Home Smell from the mouth Directions to the Lyublino metro station. Pediatric dentistry Pediatric dentistry in Lublin is paid

Directions to the Lyublino metro station. Pediatric dentistry Pediatric dentistry in Lublin is paid

Our clinic uses the most modern methods dental treatment for children, which have successfully proven themselves in pediatric dental practice. Your child will receive therapeutic, surgical and orthodontic care without leaving a comfortable chair or leaving a cozy office. If you are faced with the need to remove baby tooth in a baby, which happens quite often, this procedure will cause a minimum discomfort in a child, because we use modern highly effective anesthetics. The psychological attitude is also very important, because the task of a pediatric dentist is not only to carry out medical procedure, but also the ability to relieve fear of treatment. This is precisely the specificity of paid pediatric dentistry. Our specialists have completed special professional training courses on working with young patients, which ensures excellent results even if your child is very afraid of visiting a medical facility. Services such as teeth extensions for children are also provided in our clinic. This procedure used to correct a damaged tooth, allowing you to completely restore its functionality and aesthetics appearance. If your child is injured, do not delay visiting a specialist, because modern technologies treatment, the professionalism of our pediatric dentists and high-quality materials will help restore charm and attractiveness to your baby’s smile.

18.11.19 12:33:58

-2.0 Terrible business

In this medical institution, registration with an orthodontist is very poorly organized. 1. Unable to sign up traditional way via pgu. Mos. Ru, you need to call the reception. 2. It is not possible to reschedule an appointment through pgu. Mos. Ru, since the appointment appears 1 day before the appointment and no other time is offered. 3. It is impossible to get through to either the reception desk or the orthodontist’s office in order to clarify the existing record (after the 15th call attempt, they send one to another and in the end no one knows anything and is not responsible for anything). 4. Registration is made 1.5 months before the appointment, but there are no calls to patients or SMS notifications, but on pgu. Mos. Ru entry appears 1 day before the appointment. It is unclear exactly how patients are expected to remember their appointment times. As a result, we had the following situation: 1 day before the appointment, we started checking the appointment on pgu. Mos. Ru. She wasn't there. We called the reception desk and the orthodontist’s office, but they couldn’t find the appointment there, so they advised us to come at the appointed time. Having arrived at the appointed time, we were faced with the rudeness of the doctor, who said: “There is no card, which means there was no appointment, come at the time when you have an appointment. No one made an agreement with me personally, so I don’t know anything about you.” The fact that we had a recording for exactly this time is evidenced by our internal records. To avoid the situation described, I ask you to arrange an appointment with doctors of this category according to the existing Moscow standards, just like with any other specialist: the appointment should appear on the pgu website. Mos. Ru immediately, immediately at the reception, so that you can immediately track it; It should be possible to reschedule the appointment to another time, since it is impossible to plan the day 1.5 months before the appointment; Patients should be called or sent via SMS to remind them of appointments. I also ask you to place telephone numbers on the website for direct communication with all doctors of the clinic.

19.11.19 11:45:24

Good afternoon
We regret that the organization of our clinic left you with a negative impression. We are interested in timely and high-quality medical care, as well as high professionalism of the staff. We suggest that you discuss this situation with you personally, which will allow you to receive Additional information, and also, if necessary, provide you with medical care. To analyze the situation you described, please contact us by phone 8-495-351-67-08 or e-mail [email protected].
We also inform you that orthodontists do not belong to the group of specialists primary care, to which the patient can make an appointment independently. Appointments with orthodontists are made by the clinic staff.
Sincerely, children's administration dental clinic № 37

To find out how pediatric dentistry works in Bratislavskaya or near other metro stations, call us at the numbers listed at the top of the page.

Our services

Treatment of caries. There is an opinion that it is not necessary to treat baby teeth once they fall out, but this is wrong. The resulting caries can affect the growing permanent tooth even before it erupts. Doctors at the pediatric dentistry department at the MedFamily clinic offer new service– placement of colored fillings for children “Twinkie Star” (Germany). When choosing the shade of a filling, the child is involved in the treatment process, which motivates him to visit the dental office. In addition, colored fillings differ high quality and reliability. If it is necessary to use anesthesia during the treatment, we use formulations suitable for the child’s body.

Bite correction. It is recommended to show a child aged 6-7 years to a pediatric dentist or orthodontist for preventive purposes: to determine whether there is a risk of developing malocclusion. The earlier a problem is detected, the easier it is to solve. At a young age, special gymnastics and massage will help to correct the bite. If a braces system is still necessary, it is installed for a short period of time.

Area of ​​expertise

Doctors at pediatric dentistry departments at Bratislavskaya and near other metro stations help solve the following problems:

  • elimination of developmental anomalies ( malocclusion, bulging or underdevelopment of the jaw, etc.);
  • getting rid of caries of primary/permanent teeth (including bottle caries);
  • removal of baby teeth;
  • combating complications of caries (periodontitis, pulpitis);
  • treatment of diseases of the oral mucosa (stomatitis, etc.);
  • elimination of the consequences of dental trauma;
  • removal of dental plaque;
  • aesthetic restoration of children's teeth;
  • development of an individual scheme for the prevention of diseases and oral hygiene.

Psychological component of treatment

Pediatric dentists are not only qualified specialists, but also excellent psychologists who are able to find an approach to every little patient. The common goal of the doctor and any parent is to instill in the child a culture of dental and oral care, as well as a desire to follow preventive measures. It must be remembered that deviations in the development of children's teeth can appear very quickly. So that the kaleidoscope of interesting events in your child’s life is not overshadowed toothache, contact our pediatric dentistry departments in Solntsevo and Lyublino.

Oral hygiene, daily care are behind the scenes the best prevention the appearance of bacteria in oral cavity, occurrence inflammatory processes, further - painful sensations. While insufficient care can lead to a lot of unpleasant consequences. Also, the misconception among parents that children do not need to brush their teeth every day most often dissipates when the child develops dental problems.

If your child shows signs of caries, tooth decay, or is simply worried about something, you should immediately make an appointment with a dentist. Pediatric dentist is a specialist who works specifically with the children’s category of the population - from birth to 18 years. It is worth understanding that dental treatment for an adult and a child cannot be carried out in the same ways.

Get to us from Lyublino metro station You can get to Maryino in 15-20 minutes by public transport.

From metro station "Lublino" go to the Lyublino Metro stop, take minibus No. 518, 553 or buses No. 619, 728, 522, 305, 413. Get to the Maryinsky Park Street stop. Walk about 100 meters along Maryinsky Park Street until you turn right, after 100 meters on the right there will be a residential building in which the UtkinZub children's dentistry is located.

Address of pediatric dentistry "UtkinZub": st. Maryinsky Park, 9, building 2.

Schedule: daily from 10:00 to 21:00.

Registration by phone:

"UtkinZub" near Lyublino metro station

Opens in spring pediatric dentistry near the Lyublino metro station. It is planned to treat children from 0 to 18 years old, as well as their parents and other family members. From Lyublino metro station to paid children's dentistry You can walk or get there in just 10 minutes by bus. It is not difficult to overcome this short distance, but then you will be 100% sure that the child will receive high-quality treatment, with a guarantee.

Dental services "UtkinZub"

Runs here a full range of works on treatment and restoration of teeth. The main goal is to return healthy and beautiful smile to each. Our qualified dentists treat:

  • Caries
  • Pulpitis
  • Gingivitis
  • Flux et al.

Orthodontist will correct malocclusion, select braces, mouth guards for athletes and for bruxism.

Surgeon will be able to painlessly remove milk and permanent teeth, perform laser plastic surgery of the lip (tongue) frenulum.

Other benefits of pediatric dentistry

"UtkinZub" is paid children's dentistry Lyublino metro station, which is famous not only for the quality of treatment, but also for its interior. Each dental office has an original design with brightly painted walls. In addition, children have toys at their disposal everywhere, cartoons are shown at the doctor’s appointment, and after that all the experiences can be “seized” in the clinic’s cozy children’s cafe.

Dentistry "UtkinZub" works every day so that your children always have healthy smile and happy laughter.

In order to make your smile truly attractive, you need to properly care for your teeth from early childhood. When choosing a clinic where your baby will be observed, you must first of all rely on the professionalism of the specialists working in this place. Also presented in specialized rooms is the equipment in mandatory must be modern.

Pediatric dentistry in Lyublino has at its disposal only the best medical equipment and a qualified staff of specialists, so when you contact us, you can be completely confident that your baby will receive high-quality treatment.

Prices for services in pediatric dentistry

Name Price
Initial appointment. Inspection. 500
Application anesthesia 200
Injection anesthesia 500
Intraoral examination 300
Coating one tooth with enamel liquid / dentin liquid 500
Coating one tooth with fluoride varnish / polishing a filling 300
Sealing with fissure glass ionomer 1200
fissurit sealing 1500
Separation (selective grinding of one tooth) 200
Professional hygiene oral cavity: removing plaque from 1 tooth 200
Professional oral hygiene: removing plaque from 1 jaw 1500
Treatment of one tooth Air-flow300
Primary scaling of dental plaque (above and below the gingival deposits) 1 tooth300
Remineralizing therapy using calcium-containing preparations 1 session (upper + lower jaw)
Oral hygiene rules and training 300
Treatment of caries
Gentle preparation with the Carisolv system 1000
Medical pad 500
GIC gasket 600
Treatment of pulpitis
Opening of the tooth cavity, amputation of the pulp500
Application of arsenic paste/arsenic-free paste 400
Applying pulpotec paste to the canal mouths
Filling one canal with metapex paste 900
Pulp mummification (impregnation of Forodent fluid at the mouths of the canals) 2nd visit
Application of Forodent paste to the canal mouths 3rd visit
Partial amputation of the pulp and application of sterile calcium hydroxide (in the treatment of pulpitis of teeth with immature roots)
GIC gasket
Placement of glass ionomer cement filling2500
Placement of a light polarization filling (compomer)2500
Therapeutic bandage / temporary filling400
Treatment of periodontitis
Preparation of a carious cavity 500
Mechanical and medicinal treatment of one canal 500
Unsealing one channel
Filling one canal / time canal filling 900 / 300
GIC gasket 600
Placement of glass ionomer cement filling 2500
Placement of a light polarization filling (compomer) 2500
Therapeutic bandage / temporary filling 400
Additional therapeutic manipulations
Removing a filling 300
Silvering on one tooth 400
Therapeutic bandage (diplene) 500
Drug treatment of the oral mucosa (chlorhexidine) 500
Working with children who are resistant to treatment 1000

Our specialists

Our clinic

In addition, our is always ready to offer clients affordable prices. At the same time, modern equipment and materials are always used in the work, which ensures the preservation of the achieved results. long time while following oral hygiene procedures.

We also offer discounts to help you save money on a variety of services, making your visit to our clinic even more enjoyable.

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