Home Hygiene Folk remedies for psoriasis on the body. Proven folk remedies for psoriasis

Folk remedies for psoriasis on the body. Proven folk remedies for psoriasis

There are many effective folk ways to combat dermatological problems. Proper treatment of psoriasis at home eliminates the symptoms of the disease and ensures long-term remission. The products can be used after the approval of a dermatologist to avoid an allergic reaction and other unpleasant consequences.


The second name for psoriasis is scaly lichen. This is a non-infectious disease that affects the skin and becomes chronic. Scientists have still not been able to accurately determine the causes of the development of pathology. The most common theories are:

  • Genetic predisposition. It has been proven that people whose close relatives suffer from lichen planus are more susceptible to the disease than others.
  • Disruption of the nervous system. There are many cases where psoriasis manifested itself under the influence of prolonged stress and severe emotional overload.
  • Hormonal imbalance and improper metabolism. Changes in the body caused by these disorders can provoke the appearance of psoriatic plaques on the skin.

Whatever the cause of lichen planus, its appearance changes the functioning of immune cells. As a result, they begin to destroy healthy cells in the upper layer of the epidermis, and painful plaques form on the body.


There are different types of lichen planus. They are characterized by the appearance of slightly raised, inflamed areas on the skin that are bright red in color. The formations are covered with a thin grayish film that peels and cracks. The most common places of manifestation of the disease are:

  • scalp;
  • elbows, knees;
  • folds of skin;
  • lower back;
  • palms and feet.

When the flaky film is damaged, the red plaques are easily injured and bleed. Infection often penetrates the wounds, aggravating the course of psoriasis and leading to the formation of purulent, weeping wounds.

The skin disease causes severe discomfort. The plaques are itchy, itchy and, if left untreated, increase in size. In advanced cases, they can merge with each other, forming an extensive lesion of the skin.

Psoriasis occurs in several stages. At first there is a sharp exacerbation, many small and large rashes appear on the body. Then comes the stationary stage, when the disease slowly progresses without bringing new psoriatic plaques. At the third stage, the color intensity of the plaques decreases, they decrease in size and gradually disappear, leaving behind characteristic white spots.

Home Remedies

Psoriasis is a disease that cannot be completely cured. The action of internal and external medications is aimed at eliminating symptoms and suppressing relapses. It is often necessary to change therapeutic methods during treatment to obtain optimal results.
Alternative medicine offers many effective folk remedies for psoriasis. They act gradually, clearing the skin of rashes and relieving inflammation. To achieve success, it is important to treat regularly and complete the full course recommended in the prescription. If therapy is carried out occasionally, it will not bring noticeable results.

A comprehensive fight against the disease is recommended, including taking medications internally and treating plaques externally. Traditional recipes can be used in the remission stage and during the active course of the disease.

Soda and salt

Noticeable improvements are easy to achieve using simple, affordable treatments. Regular baking soda helps relieve the symptoms of psoriasis. When plaques appear on the body, healing baths and lotions are useful.

  1. Mix 900 g of soda in 40 liters of hot water, immerse yourself in it so that the affected areas are under water, and remain for 15 minutes. Then gently pat the skin and wait until it dries completely on its own. Carry out the procedure every other day for two weeks.
  2. You can prepare a soda solution by adding 3 tablespoons of crystals to 500 ml of heated water. Soak gauze in the liquid and apply to the affected areas for 10-15 minutes every day, morning and evening, until the symptoms subside.
  3. Sea salt is an excellent ingredient for a cleansing and soothing bath. It quickly relieves signs of scaly lichen, removes swelling and inflammation. You need to dissolve 500 g of sea salt in a filled bath and lie there for 15-20 minutes. The frequency of treatment is every other day. After the procedure, the skin should be dried and lubricated with a nourishing cream.

Iodine and hydrogen peroxide

Iodine is a powerful antiseptic that dries, thoroughly disinfects and prevents infection from penetrating wounds on the skin. It is recommended to use it if there are small rashes on the body. Approximate treatment plan:

Significant pain is felt during treatment. This is a natural reaction of damaged skin to an antiseptic. To remove psoriatic plaques, treatment must be continued for at least a month.

Hydrogen peroxide can be used to rub red spots 1-2 times a day. The product helps disinfect wounds and promote healing.

Flax oil and seeds

Flaxseed cleanses the circulatory system well of toxins and improves the condition of the skin.

  1. To prepare the infusion, measure out two tablespoons of seeds, pour them into a 0.5 liter thermos and pour boiling water over them.
  2. Leave overnight, strain and drink during the day, dividing into equal portions.
  3. In order for the medicine to be better absorbed, it is advisable to take activated carbon before bed at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of weight.

The infusion improves overall well-being, removes inflammation and rashes on the body.

Flax oil is saturated with fatty acids and vitamins that promote healing of wounds on the skin and increase local immunity. It is useful for them to wipe psoriatic plaques 2-3 times a day, combining therapy with taking an infusion of seeds.


Celery contains many vitamins and valuable substances. Traditional medicine uses the plant for internal and external treatment of psoriasis.


The starch contained in potatoes relieves swelling, soothes irritation and heals small wounds. You need to grate a washed medium-sized tuber along with the peel, apply the pulp to the plaques and do not remove the compress for 2 hours.

Egg yolks

Preparing the product requires some effort, but it helps well against psoriasis.

  1. You need to prepare homemade chicken eggs, put them in a saucepan, add water and boil for 20 minutes.
  2. Cool, remove the yolks and mash with a fork. Place in a cast iron frying pan, put on fire and simmer for an hour.
  3. During this time, an oily liquid should appear on the surface of the mashed yolks.
  4. You need to put the pulp in cheesecloth and squeeze out the oil. Place it in a glass container and lubricate the manifestations of psoriasis with a thin layer twice a day for 2-3 weeks.

To get 100 ml of medicine, you need to use at least 2 dozen eggs when preparing the recipe.


  1. One of the most effective treatments is propolis ointment. It quickly relieves itching and starts the process of cell regeneration. To prepare, you will need 500 g of natural butter without salt and 50 g of propolis. You need to grind the propolis. Place butter in a dry frying pan and melt over heat. When the product starts to boil, remove from heat, cool slightly and add prepared propolis. Stir thoroughly, transfer to a glass jar and use for regular treatment of psoriatic plaques.
  2. It is useful to chew a pea-sized piece of propolis daily.
  3. To enhance the effect, it is advisable to combine therapy with royal jelly.. It should be mixed with natural honey in a ratio of 1:100 and eaten 1-2 tablespoons per day. Noticeable results can be expected if treatment is continued for about 3 months.

Black elderberry

Elderberry infusion is an ancient remedy for the treatment of scaly lichen. Pour a large spoonful of flowers into two glasses of boiling water, leave, filter and drink half a glass an hour after each meal.

The collection of medicinal herbs has high healing properties. Needed:

  • black elderberry inflorescences - 2 tablespoons;
  • corn silk - 2 tablespoons;
  • celandine leaves - 1 spoon;
  • calamus root - 3 tablespoons;
  • horsetail - 2 tablespoons.

Mix the ingredients, measure a spoonful of raw materials, pour 250 ml of boiling water, cover with a towel and strain after 30 minutes. The infusion is drunk after meals, divided into 3 doses. Treatment must be continued for 2 weeks.


  1. A herbal mixture based on celandine is suitable for taking a bath. You need to combine fresh celandine, clover, calendula, string, St. John's wort and thyme in equal proportions. Take 300 g of the collection and boil in 6 liters of water. Cool, strain and add to a bath filled with water. Immerse yourself in liquid for 20 minutes. Repeat the procedure 3 times a week for at least 2 months.
  2. For treatment to be successful, baths with celandine must be combined with taking tinctures and external treatment of plaques. You need to mix a spoonful of celandine and violet flowers. Pour the mixture into 250 ml of boiling water, leave for 2 hours and drink 1 tablespoon four times a day after meals.
  3. For the ointment, you can use a simple recipe. Melted pork fat is mixed with celandine juice in a ratio of 4:1. Infuse the product for a day and apply a thin layer to the skin lesions three times a day.
  4. An effective ointment is obtained by mixing a spoonful of celandine juice with 15 g of Flucinar ointment and 100 g of grease. Beat the mixture until smooth, cover with a lid and leave in a dark place for 3 days. Then take it out and use it to rub into sore areas in the morning and evening.

Birch chaga mushroom

Chaga mushroom is dense growths on birch bark that are brown or brown in color. To treat psoriasis, you can use chaga infusion, ointment and baths.

  1. A spoonful of powder prepared from dry mushroom should be brewed in 500 ml of boiling water. Leave overnight, strain. Soak a sterile cloth in the liquid and apply to the inflamed areas of the skin.
  2. It is useful to combine the treatment with taking an alcohol tincture orally. To prepare it, pour 100 g of powder into a glass jar and add 500 ml of vodka. Place in a cupboard for 14 days, then filter and drink, dissolving a teaspoon of tincture in a small portion of clean water, 3 times a day. The course of therapy is two weeks.
  3. A glass of crushed chaga should be brewed in 2 liters of boiling water, left for 3 hours, filtered and added to bath water. The procedure should be carried out before bed for 20 minutes every other day. After 4 sessions, you need to take a break for a week and repeat the course.

The ointment recipe includes the following ingredients:

The fat must be heated and the remaining ingredients added to it. Stir and apply evenly to plaques several times a day.

Tar and grease

To eliminate the symptoms of psoriasis, birch tar and grease are useful.

  1. You need to carefully lubricate the plaques, leave the product on the skin for an hour and wash off with tar or laundry soap.
  2. You can mix tar with wood ash in a ratio of 3:1 and apply to the areas of the disease for 1 hour.
  3. To make the treatment more effective, it is useful to combine it with the ingestion of birch bud infusion. A tablespoon of kidneys should be poured into 250 ml of boiling water, placed in a water bath and heated for 10 minutes. Strain and drink a quarter glass three times a day, an hour after meals.
  4. It is easy to prepare a healing ointment at home that helps overcome the symptoms of psoriasis. You need to mix 500 g of grease with 2 tablespoons of May honey and 25 g of baby cream. Apply the product to the plaques once a day for 2 weeks.

Badger fat

Badger fat is an effective medicine. Its properties make it possible to get rid of plaques at home.

  1. The balm is useful for oral administration. You should combine badger fat, natural honey, chopped walnuts, dried apricots, and raisins in equal proportions. Take the medicine one teaspoon before meals 3 times a day.
  2. It is recommended to lubricate the affected areas with an ointment made from badger fat and honey. The ingredients are combined 1:1 and rubbed into the scaly lichen daily.
  3. Fat is mixed with cedar resin in equal proportions. The product is used for external treatment 1-2 times a day.

Beaver musk

The beaver stream is formed in the anal glands of the beaver. It resembles slightly wet sand and guarantees relief from psoriasis. For healing, you can use an alcohol tincture purchased at a pharmacy or prepare it yourself.

To do this, 100 g of the substance is poured into 0.5 liters of vodka and left in the dark for 6-7 days. Then filter the liquid and drink 1 teaspoon every day for a month.

External use involves compresses with tincture on plaques. A bandage soaked in the medicine should be applied to the lesions for 15 minutes once a day.

Mud treatment

The healing mud of the Dead Sea helps to prolong the period of remission for a long time, and sometimes to get rid of the manifestations of psoriasis forever. It normalizes metabolic processes, stimulates cell regeneration and soothes itching.

Powder for the procedure can be purchased at the pharmacy. It is diluted according to the instructions and mud is applied to the plaques 2 times a week.

Copper sulfate

An aggressive remedy helps cure psoriasis, but can irritate healthy skin. Therefore it should be used with caution.

  1. A spoonful of string should be poured with a glass of water and simmered in a water bath for 20 minutes. Strain the broth, add a third of a teaspoon of copper sulfate to it, soak gauze in the liquid and apply to the psoriatic plaques for 10 minutes.
  2. Higher efficiency is provided by copper sulfate in combination with potassium permanganate. It is necessary to dilute 3 g of manganese and 50 g of vitriol in 1.5 liters of water. Soak a sterile bandage in the product and treat skin with manifestations of psoriasis. After three hours, wash your body with water. Do the procedure twice a week for about a month.

Garlic, onion and oats

Garlic contains a lot of phytoncides and other valuable substances that help cleanse the skin. Using vegetables reduces the activity of pathogenic microflora and eliminates inflammation.


In folk medicine, chicken droppings and horse manure are used to treat the disease. People who have used such methods claim that their use quickly relieves itching and clears the skin of plaques.

  1. 1.5 kg of droppings should be collected, placed in an enamel bowl and placed on hot bricks. The product will quickly heat up and begin to emit steam. You need to place the affected areas of the body under it and cover them with a blanket. A bath effect will occur. It is important that the steam is scalding hot. The procedure requires an hour. Within 10 days there will be a noticeable improvement. Plaques lighten and the skin becomes clearer.
  2. Lotions with horse manure help fight psoriasis. Fresh manure is diluted with cold water 1:10 and left in a dark place for 2 days. Then the liquid is applied to the affected skin, wrapped in a cloth and left to act for an hour daily. They say that such procedures clear the skin in a few weeks.

Psoriasis can be treated using Ayurvedic methods. This is an unconventional method aimed at cleansing the body of toxins through a special diet, herbal decoctions and oils.

Thanks to a wide selection of folk recipes, it is easy to choose the appropriate method for treating scaly lichen and achieving stable remission.

Psoriasis is one of the most common skin diseases - according to disappointing medical statistics, 4% of the world's population suffer from its manifestations. This disease manifests itself first as single, and then as multiple convex reddish-pink spots on the body, face, and scalp. The appearance of such formations (they are called psoriatic plaques) is accompanied by intense itching. The skin in the affected areas peels off, flakes off, leaving behind small pinpoint hemorrhages.

The etiology of psoriasis has not been fully established, so it is impossible to completely get rid of this pathology.

Depending on how severe the disease is, as well as taking into account the health characteristics of patients with the corresponding diagnosis, dermatologists select complex symptomatic therapy. It includes both systemic medications and agents for external treatment. You can treat psoriasis at home with folk remedies - infusions, decoctions from medicinal plants, as well as natural compounds that are used to treat the affected areas of the epidermis help to cope with the manifestations of the disease.

Only a specialist should select the components of home treatment for psoriasis - many components of natural mixtures can cause allergic reactions, this will only increase the intensity of the symptoms of the underlying disease.

Effective formulations

Let's look at a few useful recipes that will help defeat psoriasis at home:

  1. The chickweed grass is dried, crushed using a coffee grinder or blender, and sifted. After this, 6 tbsp. l. powder must be poured into 4 tbsp. l. purified medical solid oil, leave for 3 days and use as a medicinal ointment (a thin layer of the product is applied to psoriasis lesions 2 times a day).
  2. The same medicinal plant can be used for home medicinal baths. Fresh herbs are placed in a half-liter jar and poured with boiling water (1:2). The composition should sit for 15 minutes, then it should be poured into the bath (water temperature 38 degrees). The schedule of therapeutic procedures is as follows: in the first week such treatment is carried out daily, in the second – once every 2 days, in the third week the bath is taken only twice. After this, it is recommended to take a break (10 days) and begin treatment procedures again.
  3. The following mixture helps to cope with itching, flaking of the skin and prevent further spread of psoriatic plaques throughout the body: 4 tbsp. l. dried and pre-crushed horsetail herb must be poured with boiling water (1 l). After this, the product should be boiled for at least 8 minutes and left to infuse for 5 hours. It is recommended to wipe the entire body with the prepared decoction every day for 90 days.
  4. To 300 ml of medical alcohol add 10 ml of camphor, the same amount of alcohol tincture of iodine, calendula, as well as 10 analgin tablets. The components are thoroughly mixed, the composition is poured into a dark bottle and left for 30 days in a dark place. When the medicine is ready, you should thoroughly wipe the affected areas of the epidermis with it twice a day.

For oral administration in the home fight against psoriasis, decoctions and infusions of medicinal herbs are most often used. Here is an example of an effective natural collection:

  • 2 tbsp. l. violets tricolor and centaury (dried);
  • 1 tbsp. l. wild rosemary root, European hoofed grass and fumaria officinalis;
  • 1 tsp. sweetbitter nightshade fruit.

The ingredients are mixed and poured into a jar. Each time you should take 1.5 tbsp. l. such a medicinal collection, pour boiling water (250 ml) and leave for at least an hour, covered with a lid. After the composition has been strained, it is necessary to add boiling water to it (one serving – 200 ml). Scheme for taking the decoction: a third of a glass/3 times a day before meals (30 minutes before). The total duration of the therapeutic course is from 7 to 12 months, with a one-week break every 30 days.

Folk treatment of psoriasis at home is also carried out using medicinal alcohol tinctures based on medicinal herbs. So, for example, 30 g of string is poured with alcohol (the liquid level should be slightly higher than the grass), covered with a lid, and placed in a dark place for 12 days. In parallel, 200 g of crushed dried rose hips are poured into 400 g of vodka and stored there. After the specified period of time, both compositions are mixed and stored in the refrigerator. Take this folk remedy against psoriasis as follows: 1 tsp. 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

Systemic therapy is supplemented with local treatment using the following ointment:

  • Vaseline and baby cream (1 tube each);
  • 4 tbsp. l. alcohol tincture of string.

The ingredients are thoroughly mixed to a homogeneous consistency and rubbed into the “affected” skin daily.

Treatment of psoriasis at home with folk remedies is also carried out with such an unusual composition:

  • 1 fresh egg white;
  • 2 tsp. chestnut and rose hip ash;
  • 4 tbsp. l. honey;
  • 1 tsp. onion juice;
  • 1 tsp. sulfur powder;
  • Half a tube of rich cream (preferably for children);
  • 1 tbsp. l. garlic juice.

All of these components should be combined in a porcelain bowl and filled with 500 ml of medical grease. The prepared ointment is applied to psoriatic lesions twice a day (after a shower). The minimum duration of the therapeutic course is 2 months.

Here is a recipe for another unusual homemade ointment against psoriasis:

  • 500 g rendered lard (unsalted);
  • 200 g fish oil;
  • 9 bottles each of streptomycin and penicillin;
  • 2 bottles each of iodine and camphor;
  • 20 g sulfur powder;
  • a bottle of glycerin.

All ingredients are thoroughly mixed and left for 10 days. Method of use: the prepared ointment is used for night compresses - they are applied to psoriatic lesions, covered with parchment paper on top, and wrapped in a warm scarf. In the morning, the composition is washed off with the help of an infusion of St. John's wort.

Other recipes

Let's consider effective folk remedies made from phyto-raw materials to combat the symptoms of psoriasis:

  1. Crushed young sunflower baskets are poured with white wine (1:2) and left for 2 days. Next, filter the liquid and wipe the affected areas of the skin with it. You can also make medicinal compresses - soak gauze (bandage) with a small amount of tincture and apply to psoriatic plaques for 2 hours. If characteristic rashes are localized not only on the body, but also on the face, it is recommended to wash your face with this product daily.
  2. 2 tbsp. l. black elderberry is poured with hot water (5 l), left for several hours. After this, the medicine is taken according to the following regimen: 0.5 glasses three times a day.
  3. Mix 50 g of elecampane and celandine, grind in a coffee grinder, add powder from 50 aspirin tablets. These ingredients must be poured with unrefined vegetable oil (preferably sunflower) and left for 30 days. When the composition is ready, it should be filtered and combined with Vaseline (3 to 1). It is recommended to treat rashes on the skin with this ointment daily - it perfectly relieves inflammation, eliminates itching, and prevents flaking.
  4. To one part of Kalanchoe juice and honey add 3 parts of eucalyptus oil. The composition should sit for 3 days, after which you can wipe psoriatic lesions with it several times a day.

Home treatment of psoriasis with propolis provides a good clinical effect. So, 250 ml of vegetable oil is boiled in an enamel bowl, removed from the stove and 25 g of propolis powder is added to the liquid. The ingredients should be mixed thoroughly: the mass should acquire a homogeneous consistency. The procedure is carried out as follows: first, psoriatic plaques are wiped with a cotton swab dipped in 3% hydrogen peroxide, then a compress is applied using the described composition. Keep it on the skin for no more than 2 hours.

Therapeutic baths for psoriasis:

  1. 500 g sea salt + 50 g blue clay per bath of water. The duration of the procedure is 10-15 minutes.
  2. With decoctions of medicinal herbs: sage, St. John's wort, celandine, horsetail, etc.
  3. 500 g of starch are diluted in cold water and poured into a bath prepared for bathing.
  4. 500 g of turpentine + 30 g of baby or tar soap + 600 ml of warm water + 8 g of salicylic acid. The ingredients are thoroughly mixed. For one procedure – 1 ml/1 l of water.

Home therapy for psoriasis localized on the scalp involves the use of the following medicinal compounds:

  1. 2 tbsp. l. herbs celandine + 4 tbsp. l. strings + 1 tbsp. l. horsetail. The ingredients are poured with boiling water (250 ml), boiled in a water bath for about half an hour. The mixture must be cooled and strained. The prepared product is used to treat the “affected” skin every other day (can be used as a rinse after washing your hair).
  2. In equal parts combine: roots of calamus and burdock, celandine, calendula flowers, nettle leaves, hop cones. The composition is poured with a liter of boiling water and boiled for another 30 minutes. Use the prepared product to wash your hair three times a week.
  3. To soften the bulk elements, they can be treated with almond, olive, and rosemary oils. The ethers are applied to the affected areas before bedtime, the head is wrapped in plastic wrap, and insulated with a towel or woolen scarf. In the morning, the oil composition is washed off with medicinal shampoo (for example, with zinc or tar).

It is very important to combine home therapeutic measures using natural formulations with a therapeutic diet. It is no secret that the skin reflects all the pathological processes that occur in the digestive tract, therefore complex treatment of psoriasis includes diet correction. Thus, patients with the corresponding diagnosis should avoid fried, fatty, salty foods, and completely eliminate alcohol and carbonated drinks.

The menu must be “saturated” with cereals, fiber, dietary varieties of fish and meat, drink a lot of liquids, juices, mineral water and herbal teas.

So, it is necessary to approach the home fight against psoriasis with the help of folk remedies in a comprehensive manner - you should take decoctions (infusions) of medicinal herbs, treat the affected areas of the skin with natural ingredients, and make changes to the structure of the diet. Before starting self-treatment of the disease, it is recommended to consult a dermatologist: this measure will help prevent the negative consequences of incorrectly selected treatment.

Psoriasis is one of the most severe forms of skin diseases. Scientists have still not figured out the main reason for its appearance, since a large number of factors contribute to its appearance. All measures taken are aimed only at easing the course of the disease and its symptoms. Despite all the abundance of medications existing in the world today, psoriasis cannot be completely cured.

The best specialists from all over the world are creating effective ways to solve this problem with itching, the appearance of plaques, and the consequences of the disease. But you don’t have to spend a huge amount of money just to get remission. People have long had recipes for ointments, tinctures and much more, tested by thousands and, according to doctors, are safe methods of treatment.

Psoriasis in the photo folk recipes in the photo 21 pieces with description

Causes of psoriasis

The disease develops on any part of the skin: on the head, body, groin. In women, psoriasis in the groin is twice as common as in men. But at the same time, due to a careless attitude towards their health, they suffer the most. The causes of psoriasis in the groin are:

  • Genetic predisposition. The development of this disease, both in other places and in the groin, is due to the fact that the sick have relatives who already suffer from it. According to research, about 30% of people with psoriasis have parents or distant relatives with the same disease.
  • Poor metabolism and immunity. During lipid metabolism disorders, cholesterol and sugar levels increase, which leads to the appearance of psoriasis. And with a weakened immune system, the body cannot cope with infectious diseases that cause the disease.
  • High exposure to stress, frequent worries and worries also lead to a general deterioration of the condition, immunity, metabolism, and therefore to the occurrence of psoriasis.
  • HIV and other infections.
  • Bad habits.

Symptoms of psoriasis

Most often, this disease occurs in young people aged 20-30 years.

  • The most important sign of psoriasis is redness and itching. At first, the rashes are accompanied by slight peeling and itching; at the next stage they are already covered with white scales (plaques). Psoriasis in the groin is a very personal and delicate matter, as it is also accompanied by social problems. Redness appears in the groin area, almost unnoticeable in the initial stage. They are covered with a light white coating and constantly itch. Such scales bleed if they are torn off, and the exposed area shines.
  • Papules are in the head area and are not covered with plaques.
  • High body temperature, frequent headaches, stress, aching joints.
  • Often psoriasis in the groin is accompanied by the manifestation of its symptoms in the armpits and the skin around them.

How to treat psoriasis at home?

Until now, no way has been found to cure psoriasis at home forever. There is no way to fully recover from this disease, even if you spend a fortune on medications. It is only possible to reduce the manifestation of symptoms, such as itching, flaking, the appearance of plaques and redness, and others.

The most important thing that must be observed during treatment is not to carry out any procedures on your own without the supervision of a doctor, to follow comprehensive measures on time and not to advance the disease in order to avoid serious consequences. We will talk about what are the causes of psoriasis and how to cure it with folk remedies.

Home treatment for psoriasis is based on the use of various drugs and folk remedies. But for it to be effective, a number of rules must be followed:

  • Together with the use of ointments, herbs, tinctures, etc. It is recommended to undergo physiotherapy courses.
  • Complete the course of treatment, even if it takes several years.
  • Don't forget to take vitamins and follow a diet.
  • Try to avoid stress and anxiety.
  • Carry out self-medication only under the supervision of the attending physician.

Psoriasis is treated at home with a whole list of folk remedies: various ointments, creams, herbal teas, tinctures, compresses and special baths.

Most plants and other products in folk recipes have almost no contraindications. But you should follow safety precautions and be aware of the side effects of all components. Keep in mind that not all recipes may be suitable for all patients, since the disease progresses individually.

Many patients do not know what folk remedies are used to treat psoriasis. Here's what grandmothers advise:

  • Make ointments with calendula, propolis, tar and sea buckthorn.
  • Drink teas with calming effects (mint, chamomile).
  • Take sea buckthorn oil orally daily.
  • Take baths with salt and oils.

Treatment of psoriasis with activated carbon

One of the most popular methods of treating psoriasis at home is the use of activated carbon, since it is both a sorbent and an antidote. In the stomach, it absorbs all toxins, which will improve metabolism.

There are two ways to treat with activated carbon:

  • Ingestion. The course lasts from half to one and a half months. The daily dosage is 1 tablet weighing 250 mg per ten kilograms of weight. Divide the resulting number of tablets into three parts: each for one meal.

There is another way to dose coal. If you take one tablet per six kilograms of weight, then you need to take them at intervals: take ten during the day, twenty off, then take the tablets again for ten days.

  • External application. Mix five tablets with half and half water and apply to the affected areas. The course lasts one to two weeks.

Soda against psoriasis

Baking soda is an excellent folk remedy in the fight against psoriasis. As both patients and doctors say, this method is effective.

  • Most often, soda is used in baths. 800 grams of soda are diluted in water at a temperature of 38 degrees per thirty liters. The course lasts two weeks.
  • Two teaspoons of soda are diluted in 200 ml of water and the reddened areas are covered with this solution.
  • As in the previous recipe, two teaspoons of soda are diluted with a small amount of water (about half) and the resulting compress is used to wipe the plaques for fourteen days.

Treatment of psoriasis with salt

It is best to be treated for psoriasis in a maritime climate, on the coasts of the seas, but not everyone has the opportunity to live near, for example, the Dead Sea or the Mediterranean.

The patient should first of all be concerned about how much time he spends in the sun and breathes fresh air. But if it is not possible to arrange a holiday on the seashore, then baths with sea salt will help out.

This affordable method has already been approved by specialists, as it has no side effects when used correctly. The patient himself can be confident in the purity of all ingredients used. Before using prescriptions, a person suffering from psoriasis should consult with their doctor.

  • One bath can take 1-1.5 kilograms of sea or even regular table salt. It is dissolved in such an amount of water that is necessary to completely cover the body with water. You need to take it for fifteen minutes twice a week. Be sure to rinse with clean water after the bath and dry your body with a soft towel. After the bath, apply baby or other rich cream to the affected areas. The effect will be noticeable after the first procedure.
  • Hot baths with salt have the ability to restore muscle tone, so it is best to take them in the morning to recharge your energy.

For people with heart problems, salt baths are contraindicated.

Treatment of psoriasis with celandine

Celandine is known for its excellent effects in the treatment of many skin diseases, as it restores the skin, has a disinfecting, antibacterial, antispasmodic effect on it, and helps in solving the problem of plaques and peeling.

It is used in herbal baths, in the form of infusions, ointments, and even internally. For medicinal use, the upper parts of the plant are used, which are collected throughout the summer.

To quickly treat psoriasis at home, use celandine in the following ways:

  • The safest use of this plant is as an ointment. Mix 250 grams of grease, two tablespoons of honey and the same amount of sulfur ointment, a tablespoon of celandine. The white of one egg is added to the mixture, the mixture is smeared on the affected areas twice a day, washed off after two hours. To prevent the ointment from spoiling, it should be stored in the refrigerator.
  • There is another version of the recipe with grease and celandine. Take both ingredients (2 teaspoons of celandine and one hundred grams of grease) and mix with Flucinar ointment, infuse the mixture, and apply to the affected areas twice a day for five days.
  • Another ointment recipe: mix baby crepe and dry celandine in a two to one ratio.
  • The softest and safest way is to use an ointment made from celandine, walnuts, honey, and tar. And for internal use, mint and blackberry leaves are used instead of the last two ingredients. For the tincture, take all the ingredients in half a tablespoon (a whole celandine) and pour a liter of boiling water. Leave for an hour and take a teaspoon orally twice a day for seven days.
  • The celandine is boiled, left for an hour, and the resulting decoction is poured into warm water in the bath (40 degrees). You need to take a bath for ten minutes.

Typically, herbs in the treatment of psoriasis are used in the form of decoctions and tinctures. They are used comprehensively, in combination with each other, independently. Used in baths, internally, to treat plaques. Below is a list of herbs, folk remedies and grandmother's recipes that will help in the treatment of psoriasis:

  • Take equal amounts of chamomile, calendula, yarrow, wormwood and nettle and add water in the proportions of two liters of water per five tablespoons of ingredients. The mixture is boiled for half an hour and added to baths.
  • Birch is used for treatment: for this, take its leaves and buds (about two hundred grams), pour in 3 liters of water, and leave on low heat for 30 minutes. Then the broth is added to the baths.
  • For oral administration, plants are used: Rhodiola rosea root extract, chicory decoction, tincture with black currant, plantain, sea buckthorn oil.

Currants have a beneficial effect on the secretion of the adrenal glands; about 0.5 liters of infusion are needed per day.

Sea buckthorn improves the overall condition of the skin. As an oil, take it one tablespoon per day with meals.

  • The string is known for its antibacterial, soothing and regenerative properties. Take it orally to improve metabolism. Before using it, consult your doctor as it has a number of side effects.
  • Licorice is used to cleanse the body of harmful substances, improves metabolism, and when used externally, reduces itching and cleanses the skin.

Ointments and creams for treating psoriasis at home

Ointments are used as an application. There are a large number of recipes that have proven themselves in treating psoriasis at home.

  • Egg ointment is used to reduce plaque size. To do this, take the oily liquid that is released when hard-boiled egg yolks are fried. This method is perfect for treating psoriasis on the elbows at home.
  • Also an excellent ointment is a mixture of propolis and sea buckthorn. One hundred grams of propolis is heated in a water bath and mixed with two tbsp. l. sea ​​buckthorn oil. The resulting ointment is applied to the affected areas in the morning and evening.
  • This recipe uses 250 ml of olive oil, two tubes of baby cream and one streptocyte ointment. The mixture is smeared onto plaques and perfectly relieves dry skin.

Drugs for the treatment of psoriasis

If you want to spend time searching for the right ingredients and preparing folk remedies for the treatment of psoriasis, you can buy ready-made medications at the pharmacy.

  • In addition to using homemade mixtures, you can use Colloidin, Ftoderm, Kartalin, Akriderm, Belosalik. Some ointments are available by prescription only, so consult your doctor. When purchasing, pay attention to the composition: products with zinc and salicylic acid are excellent at fighting plaques.
  • To treat nail psoriasis at home, retinol acetate is rubbed into them for three months.
  • Pay attention to the choice of shampoo. For this disease, it is necessary to buy products that contain tar, sulfur and salicylic acid, with the addition of zinc and others. Between courses of therapy, experts advise washing your hair with regular baby shampoo, since it contains no allergens. The following remedies will help treat psoriasis on the scalp at home:
  • "Scin-cap." It actively fights bacteria that cause active sebum secretion. It contains zinc and many other natural ingredients that do not cause allergies. It should be applied 2-3 times a day to damp hair for two weeks. Skin-up will do a great job with crusts, but it is quite expensive.
  • "Psoril." There are two versions of this shampoo: with the addition of tar (the shampoo will solve the problem with crusts, plaques and redness) or salicylic acid (it dries the skin perfectly and normalizes lipid metabolism)
  • Nizoral, Zinc Pyrithione, Etrivex and many other shampoos will also cope well with the consequences of the disease.

Prevention of psoriasis in the groin

Before and after the first symptoms appear, you must follow the recommendations of doctors:

  • First of all, start taking vitamins A, B, D and E.
  • Go to the sea more often or take salt baths.
  • Increase your sun exposure to help your body produce vitamin D.
  • Try not to be exposed to stress and unnecessary worries.
  • Avoid using shampoos that increase the pH of your scalp.
  • Monitor closely for symptoms.
  • Contact your doctor in a timely manner and undergo medical diagnostics in a timely manner.

Often, for various reasons, people refuse traditional drug treatment and look for alternative ways to get rid of many diseases. For example, with a disease such as psoriasis, many patients are looking for folk remedies for psoriasis on the body that are not inferior to synthetic drugs and have an effective and safe effect.

The use of natural materials began many centuries ago by our ancestors. To get rid of various diseases, people used herbs, bee products, medicinal mud and many other components. Today, many recipes have been preserved and improved. Traditional medicine is still widely used and produces excellent results.

In this article we will try to understand what folk methods for psoriasis on the body are used today at home and how effective these medicines are.

How to recognize psoriasis

Psoriasis is a chronic, non-infectious disease, the symptoms of which are quite easy to recognize. The disease is characterized by the appearance of rashes on the body in the form of red or pink spots, covered with grayish or white scales. However, the presence of scales may not be observed. The disease has several types. For example, for drip psoriasis, the appearance of scales is not typical; they may appear weakly or be completely absent. The pustular type of pathology is characterized by the appearance of pustules filled with liquid on the body. Common symptoms that accompany all types of the disease include the following manifestations:

  • redness of the skin and severe itching;
  • formation of plaques and papules on the body;
  • layering of the skin and the formation of characteristic psoriatic crusts;
  • swelling and inflammation of the skin in the affected area;
  • general loss of strength of the patient;
  • nervousness, irritability;
  • minor bleeding;
  • dryness and excessive sensitivity of the skin.

Using folk recipes for internal use

Proponents of home treatment, as well as many doctors, advise using folk remedies for treating psoriasis on the body for oral administration. The following types of medications are used here:

  • decoctions;
  • tinctures;
  • teas and more.

All products are prepared using natural materials. For this purpose, mainly herbs are used, as well as other products that can be purchased at the market and in the pharmacy. Next, we’ll look at a few popular recipes.

Bay decoction

To cleanse the skin with psoriasis, it is recommended to prepare a decoction of bay leaves. To do this, 10-15 medium-sized leaves are broken and poured with a liter of boiling water. The product should be simmered over low heat for 10-15 minutes. Every day you need to drink 100 g of the product in the morning and evening 30 minutes before meals.

Grandma's medicine

A folk remedy for psoriasis on the body that was used by our great-grandfathers. To prepare your grandmother's recipe, you need to take pork fat (200 g), 500 ml of honey, 500 ml of medical alcohol and 300 g of aloe juice. All ingredients are placed in an enamel bowl and placed in an oven or oven at a temperature not exceeding 180 degrees. After the medicine reaches the same consistency, mix it thoroughly again and leave to cool. Take the product 1 tbsp. l. three times a day.

Herbal decoction

A fairly effective treatment is the use of herbs. To prepare this medicine, you will need to mix one tablespoon of the following plants: chamomile, St. John's wort, celandine, string, yarrow, lingonberry leaves. It is advisable to thoroughly chop the herbs first. The decoction must be prepared immediately before use. To do this, pour a glass of boiling water into the prepared mixture in the amount of one tablespoon and leave for 20-25 minutes. Afterwards, you need to strain the medicine and drink it. Repeat the procedure twice a day.

Decoction of burdock and dandelion

For the medicine you will need burdock and dandelion root. The ingredients must be crushed, the cubes should be no more than 5 mm thick. Mix 1 tbsp. l. roots and pour 200 g of boiling water. The broth should be placed in a water bath and simmered over low heat for 5-10 minutes. After the medicine has cooled a little, it is filtered and drunk. The procedure is repeated three times a day.

Barley infusion

To prepare the product 2 tbsp. l. barley flour pour 500 g of boiling water. It is better to take a thermos for these purposes. The medicine is left in a thermos to simmer for 3-4 hours. After this, it should be strained and consumed half a glass three times a day. When the plaques on the body begin to disappear, it is important not to stop treatment until the skin is completely restored and cleansed. Usually patients manage to get rid of the disease in 1-1.5 months.

Treatment methods for topical application

Among the products intended for external application, the following forms of drugs are used:

  • ointments;
  • creams;
  • lotions;
  • baths;
  • compresses;
  • lotions.

Folk recipes for psoriasis throughout the body involve the use of recipes that can relieve inflammation, eliminate itching, improve the metabolic processes of the dermis, and also promote healing and regeneration of the skin. So, let's look at a few effective recipes:

Egg ointment

Here you will need one fresh chicken egg, 200 g of table vinegar and 200 g of butter. All components must be thoroughly mixed and placed in the refrigerator in a closed container for 7-10 days. Plaques and papules are carefully treated with the resulting ointment.

Use of celandine

Celandine is an excellent remedy for treating many skin diseases. The name of the plant speaks for itself. To get rid of psoriatic plaques, you can treat the lesions with fresh juice. In the cold season, a decoction is prepared from a dry plant, which can be bought at a pharmacy. For cooking you need 2 tbsp. l. pour a liter of boiling water over the herbs. After boiling, cool and strain the medicine. The resulting decoction is used for washing the body, bathing, and in particularly severe cases it can be applied as a compress.

Use of sea salt

Sea salt has many beneficial qualities. It perfectly dries out plaques, improves blood flow, and helps restore normal metabolic processes in the dermis. The use of this product for psoriasis promotes rapid restoration of the skin at the cellular level. The treatment method is very simple. When bathing, add 500 g of salt to the bath and mix the water well until the crystals are completely dissolved. The water should not be too hot. 38-40 degrees will be quite enough.

Recipe using garlic

To prepare, take several large cloves of garlic and pass them through a garlic press. After the porridge, pour 100 g of clean boiled water and leave to infuse for 3-4 hours. For a compress, moisten gauze in the solution and apply it to the affected areas. The course of treatment should last at least 20 days.

Treatment with fish oil

Treatment of papules with ordinary fish oil is considered an effective method. This product contains a lot of useful vitamins and amino acids that promote the normal functioning of dermal cells. Also, for psoriasis, it is recommended to eat fat.

Sea buckthorn oil

The oil effectively softens papules, relieves inflammation and itching. Also, the components of this product saturate the skin with the necessary components, promoting its healing and restoration. To get rid of psoriasis, you should lubricate all affected areas with oil 3-4 times a day.

What to consider when treating at home

Many people believe that folk remedies are not capable of causing the slightest harm to the body. Unfortunately, this is not the case, and in many cases the use of traditional recipes provoked serious complications. When using this type of treatment, the following features should be taken into account:

  1. The possibility of developing an allergy to one or another component. Manifestations of allergies may include itching, skin irritation and redness, swelling of the upper respiratory tract and lungs, hives and many other undesirable consequences.
  2. The recipe must be strictly followed. The use of many components requires great care. Some herbs, such as celandine, are very poisonous in large quantities. Failure to follow the prescription may cause side effects.
  3. Individual sensitivity. If a medicine works great for someone you know, there is no guarantee that the medicine will help you too.
  4. Most recipes are not recommended for use by children. A child’s body can perceive even the most harmless components differently.

Before starting traditional therapy, you should understand that there will be no immediate effect from using most remedies. The use of traditional medicine implies gradual and slow relief from the problem. It is also important to maintain a healthy lifestyle and some preventive measures. These include:

  1. Completely give up bad habits. Smoking and drinking alcohol have a detrimental effect on your body, including the course of psoriasis.
  2. Provide yourself with proper and balanced nutrition. Avoid foods rich in fats and carbohydrates. Give preference to light foods, vegetables, fruits, cereals.
  3. Remember that treatment must be comprehensive. If your doctor has previously prescribed you medications, you should not refuse them.
  4. If you choose one of the traditional methods of treatment, strictly adhere to the recipe and dosage.
  5. Do not forget about sufficient consumption of clean natural water. The liquid will help remove negative components, waste, toxins, and salts from the body.
  6. It is very useful to introduce herbal teas into your diet along with any treatment.
  7. Try not to freeze and not get too cold. Temperature fluctuations can contribute to relapse.
  8. If psoriatic rashes bleed, consult your doctor before using homemade ointments.

Despite the fact that psoriasis is an incurable disease, you should not give up. By choosing the most effective means for yourself, you can fight the disease without allowing it to recur frequently.

What kind of skin lesions do dermatologists not encounter?! Until now, scientists have not been able to find out why psoriasis occurs in a particular person. It especially often affects people between 15 and 35 years old. Heredity, external irritants, stress, taking a drug that contains lithium carbonate, allergies, as well as an excessive love of hygiene also have an effect.

But this disease is not contagious. You may well be in contact with a sick person and not be afraid for your body. Psoriasis is a non-infectious skin disease of the body. It is also often called scaly lichen. This disease can be caused by various factors, but more often it occurs due to a hereditary predisposition. How to cure psoriasis with folk remedies, as well as what effective methods you should use at home, you will learn from this article.

be careful

People suffering from psoriasis often make one big mistake:

The patient is trying to eliminate the external signs of the disease, but eliminating the external manifestations of psoriasis does not solve the problem from the inside.

Roughly speaking, even if it is possible to remove the signs of psoriasis from the outside and put the skin in order, inside the body the disease continues to devour the autoimmune system, which provokes severe diseases, many of which are fatal. Particularly scary is the fact that psoriasis can provoke cancerous tumors.

The only remedy that is currently available for independent use by patients with psoriasis is the special product "PSORIDEL", which before issued at a reduced price - 1 ruble. Read details in official source.

Basic aspects of pathology

Psoriasis has a chronic form, which is accompanied by rashes in the form of papules covered with scales. There are several stages of this unpleasant disease:

  • The appearance of the first papules. They have a pink or red tint, and the surface seems to be strewn with scales. As a rule, no itching is observed in the first stage. Areas on the body, fold areas, and scalp are affected.
  • The appearance of new papules, which, in turn, merge with existing ones.
  • The affected areas begin to turn blue and peel. If you do not consult a doctor in time, psoriasis takes on an acute form, and papillomas or plaques form on the body.

More severe forms of this disease are characterized by inflammation throughout the body - this could be the hips, neck, scalp, shoulders, etc.

In addition to all kinds of medicines, there are also folk remedies for psoriasis, which our grandmothers have collected over time. But to ensure that they do not cause additional problems, their use should be discussed with your dermatologist. But with psoriasis, not only the skin suffers, but also hair, nails, and even internal organs.

This disease was known back in the 19th century. Since then, all sorts of experiments and research into the possible causes of this disease have been carried out.

Such a medicine should simmer in an oven for about 4 hours at a temperature of 180 degrees. After it is prepared, it is taken orally, 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.

Stories from our readers

Conquered psoriasis at home. It's been a month since I forgot about these terrible red spots and itching. Oh, how much I suffered. The plaques were in prominent places, so I constantly noticed strange looks on myself, and my self-esteem was correspondingly below par. And everything itches periodically. How many times have I gone to dermatologists, how many traditional methods have I tried - all to no avail. But everything changed when I came across this article. A must read for anyone with psoriasis!

Read the full article >>>

Method No. 3. Decoction for internal use

The best is considered a decoction of five medicinal herbs, which include: chamomile, St. John's wort, tricolor violet, lingonberry. To prepare a medicinal drink we will need:

  • chamomile flowers – 4 tbsp. l.;
  • St. John's wort – 4 tbsp. l.;
  • tricolor violet herb - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • lingonberry leaves - 2 tbsp. l..

This decoction should be prepared immediately before use. All ingredients should be mixed well. Then take 1 tbsp. l. the resulting mixture and pour one glass of boiling water. Be sure to cover the container. Let this solution sit for at least half an hour. To the resulting decoction you need to add 1 tbsp. l. Eleutherococcus extract.

But you should drink this medicine only once a day and only in the morning.

Method No. 4. Wellness with tea

Celandine tea. Celandine is a unique plant that has incredible healing powers. But when treating psoriasis with this remedy, do not forget about the poison that this herb contains. Celandine also contains vitamins and beneficial elements. The most effective result will be obtained if you start using celandine for this skin ailment at an early stage.

We prepare this infusion like this. We buy celandine herb at the pharmacy. At home, you need to take 1 teaspoon of celandine and pour one glass of boiling water. The tea is infused for about 30 minutes. We use this solution before meals 3 times a day.

Method No. 5. We treat with a decoction

Barley decoction. To do this, you need to take 2 tablespoons of malted barley flour, pour it into a convenient container. Then you should pour in 1 liter of boiling water. This decoction should be left to steep for at least 4 hours, after which it should be strained. You should drink the infusion 4-5 times a day along with honey or sugar.

Method No. 6. Help from burdock decoction

Infusion of burdock roots. The most valuable roots are those collected in early spring. They should be dug up, washed well and dried. The roots of this plant are very thick, so they need to be cut. Take 1 tbsp. l. chopped roots, place them in a convenient container and pour two glasses of boiling water. Boil and decoction for about 10 minutes. Then we leave it to infuse for 2 hours. Strain it and drink 200 ml 3 times a day 15 minutes before meals.

Method No. 7. Collection of herbs will save

Herbal or blood purifying tea. To prepare it we take:

  • burdock grass 4 tbsp;
  • strawberry leaves – 6 tbsp;
  • nettle – 4 tbsp;
  • black currant leaves - 5 tbsp;
  • yarrow herb - 3 tbsp;
  • tricolor violet - 3 tbsp;
  • string - 6 tbsp. l.

Mix all the herbs thoroughly and add 1 tbsp. l. for 2 cups boiling water. All tea should be steeped for about 15 minutes. You need to take half a glass 3 times a day, preferably before meals.

Method No. 8. Agrimony infusion will help everyone

Infusion of agrimony. This tea helps normalize metabolic processes and improves digestion. This herb can be purchased at a pharmacy. At home we take 1 tbsp. l. agrimony and pour 200 ml of boiling water. This tea should be steeped for about an hour. This remedy can be used up to 4 times a day.

Sea buckthorn is also good for psoriasis. It is intended for both external and internal use. On the body, sea buckthorn oil has an anti-inflammatory, regenerating effect on the skin of the body, and is also a source of vitamins necessary for humans. It is enough to drink 2-3 teaspoons on an empty stomach. But when taken orally, it has one side effect, so do not overdo the dose.

Of course, folk recipes for psoriasis are always effective, but you should not forget about proper nutrition in order to avoid relapses of this disease.

You should only eat healthy foods that contain large amounts of vitamins. Eliminate everything fatty and smoked from your diet. Products must not contain additional additives or preservatives.

Additional treatment complex

  • chamomile;
  • sage;
  • series;

Mix the mixture thoroughly and pour boiling water in a ratio of 1:10. Then steep the broth for about an hour and pour it into the bath. These methods can be carried out within 7 days. These baths normalize the condition of the skin, reduce rashes, and also have an anti-inflammatory and tonic effect.

Linseed oil

It has high regenerating properties and returns the skin to its previous condition in a short time. But before using it on yourself, you should definitely consult your doctor, as it very often causes an allergic reaction.

It is quite possible to prepare it yourself. We need an enamel saucepan, put 500 grams of butter in it. We put the stove on and wait for the oil to boil in it. Turn off the gas and add 50 grams of pureed propolis. Then mix thoroughly and wait for the ointment to cool.

This ointment relieves inflammation and promotes rapid healing of affected areas on the body.

Salicylic ointment

Preparation for external use. It occupies a special place in the treatment of this unpleasant disease. Before using it, you should consult your doctor. There are many varieties of this ointment in the pharmacy. They differ in the percentage of acid content. For this disease you should buy 2% ointment. But acid is acid, so you should not use it for too long (the entire course of use lasts 1 month with a break of 2 weeks).


Preparing an ointment based on Kalanchoe is not difficult. Only with the help of this ointment can the skin be completely cleared in just a few weeks. But to prepare it, you need to carefully grind the leaves of this plant and celandine on Vaseline. It should be applied no more than 2 times a day.


To prepare the mixture, we need only two tablets of this miraculous remedy. They will need to be dissolved in a spoonful of water with a little olive oil. This mixture should be applied to the affected areas.

Of course, you won’t see any improvements right away, but after just a week you will begin to notice a small result. The effect is more noticeable with psoriasis of the scalp. You can add this mixture to hair masks. The wounds will begin to disappear before our eyes along with the itching.

Fir oil

Take 500 ml of water and 30 grams of good baby soap. Place in a convenient container and put on low heat, cook until it dissolves. You need to add 500 ml to the resulting mixture, which can be purchased at the pharmacy. Add 30 grams of decoction to the prepared warm bath. You should lie in it for no more than 20 minutes. For the next bath, the solution will need to be increased, but not more than 85 grams.

Even if one of the above methods did not help you, do not be upset. Everyone’s body is completely different, and if one recipe is suitable for someone, for another it can negatively affect their health.

You should not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, you need to contact a competent specialist so that the disease does not take a chronic form.

Only he will be able to prescribe the correct treatment and advise you on the use of this or that folk remedy. Effective treatment involves combining various means. Do not forget about proper nutrition and following a special diet for psoriasis.

Drawing conclusions

If you are reading these lines, we can conclude that you or your loved ones suffer from psoriasis.

We conducted an investigation, studied a bunch of materials and, most importantly, tested most of the methods and remedies for the treatment of psoriasis. The verdict is:

If all the drugs were given, it was only a temporary result; as soon as the treatment was stopped, the disease began to progress sharply.

The only drug that secured the result is PSORIDEL.

At the moment, it is not yet sold in pharmacies and can only be ordered online.

Attention! Cases of sales of counterfeit drug PSORIDEL have become more frequent. If you want to receive a guaranteed quality product, then you need to purchase it ONLY at official website.

In addition, when purchasing on the official website, you receive a money-back guarantee (including transportation costs) if the drug does not have a therapeutic effect.

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