Home Orthopedics X-ray of a child's skull with baby teeth. X-ray of a child’s jaw with baby teeth: features of the procedure

X-ray of a child's skull with baby teeth. X-ray of a child’s jaw with baby teeth: features of the procedure

Dental radiography is an integral part integrated approach in the treatment of dental diseases. A photograph of a tooth is additional method research, which allows the dentist to see what is impossible to see with the naked eye, make an accurate diagnosis and begin the correct and timely treatment.

X-rays in dentistry have long become an integral part of the diagnosis and treatment of dental diseases. Without dental x-rays, it is impossible to make a correct diagnosis with 100% certainty.

A tooth is like an iceberg. Only him small part(crown) is visible in the oral cavity, everything else (the root, the surrounding bone and the ligament of the tooth) is hidden under the gum in the bone tissue of the jaws, remaining invisible to a specialist. What is inside the tooth remains invisible.

Why do you need a dental x-ray, or what can you see on an x-ray?

A photograph of the tooth is necessary for accurate diagnosis of the condition of the roots of the teeth and surrounding bone tissue, for staging accurate diagnosis. Without an X-ray of the tooth, the doctor may make the wrong decision and begin the wrong treatment.

X-ray of breast chewing teeth. Caries of primary chewing teeth in a 6-year-old child. The carious cavity is located on the lateral surfaces between the teeth, which makes it “invisible” during external examination. The rudiments are located closely under the milk teeth permanent teeth.

Dental X-ray allows you to:

  • See on early stage hidden carious cavities and begin treatment before the tooth hurts and begins to bother its owner.
  • Monitor the accuracy of the manipulations performed by the doctor: treatment of the root canals, for example, is unthinkable without an x-ray, since only in an image of the teeth can one see how the doctor filled the root canals.
  • Detect problems with the buds of the teeth, for example, their incorrect position in the jaw, which in the future may lead to the fact that these teeth will not be able to erupt in the oral cavity.
  • Detect the incorrect position of the wisdom tooth, which often causes the development of crowding of teeth and destruction of the adjacent seventh tooth.

X-ray of teeth in children

In pediatric dentistry it is impossible to do without x-rays. Under the roots of baby teeth there are the rudiments of permanent teeth, and before starting treatment, it is necessary to make sure that the roots of the baby teeth have not begun to dissolve and that the treatment will not harm the rudiments of permanent teeth.

In a panoramic photograph of the teeth, the doctor sees all the teeth that have already erupted or are about to erupt, their relationship and can understand the reason for the delay in teething in children. Early diagnosis of bite problems allows you to begin timely treatment and avoid future tooth extraction for orthodontic reasons in order to create space in the dentition. For example, if the reason for the delay in the eruption of a permanent tooth is its incorrect position in the jaw (which does not allow it to erupt), then timely orthodontic and surgery allows in the future not to remove this tooth and not to carry out expensive and complex orthodontic treatment with braces.

Types of dental x-rays

X-ray images vary in their information content:

  • A targeted photograph of one or two teeth.
  • Panoramic photograph of the teeth of the upper and lower jaws. This photo shows all the teeth that have already erupted or are just about to erupt.
  • A 3D image of a tooth is computed tomogram individual tooth or group of teeth. Allows you to accurately visualize the number and location of tooth canals and their structure. Typically, 3D dental tomography is performed before complex endodontic treatment of dental canals, before planning implantation surgery and orthodontic treatment.


Modern X-ray equipment makes it possible to significantly reduce the dosage of X-ray radiation through the use of digital sensors instead of X-ray film. A digital X-ray sensor has greater sensitivity than X-ray film, which makes it possible to significantly reduce the strength of X-ray radiation. That is why digital x-ray teeth can be used in young children in pediatric dentistry. The undeniable advantage of digital dental photographs is that they are all saved on a computer, which allows you to view them at any time and monitor the quality of the treatment performed over time.

The BabySmile Clinic is equipped with the most modern radiovisiographic equipment for both targeted and panoramic images of teeth, and 3D tomography of teeth and jaws. Targeted photographs of teeth can be taken in each of treatment rooms without getting up from the chair, which significantly increases the comfort of the treatment.


The cost of a panoramic photo depends on the task for which it is performed this study, and the age of our client (adult/teenager or child). The price difference is not too significant, because... the cost is from 1000 rubles. up to 1,500 rubles, and the cost of an image of one tooth in an adult is only 560 rubles.

Today, dental x-rays are a routine procedure in dental practice. And x-rays of a child’s baby teeth are no exception.

Sometimes a simple examination by a dentist is not enough to assess the correct anatomy of dental development in children. In such cases, it is necessary to take an x-ray of the child’s jaw with baby teeth.

X-ray of a child’s skull with teeth is the most reliable method early diagnosis diseases of both milk and future molars. Sometimes dental x-rays are indicated for children even more often than for adults. This is due to the fact that it is more difficult for the child, and he does not particularly want to maintain oral hygiene; besides, children really love sweets, which, in turn, contribute to the faster development of the carious process in delicate milk teeth.

Here are the pathologies you can see by looking at an x-ray of a child’s teeth:

  • possible loss of dental mass due to the inflammatory process;
  • abnormal development of the tooth root;
  • hidden caries and its degrees;
  • abscess;
  • anatomically abnormal development of the dentition on the lower or upper jaw;
  • how and where the rudiments of molars are located in the skull.

At what age is it recommended for children to have dental x-rays?

Many parents are frightened by the very thought of frequent x-rays of their child’s teeth, despite the fact that the proportion of radiation exposure is very small. Therefore, doctors have established a special radiography schedule.

Pictures are taken at a certain time interval:

  • before the molars appear - once every 2 years;
  • from the moment when permanent teeth appeared, X-rays are performed once every one and a half or once every three years (at 3 years, at 6 years, at 9 years, etc.).

Where can I take an x-ray of my child's teeth?

Today, an X-ray of a child’s skull with teeth can be done at any dental clinic, especially in the one that is directly involved in the treatment of children. It is in them that modern X-ray machines are located, adjustable in size for each of the children (whether a child is 3 years old or 6 years old). also in modern clinics Radio wave visiographs are more often used, which are safer for small children.

How is the X-ray procedure performed?

In order to take a picture of the jaw, an orthopantomagraph apparatus is used, which can be film or digital. Most often, this device is located in a separate office, where there is also a photo laboratory. If the device is digital, then the photos can be displayed directly on the computer screen.

The x-ray procedure is as follows:

  1. Before starting, children need to remove all metal jewelry and items of clothing, and they also need to take off glasses, if any.
  2. An apron with lead plates is put on the child's chest area.
  3. Next, the child is asked to bite a special plastic stick with his teeth, and press the lower jaw against the septum. During the examination, it is necessary to stand straight and not move.
  4. Once turned on, the device’s irradiator will move around the skull for 20 seconds. After the procedure, the image will be printed or transmitted electronically.

The photo of the image will be stored in electronic form on a computer so that in the future it will be possible to track the dynamics of the growth of molars and their location.

Dental X-ray in children is a procedure that allows you to identify all existing dental problems in a child, as well as determine the degree of development of milk and future molars. As shown medical practice, V childhood Dental x-rays must be taken more often than in adults. This is explained by the fact that the child’s teeth are weaker and more susceptible to caries. In addition, most children are very fond of sweets, which can also lead to dental problems.

Is dental x-ray safe for a child?

Examination of teeth using x-rays- this is nothing more than irradiation of the entire jaw or its separate part. Radioactive radiation in large doses is harmful to human health, but when X-ray examination the child receives a minimal dose of radiation. For example, the radiation we receive in Everyday life from solar radiation, magnetic influence of various electrical appliances and other sources is much more than what can be obtained from dental x-rays.

Ministry of Health Russian Federation has established special standards, observing which, it is possible to achieve absolute safety and harmlessness of dental diagnostics using x-rays, not only for patients, but also for doctors. Currently, in medical practice there is not a single registered case of any negative consequences, including development cancerous tumors, after regular X-ray examination of children’s teeth.

Why do you need to take x-rays of baby teeth?

The condition of a child’s baby teeth largely affects the health of his future molars, so timely detection of any pathologies and their treatment will help to avoid serious problems further. A thorough and accurate diagnosis of the condition of a child’s baby teeth is possible only through x-rays. It can also be used to analyze various changes throughout oral cavity, assess the health of soft tissues, detect various inflammations, and so on.

Dental X-rays in children allow for timely diagnosis of caries, which is especially important if the disease develops in the area between the teeth, that is, in a place almost inaccessible to the eye. Also, using x-rays, you can determine the causes of gum disease and identify various anomalies in the process of growth and development of teeth. On an x-ray of baby teeth, you can also see the rudiments of molars, which allows you to give an accurate assessment of their condition already at this stage.

When is it necessary to take dental x-rays?

There are two main reasons why you need to undergo X-ray examination teeth:

Making a diagnosis if there is any tangible problem;


Preventive examination of teeth using X-rays should take place at certain intervals, which allows it to be as effective as possible for a particular age of the patient. Until the child has molars, he needs to have an x-ray taken at least once every two years. As medical practice shows, parents bring their children to the dentist much more often, but there are cases when dental pathologies in children do not cause pain and any obvious external changes, therefore only a preventive x-ray examination helps to identify the problem in a timely manner.

Prevention is necessary not only for young children, but also for adolescents. They need to examine the condition of their teeth approximately once every year and a half and at least once every three years. Once you reach adulthood, you must have your teeth examined every year.

The increasing number of young patients with caries and its complications is forcing dentists to resort to x-ray examination of baby teeth in children. The procedure allows you to quickly and accurately determine the depth of spread and severity of the disease. Having received a clear clinical picture, the doctor can easily select effective method treatment.

Description of the method and its types

Taking photographs of baby teeth helps the specialist determine general state and the degree of their damage. Special attention is paid to the condition of the root system of children's teeth, since the rudiments of permanent teeth are located between the roots. X-rays reveal changes that have begun and help choose a treatment method. The fact is that in some situations, the standard approach to the treatment of root canals of baby teeth can negatively affect the safety of the rudiments and bite.

Used to study baby teeth different kinds radiography. After examining the patient and listening to complaints, the doctor may prescribe the following types of x-rays:

  1. Targeted intraoral, allowing you to examine one or two neighboring teeth and their periapical region.
  2. Panoramic covers the entire oral area and allows you to examine not only the condition of baby teeth, but also the rudiments of permanent teeth located in the alveolar process of the jaw. An example is shown in the photo.
  3. A three-dimensional or 3D view is essentially a computer tomogram that can be performed both on the entire jaw and in a specific area. Presents in detail an exact model of the teeth, according to which the dentist evaluates the condition of the periodontium and root canals, and sees the relative position of baby and permanent teeth. Often used in orthodontic treatment.

There are certain time frames for X-raying a child’s teeth. Frequently held procedures are possible only according to special indications and the doctor’s decision. The main deadlines look like this:

  • children with baby teeth are allowed to have x-rays no more often than once every 2 years;
  • patients adolescence The procedure is carried out once every 1.5-3 years.

The benefits and harms of x-rays of baby teeth

Dentists believe that x-rays of baby teeth are best procedure for an in-depth examination. Having a weak structure, they are more often susceptible to caries. It often happens that the disease manifests itself in places in the child’s jaw that are difficult to reach for external inspection. In addition, X-ray examination can reveal abnormalities in bone and dental tissues.

Timely X-raying of the child’s jaw allows the doctor to detect the problem in time and reduce the risk of formation malocclusion. X-rays help identify various diseases teeth and pathologies of their growth and development. Among other things, it shows:

  • what area of ​​the tooth was affected by caries, how deep did it penetrate, including changes in the contact type;
  • inflammation affecting bone tissue and periodontium;
  • location of permanent tooth buds;
  • at what stage of resorption is the root system of baby teeth;
  • the condition of the rudiments of permanent teeth and their possible damage;
  • anomalies in the development of the dental system.

That ionizing radiation, used in radiography, can negatively affect the human body, many people know. In this regard, the concern of parents when prescribing x-rays for their child is completely justified. When receiving images, the permissible for child's body radiation exposure level. If the oral cavity is scanned using a radiophysiograph, the risk of negative effects is reduced several times.

Indications and contraindications

After carefully examining the child’s oral cavity, the dentist may prescribe x-rays of problem areas. Indications for the procedure are:

  • Availability abnormal development jaws;
  • carious and other dental damage;
  • the need to control impacted teeth and when the replacement of milk teeth with permanent teeth begins;
  • negative changes in the root system of temporary teeth;
  • delayed growth of permanent teeth.

The main contraindications to dental x-rays are factors such as the child’s general malaise due to a cold or other illness, the presence of bleeding in the oral cavity and problems related to functions. thyroid gland. Infants under 1 year of age, as a rule, do not undergo the procedure. An exception may be the appointment of radiography to clarify the diagnosis, or the lack of information obtained by other diagnostic methods.

An infant may need an x-ray if he or she has suffered an injury to the oral area, for example, from a fall from a height. Baby teeth erupt in children at 4-6 months; in some babies they appear a little later. On photo of gums during teething in children places of swelling are clearly visible. If the teeth have not grown even after a year, then the doctor decides to conduct an X-ray of the jaw and find out the causes of the problem. For complete safety of the little patient, the procedure is carried out using high-precision equipment with digital sensors.


Today, two types of equipment are used to obtain X-ray images: film and digital. To accommodate it, a special room is allocated, in which there is also space for a photo laboratory. The panoramic type procedure proceeds as follows:

  1. Preliminary preparation consists of removing all metal items from the child (jewelry, watches, glasses).
  2. For guard internal organs To protect the baby from X-rays, a special apron with lead plates is put on the baby’s body.
  3. The child is given a plastic plate, which he clamps with his teeth. The lower jaw is pressed against the partition of the X-ray machine. The patient must remain motionless while the image is taken.
  4. The scanning plates of the X-ray machine move around the patient's head for 15-20 seconds.
  5. The resulting image is transferred to photographic paper or sent to the doctor in an electronic version.

During targeted radiography of the intraoral area, the child sits on a chair, his body is protected by an apron. The doctor places the matrix or film directly in the patient’s mouth. The specialist holds the tube of the device near the mouth and takes pictures. The procedure time is 60 seconds. X-ray is saved on the computer, which allows the specialist to monitor the development of the disease.

X-ray examination of the oral cavity of children does not apply to mandatory procedures. Parents can always refuse to conduct it. However, they should take into account that an instrumental solution to a problem does not always provide one hundred percent positive result. When recommending an X-ray for a child, the doctor has only one goal: to competently and quickly help the little patient.

Sometimes a visual inspection may not be enough. To assess the correct development of the dentition and the integrity of children's teeth, one cannot do without an x-ray.

X-ray of the jaw small child with the first milk teeth - one of the most precise methods diagnostics, which allows you to identify all possible diseases. Many mothers perceive the procedure ambiguously, fearing excessive radiation on a fragile body.

X-rays are prescribed for children more often than for adults. This is due to the fact that children more often suffer from improper oral hygiene - it is very difficult to explain to a child the importance of brushing, he does not handle the brush well, and he does not always allow his parents to participate in the procedure. Various sweets, without which children simply cannot live, also have a negative effect on baby teeth.

What will an x-ray show?

It is not always possible to conduct a full visual inspection. Incorrect positioning of the teeth or the baby’s behavior may interfere. Using an X-ray of a child's jaw, it is possible with 100% probability to detect all inflammatory lesions and assess the condition of the soft tissues.

The following pathologies will be reflected in the image:

  • the degree of loss of tooth mass in case of inflammation or gum disease;
  • changes in tooth roots;
  • various degrees of caries;
  • carious inflammation of interdental spaces;
  • the presence of abscesses;
  • anomalies in the structure of the dentition;
  • location of tooth buds.

Without an x-ray, the examination cannot be called complete. Only with the help of an accurate image can you not only identify caries in the most inaccessible places, but also predict the period of loss of milk teeth and the appearance of permanent ones; assess the general condition of the jaw and identify the possibility of crooked teeth.

How often are photographs taken?

Although radiation exposure X-rays of the child's baby teeth show minimal evidence, it is still there, and this worries the parents. To avoid too severe doses, certain radiography schedules have been created.

Periapical and bitewing photographs are taken at certain intervals:

  • before the appearance of permanent teeth - once every two years;
  • from the moment permanent teeth appear until adulthood - once every 1.5-3 years (depending on the general clinical picture);
    after adulthood - once every 1-1.5 years.

Adults already need to take panoramic and full-mouth photographs or orthopantomography, but X-rays are performed only when necessary - there is no longer a need to monitor the development of the dentition.

In some cases, photographs may need to be taken more frequently. At risk are adult children who consume large amounts of sweets or have undergone dental restoration.

Is it safe to take x-rays?

The examination schedule is approved by the Ministry of Health, and if you follow these recommendations, you don’t have to worry about the safety of the procedure. Of course, radiation poses a certain danger.

To reduce the danger to zero, you can take digital photographs of baby teeth, jaws and individual “problem” areas of the oral cavity. In this case, the radiation dose will be the lowest.

Children usually undergo orthopantomography using modern devices with radiovisiographs. This system is equipped with a beam tube and sensors that are placed in the child's mouth. The image is transmitted to the screen, processed and a detailed image of the oral cavity appears. The procedure is painless and takes only a few seconds.

How are dental x-rays performed?

An orthopantomograph is used for photographs of the jaw; they can be digital or film. Small digital devices can be located directly in dental office, but they are intended only for targeted shots. An orthopantomograph for panoramic photographs is usually located in a separate office with a darkroom.

During the survey image, the patient must be in a standing position; for small children, the device is height adjustable. Before approaching the orthopantomograph, the child must remove all metal jewelry and objects, including glasses. A lead cape is placed over the chest.

If necessary, cotton swabs will be placed in place of the missing teeth. The child will need to bite a special plastic mark with his front teeth and press against the partition; it is important to stand straight, not move or slouch.

After turning on the device, the irradiator will move around the head for twenty seconds. Taking into account the preparation, the photo will take no more than three to four minutes. Afterwards, the photo will be printed or sent to parents on electronic media.

IN public dentistry Film otopantomographs are more often used. If possible, it is better to apply for a digital image - it is more convenient for small patients, it takes less time to obtain the image, due to which the radiation dose can be reduced.

While film cameras sometimes make mistakes and need to be retaken, this does not happen with digital analogues. In addition, it is almost impossible to lose an image - it can be stored on a computer and sent to doctors remotely. During diagnosis, the dentist will be able to enlarge the image many times, which will allow for a more qualitative assessment.

What will be in the photo

There are two types of shots: panoramic and targeted. The difference between them is that a panoramic image will show the entire dentition on both jaws, while targeted radiographs record the condition of a separate area of ​​the oral cavity, jaw or gums. During targeted x-rays, the beam tube is brought closer to the problem areas soft tissues, 1-2 nearest teeth appear in the picture.

The panoramic image reflects the condition of the lower and upper jaw, localization of tooth germs and location of roots. You can estimate how many teeth have already appeared and what condition the rudiments are in.

Thanks to such a photo, you can warn possible problems with a bite: if the picture shows that one of the teeth lies unevenly in the jaw and there will most likely be a delay in eruption, it is necessary to urgently begin treatment. It is easier to get rid of the problem at the stage of its appearance than to waste time and money on expensive braces in the future.

With the help of modern installations, it is possible to obtain a 3D image of the jaw, which will reflect the location of all fillings, roots and pathological canals. This procedure is usually performed before starting endodontic treatment and when planning to install an implant. Such a photo will cost more, but in some cases you cannot do without it.

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