Home Oral cavity Respiratory tract diseases. Diseases of the human respiratory system

Respiratory tract diseases. Diseases of the human respiratory system


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Pulmonology(Latin pulmo, logos - “the study of the lungs”) is a branch of medicine that studies diseases of the organs respiratory system: lungs, pleura, trachea and bronchi, clinical manifestations of diseases, specifics of diagnosis, methods of treatment and prevention. The respiratory system includes not only the airways, but also the central nervous system, the chest (sternocostal frame, intercostal muscles, diaphragm), and the circulatory system in the lungs. Therefore, in a broad sense, the scope of pulmonology also includes the pathology of other organs of the thoracic cavity, morphologically and functionally related to the respiratory organs.

The organs that pulmonology studies and treats, in addition to the lungs, include: vascular and nerve bundles lung root, The lymph nodes, thymus, aperture, etc. The main function of the respiratory system is to ensure gas exchange in the lungs.

Pulmonologists are involved in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the lungs and bronchi. Surgical treatment diseases of the lungs and other organs of the chest cavity are carried out by thoracic surgeons (from the Greek thorax - chest).

Pulmonology has close ties with such branches of medicine as

To understand the causes of diseases of the respiratory system, it is important to understand the symbolism of the breathing process.

Breathing sets rhythm many processes in the body. Inhale and exhale are carried out with enviable cyclicality and symbolize tension-relaxation, the ability to receive and give. “In many traditions, the rhythm of breathing symbolizes the emergence and re-disintegration of the Universe. This kalpa and pralaya in India - centripetal and centrifugal movement coming from the heart, the center of life." Ultimately, through breathing, a person enters the world, being included in the exchange of the energy field common to all. And if he can avoid contact with his skin, then contact with the surrounding air through the surface of the lungs is inevitable. Goethe subtly noted the deep essence of breathing:

Breathing is double happiness.

We receive air and return it.

One fills, the other frees.

This is how strangely mixed life is.

“In all ancient languages, the same word means both breath and soul or spirit. IN Latin spirare means “to breathe”, and spiritus means “spirit”. The Greek psyche means both “inhalation” and “soul.” In India, a person who has achieved perfection is called Mahatma, which literally translates as “Big Soul” or “Big Breath.” From Indian teaching we also know that breath is the vehicle vitality, Which in India is called prana. IN biblical history about the creation of the world it is said: “And the Lord God created man from the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living soul.”

Thus, breathing symbolically reflects the ability to unite with the outside world. This is our umbilical cord through which life comes to us. Through breathing we become involved in one thing or another. space. And the higher our life potential, the stronger our love for our neighbor, the more active our desire to understand the world, the more space we “spiritualize.” At the same time, we breathe the same air with our friends and our enemies, with animals and plants. In this act we are all children of the Earth.

Openness and the desire for communication expands our living space. Reluctance to make contact with someone can cause suffocation. Fear of freedom of action and expansion of living space can result in a state of agoraphobia(agora is Greek for trading area and place people's assemblies). And the fear of isolation and isolation can cause attacks claustrophobia with lack of air.

Breath gives birth energy. The joint efforts of the respiratory, cardiovascular, nervous and musculoskeletal systems lead to the enrichment of tissues with oxygen and the production of vital heat. This is where the creativity of the body manifests itself. On the one hand, the deeper and more rhythmic the breathing, the stronger and more active person. On the other hand, the more internal openness and love for the world, the more harmonious the breathing process. Consciousness and matter are inextricably linked and interdependent.

Breathing, both external and internal, is related to the function thyroid gland and is regulated by iodine-containing hormones.

“Symbolically, it should be noted that the word Yod means God in Hebrew.” Also, “Iodum comes from the Greek word meaning “purple.” Indeed, when heated, the element turns into violet vapor. The color violet, a mixture of red and blue, embodies temperance, with red representing impulsive strength and blue representing the calm of the sea and sky. Purple color is a symbol of spiritual experience, the color of humility and obedience." In the body, iodine regulates the susceptibility of cells to oxygen, increases the supply of oxygen from hemoglobin to oxidation centers in tissues, and accelerates the processes of combustion and growth.

Thyroid hormones thyroid gland, containing iodine molecules, directly affect the process of external and internal respiration. Thyroxine increases frequency breathing movements, heart rate and blood flow speed, and also activates adrenergic receptors, causing dilation of the bronchi. The effect on tissue respiration is expressed in the stimulation of oxidation processes in the body, which occur with the release of energy necessary for life. It is obvious that there is a direct connection between the intensity of a person’s metabolism and his behavior in the social environment and social activity.

The connection between human behavior in a social environment and breathing processes in the body can be traced using the example of disruption of the processes of human perception of the surrounding world (phase adaptation, knowledge). Increased sensitivity, excitability, vulnerability are accompanied by an emphasis on one’s sensations, which often leads to disruption of the breathing rhythm in the form of difficulty inhaling, a feeling of lack of air with increased breathing, shortness of breath, frequent noisy breathing with the involvement of muscles chest (psychogenic hyperventilation). Most often these phenomena are observed in adolescence, when the sphere of communications and attitude towards one’s “I” is formed. Children characterize this condition as follows: “I can’t breathe,” “it’s hard to breathe,” “breathing spasms,” “as if I was choking on something,” “a lump in my throat,” “a lump rises from the base of the neck upward.” Often the attack is clearly psychogenic in nature: coughing (as a form of protest, reluctance to perceive what is said) or shortness of breath develops in a teenager in response to remark, criticism, neglect or ignoring his calls. This form of breathing disorder reflects psychological problems at the adaptation phase - entering the social environment, at the stage of studying its mores and customs and expresses protest against certain forms social interaction.

Obstructive syndrome - difficulty in exhalation, on the contrary, is related to the processes of the evolutionary phase (phase integration with the world, synthesis of what is happening), to the ability to give, sacrifice something for others. Narrowing of the lumen of the bronchi occurs upon activation parasympathetic system, which in itself is evidence of a person’s desire for a passive-defensive life position. Most often, obstruction is accompanied by a feeling of fear. In this case, fear is both a consequence and a cause of malaise, and a vicious circle is formed. Fear of the new, of the unknown, of life, in the end, serves as a trigger for many diseases: allergies, bronchial asthma, neurodermatitis, etc.

Breathing pattern - its rhythm, frequency, depth largely reflect the characteristics of human interaction with the outside world.

At passive position in life, avoidance of difficulties, from building deep connections with people, the rhythm of breathing becomes superficial. Mental laziness and inertia lead to a decrease in sympathoadrenal stimulation - the body and respiratory system, including, constantly work in stand by mode. Breathing becomes shallow and rapid, ventilation of the lungs decreases - a person only touches life superficially, without penetrating into its essence, without burdening himself with problems and worries, and responsibility for the reconstruction of the world. According to the law of conservation of energy, an indifferent, lazy person is deprived of his last strength, because he does not strive to work on himself, does not recognize the creator in himself, and therefore cannot be useful to others.

Another type of breathing disorder is inadequately deep, rapid breathing, caused by general mental excitement, hysterical tendencies (psychogenic hyperventilation). This type of breathing is caused by an inadequate response to external stimuli. The mental equivalent of hyperventilation is the desire for self-demonstration, dominance, and cultivation of one’s “I.”

Thus, the worldview is reflected in the nature of breathing, objectively reflecting vitality.

Harmonious work internal organs can serve as an example of cooperation different systems organism to achieve a common goal. For example, the lungs as an organ function through the integration of several systems that communicate with outside world(primarily vascular and respiratory), and it is impossible to separate them either structurally or functionally.

According to the concept psychosystemology breathing corresponds to the level collective creative activity (V level of systemic relations). Inhaling oxygen and transforming it into energy is akin to human creativity, returning to society the opportunities received in advance. Man is a product of systemic relationships, a social being endowed with the power of creativity. Joint the creative result (including both subject-subject and subject-object relationships) is formed gradually and cyclically. On phase adaptation a person needs such qualities as sociability, communication skills, active formation relationships with people. On phase integration - the ability to take responsibility for the results of a common cause, discipline in collective work, ensuring the intensity of all processes, hierarchical consistency in cooperation. It is also important to note the activity in the search for new social connections that give rise to integration, inclusion in the rhythm of modern social processes. I wonder what thyroxine, By increasing the pace of life, it gives us the opportunity to overcome internal laziness and shape our future.

Thus, there is an analogy between social relations and the function of systems in the body. Respiratory system transforms a person chemical elements surrounding air into energy, movement, life. In the same way, humanity, by creating teams of like-minded people, developing their talents in joint activities, contributes to the breathing of the planet - the development of the noosphere. It is natural that individualism is being replaced by cooperation and integration. This is the most efficient way to obtain energy. A person’s ability to create a friendly creative atmosphere, a unified field of co-creation - this is breathing full breasts. The combined efforts of like-minded people give rise to a creative breakthrough in one area of ​​life or another, and this is natural, since the capabilities of a team are always higher than the sum of the efforts of its individual members. The flourishing of group creativity leads to rapid development of society. Thus, the condition of the lungs is associated with a person’s public, social behavior, with his ability to co-create and collective self-government.

The organs of the respiratory system include nasal cavity, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi and lungs.


Inflammation of the nasal mucosa. There are several stages: swelling, exudation (runny nose), formation of purulent discharge. The edema stage is characterized by maximum difficulty in nasal breathing, the importance of which for the body is difficult to overestimate. Breathing through the nose stimulates cerebral circulation. That's why it's so important for mental development child so that he breathes not through his mouth, but through his nose.

The inhaled air contains energy that our energy bodies “feed”. Violation of nasal breathing is similar to separating oneself from the outside world, losing connection with a single source of life. At the same time, energy of lower quality enters the body. They say that a person “inhales his own aura.”

In addition, thanks to the sense of smell, a person is able to capture and distinguish aromas and odors dissolved in the air. The acuity of smell is associated with intuition - the ability to embrace life phenomena as a whole, to penetrate into the essence of things (in French aroir du nej - “to have a nose” means “to have with a subtle sense of smell») .

Intuition - one of the qualities of a person that is balanced by reason and intellect. Intellect is characterized by differentiation and analysis of surrounding phenomena, while intuition is based on a synthesizing approach. Abuse of a specific mind, analytical type of thinking, excessive rationalization hinder a holistic perception of the world. And neglect of the scientific analytical approach gives rise to blind faith and fanaticism. The balance between intuitive and intellectual worldview is important. Disruption of this balance can affect the function of nasal breathing and sense of smell.

The physiological stages of rhinitis reflect the sequence of cleansing of the body. The stage of mucous discharge during a runny nose helps eliminate accumulated toxins with liquid secretions. The formation of pus is an aggressive extreme reaction of the body to damaging factors that occurs with the goal of rapid removal pathogenic factors from the body and accompanied by death immune cells. Pus is formed due to the activation of phagocytosis (absorption of foreign particles by phagocyte cells) and symbolizes a clear conflict of pathogenic factors and immune forces with a preponderance of forces towards the enemy.

This phenomenon has a mental analogy. People often poison their own lives through negative relationships with others, mistrust and arrogance. First comes isolation, because communicating with a critical, sarcastic person is a burden to people. An analogy for interrupting connections with the world at the level of the body is difficulty in nasal breathing due to swelling of the mucous membrane. Then, as payment for the torment of loneliness, catharsis occurs - a crisis rethinking of the situation and one’s behavior, followed by liberation from negative experiences, negative mental acts (profuse nasal discharge). The joy experienced from transforming one's life is similar to the restoration of smell and breathing after a crisis of fluid secretions. The prolonged course of rhinitis and purulent complications indicate that a person persists in his egoism and does not want to work on his problem areas, not wanting to transform them into creative relationships with the outside world. Pus is a material substrate negative emotions and bad mood, causing chronic poisoning of the psyche. By promoting the removal of pus, the body sacrifices its cells for the sake of mental health personality.


Wrong way of thinking leading to self-isolation. Insufficient use of intuition. Obsessing over your personal problems. Heightened self-esteem. Internal ambitions.

Try to understand those around you. Do not separate yourself from others, consider yourself in connection with the people and phenomena around you. Try to perceive everything that happens to you (including troubles) as a necessary link in the overall process of development. Learn to appreciate every person.

Questions to Consider

1. How often in my life do I experience a feeling of isolation, alienation, loneliness?

2. What do I want and can change in my life to feel needed?

3. Which decisions in my life brought me more success: logical or intuitive?

4. What changes in my relationships with people when my nose is stuffy and my sense of smell disappears?

5. What comes first: reluctance to communicate with people or the inability to communicate due to a runny nose?


Sinusitis (sinusitis, ethmoiditis, frontal sinusitis) is inflammation of the mucous membrane of the paranasal sinuses. As a result of exudation, the sinus cavities are filled with fluid (serous, mucous or purulent), the outflow of which is difficult due to swelling, which causes pain and intoxication of the body. Any cavity in the body symbolizes an energy reservoir, a place of possible accumulation of waste products. Healthy body displays regularly harmful substances and toxins through the intestines, urinary system, skin, lungs, etc. With deterioration of drainage function, weakening of metabolism, tendency to stagnation, metabolic products accumulate in the lymph, seeping into various cavities.

In the human psyche, the role of a reservoir of unlived feelings and unrealized possibilities is played by the subconscious. Repressed desires and suppressed aspirations are often experienced by a person in a dream. Dreams tell a person what is hidden deep inside, what secret feelings and desires he hides in himself, without giving them a way out. It is important to listen to the voice of the soul and free the energy imprisoned in the prisons of false fears and limitations, learn to use the potentials that lie dead weight in the depths of the psyche. According to the canons oriental medicine the paranasal sinuses are associated with the spiritual life of a person, with his worldview, ethical standards, scale of values ​​and priorities. Psychological analogues of the accumulation of pathological fluids in the cavities of the paranasal sinuses can serve as:

accumulated and carefully hidden fears, memories, grievances from oneself and others;

inability to sincerely express one’s individuality, prohibition on free self-expression;

inability to show love in the outside world;

limiting your capabilities within the framework of prejudices, biases, false prohibitions;

careful suppression of anger, retention of negative experiences (resentment, hatred, greed, etc.).

Inflammation of the frontal sinus may indicate O socially immature personality behavior, because bark frontal lobes The brain is responsible for the formation of human social behavior and its adaptation in society.


Repression of feelings, emotions and experiences that do not correspond to today’s idea of ​​morality, morality, integrity, their accumulation in the subconscious depths of the psyche. A ban on their manifestation. Unfulfilled desires. Non-recognition of selfishness in oneself, suppressed sense of possessiveness (applies not only to material goods, but also relationships with loved ones). Fear of losing accumulated property. Persistence in one's delusions. Criticism, narrow-mindedness, prejudice, lack of reverence and empathy. Pursuit of selfish, narrow group interests to the detriment of development strategy.

Direct the volitional aspect to the development of prospects, develop strategic thinking. Expand the ability to radically change by helping others. Strive to be socially useful, to comprehend the qualities of free-thinking and innovative transformation.

Actively expand your horizons and space for co-creation. Develop sophistication in perceiving the needs of other people, aesthetic taste, intuition. It is important to learn sacrifice in the name of ideals. Don't be afraid to radically change your views.

Questions to Consider

1. How do I cope with changes in my life, how do I feel about innovations and radical changes?

2. Am I a hoarder at any level of my life?

3. What is it hard for me to give?

4. Which of my desires do I not allow to manifest?


The larynx is the organ responsible for the formation of the voice. Laryngitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the larynx, which causes various voice disorders of a functional nature - dysphonia or aphonia. Dysphonia- detonation, hoarseness of voice, aphonia- his loss. Sound formation occurs during exhalation. The cause of voice formation is the vibration of the vocal cords. In this case, it is not the exhaled air that vibrates the vocal cords, but the vocal cords, rhythmically contracting, give the air stream an oscillatory character. The muscles of the vocal apparatus contract under the influence of rhythmic impulses coming along the nerves from the centers of the brain. The role of resonators is performed by various air cavities of the respiratory tract, surrounding the larynx on all sides. The most important resonators are the pharynx and oral cavity.

There are hyperkinetic (spastic) and hypokinetic (paretic) forms of dysphonia. Decreased elasticity of the vocal cords (hypokinesis) may occur due to swelling or weakness of the vocal cords resulting from constant speech load. Hyperkinesis (condition increased tone) is also accompanied by a decrease in elasticity and is associated with the innervation of the laryngeal muscles.

Based on these functional disorders can lie different reasons, ranging from dysfunction of voice formation after acute laryngitis to general issues caused by asthenia of the body, overwork, mental trauma, hysterical reactions.

The formation of sounds occurs on exhalation, the power of which is associated with a person’s desire to give himself to people, to create. “A man who has an idea is said to be inspired.” Adam in the Bible was created by God's breath on clay." Speech is a person’s creative gift to the world around him, the basis of communications between people, one of the most frequently used methods of communication. If it loses its connecting role, leading to ruptures, conflicts, resentments, and therefore to isolation, a disease arises that interrupts the flow of destructive energy, making it possible to rethink what was said and change the situation for the better.

Acute inflammation always symbolizes excessive stress, while chronic inflammation always symbolizes exhaustion and lack of strength. Words spoken in a state of extreme tension, internal and external conflict, with the desire to offend, insult, humiliate others or to elevate and affirm one’s “I”, become one of mental reasons inflammation of the ligaments. Raised tone, shouting, insult, blasphemy, slander, criticism, lies, condemnation, censure - there are many examples of various shades of verbal aggression. Words born from ill-will, establishing barriers, creating boundaries between people have enormous destructive power. A word can kill a person.

Very often, aphonia, or hoarseness, occurs due to futile attempts to use the voice to call someone to order, to force them to do something. According to the law of freedom of choice, a person who uses volitional pressure loses his instrument of pressure (voice) and returns to the lost balance. Silence is often healing and gives a chance for a harmonious resolution of a critical situation.

The chronic paretic condition of the vocal cords has a slightly different nature. Psychological reason The disease becomes a conflict between internal sensations and their external manifestation - speech. Very often, the flow of words hides indifference, helplessness, spiritual emptiness or confusion. Trying to compensate for the lack of internal warmth with words, a person pours out on those around him, trying to win over with flattery (hypocrisy, obsequious praise). Often words are spoken against one's will, in spite of inner voice conscience - out of duty, out of obligation, out of habit, for profit, without reflecting the true experiences of a person. The disease tries to expose this inner lie, returning a person to sincerity, at least with himself.

In any business, the motive that guides a person is very important. A word spoken with a desire to help, coming from the heart, can heal. If a person enters into a conversation for the sake of “a catchy word”, to satisfy his own ambitions and pride, then the speech loses its power, its unifying meaning and tires the interlocutors. Wise people are more silent, carefully weighing the consequences that spoken words may have. Loss of voice after excessive speech load gives a person the opportunity to think, comprehend what was said, and pay attention to own feelings and the partner's experiences. This is a great opportunity to look inside yourself before the next phrase is spoken.

Hoarseness of the voice symbolizes a lowering of tone and is associated with a false, unclean sound. In a state of forced silence, there is an opportunity to think about what intentions and why certain words were spoken.

The ability to pronounce sounds and words is a great gift to humanity, requiring careful attitude. It is no coincidence that the Bible says: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God” (John 1:1).


Swelling of the vocal cords makes them less elastic. So is a person who has lost flexibility, a sense of tact in communication, who suppresses others with his will, who does not know how to build relationships with people. harmonious relationships, loses his voice. Note! Hoarseness and loss of voice occur after you have used it in relationships from a position of strength and have taken out your anger and rage on others.

Think about whether your thoughts and good intentions always correspond to your words and deeds. Try to avoid categorical judgments. Do not allow slander. On the other hand, when uttering praise, try not to prevaricate; people always sense insincerity. Stick to the system in life and work. Actively participate in group forms of creativity. May your words instill strength and creative inspiration in people as often as possible.

Questions to Consider

1. How often do my words reflect my inner feelings?

2. In what cases do I resort to formal, generally accepted expressions? What am I trying to hide behind them?

3. How often do I use soft language when speaking to my interlocutor?

4. Do the usual words that I am forced to say at work or at home cause me protest? Are there any phrases that have set your teeth on edge? Who is forcing me to say them?

5. How often do I tell lies?

6. What response does poetry give rise to in my soul?

7. Why don't I write poetry?

8. What do I feel when I sing?

9. How do I feel in silence?


In addition to gas transport, the bronchi perform a number of other functions. They warm, humidify, purify the air, and regulate its volume due to the ability of small bronchi to change their lumen. Responsible for the narrowing of the bronchi parasympathetic system, for expansion - sympathetic. Activation of the parasympathetic system is necessary to protect the bronchial tree from damage. Sympathetic system provides an active supply of oxygen to the body by increasing ventilation of the lungs. When dust, bacteria, or viruses enter the mucous membrane, the bronchi narrow, reducing the access of damaging agents to the respiratory tract. Mucus is actively produced as a response to irritation, pathological factors are removed with liquid secretion - cleansing occurs. If stimulation is excessive and constant, the sputum becomes viscous, stagnation occurs and inflammatory reactions V bronchial tree. Activation of the parasympathetic system occurs with an emotional, most often unconscious, desire for passivity, peace, stability, and security.

The bronchi are the connecting link between the external and inner world. Therefore, at the mental level they reflect conflicts in the sphere of contacts. Reasonable protection, a distance that allows one to maintain one’s integrity, is necessary for every person. The desire for constant protection from the outside world becomes pathological, arising from a negative perception of events and people and over time developing into self-isolation. Then the person begins to experience difficulty inhaling or exhaling, inspiratory or expiratory shortness of breath occurs - a sign of difficulty communicating with the outside world. A cough occurs - active expulsion of contents respiratory tract outside. A person is trying to get rid of phlegm - to cleanse himself of unnecessary emotions and traumatic experiences. Distorted emotional reactions (dissatisfaction, irritation, lack of desire for unity, arrogance) are likened to a thick, viscous secretion that prevents normal air exchange. And the restriction of communication due to selfish thoughts resembles obstruction (reduction of the lumen of the bronchi).


Distortion of interaction in the creative process, passivity in relationships or an egoistic desire to control everything. Inability to defend your opinion. One-sidedness in the understanding of collective responsibility. The predominance of egoistic motives in collective activities. Emphasis on personal achievement rather than on the birth of creative group relationships. Suppressed desire for dominance. Inability to coordinate your actions with partners.

In relationships, it is very important to observe the biblical principle: “And as you would have people do to you, do so to them.” Try not to limit people in their aspirations by demanding that they fulfill own desires. Give others the right to have their own development experiences. A timely lending of a shoulder, which is needed in a difficult moment, will be the best evidence of your friendship. Do not create artificial obstacles in communication in the form of prejudices, false moral principles and condemnation. The best way avoid other people's criticism - show an example of a creative, constructive approach in communication. Creative collaboration enriches and stimulates development.

Questions to Consider

1. How often do others criticize me?

2. How do I perceive criticism: am I trying to justify myself, trying to change the situation for the better, closing myself off or actively defending myself?

3. What forms of protest against challenging behavior do I most often use (silence, open conflict, indifference)?

4. Do I always have a desire to understand the reason for my partner’s aggressive behavior? Do others understand me?

5. What irritates me most about others? What do my partners most likely not like about me?

6. Can I maintain a friendly atmosphere in the team?

7. What in my character and my attitude towards my partners would I like to change?


Pneumonia affects the respiratory tract lung tissue involved in gas exchange (receipt of oxygen and release of carbon dioxide). Since pulmonary respiration provides the body with oxygen and removes the final product of metabolism - carbon dioxide, it reflects the deepest aspects of human interaction with the outside world, their essence and content.

“Breathing is not only a physiological function that is carried out and regulated by human needs. It is a fundamental property of the state of one’s own “I”, it is a way of exchange and establishing balance between the individual and the environment.”

Therefore, lung diseases reflect disturbances in the processes of energy exchange with the outside world, distortions on the receive-give line.

Inhaled oxygen is used in the body for oxidation, combustion organic matter, to obtain energy. With pneumonia (inflammation of the lung tissue), a significant reduction in the respiratory surface occurs, the exchange of gases in the alveoli is disrupted, hypoxia (lack of oxygen) develops, and the person is literally deprived of energy. The reason, as always, lies in the human mind. Reluctance to cooperate, to create, to obtain creative results in the course of joint efforts, intolerance, hostility towards others deprives a person of the air of communication - the energy of connection, love. If bronchitis is associated with a conflict in the field of communications, then pneumonia has more to do with the quality and organized space of communication. The lack of depth, meaning, and creativity of relationships makes them formal, not generating the energy of connection.

Taking into account the collective factor of breathing (inhaled and exhaled air unites all life on earth), lung pathology is associated with a violation of collective creative activity, with the inability to form collective connections and maintain them.


Lack of understanding of the need for joint creativity (you can truly express yourself only by helping the development of others). Reluctance to relate to the world around us from the position of a creator, a creator. Avoidance of gaining experience in collective relationships and responsibility for joint work.

Try to create, and not imitate, to bring your spiritual content into the world around you. Inspire people by your example. Learn to love life in every manifestation. Follow the rhythm of life: complete the things you start, make sure that the analysis phase is followed by synthesis, and hard work is followed by rest. Engage in co-creation with other people. Feel the joy of communication. Do not be afraid to take responsibility for the team, because in the difficulties associated with uniting people, the ability to manage your own and other people’s lives is born. In this way, invaluable development experience is accumulated.

Questions for Thought

1. Are there people in my environment towards whom I am hostile?

2. What do I need to change in myself to reconcile with them, and do I want this?

3. With whom did I manage to build warm creative relationships?

4. How many people have I been able to unite for a common cause?

5. What can I sacrifice to bring out the qualities of my partner?

6. Which of the three concepts is used more often in my life: want, can or should?

Bronchial asthma

Chronic recurrent (repeating) allergic disease, compulsory clinical sign which is an attack of suffocation due to bronchospasm, hypersecretion, swelling of the bronchial mucosa. In asthma, the breathing rhythm is sharply disturbed (predominantly the exhalation-synthesizing phase is hampered), which is manifested by a picture of suffocation.

Since bronchial asthma refers to psychosomatic diseases, modern psychotherapy reverses Special attention on the psychological portrait of a person prone to asthma attacks. “In the behavior and personality traits of patients with bronchial asthma, reactions are often found to protect emotional, especially aggressive, impulses, as well as a hidden desire for tenderness and intimacy. For pseudo-indifferent or even aggressive behavior there may be a strong need for love and support.” Besides, statistical research conducted among children with bronchial asthma revealed some features of upbringing. As a result of psychological and psychiatric interviews with the participation of parents, L. Rees (1964) discovered a clear predominance of over-caring mothers in asthmatics, suffering from an initial need for overprotection of their children.

It is not surprising that a person who does not know how to show tenderness and care develops aggression towards others and himself. Therefore, to prevent asthma, it is so important to learn to take care of others, not to wait for love, but to show it to others. We get from life what we give to it ourselves. It is not relationships that bring us love, but we that bring love into relationships. When we learn to love, relationships filled with love are inevitably born. That's why everyone can love and be loved, and everyone - whatever their life circumstances- can create truly loving relationships.

In the pathogenesis of bronchial obstruction disorders, a special role is played by weakened function of the adrenal cortex and disorders of ovarian function in women (increased levels of progesterone and decreased levels of estrogen in the blood). Dependence of a woman’s hormonal background on her behavior during phases menstrual cycle discussed in the chapter devoted to the law of cyclicity.

In bronchial asthma, the activity of the parasympathetic division of the autonomic system is sharply activated. nervous system, which is designed to maintain consistency internal environment(homeostasis). In the behavior of such patients it is often found desire for stability, fear of reforms , changes in your life, increased need for protection and care. For children with asthma, it is very important to develop independence and social activity, which will activate the opposite part of the autonomic nervous system - the sympathetic, which is an antagonist of the parasympathetic and is responsible for adapting to changing conditions environment. Adrenaline, which is released into the blood, dilates the bronchi and reduces sputum production.

Generally, vagotonia (excitation of the parasympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system) is very often the body’s response to a feeling of fear of life changes that require daily efforts to overcome difficulties. Every person experiences fear of the new to one degree or another. Therefore, it is so important to constantly overcome inertia within yourself, opening new horizons of communication with the outside world and taking responsibility for everything you do.


Inability to give love. Trying to take too much for yourself without giving anything away. Contact resistance. Carefully hidden claims to dominance and power. Contradiction between high claims and actual insignificance. Unpreparedness for constant creative activity. The desire to rise above things and people. Fear of creative freedom, which requires taking responsibility for the development of relationships. The desire to withdraw into oneself, to hide from life. Suppression of sexuality. Escape from reality into the ideal. Excessive desire for cleanliness and order physical level. Disgust for dirt as the equivalent of intolerance for other people's shortcomings and human imperfection. Internal desire for high ideals with a reluctance to creatively build relationships. Passivity in collective forms of work in the presence of high creative potential. Consumer attitude towards the world. Personal or narrow group (family) priorities, egocentrism.

Great importance in the pathogenesis of the disease has hereditary factor Therefore, when treating the disease (especially in children), it is advisable to work with parents and loved ones.

1. Daily activities breathing exercises will increase activity and stabilize your breathing rhythm. Breath-holding exercises (Buteyko, Strelnikova, Frolov methods) and four-stroke harmonizing breathing are recommended.

2. Creative, harmonious relationships with others stabilize breathing. Pay attention to how often you take the first step in communicating with family and friends, with colleagues and just strangers. To form creative relationships, you will need: the ability to shift the focus of attention from your “I” to others, sensitivity to the needs of others, responsiveness, willingness to give in, the ability to create conditions for the creative expression of others, dedication, responsibility.

3. To manifest your creative potentials Group forms of creative activity are recommended (theater studio, design art, room design, choir, etc.).

4. A reassessment of life priorities is relevant. What do you prioritize: personal or collective, spiritual or material? How creative is your activity in your team, family? Strive to give in everything. Any accumulation is harmful. Be considerate of others. The ability to respond to other people's needs, patience and complicity gives rise to strong connections with others. New acquaintances are necessary to expand your living space and get to know yourself.

5. Do you know how to maintain subordination and correctness in relations with your superiors? Do you have discipline and responsibility? The ability to take responsibility and obey lies the secret of success of any leader.

6. What do you mean by the concept of creativity? What do you need to change about yourself to feel like you? creative person? The ability to find universal laws in everything will help you in knowing yourself. This will help you overcome your fear of the unknown and improve your living space.

7. It is important to constantly expand your horizons and explore new horizons of life. Strive to achieve your goals.

A few recipes to help develop a feeling of love:

Many people make the mistake of thinking that they can only have love in their life if they find it in someone else. They believe that they will experience love as soon as that one person appears in their life. But in reality, they will never find love in the people around them until they find it in themselves first.

Don't be afraid to express your feelings. By opening your arms to people, you open your heart. Touch is one of the most powerful expressions of love, breaking down barriers and strengthening relationships.

If you want a truly loving relationship, you need to consider the needs of other people. And to do this, you need to put yourself in their place, you need to look at the world from their point of view. For example, many people complain that their partner doesn't love them. But if a person asks himself: “What can I do for my partner?” instead of: “Why doesn’t he (or she) do this and that for me?”, then the partner will certainly feel loved and the relationship will change.

Once you understand your own value, you can begin to understand and respect the value of other people. And when you respect someone, you can start to love them. For example, only when I learned to respect and love myself did I enjoy communicating with other people. It turned out that when I look for respectable traits in people, my attitude towards them changes and it is easier for me to treat them with love.

One of the problems is that many of us do not want to be the first to give; we only give when we have already been given. Love too often comes with reservations, we say: “I will only love you if you love me.” We are always waiting for someone else to make the first move. And this is one of the reasons why people rarely experience love - they wait for someone else to love them first. But it's like a musician who says, "I'll only play music when people start dancing." True love is unconditional and asks for nothing in return.

If you love someone, set them free. If he comes back to you, he is yours, if not, he was never yours.

Even in true love relationships people need their own space.

Let people know that you love them and appreciate them. Never be afraid to say these three magic words: "I love you".

Fear is the biggest obstacle to love.

We must always remember that, unlike material property and money, we have an unlimited supply of love. We don't lose it when we give it. In fact, the only way to lose the love within us is to not give it to others.

Questions to Consider

1. Observe your breathing. What prevails: inhalation or exhalation? What is the rhythm of your breathing, its depth? What comes easier: inhaling or exhaling?

2. Pay attention to your breathing in different emotional states. How do I breathe when I’m angry, offended, working, resting, happy?

3. What conditions cause difficulty breathing? Why?

4. Does even breathing help to even out your mood?

5. What is my calling? Do I have like-minded people?

6. Was there a person in my life who taught me a lot? Do I have anyone I would like to share my experience with?

7. Who is my ideal in life? How close is my life to this image?

8. How do my relationships with my boss affect my loved ones?

9. What would I like to take with me on life path from my past? What would you leave?

10. How many people are looking for my participation and support? How often do I look for opportunities to help others?


A disease that complicates the course of various pathological processes in the lungs and adjacent structures. Consists in the formation of fibrin on the surface of the pleural leaves or in the accumulation of pathological exudate in pleural cavity, which interferes with the full act of breathing. Infection of the pleura occurs from a source of inflammation in the lungs (pleuropneumonia, abscess, bronchiectasis, festering cyst, tuberculosis); through blood, lymph or from the external environment (trauma, wounds, surgical interventions).

In addition to microbes, they play a role in the occurrence of pleurisy the following factors:

1) increased permeability of pleural vessels in tumors, acute pancreatitis, systemic vascular diseases;

2) violation of lymph outflow;

3) local and general allergic processes.

With pleurisy, respiratory movements are limited, which reduces the supply of oxygen to the lungs and causes hypoxia.

The intrathoracic space, in which the lungs are located, is hermetically sealed and does not communicate with the external environment. The lungs are surrounded by layers of pleura: the parietal layer is tightly fused to the walls of the chest and diaphragm, and the visceral layer is tightly fused to outer surface lung tissue. The leaves of the pleura are moistened with a small amount of serous fluid, which plays the role of a kind of lubricant that facilitates friction - sliding of the leaves during respiratory movements.

Intrapleural pressure, or the pressure in the hermetically sealed pleural cavity between the visceral and parietal layers of the pleura, is normally negative relative to atmospheric pressure. It is caused by elastic traction of the lungs or the desire of the lungs to reduce their volume. Thanks to the adhesion of the pleura, the lungs do not collapse. The chest not only protects the internal organs from damage, but also provides volume and space for the respiratory movements of the lungs. The respiratory muscles carry out the movements of the chest - inhalation and exhalation, providing rhythm.

In the life of every person there are forces that encourage him to move, to be active, and provide space for his activity. In childhood, parents organize the child’s life space, helping him overcome difficulties. A child, when faced with the surrounding reality, often acquires negative experience, which subsequently becomes a limiter of creative impulses (the so-called “life experience”, which says DANGEROUS! HARD!), etc. The role of parents is to wisely mentor, support and protect, allowing you to make mistakes and learn to correct them yourself.

With the advent of consciousness, the soul becomes the driver of a person. It awakens in a person the voice of conscience and responsibility, gives rise to the desire to serve people, to realize one’s calling, to fulfill one’s mission. These noble intentions motivate a person to action, they wake him up in the morning better than any alarm clock, filling him with strength and vigor. Every morning, with the first deep breath, a new stage of service to the world begins.

Pleurisy symbolizes the limitation of the space of co-creation with the outside world due to excess accumulations or dogmas that impede freedom of movement and freedom of creativity. Thus, the leading motive in the occurrence of the disease is the reluctance to give away what does not belong to oneself.

Pleurisy is a secondary disease and occurs due to diseases of the lungs and adjacent structures. It can also occur as a complication the following diseases: tuberculosis, pleural carcinomatosis, pancreatitis, liver cirrhosis, Werlhof's disease, systemic allergy, hypercholesterolemia. In any case, in the pleural cavity the relationship between the processes of accumulation and absorption of effusion is disrupted. Increased resorption (absorption) of effusion leads to the formation of scars (connective tissue scars of the pleura). Increased exudation (sweating of fluid) - leads to the accumulation of effusion. So in a person’s life, an imbalance arises between growing needs and real opportunities resource use. Some people, by underestimating themselves, constantly miss chances, and this habit destroys opportunities. And others overestimate their abilities in the creative transformation of surrounding matter - as a result, they take too much, and limiting accumulations arise. People endowed with talent, most often, have enormous responsibility for its implementation. They work with inspiration, tirelessly, returning their talent to the world around them in the form of brilliant creations.


Misunderstanding of the creative meaning of thought. Persistence in ignorance. Reluctance to take active action, avoiding creativity when one has abilities, and using them for destructive purposes. Selfishness, individualism, lack of understanding of the need for unification as a source of universal development. Appropriation of the results of joint work.

Daily work to realize your calling. Develop a willingness to help people at any time (and not just when you are in the mood), to be socially useful. Strive to consciously serve people. Develop the qualities of structuring and systematization. Show tolerance, tolerance, courtesy in relationships with other people. Avoid accumulating hatred, resentment, and mistrust. In communication, this is facilitated by three habits: 1) correctly expressing your feelings to others; 2) respect the partner’s opinions and feelings; 3) do not try to remake a person in your own way, but strive to understand what he needs for development, to comprehend the missing qualities and help him in overcoming his shortcomings gradually, without demonstrating his attitude towards unsuccessful attempts. Always give a person a chance for positive changes.

Questions to Consider

1. Do I need everything that I take from the world around me for development?

2. What do I need energy for: for physical well-being, for pleasure, for intensive work, to prove that I’m right, to build relationships, for my life’s work, to serve people?

3. Do I always give back to others something in return for what I took?

The human respiratory system is a complex biological mechanism consisting of many vital organs. The system that ensures the vital functions of the body by providing it with oxygen includes the lungs, bronchi, trachea, larynx and nasal passages. In medicine, there is a separate section that examines respiratory diseases and ways of treating them.

The most important organ of the above system is undoubtedly the lungs. This organ, consisting of two parts - the right and left lungs, surrounded by the pleura - a thin connective membrane, is responsible not only for providing the body with oxygen, but also affects blood flow. That is why respiratory diseases associated with lung damage are accompanied not only by impaired respiratory functions, but also pathological changes in the circulatory system.

The regulatory function in relation to the respiratory system is performed by the respiratory center - it is located in the medulla oblongata.

What causes respiratory diseases?

Respiratory diseases can be caused by one type of pathogen (monoinfection) or by several pathogens at once. In the latter case, they talk about mixed infections - they occur much less frequently than monoinfections.

In addition to the above-mentioned pathogens, there are many more factors, the presence of which can provoke respiratory diseases. For example, bronchial asthma can occur due to common household allergens - dust or house mites. Allergens contained in:
. animal hair;
. mold fungi;
. plant pollen;
. insects

Respiratory diseases can also be of an occupational nature. For example, electric welders have to inhale harmful fumes while working. Medicines, food allergens can also cause problems with the respiratory system.

The polluted atmosphere is another powerful factor disease-causing respiratory organs. Their development is also facilitated by household pollution, unfavorable climatic conditions, as well as smoking - active or passive.

There are several other provoking factors, the presence of which increases the likelihood of problems in the respiratory system:
. outbreaks chronic infection;
. excessive alcohol consumption;
. chronic diseases;
. genetic factors.

Symptoms of respiratory diseases

Respiratory diseases are numerous and varied, each disease has its own characteristics. specific symptoms. At the same time, doctors identify a number of signs that are characteristic of several diseases at once.

For example, a sure symptom indicating respiratory problems is shortness of breath, which is divided into two types:
. subjective shortness of breath - it is associated with complaints of difficulty breathing, which occurs against the background of neuroses or attacks of hysteria;
. objective - accompanied by a change in the respiratory rhythm and duration of inhalation/exhalation;
. combined - when a subjective component is added to objective shortness of breath, suggesting increased breathing due to any ailments.

Diseases of the respiratory system associated with damage to the larynx and trachea are accompanied by inspiratory shortness of breath, characterized by difficulty in inhaling. When the bronchi are damaged, expiratory shortness of breath is observed - it makes it difficult to exhale. Thromboembolism pulmonary artery accompanied by mixed shortness of breath. A critical form of shortness of breath - suffocation, characteristic of acute edema lungs. Asthma is accompanied by sudden attacks of breathlessness.

Cough is another common symptom accompanying respiratory diseases.

Cough is a reflex reaction to the presence of mucus in the trachea, larynx or bronchi. A cough can also occur when a foreign body enters the respiratory system. Each disease corresponds to a certain type of cough. Thus, dry pleurisy and laryngitis cause a dry cough that is not accompanied by sputum production.

Respiratory diseases such as chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis and oncological diseases respiratory system, accompanied by a wet cough, in which this or that amount of sputum is released.

There are periodic and persistent cough. The latter is typical for inflammatory processes, occurring in the larynx or bronchi. With influenza, acute respiratory infections and pneumonia, the cough is usually periodic.

Some respiratory diseases are accompanied by hemoptysis - blood is released along with sputum. This symptom is observed not only in severe diseases of the respiratory system, but also of the cardiovascular system.

In addition to the above symptoms, respiratory diseases can cause painful sensations. The localization of pain can be different, usually it is associated with coughing, breathing or body position in a certain position.


Respiratory diseases are diagnosed according to a certain scheme. In order not to make a mistake in diagnosis, the doctor, having familiarized himself with the patient’s complaints, conducts an examination using the following methods:
. palpation;
. percussion;
. auscultation.

The above diagnostic methods allow us to identify additional signs that contribute to the accuracy of diagnosis.

An examination diagnosing diseases of the respiratory system allows us to identify pathologies in the shape of the chest and indicators characterizing the patient’s breathing - rhythm, type, depth, frequency.

The next technique that allows you to diagnose respiratory diseases is percussion. With its help, it is possible to determine how the volume of air in the lungs is reduced due to fibrosis or edema. So, with an abscess observed in a lobe or part of a lobe of the lungs, there is no air. With emphysema, the amount of air increases. Percussion also determines the boundaries of the subject's lungs.

Diseases of the respiratory system are also diagnosed by auscultation, which allows you to listen to wheezing - their character changes with different diseases.

In addition to the above diagnostic methods, medicine uses instrumental and laboratory research. Most informative examination X-ray methods have become the most accurate way to diagnose respiratory diseases.

Endoscopic methods - thoracoscopy and bronchoscopy, allow to identify purulent diseases and tumors. Bronchoscopy is also used to remove foreign bodies, caught inside.

When examining patients diagnosed with respiratory diseases, functional diagnostic methods are also used to identify respiratory failure. Moreover, it is often determined before the first signs of the disease appear. The technique involves measuring lung volume using spirography. In addition, the intensity of ventilation is examined.

Laboratory research methods that help diagnose respiratory diseases involve determining the composition of sputum, which is of interest for making an accurate diagnosis. Acute bronchitis can be diagnosed by mucous, colorless sputum. If the sputum is foamy, colorless, and serous in nature, then it indicates pulmonary edema. Greenish viscous sputum, which is mucopurulent in nature, indicates the presence of chronic bronchitis or tuberculosis. Heavy pulmonary diseases accompanied by the presence of blood in the sputum.

Microscopic examination of sputum allows one to determine its cellular composition, which helps to diagnose various respiratory diseases. Usually, patients are also prescribed blood and urine tests. The above methods allow, after diagnosing a disease affecting the respiratory system, to prescribe effective and adequate treatment.

How to treat respiratory diseases?

Undoubtedly, respiratory diseases are among the most common diseases among people of all ages, and therefore increased attention is paid to their treatment and prevention. If the disease is not diagnosed in time, advanced conditions arise, the cure of which requires more complex therapy.

Drug therapy involves complex use various drugs. In particular, the following types of therapy are used:
. etiotropic therapy - drugs whose action is aimed at eliminating the cause of the disease;
. maintenance therapy - means aimed at restoring functions impaired by the disease;
. symptomatic treatment- aimed at eliminating the main symptoms.

All medications are prescribed exclusively by a doctor, after complex diagnostics. Typically, the patient is prescribed antibiotics aimed at eliminating a specific pathogen.

Respiratory diseases are also treated using the following methods:
. physiotherapy;
. manual therapy;
. breathing exercises;
. inhalations;
. chest massage;
. exercise therapy;
. reflexology and others.

Respiratory diseases require mandatory preventive measures. Depending on the characteristics of the pathogen, certain means of respiratory protection are used. So, in particular, it is extremely important to use cotton-gauze bandages when in contact with people (humans) infected with viral infections.

Let's take a closer look at the most common respiratory diseases, as well as methods of treatment and prevention:

1. Tracheitis. Acute course accompanied by an inflammatory process in the tracheal mucosa. Tracheitis, like many other respiratory diseases, is provoked by bacterial, viral or viral-bacterial infections. In addition, tracheitis is provoked by all sorts of physical and chemical factors. Tracheitis is accompanied by the following symptoms:
. swelling of the tracheal mucosa;
. hoarseness;
. dry cough;
. difficulty breathing.

Coughing attacks that bother the patient day and night cause headaches. The temperature is slightly elevated and slight malaise is felt. Acute tracheitis is capable of improper treatment go chronic.

2. Rhinitis. This is a common runny nose, accompanied by an inflammatory process of the nasal mucosa. This respiratory disease is characterized by following symptoms:
. nasal congestion;
. itching in the nasal cavity;
. nasal discharge.

Rhinitis is usually a consequence of hypothermia due to exposure to pathogenic bacteria and viruses. Doctors separately highlight allergic form rhinitis, which occurs in allergy sufferers under the influence of various allergens. There are two forms of rhinitis - acute and chronic. Chronic course illness occurs under the influence external factors, constantly disrupting the nutrition of the nasal mucosa. Rhinitis can also become chronic with repeated inflammation in the nasal cavity. A doctor should treat this disease so that chronic rhinitis does not transform into sinusitis or sinusitis.

3. Bronchitis. This disease is accompanied by an acute inflammatory process in the bronchial mucosa. Less often, all layers of the bronchial walls become inflamed. Influenza and parainfluenza viruses, adenoviruses, some mycoplasmas and bacteria can serve as provocateurs of the disease. It happens that bronchitis is provoked physical reasons, acute respiratory diseases. Bronchitis can develop against the background of the latter, or it can occur in parallel with them.

If the ability to filter air through the upper respiratory tract is impaired, acute bronchitis develops. This disease often affects heavy smokers, as well as people who have chronic inflammation of the nasopharynx or chest deformation.

Signs of this respiratory disease usually appear against the background of a runny nose or laryngitis. The patient complains of discomfort felt behind the sternum. He has coughing attacks - dry or wet. The patient feels general weakness, body temperature rises. In particularly severe conditions, the temperature reaches very high values. Shortness of breath appears and breathing becomes difficult. Due to constant tension caused by coughing, pain occurs in the abdominal wall, in the sternum. Soon the cough becomes wet and sputum begins to come out. Usually, acute symptoms bronchitis begins to subside around fourth day diseases. At favorable course, cure occurs on the tenth day. However, if bronchospasm is added to bronchitis, the disease can become chronic.

4. Sinusitis. With this respiratory disease, the development of an inflammatory process in the maxillary paranasal sinus is observed. Typically, sinusitis is a complication of any infectious disease. Sinusitis develops due to exposure to bacteria or viruses that enter the maxillary sinus through the nasal cavity or blood.

A patient with sinusitis complains of increasing discomfort in the nose. In the evening the pain intensifies and is accompanied by a headache. Sinusitis can be unilateral or bilateral. The disease is accompanied by the following symptoms:
. difficulty breathing;
. nasal voice;
. alternately blocked nostrils;
. nasal discharge - transparent mucous or purulent with a greenish tint (with severe congestion, mucus may not be released);
. elevated temperature- 38 degrees and above;
. general malaise.

5. Laryngitis. This respiratory disease affects the vocal cords and laryngeal mucosa. Doctors distinguish two types of chronic laryngitis - catarrhal and hypertrophic. Spread intensity pathological process influences the formation of the clinical picture. Patients complain of the following symptoms:
. dry/sore throat;
. hoarseness;
. cough with difficult sputum;
. sensation of a foreign body in the throat.

6. Pneumonia. With this respiratory disease, inflammation of the lungs is observed, triggered by an infection. The disease is accompanied by damage to the alveoli, which are responsible for supplying oxygen to the blood. Pathogens enter the lungs through the respiratory tract. Pneumonia can be caused by a wide variety of pathogens. It also often becomes a complication of other diseases of the respiratory system. The disease most often affects children, the elderly and people with weak immunity. Symptoms of pneumonia occur abruptly, in particular, the following is observed:
. heat- 39 degrees and above;
. chest pain;
. cough with purulent sputum;
. heavy sweating at night;
. general weakness.

Lack of timely adequate treatment can lead to death.

7. Tuberculosis. This infection caused by mycobacterium tuberculosis. With tuberculosis, cellular allergies are observed, as well as specific granulomas in different tissues and organs. Over time, damage occurs to the lungs, bones, lymph nodes, joints, skin, and other organs and systems. In the absence of adequate therapy, death inevitable.

It should be noted that Mycobacterium tuberculosis is highly resistant to any kind of influence. The route of infection with tuberculosis is airborne. When tuberculosis is detected, the patient is prescribed a special course of therapy. The duration of treatment reaches 8 months. If the case is advanced, you may need surgery which involves removing part of the lung.

8. Sore throat. An acute infectious disease accompanied by an inflammatory process of the palatine tonsils and regional lymph nodes. The pathogen multiplies in the tonsils and then spreads to other organs, causing complications. Streptococcal tonsillitis does not cause stable immunity in a person who has had it.

The following symptoms are observed with this respiratory disease:
. onset of illness - weakness, chills, headaches;
. pain when swallowing;
. feeling of aching in the joints;
. high temperature - up to 39 degrees;
. increasing sore throat;
. enlargement and pain submandibular lymph nodes;
. redness of the palatine arches, tonsils, uvula;
. there may be ulcers on the tonsils.

Prevention methods

To overcome respiratory diseases, regular prevention is needed. Doctors advise the following: preventive actions:
. spend more time outside, breathing fresh air;
. regular ventilation of premises;
. preventive inhalations with herbs, essential oils;
. special breathing exercises.

In addition, in order to avoid respiratory diseases, it is important to forget about smoking and drinking alcohol. Poisons and harmful substances, present in excess in alcohol and tobacco, injure the lungs. Heavy smokers are more likely to suffer from lung cancer, emphysema and chronic bronchitis.

Another helpful advice for people trying to avoid diseases of the respiratory system - grow more flowers and plants in your home that produce the oxygen needed by our body.

Today there are a lot of respiratory diseases known, so many that it would take months to study them all. This diversity is due to the large number of elements that make up the human respiratory system. Each of them can be susceptible to diseases of a different nature: inflammatory, infectious, etc.

About respiratory diseases in detail

When the respiratory organs are damaged, their functions are disrupted, the most important of which are providing the body with oxygen, heat exchange and protection from adverse environmental factors. Let's look at the 20 most common diseases of the respiratory system.


A disease that is an inflammation of the pharyngeal tonsil, in which it increases in size. Most often, adenoids develop in children due to colds and infectious diseases.


  • difficulty breathing, even in the absence of a runny nose;
  • feeling of nasal congestion;
  • runny nose of mucous or purulent nature;
  • chronic cough;
  • nasality;

With a long course of the disease, complications may arise in the form of hearing impairment, permanent colds, decreased brain activity.

It is an inflammation of the nasal mucosa caused by exposure to various allergens (pollen, dust, pet dander).

When an allergen enters the body, the following occurs almost immediately:

  • light and runny nose;
  • constant sneezing;
  • swelling;
  • tearfulness;
  • itching in the eyes, nose or ears.

Symptoms that appear over time:

  • nasal congestion and difficulty breathing;
  • increased photosensitivity;
  • impaired sense of smell;
  • hearing loss.

Atopic asthma

Another name is bronchial asthma. The disease is an inflammation of the airways of an allergic nature. Main symptom bronchial asthma - suffocation. It arises due to activation immune system when an allergen enters the body, which leads to a sharp contraction of the muscles located near the respiratory tract.

Other symptoms:

  • wheezing and whistling in the chest;
  • attacks of suffocation that occur after physical activity;
  • dyspnea;
  • dry cough.


– inflammation of the bronchi, most often developing against the background of colds, viral or infectious diseases. There are two forms of bronchitis, each with its own symptoms.

The acute form most often develops against the background of infection. It manifests itself:

  • runny nose;
  • dry cough, gradually turning into wet;
  • yellow or greenish sputum;
  • general weakness;
  • elevated temperature.

Chronic bronchitis is characterized by a long course of the disease (several months), which may appear again after some time. In addition to the above symptoms, clinical picture Difficulty breathing may occur.

Important! Bronchitis can cause complications in the form of pneumonia!


A pathological process characterized by irreversible expansion of the airways. It can be localized in certain areas of the bronchi or affect them completely.

Bronchiectasis is characterized by a gradual onset of symptoms, most often occurring after exposure to a catalyst (for example, an infectious respiratory disease).


  • persistent cough;
  • copious bloody sputum;
  • wheezing and shortness of breath;
  • recurrent pneumonia;
  • heart failure (in severe form of the disease).


Other name - maxillary sinusitis. The disease is an inflammatory process in maxillary sinus. Most often, sinusitis is a complication of other colds, such as acute rhinitis or infection.


  • general weakness, chills;
  • elevated temperature;
  • headaches that get worse when bending and turning;
  • swelling in the area of ​​inflammation;
  • sneezing;
  • tearfulness;
  • increased photosensitivity.

There is also chronic form sinusitis, which is characterized by constant nasal congestion, weakness, and decreased ability to work.


Popularly known as thoracic hydrops. The disease is a non-inflammatory accumulation of fluid in the cavity surrounding the lung. The disease can develop as a result of a malfunction of internal organs, for example, with heart failure, which causes stagnation of blood circulation.


  • heaviness in the chest;
  • feeling of lack of air;
  • bluish skin;
  • protrusion of the affected half of the chest;


It is an inflammation of the larynx, most often developing as a result of an infection or cold. There are 2 forms of the disease: acute and chronic.

Acute laryngitis occurs as a result of hypothermia, voice strain or an infectious disease. It is characterized by:

  • redness of the throat;
  • general weakness;
  • elevated temperature;
  • pain when swallowing;
  • hoarseness;
  • dry scratching cough;

Recovery usually occurs after 1-2 weeks.

Chronic laryngitis develops due to untreated or persistent acute laryngitis. Other symptoms include decreased ability to work and rapid voice fatigue. Chronic laryngitis usually lasts more than 2 weeks.

Sleep apnea

Sleep apnea, or also known as sleep apnea, is a stoppage of breathing during sleep that lasts more than 10 seconds. In most cases, the delay occurs for half a minute, sometimes taking up most of the night's sleep.


  • sleep disturbance;
  • lack of sleep and, as a result, fatigue during the day;
  • drowsiness;
  • headache;
  • irritability;
  • memory impairment;
  • snoring, restless sleep, remarks in sleep;
  • urinary incontinence.

With prolonged and regular apnea, a decrease in the body’s intelligence and ability to work may occur, chronic fatigue.


A group of diseases characterized by damage to the serous membrane located around the lungs. In some cases, there may be deposits in the pleural cavity in the form of fluid, pus, or blood. Pleurisy manifests itself in one of 2 forms: dry or effusion.

The dry form is characterized by:

  • pain in the side, aggravated by inhaling and coughing;
  • abdominal pain (in rare cases);
  • rapid breathing;
  • hiccups;
  • painful swallowing.

The effusion form is accompanied by general weakness, dry cough, and a feeling of heaviness in the chest. In some cases, there is shortness of breath and increased heart rate, which may cause the face to turn blue and the veins in the neck to swell.

Lungs' cancer

Lungs' cancer - malignant formations, arising on the bronchi and lungs. Most often, the disease affects the right lung or its upper part. The disease develops gradually and, most often, is detected in the later stages, when it has already metastasized to other organs or parts of the body. There are three forms of lung cancer: central, peripheral and atypical, each of which is characterized by its own symptoms.

In the central form, large bronchi are affected. It is accompanied by:

  • pain in the affected part;
  • dry cough, gradually developing into a wet one, sputum appears, including elements of mucus, pus and/or blood;
  • dyspnea;
  • weight loss;
  • fatigue and weakness;
  • frequent inflammatory diseases.

In the peripheral form, small bronchi and lung parenchyma are affected. In contrast to the central form, with the peripheral form, symptoms appear over a period of time. late stage diseases. It is characterized by shortness of breath, chest pain, and bloody sputum. As the disease progresses, the symptoms become similar to central lung cancer.


Sinusitis is an inflammatory process in the mucous membrane of one or two sinuses. The causative agent of the disease is most often a virus or bacteria.


  • feeling of pressure in the sinuses;
  • pain that increases with head movements;
  • profuse, thick runny nose;
  • elevated temperature.

In rare cases it happens:

  • impaired sense of smell;
  • bad breath;
  • weakness and rapid fatigue of the body.


Tracheitis is an inflammatory process localized in the mucous membrane of the trachea. The causative agent is most often viral infection, staphylococcus or streptococcus. It can occur in one of two forms: acute or chronic.

Acute tracheitis is characterized by:

  • dry cough;
  • I have coughing attacks when taking a deep breath, laughing, or a sudden change in air temperature;
  • pain in the throat and chest;
  • hoarse voice;

With chronic tracheitis, the patient is usually tormented by frequent paroxysmal coughs, which most often occur in the morning or evening. During expectoration, sputum is released, which can be either liquid or viscous. Often chronic tracheitis is difficult to cure and may be accompanied by exacerbations.

Pulmonary tuberculosis

Tuberculosis is an infectious disease caused by various acid-fast bacteria, in this case localized in the human lungs. Tuberculosis can often be asymptomatic; in such cases, it can be detected using regular fluorography. The disease begins with nonspecific cold symptoms:

  • elevated temperature;
  • cough;
  • general weakness.

With the development of the disease, these manifestations are added night sweats and weight loss, in some cases increase lymph nodes. a cough with sputum develops, which subsequently produces blood, wheezing in the lungs, difficulty breathing or difficulty breathing.

Tuberculous pleurisy

Is one of clinical manifestations tuberculosis, most often found in young people. It is characterized by inflammation of the pleura (the lining of the lungs) and the accumulation of fluid in it.

Combines the symptoms of tuberculosis and pleurisy. Like pleurisy, it can be dry or effusion (exudative).

Dry tuberculous pleurisy is determined by listening to the doctor with a stethoscope; in this form of the disease, the doctor hears friction of the pleura.

The exudative form can be of three types: allergic, perifocal and pleural tuberculosis.

Allergic is characterized by:

  • temperature rise to 38 °C;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • painful sensation in the side.

After some time, the symptoms decrease and disappear, and the body recovers.

With perifocal tuberculous pleurisy the following is observed:

  • suddenness of the onset of the disease;
  • elevated temperature;
  • sweating;
  • cardiopalmus.

Symptoms may last from 21 to 28 days.


A chronic inflammatory process affecting the mucous membrane of the throat. It can occur both after diseases of various types, and after various injuries throat or allergies. Pharyngitis can be acute or chronic.

Strep throat is usually caused by a virus, bacteria, fungus, allergy, or injury. It is characterized

  • sore and dry throat;
  • unpleasant sensations when swallowing;
  • ear pain (in some cases);
  • increased body temperature;
  • general weakness.

Chronic pharyngitis is most often a consequence of gastrointestinal diseases (for example, gastritis). There can be 3 types:

  1. Catarrhal. It is characterized by the presence of mucopurulent discharge on the surface of the throat.
  2. Atrophic, for which dryness of the throat mucosa is typical. In this case, the throat becomes pale pink.
  3. Hypertrophic. With this type chronic pharyngitis there is redness and thickening of the mucous membrane of the throat.

In general, chronic pharyngitis is not characterized by fever or weakness. The disease is accompanied by the same symptoms as acute pharyngitis, with the difference that they are not so pronounced.

Abbreviated as COPD, a disease in which, due to inflammation of the lung tissue, air circulation in them is hampered or limited. Usually occurs due to prolonged exposure to negative factors on the respiratory tract, for example, due to smoking.


  • constant chronic cough with sputum;
  • shortness of breath after physical activity (climbing stairs, for example).


It is a disease in which the alveoli (the tissue that makes up the lung) are stretched with further loss of its elasticity. Loss of elasticity entails a violation of the saturation of blood with oxygen and the removal of carbon dioxide from it.


  1. shortness of breath that occurs after physical activity;
  2. heart failure;
  3. widening the spaces between the ribs.

In some cases, surgery may be necessary.

Breathing diseases

System respiratory organs contains the nasal passages, trachea, larynx, bronchi and lungs. The lungs are surrounded by a thin connective membrane called the pleura. The left and right lungs are located in the middle of the chest. They are an extremely important organ because they affect blood flow in the body. For this reason, in diseases when the lung tissue is affected, in addition to a failure in respiratory functions, pathological changes in the bloodstream also occur.

The action of the respiratory organs is coordinated by the respiratory center located in the medulla oblongata. Let's move on to familiarize ourselves with respiratory diseases.


There are cases when the disease is caused by a single type of pathogen. This is a so-called monoinfection - it is diagnosed much more often. But much less often, mixed infections occur in people, which are provoked by a certain number of varieties of pathogens.

In addition to the above reasons, external allergens can be special factors that provoke diseases of the respiratory organs. In this case, we are talking about everyday household allergens, they are ordinary dust, and also house mites, which most often become the main cause of bronchial asthma. Also, the human respiratory organs may well be seriously damaged by yeast and mold spores, fungi, allergens from animals, pollen of certain types of vegetation, and also from allergens of various insects.

Very negative impact individual occupational stressors affect the state of these organs. For example, during electric welding, nickel and steel salt fumes are released. In addition, some medications and food allergens cause respiratory diseases.

Also, polluted air has a negative effect on the respiratory organs of people; there is an increased content of certain chemical compositions; household dirt in residential premises, climate conditions undesirable for humans; smoking is active and also passive.

Excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages, other chronic diseases human, pathogens of chronic infection in the body, genetic factor.


In the presence of each specific respiratory disease, certain symptoms arise. But experts identify individual signs that are characteristic of a number of diseases.

One of these types of signs is this. It can be subjective (then the person especially complains of difficulty breathing in the presence of attacks of hysteria or neurosis), objective (people change the rate of breathing, as well as the duration of inhalation and exhalation) and combined (obvious shortness of breath with the presence of a separate component, in which, Respiration rate increases with certain types of diseases). When there are diseases of the larynx and trachea, inspiratory shortness of breath occurs, with it it is extremely difficult to inhale. If the bronchi are affected, expiratory shortness of breath is obvious, making it difficult to exhale. Mixed shortness of breath occurs with thromboembolism of the pulmonary artery.

The most severe form of such shortness of breath is suffocation, which occurs in the presence of acute pulmonary edema. Sudden attacks of this suffocation are very characteristic of asthma.

It is the second of the more defining signs of respiratory disease. This cough appears in people as a reflex to the presence of mucus in the larynx, bronchi or trachea. Another cough occurs when a foreign organism suddenly enters the respiratory system. Cough occurs with various ailments various types. With dry pleurisy or laryngitis, people suffer from attacks of dry cough, then no sputum is produced.

A wet cough, during which varying amounts of characteristic sputum is released, occurs with chronic bronchitis, tuberculosis, pneumonia, oncological diseases respiratory organs.

In the presence of inflammatory processes in the larynx or bronchi, the cough is mostly regular. A person sick with the flu, pneumonia or acute respiratory infection coughs periodically.

At certain diseases respiratory organs, the patient obviously has hemoptysis, then blood is released simultaneously with sputum when coughing. This symptom It is quite possible due to severe diseases of the entire respiratory system, and also due to diseases of the cardiovascular system.

In addition to the symptoms listed above, patients with respiratory diseases may complain of pain. Pain is possible in different parts of the body, in some cases, it is directly related to bouts of severe coughing, breathing, or a specific location of the body.


In order for the patient to be diagnosed correctly, the doctor needs to find out what the patient is complaining about, carry out an examination and perform an examination using auscultation, palpation and percussion. These methods allow you to find out about additional symptoms, allowing you to accurately and correctly make the appropriate diagnosis.

During the examination, you can find out the pathology in the shape of the chest, as well as the characteristics of breathing - type, frequency, rhythm, depth.

When palpation is performed, it is possible to assess the degree of vocal tremors, which can intensify in the presence of pneumonia, and in the presence of pleurisy - weaken.

During an examination using percussion, it is possible to determine a decrease in the amount of total air in the lungs in the presence of edema or fibrosis. If there is an abscess in a certain lobe or part of a lobe of the lungs, there is no air at all; in patients with emphysema, the amount of available air increases. In addition, percussion makes it possible to determine clear boundaries in the patient’s lungs.

Auscultation helps to assess the existing breathing, and also to hear wheezing, their nature differs depending on the type of disease.

In addition to these research methods, instrumental and laboratory methods are also used. The most informative are considered different types X-ray methods.

With the intervention of endoscopic methods, such as thoracoscopy and bronchoscopy, it is possible to identify individual purulent ailments and also detect the presence of tumors. Bronchoscopy will also help eliminate foreign organisms that get inside.

In addition, functional diagnostic methods are used, which can be used to identify the presence of respiratory failure. Moreover, in some cases, it is detected before the first symptoms of the disease appear. Therefore, lung volume is measured using a method called spirography. The intensity of pulmonary ventilation is also examined.

The use of these laboratory research methods during diagnosis makes it possible to determine the component of sputum, and this provides excellent information when studying the diagnosis of the disease. In the presence of acute bronchitis, sputum is viscous, has no color, and has a mucous character. In the presence of pulmonary edema , sputum appears in the form of foam, colorless, and serous in nature. In the presence , chronic bronchitis , the sputum has a greenish tint and is very viscous, having a mucopurulent character. If there is a mild abscess , the sputum is completely purulent, greenish in color, half liquid. When present serious illnesses lungs , Blood is evident in the sputum produced.

Microscopic analysis of sputum reveals its cell structure. Blood and urine tests are also used. All these research methods make it possible to diagnose ailments that severely affect the respiratory organs and prescribe the necessary treatment process.


Considering the established fact that diseases of the respiratory organs are the most common diseases in adults and children, their healing process and the implementation of prevention must be completely clear and completely adequate. Diseases of the respiratory organs that are not diagnosed in a timely manner will subsequently need to be seriously treated more long time, A therapeutic system will be more complex.

How medicinal methods therapy, some drugs are prescribed in a complex manner. In this case, etiotropic therapy is used (these are medications that can eliminate the main cause of the disease), symptomatic treatment (eliminates the main symptoms), supportive therapy (means to restore individual functions impaired during the progression of the disease). But only a doctor is required to prescribe any kind of medication, after completing a comprehensive appropriate examination. In more cases, the use of antibiotics is practiced, which are particularly effective against a specific pathogen.

In addition, other methods are used in the treatment of diseases: inhalations, physiotherapy, exercise therapy, manual therapy, reflexology, breathing exercises, chest massage, etc.

To prevent diseases of the respiratory organs, taking into account their structure and special transmission properties dangerous pathogens, respiratory protection is used. It is extremely important to use personal protective equipment (these are special cotton-gauze bandages) when in direct contact with the person who has been diagnosed with a viral infection.

As bronchitis progresses, an acute inflammatory process occurs in the bronchial mucosa; in extremely rare situations, inflammation of all layers of the bronchial walls occurs. The progression of the disease is caused by influenza viruses, parainfluenza, adenoviruses, a lot of bacteria and also mycoplasmas. Rarely, bronchitis is caused by certain physical stressors. Bronchitis can develop against the background of respiratory acute illness, and also, in parallel with it. The development of bronchitis occurs due to the impairment of the ability to filter air particles by breathing the upper paths. In addition, bronchitis affects those who smoke, people with chronic inflammation of the nasopharynx, and also with complete deformation of the chest.

Signs of acute bronchitis occur due to prolonged runny nose or laryngitis. The patient is bothered by frequent attacks of dry or wet cough, and the presence of weakness. The temperature in the body increases; if the disease is severe, then this temperature is very high. Breathing becomes difficult, shortness of breath appears. Due to continuous tension due to coughing, pain in the chest and also in the abdominal wall can be bothersome. After a certain period of time, pain begins moist cough and sputum is separated. Mostly, acute signs the diseases subside after approximately four days; if the course of the disease is favorable, treatment can be done on the 10th day. And if bronchospasm is also added to the malaise, bronchitis can become chronic.


During the period of acute tracheitis, the patient experiences a process of inflammation of the mucous membrane. It is formed under the influence of viral, bacterial, or viral-bacterial infections. Inflammation can also develop under the influence of chemicals and physical factors. And the patient’s tracheal mucosa swells, a dry cough occurs, the voice becomes hoarse, and breathing becomes difficult. I am also worried about coughing fits, which cause headaches. The cough occurs in the morning and also at night, the temperature rises slightly, the general illness is mild. Acute tracheitis can sometimes become chronic.


When laryngitis is present, inflammation can affect the mucous membrane of the larynx and also the vocal cords. Doctors divide this disease into catarrhal, chronic and hypertrophic chronic. If the pathological process spreads actively, then a specific clinical picture appears. Patients often complain of hoarseness, dryness and soreness in the throat, a constant sensation of a foreign body in the throat, and a cough with sputum that is difficult to separate.


When there is sinusitis , then an inflammatory process is formed in the adnexa maxillary sinus nose Thus, complications occur in the presence of certain infectious diseases. Sinusitis spreads through the action of bacteria or viruses that penetrate through the blood or nasal cavity into the maxillary sinus. Then the patient is concerned about the continuously increasing unpleasant sensation in the nose and in the area around the nose. Painful colic becomes more intense in the evening, gradually turning into a headache. Often sinusitis forms from one part. Nasal breathing becomes difficult, the voice changes - it becomes nasal. At some points, the patient notices that the nostrils are alternately blocked. Discharge in the nose can be either mucous and transparent, or purulent, with a greenish tint. And if the nose is very clogged, then mucus does not come out. The temperature sometimes rises to 38°C, sometimes higher.

It is an inflammation of the mucous membrane in the nasal cavity. As a result, nasal congestion and irritation and discharge are obvious. Rhinitis occurs as a result of severe hypothermia, under the influence of viruses or bacteria. Separately, allergic rhinitis appears, which manifests itself in people prone to allergies. The disease develops under the influence of various allergens - mites, plant pollen, animal hair, etc. Chronic and acute form ailments. Chronic rhinitis is a consequence of external influences that disrupt the nutrition of the membrane. The disease can also become chronic if there are frequent inflammations in the nasal cavity. Only a doctor is required to diagnose this disease, because chronic rhinitis can turn into sinusitis or sinusitis.


Sore throat is an acute infectious disease, during which the tonsils also form. The pathogen spreads to the tonsils, after which it often moves to other organs and causes complications of the disease. As a result of streptococcal tonsillitis, a person’s immunity stops developing. The disease begins with weakness, headache, chills. There is pain when swallowing and pain in the joints. The temperature can rise to 39°C. Then the sore throat intensifies. The submandibular lymph nodes enlarge and begin to hurt. Redness of the palatine arches and tonsils is noticeable. There are also ulcers on the tonsils or areas where pus collects.


Pneumonia is accompanied by inflammation of the lungs due to infection. The alveoli, which are responsible for supplying the blood with oxygen, are affected. The disease is provoked by a wide range of individual pathogens. It is often detected as a complication of other respiratory diseases. The disease often occurs in older people, children, and people with weak defenses in the body. Pathogens end up among the lungs, passing through the respiratory tract. Signs of the disease appear very sharply and unexpectedly: the body temperature rises to 39-40°C, pain develops in the chest area and also a cough with purulent sputum. The patient is worried at night copious discharge sweat, during the day – slight weakness. Needs to be done timely treatment, otherwise he faces death.


Tuberculosis is an infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The patient develops a cellular allergy, specific granulomas in various tissues and organs. Slowly the bones, lungs, joints, skin, lymph nodes, and other systems and organs are affected. If there is no appropriate treatment, the disease is fatal. Mycobacterium tuberculosis is very resistant to various actions. Infection is carried out by airborne droplets. If a tuberculosis infection is detected in a person, then he is prescribed a general therapeutic course of drugs to counteract tuberculosis. Treatment takes about 8 months. In advanced cases it is carried out surgery– a particle of the lung is eliminated.


The simplest but most important way to prevent these diseases is to increase the period a person spends outdoors.

It is necessary to completely give up smoking and regular drinking, because such habits have a negative impact on the respiratory system. Harmful elements present in tobacco and alcoholic beverages penetrate into the environment of the lungs, injure, and have a bad effect on the mucous membranes. Smokers are much more likely to have lung cancer, emphysema, and chronic bronchitis.

Other methods of preventing respiratory organs are breathing exercises, preventive inhalations from medicinal herbs, and using essential oils. Those prone to respiratory diseases are advised to keep many indoor flowers in the room that produce oxygen.

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