Home Children's dentistry Pisces, professions suitable for this zodiac sign. Horoscope and career: Pisces

Pisces, professions suitable for this zodiac sign. Horoscope and career: Pisces

The subtle, sensual nature of Pisces plays main role when choosing a profession. Pisces are very compassionate, so the profession of a butcher, for example, is not at all suitable for them. Although vegetarians are a minority among Pisces, butchering animals is not their destiny. Such work can even make them sick, both physically and mentally.

And here art on the contrary, it helps Pisces to grow spiritually and lifts their spirits. Among the representatives of this Sign there are many musicians and artists. They find themselves where something beautiful is created with their help. Fashion designers and designers are also the path of Pisces.

Pisces are very patient and this quality can be especially useful in the professions of a teacher and educator. Moreover, they are better suited to become teachers primary classes than high school students.

Pisces are also diligent, meticulous, and take their work seriously. If they put their hand to something, they will do everything efficiently. This is also why of them they turn out good:

  • Electricians
  • Mechanics
  • Joiners
  • Watchmakers
  • Engravers

Their humanity and ability to empathize with others is evident in the work of the medical department.

People born under the constellation Pisces also have mystical inclinations. They are attracted by esotericism and parapsychology. Among Pisces you can often find clairvoyants and healers. Naturally, Pisces is attracted to fishing.

To summarize, it can be noted that Pisces needs such work, where you need to use your creativity, where there is an opportunity not just to sympathize with people, but to actually help them. Pisces should avoid professions where they only need to exert physical effort for a long time. They will be able to work in such a job, since this sign is quite hardy, but their spirituality will suffer significantly from this, and this is fraught with negative consequences in the future.

If you are interested in more full information about a person born under the zodiac sign of Pisces, check out other special horoscopes.

This sign is characterized by two Pisces swimming in different directions. This is the key to the Pisces nature. On the one hand, Pisces are goal-oriented and practical, on the other hand, they are dreamy, mystical and artistic. Art plays a huge role in the life of Pisces. These people have an amazing understanding of life and subtle intuition. They can be excellent doctors, especially psychiatrists, teachers, and public figures. Fish adapt well to environment, they are neat, efficient, smart.

The ambition of “Pisces” is very restrained and calm. It awakens only when the inner desire to work awakens and develops, when they show purposefulness and purposefulness, when they begin to think and plan their future work more carefully, when they, in the end, begin to take more courageous and decisive actions.

What bothers them most in life is chronic illness- laziness, with attacks of melancholy and depression, during which they avoid not only doing anything, not to mention work, but even thinking and fantasizing. Just as often, their life is hindered by the use of various stimulants, alcoholic drinks, drugs, which burdens their spiritual balance, creating obstacles in the sphere of creative activity, enhancing various kinds and character, uncontrolled actions and actions, namely speculative activities and adventures, adventures and adventures of a love nature, and so on. But they are more likely than other people to have luck in the lottery and luck in gambling.

Among the professions that can reveal the hidden talents that nature has generously endowed Pisces with are those that require creative imagination and diplomacy. Depending on your education and marital status, you can achieve success in the performing arts, as a novelist, publicist, poet, musician, public figure, broker, clergyman, and almost any medical professional. According to world statistics, an exceptionally large number of “fish” work in medical institutions- in hospitals, dispensaries, sanatoriums, rest homes, then - in hotels, restaurants, canteens and eateries, in night bars and brothels, in public almshouses and nursing homes, in departments social security, in various institutions and offices, in wealthy families as nannies, housekeepers, housekeepers, cooks.

In hospitals they work as nursing and technical staff. Many are in church services. In science, medicine and pharmaceuticals, psychology and parapsychology, sociology, occult and sacred sciences occupy first place.

Many "fish" are involved in the world of art and the arts, showing good abilities in music and vocal art. They prefer the violin and cello, harp and organ. A special place is occupied by the theater, opera stage and cinema, because they are excellent artists, directors and cameramen. In literature and poetry, the fairy tale and fantasy-adventure genre plays a significant role.

Under the strong influence of the Pisces sign are bank employees and stockbrokers, tobacco and liquor dealers, mineral waters and wines, dairy products and eggs, fish and canned food, oil and petroleum products, others various liquids. Also, the strong influence of the sign of Pisces affects sailors and fishermen, everyone who is directly or indirectly connected with work on the water.

Some of the “fish” work in closed departments - prisons and concentration camps, in detective bureaus, criminology, especially in search and identification departments - as experts and assistants. Since “Pisces” are partial to everything secret and unknown, they are also representatives and specialists in such fields and fields as psychology and parapsychology, sociology and philosophy, yoga and magic, occult and hidden spiders, astronomy and astrology.

The creative subconscious of the “pisces” is very original.

Between 45-55 years, you should beware of crises of a financial nature. In the service, a lot of harm and trouble is caused by intrigue and gossip, anonymous letters and simply unhealthy trust in other people.

The efficiency of the “fish” is low. But where they are strong and resilient is, without a doubt, in the area of ​​love and sex, which almost always has to do with their professional activity, place of work, service. On the other hand, they are almost all crybabies and mumblers. They can always cry, with or without reason.

“Pisces” women most often work in hotels and restaurants, in canteens, cafeterias, in night bars, brothels, in entertainment establishments, in dairies and breweries, in social departments, in medical institutions, in massage and beauty parlors, in nurseries and kindergartens, in shops and in families: governesses, housewives and so on.

Silver jewelry self made with Rubies. Medicinal and magical properties rubies.

Compatibility of stone and zodiac sign

  • Aventurine
  • Agate
  • Botswana agate
  • Azurite
  • Aquamarine
  • Alexandrite
  • Almaz (Diamond)
  • Amethyst
  • Ametrine
  • Ammonite
  • Watermelon tourmaline
  • Astrophylitus
  • Atlancelit
  • Biwa pearls
  • Turquoise
  • Verdelite
  • Hematite
  • Eye of Shiva (Shell)
  • Blue Topaz
  • Rhinestone
  • Pomegranate
  • Dinobon (Dinosaur Bone)
  • Smoky quartz (Rauchtopaz)
  • Pearl
  • Green onyx
  • Emerald
  • Calcite
  • Quartz
  • Quartz hairy
  • Kyanite
  • Coral
  • Flint
  • Labradorite
  • Lapis lazuli
  • Larimar
  • Libyan glass (Meteor glass)
  • Lemon Topaz
  • Moon rock
  • Magnetite
  • Malachite
  • Meteorite Gibeon
  • Meteorite Campo del Cielo
  • Mystical Topaz
  • Moldavite (Meteor glass)
  • Morion
  • Nephritis
  • Obsidian
  • Fire opal
  • petrified wood
  • Orthoceras
  • Peridot
  • Nacre
  • Pyrite
  • Nautilus shell
  • Rhodonite
  • Rose quartz
  • Ruby

Representatives of the Pisces sign are very smart and neat, but they have one significant drawback that reduces their ability to work - their chronic laziness. They often become depressed or in a melancholic state, and in this state, they are simply unable to do anything. In addition to laziness, they are also hampered by their addiction to various kinds of simulators, which they use in a variety of ways, from less harmful energy drinks to drugs.

Astrologer's advice: In many people, manifestations of properties that are not inherent to it are noticeable. This is due to the fact that the majority have a dependent position on astrological phenomena, for example - eclipses, parade of planets, etc.

Sign zodiac Pisces profession in the field of creativity is best suited. After all, they are not deprived of talent, and professions such as diplomacy and creative activity can help them find themselves. They will become excellent musicians and artists, writers and public figures. Working as a clergyman will also be very interesting for them.

Astrologer's advice: It happens that the chance to radically transform your personal life for the better arises only once in your life. Don't lose it - sign up and find out how soon it will appear!

Surely a sign zodiac Pisces profession a doctor will do. They quite often perform very well in this area. They will also do well with business or banking. Many Pisces are also interested in forensic science, so you shouldn’t be surprised if a representative of this sign wants to become a private detective or even go to work in a prison.

At the sign zodiac Pisces profession often associated with the occult sciences. After all, representatives of this sign have heightened intuition and have a special mystical gift, which helps them develop in this area. They are very well versed in mysticism, so engaging in activities related to other world just their calling.

But fish are not able to fully reveal their potential. And the weight is because they have an overly soft character, and, moreover, accompanied by chronic laziness. However, they are very resilient and can sometimes even do several things at once. Sometimes they can even be found doing science, such as mathematics or cybernetics. But still, most of all they are drawn to art. Moreover, they can not only write or draw, they can be wonderful choreographers or art critics. They may find themselves in the role of costume designers or theater critics. But unfortunately for them, like many creative people lacks self-confidence and self-discipline. But at rehearsals they can show themselves at their best. the best side, because who else but them has a unique memory and the ability to transform.

Astrologer's advice: The year of birth of a person, the same, has a very noticeable effect on the reserve inherent in people at birth. You can find out more on our resource in the section.

Magnificent imagination allows Pisces to find themselves in creativity, which is why they often become excellent poets or prose writers. Since they are very well versed in the business they are engaged in, they make excellent teachers, and their compassion for others allows them to become good nurses or pharmacists. But at work, where you need to constantly sit in one place, you are unlikely to find them. They constantly need to change their situation and environment. And sitting on the same chair in the same office and filling out completely identical pieces of paper is a shame. Such work will only drive them even faster into depression, which they already find themselves in quite often.

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The distinctive features of these people are rich imagination, vivid imagination, ever-waking dreams and daydreams, increased sensitivity, receptivity, impressionability.

They are very compliant, susceptible to outside influence, avoid disputes and quarrels if possible, conflict situations, confrontation. It is not always possible to show your “I”.

The most vulnerable places are a weak spirit and instability, an overly soft and gentle soul, which creates difficulties and obstacles on the path of life.

The nature of “Pisces” is very mysterious, intuition is strong, subtle, ideological orientation is great humanism, self-sacrifice for the benefit of others. They often have phenomenal abilities - mediumship, extrasensory perception, clairvoyance.

Those “fish” who manage to apply their innate gifts and talents in their profession, as a rule, achieve a very high social position and material goods, but only through creative work. Only through creative work can all desires and intentions, all dreams and dreams be realized.

Most "pisces" do not achieve their goals due to lack or very weak will and self-confidence.

They should have their own life goal decompose into separate small but achievable particles and, after completing them, proceed to the next ones. Only such a sequence will help them and gradually bring them closer to stage-by-stage goals, of which the main one is summarized.

They strive for a contemplative life, but with a guarantee of safety and reliability, confidence in their future. Their weak will is reflected in passive behavior, which at times leads to a fatal belief in their fate, in power higher power. One of the astrological patterns says: “What a person has more powerful force will, the less susceptible he is to the influence of the stars. And, conversely, the weaker his nature, the more dependent he is on them."

The ambition of “Pisces” is very restrained and calm. It awakens only when the inner desire to work awakens and develops, when they show purposefulness and purposefulness, when they begin to think and plan their future work more carefully, when they, in the end, begin to take more courageous and decisive actions.

What hinders them most in life is chronic illness - laziness, with attacks of melancholy and depression, during which they avoid not only doing anything, not to mention work, but even thinking and fantasizing.

Just as often, their lives are hampered by the use of various stimulants, alcoholic beverages, and drugs, which burdens their spiritual balance, creates obstacles in the sphere of creative activity, and increases uncontrolled actions and actions of various kinds and nature, namely speculative activities and adventures, adventures and adventures of a love nature. and so on.

But they are more likely than other people to have luck in the lottery and luck in gambling.

According to world statistics, an exceptionally large number of “fish” work in medical institutions - in hospitals, dispensaries, sanatoriums, rest homes, then in hotels, restaurants, canteens and eateries, in night bars and brothels, in public almshouses and houses the elderly, in social security departments, in various institutions and offices, in wealthy families as nannies, housekeepers, housekeepers, cooks.

In hospitals they work as nursing and technical staff. Many are in church services.

In science, medicine and pharmaceuticals, psychology and parapsychology, sociology, occult and sacred sciences occupy first place.

Many "fish" are involved in the world of art and the arts, showing good abilities in music and vocal art. They prefer the violin and cello, harp and organ.

A special place is occupied by the theater, opera stage and cinema, because they are excellent artists, directors and cameramen. In literature and poetry, the fairy tale and fantasy-adventure genre plays a significant role.

Under the strong influence of the sign of Pisces are bank employees and stockbrokers, dealers in tobacco products and alcoholic beverages, mineral waters and wines, dairy products and eggs, fish and canned food, oil and petroleum products, and other various liquids.

Also, the strong influence of the sign of Pisces affects sailors and fishermen, everyone who is directly or indirectly connected with work on the water.

Some of the “fish” work in closed departments - prisons and concentration camps, in detective bureaus, criminology, especially in search and identification departments - as experts and assistants.

Since “Pisces” are partial to everything secret and unknown, they are also representatives and specialists in such fields and fields as psychology and parapsychology, sociology and philosophy, yoga and magic, occult and secret sciences, astronomy and astrology.

The creative subconscious of the “pisces” is very original. It contains great intuitive power with pronounced religious feelings, which over time becomes their spiritual support. But this gift of fate is received by those “fish” who are born around midnight.

If the constellation of the Sun in Pisces is in good configuration with the constellation of Neptune and Jupiter, this promises happiness in personal life and destiny.

Between 45-55 years, you should beware of crises of a financial nature. In the service, a lot of harm and trouble is caused by intrigue and gossip, anonymous letters and simply unhealthy trust in other people.

Women “fish” (“golden fish”) most often work in hotels and restaurants, in canteens, cafeterias, in night bars, brothels, in entertainment establishments, in dairy farms and breweries, in social departments, in medical institutions, in massage parlours. and beauty parlors, nurseries and kindergartens, shops and families as a governess, housewife and so on.

The efficiency of the “fish” is low. But where they are strong and resilient is, without a doubt, in the sphere of love and sex, which almost always has to do with their professional activities, place of work, service.

On the other hand, he is almost all crybabies and mumblers. They can always post, with or without reason.

They almost always become true friend and an assistant to your child, so that full access to his heart is opened, so that in this way it can be alleviated life path before becoming a young man. The attitude towards other people depends entirely on the feeling of sympathy or antipathy towards them.

S. A. Vronsky

Creativity is not typical for Pisces. They won’t invent gunpowder and are unlikely to lay claim to it. Lucky Pisces can reach the top, but most likely in the spiritual realm. They become famous due to their ability to foresee the future and the characteristics of their nature, with the help of which they develop a special system and become spiritual mentors of people.

Strength is in peace!

Basically, Pisces strive to work in such a way that they do not have to fight for well-being every day. Rarely are their plans fueled by ambition; even in order to achieve higher goals, they do not want to sweat and strain themselves. Much more often they act in someone else’s shadow and do not strive for external splendor and primacy. They choose an ideal for themselves and strive to be like it, they are drawn to people who are friendly and not eager for power, and treat them with understanding.

Pisces clearly understand what is happening around them, and often serve as a lifeline, helping out those around them who are in trouble. And in general, for many colleagues they are - ambulance. If necessary, they replace the absent one.

Pisces are ready to rush to the rescue if it is necessary to complete the work started by someone, as long as the team is harmonious, calm and friendly relations. Many Pisces are simply irreplaceable. At the same time, the most pleasant thing is that they do not remind you of their good deeds and do not expect constant gratitude, although, of course, they rejoice at them. They are a good find for a manager who wants to create a well-coordinated team.

Pisces perform their work tasks best if they have clear limits. So that they do not get confused, you need to clearly plan their work and the time that should be spent on it. If Pisces are engaged in written work or are associated with a profession where they have to demonstrate eloquence, you need to pay Special attention to ensure that a started sentence always ends. Pisces believe that just a hint is enough. Although intuitive colleagues may be able to understand them, others find their speech incomprehensible because they cannot clearly articulate what they are thinking.

Pisces need to overcome themselves in order to become clearer to others, to convey their thoughts to them. Therefore, it often seems that to speak out sharply and clearly means for them to accept a certain and final decision. But Pisces make decisions with great difficulty, it is difficult for them to stick to their own layers, tomorrow and, perhaps, they will think differently than today. They seem to contain two souls that cannot reconcile with each other; there is a constant internal struggle going on.

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