Home Dental treatment Hand-to-hand combat according to the Kadochnikov Shabolovskaya system. Kadochnikov system: what it is, fighting style and equipment, differences from other combat disciplines

Hand-to-hand combat according to the Kadochnikov Shabolovskaya system. Kadochnikov system: what it is, fighting style and equipment, differences from other combat disciplines

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Everything must be done consciously.

A. A. Kadochnikov (aphorism)

Now, even having become approximately acquainted with , it becomes clear that Alexey Alekseevich Kadochnikov could not, in any case, pass by such an exciting and mysterious topic in the world of martial arts - as “non-contact combat”, so as not to use its popularity - for the benefit of his system . The main thing here, as far as I understand, is to do everything with a serious look - in a tie and jacket. (And this video was shown in all seriousness on RenTV.)

And a short explanation from Alexey Alekseevich Kadochnikov - where does the strength for this very “non-contact battle” come from - if this is not physics for the eighth grade of high school.

And accordingly, a short video on training the ability to conduct “non-contact combat” according to Kadochnikov. This is roughly how everything turns out and needs to be trained - in fact. Again - who would have thought. (But the most interesting thing is that I think you should pay attention to the number of people who listen to all this carefully and try to repeat it. Who are they?)

Here too - the most famous master of “Russian styles” hand-to-hand combat"and "Special Forces hand-to-hand combat" Alexander Lavrov, "Shkval" system ( ShK ola IN survival A lexandra L Avrova) shows her non-contact fighting - and, most importantly, in a tie and jacket. And also, without any problems, everyone just falls off their feet - and they seem to be still surprised at such miracles. (I don’t understand anything about how this can be. This is also a visible factor - for the enemy to make such an appearance - like, “I didn’t expect it in real life" Someday I’ll also film my “non-contact combat” technique and show how amazing it really is.

But the most interesting thing, of course, in this whole non-contact fight of Alexei Kadochnikov lies, of course, in a slightly different plane. Over the entire history of the existence of the Kadochnikov System - its founder Alexei Kadochnikov, it turns out that he and the followers of his school declared mastery of at least two, one might say, the coolest martial arts techniques.

... In the hall they simply pressed Lavrov, asking him to demonstrate the “pendulum” in all details. At first he diplomatically “stepped aside,” but in the end he cut it off straight: this is not a toy or a circus act, moreover, no foreign intelligence service has full command of such equipment, and it is not yet time to reveal the secret.

True, of course, you can’t steal a “pendulum” that easily. According to the method of the Krasnodar school of Kadochnikov, in order to prepare the body for its mastery, one must repeat a certain exercise 150 thousand times. And if you interrupt for even a day, you will have to start all over again - “the speedometer is reset to zero.” The automatic use of the “pendulum” begins only after completing 300 thousand exercises!

Bogomolov’s hero used a “pendulum” when shooting in the Macedonian style, that is, simultaneously with pistols in both hands. Other applications of this technique are also possible: for example, in the 6th century, East Slavic warriors amazed the Byzantines with their ability to wield two swords. Despite the fact that the warriors did not use shields, they were still slightly vulnerable. Perhaps the secret of the “pendulum” has come down to us from those times...

But as you can see, this was the only mention of the possession of the “” technique - the Kadochnikov school. At least for this moment It was not possible to find any mention of the “Kadochnikov pendulum” on the Internet. (see article -) Neither in the books of Alexey Kadochnikov (see article -), nor in his fundamental series about “Kadochnikov’s Russian Style” (see article -) there is not a single word about “pendulum”.

The same thing happens about “Kadochnikov’s non-contact fight” - which can be easily shown - on real speed. Unlike . And also no more - nowhere and no mentions, much less demonstrations of techniques - even at slow speed. (You can’t find anything about these two techniques neither in books, nor in films, nor in magazines by Alexei Kadochnikov.)

That is, it turns out that the two most interesting techniques, capable of really helping in hand-to-hand combat are not shown at all. And one of them, even more so, is not shown - it turns out that the most interesting and mysterious thing that was essentially “lured” to Alexey Kadochnikov is not shown at all...

It seems to me that Alexey Alekseevich was simply haunted in his time by the fame of the founder of another unique “ martial art"under the name of aikido - Morihei Ueshiba - if you watch Morihei Ueshiba’s videos about “non-contact combat” (I saw it somewhere - I don’t remember where) - approximately the same style turns out: the founder master owns “secret techniques” and students scatter in different sides. (The only thing Morihei Ueshiba didn’t realize was that all this was also slow, but it turns out it can be done.)

Something like this video - but the main difference is of course visible from Morihei Ueshiba. (They didn’t know yet that you can just do everything using levers and not bother with such trifles - use levers and show slowly and you won’t have to work out anything like others - that’s the whole secret.)

Or even the “non-contact fight” from Morihei Ueshiba - also impressive, everyone falls and then is surprised. (And whoever suspects the grandfather that he simply set everything up - no one, does the grandfather need it - doesn’t need it. That means he didn’t set up anything - especially since he also performs in such a respectable outfit - everything means seriously. On top level— it’s just not accessible to everyone. You need to train all this for at least sixty years. Then only it will work out - .)

If you want to from scratch quickly master the combat algorithms of effective self-defense, then the Kadochnikov System - the best choice for you. However, before you begin to practice the combat skills of effective self-defense, which is based on methods of “smart and cunning” influence on the enemy, and not on brute physical force, you need to understand a few things well. First of all, understand that real effective self-defense is fundamentally different from combat sports and martial arts.

You know that the Kadochnikov System is fundamentally different from all existing martial arts and martial arts, it is simple and easy to learn. In this article we will show you seven main fundamental differences between the Kadochnikov System and any types of combat sports.

Knowing these seven main differences, you can easily determine which training program is right for you and you will know what result you will get after training.

FIRST and a very important difference concerns mental preparation. Kadochnikov's system prepares your psyche for efficient work in extreme situations when life and health are in danger.

Any combat sport prepares a person to participate in competitions where life and health are not in danger. Judges, doctors, the athlete’s coach are responsible for this; spectators and fans are present in the hall where the competition is held.

Naturally, the level of neuropsychic stress in such conditions is not at all the same when, for example, you need to fight for your life and health on a poorly lit deserted street, and even against several, not just one, attackers, each of whom may be armed with a stick, knife or brass knuckles.

The most obvious indicator of these differences is the pulse. In a trained athlete, under competition conditions, the pulse rarely goes beyond 140-145 beats per minute.

In conditions extreme situation any person who has not passed special training, the pulse instantly jumps to 180, or even 200 beats per minute. And an athlete who acts confidently in a competitive environment is also helpless and subject to fear in conditions where life and health are in real danger.

When there are no judges or a coach nearby and he needs to fight not for victory with an opponent of approximately the same weight and level of training, but for his life or health with those who will most likely exceed him in weight and number, not according to the rules that he knows well, and according to the law of the jungle, where the best techniques are considered the most insidious and cruel.

How does our brain and body react when a person finds himself face to face with real danger?

Our brain, faced with a threat to life, sharply reduces the scale and volume of information that we need to process. This is why most of us, when we find ourselves in stressful situation too excited.

Having crossed a certain line, our body blocks too many channels of information, and we become helpless. When the pulse crosses the border of 145 beats per minute, the real problems of controlling your body begin.

Complex motor abilities are impaired. It must be said that the range in which we can work effectively ranges from 115-145 beats per minute. And his upper limit- 140-145 beats per minute, optimal for very trained people. For ordinary people, the optimal operating range is 120-130 beats per minute.

But we remember that in a stressful extreme situation our heart rate instantly jumps to 180 beats per minute and even higher. What happens to our body at these rates?

At 175 beats per minute, information processing stops completely... The front part of the brain is blocked, and the midbrain - that part of it that is identical to the animal brain (and all mammals have it) - is activated and takes over functions forebrain. Visual perception is reduced to a minimum. In this state, people have frequent bowel movements because, at such an extreme level of danger, our body considers this kind of physiological control not essential for survival purposes.

In this state, he is focused on something else: blood flows from the external muscles and flows to the internal ones. Our body is evolutionarily predisposed to this at the genetic level, in order to turn muscles into a kind of armor and reduce bleeding in case of injury. But this makes us practically motionless and helpless.

In the USA, for example, people are advised to practice dialing 911, because there are many cases where people in extreme situations grabbed the phone, but could not perform this simplest action - dial 3 digits.

I believe you already understand what situations you need to prepare yourself for. To think that the skills acquired in a sports club can be easily transferred to a real extreme situation is at least stupid, and by and large criminal, and first of all in relation to oneself.

The scope of this article does not include a description of real life stories in which people, even with phenomenal athletic training, found themselves absolutely helpless in a real situation when their life or health was in danger.

There are hundreds of such stories, and if you want, you can find them yourself. This is the story of the famous wrestler Ivan Poddubny, who became a victim of a street robbery, and the story of one of the founders of modern karate, Masutatsu Oyama, who was beaten by black bandits in the USA (he himself described it in his autobiography) and a lot of other similar cases. Perhaps you or someone you know even has their own story on this topic.

SECOND The important difference is the rules.

No matter how strict the rules of the competition may be, they exist even in such types of sports as are called “fights without rules.” Even there you cannot gouge out eyes, break joints or hit in the groin. But these are the actions that every person tries to carry out first when he finds himself in a real hand-to-hand fight.

In sports you need entertainment and showmanship, in real combat you need efficiency. This means the goals are different. And since the goals are different, the training is completely different. After all, on the street or the battlefield, the outcome of the fight will not be determined by a judge in a smart bow tie and white shirt, but life itself will judge who is better prepared and trained.

And here we are faced with THIRD An important difference is the content and teaching methods.

We remember that in ANY combat sport there are rules. Consequently, it is these rules that determine what and how an athlete should be taught. In boxing - strikes, defenses against strikes, maneuvers, battle tactics. In wrestling - throws and falls while standing, wrestling on the ground, tactics, etc.

Plus, you need a good level of functional and special skills. physical training, without which it is impossible to perform many complex coordination actions or survive five rounds in the ring, for example.

Therefore, every sport MUST have a multi-year training program, in which all training and TRAINING are divided into main stages. Training begins with the initial training group, then those who cope are transferred to educational and training groups; then the most capable are transferred to groups for sports improvement, and only after that the most gifted move to groups of higher sports excellence.

It is impossible to master the technique and tactics of any combat sport in three or even six months. You need to count on years of study. Moreover, training is built on the principle of a pyramid. The basis is the maximum number of techniques and their combinations that an athlete must learn. Above is the optimal set of technical and tactical combinations suitable for each specific athlete. That is, we learn as much as possible at the initial stages, but use only 20% of this at the stage of higher sportsmanship.

In the Kadochnikov System, even if we wanted to go this way, we still would not be able to do it. In sports, thanks to restrictions in the form of rules, we can create a model of all possible technical actions and, based on this model, train an athlete.

In real life this is impossible, since there may be one enemy, there may be several of them, they may be armed, etc. - this is why we cannot allow ourselves to form stereotypes in the form of techniques and their combinations. We have only one way out - to teach our body to move in such a way as to instantly react and work in any situation with one or more opponents, against any type of bladed weapon. And to do this not over years of study and training, but in the shortest possible time.

FOURTH The difference is the volume and intensity of physical activity.

In sports, the task is to bring the athlete to peak physical shape for the main competition of the year. Therefore, the entire training cycle throughout the year is divided into certain stages - macro- and microcycles, combining periods of heavy loads, recovery after them and following periods loads

To achieve this goal, both pedagogical and pharmacological agents and methods. All this is done to achieve the main goal - victory at the main tournament of the year. But you must always be prepared for an extreme situation, at any time of the day or night.

Such emergency situations It’s impossible to schedule a competition on the calendar or ask a gopnik: “Wait 5-7 minutes, I need to warm up my muscles and do a warm-up.” Therefore, training in the Kadochnikov System is organized so that any person: man or woman, weak or sick, in excellent physical shape or with shortness of breath after climbing to the fifth floor can work in an extreme situation if he has to fight for the life and health of himself or his family and loved ones. And this is achieved by the fact that we use only 25% of our strength in our work. Here we come to FIFTH the difference between the Kadochnikov System and combat sports.

Use not 100%, but 25% of your strength to work effectively in any condition for as long as necessary. How this difference works is very clearly shown in the diagram below:

SIXTH the difference is more related to thinking processes than to motor activity.

Despite the fact that in combat sports tactics are very important, and its application is even broader than just the tactics of a sports match (the tactics of competitive training in general are also considered), and in fencing, for example, there is even such a thing as the strategic doctrine of a fencer - it is limited.

You probably already guessed what it is limited to? Right. It is limited by the competition rules. In our System we cannot afford even the slightest restrictions in either tactics or strategy. Because all preparation is subordinated to one goal - to survive and complete the task. For you, for example, the task may be to repel a bully, while minimizing the injury factor as much as possible, avoiding injury and damage.

To do this, we use all the resources at our disposal at the moment, the principle of the trinity of forces (physical, spiritual, intellectual), and interdisciplinary communication. We do not have stereotypes (any restrictions) and should not have them.

And finally, one cannot help but say about SEVENTH An important difference is working in different environments.

Preparing a person to work in the same environment, under the same conditions, will not allow him to work in a situation where the conditions will be less comfortable. A body falling on a soft carpet is not at all the same as falling on asphalt or on a staircase in an ordinary entrance. Knowing how to work with a ladder, having prepared your body to smooth out its hard edges, you will somehow be able to cope with a soft floor, but the opposite is unlikely.

We examined seven main differences between the Kadochnikov System and combat sports within the framework of this article. Of course there are more differences.

In this series of articles we will introduce you to a unique methodological approach, thanks to which you can quickly and easily master the basic motor skills that are the foundation of the Kadochnikov System. Even if you don’t have an instructor or the opportunity to attend seminars and trainings, you will learn how you can start learning correctly on your own, at home.

  • [You are here] Part 1. Kadochnikov System: Three Steps to Mastery of Hand-to-Hand Combat
  • Part 2.
  • [Coming soon] Part 3. How to Properly Dose the Load When Self-Studying the Kadochnikov System

Everything ingenious is simple, but not primitive - said Einstein. It is on this fine line between simplicity and genius that a unique system of hand-to-hand combat and effective self-defense was created, which has no analogues in the world and can be mastered by people of any age.

Because to master it you need not neither sports training, nor special knowledge. Quite the opposite. Once you start getting acquainted with the System, you yourself will want to learn more about the capabilities of your body and psyche.

Having quickly received what they came for - self-confidence and effective self-defense skills - many people continue to study the Kadochnikov System for self-development in order to better understand themselves and their purpose in the world.

Schematically, three levels of practice can be distinguished in teaching the System.

The first level is combat skills.

The main task at this level is to teach your body to move in optimal mode and free your muscles from fear and tension. That is why training begins with working on fear with the help of special exercises that have the full range of necessary effects on the body and psyche: this is both a special massage and a skill. muscle relaxation, and the ability to get around corners and obstacles.

The main task at this level is to teach your body to move in an optimal mode and free your muscles from fear and tension.

Performing these simple exercises will allow you to activate the muscle memory mechanism.

After your body stopped accumulating fear and tension in the muscles, you can learn to control it as a single coherent mechanism. After all, energy goes where your attention is directed. A prepared body is able to perform delicate work controlled by the brain. You will no longer need the rough and sharp mechanical movements that your body performed like a robot.

Instead, you will learn to move smoothly, with your whole body, consistently distributing efforts. In this mode you can work as much time as necessary, and at the same time you will not get tired. You won't even break a sweat.

Is it hard to believe? Yes, that sounds fantastic. But only at first glance. Because there is a scientific explanation for this.

The fact is that fatigue begins to accumulate in the cerebral cortex. And only after that the muscles begin to get tired. That is why when the brain is not ready for a situation, does not know how to solve a problem, a person begins to fuss and very quickly loses energy.

The same thing happens when a person relies on his physical abilities, learned techniques and patterns of behavior. The body takes all the energy, leaving the brain without the necessary nutrition to assess the situation and make the necessary decisions in accordance with the situation.

A sharp surge in physical energy is followed by a decline, and the person becomes defenseless. At this moment, neither trained muscles nor the baggage of hundreds of memorized techniques will help him.

The behavior model in which a person relies on his physical capabilities is shown in the figure (red). It is characterized by maximum manifestation physical strength, in which there is no energy left either to maintain the volume of attention to assess the situation, or the ability to manage the situation and make the necessary adjustments to control one’s body and the opponent(s). And, of course, it is limited in time.

Human physical capabilities not limitless. Alexey Alekseevich Kadochnikov compares this model of behavior to driving a car that is rushing along the highway at breakneck speed.

At high speed it is almost impossible to fit into a turn. Nevertheless, 99% of all existing systems are to a greater or lesser extent based on precisely this model of behavior. Despite the fact that modern scientific research it has been proven that to effectively control the situation, a person should not spend more than 20-25% on physical effort.

What is this connected with? First of all, with the amount of energy that the brain needs for active activity. The fact is that the brain is the most energy-consuming organ in our body. Even when our body is in a calm, relaxed state, the brain consumes 20% of energy, and the same internal organs for example, twice as much.

Scientists have proven that for effective activities in dangerous situation we must see and evaluate the environment around us in a range of at least 270 degrees, and also use other analyzers (hearing, smell, touch). All this requires energy.

By teaching your body to spend the right amount of time motor activity no more than 25% of our strength, we leave the necessary amount of energy so that our brain can correctly assess the situation, identify the problem and set a task to solve it, taking into account various options(depending on the time, effort and means we have at our disposal at the moment). Only in this mode can we work effectively in a potentially stressful situation, without succumbing to fear or panic, and solve problems of any complexity.

Level two – combat kinematics

At this level of practice we help the body free itself from stiffness and muscle tension during various movements, we learn to work in contact with the enemy and at the same time not strain either physically or mentally. Correctly choose contact zones and influence the enemy not by force, but by controlling his movements. We master protection against any enemy attacks by using not only linear, but also angular speed.

This allows us break down any impact into its components and always be faster than the enemy. We learn to create moments of vulnerability for the enemy after each of his actions.

At this level of practice, you aim to use no more than 25% of your strength, can see and assess your surroundings, and work effectively for as long as necessary. In this state, you take blows softly, because you use not only the linear speed of movement, but also the angular speed, so you always gain in time.

The softness, smoothness and seemingly harmless nature of your movements to an outside observer deceptive. Spiral movements performed by rotating your hands around their own axis create new trajectories that the inexperienced eye cannot even see. Although this is described by the elementary formula for circumference. As it shown on the picture.

At this level of practice, it is absolutely obvious to you that angular velocity always above linear. Lung rotational movement with the hand or forearm, performed in a split second, changes the direction of movement of any blow, making it safe for you and forcing the enemy to become vulnerable at that moment.

This allows you apply force at the right place and time, moment, impulse to neutralize any opponent(s).

After all, any physical body has a number of parameters: mass, length, width, center of gravity, geometric shape, state of aggregation. In dynamics (movement), a body acquires such parameters as vector (direction of movement), speed, acceleration, momentum.

When one body interacts with another, a contact zone is formed, which is measured by the contact area. How smaller area contact zone, the stronger the deformation of the object will be when exposed to this zone (other things being equal).

When one body acts on another, fulcrum points and centers of mass rotation are formed. To reduce the directional impact, a force decomposition point is created. To increase the directional impact, a fulcrum is created and a lever or moment of force is used.

Used in strikes pulse(the principle of supersonic speed), which allows you to achieve a devastating effect with minimal expenditure of energy.

The main task of the first two levels of practice is to improve the quality of your body’s movements in different situations, including extreme ones. It is easier to understand if we draw an analogy of our body with some mechanism.

Any working mechanism is kinetic-kinematic system, which is characterized by two parameters - kinetics and kinematics.

Kinetics is the source of force (kinetic energy). For a car or airplane, this is the engine. For humans, these are muscles. Each muscle fiber is a mini-motor.

Kinematics is the transfer of force from a source through the elements of a given mechanism in order to convert it into useful action. The more efficient the kinematic transmission, the less force needs to be applied to ensure the same mechanical result.

Bone, articular and fascial structures - provide kinematic connections and convert muscle work into supporting and motor functions. The more efficient the kinematic connections, the less work the muscles need to do. It is the kinematic characteristics that determine how effectively our musculoskeletal system works as a musculoskeletal system.

Thus, the first two levels of practice allow us to do work by improving the kinematic characteristics of our body, and not by energy-consuming use of our muscles, the capabilities of which are very limited.

The third level is combat fencing.

At this level of practice, we transfer all acquired skills to work with edged weapons and improvised means. Special preparatory exercises will help us eliminate psychological blocks when working with edged weapons and avoid mistakes that 99% of students make. And finally, we combine all the acquired knowledge into combat algorithms for effective self-defense in any conditions and situations.

Training at all three levels of the Kadochnikov System is discussed in detail in one of the most effective video trainings for home training

The issue of self-defense has been relevant at all times. And now, returning home late in the evening, we somehow think that such skills would be useful. Along with all kinds of Asian martial arts, there are also Soviet schools of martial arts, based on completely different principles. The Kadochnikov system also belongs to such combat disciplines. It was developed specifically for self-defense and allows a person to gain a significant advantage over almost any opponent, even if he is a stronger and more experienced fighter.

This system is often called Russian or Soviet hand-to-hand combat. The system was developed by V. A. Spiridonov, but Kadochnikov managed to systematize data about this martial art, making very important additions and bringing the system to perfection.

The main goal of this martial art is to prepare a fighter who can withstand any opponent. The system is based on the principles of mathematics and physics, which ensure victory by gaining a significant advantage over the enemy.

The training of US Marines is based on the Kadochnikov system.

Fighting style and techniques

Kadochnikov’s system allows you to train a physically unprepared person (weak, sick, wounded, woman, child) to stand up for themselves in the event of an attack

This is not just about hand-to-hand combat, but about the whole system knowledge that provides a person with effective survival in any extreme conditions. This technique not only improves the physical fitness of a fighter, but also helps him achieve psychological balance, due to which a person begins to look at life in a new way, making the right decisions and soberly analyzing the situation.

Having completed training in the Kadochnikov system, a person begins to see weak spots rivals, realizing their superiority. But he will never point them out due to his restraint and prudence. In a sense, a fighter is able to control the actions of his opponent.

Such high results are achievable thanks to a special self-defense training system based on the following principles:

  1. Combat discipline teaches you to save strength. Each movement must be thought out as much as possible, taking into account correct use enemy forces. Each movement is performed in a common combination of techniques aimed at obtaining a guaranteed result.
  2. This type of martial arts is not a sports discipline. There is a complete lack of competitive spirit here, and athletes pursue the goal of learning effective self-defense.
  3. The lessons are not monotonous and do not require the fighter to memorize various techniques. The system works on the principle of analyzing the situation and applying the techniques most suitable for specific circumstances. The Kadochnikov system is often called the school of life or survival.

This system is characterized by simplicity, reliability and naturalness. It is based on simple movements, which makes it accessible to all fighters, regardless of physical condition. This martial art includes a large number of fighting techniques and techniques.

The basic idea of ​​self-defense is to control the situation by controlling the opponent and using his power against him. Hand-to-hand combat theory is taught with an emphasis on psychology, physics and anatomy. During the learning process, a demonstration of an action is accompanied by an explanation. physical law or mathematical formula. The main emphasis in the training process is on theory, while combat training is most often carried out by the student himself.

The very concept of techniques in Kadochnikov’s system is absent, and the process of confronting an opponent is characterized as control. An experienced and properly trained fighter truly controls his opponent, manipulating his every move and adjusting it to his own actions.


There are no strict requirements regarding clothing equipment

Since the Kadochnikov system is intended primarily for training the military, classes are most often conducted in military uniform. It should be remembered that this martial art does not belong to sports disciplines, and therefore tournaments are not held in it. Accordingly, there are no strict requirements regarding clothing.

Beginning fighters should understand regarding equipment that it should be:

  • loose (a tight-fitting shape is not allowed because it restricts movement);
  • comfortable – a person should feel comfortable.

Since Kadochnikov’s system is positioned primarily as effective method self-defense, its practical application is most often carried out in everyday clothing. In real life, you will not be wearing a kimono, and in front of you will not be a sparring partner, but a real attacker who will not stop after you give up. Therefore, the same attention is not paid to the form of clothing here. great importance, as in other disciplines.

History of origin

In the mid-80s of the last century, the head of the laboratory of the Department of Mechanics, Alexey Alekseevich Kadochnikov, developed his own system of survival in difficult conditions. It immediately attracted the attention of the public, because it was based on the principles of anatomy, physics and mathematics, which allowed its creator to explain any of the proposed actions with scientific point vision.

Hand-to-hand combat according to the Kadochnikov system came out of this survival system. In a sense, the new art of combat was a rethinking of the works of V. Spiridonov, but as a result of improvements, the system became more thoughtful and effective, offering the fighter greater freedom of action.

Kadochnikov often mentions at his seminars that he teaches fighters not only to look, but also to see. They gain the opportunity to predict the outcome of the battle, thinking through several actions in advance, which is capable of confounding any, even more experienced, enemy.

Differences from other martial arts

Kadochnikov's combat system is intended exclusively for self-defense

Kadochnikov’s system is unique in many ways. Differences from other disciplines are as follows:

  1. The system is not competitive, which is why tournaments are not held on it. It is intended solely for self-defense.
  2. The very concept of techniques is missing, and fighters learn to assess the situation, depending on which they perform certain actions. It is believed that the Kadochnikov system in real combat is significantly superior in effectiveness to other martial arts.
  3. The main emphasis is on physical and mathematical laws. Therefore, a person who is not familiar with them may not understand the very principle of building a defense according to the Kadochnikov system.

How to choose a trainer, approximate cost of training

Unfortunately, finding a good coach for this system is quite difficult. Alexey Kadochnikov himself is already at a fairly advanced age, although he continues to conduct seminars on the martial arts he developed. It will not be possible to sign up for personal courses with him.

Due to the fact that training is carried out at a slow pace, and traditional sparring in the discipline does not exist, many “masters” are not able to give their students real knowledge, having only attended seminars on the Kadochnikov system. Therefore, before choosing a trainer, it is recommended to read reviews about him on the Internet.

As Alexey Kadochnikov himself says, before direct training in his system, it is advisable to have basic boxing skills. He calls boxing the basis of hand-to-hand combat, and in this statement he is absolutely right. Online training on Kadochnikov’s official website costs about 25 thousand rubles. Sometimes there is a discount on the course. In this case, its cost is reduced to 10 thousand rubles.

Reading articles about ancient world and about the conditions of increased danger in which the first people lived, you involuntarily draw an analogy with what we have now.

Unfortunately, we cannot boast of a safe existence. IN modern world There are much more threats to human life than in that distant Stone Age.

Narrow dark streets modern city, like a wild jungle, become a place of potential danger and threats. In connection with this state of affairs, a person thinks that it would be nice to be able to defend himself and turns to hand-to-hand combat professionals with a request to teach him self-defense techniques.

What kind of system is this

Russian or Soviet hand-to-hand combat is otherwise called the Kadochnikov system. These are unique martial arts that combine the struggle of two rivals and the psychology of survival in the current difficult and, at times, even extreme situation.

It is worth noting that the founder of this system was V.A. Spiridonov, and Kadochnikov systematized the accumulated knowledge on self-defense and made very important additions.

The goal of the system is to create a fighter who is ready for any situation and is able to find a way out, no matter how difficult the conditions are. The basis of the system is ordinary physics and mathematics, knowledge of which will lead to a quick victory and a significant advantage over the enemy.


Kadochnikov’s self-defense system is not just hand-to-hand combat, it is a body of knowledge that allows a person to survive in extreme conditions. This fighting technique not only makes a person an excellent fighter, but also develops psychological
balance, a person looks at life differently, makes the right decisions, and knows how to analyze situations.

A person begins to see his superiority over others, but he will never allow himself to talk about it openly.

According to Kadochnikov, a fighter is restrained and reasonable, cunning and dexterous. He is able to control his opponent.

  1. Kadochnikov’s self-defense allows you not to waste energy, but to save it in every movement. But the system is built in such a way that the correct use of the enemy’s strength to achieve one’s goals allows a person to win.
  2. The lessons are not monotonous and there is no need to memorize certain techniques. Everything works according to the principle: “Repeat the blow, but in a different key.”
  3. The absence of a competitive spirit is also important, since this type of fighting cannot be called a sport, it is more like a school life.

primary goal

The system is simple, natural and reliable. It is based on natural movements and is accessible to everyone, regardless of physical fitness. Kadochnikov's self-defense combines many different techniques and fighting techniques.

The main idea is to take control of the situation, control the enemy and use his power against him.

Kadochnikov’s self-defense is a relatively new type of martial art that contains the wisdom of our ancestors and, at the same time, adaptation and the latest scientific developments.

Of course, the system will continue to develop and become even more advanced. Naturally, the development of domestic hand-to-hand combat requires the support of not only interested citizens and masters of this art, but also the state and law enforcement agencies.

If you have decided to learn self-defense techniques, if you want to learn self-control and improve, then we advise you to turn to the self-defense system created by Kadochnikov.
Watch a video about the basics of the Kadochnikov system:

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