Home Wisdom teeth Causes of Fordyce's disease on the lips. Seborrheic cysts or Fordyce granules

Causes of Fordyce's disease on the lips. Seborrheic cysts or Fordyce granules

The so-called Fordyce gland disease, also referred to by doctors as seborrheic cyst and Delbanco spots, are small yellow-white pimples, usually localized on the lips, the skin of the external genitalia, around the nipples, armpits(see also: cyst on the lip: symptoms, causes and photos). The site of manifestation of the disease is characterized by thinner skin. Seborrheic granules do not cause any painful sensations and their appearance damages only the appearance, affecting the aesthetic appeal of the affected areas of the skin.

For the first time, the disease, expressed in modification of the sebaceous glands and the appearance of small granules with white-yellow contents, was described and studied by the American doctor of medicine John Fordyce. The disease is widespread and is detected in 20-30% of women and more than 50% of men.

Why does the disease occur?

The causes of the disease have not yet been fully established. There are several factors that contribute to changes in the skin glands, expressed in the appearance of characteristic formations:

  • blockage of glands with secretions due to narrowing excretory ducts;
  • location of the sebaceous glands in the upper layers of the epidermis;
  • non-compliance with hygiene rules, smoking;
  • injury to the glands;
  • hormonal imbalances caused by a variety of reasons.

Fordyce's small white dots are not contagious and cannot be spread from person to person. Apart from the cosmetic effect, Fordyce granules do not have any effect on well-being and are, most often, a consequence of changes in the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

Symptoms of Fordyce's disease with photos

The disease is expressed in the appearance of white-yellow pimples or rashes measuring 1.5-2 mm in width and no more than 1 mm in height. Photos with examples of manifestations of dysfunction of the Fordyce glands demonstrate characteristic areas of the epithelium susceptible to the appearance of spots.

The location is limited to areas with thin and delicate skin: lips, perineum and armpits, skin of the external genitalia. Sometimes the appearance of Fordyce granules is accompanied by mild skin itching in the affected area.

Are granules on the skin dangerous?

Studies have not revealed any signs of danger of Fordyce granules to human health. The disease is not contagious, has virtually no effect on well-being, and the rash is not characterized by malignant degeneration. However, the certain cosmetic effect of the white-yellow granules causes many people to start struggling with aesthetically unattractive whiteheads.

Diagnosis of the disease

When found characteristic symptoms in the form of a rash and small pimples, you should consult a dermatologist to make a correct diagnosis.

A number of other problematic skin conditions have similar manifestations: chronic form focal eczema, neurodermatitis, molluscum contagiosum, lichen planus.

An experienced dermatologist will recognize the symptoms of the disease during a routine visual examination. Carrying out additional research, as a rule, is not required.

Treatment options

Currently, there are no methods to permanently get rid of Fordyce disease. Treatment is predominantly symptomatic; cosmetic procedures are aimed at eliminating granules or masking them. Such procedures have no effect on the functioning of the sebaceous glands, which lead to the appearance of rashes.


For treatment, creams and gels are used containing trans-retinoic acid tretinoin, which is structurally similar to vitamin A. Under the influence of such drugs, protein synthesis is stimulated and the process of epithelial growth is improved. Areas of skin treated with tretinoin ointments may experience dryness and increased sensitivity to sunlight. It is recommended to use such drugs after consultation with a doctor. To get rid of skin itching can be used antihistamines.

As a dermatological agent, tretinoin is used in concentrations of 0.1%, 0.025% and 0.05%. The most famous trademarks, under which drugs based on trans-retinoic acid are distributed, are Airol, Aberela, Retin-A.

Traditional methods

There are several recipes for treating Fordyce rashes at home:

  • mix fir oil with apricot kernel oil in a ratio of 1:4 and lubricate spots and affected areas of the skin daily;
  • melted lamb fat is rubbed into the skin with characteristic rashes;
  • 1 g of mummy plate is dissolved in a spoon of warm water and added to 50 g of honey, the heated product is applied to the skin every day for 10 minutes for 2 weeks;
  • apply cotton swabs soaked in 65% alcohol tincture of calendula to the skin, the procedure is carried out for 15-20 minutes once a day.

When treating with folk remedies, it is important to observe the regular use of the chosen recipe. The use of a number of components, especially alcohol-containing ones, can dry out delicate and thin skin, cause redness and irritation.

Help from a cosmetologist

For elimination skin rashes Various cosmetic procedures are used:

  • cryotherapy and laser exposure;
  • applying permanent makeup;
  • treatment of affected skin areas with the Darsonval apparatus.

Cryotherapy involves treating the skin with liquid nitrogen, which provides sudden and intense cooling. upper layers epidermis. The visible effect is achieved after 12-15 procedures. When exposed to laser, the resulting granules are carefully burned. In both cases, a crust appears at the treatment site, after which it falls off, leaving clean skin. These procedures are the most effective and permanently eliminate granules and rashes.

Permanent makeup is used for rashes located along the contour of the lips. With the help of natural shades, the nodules are masked by skin pigmentation, carried out during the tattooing process. The pigment fades over time and loses its original color and the procedure has to be repeated.

The use of darsonvalization or electrocoagulation is used to solve many cosmetic problems. Completing a course of procedures involving exposure to alternating current pulses can lead to the elimination of blemishes and acne. However, the effect of darsonvalization is not always achieved. In some cases, the desired effect is not achieved, which may be due to individual characteristics specific person or misuse cosmetology equipment.

Mechanical removal of granules is practically not used due to the high traumatic nature of the surgical procedure. In areas with thin and sensitive skin after surgical operation Welts and small scars may appear.

Disease Prevention

The appearance of small white dots arising due to a violation of secretion is different high level relapse. In 85% of cases, after removal of granules and rashes, they reappear after some time. As a preventive measure, you can use procedures using folk remedies. After proper consultation with a dermatologist, tritinoin ointments can be used to prevent the appearance of whiteheads.

There are no specific measures to prevent Fordyce spots. The appearance of characteristic granules is not a symptom of any chronic disease condition. This is just a consequence of a minor disruption of the normal functioning of the sebaceous glands, which does not have negative consequences for good health.

Fordyce granules, or seborrheic cysts in other words, occur in the form of completely invisible light rashes on some areas of the skin. Granules may appear on the lips, cheeks, groin and nipples and on the lining of the mouth. The name of the rashes appeared on behalf of the famous scientist Fordyce in 1896, who was able to describe them in detail.

Please note that rashes do not cause harm or discomfort, they are completely normal formations, but sometimes there are cases when people turn to specialists for help. It happens then, when Fordyce's disease forms on the lips and is a cosmetic defect.

Causes of occurrence

The reasons for the appearance of rashes have not yet been studied, but scientists are confident that they cannot be transmitted through sexual or household contacts . Usually with seborrhea in humans stagnation occurs directly in the sebaceous glands, but with Fordyce granule disease this does not happen. Because of this, it would be correct to name the granules sebaceous rather than seborrheic. When the disease occurs, the ducts of the sebaceous glands become clogged and small cysts appear.

Scientists have concluded that these cysts are influenced by puberty. The sebaceous glands are located near the top layer of the skin, so rashes appear on the surface of the skin when the glands are blocked. When a child is born, his sebaceous glands are located completely differently, and during maturation, under the influence of hormones, their activity increases and therefore sebum production increases . These rashes are commonly called Fordyce granules..

In addition, experts have found a secondary cause provoking the disease – hyperplasia of the sebaceous gland ducts. The disease begins due to a decrease in the lumen in the sebaceous glands, so their secretion begins to accumulate inside, which provokes the appearance of rashes.

The causes of Fordyce granule disease include:

  • improper or untimely personal hygiene;
  • injury, even minor, to the ducts of the sebaceous glands;
  • bad habits.

At the same time, dermatologists claim that the appearance of seborrheic cysts is associated with the formation of an adrenal tumor or hormonal changes.


Fordyce granules may appear as pearly papules or as Fordyce disease itself. Seborrheic spots or papules that appear on the penis are a natural phenomenon. They are diagnosed in almost 30% of men. They usually have the form of dense nodules and are more common in at a young age. These rashes do not interfere with men in any way and do not affect their health, and will not be able to spread to a woman during sexual intercourse.

Fordyce's disease differs from pearly papules and occurs only in women. Rashes appear in the apocrine glands, this indicates a conditioned structure urethra among women. The disease is caused by disorders in endocrine system and forms on the pubis and labia. Sometimes light spots can appear in the armpits, nipples and lips . During menstruation, the granules may itch. Without treatment, they disappear at 40-45 years of age.

Symptoms and how to diagnose the disease

You can often find Fordyce granules on the lips; they are small and barely noticeable, but dense to the touch. The color of the rash can be white and yellow. Above the surface of the lips they are not very visible, no more than 1 mm. The rashes do not interfere in any way and are therefore mistaken for a cosmetic defect. If you feel a burning sensation or slight itching in the area of ​​the granules, you should not scratch them. After this, wounds may form and infection can get through them. Therefore, to avoid complications in case of any discomfort, it is best to visit a doctor.

Some people try to remove Fordyce granules on their lips themselves and this big mistake. If you squeeze them out, the liquid that is inside the nodules does not come out completely, so you won’t be able to get rid of them this way. When squeezed, bleeding occurs around the lips, which can cause a hematoma, and the situation will only worsen.

Only a doctor can diagnose the disease during a personal examination of the patient. To get the full clinical picture, the specialist needs to take a smear from the rash and perform a biopsy. This examination will help exclude similar rashes with seborrheic cysts, for example, eczema, lichen or molluscum contagiosum. If the rash does not itch, then no treatment is required. It is worth noting that medicine has not yet recorded a single case in which the disease could develop into malignant tumor or harm your health.


The doctor has the right to prescribe treatment to the patient only if Fordyce granules on the lips or in other places cause an unpleasant sensation.

Traditional treatment

The type of treatment consists of medication. Usually the doctor prescribes antihistamines preparations and gels that can eliminate itching and burning. In the treatment of illness effective effect brought Retin-A cream. The product has an oil-water base and should be applied in a thin layer directly to the rash twice a day. It should remain on the affected area for about 5-6 hours and only then should its remains be removed with warm water.

Thanks to the cream, the nodules begin to soften and fall off. The duration of treatment is chosen by the doctor after examination and identification of the extent of the damage by granules. After three procedures, the patient will already be able to see a good result. But full recovery will occur only after 3-4 months.

The drug has its own side effects:

  • peeling skin;
  • swelling may appear;
  • redness at the application site;
  • allergic reaction;
  • the appearance of blisters.

At the first sign side effect It is best to consult a doctor. The cream is intended for external use only and if it accidentally gets on the mucous membrane, the area should be rinsed with plenty of water.


This method is rarely used because it is more traumatic and painful. Surgery can leave behind scars. On this moment there is no need for the operation, because there are others effective methods treatment of Fordyce disease on the lips and other places.

But only if traditional drug treatment does not bring any effect, then specialists use radical methods of treatment. The granules are removed using cryotherapy, laser beam or electrocoagulation.

During cryotherapy, Fordyce granules are removed using liquid nitrogen, but several sessions are required to remove all the nodules. After cryotherapy, scars may form on the skin.

Electrocoagulation causes less damage to the skin of the lips. It is carried out by exposing areas with rashes to high frequency electric current.

Laser therapy is also effective in treatment. Laser ray reacts directly to the nodules and burns them out from the inside. But this procedure has its drawbacks: it is too expensive.

All radical treatments must be performed under local anesthesia. After two days, a crust forms on the rash, and after a while it begins to fall off. You should not remove the crust yourself, because bleeding may occur and scars will appear on the skin.

Traditional treatment

When treating a disease with folk remedies they can only work together with medications. To eliminate inflammation in the genitals at home, you can use essential oils and herbal decoctions.

If the nodules have severe itching, then a decoction of chamomile flowers will help remove it. You should wipe itchy areas 2 times a day.

An infusion of St. John's wort and calamus root has a calming effect. Essential oils of grapefruit, fir, tea tree and lemon. The oil should be applied to clean skin and only at night.

If during treatment with folk remedies, the nodules become yellow-gray or Brown color, then no need to worry. This indicates that the body itself begins to fight the infection. If rashes appear on the genitals, then in addition to treatment, you also need to maintain intimate hygiene and constantly change your underwear. Even during treatment, it is best to abstain from sexual intercourse.

You can eliminate Fordyce granules on the lips using an onion. The onion should be baked with honey and then applied to the affected area for 15-20 minutes.


Despite the fact that Fordyce granules are an unpleasant cosmetic defect, especially if they appear on the lips, they do not harm human health in any way. And the patient decides about treatment only on his own.

Fordyce granules on the lips are light-colored rashes in the form of small nodules, the result of the formation of a cyst of the sebaceous glands. They don't call painful sensations, are not transmitted to other people through contact. Papules can affect the lips and other parts of the body ( groin area, pacifiers, etc.).

The cause of lip granules is unknown. It is believed that Fordyce disease is formed due to the following factors:

  1. Hereditary and age factors.
  2. Increased activity of the sebaceous glands, resulting in blockage of the excretory ducts.
  3. Features of the location of the sebaceous glands.
  4. Poor hygiene procedures.
  5. Tobacco smoking.
  6. Trauma to the gland.
  7. Hormonal imbalance.
  8. Period of puberty, menopause.
  9. Enlargement of the lip area using hyaluronic filler.

Fordyce spots on the lips look like white-yellow pimples measuring approximately 2 mm wide and 1 mm high. These rashes are visible in the photo.

The spot may be accompanied by moderate itching of the skin. They can spread in groups; when pressure is applied to the papules, a thick white secretion is released. As a result, a subcutaneous bruise with minor bleeding is formed.

You can’t squeeze a pimple, there is a risk of spreading it to open wound infection.

The appearance of white formations occurs predominantly in men. In a child, such a rash is allergic in nature. There is a possibility of the allergy degenerating into a red itchy rash. Treat in infancy no need for up to six months. This is due to a physiological process that goes away on its own.

Treatment and removal methods

It is unlikely that you will be able to get rid of white subcutaneous pimples forever. This condition depends on the nature of the manifestation and the amount of the rash. There are several ways to remove Fordyce granules on the lips. To do this, just contact a medical institution or a cosmetic center. You can get rid of the disease using home methods based on traditional medicine recipes.

In the hospital

The oily water-based drug Retin-A is highly effective in treating the disease. Medicine Available in several forms: cream, gel, solution. Renders therapeutic effect for facial skin defects (presence of acne, wrinkles, pigmentation, warts, keratomas, Fordyce granules). Apply a thin layer of ointment overnight to the damaged areas, leave on the skin for 6 hours, after which the residue is washed off with warm water. The duration of treatment is prescribed by the doctor.

The pharmacological action of the drug is aimed at suppressing the active production of subcutaneous sebum, which minimizes the disease. Before use, you should consult a dermatologist or cosmetologist.

Jojoba plant oil, which has moisturizing, nourishing, regenerating, and soothing properties, has a positive effect on regulating the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Lubricate the face in the form of a mask at the rate of 1:2, 1:3. Apply the mixture to a clean face for 20 minutes, then rinse off.

The pharmacy offers antihistamines and anti-inflammatory medications. If treatment does not have an effect on the cysts, then surgical intervention is resorted to. Operation - painful method. In particular, they try to avoid the formation of scars and give preference to gentle techniques.

Modern medical centers They suggest curing the disease in the following ways:

  • Laser removal.
  • Electrocoagulation with minimal current exposure.
  • Radio wave technique.
  • Cryotherapy (removal using liquid nitrogen).

The laser acts on the affected area, excising formations on the skin. The procedure is one of best methods to remove granules.

High frequency current therapy quickly and painlessly dries up the fluid in Fordyce's papule. As a result of cutting off the nutrition, the pimple dies and there is no bleeding.

The method, using high-frequency waves, completely excises the formation, leaving no traces. The radio wave technique is the most gentle of all ways to remove sebaceous cysts.

In the beauty salon

Diagnosis of skin rashes on the lips is carried out by a cosmetologist. He will help you choose the appropriate procedure: a Darsonval device or tattooing.

Treatment with the Darsonval apparatus is useful for cleansing the skin of the face. The mechanism of the equipment is designed to maintain oxygen balance and restore physiological metabolic processes in the structure of tissues. Thanks to this procedure, the functioning of the sebaceous glands is fully normalized, the face looks fresh, without rashes. Well therapeutic therapy consists of 10 sessions. After each manipulation, an additional facial massage is performed to tone the skin.

In cases where a large area of ​​affected areas is obvious, experts advise tattooing the lips. The cosmetic process is carried out as follows: the upper or lower lip damaged by the rash is painted with a special pigmenting substance. As a result, the granules are painted over and the defect disappears. Permanent makeup lasts for several years, then correction is carried out. Reviews from satisfied girls prove the effectiveness of the method.

At home

The folk method of treatment will be effective when drug therapy. Herbs and essential oils will help with this.

You can soothe itchy skin surfaces with lotions based on chamomile infusion. You will need to pour one tablespoon of dry crushed flowers with a glass of water. Place the mixture over low heat and bring to a boil. Then cool and strain through a gauze cloth. Wipe with a cotton swab twice a day.

Essential oils based on fir, grapefruit, and tea tree oils have an effect on swollen areas that cause burning. Apply to clean skin at night. Eliminate inflammation, block pain.

A positive prognosis for the course of the disease is indicated by a symptom associated with darkening of the skin. This means that the rash will soon disappear and the skin will acquire a characteristic color.

Big healing effect has an ointment prepared at home. Medicinal mixture consists of fir oil, mummy in tablets, honey. The recipe is simple: grind the mummy to a powder consistency, add 2-3 drops of oil. The ingredients should be mixed thoroughly. Apply to areas with rash twice a day.

All folk recipes should be selected individually to avoid allergic reactions.

How to care for lips with Fordyce granules

There are no clear recommendations for lip care. Tattooing will help hide skin imperfections. There is an alternative and simple method - camouflage using high-quality foundation followed by covering the lips with gloss or lipstick.

If the bubbles open on their own, you need to regularly treat the areas with an antiseptic medicine (iodine, brilliant green, hydrogen peroxide, salicylic acid). This must be done to prevent possible inflammatory disease.

Prevention of occurrence

Cosmetologists advise following certain preventive measures to avoid relapse of the disease: lead a healthy lifestyle, eat a balanced diet, do not be nervous, regularly rinse your mouth after each meal.

If you find white spots on your lips, you should consult a doctor. The reason identified on early stages, contributes to correctly selected treatment. The main key to recovery is to eliminate the factor that causes white rashes.

A distinctive feature of Fordyce's disease is the appearance of light-colored pimples on the oral mucosa, in the lips, in the armpits and on the genitals. Despite the disease status, Fordyce granules are considered normal, but most patients complain of discomfort.


A characteristic feature of this dermatological disease are white-yellow pimples measuring 2–3 mm. By their nature, such nodules are deformed sebaceous glands. Foci of inflammation are noticeable in areas where the skin is softer and thinner.

Fordyce's disease on the lips does not cause pain. May cause moral discomfort.

This disease is an individual deviation and is not transmitted by airborne droplets, sexual contact or inheritance.


This disease occurs 70% more often in men than in women. The main reasons for the appearance and development of pathology include:

  • damage to the sebaceous glands;
  • gland blockage;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • failure to comply with personal hygiene rules;
  • smoking, alcohol abuse.

Treatment options

There is no remedy that will get rid of this disease once and for all. There are ways that will prevent the disease from progressing and cope with the signs of the disease. This is treatment with folk remedies, cosmetic and medicinal.


Dermatologists recommend using Retin-A cream to get rid of unwanted nodules. Tretinoin - main active substance in the cream. It prevents the appearance of new inflammations, and also reduces and gradually eliminates existing ones. This product has a disadvantage: it is expensive and very drying to the skin of the lips.

A budget alternative is calendula tincture, which is used to apply to problem areas. The alcohol on which the tincture is made burns acne and slows down inflammatory processes.


Cosmetological procedures such as darsonvalization, cryotherapy, laser cauterization or permanent makeup are also quite effective.

Therapy using the Darsonval apparatus improves blood circulation, helps reduce sebum secretion, relieves inflammation and swelling with weak alternating current impulses. The darsonvalization procedure is often used in the treatment and prevention of dermatological diseases. To combat Fordyce's disease, a set of procedures is required, which will consist of at least 15 sessions. It is worth considering the fact that after 4 years the disease recurs and requires re-treatment.

Laser treatments and cryotherapy are considered quite expensive, but effective.

As a result of one of these on-site procedures inflammatory processes crusts form, which fall off over time, leaving a clean, healthy skin lips

When foci of inflammation are located along the contour of the lips, many women decide to apply permanent makeup, which hides all imperfections. This procedure is also temporary and requires repeating after two years.

Traditional methods

If drug treatment does not help you, and you have not decided on cosmetic treatment, folk remedies will help you. A single use of the product will not give a positive effect; treatment must be regular and comprehensive.

  • Fir oil has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. Need to mix fir oil with apricot kernel oil in proportions 1:3. Use daily, at least three times a day.
  • Enough effective way To get rid of Fordyce's disease on the lips, use mummy ointment. To prepare it at home, you need to dilute one mummy plate in a glass of warm filtered water, then add 100 grams of honey. Warm the resulting mixture for 10 minutes in a water bath and apply to your lips daily. The shelf life of the ointment is no more than two weeks.
  • Lamb fat is recognized as effective and fast-acting folk remedy in the fight against such diseases. Pre-melted fat is rubbed into the affected areas. The first results are noticeable after two procedures.
  • Cauterization using garlic heads. To cauterize foci of the disease, you can use freshly squeezed garlic juice.
  • Jojoba. Essential oil This shrub has a similar effect to fir oil. To prepare, mix jojoba extract with any base convenient for you. Required proportions: 5 drops of oil per tablespoon of the main component.


People who are faced with this problem want to get rid of it as soon as possible. But a complete recovery is not possible, healing procedures they only give temporary effect. It is important to familiarize yourself with folk ways prevention.

A fairly common pathology is Fordyce's disease, which is associated with the appearance of peculiar cysts or granules under the skin, often on the genitals.

Often they do not cause any inconvenience or discomfort for the owner, with the exception of aesthetic dissatisfaction. However, it is worth immediately distinguishing that Fox-Fordyce disease is a pathology of the female half of the population, while Fordyce granules having the appearance of pearly papules are a pathology of men.

In contact with

Reasons why Fordyce granules appear

Currently there is no definitive understanding of the cause of the appearance of Fordyce granules, but there are several theories that allow us to highlight the most probable reasons their development:

  • Congenital anomaly, which consists in the incorrect location of the sebaceous glands. This option is based on the fact that superficially located glands, as close as possible to the epidermis, are more likely to stand out and even protrude above the skin;
  • Developing hypertrophy or hyperplasia of the excretory ducts of the glands, in this case, it may narrow significantly or be completely blocked and an accumulation of secretion is observed, forming a characteristic granule;
  • Age is also interesting etiological factor. More often cysts form during puberty when the synthesis of androgens in the body increases. In turn, androgens help to increase the size of all exocrine glands and increase the production of sebaceous secretions;
  • Violation of personal hygiene rules also very often applies etiological factors for any skin pathology, including Fordyce's disease;
  • Significant traumatization of the excretory ducts of the sebaceous glands, in which their blockage also occurs;
  • Bad habits, negatively affecting not only the skin, but also the entire body as a whole;
  • Hormonal imbalance, associated with both puberty and tumors of endocrine organs.

However, most often, cysts appear from a combination of any factors.

You can see what Fordyce granules often look like (photo attached below).

Are they dangerous?

Many people are concerned about the question of whether Fordyce granules are dangerous, and the answer can be clearly answered in the negative.

They do not pose any harm to health, even theoretically.

But the pathology associated with their appearance, and especially infection after attempts to squeeze them out, becomes big problem. This problem, if it does not threaten human life, at least threatens with significant complications and a long-term struggle with the developed disease.

Symptoms, appearance and features

The symptoms of this pathology are quite characteristic. These granules, also called cysts, always small in size, most often from 1 to 3 mm. They have a white tint, but can sometimes be slightly yellowish. Appearance described visually as spots or papules, most often located on the glans or foreskin and there are always a lot of them at once.

The granules are not painful and do not cause any discomfort for a man. However, sometimes by pressing on the papules you can detect a small amount of secretion released. It is always thick and has either a whitish or yellowish color. After the secretion is released, small drops of blood may also appear or a hematoma may form.

In no case You can’t start squeezing out formations purposefully! Because of such actions, there is a high probability of infection, which will entail serious consequences and aggravate not only the course of the pathology, but also its treatment.

Also an important part of the clinic of such cysts is complete absence itching or burning in the places where they appeared.

Having once seen the manifestation of such seborrheic cysts, they are easy to remember, for example, Fordyce granules (photo of men).

Fordyce granules on the penis (on the skin)

This pathology can affect any part of the skin of the penis. Fordyce granules on the penis will be small in size, reaching a maximum of 3 mm.

Their shape is cone-shaped and they can be located either in clusters on several areas of the skin or encircling the penis.

Fordyce granules on the penis (photo attached above) have a very characteristic shape and color.

Fordyce granules on the head of the penis

One of the most common places to occur is the glans penis.

Many medical workers associate this with fibroplastic proliferation of those areas of the epithelium that are located precisely on this part of the genital organ.

Fordyce granules on the head of the penis will be present pearly papules, which is bold, is called a variant of the norm. It is also possible that a man will experience Fordyce spots on the head of the penis, which will have a characteristic white tint and will not cause any discomfort. But it is worth considering that the spots rarely appear in this part of the penis.

More detailed information about Fordyce granules on the head of the penis watch the video:

On the foreskin

Not rare Fordyce granules on the foreskin, since it also contains a fairly large number of sebaceous glands.

In this case, they may look like papules running in a circle along the tissue of the foreskin, like a rim, just as they are often localized in a circular pattern on the glans.


First of all, the diagnosis of Fordyce disease will consist of an examination medical officer the corresponding profile, that is dermatovenerologist. However, before determining how to treat fordyce granules, a specialist may order a smear or even a biopsy if he wants to make sure that the rash is not another disease, especially if it spreads over large areas of the body.

What formations can be confused with

Differential diagnosis is carried out to make a definitive diagnosis for many diseases, and seborrheic cysts are no exception. They are differentiated from:

  • Molluscum contagiosum;
  • Ringworm infection;
  • Development of neurodermatitis;
  • Focal eczema in chronic form.

For a final diagnosis, only an external examination by a specialist will be required.

How to get rid of it: treatment of Fordyce granules and their removal

The main question that a man asks himself when faced with such a problem or suspects he has one: “Fordyce granules, how to get rid of them?”

In practice, this question, which partly puzzles the average person, solved ambiguously. No therapy required special measures, and is often based on drug treatment, less often prescribed surgical intervention. However, medications are usually used for inflammation of formations.

Medicines for the treatment of formations are prescribed mainly locally, using different antiseptic ointments or creams. They often resort to using herbal baths, according to folk recipes, but this measure is usually used for inflammation of the granules. Often drug therapy uses homemade ointment made from mummy tablets, warm honey and clean water.

Removal of Fordyce granules is carried out solely for cosmetic purposes.

Surgical intervention also has variations:

All of the above methods do not guarantee complete removal of formations. Sooner or later, a relapse will occur, since such cysts are a manifestation of the innate characteristics of the body.

For more information about removing Fordyce granules, watch the video:


At the moment, due to the lack of a definitive opinion on what the cause of the development of Fordyce's disease is, there are no specific preventive measures.

However, we can give an example of standard prevention of any diseases, which includes compliance healthy image life, abandonment bad habits, thorough intimate hygiene and overall body hygiene, as well as regular visit medical institution for scheduled inspection.

When formations appear on a man's penis, this has a significant impact on his emotional condition due to the non-aesthetic type of pathology. But this is absolutely not justified and is even superfluous, because first of all, having seen the appearance of such an anomaly, he must think about the reasons for its appearance and contact the appropriate specialist so that he can determine what treatment options are possible for a particular patient and how he can be helped.

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