Home Hygiene I dream of a tender kiss. Ukrainian dream book What does it mean when you dream of a Kiss

I dream of a tender kiss. Ukrainian dream book What does it mean when you dream of a Kiss

If you dreamed of a kiss with your beloved in complete darkness, then this indicates impending danger and debauchery; in the light - your unshakable noble attitude towards the weaker sex.

In the dream we kissed stranger- to commit immoral acts. A rival kissing your lover could mean that you risk losing her respect.

Kissing a brother or sister in a dream means a good friendship and pleasure. Kissed your mother - you will be revered, appreciated and loved by your friends, you will achieve success in the business you have started.

Why do you dream of a kiss - according to Vanga’s dream book

Kissing children can serve as a sign of job satisfaction and family reconciliation. Kissing your wife or husband - family life will be filled with harmony and agreement. If you kissed an enemy in a dream, then make peace with your friend.

The girl dreams that she was inadvertently noticed by strangers when she was kissing a fan - imaginary friends will commit daring acts towards her.

Why do you dream of a kiss - according to Freud's dream book

A woman dreamed that she was kissing someone in a dream - to meet an attractive man, who would later turn out to be a banal gigolo.

A man dreams that he is kissing someone - he needs to be a little more gentle with his beloved, since he pays little attention to her.

If you watched others kiss, you will be drawn into an unpleasant story.

Why do you dream of a kiss - according to Nostradamus’ dream book

Kissed someone you shouldn't have - to the hypocrisy of a lover or a false friend. If you saw in a dream how someone else kissed your chosen one - a rival will appear. A loved one kissed another - in reality he is callous in soul and insincere. Repeatedly tenderly and passionately kissed your lover - such a dream predicts his unchanging devotion.

Why do you dream of a kiss - according to Loff’s dream book

Kissing in a dream can speak of the ordinary realization of sexual desire regarding a person. If you dreamed that you watched others kiss, you are taking too active a part in their lives or know too much about these characters.

Why do you dream of a kiss - according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

Such a dream predicts betrayal and separation. A person who kissed you in a dream will bring trouble. A kiss from a person of the same sex means future enmity.

Why do you dream of a kiss - according to Hasse’s dream book

You received a kiss - parting with a loved one; kissed yourself - mutual love; sent an air kiss - a sign of someone else's influence and submission.

Why do you dream of a kiss - according to Meneghetti’s dream book

If you dreamed that you kissed a child, then communicating with good friends and loved ones will bring you joy; if the child was sick or crying, then the joy will be overshadowed by something. Kissed a person of the opposite sex - you will quarrel over trifles with your other half or lover. How many kisses there were, how long the quarrel will last.

Kissed an alien being - in real life you are being pursued by some entity. If in a dream she is not particularly attractive, it means she has a beneficial effect on your life; if the creature was beautiful, then this will only have Negative consequences.

Why do you dream of a kiss - according to Longo’s dream book

If you dreamed of a kiss, you will literally have luck in everything. If you kissed someone’s feet, you will have to endure insult and humiliation. If you felt someone’s kiss, expect an unexpected joyful event. Kissed an acquaintance - he was in danger. Kissed animals - peace and joy.

Dreams in which kisses are present do not have a sexual connotation in interpretation, even Freud interprets such dreams without a hint of eroticism. In Tsvetkov's dream book The characteristic of such dreams comes down to the fact that the interpreter considers any kisses in dreams to be a warning about possible betrayal or separation. At the same time, the interpreter indicates that possible troubles will come from the one with whom you kissed in a dream, and in the case when you kiss in a dream with a person of the same sex, be prepared for enmity to arise between you.


Hasse in his dream book he says that dreams in which you were kissed foreshadow separation from your loved one, and if you initiated the kiss, then we can only talk about mutual love. Blowing kisses, according to Hasse, represents the power of someone else's influence and your submission to that person.


Freud in his dream book he indicates that a woman dreams of kisses as a sign of meeting a gigolo, and a man dreams of the need to show tenderness towards his beloved, who has already longed for his attention and affection.

A dream in which you see two other people kissing is evidence that soon they will try to drag you into some not very good story, be careful. To trouble or the hands that you kissed.

Who did you kiss in your dream?

Interpreter Miller pays close attention to the personality of the one with whom you kiss in a dream. If in a dream you kiss mom, then be prepared for the fact that success will await you in business; kisses with a brother or sister speak of the strength of friendships and future pleasures.

Kissing a loved one in the light means you will carry through your entire life a respectful attitude towards the opposite sex, but such kisses in the dark predict debauchery or some kind of danger.

Kissing in a dream with my husband– your family life will be filled with peace and harmony.
Dreams in which you kiss with a stranger, will warn you about their own immoral behavior in the near future, and kisses with enemies promise in reality reconciliation with one of your friends. The interpreter considers dreams in which children kiss to be especially positive, which means that in the near future there will be peace in the family, and you will receive satisfaction from work.


Loffa in his dream book recommends drawing conclusions based on your own feelings from a kiss. There is also an indication that the kiss of two people you saw in a dream suggests that perhaps you are taking too active a part in the lives of these two, which is not always the case. the right line behavior.

Esoteric dream book

IN esoteric dream book on the topic of kissing, it is said that dreams in which you kiss your loved one are clear heralds of an emergency quarrels over a trifle. Moreover, the number of kisses indicates the seriousness and duration of the conflict.

Kisses with friends in dreams speak of a danger threatening them, and if you kiss an animal, then in the near future you are guaranteed joy and peace. Esotericists also mention dreams in which you kiss some kind of immaterial being; in their opinion, this entity in a dream demonstrates its presence in your material life. Surprisingly, scary and unsympathetic entities in dreams speak of a positive influence of this ghost creature on you, while beautiful ones, on the contrary, have a negative influence.


The British indicate in their dream book that kissing your loved one speaks of your great love for each other, whereas if you see in a dream that your “half” is kissing someone else, be prepared for the appearance of a rival or insincerity on the part of your loved one.

If in a dream you kiss someone you shouldn’t, you will soon be faced with the hypocrisy of a loved one.

French dream book

The French dream book for kissing in a dream promises many reasons for joy and a feeling of happiness. However, if you kissed someone's feet in your dream, you may be humiliated or offended.

Modern dream book

IN modern dream book it is indicated that dreams in which you kiss with a stranger warn you about possible frivolity or excessive frankness.

Kiss in a dream with the enemy promises problems that will be caused by the actions of some person. Kissing in a dream with an acquaintance for whom you feel sympathy speaks of your ability to achieve your intended goal, not necessarily on the love front.

Kissing monsters, animals, a dead person, some entity or inanimate objects is a bad sign. You have probably become a victim of the evil eye or some absurd and unpleasant set of circumstances is approaching.

Specific interpretations

Try to remember all the details of a dream about a man kissing in order to interpret it correctly.

Find out right now what a dream about kissing a girl promises.

When deciphering a dream about a kiss with ex-boyfriend, it is necessary to take into account all the details.

If you dreamed of a kiss with an unfamiliar guy, is it for worse or for good?

What does it mean to have a dream in which you kissed a friend?

Boss's Kiss

To discomfort in communicating with management and specifically with this person. You will feel insecure in his presence and will begin to treat him as a person noticeably worse than before. This will be affected by some unpleasant situation closely related to work matters.

First kiss

You decide to take an unexpected action. Something so serious will happen that you will have to throw away all your principles and solve the situation by any means.

Dead Man's Kiss

This dream is considered a favorable sign. Your actions are approved from above and blessed for a successful ending. A new period will begin in your life, where there will be a complete absence of any anxieties, worries and fears.

A kiss from a dream is a difficult symbol. It is very ambiguous and can portend both joyful and sad events. When figuring out why you dream about a kiss, you need to remember every little detail of the plot of your night dreams. It is best to write down the dream in detail right in the morning so as not to forget the fresh details remaining in the subconscious.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about a kiss?

In the Small Veles Dream Book, the kisses of a man sleeping with a girl of amazing beauty promise him deceit and deception on the part of the fair sex. Soon he will meet a woman who will become fatal in his life. The young lady will turn out to be completely unworthy of the strong feelings that will flare up in a man for her. The relationship will end in betrayal and pain for the dreamer.

If young man dreamed of a homosexual kiss, he should prepare for a feud in reality with a strong, influential man. Perhaps it will be a business partner or a colleague with whom the sleeping person is vying for the same coveted place.

Miller is sure that the most negative sign for a dreamer of any gender is a kiss in the dark. Especially if the person does not know who exactly he kissed. Such a plot predicts serious financial problems for a man or woman. The reason for this will be a pre-arranged deception. For a young unmarried girl, kissing a stranger in the pitch dark suggests that she has gone in a dangerous direction. The young lady behaves with representatives of the stronger sex in reality too relaxed and even promiscuous.

According to information from Vanga’s dream book, kissing children from a dream are a favorable sign. This is a symbol that family relationships will improve. If spouses are in a quarrel, a happy reconciliation awaits them in the very near future.

The seer suggests that no less good sign is a plot in which a man or woman kisses their sworn enemy. This is a clear indication that long-time ill-wishers will soon be reconciled. Will end a long period cold war, which put a lot of moral pressure on the sleeping man.

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing children kissing in a dream means happy reconciliation in the family and satisfaction in work. Seeing you kiss your mother foretells that success in entrepreneurship, love and respect from friends awaits you. Kissing a brother or sister is a sign of future pleasures and good friendship. Kissing your beloved in the dark portends danger and debauchery, and kissing her in the light means that you will not change your noble attitude towards women. Kissing an unfamiliar woman in a dream is a harbinger of immoral acts. Seeing your rival kissing your beloved is a sign that you are in danger of losing her respect. For spouses, to see a dream in which they kiss each other means spiritual harmony that will never leave their home. If you kiss an enemy in a dream, it means that you will succeed in reconciling with a friend. If a young lady dreams of how someone took her by surprise when she was kissing a fan, the dream foreshadows her daring actions on the part of her imaginary friends.

The meaning of a dream about kissing

according to Freud's dream book

Kissing in a dream - for a woman, this dream foreshadows an acquaintance with a certain attractive man, who, upon closer examination, turns out to be a real gigolo. A man who has such a dream needs to be a little more tender towards his “other half” - she has long been bored without your care. If you saw someone else kissing in a dream, it means that you will find yourself embroiled in some unpleasant story.

Seeing kissing in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

Kissing is undoubtedly associated with young lovers. The imagination immediately draws images of two non-adult teenagers frantically kissing on a subway escalator. You may be kissing someone, watching others kiss, or having a premonition that you are about to be kissed. By kissing another in a dream, you can thus simply realize your sexual desire towards someone. Moreover, in this case, it is not a kiss for the sake of a kiss, but a kiss with the goal of feeling the energy of love. A kiss is a desire to awaken passion, and it is not necessary that this passion will manifest itself. Do you see others kissing? This means that you know too much personal information about these people or take too active part in their lives. The exception is if you witness your partner kissing - this is a clear sign of infidelity or voyeurism in your relationship. When you wake up feeling like someone wants to kiss you, it reflects your actual sexual attraction to someone. Usually it doesn’t come to the kiss itself, because you wake up after that. The reason is a feeling of prohibition: you want a kiss, but you understand that this is undesirable. What do you experience when kissing: pleasant feelings or threat? Did you long for this kiss or was it forced? What was your general feeling from the kiss: disgust, romantic feeling or passion?

Why do you dream about kissing?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

They kiss you - betrayal, separation; with a person of the same sex - enmity; passionate and unpleasant kiss - to illness; kiss the hand (in men's sleep) - to treason; (they kiss her, in a woman’s dream) - to gossip; temptation; see Hand.

Expert answers


I dreamed a strange dream, the man I like was kissed by another man right on the lips. I have no relationship with any of them. What is this for? (Elena)

Since ancient times people great importance given to dreams. It was believed that at certain moments the future could be predicted in this way. Such dreams were called prophetic. But even in a normal state, a person can see some symbols. You just need to be able to solve them. To do this, it is important to remember everything you see. For example, if you kiss in a dream, what does it mean?

General values

Every dream book sometimes offers different interpretations signs. But in general, if you kiss in a dream, then this is a good omen. After all, what does this mean in reality? Warm feelings, a hurricane of emotions, pleasant experiences. It was kisses in ancient times that meant the unity and mutual understanding of two people. If a person is not married or unmarried, then this may mean an imminent marriage. But if you have already formalized the relationship, then the dream book denotes “kissing your loved one” as a sign of quarrels, disappointments, and betrayals. If the object of your feelings in real life is your enemy, then this can be a symbol of speedy reconciliation.

Different interpretations

If you have a dream, why kiss in a dream? The meaning may vary among different authors. So the father of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud, gives the following explanation: for a woman this means meeting an attractive man. But don't rejoice - he will turn out to be a gigolo. For a man, on the contrary, this is a sign that his significant other has become bored. How to answer the question “why kiss in a dream” if you are an outside observer of the process? In this case, this is a symbol of some unpleasant story in which you will play a key role.

David Loff's opinion

David Loffa believes that if you kiss in a dream, it can be a manifestation of sexual desire. When you awaken, carefully analyze your sensations. Did you enjoy it? Have you been forced to kiss? Perhaps you secretly desire someone, perhaps you lack passionate sex in your relationship with your loved one. Psychotherapists in their practice often encounter suppression of sexual desire. This happens due to a puritanical upbringing or due to trauma in childhood. Therefore, in a dream, when the control of the mind is weakened, true desires break through.

Other interpretations

There are also indirect interpretations of dreams. So, if you kiss in a dream, this may mean happy life and true friends. In such a situation, it is important for men to pay attention to the girl’s appearance. If she is ugly, then this means an unpleasant gift from fate. If, on the contrary, she is beautiful, then this is good luck. If you kiss a dead person in a dream, then this means a serious illness.

How to interpret dreams?

The easiest way is to buy special book. It is important to be able to compare all the elements of a dream and make a complete picture out of them. This is what will be a sign. It is useful to write down everything you see immediately after waking up. This will allow you to remember all the smallest details. If you have difficulty interpreting, seek help from to a loved one. Perhaps he will look at the dream from the other side and tell you a non-obvious meaning. But you shouldn’t get too hung up on the global meaning of dreams. Still, even psychotherapists cannot always correctly decipher what they see.

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