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What qualities does a diplomat need? Who are diplomats and what do they do in this profession?

The diplomat profession has always been surrounded by an aura of mystery.

In the cinema, we are presented with the image of a charming intelligence officer, whose life is replete with travel and adventure.

But in reality the picture is not so romantic.

After all, first of all, this profession is hard work that requires a lot of time, skills and abilities.

Profession diplomat - personal qualities

  • A specialist in this field must have excellent memory and wide-ranging knowledge, because he obtains information by communicating with different people not only in an official setting, but also during ordinary small talk.
  • During communication, you need to capture all the details and subtleties, because only by understanding the subtext can you competently analyze the situation in foreign policy.
  • To be a professional, you must be able to restrain your emotions, be tactful and careful, and monitor changes in the world around you and the development of technology.
  • They say that you cannot become a diplomat - you have to be born. But you can’t rely on talent alone. It takes years of study and even more years of practice.

How to become a diplomat?

The necessary education can be obtained at the university at the Faculty of International Relations, World Economy and World Politics.

The first level is an attaché, an employee of a diplomatic mission.

Next in the chain are the third, second and first secretaries.

The highest rank in most countries is the ambassador, who is appointed by the head of state.

What are the responsibilities of a diplomat?

A foreign policy specialist takes part in international campaigns, peacekeeping trips, deals with issues of foreign and domestic policy, resolves international conflicts, controversial situations, improves international relations, etc.

He also provides advice to migrants in obtaining visas, residence permits and citizenship. Therefore, it is so important to know not only the legislation of your country, but also those of the states in which you will work, and also understand international law. And, of course, you can’t cope without knowing foreign languages.

The work of a diplomat consists of numerous moves and constant business trips.

Do not forget that this profession is associated with risks and dangers that may occur during the performance of official duties.

Only a physically healthy, emotionally stable, energetic and strong-willed person can cope with such a schedule and high degree of responsibility.

Profession diplomat - where do they teach?

It seems that the profession of a diplomat is a fairy tale, but this is not so. In order to fulfill a diplomatic mission (work in foreign embassies, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or act as an envoy) you need perseverance, connections, luck and, of course, knowledge.

To become a professional diplomat, of course, you need to have higher education. The question is what specialty you need to choose in order to get the desired job. Most often, diplomats are graduates of the International Relations faculties, but the path to diplomacy is open to regional scientists, translators, lawyers and graduates of other faculties.

Future diplomats, as practice says, are best trained at MGIMO. Many current diplomats got jobs at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs immediately after graduating from this university.

When choosing a university at one time, I looked towards MGIMO, but in 9 cases out of 10, when I heard about this news, they told me that all budget places were “booked” there good people several years before admission; this is just my opinion. But to study at MGIMO for a fee costs up to 400,000 rubles per year.

An alternative option is the faculty in the Northern capital - St. Petersburg State University. About the possibility of admission to the faculty International relations I won’t say - the average Unified State Exam score should be no lower than 94-96% (as in MGIMO), everyone will react to these numbers in their own way. But studying there for a fee is cheaper than in Moscow - about 250,000 rubles per year.

Requirements for a future diplomat

  • First of all, of course, you need to be an expert native language- now you can’t live without it. If you understand your illiteracy, it is better not to go into such a responsible business.
  • Secondly, perfect command of 2-3 foreign languages ​​(including English) - you will have to work mainly with foreigners.().
  • Thirdly, you need mass personal qualities, including communication skills, presentability, and responsibility.
  • Fourthly, we should not forget that diplomats are representatives of their country on the international stage, which means they need knowledge of history (not only Russia), the gift of oratory and composure - some tasks are difficult for “weak” people to accomplish.

Pros and cons of being a diplomat

The work of a diplomat seems ideal - abroad, diplomatic immunity, authority, constant financial security, romance of the profession. So this is only at first glance - working as a diplomat is difficult and dangerous. Do not forget that a diplomatic mission is not a trip abroad, but service to the Motherland.

Throughout history Russian Federation There were about 10 unpleasant situations with ambassadors who were not accepted in another country. Many of them were killed.

Additionally, working away from home and possibly family can have a negative impact on your personal life.

The disadvantages also include the fact that Mezhdunarodnikov Lately it has become too much - the profession is gaining popularity, which only means that taking this “place in the sun” at the MFA is becoming more and more difficult every year.

Profession diplomat - salary

The salary will not allow the diplomat to live in style, but he will not have to starve either - work in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is one of the best paid among government jobs. Working at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs involves career growth, which means your salary can constantly increase.

Foreign Ministry employees receive from 20 thousand to 150 thousand rubles per month.

Salaries increase several times in case of business trips abroad.

Like other civil servants, diplomats are full content states have a lot of benefits (mostly abroad).

Among the many modern specialties, diplomat stood out at the time - a profession that is surrounded by a trail of mystery and inaccessibility. There are many stereotypes associated with this activity, one of which is the opinion that the life of a diplomat consists exclusively of travel and adventure. In fact, this is hard daily work that not everyone can handle. In order to become a diplomat, you must have certain qualities, as well as be prepared to overcome many obstacles in the field. career ladder.

What qualities are needed?

They say that being a diplomat is a profession that you have to be born with, because most of your career success depends on personal characteristics. So, to become a successful diplomat, you must:

Thus, in order to be sure that diplomacy is a profession in which you can succeed, you must realize that it takes years of study and practice to achieve your goal.

When did the diplomat profession appear?

Although modern name activity appeared relatively recently; the history of the diplomat profession goes back to the origins of the formation of the state. The need to master oratory and rhetoric in high level, which were valued in antiquity, have been preserved in modern times. This is exactly what a successful diplomat should be, combining knowledge of the intricacies of psychology and excellent command of several languages.

How to become a diplomat

In order to obtain this specialty, you need long and hard work while still at school. This is due to the fact that a diplomat is a profession that requires knowledge in many subjects. First of all, this is an excellent command of several languages, of which English is mandatory. In addition, solid knowledge of history, geography, and the Russian language is required.

If your choice is to become a diplomat, where they teach this specialty after school, the question is quite relevant. Higher education can be obtained at universities, the main of which in this area are the Diplomatic Academy of the Russian Foreign Ministry and MGIMO. You can also master a specialty in world politics and global economics at other universities in the country.

You can then move up the career ladder with increased rank and salary. The first step will be the rank of attaché, then third, second and first secretary. The highest rank in many countries is the post of ambassador, who is personally appointed by the head of state.

What are the responsibilities of a diplomat?

A diplomat is a profession that involves a wide range of responsibilities. He participates in international companies, peacekeeping trips, resolves issues of both domestic and foreign policy, resolves international conflicts, controversial situations, establishes international relations and much more.

In addition, the diplomat deals with migration issues, which relate to obtaining visas, citizenship and residence permits. That is why he must know well the legislation not only of his country, but also of the one in which he carries out his professional activities.

Numerous trips and business trips are an integral part of the diplomatic service. Therefore, it is extremely important to have good health and emotional stability.

Advantages of being a diplomat

Like any other type of activity, the profession of diplomat has its pros and cons, which must be carefully studied before deciding to choose a specialty. The undoubted advantages of this work include:

  • prestige;
  • high wage;
  • carrying out labor activities abroad;
  • diplomatic immunity.

Such a number of advantages for many is decisive when choosing this prestigious profession, which offers many opportunities for successful work.

Disadvantages of the profession

Despite the apparent ideality of the specialty at first glance, there are also disadvantages to the profession of a diplomat, which can become significant for many. These include:

  • complexity of the work;
  • high requirements;
  • the need to constantly improve your knowledge;
  • irregular work schedule;
  • big competition.

In addition, working abroad, which at first seems like an absolute plus, can become a serious problem. Not everyone can be away from their home, and perhaps their family, for years. Thus, before making a firm decision about choosing a diplomat profession, you need to carefully weigh all the pros and cons.


One of the main advantages of being a diplomat is the salary, which is one of the highest among government employees in the country. Besides, this work implies a promotion, and therefore salary.

Foreign Ministry employees receive from 20 to 150 thousand rubles. If you are going on a business trip abroad, the fee will be increased several times.

In addition to high wages, a significant plus is the presence of a large number of benefits, which mainly apply to persons engaged in labor activity abroad.

The diplomat profession has always been considered an elite one, and getting a job in such a position is not easy. This is a difficult and very responsible occupation - diplomats represent the interests of the state abroad, and any wrong action or word superfluous word may cause international conflicts. For this reason great value have not only professional quality applicants, but also personal, psychological characteristics.

What do diplomats do?

The phrase “represents the interests of the country outside the state” very accurately describes the activities of diplomats, but does not give any specifics about the actual activities in this position. To every diplomat gives authority to represent its interests, resolve emerging conflicts, collect information and expand cooperation between countries to the best of their ability. The task is very abstract, and therefore requires a flexible approach, personal relationships with representatives of another country and excellent knowledge of the political situation.

A diplomat's activities may include the following events:

In addition, diplomats for a long time carried out in another country, they know many local peculiarities and nuances. If necessary they can advise the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and other organizations on how best to respond to certain events, taking into account local information.

Despite the fact that both the general course and the exact aspects of the strategy are developed and formed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, many plans are implemented and agreements are signed thanks to diplomats.

The constant presence and serious political weight makes it possible for representatives of a diplomatic mission to solve certain problems on the spot almost instantly, whereas on visit of government representatives weeks of approvals, preparations and other arrangements may be required from home. The implementation of many plans of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs largely depends on the professionalism, personal qualities and contacts of the person representing the country abroad.

Required personal qualities

To cope with so much extensive list various responsible tasks, and even outside one’s own country, one must first obtain an appropriate higher education, as well as thoroughly know a countless number of disciplines:

But that's not all. Before going on to perform diplomatic duties, applicants are tested by psychologists and other doctors and specialists.

The personal qualities of the applicant must meet certain parameters; the person must be able to cope perfectly with all the responsibilities assigned to him:

  • The nature of the profession forces you to meet and talk with tens and hundreds of people every day, and every dialogue and action can influence important decisions. Well-built personal relationships, knowledge of the current political situation and psychological abilities allow diplomats to grasp all the subtleties and details of events and dialogues, analyze the subtext and make the only right decisions.
  • A big plus is the presence of broad knowledge in a large number of areas, as well as excellent memory and attentiveness. This profession does not allow you to relax at work or let anything go unnoticed even in social dialogue.
  • Accuracy and tact, the ability to control oneself in any situation and always restrain one’s emotions are necessary traits for this profession.
  • In most cases, diplomats become employees of embassies abroad or representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. One way or another, experience and many years of practice in international relations are required in order to be able to count on working in such a profession.

Naturally, before being appointed to such a responsible position, the applicant is thoroughly checked for compliance with all criteria. But taking into account the fact that diplomatic relations Russia has relations with almost all countries of the world; you can become a representative of this if you try hard.

Where to study and how to become a diplomat?

To start this path in Russia, you need to enroll in institutes and faculties directly related to international relations. Accurate names and directions educational programs Universities may differ. There may be several options, all of them are equally suitable.

Where to study to become a diplomat:

  • Faculty of International Relations;
  • Faculty of World Politics;
  • Faculty of World Economics.

Although enrolling in these faculties is necessary to advance your international career in this direction, a diploma alone will not solve the situation.

How to become a diplomat in Russia?

After receiving education and initial employment, a long and difficult career path begins. Sphere of international relations very flexible and broad, there are quite a lot of specialties and responsibilities. Overall a chance to quickly career growth is very likely if the person is competent and copes with his responsibilities, and at the same time his salary increases significantly.

As Wikipedia says about diplomats, there are several main stages of career growth directly in the diplomatic mission:

  • Attache is the first step in your career. This is the position of assistant to the diplomatic mission - who decided to go through the diplomatic career path, most likely, gets into this position in the first place.
  • Third Secretary.
  • Second secretary.
  • First Secretary.

The ambassador has the maximum diplomatic power on the territory of the representative office of another country - he almost always decides what to do in a given case.

It must be said right away that this path is quite long and thorny, since the profession is considered very lucrative and prestigious, and there are many people who want to enter it in Russia, as in most other countries. Stops many how much do you need to pay for training?- for example, at MGIMO you can pay about 400,000 rubles for a year of study at specialized faculties. And the average passing score on the Unified State Exam is 94–96, and sometimes higher. Those who want to become diplomats are not afraid even of the main disadvantage of such work - being away from their home country and family for most of their lives.

And their representatives. Diplomats can be either employees of a state's diplomatic mission abroad, or some employees of the central apparatus of a foreign policy department.

The main functions of a diplomat are to represent and protect the interests of his country and its citizens, collect information about the host country, and promote the establishment of friendly, cultural, trade and other ties between countries.

A diplomat has a diplomatic rank determined by international treaties and enjoys diplomatic immunity. The diplomatic rank is not necessarily associated with a specific post held; it represents a special legal status that ensures that the diplomat is granted special privileges by the accrediting state, such as personal immunity, immunity from the jurisdiction of the courts of the host country, and exemption from customs inspection. At the same time, the scope of diplomatic privileges (diplomatic immunity) is the same for diplomats of all ranks.

Diplomats (ambassadors) historically preceded other forms of organization external relations, such as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


One of the main ways to represent and protect the interests of one’s country is to collect information about events in the host country that may affect national interests, present recommendations to one’s foreign policy department on how to respond to such events, and, after the foreign policy agency has formulated its position, communicate it to host country governments, participation in negotiations and other ways of conducting foreign policy. The strategy of interstate relations and specific goals are formulated by the central foreign policy apparatus, but the implementation of policy depends on diplomats representing the country abroad. To a large extent, their work depends on their personal qualities, on the ability to maintain personal, trusting relationships with various representatives of society in the host country.

Murders of Russian diplomats in chronological order

  • Assassination of the Russian ambassador Alexander Griboedov in Persia on January 30 (February 11).
  • Assassination of Soviet plenipotentiary Vaclav Vorovsky in Lausanne (Switzerland) on May 10
  • Murder of Soviet diplomatic courier Theodor Nette in Latvia on February 5
  • Murder of Soviet diplomats in Canton (China) in December.
  • Kidnapping and murder of 5 Russian diplomats in Iraq on June 3

see also


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    diplomat- a, m. diplomate. 1. A person authorized by the government to communicate with a foreign state. Sl. 18. Igeltrom was afraid that any immodest news about his relations with the Swedish army had not reached foreign diplomats. Dolgoruky... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

    - (this, see diploma). 1) a dignitary who conducts negotiations and relations with foreign governments. 2) in the hostel they generally call a resourceful, cunning person. 3) a special cut coat, long, as if hiding the whole person. Dictionary… … Dictionary foreign words Russian language

    See cunning... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and similar expressions. under. ed. N. Abramova, M.: Russian Dictionaries, 1999. diplomat, politician, cautious, cunning; suitcase Dictionary of Russian synonyms ... Synonym dictionary

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Profession Diplomat

A diplomat is a prestigious profession and has always been considered elite. What does diplomat mean? This is the official representative of the state abroad, he is authorized by the government of the country to represent its interests and carry out diplomatic work. Probably the most famous diplomat who comes to mind when it comes to this difficult profession is the famous author of the play “Woe from Wit” Alexander Griboyedov. Brilliantly educated and gifted, he knew more than 10 languages, including Georgian and Persian, had the title of candidate of literary sciences, and in addition to the philological faculty of Moscow University, he also graduated from the moral-political and physics-mathematical departments; among other things, he was well versed in the culture of the East. A.S. Griboyedov is an example of a diplomat in the service of the Motherland.

Modern diplomats

Modern diplomats are also very broadly and diversified people; this, one might say, is part of the duties of a diplomat. After all, very, very much depends on his knowledge and skills. One wrong word and you could inadvertently start a war. So a diplomat is a person who, due to his duty, is very talented and educated.

Translated from Greek meaning words diplomat - a sheet of paper folded in half. But this does not mean that a diplomat is a paper profession; much of it lies in the plane of personal relationships. What a diplomat means is not only prestige, but also great responsibility. Therefore, the requirements for a diplomat are very high, higher than for a representative of any other government body. A diplomat must be a person without flaws and weak points, and the diplomat’s personal characteristics must be without a single spot. Also, he must be extremely patient and well versed in psychology. What do diplomats do when an ordinary person would long ago lose his temper and start arguing or shouting? They will listen calmly and give a verified and exclusively correct answer. As you can see, it is not so easy to engage in international relations when these relations depend on you.

What do diplomats do?

One of the main responsibilities is collecting information about important events affecting national interests in the host country. The diplomat monitors such events and recommends to the Foreign Ministry how to respond to them, taking into account local nuances. Then he follows up decision to the attention of the host country government. The diplomat participates in various negotiations and other foreign policy events. The strategy and goals of foreign policy are formed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the country's leadership, but the implementation of this policy depends entirely on diplomats. Their work very much depends on personal qualities, on the ability to establish and maintain trusting relationships with various representatives of foreign society. Here the importance of a diplomat can hardly be overestimated.

Training to become a diplomat

To develop the skills of a diplomat, you first need to obtain a higher education. It is better to start preparing for your chosen profession as early as possible, in the last grades of school. Training diplomats is a long and painstaking process. You need to learn several languages, study the culture of the region, the peculiarities of political cuisine. All this is not only learned at university, but, mainly, obtained in the process of work.

Where to go to study to become a diplomat?

The most famous and prestigious university the country about which there are literally legends is MGIMO under the Russian Foreign Ministry. Despite the strong opinion that one can enter there only with, let’s say, a lot of support, this is not so. Any student who is well prepared in history and languages ​​and has a necessary qualities and determination.

A diplomat receives a position gradually as he moves up the hierarchical ladder. Cases where someone has jumped over several steps are extremely rare and can be counted on the fingers of one hand. These are always some prominent political figures (such as V. Chernomyrdin, V. Matvienko) and they are included in diplomatic missions for their general merits.

Universities: institutes and academies with diplomacy training

In Moscow, besides MGIMO, there are several other universities where you can study as a diplomat. For example, Moscow State Linguistic University or Russian State University for the Humanities, where there are departments of International Relations. There is also another very prestigious university - the Diplomatic Academy under the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. This educational institution higher, postgraduate and additional vocational education. Diplomatic workers of Russia and other states, employees of Russian legislative and executive power, non-governmental organizations and individuals.

What should I take to become a diplomat?

As a rule, these are three subjects: history, Russian language and a foreign language. The more rare your foreign language is, the more advantages you will have when applying.

Work, career and salary of a diplomat

The overwhelming majority believe that the diplomat profession brings a fabulous salary. This is true, but before high positions and salaries still need to increase, starting from the most junior rank - secretary-assistant and ending with the position of ambassador or minister of foreign affairs.

  • The fate of states, the lives of people, the preservation of peace and prosperity depend on the art of diplomacy. Young people who want to study to become diplomats must be aware that this is a very responsible profession.

  • Which universities teach diplomacy? Which faculties teach the basics of the profession? In which institute today can one obtain a diplomat profession? Don’t think that this is only the famous MGIMO. There are many more options.

  • When mentioning the diplomat profession, the majority imagines something elitist, sophisticated, accessible only to a select few. In the Soviet Union, it was believed that you could only become a diplomat if you had well-connected parents. In fact, how to become a diplomat in Russia Few people know. But the stereotype that you can become one only with connections still lives today.

  • The basis of courses for a diplomat - foreign languages. Because this is where difficulties most often arise. But there are also preparatory courses for diplomats for entering a university. There are also applied ones, which are also auxiliary.

  • In the old days, the profession of a diplomat was a profession for the elite, and not everyone could advance in this field. Then training to become a diplomat, as we understand it today, it was not. The country was necessarily represented by well-born people who had received a comprehensive education and/or had extraordinary personal abilities, talents and qualities.

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