Home Children's dentistry Types of statistical observation by unit coverage. Types and methods of statistical observation

Types of statistical observation by unit coverage. Types and methods of statistical observation

Statistical observation can be considered in several directions:

1- according to the degree of coverage of object units by observation;

2 - connections with the time factor;

3 - sources of information;

4 - method of data collection.

Types of statistical observation are presented in Fig. 2.3.

1. By the degree of coverage of object units
1.1. Solid 1.2. Not continuous
1.2.1. Selective
1.2.2. Questionnaire
1.2.3. Main Array Method
1.2.4. Monographic
2. Due to the time factor
2.1. Continuous 2.2. Intermittent
2.2.1. Periodic
2.2.2. One-time
3. According to sources of information
3.1. Direct accounting 3.2. Documentary 3.3. Survey
4. By methods of data collection
4.1. Reporting 4.2. Expeditionary 4.3. Self-registration 4.4. Questionnaire

Figure 2.3. - Classification of statistical observation

We specify each type of statistical observation.

1. According to the degree of observation coverage of units.

1.1. Solid observation. Represents such an observation when the primary data is obtained from everyone without exception units of the object being studied. For example, conducting various censuses (population, fixed assets and equipment, library, agricultural, etc.), presenting data by organizations according to basic forms of accounting and statistical reporting, protecting state borders, etc. The main advantage of such observation is obtaining a large array of data on objects, which, when properly processed, makes it possible to have objective (detailed and detailed) information about them. However, disadvantages are also obvious. They are associated with large expenditures of time, material, labor, and monetary resources for collecting and processing data. It is no coincidence that population censuses are usually conducted on average once every 10 years.

1.2. Not continuous observation. In this case, primary data comes only from certain part units of the object being studied. Such observation, compared to 1.1, will be more economical and time-efficient. Let's consider its subspecies.

1.2.1.Selective observation– a predetermined number of units is selected according to certain rules, and quantitative parameters are obtained from them, which with a given probability (accuracy, error) apply to the entire object under study (general population).

1.2.2. Questionnaire - a type of continuous observation that has a number of features:

– are being examined individuals, i.e. certain categories of people (for example, students, buyers, teachers, voters, pensioners, etc.). They act as a source of information and have a specific name - respondents;

voluntariness participation in the survey (as opposed to mandatory reporting of data through accounting and statistical reporting). We cannot force people to answer survey questions, but professionally organized observation can significantly increase the percentage of survey participants. The following points are meant: appearance and personal qualities of the persons conducting the survey - interviewers (if it is intended to come into contact with respondents); design of the observation form (quality of paper, visual appeal of the questionnaire, use color range); the internal content of the questionnaire (how clear the questions are for the respondent and take into account his educational level, correctness of wording, etc.);

anonymity answers (last name, first name, patronymic, address and other personal information that could be used to harm a person are not indicated). Especially on questions critical content aimed at a specific person, institution, organization;

scope of use. Questionnaire surveys are widely used in various fields to identifying opinions on current issues(in economics, politics, social sphere, service sector, goods market, education, science, etc.). In trade - when studying consumer demand, in an educational institution - assessing opinions about the quality of educational services, in politics - assessing the ratings of various political parties, the likelihood of individual candidates winning elections, etc.;

managerial aspect. Most questionnaires give respondents the opportunity formulate recommendations (wishes), aimed at improving the functioning of something or someone. Thus, through questionnaires it is possible to determine what is general and relevant in improving the activities of a particular object.

Questionnaire - represents special forms (one or several sheets), in which signs in the form of questions are arranged in a logical sequence and space is allocated for answers. In the structure of the questionnaires, the following elements (components) can be distinguished: name of the questionnaire; introductory part; main content of the questionnaire; final part.

Types of questions in questionnaires:

1. Open- involves the formulation of the question and a free form of the respondent’s answer. After the question, a few free lines are left on the questionnaire form to reproduce the answer.

2. Closed- In this case, after formulating the question, a list of ready-made answer options is given. The respondent can only choose one or more options that correspond to his opinion. Filling out such questions occurs quite quickly: you only need to put a sign in the desired option. For a researcher, developing closed-ended questions will require some preparation. This requires deep knowledge of the problem being studied, the ability to correctly pose questions, formulate succinct answers and arrange them in a logical sequence.

3. Semi-closed (half-open)- Its design completely coincides with the closed type, with the only difference that in the list of answer options the respondent is given the opportunity to formulate his own. In this case, the last line comes with the words “Your option” (or: “Your option”, “Specify otherwise”, etc.).

1.2.3. Main array method. Only significant units of the object are examined, the magnitude of the features for which prevails throughout the entire volume. This observation is typical for the formation of the consumer basket in relation to basic food and non-food products (present in the consumption of all segments of the population, regardless of income level). For example, a survey of the largest industrial enterprises, educational institutions, cities, etc. This type of observation will characterize the object only from this surveyed part - according to the main array.

1.2.4. Monographic- this specific type of observation when data is collected only one at a time unit of an object. Practically used in following cases:

- For double checks information in case of detection of data registration errors;

- For conducting trial surveys for testing purposes various techniques;

- For studying and disseminating best practices in certain areas of economic and social life(for example, in trade, the use of progressive forms of customer service; the use of new educational technologies in educational institutions; modern methods treatment of patients, etc.).

Let's consider the second direction of dividing statistical observation - in connection with the time factor.

2.1. Continuous observation . Such an observation is considered when primary data is accumulated on an object continuously in time. This approach is necessary for actively dynamic objects: their composition and the meaning of features change significantly over time, so a break in collecting information on them can result in a loss of knowledge on such objects and phenomena. For example, registration of acts of civil status of the population (birth rate, mortality, registration of marriages, divorces), processes of internal and external migration, exchange rates on stock exchanges; accumulation of data on the sale of goods in trade organizations; monitoring by weather forecasters of the state of the atmosphere, etc.

2.2. Intermittent observation . Unlike continuous observation, in this case there may be breaks in the collection of information. Moreover, if the intervals in data accumulation are clearly maintained, then we have periodic observation(2.2.1). An example of this type of observation could be students passing a session; main forms of state statistical and financial statements for enterprises (submission of reports based on the results of the month, quarter, year. Hence, reports on indicators can be monthly, quarterly, annual); submission of income declarations by the population (once a year in April); publication of periodicals (newspapers and magazines), etc.

In some cases, the data collection process does not have a clearly defined periodization, but occurs in arbitrary periods, i.e. according to as needed in such information. Then it holds one-time examination (2.2.2). It includes all types of questionnaire surveys, sociological surveys of the population on pressing problems of an economic, political or social nature.

The third direction of classification is based on source form information when conducting statistical observation.

3.1. Direct accounting. Data collection occurs when direct(direct) contact with units of an object by counting units, weighing, measuring, checking with special techniques, etc. For example, a population census, conducting a technical inspection of personal vehicles of the population; commodity examination; medical examination in health care institutions; holding beauty contests; acceptance of goods in terms of quantity and quality from suppliers in trade organizations; carrying out inventories of inventory items, etc.

3.2. Documentary type of information source. Information on objects and phenomena is accumulated indirectly, i.e., without direct contact with observation units, through various documentary sources. For example, organizing audits at the enterprise (documentary checks on the organization of accounting); studying a specific discipline using textbooks and lectures; examination of students based on their personal files; medical records, grade books, etc.

3.3. Survey. Available only for individuals, i.e., various categories of the population in oral or written form. For example, surveying students in a practical or seminar lesson on a specific topic; survey; conducting sociological surveys; all types of testing; identifying expert opinions on highly professional problems, etc.

It is also necessary to distinguish between types of statistical observations according to ways of presenting information(the fourth level of division according to the scheme - Fig. 2.3).

4.1. Reporting. The collected information is presented in the form of appropriate report. For example, information about the economic and financial performance of organizations is presented in the forms of accounting and statistical reporting; checking goods for quality - by an examination act; student grades in disciplines - in reports; results of acceptance of goods from the supplier - acceptance certificate, etc.

4.2. Expeditionary type of information source. Occurs during surveys of individuals – the population. Specially trained people-counters (or interviewers), having observation forms in hand, record the results of the survey themselves. This is practiced when conducting censuses; representatives of trading firms and companies work according to this scheme, identifying potential buyers for their goods; controllers on passenger transport routes in cities (record the time of arrival at the stop of the corresponding route), etc.

4.3. Self-registration. Also used when collecting data from individuals – the public. Interviewees are given observation forms, instructed in how to complete the observation program, and given time to respond. The use of this method of data collection can be observed in all types of testing, which has found wide application in all areas, including educational activities.

4.4. Questionnaire type of information source. A special way of collecting data for a program designed according to special rules. In this case, the expedition method or self-registration can be practically combined.

Knowledge of the types of statistical observation allows you to competently plan work on collecting information on objects. We will show examples of classification in specific situations ( table 2.3 ).

1. 5% of TVs received from the supplier were checked for quality Partial observation (selective) Intermittent (one-time) Direct recording Reporting
2. Consumer demand for furniture in Krasnoyarsk during October 2012 was studied. Continuous (questionnaire) Intermittent (one-time) Survey Questionnaire
3. The city statistics department received a report from enterprises in form No. P-4 “Information on the number, wages and movement of workers" (monthly) Continuous Intermittent (periodic) Documentary Reporting
4. A census of fixed assets was carried out Continuous Intermittent (one-time) Direct (documentary, survey) Forwarding (reporting)
5. The positive experience of customer service in the travel company “Horizon” for the first half of the reporting year was studied Continuous (monographic) Intermittent (one-time) Direct (documentary, survey) Combination of different methods


To coordinate all stages and actions when carrying out statistical work in the form of statistical observation, a plan is drawn up. It consists of two main sections:

1. Methodological, revealing the content of statistical observation;

2. Organizational, specifies the organizational issues of conducting a specific observation.

We systematize the elements of each section in a special table. 2.4

Let us specify the individual elements of the above plan.

1.1 Purpose of statistical observation. It is determined by the objectives of the study and can be very diverse, for example:

– “study of the size and composition of the population” (during the population census);

– “customer preferences for a specific product” (when studying public demand);

– “research on the employment of university graduates” (when studying the labor market);

– “political preferences of voters on the eve of elections” (in sociological polls), etc.

1.2 Observation object. It is a set of social phenomena and processes that are subject to research. It is important to determine here "borders" the population under study in order to sufficiently fully cover all its units with observation. To successfully conduct an observation, you need to accurately indicate the object, noting its distinctive features and characteristics. For example, it is not enough to determine that the object of research is trading enterprises. A clarifying point may be: all trading enterprises, either only retail, or only wholesale, or mass catering enterprises.

Similarly for the turnover of goods (revenue, sales). The object specifies for which group of goods: all goods, fruits and vegetables; or durable goods; perfumery and cosmetics; confectionery shops, etc.

Thus, correct definition“borders” of an object will ensure the most complete collection of information on it and will become one of the necessary conditions for obtaining high-quality processing results.

1.3 Unit of observation. It represents the primary element of the object of observation, the carrier of the necessary information (registered characteristics) or what is the source of data during observation. Units of observation can be:

physical units (product, student, voter, vehicle);

– organizational units(group of students; specialty, faculty, university, trade enterprises; companies; family, etc.);

– individual events (processes)(transition to a market economy; reforms in the educational sphere, housing and communal services, electoral system, etc.).

It should be noted that the unit of observation may or may not be the same as the unit of the population. For example, when studying individual issues of higher education, the unit of observation may be:

While only the “student” is considered the unit of the population.

1.4 Unit of the population. This is one of the categories of statistics that represents component statistical population (as the subject of statistical research), the limit of its fragmentation, at which the original properties inherent in the object being studied are still preserved. For example, in a population - an individual; as a student - an individual student; in the sale of goods - a specific type of product; in transport - a vehicle, etc. In statistical observation, the unit of observation can be a unit of a statistical population.

1.5 Observation program. There is a list of characteristics of observation units that are subject to registration. It is determined by the purpose of the study and is embodied in practically two versions:

1) in questionnaires – in the list of questions;

2) reports (statistical, accounting) - in the form of a list of indicators on which enterprises (organizations, institutions) provide information to statistical authorities.

The observation program used in statistical reporting will be outlined in the next topic question.

1.6 Design of observation forms. An observation form is a sheet of paper of a certain format on which an observation program is placed with a strictly defined place for the sign and for the answer (primary information). The purpose of the form is quite specific - to record data either by questions (questionnaires) or by a list of indicators (statistical reporting). The researchers themselves design forms for questionnaire surveys. Forms of statistical reporting forms are developed by statisticians and approved by a resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia from a specific date and registered with the corresponding number. Only then is the report form considered legal.

In the practice of statistical observation, two types of forms are used:

1) card form– information is registered from one units of observation. Examples here are questionnaire forms, census forms, election ballots, enterprise reports on a specific form, etc.;

2) list form– primary information is accumulated from several units of observation. For example, summary reporting forms, various statements, inventories of goods, write-off acts, registration logs, etc.

1.7 Instruction texts. They are developed in addition to statistical observation forms, especially for complex programs. According to questionnaires The guidance material addresses the following issues:

– explains the meaning of the question;

– gives the procedure for selecting the desired answer option and their number (1, 2 options, etc.) from the list provided;

– a method of assessment based on evaluative criteria (“give points”, “highlight”, “underline the desired rating”, etc.).

In a relationship statistical reporting instructions may cover the following:

– who provides the information;

- explanation of the meaning of some economic indicators by report lines;

– instructions on the composition of indicators (what to include);

– accuracy of data rounding (in whole numbers, with tenth place);

– the procedure for checking indicators (combination with similar data in other forms of reports);

– other directions.

The presence of instructions for observation forms solves a very important problem related to the quality of the primary information received, namely, to achieve a unified approach (understanding) of the observation program.

Elements of the methodological section of the observation plan under paragraphs 1.8, 1.9, 1.10 (sources of information, methods of data collection, types of observation by coverage and time) were discussed in detail in the second question of the topic “Classification of statistical observation”.

Let's dwell on organizational issues statistical observation plan.

2.1 Surveillance body. We are talking about a body that collects data on a specific object. This could be a statistics agency; higher education institution; industry department of the city (for transport, trade and services, industry, prices); specific trading company (marketing department); election commissions (precinct, city, regional, regional), i.e. all those who are interested in certain primary information.

2.2 Observation periods(or the time during which the information is collected).

IN opinion polls Data collection is carried out promptly, as a reaction of the population to a specific event that has happened or an upcoming event on the most pressing topics: “where to keep money”, “where to go to study”, “what are men going to give to women on March 8”, “what is the main holiday in Russia” , “attitude to the anthem”, “most favorite inventions”, etc.

When studying consumer demand for a certain product that is subject to seasonal fluctuations, it is recommended to organize observation in each season, and at its height, conducting a series of data recordings.

In forms state statistical reporting The period for which the enterprises report is immediately laid down (month, quarter, half-year, year).

In a relationship census population, the following should be noted. Within the period for completing census documents, a “critical time” is always specified. For example, according to the latest census, data collection took place from the morning of October 14 to October 25, 2010 inclusive. The moment of population counting was set at 0 o'clock on October 14. Questions were asked regarding this "critical time". In practice, this means that children born after this date were not registered. And those who were alive before this date, but died at the time of filling out census documents should be included in the observation forms. For example, the counter came on October 18, and the person was born on October 15. The person born is no longer subject to registration. During the population census, the autumn time is traditionally chosen, when population movement is minimal (returning from vacations, vacation spots).

Thus, a correctly chosen observation period ensures the completeness and reliability of information on the object being studied.

2.3 Observation area. We are talking about the administrative boundaries of surveillance. For example, studying the size and composition of the population by district of the city, the city as a whole, the edge (region), federal districts, in the whole country. Similarly for the study of retail sales of goods, the number of trading enterprises. In connection with possible changes in territorial boundaries, when collecting information over time, it is necessary to comply with the principles of territorial comparability (comparability) of source data.

2.6 Preparatory activities. They accompany any statistical observation and may include the following list:

– compiling lists of observation units;

– division of the observation area into sections;

– selection, training, instruction of personnel involved in data collection;

– conducting trial observations to test the program;

– explanatory work, propaganda of the need for this observation (for example, for the 2010 All-Russian Population Census, advertising leaflets were launched, commercials were shown on central television and local channels, there were speeches by responsible census workers, an emblem for this large-scale event was developed, etc.).

So, only careful planning of all elements of statistical observation in the methodological and organizational section of the plan makes it possible to take into account all the details of the first stage of statistical work - the collection of primary data.

An in-depth comprehensive study of any economic or social process involves measuring its quantitative side and characterizing its qualitative essence, place, role and relationships in common system public relations. Before you begin to use statistical methods for studying the phenomena and processes of social life, you must have at your disposal a comprehensive information base that fully and reliably describes the object of study. Process statistical research involves the following steps:

  • collection of statistical information (statistical observation) and its primary processing;
  • systematization and further processing of data obtained as a result of statistical observation, based on their summary and grouping;
  • generalization and analysis of processing results statistical materials, formulation of conclusions and recommendations based on the results of the entire statistical study.

Statistical observation- the first and initial stage of statistical research, which is a systematic, systematically organized on a scientific basis, the process of collecting primary data on various phenomena of social and economic life. Systematic statistical observation lies in the fact that it is carried out according to a specially developed plan, which includes issues related to the organization and technique of collecting statistical information, monitoring its quality and reliability, and presenting the final materials. Massive nature of statistical observation is ensured by the most complete coverage of all cases of manifestation of the phenomenon or process being studied, i.e. in the process of statistical observation, the quantitative and qualitative characteristics are measured and recorded not of individual units of the population being studied, but of the entire mass of units of the population. Systematicity of statistical observation means that it should not be carried out randomly, that is, spontaneously, but should be performed either continuously or regularly at regular intervals.

The process of conducting statistical observation is presented in Fig. 2.1.

Rice. 2.1.

The process of preparing statistical observation involves determining the purpose and object of observation, the composition of features to be recorded, and the choice of observation unit. It is also necessary to develop document forms for data collection and select means and methods for obtaining them.

Thus, statistical observation is a labor-intensive and painstaking work that requires the involvement of qualified personnel, its comprehensively thought-out organization, planning, preparation and implementation.

Types and methods of statistical observation

Direct observation carried out by recording facts personally established by registrars as a result of inspection, measurement, and counting of signs of the phenomenon being studied. In this way, prices for goods and services are recorded, working hours are measured, an inventory of warehouse balances is taken, etc.

Survey is based on obtaining data from respondents (survey participants). A survey is used in cases where observation cannot be carried out by other means. This type of observation is typical for conducting various sociological surveys and public opinion polls. Statistical information can be obtained by different types of surveys: expeditionary, correspondent, questionnaire, personal.

Expeditionary (oral) survey carried out by specially trained workers (recorders), who record respondents’ answers in observation forms. The form is a document form in which you need to fill in the answer fields.

Correspondent survey assumes that, on a voluntary basis, the responding staff reports information directly to the monitoring body. The disadvantage of this method is that it is difficult to verify the correctness of the information received.

At questionnaire respondents fill out questionnaires voluntarily and mostly anonymously. Since this method of obtaining information is not reliable, it is used in those studies where high accuracy of results is not required. In some situations, approximate results are sufficient, which only capture the trend and record the emergence of new facts and phenomena. Turnout poll involves submitting information to the surveillance authorities in person. In this way, civil status acts are registered: marriages, divorces, deaths, births, etc.

In addition to the types and methods of statistical observation, the theory of statistics also considers forms of statistical observation: reporting, specially organized statistical observation, registers.

Statistical reporting- the main form of statistical observation, which is characterized by the fact that statistical authorities receive information about the phenomena being studied in the form of special documents submitted by enterprises and organizations within a certain time frame and in an established form. The very forms of statistical reporting, methods of collecting and processing statistical data, the methodology of statistical indicators established by the FSGS are the official statistical standards of the Russian Federation and are mandatory for all subjects of public relations.

Statistical reporting is divided into specialized and standard. Composition of indicators standard reporting is uniform for all enterprises and organizations, while the composition of indicators specialized reporting depends on the specifics of individual sectors of the economy and sphere

activities. According to the timing of submission, statistical reporting can be daily, weekly, ten-day, two-week, monthly, quarterly, semi-annual and annual. Statistical reporting can be transmitted by telephone, communication channels, on electronic media with mandatory subsequent submission on paper, signed by the responsible persons.

Specially organized statistical observation is a collection of information organized by statistical authorities either for the study of phenomena not covered by reporting, or for a more in-depth study of reporting data, their verification and clarification. Various types of censuses and one-time surveys are specially organized observations.

Registers- this is a form of observation in which the facts of the state of individual units of the population are continuously recorded. Observing a unit of the aggregate, it is assumed that the processes occurring there have a beginning, a long-term continuation and an end. In the register, each observation unit is characterized by a set of indicators. All indicators are stored as long as the observation unit is in the register and has not expired. Some indicators remain unchanged as long as the observation unit is in the register, others may change from time to time. An example of such a register is the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations (USRPO). All work related to its maintenance is carried out by the FSGS.

So, the choice of types, methods and forms of statistical observation depends on a number of factors, the main of which are the goals and objectives of observation, the specifics of the observed object, the urgency of presenting the results, the availability of trained personnel, the possibility of using technical means data collection and processing.

Program and methodological issues of statistical observation

One of most important tasks The problem that needs to be solved when preparing a statistical observation is the definition of the goal, object and unit of observation.

Intact almost anyone statistical observation- obtaining reliable information about the phenomena and processes of social life in order to identify the relationships between factors, assess the scale of the phenomenon and the patterns of its development. Based on the objectives of observation, its program and forms of organization are determined. In addition to the goal, it is necessary to establish the object of observation, i.e., determine what exactly is subject to observation.

Object of observation is a set of social phenomena or processes that are subject to research. The object of observation can be a set of institutions (credit, educational, etc.), the population, physical objects (buildings, transport, equipment). When establishing the object of observation, it is important to strictly and accurately determine the boundaries of the population being studied. To do this, it is necessary to clearly establish the essential features that determine whether to include an object in the aggregate or not. For example, before conducting a survey of medical institutions to determine whether they are equipped with modern equipment, it is necessary to determine the category, departmental and territorial affiliation clinics to be examined. When defining the object of observation, it is necessary to indicate the unit of observation and the unit of population.

Unit of observation is a component element of the observation object, which is a source of information, i.e., the observation unit is the bearer of characteristics that are subject to registration. Depending on the specific tasks of statistical observation, this may be a household or a person, for example a student, an agricultural enterprise or a factory. The units of observation are called reporting units, if they submit statistical reports to statistical authorities.

Unit of the population- this is a component element of the object of observation from which information about the unit of observation is received, i.e. the unit of the population serves as the basis of calculation and has characteristics that are subject to registration in the process of observation. For example, in a census of forest plantations, the unit of the population will be the tree, since it has characteristics that are subject to registration (age, species composition, etc.), while the forestry itself, in which the survey is being conducted, acts as a unit of observation.

Each phenomenon or process of social life has many signs, but it is impossible to obtain information about all of them, and not all of them are of interest to the researcher, therefore, when preparing an observation, it is necessary to decide what signs will be subject to registration in accordance with the goals and objectives of the observation . To determine the composition of recorded characteristics, an observation program is developed.

Statistical Observation Program call a set of questions, the answers to which during the observation process should constitute statistical information. Developing an observation program is a very important and responsible task, and the success of the observation depends on how correctly it is carried out. When developing an observation program, it is necessary to take into account a number of requirements for it:

  • The program should, if possible, contain only those characteristics that are necessary and whose values ​​will be used for further analysis or for control purposes. In an effort to ensure completeness of information that ensures the receipt of benign materials, the amount of information collected should be limited in order to obtain reliable material for analysis;
  • program questions must be clearly formulated to prevent misinterpretation and to prevent distortion of the meaning of the information collected;
  • when developing an observation program, it is advisable to build a logical sequence of questions; similar questions or signs characterizing any one aspect of a phenomenon should be combined into one section;
  • the monitoring program must contain control questions to verify and correct the recorded information.

To conduct observation, certain tools are required: forms and instructions. Statistical form- a special document of a single sample, which records the answers to the questions of the program. Depending on the specific content of the observation being carried out, the form may be called a statistical reporting form, a census or questionnaire, a map, a card, a questionnaire or a form. There are two types of forms: card and list. Form-card, or an individual form, is intended to reflect information about one unit of the statistical population, and payroll The form contains information about several units of the population. The integral and mandatory elements of the statistical form are the title, address and content parts. IN title part the name of the statistical observation and the body that approved this form, the deadline for submitting the form and some other information are indicated. IN address part details of the reporting observation unit are indicated. Main, content, part of the form usually appears in the form of a table that contains the name, codes and values ​​of the indicators.

The statistical form is filled out in accordance with the instructions. The instructions contain instructions on the procedure for conducting observation, methodological instructions and explanations for filling out the form. Depending on the complexity of the surveillance program, instructions are published either as a brochure or posted on back side form. In addition, for the necessary clarifications, you can contact the specialists responsible for conducting the monitoring and the authorities that conduct it.

When organizing statistical observation, it is necessary to decide on the time of observation and the place where it will be carried out. Choice observation locations depends on the purpose of observation. Choice observation time associated with determining the critical moment (date) or time interval and determining the period (period) of observation. Critical moment Statistical observation is the point in time to which the information recorded during the observation process is dated. Observation period The period during which information about the phenomenon under study should be recorded is determined, i.e., the time interval during which the forms are filled out. Typically, the observation period should not be too far from the critical moment of observation so that the state of the object at that moment can be reproduced.

Issues of organizational support, preparation and conduct of statistical observation

For successful preparation and conducting statistical observation, issues of organizational support must be resolved. To do this, an organizational plan for observation is drawn up, which reflects the goals and objectives of the observation, the object of observation, the place, time, terms of observation, and the circle of persons responsible for conducting the observation.

An obligatory element of the organizational plan is the indication of the monitoring body. The range of organizations called upon to assist in conducting surveillance is also determined; these may include internal affairs bodies, the tax inspectorate, line ministries, public organizations, individuals, volunteers, etc.

In number preparatory activities includes:

  • development of statistical observation forms, reproduction of survey documentation;
  • development of a methodological apparatus for analyzing and presenting observation results;
  • development software for data processing, purchase of computer and office equipment;
  • purchase of necessary materials, including stationery;
  • training of qualified personnel, personnel training, conducting various kinds briefing, etc.;
  • carrying out mass explanatory work among the population and observation participants (lectures, conversations, appearances in the press, on radio and television);
  • coordination of the activities of all services and organizations involved in joint actions;
  • equipment for the data collection and processing site;
  • preparation of information transmission channels and means of communication;
  • resolving issues related to the financing of statistical observation.

Thus, the monitoring plan contains a number of activities aimed at successfully completing the work of recording the necessary information.

Observation accuracy and data verification methods

Each specific measurement of a data value, carried out during the observation process, gives, as a rule, an approximate value of the phenomenon value, which differs to one degree or another from the true value of this value. The degree of correspondence to the actual value of any indicator or characteristic obtained from observation materials is called accuracy of statistical observation. The discrepancy between the result of an observation and the true value of the observed phenomenon is called observation error.

Depending on the nature, stage and causes of occurrence, several types of observation errors are distinguished (Table 2.1).

Table 2.1

By their nature, errors are divided into random and systematic. Random are called errors, the occurrence of which is due to the action of random factors. These include reservations and slips of the interviewee. They can be directed towards decreasing or increasing the value of the attribute; as a rule, they are not reflected in the final result, since they cancel each other out during the summary processing of observation results. Systematic errors have the same tendency to either decrease or increase the value of the characteristic indicator. This is due to the fact that measurements, for example, are made by a faulty measuring device or errors are a consequence of inaccurate formulation of the question of the observation program, etc. Systematic errors represent great danger, since they significantly distort the observation results.

Depending on the stage of occurrence, registration errors are distinguished; errors that arise during the preparation of data for machine processing; errors that appear during processing on computer technology.

TO registration errors These include those inaccuracies that arise when recording data in a statistical form (primary document, form, report, census form) or when entering data into computer technology, data distortion when transmitted through communication lines (telephone, email). Often registration errors arise due to non-compliance with the form, i.e. the entry was made in the wrong line or column of the document. Deliberate distortion of the values ​​of individual indicators also occurs.

Errors when preparing data for machine processing or during the processing itself occur in computer centers or data preparation centers. The occurrence of such errors is associated with careless, incorrect, unclear filling of data in forms, with a physical defect of the data carrier, with the loss of part of the data due to non-compliance with information base storage technology, or are determined by equipment malfunctions.

Knowing the types and causes of observation errors, you can significantly reduce the percentage of such information distortions. The following types of errors are distinguished:

measurement errors, associated with certain errors that arise during a single statistical observation of phenomena and processes of social life;

errors of representativeness, arising in the course of incomplete observation and related to the fact that the sample itself is not representative, and the results obtained on its basis cannot be extended to the entire population;

intentional mistakes arising due to deliberate distortion of data for various purposes, including the desire to embellish the actual state of the object of observation or, conversely, to show the unsatisfactory state of the object (this distortion of information is a violation of the law);

unintentional errors, as a rule, of an accidental nature and associated with low qualifications of workers, their inattention or negligence. Often such errors are associated with subjective factors, when people give incorrect information about their age, marital status, education, membership social group etc. or simply forget some facts, telling the registrar information that has just arisen in memory.

It is advisable to carry out some activities that will help prevent, identify and correct observation errors. These include:

  • selection of qualified personnel and quality training of personnel involved in monitoring;
  • organization of control checks of the correctness of filling out documents, using a continuous or selective method;
  • arithmetic and logical control of the received data after completion of the collection of observation materials.

The main types of data reliability control are syntactic, logical and arithmetic (Table 2.2).

Table 2.2

Syntactic control means checking the correctness of the structure of the document, the presence of necessary and mandatory details, the completeness of filling out the lines of the forms in accordance with the established rules. The importance and necessity of syntactic control is explained by the application for data processing computer technology, scanners that have strict requirements for compliance with the rules for filling out forms.

Logical control the correctness of the recording of codes, compliance with their names and indicator values ​​are checked. The necessary relationships between indicators are checked, answers to various questions are compared, and incompatible combinations are identified. To correct errors identified during logical control, they return to the original documents and make amendments.

At arithmetic control The resulting totals are compared with pre-calculated checksums for rows and columns. Quite often, arithmetic control is based on the dependence of one indicator on two or more others, for example, it is the product of other indicators. If arithmetic control of the final indicators reveals that this dependence is not observed, this will indicate inaccuracy of the data.

Thus, control of the reliability of statistical information is carried out at all stages of statistical observation, from the collection of primary information to the stage of obtaining results.

By form

a) reporting

b) specially organized examination

2. by type

· by coverage of population units

a) solid

b) not continuous

· depending on the time factor

a) current

b) periodic

c) one-time

· depending on the source of information

a) direct observation

b) documentary


By way

a) reporting

b) expeditionary

c) method of self-registration

d) questionnaire

e) correspondent

e) spontaneous

Forms of statistical observation:

Reporting - This is an organizational form of statistical observation, in which information is received by statistical bodies from observation units in the form of mandatory reports on their activities within strictly established periods and in a certain order.

Reporting is the main form of statistical observation and one of the main sources of information about the socio-economic development of the country.

All forms of statistical reporting are approved by state statistics bodies.

Statistical reporting is divided into national (mandatory for all enterprises, organizations, etc. without exception) and intradepartmental (operating within a separate ministry, department) reporting.

In terms of the frequency of reporting, reporting can be periodic (submitted at regular intervals) or one-time (submitted as needed)

Specially organized surveillance - is an observation organized for a specific purpose to obtain data that is usually not contained in reports, and is usually carried out discontinuously at certain intervals (for example, a population census)

Types of statistical observation:

a) depending on the completeness of observation coverage of units of the object under study, the following are distinguished:

  • Continuous observation - this is an observation in which all units of the population being studied are examined without exception (for example, a country’s population census).
  • Partial observation - this is an observation in which not all units of the population being studied are examined, but only part of them.

In statistical practice, several types of incomplete observation are used - selective, monographic and the main array method.

Sampling is an observation based on the principle of random selection of those units of the population being studied that should be subjected to observation.

In monographic observation, only individual units of the population that are characteristic in some respect (the best, typical, etc.) will be examined, which are subject to a detailed statistical description.

The main array method is that the largest units are surveyed, which together have a predominant specific gravity in aggregate according to the main characteristic or characteristics for this study

b) depending on the time factor, there are:

· Ongoing (continuous) surveillance - this is an observation that is carried out constantly, systematically and the registration of facts is carried out as they occur (for example, registration of civil status acts: births, deaths, marriages, divorces)

· Periodic observation - This is an observation that is repeated at certain, equal intervals (for example, monthly, quarterly, annual reports)

· One-time observation - this is an observation that is carried out as needed or is carried out once and is not repeated

c) depending on the source of information, the following are distinguished:

  • Direct observation - this is an observation in which the registrars themselves, by direct inspection, measurement, weighing or counting, establish a fact and, on this basis, make an entry in the observation form (for example, an inventory of property)
  • Documentary observation - this is an observation that involves recording answers to questions in a form based on the relevant primary accounting documents of enterprises, institutions and organizations (for example, collecting data on student performance based on test and examination records)
  • Survey - this is an observation in which the answers to the questions of the observation form are recorded from the words of the interviewee

Methods of statistical observation:

Reporting method- consists in the mandatory submission by reporting enterprises and organizations of reports on their activities within a specified time frame and in a certain manner

Expeditionary method- consists in the fact that specially involved and trained workers visit each observation unit, fill out the observation form themselves and deliver them to the statistical authorities

Self-registration method- is that the statistical observation forms are filled out by the respondents themselves, and specially hired workers provide the respondents with observation forms, instruct them, collect the completed forms, check their correctness and deliver them to the statistical authorities

Questionnaire method - this is the collection of statistical data using special questionnaires (questionnaires) sent to a certain circle of people or published in periodicals

Correspondent method- consists in the fact that statistical authorities agree with certain persons who voluntarily undertake the obligation to monitor any phenomena, processes and report the results of observations to statistical authorities within a specified time frame. Statistical authorities provide correspondents with observation forms, instructions and other necessary materials for statistical observation

Appearance method- lies in the fact that persons who have information that is subject to registration during observation, and are obliged to provide it, themselves appear at the place of registration and report this information

Control questions

1. The concept of statistical observation, its organization and tasks.

2. Organizational forms, types and methods of statistical observation.

3. Program and methodological issues of statistical observation.

4. Organizational plan and forms of statistical observation.

5. The concept of place and time of statistical observation.

6. Observation errors, methods for checking the reliability of observational data.

List of used literature

Main literature

1. Gusarov V.M. Statistics: Textbook. manual for universities.-M: UNITY-DANA, 2005*

2. Statistics: Educational and practical. allowance / Under. ed. M.G. Nazarova.- M.: KNORUS, 2006*

additional literature

1. Statistics: Textbook / Ed. I.I. Eliseeva.-M.: Higher Education, 2006;*

2. Statistics: Textbook / Ed. V.G. Ionin.-3rd ed., revised. and additional - M.: INFRA-M, 2008*;

3. Statistics: Textbook / Ed. B.C. Mkhitaryan.-M.: Economist, 2005*;

4. Statistics: Textbook / Ed. V.M. Simchery.- M.: Finance and Statistics, 2005*;

5. Theory of Statistics: Textbook / Ed. R.A. Shmoilova.-5th ed.- M.: Finance and Statistics, 2008*;

6. Salin V.N., Churilova E.Yu. A course in the theory of statistics for training specialists in financial and economic profiles: Textbook. - M.: Finance and Statistics, 2006

  • 4. The role of statistical observation. Organizational forms of statistical observation: reporting and specially organized statistical observation.
  • 5. Types of statistical observation (based on time, completeness of coverage of population units).
  • 6. The main stages of processing statistical observation data: grouping and summary. Their relationship.
  • 7. Objectives and meaning of the summary. Statistical indicators as a summary tool.
  • 8. Statistical tables. Their meaning. Types of tables. The procedure for preparing statistical tables.
  • 9. The concept of statistical graphics. The role of graphical representation in statistics. Elements of a statistical graph and rules for its construction. Main types of graphic images.
  • 10. The concept of absolute statistical values. Types of absolute quantities, their meaning. Units of measurement of absolute values.
  • 11. The concept of relative statistical quantities. Types of relative quantities. Methods for their calculation and forms of expression.
  • 12. Averages as typical characteristics of a population unit. Power averages.
  • 13. Arithmetic and chronological average. Rules for choosing a medium form.
  • 14. Structural averages.
  • 15. Variation as an integral feature of aggregates.
  • 16. Indicators of the size of variation: range, average linear deviation, dispersion and standard deviation, coefficient of variation.
  • 17. Selective observation as the main type of incomplete observation.
  • 18. The concept of interrelated characteristics as a subject of statistical study of communication. Problems of statistical study of communication.
  • 19. Regression equation as a form of analytical expression of a statistical relationship. Calculation of regression equation parameters and interpretation.
  • 20. Statistical characteristics of the closeness of the connection: empirical correlation relation, linear correlation relation.
  • 21. Concept and classification of dynamics series.
  • 22. Rules for constructing a series of dynamics.
  • 23. Analytical indicators of dynamics: indicators of the level of absolute and relative growth, absolute content of 1% growth.
  • 24. Dynamic averages, their distinctive abilities. Increases dynamic averages.
  • 25. The main tendency of the series (trend) and methods for identifying it. The concept of alignment of time series, alignment methods.
  • 26. The concept of indices. The importance of indices in the analysis of socio-economic phenomena.
  • 27. Individual indices.
  • 28. Aggregate index.
  • 29. Indices of average values ​​(index of variable composition, index of constant composition, index of structural changes). Their relationship, order of construction, socio-economic meaning.
  • 30. Use of the index method in economic analysis.
  • 5. Types of statistical observation (based on time, completeness of coverage of population units).

    Types of statistical observation. Statistical observations can be divided into groups according to the following criteria:

    ° time of registration of facts;

    ° coverage of population units.

    Depending on the time of registration of facts, there are continuous (current), periodic and one-time observations. With ongoing observation, changes in relation to the phenomena being studied are recorded as they occur, for example, when registering births, deaths, and marital status. Such observation is carried out in order to study the dynamics of a phenomenon.

    Based on the coverage of population units, statistical observation can be continuous or not continuous. The task of continuous observation is to obtain information about all units of the population under study.

    6. The main stages of processing statistical observation data: grouping and summary. Their relationship.

    Based on information collected during statistical observation, as a rule, it is impossible to directly identify and characterize patterns of socio-economic phenomena. This is due to the fact that observation provides information on each unit of the object under study. The data obtained are not general indicators. With their help, it is impossible to draw conclusions about the object as a whole without preliminary data processing.

    Therefore, the goal of the next stage of statistical research is to systematize the primary data and obtain on this basis a summary characteristic of the entire object using generalized statistical indicators.

    A summary is a complex of sequential operations to generalize specific individual facts that form a set in order to identify typical features and patterns inherent in the phenomenon being studied as a whole.

    Thus, if during statistical observation data is collected about each unit of an object, then the result of the summary is detailed data that reflects the entire population as a whole.

    Individual units of a statistical population are combined into groups using the grouping method. This allows you to “compress” the information obtained during observation and, on this basis, identify patterns inherent in the phenomenon being studied.

    Grouping is the division of many units of the population being studied into groups according to certain characteristics essential to them. Grouping is one of the most methodologically difficult stages of statistical research.

    The reasons that determine the need for grouping and determine its place in the system of statistical methods lie in the uniqueness of the object of statistical research. It is a complex of particular aggregates that can be qualitatively and deeply different, have different properties, degrees of complexity, and nature of development.

    7. Objectives and meaning of the summary. Statistical indicators as a summary tool.

    The most important stage in the study of socio-economic phenomena and processes is the systematization of primary data and, on this basis, obtaining a summary characteristic of the entire object using general indicators, which is achieved by summarizing and grouping primary statistical material.

    Summary is a complex of sequential operations to generalize specific individual facts that form a set in order to identify typical features and patterns inherent in the phenomenon being studied as a whole.

    Based on the depth and accuracy of processing the material, a distinction is made between simple and complex reports.

    Simple summary is the operation of calculating totals for a set of observation units.

    Complex summary is a set of operations that include grouping observation units, calculating totals for each group and for the entire object, and presenting the results in the form of statistical tables.

    Carrying out the summary includes the following steps:

    Selecting a grouping characteristic

    Determining the order in which groups are formed

    Development of a system of statistical indicators to characterize groups and the object as a whole,

    Designing statistical table layouts to present summary results.

    According to the form of material processing, reports are:

    Centralized, when all primary material enters one organization and is processed there from start to finish,

    Decentralized, when p/p reports are compiled by statistical bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, and the results obtained are sent to the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation and the final indicators for the whole are determined there national economy countries.

    According to the technique of execution, statistical summaries can be mechanized (using electronic computer technology) and manual.

    The statistical summary is carried out according to a program that must be developed even before collecting statistical data, almost simultaneously with the preparation of a plan and program for statistical observation. The summary program includes the identification of groups and subgroups; indicator systems; types of tables.

    Statistical observation- it is massive (it covers a large number of cases of manifestation of the phenomenon under study in order to obtain truthful statistical data), systematic (carried out according to a developed plan, including issues of methodology, organization of collection and control of the reliability of information), systematic (carried out systematically, either continuously or regularly), scientifically organized (to increase the reliability of the data, which depends on the observation program, the content of the questionnaires, the quality of the preparation of instructions) observation of the phenomena and processes of socio-economic life, which consists of collecting and recording individual characteristics for each unit of the population.

    Stages of statistical observation

    1. Preparation for statistical observation(solving scientific, methodological, organizational and technical issues).
    • determination of the purpose and object of observation;
    • determining the composition of features to be registered;
    • development of documents for data collection;
    • selection and training of personnel to conduct surveillance;

    2. Collection of information

    • direct filling of statistical forms (forms, questionnaires);

    Statistical information is primary data on the state of socio-economic phenomena, formed in the process of statistical observation, which is then systematized, summarized, analyzed and generalized.

    The composition of information is largely determined by the needs of society in this moment. Changes in forms of ownership and methods of regulating the economy led to changes in the policy of statistical observation. If earlier information was available only to government agencies, now it is in most cases publicly available. The main consumers of statistical information are the government, commercial structures, international organizations and the public.

    Specially organized surveillance

    It consists of obtaining data that, for one reason or another, was not included in the reporting or to verify reporting data. Represents the collection of data through censuses and one-time counts.

    Register surveillance

    It is based on maintaining a statistical register, with the help of which continuous statistical accounting is carried out for long-term processes that have a fixed beginning, stage of development and a fixed end.

    Forms of statistical research Types of statistical observations Methods for obtaining statistical information
    by data recording time by completeness of coverage of population units
    Statistical reporting Current observation Continuous observation Direct observation

    Specially organized observation:

    • census
    • one-time accounting

    Intermittent observation:

    • One-time observation
    • Periodic observation

    Anecdotal observation:

    • selective
    • Monographic observation
    • main array method
    • moment observation method
    Register surveillance
    • forwarding method
    • self-registration method
    • correspondent method
    • Questionnaire method
    • Appearance method

    Types of statistical observation

    Statistical observations are divided into types according to the following criteria:
    • by time of data recording;
    • by completeness of coverage;

    Types of statistical observation by registration time:

    Ongoing (continuous) surveillance- carried out to study current phenomena and processes. Facts are recorded as they occur. (registration family marriages and divorces)

    Intermittent observation- carried out as necessary, while temporary gaps in data recording are allowed:

  • Periodic observation - carried out at relatively equal intervals of time (population census).
  • One-time observation - carried out without observing strict frequency.
  • Based on the completeness of coverage of population units, the following types of statistical observation are distinguished:

    Continuous observation— represents the collection and receipt of information about all units of the population being studied. It is characterized by high material and labor costs and insufficient information efficiency. Used in population censuses, when collecting data in reporting format covering large and medium-sized enterprises different forms property.

    Partial observation- based on the principle of random selection of units of the studied population, while in sample population all types of units available in the aggregate must be represented. It has a number of advantages over continuous observation: reduction of time and money costs.

    Continuous observation is divided into:
    • Selective observation- based on a random selection of units that are observed.
    • Monographic observation— consists of examining individual units of a population characterized by rare qualitative properties. An example of monographic observation: characteristics of the work of individual enterprises to identify shortcomings in work or development trends.
    • Main Array Method- consists of studying the most significant, largest units of the population, which, according to their main characteristic, have the largest share in the population under study.
    • Momentary Observation Method— consists of conducting observations at random or constant intervals of time with notes on the state of the object under study at one time or another.

    Methods of statistical observation

    Ways to obtain statistical information:

    Direct statistical observation- observation in which the registrars themselves, by direct measurement, weighing, and counting, establish the fact to be recorded.

    Documentary observation- based on the use of various types of accounting documents.
    Includes reporting observation method - in which enterprises submit statistical reports on their activities in a strictly mandatory manner.

    Survey- consists in obtaining the necessary information directly from the respondent.

    The following types of survey exist:

    Expeditionary— registrars receive the necessary information from the persons being interviewed and record it in the forms themselves.

    Self-registration method— the forms are filled out by the respondents themselves, the registrars only hand out the forms and explain the rules for filling them out.

    Correspondent— information is provided to the relevant authorities by a staff of voluntary correspondents.

    Questionnaire— information is collected in the form of questionnaires, which are special questionnaires, convenient in cases where high accuracy of results is not required.

    Private- consists of providing information to the relevant authorities in person.

    Errors in statistical observation

    Information obtained during statistical observation may not correspond to reality, and the calculated values ​​of indicators may not correspond to actual values.

    The discrepancy between the calculated value and the actual value is called observation error.

    Depending on the causes of occurrence there are distinguished registration errors and representativeness errors. Registration errors are typical for both continuous and non-continuous observations, and representativeness errors are typical only for non-continuous observations. Registration errors, like representativeness errors, can be random and systematic.

    Registration errors- represent deviations between the value of the indicator obtained during statistical observation and its actual value. Registration errors can be random (the result of random factors - for example, strings are mixed up) and systematic (they appear constantly).

    Representativeness errors- arise when the selected population does not accurately reproduce the original population. They are characteristic of incomplete observation and consist in the deviation of the value of the indicator of the studied part of the population from its value in the general population.

    Random errors- are the result of random factors.

    Systematic errors- always have the same tendency to increase or decrease the indicator for each observation unit, as a result of which the value of the indicator for the population as a whole will include the accumulated error.

    Control methods:
    • Counting (arithmetic) - checking the correctness of an arithmetic calculation.
    • Logical - based on the semantic relationship between features.

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