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Family life horoscope by signs. Combination of zodiac signs in marriage, love and friendship: astrological compatibility

Astrological compatibility is divided into two main types. The Western version divides the year into 12 zodiac signs, which are compatible with each other or not, and the Eastern version covers 12 years, which correspond to totem signs. For us, the first, Western option is more traditional. A good addition to it is the Chinese (Oriental) compatibility horoscope, which allows you to clarify compatibility by year of birth. Another method to analyze the compatibility of horoscope signs is - numerology forecast by combination of full name and date of birth. Each method works, see for yourself!

Compatibility horoscope for zodiac signs


Aries is a person with a warm heart, stormy, lively emotions and open, sincere feelings. Aries in love is always gentle, caring and attentive to his partner, while through a romantic and touching attitude you can feel a huge inner strength, pride and determination. In the compatibility horoscope, Aries will be able to find an ideal life partner who has the same rich, vibrant world and fine mental organization.


The practicality and seriousness of Taurus' intentions always attracts the opposite sex. Taurus, being in love, surrounds his life partner with incredible tenderness, care and attention. His tenacity is difficult to resist, and as the compatibility horoscope says, such tactics work flawlessly, which especially applies to representatives of the elements of Earth and Water. They, just like Taurus, are committed to long-term, strong relationships, loyalty and devotion to the family.


The unpredictability and frivolity of Gemini sometimes surprises even time-tested partners. Today Geminis are light, spontaneous and charming, but tomorrow they seem darker than a cloud. This leads to the fact that Gemini does not accept any serious obligations, giving in return a constant feeling of celebration and novelty. But thanks to the compatibility horoscope, active and loving Geminis will easily find life partners suitable in temperament.


The Cancer representative is favorably distinguished by his sophistication in love affairs and the ability to combine a subtle sensitive nature with pragmatism and prudence. Experiencing the most tender feelings, Cancer is ready to talk for hours about the most extraneous everyday things. A partner who is not put off by apparent rationality and prosaicism will subsequently see in Cancer an impeccable family man, a passionate lover and caring parent. Thus, from the compatibility horoscope it is clear that Cancer will be best understood by the signs of the related water and earth elements.


Despite the pronounced egocentrism for Leo, love and feelings occupy one of the main places in his life. Leos are quite amorous, and they treat every new feeling with the utmost seriousness. The generosity and caring nature of Leo can conquer any sign of the zodiac circle, but do not forget that for long-term and happy relationship he needs to feel like a complete master of the situation, which is not acceptable for everyone. The secret of the compatibility horoscope for Leo is an alliance with representatives of the fire and air elements.


Virgo's relationships, as a rule, are of a partnership and friendly nature. She does not need easy, non-binding connections. Virgo is looking only for reliable and faithful partners for life. As the Virgo compatibility horoscope says, relationships with flighty and daydreaming people will not bring joy and satisfaction to either party. However, the horoscope will not only warn, but will be able to suggest which life partner the sensible Virgo should choose.


Typical representatives of Libra are easy-going, spontaneous and loving. They are highly adaptable, diplomatic and very friendly. Despite the changeability of character, one interesting trend can be noticed in the compatibility horoscope - Libra is able to get along with almost each of the twelve signs of the zodiac circle, but the most comfortable and harmonious relationships Libra will be able to build with representatives of the air or fire elements.


Scorpio takes the choice of a faithful life partner seriously and very pickily. Such an intellectual and esthete is ideally suited for partners who have the same goals in life as Scorpio. In addition, Scorpio is jealous and in search of an ideal spouse, he cannot do without the help of a compatibility horoscope, which can suggest good options for relationships with related water signs and faithful, balanced signs of the Earth element.


An amorous and active Sagittarius, when the first romantic feelings arise, is ready to constantly amaze the object of desire with incredible charm and charm. At the same time, his independence will require from his life partner exactly the same free and easy attitude towards love. Otherwise, misunderstandings, quarrels and constant jealousy are inevitable. From the compatibility horoscope, Sagittarius will be able to find out which partners have the same internal qualities and views on relationships.


A reasonable Capricorn, as a rule, is not inclined to rush headlong into the whirlpool of love passion. He takes relationships extremely seriously, always planning for a long-term and strong partnership. According to the compatibility horoscope, Capricorns are recommended to connect their lives with equally practical representatives of the Earth element. However, this zodiac sign is not alien to tender manifestations of love, gentleness, and care. In this case, sensitive representatives of the Water trine can become ideal life partners for Capricorn.


The friendliness and activity of Aquarius undoubtedly attracts and intrigues the opposite sex. He always knows how to surprise, amuse and interest his life partner. Aquarius will be unbearably bored with pedantic or quiet, dreamy partners. With the help of a compatibility horoscope, it becomes clear that it is difficult to imagine more suitable zodiac signs for Aquarius than the bright, sociable representatives of the element of Fire and related air signs.


Such finely organized natures as romantic and dreamy Pisces are usually not inclined to take the first steps. Pisces are recommended to choose active zodiac signs as partners, prone to hard, strong-willed decisions. In the compatibility horoscope, representatives of the Earth trine and related water signs are ideally suited for this role. It is to them that Pisces will gladly entrust the dominant place in the family, leaving for themselves the impeccably fulfilled responsibilities of a caring parent and a tenderly loving spouse.

How to check the compatibility of signs in love

The consistently high interest in compatibility astrology is supported by the desire of lovers to preserve mutual feelings for as long as possible and build strong, reliable relationships. It is the compatibility horoscope that allows you to understand inner world partner and gives recommendations that can improve the relationship between a man and a woman.

Compatibility analysis according to the horoscope helps to find out what the main problems of the couple are, to find the maximum effective solution, and carry love through long years.

The advice of professional astrologers is not limited to compatibility according to typical zodiac signs. It has long been known that the Moon also has a huge influence on the mood, emotions and subconscious of partners, so it should be taken into account that it is comparable to the influence of the Sun.

The compatibility horoscope can not only influence the relationship between spouses, but also helps mutual understanding between other family members. Wise parents use a horoscope to determine the most bright features character of the baby, prevent and smooth out inevitably arising problems associated with the formation of the child’s personality.

Don't think that perfect horoscope compatibility will ensure a bright future. Relationships between people are always painstaking work that requires complete mutual understanding and sensitivity. In this case, to make the picture more accurate and detailed, it is recommended to use additional tests and online services to determine compatibility.

Similarity of temperament, character, unity in achieving goals and common life values ​​will help determine.

It can be useful for an accessible assessment of the interaction and harmony of two people.

Another important factor for building happy couple is considered, because as impartial statistics testify: those people whose names consist of identical, similar frequency and pitch scales are the happiest in marriage. is a guarantee of trusting, close relationships based on similarity of interests and complete mutual understanding.

Almost everyone knows the ancient Chinese science of Feng Shui, which helps to harmonize and arrange any space, but few people know what it is also great way improve intimate life and a chance to develop healthy sexual relationships within a couple.

It will be useful for business and establishing new connections. The knowledge gained will allow you to resolve any conflict with business partners, colleagues or management, and will also help you maintain profitable relationships and climb the career ladder.

Today, synastric astrology has become incredibly popular. She determines the compatibility of zodiac signs in marriage by studying the location of the Sun, stars, Moon and other planets at the time of birth of both partners. According to astrologers, thanks to such knowledge, you can create truly harmonious relationships, find an approach to any person, and build a strong family.

Astrologers advise studying the marital compatibility horoscope at the stage of meeting your prospective future spouse. It will definitely help you better understand the person who is next to you, find out his strengths and weak sides, check how well you fit together.

As a rule, most people note that horoscopes quite often coincide with reality. And it would be nice to read and even study them before taking such an important step in life as marriage. Compatibility of zodiac signs in marriage plays important role in future life together. However, rely entirely on astrological forecast- not worth it. It will be better if when making such an important decision in life as choosing a spouse, you trust your heart. Even perfect compatibility zodiac signs in marriage does not give us a complete guarantee that such a union will be happy. On the other hand, the most difficult zodiac signs in terms of compatibility can create an ideal family and will demonstrate best compatibility married.

Now let's take a closer look...

Aries (21.03-22.04) is a sign of Fire. These people have rich emotions and increased activity. They get along well with Leo, Libra, Aries, Gemini, and are in no way compatible with Capricorn and Pisces.

Taurus (04/21-05/21) is an Earth sign. These people are devoted to family, their spouse, eternal values ​​and ideals. An ideal partner for you could be Cancers, Pisces, Capricorns, Virgos. There is no mutual understanding with Aquarius, Leo and Scorpio.

Gemini (21.05-24.06) is an Air sign. These are windy and reckless people who always live somewhere behind the clouds. They have nothing in common with Capricorns and Cancers. They feel the greatest attraction to the signs of their native element - Libra, Aquarius, Gemini. The connection with Leos and Taurus will be strong. But they have no mutual understanding with Sagittarius, Pisces and Virgo.

Cancer (06/22-07/20) is a water sign. These are quiet people of conservative views. The most valuable thing for them is their children. Cancers will ideal partners for Scorpio, Taurus, Aries and Pisces. But an alliance with Capricorns, Libra and Virgo will be unsuccessful.

Leos (07.23-08.25) are a less temperamental sign of Fire, compared to other representatives of this element. Leo will be a wonderful soul mate for Libra, Gemini, Sagittarius and Aries, but a connection between Leo and Aquarius and Taurus is unlikely.

Virgos (08/24-09/20) are quite difficult individuals, especially men. You will need to learn to make concessions with them. Virgos will get along well with Virgos and Scorpios, but are incompatible with Aquarius, Libra and Cancer.

Libra (23.09-21.10) fully lives up to its name. They constantly doubt, carefully think about everything before making a choice, which is why they need self-confident travel companions for life. Libra is compatible with Sagittarius, Aries, Leo, Gemini. But relationships with Capricorns, Cancers and Taurus are almost impossible for Libra.

Scorpios (10.24-11.20) - extremely excitable, ambivalent and heavy people. They do not tolerate comments directed at themselves. It will be difficult for two Scorpios together; they will suffer from each other’s bites. Scorpios get along well with Virgos, Pisces, Capricorns and Cancers, but a marriage of Scorpio with Aquarius, Aries and Leo is hardly possible.

Sagittarius (11.20-12.24) are hot, willful natures, always defending their opinion in everything. They are ideal for Cancers, Aries, Scorpios, Leo and Aquarius. He will be restrained by a partner-friend with a great sense of humor, a lover of life who recognizes the freedom of Sagittarius.

Capricorns (24.12-23.01) - constancy itself. Because of this, Leos will not find mutual understanding with them. Capricorns are on the same level as Virgos, Taurus, Scorpios and Pisces. But they will not be able to get along in marriage with Sagittarius, Libra, Cancer and Aries.

Aquarians (21.01-21.02) are subtle natures, for whom in the first place they seek harmony in the internal ideals of the soul. They are not friendly with Pisces and Capricorns, who are very utilitarian in family life. An impeccable union will be with Cancer, Libra, Aries, Gemini and Sagittarius. A deeply contradictory alliance with Leo, Aquarius, Taurus and Scorpio.

Pisces (20.02-21.03) are very difficult natures. They combine well with the signs of their environment, but even the similarity of the signs of one element will not give confidence in an ideal union. Pisces is suitable for Scorpios, Taurus, Leo, Cancer and Capricorn. Not compatible with Aries, Pisces, Virgo, Sagittarius and Libra.

Today, checking for compatibility of zodiac signs in marriage is an integral step when getting married. Therefore, trust the knowledge of the ancient science of astrology, and forward to a happy future!

The zodiac sign does not play a determining role in matters of compatibility, but each sign has its own characteristics and marriage is not equally important for all signs.

The typical Aries, strong Gemini, self-sufficient Virgo, developed Capricorn and independent Aquarius suffer less from loneliness than others. They for a long time may avoid marriage.

Aries, Cancer, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces are signs whose representatives get along well with representatives of their sign and live in a happy marriage, for example, a Capricorn man and a Capricorn woman.

But Leos and Taurus have difficulty getting along with representatives of their signs; in the first case, selfishness is to blame, in the second, stubbornness.

Marriages between representatives of signs of the same element can also be short-lived, for example, unions of Aries-Sagittarius, Gemini woman - Libra man, Cancer woman - Pisces man often break up. Relationships between neighboring signs rarely lead to a harmonious marriage, especially if the male sign comes after the female one.

Sign compatibility cardinal cross: Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn are looking for an independent partner, someone who will help realize their goals and dreams, and will also take on a significant or equal share of family responsibilities. If the marriage is successful, then these signs will provide a reliable rear and prosperity for the whole family. Negative qualities in marriage are intransigence and high requirements, intransigence.

Sign compatibility fixed cross: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius show more constancy in matters of marriage and partnership, because they do not like change. They take a long time to choose suitable partner and are in no hurry to divorce him. If the marriage is successful, then these signs guarantee a wealth of sensory experiences for many years of life together. Negative character traits for partnership are stubbornness and selfishness, immoderation.

Sometimes it's even hot loving friend friend, a man and a woman just can’t get along together. In the end, these people understand that they are simply polarly different - they like and dislike completely different things, one loves noisy companies, the other prefers a home evening to a party, even watching TV between two people can provoke a scandal and a serious battle for possession of the remote control remote control.

This situation can be explained by the banal mismatch of two lovers according to their zodiac signs. After all, it is the influence of certain planets and elements that largely shapes a person’s character already at the moment of his birth.

How he first relates to parents, peers and friends, and then to colleagues and his significant other, depends on the zodiac sign. What a particular person can achieve in his life and the model of his behavior in different situations are also, as a rule, predetermined by his zodiac affiliation, which forms the main traits of his character. That is why it is useful to understand at least a little about the diversity of zodiac signs and look from time to time at their compatibility horoscope.

To understand the compatibility and incompatibility of two specific people, you can use the help of a professional who will draw up detailed horoscope future relationships and calculate their paths possible development. However, not everyone will be satisfied with the cost of such services, and it will be a real shame if the chosen astrologer turns out to be a charlatan or an amateur.

But there is another way to learn about warnings from stars and planets regarding compatibility or lack thereof. The necessary information is quite easy to find on the Internet, and most of it is provided to site visitors for free. This option is much simpler and available to everyone who is not indifferent to his fate and the fate of a nascent relationship.

Astrology is a little-studied science, and many people perceive it skeptically, but the fact has already been verified that knowledge of the detailed characteristics of the Zodiac signs is useful in all areas of people’s lives. A correctly compiled horoscope will take into account all aspects of a person’s life - love relationships and friendships, his abilities and inclinations in certain types of activities, inclinations to certain actions, reasons for the formation of certain habits, and much more.

How to use the compatibility horoscope correctly

There are only twelve signs of the Zodiac, but don’t delude yourself here - the character of a person born under a certain sign also depends on the year and date of birth. A small number of constellations gives rise to a great variety of options for the development of events and destinies, the beginnings of characters and possible compatibility.

Any Scorpio or Taurus by date of birth has its own unique code. Just one zodiac sign is a whole variety of characters that are different from each other. When compiling an individual, and therefore the most accurate, horoscope, astrologers are guided very strictly - by belonging to specific zodiac signs, by year of birth, dates and even time of day.

Thus, it is difficult to draw up a compatibility horoscope on your own; the result is unable to cover all the variations in the relationships between representatives of astrological signs. But even a generalized compatibility forecast will take into account the most character traits characters and will help you avoid pitfalls when building relationships.

Compatibility in human relationships

When someone’s paths cross, not many people can tell in advance how the nascent relationship will turn out. What does the future hold for two people who have just met? Perhaps they will fall in love with each other and will soon want to unite their lives. Will their marriage be happy and lasting? Knowing the compatibility horoscope when choosing a partner for a serious relationship is not only useful, but often necessary. It is astrological awareness that is most effective in the process of improving the quality of any human relationship.

In addition, the compatibility horoscope includes several types:

  • Compatibility in love. Horoscopes for future couples are very popular. What is this connected with? By checking the compatibility of your sign and that of your partner, you can prevent many unpleasant processes and bypass difficult situations and disagreements in relationship formation. Leaving room only for love and shared happiness.
  • Compatibility in bed. How many people have so many temperaments? One gravitates towards experiments and experiences in sexual relations, the other does not accept fantasies and considers them shameful. The compatibility horoscope will help you understand the characteristics and preferences of your partner, even before the first intimacy takes place.
  • Marriage compatibility. A beautiful couple in love does not always become a congenial couple. The subtleties of everyday communication between two people are also the same as the directions of the compatibility horoscope.
  • Compatibility in friendship. This horoscope calculates the likelihood of favorable friendships and the strength of friendship with a specific person.
  • Compatibility in work and business. Another one of the most popular aspects of drawing up a compatibility horoscope. In many foreign countries Smart bosses, not wanting to get into trouble, before recruiting a team of employees, turn to astrologers for help to draw up a horoscope for each of the employees.

Of course, you shouldn’t take the compatibility horoscope completely on faith and rely solely on its advice when building relationships. It is not a panacea for solving problems and is not a final verdict on the impossibility of relationships with a certain person. When applying compatibility horoscopes in practice, you should not forget to listen to your own heart.

When it comes to your personal life, you should not unconditionally obey the laws of astrology, but it is useful to study its forecasts regarding the favorableness of the future union.

Astrologers have their own methods for determining the combination of zodiac signs, which can help real feelings overcome any obstacles.

The interaction of people in society, friendships and love relationships are not subject to any laws, since each person is an individual, the formation of which is influenced by many factors.

Relationships between two people are always accompanied by various problems that are typical for all couples, but if for some these problems are expressed especially clearly, then for others they may be barely noticeable.

The answer to many questions regarding the compatibility of people with each other can be given by astrology, which uses its own methods that determine the combination of zodiac signs.

Astrological combination

In order to find out whether two people are suitable for each other from an astrological point of view, a fairly comprehensive analysis should be carried out. To get a more thorough picture of compatibility, it is necessary to study the horoscope of each person, taking into account his name, date of birth, typical zodiac sign and criteria.

But there are basic ideas about the compatibility of two people of the opposite sex. They are built on the basis of taking into account only the zodiac affiliation of people.

The following types of astrological compatibility are distinguished:

  • Pairs of opposites.
  • Similarity partners.
  • Neighbors' love.
  • Relations of mutual development.

Zodiac signs that are opposite, for example, Libra and Aries or Leo and Aquarius, can form a strong union, but it will certainly be based on some kind of renunciation of one’s inner ego. People of such signs are able to understand each other only indirectly, by abstracting from their principles for the sake of their partner. But in such couples there are always common interests and goals in life, which are one of the main motives for maintaining relationships.

Alliances that are based on partnership by similarity, they are formed from people who have the same zodiac signs. Such couples are quite rare, but if they are formed, then throughout their lives they experience a certain sense of struggle in the relationship. This happens due to similar views on life and attempts to dominate their soulmate, whose behavior can be easily predicted.

If in a couple both partners were born at the same time years, but under different signs zodiac (for example, Scorpio and Sagittarius), then it is based on the principle of “love of neighbors.” The division most often observed in it common space on one’s own and others’, as well as the desire to conquer more advantageous position in a relationship. In such unions, an emotional atmosphere and a constant clash of opinions prevail.

Mutual development relations observed in unions where each partner draws the missing qualities of his personality from each other. Thus, throughout their entire life together, partners engage in some kind of self-development, striving to make their personality complete.

Zodiac sign compatibility chart

To determine the degree of compatibility of people only by zodiac sign, there are special tables developed by astrologers.

One of the simplest tables looks like this:

The number at the intersection of two zodiac signs shows the degree of compatibility of their owners. The higher the number, the more compatible, according to astrologers, the partners are.

Numerical indicators mean:

1-10: most low level compatibility, which is the cause of misunderstanding in a couple, mutual conflicts and disrespect. The reasons for this are differences in the elements to which the zodiac signs belong, and therefore differences in character.

11-20: low compatibility, which often gives rise to problems in everyday life and when finding a compromise. Such couples are often based on passion and physical attraction, which can be a deterrent to a long life together.

21-30: average relationship compatibility. Due to frequent misunderstandings of each other, partners may encounter conflicts and indifference. However, in such couples there is an understanding and awareness of the value of the relationship.

31-40: sufficient level of compatibility. This indicator is average, so partners can form a strong alliance, provided that each of them is ready to make a number of concessions to each other.

41-50 : high level compatibility. Most often, mutual understanding and comfort, supported by strong physical attraction, prevail in such couples.

51-60 : very high compatibility. Partners trust each other, strengthening their love relationships with friendship and common interests.

61-70: almost perfect level of compatibility. This indicator indicates complete mutual understanding, harmony in relationships and mutual care and respect.

71-78 : perfect compatibility. Such couples are the rarest, but it is in them that ideal harmony, calmness, balance and love are observed.

Elements and triads

Astrology involves dividing the calendar year into 12 parts, similar to months. A person born in a certain month acquires one of the 12 zodiac signs.

All zodiac signs, in turn, belong to one of four elements: air, fire, water or earth. Each element is subordinate to 3 zodiac signs.

Thus, there are 4 triads of signs of certain elements:

The benefits of love horoscopes

Astrologers' predictions regarding the compatibility of a couple in love, although not fundamental when choosing a partner, can help pay attention to the features of the relationship.

By studying the astrological forecast regarding the combination of zodiac signs with each other, you can prevent in advance a number of problems that lovers may encounter in the future.

For example, knowing that your partner is overly emotional due to his belonging to the water element, you should be prepared for changes in his mood and think through your behavior in such situations.

In addition to forecasts regarding the future together, astrologers regularly draw up a love horoscope for the coming week, month or year. By tracking it, you can make plans for the coming periods of time, taking into account the predictions.

For example, choosing the most favorable time to travel together or buy an apartment.

Also taking into account love horoscopes many carry out family planning, determining best time for a wedding or the birth of a child.

Astrology pays great attention to the problem of combining zodiac signs. Each person is born with a certain set of qualities inherent in the natural element under the sign of which he was born, and therefore his position in the family, society and in love relationships will largely depend on these qualities.

If you want to build a strong relationship with your partner, you need to take into account possible contradictions that may arise when comparing the elements of incompatible zodiac signs.

Video: Which zodiac signs can be happy in marriage

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