Home Coated tongue How to distinguish menstruation from bleeding. “Menstruations” during pregnancy: how to distinguish them from normal menstruation. Can menstruation occur through the fetus?

How to distinguish menstruation from bleeding. “Menstruations” during pregnancy: how to distinguish them from normal menstruation. Can menstruation occur through the fetus?

If you've heard stories like this, you might be under the impression that menstruation during pregnancy- a common thing, well, perhaps, a feature of the body. Actually this is not true.
But after listening to her friends’ revelations, the young mother, discovering that she had , is not worried at all and is in no hurry to be examined by a gynecologist.

The situation is further complicated by the presence of a fairly large number of “living examples” of this phenomenon. Moreover, mothers claim that despite all this, the pregnancy proceeded normally, and the baby was born healthy.

Well, if so. This means that they were very lucky. After all, in fact, there are no periods during pregnancy and there cannot be! This is a dangerous misconception that can lead to the loss of a child and health complications. expectant mother.
Let's figure out what can cause this phenomenon and why it is so dangerous.

Menstruation during pregnancy: can this happen?

First, let's refresh our knowledge of female anatomy and physiology.
As you know, once a month an egg matures in a woman’s body, ready for conception. If fertilization does not occur, it is destroyed in due time. During this period, the uterus contracts outward, in the form bloody discharge, it turns out that what is left of the egg, as well as pieces of the endometrium - the tissue lining the walls of the uterus.

If the egg has been fertilized, that is, pregnancy, as they say, is obvious, then the essence of the processes taking place changes significantly.
The body prepares a special place for the embryo and works hard to prevent the uterus from rejecting the embryo.

In particular, female body begins to produce a special hormone - progesterone. This hormone has two main functions. Firstly, it stimulates the growth of the inner lining of the uterine walls (endometrium), so that the embryo can implant and better attach to them. Secondly, this hormone prevents the walls of the uterus from contracting, which protects the embryo from rejection.

I hope it’s clear from here that they can’t go. Well, if they do exist, what is this connected with?

Why do you have periods during pregnancy?

As already mentioned, spotting during pregnancy cannot be considered menstruation. The cause of the discharge can be various pathologies, disorders hormonal functions mother's body. This phenomenon may be a signal of detachment of the fertilized egg, which threatens miscarriage.

Let's look at a few examples in more detail.

Often women who discover that they have menstruation occurs during pregnancy actually suffer disruption of progesterone production. If there is very little of this hormone, then at the time allotted for normal menstruation, bloody discharge with fragments of the endometrium may be observed.

This means that the uterus, as in the usual case, is cleansed and can at the same time reject the fetus. This, of course, cannot be allowed to happen. Therefore, with timely treatment, the doctor prescribes drugs to the expectant mother that replace progesterone. In most cases, the threat of miscarriage with this type of disorder is stopped, and the mother calmly continues to bear the baby.

Also, the reason for the appearance of the so-called menstruation during pregnancy can be pathologies of fetal development (genetic changes) or ectopic pregnancy .
It also happens that the fetus is not attached very well. For example, if the expectant mother suffers from endometriosis or has fibroids. Having attached to such a disadvantaged place, the embryo cannot develop normally and is poorly supplied with oxygen, that is, a miscarriage may occur.

Another hormonal disorder, leading to the appearance of bloody discharge - hyperandrogenism. That is, to put it simply, an excess of male hormones. If left untreated, this phenomenon often leads to detachment of the fertilized egg, and, consequently, to a miscarriage.
At timely treatment such consequences can be completely avoided.

One more pretty a rare event can be identified in those women who have menstruation occurs during pregnancy.
It happens that initially 2 embryos are formed, that is, a multiple pregnancy. But at the same time, one of them develops normally, and the other is rejected by the body for some reason (poor attachment site, pathology, etc.). In this case periods during pregnancy are a signal about the process of rejection of one of the embryos.

As you can see, the reasons for such a phenomenon as periods during pregnancy far from harmless. More worse consequences.
Therefore, do not listen to the advice of experienced people and do not close your eyes to what is happening. Even if you feel well, do not experience pain or discomfort, but you experience spotting, do not hesitate to consult a doctor with a question. why do you have periods during pregnancy?.

And if in addition to the bloody discharge there is also pain in the lower back, something similar to contractions, the discharge becomes quite profuse, call an ambulance immediately. It may turn out that going to the clinic on your own will cost you your child!

As already mentioned, in many cases, especially if it’s “hormones acting up,” if you consult a specialist in a timely manner, the threat of miscarriage can be avoided. In other cases, even if nothing can be done, the sooner you notify the doctor that you have menstruation occurs during pregnancy, the greater the chances of avoiding health problems and hoping for the next, more successful pregnancy.

Alexandra Panyutina
Women's magazine JustLady

Women admit the idea that menstruation may begin during pregnancy; even the people have a name - “period through the fetus.” But this is an extremely dangerous misconception that can harm the unborn baby and his mother. Bloody discharge during pregnancy cannot be normal. In most cases, they indicate termination of pregnancy or ectopic fertilization. Less often this symptom occurs when the cervix is ​​eroded, the mucous membrane of which begins to bleed due to a large rush of blood.

Signs of bleeding before 12 weeks can be different - spotting or contain bloody clots. A nagging pain may appear in the lower back and lower abdomen. Based on these indicators it is impossible to determine accurate diagnosis, so the patient will need to be examined.

Bleeding or early periods?

If a woman does not yet know whether she is pregnant or not, but menstruation has begun, then she should watch the discharge for a while. When you conceive, your discharge may differ from your normal menstruation. They have a different consistency and duration.

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If it is not menstruation, then discharge with blood appears more often and lasts up to 10 days or more. In this case, bleeding may be profuse, and signs of anemia begin to appear. The only normal variant of bloody discharge during pregnancy may be the time of implantation of the embryo into the uterus. This occurs approximately a week after conception. And even this discharge cannot be called full menstruation, since the bloody formations are very scanty.

Etiology of menstruation through the fetus

It is worth considering situations when menstruation may occur during pregnancy. Menstruation may appear in women with hormonal imbalances. The hormone that is responsible for the implantation of a fertilized egg into the endometrium is produced in small quantities or not at all. In this case, doctors prescribe products containing synthetic progesterone, otherwise the pregnancy may end in miscarriage. In order to prevent such a situation in the future, when a woman is registered, she is sent to take hormone tests. In addition to a lack of progesterone, an excess of male hormones in a pregnant woman’s body can become dangerous, as this also provokes a miscarriage.

When the embryo attaches to the uterus, slight bleeding may occur. They should not worry a woman, since these are individual characteristics of the body.

Ectopic pregnancies or abnormalities in fetal development can be dangerous. Then the signs of bleeding are usually profuse.

A malfunction in the body during gestation can lead to the release of two eggs from the follicle, one of which is fertilized and the other is not. As a result, a pregnant woman may begin to menstruate. This phenomenon occurs extremely rarely, but in medical practice there were cases.

In the first and second trimesters of pregnancy, fetal freezing may occur. This happens for many reasons. For example, underdevelopment of the embryo, the presence bad habits mother or infectious diseases.

If a woman has a multiple pregnancy, bleeding may begin due to the death of one fetus and its rejection by the body. In this case, the second embryo can continue to develop fully.

Hyperandrogenism is a condition in which male hormones predominate in the female body. Then a spontaneous miscarriage occurs and bleeding begins.

If fertilization occurred during the period when the menstrual cycle, then your period still begins. Since the body is not yet aware that pregnancy has occurred. Therefore, this can happen in the first month.

The beginning of pregnancy in some cases ends in miscarriage. Sometimes a woman is not even aware of her situation. But you should consult a doctor if the bleeding is heavy and accompanied by blood clots. If you know about conception and bleeding has just begun, then immediately call an ambulance; perhaps a miscarriage can be avoided. Anatomical disorders of the uterus, such as fibroids, endometriosis, etc., provoke the onset of menstruation through the fetus.

Tests for bleeding

Any bleeding during pregnancy should be alarming. To avoid further consequences, an examination is necessary:

  1. To be able to find out your progesterone level, you need to take a blood or urine test. If progesterone is below normal, this may indicate a missed pregnancy or a threat of miscarriage.
  2. Examination of the cervix. The procedure is not painful, you will need a mirror to identify the condition of the uterus, experienced doctor will immediately determine the threat of miscarriage.
  3. Ultrasound. Held ultrasonography on average 3 times during pregnancy. Namely in the middle of the first, second and third trimesters. In case of bleeding, additional examination is carried out abdominal cavity and vaginal area.

When to see a doctor immediately

There are times when bleeding should prompt immediate medical attention. For example, if blood from the uterus began to be released in late pregnancy. This condition is dangerous because it threatens not only the fetus, but also the life of the mother. If any of the following symptoms appear, then ambulance should be called immediately:

  1. Heavy bleeding is accompanied by the appearance of blood clots.
  2. The pain is severe, alternating with spasms.
  3. The pain is acute.

Prevention of deviations

According to statistics, 1 in 5 women may experience period-like bleeding during pregnancy. This condition cannot be called normal. Even if such secretions do not pose a threat to the mother and baby, but additional consultation A gynecologist wouldn't hurt. For preventive purposes, you can take care of your health even before pregnancy. TO general recommendations can be attributed:

  • healthy lifestyle of a woman;
  • regular visits to the doctor;
  • healthy nutritious diet;
  • avoid stress if possible;
  • active lifestyle and moderate physical activity.

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If menstrual blood begins to leak during pregnancy, do not reassure yourself that this happens. Bleeding should not appear during this period, even valid cases must be checked by a specialist. Then the pregnancy will pass without any deviations.

To prevent any disturbances in the body during pregnancy, inform your doctor about all changes that have occurred to you. A high-quality examination will allow you to identify existing pathologies and eliminate them in a timely manner.

Sudden onset of menstruation early stages pregnancy comes as a shock to many women. Therefore, expectant mothers experience a lot of worries and questions: is menstruation possible during this period, why bleeding may occur in the early stages and how dangerous this can be.

It's no secret to anyone that bleeding occurs when a normal or ectopic pregnancy is interrupted. Another reason may be erosion of the cervix, the mucous membrane of which may bleed due to increased blood flow.

Bleeding before 12 weeks can be either spotty, scanty, or abundant, containing clots. Very often they are accompanied painful sensations varying intensity in the lower abdomen or lower back.

However, it is impossible to make an accurate diagnosis based on these signs alone, since the manifestations of the same pathology are purely individual for each woman.

How to determine bleeding or menstruation?

Discharge during pregnancy is slightly different in duration and consistency than during normal periods.

Unlike menstruation, when bleeding the time interval between discharges is shortened(they can last from 10 days or more). In this case, there is a significant increase in blood volume and the development of anemia in the woman.

Causes of menstruation in early pregnancy

Lack of production of the hormone progesterone

At reduced level progesterone levels in women are observed following symptoms: headache, fatigue, irritability, swelling of the chest and abdomen, weight gain of up to 4 kg or more, pain during menstruation.

Doctors call it progesterone pregnancy hormone. It secretes corpus luteum, but when conception does not occur, the corpus luteum dies, and menstruation begins within twelve to fourteen days.

When pregnancy occurs, the corpus luteum produces progesterone up to 16 weeks, then the placenta itself begins to produce hormones. During a normal pregnancy, progesterone should increase.

A decrease in its level can lead to termination of pregnancy and early miscarriages, so pregnant women are immediately prescribed medication.

The first symptoms of insufficient progesterone levels during pregnancy– this is the appearance of bloody discharge, mild pain in the lower abdomen. Pregnant women often do not pay much attention to these signs. But after a while it starts heavy bleeding, which is accompanied by cramping attacks, and spontaneous miscarriage occurs.

Development of hyperandrogenism

In a woman’s body, the level of male sex hormones increases and the hormonal balance. This violation leads to the fact that the fertilized egg is not retained in the uterus. Early pregnancy termination occurs.

Bloody discharge appears, accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen and lower back. At the same time everyone weakens indirect signs pregnancy - engorgement of the mammary glands and manifestations of early toxicosis.

However not all pregnancies which were accompanied by the development of hyperandrogenism, ended in miscarriage. Timely detection and treatment of this pathology gives a chance to carry and give birth to a long-awaited child.

Incorrect attachment of the egg

Very early in pregnancy this pathology can also be one of the causes of bleeding.

In the presence of chronic inflammatory processes, thinned areas of the uterus, adhesions, the likelihood of improper attachment of the egg is very high, because it is attached to healthy areas without damage.

Such areas are usually located in the lower part of the uterus, which in the future can lead to a low location of the placenta, placenta previa, or attachment in its cervix.

With such pathologies, bleeding occurs, and with cervical pregnancy, heavy bleeding, which may lead to removal of the uterus.

Ectopic pregnancy

Such a pregnancy, unlike a normal one, develops not in the uterus itself, but in its tubes. This may be caused by their partial patency or obstruction, due to which the fertilized egg cannot enter the uterine cavity.

Inflammation of the appendages, pelvic organs, infectious diseases sexually transmitted - all this can be the cause of an ectopic pregnancy. In case of pain, to avoid rupture fallopian tube and the development of peritonitis, pregnant women should urgently consult a doctor.

Hydatidiform mole

Bubble drift - pathology of the ovum, which is characterized by the degeneration of chorionic villi into vesicles filled with liquid. Due to the very rapid growth of these bubbles, the uterus rapidly increases and its size does not correspond to the actual period.

Discharge during hydatidiform mole- abundant, liquid, dark in color, they contain bubbles torn from the walls of the uterus. This disease can only be treated surgically.

Washing the fetus

A delayed menstrual cycle is considered to be the main sign of pregnancy. But there are also “critical days” during pregnancy.

In the early stages, on the very days when menstruation seems to begin, spotting appears. Doctors call this phenomenon "washing the fruit" which is typical for pregnancy up to 12 weeks. It is observed in every fifth pregnant woman; doctors do not consider it a pathology.

But there are inconveniences for precise definition gestational age. If your periods were short and less abundant, if nausea, drowsiness, dizziness appeared - there is a reason to take a pregnancy test, Perhaps all these are signs of fetal ablution. When the fact of pregnancy is confirmed and spotting appears, you need to consult a doctor.

Menstruation through the fetus

IN in this case the fertilized egg detaches from the wall of the uterus. The reason for this may be:

  • insufficient production of progesterone;
  • excess levels of male sex hormones (the appearance of hyperandrogenism);
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • improper attachment of the egg.

Implantation bleeding

This phenomenon occurs when a fertilized egg penetrates the wall of the uterus. In many cases it goes unnoticed, but there is slight discharge for several hours, in exceptional cases – for several days.

Bleeding like this refers to early signs pregnancy, even before the delay of menstruation or use of the test. This normal phenomenon for a beginning pregnancy, but the main thing is not to confuse implantation bleeding with other types of spotting.

Dangers and complications of menstruation during pregnancy

The expectant mother should monitor her condition extremely carefully. Any, even very scanty and short-term bloody discharge from the vagina may be complicated:

  1. miscarriage that cannot be treated;
  2. intrauterine fetal death;
  3. development septic shock and others infectious complications which can develop if there are remains of dead fetal tissue in the uterine cavity;
  4. development of hemorrhagic shock.

As can be seen from all of the above, in most cases, menstruation during pregnancy is still dangerous.

It is not even menstruation itself that poses a danger (with the exception of profuse, threatening large blood loss), but its causes. However, there are happy exceptions when this phenomenon does not indicate the presence of any serious pathology.

In any case, a pregnant woman should consult her gynecologist as soon as possible to make an accurate diagnosis. And even if the doctor does not find anything threatening to the health of the mother and child, a visit to him will allow the woman to be calm about the course of her pregnancy.

Pregnancy is always associated with the absence of menstruation. Even the word “delay” itself suggests thoughts about the probable origin of life.

In rare cases, periods continue after pregnancy. It is important to learn to distinguish this condition from uterine bleeding, which almost always threaten the life of the embryo and the health of the woman.

The uterus is a muscular organ (the structure of the uterus) that is involved in the process of pregnancy and childbirth. The inside is lined with endometrium. Its main task is to “catch” a fertilized egg, attach it and hold it until the placenta forms.

Every month (meaning the menstrual cycle), the thickness of the endometrium increases, preparing to receive the fertilized egg. If the egg is not fertilized or implanted, it leaves the uterus along with unclaimed endometrial cells and blood. This discharge is called menstruation.
At the end of the bleeding, the process of maturation of the egg in the ovary and growth of the endometrium starts again.

If the fertilized egg attaches to the wall of the uterus, pregnancy occurs. In her first days, the level of hormones in the body of the expectant mother changes sharply: the content of those that are necessary to preserve the embryo and those that suppress the maturation of a new egg increases.

It turns out that the endometrium is not rejected, the egg does not mature - there are no periods. One of the “new” hormones that appear in the body when expecting a child is hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin). It begins to be produced by the forming precursor of the placenta, the chorion, already a few days after implantation of the egg, and the test reacts to it approximately 10-15 days after conception.

Can you have periods during pregnancy?

Typically the egg leaves the ovary mid-cycle. This moment is called ovulation. Some women ovulate early, others late. In the latter case, less time passes between the release of the egg and the beginning of the next period.

If sexual intercourse occurs closer to the beginning of the next cycle, the fertilized egg is implanted into the endometrium late, the process of hormone production is delayed - and menstruation begins. This is the case when menstruation “goes through the fetus.”

If a woman’s body is strong and the uterus is healthy, the pregnancy continues, and the next menstruation does not come. This situation is not so rare and is not regarded as a threat.

Normal periods during this period also occur in the following cases:

  • if eggs mature in two ovaries at the same time, but only one of them is fertilized - in this case, the second one is released along with menstruation;
  • if a woman’s hormone balance is disturbed and hormonal changes occur with a delay, then menstruation in this case may occur more than once, but this condition must be corrected for normal development fetus;
  • in the presence of a duplication or bicornuate uterus - with this congenital anomaly the fetus can develop in one organ or its branch, while in another the endometrium accumulates and comes out with menstruation.

Spotting, which sometimes accompanies the process of implantation of the fertilized egg, can also be mistaken for menstruation. This occurs about a week or two after ovulation and may coincide with the expected date of your period.

Video: Doctor Elena Berezovskaya's story about the timing and signs of implantation bleeding, differences from menstruation

It turns out that normal periods can occur at the very beginning after conception at most once. Discharge with blood at this time is no longer menstruation, but bleeding. It threatens the life of the woman and the fetus.

Dangerous conditions

Based on the nature of the bleeding and the timing of its occurrence, you can roughly determine the cause of its appearance:

  • An ectopic pregnancy (cervical or tubal) is determined by pain in the lower abdomen, weakness, and sometimes an increase in temperature. Tests for hCG in this condition often show normal levels. Bleeding indicates a rupture of the fallopian tube or cervix. The condition is urgent and poses a threat to the woman’s life due to massive blood loss. To prevent such a threat from positive test It is better to consult a doctor and use an ultrasound to determine the location of the fertilized egg;
  • Partial or complete detachment of the placenta or ovum. In the early stages, we are talking about detachment of the fertilized egg. This type of bleeding often ends in miscarriage. As the placenta develops physical activity Partial or complete placental abruption may occur. In the first case, the process is accompanied nagging pain and spotting, threatens the health of the fetus, but is corrected with the use of medications and strict adherence to bed rest. With complete detachment, the expectant mother risks her life, and the fetus often does not survive. The likelihood of saving it depends on the duration of pregnancy and the speed of assistance;
  • Fetal pathology incompatible with life. If the embryo and amniotic fluid are infected, severe genetic changes occur, the fetus may not survive. If he dies, the process of rejection of the placenta and expulsion of the fetus often begins. This situation also threatens the mother's life.

Any vaginal bleeding during pregnancy should be considered a threat. If you find it, take immediate action:

  • Call an ambulance or call a gynecologist immediately;
  • Lie on a flat surface on your back, raise your legs higher, and place a cushion from a blanket under your buttocks;
  • Place a heating pad with cool water on your stomach;
  • Before the ambulance arrives, do not drink water or take medications.

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