Home Prevention The largest volcanoes in the world on the map. The highest volcanoes in the world

The largest volcanoes in the world on the map. The highest volcanoes in the world

All tourists and travelers are interested in learning about the largest volcano in the world. A volcano is a formation on the surface of the Earth from which magma emerges, forming lava, rocks and volcanic gases. On our planet there is great amount such formations. Some of them are considered active because they were active during the historical period.

Many of the volcanoes are extinct and dormant. The latter include those whose eruption is already unlikely, while the former have the possibility of activity. Some volcanoes reach incredible sizes and are distinguished by their extraordinary power and beauty.

Of course, active volcanoes are of great interest to all travelers. They are extremely beautiful and fascinate with their danger of eruption at any moment. Having once seen such a phenomenon, a person receives a lot of incredible impressions that remain in memory for a lifetime. Llullaillaco is considered the highest active volcano in the world. It is located in Argentina in the Peruvian Andes. The height of its peak is 6739 m. The last eruption occurred in 1877.

At the top of this volcano there is eternal glaciation. It is formed in the shape of a cone. This natural formation has been considered an archaeological site since 1999, as human mummies were found on its top. These were the children of the Incas. There is a possibility that they were sacrificed about 500 years ago.

Mauna Loa Volcano

In terms of volume, Mauna Loa is considered the largest active volcano. The height of its peak is 4169 m, and its volume is estimated at 75,000 km. It is located on the island of Hawaii in the USA. The last time an eruption occurred was relatively recent - in 1984.

This volcano, more precisely, its peak and southeastern slope, is part of the Hawaiian Volcanoes National Park. This park is included in the famous UNESCO World Heritage List. Mauna Loa is home to animals and plants called endemics. This means that they have a small habitat. Very often, such animals are considered rare and are therefore listed in the Red Book.

Dangerous volcano Merapi

The most dangerous volcano in the world is Merapi. It is located in Indonesia on the island of Java. Major eruptions occur every 7 years. Small eruptions occur twice a year. Many settlements were destroyed by this mountain. Back in 1006, he wiped out the Javanese-Indian kingdom from the face of the Earth, and in 1673 one of the most destructive eruptions occurred. It immediately destroyed several cities and villages that were located at the foot.

In 1930, the volcano also caused major destruction. This eruption killed 1,300 people. After 44 years, Merapi destroyed 2 villages, and a year later - another village, 5 bridges, killing 29 people. Moreover, the eruptions overtook many scientists and tourists. The last activity of the Merapi volcano was recorded in 2010. This time, about 350 thousand people were initially evacuated. Some residents did return. Among them, 353 people died, caught in the flow of volcanic gases, ash and stones.

Volcano with the most powerful eruption in history

This is an active volcano, which demonstrated its most powerful eruption in the 19th century. The volcano is located in Indonesia. Now its height is 813 m. Before its famous eruption in 1883, it was much higher. Moreover, it was one large island. During the strongest volcanic activity, the main part of the island was destroyed.

The roar from the eruption was heard even 5,000 km from the volcano itself. The volcanic edifice spread over 500 km. The ash rose 30 km, and the gas-ash column - 70 km. Scientists estimated the force of the explosion at 6 points. The result of such a strong eruption was 37,000 deaths and 300 villages destroyed.

There are a lot of different volcanoes in the world, which differ either in their height, or volume, or actions. Some of them are the most dangerous or the oldest. Scientists have not yet compiled an accurate list of volcanoes by their size or degree of danger. Each of them is interesting and unique in its own way. There are volcanoes that are known to every traveler and tourist. The most popular of them are Vesuvius, Fuji, Etna. These are the active volcanoes of the world.

Vesuvius has been attracting tourists for many years. Those who visit Naples usually don't miss the opportunity to admire and even climb this famous volcano. Previously, it was possible to climb the mountain using a cable car, and then a regular ski lift. However, the transport was destroyed by subsequent eruptions. They did not restore it, so this moment The mountain can only be climbed on foot along a hiking trail.

Mount Fuji located on the Japanese island of Honshu. It is a popular tourist destination. Residents consider it sacred. The mountain is also a place of religious pilgrimage for Buddhist and Shinto cults. A temple was built on its top. In addition, there is a weather station and even a post office. Scientists believe that Fuji is a weakly active volcano, since the last eruptions occurred at the beginning of the 18th century.

A popular volcano located in Italy is. It has many craters, and from time to time lava erupts from at least one of them. Sometimes Etna's actions are destructive in relation to nearby settlements, but despite this, new residents do not stop settling here. At the foot of the mountain there is very fertile soil, which allows you to grow various vegetables and fruits.

Tourists have the opportunity to visit this extraordinary mountain. You should climb it on foot. You can get to the tourist base by bus. For souvenir lovers, there are shops on the mountain itself where you can buy some kind of souvenir or even a popular 70-proof liqueur.

All these and many other volcanoes are extremely beautiful and interesting for residents, travelers and tourists. Each mountain has its own history. Before climbing any volcano, it is necessary to find out accurate information about its activity and the possibility of eruption, since such natural formations can begin to act at any moment. Therefore, if you decide to admire the extraordinary beauty of volcanoes, protect yourself from accidents.

Volcanoes have always evoked a lot of emotions in people - from panic horror and fear to admiration and admiration for the incredible power of nature. Volcanic peaks are located almost throughout the planet and regularly make their presence felt by spewing tons of ash into the air. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the ranking of the top 10 highest active volcanoes, each of which is distinguished by its grandeur and unpredictability.

Sangay, 5230 meters

Located in Ecuador, on the territory of the park of the same name, it is part of the Andes mountain system. The toponym is translated from Indian as “to scare”, and this is not surprising - Sangay is one of the most restless volcanoes on the continent. Sangai has three huge craters, which is unusual for andesitic stratovolcanoes. According to researchers, the volcano was formed about 14 thousand years ago. Sangai has been erupting regularly since 1934. last time the maximum peak of activity was recorded in 2016. Around the volcano there are rare representatives of the fauna: ocelots, pumas, tapirs, Andean bears and porcupines.

Popocatepetl, 5426 meters

It is an active volcano, located in Mexico, part of the Cordillera mountain system. Translated from the local language, the toponym translates as “smoking hill” and is located next to another volcano - Iztaccihuatl. The most famous ancient history was written about these peaks. literary work- the legend of Popocatepetl and Iztaccihuatl. The first ascent was made in 1519 by Diego de Ordaz.

Elbrus, 5642 meters

The peak is located in Russia and is part of the Caucasus mountain system. Elbrus is located on the border of Karachay-Cherkessia and Kabardino-Balkaria. The toponym translates as " high mountain", "mountain of a thousand mountains" or "towering". More than 20 glaciers with a total area of ​​134 km are spread out on the slopes of Elbrus. sq., 9 km long. They feed the largest Caucasian rivers - Kuban, Malka and Baksan. Elbrus is divided into two parts - a bulk cone and a pedestal. According to scientists, the growth of Elbrus from the eruptions was about 2 thousand meters. The last eruption of the stratovolcano occurred 5120 years ago, since then nothing has been heard about its activity. The first ascent of Elbrus took place on July 22, 1829 (eastern peak), 1874 (western peak). For the first time, a Russian expedition arrived at the foot of the volcano in 1913 for scientific purposes.

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Orizaba, 5675 meters

The second name is Sitlaltepetl, which means “star-mountain”. Orizaba is the highest Mexican peak and is located in the Cordillera mountain system. Geographically, the volcano is located on the territory of two states - Puebla and Veracruz. The stratovolcano remains relatively dormant today and last erupted in 1846. A total of 27 periods of activity were recorded, including in the mid-16th and 17th centuries. Orizaba has always been for the Incas sacred mountain, with which many legends and myths were associated. Since 1936, a reserve was created on the volcano to protect Orizaba from unauthorized ascents. Hundreds of climbers arrive here every year, for whom many routes are laid out. varying degrees difficulties. The most favorable time for climbing to the top is from mid-autumn to early spring.

El Misti, 5822 meters

Is located in South America, territorially belongs to Peru, in winter months almost completely covered with snow. 17 km from the stratovolcano is the small town of Arequipa, whose population is more than 1 million people. In the country locality known as " White City"due to the fact that most of the buildings were built from snow-white deposits of volcanic origin. The Chile River flows past El Misti, and to the south of the peak there is another volcano - Pichu Pichu. The last eruption was recorded in 1985; in just a century, activity occurred 5 times. In the 16th century, the residents of Arequipa had to leave the city due to an extremely violent eruption, with huge emissions of ash. At the end of the 20th century, mummified remains of the ancient Incas and a number of valuable artifacts were discovered on the slopes of El Misti. All found bodies and household items are kept today in the Museum of the Andean Sanctuaries.

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Kilimanjaro, 5895 meters

The African stratovolcano is located in Tanzania and is classified by scientists as active. Kilimanjaro is the most high point Black Continent, and from 1902 to 1918 the volcano was named Kaiser Wilhelm Summit. The mountain is almost completely covered with snow, which glistens under the bright African sun. That is why Kilimandajro means “sparkling peak” in the local language. In ancient times, the tribes living at the foot considered the mountain holy and, without climbing it, were sure that Kilimanjaro was covered with silver. After some time, the leader sent a detachment of daredevils to the top, who discovered that the “silver” was melting in their hands, then the volcano was given another name: “the abode of the god of cold.” There have been no documented eruptions at Kilimanjaro, but scientists believe the last activity occurred approximately 200,000 years ago. The first conquest of Kilimanjaro took place in 1889

Cotopaxi, 5897 meters

The toponym is translated from Quechua as “shiny mountain.” Cotopaxi is located in South America, on the territory of Ecuador and is the second highest peak in the country. The volcano belongs to the Eastern Cordillera ridge, has a crater measuring 550 by 800 meters and almost half a kilometer deep. During the period from 1738 to the present day, a total of about 50 eruptions were recorded, the penultimate one occurring in 1877. However, after 140 years, on August 15, 2015, Cotopaxi began to show signs of activity again. The first explorer of the volcano was the German Alexander von Humboldt and the Frenchman Aimé Bonpland, but they never conquered the peak. A man climbed to the top of Cotopaxi in 1872. This was accomplished by the German geologist Wilhelm Reis, and a year later by the volcanologist and naturalist Moritz Alfons Stübel, also a native of Germany. The history of eruptions looks like this: the first recorded one was 1534, then 1742, 1768, 1864, 1877, but until 1940, ash emissions were periodically observed.

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San Pedro, 6145 meters

Considered one of the highest active volcanoes in the world, it is located in the Atacama Desert, in the El Loa province, Antofagastan region of Chile. Not far from the top there is another attraction - the San Pablo volcano, connected to San Pedro by a high saddle. By type of formation, San Pedro is a stratovolcano and is represented by such formations as dacites, andesites and basalts. The relative height of the peak is 2014 meters, the most recent recorded eruption was observed in 1960. The first time a person climbed San Pedro was on July 16, 1903. The climbers were Chilean Philemon Morales and Frenchman George Corti.

Llullallaco, 6739 meters

Located in the Western Coldillera, on the border between Argentina and Chile, on the plateau of the world's highest volcanoes - Puna de Atacama. At the very top there is perpetual glaciation, and the last eruption was observed here in 1877, although today Llullallaco is in a state of relative peace. The volcano is considered the highest of all active ones and is a cone that continues to grow. The first ascent was made on December 1, 1952 by Billon Gonzalez and Juan Harzeim. The summit is an archaeological site on the territory of which burials of Inca children were discovered at the end of the 20th century. Three mummies, believed to be 4, 5 and 13 years old, were sacrificed about 5 centuries ago.

Ojos del Salado, 6893 meters

Translated from Spanish, the name means “salty eyes.” It is the highest volcano on Earth, located in South America, on the Chilean-Argentine border, and belongs to the Andes mountain system. To the west of the summit is the famous Atacama Desert. At an altitude of 6400 meters, on the eastern slope of the crater there is the highest lake in the world of incredible beauty. Although Ojos del Salado has not shown any signs of life for a long time, minor activity was observed in 1937, 1956 and 1993. The peak was first conquered by a man in 1937. The discoverers were two Polish climbers - Jan Szczepanski and Justyn Wojznis. Scientists have repeatedly found on the volcano the remains of sacrificial altars, presumably dating back to the Inca civilization.

An interactive map of active (active) volcanoes allows you to see the extent volcanic activity, the danger of eruptions, and the probability of eruptions online. The map is designed to help travelers and researchers who are going to visit a particular region of the world. Plan your expeditions taking into account existing threats and disasters.

The map is fully clickable, you can zoom in, zoom out, and select regions of interest on the planet. By clicking on the triangle, information in English is displayed (in addition to the already existing mug service – ). Information is provided to English language, heights are in meters and feet

All dormant, awakening and active volcanoes are divided on the map into 4 threat categories:

1. Green triangle- there are no threats.
2. Yellow triangle– threat of increased activity.
3. Orange triangle– high activity. There is a possibility of an eruption.
4. Red triangle– an eruption with the release of ash, gases, magma.

Active volcano - news on the map

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How to survive a volcanic eruption

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Extinct supervolcanoes of the planet

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Vesuvius is an amazing volcano. Firstly, the leader in popularity, breaking all records of recognition, secondly, a long-liver (he declared himself even before ancient times and the famous Pompeii), thirdly, perhaps, one of the prolific volcanic eruptions and, fourth, the most unpredictable. Not a single scientist even dares to guess when Vesuvius will once again begin to “be naughty.” Only strong eruptions during its entire period " professional activity“80 were recorded, and we’re tired of counting the mediocre and weak ones. At the same time, Vesuvius is clearly not planning to retire. At its top, tourists can safely bake eggs - the soil temperature is so high.

This is probably why the “anniversaries of pranks” of this world-famous volcano, which lives in sunny Italy near Naples, can be celebrated almost every month. Which is exactly what we are doing, dedicating our TOP 10 most famous volcanoes in the world to one of the dates of the eruption of Vesuvius.

Place 10. The most difficult to pronounce. I don’t know how big and powerful the Icelandic volcano Eyjafjallajokull is compared to Vesuvius, but it is reliably known that in 2010 it caused a lot of trouble for air carriers. Due to the wild amount of volcanic ash and steam, some flights were canceled and airport operations in Glasgow, Birmingham, London, Liverpool, Belfast Dublin, Stockholm and Oslo were stopped. But even this was not enough for the Icelandic volcano. He created an incredible amount of problems for many announcers, who probably trained long and hard to pronounce his name in one breath.

Place 9. The coldest. Surprisingly, but true: volcanoes are the most tenacious creatures, found almost everywhere. It would seem that such a “hot little thing” cannot live at minus fifty, but no! Volcanoes live peacefully on South Pole, in Antarctica. The highest of the Antarctic volcanoes is Mount Sidley, “tall” at 4285 meters. By the way, it is also the most inaccessible volcano. People conquered it only in 1990.

Place 8. The most legendary. Two volcanoes are competing for the title of the most legendary. One of them is the Mexican Popocatepetl, who last went to work in 2007, and the other is the European Elbrus. According to legend, Popocatepetl arose from... strong love. The daughter of the Aztec ruler Iztaccihuatl fell in love with the simple warrior Popocatepetl. However, the pope was against this unequal alliance and sent the young man to war, after which he spread a rumor about his imminent death. The daughter, unable to withstand the blow, committed suicide, and when the alive and unharmed Popocatepetl found out about this, he decided that life without a sweetheart is not life. And he followed his beloved into another world. The gods, amazed by the power of the love of the young people, decided to turn them into rocks so that they would remain next to each other forever. Well, on the top of Elbrus, myths and legends alternately settled either genies or the famous bird Simurgh, or even left the chained Prometheus there.

Place 7. Most religious. Etna is a fertile volcano, like Vesuvius. The eruptions alone exceeded almost two hundred. Almost every 150 years, Etna wakes up from hunger and begins to eat nearby cities. However, people adore her not for her bloodthirstiness, but for her respect for believers and her healing gift. There are several known facts of miraculous healing of patients who visited Etna, and after in 1928 a stream of hot lava froze in reverence before a Catholic procession, the Sicilians made Etna one of the symbols of the island. This volcano is also famous for its blues festivals that take place during its sleep.

Place 6. The fastest. Volcanoes are usually unpredictable, but sometimes scientists manage to find out in advance about an impending eruption. However, as in the parable of the boy and the wolves, some residents of nearby towns do not believe such predictions. And in vain. So on November 13, 1985, the Colombian volcano Nevado del Ruiz completely destroyed the city of Armero, located 50 kilometers from the “hot thing” with a height of 5400 meters. Moreover, everything about everything at the volcano took... only 10 minutes! The death toll exceeded 20 thousand people. But scientists warned...

Place 5. The most fabulous. Remember the fairy tale about the “Frog Princess”? To defeat Koshchei the Immortal, Ivan Tsarevich had to get a needle that was in an egg, an egg in a duck, a duck in a hare, a hare in a chest, and a chest in a tree. It is precisely according to the principle of “thing within a thing” that the Russian volcano Krenitsyn is built. It is “registered” on the Kuril Islands and is considered the largest in area, as it is located in Lake Koltsevoy (diameter about 7 kilometers), which is located in another, more ancient, crater. So you can admire its beauty only from a helicopter. By the way, the volcano got its name in honor of the Russian navigator Pyotr Kuzmich Krenitsyn.

Place 4. The most influential. Indonesia is often called the land of volcanoes. It was here that the most influential of them was born - Krakatoa, who blew up the world on August 15, 1883. Its eruption caused a shock wave that circled the globe 7 times and a giant tsunami that wiped out 295 cities and towns in Java and Sumatra. As a result of his activities, more than 36 thousand people died, and hundreds of thousands were left homeless. Volcanic dust from Krakatoa surrounded the planet in a cloud, turning sunrises and sunsets a royal purple. Many scientists believe that it was this eruption that affected the ecology of the Earth.

Place 3. The most famous of the new arrivals. By the way, today Vesuvius is far from the only popular volcano. It was pushed by the Russian Plosky Tolbachik, which began to erupt in November 2012. Since then, scientists from all over the world and simply curious tourists have flocked to it in droves. The Kamchatka volcano also gave the world new copper minerals - melanotallite, ponomarevite, piipit, fedotovite, kamchatkit, klyuchevskite, alumoklyuchevskite and, of course, tolbachite.

Place 2. The highest. Well, how can it be in the TOP 10 without the highest?! It is rightfully the South American active volcano with the name Llullaillaco, which is funny for Russians. Its absolute height is 6739 meters, relative height is almost 2.5 kilometers. It would seem that that's all. Ah, no! Llullaillaco is known for its perpetual ice cap, borderland state (located on the border of Chile and Argentina), dry neighbor (Atacama Desert) and archaeological finds. In 1999, the mummified bodies of three children, believed to have been sacrificed 500 years ago, were discovered at the top of the volcano.

Place 1. The most romantic. Don't go to a fortune teller here! Without words, it is clear that Mount Fuji will be recognized as the most romantic, sophisticated, attractive, gentle and charming. Countless haiku, drawings, paintings and photographs are dedicated to her. Scientists consider Fuji to be an active volcano, although weakly active (the last eruption was recorded in 1707-1708). By the way, among the countless drawings of this beauty, there is not a single one that depicts the eruption itself. Fuji's neighbors include not only a Shinto temple, a weather station and a post office, but also the gloomy Aokigahara suicide forest, located right at the foot of the volcano. But such proximity does not bother Fujiyama at all. The Japanese believe that the forest only adds a flair of mystery and mysticism to their favorite, attracting tourists from all countries. However, this does not prevent residents of the Land of the Rising Sun from placing warning signs with telephone numbers of psychologists throughout Aokigahara. Yes, just in case.

Volcanoes are geological formations on the surface of the earth's crust where magma comes to the surface, forming lava, volcanic gases, rocks and pyroclastic flows. The word “Vulcan” comes from the name of the ancient Roman god of fire, Vulcan. There are several thousand volcanoes on earth, more than 500 of which are active. In our list we will talk about the 11 largest and highest volcanoes on the planet.


Tajumulco is a volcano in western Guatemala. It has an altitude of 4220 meters, is part of the burrow system of the Sierra Madre de Chiapas and the highest point in Guatemala and Central America. The volcano cone has two peaks; the eastern cone is ancient with a crater with a diameter of about 70 meters, the western one is young. There are oak and pine forests on the slopes, and xerophytic mountain meadows in the upper part. There is several evidence of its eruptions in historical times, but none of them are reliably confirmed.


The volcano in Washington state, 4392 meters high, is located 88 kilometers from Seattle in Pierce County. Rainier is a dormant stratovolcano, but there is evidence of volcanic activity from 1820 to 1894. Today, according to the USGS, in the event of a strong eruption, about 150 thousand people could be in danger. Rainier is one of the most glacier-rich mountains in the world, on the slopes of which are the sources of many rivers. Up to a height of 2500 meters, the volcano is covered with coniferous forests, above - alpine meadows, above 2800 meters - glaciers and eternal snow. On the peaks there are 40 glaciers with an area of ​​87 km², the largest of which is Emmons - 14 km². The volcano and surrounding area are protected and have the status of Mount Rainier National Park.


Klyuchevskaya Sopka is an active volcano in eastern Kamchatka, about 7,000 years old. It has a height of 4850 meters, a crater diameter of 1250 meters and a crater depth of 340 meters. It is the highest active volcano on the Eurasian continent. It is a regular cone with 70 side cones, domes and craters. Despite the high altitude of the volcano, there is no snow or glaciers on it. This is caused by active volcanic activity. Klyuchevskoy volcano was formed only due to summit eruptions. Over 270 years, more than 50 strong eruptions occurred. During the 2004-2005 eruption, the ash column reached a record height of 8,000 m.


It is the highest active volcano in the Andean volcanic belt, 40 km north of the city of Manizales. Nevado del Ruiz is located in the territory National Park Los Nevados is part of the Ruiz Tolima massif and includes a group of five snow-capped volcanoes: Tolima, Santa Isabel, Quindia and Machin. The Cordillera is located at the crossroads of four deep faults that are still partially active. The top of the volcano is covered by large glaciers, but they are rapidly retreating thanks to global warming. This volcano has been active for about 2 million years. Its relatively small eruption in 1985, after a 150-year period of inactivity, almost completely destroyed and cut off outside world the town of Armero and led to the death of 23 thousand of its inhabitants.


Seventh place in the list of the largest volcanoes in the world was taken by this active stratovolcano in South America. Sangay is located in Ecuador, on the eastern slope of the Andes and has three craters. The height above sea level is 5230 meters. A young cone rises above the ancient volcano, cut by deep gorges. Almost continuously since 1728, the volcano emitted steam and ash, covering the surrounding area. The volcano is believed to have formed about 14,000 years ago. The last eruption was in 2007. At the top there is eternal snow.


Popocatepetl is an active volcano and the second highest mountain in Mexico, with an altitude of 5426 meters. The name comes from two words in the Nahuatl language: popo - “smoking” and tepetl - “hill”. There are three state capitals around the volcano - Puebla, Tlaxcala and Mexico City, with a total population of more than 20 million people. The volcano has a perfect conical shape, a very deep oval crater, with almost vertical walls. Most eruptions over the past 600 years have been relatively weak. In September 2006, the volcano resumed activity, with periodic ash emissions over the volcano's crater.


Peak Orizaba is the highest mountain in Mexico and the third highest in North America. Its height is 5636 meters. Difficult terrain, significant altitude above sea level, strong winds - all this caused the presence of several climatic zones on the volcano. If tropical vegetation can be observed at the foot of the eastern side of the volcano, then at more high levels the vegetation is more like alpine. And to the south and southeast there are large fields of small cinder cones and maars - funnel-shaped depressions that appeared during the explosion of gases, up to 300-400 m deep and exceeding 3 km in diameter. Although Orizaba has fallen asleep since the last volcanic eruption occurred in 1687, he can suddenly awaken and show his hot temper.


A volcano in South America in southern Peru, whose height is 5822 meters, and the top is covered with snow only in winter. 17 km to the west is Peru's second largest city, Arequipa, with a population of about 1 million people. The volcano has three concentric craters. Fumarole activity can be observed in the inner crater. Geological studies indicate that El Misti has had 5 weak eruptions over the past hundred years. In the 15th century, a strong volcanic eruption forced the residents of the city of Arequipa to flee. The last weak eruption was recorded in 1985.


The third largest volcano on the planet is the Cotopaxi Volcano. This volcano is located in Ecuador and is the highest active volcano in the country, its height is 5911 meters. The area at the base is 16 km by 19 km, and the top, starting at an altitude of 5200 meters, is covered with an ice cap. The icy crater of the volcano reaches a diameter of about 800 meters, and in the lower part there is peculiar vegetation - mountain meadows and pine forests with mosses and lichens. Since 1738, Cotopaxi has erupted about 50 times.


This extinct volcano is part of the Cordillera Oxidetal range and the highest point in Ecuador. Its height is 6267 meters, and it was formed about 60 million years BC. The top of the volcano is completely covered with ice, in some places dropping to a height of 4600 m. Melt water from the mountain is the main water resource for residents of the provinces of Bolivar and Chimborazo. Today, the top of this volcano is the most distant point on its surface from the center of the Earth. The last volcanic eruption occurred around 550 AD.


The largest volcano on the planet is an active volcano in the Western Cordillera of the Andes, on the border of Chile and Argentina - Llullaillaco. The height of this giant is 6739 meters. At the top there is eternal glaciation. Located in one of the driest places in the world - the Atacama Desert, the snow line on the western slope exceeds 6.5 thousand meters. Llullaillaco is also a famous archaeological site - in 1999, the mummified bodies of three Inca children, believed to have been sacrificed 500 years ago, were discovered on its summit.

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