Home Removal How to disguise red pimples on your face. How to properly cover pimples with foundation

How to disguise red pimples on your face. How to properly cover pimples with foundation

If a pimple suddenly appears on your face, the situation can be corrected. In this article, you will learn how to disguise acne on your face using different methods.

Using foundation

The easiest way is to cover up acne on your face foundation. This kind of camouflage is good if you don’t use it too often. For example, you have an important meeting ahead of you, at which you would not want to appear in an unsightly manner. In this case, you can use foundation. However, if you constantly hide acne under a layer of foundation, acne can become even larger, because it creates a dense film on the face, which leads to even more severe blockage of the pores.

How to choose the right foundation to cover up acne?

If you want to hide pimples with foundation, choose products that are adapted to the needs of oily problem skin, for example:

  • Dermablend or NormaTeint from Vichy;
  • Ideal matte&cover from Victoria Shu;
  • Anti-Blemish Solutions Liquid Makeup from Clinique;
  • Miracle Match foundation from Max Factor;
  • Exfoliac from Noreva.

These foundations will not just cover up acne on your face, but will also work to eliminate them. In addition, they have a lighter texture, so the skin remains matte longer. When it comes to foundation color, it is better to choose those that are one shade lighter than your natural skin color.

How to properly cover pimples with foundation?

Buying the “right” cream is not the key to success. It needs to be applied correctly. To do this, follow the following rules:

  • Before applying foundation, you need to degrease your skin. To do this, wash your face with water, then wipe your face with a toner for problem skin.
  • After this, treat the pimple with a makeup base. It contains talc, which will ensure good durability of the foundation throughout the day and reduce skin oiliness by absorbing sebum secreted by the skin. For example, Lumene has an inexpensive and high-quality makeup base. More expensive analogue is, for example, Shu Uemura.
  • After all preparations are completed, proceed to applying foundation. Apply it with light patting movements, do not rub it into the skin, because... This way you will damage the base layer.
  • Wait 10 minutes for the foundation layer to dry thoroughly. Only after this can you start applying powder to the skin. Without it, the foundation will not last as well. The powder will set it and make the skin color more natural.

Using powder

You can disguise acne on your face without foundation. In order to make them less noticeable, you will need powder (it is better to choose mineral powder). First, apply a small amount of regular day cream to the pimple, and then apply powder on top of it.

A more beneficial option for the skin is to use it instead of a day cream. special gel to quickly eliminate acne. It will provide more matte skin throughout the day, because... It has drying properties and will also promote faster resorption of the inflammatory element due to its anti-inflammatory effect. You can try spot application gel from Swiss brand Toitbel or Anti-acne spot gel from Hiruscar.

If you don’t have such a product at hand, but you need to hide the pimple right now, you can use pharmaceutical anti-acne creams and gels instead - for those who have problem skin and rashes regularly appear on their face, one of the following options will probably be found in their home medicine cabinet:

  • Baziron AS;
  • Dalatsin;
  • Azelik;
  • Skinoren, etc.

The products are applied to the skin and then set with powder.

Using concealer

Concealer can help hide acne on your face. This is a corrector in the form of a stick, which is designed to mask skin defects: bags under the eyes, dark spots and including various rashes. Here are some suitable remedies:

  • Corrector Holika Holika;
  • CC Face Concealer from Faberlic;
  • Concealer Clarins Eclat Minute;
  • Concealer-Correcteur Visage from Cle de Peau;
  • Concealer pencil Ctrl-A Spot Cover from Dr. Jart+.

How to disguise acne on your face without makeup?

If it is not possible to cover a pimple with any of the above products, you can try to disguise pimples on your face without makeup: how to do this? You can treat the inflammatory element with oil tea tree, wipe with lemon juice, apply an ice cube to it or drop a couple of eye drops with a vasoconstrictor effect. Such measures will not help completely hide acne on the face, but they can reduce their size and make them less noticeable.

These methods will help you make pimples less noticeable. Well, to minimize the likelihood of their occurrence, follow and take proper care of your skin.

It takes a long time for pimples to get rid of acne., you can’t do this overnight. But what if a woman has an important event planned, at which she should look perfect, but her image can be ruined by a suddenly appearing pimple?

To do this, you can use little tricks to hide the rashes. How to disguise acne on your face using cosmetics, pharmaceutical drugs or improvised means, read below.

An arsenal of cosmetic devices to help you

The easiest way to hide problem skin is to disguise imperfections with makeup. Makeup artists recommend using 4 proven methods:

  1. Concealer.
  2. Powder.
  3. Camouflage pencil.
  4. Concealer.

Preliminary preparation

To prevent decorative cosmetics from clogging your pores, you must first cleanse your face.

To do this, you need to use a soft tonic or lotion, and then apply a cream with a light texture and non-greasy consistency to the skin.

The cream should be chosen with an anti-inflammatory effect.

After preliminary preparation of the skin, you can begin to hide imperfections.

How cover up acne on your face with foundation so that not a single pustule is visible? To do this, you need to choose the right shade and texture of foundation.

It should be:

  • 1 tone lighter than skin;
  • more liquid than usual. To disguise acne and pimples, you need to use a foundation that is more liquid than the girl uses in everyday life;
  • in beige shades. Under no circumstances choose cosmetics with pink tones. Otherwise, the pimple will stand out even more.

The foundation must be applied carefully, distributed using a special cosmetic brush or a clean, damp sponge. After application, the cream should be lightly blended.

The top of the skin can be powdered. The powder should be loose, preferably mineral-based.

It will be evenly distributed over the skin and will not create a “waxy face” effect.

Powder and foundation not only skillfully mask acne, but also red spots from acne.

Decorative cosmetics for problem skin must allow the skin to breathe, to be good quality, do not cause allergies.

Special three-color corrector, which appeared on the cosmetic products market relatively recently, is loved by many girls.

The product is presented in the form of foundations in three shades: pink, beige and green.

To disguise acne you need to use a green pencil. It will remove redness, thereby giving the face a healthy color.

A camouflage pencil will become an indispensable tool during puberty and is suitable for both girls and boys.

Concealer is another popular product., effectively hiding skin imperfections. This product should be matched to your skin color. It is applied precisely to problem areas.

If you want to not only disguise a pimple, but also remove inflammatory process, dry out the rashes, then you need to use a concealer that contains aloe extract or tea tree oil.

Remember that decorative cosmetics do not cure rashes. To quickly and effectively get rid of pimples and blackheads, you need to contact a cosmetologist or dermatologist.

By the way, The concealer is also ideal for men to disguise acne and post-acne. After all, the stronger sex does not like to sit for hours in front of the mirror, so the option of hiding imperfections with powder or foundation is not suitable.

And thanks to concealer, you can easily, and most importantly, quickly, hide problem areas of the skin.

Foundation and powder are suitable for masking a large number of rashes, and concealer and pencil are suitable for single pimples.

Proper makeup will remove the emphasis from unhealthy skin

There are several clever ways to visually hide imperfections on your face. To do this, you need to distract people's attention with makeup.

So here are some tips for you:

At the girl's You should definitely have powder and foundation in your purse. Even if before going out she sits for a whole hour in front of the mirror and successfully hides her pimples and blackheads, her makeup will definitely “float” during the day. Therefore, it will need to be corrected.

If small, flat red pimples, and especially blackheads, can be skillfully hidden with foundation or concealer, then what to do with purulent, protruding rashes How to disguise acne on your face at home?

Decorative cosmetics will not help here, but there is a way out - home remedies will come to the rescue.

If painful purulent pimple jumped out the day before an important event, then you need to act quickly. Using the following proven recipes, you can easily and quickly get rid of rashes and bumps on the skin without foundation and powder:

If hiding small rashes is not a problem, then visually removing a large pimple is already a difficult task.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to disguise a bulging pimple, but it can be made smaller in size.

To do this, you should use methods such as:

  • pulling pus out (not squeezing);
  • use of vasoconstrictor drops;
  • scrubbing the problem area.

Pulling pus out

  1. Disinfect the skin using a solution of calendula, alcohol, and salicylic acid.
  2. Apply a compress of aloe pulp to the abscess. Glue a patch on top. Leave the compress on the skin for at least 3 hours. During this time, the aloe will draw the pus out,
  3. Blot the pimple with a clean antibacterial wipe.

Nasal drops

Any drops with a vasoconstrictor effect will do. Need a good one moisten a cotton pad with it, put the swab in the freezer.

After 10 minutes, take it out and apply it to big pimple. Secure the tampon with adhesive tape.

After 15 minutes remove treatment pad and be satisfied with the result: smooth skin without a purulent pimple.

Scrubbing the problem area

Let us immediately clarify that This method is only suitable for red acne, non-purulent. How to disguise a red pimple quickly and without consequences? To do this, scrub problematic skin:

  • Apply baby soap to a clean and damp sponge. Rub the sponge to create foam;
  • add 0.5 tsp on top. sea ​​(can be table) salt;
  • gently walk over the surface of the pimple.

Having learned how to properly disguise acne so as not to cause infection under the skin, you can always look flawless and stunning.

But if pimples and blackheads appear regularly, then without medical care not enough. After all, masking acne is not a treatment, but a cunning move..

So that you no longer have to hide your face behind good makeup or resort to emergency methods, we advise you to undergo an examination, consult with a dermatologist and cosmetologist, and treat problem skin.

Many people have encountered the problem of how to cover up acne, but not everyone has been able to actually solve it. First of all, this is due to the inability to apply concealers, and sometimes simply the lack of them at hand.

Therefore, in order to avoid unpleasant situations associated with the appearance of acne, and not experience discomfort when communicating, you should know some secrets of masking acne.

What cosmetics will you need?

For each skin type, certain cosmetics are chosen, but if it is predisposed to acne, pimples, then you need to stick to special products. It is desirable that the composition should be dominated by natural ingredients, allergens and substances that do not provoke allergic reactions.

An excellent option would be cosmetics that prevent inflammatory processes, which means that the question of how to cover up acne on the face will arise much less frequently. Naturally, this type of product will require some investment, but it is offset by gentle and safe skin care.

List of cosmetic attributes for masking acne

The presence of foundation alone will not be enough to visually eliminate acne, since such disguise may not be so effective. In addition, there is likely to be increased irritation and accumulation of cream on the lesion, which can lead to the opposite effect. Therefore, in order to properly cover a pimple, you need to have the following products in your cosmetic bag:

  • Foundation from a trusted manufacturer, High Quality and a suitable shade. This means that you need to exclude pink shades, even if they are very flattering, otherwise the pimples will become more visible. You should also be careful when using a dark palette. Best option– color, one tone lighter than natural;
  • Tonic, lotion or other skin cleanser. These solutions should be used regularly, even before you plan to cover your pimples with foundation. This will eliminate bacteria, reduce oily skin, cleanse it, and not provoke the spread of infection;
  • Cream base. Just like with regular makeup, a foundation is essential for uniform distribution foundation, long-lasting effect. For owners of problem skin, who often need to disguise acne, such a foundation must have the effect of reducing inflammation and minimal fat content;
  • Corrector, concealer. You can purchase a special pencil designed for such purposes or a special brush (concealer). These products must be selected based not only on color (a greenish tint or yellow is recommended), but also on composition and manufacturer.

    It is desirable to contain antibacterial components, then you can decide not only what can be used to cover up acne, but also how to simultaneously carry out treatment or at least reduce the spread of infection.

The list of the above cosmetic products is mandatory, especially if the skin is prone to periodic acne. It’s good if the choice is made based on the recommendations of a specialist.

Instructions on how to cover up pimples correctly

The most important thing is not, otherwise, not only the camouflage will become more complicated, but complications in the form of scars, spots, and the appearance of new foci of inflammation are also likely. If only anti-acne foundation is applied, and in large quantities, it will not save the situation. To correct the problem area you will need:

  1. Wash with soap. It is advisable that the soap suits your skin type; in extreme cases, it can be for children;
  2. Cleanse your face with lotion and tonic. The inflamed area should be treated carefully, you can use antibacterial agent, which is applied pointwise;
  3. , which will help to evenly distribute cosmetics, in particular foundation. For such situations, cosmetics manufacturers offer creams with additives that stimulate healing and already to some extent hide defects on the face;
  4. Basic acne camouflage. To do this you will need a pencil or concealer. Typically, the use of correctors involves applying to the center of inflammation, pointwise and very carefully. It is better to use an appropriate brush rather than spreading creams and emulsions only with your fingers. If redness occurs, a green pencil is recommended. If you shade it correctly, you can visually eliminate redness. It is important not to rub vigorously;
  5. Applying foundation. Only light patting movements are permissible for solving the question of how to hide acne with foundation. Ignoring these rules, in particular, rubbing, will lead to sloppy makeup, the spread of infection, and the rapid appearance of masked areas;
  6. Adding matte finish. At this stage, they should already be practically invisible, and the distribution of the powder will give a matte, even tone.

The instructions are suitable if numerous rashes appear, and for the option when only a few pimples spoil the appearance, you can use a shortened version of camouflage.

Then, it has several “working” sides at once - green and to match the skin color. The green zone is necessary for treating the inflamed area, and the flesh one for painting. In this case, you may not need to carefully cover the pimples with foundation, but use only a concealer (concealer).

Such products are produced not only in the form of pencils, but also creams and sticks. There are yellow, blue, green colors and some others.

Pimple is unpleasant

Features of makeup for acne

The application of conventional cosmetics to acne-prone skin is not recommended by dermatologists. Exception - special means, but, unfortunately, not many owners of problem skin have such cosmetics.

For unforeseen situations, you can use some makeup tricks, which largely solve the problem not of how to cover up pimples, but of how to divert attention from them, for example:

  1. Do not use bright lipstick, as it will highlight the inflamed area of ​​the pimple;
  2. Do not blush your face, this can also visually worsen appearance;
  3. Use special brushes or devices for uniform application of products;
  4. Sometimes you can try applying a vasoconstrictor solution to the pimple, e.g. eye drops. This will help remove redness, but only temporarily;
  5. Pay attention to the eyes, since with the help of competent makeup you can focus attention on them. It is also important not to overdo it, in particular, not to use particularly bright shadows, for example, blue, green, and so on.

Before you panic and think about how best to cover the pimples with foundation, squeeze them out, or do something else to eliminate the problem, you need to really assess the scale.


Perhaps a small defect on the skin is not so noticeable and it is better to use products to treat it, rather than applying the wrong cosmetics, rubbing it in, or trying to squeeze out a pimple. These actions can only worsen the condition of the skin, but cause the formation of scars.

The sudden appearance of a pimple on the face can seriously ruin your mood and even your plans for the day. To prevent an unexpected occurrence from becoming a disaster, you should always know how to disguise acne on your face in 10-20 minutes.

Every girl should be able to hide imperfections on the skin with the help of available products and master the technique of disguising acne using decorative cosmetics.

Perfect face in 10 minutes

How to disguise acne on your face? Moreover, effectively, quickly and without depriving the skin of its naturalness? This question is often asked to cosmetologists by representatives of the fair sex. different ages. To give your facial skin the perfect look emergency situations it is necessary to be able to properly mask one or another of its shortcomings with the help of decorative cosmetics.

Availability available funds and following simple steps in a clear sequence will allow you to eliminate an unexpected problem and look healthy.

Step No. 1. Thoroughly cleanse the facial skin, treating areas with inflammatory elements. Experts recommend using anti-inflammatory and vasoconstrictor drugs for this purpose. Often, the well-known drops “Naphthyzin”, “Nazivin”, “Vizin”, etc. are used for this. The pimple is carefully treated with a cotton swab dipped in liquid.

Step No. 2. Use a non-greasy cream as a base. A cream containing anti-inflammatory substances will have a double effect.

Step No. 4. Then a corrector or concealer of a greenish tint is applied to the inflammatory elements. The fact is that green color allows you to neutralize redness, making acne less or completely invisible. To quickly cover up acne, you should get a special concealer pencil, which can be found in pharmacies or cosmetics stores.

Step No. 5. Finally, dust the face with translucent powder so that its color is more even with a matte tint.

Step No. 6. When doing makeup, try to make your eyes more expressive. This will shift the focus away from the face, and acne will remain even less noticeable to others.

How to cover up acne without makeup

If you have time and prefer to use natural remedies skin care, you can hide acne without makeup - using improvised products.

  1. Ice. Cold is known to constrict blood vessels. Apply an ice cube or frozen cotton swab to the inflamed area for 3-4 minutes.
  2. Vasoconstrictor drops. These drugs are probably present in every first aid kit. Effectively relieve inflammation and make pimples and blackheads invisible using nasal drops: “Xylene”, “Naphthyzin”, “Nazivin” and the like; eye drops: Visin, Stillavit and Octilia. Soak cotton wool or a cotton swab in the product and treat the problem area or apply it as a lotion. After 10-15 minutes, the blood vessels will narrow slightly, and the redness will be barely noticeable.
  3. Tea tree oil. This essential oil found in many cosmetic preparations that have anti-inflammatory properties. Apply the oil to the pimple with a cotton swab. The result will appear in just 30 minutes. If you have 5-6 hours left, the oil should be applied every half hour. This will completely eliminate redness and relieve inflammation.
  4. Bodyaga. Excellent for removing redness. Dissolve the powder (half a teaspoon) in warm water (a teaspoon). Cover the pimple with the paste. Leave for an hour, rinse with warm water.
  5. "Streptocide". If you have streptocidal ointment or powder in your medicine cabinet, feel free to use it to mask acne. The product is applied for 30 minutes (the powder is first diluted in warm water). Then the composition is removed with a cotton swab soaked in hydrogen peroxide. By the way, hydrogen peroxide is also faithful assistant in eliminating inflammation, having an antimicrobial effect.
  6. "Aspirin". Acetylsalicylic acid– an excellent remedy for inflammation. To remove redness, 2-3 aspirin tablets are turned into powder and dissolved in a small amount of water. The composition is applied directly to the pimple.
  7. Tincture of calendula. This medicinal plant known for its powerful anti-inflammatory effect. Soak a cotton swab in the tincture and apply to the pimple, hold for 2-3 minutes.
  8. Toothpaste. It should be clarified that not every paste has an effect. First, you need to give preference to classic pasta white, since dyes can cause negative reactions, only aggravating the situation. Secondly, you need to pay attention to the components contained in the paste. If the drug contains zinc, soda, triclosan, fluorine and hydrogen peroxide, it is suitable for masking acne, since all of these substances have anti-inflammatory properties. Apply a small amount of paste to the pimple, leave for 15-30 minutes, then remove with warm water.
  9. Coffee. Instant coffee is also suitable for the procedure. Prepare coffee slurry by adding a few drops of warm water to the coffee (half a teaspoon). Apply the mixture to the pimple for 30 minutes, then rinse with water.

Common mistakes when covering up acne

  1. Squeezing pimples. Many people believe that the best way The way to hide an acne is to remove it. This is one of the common misconceptions. Do not squeeze pimples and blackheads! Why can't you squeeze pimples? Such an action will only increase the area of ​​inflammation, and will also leave a bloody trail, which can later turn into a non-healing scar.
  2. Thick layer of foundation. In hopes of hiding acne, a generous layer of foundation is often applied to the face. Another common mistake. When using toning products in excess, the face takes on an unnatural appearance and looks vulgar.
  3. Dark foundation color. Dark shades of foundation look extremely awkward on inflamed skin. Dark colors Suitable for make-up use only healthy skin. Also avoid applying blush in pink shades, as this color reveals all the imperfections and imperfections present on the skin.
  4. Cosmetics bright colors. Wanting to divert attention from problem areas, women often use lipsticks and lip glosses in bright colors. Shine and bright colors make acne-affected areas appear more inflamed.

No less erroneous is the opinion that, having disguised acne and other blemishes on the skin, you don’t have to worry throughout the day. The duration of the disguise is short-lived and lasts only a few hours. As soon as the time of the magic of cosmetics passes, the face again acquires an oily sheen. Everything that was hidden comes out, and the skin looks even worse than before applying makeup.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that acne needs to be dealt with radically, various ways hiding them is just emergency help to temporarily improve appearance, and in the meantime the problem remains unresolved. There are many reasons for the appearance of pimples and acne, for effective treatment it is necessary to accurately identify them and begin therapy immediately.

Suddenly a pimple appeared. A familiar situation... and painfully unpleasant!

After all, now not only your mood is ruined, but also your appearance...

Of course, now we are unlikely to be able to find time to treat acne, and it is now difficult to prevent acne. Therefore on this moment There is only one way out - to hide acne in such a way that no one will guess that you have problem skin. But how to cover up acne?

Cosmetics can help us!

Such troubles can appear on the face completely unceremoniously, and even in large quantities. Preventing us from feeling confident and beautiful, acne occurs due to stress and hormonal surges, poor nutrition and smoking. This kind of misfortune happens to everyone, some more often, some less often, but sometimes an “antidote” needs to be found absolutely urgently! And for this you need to understand the secrets of science on how to cover up acne...

You can achieve an even and ideal complexion with the help of properly selected cosmetic tools and products. You often find such products on store shelves or in pharmacies, so you can always buy them to disguise your problem skin. We offer you a complete plan for masking acne, which includes several important steps. It is your right to give preference to one or another method of disguise, although in your makeup you can use all the ones we suggest at once.

So, how to cover up pimples and “hide” them from outside view? This requires a whole arsenal of cosmetic devices and tools. Most likely, you are already familiar with them firsthand - all you have to do is learn how to use them professionally and consistently.
The secret of using tools is also that every touch to the skin should be careful, and in general you should try to touch it as little as possible - irritation may increase. An ideal “weapon against acne” could be a brush that not only absorbs cosmetic product and allows you to save any foundation, but also has other undeniable advantages.

For example, it is almost impossible to stretch the skin with a brush, which often happens when applying products with your fingers. In addition, the instrument is easy and quick to clean, which means it will not accumulate bacteria.

Acne camouflage: preparatory stage

So, you need to achieve the perfect look. The question arises: how to disguise acne?

There are two quick remedies for an unpleasant lump on the face:

  • Vasoconstrictor eye drops "Vizin". They effectively remove redness of the eyes due to their vasoconstrictive action; they will also remove redness in the area of ​​the acne, because the red membrane indicates blood flow to the site of inflammation. To mask, you need to take a small piece of cotton wool, apply a few drops of Visine to its surface and place it in the freezer for 7-10 minutes. Then apply it to the pimple for a few minutes. After the first time, the redness will noticeably subside. But if you got a big one painful pimple, the procedure should be repeated several times. How to disguise acne big size more difficult.
  • Tea tree oil. This method more effective on acne, but takes longer - approximately 5-6 hours. If you have time, feel free to use it. Why is tea tree oil so effective? All thanks to the bactericidal effect, which effectively relieves inflammation and redness. It is necessary to apply the oil precisely using cotton swab for acne. After the first time you will notice an improvement in your skin condition. However, you should not overuse oil; in case of frequent rashes, instead of masking acne, it is important to start proper treatment.

Foundation: rules of camouflage

Only high-quality cosmetics will allow you to properly disguise acne; pay attention to special foundations and powders with a hypoallergenic composition. It is better to use a cream with a thinner consistency.

Remember that the sponge is often wasteful, since it is an almost disposable tool for applying makeup. Some girls do the wrong thing by washing it after use and drying it in the sun. One way or another, the sponge is capable of accumulating sebum, soap products, bacteria and dirt, cosmetic residues... Is it rational to touch your face with such a device if it is not sterile? Any brush along with a sponge will be more profitable: it is more hygienic, economical and can boast a longer service life.

Using a moisturizing foundation, you can guarantee a completely natural shade. This product is applied with fingertips to the cheeks, chin, forehead, and nose. It is not necessary to concentrate on skin defects now - you just need to apply a thin base layer of cream to cover the imperfections.

An effective concealer for acne is concealer/corrector. A green camouflage pencil (concealer) will give the pimple an almost natural shade.
Before using the pencil, cleanse and prepare your skin for makeup.

A very convenient option for masking rashes is special BB cosmetics. Such products have a masking effect; in addition, they mattify the surface of the skin and relieve inflammation. But such cosmetics are quite expensive.

Express disguise

Sometimes there is very little time to put things in order, especially when you are rushing to work in the morning or on a date in the evening. Then you will need an accelerated option for masking pimples. First, we clean the skin, and after choosing the means for concealment, we can begin applying makeup. Moisturizing with a non-greasy matte cream is the first stage of “preening.” Remember that the skin can only tolerate a thin layer of this product. Of course, even very noticeable flaws can be hidden with a thick, greasy layer, but it will make your appearance somewhat vulgar.

What can you use to cover up acne? If your skin, in addition to pimples, has inflammation, apply concealer to these areas ten minutes before applying makeup. There is no need to smear this product - it is correct to use this corrector for the very center of the pimple, pointwise, and wait for it to dry quickly.

For blush, you should choose dark bronze or light brown shades. Do you like peach or delicate strawberries in blush? Give them up for a while, since you won’t be able to mask acne on your face this way; you will draw even more attention to the inflammation. The same rule applies to lipstick or gloss - bright shades on the lips will draw attention to the skin, but colorless gloss or beige shades will not draw attention to inflamed areas.

Another effective method shift the emphasis on the face - highlight the eyes. You can take advantage of the occasion and apply “smoky eyes” makeup; moreover, this beauty for creating an expressive look will remain in trend for a long time. Feel free to create bright eye makeup, and you will not only shift the attention of others from your hated pimples, but also arouse the interest of the opposite sex!

How to cover up blemishes, pimples and pores - part 1

How to disguise blemishes, pimples and pores - part 2

How to disguise acne correctly

As you can see, it is quite possible to look your best even with acne on your face. A competent approach to the camouflage process, high-quality proven products and suitable makeup will save you from stiffness and embarrassment. Remember that this option is only suitable for acne on the face, since it is almost impossible to disguise acne on the neck or chest due to the characteristics of the skin. In this case, use covered clothing to hide acne.

Video Confession - Acne and Makeup

While getting ready for an important date or business meeting, did you suddenly notice a few pimples? How to hide them correctly? Thick foundation or tanning lotion? And while you are rushing around looking for the right solution, I will offer some useful practical information on how to hide acne under makeup.

Cleansing and moisturizing

It is not for nothing that this stage of masking pimples is often compared to saying a prayer before a Catholic meal - cleansing the skin of the face is so sacred and important. After all, a good complexion largely depends on the high-quality removal of all impurities. Choose a product that you are most used to and that suits your skin type. This can be a cleansing tonic or lotion, foam or gel for washing, as well as sterile wipes.

One of the well-proven cleansing products is Green Gel Cleanser, which contains algae and cucumber extracts. This gel can easily and effectively refresh your face with oily skin, while for dry skin it is necessary to choose a less aggressive product to avoid a tightening effect. You can also use special anti-acne washes (Noxzema or Clean & Clear), but do not confuse them with all kinds of scrubs and products that have the effect of peeling the epidermis. These helpers do not damage, but gently cleanse the skin, restoring its water balance. Many girls forget or ignore the fact that any type of skin needs moisturizing, even oily and problematic skin, where pimples pop up every now and then. That's why right choice moisturizer is especially important for oily epidermis. We bring to your attention Oil Control Lotion, which perfectly regulates the production of sebum day and night. This product can also be trusted to create a mattifying effect in the T-zone. However, do not overdo it: those with completely normal skin may suffer from excessive drying. skin due to the use of such lotion. Some girls often buy different medical supplies for cauterizing pimples. Everything would be fine, but such products make the skin in problem areas prone to peeling and dryness. Therefore, in this case, before applying the base tone, it is better to treat these areas with a modest amount of Fast Response Eye Cream. There are softening ingredients and vitamins that reduce dry skin and give it life-giving moisture.

Makeup base and pencil

The cleansing stage gives way to the next, no less important stage in the question of how to hide acne. The base layer is used as a base before further application of makeup.

In particular, effective remedy Prep + Prime Face Protect SPF 50 with vitamin E and special components that retain moisture will help keep skin nourished even under a layer of makeup. In addition, it also contains ingredients that control the production and release of fat. The base is a Velcro layer for the next component of makeup, foundation. This is important when working with problem skin. The intense light reflection of the product should not scare you: it gives an inner healthy glow to the skin and lies beautifully on it.

A properly selected camouflage pencil will not deceive your hopes of how to hide acne more reliably. It will retouch any, even the redst pimple, block the penetration of infection and effectively speed up the healing of the acne. You need to choose such a pencil taking into account its dense consistency and correct composition. A winning option would be the presence of many oils and useful acids, antibacterial or healing extracts. For a fairly small and not very inflamed pimple, you can choose light color pencil: the ideal option would be a concealer that matches your skin tone or is one or two shades lighter. The main thing is that the product looks natural on your face. The greenish color of the pencil will hide the most severe redness on the skin and “rosy” acne.

Corrector and foundation

Corrective agent used to spot mask an obvious problem if the foundation does not cope with the situation (see how to choose such a product).

Studio Finish Concealer SPF 35 will come in handy more than ever, since it is a concentrated product and even a small amount can hide even the most obvious skin imperfections. In combination with the Brush Blending #224, which is absolutely easy to use and apply concealer, the product will be shaded so that the edges of the cream remain invisible.
Beauticians recommend using Pro Longwear SPF 10 Foundation, which not only applies perfectly and “sits” on the skin, but also does not emphasize enlarged pores. Staying on the surface of the face throughout the day, the foundation will not disappear and at the same time will not contaminate the skin. The composition of this cream includes special components, which control and normalize sebum production, and processed pigments that allow makeup to remain even. Problematic and dehydrated skin will be delighted with Studio Sculpt SPF 15 Foundation, which is flexible and effectively conceals imperfections. Enriched with shea butter, date and yeast extract, this foundation nourishes dry skin. useful substances and retains moisture in cells. In addition, it is great to wear, and those who have used it note a comfortable feeling with it on their face.

Powder, blush and bronzer

The final stage of our camouflage is setting the foundation and eliminating shine. Studio Careblend Pressed Compact Powder spreads perfectly over your face thanks to its light texture and undetectability. You are also guaranteed to even out the color and tone - for this purpose, the powder contains crushed pigment particles.

The epidermis becomes velvety and matte, and oily shine and pimples are completely hidden! If you use a large Brush Powder #129 small, the powder texture will be applied thinly and evenly. Of course, because the brush is designed specifically for applying compact powders, and therefore has a rounded “haircut” and medium-density bristles. Oily spots in the area of ​​former blackheads can be “muted” with loose powder (try Clinique) using a concealer or natural bristle brush. Better effect you will achieve by applying circular movements in the upward direction. If the powder noticeably highlights acne marks, take a small brush and a little foundation. Don’t forget to then retouch the marks with powder over the tone, and remove the excess from the chin and eyebrows.

For a subtle blush or tan effect, try applying four small peas of Liquid Blush (Benefit Brand) to your cheeks and blending them in with your fingertips. A bronzer chosen a few shades darker than your skin color will ideally fit on the chin and nose, as well as along the hairline and on the outer corners of the eyelids.

And one more important point. Masking is, as they say, a “necessary evil” and it is important to treat acne, and not always mask it. Only with this approach will you never have the question: how to disguise acne on your face.
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