Home Prevention Skin rash in a child. Rash on a child's body

Skin rash in a child. Rash on a child's body

The rash is a variety of changes on the skin. This disease most often appears in certain painful conditions. In order to determine the causes of the rash, it is necessary to first understand what types are classified into Various types rashes.

  1. Patches on small areas of the skin that are pink, light, or another color. The spot cannot be felt.
  2. It may look like a papule in children, which is a small tubercle with a diameter of 5 mm. The papule is palpable and appears above the skin.
  3. A plaque that has a flattened appearance.
  4. The form of a pustule, which is distinguished by a limited cavity with internal suppuration.
  5. Bubble or vesicle with internal fluid and different sizes on the body.

Below is detailed description all possible types of rashes on a child’s body with photographs and explanations:

Erythema toxicum

Erythema toxicum on the face, chin and entire body often occurs in newborns. Erythema appears as light yellowish papules and pustules reaching approximately 1.5 cm in diameter. Sometimes red spots appear. The baby's skin may be completely affected or partially affected. Rashes can often be noticed on the second day of a child’s life, which gradually disappear over time.

Newborn acne

The spots are visible on the baby's face and neck in the form of pustules and papules. The root cause is considered to be activation of the sebaceous glands by maternal hormones. In this case, treatment is not necessary, you just need to maintain hygiene. After the acne disappears, the baby is not left with scars and other spots.

Prickly heat

Some types of rashes primarily form in summer and spring. Since the output of the components sweat glands very difficult in the warm season. As a rule, rashes appear on the head, face and in the diaper rash area. looks like spots, pustules and blisters. Skin requires constant care.



Also called neurodermatitis. Many children suffer from this disease, but the symptoms can be completely different, depending on the individual characteristics body. As a rule, the disease is accompanied by eczema, runny nose, and asthma. Dermatitis appears in the form of red papules with liquid inside. In this case, the child feels itching, especially at night. Dermatitis appears on the face and cheeks, and also slightly on the extensor parts of the limbs. The skin peels off and becomes noticeably thicker.

Children under one year old suffer atopic dermatitis without consequences. However, if there is a hereditary predisposition, the disease can enter the chronic phase. Then the skin needs to be treated regularly by special means with a moisturizing effect.


In children, due to individual intolerance to drugs and food, allergic reactions may occur. An allergic rash can vary in size and spread throughout the body or on the face, as well as on the limbs. The most unfavorable effect of such an allergic rash is itching - the whole body itches unbearably.

An allergic reaction may occur. Occurs when interacting with certain foods or medicines. It is difficult for the child to breathe because the larynx is blocked. In this case, swelling forms in the legs and arms. also considered allergic form rashes. May occur due to certain foods, pills, and also due to solar allergic reaction or cold.

Infectious rash

What are the most common reasons rashes in a child? Typically, these are viral or bacterial infections, which are divided into types. Photos of them can be easily found and viewed on the Internet.

Erythema infectiosum

Erythema infectiosum is caused by parvovirus B19, which is transmitted by airborne droplets. The most common symptoms of the disease may be low temperature, redness and the appearance of spots on the face, as well as on the body. The incubation period of the rash in a child ranges from 5 days to one month. Headaches and a slight cough are quite likely. The rash is especially pronounced on the extensor parts of the limbs and on the feet. Children with this disease are not contagious.

Sudden exanthema

Herpes infection type six can cause, otherwise called sudden. Children under two years of age are susceptible to this disease. The infection is transmitted by airborne droplets from adults. The incubation period can last from a week to two. This is followed by a prodromal period, which is not very pronounced. The child feels unwell, the throat turns red, the eyelids swell, the lymph nodes increase in size, and the temperature rises. Children are capricious and may experience seizures.

After a few days, the temperature drops and a small rash appears on the body, which in appearance resembles pink spots, they can be felt. After a couple of days they become invisible and gradually disappear.

Chicken pox

Varicella, otherwise known as chickenpox, is viral disease, which is similar in structure to herpes. A large number of children under the age of 15 suffer from this disease. Chickenpox is transmitted through the air. The latent period reaches three weeks. Before the rash appears, the child may experience headache and pain in the abdominal area.

Rashes appear on the face and body in the form of initially red spots that turn into single-chamber vesicles. The liquid in the vesicles is initially light, but after a while becomes cloudy. The nature, structure and shape of this rash can be seen in the photo. As a rule, blisters on the skin become crusty. Then new rashes appear with a further increase in temperature.

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When the spots pass, barely visible traces remain, which completely disappear after a week. It is forbidden to scratch the rash, as there may be scars on the skin.

In many children, such a virus can enter the next latent phase and become fixed in the nerve endings. In this regard, herpes zoster appears lumbar region. Photos of such a disease can be found on the Internet.

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Meningococcal infection

A bacterium such as meningococcus is often found in the nasopharynx of almost every child, which is the norm. Usually, the infection is not considered dangerous, but under specific conditions, the disease can significantly reduce the quality of life of sick children and move into a more active phase of the disease.

If meningococcus is detected in the blood after diagnosis or cerebrospinal fluid, mandatory use of antibiotics in the clinic should be ensured. If meningococcus enters the bloodstream, sepsis can occur.

This is a disease called blood poisoning. The disease is accompanied by a sharp rise in temperature and nausea. In the first days, growing rashes in the form of bruises appear on the child’s body. Most often, such bruises appear on the area, and scars often form. In some cases, small children with the development of sepsis may experience shock with a fatal outcome. Thus, it is necessary to prescribe treatment immediately after it is established accurate diagnosis, because it threatens with negative consequences.


It is considered a fairly common disease, incubation period lasts up to two weeks. During the week, general weakness and malaise of the whole body continues. In addition, children develop a dry cough, red eyes, and fever. On the inside of the cheeks you can notice small dots of white or gray tint, which disappear after a day. Next, rashes appear on the face, behind the ears, and gradually descend to the chest area. After a couple of days, rashes appear on the feet, and the patient’s face becomes pale.

The rash may be itchy, and often there are bruises at the site of the rash. As soon as the spots disappear, peeling remains, which goes away in just a week. If treatment is not started in time, children may develop otitis media, inflammation of the brain, or pneumonia. During treatment, specialists often use vitamin A, which significantly mitigates the effect of infection.

To reduce the risk of measles, children are subject to universal vaccination. A week after the vaccine is administered, small rashes may appear, which quickly disappear and are considered not dangerous to the health of children.

Every mother sooner or later asks the question: if a rash appears on a child’s body, what to do? Sometimes rashes are a reaction to physiological changes in the child’s body, not dangerous, but there are also pathological causes of the rash that require immediate action to eliminate them.

Some parents simply ignore this, especially if the child has a rash on the body without fever, and some begin to give various medications without consulting a doctor. In both the first and second cases, a mistake is made, because for some diseases it is very important to quickly identify the cause of the rash and prescribe appropriate treatment.

What the rash might look like

A child’s rash does not always appear all over the body; very often it occurs in a limited area. It is formed both symmetrically and asymmetrically, acquiring all sorts of shapes:

  • Spots are a limited area of ​​skin of a different color (can be white, red, pink, etc.). As a rule, the spots do not protrude above the surface of the skin.
  • Bubbles and vesicles are small or large formations with liquid inside.
  • Papules are formations above the surface of the skin without a cavity inside. You can feel it well.
  • A pustule is a cavity with pus inside.
  • A plaque is a formation that has a large area and is raised above the skin.
  • Tubercles are formations that do not have a cavity and are clearly felt upon palpation.

The color of the rash can also vary - from pale pink to purple. The child's photo is shown below.

Each type of rash can indicate completely different reasons, so determining the location of the rash and its type is very important for making a diagnosis.


If a rash appears on a child’s body, the causes of this condition are very diverse, but they can still be divided into main categories:

The symptoms of the rash are quite multifaceted. It depends on what reason contributed to it. Next, we will look at what pathologies can cause a rash and what signs they are accompanied by.

Non-communicable diseases. Newborn acne

Approximately 20-30% of infants develop so-called neonatal acne, which is characterized by the appearance of a rash on the child’s body without fever. The main location is the face and scalp, neck. The rash in this case looks like papules and pustules. This occurs due to the fact that maternal hormones affect the functioning of children's sebaceous glands. Does not require special care, except for moisturizing and careful hygiene. As a rule, it goes away on its own within the first 6 months of the baby’s life.

Prickly heat

A rash that occurs in warm time years or when tightly wrapped in clothes. The reason is difficulty in sweat escaping and increased humidity when wrapped. Often occurs in areas of diaper rash. This rash rarely causes inflammation, but it causes discomfort as it can be very itchy. Passes at proper care pretty quickly.

Atopic dermatitis

This is a disease that a large number of mothers encounter during the first days of a baby’s life. Dermatitis has a genetic predisposition and allergic nature. Characterized by the appearance of red itchy spots and dry skin. The rash can cover either a small area - in a mild form - or spread over a large area of ​​the body. In some cases, when the rash is extensive, the child develops marks from scratching all over the body, as unbearable itching occurs. As a result, a secondary infection is sometimes associated with dermatitis.

Since dermatitis has several stages of development, there are also many variants of rashes for this disease. These can be spots, papules, vesicles, plaques, crusts. Sometimes, if treatment is not done in a timely manner, scars and pigment spots remain on the skin after rashes.

Teething rash

Sometimes during teething the baby is bothered by a rash located in the mouth area. These are small pimples that appear due to increased salivation, and then by the friction of this area. This rash does not leave any consequences and, as a rule, goes away on its own. To make the healing process faster, you can gently wipe the mouth area from drool and prevent the child from licking dirty hands, as there is a risk of infection.

Allergic rash in children

If parents notice the appearance of a rash on a child’s body without fever, this is most likely an allergic reaction. Nowadays people are surrounded by great amount all kinds of allergens. Children are most susceptible to them, so at the first manifestations you need to identify the cause and get rid of the irritant. Allergic reactions can be of the following types:

  • Food. When a child eats a product that is an allergen for him. Appears within approximately 24 hours. In this case, the rash occurs on the child’s face, stomach, arms and legs.
  • Household. In this case, the allergen can come from laundry detergent, chlorinated pool water, new shampoo, and many other household products.

An allergic rash looks like red spots on the child’s body, but sometimes plaques and scratches appear, since such rashes are very disturbing itchy skin. One type of rash in this case is hives - pink or red blisters that are very itchy. When scratched, they increase in size and can merge with each other, forming large affected areas. In addition to the rash, symptoms may include irritability, moodiness, runny nose and cough.

In newborn children, the allergen can enter the body with mother's milk. A nursing woman needs to review her diet as soon as possible. There are also cases when allergies are triggered by food. expectant mother during pregnancy. Sometimes a child develops a rash all over his body. But after getting rid of the allergen, the rash goes away very quickly. A photo of an allergic rash on a child’s body is presented above.

Insect bites

Insect bites are a very common occurrence, especially in the summer. Many parents are frightened by red spots, which can be large and appear above the skin. But, as a rule, other than itching, they do not have any third-party symptoms or consequences. But the exception is allergic consequences to the saliva and poison of some insects. In this case, it is very important to give an antihistamine at the first sign of allergy. Another dangerous phenomenon when bitten is infectious diseases, the carriers of which are some insects.

Infectious type rash in children

The appearance of a rash in a child throughout the body very often occurs due to infectious diseases. Some of them are common in childhood, because after a child gets sick, he develops one hundred percent immunity. Cases of reinfection occur very rarely. If the rash appears due to infection, then the symptoms will be fever and a small rash on the child’s body; chills, cough, runny nose, lack of appetite, and general malaise are also added here.

In childhood, the most common diseases accompanied by a rash are the following:

  • Varicella (chickenpox). This disease is highly contagious and is easily transmitted by airborne droplets. The incubation period lasts 2-3 weeks. General malaise, accompanied by a moderate increase in temperature, sometimes slight abdominal pain, occurs 1-2 days before the onset of the rash. Then a small rash appears on the child’s body, which is located chaotically, not affecting only the feet and palms. At first it looks like a red spot, which as soon as possible turns into a papule, and that, in turn, into a vesicle with an infectious liquid inside. At the site where it breaks through, either naturally or mechanically (during combing) a crust forms. The rashes are accompanied by itching, but you should not scratch them, as you can spread the infection even further. Chickenpox is characterized by the fact that during the illness there are several spots that are completely covered with a crust. Then they disappear completely, leaving small scars that disappear after a while. This happens approximately on the tenth day from the onset of the rash. It is not recommended to visit public places during illness. After recovery, the child develops lifelong immunity to chickenpox. Re-infection occurs only due to reduced immunity and under stress.
  • Measles. A highly contagious infectious disease transmitted by airborne droplets. Nowadays, measles rarely appears, mainly in the form of short outbreaks in certain regions. The latent form of the disease lasts approximately 2-4 weeks, then within about four days the first signs of the disease begin to appear, which can very easily be confused with a cold or indigestion: cough, runny nose, loose stool, elevated temperature, which can rise up to 40 degrees. After this period, rashes begin, which are cyclical. First on inside white spots appear that look like semolina porridge. These spots are a very important symptom of measles. Then rashes appear on the face and neck, go down to the chest, shoulders, stomach and back, and then a rash appears on the child’s body on the legs and arms. On the fourth day, the primary symptoms begin to subside, and the rash begins to subside. At the site of the spots, the skin becomes brown, then begins to peel off and clears up after 7-14 days. During measles, the rash may itch a little, and sometimes small bruises appear. Sometimes individual spots can merge into a continuous surface. It is worth noting that some manifestations of measles may occur within 10 days after receiving the live measles vaccine.
  • Rubella is a contagious viral disease transmitted by airborne droplets. The incubation period can last up to three weeks. At the end of this period, a slight increase in temperature, general malaise, joint pain, and inflamed cervical lymph nodes may occur. Then a small rash appears on the child’s body. It starts on the forehead and cheeks and spreads throughout the body. Favorite places for rubella are the areas around the joints, knees, elbows and buttocks. The rash with this disease does not affect the child’s feet and palms. After about four days, the rashes stop, and after a week there is no trace left of them.
  • Roseola is a contagious disease that can affect anyone infant. The first signs will be an increase in temperature, sore throat and enlarged lymph nodes. Then a small rash appears on the child’s body, similar to rubella rashes.

  • Scarlet fever is an infectious disease caused by streptococcus. It is transmitted by airborne droplets; there are no vaccinations against this disease. The latent phase lasts about a week. Then an elevated temperature appears (up to 38-40 degrees), the lymph nodes become enlarged and symptoms of sore throat appear. The tongue becomes covered with a white coating. When cleared, it becomes a bright crimson color with pronounced papillae. After 1-2 days, a rash begins, which first affects the face, then the neck and everything else. Most of the rashes are in the groin, in the elbows, on the inside of the arms and legs, in the fold area. At first the rash is bright in color, but as it decreases the spots begin to fade. A clear sign Scarlet fever is a pale nasolabial triangle against a background of bright red cheeks. This occurs because the rash does not affect this area and the skin in this area does not turn red. After 4-7 days, the rash goes away, but leaves behind peeling. The sore throat has to be treated for some more time.
  • Infectious mononucleosis is an infection belonging to the herpes viruses and is not very contagious. Characteristic features mononucleosis are inflammation lymph nodes, enlarged spleen and liver, body aches, tonsils covered with plaque, fever. A rash with this disease occurs very rarely. If rashes do appear, they look like a small pink rash that does not itch and goes away without a trace within a few days.
  • Meningococcal infection. This is very dangerous disease, which requires immediate therapeutic action, since delay is fraught with the death of the patient. Meningococcus is a bacterium that lives in the nasopharynx of 5-10% of people and does not cause concern. Due to viral infections or decreased immunity, the active phase of bacterial growth may begin, leading to dangerous consequences. Transmitted by air. When it enters the bloodstream, it travels to the brain, causing meningitis. In this case, no rash is observed. The main symptoms are fever, drowsiness, vomiting, loose stools, hardness occipital muscles, confusion, the child cannot reach his chin chest. Symptoms develop very quickly. Meningococcus can also cause sepsis. It is very dangerous! The temperature can rise to 41 degrees and be accompanied by uncontrollable vomiting. Within a few hours, a rash appears that has an uneven star-shaped shape and a bright purple or bluish color; there is no itching. Individual rashes may merge into one large dark purple spot. On the feet and palms, this fusion forms “socks” and “gloves.” In such cases, the skin in these areas may die. Sometimes meningitis and sepsis occur simultaneously. Meningococcal infection is deadly! At the first symptoms, you should immediately go to an infectious diseases hospital. With this disease, every second counts. Before the ambulance arrives, you need to lay the child on the floor with his legs elevated; if he loses consciousness, lay him on his side, and do not give him anything to drink or eat.

  • Scabies. This disease is caused by the scabies mite. The rash is localized between the fingers, in groin area, on the wrists, legs, butt and anywhere there is thin skin. The rash is accompanied by severe itching, which occurs as the tick passes under the child's skin. Scabies is highly contagious.

The difference between an infectious rash and a non-infectious one

Infectious rash must be accompanied additional symptoms, while non-infectious occurs practically without third-party manifestations. So, a rash on the body of a child with a fever will always indicate infectious nature diseases. Rashes without external symptoms do not pose a serious danger. The photo (without fever the disease is not so dangerous) is not a very pleasant sight.

Itching without rash

Sometimes parents are alarmed by the situation in which the child itches, but external reasons fails to notice. Body itching in a child without a rash can be for several reasons, but the final conclusion can be made only after seeing a doctor and undergoing certain tests:

A rash is not an independent disease, but a symptom. Therefore, first of all, you need to find the cause of the rash. It is not recommended to self-medicate even in situations where parents are confident that they know the cause. In any case, you should consult a doctor. Therapy will depend on the diagnosis and condition of the sick child:

  • If an allergic reaction is confirmed, it is necessary to avoid contact with the allergen and take antihistamines.
  • For chickenpox, treatment will be aimed at relieving symptoms - antipyretic drugs and antihistamines are prescribed to help relieve itching. Rashes can be burned with brilliant green. It is allowed to bathe the child, but only by gently pouring water over it.

  • For measles and rubella, treatment is also aimed at relieving symptoms - an antipyretic for high temperature, medicine for cough and runny nose, drink plenty of fluids.
  • For mononucleosis, antihistamines, antipyretic and choleretic drugs, vitamins and immunomodulators are prescribed.
  • Scarlet fever - bacterial infection, which is treated with antibiotics of the penicillin group. Drinking plenty of fluids, bed rest, and medications to relieve symptoms are also recommended.
  • Meningococcal infection is the most dangerous bacterial infection with a high risk of fatal outcome. At the slightest symptoms, you should immediately call an ambulance. Treatment is only inpatient; it is impossible to relieve symptoms at home. Antibiotics will be used for treatment anticonvulsant therapy, cardiovascular drugs, introduction saline solutions and etc.

Prevention of infectious diseases is vaccination. It is strictly forbidden to pick off the rashes, squeeze them out or comb them.

Dangerous symptoms

There are some symptoms that accompany the rash, and for which you should immediately call an ambulance:

  • The rash covers the entire area of ​​the body.
  • There is unbearable itching.
  • There is a fever.
  • Accompanied by swelling, vomiting, loss of consciousness and nausea.
  • The most dangerous sign is if the rash looks like star-shaped hemorrhages.


In most cases, the rash is not serious. But it's worth remembering serious illnesses, which she can accompany. Therefore, if a rash appears on a child’s body with fever and other symptoms, it is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible.

How to figure out what kind of rash a child has? Below you will find photos with explanations of the main skin diseases in children.
Have you been caught off guard by baby diaper rashes more than once? Or red dots on the baby’s palms? Now you won’t have any questions about what kind of rash your child has.

Baby acne

Small white pimples typically appear on the cheeks and sometimes on the forehead, chin and even the back of a newborn. May be surrounded by reddish skin. Acne can appear from the first days to 4 weeks of age.


Chickenpox begins as small, red, itchy bumps. They quickly develop into small, filled pink blisters, which eventually turn into brown, dry crusts. The rash most often begins on the scalp, face and chest, and then spreads throughout the body. As the disease progresses, the rash returns with renewed vigor, usually reaching a number of 250 to 500 blisters, although there are many fewer, especially if the child has been vaccinated. Your child may also have a slight fever. Chickenpox rarely occurs in children under one year of age.

Cold on the lips
Your baby's rash appears as small, fluid-filled blisters on or near the lip. The wound may become larger, break through and dry out. Blisters can appear one at a time or in concentration. Cold sores are rare in children under 2 years of age.

The photo shows a rash on the lips of an adult, but in children the symptoms are identical.

Seborrheic dermatitis
This rash in children is characterized by flaky, dry scalp with yellowish crusts. It can also occur around the ears, eyebrows, armpits and neck folds. Sometimes causes hair loss. This disease is common among newborns and goes away within the first year of a child's life.

The rash in babies is characterized by reddish, swollen skin in the diaper area. The rash may be flat or lumpy. It causes discomfort when changing a diaper. Most common among children under one year of age.

Fungal diaper dermatitis
Red bumps in the diaper area, it is possible that there are ulcers. Most of all, the rash in children appears in the folds of the skin, as well as with small single rashes outside the concentration of the main rash. It does not go away in a few days and cannot be treated with regular diaper rash cream for babies. Most often occurs in children who have taken antibiotics.

The rash in children, characterized by itching, usually occurs on the elbows and knees, as well as on the cheeks, chin, scalp, chest and back. It begins with the appearance of a scaly thickening of the skin with a reddish tint or with the appearance of red rashes, which can be either wet or dry. Eczema is most common in children prone to allergies or asthma. It usually appears at the age of one and goes away by the age of 2, but there are cases when eczema haunts a person into adulthood.

Erythema toxicum
The rash is characterized by small yellow or white bumps on a reddened area of ​​the skin. It can appear anywhere on the child's body. The rash disappears on its own within two weeks and is often found in newborns, usually on the 2nd to 5th day of their life.

Erythema infectiosum (Fifth disease)
At the initial stage, fever, aches and cold symptoms appear, and in the following days bright pink spots on the cheeks and a red itchy rash on the chest and feet.

Most often, this rash occurs in preschoolers and first-graders.

Pimples or crusty pustules appear around the hair follicles. They are usually located on the neck, armpit or groin area. Rarely found in children under 2 years of age.

Rash on hands, feet and around mouth
Characterized by fever, lack of appetite, sore throat, and painful sores and blisters in the mouth. The rash may appear on the feet, palms of the hands, and sometimes on the buttocks. At first, the rash appears as small, flat, red dots that may develop into bumps or blisters. Happens at any age, but is most common among preschoolers.

Raised, red patches of skin characterized by itching may appear and disappear on their own. Usually they appear from several hours to several days, but there are cases when they drag on for up to weeks or months. They can appear at any age.

Small red bumps that may itch. They often appear near the nose and mouth, but can spread to other areas of the body. Over time, the bumps become ulcers, which can break out and become covered with a soft yellow-brown crust. As a result, the child may develop a fever and swollen lymph nodes in the neck. Impetigo most often occurs in children aged 2 to 6 years.

The rash in children is characterized by a yellow tint to the skin. In dark-skinned children, jaundice can be identified by the whites of the eyes, palms or feet. It is most common in children in the first and second weeks of life, as well as in premature infants.

This illness begins with fever, runny nose, red watery eyes and cough. After a few days, small red dots with a white base appear on the inside of the cheeks, and then the rash appears on the face, spreading to the chest and back, arms and legs with feet. At the initial stage, the rash is flat, red, and gradually becomes lumpy and itchy. This continues for about 5 days, and then the rash turns brown, the skin dries out and begins to peel. Most common among children who have not been vaccinated against measles.

Mila are small white or yellow bumps on the nose, chin and cheeks. Often found in newborns. Symptoms go away on their own within a few weeks.

Molluscum contagiosum
The rashes have a hemispherical shape. The color matches normal skin color or is slightly pinker, having a pinkish-orange tint with a pearlescent tip. In the middle of the hemisphere there is a depression somewhat reminiscent of a human navel.

Unusual for children under one year of age.

Papular urticaria
These are small, raised rashes on the skin that become thicker and reddish-brown over time. They occur at the site of old insect bites and are usually accompanied by severe itching. They can appear at any age.

Poison ivy or sumac
Initially, small patches or patches of swollen and itchy red patches appear on the skin. The manifestation occurs after 12–48 hours from the moment of contact with a poisonous plant, but there are cases of a rash appearing within a week after contact. Over time, the rash develops into a blister and crusts over. Sumac is not typical for children under one year old.

As a rule, the first symptom is a sharp increase in temperature (39.4), which does not subside for the first 3–5 days. A pink rash then appears on the torso and neck, later spreading to the arms, legs and face. The baby may be fussy, vomit, or have symptoms of diarrhea. Most often occurs between the ages of 6 months and 3 years.

A rash in the form of one or several red rings, the size of a penny with denominations from 10 to 25 kopecks. The rings are usually dry and scaly at the edges and smooth in the center and can grow over time. It can also appear as dandruff or small bald spots on the scalp. Most common in children 2 years of age and older.

Measles rubella
A bright pink rash that appears first on the face and then spreads to the entire body and lasts 2-3 days. Your child may have a fever, swollen lymph nodes behind the ears, a stuffy or runny nose, a headache, and a sore throat. Vaccination reduces the risk of contracting rubella measles.

Red rashes that are accompanied by severe itching usually occur between the fingers, around the wrist, in the armpits and under the diaper, around the elbows. May also appear on the kneecap, palms, soles, scalp or face. The rash may cause the appearance of white or red mesh marks, as well as the appearance of small blisters on the skin areas near the rash. The itching is most intense after taking a hot bath or at night, preventing the child from sleeping. Can occur at any age.

Scarlet fever
The rash begins as hundreds of tiny red dots on armpits, neck, chest and groin and quickly spreads throughout the body. The rash feels like sandpaper and may be itchy. It may also be accompanied by fever and redness of the throat. During the initial stage of infection, the tongue may have a white or yellowish coating, which later turns red. The roughness on the tongue increases and gives the impression of a rash. This condition is commonly called strawberry tongue. Your child's tonsils may become swollen and red. As the rash disappears, peeling of the skin occurs, especially in the groin area and on the arms. Scarlet fever rarely occurs in children under 2 years of age.

Small, grain-like bumps appear one at a time or in groups, usually on the arms, but can spread to the entire body. Warts are usually a similar shade to your skin tone, but may be slightly lighter or darker, with a black dot in the middle. Little ones flat warts They can appear all over the body, but in children they most often appear on the face.
There are also plantar warts.

Such defects disappear on their own, but this process can take from several months to several years. Warts are not common in children under 2 years of age.

It's no secret that babies' skin is very delicate and often breaks out in rashes or turns red. First of all, this is a signal that the baby’s body is exposed to adverse factors. Parents should read the instructions rash on a child's body photo with explanations, so as not to be scared at the first manifestations, but to help your child. Parents should have clear ideas about what to do if their child has a rash.

Poor environment and food that does not meet standards are the root cause of most diseases. But sometimes we provoke ourselves rash on a child's body.

Such provoking factors may be: the use of medications without prior examination, the use of aggressive household chemicals when cleaning, washing children's clothes and washing dishes.

Including a large number of sweets or citrus fruits in the child’s menu, using inappropriate milk formula, and not maintaining hygiene in everyday life and food. Having established the reasons, there is a chance to restore the child’s health.

Allergic rash in children photo

The child’s body’s reaction to allergens is an allergic rash. This is an ominous symptom, indicating that it is necessary to identify allergens and exclude the possibility of their exposure. If measures are not taken, the allergy will develop and turn into severe incurable forms. Risk factors are products containing allergens: chocolate, honey, citrus fruits, rose hips, eggs, infant formula. At the first signs of an allergic rash, it is too early to sound the alarm, but the signal from the child’s body should not go unheeded.
Tips for parents

Infants receive allergens from their mother's milk. For example, if a mother eats a lot of oranges, then after feeding the baby, a rash will soon appear on his skin. Pregnant women can give their baby allergies if they don't eat right. There are known cases when, using rosehip decoction in large quantities, a mother provoked an allergy in her baby, who began to suffer a month after birth. Hereditary factors also matter, and if the family suffered from such a terrible disease, then certain forms of allergies will be observed in children.

A child has a rash all over his body without fever

Erythema toxic may cause a rash without fever. Irregular red spots cover ninety percent of the body . A child has a rash all over his body without fever disappears after three days as toxins are removed from the body. Water on polysorb or other sorbents will help remove toxins.

Occurs in babies up to six months old. If you regularly bathe your child with baby soap, the rash will go away without a trace. Sebaceous glands work is restored, and the skin becomes clean and beautiful. Children need more air baths and cleanliness, less chemicals, good nutrition and care.

Allergic rash almost never accompanied by fever, but can lead to shock and even suffocation. You shouldn’t be especially alarmed if this is an isolated case, but if the rash recurs, you should identify the allergens and undergo treatment. Allergies can result in asthma or psoriasis. In childhood, it is easier to restore normal functioning of the immune system. If an allergy is left untreated, the consequences can be terrifying. In the chronic stage of allergies, the body destroys itself.

Rash due to enterovirus infection in children photo

If a rash appears on the child’s face or body and is accompanied by nausea, vomiting and diarrhea, then there is every reason to believe that the baby has caught enterovirus infection. Abdominal pain also indicates a virus. Recognize rash due to enterovirus infection in children photo will help:

This rash has the configuration of red small nodules, with many nodules localized in the chest and back, arms and legs, and face.

A rash may also appear on the mucous membranes of the mouth and tonsils. In this case, the child experiences pain when swallowing and loss of appetite.

You should consult a doctor immediately, since the rash is very similar to the manifestations of measles and will require examination and collection of tests. Once the diagnosis is made, it is necessary to take the doctor’s prescriptions. Usually, viral rash accompanied by a cough and runny nose, but passes within five or seven days without leaving a trace.

Rash on a child's back

The rash on the back is accompanied by itching and the baby experiences discomfort and cries. This localization of the rash is typical when prickly heat when the child is overly wrapped or rarely washed. With heat rash, a rash on the back of a child Pink colour and very small, itchy.

Pustular acne on the back appears when vesiculopusulosis. They are filled with liquid and constantly burst, causing suffering and infecting areas of the skin around them. You should not bathe a child with such symptoms. It is necessary to treat bursting blisters with brilliant green so as not to become infected again.

Rash when scarlet fever also localized on the back. If before the appearance of the rash there was a fever and a headache, then these are signs of scarlet fever - infectious disease. You should quickly consult a doctor for help and get tests done. Treatment will help avoid complications.

Even sunbathing can cause rash on baby's back. The best time for tanning is morning and evening, and during the day your child's skin may become blistered as a result. sunburn. After-sun milk or regular sour cream will help relieve redness.

Rash on a child's stomach

At food allergies The rash appears first on the abdomen. For example, if a child eats a bucket of strawberries, then within three hours he will be covered in a rash, starting from the stomach and to the top of the head, arms and legs. There will definitely be itching, and the child will be worried.

Rash on a child's stomach may appear when psoriasis– severe immune disease. But psoriasis is usually preceded by another immune disease - allergies. This rash first appears in the form of small pink papules covered with white scales in the navel area and between the ribs, in the lower abdomen, but if the scales are removed, the papule becomes bloody.

For infectious scabies Also, the rash breaks out in the abdomen first. At the same time, dark dots are visible on the papule - scabies mites nest there. For scabies, an infectious disease doctor prescribes special medications and ointments and isolates the patient from others.

To prevent your child from getting scabies at home and in kindergarten It is necessary to change underwear and bed linen more often, and avoid contact with patients.

The appearance of a rash when various diseases- just a visible part of the damage to human tissue. We don’t see most of it, because the internal organs and blood suffer more.

Red rash on a child's body

Accompanied by temperature red rash on a child's body happens when rubella- infectious disease.

You can get infected easily, but it goes away rubella difficult, sometimes with complications. With rubella, the lymph nodes also become enlarged. After taking treatment and restoring health in quarantine, the disease recedes and the skin becomes clear.

Scary symptom meningococcal infection is red star-shaped rash. These are hemorrhages of blood vessels under the skin. The color may also be purple or bluish. At the first signs of such a rash, parents should take the child to the hospital and preferably immediately to the infectious diseases department. They will do the necessary tests faster there.

Scarlet fever rash also red. It starts under the arms and then goes down. At the end of the disease, the skin peels off and turns white.

Measles characterized by a red rash. Not only the child’s body, but also the face can become covered with a solid red spot within a day.

Any person, sometimes even without realizing it, encounters in his life various types rash. And this is not necessarily the body’s reaction to any disease, since there are approximately several hundred types of ailments that can cause rashes.

And only a few dozen truly dangerous cases where rashes are a symptom serious problems with health. Therefore, with such a phenomenon as a rash, you need to be, as they say, “on the alert.” True, a mosquito bite or contact with nettles also leave marks on the human body.

We think that it would be useful for everyone to be able to distinguish between types of rash, and most importantly, to know its causes. This is especially true for parents. After all, sometimes it is by rashes that you can find out in time that a child is sick, which means helping him and preventing the development of complications.

Skin rashes. Types, causes and localization

Let's start the conversation about rashes on the human body with a definition. Rash - these are pathological changes mucous membranes or skin , which are elements of different colors, shapes and textures that differ sharply from the normal state of the skin or mucous membranes.

Skin rashes in children, as well as in adults, appear under the influence of various factors and can be triggered by both a disease and the body, for example, by medications, food or an insect bite. It is worth noting that there is indeed a considerable number of adult and childhood diseases with skin rashes, which can be either harmless or truly dangerous to life and health.

Distinguish primary rash , i.e. a rash that first appeared on healthy skin and secondary , i.e. a rash that is localized at the site of the primary one. According to experts, the appearance of a rash can be caused by many ailments, for example, infectious diseases in children and adults, problems with vascular and circulatory system, allergic reactions and dermatological diseases .

However, there are also cases in which changes in the skin may or may not occur, although they are characteristic of this disease. This is important to remember, because sometimes, expecting the first characteristic symptoms from childhood illnesses with skin rashes, i.e. rashes, parents overlook and others important signs feeling unwell your child, for example, poor or lethargic.

The rash itself is not a disease, but only a symptom of illness. This means that the treatment of rashes on the body depends directly on the cause of their occurrence. In addition, other symptoms accompanying the rash play an important role in diagnosis, for example the presence temperature or, as well as the location of the rash, its frequency and intensity.

A rash can certainly be attributed to the causes of body itching. However, it often happens that the whole body itches, but there is no rash. At its core, such a phenomenon as itching, - this is a signal from the nerve endings of the skin, reacting to external (insect bite) or internal (emission of histamine for allergies) irritants.

Itching of the entire body without rashes is characteristic of a number of serious ailments, for example, such as:

  • blockage bile duct ;
  • chronic ;
  • cholangitis ;
  • pancreatic oncology ;
  • illnesses endocrine system ;
  • mental disorders ;
  • infectious invasion (intestinal, ) .

Therefore, you should immediately consult a doctor in cases where the rash itches all over the body and if there is severe itching no skin rashes. It is worth noting that in some cases, for example, in old age or during pregnancy, there is no need for drug treatment of itching all over the body without a rash, since this may be a normal option.

As you age, your skin may become dry and require more moisture. The same may be true for the skin of a pregnant woman due to the hormonal changes that occur in her body during pregnancy. In addition, there is such a thing as psychogenic itching .

This condition most often occurs in people who have crossed the forty-year threshold. In such cases, there is no rash, but severe itching is the result of severe stress. Nervous situation, lack of proper physical and psychological rest, crazy work schedule and others life circumstances modern man can lead him to breakdown and depression.

Types of rash, description and photo

So, let’s summarize and outline the main causes of rashes on the skin and mucous membranes:

  • infectious diseases , For example, , , which in addition to rashes on the body are characterized by other symptoms ( fever, runny nose and so on);
  • for food, medicines, chemical substances, animals and so on;
  • diseases or vascular system often accompanied by rashes on the body if the vascular permeability or the number that participate in the process is reduced blood clotting .

Signs of a rash are the presence of rashes on the human body in the form of blisters, vesicles or bubbles larger size, nodes or nodules, spots, and ulcers. When identifying the cause of the rash, the doctor analyzes not only the appearance of the rash, but also its location, as well as other symptoms the patient has.

In medicine, the following primary morphological elements are distinguished or types of rash (i.e. those that first appeared on previously healthy human skin):

Tubercle is an element without a cavity, lying deep in subcutaneous layers, with a diameter of up to one centimeter, leaves a scar after healing; without appropriate treatment it can degenerate into ulcers.

Blister - this is a type of rash without a cavity, the color of which can be from whitish to pink, occurs due to swelling of the papillary layer of the skin, it is characterized by itching, and does not leave marks when healing. Typically, such rashes appear when toxidermy (inflammation of the skin due to an allergen entering the body), with hives or bites insects

Papule (papular rash) - this is also a non-striated type of rash, which can be caused by both inflammatory processes and other factors, depending on the depth of occurrence in the subcutaneous layers, it is divided into epidermal, epidermodermal And dermal nodules , the size of papules can reach three centimeters in diameter. Papular rash is caused by diseases such as , or (abbreviated HPV ).

Subtypes of papular rash: erythematous-papular (, Crosti-Gianotta syndrome, trichinosis), maculopapular (, adenoviruses, sudden exanthema, allergies) And maculopapular rash (urticaria, mononucleosis, rubella, taxidermy, measles, rickettsiosis).

Bubble - this is a type of rash that has a bottom, a cavity and a tire; such a rash is filled with serous-hemorrhagic or serous contents. The size of such a rash usually does not exceed 0.5 centimeters in diameter. This type of rash usually appears when allergic dermatitis, at or .

Bubble - This is a larger bubble, the diameter of which exceeds 0.5 centimeters.

Pustule or pustule is a type of rash that is located in deep () or superficial follicular, as well as superficial non-follicular ( flickents look like pimples) or deep non-follicular ( ecthyma or purulent ulcers ) layers of the dermis and filled with purulent contents. As the pustules heal, a scar forms.

Spot - a type of rash, which is a local change in skin color in the form of a spot. This type is typical for dermatitis, leucoderma, (skin pigmentation disorder) or roseola (an infectious disease in children caused by herpes virus 6 or 7 types). It is noteworthy that harmless freckles, as well as moles, are an example of a rash in the form of pigmented spots.

The appearance of red spots on a child’s body is a signal to parents to act. Of course, the causes of such rashes on the back, head, stomach, as well as on the arms and legs can be allergic reaction or, for example, prickly heat in children of the first year of life.

However, if red spots appear on the child’s body and there are other symptoms ( fever, cough, runny nose, loss of appetite, severe itching ), then most likely this is not a matter of individual intolerance or non-compliance temperature regime and overheating.

A red spot on a child's cheek may be a consequence of insect bites or diathesis . In any case, if any changes appear on the baby’s skin, you should immediately call a doctor.

Red rashes on the body, as well as on the face and neck in adults, in addition to the above reasons, can occur due to cardiovascular diseases , poor nutrition and bad habits, and also due to the decrease. Besides, stressful situations often provide Negative influence on the skin and cause rashes.

Autoimmune pathologies (psoriasis, red systemic lupus ) And dermatological diseases occur with the formation of a rash. It is noteworthy that red spots may appear in the sky in oral cavity, as well as in the throat. This phenomenon usually indicates infectious lesions of the mucous membranes (bubbles in the throat are characteristic of scarlet fever , and red spots are for sore throat ), about an allergic reaction or a disruption in the functioning of the circulatory and vascular system.

Symptoms of measles in order of their occurrence:

  • a sharp jump in temperature (38-40 C);
  • dry cough;
  • photosensitivity;
  • runny nose and sneezing;
  • headache;
  • measles enanthema;
  • measles exanthema.

One of the main signs of the disease is measles viral exanthema in children and adults, as well as enanthema . The first term in medicine refers to a rash on the skin, and the second refers to a rash on the mucous membranes. The peak of the disease occurs precisely when the rash appears, which initially affects the mucous membranes in the mouth (red spots on the soft and hard palate and whitish spots on the mucous membranes of the cheeks with a red border).

Then maculopapular rashes become noticeable along the hairline on the head and behind the ears. A day later, small red dots appear on the face and gradually cover the entire body of a person with measles.

The order of measles rashes is as follows:

  • first day: mucous membranes of the oral cavity, as well as the area of ​​the head and behind the ears;
  • second day: face;
  • third day: torso;
  • fourth day: limbs.

During the healing process of measles rashes, pigment spots remain, which, by the way, disappear on their own after some time. With this disease, moderate itching may occur.

A disease caused by harmful effects on the human body gram-positive bacteria Streptococcus pyogenes (group A streptococci ). The carrier of the disease can be a person who is sick himself scarlet fever, streptococcal pharyngitis or .

In addition, you can become infected from someone who has recently been ill themselves, but there are still harmful bacteria in the body that are spread by airborne droplets.

What's most interesting is to pick up scarlet fever maybe even from absolutely healthy person, on the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx which are sown group A streptococci . In medicine, this phenomenon is called a “healthy carrier.”

According to statistics, about 15% of the world's population can safely be considered healthy carriers Streptococcus A . In the treatment of scarlet fever, they are used, which kill streptococcal bacteria. In especially severe cases, patients are prescribed infusion therapy to reduce the severity of general symptoms intoxication .

It is worth emphasizing that quite often this disease is confused with purulent sore throat , which is really present, though only as one of the symptoms of scarlet fever. A situation with an incorrect diagnosis can be fatal in some cases. Since particularly severe septic cases of scarlet fever are accompanied by severe focal damage to streptococcal bacteria throughout the body.

Scarlet fever most often affects children, but adults can easily become infected. It is believed that people who have had the disease receive lifelong immunity. However, in medical practice There are many cases of re-infection. The incubation period lasts on average about 2-3 days.

Microbes begin to multiply on the tonsils located in the nasopharynx and oral cavity of a person, and when they enter the bloodstream they affect internal organs. The first sign of the disease is considered to be general intoxication body. A person may have a rise temperature , be present severe headaches, general weakness, nausea or vomit and other signs characteristic of bacterial infection .

Rashes appear on the second or third day of the disease. Soon after this, you may notice a rash on the tongue, the so-called “scarlet tongue”. The disease almost always occurs in combination with acute tonsillitis(angina) . Rashes with this disease look like small pinkish-red dots or pimples one to two millimeters in size. The rash is rough to the touch.

The rash initially appears on the neck and face, usually on the cheeks. In an adult, rashes on the cheeks can be caused not only by scarlet fever, but also by other ailments. However, precisely with this disease, due to the multiple accumulation of pimples, the cheeks turn crimson, while the nasolabial triangle remains pale.

In addition to the face, the scarlet fever rash is localized mainly in the groin area, lower abdomen, on the back, on the folds of the buttocks, as well as on the sides of the body and on the bends of the limbs (in the armpits, under the knees, on the elbows). Sores on the tongue appear approximately 2-4 days from the beginning of the acute phase of the disease. If you press on the rash, it becomes colorless, i.e. seems to disappear.

Usually scarlet fever rashes go away without a trace after a week. However, after the same seven days, peeling appears at the site of the rash. On the skin of the legs and arms upper layer the dermis comes off in sheets, and fine peeling is observed on the body and face. Due to the peculiarities of the localization of the scarlet fever rash, it seems that on the cheeks infant or in an adult, large red spots form.

True, there are not isolated cases when the disease occurs without the appearance of skin rashes. It is important to note that, as a rule, there is no rash in severe forms of the disease: septic, erased or toxic scarlet fever. In the above-mentioned forms of the disease, other symptoms come to the fore, for example, the so-called "scarlet" heart (significant increase in organ size) with a toxic form or multiple lesions of connective tissues and internal organs with septic scarlet fever.

A viral disease, the incubation period for which can last from 15 to 24 days. Transmitted from an infected person by airborne droplets. In the vast majority of cases, this disease affects children. Moreover, the chances of becoming infected in infancy, as a rule, are negligibly small, unlike a child of 2-4 years old. The thing is that newborns from their mother (if she had this disease at one time) receive innate immunity.

Scientists attribute rubella to diseases from which the human body receives lasting immunity. Although the disease is more common in children, adults can also contract it.

Rubella is especially dangerous for women during pregnancy. The thing is that the infection can be transmitted to the fetus and provoke the development of complex malformations ( hearing loss, skin and brain damage or eye ).

In addition, even after birth the child continues to get sick ( congenital rubella ) and is considered a carrier of the disease. There is no specific medicine for the treatment of rubella, as in the case of measles.

Doctors use what is called symptomatic treatment, i.e. alleviate the patient’s condition while the body fights the virus. Most effective means The fight against rubella is vaccination. The incubation period for rubella can pass unnoticed by humans.

However, upon completion, symptoms such as:

  • slight increase in body temperature;
  • pharyngitis;
  • headache;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • adenopathy (enlarged lymph nodes in the neck);
  • macular rashes.

With rubella, a small spotty rash on the face, which quickly spreads throughout the body and predominates in the buttocks, lower back, and on the bends of the arms and legs. As a rule, this occurs within 48 hours after the onset of the acute phase of the disease. Rash in a child rubella At first it looks like a measles rash. Then it may resemble a rash with scarlet fever .

Such similarity of both the primary symptoms themselves and the rashes with measles, scarlet fever And rubella may mislead parents, which will affect treatment. Therefore, you should immediately seek medical help, especially if a rash appears on your face. one month old baby. After all, only a doctor can make a correct diagnosis by “calculating” the real cause of the rash.

On average, skin rashes disappear within the fourth day after their appearance, leaving behind no peeling or pigmentation. The rubella rash may be mildly itchy. There are also cases when the disease proceeds without the appearance of the main symptom – rashes.

(more popularly known as chickenpox) is a viral disease that is transmitted by airborne droplets through direct contact with an infected person. This disease is characterized by febrile state , as well as the presence papulovesicular rash , which is usually localized in all parts of the body.

It is noteworthy that the virus Varicella Zoster , which causes chickenpox, as a rule, in childhood in adults it provokes the development of an equally serious ailment - shingles or .

The risk group for chickenpox is children aged six months to seven years. The incubation period for chickenpox usually does not exceed three weeks; according to statistics, on average, after 14 days the disease enters the acute phase.

First, a sick person experiences a feverish state, and after a maximum of two days, rashes appear. It is believed that children tolerate the symptoms of the disease much better than adults.

This is due, first of all, to the fact that in adults, in the vast majority of cases, the disease occurs in a complicated form. Typically, the period of fever lasts no more than five days, and in particularly serious cases it can reach ten days. The rash usually heals within 6-7 days.

In the vast majority of cases chicken pox passes without complications. However, there are exceptions when this disease occurs in a more severe form ( gangrenous, bullous or hemorrhagic form ), then complications in the form of lymphadenitis, encephalitis, pyoderma or myocardium .

Since there is no single method to combat chickenpox medicine, this disease is treated symptomatically, i.e. They alleviate the patient’s condition while his body fights the virus. In case of fever, patients are advised to rest in bed; if severe itching is observed, it is relieved with antihistamines.

To heal rashes faster, they can be treated with Castellani solution, brilliant green (“zelenka”), or use ultraviolet radiation, which will “dry out” the rash and accelerate the formation of crusts. Currently, there is a vaccine that helps you develop your own immunity against the disease.

At chicken pox Initially, a watery blistering rash appears in the form of roseola . Within a few hours after the appearance of the rashes, they change their appearance and transform into papules , some of which will develop into vesicles , surrounded by a rim hyperemia . On the third day, the rash dries up and a dark red crust forms on its surface, which disappears by itself in the second or third week of the disease.

It is noteworthy that with chickenpox the nature of the rash is polymorphic, since on the same area of ​​the skin rashes in the form of spots , so vesicles, papules and secondary elements, i.e. crusts. With this disease there may be enanthema on the mucous membranes in the form of blisters, which turn into ulcers and heal within a few days.

The rash is accompanied by severe itching. If the rash is not scratched, it will go away without a trace, because... does not affect the germ layer of the dermis. However, if this layer is damaged (due to constant violation of the integrity of the skin surface) due to severe itching, atrophic scars may remain at the site of the rash.

The occurrence of this disease provokes a harmful effect on the human body parvovirus B19 . Erythema It is transmitted by airborne droplets; in addition, the risk of contracting this disease is high during organ transplantation from an infected donor or through blood transfusion.

It is worth noting that erythema infectiosum belongs to a group of poorly studied diseases. It is believed that it is especially acute for people prone to allergies .

In addition, erythema often occurs against the background of diseases such as , or tularemia . There are several main forms of the disease:

  • sudden exanthema , children's roseola or the “sixth” disease is considered the most mild form erythema, the cause of which is herpes virus person;
  • Chamer's erythema , a disease for which, in addition to rashes on the face, is characterized by swelling of the joints;
  • Rosenberg's erythema characterized by an acute onset with fever and symptoms of general intoxication of the body, as with, for example. With this form of the disease there appears abundant maculopapular rash mainly on the extremities (extensor surfaces of the arms and legs), on the buttocks, as well as in the area of ​​large joints;
  • is a type of disease that accompanies tuberculosis or rheumatism , rashes with it are localized on the forearms, on the legs, and a little less often on the feet and thighs;
  • exudative erythema accompanied by the appearance papules, spots , as well as a blistering rash with clear liquid inside on the limbs and torso. After the rashes disappear, abrasions and then crusts form in their place. With complicated exudative erythema ( Stevens-Johnson syndrome ) besides skin rashes Erosive ulcers develop on the genitals and anus, in the nasopharynx, mouth and tongue.

Incubation period at erythema infectiosum may last up to two weeks. The first symptoms to appear are intoxication body. A sick person may complain about cough, diarrhea, headaches And nausea , and runny nose and pain in the throat. As a rule, it increases temperature bodies and maybe fever.

It is noteworthy that this state can last quite a long time, because the incubation period erythema infectiosum can reach several weeks. Therefore, this disease is often confused with ARVI or cold . When conventional treatment methods do not bring the desired relief, and a rash appears on the body, this indicates the development of a disease of a completely different type than acute respiratory viral diseases.

It is better to ask your doctor about how to treat viral erythema. Although it is known that there is no specific medicine for this disease. Experts use symptomatic treatment. Initially when erythema infectiosum the rashes are localized on the face, namely on the cheeks and resemble a butterfly in shape. After a maximum of five days, the rash will occupy the surface of the arms, legs, entire torso and buttocks.

Usually the rash does not form on the hands and feet. First, separate nodules and red spots form on the skin, which gradually merge with each other. Over time, the rash becomes round in shape, with a lighter center and clearly defined edges.

This disease belongs to the group of acute viral diseases, which, among other things, are characterized by changes in blood composition and damage splenic lymph nodes And liver . Get infected mononucleosis possible from a sick person, as well as from the so-called virus carrier, i.e. a person in whose body the virus “dormants”, but he himself is not yet sick.

This ailment is often called the “kissing disease.” This indicates the method of distribution mononucleosis – airborne.

Most often, the virus is transmitted through saliva through kissing or sharing bedding, dishes, or personal hygiene items with an infected person.

Children and young people usually suffer from mononucleosis.

Distinguish acute And chronic form of malaise. To diagnose mononucleosis, a blood test is used, which may contain antibodies to the virus or atypical mononuclear cells .

As a rule, the incubation period of the disease does not exceed 21 days; on average, the first signs mononucleosis appear within a week after infection.

The main symptoms of the virus include:

  • general weakness of the body;
  • dizziness;
  • headache;
  • catarrhal tracheitis;
  • muscle aches;
  • increased body temperature;
  • angina;
  • inflammation of the lymph nodes;
  • increased size of the spleen and liver;
  • skin rashes (For example, herpes first type).

A rash with mononucleosis usually appears with the first signs of the disease and looks like small red spots. In some cases, in addition to spots on the skin, roseola rashes may be present. At mononucleosis The rashes are usually not itchy. After healing, the rash goes away without a trace. In addition to skin rashes infectious mononucleosis White spots may appear on the larynx.

Meningococcal infection

Meningococcal infection is a disease caused by the harmful effects of bacteria on the human body meningococcus . The disease may be asymptomatic, or may be expressed in nasopharyngitis (inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx) or purulent. In addition, there is a danger of damage to various internal organs, as a result meningococcemia or meningoencephalitis .

The causative agent of the disease is gram-negative meningococcus Neisseria meningitides, which is transmitted by airborne droplets from an infected person.

The infection penetrates through the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract. This means that the person simply inhales meningococcus nose and automatically becomes a carrier of the disease.

It is noteworthy that at a high degree immune defense no changes may occur; the body itself will defeat the infection. However, young children, whose immune system, as well as the entire body as a whole, is still too weak or elderly people can immediately feel the signs nasopharyngitis .

If bacteria meningococcus manages to penetrate the blood, then more severe consequences diseases. In such cases, it may develop meningococcal sepsis. In addition, bacteria are carried through the bloodstream and enter the kidneys And adrenal glands , and also affects the lungs and skin. Meningococcus without appropriate treatment is able to penetrate through blood-brain barrier and destroy brain .

Symptoms of this form meningococcus How nasopharyngitis similar to the beginning of the flow ARVI . In a sick person, the temperature body, he suffers from strong headaches, sore throat, stuffy nose , there is also pain when swallowing. Against the background of general intoxication, a hyperemia .

Meningococcal sepsis begins with a sharp jump in temperature up to 41 C. In this case, the person feels extremely unwell, symptoms of general intoxication body. Small children may vomit, and infants may experience convulsions. Roseolous-papular or roseola rash appears approximately on the second day.

When pressed, the rashes disappear. After a few hours, hemorrhagic elements of the rash (bluish, purplish-red in color) appear, rising above the surface of the skin. The rash is localized in the buttocks, thighs, legs and heels. If a rash appears in the first hours of the disease not in the lower, but in the upper part of the body and on the face, then this signals a possible unfavorable prognosis for the course of the disease ( ears, fingers, hands).

With lightning or hypertoxic form meningococcal sepsis against the background of the rapid development of the disease appears hemorrhagic rash , which right before our eyes merges into vast formations, reminiscent in appearance cadaveric spots . Without surgical treatment this form of the disease leads to infectious-toxic shock which is incompatible with life.

At meningitis The body temperature also rises sharply, and chills are felt. The patient suffers from severe headaches, which intensify with any movement of the head; he cannot tolerate sound or light stimuli. This disease is characterized by vomit , and in children younger age convulsions develop. In addition, children with meningitis can take a specific “pointing dog” pose, when the child lies on his side, his head is thrown back strongly, his legs are bent, and his arms are brought to the body.

A rash with meningitis (red-violet or red in color) usually appears on the first day of the acute phase of the disease. The rash is localized on the limbs, as well as on the sides. It is believed that the larger the area of ​​distribution of the rashes and the brighter their color, the more serious the patient’s condition.

The cause of this pustular disease is Streptococcus (hemolytic streptococcus) And staphylococcus (Staphylococcus aureus) , as well as their combinations. Impetigo pathogens penetrate the hair follicles, causing the formation of a pustular rash, in place of which ulcers appear.

This disease usually affects children and people who frequently visit places common use, as well as those who have recently suffered severe dermatological or infectious diseases .

Harmful microorganisms enter the human body through microcracks in the skin, as well as through abrasions and insect bites. At impetigo rashes are localized on the face, namely near the mouth, in the nasolabial triangle or on the chin.

The following forms of the disease are distinguished:

  • streptoderma or streptococcal impetigo , For example, lichen , in which dry spots appear on the skin with a red rim or diaper rash;
  • ring-shaped impetigo affects the legs, hands, and feet;
  • bullous impetigo , in which bubbles with liquid (with traces of blood) appear on the skin;
  • ostiofolliculitis is a type of disease caused by Staphylococcus aureus , rashes with such impetigo are localized in the hips, neck, forearms and face;
  • slit impetigo – this is a disease in which linear cracks can form in the corners of the mouth, at the wings of the nose, as well as at the eye slits;
  • herpetiformis A type of impetigo is characterized by the presence of a rash in the armpits, under the breasts, and also in the groin area.

Treatment of impetigo depends primarily on the type of disease. If the disease is caused by harmful bacteria, then antibiotics are prescribed. A sick person must have individual personal hygiene products so as not to infect others. The rash can be treated or biomycin ointment .

It is important to remember that the presence of any rash on a person’s body, and this is especially true for children, is a reason to consult a doctor. In the case when the rash covers the entire surface of the body in a matter of hours, it is accompanied by feverish state , A temperature rises above 39 C, with symptoms such as severe headache, vomiting and confusion, difficulty breathing, swelling , then you should immediately call an ambulance.

To avoid more serious complications, do not injure areas of the body with rashes, for example, by opening blisters or scratching the rash. As many experts, including the famous pediatrician Dr. Komarovsky, warn, you should not self-medicate, much less delay calling a doctor to check the effectiveness traditional methods treatment.

Education: Graduated from Vitebsk State Medical University with a degree in Surgery. At the university he headed the Council of the Student Scientific Society. Advanced training in 2010 - in the specialty "Oncology" and in 2011 - in the specialty "Mammology, visual forms of oncology".

Experience: Worked in a general medical network for 3 years as a surgeon (Vitebsk Emergency Hospital, Liozno Central District Hospital) and part-time as a district oncologist and traumatologist. Worked as a pharmaceutical representative for a year at the Rubicon company.

Presented 3 rationalization proposals on the topic “Optimization of antibiotic therapy depending on the species composition of microflora”, 2 works took prizes in the republican competition-review of student scientific works (categories 1 and 3).

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