to a shift work schedule. Employees must be notified in writing of changes in schedule at least 2 months in advance. If working in shifts negatively affects the performance of other duties, then the employment contract must include official changes. If this is impossible, then after a two-month period of work under the previous schedule, if there is a lack of space or the employee refuses, he may be fired.

A new work schedule is most often introduced by local normative act. The director issues an order or instruction indicating all the necessary information about the work of the shifts. Each employee is obliged to read the document and give his written consent.

How to eliminate recycling

Enterprises switching to a new working regime most often change the procedure for recording labor time, moving from a standard weekly rate to summarized accounting. With this scheme, recycling can be calculated as follows:

  1. The employer determines a large reporting period of time - a month, a quarter, and most often a year (accordingly, it is also necessary to draw up a work schedule for the year in advance).
  2. It is calculated how many shifts there can be with the available work schedule.
  3. The number of shifts is compared with the teams.
  4. Current conclusions about processing are drawn.


So, let's look at an example of how to create a work schedule to eliminate overtime? When analyzing the most popular work schedule, “one after three,” an employee will work approximately 1,974 hours per year. When dividing this figure by 24 (hours per day), the result is 82 shifts per year. That is, 4 employees, in accordance with the law, can only work 329 working days. Even taking into account overtime, which cannot exceed 120 hours per year, employees will only be able to work 342 working days. In order to eliminate overtime, it will be necessary to attract 5 or 6 workers to production.

This is what a summary of working hours looks like. By performing simple mathematical calculations, an employer can easily understand whether his shifts fit into the work schedule or not. In addition, you can use for this purpose special programs, allowing you to build work processes. And also in them you will learn how to create a work schedule for 3 people, for example, since doing this manually is quite difficult. With their help, you can figure out scheduling much faster.


So, in conclusion, we can say that employees who carry out labor activity on a shift schedule, have all the rights provided for by the Labor Code. Among them, the following should be highlighted:

  1. The duration of continuous working time cannot exceed that established by law.
  2. The number of hours of rest for an employee per week is regulated by Article 110 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
  3. One worker is prohibited from working two shifts in a row.
  4. A shift is considered a night shift when more than 50% of its time falls between 10 pm and 6 am.
  5. If the work schedule is not agreed upon with the trade union or the accepted schedule is violated, its legality may be challenged in court.
  6. If it is necessary to work on a holiday, the employee has the right to receive another day of rest or pay at a double rate.

A shift work schedule is a work schedule according to which the working hours of an enterprise employee may vary on different days. The introduction of such a labor regime is advisable when the production process is continuous and requires constant management and control by workers. You can learn about the essence, features and procedure for introducing a shift work schedule in this article.

Shift work schedule: Labor Code (Labor Code of the Russian Federation)

Shift work schedule is regulated by Art. 103 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. According to this article, a shift work schedule (work in 2, 3 or 4 shifts) is established in institutions where the production process exceeds the permissible standard duration of daily work, as well as for the purpose of maximizing the efficient use of machinery and equipment, increasing the volume of products produced, goods (services provided) ).

The shift work schedule provides for the division of all workers into certain groups, each of which is obliged to work within the approved duration of working hours in accordance with the shift schedule.

Since the shift schedule is an annex (addition) to the collective agreement and directly affects the interests of employees, during its preparation the employer is obliged to take into account the position and opinion of the representative body of employees, which, as a rule, is a trade union organization. The procedure for reaching consensus between the employer and the representative body is established by Art. 372 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

The employer is obliged to properly familiarize employees with the approved shift schedule no later than one month before the start of its introduction into the production process.

What does a shift work schedule mean?

A shift work schedule is established in institutions where the production process exceeds the standard permissible working day, as well as in order to maximize the efficient use of machinery and equipment, increase the volume of products produced, goods (services provided). They work in 2, 3, 4 shifts.

The need to introduce just such an organization of work arises when an institution, by its nature or social necessity, must work continuously, or with short breaks. In this case, workers are divided into certain groups (teams), which consistently perform work to avoid interruptions or stops in the production (technological) process.

Labor legislation does not regulate or interpret the concept of “group of employees,” however, it is not prohibited to establish a shift schedule for a group of 2 employees. The main rule is that employees should not work 2 or more shifts in a row, which is strictly prohibited by Part 5 of Art. 103 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Working with a shift schedule (mode): night shift and its features

In accordance with the content of Art. 96 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the night shift is considered to be the implementation by an employee of his labor functions in the period from 22 to 6 o’clock. The duration of such a shift is reduced by 1 hour without further work.

This article also lists employees who are prohibited from being assigned to work on the night shift. These include:

  1. Pregnant women.
  2. Minors, with the exception of those who create or perform artistic works.
  3. Other employees. A list of such persons may be provided both in industry regulations regulatory documents, and in local acts of the enterprise.

Persons who may be involved in night work with their prior written consent include:

  1. Women with children under 3 years of age.
  2. Disabled people, regardless of disability group.
  3. Persons with a disabled child.
  4. Workers caring for sick family members. This fact must be confirmed by a medical certificate (act) of the established form.
  5. Single mothers and fathers, guardians raising children under 5 years of age.

Institutions and enterprises operating on the basis of shift work

Art. 103 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation directly determines that a shift work schedule can be established only in those enterprises (institutions) where the production process is continuous and requires constant management and control by workers. This:

  1. Continuous production. These include chemical, metallurgical, woodworking, automobile manufacturing and other plants and factories, the shutdown of which could cause stagnation or failure of one or more industries National economy. Stopping some of them, such as blast furnaces for smelting pig iron, can lead to serious industrial accidents.
  2. Emergency (emergency) services. The population needs the services of police, fire, medical, and gas services around the clock. The nature of working time at such enterprises is quite heterogeneous (unstable), since it directly depends on the occurrence of certain events (accidents, emergency calls, etc.) that require immediate action.
  3. Trade and service establishments: convenience stores and supermarkets, some canteens and restaurants and others.
  4. Infrastructure enterprises. The transport system must ensure round-the-clock transportation of goods and passengers, and therefore almost all railway, road, sea, river, aviation and pipeline companies operate on a shift work basis.
  5. Enterprises where the production process, through the introduction of a shift work schedule, can provide maximum efficient use equipment and premises.

Procedure for registering a shift schedule

The shift schedule is created and developed by the employer. To do this, he must analyze and determine the features of the technological and production process of a certain enterprise, correctly and expediently form groups (teams) of employees who will work in separate shifts.

The employer must remember that a complete and correct shift schedule must include the following data:

  • the order of rotation of the composed shifts;
  • the duration of work of each shift, indicating the beginning and end of the work period;
  • number of people per shift;
  • availability and timing of breaks.

As a rule, the shift schedule is an addition to the collective agreement, but not every enterprise has a collective agreement approved. In such cases, labor legislation allows employers to make the shift schedule an addition to the internal regulations or a separate local act.

Despite the nature and procedure for drawing up the shift schedule, it must be agreed upon with the trade union of the relevant organization. If the enterprise does not have a trade union body, approval is not required, since Art. 371 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides for the possibility (and obligation) of agreement exclusively with the trade union.

Shift work mode: what to remember

Citizens working on a shift work schedule have all the rights guaranteed by labor legislation. Both employer and employee need to remember that:

  • The duration of working hours for the selected period (month, quarter, etc.) cannot exceed the working time limits established by law.
  • The duration of a shift for a separate group of workers cannot exceed the limits established by Art. 94 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
  • According to the norm of Article 110 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, an employee’s weekly uninterrupted rest cannot be less than 42 hours.
  • An employer is prohibited from obliging an employee to work 2 shifts in a row.
  • A night shift is considered to be a work shift in which at least ½ of the working time is at night (from 22:00 to 6:00). Therefore, night shift does not have to be strictly included in this time frame.
  • If the employer skipped or incorrectly completed the stage of agreeing on the shift schedule with the trade union (if there is one), the validity of such a document can be challenged in a court of general jurisdiction.
  • If an employee is required to work on a holiday (according to the shift schedule), then he has the right to double payment for his work or to choose another day of rest. In the latter case, labor on a holiday will be calculated in a single amount.

Shift work is a specific type of organization of working time and is regulated by Art. 94, 103 Labor Code of the Russian Federation. With a shift work system, each team (group) of workers must work during the assigned working hours in accordance with the shift schedule. This organization of working time allows the enterprise to carry out continuous activities, produce the maximum possible quantity of products, and use equipment and premises more economically and rationally. However, establishing a shift schedule requires the employer to comply with general and special labor standards and ensure the interests of production and workers.

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