Home Hygiene Horoscope for the constellation Cancer. Zodiac horoscope for Cancer man and woman

Horoscope for the constellation Cancer. Zodiac horoscope for Cancer man and woman

2016 is the type of year that suits Cancers very well. This is the period when you can fully show your charm and make sure that the people around you are exactly the ones you need most!

Family and friends will be at the forefront and will be at their best, although there may still be some difficulties and worries.

Romance too strong area for Cancers in 2016. Your couples want to listen to you and make you happy. Let them make you their priority.

The world will pleasantly surprise you with many opportunities for development and advancement. Keep your eyes wide open and make a few new allies in your favorite activities. This will help the spring season be more exciting and interesting.

The planets are favoring you this year. Spend your time building a strong foundation for Everyday life the one you want.

Solar eclipse in March a short time can create a very emotional environment, but you can handle it. Don't overexert yourself, respect your health and enjoy a wonderful year!

Relationship horoscope for couples

Cancer's 2016 is filled with passion and excitement, so embrace those emotions! Family members may constantly take up your time, but you have more than enough energy and focus to make everyone happy, including yourself.

At the beginning of the year, there is complete mutual understanding between you, try to stick to this in the future. In the spring, some of you may have a storm at work, but this will not disrupt family life.

The lunar eclipse in March will present a unifying opportunity to please both of you.

If the prospect of large expenses or an important acquisition arises at the end of the summer, you will come to an agreement as far as is reasonable and necessary.

You will both be willing to make sacrifices for each other, financially and emotionally. This includes a large number of symbolic acts of kindness. Time spent in hugs will be sweet and passionate, especially in the fall.

If you have common dreams (or fantasies) about expanding your family, then keep in mind that in late autumn the patronizing planets are especially favorable to this. Take care of each other.

Relationship horoscope for those who are on their own

Dear Cancer, love will always be close to home in 2016, so you should expect a lot of attention. Say what's on your mind and let your fans do their best to please you. You deserve it.

In winter and spring you may have a lot of acquaintances and dates, some of them will be one-time, but this is normal.

A truly exciting encounter is likely in the spring, but don't be reckless. Be smart and have fun.

The special position of the planets at the end of June will make it very likely for you to meet a person who is serious and at the same time has strong energy. However, it still doesn't have to be a lifelong relationship unless you want it to be.

A smooth and calm summer will end with an explosion of emotions and extravagance in September. Allow yourself to be the one being pampered and after a while evaluate how you feel.

The characteristic position of the planets at the end of the year may cause confusion in messages and missed dates for Cancers, but you should not worry about this. Your state of mind will be good all year.

Finance and career development horoscope

Cancer, 2016 may be a prosperous year for you in terms of accumulating prestige and, of course, money. Keep the quality of your thoughts and your efforts at high level, be reasonable in your expectations and see how the situation develops.

An extra dose of your charm will attract opportunities and improve your work connections. People value you and want to work with you. Business relationship will be transparent and mutually beneficial. Make a few new connections in the first few months and let them grow stronger as you build towards success.

You may need to spend more than planned in February and March, but you can keep it within reasonable limits. Profits received in August and September will cover these expenses.

Be the most financially careful as the year comes to an end and you can confidently overcome everything possible problems on the eve of 2017.

Throughout the past year, Cancers did nothing but go against the flow. But no matter how hard the representatives of this sign tried to achieve their goal, it almost always escaped their tenacious claws at the last moment. Fire Monkey favor the Green Goat: in 2016 you will get what you wanted. Your task is not to forget your dreams.

Cancers will enter New Year in the most complacent mood: minor problems have been resolved, but as for the major ones... “Somehow it will resolve itself,” - this is exactly the thought that will attract the representatives of this non-conflict sign. And in vain!

Such a passive position can only work until early February. By the end of winter, if you don’t do at least something, a financial crisis, work troubles or, let’s say, love conflicts can fall on your head like a heavy snowball. Therefore, if at the beginning of the year there is no strength or desire to be active, at least write on a piece of paper a plan for the “treatment” of your main problems. pain points: personal and work issues, children’s studies, extra pounds... And move towards “recovery” a little at a time.

In March Cancer will feel a sudden surge of strength. This will largely be facilitated by a new romantic hobby, which will also affect the “ringed” representatives of the sign. If you are one of these people, try not to let the relationship go beyond mutually pleasant flirting: the time has not yet come for a drastic change in family circumstances.

Will not be stingy spring and with money: you will finally be able to patch up financial holes and even make some nest egg, which will be the first step towards a long-desired major purchase.

All spring and early summer Inspired Cancers will easily and methodically solve life's problems, moving towards their goals. During this period, quite serious changes in material terms are possible: some of you will begin and successfully complete renovations, some will become the owner of an apartment or land plot for a future home, some will acquire vehicle... Side effect These fairly large financial expenses will awaken in you a craving for charity. Don’t step on your humanism’s throat: the Fire Monkey undertakes to repay you for your good deeds twice as much.

The surge in activity will continue for Cancers until mid-September, and now in the third decade of the first autumn month energy decline is possible. Lay out “straws” in advance - for example, plan a vacation for this time. When doing this, be sure to consult with your family and friends: intuitively, they sense your needs better than you and will choose the best vacation option.

And already by mid-October strength will return to you again. Late autumn will be the most productive period of the year for Cancers, when you will be able to achieve almost all your career and financial goals. True, success will attract not only fans, but also envious people. Try not to react to gossip and not to be nervous about other people's words. Well, the best emotional relaxation for you will be communication with nature: walks in the forest, fussing with pets, dacha “occupational therapy” will calm frayed nerves and restore your faith in humanity, which was shaken.

A December“under the Christmas tree” the Fire Monkey will give you a romantic gift: you will begin to enjoy incredible attention from the opposite sex. Use the gift wisely, weighing the pros and cons, especially if you are the happy owner of a “other half.” Well, lonely Cancers may well celebrate the New Year with someone who will soon become their reliable life partner for many years.

“I am often stubborn and therefore living and working with me is not as easy as it might seem. In addition, I am very strict about my own actions. I still can't stand lies. Everyone close to me knows the rule: “If you lie to me, you will get in trouble!”

Lucky numbers: 2, 4, 5, 8. Time for success. Days of the week: Monday, Thursday. Months: end of October – beginning of November, end of February – beginning of June, summer. Years: 2015, 2020, 2022, 2027, 2029, 2034, 2036, 2041, 2043, 2048, 2050.

Unlucky periods. Days of the week: Tuesday, Saturday. Months: end of September - beginning of October, end of December - beginning of January, month before birthday. Years: 2016, 2021, 2023, 2028, 2030, 2035, 2037, 2042, 2044, 2049.

Items of power - clover flower, heart. It is desirable that the talisman be silver. Keep it near where you spend a lot of time or wear it as jewelry. Talisman stonesMoonstone, emerald, ruby.

Astropsychological portrait. Cancer's motto: “I feel, therefore I exist.” However, you should not assume that Cancers are characterized by warmth and a tendency to sympathy. They take much more than they give, they sympathize mainly with themselves, and they come to help only when they are sure that there is nowhere else to wait for it. Cancer strives to be loved and cared for. However, he himself remains a “thing in itself”, never fully revealed. These people are vulnerable and sensitive to criticism, react sharply to ridicule and irony. Cancer is easy to offend with a careless word, the “wrong” tone or look. Cancer knows how to defend itself. His self-defense system is very developed. A typical defensive reaction of Cancer is to hide and remain silent, but you should not think that he will forget or not attach importance to what happened. Cancer very rarely forgives insults, but believes that revenge is a dish that is served cold. He can for a long time think about a response plan, and then find a convenient situation and remember to take advantage of it. With such a person it is best to remain neutral.

Cancers are usually successful. They are not characterized by impulsiveness and haste; they are careful, never unjustified risk. Before doing anything, Cancer will weigh the pros and cons. He very rarely listens to the advice of other people. He prefers to decide everything on his own and is not afraid of responsibility. The plans of these people are implemented in practice, any undertakings come to a successful conclusion. Cancers rarely make mistakes; their extraordinary intellectual abilities help them in this.

It is almost impossible to deceive Cancer. It is best to treat representatives of this sign only kindly and kindly. It is useless to put pressure on these people: Cancer has a developed multi-stage defense system. The only way to influence Cancer is to interest him. Cancers are persistent and assertive: if they decide to do something, nothing and no one will stop them. But, having set a goal for himself, Cancer will never go ahead towards it, he will achieve it, wait in the wings, make roundabout maneuvers around the desired object, and will constantly keep it under control.

Despite their love for novelty, change, and travel, Cancers are strongly attached to home and their loved ones, especially their mother and children. Children are the greatest value for them. We can say that Cancer is homely family sign, keeper of family traditions. He loves his home and nowhere feels calmer and more comfortable than in his native nest.

He lets all the dirt of the world pass through his soul, but at the same time maintains the purity of his soul. Therefore, when communicating with this person, you should pay attention not to external manifestations Cancer, but on its essence. If you manage to lure Cancer out of his shell, he will pay you back in gold highest quality. After all, Cancer sometimes does not behave in the best way, not because he wishes harm to someone. At heart he is a kind, selfless person. Blame it all - increased sensitivity. His receptive soul cannot withstand the cruelty of the world around him. Cancer can “break”, so he is forced to defend himself. If you can’t get Cancer to open up, you should treat him like a child.

Line of fate. Until the age of 30–35, the life of Cancers is changeable, full of anxieties, disappointments and conflicts. Married life Things don’t always work out well: divorces and separations are possible. Cancers are sensitive and vulnerable people, dependent on the opinions of other people. They are characterized by violent manifestations of emotions. All this can be alarming to potential partners. Therefore, from childhood, Cancer should be taught to control his temperament.

IN mature age fate, as a rule, rewards Cancer for all the suffering experienced. He achieves a worthy position in society and can make a good fortune. Excessive caution and suspicion can hinder progress towards success. Cancers try to “spread straw” everywhere and often see a threat where there is none.

Health. Diseases that Cancers are most susceptible to: stomach diseases, gastritis, ulcers, sclerosis, indigestion, edema, metabolic disorders. Cancers tend to invent non-existent illnesses for themselves. Excitement and anxiety in Cancer are primarily caused by dysfunction of the stomach, so attention must be paid to nutrition Special attention. It is recommended to drink a glass before bed to improve digestion. cold water. Foods that cause fermentation processes should be avoided.

Crayfish especially need food containing calcium fluoride, vitamins B2, C, E. Recommended products: dairy foods (especially goat milk), cabbage, lemons, raisins, Rye bread, eggs, fish, seafood, poultry, watermelons, melons, zucchini, nuts, seeds, oranges, lemons.

Love, sex, marriage. Crayfish - domestic and family people. They are more suited to being single and single. They can be ideal spouses - faithful, devoted, attentive, caring, if only they feel truly loved. Cancer seeks deeply emotional love, and in return is ready to completely submit to its partner. Must be near Cancer strong man, who is able to understand and support him in moments of doubt and bouts of pessimism, and close his eyes to the inconstancy of his moods. Men are attracted to older ladies, with more experience, with a strong maternal instinct, who will be able to identify their potential. Women of this sign behave in a motherly, caring manner. They give their soul to their family, husband, children, but in return they demand the same. The most important thing for them is to tie their partner to themselves. Having intelligence and any special qualities and talents is not necessary. Let the husband be the most ordinary, the main thing is that he remains faithful, works hard and takes care of the house. But by and large, Cancer can get along with any partner. He strives for peace, knows how to give in, get around sharp corners; It’s easier for him to suffer and suffer than to break off a relationship.

Cancers of both sexes adore their children. But this does not mean at all that they understand them well and find them mutual language. Cancer fathers show interest in their children when they begin to speak correctly (that is, from 3–5 years old) and you can communicate with them almost as equals. Cancers have great difficulty communicating with babies; they are very nervous because they do not know how to behave correctly.

Cancer women are very caring and exemplary mothers. She gives all of herself to her children, so she wants them to repay her in kind. However, it can be difficult for older children to assert their independence and free themselves from overprotection.

The best partners for a man - women from the signs of Pisces, Gemini, Taurus and Aquarius. Compatibility with Virgo, Leo and Libra is average. With Scorpio and Aries, the union is based on sex. There is no compatibility with Cancer, Sagittarius and Capricorn.

The best partners for a woman– men from the sign of Taurus and Pisces. Compatibility with Gemini, Leo, Sagittarius and Virgo is average. With Aquarius, Capricorn and Scorpio, the union is based on sex. There is no compatibility with Cancer, Aries and Libra.

2020 will be the year of the White Metal Rat, a very difficult time for each of us. The rule of this wayward sign can turn everything upside down, bring deceivers to clean water and reward good, selfless deeds. In 2020, you need to be extremely honest with yourself and the people around you, and we are confident that reserved Cancers will cope with the task.

Characteristics of Cancers

Cancer is a sign of the water element, whose patron is the Moon. The luminary has a great influence on people of this sign, softening them and making them more vulnerable. The water element also gave them compassion, empathy, and the ability to guess the thoughts of other people.

Cancer is the most emotional sign, however defense mechanisms do not allow him to show unnecessary emotions. He has excellent analytical skills, as well as caution and foresight, which allow him to achieve success and avoid failure.

The sign is best compatible with Virgo, Taurus and Scorpio. The Cancer man is a follower of logic, always achieves goals, and often occupies leadership positions. He is caring towards his family, but sometimes he can be too harsh. The Cancer woman is also very caring; the sensual component of relationships is incredibly important to her. He remembers his grievances for a long time and does not forgive betrayal. Rarely alone, finds loved one any age.

What awaits Cancers in 2020

The horoscope for 2020 for Cancer promises many new opportunities and important events. First of all, you need to decide what you want to achieve and what are your plans under the auspices of the Rat? Usually you have to choose between work and home, but this time both parts of life will require your full attention. In the spring you will have to devote more time to your family, and in the summer all your attention will be directed to work. You will be able to help solve the problems of relatives, as well as support colleagues in difficult situations.

In the summer, Cancers will experience new achievements; everything will come very easily. You will have to put your family on the backburner and devote time to work. In some situations, old acquaintances who remain in your debt will help you out.

At the beginning of autumn you will feel absolute harmony. You will have the necessary leverage and opportunities to implement your plans. Another zodiac sign would go over their heads and rise high up the career ladder and sphere of influence, but you will not allow this to happen. The White Rat values ​​integrity, so it will generously reward you for doing the right thing.

Already in October, work will take a back seat, and all your attention will be focused on your family. There are many celebrations and events coming up - anniversaries, weddings, even litigation. You will be very tired of the intensity of this month, so you will begin to lash out at others. Find an outlet or try a change of scenery, otherwise you will destroy relationships with important people.

Horoscope for a man

The 2020 horoscope for a Cancer man foretells many professional opportunities. You have never experienced such confidence as at this time. You can expect not only financial well-being, but also career advancement. You will be able to occupy the niche you have always dreamed of, doing what you love. The main thing is to make as much effort as possible and solve problems that arise in a timely manner.

When in mid-autumn, work and family demand equal attention from you, and you feel tired and approaching a nervous breakdown, switch to something else - take a few days off, go fishing with friends, learn a new hobby.
This year, family Cancer men will have to devote more time to their children. This applies not only to classes, but also to relaxing together. Unmarried representatives of the sign will be lucky in new relationships - perhaps in February you will be able to find your soulmate.

Horoscope for a woman

The New Year is preparing many temptations, but reserved and decent Cancer women will be able to resist them. They will bear all the gossip with pride and will not succumb to jealousy, and their family life will sparkle with new colors. The horoscope for 2020 for a single Cancer woman is no less positive. They will meet their love if they are not prejudiced towards possible chosen ones.

During this period, ladies will want to realize their potential and prove themselves in the professional field. The main thing is to keep career and family in equal balance to avoid conflicts.

Cancer women are very hardworking, accept life's difficulties with dignity and cope with them. They can give valuable advice, but will not impose their position. The Year of the Rat promises new acquaintances, which promise to develop into true friendship. However, not every new acquaintance will be a pleasant surprise; some will bring a lot of problems. In general, it is important to refrain from large expenses and distribute income. Autumn promises to be difficult financially, so it is better to collect money for a rainy day.

Love horoscope for 2020

The Year of the White Rat prepares a lot of emotions and experiences. Already in winter, in January or February, you can hope for romantic adventures. Singles will meet a person who will satisfy all needs, becoming loving second half. But to do this, you will have to throw away all thoughts and take risks, trusting your intuition.

Married women, as well as all Cancers in relationships, should be careful, not show jealousy and not succumb to provocations. Trust your partner and your relationship will move to the next level. Make an effort to turn this year into a second, longer one, Honeymoon. The stars favor you!

Do not remind your partner of old grievances, try not to think about the past and look only to the future. It's time to think about a more serious stage of the relationship. By the way, in 2021 it is best to combine yourself and your beloved person in marriage.

In the summer, representatives of this zodiac sign must restrain themselves and beware of light flirting. This can develop into sexual adventures, which will affect family life. Such adventures will not bring anything good to lonely Cancers.

Money horoscope for 2020

Private entrepreneurs will be lucky in finding new business connections, as a result of which an improvement in their financial situation is expected. This will most likely happen in late summer or autumn.

When you want to make a big purchase in July or August, think hard: do you really need this thing, is it possible to postpone the purchase a little? In the fall, you will face serious expenses, so it is better not to make hasty decisions.

When solving financial issues, rely only on yourself, do not expect help from friends and relatives. Even if there were some agreements, they were not destined to come true.

Avoid giving money to friends or lending money. They will return to you after a long time, or maybe not at all.

In general, Cancers can expect good profits and a decent financial situation in 2020. It will be successful for those who decide to make investments.

Career Horoscope for 2020

Cancers involved in the business industry will acquire many useful business contacts. Remember that you should always demand confirmation of your words and not simply trust people. New acquaintances and potential partners may become deceivers. In the spring, some representatives of this sign may feel that their work is underestimated, and their superiors do not encourage success. Be very careful and do not provoke disputes or conflict with your superiors. In a few months you will be noticed, a promotion and an increase in earnings are possible.

If you want to change your job and look for a new place of employment, do it exclusively in the fall. This period is most favorable for changes. Be careful: if you decide to quit in the first half of the year, you may be out of work for a very long time.

At the end of 2020, refrain from conflicts with colleagues and risky behavior at work. Compromise in your affairs to avoid collapse. In December you will need to make the most effort, and then all problems will pass by. In this case, 2021 will start properly and bring new opportunities.

Health horoscope for 2020

The winter holidays will be fun and very eventful. However, health problems are on the side of Cancers. You will have wellness and a lot of strength for new achievements. However, representatives of this sign suffering from chronic diseases must be extremely careful. You should refrain from overeating, reduce the amount of alcoholic drinks and protect yourself from stress.

In 2020, the night luminary favors Cancer in sports. You can try to master new types physical activity, For example athletics. Turn your attention to swimming and running. This will not only improve your physical shape, but also improve your health.

At the end of the year, in November or December, problems with mental health and even nervous breakdowns. To prevent mental health problems, maintain a work-life balance. In the middle of the year, it is recommended to go on vacation and take a break. If you take your worries into account and learn to isolate yourself from stress, 2020 will be calm and successful for you, and depression will not threaten you.

Famous people who bore this zodiac sign

There are many talented and famous people among Cancers. We present the most famous world names who were born under this zodiac sign:

  • Gaius Julius Caesar, an outstanding ancient Roman commander.
  • Marcel Proust is a writer and philosopher originally from France.
  • John Rockefeller is an American entrepreneur, owner of a huge fortune and empire.
  • Princess Diana is the deceased wife of Prince Charles, heir to the British throne.

The astrological forecast for 2016 is intended for people born between June 22 and July 22.

Cancer horoscope for 2016 – joy and luck

For you, Cancer, Jupiter is in Virgo and your third house. 2016 is an ideal year to get a higher education or at least engage in self-education. Your mind is quite receptive, works quickly and is able to easily accumulate new information in large quantities. You may have a sudden interest in literature. At the same time, you can note that more and more new ideas are appearing in your brain, moreover, you cannot shake the feeling that the unknown is waiting for you. You will improve your communication abilities, and this will be followed by success in any endeavors that involve communication in one way or another. You will be full of energy, most likely immersed in activities that will bring tangible results. You love to read and write, and work on the computer, so 2016 could be a time of creative success in writing. Now is the perfect time to submit manuscripts to publishers. In addition, numerous adventures await you. Brothers and sisters will take up more space in your life, and may receive well-deserved rewards - be happy for them.

Then, on September 9, 2016, Jupiter will move into Libra, in bottom part your horoscope. This is a good time to lay the foundations of your material well-being, but Jupiter crosses the Sun along its path, so your ego may get the better of you and you will begin to take on overwhelming tasks, believing that you can handle everything. This is a good time for your mother, and if she needs to sell her house, the real estate market will be favorable... at least in her city. If you are happy with your life, sit down, relax and enjoy the thought that it all belongs only to you. If you are not happy with yourself, the moment has come when you should reconsider your priorities and change not only your place of residence, but, perhaps, everything in your life. Although your affairs should be in order, avoid long trips over long distances - in this case you will feel like the most unhappy person on earth. Spend time with your family and home, and under no circumstances look for adventures on your own. Take care of your safety, and free time collect things. At this time, there is a very high probability that your relationship with your mother or the mother of your other half will improve.

Horoscope for 2016 for Cancer - difficulties and trials

Saturn in the sixth house of work/health and possibly a stepmother. You should improve your relationship with her, because... V Lately It was not the best time to meet her. Saturn transiting the sixth house may bring you a new boss who may not be as easy to get along with as the previous one. 2016 is a difficult time at work. Your attitude towards your career will change dramatically. It is very likely that your work will seem boring and monotonous; in addition, you will experience disharmony in your relationships with your colleagues. Hard work awaits you, for which there will be no one to thank you. Any mistake you make will cause resentment from others, and you may even be wrongly accused of doing a task incorrectly. You must learn to cope with such work turmoil. Of course, this is a difficult and sometimes impossible task, especially when, on top of everything else, you are also bored. You may have health problems. However, do not be discouraged, as this period is the best time to take up fitness or resort to a healing diet. The subsequent effect will be long lasting.

Saturn in conflict with Neptune: real and unreal

With Neptune transiting the ninth house, you may become interested in a new religion or otherwise step out of your comfort zone and engage in activities that previously made you somewhat uncomfortable.

You may be dreaming of distant countries and vacations, but you may suddenly be robbed. Colleagues at work may also set you up in a painful way.

Horoscope for 2016 for Cancer - surprises and surprises

When Uranus entered Aries in 2011, it entered your tenth house of career. If you have prepared over the past eight years: educated, traveled, studied law, political machinations, etc., you will be able to confidently step into your career ladder. Expect changes. Be prepared and help them come. Don't resist, because... Uranus loves to play pranks and confuse you just to see what you will do. Uranus hates routine, so a new job may be on the horizon. If you are unceremoniously kicked out of one job, don't fight for it. See the situation as a release from the status quo, move forward and see where the road takes you. This event may bring you more freedom than any other in your life. In 2016, the energy of Uranus will bring a shake-up and a revolutionary spirit to your work. It looks like it will be a very turbulent time. You will follow the impulses of your instincts. Moreover, monotonous everyday work can become real hard labor for you, so you will think seriously and make some attempts to master a completely new profession for you. During this period, you will not be in the mood to carry out anyone's orders, perhaps in this case you should start all over again and earn your authority again: if you want to do something in a way known only to you, everything will be done. At this time, there is the potential for significant progress to be made in work, but it may also be associated with a number of inhibitory circumstances, such as a demotion or a radical reduction in living standards for a short time.

Cancer horoscope for 2016 – mysterious and spiritual

Neptune has moved into your ninth house of religion, higher education, sports, advertising and law. In this 2016, you are forced to look for answers to philosophical questions about life that have troubled the brightest minds of humanity from time immemorial. Moreover, religious and political theories and outlandish doctrines will capture your attention. In your quest to know, there may be a danger of substituting the concepts of truth and lies, for example, you may take on faith the statements of a charlatan for the wise words of a true prophet. During this time, you are extremely open to different ideas. Perhaps you will go on a long and distant journey, during which you will find answers to some of the questions that interest you. However, you must be extremely careful: try to recognize the deception in time. During this period, there is a high probability that you will become an ardent supporter new system religion. Moreover, you will not rest on your laurels: you will try to involve people close to you in it.

Neptune is obsessed with water, emotions, crying, sensitivity - all the things that seem necessary to you. Neptune will increase your awareness and add some emotion. Perhaps you were somewhat confused by the lack of clear “boundaries”, while Neptune tried to lead you to the golden mean between the left and right hemispheres of the brain. You should prepare for your career goals by traveling, or getting the necessary education... but be prepared for the fact that at any moment everything can slip out of your hands.

Cancer horoscope for 2016 – major changes

Pluto in the seventh house of relationships/partner, second child, grandparents. In 2016, all your attention will be focused on love relationships. If you are not satisfied with them, you will feel disadvantaged and will try to end them as quickly as possible and start over. Even if your relationship is quite strong, turbulent times await you in any case: you will still face a number of problems regarding the incompatibility of characters that will come to light during this period. IN sex life You will prove yourself to be a passionate lover: you will constantly experiment and bring something new and unexpected into the relationship with your partner. Moreover, you may be subjected to strong temptation and, unable to resist, cheat on your other half. If you start a new relationship at this time, you will be acting as a consumer and giving very little in return. At the same time you can feel that you have met ideal partner, which was destined for you by fate. However, be careful: during this period, there is a high probability that your relationship will end, bringing a lot of pain and suffering, perhaps even due to the death of your partner. This is what Pluto's move through the seventh house can lead to! If you are married, then your marriage will be subject to tests, and only Cancers with real dignity will be able to calmly and intelligently pass all the tests.

An eclipse in your ninth house. You should consider an education that will help you in your life and career. Consider courses that can help you get up the ladder. Also, several “legal” issues may arise now. But this is a good time to plan a vacation, including abroad, if you can afford it.

They say that the fourth house is the trunk of your Tree of Life, and the roots that go into the soil. Other houses are just branches and leaves, so this house is very important. Think about what you need to do during this period to put down strong roots.

Horoscope for 2016 for Cancer man

  • Those born in the first decade (2206.-30.06) will have to take risks in the winter of 2016. Fate favors new achievements and achievements. At the same time, you should not enter into conflicts with others.
  • Those born in the second decade (01.07-10.07) must look at life with a sober look so as not to lose their heads. The beginning of 2016 will be suitable for business negotiations, and at the end of the year there will be a meeting that can change your life.
  • Those born in the third decade (07/11-07/22) during the winter period of 2016 should not be touchy. In the summer you can safely implement your ideas, but in the fall you should be careful with money.

Horoscope for 2016 for Cancer woman

  • Those born in the first decade (06.22-06.30) will find new opportunities in all areas of life in the summer of 2016. This year is suitable for travel, new hobbies and a variety of endeavors.
  • Those born in the second decade (01.07-10.07) can always be “on top” if they learn to maintain a balance between work and personal life. Extraordinary luck is expected in the second half of the year.
  • Those born in the third decade (10.07-22.07) will expect increased attention from their loved ones. In the middle of summer it would be nice to relax and go on a trip. The end of the year promises good luck on the love front.

Horoscope for 2016 for each month for the sign Cancer

  • January 2016 for Cancers will be good period to work on yourself. New acquaintances will not lead to anything good. There will also be no changes in the health sector.
  • In the personal sphere, everything will turn out great for Cancers in February 2016. You need to learn to save a good relationship with management at work. There is no need to resort to self-medication.

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