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100 thousand signatures legislative initiative. What will happen to the abolition of transport tax?

The petition to repeal the “anti-piracy” law has received the required 100 thousand signatures on the website "Russian Public Initiative" .
Hurray, comrades!

Today, Saturday, August 10, 2013, the initiative against the “anti-piracy” law was removed from the vote at the RoI after reaching 100,057 votes - and was sent for consideration to the expert group.

Now, according to the law, the document on the “prohibition of arbitrary blocking of sites” will have to be analyzed by a special expert group at the federal level under the leadership of the Minister for Relations with Open Government Mikhail Abyzov.
Based on the results of consideration of the initiative, the expert working group must, in no more than two months, prepare a conclusion and a decision on the development of the appropriate normative legal act or taking other measures to implement the initiative.

A petition calling for the repeal of the law on the protection of intellectual rights on the Internet was posted by the Pirate Party of Russia together with the Internet Users Association and the Roskomsvoboda project on July 4, 2013.
The initiative passed the 100,000th threshold in a month and one week.

The news about this event made it to the TOP of Yandex.News and generally spreads across the RuNet like an avalanche, despite the weekend. It feels like the entire internet is celebrating their small victory IRL. It’s hard to say whether this will turn into a big victory. But in any case, as Temych wrote, it showed that

We are a civil society, we prove this with our tool of interaction, its name is the Internet.

Thanks to everyone who cared, who in one way or another took part in supporting this initiative.

Historical reference
The Russian Public Initiative project was launched in April 2013. Vladimir Putin wrote in his election article in February 2012 that citizen initiatives that have collected more than 100 thousand signatures on the Internet should be considered by parliament.

The proposal to repeal the anti-piracy law became the second to receive 100 thousand votes on the ROI website. The first was Alexei Navalny’s initiative to ban officials from buying cars worth more than one and a half million rubles.

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MOSCOW, February 6 - RIA Novosti. The new “information age” should help citizens fully participate in government and formulate priorities in legislation, says Russian Prime Minister and presidential candidate Vladimir Putin.

“We must demonstrate the ability to respond to the needs of society, which are becoming increasingly complex, and in the conditions of the “information age” - acquiring qualitatively new features,” he writes in the policy article “Democracy and the Quality of the State,” which is published on Monday by the Kommersant newspaper. .

“The free, and even more so uncensored, availability of information about the state of affairs in the country naturally creates a demand for constant, and not “from elections to elections,” participation of citizens in politics and governance,” the article notes.

The practice of posting bills on the Internet for public discussion is already used, the prime minister notes, however, in his opinion, “only “passive right” is implemented here - the ability of a citizen to respond to certain ideas and projects of the authorities.”

“And we need to provide for an “active right” - to give citizens the opportunity to formulate the legislative agenda, put forward their projects and formulate priorities. I propose introducing a rule for mandatory consideration in parliament of those public initiatives that collect 100 thousand or more signatures on the Internet. A similar practice is in effect , for example, in the UK. Of course, the anonymous Internet is not suitable for this - although in other cases it helps to identify the mood of society. It will be necessary to develop a procedure for the official registration of those who want to become participants in such a system,” the article says.

In addition, according to Putin, “Internet democracy” should be applied especially widely at the municipal and regional levels.

“In each municipality, not only direct elections of heads and deputies of the municipal assembly should take place. Other officials occupying key positions should also be assessed by the people. For example, based on the results of the first year of work of the head of the district police department, citizens of the district should be invited to express themselves whether they want, so that this person continues to work in their area. In the same way, the question can be raised about the head of the regional housing and communal services center. About the justice of the peace - if he is not elected by the citizens. municipal level could vote, submit their acute problems", writes the Prime Minister.

He also proposes to change the nature of the work of public councils under executive authorities, which, in his opinion, is now too formal.

“It is necessary to abandon the departmental approach to the formation of such councils - their composition should be approved, for example, Public Chamber Russia, and for regional bodies - the corresponding public chambers. Public councils should stop being convenient for department heads. It is necessary to ensure the participation in them of truly independent experts and representatives of interested public organizations. Establish the composition of regulations and programs that cannot be adopted without prior and public discussion at the Public Council. The competence of the Public Councils may include participation on par with the department itself in the activities of competitive and certification commissions, as well as commissions for resolving conflicts of interest,” the article says.

Putin notes the need to develop the “electronic government” project and more accurately target it to the needs of citizens.

“The official website with information on government procurement has already become a powerful anti-corruption mechanism, many government services have also already been transferred to electronic format... But most people need urgent information about their home, local area, neighboring park, school, their municipality. Special attention the foundation of electronic power is the websites of municipalities and constituent entities of the Federation,” he believes.

“I propose that during this year the Public Chamber and the Council for Civil Society and Human Rights under the President of Russia develop, hold a public discussion and submit draft lists of mandatory publications on websites of educational and medical institutions information for clients," the prime minister writes.

This concept was developed as part of the implementation of Putin's presidential decrees of May 7 to fulfill the election promises that he made while publishing during the election campaign. In one of his pre-election articles, the one published on February 6, 2012, Putin promised that under him the vertical of power would show “the ability to respond to the demands of society, which are becoming more and more complex, and in the conditions of the “information age” are acquiring qualitatively new features.” . "A huge, ever-increasing number Russian citizens I’m already accustomed to receiving information instantly, at the click of a button... In this regard, I propose to introduce a rule for mandatory consideration in parliament of those public initiatives that collect 100 thousand or more signatures on the Internet,” the applicant wrote upon returning to the Kremlin.

According to the developed concept, not all petitions that have collected the required 100 thousand signatures will reach the State Duma, as Putin promised, but only those that the working group in Dmitry A’s government deems appropriate.

The procedure for “implementing a Russian public initiative,” according to the concept, will be equipped with many “filters” that will allow it to be filtered out without bringing it to discussion in the State Duma, at almost any stage.

First, a citizen will have to publicly present his proposal on a “specialized resource”, after which the “resource operator” will conduct a preliminary examination of the proposal and decide whether to allow the initiative to collect signatures or not. After this, if 100 thousand signatures are collected, the initiative will be transferred to a working group in the government, whose task is to make a decision “on the feasibility of developing a draft relevant regulatory legal act or other decision.” The criteria for feasibility are not explained in any way in the published document. In case of positive feedback at this stage, the government independently prepares a bill (not a word is said in the concept about the participation of the real author of the initiative in the development of the initiative), and only after that the initiative is submitted for consideration.

A separate chapter of the concept is devoted to limiting the range of issues that can generally be brought up for such a discussion. In addition to issues that are contrary to the Constitution and norms international law, it will be prohibited to collect signatures for initiatives that, according to the law, cannot be submitted to a referendum: these are issues related to changing the status of a region, termination of the powers of the president and the State Duma, the election or resignation of persons holding government positions, or the adoption of emergency measures to ensure health and public safety.

The concept says nothing at all about what to do for citizens who want to put forward an initiative to change not federal, but regional legislation (for example, to return to the capital’s law “On a referendum in Moscow” the right of citizens to hold a referendum on the issue of resignation of the mayor and the city parliament) .

When asked why the final form of the concept as implemented by the government diverged so much from Putin’s promises, Medvedev’s press secretary briefly told Gazeta.Ru that the government had implemented the president’s decree.

Indeed, Putin’s decree on public initiative, which he signed on inauguration day, does not correspond to his election promises.

The promise set out in the Kommersant newspaper states that petitions must be considered, while the decree instructs the government to approve by September 1 “the concept of a “Russian public initiative”, providing for ... consideration of these proposals (...) within one year in the government Russian Federation after studying these proposals by the expert working group with the participation of deputies of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, members and representatives of the business community.”

One of the participants in Medvedev’s “big government” meetings revealed to Gazeta.Ru some details of how the concept was written. Initially, it was developed by, and the first result of the work caused a flurry of criticism, in particular regarding the excessive number of filters and restrictions, as well as the inability to introduce initiatives at the regional rather than the federal level. They promised to take the criticism into account and hold a new discussion of the concept at the end of August, but instead it was suddenly signed by Medvedev and published in its current form without any new discussion, says a participant in the “big government”.

The final form of the concept is criticized by both United Russia and opposition members.

“The concept does not imply any regional specifics. In addition, in my opinion, it is still worth immediately transmitting initiatives for which 100 thousand signatures have been collected to parliament. After all, submitting a bill to the State Duma does not mean adoption; the voting buttons are pressed by deputies, not officials,” a United Russia deputy told Gazeta.Ru. — Finally, the wording about “expediency” is vague and redundant, as is the prohibition on bringing up for discussion initiatives that cannot be considered in a referendum, in particular, taxation and budgeting issues. After all, we are talking about taxpayers' money - so why not allow citizens to make their own proposals on how to spend it? On the other hand, I am sure that the concept will be further developed and many of its shortcomings will eventually be corrected. It also contains positive sides: unifying the form of the initiative, ensuring openness of the system for collecting signatures, so that, I think, unnecessary restrictions will eventually be removed.”

“This concept is evidence that election promises are not being fulfilled, and this story looks very logical in light of the fact that the same Prime Minister Medvedev recently said that the authorities, in principle, don’t care what they write on the Internet, one hundred thousand people went to rally, demanded reforms - they were sent to Bastrykin. Now a hundred thousand people can sign up for some initiative - they simply won’t pay attention to them,” says the Spravedlivorss deputy.

The Deputy General Director believes that the presence of filters in the concept that make it possible to reject “unnecessary” initiatives at any stage is due to the fact that the new State Duma, even with a majority, has ceased to be a 100% obedient mechanism and has become a place of everyday public scandals.

“I can make the assumption that when this idea was first discussed, that is, in winter, it was still assumed that the parliament was under the control of the prime minister and the president and all bills “unnecessary” to the authorities would be quietly rejected. However, over the past months it has become clear that even the rejection of a bill in the State Duma can turn into a bright public action and end in a major scandal and loss of image for the authorities, says Makarkin. “Therefore, we chose a different option: citizens’ initiatives will be submitted to a commission in the government, where they will be quietly and peacefully refused further consideration.”

Gazeta.Ru said that they see no contradictions in the government document with Putin’s election articles.

Meeting the wishes of the workers, Vladimir Putin signed a decree in pursuance of one of his own decrees of May 7 on the transfer of coordination of the collection of 100 thousand signatures of citizens within the framework of the Russian Public Initiative (ROI) to the Information Democracy Foundation. Otherwise the system manual control doesn’t work to move one decree you need to sign another one

Meeting the wishes of the workers, Vladimir Putin signed a decree in pursuance of one of his own decrees of May 7 on the transfer of coordination of the collection of 100 thousand signatures of citizens within the framework of the Russian Public Initiative (ROI) to the Information Democracy Foundation. Otherwise, the manual control system does not work - in order to budge one decree, you need to sign another one.

Decree No. 601 stated the following: “... by September 1, 2012, to approve the concept of a “Russian public initiative”, providing for: the creation of technical and organizational conditions for the public presentation of citizens’ proposals using a specialized resource on the Internet from April 15, 2013; consideration of these proposals, which received the support of at least 100 thousand citizens within one year, in the Government of the Russian Federation after the development of these proposals by an expert working group with the participation of deputies of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, members of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation and representatives of the business community "

Science does not know whether this concept was approved on time. Although back in October 2012, the ROI was taken over by the Information Democracy Foundation, which was headed by former Deputy Minister of Communications Ilya Massukh, who left the department after Igor Shchegolev resigned as head of the ministry.

But society, as usual in Lately, ahead of the state. And in a forced way. The collection of signatures against the “law of scoundrels” and for the dissolution of the State Duma on the Novaya Gazeta website updated the topic of 100 thousand signatures, simultaneously confounding both the president himself and the State Duma, although, as follows from Decree No. 601, they should have been aware of what was happening . Internet democracy from below developed further: the story around the children's oncology department of hospital No. 31 in St. Petersburg confirmed its effectiveness.

But as soon as something starts working from below, the government either nationalizes it or takes control. Volunteers have appeared, which means we need to start writing a law on volunteers. There are uncensored initiatives - the implementation of Decree No. 601 should be accelerated. And, like the classic: if you are supposed to escort drunks home, then you need to do it using the method of kicks and punches: for Internet initiatives (and their own good) they will now install a couple of filters. To begin with, the Foundation itself will decide which initiative is relevant and which is not. Within a year, the initiative must receive 100 thousand votes, after which it will be filtered by expert groups at the federal or regional levels.

But what, for example, in this logic will they do with those initiatives that have already received 100 thousand votes? First of all, they won't do anything. Secondly, just in case, the Foundation has been given the authority to check the constitutionality of initiatives. And our Constitution will tolerate everything. You can blame everything on her. Including the bustle of overly proactive citizens.

The initiative contains a bill ready for introduction to prohibit officials and representatives of companies with state participation from buying cars costing more than 1.5 million rubles for official needs. However, the document still needs to undergo a number of approvals.

Opposition leader Alexei Navalny and his supporters proposed banning the purchase of expensive cars at public expense to servants of the people. The application was posted on the Russian Public Initiative website in early April. Today she has collected 100 thousand signatures necessary for the authorities to pay attention to her. At the time of writing the news, 100,798 people left an electronic autograph under the initiative. The document has already been submitted to the expert group for consideration. To make this possible, supporters needed to register on the Government Services Portal. Then go through a less difficult registration on the ROI website. To date, the site contains 1,427 initiatives; every citizen of the Russian Federation can publish theirs. Among the leaders today we can note the abolition of the law on arbitrary blocking of Internet resources dated July 2, 2013 No. 187-FZ (law against the Internet) (at the time of writing - 24,998 votes), the abolition of the right of priority passage for all cars, except for emergency services vehicles ( at the time of writing - 49,814 votes) and the introduction of a mechanism to initiate cases against traffic violators based on video recordings (at the time of writing - 46,254 votes). Let us note that only the initiative to ban the purchase of expensive cars has been formalized in the form of a bill, ready to be submitted to the State Duma. Let us remind you that the ROI website, which theoretically allows any citizen of the Russian Federation to achieve changes in legislation, on April 2. However, according to the rules, which we also talk about, the consideration and implementation of proposals may take years. Community Initiatives easy to submit, but also quite convenient to reject. Thus, from the moment an idea is submitted until it is submitted to the State Duma in the form of a bill, it can take about a year and a half. First, a 2-month examination is provided, which may give a negative conclusion. If it is positive, open voting begins. Only users who have completed the registration procedure can participate in it. Voting continues throughout the year. During this time, the idea must collect at least 100 thousand votes in support. But even if successful, the project awaits another examination, also for up to 2 months. Only after this can the development of a bill begin. How long it will last is not specified. Experts may block an initiative on the grounds that, from their point of view, it is irrelevant or unfounded. They will have the right to reject it, considering it extremist or infringing on the interests of citizens. Finally, the fund may simply not see a problem in the appeal proposed by citizens. In any case, the author of the initiative will be sent an electronic notification. Note that there are special portals for collecting signatures on the Internet (Media Activist, Democrat and others), but they legal status unclear Non-profit, environmental organizations, media, etc. collect signatures in support of any initiative or against the actions of the authorities on their websites. Last year, 100 thousand signatures were collected on the Internet against the law prohibiting Americans from adopting Russian children. Vladimir Putin confirmed during his press conference that the lower house is obliged to consider the relevant petition. Let us add that a special chapter of its regulations is devoted to the consideration of citizens’ appeals directly in the State Duma. It says, in particular:

Consideration of citizens' appeals received by the State Duma... is carried out in accordance with the Federal Law "On the status of a member of the Federation Council and the status of a deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation", the Federal Law "On the procedure for considering appeals from citizens of the Russian Federation", the Procedure for considering citizens' appeals V State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation and these Regulations... Registration of citizens' appeals, ensuring consideration of citizens' appeals... are carried out by the State Duma Staff.

General procedure for considering citizens' appeals to government agencies and organs local government, and officials defines the federal law dated 02.05.2006 N 59-FZ. According to the document, a written appeal is considered within 30 days from the date of registration. In exceptional cases, the period can be extended by no more than 30 days by notifying the citizen. Consideration of the appeal requires a written response on the merits of the questions raised.

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