Home Removal Gold medal at school: is it worth the effort? Why do you need a gold or silver medal?

Gold medal at school: is it worth the effort? Why do you need a gold or silver medal?

Just recently, graduating from school with a gold medal opened the door to any university for an applicant, giving him considerable benefits upon admission. Judge for yourself - the winner of the coveted award could enter any educational institution without competition. The most prestigious universities readily opened their doors to the golden and. But this also gave rise to rich soil for abuse, because it was very tempting to enter college without problems and exams. Now times have changed, benefits are a thing of the past and the gold medalist will have to participate in the entrance tests on a general basis. Why is a gold medal needed now, what does it give? Although it does not exempt its holder from having to take exams, it does give him priority for admission if several applicants score the same number of points. In addition, there are a considerable number of private universities, the management of which grants gold medalists the right to become students without any entrance exams. Another incentive to graduate from school with a gold medal can be the fact that city authorities very often reward graduates who have distinguished themselves in this way. cash payments or valuable gifts. And, of course, we should not forget that such an award becomes a worthy reward for especially diligent students.

Conditions for receiving a gold medal at school

How to get a gold medal? A gold medal for graduating from school, or, more precisely, a medal “For special achievements in learning” is awarded to those students in grades 11 (12) who have semi-annual, annual and final grades of “five” (in Ukraine, respectively, “ten”, “ eleven", "twelve") in all subjects included in the curriculum, and who received the same marks at the state (final) certification. Students who are studying externally or who received excellent grades as a result of re-certification carried out to improve their scores cannot receive a gold medal. The decision to award a gold medal is made by the pedagogical council of a comprehensive educational institution, agreed with the local education authority and approved by order of the school director.

Thus, to become the rightful owner of the coveted award, you need to make a lot of effort. In fact, to receive only excellent grades in all subjects included in the course of two very difficult years of study (grades 10 and 11) school curriculum, it’s not easy at all. But if a student is firmly convinced of his desire to become a gold medalist, his path to this award should begin with a conversation with the school principal. Having declared his intentions, the future medalist has every chance of receiving additional support from the school administration in the form of necessary teaching aids, literature, consultations with teachers outside of school hours. An additional advantage in determining a candidate for a medal will also be the student’s active social life: participation in olympiads, conferences, competitions and even KVNs.

As can be seen from the above, obtaining the highest school award is a very labor-intensive task that requires full dedication educational process for at least two years. The aspiration is, without a doubt, honorable, but does not bring significant benefits. That is why it would be much more advisable not to chase after a medal, but to focus your energy on adequate preparation for passing the unified state exam and entering a university.

In the old days, graduating from high school with a gold medal was a guarantee that any higher educational institutions were open to the children.

Benefits for gold medalists

The 11th grade certificate was issued in a special format; it was a kind of pass for preferential admission to the most prestigious educational institutions in the country. Of course, this situation also contributed to the emergence of grounds for abuse by the administration educational institution. Many high school students dreamed of receiving an excellent certificate for the 11th grade without any problems and being a student of their chosen university without additional exams and problems.

Modern realities

After the breakup Soviet Union Enough time has passed, society has changed, but gold and silver medals remained in educational institutions. Some educational institutions do not take them into account when compiling ranking lists of applicants, but most middle and higher-level institutions add points to excellent students and willingly accept such graduates into their walls.

The medal winner must take additional exams along with the rest of the applicants, while the gold medal of the school graduate guarantees priority in situations where several children have the same number of points.

The incentive to receive such a high award as a medal is the opportunity to receive various awards established by city authorities, numerous sponsors, and founding committees of the educational institution.

What are the conditions for receiving a gold medal at school?

Let's try to figure out how to get a gold medal at school. The badge “For exceptional academic achievements” is awarded to students in grades 11 (12) who have only excellent grades in each half-year at the senior level of education. In addition, one of the requirements for presenting this prestigious award is passing mandatory final exams in the form of the Unified State Exam in grade 11 (12) no lower than passing score. Currently, such mandatory exams are in two main subjects: mathematics and Russian language.

The conditions for receiving a gold medal at school do not allow such an award to be received by students who studied externally, as well as by those children who received excellent marks when retaking exams.

The decision on whether to award certain students with a gold medal is made by the teaching council of a particular educational institution. The decision is then agreed upon with local authorities executive power and approved by a special order of the school director. Complete secondary education is a chance for children to enter higher institutions and become the owner of a prestigious profession.

Way to success

Many first-graders ask how to get a gold medal at school and systematically move towards the task. You will have to work hard to achieve such a high result. The school administration is trying to provide every possible support to talented children who did not receive a single “good” mark in the 10th grade. If desired, the potential medalist can obtain additional teaching aids, consultations with teachers outside of school hours. In addition to excellent academic performance, special emphasis should be placed on an active social life. Such guys also succeed in competitions at various levels, conduct research, participate in projects and competitions. Complete secondary education is hard work, especially if the student studies at full capacity and demonstrates good results in educational activities.

Regulations on awarding the medal “For special achievements in training”

The Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation has developed and approved a special regulation, which specifies all the rules on how to receive a gold medal at school. In addition to “gold”, “silver” is issued.

  1. Graduates of 11 (12) grades studying in schools that have an official certificate of accreditation have the right to receive such an award. Graduates of vocational primary education institutions who have passed state accreditation can also receive the medal.
  2. The gold medal “For special achievements in learning” is awarded to graduates who have final grades “excellent” in all subjects for half a year or a year, and who have successfully passed final exams. A similar award is given to graduates vocational schools, which when obtaining the full average general education demonstrated excellent knowledge in all disciplines, including their specialty, over six months and a year, passing exams with “5”.
  3. If in one of the semesters a graduate had no more than two “good” marks, he has a chance to receive a silver medal, but he is deprived of the right to receive “gold”.

Graduates who become owners of a gold or silver medal, emphasizing their special successes in the learning process, are awarded a special certificate with silver or gold embossing. Medals are awarded for graduation party together with official document about the appropriate level of education.


When answering the question “How to get a gold medal at school?”, you need to understand that children who, in their individual curriculum in addition to the usual academic disciplines choose various elective and optional courses. For many modern graduates, being awarded a gold medal at graduation becomes confirmation of high intellectual development. Parents of gold medalists are rightfully proud of their excellent students, because their merits are recognized already during their studies at school. A gold medal is the highest standard that many modern teenagers strive for, whose life plans include further education in prestigious educational institutions of the Russian Federation.

|Dmitry Nikolaev | 18199

The name “gold medal” alone sounds solid, respectful and speaks volumes. Not only about the intellectual abilities of the one who received it, but rather about perseverance, perseverance, and the ability to achieve the goal.

Place of study:, Cheboksary.

Selected university: I don’t want to name a specific university yet, but this moment The main thing is to pass the exams successfully.
I would really like to study at a university on a budget basis.

Hobbies: I have many hobbies, but vocals are my priority.

Motto: Live, improve, don't miss your chance.

Our interlocutor, an 11th grade student at Cheboksary school No. 55, a candidate for a gold medal, talks about the intense training program, preparation for the Unified State Exam, and a little about herself. Yes, and about the gold medal, of course :)

- A very popular topic today is the workload of high school students: there are a lot of subjects, a lot of lessons, graduates also need to prepare for the Unified State Exam - in general, there is practically no free time left. How true is this for you and your classmates?

The workload is really very high. Take me: almost every day three hours are spent on homework, at least two hours to prepare for the Unified State Exam - and so on academic year. I think this applies to my classmates too - especially to those who are seriously thinking about entering a university for in-demand specialties. So there is only one way out: if you want to get good results on the Unified State Exam, do not waste time on preparation.

- There is very little left before the state exam. What subjects did you choose? How are you preparing? What grade are you expecting?

After graduating from school, I plan to enter the medical faculty, so in addition to the mandatory exams in Russian and mathematics, I will take chemistry and biology. The desire to become a doctor is hereditary for me, my dad is also a doctor, and, following his example, I would also like to help people.

At our school, according to the profile level, we added hours of Russian language, mathematics and social studies (about eighty percent of the class are going to take it) - a total of three to five hours weekly. But since I am taking the Unified State Exam in chemistry and biology, I would like to devote more time to these subjects than allotted in the schedule. They come to the rescue additional classes at school (thanks to the teachers for their cooperation), tutors and independent work.

- Where do you see yourself in 10-15 years?

I didn’t look that far :) For me now it is much more important to successfully enter a university, and then to study just as successfully and graduate successfully. Probably, like many people my age, I dream of some grand discovery that will bring something new to science.

- Your generation is often reproached for simply not liking reading, as if a computer with games and social networks is a higher priority. What place does literature occupy in your life, and how does it compare to the virtual world?

Unfortunately, fiction V Lately I hardly read. There is practically not enough time for it, since most of it is spent on the books necessary for the exam.

well and social media and passion for computers - this is typical for all my peers. I won’t say that it takes me a lot of time to “contact” or “classmates”, but I have already gotten used to them, so I use them quite often.

- The topic of the next question: your free time.

At the Children's Creativity Center, I have been studying vocals for a long time, and for a short time I was also interested in dancing. I am pleased to take part in various school events, so recently we had a School Arts Festival, where my skills came in handy.

Of course, I love spending time in the company of close friends who will always understand, help and cheer me up.

- Most likely, you will be a medalist. How difficult is it to get a gold medal today?

To be honest, it's difficult. It is necessary that in the 10th and 11th grades there should be only “A” grades in all subjects for half a year: this can only be achieved through persistent, persistent work and the pursuit of the goal.

Unfortunately, today a gold medal no longer provides the advantages for admission that it had before, and medalists are admitted on a general basis. But this does not mean that you should not try to get a medal. Even if there are no benefits for entrance exams, a medal is still a source of pride. Pride in myself, in my successes, achievements, determination, that I was still able to...

In Russia, for many decades, there has been a tradition of awarding students with gold medals for excellent studies. Receiving the coveted award is not easy, but every student has such an opportunity.

History of the School Gold Medal

In Russia, the medal began to be awarded in 1828 in accordance with the “Charter of Gymnasiums and Colleges”. Throughout the history of its existence, the tradition has gone through more than one reform: the award was canceled and returned more than once, its alloy and design changed.

But in 2014, the Ministry of Education adopted final decision leave school tradition. The awarding of a gold medal is regulated by Federal Law No. 135 of May 27, 2014 “On Amendments to Articles 28 and 34 Federal Law"On education in Russian Federation" The law prescribes special encouragement for schoolchildren with medals “For special achievements in learning.”

How to get a gold medal at school?

According to the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science, graduates of 11 grades who have successfully passed and received semi-annual (trimester), annual and final grades of “5” in all subjects over the last two years can apply for a gold medal.

Of course, if a grade of “4” appears on the certification, no one will give you a gold medal. But the law provided for another reward for “good people” - silver medal, for which you have your own conditions. In grades 10 and 11, there should be a “5” and no more than two “4”s in all subjects for half a year (trimester) and for a year.

It should be remembered that the commission will look at more than just grades. The student’s behavior and his active participation in school life and achievements in the Olympiads.

The decision to issue a medal is made by the school’s pedagogical council and approved government agency administration of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation. After all this, in a solemn atmosphere, the graduate is presented with a certificate with gold embossing and a gold medal with the inscription “For special achievements in learning.” If the medal is damaged or lost, a duplicate will not be issued.

In 2017, Rosobrnadzor proposed to take into account. On April 5, 2018, the head of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Olga Vasilyeva, stated that appropriate changes to the procedure for issuing the award are currently being developed. Therefore, it is possible that soon, in order to receive a gold medal, not only the previous conditions will be required, but also the result of the Unified State Exam on mandatory academic subjects at least 70 points (Russian language and mathematics). The Ministry of Education and Science considers such measures a good incentive to prepare for and successfully pass the exam.

How will a gold medal help?

Nowadays a gold medal is the highest award a student receives for his achievements. Of course, the introduction was changed with the help of a medal, which provides practically no benefits. Now, when two students enter with the same scores or compete for a competitive (budget) place, the presence of a school award. No matter what, many excellent students still value it as a reward for their efforts.

Design and composition of the medal

The image and alloy composition of the medal changed until 2012. Since 1945, medals have been plated in gold highest quality. Moreover, each of the union republics minted its own version of the medal. They were united by the inscription “For excellent success in learning, work and for exemplary behavior.”

Over the years, less and less gold was used in the production of the medal, its standard became lower, and the design changed. The modern medal is made of copper-zinc or copper-nickel alloy. Now on one side of the medal there is an emblem of the Russian flag and a double-headed eagle, and on the reverse there is a laurel wreath and the inscription “For special achievements in learning.”

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