Home Prevention What a spirit animal. How to find out your totem animal by date of birth

What a spirit animal. How to find out your totem animal by date of birth

Every person has one. This is the image of a living being that gives energy and patronizes in all matters. By identifying it, you will open a powerful source of energy and knowledge.

Online calculation by year and date of birth

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A totem is a symbolic image of an animal that has unique energy and affects a person’s entire life. Knowledge about totems came to us from ancient tribes, when people worshiped certain creatures, made sacrifices to them, and asked for patronage and protection.

The ancient Slavs believed that a totem animal endows a person with powers. This is a powerful egregor, by connecting to which you can make significant progress in spiritual development and know yourself.

You can determine your totemic sign and purchase or make an amulet that will become yours powerful amulet and patron.

The purposes of using such amulets can be the following:

  1. You will receive a powerful source of vitality and energy, advance in the development of your inner world and learn how to effectively interact with Higher powers and the people around you.
  2. You will learn to easily overcome difficulties, solve problems and quickly achieve life goals. This happens due to a connection on the subtle plane to the source of ancestral knowledge.
  3. You get the opportunity to better study your personality: identify your strengths and weaknesses, reveal your creative and intellectual potential, find your talents and develop your intuition.
  4. You gain connection with Higher powers, constantly feel divine support and protection, and also receive help from your family and the entire tribal system.
  5. You attract powerful and powerful patrons into your life, whose totems are the same as yours.

You can recognize your spirit animal and then learn to interact with it to ultimately improve the quality of your life, find harmony and happiness in all areas.

How to find out your spirit animal

There are many ways: by name, date of birth or using special meditative techniques.

The most simple ways Find out which totem animal protects you:

  1. If you trust your intuition and your premonitions never deceive you, go to the zoo. Look at all the animals, listen to inner voice- which of the zoo inhabitants will find a response in your soul.
  2. Study special calendars where you can find out your totem animal by date of birth. This is the least accurate method, so you cannot rely on it one hundred percent.
  3. Use tests on the Internet. By answering the questions, you will receive an answer as to which of the living creatures inhabiting the planet is your totem and patron.
  4. Practice lucid dreaming. In a dream you can turn to To higher powers asking you to show your totem animal and receive the correct answer from your Guardians.
  5. Practice special meditations during which you turn to your own subconscious and ancestral system. This is a very deep dive inside yourself and the most reliable method for getting the right answer.

Determination by date of birth

Look at the picture below and you can identify your totem animal, knowing only the year of your birth:

The ancient Slavs used a slightly different calculation method, which was based on the month and day of birth of a person:

  1. From December 10 to January 9 - bear. Patronizes very wise people, full of calm and inner dignity. Helps you become a teacher and mentor to others.
  2. From January 10 to February 9 - wolverine. Patron of very persistent and disciplined people who are used to achieving their goals by any means necessary.
  3. From February 10 to March 9 - raven. Assistant to purposeful people, intellectuals. Helps develop mental potential, gain new knowledge and skills.
  4. From March 10 to April 9 - ermine. Protects creative, sensitive people who are guided by emotions rather than logic when making decisions.
  5. From April 10 to May 9 - toad. Patron of people who value stability and confidence in the future above all else.
  6. From May 10 to June 9 - grasshopper. These are optimists, people with very positive thinking who know how to enjoy life and get pleasure from even simple things.
  7. From June 10 to July 9 - hamster. If a person is lazy, it is very important for him to learn to achieve his goals and overcome his own apathy.
  8. From July 10 to August 9 - snail. An assistant to dreamers and people who like to dream and draw happy pictures in their imagination. These are wonderful and loyal friends.
  9. From August 10 to September 9 - ant. Efficient and resistant to life's difficulties, people who can sometimes be too uncompromising.
  10. From September 10 to October 9 - forty. Decisive individuals prone to adventure. The totem helps them overcome fears and get rid of internal complexes.
  11. From October 10 to November 9 - beaver. Independent individuals who do not care about public opinion, they rely only on own feelings and logic. Calm, but quite closed.
  12. From November 10 to December 9 - dog. Loyal and generous, created to serve people. They give their love and kindness without expecting gratitude in return.

Watch a video about totem animals:

Summon Totem

In difficult life situation you can call on your totem to help. What do we have to do:

  1. Relax and lie down. Place your left hand on your heart, close your eyes and breathe to get into the right state. Inhalations and exhalations should be as calm and deep as possible.
  2. Imagine that you find yourself in a very comfortable space for you. It could be the seashore, a green meadow or a forest. Enjoy a state of calm and tranquility.
  3. Feel how your totem animal appears in space. Feel the strength and power that comes from it.
  4. Talk to the totem, ask it questions that concern you, ask for help and support.
  5. After you receive all the answers, thank the totem, take a few deep breaths, open your eyes and return to normal life.

This meditation can be practiced no more than once a month.

Almost every nation has myths that talk about ancestors as some kind of divine beings, not quite similar to people, but combining the features of humans and animals. It was these creatures who told people about magical rites and taught them various arts and other useful things.

Totem is a guardian spirit, protecting the entire family and each person individually. Many tribes perceived totems as their ancestors; they believed that after death they would be incarnated in their totem animal or plant. Many legends say that a totem is not chosen by a person or clan, it is “given” to the clan. “The totem was given to people in order to help, protect, preserve...”.

According to shamans, one of the characteristic features The fact that a person has a totem animal is that animals from this genus accept it as their own. For example, if a person’s totem animal is a bear, then the bears will not touch him, but will consider him theirs, or if a cat, then all the cats on the street will come up to him and communicate with him.

Communication with a totem animal- it is very bright and characteristic shamans, they believe that when they encounter animals from the same genus, their totemic beast enters the shaman, as if temporarily taking possession of his body, and helps him communicate with his “brothers.” The idea of ​​a kind of “reincarnation” can be traced not only at the moment of communication with animals, the shaman at will can call upon his totem, and when he “enters” it, the shaman receives the power and qualities of his totemic creature. This art was cultivated and developed among the Indians: before a battle, the shaman called on the totem of the entire tribe, if it was a bear, or a bison, or anyone else whose qualities could help in battle, and asked him to inhabit the warriors, transferring to them his strength, dexterity, and vigilance. etc.

The totem was also used in human healing For example, if a shaman needed to heal a wounded person, he called on the dog totem and asked him to temporarily enter the patient in order to speed up the healing process of wounds. It is worth mentioning that the shaman most often possessed not one, but several totem creatures and at the same time always had the opportunity either himself or through his totem to talk with other totem animals.

There is a principle in shamanism: any totem animal is not given forever - it can die or leave. That's why shamans take care of their totem animals just like we take care of our pets. I’ll make a reservation that only personal totems can change; the clan totem lives an independent life. He himself decides to help him or to be angry with the race that he patronizes. Moreover, the death of a family totem means the end of the entire family of people belonging to it.

To connect and interact with your totem you can make or purchase a figurine of your totem. You may have a skin, claws, teeth, a branch, a piece of stone or anything else, but the beast or the tree must not be killed by you. You can have a stuffed animal (but it must not be made by you), you can have a drawing, engraving, or a symbol of your totem. Some tribes tattooed the body with an image or symbol of a totem. A good sign is considered to be jewelry with the image of a totemic symbol: a ring, pendant, bracelet. When you need something, you can mentally reach out to your guardian spirit and ask him to help you or ask him to protect you. His help will be as strong and fast as you communicate with him. The totem, like any other living creature, does not like to be forgotten.

Very often people when they first look at each other they feel either instant sympathy or antipathy. This is a manifestation of their totemic roots. Love at first sight also has deep roots in belonging to a totem. Imagine a meeting between the Fox and the Chicken. On the one hand, the desire to “eat”, on the other hand, to run away and hide. The Bull and the Horsefly are unlikely to work well as a team - the Bull will always strive to “slam” his colleague, and the Horsefly will instinctively strive to “drink blood.” Family relationships are built on the same principles. The Lion will always frighten the Doe, the Heron will not let the Frog live, and two Scorpios will crush each other.

Qualities transmitted by a totem to a person, are composed of local ideas about a given animal and of the real physical qualities of a given animal. As an example, I will give a description of the totemic qualities of the cat family, using various ethnic ideas about them.

Cat family has characteristics of both a good patron and an evil demon. Having the ability to change the shape of the pupil, it symbolizes changing forces (sun, wind, moon phases, etc.). Their behavior is unpredictable. Either peaceful and calm, then suddenly they show rage and aggression. People with this totem often seem to be loose, but they know how to instantly pull themselves together and mobilize. They are full of optimism and overflowing with ideas. They have the gift of prophecy. The time of magical power is night.

Cat magic is most effective when other people do not know about it.

  • Cat. Its ability to always fall on its feet makes the owners of this totem successful people with well developed vestibular apparatus. It gives people the ability to do well those things that need to be done “sneakily”, gives the opportunity to sneak up unnoticed, and also gives such qualities as: curiosity, desire, independence, gentleness, affection. In addition to the “pleasant” qualities, the cat totem can endow its owner with the power of a “hired killer” - the rat-catcher cat is a ninja. The mystical property of cats - the possession of nine lives - makes the owner of such a totem “more” tenacious. Among the American Indians, a wild cat is a sign of theft, so those who practiced this craft liked to call upon it. For many tribes, the cat totem, being a nocturnal animal, had evil powers and the ability to transform. Those who are alien to this totem group can safely assume that meeting an unfamiliar cat is not good. Many shamans sent black cats to attack their enemies to indicate bad luck or illness.

From magical properties It is worth noting the ability to cause damage, see the invisible, the ability to cause rain, and heal. The cat's traditional prey is mice and small rodents, but its diet is not limited to this. Cats are no less successful at catching birds and rabbits. The traditional enemy of a cat is a dog, although in reality the list of its enemies is much more extensive. Still, anyone associated with the cat as a spirit animal should study mice and dogs first. This will help you better understand the magic of a cat and its characteristic energy balance.

An example of totemic influence in mythology: in Greco-Roman culture, the cat is the companion of the lunar Diana. The goddess of freedom holds a cat at her feet. Among the Scandinavians, a cat is an attribute of Freya; cats were harnessed to her cart. In Buddhism, the cat symbolizes the power of transformation and peaceful rest.

  • Lynx- symbolizes visual acuity, silence and secrets. The lynx is often called a wild cat, so these totems have a lot in common. The lynx is a loner, and if it turns out to be your totem, it is possible that you also prefer solitude. Lynx will teach you to be alone without feeling lonely. If the lynx is your totem, then it is possible that friends are accustomed to trusting you with their secrets, because... The lynx knows how to store them very well.

    Operating under the cloak of darkness and silence, the lynx will teach you to use your life force to achieve your goals silently and effectively. Lynx does not like excessive popularity, so if you talk to others about your relationship with this totem, its powers towards you may dry out. It is very important to learn when, to whom and how much you can tell about your personal affairs. Sharp vision and sensitive hairs in the “whiskers” and on the “tassels” of the ears make the lynx an excellent night hunter. If she has become your totem, then night time will be the most productive for you. The keen eyes of a lynx will teach you to discern what other people are trying to hide. The sensitive “sideburns” of this totem will give you the ability to psychometry: by bringing an object to your face, you will be able to capture the energies of people and events associated with it. And the “tassels” on the lynx’s ears give the ability to hear what remains unspoken. If the lynx turns out to be your totem, then it is possible that many people will feel uncomfortable around you. They will understand that you see what they do not want to show you, and hear what they carefully keep silent about. These abilities can turn you into both a skilled diplomat and an unsurpassed manipulator. If the lynx has become your totem, learn to trust your feelings and impressions. If something doesn't seem right to you, don't doubt your conclusions—even if they defy common sense. To awaken the trotting ability to recognize the secret, learn meditation and contemplation, sit more often and watch what is happening as a spectator. By watching how people behave and what they say, you will begin to notice images behind them that will reveal the truth to you. You can imagine yourself in the guise of your interlocutor. In many ways, the lynx's magic resembles x-rays. Learn to go into silence and trust the visions and knowledge it gives you.

  • Tiger is the creator and the destroyer. He is also characterized by royal dignity, cruelty, strength, power, courage and fury, which he needs as a protector. For the Aztecs, the tiger is the western setting Sun, chthonic forces and earth forces. It is often characteristic of gamblers. Among the Chinese, the God of Wealth rides on a tiger guarding chests of coins. The wind goddess also rides a tiger. He is the guardian of graves and scares away evil spirits. Among the Greeks, tigers can serve as a substitute for leopards pulling the chariot of Dionysus (Bacchus). In shamanism, the tiger represents superhuman powers; it is a messenger of the forest gods, and gods who are immortal or who drive out evil spirits can ride on it.
  • Jaguar- in Aztec mythology means the forces of darkness in conflict with the solar eagle. In Mexican tradition, the jaguar is the messenger of the spirits of the forest. In the tradition of shamanism, the appearance of a jaguar is one of the most common totems of a shaman; it symbolizes his spirit. Only a strong and powerful shaman could possess the jaguar totem. His qualities are wisdom, power, swiftness, and an excellent tracker. I will not list the magical properties of the jaguar, because... this totem is considered one of the most powerful (divine). I will say this: almost all magic is subject to him.

    In the Mayan language (pay attention!) the concepts of “jaguar”, “werewolf”, “magician” and “sorcerer” were expressed in one word - “balam”, and the cult of the jaguar itself was closely associated with the dark Aztec god Tezcatlipoca. Since the jaguar was a symbol of this deity, the Aztecs described it in the same way as Tezcatlipoca: " He lives in forests, rocks, waters; noble, noble. He is the king, the ruler of the animals. He is careful, wise, proud. It does not eat carrion. He is the one who hates and despises, who is sick of everything dirty... And at night he does not sleep; he looks out for what he hunts for, what he eats. His vision is clear. He sees well, sees very well; he sees far. Even if it is very dark, very foggy, he sees.".

    “Negro shamans also share a similar opinion, almost word for word repeating the lines dedicated to the American jaguar when describing the African leopard.” (From the book by Nikolai Nepomniachtchi “The 20th Century: Discovery after Discovery”)

  • Leopard- a symbol of cruelty, ferocity, aggressiveness, courage, fearlessness, courage, swiftness, activity. Because the leopard's spots resemble eyes, it is called the Vigilant Guardian. Among some tribes, the spotted coloring of leopards and jaguars made them lunar symbols: "Their spots resemble spots on the Moon.", they say about them. Shamans called this totem to the warriors of their tribe for victory. The power of this totem can be both creative and destructive. His distinguishing feature in the cat totem family is that he is a good guardian.

    "Among the numerous totems of animals, birds and plants, the greatest interest isleopard cult. In ancient times, it was very widespread throughout the world and, unlike most others, has been preserved in its original form to this day in the virgin forests of West Africa, as well as under the guise of the cult of the jaguar in South America. This is a very cruel cult, which is probably natural: after all, the leopard is a merciless predator. But what especially attracts the attention of modern researchers to it are the rumors about werewolf people who master the technique of transforming into an animal." "Since primitive times, there has been a mysterious and cruel cult of the leopard on different continents. Residents of South America and West Africa are terrified of his followers, the leopard people, accusing them of terrible atrocities, black magic, and werewolves. And, as it turns out, not without reason...”

    “Adherents of the cult were branded with a special bone needle, the scars from which were reminiscent of both leopard claw marks and accidental scratches received in the jungle. The sectarians carried sanitary bags in which they hid parts human bodies smeared with rooster's blood, and grains of rice. This bag was a kind of talisman-amulet over which spells were cast and which had to be “fed” with fresh human blood and fat from time to time so that it would not lose its magical properties. To perform this ritual, the priests of the cult pre-selected a victim and a performer, who was supposed to, dressed in the skin of a leopard, attack the victim, kill him with a claw-shaped glove and bring the body to a meeting to divide it among the rest of the society. Retribution for violating the rules established in the cult came immediately: the one who “stumbled” along with his entire family was punished with death.” From the book by Nikolai Nepomniachtchi “The 20th Century: Discovery after Discovery.”

  • a lion. As a totemic symbol, it represents heat, brilliance, strength, the principle of fire, splendor, courage, fortitude, justice, law, military power. The lion also symbolizes cruelty, ferocity, and an animal lifestyle. He is a symbol of war and is an attribute of the gods of war. Shamans say that by traveling on a lion, you can tame the forces of the cosmos.

    In Buddhism, the lion is the protector of the law, the wisdom of the Buddha, spiritual zeal, advancement and comprehension, courage, an enlightened person, his own master. Sometimes Buddha is depicted on a throne standing on lions. The lion, depicted with a lion cub under its paw, also represents Buddha ruling the world and compassion. The lion cub represents a Bodhisattva who has just undergone initiation. The lion's roar represents the Buddha, fearlessly preaching the Dharma. Lion skin is an attribute of Hercules.

  • Panther(black jaguar), leopard, puma - symbolize ferocity, rage, aggressiveness, ruthlessness.

Using the example of cat breed totems, we can clearly see common features, starting from an ordinary cat and ending with a panther.

If you want to be affiliated with any totem group, you need to study these animals thoroughly. For example, if it is a feline totem, you can gain experience by observing the behavior of an ordinary cat. There is only one caveat: if you choose a totem not domestic cat, but a wild predator, then you need to watch the street cat, i.e. wild

The same is true in other totemic groups, for example: the canine family - dogs, wolves, foxes, coyotes, arctic foxes, hyenas, jackals; family of primates - chimpanzees, gibbons, macaques, etc. Within a group there are always common qualities that allow people from the same totemic group to interact well with each other.

For comparison, here are the characteristics of some other totems:

  • Crow. Being a "talking bird" symbolizes prophecy. In other respects it is ambivalent: it means both sunny good and the darkness of evil, wisdom and the destruction of war.

    Crows and wolves are frequent companions of the primitive gods of the dead.

    In alchemy, a raven, depicted next to a skull or a tombstone, symbolizes blackness and mortification, nigredo - the first stage of the “Little Work”, the death of the world, the principle of “earth to earth” (“...dust and to dust you will return”).

    Among the American Indians who lived in the forests of the east coast, raven means cunning.

    In some traditions - a cultural hero and demiurge.

    In the Celtic epic, the raven in fortune telling is associated with the king (or finch), the “blessed raven” is an attribute of the goddesses of war and fertility, and is also associated with the goddess Morrigan. "Battle Raven" Bald symbolizes war, bloodshed, panic, anger. Attribute of the hero Bendegate Bran. Loof has two magic ravens.

    In general, the black raven is a bird of bad omen, but the raven with a white feather is good sign.

    In China, the raven is one of the animals of the “twelve earthly branches” and symbolizes power. A tripod raven lives on the Sun, symbolizing the three phases of its movement: sunrise, zenith, sunset.

    In Christianity, the raven is the devil who feeds on decay; The raven pecking out the eyes is the devil who blinds sinners. The raven is a symbol of sin, as opposed to the white dove, which represents the innocent soul. The raven sent from Noah's Ark symbolizes wandering, restlessness and impurity. In symbolism of the Fall, the raven sits on the Tree of Knowledge, from which Eve picks the fruit. The raven also symbolizes solitude, and therefore holy hermits, and is the emblem of St. Anthony, Benedict, Ida, Oswald, Paul the Recluse, Vincent.

    In Egypt, the raven signifies destruction and malice.

    In Ancient Greece it symbolizes longevity and is dedicated to Helios (Apollo) and is his messenger. Attribute of Athena, Kronos and Aesculapius. He is invoked at weddings as the personification of fertility. In Orphic art, the raven of death is depicted with a pine cone and a torch of life and light.

    In the Jewish tradition, the raven is a symbol of carrion, uncleanness, death and destruction, and deception. In Mithraism - the first stage of initiation, the servant of the Sun.

    The Scandinavians and ancient Germans depict two ravens on the shoulders of Odin-Woth - Hugin ("thought") and Munin ("memory"), who fly around the world and report everything they saw. Raven is the coat of arms of the ancient Danes (Dans) and Vikings.

  • Wolf. Means earth, evil, devouring passion and rage. Wolves and ravens are often close friends of the primitive gods of the dead.

    For alchemists, the wolf and the dog symbolize the dual nature of Mercury, philosophical mercury and nous.

    Among the Aztecs, the howling wolf is the god of dance.

    In Celtic mythology, the wolf swallows the Heavenly Father (the sun), after which night falls.

    For the Chinese, it symbolizes gluttony and greed.

    In Christianity, the wolf is evil, the devil, the destroyer of the flock, cruelty, cunning and heresy, as well as a person with a fixed neck, since it is believed that the wolf is not able to turn around. The wolf was the emblem of Saint Francis of Assisi, who tamed the wolf of Gubbio.

    Among the Egyptians it is an attribute of Khenti Amenti and Upuat.

    In the Greco-Roman tradition, the wolf is dedicated to Mars (Ares) as the personification of rage, as well as to Apollo and Silvanus. The she-wolf, according to legend, who suckled Romulus and Remus, is often depicted in Roman art.

    The wolf also symbolizes valor. Among the Jews, the wolf personifies bloodthirstiness, cruelty, and a haunting spirit (Genesis 49:17).

    Among the Indians, Ashvins save the quails of the day from the wolf of the night.

    The wolf is the mount of witches and warlocks; its appearance is taken by a werewolf or a werewolf.

  • Dolphin. Savior and psychopomp, guide of souls in the underworld, savior of shipwrecked people, king of fish.

    Symbolizes sea power, safety and speed. Two dolphins looking in different directions represent the duality of nature.

    A dolphin with an anchor means speed and slowness, two dolphins together - the middle between extremes ("hasten slowly").

    In Celtic epic, the dolphin is associated with the worship of springs and the powers of water.

    In Christianity, this is Christ, the savior of souls, carrying them through the depths of death. A dolphin with an anchor or ship represents the church led by Christ. In Christianity, this symbol sometimes replaces the ark of salvation and rebirth. A dolphin pierced by a trident or chained to an anchor signifies the crucified Christ. The dolphin taking the place of the whale signifies resurrection.

    Among the Egyptians it is an attribute of Isis.

    In Ancient Greece, he was a psychopomp who escorted souls to the Isles of the Blessed. It has both lunar and solar characteristics: in connection with Apollo of Delphi, it symbolizes light and the sun; being consonant with the word womb - lunar beginning. Has erotic symbolism if depicted with the “woman of the sea” Aphrodite or Eros. Attribute of the sea lord Poseidon and Dionysus. Naked Tethys swims through the sea on a dolphin.

    In Minoan culture, it represents power on the seas.

    In Mithraism it is associated with Mithras, the symbol of light.

    For the Romans, it symbolizes the journey of the soul through the sea of ​​death to the Isles of the Blessed.

    In Sumerian-Semitic mythology, the dolphin was used instead of fish in presentations of Ea-Oannes. It is an attribute of Ishtar and dedicated to Atargatis.

  • Snake. A highly complex and universal symbol.

    Snake and dragon are often used interchangeably, and in Far Eastern countries no distinction is made between them. The symbolic meaning of the snake is polyvalent.

    It can be either male or female, and can also reproduce itself. As a killing creature, she means death and destruction; as a creature that periodically changes its skin - life and resurrection.

    A coiled snake is identified with the cycle of phenomena. This is both the solar principle and the lunar principle, life and death, light and darkness, good and evil, wisdom and blind passion, healing and poison, preserver and destroyer, spiritual and physical rebirth.

    A phallic symbol, the fertilizing male force, "the husband of all women", the presence of a snake is almost always associated with pregnancy. The snake accompanies all female deities, including Great Mother, and is often depicted in their arms or wrapped around them. In this case, the snake takes on feminine qualities such as mystery, enigma and intuitiveness, and symbolizes unpredictability, as it unexpectedly appears and disappears unexpectedly.

    The snake was considered bisexual and was the emblem of all self-generating deities, also symbolizing the power of the fertility of the earth. It is a solar, chthonic, sexual, funerary symbol and personifies the manifestation of power on any level, the source of all potential both in the material sphere and in the spiritual, closely associated with the concept of both life and death. Since the snake lives underground, it is in contact with underground world and has access to the powers, omniscience and magic of the dead. The chthonic snake is a manifestation of the aggressive power of the gods of the underworld and darkness. She is widely considered the source of initiation and rejuvenation and the “mistress of the subsoil.” In its chthonic form, the snake is hostile to the Sun and all solar and spiritual forces, symbolizing the dark forces in man. In this case, the positive and negative principles are in conflict, as in the case of Zeus and Typhon, Apollo and Python, Osiris and Set, the eagle and the snake, etc.

    It also symbolizes the original instinctive nature, the surge of vitality, uncontrolled and undifferentiated, potential energy, the inspiring spirit. This is an intermediary between Heaven and Earth, between the earth and the underworld. The snake is associated with the sky, earth, water and, in particular, with the Cosmic Tree.

    It is also a cloud dragon of darkness and a treasure guardian. The snake can symbolically represent the rays of the sun, the path of the Sun in the sky, lightning and the power of water, being an attribute of all river deities.

    The snake is knowledge, strength, deceit, sophistication, cunning, darkness, evil and corruption, as well as the Tempter. " This is fate itself, swift as misfortune, unhurried as retribution, incomprehensible as fate.". In the context of cosmology, the snake is the primordial ocean from which everything arises and into which everything returns, the primeval undifferentiated chaos. It can serve as a support for the world or support it, or surround it, turning into an ouroboros - a symbol of the cyclicity of manifestation and reabsorption. Visible snake is only the perishable manifestation of the first-causal, timeless Great Invisible Spirit, the master of all natural forces, the spirit or principle of vitality. This is the god of the early cosmogonies, which later served as the starting point for more psychological and spiritual interpretations.

    Snakes or dragons are the guardians of thresholds, temples, treasures, esoteric knowledge and all lunar deities. They produce storms, control the forces of the waters, surround the waters with themselves, either blocking their path, or, on the contrary, bringing water to man. They are invoked during all kinds of spells of the dead crossing the waters of death. As a creature capable of moving without the help of legs or wings, the snake symbolizes the all-pervading spirit, as a creature penetrating deep into cracks and crevices - the inner nature of man and conscience. The appearance of a snake can serve as a mask for evil forces, for example, for witches and sorcerers, symbolizing the evil and sinful side of nature. Sol niger (" black Sun") is associated with dark forces snakes. The Heavenly Snake, like the Chinese Azure Dragon, symbolizes the rainbow. Both of them form a bridge from this world to the next.

    A child playing with a snake is a symbol of newly found paradise, freedom from hostility and the end of the corruptible world. A lion lying next to a lamb has similar symbolism. A snake curled up in rings or a knot symbolizes the cyclical nature of phenomena, as well as hidden power, dynamism, potential for good or evil. If she is curled around the egg, it may represent the incubation of the life spirit; ouroboros; the power of the waters surrounding the earth.

    A snake entwined around a tree or any other “axial” symbol means the awakening of dynamic force, the spirit of everything growing, anima mundi, the cyclical nature of existence. If a snake appears next to the Tree of Life, then this is a favorable sign, but if it appears with the Tree of Knowledge, then it is harmful and personifies the poison of evil inherent in the world of phenomena. The snake entwined around a woman (the Great Mother or lunar goddess) is a solar symbol, and together they depict the relationship between male and female. It is believed that in the head of a snake (like a toad) there is gem, and that she owns treasures and magic rings. When an eagle or a deer appears next to the snake, then the latter symbolize the solar, obvious light, and the snake - darkness, everything unmanifested and chthonic; together they personify cosmic unity, universality; the conflict between them is dualism, division into pairs of opposites and the war of heavenly forces with chthonic ones.

    The eagle is often depicted holding a snake in its talons, and the deer - trampling it with its hooves, which symbolizes the victory of good over evil, light over darkness, heavenly over earthly and spiritual forces over transitory ones. Fire snake- this is the solar beginning, purification, transformation of the earthly state and going beyond its limits. The snake as a belt or bracelet symbolizes the eternal cycle of centuries, continuity, the cycle of decay and new integration.

    The diamond-shaped pattern on the back of the snake symbolizes the phallic serpent and the female vulva as unity, duality and reunion of the solar and lunar, male and female, reconciliation of opposites, androgyne.

    Ram head snake- an attribute of all gods with horns, and a symbol of fertilizing power and fertility. Wavy bending snakes or dragons personify the cosmic rhythm or the power of the waters.

    Winged snakes or dragons are solar and symbolize the unity of spirit and matter, the union of the eagle and the snake and all opposites, in addition, accelerated understanding.

    The two snakes symbolize the dualistic pair of opposites coming together in the end. If they entwine a tree or a staff, then this is the spiral-shaped cyclicity of nature, two solstices, a pair of fundamental forces of folding and unfolding, the alchemical principle of “solve et coagula”. On the caduceus they represent the homeopathic powers of healing and poison, disease and health, "nature can conquer nature." If they are intertwined with each other, then it is Time and Fate, the two great binding forces. Two snakes or two dragons clinging to each other's tails mean that, while apparently contradicting each other, the forces and things in the realm of duality actually arise from the same source. Reptile eggs symbolize rebirth, and lidless snake eyes symbolize vigilance and wisdom. The snake often holds in its mouth a fruit or healing herb of immortality. The symbolic meaning of the snake is sometimes close to the symbolism of the bull and ram, personifying the phallic, fertilizing and creative power. The rainbow snake, which quenches its thirst at sea, is known in France, Africa, India and among the American Indians.

    In Africa snake - emblem of royal power, chariot of immortality, incarnation of the dead.

    Besides, the celestial serpent is identified with the rainbow and either surrounds the earth, or is the guardian of treasures or the spirit of thunder, associated with lightning. The rainbow snake quenches its thirst in the sea. The snake may be a culture hero or a mythical ancestor who taught man blacksmithing and growing grains. Associated with water and fertility. There is also a cult of the sacred python.

    In alchemy, a snake on a pole is the fixation of volatile mercury, the subjugation of life force. A snake slithering through a circle signifies alchemical fusion.

    Among the American Indians, the snake is a thunder creature, lightning, the bearer of rain, the enemy of the Thunderbird, lunar and magical power, the spear of the gods of war. A symbol of eternity and a harbinger of death. The horned snake is the spirit of water, its fertilizing power. Snakes are intermediaries between people and the lower world. The Great Manitou takes the form of a snake with horns, with which he pierces the Toad or Dark Manitou, i.e. evil.

    Among the Australian Aborigines, the snake represents the masculine principle, lightning. The presence of a snake is associated with pregnancy.

    Among the Aztecs, the feathered serpent (a combination of the Quetzal bird and the snake) is the Sun, spirit, the power of ascension, rain, wind, thunder and lightning, the primordial movement of wind and water, the breath of life, knowledge, the eastern region. He accompanies all the gods of rain and wind. This is a phallic symbol, eternal creation, endless time, a mediator between God and man. This White God, from whose black womb rain falls, as well as an attribute of Quetzalcoatl, and in its solar aspect an attribute of the zodiac god of Sky. He becomes lunar, personifying Mother Earth - a woman dressed in a skirt of woven snakes. The snake may be a culture hero or a mythical ancestor. A bird of prey torments the snake god, from whose blood humanity is born, which symbolizes the dismemberment of the original unity and the emergence of the plurality of the revealed world.

    In Buddhism, the snake at the center of the Wheel of Samsara represents evil; pig - greed and ignorance; rooster - carnal passion; and all three together are sins that bind a person to the world of illusion. Sometimes the snake is associated with Buddha, who turned into a naga in order to heal people during illnesses and famines.

    In Celtic epic the snake is associated with healing waters and sources. The horned or ram-headed snake, often found in Celtic and Gaulish sacred art, represents the god of fertility and virility. The snake is the emblem of Brigid as the Mother Goddess. A head with a coiled snake instead of a wreath is a symbol that brings fertility and wards off evil forces.

    In China, a snake is rarely distinguished from a dragon, and if this happens, it symbolizes the negative, evil, destructive, deceitful and cunning principle, being one of the five poisonous creatures. Brother and sister Fo-hi and Niu-kua are sometimes depicted as two snakes with human heads - this is one of the rare combinations of animal and human features in Chinese symbolism. They symbolize yin-yang, and their meaning is similar to the symbolism of the caduceus. The snake is the sixth animal of the Twelve Earthly Branches.

    In Christianity, the snake is an ambivalent symbol: it is both Christ, as wisdom, ascended on the Tree of Life as an atoning sacrifice, and the devil in his chthonic hypostasis. The serpent or dragon is Satan, the tempter, the enemy of God and a participant in the Fall. He personifies the forces of evil, destruction, the grave, deceit and deceit, evil that a person must overcome within himself. Dante identifies the snake with the enemy, but if it entwines the Tree of Life, then it is wisdom and a favorable symbol; if the Tree of Knowledge, then this is Lucifer and the harmful principle. The snake raised on a cross or pole is a prototype of Christ raised on the Tree of Life for the healing and salvation of the world, entwined around the cross. Sometimes she is depicted with a woman's head, symbolizing temptation; and at the base of the cross is evil. This position of the snake signifies the triumph of Christ over evil and the forces of darkness. In the Christian tradition, the serpent can change places with the dragon, like the Babylonian Tiamat. Christian Satan is “the great dragon, the ancient serpent, called the devil and Satan” (Rev. 12:9). The good serpent can be seen in iconography rising from the cup of John. The evil serpent is Satan, the dragon of the Apocalypse. Tertullian claims that Christians called Christ the “Good Serpent.” The Mother of God crushed the head of the serpent who seduced Eve, instead of succumbing to him. In Egypt, the cobra (uraeus) is a symbol of the highest divine and royal wisdom and power, knowledge, and gold.

Tell me, dear readers, do you have a totem animal? Of course there is, but most of us don’t know which one and don’t know how to communicate with it.

A totem animal is a helping spirit that comes to the aid of a person in the real, spiritual world, as well as in dreams. Shamans, witches and magicians can summon their totem and use its power to obtain information.

How to find out what totem you have

The easiest way is to calculate it by date of birth.

In our group “Secrets of the Universe” in vk there is the following test:

The second way is to meet your totem during meditation. And another way is to choose it yourself, taking into account your needs. Let's look at the two extreme methods in more detail.

How to Meet Your Spirit Animal During Meditation

Meditation is carried out on the fourth (heart) chakra. But you don't need to understand the chakras to do this meditation. Simply focus your attention on the center of your chest at the level of your heart and imagine that this center is emitting a bright emerald light.

Take a comfortable position, close your eyes and concentrate on your breathing. Take a deep breath and exhale for a while.

After breathing exercises, return to the heart chakra - let its light become brighter, move your consciousness into it. Mentally imagine that you are going to meet your totem animal.

Everything around is green, and ahead is an emerald-colored corridor. Follow it, but take your time, just know that at the end of the path you will meet your totem.

After the corridor ends, sit down and wait for the totem. You can end up anywhere, but it doesn't matter that much.

Don't control your mind and don't program yourself for any specific animal to come. When the totem appears, start “communication” - play with it, stroke it. Spend as much time with him as seems necessary. Thank your totem for helping you. Then make your way back along the emerald corridor. Through the heart chakra, bring back consciousness.

How can you strengthen your connection with a totem?

Communication with a totem is necessary in order to receive more help and strength from it. One sure-fire way to strengthen this connection is to get a tattoo of your spirit animal. But not everyone will decide to do this. Although many of those who have decided to take this step note that after this, more courage and luck appear, and intuition also increases.

If you are not a supporter of such radical measures, you can simply purchase a figurine of your totem animal. It’s great if one figurine is in your home, and the other is always with you, for example, on your neck in the form of a medallion. It is desirable that these figurines be made of noble metals and not plastic.

How to choose a totem yourself

Perhaps the totem does not match your wants and needs. If you feel that you lack kindness, love, or courage, for example, you can attract or enhance these qualities by choosing the appropriate totem. Look for as much information as possible about totems, and when you find one that suits you, consciously say that you are choosing it.

You can do the same meditation as for identifying a totem, only when you leave the corridor, say: “Totem animal of power (name the desired animal), I call upon you.” Wait for him to appear. If the animal has arrived, then it will now be your totem.

You shouldn’t chase “fashionable” animals. If your animal is a tiger or an owl, then it will give much more than a wolf. In fact, the totem itself chooses the person, taking into account what the person needs. By the way, for this reason, totems can change several times throughout life.

Well? Were you able to identify your animal and establish a connection with it? Write your feelings and what animal you have below in the comments.

Even those who are not into astrology and horoscopes know that a specific animal is responsible for each year. There are 12 of them in total. But that's not all. There are also totem animals. They are associated with a person's date of birth. How to recognize your totem animal and establish contact with it, what they are needed for and how to contact them, we will understand further.


Before moving on to the question of how to recognize your totem animal by year of birth, let’s figure out what totemism is in general. "Totem" translated from the language of the North American Indian tribe means "his kind." A totem is an object of religious worship, a relative of a person. Totemism as a doctrine is a religious social system. It is based on the belief that there is an invisible connection between a person and a totem. In ancient times they believed that every animal contained the souls of the gods. Totems acted as intermediaries between the world of the living and the world of the dead.

The role of totemism for society

This teaching has done much more than one might imagine at first glance. In essence, totemism is the first attempt to bring together all the acquired knowledge about the world around us. It implements the most ancient way socialization and interaction between people.


The totem animal is intended not only to protect the clan, as it was in ancient times. Previously, it gave good luck in hunting, on the road, or in trading matters. They even turned to him to ensure good weather. Killing an animal symbolizing a totem was equivalent to killing a tribal leader.

Today, people also turn to the totem animal for help in difficult matters, asking them to bestow fortitude, wisdom and patience, protection for their loved ones, an easy path, and so on.

Who can recognize the totem animal?

How do you find out what your spirit animal is? Can this be done without special knowledge, or is it necessary to consult a specialist? According to esotericists, recognizing your totem animal by date of birth is not particularly difficult. Here is a proven version of the Guardian Summon that will show it:

  1. Ideally, you should be alone in the room where the session will take place. Turn off your computer, phone or TV. But if you need music for meditation, you can use it.
  2. Sit comfortably or lie on your back so that your arms and legs are not crossed.
  3. Stop the flow of thoughts, relax, breathe deeply and evenly.
  4. Imagine a place where you will feel safe. It could be a forest, a clearing full of flowers and fragrant herbs, a seashore, a waterfall or a cozy home.
  5. Walk in this place, feel it, if there is water, go into it, feel how it washes away all problems and hardships.
  6. Now, the most important step is how to recognize your spirit animal. In the place where you are, imagine a ray of sun, or a luminous ball. There may be some other image. The most important thing is that there must be an accumulation of energy.
  7. Take your time, enjoy the process. Look at what animal came to you from the depths of this energy: a horse, a wolf, a dog, or maybe someone else.
  8. Greet your patron, caress him. He will be grateful.

How to find out your totem animal if no one comes out? You can try a few more times, or just choose from the lists that will be presented below.

Totem by year

How to recognize a totem animal by year of birth? Below is a list by year and basic personality characteristics:

  1. Deer (1970-2002). The person is calm and conservative in his beliefs. It is difficult to let changes into your life and break up with old habits. Loves stability. He is a man of few words. Among the representatives of this animal there are many long-livers. The closer his goal is, the faster he moves towards it. Not inclined to reasoning and philosophy.
  2. Ram. (1971-2003). Soft on the outside and very hard on the inside. Stubborn and principled. Loves crowds and celebrations. In the family he is a loving and exemplary parent. Everyone loves him. He is a big fan of the arts and often gives himself over to it.
  3. Mongoose (1972-2004). Creative, winner and leader by nature. He has something for everything non-standard solution. This is individuality, the most important thing for which is freedom of expression. Behind it you can feel the confidence of a stone wall. The breadwinner and the owner of his home.
  4. Wolf (1973-2005). He is rude more often than gentle. He is not characterized by open manifestations of feelings. Often provokes others into conflict. Only a companion who is strong by nature can survive life with him, if we are talking about a man. She must be weak so that the wolf wants to show care and tenderness. If he feels that they are trying to control him, he will leave. Intimidation has no effect on him. The wolf honors his family, but must set the tone. on one's own.
  5. Stork (1974-2006). One of the main symbols of the family hearth, oddly enough, often does not find understanding among his relatives. He has an unpredictable and difficult character. But he always reaches his intended peaks. Tenderness, moral support and affection are what he expects most from his partner. If he chooses someone, he will remain faithful.
  6. Spider (1975-2007). Such a person loves to work with his hands. He is also successful in love, but may not develop relationships for a long time. For him, the best motivation is jealousy and emotions. But at the same time it is absolutely impossible to deceive him.
  7. Snake (1976-2008). The seemingly slow snake is a flexible person who loves change and easily adapts to it. He loves expensive things. In his youth he prefers older partners and does the opposite in adulthood. Doesn't like commitments. He prefers civil marriage to official marriage. The shortest way to conquer a snake is affection, care and a stunning image. Don't rush into a relationship with him, otherwise he will slip away.
  8. Beaver (1977-2009). A kind person who always works for the benefit of his family. Loves to give gifts. His feelings are serious and thorough, he is not inclined to have affairs. Conservative. The best way to win him over is to show that you are a responsible and serious person.
  9. Turtle (1978-2010). Representatives of this totem can often be found in leadership positions. They hurry slowly and are very sedate. Although haste is not their credo, they move towards the goal with the tenacity of a tank. Restrained, do not show emotions.
  10. Soroka (1979-2011). These people are immediately visible. They are restless, always up to date with the latest gossip, and know everything about everyone. They are not punctual, so they cannot be trusted with important negotiations. This is because the magpie is incredibly fussy and doesn’t get anything done. She always has money and acquires the necessary connections quite easily.
  11. Squirrel (1980-2012). Charming, sweet, trusting and sociable person. Very homely and economical. Likes to stock up. Doesn't spend extra money unnecessarily. The squirrel is always sweet, gentle and caring, her friends adore her. And she values ​​her family.
  12. Raven (1981-2013) This person always has a frown on his face, which makes him seem offended. Vulnerable, cannot stand criticism. Because of these two reasons, he constantly changes his job, hobbies, place of residence and loved ones.
  13. Rooster (1982-2014). Loves to be the center of attention and please others. He is distinguished by his impulsiveness and fighting spirit. He loves to brag and when he is praised. It has brave heart, even the sea is “knee-deep” to him, but he is beyond touchy. At such a time, it is better to wait out his anger and not bother with clarifications and attempts to make peace.
  14. Cow. (1983-2015). This is someone with whom you will simply feel warm and cozy together. Knows how to be gentle and caring. But at the same time he has a melancholic temperament.
  15. Badger (1984-2016). This person combines a lot of contradictions. A reliable and businesslike badger is gullible, but he also has enough fears.
  16. Camel (1953-1985-2017) a person who has patience and worldly wisdom. You can always rely on him. Often chooses professions that involve risk to life. He is easy to get along with and does not require much attention to his personality.
  17. Hedgehog. (1954-1986). The prickly hedgehog is not so easy to tame; it is closed and inaccessible. But if you are not afraid of his needles, he will protect you from everything, in addition, he is gentle with those who love him and can be easily controlled.
  18. Lan (1955-1987). Symbol of grace. She often lacks courage, loves art and finds self-expression in it. She is very artistic by nature, but sometimes tends to have her head in the clouds instead of standing on the ground.
  19. Elephant (1956-1988). He may not be very attractive in appearance, but he doesn’t worry about it. It is difficult to get him into contact, but for loved ones he is a faithful and reliable companion.
  20. Horse (1957-1989). Hardworking, responsible and persistent individuals. They are emotional and often act on impulse.
  21. Leopard (cheetah) (1958-1990). Hardy, impulsive and aggressive people. They are fearless, honest and noble. Sometimes they tend to wait, they are fighters by nature; nothing can stop them while moving towards the goal. The best remedy for them is affection and care; they cannot stand violence against themselves and release their claws.
  22. Peacock (1959-1991). A creative person in all respects who loves to be surprised and amazed. He always has a lot of plans, is active and loves attention.
  23. Lebed (1960-1992) is a reserved person by nature, who nevertheless values ​​his family. Without loved ones, he withers away. Faithful and reliable in love.
  24. Lynx (1961-1993). Lynx does not like negligence and disorder, but one cannot expect order from it. There is always chaos in business, and the character is very changeable, one minute she is caressing, and a minute later she can bite.
  25. Donkey (1962-1994). Such people are patient and balanced. But despite this, it is difficult to get along with them; you need to find an approach and treat them with affection.
  26. Bear (1963-1995). Such a person is a wonderful family man. Practical, economical, slightly strict. Takes care of everyone. He has the gift of persuasion and is able to lead others. There are always a lot of plans and ideas in my head.
  27. Eagle (1964-1996). A strong, courageous, creatively gifted personality. Combines love for the world and deceit.
  28. Fox (1965-1997). Wise, careful, enterprising people. They are fast and love beautiful things. Good for team work.
  29. Dolphin (1966-1998). Caring people, good family men, faithful friends. Everyone loves him, he is active, and loves to be the center of attention. Wise, loves to reason, prone to philosophy.
  30. Vepr (boar) (1967-1999). A little rough, aggressive, sexy. Reliable, but he needs affection and care. He skillfully calculates his strength and does not like to waste time.
  31. Owl (1968-2000). Dreamy philosophical man. He is reserved, loves to create, and only fully communicates with friends.
  32. Falcon (1969-2001). Self-confident, fearless reformer. Master of destruction.

Zodiac totem

How to find out your totem animal by date of birth? Look through the table and find your animal:

  1. Bear. For those born from December 10 to January 9. Wise, calm, but lazy.
  2. Wolverine. From January 10 to February 9. Organized and a little closed, strong.
  3. Raven - people born from February 10 to March 9. The totem gave them a flexible mind, but they are too dreamy.
  4. Ermine. From March 10 to April 9. They are independent and know how to make friends.
  5. Toad - people who were born between April 10 and May 9. They are distinguished by the desire for well-being.
  6. Grasshopper (from May 10 to June 11). Optimists, in love with risk.
  7. Hamster (from June 10 to July 9). They are lazy until they see a goal in front of them.
  8. Snail (July 10 - August 9). Friendly and dedicated dreamers.
  9. Ant (August 10 - September 9). Hardworking and responsible workers.
  10. Magpie (September 10 - October 9) - fickle and indecisive.
  11. Beaver (from October 10 - November 9) - these people are secretive.
  12. Dog (from November 10 - December 9). Loyal, devoted, generous people.

How to choose

Now you know how to find out what your totem animal is, but how to choose from several? See with which of the proposed totems the connection is stronger, with whom you associate your personality. This will be the answer. No one has canceled the choice of several animals; they can be summoned at different moments in life. For example, if you need stamina and endurance, a wolf can help, and if friendliness is a dolphin, hard work is in the blood of an ant. Negotiate with your patrons depending on the specific situation.

Where to place

So we smoothly moved from the question of how to recognize your totem animal to another equally important one: where to place the figurine, the image of the patron? It all depends on imagination and desire. If, for example, your totem animal is a wolf or a dolphin, then you can purchase pendants in paraphernalia stores or in special esoteric departments. The toad can be found as a popular mascot - money frog. You can easily buy a bear or a dog at a regular toy store. If the option is difficult to find, place the poster on the wall or on your computer desktop. You might want to place your spirit animal near your work place, or where you spend the most time, or maybe create a special corner for a keeper. For men, a tattoo is more suitable.

What will happen

So, we figured out how to find out your totem animal by date of birth, but what to do with the knowledge gained and how will life change? Naturally, wisdom, strength or certain skills will not come in one day, but over time you will feel the result. Having recognized his patron and established a relationship with him, a person grows and becomes stronger psychologically and physically. How to find out a person’s totem animal if you can’t talk to the subconscious? Don't be discouraged if you can't see your patron right away. Check your date of birth with the totem calendar data. Once you know which animal to contact, regularly try to create an image of it in your head. Sooner or later, everything will definitely work out.

How to treat a patron

The question of how to find out what your totem animal is may not be easy, but it’s not the main one. It’s not enough to recognize the appearance, you need to establish contact. If you have pets at home, then you know how to win them over. The same applies to the zodiac totemic representatives of the animal world. Imagine him more often, in your subconscious, feed him, look after him and don’t forget to thank him for the little joys that will happen, be it a pleasant unexpected meeting with an old friend, a promotion, or a successful romantic date. The more gratitude and love you have for your totem pet, the better the circumstances will be.

What to do with the information received

Let’s imagine that you are no longer perplexed by the question of how to recognize your totem animal by year and birthday, and you have even managed to build harmonious relationships with it. warm relations. What's next? Each animal has its own strengths that can be developed. Now you know how to recognize a totem animal by year of birth or Zodiac and you can build relationships on a slightly different plane.

How it works? For example, consider a couple: their zodiac sign is Virgo, their year sign is Horse, their totem animal is a wolf and an ant. He: Taurus - Dog, totem animal - toad. From the girl’s horoscope it becomes clear that she is a hardworking person. The wolf will give loyalty and endurance. This is the only animal that will attack an enemy stronger than itself. But the goal and incentive play a very important role. In the man’s horoscope it is clear that he is a person who stands firmly on his feet, pragmatic, a little strict, who values ​​family and traditions. In relationships, he values ​​fidelity and stability above all. But the toad in his horoscope pays a lot of attention to money. Such a man can easily panic due to difficulties at work. The she-wolf's task here is to support him. For these animals, it is not so much herself that is important, but her partner. At the same time, Taurus-Dog will be grateful for the opportunity to breathe and his own personal space. He regards jealousy of himself as a red rag, but he himself is an impossible owner. There may be difficulties in relationships due to the impulsiveness of the bull, who often butts himself with his horns inward. But if the she-wolf remembers the main goal, overlooking some of the rough edges in the relationship, and notices and praises the toad’s successes, everything will fall into place and be harmonious.

We hope that the information on how to recognize your totem animal was useful and will help not only change your own life, but also improve relationships with others.

Totem animals are considered human companions throughout life - from birth to death. Find out which totem accompanies and protects you, determines your character traits and influences your destiny.

Totems are widely used in shamanic practices and way of life. In the rules of a happy life of shamanic peoples, which are also suitable for any ordinary person, the presence of a totem is a symbol of harmony with nature and the beginning of all living things - the Universe. But few people know that every person has a totem animal, regardless of whether he knows about its existence or not.

How does a person get a totem animal?

A totem is a guardian spirit, embodied in the image of an animal and bearing its traits and habits. At birth, a person receives a guardian spirit, the qualities of which, according to fate, most closely coincide with the still dormant qualities of the child’s character.

If a child grows up in love, care and understanding, then the qualities of character inherent in fate develop harmoniously, and the totem animal closely interacts with the energy of the baby. In this case, the totem spirit may begin to manifest itself in life. visibly: Do not scold your child if he brings home a kitten, a puppy, or for the second week he tearfully asks you to buy him fish or a frog. It is quite possible that this totem of your child is embodied in the physical body.

During life, totem animals can change somewhat, there may be several of them, but the main totem given at birth remains with the person and directly affects life, character and even appearance.

For example, a person with the Wolf totem most often has regular facial features, gray, gray-green or blue eyes, his figure is proportional, his facial expressions are rich and expressive, and his character is secretive and calm.

How to find out your totem

The Guardian Spirit can be summoned by you in meditation or in a dream: this will require training, but most often people quickly establish contact with their totem when the right time comes.

Most often, the traits of a totem appear in a person: do your friends tell you that you are as cunning as a fox? Or calm, like a well-fed boa constrictor? Or maybe you are so economical and restless that your relatives call you a squirrel in a wheel, unconsciously often applying this common image to you?

All of these signs can be a clear indication of the type of totem you have. It also often happens that animals of your type are drawn to you: there are people about whom all cats are crazy: even the most proud and unapproachable are drawn to humans and become soft fluffy balls that constantly climb into your lap.

There are also people who are not at all afraid of even the largest and most vicious dogs, and those, in turn, never growl or rush at them, but come up to be petted and sniff their human fellow with interest.

Such signs should not be ignored: it is quite possible that your totem has been giving you signals all your life that it is nearby and is showing its appearance. You just need to take a closer look, listen to yourself and pay attention to which animals evoke the greatest mutual sympathy in you.

You can also find out which totem animal influences your destiny and is capable of helping you with its energy at a difficult moment in your life by your date of birth. We wish you to find your guardian spirit, love all living beings, and do not forget to press the buttons and

11.10.2016 06:03

Astrologers agree with folk wisdom that every person has his own totem. Specialists...

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