Home Removal What to do if you have a deep cut. What to do if you get hurt

What to do if you have a deep cut. What to do if you get hurt

Adolescence is accompanied by psychological problems, so teenagers can express themselves by making cuts on their hands. First love, misunderstanding on the part of parents and peers - all this is difficult for the fragile psyche of a teenager.

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If the wound is not treated, it may begin purulent inflammation and without treatment the consequences will be more severe than just a scar. It is dangerous when the places where the veins are cut are cut.

IN medical practice There were cases when gangrene began from a simple cut, and the limb had to be amputated.

If dirt has already gotten into the wound, remove it. To do this, you can use tweezers or a sterile bandage twisted into a flagellum. Treat a clean wound with an antiseptic.

The most common medications at home:

  • Hydrogen peroxide;
  • Chlorhexidine bigluconate;

Hydrogen peroxide will be especially effective; upon contact with the wound, it will form bubbles that will remove germs and bring them to the surface. If pharmaceutical drugs If you don't have it on hand, then a 2% solution of table salt, vodka or chamomile infusion will do; they will not be able to heal cuts on the wrists.

You can stick an adhesive plaster on top or wrap it with a bandage over your cut hand. For minor wounds common to teenagers, these measures will be sufficient. For deeper cuts, if a guy or girl cuts veins, the wounds need to be treated at the emergency room. If the bleeding does not stop, a vein may be affected.

You need to go to the emergency room, and not come up with an excuse for your mother. Another danger is the possibility of hitting the tendons. You need to see a doctor to maintain full functionality of your arm.

Warning - don't cut yourself or try to cut anything, it's dangerous, even if it doesn't hurt.

Treatment methods

Treatment depends on their depth and quantity. Minor injuries, with a minimal amount of blood, do not require treatment methods other than conventional antibacterial treatment.

To help a deep cut heal faster, you can use special ointments. If they are deep enough, it may be necessary medical intervention to sew them up. You won’t be able to cut yourself painlessly; the pain will be very annoying, but it will remain a reminder.

There is no point in healing cuts; unresolved psychological problems will lead to self-flagellation. The right decision would be a heart-to-heart conversation with people who have gone through a similar period in their lives, or, alternatively, turning to a psychologist.

How to hide damage

After inflicting injuries, there will be a desire to hide the cuts from the views of others.

Parents, even mothers, are unlikely to appreciate such behavior, and teachers will report it to a social worker.

For wounds, places are chosen that are easy to hide with clothing.

You can hide cuts using:

It is much more difficult to hide cut hands from family and in the hot season. A popular accessory is tattoo sleeves - no one will notice under the image printed on the fabric. The wrists are hidden under various baubles and decorations.

One option is to constantly use bandages. Having bandaged a limb, you can lie about the real reasons for the bandage, because bandages are also used for bruises.

The most simple method will wear long sleeves.

But it is far from effective - the sleeve can ride up at any moment, revealing cut hands. Clothes will still have to be taken off different situations. There is essentially no point in hiding cuts - the secret will be revealed, this can happen even in a banal photo.

To disguise and cover up traces in conscious age, people often use tattoos and large pictures.

Teenage problems

Why do they cut veins? Often one of the forms of self-expression is conscious damage to the body. A child (mostly from 13 years old) wants to scratch himself, cause himself pain, or make a wound on his arm.

For many teenagers, shallow cuts are especially common due to the accessibility of the limb.

At this age, changes occur that are completely incomprehensible to a teenager. Girls get periods and breasts grow, boys have erections and wet dreams. Pubic hair begins to grow. If you do not first tell your child about future changes in the body, it will come as a shock.

If a child’s physiological changes occur earlier than those of his peers, then his alienation is natural, and cuts will be a consequence of the desire to return to his usual body.

The attempt to open the veins is explained by the fact that the teenager wants to draw attention to himself and his experiences. This behavior is similar to wanting to pinch yourself while nightmare. Under the influence of hormones, the worldview changes dramatically, and reality somewhat loses its boundaries.

The body becomes the only stronghold, and to confirm reality, teenagers inflict wounds on themselves. Many of them claim that along with the bleeding, all the negativity and dark thoughts came out of them. Cutting does not always indicate a desire to commit suicide.

On the contrary, by throwing out negative emotions, the child confirms his desire to continue living. Suicidal people do not want to share their problems with others, and they consider showing cuts to be right, trying to attract attention. Most of these attractive cuts just graze upper layer skin and are not dangerous to life.

Psychologists are inclined to believe that by injuring himself, a teenager unconsciously shows that he has internal problems.

This cruelty towards one’s body is suppressed aggression towards other members of society. This action is similar to medieval bloodletting - it reduces internal pressure. Often teenagers do more than just harm themselves.

You can find inscriptions and memorable dates on your hands. The child makes it clear to others what is bothering him. This is accompanied by listening to depressive music and viewing corresponding images on the Internet.

After self-harm, the teenager feels relief, somewhat similar to the relief of a drug addict after receiving the coveted dose. This occurs because the body produces endorphins - happiness hormones - to drown out pain.

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Healing time

The healing process does not depend on one factor. The depth of the wounds, immunity and antibacterial treatment of the hand with a cut play a big role.

An inflamed, deeply cut wound will take much longer to heal. The cut may take several days to several weeks to heal. But if you damage the skin on your arm or leg over and over again, you will have to wait a long time for healing. And, new wounds mean real problems.

In most cases, the desire to cut goes away along with adolescence, you just need to survive this period.

It’s bad if a child wants to close his soul and immerse himself in himself, because he has no one to talk to. In the future, this is fraught with the development of complexes, chronic depression and other psychological problems, especially among older girls.

If you notice even minor scratches on the veins of the left or right hand, then remember that the most important thing to begin with is to establish contact with others, and all problems will go away.

Why are injuries dangerous?

With cuts (even a finger) and wounds, a large vessel, artery, or nerve can be damaged. If dangerous microorganisms enter and the wound is not treated, you may even lose an arm or leg.

If gangrene begins or a non-healing trophic wound forms, they will become a life-threatening source of infection. In medical practice, there are cases when a decision is made to amputate to save a person’s life.

At the inflammatory stage, complications such as purulent leaks and phlegmon occur. This occurs when the pus that forms in the wound does not come out, but into the surrounding tissues or into the cavities between them.

If, after receiving an injury, the condition of the whole body began to deteriorate sharply, fever and weakness appeared, then you should urgently consult a doctor.

Caring for deep injuries

If the wound surface is regarded as large, even in the subjective opinion of the wounded person, contact for medical care. Cuts longer than 1.5-2 cm will take a long time to heal on their own, cause discomfort and will probably lead to complications.

See your doctor. The same applies to injuries that cause unbearable painful sensations(possible damage to a nerve branch), or injuries that are accompanied by heavy, continuous bleeding.

Medium-sized wounds and cuts cannot always be treated surgically. But when any wound is sutured, it will always heal faster.

Medical care includes: treatment of the wound, excision (circumcision) of the edges of the wound, stopping bleeding, suturing. Sometimes sutures can be placed a little later, when the inflammatory process in the wound decreases.

The wound dressing must be changed daily. In the first week, a wet-dry bandage is applied, then they switch to ointment ones.

Antiseptic drugs are used in wet dressings. Ointments for treating wounds consist of antimicrobial agents and substances that promote healing. For example, ointment is used: levomikol, levosin, methyluracil.

At the same time, a prophylactic course of broad-spectrum antibiotics is prescribed.

How to hide

I don’t want to answer unnecessary questions at school, from my mother or neighbors, about what these suspicious stripes are on the child’s forearms or legs. The most important issue become, how to get rid of characteristic scars. You can disguise small marks from a blade on your hand using a regular foundation with a dense texture.

Methods used:

  • Green dense corrector to disguise acne, and on top - powder or foundation;
  • Artistic tattoos;
  • Bracelets, baubles;
  • Clothes with long sleeves.

Later, when the cuts are completely healed and healed, laser skin resurfacing can be done. But first you will still have to consult with a good dermatologist to determine how safe and effective the procedure will be.

Loss of consciousness

Due to excessive blood loss or fear of blood, a person who receives a deep cut may lose consciousness. Everyone should know what to do in case of a cut, if the victim has fainted or is in a pre-fainting state, because such a condition can be life-threatening.

To prevent fainting you need to do:

  1. Open windows and doors wide, creating a draft and air flow from the street;
  2. Unbutton the victim’s collar, loosen the tie, remove jewelry from the neck that may interfere with the flow of oxygen;
  3. Give the person cool water to drink;
  4. Turn on the air conditioner nearby;
  5. The victim should breathe deeply if he is still conscious;
  6. A man on the verge of fainting is massaged upper lip and earlobes;
  7. Rubbing your cheeks vigorously helps prevent you from fainting.
  8. 4.8 / 5 ( 54 voices)

A cut is an injury that can occur to a person of any age and anywhere. Such skin damage is caused by the careless use of sharp objects; they can also appear when falling on something sharp - broken glass, sharp and small stones, tree branches.

Injuries happen:

  • Shallow - only the dermis and subcutaneous fat layer are affected;
  • Deep – ligaments, tendons, nerves and even blood vessels are damaged.

Therefore, if the bleeding does not stop, you should seek help rather than try to stop the bleeding yourself.

Possible causes of cuts on the hand and traditional methods of treating them

Shallow, shallow cuts are usually caused by a knife or razor blade. In the case of a superficial, shallow wound, you need to place your hand under a stream of cold water. This will wash the wound and also cause vasoconstriction. Then you need to press a clean napkin onto the damaged area and hold it there for a couple of minutes.

The bleeding should stop. After this, you need to treat the edges with brilliant green and stick on a bactericidal patch.

If you receive a deep cut, the wound should also be washed and then applied pressure bandage. It is advisable to raise the arm upward, thereby reducing the outflow of blood from the veins. Then you should treat the damaged area with hydrogen peroxide and brilliant green. If you are unable to stop the bleeding, you should apply a tourniquet above the injury site, raise your arm up and immediately go to the emergency room. Most likely, you have suffered damage to a large vessel trunk, and this requires the intervention of a surgeon.

Attention! Do not try to expand the edges of the damage to remove glass shards or other objects. If the bleeding is severe, simply apply a tourniquet above the injury and consult a doctor immediately.

A similar injury can occur while working in the garden, dacha, or while swimming in various bodies of water. In these cases, the risk of infection increases even with a shallow cut. For such an injury, simple rinsing is not enough. In order to treat an injury, you can use a weak solution of potassium permanganate or hydrogen peroxide. It is best to treat the edges with brilliant green and then apply a sterile gauze bandage.

If swelling and redness appear, finger movement is impaired, swelling and pain are observed - all this indicates infection and the spread of the resulting infection. In this case, you should immediately contact a surgeon. He will examine the site of the injury and take the necessary measures for a quick cure.

How to treat a cut on your hand: non-standard solutions

It’s clear how to properly treat a cut on your hand if you have iodine, brilliant green, or at least peroxide in the house. But what to do if none of the listed medications were found in the first aid kit? How else to stop the bleeding and how to treat the injury?

Non-standard solutions that will help you stop the bleeding and treat the wound:

  • You can apply ice or some kind of frozen product from the freezer, the blood will stop, and microbes under the influence of cold will also not live long;
  • A hot shower will help with numerous abrasions and cuts. To do this, wash your body very carefully with soap and the bleeding will stop. Attention! In this case, you should not rub the skin, as the wounds may increase;
  • A thin layer of wax (Vaseline, chapstick) will protect small wounds and scratches from infection. This, of course, is not a complete elimination of microbes in the wound, but at least new harmful microbes will not enter the body;
  • In camping conditions and in the absence of a first aid kit, you can apply cobwebs, moss, plantain leaf, or chicken egg film. Such methods should be used only as a last resort.

Rules for treating a cut on the hand

Rules for receiving an injury such as a cut:

  • As quickly as possible, inspect the violation of the skin for debris getting into the wound, possible damage to blood vessels, arteries, and tendons. Bleeding from a shallow cut lasts several minutes. Blood washes away all bacteria from the wound;
  • The cut should be washed. This can be boiled water, 3% hydrogen peroxide. Hydrogen peroxide not only destroys microbes, it brings them to the surface due to the formation of bubbles. Not boiled water cannot be used, it may contain various harmful microorganisms. For washing, you can use a soap solution, which should then be rinsed off thoroughly. clean water. Rinsing will remove the infection and prevent suppuration of the injury site. It is advisable to carry out the washing procedure every day until the skin is completely scarred. With absence medical supplies you can use a 2% soda solution, concentrated salt solution, chamomile infusion, vodka;
  • You can disinfect the skin around the wound with iodine and brilliant green. Attention! No need to press cotton swab or cotton wool on the edges. Just gently lubricate the skin with iodine or brilliant green;
  • Applying a sterile dressing for a deep cut or applying a plaster and bandage if the integrity of the skin is compromised. This is necessary to prevent contamination and infections from entering the wound, and to protect against careless touches. Attention! The bandage should fit snugly to the body, but do not overtighten it so as not to disrupt blood circulation. Before applying a sterile dressing, inspect the injury - the wound should be clean. In addition, it is advisable to move the edges. The bandage is changed as it becomes dirty and if it does not fit tightly to the body;
  • Antiseptic treatment – mandatory procedure. Carried out to prevent infection. The antiseptic prevents the inflammatory process, scarring goes away faster.


  • A solution of water is used to treat wounds and to wet sterile dressings. Often used to treat skin lesions in young children - the procedure is completely painless;
  • Alcohol solution is used to treat the skin around the injury. If the solution gets on the wound itself, it will sting strongly and the skin around it may become red. In addition, the scarring process is prolonged;
  • Cream or ointment - you can treat the cut itself. The scarring period will increase if the wound is wet.

It is also possible to use iodine, iodinol, chlorhexine, and hydrogen peroxide as an antiseptic.

What to do if you cut your finger with a knife

In most cases, such injuries can be treated at home. Damage to a finger can both cause discomfort and cause big problem. With a deep wound, the finger may become numb, which means that the nerve responsible for sensitivity has been damaged.

Infection must not be allowed to occur. If there is heavy bleeding, you should never put your finger in the cold water– this can cause increased bleeding. It is best to treat the wound itself with peroxide and lubricate the skin around it with iodine.

At the site of injury, wrap your finger with a strip of ordinary stationery paper - this will protect the wound, move its edges and, most importantly, the paper will not stick to the skin and will be easy to remove. Before use, the paper must be soaked in hydrogen peroxide. Then apply a tight bandage or tape.

Anyone who has held a knife in their hands at least once in their life knows what a cut is. Gardeners often encounter this type of injury. But it turns out that this is not just a small wound that will “heal on its own.” Its consequences can be unpleasant and even dangerous.

If anything happens, see a doctor!

What you think is an ordinary deep cut on your finger can cause not only discomfort, but also cause serious problems in the work of the injured limb.

For example, if some time after the cut you feel that your finger is starting to go numb, you need to urgently seek help. medical assistance. Such numbness may indicate nerve damage; it must be sutured urgently if you do not want to lose sensation forever.

Another sign big problems is too heavy bleeding, as it may be caused by an artery obstruction. Also a sign of arterial damage is the flow of blood in spurts.

In this case, you should immediately bandage the finger above the cut site with a tight bandage and raise your hand up. This way, the amount of blood entering the limb will decrease slightly, and the bleeding will stop over time.

If the edges of the wound constantly diverge, the help of a doctor is also necessary. A cut like this will take a very long time to heal. And the probability of a wide, unsightly scar appearing is almost 100 percent.

Another dangerous health consequence of a deep cut is infection in the wound. It’s easy to determine: if after a while the finger begins to hurt more, the skin around the injury site begins to turn red and “burn”, it’s clear that there is an infection!

In this case, you should not try to remove the inflammation on your own. Go to the doctor immediately, he will clean the wound and prescribe you an antibiotic-based healing ointment.

Cutting your finger: myths

They are! For example, what is the first thing you do if you cut your finger? Try to put the damaged area under cold running water. This is precisely what is not recommended.

No matter how deep the cut is, there is not so much in the fingers blood vessels to cause major blood loss. But by sticking your finger under the water in the hope of quickly stopping the bleeding, you create conditions for infection to enter the wound: it is known that in the water supply there are a variety of microbes - great amount.

Also, do not lubricate open wound antiseptic ointments. This way you block the access of oxygen to the damaged epidermis, which significantly delays the healing process.

If you rush to thickly lubricate the cut site with iodine, this will lead to the fact that the epidermal cells that are in the immediate vicinity of the wound will die, since you are creating a local burn with iodine. Iodine can only be applied to the skin around the injury site to prevent germs from entering the wound.

Treating the wound

For a deep cut on your finger The first step is to stop the bleeding. The ideal remedy for this is hydrogen peroxide. With its help we wash the wound.

After the blood has stopped flowing heavily, treat the skin around the wound with iodine. Then be sure to apply a tight bandage. But remember not to apply gauze directly to the wound. You must first loosely wrap your finger with a small piece of plain paper. After this, you can stick on a bactericidal patch or tie gauze.

For faster healing, you can use special atraumatic dressings, which are available in almost any pharmacy. Such dressings have special coatings, thanks to which the wound is constantly under the influence of antibacterial agents.

Monitor your condition carefully for several days. If signs of inflammation appear, consult a doctor immediately.

Traditional methods

To speed up healing you can use traditional methods. For example, aloe leaves have an antibacterial effect. Aloe lotions

You can do it a day after the cut, if the wound has already dried out a little. Take a small piece of cotton wool or gauze and apply fresh aloe juice to the entire surface. Apply the lotion to the wound for 10 minutes. Then apply a regular bandage.

Source http://mjusli.ru
Photo www.sportobzor.ru

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