Home Children's dentistry Corrections of errors of the previous period in the current period. Correcting errors in accounting and reporting

Corrections of errors of the previous period in the current period. Correcting errors in accounting and reporting

Having received the status of an individual entrepreneur, you must comply with all formalities of doing business. In order to report to various departments, you must have a book of income and expenses (KUDiR). Each tax system has its own rules for maintaining this book. Most complex look– KUDiR on OSNO.

Accounting Rules

An individual entrepreneur must record all his income and expenses in KUDiR. This is stated in Order of the Ministry of Finance No. 86n of the Russian Federation dated August 13, 2002.

Accounting Money must be maintained in rubles, but if you work in foreign currency, then the amounts are translated according to the rate established by the Central Bank on the date on which the income or expense was received. The book must be filled out in Russian. In the case when your primary accounting documents are compiled, for example, in English, then you need to translate each line.

If you operate in the field of education, sports, culture or healthcare, then consider one feature when filling out the book. In addition to the general numbers, it is necessary to indicate the passport details and TIN of the people to whom the services are provided.

If you have a specific area of ​​activity and existing options accounting records are not suitable for you, then you can, together with the tax office, “tailor” the book to the specifics of your company’s work. To do this, you need to bring it to the tax office (already completed according to the rules) and indicate in the covering letter what changes need to be made.

Rules for registration of KUDiR

The accounting book is not given to you; you need to download or buy it. It can be maintained in paper or electronic form.

Filling out the paper version of the book:

  1. Fill out the title page.
  2. Lace it up.
  3. Number the pages.
  4. At the end of the book, indicate the number of pages.
  5. Assure.
  6. Put a stamp at the tax office.

The e-book is filled out in the same way, only you need to print it first.

By April 30 of the year following the reporting year, the KUDiR must be certified by the tax office. For example, a book with accounts for 2017 must be submitted to the inspectorate by April 30, 2018.

Never stop doing your bookkeeping. The book of income and expenses is not a basis for refusing it.

Rules for maintaining KUDiR

The book of income and expenses for individual entrepreneurs on OSNO consists of 6 sections. We keep records as actions are carried out - strictly on the date when the monetary transaction. Insurance premiums We celebrate every quarter. If you made corrections in the book, you must explain them, indicate the date of the corrections and put a stamp, if any.

Support the operations recorded in KUDiR with correctly completed documents. Without them, records cannot be considered authentic. If you purchase a product, you must attach a receipt to any document confirming the purchase.

Fines for lack of KUDiR

What happens if you didn't keep a book? Responsibility for this is provided under Art. 120 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

For violating accounting rules, you face fines:

  1. 10,000 rubles - if you do not have a book for one period.
  2. 30,000 rubles – if there are no books for several years.
  3. If the absence of a book caused an underestimation of the tax base, then a fine will be assessed in the amount of 20% of the amount of unpaid tax. The minimum amount is 40,000 rubles.

One more important clarification. Account books should not be confused. If an entrepreneur works for OSNO, then KUDiR should be for OSNO. Also for various systems taxation there is a corresponding accounting book.

KUDiR must be preserved for 4 years, and you must present the books. A new tax period means a new book, regardless of whether the old one has ended or not.

A correctly and timely completed accounting book is the key to peace of mind for an entrepreneur. Take your reporting seriously and don’t have to worry about administrative checks.

The book of accounting of income and expenses (KUDiR) is maintained by individual entrepreneurs who apply the general taxation system. Accounting for the activities of an entrepreneur on a special purpose tax system is fundamentally different from the document flow of an LLC. The main difference lies in the need to maintain this document.

OSN for individual entrepreneurs is rightfully considered the most complex form of accounting for accountants and experts.

What is this book?

The book of income and expenses is used to record transactions carried out in the course of conducting the activities of an individual entrepreneur. The form and procedure for maintaining the journal are established by order of the Ministry of Taxes and Taxes of the Russian Federation dated August 13, 2002. for No. BG-3-04/430. For an entrepreneur with small turnover, management is not difficult, but for companies with significant turnover, the book takes up several volumes.

KUDiR combines accounting and tax accounting, although it is considered a tax register document. The following data is entered into the document:

  • Accounting for fixed assets and calculating depreciation.
  • Accruals wages and taxation of contributions to funds.
  • Managing other expenses and utilities.
  • Taxation of transactions with the withdrawal of the difference, which is ultimately subject to personal income tax.

An exception to accounting is the determination of the VAT amount. The difference in accounting methods (cash for personal income tax and accrual for VAT) does not allow obtaining uniform data. The discrepancy between the indicators of KUDiR and the VAT tax return often raises additional questions from control authorities.

The tax period for filling out KUDiR is set as calendar year. There are no reporting periods for the journal. The peculiarity of the taxation period is based on the final result of financial indicators - determining the tax base for personal income tax for the annual period. Taxpayers of individual entrepreneurs pay on OSN 13% of the difference between income and expenses.

When deducing the annual personal income tax from the journal, losses may arise, upon receipt of which the tax is not paid to the budget. Negative operating results do not carry over to a future tax period and are not covered by the profits of subsequent years.

Who is obliged to maintain it, does it need to be certified?

KUDiR is maintained by the entrepreneur himself or by an accounting employee in the accounting department. Regardless of what the magazine is used for, it must be stored for 5 years.

If KUDiR is maintained electronically, at the end of the period it must be printed and flashed. The period is set independently within the enterprise, but cannot exceed a year. The book must be numbered and bound in the prescribed order indicating:

  • number of sheets;
  • signature of the individual entrepreneur with a decoding of the name;
  • print, if available and used.

If the turnover in an individual entrepreneur is significant, stitching is done monthly. For small businesses, one firmware update per year is enough.

The taxation and accounting form is not sufficiently covered by service programs, so it is often filled out manually. Before manual journaling begins, it is numbered and stitched.

Clause 8 of the Procedure for maintaining KUDiR indicates the need for the book to be certified by the Federal Tax Service inspection, but the Tax Code of the Russian Federation does not give precise instructions on the deadline. Most individual entrepreneurs submit the journal for certification to the Federal Tax Service together with the 3-NDFL declaration. There is no penalty for failure to submit a book. The book is submitted for control during an on-site or desk inspection.

Who can't keep a book

For entrepreneurs who have not declared the use of special regimes, the OSN is established by default. A number of entrepreneurs do not operate, which means the absence of:

  • Cash flows through the cash register and current account.
  • Receipts of goods and materials, fixed assets to the warehouse.
  • Sales of goods or finished products.
  • Payroll and taxes.
  • The need to account for fixed assets and depreciation.

If there was no entrepreneurial activity during the tax year, maintaining a book is not required.

Possible fines and sanctions

An entrepreneur has the right to independently develop a KUDiR form with mandatory sections that allow him to control the taxation of personal income tax. The recording of transactions should also be carried out nomenclature-wise, but the names of the columns can be changed. The use of the new amended book must be agreed upon with the Federal Tax Service by sending it to the inspectorate with a covering letter.

If your own version of the journal is not agreed upon with the control body, the Federal Tax Service may consider maintaining new form like its absence. Ignorance of the book entails imposition of a fine of 200 rubles for the absence of one document, which is a tax register.

You can see how to fill out this document correctly in the following video:

Rules and procedure for filling out

Filling out the form is done in chronological order. The book is maintained on the basis of primary documents - invoices, M-11, invoices, acts, KKM checks, payment orders. The peculiarity of operations is the nomenclature management and the cash method of accounting for income and expense transactions. Recording is carried out taking into account the order:

  1. The transaction is recorded daily, with a separate line for each item.
  2. The line contains data on income, VAT, expense (cost) and difference (profit) for each operation.
  3. Income is entered after payment is made from the buyer through the cash register or bank account.
  4. Expenses are written off after payment for goods, raw materials, materials to the supplier.

The procedure for determining income corresponds to Ch. 25 Tax Code of the Russian Federation. Income includes revenue from core activities excluding indirect taxes (VAT), non-operating and other income. Replenishment of a current account using the entrepreneur's funds, loans or credits is not considered revenue.

The journal provides tabular forms for various types activities - production, trade, services. Depending on the specifics, they must be filled out various shapes tables. Unfilled forms are printed and filed at the same time as completed forms.

Keeping a journal requires the responsible person to:

  • Controlling the receipt of money from the buyer. Special attention deserve the amounts deposited by individuals through plastic cards. Receipts from acquiring are processed in one amount, and are reflected in the bank a day later and minus service fees.
  • Checking the availability of payment to the supplier for each product sold during the work shift. The unit cost is included only after payment for the goods received.
  • Correct write-off of the cost of products and goods, the write-off of which can be recorded using the FIFO or average unit cost methods.

The accuracy of determining the price of writing off goods as an expense is one of the difficulties of maintaining KUDiR. To prevent errors, it is necessary to keep batch records of received goods, which can only be done automatically.

Removing the residues requires a fair amount of labor. The balance of goods and materials in the warehouse received from the supplier is displayed at the beginning and end. Additionally, the balance of inventory items includes assets of expenses unpaid to the supplier, the income from which is included in the tax base. Inventory balances are transferred to the future period - a new calendar year.

The approval procedure is not prescribed by law. Therefore, you can submit your accounting book form to the inspectorate for certification with a covering letter. Before submitting the book, please prepare it in advance according to the general rules.

Compile a book of income and expenses in a single copy. Open a new accounting book every year. This follows from the provisions of paragraph 4 of the Procedure for recording income and expenses for entrepreneurs, as well as from paragraph 2 of the general requirements for the procedure for filling out the accounting book.

Ways to keep a book

You can keep a book of income and expenses both on paper and in electronic form (clause 7 of the Procedure for recording income and expenses for entrepreneurs).

Depending on the form in which the book of income and expenses is kept (paper or electronic), the procedure for its preparation varies.

If an entrepreneur keeps an accounting book on paper, before starting to make entries in it, it is necessary to:

  • fill out the title page;
  • sew and number the pages. On the last page of the laced and numbered book, indicate the number of pages it contains;
  • have the book certified by the tax office and sealed.

If an entrepreneur keeps an accounting book in electronic form, then at the end of the tax period it must be:

  • print;
  • sew, number the pages and indicate their number on the last page;
  • have the book certified by the tax office and sealed. To be certified by the tax office, the printed book must be submitted no later than the deadline established for filing a tax return, that is, no later than April 30 of the year following the reporting year.

This follows from the provisions of paragraph 8 of the Procedure for accounting for income and expenses for entrepreneurs.


Attention: the absence of a ledger for accounting income and expenses is an offense for which tax liability is provided under Article 120 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

If an entrepreneur does not have a book of income and expenses, this is a gross violation of the rules for accounting for income, expenses and the object of taxation.

The fine for the entrepreneur will be:

  • 10,000 rub. - if such a violation was committed during one tax period;
  • 30,000 rub. - if the violation was committed over several tax periods.

If the violation led to an understatement of the tax base, it will entail a fine of 20 percent of the amount of unpaid tax, but not less than 40,000 rubles.

This procedure is provided for in Article 120 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

Composition of the accounting book

The book of accounting for income and expenses of an entrepreneur on the general taxation system consists of six sections:

Section I “Accounting for Income and Expenses”;

Section II “Calculation of depreciation of fixed assets”;

Section III “Calculation of depreciation for low-value and wear-and-tear items that have not been written off as of January 1, 2002”;

Section IV “Calculation of amortization of intangible assets”;

Section V “Calculation of accrued (paid) income in the form of wages and taxes withheld from them”;

Section VI “Determination of the tax base”.

Each section of the accounting book consists of several tables. They need to be filled out if the entrepreneur carried out transactions for which the corresponding tables are intended to be reflected.

Making entries

Enter entries about business transactions into the accounting book in chronological order based on primary documents (clause 4 of the Procedure for accounting for income and expenses of entrepreneurs).

Keep records of income, expenses and business transactions in rubles (paragraph 1, clause 5 of the Procedure for accounting for income and expenses of entrepreneurs). Income and expenses expressed in foreign currency should be taken into account together with income and expenses in rubles. They must be recalculated at the official rate established by the Bank of Russia on the date of recognition of the corresponding income (on the date of actual expenditure) (paragraph 2, clause 5 of the Procedure for accounting for income and expenses of entrepreneurs).

Reflection of income and expenses

Income and expenses are reflected in the accounting book on the date of their actual payment. When showing income, do not reduce it by the amount tax deduction. This follows from paragraphs 13 and 14 of the Procedure for accounting for income and expenses of entrepreneurs.

Income received as a result of the offset of mutual claims must be reflected in the accounting book as of the date of signing the act of offset. The expenses incurred in connection with the offset of mutual claims should be reflected in the accounting book as of the same date (provided that at the time of signing the act, other conditions for recognizing expenses were met). On the date of signing the netting act, the obligations of the seller (performer) and buyer (customer) are extinguished (Article 410 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

Determine income from the sale of fixed assets and intangible assets as the difference between the sales price and their residual value (clause 14 of the Procedure for accounting for income and expenses of entrepreneurs).

Completing Section I

Section I consists of seven tables, six of which provide two options for filling them out:

Table 1-1A “Accounting for purchased and consumed raw materials by type of goods (work, services)”;

Table 1-1B “Accounting for purchased and consumed raw materials by type of goods (work, services)”;

Table 1-2 “Accounting for produced and consumed semi-finished products by type of goods (work, services)”;

Table 1-3A “Accounting for purchased and consumed auxiliary raw materials and supplies by type of goods (work, services)”;

Table 1-3B “Accounting for purchased and consumed auxiliary raw materials and supplies by type of goods (work, services)”;

Table 1-4A “Accounting for other material costs (including fuel, electricity, transport services, etc.) and their distribution by type of activity”;

Table 1-4B “Accounting for other material costs (including fuel, electricity, transport services, etc.) and their distribution by type of activity”;

Table 1-5A “Quantitative and total accounting of spent material resources on manufactured finished products by type of goods (work, services)”;

Table 1-5B “Quantitative and total accounting of spent material resources on manufactured finished products by type of goods (work, services)”;

Table 1-6A “Accounting for income and expenses by type of goods (work, services) at the time of their commission”;

Table 1-6B “Accounting for income and expenses by type of goods (work, services) at the time of their commission”;

Table 1-7A “Accounting for income and expenses for all types of goods (work, services) for the month”;

Table 1-7B “Accounting for income and expenses for all types of goods (work, services) for the month.”

Please fill out tables with the letter “A” if you carry out transactions subject to VAT. Fill out tables with the letter “B” when performing transactions that are not subject to VAT. If an entrepreneur carries out both operations subject to VAT and exempt from taxation, it is necessary to keep separate records of such operations and, accordingly, fill out tables with both the letter “A” and the letter “B”.

Fill out Table 1-1 based on the primary documents on the acquisition of goods (work, services) used for the production of finished products (performance of work, provision of services). In this table, do not reflect purchased material resources (fuel, electricity, transportation costs, etc.), which are subject to reflection in table No. 1-4.

In Table 1-2, reflect the operations for accounting for produced and consumed semi-finished products by type of goods (work, services) from purchased and consumed raw materials, which were previously reflected in Table No. 1-1.

Use Table 1-3 to account for purchased and consumed auxiliary raw materials and supplies by type of goods (work, services) that form the basis of the finished product (work, services).
Material costs not reflected in tables 1-1 and 1-3 are indicated in table 1-4.

In Table 1-5, form the full cost of the finished product (work performed, service provided) based on data from the previous tables.

In Table 1-6, reflect the income from entrepreneurial activity and the costs associated with obtaining these incomes. The table is completed at the time the relevant income and expenses are recognized.

If an entrepreneur is engaged only in trade and does not form the cost of finished products (work performed, services provided), fill out table 1-6 based on data from tables 1-1 and 1-4.

Fill out Table 1-7 based on the results of each month based on the data reflected in Table 1-6. This table determines the income and expenses of the current month, which are subsequently taken into account when calculating personal income tax.

Completing Section II

Section II consists of two tables:

Table 2-1 “Calculation of depreciation of fixed assets directly used for business activities for the tax period of 200 __ year”;

Table 2-2 “Calculation for continuing depreciation on fixed assets acquired before January 1, 2002 and used for business activities for the tax period of 200 ___ year.”

Both tables are intended to reflect transactions related to the movement of fixed assets.

Reflect the data on the entrepreneur's fixed assets in Section II of the book of accounting for income and expenses in a positional manner for each object separately. Make initial entries in this section at the time of commissioning of purchased (manufactured) fixed assets. Annually calculate the amount of depreciation of fixed assets to be included in current year expenses and display the balance to be written off in subsequent tax periods.

Such rules are contained in General requirements, approved by order of August 13, 2002 of the Ministry of Finance of Russia No. 86n and the Ministry of Taxes of Russia No. BG-3-04/430.

Completing Section III

Section III includes one table:

Table 3 “Calculation for continuing the accrual of depreciation on low-value and wear-and-tear items that remained not written off as of January 1, 2002 for the tax period of 200 ___ year.”

In this section, reflect the depreciation charge and disposal of low-value and wear-and-tear items that were not written off as of January 1, 2002. The cost of used items is repaid through depreciation in two stages: the first 50 percent of the original cost is written off when the item begins to be used, and the remaining 50 percent when it is disposed of. The remaining 50 percent of the cost of low-value and wear-and-tear items upon disposal should be reflected in column 5 of table 3 of section III of the book of income and expenses.

Such rules are contained in the General Requirements approved by order of August 13, 2002 of the Ministry of Finance of Russia No. 86n and the Ministry of Taxes of Russia No. BG-3-04/430.

Completing Section IV

Section IV consists of two tables:

Table 4-1 “Calculation of depreciation of intangible assets directly used for business activities for the tax period of 20 __ year”;

Table 4-2 “Calculation for continuing depreciation on intangible assets acquired before January 1, 2002 and used for business activities for the tax period of 20 ___ years.”

This section is intended to reflect the movement of intangible assets. Make initial entries in this section at the moment you begin to use the acquired (created) intangible assets. Calculate the amount of amortization of intangible assets annually to include in current year expenses and display the balance to be written off in subsequent tax periods.

Such rules are contained in the General Requirements approved by order of August 13, 2002 of the Ministry of Finance of Russia No. 86n and the Ministry of Taxes of Russia No. BG-3-04/430.

Completing Section V

Section V includes one table:

Table 5 “Calculation of accrued (paid) income in the form of wages and taxes withheld from them for the 20 ___ year.”

This section is intended to reflect transactions related to the calculation and payment of salaries (bonuses, remunerations, etc.), as well as the withholding of personal income tax from these payments. Please fill out Table 5 monthly.

Such rules are contained in the General Requirements approved by order of August 13, 2002 of the Ministry of Finance of Russia No. 86n and the Ministry of Taxes of Russia No. BG-3-04/430.

Completing Section VI

Section VI consists of three tables:

Table 6-1 “Determination of the tax base for income tax individuals for the tax period of 20 __ year";

Table 6-2 “Register of other expenses related to business activities for the tax period of 20 __ year”;

Table 6-3 “Register of expenses incurred in the reporting tax period, but related to the receipt of income in the following tax periods.”

This section is summary and is intended to summarize the information included in previous sections of the book of income and expenses.

Fill out the line “Income from the sale of goods, work performed, services rendered” in Table 6-1 based on the data reflected in column 16 of table 1-7A and (or) column 15 of table 1-7B.

In the “Other income” line of Table 6-1, indicate the amount of other income, including the value of property received free of charge.

In the “Total Income” line of Table 6-1, reflect the total value of income received during the tax period. Transfer the amount of income reflected in this line to line 030 of sheet B of the declaration in form 3-NDFL.

Fill in the line “Material expenses” based on the data reflected in column 10 of Table 1-7A and (or) Table 1-7B. Transfer the amount of material expenses to line 050 of sheet B of the declaration in form 3-NDFL.

In the line “Depreciation amounts for depreciable property”, reflect the depreciation accrued for the tax period for fixed assets and intangible assets based on the data in the tables of sections II, III, IV. Transfer the value of this line to line 060 of sheet B of the declaration in form 3-NDFL.

In the line “Labor expenses”, reflect the accrued wages and benefits in favor of the entrepreneur’s employees for the tax period based on the data in Section V. Transfer the value of this line to line 070 of sheet B of the declaration in form 3-NDFL.

Fill in the line “Other expenses” based on the data from table No. 6-2. Transfer the value of this line to line 090 of sheet B of the declaration in form 3-NDFL.

In the “Total expenses” line, reflect the total value of all the entrepreneur’s expenses taken into account when calculating personal income tax for the tax period. Transfer the data from this line to line 040 of sheet B of the declaration in form 3-NDFL.

Fill in the line “Expenses incurred in the reporting tax period, but related to the receipt of income in the following tax periods” based on the data in Table 6-3.

Table 6-2 serves to decipher other expenses incurred by an entrepreneur in the current tax period and taken into account when calculating personal income tax.

In Table 6-3, reflect expenses that are incurred in the current tax period and that will be recognized in subsequent tax periods (after the receipt of related revenues).

Such rules are contained in the General Requirements approved by order of August 13, 2002 of the Ministry of Finance of Russia No. 86n and the Ministry of Taxes of Russia No. BG-3-04/430.

An example of filling out a book of income and expenses for an entrepreneur

A.A. Ivanov registered as an entrepreneur on October 28, 2014. It applies the general taxation system and is a VAT payer.

During 2014, he carried out the following business transactions.

November 5 - purchase of construction sand in the amount of 5000 cubic meters. m at a price of 354 rubles/cubic. m, including VAT (18%) - 54 rubles.

November 22 - purchase of a computer (cost 49,560 rubles, including VAT - 7,560 rubles) and putting it into operation. Term beneficial use computer - 25 months.

November 25:
- sales of sand in a volume of 4000 cubic meters. m at a price of 531 rub./cubic. m, including VAT - 81 rubles;
- payment for delivery of sand to the buyer - the amount of 177,000 rubles, including VAT - 27,000 rubles;

December 30th:
- payment of Avdeeva’s salary - the amount of 17,452 rubles. (20,000 rub. - (20,000 rub. - 400 rub.) × 13%);
- transfer of personal income tax from Avdeeva’s salary - the amount is 2548 rubles. ((RUB 20,000 - RUB 400) × 13%);
- transfer of insurance premiums from Avdeeva’s salary - the amount is 6800 rubles. (RUB 20,000 × 34%);
- transfer of a fixed insurance payment from the income of the entrepreneur - the amount of 2847 rubles. (4300 × 31.1% × (2 months + 4 days: 31 days). Ivanov does not pay voluntary contributions to the Social Insurance Fund of Russia;
- payment of bank commission for maintaining a current account - the amount is 500 rubles.

December 31 - depreciation on the computer - the amount is 1680 rubles. (RUB 42,000: 25 months).

At the end of 2014, the entrepreneur filled out book of income and expenses entrepreneur in the amount corresponding to the business transactions he performed in 2014.

Filling out an individual entrepreneur's income book on OSNO is prerequisite for every entrepreneur who uses in his work this system taxation. This book was created to help entrepreneurs and at the same time tighten control over incoming and outgoing funds.

Individual entrepreneurs who use general taxation find it more difficult than others to prepare reports and do accounting work. In this tax regime, you have to pay a lot of fees to the state treasury. But first they need to be calculated, and for this you need to know exactly the amount of profit and expenses of the entrepreneur for a certain period. When using the general taxation system, a quarter is most often taken for the reporting period. For this reason, an entrepreneur often has to calculate and pay taxes and prepare reports on these payments.

Features of maintaining a reporting book

This document, called KUDiR, has a lot of features and nuances when filling out, which must be strictly observed, otherwise the entrepreneur may receive a fine from regulatory organizations.

Each entry that is made in the reporting book must be accompanied by primary documents, that is, cash orders, invoices, etc. Calculation for KUDiR is carried out exclusively on the cash basis. Financial transactions that are recorded in this document must be specified in Russian rubles. Even in the case when the actual calculation was carried out in other monetary units, it is necessary to convert everything into rubles at the exchange rate for the current day and enter the necessary numbers in the appropriate lines.

Individual entrepreneurs who work for General system taxation, it is allowed to keep a reporting book not only in traditional paper form, but also in electronic form.

If the individual entrepreneur chooses the last option, he has mandatory an official electronic signature must be present. This is important, since the document is certified in this way. A sample of filling out a ledger for accounting income and expenses can be found below.

If a businessman chooses traditional paper books, then the document will require preliminary preparation. It must be numbered and sewn correctly. These requirements must be complied with without fail, since an incorrectly collected individual income book on OSNO will not be registered with the tax authority.

If an entrepreneur does not intend to print and staple the book himself, he can purchase a ready-made version. In this case, all he has to do is number it, sign it, and then take it to the territorial tax office for registration. If KUDiR for individual entrepreneurs on OSNO is not registered with the Federal Tax Service, it cannot be used for work.

The main rule and requirement of the tax office is that the accounting book be filled out correctly and in a timely manner. Only correct and up-to-date data should be entered into it. When checking an individual entrepreneur, Federal Tax Service employees may need a book to study it thoroughly. The entrepreneur has no right to refuse to provide it. If an error is discovered during an inspection by regulatory authorities, the businessman may be fined.

There are 6 sections in KUDiR that require correct completion. The accounting procedure for the book was approved at the legislative level back in 2002.

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Completing the first section

All financial income and other profits should be recorded in this section. It does not matter when exactly the services were provided or goods were sold. If money was received in a given reporting period, these amounts should be entered in this section. Moreover, this should also include advance payments that were paid by clients for work or goods that have not yet been received by the customer.

The expenses column must include all expenses that were associated with generating profit from commercial activities in a specific tax period.

Those individual businessmen who manufacture products or provide services to the public must fill out tables 1.1 to 1.7, which are presented in two forms. In the first case, it is necessary to enter information on transactions from which value added tax is calculated. In the second type of table you need to enter data without VAT.

Each table contains its own numbers. 1.1 is a section for data on raw materials that were purchased or used in the manufacture of products or in the performance of work. 1.2 is a table for received and spent semi-finished products, and 1.3 contains information about the amounts spent on auxiliary raw materials and consumables.

Table 1.4 is necessary to reflect other material expenses, which include the purchase of fuel, electricity costs, and transportation. The fifth table shows the price of products that were produced for a certain period. Tables 1.6 and 1.7 contain information about the amounts for which the goods were produced and sold.

All data must be correctly calculated and correctly entered into the appropriate lines without unsightly corrections or painting over with a proofreader. If a mistake was made when filling out the individual entrepreneur’s income and expenses report book on OSNO, you must cross out the unnecessary information with one line. The correct numbers are written next to them. Everything is certified by the signature of the responsible person.

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Sections 2, 3 and 4

These sections should contain information about depreciation of fixed assets, interbank assets and intangible assets. Depreciation is part of expenses in the amounts that were accrued in a given tax period. This category includes only the businessman’s own property, which was purchased with the individual entrepreneur’s money and is used in his work. As for the initial price of fixed assets, it can be calculated by adding up the cost of the product, the costs of its transportation and commissioning.

Intangible assets individual entrepreneur is all intellectual property, which was purchased or created by a businessman, if it is used in the production of products or in the provision of services for more than 12 months. We are talking about a trademark, exclusive rights to an invention, a computer program used in work. To calculate the initial cost of an intangible asset, it is necessary to carry out the same procedure as with fixed assets. If the asset was developed personally by the entrepreneur, then for him starting price will be the amount that was required for the development or registration of this type of property.

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