Home Stomatitis Conducted on March 8 in a women's group.

Conducted on March 8 in a women's group.

Scenario March 8 for a small team (from 10 to 40 people).
This scenario is mainly for those who sit at the table throughout the holiday with short 1, 2 or 3 breaks for dancing. It is necessary to purchase several inexpensive souvenirs for competitions

Our dear WOMEN!
Today is the most favorable and happiest day for you according to the “male” horoscope, i.e.:
March 8 is a solemn day,
Day of joy and beauty,
All over the earth he gives to women
Your smiles and flowers!!!
What holiday of congratulations? And our respected leader expressed his desire to present the first congratulations to our dear women... He has the first word.

Although the snowstorm has not yet shallowed,
But after another drink,
Our souls have become warmer
And hearts were happy.
Let winter be full of excitement,
Spring has come to us today!
Today is March 8th
And we wish you happiness!
Third toast “For Love!” No wonder people say: “LOVE is toothache in heart!" And now the head of the transport department will share this love, or his pain, with us...!

Dear ladies!
We could praise you until the morning!
However, it's time to get down to business
The moment has come to give gifts!
As our most powerful argument!
We have already given you some of the gifts today, but the rest you need to earn by participating a little in competitions. In other words, we need to make up for February 23rd!

So the first competition, not even a competition but a summing up of the results of our survey conducted before the holiday itself.

To do this, you need to write the 5 questions below on a piece of paper and give them to the women to answer. questions asked and draw preliminary conclusions. You can change the questions at your discretion or add your own options.

Our dear women were asked to answer the following questions:
1. You came home and someone is sleeping on your bed. unknown man. Your actions (of all those surveyed, all but one asked to lie down next to him, and only one decided to throw him out the door, so guys, watch out who has him)
2. You come to work, and another employee is sitting in your place. Your actions
(There are many options in this direction, but you can group them into approximately three groups - 1. they want to get to know each other, 2. they will be surprised, but they will sit down next to you, 3. they will ask you to work for yourself, but for free)
3. You were invited to a restaurant, you had dinner and suddenly your companion disappears without paying. Your actions
(50% expressed a desire to change their companion, 30% also decided to run away, and the remaining took measures to pay for dinner, but in different ways)
4. You bought hair dye, dyed your hair, but it turned out that it was green, but you don’t have time to recolor it before the reception. Your actions.
(here women wished to remain in only socks or stockings, some only in shoes, in underwear, in one wig, but there were also modest ones - they wished to remain in dresses, but all these items of clothing must necessarily match the color of their hair. And one of them women would decide to go with one toothless smile, and only two decided to go with what they had and as they were, at the moment)
5. You have an important report tomorrow, and your neighbors big party, which prevents you from falling asleep in any case. Your actions
(Some of the women remained indifferent and gathered to watch TV, but at the same time turn up the volume of the TV, 40% of women decided to take more radical measures - to shoot up their neighbors and conduct a debriefing, and - one of these 40% decided to do the “wet business”, and Only two women can’t afford a neighbor’s party - they decided to just relax)
6. You came to work and they announced a 10-fold increase in your salary. Your actions
(almost all the women will be happy about what happened, and one will faint with joy, two women will not believe the salary and will think that April 1st has come, three decided to get drunk with joy, but only one decided to get her colleagues drunk, and two decided to get drunk alone, and only one of them all said that she would work even better than before, in order to apparently earn even more), So... think about whether women should increase their salaries, maybe give it to men, who, on the contrary, are ready to work even better as one !

The generalized results of the survey are as follows: Our women have a sense of humor, although before the survey, some men thought the opposite. Our women are resourceful - they have their own argument for any situation and a way out of the current situation. Our women have not stopped loving us men - at least in their thoughts! And that's already good! Our women have a large margin of safety - the conclusion is that the management of the department needs to burden them more with additional work.

Therefore, a toast is proposed to our daring, resourceful, hardworking, abundantly loving and of course dear women!

Ladies and gentlemen! We all address women, and we address women. Let’s turn to our men: “Dear men, tell me which of you is dissatisfied with the small salary you receive now?” And I thought everyone was happy. I suggest that those who are dissatisfied give their salaries to our female colleagues and work for free. This is how it always turns out, how to share - so everyone is in the bushes, not a single one was found! Therefore, we smoothly move on to another competition:

Theater competition: The jury is all men
4-6 women are invited and asked to portray the following:
1. portray a feminist
2. portray a man-hater
3. portray a prostitute
4. portray a female official

The winner gets a prize and the rest get a consolation prize.

A word of congratulations...

It all starts with a woman! Fun, laughter, duels, disappointments, Love, care, warmth and pain and much more, all this is because of you and for you, our dears! No matter what age you are, you will always remain the better half of humanity.

We propose to hold a Culinary competition, for this I will now name each letter from the alphabet, and you dear women You will have to name the dishes within one minute, whichever one of you names the most wins!
Let's start clockwise from me and alphabetically, skipping the vowels, and for those who don't have enough consonants, we'll give them a vowel. Started:
B, V, D, D, F, Z, K, L, M, N, P, R, S, T, F, X, C, Ch, W, Shch,

The winner has a prize.

We expressed a desire to congratulate the winner personally... and at the same time all the other women.

Dear men, the time has finally come for you. You are invited to pay Special attention on your neighbors. Our Ladies want to see filled glasses, your happy faces and ears hanging on the carnation of attention. While the glasses are being filled, I propose to hold another competition called

BUTT (or any other word or words "I WANT A MAN")
All women take turns saying the word “Butt” or “I want a man!” with increasing volume, i.e. the first speaks in a whisper, the second a little louder, the third even louder, etc. in a circle clockwise from me, the leader. The one who speaks loudest wins, i.e. after it, no one will dare to say (shout) or yell louder. If during the game someone enters the room where it is being played, you should say: “Hello, we called you.”

The winner has a prize, and wishes to congratulate the rest...

Dear women, now we want to determine which of you is the most dexterous, 4-6 people are invited

Competition "Tear a piece of paper"

With one hand, right or left, it doesn’t matter - tear a piece of paper into small pieces, while the hand is extended forward, you cannot help with your free hand. Who will do the smallest job?
And so they began. We have not yet congratulated the most dexterous prize...


The prize is taken and wrapped in paper. The contents of any riddle are glued to the wrapper. Turns around again. And again the riddle sticks. And so ten times. The players sit in a circle. The presenter gives one a prize wrapped in ten wrappers. The player removes one wrapper, sees the riddle, and reads to himself. If he guessed it, he says the riddle; if not, he reads the riddle out loud; whoever guessed it gets the right to further unwrap the prize and everything continues according to the same pattern. The winner is the one who, guessing the riddle, gets to the very end.

To play, you need sheets of paper and pencils according to the number of people present. Each guest is given this young artist kit and a card with the concept - the funnier the more interesting. For example: adultery; hellish tension; senility; second youth. In five minutes, players must draw their concept without using words or letters. Then each artist presents his masterpiece, and the rest guess the concept. The winner is the one whose concept was guessed.

MATERNITY HOUSE (the woman is given a note with the child’s parameters - weight, gender, height, and even name)
Two people play. One is a wife who has just given birth, and the other is her faithful husband. The husband’s task is to ask everything about the child in as much detail as possible, and the wife’s task is to explain all this to her husband with signs, because The thick double glass of the hospital room does not allow outside sounds to pass through. See what gestures your wife will make! The main thing is unexpected and varied questions.

This game will help all your guests get to know each other. Guests sitting at the table pass the roll around in a circle toilet paper. Each guest tears off as many scraps as he wants, the more the better. When each guest has a stack of scraps, the host announces the rules of the game: each guest must tell as many facts about himself as he has torn scraps.

Blow a candle - Chew an apple
Two volunteers are called up, preferably guys who know each other well. The rest stand around and pretend to be a support group. Players sit on both sides of a small table, a candle is placed in front of each, and a lighter (or matches) and an apple are given in their hands. The task is simple - who can eat their apple faster? But you can only eat an apple while your candle is burning. And the enemy can blow out the candle and then the player, before biting the apple again, will have to light it again.

The players get into pairs. The host invites everyone to the “wild beach”, where dances are announced. The dancers are given records (one for men, three for women) - “in order to intimate parts did not excite vacationers on the beach." Music sounds, dancing begins. Players need to not lose a single record during the dance, and to do this they have to dance closely huddled together

It sounds like “Oh, what a woman.”
These are exactly the thoughts that come to the bright minds of men when they look at the ladies who have gathered in this hall today!
We admire women because they bring beauty and new life, they are with us from childhood in the form of a mother and until old age in the form of companions, their eyes are full of tenderness, and their souls are kind, poets sing about them, songs are written about them, their thoughtful gaze in paintings is mesmerizing. Queen woman!!! The whole world has been conquered by a WOMAN!!!
And the whole evening today from beginning to end will be dedicated to WOMEN!!!

Dear friends, we are pleased to welcome you to this hall, which today looks like a blooming meadow overflowing with wonderful flowers. It is you, our dear ladies, who filled this hall with the light of your beauty today!
Let me introduce myself……..

Here comes this amazing holiday again, when the sun shines brighter, and there are more smiles, and the drops are louder. On this day, men feel like knights and ardent poets.
Today there is a rush at flower shops, all the flora is being feverishly bought. Straining your memory, they remember what flowers you love, what perfume you prefer to use. After all, exactly a year has passed since the last holiday, when they, the so-called strong half, hurried to congratulate you and express their admiration for you! But! It’s no secret that the female team is quite complex, and managing all these chatterboxes, flirts, and charmers is not at all easy. However, there is a man in this room who copes with this role perfectly!
Your boss is simply super!
There is a masculine quality to him.
Okay, I found a reason
Tell him about this.
It's not easy being your boss,
He pulls a cart, of which there are not many.
Milk would be harmful to him,
But it's not harmful, thank God

Director __________________________.

I introduced myself to you, and I want to hear your names.
Let's all shout our names out loud now... Thank you! I didn’t hear a single name, but I saw your smiles and heard your laughter. Our mood is fine and that means we can safely continue.
Although men spend a lot of time at work next to women, they do not know all the secrets. I will take the liberty of telling you about women's secrets.
Women love fashionably dressed
Clean-shaven, skilled in housekeeping,
Affectionate, modest, talented, brave.
They love, especially tenderly, non-drinkers.
They love folk artists and just...
Basketball players of enormous height.
They love cheerful, resourceful, noisy people.
And sometimes... you won't believe it... smart!
I am sure that I am fully endowed with all these qualities.

Chief Engineer _______________________.

Eastern wisdom says:
“If you want to know the strength of steel, rub it against a touchstone;
if you want to know the horse's strength, load it;
if you want to know a man’s mind, listen to his speeches;
want to understand the heart of a woman -
you will never comprehend!

And we will be happy to listen to the speeches of the labor protection engineer ___________________________.

Dear men, even if you are not so numerous, your voices are clearly heard. So let's show our lovely ladies how much you want to congratulate them on their holiday.

Congratulations to dear women!
We wish you happiness and joy!
In life you - good luck, luck! -
Happy March 8th!

We wish you a holiday in your heart!
Jaguar in the garage!
And in bed - a leopard!
From right holiday on March 8th!

At work - to be appreciated!
At home they carried it in their arms
Only trump cards!
Happy March 8th!

Good health!
So that through life comme il faut
So that you are always full of excitement!
Happy March 8th!

And summing up these wonderful wishes, another man will say congratulations to you __________________.

Men, of course, will not dare to doubt the presence of bright thoughts in the heads of women, but sometimes in these very heads there are lost thoughts.
Such as:
● If you want breakfast in bed, sleep in the kitchen.
● So what if the wind is in your head?! But the thoughts are always fresh...
● I’ll live and I’ll see, I’ll live and I’ll find out, I’ll survive and I’ll kill
● I'm not blaming you, I'm just saying...that it's all your fault.
● What you don’t understand, you can understand in any way you like.
● I have unpretentious taste - the best is enough for me!
● If you want me to be an angel, organize heaven for me!
● If you don't like me, then you have no taste.
● I'm constantly haunted by smart thoughts... but I'm faster!
But we hope that today the thoughts in the heads of our lovely ladies will be confused by the compliments that ___________________________ will now say.

And on this March day
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart!
And reach any heights
In all matters I wish you!
Let your eyes glow
Let your face shine with a smile!
And may fate give you
One day I'll meet a goldfish!
And since I wished you a meeting with a goldfish, I will hasten to fulfill this wish.
Fairy tale Goldfish
Sea- Don't worry!
Seine-I work here alone.
Fisherman- The first guy in the village.
Fish– I will fulfill any three wishes!
Young woman- All women are like women, but I am a Goddess!
Trough- The Indian is resting.
Grass- And I dream about grass, grass near the house!
Apartment- Come in, don’t be afraid, come out, don’t cry.

(The presenter reads the text of the fairy tale, the “actors” act out the action and each answer their own phrase)

There lived a fisherman near the very blue sea. The fisherman was full of strength, young and dreamed of catching goldfish. So he threw the net into the sea. He sees that the sea is a little rough. A net came with one sea grass. Another time, a fisherman cast a net.
He sees the blue sea is restless.
Again a net came with only sea grass.
For the third time, the Fisherman cast the net. The blue sea was raging. A net came with one fish.
With a difficult fish, but a magical one.
The fish inhaled oxygen and turned into a girl.
A fisherman saw such beauty, fell in love and offered his hand and heart to the girl.
The girl agreed to marry the fisherman.
First of all, the young people made a trough for themselves.
The trough washed the fisherman and his wife. Then we bought an apartment. The couple's apartment warmed and pleased them with its comfort.
And the couple lived and lived well and made good money.
This is where the fairy tale ends, and whoever listened can take a smoke break.


Since we haven’t been able to get to know each other better yet, and I really want to know more interesting things about you, I offer you a dating template. As soon as you hear your number, you should energetically raise your hand up, agreeing with what was said.

Today everyone will sing number_ 1___ the most.
Everyone will dance number _2_
Today, number 3 will shine and star the most.
Everyone will shout louder: From March 8, number 4
But everyone will shout more often and louder, “Pour more! " number 5
Today 6 and 7 will hold hands and dance and sing “we are penguins, but we are not cold, and we live in the north”
8…. All evening he will pester you at 9 with the words “why do you girls, you love beautiful ones.”
And 10 will exclaim all evening, “Where am I?”
Today is 11... I will be inviting my colleagues to relax in Haiti all evening.
And 12... will chase men with the words: Look into my eyes!
...After the party, 13 will leave on their own...
Singing: I'm drunk and drunk, I won't get home, 14 will leave in a car...
And 15... and 16... will hardly take away 17..., who will shout: All the women...
In an hour 18 he will say that she (he) is the coolest,
In 1.5 hours 19... will say that he is Mega Star,
And after 2 hours 20... won’t say anything.
Tomorrow, 21 invites you to improve your health...
And with the words “Does a cow give much milk?” -tomorrow he will wake up in someone else’s bed 22
For the prosperity of all guests all evening with the words: “And I wish you happiness,” drinks 23...
24 will allow 25 not to come to work tomorrow,
And 26 will come to work with a jar of pickle and treat everyone.
27 will dance on the table, and 28 will sit quietly... under the table and sing “a million, million, million scarlet roses”
29 will spend the whole evening looking at a bottle of vodka in fascination and saying “why am I so in love with you?”
Well, in conclusion of our acquaintance, I cannot help but say about the 30 and the following who will now stand up and say loudly:
Enough of this talk, people, we need to pour it, people!
And we’ll pour it, but we can’t drink without toast, word ___________________________.

Before we continue our evening, I want to make sure that all the reflexes of your body are still in order, therefore:
I ask everyone to raise right hand
Higher, higher! Fingers wider, like a fan!
Now, without lowering your right, raise your left! And do the same.
Well done! This is exactly how much you have the right to drink tonight for the health of our hero of the day

And now the hero of the day greets the guests with a simple hand gesture (waves)
Then - only with the little finger - the guests repeat, and now only with the thumb, and now with both the thumb and little finger...
Here it is, a SYMBOL OF REAL FUN, in Ukraine this gesture is called POUR-KA and it calls for filling glasses with the best drinks and giving the right to say a toast to ___________________________.

Drink, go for a walk, if only I have enough! (health)
I allow you to get drunk today, I still can’t get drunk. (talent)
We wither in comparison with female charm. (flowers)
We wish everyone that our dreams come true. (dreams)
I'll kill myself for luck. (dishes)
You're still drinking, but are you thinking about me? (liver)
If you get drunk, there’s no point in blaming me later. (mirror)
I congratulate you. I'll be on my way tomorrow morning. (hangover)
Don't drink without me! (toast)

In front of the children, please APPLAUSE
-only the beautiful half of humanity
- only the stronger sex
-those who love lard more than chocolate
-those who respect beer
– those who want to live beautifully
-those who have never been late for work
– those who are pleased to be in this room today. (flurry of applause)

During the break, while the children are changing clothes, there is applause.

Presenter– And so advice number 1
If your colleagues
They gave me a big bonus
And they completely forgot about you,
And they didn’t give any
Instead of paint
Pour into the printer
Strawberry jam
And about you in the institution
They will never forget.

Presenter– Tip #2
If in the evening the director
I erased all your games from your computer,
And in the morning you are out of grief,
Tearing hair from your head -
Then go and erase
All contracts, reports,
What would he do for another six months?
I didn't remember you at all

Presenter– Tip #3
If your friend is cute,
Invited you on a date
And the boss a little earlier,
Doesn't want to let you go -
You put your jacket on it,
Your most beautiful bra,
Let him prove it to his wife later
These things are not his!

Presenter– Tip #4
If everyone is in the office at once,
Sick of a terrible flu
And work immediately stopped,
And customers are calling!
You, with any piece of paper,
Come to them when they are sick,
Let them get sick too
There will be no one to call!

Presenter– Tip #5
If on workplace,
Everything is littered with paper
And find you what they ask for,
There is no hope whatsoever
Quickly dump everything on the floor,
Stomp your feet on top
And get out of this job
Where there is no one to clean the table.

Presenter– Tip #6
If your leadership
Clearly hints to you,
That the customer will be there soon,
And the order is still standing -
You with a serious expression,
Play solitaire all day long
And then tell him
That you worked for everyone.

Presenter– Tip #7
If your best employee is
He asks you to raise your salary,
And he threatens to quit,
If you don't agree!
Then give him some for lunch,
More pepper in tea and soup,
Because pepper is very
Reduces appetite.

Presenter– Tip #8
If New Year's celebration,
You were forbidden to carry out
And to the festive banquet,
The director said there is no money!
On the weekend we got together,
You will come to visit him,
Promise as a team
Check out the new year.
And then you very quickly,
They will get the required amount,
So as not to see
You at the festive table

Immediately after the children, the Sultan arrived and brought his most beautiful wife with oriental dance"Sultan".

Dear girls! Just look how excited your men are today! And believe me, I understand their excitement! Let's talk a little about the “strong half” of humanity. Today they want to impress you so much that even talking about work has faded into the background! Look, not a single man called mobile phone, and whoever had such an embarrassment, he, embarrassed and unnoticed by everyone, pressed the end button. All attention to you, dear ladies. But let's think about your recent investment in today's holiday. What did we recently celebrate? Right! Defender of the Fatherland Day! Or as they used to say in the good old days - Day Soviet army. It just so happened that when more than three men gather, the conversation always turns to the army, service, and memories of military affairs. Dear men, raise your hand, for whom the word defender, the army, the military man, are not empty words!
So, my friends, I see who will share their memories with us. For which of you the sounds of a marching trumpet are not empty words! And let our lovely ladies not be jealous, but! A toast to men

Our dear women! Today we spent a truly magical evening with you. We men tried with all our might to show you how much we love you, how we care about you, how dear you are to us, our dear, charming, unique ones. We promise you that we will be just as gallant and attentive not only on the 8th day of the month, but always, every day, at home, in the office, especially on the roads! We swear that we will stop making jokes about blondes driving, we will always give way to you at unregulated intersections, give you compliments every day, and of course we will shift some of your daily worries onto our own, male shoulders!
Happy holiday to you, dear women!
We wish you happiness!

Our women are breadwinners
Bring it to me
tie (belt)

We spend a lot of time at work and need to know everything about each other. However, not everything is so simple, because everyone can hide their essence. It is precisely about the real essence that we are now learning. Those of you who received pieces of paper with assignments, I ask you to go to the middle of the hall so that everyone can hear everything clearly.
(leaflets 2 animals and characteristics)

Who is the most eloquent in the team? We invite you
Toast, says the participant, I hold up a piece of paper with the word, he must use it (refrigerator, RAM, carburetor, referee, felt boots, battery)

Hold a box of matches between your knees and throw them into a vase. (flying gait...),
rubber bands (wear from bottom to top)
from the start he throws the sheet forward. No. 2 - runs up to the place of the fall, picks up the sheet and throws the uncrumpled sheet forward with his hand.

Everyone knows that the most courageous women are Slavic women. I invite the most courageous to come out.
Now we will once again prove to men that courage is not an empty phrase. The administration of the cafe forbade setting the hut on fire, but I couldn’t find any horses. (they died from work). Therefore, we will show men the feat that every woman has definitely accomplished at least once. BIG WASH
For the big wash: erotically rotate the butt (Don't forget that men are looking at you) stamp our feet (what would be fun), we wink with an eye (as long as you can flirt)

Striptease with elastic bands. invite girls: What are the most erotic places for girls? We put elastic bands on them, a massive striptease.

I invite girls over and see who goes to work in the morning.
– What time does the working day start?
– what time does it end?
– what time does lunch start?
– what time does lunch end?
– who comes first
– who arrives on time
– who is late
I invite those who responded and watch them go to work in the morning

For pair dances: You work together, so you must understand each other perfectly, or better yet, without words at all. Men receive tasks and show their partner what she must do: The girl MUST ..... (and the pantomime begins)
go to the supermarket and buy:
– buy champagne
- buy beef tongue
– chicken breast
beef liver
– and 10 pieces of eggs!!!

Let's prepare the most festive salad "Olivie"
Engine girl, boy, girl, boy... looking for the neighbor's waist (comment - I asked for my waist, not my neighbor’s pocket, I see some people patting my pockets) and holding the waist we move the neighbor to the level of an outstretched arm... When I speak
“SAUSAGE” we all lean forward,
“PEAS” - back,
“CUCUMBER” – in a circle (bends to the side)
"POTATOES" from a circle,
and when “MAIONNAISE” we all do a beautiful sexy rotation of our hips and let’s go...

Are there real men in the room? They go out. These are the men who should represent our country at Eurovision. The casting will take place now. Dear participants, we ask you to come up with a pseudonym for yourself. Everyone knows that in addition to voice data, emotion and facial expressions are very important. We’ll decide on the voice, technology will help, but we’ll work on facial expressions. We put the elastic band under the nose, you need to remove it around the neck without hands. We choose the winner with applause. The Eurovision Organizing Committee will contact you, look for sponsors.

(Russian beauty Mashenka, Freken Bok, the most beloved and most modest sex bomb, Little Red Riding Hood)
Perform a dance with energetic grand batmans while simultaneously jumping onto half-toes (as it says in the encyclopedia.)
Well, people know this dance as a simple can-can
Photo shoot, dance in costumes

Guys, please tell me, what is the power? Here is one character in the film who said (recording “What is the power, brother”), what do you think? But I unequivocally affirm that strength lies in kindness, only it is more important and dearer than anything else, and I’m not the only one who thinks so (Funtik and Belladonna come out). Photo shoot, dance in costumes.


Who came with what?

The game “The Man of My Dreams” - it has been scientifically proven that a woman at any age dreams of a handsome prince. I have a magic crown, with the help of which we find out who our queen dreams of.
1 real colonel - Pugacheva
America fight-Combination
Agent 007, - Brilliant
And I love the military - Combination
Such as Putin - Singing together, etc.

Let the winter glow not yet fade away,
But the air becomes unsteady.
With women's spring Happy holiday to you,
Happy first spring smile!

While they are seated, toast ___________________________.

If congratulations to mothers, girls, grandmothers and wives are increasingly clear and sincere, then you will have to think about congratulations from colleagues. After all, it should be moderately touching, but at the same time within the framework of formality. In this article you will find congratulations and gift ideas for those whom you see every working morning over a cup of coffee.

March 8 gifts for colleagues

Pens, boring sets of domestic cosmetics, boxes of chocolates. All this, of course, is wonderful, but the degree of banality of such gifts is off the charts. Let's try to pay attention to new ideas - what if we like them?

  • Creative USB hub. This option is an excellent answer to the question of what to give to colleagues on March 8th. Agree, this item will definitely come in handy in almost any modern office. Such a device will certainly come in handy for those who lack ports. We just kindly ask: do not buy the boring gray version. Today in online stores you can find a lot of colored USB hubs: pink, with pictures, themed.

  • USB heated mug. An original and truly necessary gift. Do you often see a mug of cold tea or coffee on your colleagues’ desk? Then this is the perfect gift!

  • Interior stickers. Another cool gift idea for colleagues on March 8th. Many of our colleagues spend most of the day in the office, which means the atmosphere and surrounding space should be as comfortable as possible. A stylish interior sticker will be a hit - the ladies will appreciate it!

  • Wireless flexible keyboard. The thing is not cheap, but very cool. This gift is perfect for a female leader who is often away for meetings. In addition, you can take this keyboard with you on business trips. photo 6 Original author's diary. Also a gift for the boss: she will definitely smile when she sees such a notebook! It's unlikely to be used, but good mood definitely guaranteed.

  • Original tablet holder. A very useful and fairly affordable gift. There can be a lot of models of such a holder! We offer a holder in the shape of a spider - it looks stylish and at the same time quite strict.

Attention: gifts that should never be given!

First of all, you should not give gifts that somehow hint at women's shortcomings. We say a strict “no” to anti-dandruff shampoos, anti-blackhead lotions, anti-cellulite creams, scales and anti-wrinkle creams.

The second category of unwanted gifts - sets kitchen utensils. For example, frying pans, pots, plates. Anything that has anything to do with cooking is immediately discarded. We only accept elegant sets of coffee or tea cups.

The next category is clothing. You are unlikely to guess the size, model, brand. Why experiment? Moreover, giving clothes to colleagues is completely inappropriate - it is a sign of bad taste. By the way, the same applies to perfumes. You can only give perfume if you are one hundred percent sure that this particular scent is your colleague’s favorite. And of course, money.

We do not give an envelope as a gift under any circumstances! Believe me, colleagues will be much more pleased if, in addition to the main gift, the ideas for which we indicated above, they receive a bonus on their salary card - this option is acceptable.

How to decorate an office for March 8: ideas for the workplace

Men do not always care about aesthetics, but ladies will be delighted if you decorate your office at least minimally for March 8th. See how you can quickly and easily make a cool garland.

The idea is simple: our garland is flags strung on ropes. Please note that each checkbox has four elements. The main detail is the base in the shape of a triangle. Then a circle-shaped backing, an accordion and letters cut out of colored paper. To begin, carefully roll the paper into an accordion shape. You can use either regular colored or bright gift paper. It will be very spring-like if flowers are depicted on paper. The edges of the accordion need to be glued together using glue or double-sided tape to form a pipe.

Now one edge of the pipe is turned out so that a circle-shaped piece can be glued on top (see how this is done in the photo below). By the way, we recommend that you follow our instructions not very strictly: the garland can be absolutely anything: with hearts, butterflies, lanterns, ribbons, and so on.

Finishing touches: glue a letter onto the round part. Form any congratulatory phrases: for example, “Congratulations on March 8th” or “For the most beautiful women.” Now the part with the accordion is glued to the triangle and attached to the rope. A stylish decoration for your office is ready for March 8th!

Scenario for March 8 for female colleagues: how to meet the ladies in the morning?

It’s precisely during a morning meeting of colleagues that there can be a place for platitudes. Women are always incredibly pleased to receive flowers! And what would March 8 be without flowers? So, our suggestions:

  • Music is playing. Consider an unusual musical accompaniment: you will be pleasantly surprised how a strict work environment will immediately turn into a relaxed and spontaneous one. As an option, invite a professional guitarist or saxophonist.

  • Rose petals are scattered. Moreover, it is desirable that the path of petals leads the ladies from the elevator directly to the workplace. Not entirely original, but a very pleasant version of the meeting. Women are sure to walk into the office with a big smile! Moreover, now you don’t need to buy dozens of roses and pick their petals. Flower shops will offer you bags of already torn petals - this is much cheaper.

  • Rose on the keyboard. And this is also incredibly nice! And it’s even better if it’s not a rose, but a bouquet of tulips, stylishly wrapped in craft paper.

  • Congratulations on paper stickers. Such stickers can be hung throughout the office so that ladies will come across them in the most unexpected places: laptop monitor, mouse, coffee machine, shelves and filing cabinets, mirrors, office kitchen and even the women's restroom. Write them dozens of compliments - it’s not at all difficult, but happy smiles and shining eyes are guaranteed.

  • A cup of coffee with cake or sweets. A must for every lady! And let it not be on the buffet table - under no circumstances. A small sweet gift should be brought to the desk by a male colleague.

  • Little sweets. Place them in desk drawers, document files, diaries and organizers. Goodies can be in every place where your colleagues look every morning.

Scenario for a corporate party on March 8th in a team: how to surprise?

You traditionally gather in the largest meeting room in order to surprise. We offer several options for such live congratulations.

Idea 1: sand show. It's simple: this original service can be ordered through Event Agency. A team of professionals will come to you with a light table, on which the artist will create stunningly beautiful sand animations for about twenty minutes. Believe me, this spectacle is mesmerizing. Pictures quickly replace one another, and all this to the appropriate background music.

Idea 2: painting with light (light show). Another impressive sight. On a special screen in complete darkness, the artist will paint using light brushes. The drawings seem to appear in the air, hang in it, and then disappear. Believe me, it's exciting.

Idea 3: creative master class. The advantage of this idea is that all women will participate in the process. In our opinion, the most interesting ideas are:
  • master class on making cosmetics self made, Brew soap or make a body scrub with invited professionals. This handmade gift can be taken home.
  • master class on making handmade pasta or sweets. It’s a very fashionable trend now, and the process with chocolate will give your ladies true pleasure.
  • hand-painted eco-fabric bags. A great idea for companies that deal with e.g. modern technologies. Creative potential such specialists, as a rule, are not disclosed, and such a master class will be a great release of accumulated creative energy.

Scenario for March 8th for work colleagues: make a stylish photo zone

Women will be indescribably delighted, and Instagram will be blown up with stylish photos from your office. You can invite professional decorators, but if funds are limited, then you can create a beautiful area on your own - there are democratic and very aesthetic ideas. For example, a beautifully painted slate board or a wooden background decorated with garlands on threads. By the way, wood is a very photogenic material - you can take this into account. You can also just stretch the rope and hang it on it great amount satin ribbons of three - maximum four tones. It will turn out great!

Just don't forget about accessories. These can be bouquets of flowers, elegant hats, boas and other feminine charms. We also recommend calling a professional photographer, who will then send you a corporate photo report.

Scenario for a corporate party on March 8: how to continue the evening?

Of course, you can go to a cafe or restaurant. But if this option does not suit you for some reason, then we suggest that the whole team go to intellectual game. For example, “The Sixth Sense”, when as a whole team you will touch, smell, taste and test your intuition in a variety of variations.

If you plan to spend the evening in the office, then order karaoke equipment. Firstly, it’s cheaper than going to the establishment with the whole team. Secondly, in the atmosphere of your own office, you will be able to completely relax: there is a familiar environment around you and only your colleagues.

What else? Have a wine tasting! The event smoothly flows into a festive buffet, and the idea itself is very elegant, especially since today wine is to some extent a gastronomic trend. For such a party, you will need a catering company that can provide a good choice snacks that go well with wine. Also, visit more than one, or even a whole team of professional sommeliers, who will introduce you to the wine list. For such a beautiful wine evening, you can introduce an evening dress code: men in suits, women in long dresses.

We have everything. Do you know what an original scene for March 8th at work could be? Share with our readers in the comments below the article!

If after a holiday in the office your soul requires a continuation of the banquet, then look for the best establishments with photos, menus and guest reviews in our catalog. We know everything about the most popular places in Kyiv.

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Photo: upon request from Yandex and Google


I want to congratulate women on the spring holiday,

The tenderness of flowers and the shine of the sun,

May your days always be clear,

and the sun will peep through your window!

All the women in our garden are beautiful!

Look at their faces, they are radiant and clear!

Every woman's smile is worthy of adoration,

And each of them is a role model!

And no matter who they work in our garden,

It's just women, at least once a year!

Being a manager is not an easy job,

The main thing here is wisdom, and strength, and will.

A smile for everyone, nights without sleep.

There are so many women here, but there is only one!

Let the leader be calm,

When there is such an accountant-manufacturer!

Calm, wise, will weigh everything more than once,

We have such a woman in our garden!

And being a Methodist, you say, is easy?

Our beauty is short

I'm completely buried in my documents,

And she had almost no strength left...

The caretaker in the garden has a lot of work,

Plates, toys and blankets...

And a lot of problems on the economic side,

And you are just a woman who deserves happiness!

For experienced teachers have no less work,

But they are also real women!

We call them masters, elders,

But it would be more correct - the wisest women!

Every single one of them deserves respect!

And we have no doubt about this!

And these are young, lovely, gentle creatures

They are just beginning their journey to education!

We will all help them together

Become wise masters in your work

Assistant being a teacher is not an easy job.

Sometimes they want to wear a dress or shoes!

Let's not forget about

That the nanny is a woman, with hard work!

Not everyone can do this job,

But life gifted them with endurance!

Forget your worries at least for an hour,

You are gentle women with us today!

The kitchen is literally busy!

They have no idea about putting on makeup.

Elena Irina Vera Olga Lyudmila Svetlana

You best women– and this is quite a lot.

Save the health of all our children

You can’t learn from textbooks and books!

Our nurses have a lot of experience!

You women are a miracle! We'll tell you honestly!

But it would be boring in the garden without creativity!

About add. I really want to tell the teachers!

Our speech therapist is an aesthetic woman,

Our physical hand-stylish and an athletic woman.

There is a sociologist - a pragmatic woman!

There is a choreographer - a dancing woman!

And our favorite musicians,

Singers, poets and just talented people!

It doesn't matter what each of you does!

We congratulate everyone on the holiday now!

The presenter calls out those who want to compete for the title "Miss Harmony". Participants on stage! Let's give them a round of applause! Every woman strives for harmony. Towards harmony in everything. Now you, dear participants, will try "conquer" rank "harmonious" women. We have everything for this necessary: "track" wallpaper and your burning desire to fold it like an accordion as quickly as possible. We will find out whose will be made faster and which will have more folds after 1 minute. Ready? Then we create "Harmony"!

Upon completion, the winner is awarded a medal "Miss Harmony".


For children, the second mother is

Kindergarten teacher.

She knows a lot

The needlewoman herself.

The children's world is her occupation,

A real addiction.

Patient with the kids

Entertains them with games.

The presenter invites you to take part in the competition "Nimble Hands".

The girls are divided into pairs and given ribbons. The task is to quickly tie two large and beautiful bows to each other. The couple that makes the bows the fastest wins prizes. In a controversial case, the quality of the bows is assessed.

Humorous monologue "Pumpkin"

Oh, my girls, oh girls, we had a good time sitting, talking, laughing. Before you leave, girls, like this, with your paw on your heart, tell me why you all want to lose weight, why?

My husband from time to time gets enough: “Yes, you are far from a mummy”.

I speak: “Why far away, you’re close”

Speaks: “When I try to hug you, my hands don’t come together behind me.”

That's right, you can't embrace the immensity. Girls, when we first met him, I came to his house for the first time, didn’t have time to enter the apartment?

he came to me from the doorway: “God, what shapes!”

I speak: "Calmly! I’m not all the way in yet.”. Of course, of course, there are some problems with weight, of course. I accidentally stepped on both feet of a guy in the sporting goods store, he looked at his shoes and said, why did I come for fins?

And my hubby is everything: “You and your figure will only star in Titanic as an iceberg”

I'm talking: “Another role is crying for you, when you are dystrophic at home, in the heat I can’t even turn on the fan, because there will be a new series of Gone with the Wind”

Tells me: “With you, the car consumes 2 times more gasoline”

I speak: “But the braking distance is 2 times shorter”

Girls, the Motherland needs donuts, we are of one use, if I served in the airborne troops, I would be the fastest to jump from a parachute. While the others were in the air, I would have already dug an anti-tank ditch. There is only one benefit from us. I climbed a ten-meter tower in the pool, I love jumping. Girls, I didn’t see it, honestly, I didn’t see it, the guy downstairs was just learning to swim, but he couldn’t do it for a long time. but how he saw me from below, soaring on the wings of love, girls, now a master of sports.

Once my husband and I were in the south, he told me speaks: "Eat a lot of pineapples, they burn fat"

I'm talking:“My dear, there aren’t that many pineapples growing here.” It’s a shame to remember that some black man came up and said to me: "GOODMORNING LADY". I tell him right away said: “Nuka, get out of here!”


I'm talking: “Rasha, Russia, but not yours. What do you want Ganduras?”

Listen, they end up riding elephants there... Girls, I looked, there was an elephant. I don’t know, do elephants have Lilliputians? NO? What kind of elephant is this, you could confuse me with it from behind. And this Mowgli is everything jumps: “Would you like to ride an elephant?” I I say: “Well, that’s what I want, just ask the elephant.” Well, as I thought, the elephant somehow got me to the jungle, and I brought him back.

And my hubby is everything: “Your existence refutes Darwin’s entire theory that man descended from apes. What kind of horseradish branch can withstand such a monkey.”

Listen, he’s lying on the beach, I’m standing next to him in a chic sambrero, I love to dress beautifully, girls, I love this business, I’m standing in a chic sambrero. He told me speaks: “Listen, you dream of cannibals, at least take off your Panama hat, otherwise people from afar will mistake you for a fungus.

I tell him: “Calm down, if you blather, you’ll be left without a shadow.” He doesn’t understand what happiness he has, he doesn’t understand, he declares to me: “We don’t have a dacha, but you bought a double hammock.”

I speak: "Open your eyes, it's a bra"

Girls, when we get on the bus with him, they immediately give us seats, right away, as soon as I say: “So it’s like that. "Whoever doesn't stand up, I'll fall on him"

Here's my darling for my birthday declares: “I want you to look like a model.” And he gave it, oh, just don’t fall. thong,. Well, the swimsuit is like that, there’s also a string going through the back. along the equator. I told him I say: “My dear, your thong will disappear into obscurity on my figure.” And then, what kind of figure do these models have, girls, excuse me, what is this? head, legs and three navels (shows his face) And the faces are evil, because at night we dream of sausage, but we don’t dream of donuts, so our faces are good, which means we are good in our souls, and good man there must be a lot, and that's all I wanted to tell you.

Let the warmth of awakened nature, the attention and devotion of men add strength and self-confidence to you. I wish you to greet every passing day with a smile and joy.

Let your feminine uniqueness, charm, lightness always help you in solving difficult problems. Good health, prosperity and family warmth! Happy Holidays!

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