Home Prevention The best hepatoprotectors. The best hepatoprotectors with proven effectiveness

The best hepatoprotectors. The best hepatoprotectors with proven effectiveness


The liver is a unique organ that performs a protective function, cleanses the blood of waste, toxins and other chemical elements harmful to the human body. At the same time, it is capable of self-healing, but sometimes, for various reasons, its own protective potential is not enough. Then modern pharmacology suggests using hepatoprotectors. These medications should be taken according to the instructions and only on the recommendation of a doctor.

What are liver recovery pills?

Hepatoprotectors - a broad class medical supplies, which have a stimulating effect on liver cells, help restore its structure and functionality. Such medications are produced in the form of tablets, pills or dragees. They help maintain the integrity of hepatocytes, improve the removal of harmful substances, improve the flow of bile and restore the body’s absorption of vitamins.


There are a lot of different hepatoprotectors today. Each of these drugs is generally responsible for one function - restoring the functioning of the organ and minimizing the damage caused to it, but in essence they may differ slightly from each other. Based on the active ingredient, all drugs for liver restoration can be divided into several classes:

  • Phospholipids are substances obtained by special processing of soybeans. Their action is to improve the condition of cell walls at the lipid level, increase enzyme activity, and increase the likelihood of a response to α-interferon. Tablets for liver restoration based on phospholipids include: Essentiale N, Essentiale Forte N, Essliver Forte, Phosphonciale, Gepagard, Phosphogliv, Rezalut.
  • Amino acid derivatives. The active components of the drugs are involved in the production of phospholipids and the processes of absorption of biologically active substances, reduce ammonia levels, and trigger the processes of self-healing of gland cells and cleansing. Medicines with amino acids: Hepa-Merz (Ornithine aspartate), Heptral, Heptor.
  • Medicines of animal origin. Contains pork liver hydrolysate. Known medications: Sirepar, Progepar, Hepatosan.
  • Medicines with the addition of medicinal plants. They are used for organ damage caused by toxins, poisons or medications, for cholecystitis, hepatitis, cholelithiasis and for preventive purposes. These include products based on milk thistle (Legalon, Karsil, Gepabene, Silimar), artichoke (Tsinariks, Hofitol), pumpkin seed oil (Tykveol, Peponen), elecampane or burdock root, herb, agrimony, and corn silk.
  • Homeopathic remedies. The drugs help eliminate numerous symptoms, improve the functionality of the organ, and are used to cleanse it. The best pills: Hepel, Galstena, May celandine and milk thistle.
  • Dietary supplements. Biologically active food supplements help to better absorb vitamins, cleanse the liver, and restore its structure. Popular dietary supplements: Hepatamine, Hepatotransit, Artichoke extract, Hepatotransit, Milona 10, Ovesol, Dipana, Hepatrin.
  • Bile acids. Medicines have a hypoglycemic and choleretic effect, reduce cholesterol levels, increase the secretion of gastric juice, and affect immunological reactions. Popular tablets: Ursosan, Urdoxa, Livodexa, Ursodez, Ursofalk, Ursoliv.

Indications for use

Treatment with hepatoprotectors is possible only after consultation with a doctor. They are prescribed when making the following diagnoses:

  • Alcoholic hepatitis, which increases the risk of developing cirrhosis. To achieve success with drug treatment, it is necessary that the patient completely abstain from drinking alcohol.
  • Fatty hepatitis - provided that it is not a consequence of alcoholism - is the proliferation of fat cells. People with type 2 diabetes or obesity often suffer from this disease.
  • Hepatitis of viral etiology – primary treatment carried out with antiviral drugs. Hepatoprotectors are prescribed only when the first course of therapy has not brought the desired result.
  • Toxic hepatitis or primary biliary cirrhosis - hepatoprotectors are prescribed as a basis for complex treatment of the disease and subject to diet.

Hepatoprotectors for the liver

In addition to restoring the cell walls of the organ, good hepatoprotectors should regulate intracellular metabolism, stimulate the outflow of bile, remove waste and toxins, prevent further spread of infection, and stop the inflammatory process. To achieve good results, you must follow a diet, refuse bad habits, to live an active lifestyle. The following medications have proven themselves well: Heptral, Essentiale, Liv 52, Osalmid and some others.


A dietary supplement for restoring the liver gland is produced by the Korean company Coral Club in powder form in individual foil bags weighing 4.5 grams each. The product contains only natural ingredients:

  • glucose;
  • persimmon fruit extract;
  • Chinese wolfberry extract;
  • soybean sprouts;
  • Japanese mandarin peel extract;
  • buckwheat seeds;
  • taurine;
  • citric acid;
  • stevia glycoside;
  • ascorbic acid.

FanDetox is prescribed to protect the organ from the pathological effects of alcohol on it, medicinal substances, poor quality food. Before use, the contents of the sachet must be dissolved in half a glass of warm water. The drink is drunk 2 times a day after meals for a month. No side effects were recorded during treatment, but FanDetox is strictly contraindicated:

  • during lactation;
  • patients with intestinal disorders;
  • during pregnancy;
  • in case of individual intolerance to components;
  • for disorders of carbohydrate metabolism.

Recovery pills liver function Available in cardboard boxes of 20 pieces. The drug has hepatoprotective, detoxification, neuroprotective properties, pronounced antidepressant activity, and activates the regenerating functions of the liver gland. Heptral contains:

  • ademetionine (main active ingredient);
  • talc;
  • magnesium stearate;
  • polysorbate;
  • silica;
  • sodium glycolate;
  • simethicone;
  • purified water.

Heptral is prescribed by doctors after diagnosing and making the following diagnoses:

  • intrahepatic cholestasis due to fatty degradation, alcoholic hepatosis, viral or drug-induced hepatitis, toxic or drug-induced liver damage;
  • chronic hepatitis of various origins;
  • fibrosis;
  • cirrhosis;
  • severe intoxication with drugs, alcohol, food;
  • depression.

Heptral must be taken in the first half of the day. The daily dosage is 800-1600 mg, the course of treatment is determined individually. The medication should be avoided in case of genetic metabolic disorders, patients under 18 years of age, and people with bipolar disorder. While taking Heptral, undesirable effects may occur:

  • within nervous system– dizziness, migraine, paresthesia, insomnia. confusion;
  • cardiovascular system – phlebitis of superficial veins, heart rhythm disturbances, hot flashes;
  • digestion - bloating, dry mouth, diarrhea, dyspepsia, flatulence, colic, gastrointestinal bleeding, nausea with vomiting;
  • musculoskeletal system – muscle spasms, arthralgia;
  • others - laryngeal swelling, allergies, fever, flu-like symptoms, sweating, urinary tract infections.

Essentiale forte

These are capsules Brown. The active component of Essentiale forte - essential phospholipids - starts regeneration processes, normalizes metabolism and stops the replacement of healthy hepatocytes with connective tissue. Auxiliary components are:

  • gelatin;
  • purified water;
  • ethanol 96%;
  • α-tocopherol;
  • castor oil;
  • soybean oil;
  • titanium dioxide;
  • sodium lauryl sulfate.

Tablets are prescribed for recovery from toxicosis in pregnant women, chronic hepatitis, fatty liver degradation, cirrhosis, as an adjuvant therapy for psoriasis, and radiation syndrome. Essentiale Forte should be taken with meals, 2 capsules 2-3 times a day. Treatment duration is 3 months, can be repeated if necessary. Essentials are well tolerated by the body, only occasionally causing stool upset. Serious contraindications Essentiale doesn't.

Liv 52

This is a combination medicine to restore the functionality of the liver gland. The composition of Liv 52 consists entirely of plant materials:

  • caper and chicory powder;
  • iron oxide;
  • black nightshade;
  • terminalia arjuna;
  • cassia occidentalis;
  • common yarrow;
  • Gallic tamarix;
  • eclipta white;
  • medicinal fume;
  • Ceylon pig;
  • medicinal emblems;
  • seed radish.

Liv 52 has antitoxic, choleretic, anti-inflammatory, hepatoprotective effects. The components of the composition restore intracellular processes and protein synthesis. Due to these positive properties, a homeopathic remedy is prescribed for:

  • different types of hepatitis (drug-induced, toxic, viral);
  • cholecystitis;
  • fatty hepatosis;
  • disorders of bile outflow;
  • fibrosis;
  • biliary dyskinesia;
  • cholangitis;
  • for the prevention of alcoholism.

Liv 52 is available without a prescription. Adults need to take 2-3 tablets up to three times a day, children – 1 tablet 2-3 times a day. The duration of drug therapy is determined by the doctor. The drug is well tolerated by patients, only occasionally causing allergic reactions or dyspepsia. Liv 52 is prescribed with caution to patients with acute inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract).

The drug for restoring liver functionality is available in capsules of 30 pieces or tablets of 80-180 pieces. The active component of the capsules is dry extract of milk thistle fruits, dragees - silymarin. The pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics of the drug have not been fully studied, but it is known that the drug has a membrane-stabilizing effect and an antioxidant effect and can improve blood microcirculation.

Carsil is used to prevent damage to the liver gland due to prolonged use of alcohol or medications. As part of complex therapy, capsules are prescribed for:

  • chronic hepatitis of non-viral nature;
  • cirrhosis;
  • steatosis of alcoholic or non-alcoholic etiology;
  • recovery of the body after acute hepatitis;
  • toxic cell damage.

Karsil extremely rarely causes adverse reactions. Contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to the components of the composition, lactase deficiency, celiac enteropathy. The dosage of the drug depends on the form of release:

  • capsules - for severe lesions, take 1 capsule 3 times a day, for pathologies of moderate severity - 2 times a day;
  • dragees – 1 or 2 pieces 3 times a day;
  • The duration of drug treatment is 90 days.


The drug is one of the natural dietary supplements. Ovesol contains natural components that have anti-inflammatory, detoxifying, restorative effects - oat seed extract, turmeric, immortelle flowers, peppermint. The dietary supplement carefully “washes” the liver, reduces bile stagnation, and reduces the chance of cholelithiasis.

Tablets can cause allergies and are contraindicated for people with hypersensitivity to one or more components. Ovesol is prescribed with caution to patients with a bent gallbladder or cholelithiasis. According to the instructions, you need to take the dietary supplement for 20 days, 1 tablet twice a day. The course must be repeated 3-4 times a year.


This combined medicine can stabilize liver cell membranes, protect the organ from negative effects, and relieve inflammation. Phosphogliv is available in the form of gelatin capsules of 50 pieces with several active ingredients - phospholipids and sodium glycyrrhizinate. Excipients are:

  • microcrystalline cellulose;
  • sodium carbonate;
  • calcium stearate;
  • talc;
  • silica;
  • Aerosil;
  • titanium dioxide.

Capsules are taken orally during meals without chewing. Recommended dosage – 2 pcs. three times a day. The duration of rehabilitation therapy can be up to 6 months. Phosphogliv often provokes allergic reactions, rarely causes hypertension, swelling of soft tissues. The use of liver restoration tablets should be avoided:

  • people with hypersensitivity to the composition;
  • pregnant women;
  • nursing mothers;
  • patients with antiphospholipid syndrome;
  • children under 12 years of age.


The combined agents restore bile secretion, relieve spasm of the gallbladder, and have hepatoprotective properties. One capsule contains many active ingredients - dry extract of fume, protopine, milk thistle fruit, silymarin. Excipients:

  • magnesium stearate;
  • microcrystalline cellulose;
  • silica;
  • corn starch;
  • macrogol;
  • gelatin;
  • povidone.

The drug should be taken orally with food. To restore the functionality of the liver gland, doctors prescribe 1 capsule 3 times a day. The duration is selected individually. Hepabene can rarely provoke an allergic reaction or cause a laxative effect. It is contraindicated:

  • teenagers under the age of majority;
  • patients with active forms of biliary tract diseases;
  • if the patient is hypersensitive to the composition of the drug.

The drug is produced in the form of capsules with the active ingredient – ​​ursodeoxycholic acid. Ursofalk reduces the tendency for stones to appear in the bile ducts, helps to dissolve cholesterol plaques. The auxiliary components are:

  • magnesium stearate;
  • colloidal silicon dioxide;
  • corn starch;
  • gelatin;
  • titanium dioxide;
  • finished it.

Ursofalk should be taken before bedtime according to weight: 2 capsules for patients weighing up to 60 kg, 3 for patients weighing up to 80 kg, 4 capsules for patients weighing up to 100 kg. The duration of therapy is 6-12 months. Ursofalk is not recommended by the manufacturer for patients with acute inflammatory diseases of the gallbladder or blockage of the ducts. Ursofalk can provoke the appearance of:

  • nausea;
  • pain in the abdomen or right hypochondrium;
  • diarrhea;
  • increased activity of liver transaminases;
  • allergic reactions.


A homeopathic remedy with mild hepatoprotective, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory and choleretic effects is available in the form of tablets. The main active ingredients are extracts of milk thistle, medicinal dandelion, greater celandine, phosphorus, and sodium sulfate. Galstena is prescribed for organ restoration, for diseases of the gallbladder or pancreas.

Galstena can rarely provoke the appearance increased salivation. The medicine is not prescribed for alcohol dependence or hypersensitivity to components. The drug is taken half an hour or an hour before meals in dosages depending on the diagnosis and the age of the patient:

  • For hepatitis, hepatosis or pancreatitis: children under 12 years of age are prescribed ½, adults – 1 tablet. The duration of therapy until recovery is 3 months, the frequency of use is 3 times a day.
  • For chronic cholecystitis, cholelithiasis: children ½ tablet, adults - 1 tablet. Frequency of administration – 3 times/day, duration of therapy – 1 month.


A choleretic agent has the ability to increase diuresis, has a pronounced hepatoprotective effect, reduces blood azotemia, and intensively removes urea. Hophytol is a homeopathic remedy. It contains only one active ingredient - extract of fresh field artichoke leaves. Hofitol is available in the form of tablets of 60 pieces per package.

Adults are prescribed 2-3 tablets. 3 times a day before meals, children over 6 years old – 1-2 tablets. The course of drug therapy is 3 months. Hophytol is well tolerated by patients, but rarely can cause minor allergic reactions or the development of diarrhea. You will have to stop taking liver restoration pills if:

  • acute diseases of the biliary or urinary tract;
  • the presence of kidney stones;
  • obstruction of the bile ducts.


It is a synthetic drug developed on the basis of a single active ingredient - cyclone. The medicine is available in the form of tablets to restore the liver with anti-inflammatory properties. Cyqualon:

  1. stimulates the secretion of bile;
  2. reduces the severity of inflammatory processes;
  3. relieves pain in gallbladder diseases;
  4. prevents bloating;
  5. eliminates fermentation in the intestines, normalizes stool.

Cicqualon is prescribed for cholecystitis, cholangitis, cholelithiasis in dosages of one gram 3-4 times a day. The course of treatment is 3-4 weeks (can be repeated after a month if necessary). Cicqualon is contraindicated in case of blockage of the bile ducts. The tablets are well tolerated by patients and can only sometimes cause a feeling of heaviness or a bitter taste in the mouth.

The phospholipid drug has hepatoprotective properties, stabilizes cell membranes, activates tissue regeneration processes, inhibits collagen synthesis, and reduces cholesterol levels. Composition of tablets for liver restoration Rezalut Pro:

  • phospholipids from soy lecithin;
  • glycerol mono- or dialconate;
  • soybean oil;
  • α-tocopherol;
  • gelatin.

Tablets should be taken 2 pieces 3 times a day before meals. The timing of rehabilitation therapy is selected individually for each patient. Rezalyut pro is not prescribed to patients with antiphospholipid syndrome. With prolonged use, the medicine provokes side effects from the systems:

  • digestion – diarrhea, nausea, stomach discomfort;
  • hematopoiesis - disorder menstrual cycle in women, petechial rash;
  • allergic reactions - urticaria.


A choleretic agent stimulates the formation and outflow of bile, has analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties, and normalizes bilirubin levels. Osalmid is available as a white or almost white, soluble in water. Take the drug orally at a dose of 250-500 mg 3 times a day for up to 20 days. Osalmide can very rarely cause diarrhea or allergies. Taking the powder is contraindicated if:

  • hypersensitivity;
  • acute inflammation of the liver gland;
  • degenerative processes of soft tissues.

How to choose liver restoration pills

List of suggested pharmaceutical companies hepatoprotectors are very wide, so it is often difficult for the patient to choose the best medicine. The fundamental factors are often reviews of other patients, the price of the medicine, proven effectiveness, but in case of liver diseases it is important to follow only one rule - the choice of medications should be made only by a doctor. Otherwise, the situation may worsen.

After alcohol

Drug treatment after severe alcohol intoxication is possible only after the patient completely abandons further consumption of alcoholic beverages. The safest pharmaceutical products are considered homeopathic medicines, herbal remedies based on milk thistle, burdock root, elecampane. They have minimal side effects and are used as a food additive. Gepabene, Heptral have cleansing properties, while Dipana, HepatoTransit, Tykveol have restorative properties.

Hepatoprotectors for children

The list of medications that are allowed for a child is not very long. Treatment of liver diseases in childhood must be carried out under the supervision of an experienced pediatrician or attending physician. Destination:

  1. From the age of one it is allowed to use Galstena and Hepel.
  2. Children over three years old can be prescribed Essentiale Forte, Antral.
  3. After five years, Karsil, Gepabene, Ursosan are allowed.

For cirrhosis of the liver

Hepatotropic drugs will prevent the liver from deteriorating, will restore its functionality as much as possible, and will prevent the replacement of healthy cells with fibrous tissue in cirrhosis. At the initial stage of the disease, patients are prescribed a special diet and intake vitamin complexes. If the disease has entered the active phase, treatment is supplemented with essential phospholipids, herbal medicines with milk thistle or artichoke - these are Carsil, Lipolic acid, Phosphogliv.

For hepatitis

Hepatoprotectors are often prescribed as auxiliary therapy for hepatitis, but the main treatment is carried out with special antiviral agents. Medicines for the liver help restore its functionality, protect against the damaging effects of exogenous or endogenous factors, accelerate the regeneration of its cells. For hepatitis, the following are often prescribed:

  • Ursoliv;
  • Chophytol;
  • Gepabene;
  • Essentiale.

For fatty liver disease

Treatment fatty liver disease necessarily includes following a diet, taking vitamin complexes and drugs with an antifibrotic effect:

  • medications with flavonoids - milk thistle tablets, Karsil, Silibor, Gepabene, Liv 52;
  • hepatoprotectors with active components of animal origin – Sirepar, Gepatostan;
  • drugs with phospholipids - Essentiale, Essliver;
  • preparations based on urodeoxycholic acid – Ursochol.

Hepatoprotectors when taking antibiotics

To prevent drug intoxication, drugs are prescribed to restore liver functionality with a minimum of contraindications and side effects. These are inexpensive hepatoprotectors with a strong cleansing function - Liv 52, Ovesol, Gepabene, Essentiale. To enhance the effect of these medications, the doctor may prescribe Allohol, Essliver, HeptraLight.


Most hepatoprotectors are available without a doctor's prescription. They can be bought at any pharmacy or ordered through an online store. The cost of the medicine will depend on its volume, manufacturer, pricing at the pharmacy and your region of residence. Average price of tablets for liver restoration in Moscow.

Hepatoprotectors for the liver: a list of effective and inexpensive drugs

Hepatoprotectors are drugs prescribed mainly to older patients.

Because of age characteristics and deterioration of digestive function, people develop polyhypovitaminosis. This affects the metabolism in the body and triggers an accelerated aging process. The main goal of hepatoprotectors is to prolong a person’s youth and life.

There are about 200 varieties of the drug, each of which has its own indications and contraindications for use.

What it is?

Hepatoprotectors- a group of diverse drugs that, in domestic practice, prevent the destruction of cell membranes and stimulate the regeneration of hepatocytes, thereby having a positive effect on liver function. They increase the liver’s resistance to pathological influences, enhance its detoxification function by increasing the activity of enzyme systems (including cytochrome P450 and other microsomal enzymes), and also help restore its functions in case of various damages (including toxic ones).

At the same time, the proven clinical effectiveness of the use of hepatoprotectors in various states contradictory.

Groups of hepatoprotectors

Currently, there is the following classification of tablets, when taken, the liver is supposedly restored:

  • phospholipids;
  • amino acid derivatives;
  • medicines of animal origin;
  • bile acids;
  • herbal medicines;
  • homeopathic medicines;
  • Dietary supplements.

But no matter how much patients ask what is the most effective drug for improving the functioning, maintaining and treating the liver, there is no ideal drug that could restore liver tissue very quickly and effectively. As a rule, such medications are taken throughout the entire period as long as there is an adverse effect of a certain factor on the human liver and there is significant harm from such an effect.

At the same time, patients who need liver protection when taking antibiotics, or those who are interested in how to support the liver when taking alcohol, should understand that a one-time use of such a drug after a person has consumed alcohol, toxic drugs, or overeated, has no effect at all . Therefore, it is better not to treat the liver on your own, because a hepatoprotective agent is only an auxiliary drug in complex therapy, and it is necessary to determine which better drug and how to treat it, only a specialist should.

Organ functions and drug effects

Any disease that affects the liver causes serious disruption in almost all body systems, since the organ performs a number of functions important functions, in particular the liver:

  • responsible for protein, carbohydrate, lipid, pigment metabolism;
  • neutralizes the harmful effects of toxins and drugs;
  • stores vitamins and microelements;
  • produces cholesterol and lipids;
  • regulates blood clotting;
  • responsible for the production of bile acids and their transport to the gallbladder;
  • stimulates intestinal function;
  • synthesizes and inactivates some hormones, including sex hormones;
  • produces enzymes;
  • is a blood repository.

Nature, having endowed the liver with so many functions, took care of its integrity. This is the only organ that can recover even after partial removal. But the body cannot always cope with some factors on its own, namely:

  • obesity;
  • alcohol;
  • medications;
  • genetic factors;
  • drug use;
  • poor environment;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • physical inactivity;
  • improper nutrition.

Although the liver is capable of recovery, prolonged excessive stress sooner or later disrupts its activity. Hepatoprotectors are designed to protect the liver from such factors. They, of course, will not replace basic therapy, but will complement the effect of prescribed medications and can improve the function of liver cells.

In case of liver pathologies (hepatitis, hepatosis, fibrosis, cirrhosis, liver failure, cancer, etc.) and forced prolonged use of certain medications (anticonvulsants, antitumor, painkillers), the doctor must prescribe hepatoprotectors.

Recently, a myth has formed that this class of drugs is just an invention of “greedy” pharmacists who want to profit from the grief of patients and produce drugs with dubious effectiveness. Opponents of these drugs rely on the fact that in Europe and the USA, liver treatment is not carried out with such medications, since they do not exist in the list of pharmacological agents.

When are drugs from this group prescribed?

Russian pharmacies offer a wide selection of liver cleansing drugs, which are very popular. The cost of the therapeutic course is expensive for patients, although not everyone feels the result. Discussions about the appropriateness and necessity of such treatment in medical circles have been going on for a long time; in our country, a doctor can prescribe hepatoprotectors in the following cases:

  1. For (fatty liver). Hepatoprotectors are used as part of complex therapy, which includes: a low-fat diet, antidiabetic drugs, and regular exercise.
  2. After chemotherapy. The hepatoprotective agent helps to gradually restore the liver.
  3. . Medicines are prescribed if antiviral drugs do not show the expected effect or for any reason antiviral therapy is impossible.
  4. When caused by alcoholism. In this case, the main step towards recovery is to stop drinking alcohol, otherwise hepatoprotectors will be absolutely useless.
  5. For toxic hepatitis (after taking antibiotics). Hepatoprotectors are effective in combination with other drugs to restore the liver, diet, and giving up bad habits.
  6. With enlarged liver (hepatomegaly). For rapid regeneration of organ cells and normal functioning of the organ, hepatoprotectors are used.

List of popular hepatoprotectors for 2019

The list of hepatoprotectors with proven effectiveness for 2019 is not that long. First of all, it is ursodeoxycholic acid, as well as amino acids. However, the effect of amino acids in most cases manifests itself only with injections, and ursodeoxycholic acid is used for liver diseases to treat only certain manifestations and cannot be considered as a universal drug.

List of inexpensive and effective hepatoprotectors:

A drug Price from
Berlition 594 rub.
461 rub.
Hepa-mertz 769 rub.
Hepatrin 320 rub.
Heptor 1022 rub.
Heptral 1612 rub.
Karsil 372 rub.
Legalon 283 rub.
Ovesol 172 rub.
Octolipen 359 rub.
Rezalut Pro 1332 rub.
Thiogamma 223 rub.
Tykveol 278 rub.
Urdoxa 741 rub.
Ursosan 191 rub.
Ursofalk 210 rub.
Phosphogliv 540 rub.
Hepel 366 rub.
Hofitol 372 rub.
Essentiale Forte 715 rub.
Essliver 315 rub.

Classification of liver drugs by type of active substances:

Active Ingredients Drugs
Animal liver cells Gepatosan, Sirepar, Progepar
Milk Thistle Extract (Silymarin) Karsil, Gepabene, Galstena, Legalon, Fosfontziale, Gepatrin, Livesil Forte
Artichoke extract Hofitol, Hepatrin
Pumpkin seed extract Tykveol, Peponen
Other herbal ingredients Hepel, Liv 52, Ovesol
Phospholipids Essentiale Forte, Phosphogliv, Antraliv, Essliver, Phosphonciale, Rezalut Pro, Hepatrin, Livesil Forte
Ursodeoxycholic acid Ursofalk, Urdoxa, Ursosan, Livodexa
Thioctic acid Octolipen, Thiogamma, Berlition
Ademetionine Heptral, Heptor
Ornithine Hepa-Merz

Hepatoprotectors with essential phospholipids

According to statistics, these drugs are most common in post-Soviet regions. They are obtained from soybeans. Phospholipids are products of lipid metabolism, which are kind of building blocks for the construction of cells. These substances are involved in the transport of nutrients, cell division and differentiation, and they activate various enzymatic systems.

The advantages of hepatoprotectors based on essential phospholipids include:

  • the ability to quickly restore hepatocytes at the molecular level;
  • protection against toxins and viruses;
  • improvement of the action of interferons;
  • preventing the formation of scar tissue.

However, there are also negative opinions about these medications.. In particular, in 2003, a study was conducted in the United States that did not determine the positive effect of such drugs on liver function. Scientists have also found that during the treatment of hepatitis - acute and chronic, inflammation intensified, since drugs in this group do not have choleretic properties, and the bile stagnates.

If we are guided by these studies, then the choice of drugs of this type for the treatment of viral hepatitis is the wrong decision. There is also evidence that different B vitamins, which are present, for example, in Essliver Forte, are not recommended to be taken at the same time. Some sources claim that tablets like Essentiale practically do not enter the liver, being distributed throughout the body. It is advisable to take B vitamins separately in tablets; you can find out the names of the drugs from your doctor.

Therefore, treatment of liver disease with such drugs may be ineffective. At the same time, the price of hepoprotective drugs is quite high: if you take capsules for one month, the cost of treatment will be approximately 3,000 rubles. Thus, taking modern means of this type, the patient receives questionable effectiveness. And people with hepatitis (the active form of the disease) need to take them very carefully.

List of essential phospholipids:

Essentiale N, Essentiale forte N

Composition: essential phospholipids.
Side effects: well tolerated, sometimes diarrhea and abdominal discomfort are possible.
Contraindicated in children under 12 years of age.
Average price in pharmacies 2018: 30 pcs. 660 RUR, 5 amp. 950 rub. 90 pcs. 1300 rub.

Essliver Forte

Ingredients: essential phospholipids (less than in Essential), vitamins (B1, B2, B6, E, PP, B12)
Side effects: possible diarrhea, pain in the upper abdomen
With caution for children under 1 2 years old, pregnant and lactating women.
Price: 30 caps. 300 rub, 50 caps. 420 rub.


Ingredients: Lipoid C100 and Silymarin
Price: 30 caps. 420-480 rub.

Gepagard Active

Ingredients: essential phospholipids, vitamin E
Price: 30 caps. 300 rubles, 120 drops.. 900-950 rubles.


Ingredients: phospholipids, trisodium salt of glycyrrhizic acid (antiviral and immunomodulatory effects)
Price: 50 caps. 450-500 rub. powder for injection 5 pcs. 1300-1500 rub.

Rezalut PRO

Composition: Lipoid PPL 600, which contains: medium chain triglycerides, phospholipids, glycerol mono/dialconate, soybean oil, vitamin E.
Price: 30 caps. 450 rub., 100 caps. 1300 rub.

Doppelhertz active essential phospholipids

Compound: Essential phospholipids, Vitamin B1, B2, B6
Price: 60 caps. 460 RUR, 5 amp. 640 rub.


Composition: phospholipids + methionine
Indicated: For liver diseases, diabetes, psoriasis, dystrophy and exhaustion, atherosclerosis coronary arteries and brain vessels .
Contraindicated: children under 3 years of age, pregnant and lactating women with caution.
Price: 580 -720 rub.

Hepatoprotectors with components of animal origin

Preparations created from pork liver are capable of regenerating hepatocytes of the human liver, since they are as similar in composition as possible. Thanks to their detoxifying and antioxidant effects, they treat hepatitis, hepatosis and cirrhosis of the liver.

Among the positive qualities noted:

  • the ability to remove toxins from the body;
  • accelerate the regeneration of hepatocytes;
  • restore lost liver functions.
  • high risk of allergies;
  • the risk of developing immunopathological syndromes in acute forms of hepatitis;
  • they are not suitable for the prevention of liver diseases.

Cons: There is no clinical evidence that the medicine actually helps or is safe. There is also a potential danger when taking these medications: for example, they should not be taken if you have active hepatitis. Also, drugs of this type have a high allergenic potential. Therefore, before practicing such treatment, it is necessary to determine whether a person is highly sensitive to the drug.

When taking such drugs, there is a risk of the patient contracting a prion infection, which causes spongiform encephalopathy. Therefore, when determining which medicine is better, you need to take into account that there is an opinion that it is not advisable to take these tablets for the treatment of liver pathologies.

Hepatoprotectors with amino acids: Heptral, Heptor (Ademethionine)

Positive opinion- amino acids, for example, ademetionine, take part in the synthesis of biologically active substances and phospholipids, and have regenerating and detoxifying properties. By the end of 1 week of use, Heptral also exhibits a pronounced antidepressant effect, breaks down fats and promotes their removal from the liver. These medications are used for fatty liver hepatosis (fatty degeneration), chronic hepatitis, toxic hepatitis, withdrawal syndrome, and depression.

Analysis of the clinical studies conducted indicates the clinical effectiveness of ademetionine and indicates a pronounced hepatoprotective effectiveness in alcohol and drug-induced liver damage, cholestatic liver diseases (primary biliary cirrhosis), chronic viral hepatitis. It has choleretic and cholekinetic effects, antioxidant, neuroprotective and antifibrosing properties.

Negative opinion— Heptral is a registered drug in Russia, Germany and Italy. It is also a veterinary drug in Australia (for dogs and other animals). In all other countries, the drug is positioned as a dietary supplement, since research results have shown dubious results.

Most doctors still claim the effectiveness of this drug, but only if it is infused intravenously, since it is poorly absorbed when taken orally.

Ornithine aspartate - Hepa-Merz

Positive opinion— Ornithine helps reduce high levels of ammonia, is used for disorders of the brain associated with impaired liver function, as well as for fatty degeneration and toxic hepatitis. This medicine is practically not used for prevention.

The effectiveness of Hepa-Merz was proven in a randomized multicenter study in patients with liver cirrhosis with elevated levels of ammonia in the blood. It is prescribed for various types of hepatitis, non-alcoholic steatohepatitis, especially for hepatic encephalopathy and cirrhosis of the liver.

Negative opinion- in the case of alcoholic liver damage, it has practically no effect, so supporting and protecting the liver with this remedy is ineffective. A noticeable effect is observed only in hepatic coma. It is advisable to use the drug for the purpose of short-term recovery from this state.

Hepatoprotectors of plant origin

The most trusted drugs are those with plant based. Especially popular are the fruits of milk thistle, in which many biologically active ingredients(microelements, vitamins, organic acids).

Preparations based on milk thistle significantly reduce the toxic effect on the liver and promote the regeneration of cellular structures. In damaged hepatocytes, protein production is stimulated, cell membranes are stabilized, and the loss of trace elements stops, thereby increasing the natural regeneration of liver cells.

However, there is insufficient confirmed data on the clinical effectiveness of silymarin in the treatment of alcoholic liver tissue damage. Effectiveness in acute hepatitis C and viral hepatitis B has not been proven. In the future, studies will be conducted on the effectiveness of silymarin in the treatment of chronic liver diseases.

Karsil and Karsil Forte

Ingredients: milk thistle extract.
Application: before meals, with a sufficient amount of water, course for at least 3 months. For prevention, 1 tablet 3 times a day. For children over 12 years of age and adults with severe liver damage, 4 dr. 3 r/day, then 1-2 dr. 3 r/day.
Side effects

  • Karsil 80 pcs. 330 rub.,
  • Karsil Forte 30 pcs. 380 rub.

Ingredients: milk thistle fruit extract.
Application: after eating, without chewing, with a small amount of liquid. Start of treatment 2 caps. 3 r/day, maintenance therapy 1 dr. 3 r/day.
Side effects: allergic reactions, diarrhea.

  • Legalon 70 mg: 30 caps. 230 rub. 60 caps. 400 rub
  • Legalon 140 mg: 30 caps - 340 rubles, 60 caps. 600 rub.
Gepabene (milk thistle and smokeweed)

Ingredients: herbal fumifera dry extract and milk thistle.
Contraindication: children under 18 years of age, acute inflammation of the liver and biliary tract.
Application: 1 capsule. 3 times a day For pain, take an additional 1 capsule. before bedtime. The maximum daily dose is 6 capsules, taken in 3-4 divided doses.
Price: 30 caps. 430-570 rub.

Silymar tablets

Ingredients: milk thistle fruit extract.
Application: for toxic liver damage, cirrhosis, after hepatitis, chronic hepatitis, for long-term use of alcohol and medications, for intoxication. 1-2 tablets each. 3 times a day for 30 minutes. before meals. Course 25-30 days. After 1-3 months, you can repeat the treatment.
Not recommended children under 12 years old.
Side effects: possible loose stools and allergic reactions.
Price: 30 pcs. 110-150 rub.

Milk thistle tablets (extract)

Ingredients: 50 mg silymarin.
Application, indications, contraindications and side effects the same as for other preparations with milk thistle extract.

Price: 20 pcs. 130 rub.

Milk thistle meal (crushed plant)

Application: 1 teaspoon 3 times a day with meals.
Contraindications: cholelithiasis, exacerbation of gastric and duodenal ulcers, hypersensitivity, pregnant and lactating women.
Side effects: pain in the right hypochondrium, diarrhea, allergies.
Price: 60 rub.

Milk thistle oil in capsules
Application: adults, 1 capsule. 2 times a day during meals. The course is 1 month, which can be repeated 2-3 times a year.
Contraindications: spicy gastrointestinal diseases, childhood.
Price: 40-60 rub.
Milk thistle syrup

Ingredients: milk thistle meal and extract, common thyme herb, tansy flowers.
Application: 1 tbsp. spoon 1-2 times a day during meals. Course 4-6 weeks. It is possible to repeat the course up to 4 times a year.
Contraindications: children under 14 years of age, pregnancy, lactation, diabetes.
Price: 150 ml. 110 rub.

Milk thistle tablets are not the only herbal medicines that restore and protect the liver. Celandine, artichoke, turmeric, pumpkin seeds, and fumaria officinalis can act as active ingredients in a number of hepatoprotectors. They are distinguished by a minimal number of side effects, the ability to eliminate spasms of the gallbladder, and improve the outflow and production of bile. For example, Allochol, which is not a hepatoprotector, also consists of plant components, but causes a lot of side effects.

At the same time, medical evidence suggests that artichoke leaf extract is widely used, but it has not been clinically proven that it can provide effective help. It is not recommended to use for cholelithiasis, acute hepatitis, cholestasis syndrome.

The list of popular drugs includes:

  • Liv-52, regenerating damaged intracellular processes. Prescribed for persistent disturbances of appetite, it has a healing effect on the liver due to its powerful phytocomposition.
  • Pumpkin based on pumpkin seed oil. It has a pronounced antioxidant and hepatoprotective effect, normalizes the composition of bile and the condition of the bile ducts.
  • Chophytol, which has a choleretic and diuretic effect, improves blood composition and promotes the rapid elimination of urea.
  • Hepel, which has antispasmodic, choleretic, hepatoprotective, antidiarrheal, and anti-inflammatory effects.

Dietary supplements or homeopathic medicines

List of drugs:

  1. Galstena with active plant components - milk thistle, medicinal dandelion and celandine. The drug also contains phosphorus and sodium sulfate. Prescribed for the treatment of liver pathologies occurring in acute and chronic forms, in case of impaired functioning of the gallbladder, chronic pancreatitis.

The medicine is taken after meals or 1 hour before meals. Children under one year old are prescribed ½ tablet 3 times a day, children 1-12 years old - ½ tablet (or 5 drops of the drug), children over 12 years old and adults - 1 tablet. In severe forms of the disease, the frequency of taking the drug is increased to 8 times a day.

  1. Hepel. The medicine contains spotted milk thistle, components of the quinn tree, celandine, nutmeg, phosphorus and colocynth. It has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, choleretic and antidiarrheal properties. Prescribed to patients suffering from bloating, appetite disorders, eczema, acne on the body, as well as toxic and inflammatory liver diseases. Hepel is taken three times a day, one tablet. In severe forms of pathology, patients are administered 1 ampoule of the drug intramuscularly.

Among diseases of the digestive system, liver pathologies occupy a leading position. First of all, this concerns a violation of the metabolic functions of this organ. Liver diseases are associated with alcohol addiction, an increase in viral infections, exposure to drugs and toxins, and immune diseases.
Therapy of liver diseases involves work in two areas:

  1. Etiotropic (if possible) - usually for viral hepatitis, with the goal of causing the death of the pathogen or at least reducing its activity.
  2. Pathogenetic treatment is a set of methods and means of influence in order to normalize impaired functions.

Hepatoprotectors belong to the second direction of therapy for liver diseases. The pathogenetic effect involves a proven reduction in inflammation, destruction of cell structure, and prevention of the proliferation of connective tissue (fibrosis).
Hepatoprotectors (from Greek hepatos, liver and Latin protection, protection, patronage) are drugs for the treatment of the liver that selectively improve the functioning of its cells. They have different effects on the structural elements of the liver:

  • enhance the antitoxic functions of hepatocytes - the main cells of the liver;
  • inhibit oxidative processes in the organ;
  • have an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • prevent the production of connective tissue components, preventing the development of fibrosis;
  • stimulate the restoration of hepatocytes.

Therefore, the effects of hepatoprotectors vary.

Conflicting opinions about hepatoprotectors

The term “hepatoprotector” implies that the drug must have a specific therapeutic effect: reduce the concentration of fatty acids, prevent the degeneration of liver tissue, enhance the ability to neutralize toxins and restore cells, and reduce the accumulation of fat.
The use of drugs in this group in a wide range clinical practice controversial - from complete rejection to consideration as basic drugs for any liver pathology. Already in 1970, a list of strict requirements for an ideal hepatoprotector was defined:

  • the drug must be completely absorbed (absorbed) when taken orally;
  • the medicine from the digestive tract must immediately enter the liver;
  • have the ability to bind toxins or prevent their formation;
  • reduce inflammation and suppress fibrogenesis;
  • stimulate the regenerative abilities of the liver;
  • improve metabolic processes (metabolism);
  • not to be toxic yourself;
  • have extensive (associated with quantitative rather than qualitative changes) cyclic circulation of bile acids in the digestive organs.

There is still no ideal drug with the properties listed in the work of Preisig R. However, interest in the topic does not wane. The pharmaceutical market is flooded with drugs claiming to be hepatoprotectors, but:

  1. The mechanisms of action of many hepatoprotectors have not been fully established. This creates understandable difficulties in determining indications for their use.
  2. With all the variety of drugs on the pharmaceutical market, almost all of them lack reliable scientific data with a high level of evidence - large-scale multicenter randomized (random) placebo-controlled studies that would prove that hepatoprotective drugs have a positive effect on the human body.

The opinion of the majority of medical experts is as follows: before introducing a hepatoprotective drug onto the market, you should first carefully study what biochemical effects it gives, on what principle the drug acts on the human body, what chemical transformations occur with the drug when ingested, and how this can affect the patient's health.
The drug must have a positive effect on the main indicators of people's health - if the patient is sick, it is important to cure him, if he was saved, then it is important that he lives as long as possible.

When promoting a hepatoprotector on the pharmaceutical market, manufacturers rely on the opinion of experts who claim that their drug has a direct therapeutic effect - there is a positive dynamics of biochemical and physiological parameters, which are specifically targeted by the drug. This is a reduction in symptoms of the disease, normalization of blood pressure, increase in hemoglobin, and restoration of functions. However, clinical and biochemical parameters are intermediate criteria. Doctors cannot focus on them. The medicine should save from death and prolong life.
What is true when treating with hepatoprotectors? For all drugs, the main criterion is survival. Information on the effectiveness of hepatoprotectors is taken from:

  1. From systematic reviews.
  2. In prospective randomized (reliable clinical) studies.

If there is none, then in descending order of importance:

  • large prospective comparative but not randomized studies;
  • retrospective comparative studies on a large group;
  • on individual patients;
  • formalized expert opinion, for example, obtained by the Delphi method (surveys, interviews, brainstorming sessions are conducted to achieve maximum unanimity in determining the right decision).

From the perspective of evidence-based medicine (a real system of actions, integrating one’s own experience with experience reflected in reliable clinical studies and reviews), the opinions of experts and specialists, as well as a series of cases, have a low level of evidence.

Medicine is a science. There is no truth in science. There are scientific facts that have been proven or not proven through a valid scientific experiment. Such an experiment in medicine is a randomized (random) double-blind placebo-controlled study, when neither the doctor nor the patient during this event knows whether the patient is receiving a placebo (dummy drug) or a drug. With such research there is no possibility of falsifying the results.
A doctor in his work can rely on his own data only when there is no more valuable higher evidence. Therefore, from the standpoint of evidence-based medicine, all hepatoprotectors are divided into four groups:

  1. With proven effectiveness.
  2. With questionable (debatable) effectiveness.
  3. With proven ineffectiveness.
  4. Hepatoprotectors without reliable studies.

Modern methods of drug therapy for liver diseases do not reject the use of hepatoprotectors. However, the term is to a certain extent discredited by the inclusion in this group of drugs, the effectiveness of which is highly questionable. The basis for the use of a number of them is often only the manufacturer’s statements about the pharmacological properties of such “hepatoprotectors”, based on unconvincing results of uncontrolled studies. The fourth group includes hepatoprotectors that have not undergone a single study proving their effectiveness and, importantly, safety.

Hepatoprotectors with proven effectiveness

The only hepatoprotector with high proven effectiveness (randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled studies) is a pharmaceutical substance with the international nonproprietary name ademetionine. Manufacturing companies produce these drugs under their own brands. In Russian pharmacies, ademetionine is sold as Heptral (Italy) and Heptor (Russia).

Ademetionine is a substance that is produced in the liver of each of us from foods that contain methionine: meat, dairy products, fish. Glutathione is formed from ademetionine through a series of biochemical reactions. It takes part in all mechanisms of cellular detoxification (destruction and neutralization of toxins) in all types of poisoning.
Ademetionine is a precursor of glutathione. There is no drug that synthesizes glutathione. In all cases, when treating intoxication, ademetionine is used, from which glutothione is produced.

Ademetionine and alcoholic liver disease

Patients with chronic alcoholism, as a result of the destructive toxic effect of ethanol, or more precisely, the main product of its breakdown - acetaldehyde, suffer from alcoholic liver disease, leading to cirrhosis.

The toxic effect of acetaldehyde depletes the reserves of glutathione, an antioxidant that protects the cell from toxic agents. Due to the lack of antioxidants, the secretion of substances involved in oxidative processes, which have a detrimental effect on the liver, increases. Cell membranes are damaged, and collagen, the basis of connective tissue, begins to be overproduced. Connective tissue begins to grow, replacing liver cells. Fibrosis develops.
The goal of treating patients with alcoholic liver disease is to prevent the formation of fibrosis and then cirrhosis. The direct goal of therapy is to restore biochemical blood parameters, eliminate pain, indigestion and depression.

Based on the causes of the development of the disease, for the successful treatment of patients, it is of great importance to restore the deficiency of biologically active compounds that play an important role in all metabolic processes body. Therefore in complex treatment pathologies, hepatoprotectors based on ademetionine are also included. This substance is found in all tissues and environments of the body and is actively involved in many biological processes, is produced mainly in the liver.

Under the influence of alcohol, drugs, drugs, ademetionine is consumed very intensively, its resources are depleted, and a deficiency of this active occurs. chemical substance. As a result, the production of other enzymes necessary to maintain life is disrupted and their activity decreases. The liver can no longer cope with neutralizing toxins and cannot perform protective functions. The restoration of its main cells, hepatocytes, is also disrupted.

Taking ademetionine medications compensates for the lack of the substance and stimulates its production in the body, primarily in the liver and brain. Clinical studies confirm that the use of ademetionine in the treatment of alcoholic liver disease increases the concentration of glutathione in the organ tissue, and also has a positive effect on patient survival, especially in severe forms of the disease.

The effectiveness of ademetionine has been proven by the Spanish professor J.M. Mato. The study was published in 1999 in a prestigious medical journal on hepatology. The professor took a severe group of patients with alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver. One group received a placebo (dummy medicine), the other received ademetionine 3 tablets (1200 mg) per day for two years every day.

The study concluded that overall survival was significantly higher in the group of patients taking ademetionine – 29% versus 12%. This concerned patients with cirrhosis of the liver, which could still be cured (class A and B). If pathology develops at the class C level, only liver transplantation can save.
Dosage forms of the drug - enteric-coated tablets 400 mg 20 pieces, lyophilisate (dried substance) 400 mg in a bottle 5 ampoules for preparing a solution for intravenous and intramuscular injection. The drug works much more effectively when used in the form of injections.

Ademetionine and chemotherapy

Almost everything is activated and decomposed in the liver medicines against malignant tumors. Toxic breakdown products affect her. When the liver is damaged by medications, a “feedback” effect is created when, due to the destruction of hepatocytes in the blood plasma, the concentration of the chemotherapy drug increases, and this in turn increases the toxic effect on the liver. The most toxic drugs include fluorouracil, methotrexate, cyclophosphamide, epirubicin, doxorubicin.

You can understand how ademetionine works using the example of chemotherapy. The study was conducted by an Italian gastroenterologist practicing at a cancer center, Bruno Vincenti. The doctor conducted a study on patients with colorectal cancer who were treated with chemotherapeutic agents. One group received a placebo, the other received ademetionine tablets. The reduction in chemotherapy-induced hepatotoxicity in the group that did not receive ademetionine was 44%, and in the group with ademetionine the rate decreased to 12%.

Ademetionine and depression

Ademetionine is formed in the liver and consumed by the brain. All mental illnesses occur with ademetionine deficiency. Depressive syndrome is closely related to liver disease: being in this state, those who have not been drinking begin to drink, and those who have been drinking, drink even more. Many people start eating a lot, overeating. This affects the liver.
Ademetionine treats depressive syndromes. As a result of a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study, the effectiveness of the drug in the treatment of this disease, including in women during menopause, was proven. Depressed women during menopause who took 4 tablets a day began to feel better already on the 10th day of the study.

In 2010, the antidepressant effect of ademetionine was confirmed by Professor G.I. Papakostas in Boston and published in the American Journal of Psychiatry. The patients suffered from depression, which could not be cured by the most modern serotonin reuptake inhibitors. Additionally prescribed ademetionine gave an effective result.
Indications for taking medications based on ademetionine include:

    • hepatocellular or canalicular cholestasis due to acute and chronic liver diseases, occurring with the syndrome of intrahepatic cholestasis and drug-induced hepatitis;
    • drug-induced hepatitis;
    • fatty liver;
    • hepatitis of alcoholic origin;
    • alcoholic illness liver;
    • liver fibrosis;
    • cirrhosis of the liver;
    • hepatic encephalopathy;
    • acute liver failure;
    • depression.

Medicines Heptral and Heptor are universal drugs with a wide range of clinical practice.

Hepatoprotectors requiring additional evidence of effectiveness

Hepatoprotectors requiring additional evidence of effectiveness are ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA) and L-ornithine-L-aspartate (LOLA).

Ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA)

Medicines containing ursodeoxycholic acid are manufactured under the following trade names: Ursosan, Ursofalk, Urdoxa, Ursodez, Livodexa, Ursor, Ursoliv, Choludexan, Exchol, Grinterol.
Ursodeoxycholic acid belongs to the group of bile acids. The mechanisms of its operation are not fully understood, as they are quite complex. It is assumed that UDCA effectively protects tissue cells by inhibiting the absorption of toxic cholic (bile) acids in the lower small intestine.
Ursodeoxycholic acid:

      • reduces the concentration of cholesterol in bile, inhibiting its absorption in the intestines, suppressing production in the liver and reducing secretion into bile;
      • increases cholesterol solubility;
      • reduces the tendency of bile to form stones, increasing the content of bile acids in it.

Ursodeoxycholic acid is indicated in three cases:

      1. primary biliary cirrhosis to reduce clinical symptoms;
      2. dissolution of small and medium-sized cholesterol gallstones;
      3. biliary reflux gastritis.

Ursodeoxycholic acid also has a regulating effect on the immune system.

Ursodeoxycholic acid and cholelithiasis

In 1993, 23 scientific research. 2000 patients took part in it. During its implementation, it was proven that taking UDCA for more than 6 months leads to the dissolution of stones in 38% of patients with cholelithiasis.
Moreover, if ursodeoxycholic acid is combined with chenodoxoxycholic acid, making one drug, then the stones will dissolve in 70% of cases. But chenodoxycholic acid turned out to be a toxin, and the product was discontinued.
The prescription of a drug based on ursodeoxycholic acid is pathogenetically justified for diseases accompanied by intrahepatic cholestasis (reduced bile flow):

      • primary sclerosing cholangitis;
      • chronic hepatitis with a cholestatic component (especially alcoholic and medicinal);
      • cystic fibrosis (cystic fibrosis);
      • atresia of the intrahepatic bile ducts;
      • cholestasis syndrome after liver transplantation;
      • cholestasis with parenteral (intravenous) nutrition.

However, cholelithiasis is not a liver disease.

Ursodeoxycholic acid and alcoholic liver disease

In France, in 2003, a randomized controlled trial was conducted in people with alcoholic cirrhosis and jaundice. The goal is to determine how ursodeoxycholic acid affects human survival.

The study was conducted with the participation of 24 medical centers. 139 men and 87 women (226 patients) were examined, in whom the presence of liver cirrhosis resulting from alcohol abuse was clinically proven. Patients also suffered from high levels of bilirubin in the blood. The average biological age of the participants was 49 years. The subjects were divided into two groups. In the main group, patients received UDCA according to a regimen of 13–15 mg per kilogram of body weight per day for six months; in the control group, placebo. During the course of the study, 55 participants died. There were 35 people among those who took UDCA, and 20 patients in the placebo group.

At intent-to-treat, the likelihood of 1-month survival among those taking ursodeoxycholic acid was lower than among those taking placebo (69% vs. 82%, respectively). According to the main clinical and biological parameters, bilirubin levels were higher in those who took ursodeoxycholic acid.
Later it was possible to prove that ursodeoxycholic acid for alcoholic liver pathology is at most a placebo. There is no convincing scientific evidence that this drug has a positive effect on survival in this disease.

Ursodeoxycholic acid and primary biliary cirrhosis

Primary biliary cirrhosis is a rare pathology that is very difficult to cure. Evidence-based research was carried out in 2001. During its implementation, the authors proved that taking ursodeoxycholic acid significantly reduces jaundice, reduces the content of serum enzymes and bilirubin. But for itching, mortality, liver transplantation, fatigue, quality of life, accompanying autoimmune conditions, liver structure, blood pressure portal vein the effect of the drug has not been confirmed.

Subsequently, in 2009, the guidelines of the European Society for the Study of the Liver recommended that with appropriate dosage and early initiation of treatment of primary biliary cirrhosis, especially those forms of the disease that significantly reduce the level of alanine aminotransferase, the administration of hepatoprotective agents UDCA still has a positive effect on survival. But if liver function is already impaired, ursodeoxycholic acid cannot be prescribed.
Disadvantages of prescribing the drug:

      1. There is no form for injection (parenteral) administration of the drug.
      2. A side effect of using the medication is stool disturbance (looseness).

On a global scale, ursodeoxycholic acid is the only drug in world medical practice that, in high-level research, has shown real results in increasing life expectancy in primary biliary cirrhosis. But the drug only helps with this pathology. Indications for use medications based on ursodeoxycholic acid are expanding without evidence.

L-ornithine-L-aspartate (LOLA)

Trade names of the drug L-ornithine-L-aspartate: Ornitox (Great Britain), Ornithine (Russia), Hepa-Merz (Germany), Hepatox (Ukraine), Lornamin (Ukraine).
L-ornithine-L-aspartate, separated into aspartate and ornithine, is actively absorbed through the intestinal epithelial tissue in the small intestine. Both amino acids participate in the coordination of metabolic processes in the main cells of the liver. In addition, aspartate serves as the main medium for the production of the amino acid glutamine, neutralizes ammonia, binding it in tissues. When the liver fails to neutralize toxins, L-ornithine-L-aspartate reduces ammonia levels in the brain and other organs.

The drug is prescribed for hepatic encephalopathy, liver cirrhosis, non-alcoholic steatohepatitis, various forms hepatitis A.
Eight studies with a high level of evidence (randomized clinical trials) confirmed that L-ornithine-L-aspartate (Ornithox, Hepa-Merz, Ornithine) is more effective compared to those who took placebo. The drug is effective for hepatic encephalopathy, lowers the concentration of ammonia in the blood. At the same time, when L-ornithine-L-aspartate is prescribed, the frequency of adverse reactions does not increase, and the tolerability of therapy does not decrease.

However, a joint analysis of two randomized clinical trials also confirms that lactulose has similar effectiveness in improving the treatment of hepatic encephalopathy. But lactulose is much cheaper. Also, the results of a study with a high level of evidence - an analysis and assessment of a number of published peer-reviewed original studies (systematic review) - suggest that L-ornithine-L-aspartate does not improve survival rates.

Hepatoprotectors with proven ineffectiveness

Hepatoprotectors that have been proven to be ineffective include essential phospholipids and preparations based on milk thistle flavonoid extract.

Essential phospholipids

The plasma (cellular) membrane of liver cells consists of 75% phospholipids. Complex lipids perform not only a construction function, but also others - they are involved in cell division, transport substances from one cell to another, stimulate the activity of various enzyme systems.
Toxic substances damage hepatocyte membranes. This disrupts metabolic processes and the cell dies. Essential phospholipids strengthen the plasma membrane. This property forms the basis of the hepatoprotective mechanism of drugs - to preserve the liver from fibrotic tissue degeneration.

The effects of hepatoprotective agents based on essential phospholipids were studied by Charles Lieber. The American scientist conducted research with a high degree of evidence - randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled. Charles Lieber was an employee at a US Army veterans treatment center. In 1994, he conducted research on monkeys and there were good achievements in this area of ​​work. Essential phospholipids prevented fibrosis as well as cirrhosis in baboons.
To evaluate the effect of essential phospholipids on the development of liver fibrosis in alcoholic pathology, in 2003 the scientist conducted a study on humans. The study included 789 patients and was conducted in 20 medical centers US Veterans Affairs. The average age of the subjects was 48.8 years. Before the experiment, participants drank about 16 servings of alcohol per day (one serving contains 10 grams of pure alcohol).

At the beginning of the study, a liver biopsy was performed. Next, the patients were divided into two groups. Patients in the first group took polyunsaturated phosphatidylcholine tablets daily in a total daily dose of 4.5 grams for two years. The second group took a placebo. After 24 months, the patient was re-examined for biopsy.
The study showed that there was no significant difference between the groups: the worsening of fibrosis in those who took essential phospholipids was 22.8%, in the placebo group – 20.0%.

Based on the results of the research, the authors concluded: daily administration of essential photolipids for 24 months has no effect on the course of liver fibrosis. Moreover, the authors concluded that in acute and chronic viral hepatitis, essential phospholipids are contraindicated, because they can reduce bile secretion and contribute to the destruction of cell structure.

Since 2003, essential phospholipids have not been used either in the United States of America or in the European Union. On the world market they are sold exclusively as biologically active additives (BAS). They are registered as medicinal products only in the post-Soviet space. A few studies demonstrate that essential phospholipids help improve the well-being of patients and some biochemical parameters.
Disadvantages of the drug:

      1. Destruction of the plasma membrane of hepatocytes is observed with any inflammation of liver tissue, but the course of this process is subject to complex, more subtle natural laws. Only strengthening the cell membrane by obtaining from external environment Essential phospholipids do not affect inflammatory processes. The root cause of pathogenetic organ damage should be eliminated.
      2. No one has reliably proven that plant essential phospholipids that enter the body from the outside have the ability to integrate into the cell membrane animal nature.
      3. The effectiveness of the drugs is confirmed only by expert opinions. And this level of evidence is the lowest in terms of significance and reliability. There are no published scientific works.
      4. When phospholipids enter the body, they enter the lymph and are transported to adipose tissue, where metabolic processes occur. Few substances reach the liver. The drug has low bioavailability.

The basis of any hepatoprotector, pharmacological action which are essential phospholipids - soybean:

      • Essentiale forte N – phospholipids from soybeans;
      • Esslidin – soy + methionine;
      • Essliver forte – soy + vitamins B, PP, E;
      • Phosphonciale – soy + milk thistle;
      • Rezalut – soy lecithin;
      • Livolin Forte – soy lecithin + B 1, B 2, B 6, B 12, PP, E;
      • Phosphogliv – soy + glycerrizinic acid.

Soybean has been used in folk medicine for many centuries. Take medications from food. It's inexpensive and useful. Daily dose regular food provides the body with five grams of essential phospholipids. Essential phospholipids are found in the yolk most and in the most varied quantities. chicken egg– 3 – 4%. They are also found in sufficient quantities in poultry, fish, legumes, and meat. Introduce sunflower seeds and unrefined sunflower oil into your diet.

Milk thistle preparations

Silymarin flavonoids are a constituent of the milk thistle flavonoid extract. In turn, silymarin is a mixture of three main compounds - silibinin, silicristin and silydianin. Hepatoprotectors of similar composition: Silibinin, Silibor, Gepabene, Karsil, Leprotek, Silimar, Silymarin, Legalon.

The instructions indicate that silymarin is a natural antioxidant, regulates cell function, and has antitoxic properties, preventing some poisons from penetrating hepatocides. The drug promotes the production of proteins and complex lipids for the regeneration of the plasma membrane - the cell membrane. Medicines improve general state patients with liver damage from poisons, including alcoholic toxins.
Disadvantages of the drug:

      1. Silibinin, which has not undergone specific processing, has low bioavailability - little of the active substance reaches the liver.
      2. The drug should be taken with caution in patients with cholestasis - milk thistle preparations can increase bile stagnation.

Milk thistle preparations are safe to use, but, unfortunately, they are also ineffective. This was proven by studies conducted in 1998, which had high level evidence: randomized, multicenter, double-blind. Further studies were carried out in 2001 and 2008. The results definitively confirmed that silymarin preparations are not effective. This was subsequently confirmed by a meta-analysis of medical trials.

Meta-analysis involves studying all studies on a relevant problem. The final conclusion is the following: when alcoholic illness liver, hepatitis B and C, silymarin has little effect on sick people compared to the placebo group. The incidence of complications when taking milk thistle extract did not decrease, fatal outcome diseases too.
Milk thistle is a placebo - a substance without obvious medicinal properties. The only plus of the research is that we can say with confidence that the drug is safe to use.

Hepatoprotectors without reliable studies

There is not a single reliable study confirming the effectiveness of all other drugs that claim to be called hepatoprotectors. These are allohol, Liv.52, Remaxol, Ropren, Progepar, Hofitol, Kholosas, Tanacehol and others. They cannot be classified as drugs whose effectiveness has been proven. These drugs are not used anywhere else except in Russia. Nevertheless, such drugs traditionally occupy a certain place in the treatment of various diseases of the liver and bile ducts.

Hepatoprotectors include drugs based on liver extract of large cattle. Animal preparations are hydrolysates that contain vitamin B12, secondary metabolites, amino acids, and, presumably, fragments of substances that stimulate liver regeneration.
The instructions say that the drug preserves and restores the structure of hepatocytes, inhibits the formation of fibrosis, promotes the regeneration of that part of the parenchyma that has been destroyed, promotes more active circulation of local blood flow in the liver tissue, increases the volume of urine, and improves the functional parameters of the liver.

The drugs are recommended for use in complex therapy for chronic hepatitis, fatty liver of various origins, toxic hepatitis, including alcohol, with cirrhosis of the liver. But no studies have been conducted to confirm their effectiveness.
At the same time, the fact remains that drugs in this group are potentially dangerous. They should not be taken by patients with forms of hepatitis in the active stage, as they can aggravate cell destruction, immune inflammation syndrome, and a decrease in the body's defenses. Medicines based on animal liver extract have strong allergenic properties.

There are facts that taking hepatoprotectors of animal origin is associated with the risk of infection of the patient due to insufficient microbiological purity of the drug. Specifically, cattle liver extract can infect humans with prion (protein) infection. It causes a serious disease of the nervous system - spongiform encephalopathy ( mad cow disease), which affects cattle.

The effectiveness of such drugs has not been proven. But there is a potential danger to the body if used. Animal-based drugs cannot be used in medical practice.
Here, as an example, I would like to give the following. The hepatoprotector Sibektan is sold in Russia. The drug consists of four herbal components, one of which is the herb St. John's wort. St. John's wort is an extremely hepatotoxic herb. The concentration of the toxic substance in it is comparable to a course of chemotherapy for colon cancer. And the drug is classified as hepatoprotective.

A final point of view on the effectiveness of hepatoprotective agents, their safety and limits of use has not yet been formed. When choosing the affected liver for therapy, it is important to clearly know for what purpose they are prescribed, what “targets” need to be influenced to change the course of the disease. Hepatoprotectors contain different active substances, therefore, for each liver pathology, the choice of drugs in this group should be approached selectively. And a doctor must prescribe a hepatoprotective agent.

In the table below of hepatoprotectors, inexpensive drugs are highlighted in bold.

International nonproprietary name Trade name of the drug Price Release form Manufacturer
Ademetionine Heptral 1507 rub. Tablets 400 mg, 20 pieces Italy
2017 rub. Tablets 500 mg, 20 pieces
1703 rub. Lyophysate for solution 400 mg, 5 ampoules
Heptor 991 rub. Tablets 400 mg, 20 pieces Russia
Ursodeoxycholic acid Ursosan 820 rub. Capsules 250 mg, 50 pieces Czech Republic
Ursofalk 949 rub. Capsules 250 mg, 50 pieces Germany
Urdoxa 752 rub. Capsules 250 mg, 50 pieces Russia
exhol 1446 rub. Capsules 250 mg, 100 pieces Russia
L-ornithine-L-aspartate Hepa-Merz 2583 rub. Concentrate for solution for infusion, 10ml, 10 ampoules Germany
Ornithine 685 rub. Granules for solution, 3 g, 10 pieces Russia
Essential phospholipids Essentiale Forte N 636 rub. Capsules 300 mg, 30 pieces Germany
Phosphogliv 480 rub. Capsules, 50 pieces Russia
Fosphonziale 433 rub. Capsules, 30 pieces Russia
Resalut about 471 rub. Capsules 300 mg, 30 pieces Germany
Milk Thistle Flavonoid Extract Karsil 366 rub. Dragee 35 mg, 80 pieces Bulgaria
Legalon 243 rub. Capsules 70 mg, 30 pieces Germany
Silimar 103 rub. Tablets 100 mg, 30 pieces Russia

The list of hepatoprotective drugs with proven effectiveness cannot be called extensive. Pharmacies sell more than 700 types of hepatoprotectors of various origins. Protective and therapeutic effect Most of them are confirmed only by a subjective parameter - an improvement in well-being. Only a few drugs have undergone controlled studies (suppression). Among them are products with ursodeoxycholic acid and milk thistle extract.

Indications for the use of liver protective drugs

Hepatoprotectors with proven clinical effectiveness help with various diseases liver. They are prescribed:

  • against cirrhosis caused by a virus;
  • against alcohol;
  • for treatment (impaired flow of bile into the intestines);
  • after chemotherapy, s;
  • with (hepatoprotectors normalize the functioning of the biliary system);
  • in the liver against the background of diabetes mellitus.

Hepatoprotectors for hepatitis C are of particular importance. They help the body get rid of infection and maintain the integrity of liver cells.

Classification of hepatoprotectors

Clinical pharmacology allows us to understand which drug can be called the most effective. Since existing hepatoprotectors for the liver only partially meet the requirements put forward by Professor R. Preisig (1970), none of them can be called ideal. Hepatoprotectors are classified into groups taking into account their origin and chemical structure.

List of essential phospholipids

The preparations are made from highly purified soybean extract. The essential phospholipids contained in soy restore liver cells (hepatocytes), maintain their structure and participate in the transport of protein molecules through cell membranes. Today the effectiveness of the following drugs has been proven:

  • Essentiale forte H. The hepatoprotector is sold in capsules or in the form of liquid for injection (prescribed in severe cases). Recommended for viral and. The drug prevents narrowing of the bile ducts. The product is contraindicated for children under 12 years of age.
  • Essel forte. The drug is enriched with vitamins B and E. It is effective for various diseases digestive gland and its The hepatoprotector is available in tablets.
  • Rezalut Pro. Sold in capsules of 30, 50 and 100 pieces per package. Prescribed for toxic poisoning, cirrhosis and fatty liver.

The duration of treatment with any essential phospholipid is individual. Daily allowance adult dose- 6 capsules.

List of hepatoprotectors from amino acids

Preparations with aminocarboxylic acids may contain:

  • Ademethionine (Heptral, Heptor). The amino acid stimulates the production of phospholipids in the body, providing liver cells with a regenerating and detoxifying effect. Heptral and Heptor are administered intravenously for severe pathologies and are prescribed in tablets for moderate diseases. The drugs are considered hepatoprotectors, which help maintain the overall health of the body (improve metabolic processes, improve the quality of blood, promote the flow of bile into the intestines) in case of chronic.
  • Ornithine aspartate (Hepa-merz, Larnamin) - an amino acid that helps cope with hyperammonemia (poisoning of the body with ammonia, the enzyme urea), which is a consequence of liver intoxication. Preparations containing ornithine aspartate are expensive, which is why they are rarely prescribed for preventive purposes. Release form Hepa-merz is a granulated powder for the preparation of an oral solution, Larnamin is a liquid for injection in ampoules, granulated powder in a sachet.

Therapy with animal liver extracts

Any hepatoprotector based on animal components should only be purchased with a doctor's prescription.

Inexpensive drugs:

  • Hepatosan - contains an extract from pig liver cells. It has a therapeutic effect on fatty hepatosis and non-infectious cirrhosis. It is taken for two weeks, 2 capsules three times a day.
  • Sirepar is an analogue of Hepatosan, enriched with vitamin B12, which promotes normal hematopoiesis. Available in the form of a solution for intravenous administration.
  • Progepar - contains cattle liver extract. Prescribed for any lesions of the gland, with the exception of. Sold in tablets, which are taken in 1-2 pieces. 3 times a day for 2-3 months.

Hepatoprotective drugs based on animal components increase the risk of allergies. Therefore, they are not prescribed without determining the level of sensitivity of the body to their active components.

Modern hepatoprotectors with bile acids

Manufactured using chenodeoxycholic and ursodeoxycholic acid. The first gives many side effects (nausea, biliary colic, allergies, diarrhea). Contained in the preparations Henofalk, Henosan, Henochol. They are taken to destroy cholesterol.

According to doctors, the most effective hepatoprotector is the one made using ursodeoxycholic acid:

  • Ursosan;
  • Ursodez;
  • Ursofalk;
  • Livodex;
  • Ursoliv et al.

Preparations with UDCA are indicated for relieving symptoms of biliary cirrhosis, for the treatment of acute hepatitis, and drug-induced liver damage. The dosage and duration of therapy is individual. Due to the strong choleretic effect of bile acid, these drugs are not prescribed to patients with large.

Preparations of natural origin based on plants

Frequently prescribed hepatoprotectors of plant origin:

  • Gepabene;
  • Geparsil;
  • Karsil;
  • Legalon;
  • Silibor;
  • Silimar.

The name with the prefix “Forte” indicates that the drug has an enhanced effect.

These drugs are made using silymarin ( active substance extract). Its hepatoprotective properties help restore the liver damaged by acute or chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis. To solve the problem of gland health, it should be taken for at least three months in a row.

Hepatoprotectors of plant origin also include preparations containing artichoke extract. They are sold in tablet form and gelatin capsules:

  • Chophytol;
  • Holiver;
  • Febichol.

The duration of use and dosage of hepatoprotectors is recommended by the attending physician, taking into account the type and severity of the disease.

Combined medications for the gallbladder and liver

List of new and known combined type hepatoprotectors (contain substances from different pharmacological groups):

  • Sirin - the drug contains methionine, extracts of artichoke, milk thistle, Schisandra chinensis and other plants. The product is drunk for 30-45 days, 1-2 tablets. morning and evening after meals.
  • Gepadif - a hepatoprotector is prescribed for alcohol, drug and infectious liver intoxication. Contains two amino acids (adenine, carnitine), enriched with B vitamins. Available in capsules (daily dose 4-6 pieces) and powder for infusion. Treatment may last two or more months.
  • Eslidin - contains the amino acid methionine and phospholipids. Sold in capsules. Take 2 pcs. three times a day for 1-3 months in a row.
  • Detoxil - made from extracts of artichoke, grapefruit, dandelion and methionine. The drug is fortified (vit. A, E, C, B). Sold in tablets. Take 1-2 pieces a month. in a day.

Combined hepatoprotectors are prescribed for prevention purposes and for diffuse changes liver.

Dietary supplements and homeopathic medicines

Hepatoprotective products and herbs

  • seaweed;
  • pumpkin pulp;
  • low-fat fermented milk products;
  • dried apricots, prunes, raisins;
  • olives, olive oil;
  • meat and fish of dietary grades;
  • oat, millet, buckwheat cereals.

Every day you need to drink a decoction of rose hips or hawthorn, teas and infusions of hepatoprotective herbs - calendula flowers, nettle, milk thistle, artichoke.


It is important for people with a diseased liver to lead an active lifestyle, but they should not subject the body to heavy stress. In a person who moves little, the processing of animal fats slows down. They are deposited in hepatocytes, which can provoke. The same thing happens to the liver of people who periodically engage in intensive sports, for example, in order to lose weight. excess weight. For quick recovery, doctors recommend taking hour-long walks in the fresh air every day. Smokers should give up the bad habit.


  • Cherenkov, V. G. Clinical oncology: textbook. manual for the postgraduate system. education of doctors / V. G. Cherenkov. – Ed. 3rd, rev. and additional – M.: MK, 2010. – 434 p.: ill., table.
  • Ilchenko A.A. Gallbladder diseases and biliary tract: Guide for doctors. - 2nd ed., revised. and additional - M.: LLC Publishing House Medical information Agency", 2011. - 880 p.: ill.
  • Tukhtaeva N. S. Biochemistry of biliary sludge: Dissertation for the degree of candidate of medical sciences / Institute of Gastroenterology of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan. Dushanbe, 2005
  • Litovsky, I. A. Gallstone disease, cholecystitis and some diseases associated with them (issues of pathogenesis, diagnosis, treatment) / I. A. Litovsky, A. V. Gordienko. - St. Petersburg: SpetsLit, 2019. - 358 p.
  • Dietetics / Ed. A. Yu. Baranovsky - Ed. 5th – St. Petersburg: Peter, 2017. - 1104 p.: ill. - (Series “Doctor’s Companion”)
  • Podymova, S.D. Liver diseases: A guide for doctors / S.D. Podymova. - Ed. 5th, revised and additional - Moscow: Medical Information Agency LLC, 2018. - 984 p.: ill.
  • Schiff, Eugene R. Introduction to Hepatology / Eugene R. Schiff, Michael F. Sorrell, Willis S. Maddray; lane from English edited by V. T. Ivashkina, A. O. Bueverova, M.V. Mayevskaya. – M.: GEOTAR-Media, 2011. – 704 p. – (Series “Liver diseases according to Schiff”).
  • Radchenko, V.G. Fundamentals of clinical hepatology. Diseases of the liver and biliary system. – St. Petersburg: “Dialect Publishing House”; M.: “Publishing house BINOM”, – 2005. – 864 p.: ill.
  • Gastroenterology: Handbook / Ed. A.Yu. Baranovsky. – St. Petersburg: Peter, 2011. – 512 p.: ill. – (National Library of Medicine Series).
  • Lutai, A.V. Diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the digestive system: Tutorial/ A.V. Lutai, I.E. Mishina, A.A. Gudukhin, L.Ya. Kornilov, S.L. Arkhipova, R.B. Orlov, O.N. Aleutian. – Ivanovo, 2008. – 156 p.
  • Akhmedov, V.A. Practical gastroenterology: A guide for doctors. – Moscow: Medical Information Agency LLC, 2011. – 416 p.
  • Internal diseases: gastroenterology: A textbook for classroom work of 6th year students in specialty 060101 - general medicine / comp.: Nikolaeva L.V., Khendogina V.T., Putintseva I.V. – Krasnoyarsk: type. KrasSMU, 2010. – 175 p.
  • Radiology ( radiology diagnostics And radiation therapy). Ed. M.N. Tkachenko. – K.: Book-plus, 2013. – 744 p.
  • Illarionov, V.E., Simonenko, V.B. Modern methods of physiotherapy: A guide for general practitioners (family doctors). – M.: OJSC “Publishing House “Medicine”, 2007. – 176 p.: ill.
  • Schiff, Eugene R. Alcohol, drug, genetic and metabolic diseases / Eugene R. Schiff, Michael F. Sorrell, Willis S. Maddray: trans. from English edited by N.A. Mukhina, D.T. Abdurakhmanova, E.Z. Burnevich, T.N. Lopatkina, E.L. Tanashchuk. – M.: GEOTAR-Media, 2011. – 480 p. – (Series “Liver diseases according to Schiff”).
  • Schiff, Eugene R. Liver cirrhosis and its complications. Liver transplantation / Eugene R. Schiff, Michael F. Sorrell, Willis S. Maddray: trans. from English edited by V.T. Ivashkina, S.V. Gauthier, J.G. Moysyuk, M.V. Mayevskaya. – M.: GEOTAR-Media, 201st. – 592 p. – (Series “Liver diseases according to Schiff”).
  • Pathological physiology: Textbook for medical students. universities / N.N. Zaiko, Yu.V. Byts, A.V. Ataman et al.; Ed. N.N. Zaiko and Yu.V. Bytsya. – 3rd ed., revised. and additional – K.: “Logos”, 1996. – 644 p.; Ill. 128.
  • Frolov V.A., Drozdova G.A., Kazanskaya T.A., Bilibin D.P. Demurov E.A. Pathological physiology. – M.: OJSC Publishing House “Economy”, 1999. – 616 p.
  • Mikhailov, V.V. Basics pathological physiology: Guide for doctors. – M.: Medicine, 2001. – 704 p.
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  • Surgical diseases: Textbook. / Ed. M.I. Kuzina. – M.: GEOTAR-Media, 2018. – 992 p.
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  • Sherlock S., Dooley J. Diseases of the liver and biliary tract: Trans. from English / Ed. Z.G. Aprosina, N.A. Mukhina. – M.: GEOTAR Medicine, 1999. – 860 p.
  • Dadvani S.A., Vetshev P.S., Shulutko A.M., Prudkov M.I. Cholelithiasis. – M.: Publishing house. House “Vidar-M”, 2000. – 150 p.
  • Yakovenko E.P., Grigoriev P.Ya. Chronic liver diseases: diagnosis and treatment // Rus. honey. zhur. – 2003. – T. 11. – No. 5. – P. 291.
  • Sadov, Alexey Cleansing the liver and kidneys. Modern and traditional methods. – St. Petersburg: Peter, 2012. – 160 pp.: ill.
  • Nikitin I.G., Kuznetsov S.L., Storozhakov G.I., Petrenko N.V. Long-term results of interferon therapy for acute HCV hepatitis. // Ross. magazine gastroenterology, hepatology, coloproctology. – 1999, vol. IX, No. 1. – p. 50-53.

The liver is the largest gland in the human body, an internal organ located in the human peritoneum. She is responsible for the production of bile. But this is not the only function. The liver neutralizes poisons coming from the blood, toxins, allergens, and absorbs harmful bacteria. In addition, this organ is involved in metabolic processes, hematopoiesis and performs many other useful functions. That is why it is necessary to select drugs for liver treatment with special attention.

Good to know

The liver has amazing properties. Few human organs are capable of actively regenerating. Patients who have had three quarters of the gland removed have every chance of having it restored to its original size.

Speaking about effective liver treatment, it should be noted that the best method of dealing with organ ailments is a timely visit to medical specialists.

It is very difficult to determine the moment when problems with the gland occur. The first symptoms are mild. As a rule, people do not pay attention to the occurrence of belching. A feeling of nausea after eating or slight discomfort in the right hypochondrium are not considered sufficient reasons to visit a doctor.

The liver has no nerve endings. Therefore, for a long time it may not bother its owner at all. The patient comes to the doctor with a feeling of severe heaviness in the right side. But, unfortunately, this symptomatology already indicates serious problems with iron.

But it is not all that bad. Modern medicine developed excellent livers. They are able to perfectly protect it from further destruction and help restore it.

Causes of diseases

Before considering which medications are most effective for treating the liver, you should understand what effects have a detrimental effect on this organ. Gland tissues are distinguished by their tremendous ability to recover. In addition, the liver is quite resistant to harmful environmental influences. Still, some factors can cause serious harm to her:

As you can see, diseases often arise from an incorrect lifestyle. Patients who have established healthy eating, gave up bad habits, performed liver tests, and were able to completely heal the organ.

Classification of drugs

Drugs for the treatment of the liver are divided into three subgroups:

  1. Hepatoprotective drugs. They are aimed at improving metabolic processes in the organ, increasing resistance to various pathogenic influences, and accelerating the restoration of its functions after damage. This group includes many effective drugs for treating the liver. List of the most popular drugs: “Essentiale Forte”, “Karsil”, “Ovesol”, “Progepar”, “Hepatamin”, “Hepel”.
  2. Choleretic drugs. Such medications increase the secretion of bile, thereby facilitating its release into the cavity of the duodenum. For these purposes, the drugs “Allohol” and “Cholenzim” are effectively used.
  3. Cholelitholytic aimed at dissolution gallstones. These include ursodeoxycholic acid and chenodeoxycholic acid.

Let's look at the most effective and popular medications for treating the liver.

The drug "Essentiale Forte"

A complex product containing phospholipids. Improves the condition of cell membranes. It contains exclusively natural ingredients. These types of drugs are used quite effectively to treat the liver, especially in cases of autoimmune hepatitis and toxic damage.

The product perfectly improves metabolism. In addition, it helps reduce cholesterol levels. Another positive aspect of this medicine is its beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system.

The drug is well tolerated by children and adults. This product is not contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women. It is often used as an adjuvant therapy for radiation sickness and psoriasis. It is an excellent prophylactic for recurrent stone formation in the gallbladder.

However, the tool also has its drawbacks. If you are sensitive to any of the components of the drug, it should not be used. Sometimes adverse reactions are possible, which include diarrhea, allergies or abdominal pain.

The drug "Legalon"

The product is based on spotted milk thistle extract. Analogues are the drugs “Silibor”, “Karsil”, “Silibinin”. Due to their composition, these drugs are quite in demand for treating the liver.

The medicine has a strong hepatoprotective effect. It significantly improves digestion and intracellular metabolism. The drug is able to stabilize hepatocyte membranes. The drug is included in therapy for any liver disease. In addition, it has a rapid healing effect.

The use of this remedy improves the breakdown of lactic acid by the liver. This process helps to increase the overall endurance of the body. In addition, Legalon binds free radicals, as a result of which inflammatory processes in the organ are reduced.

Medicine "Karsil"

When considering the best drugs for treating the liver, it is impossible to ignore this excellent remedy. It is widely used to restore gland function. It is often prescribed for prophylactic purposes to prevent the pathological development of changes in liver cells.

This drug is based on the fruit extract of spotted milk thistle. Indications for use are liver ailments, such as steatosis, hepatitis, cirrhosis of completely different etiologies (drug-induced, viral, toxic). The medicine is an excellent prophylactic for long-term use of hepatotoxic drugs.

Children over 12 years of age are allowed. Almost always well tolerated. It is extremely rare that side effects may develop.

However, the drug also has disadvantages. Do not take this medication during pregnancy and lactation. Sometimes side effects may occur, such as nausea, diarrhea, itching, baldness, vestibular disorders.

Women with ailments of the reproductive system that occur with hormonal disorders (endometriosis, fibroids, carcinoma of the breast, ovaries or uterus) should use the drug “Karsil” with extreme caution. Men who have been diagnosed with a prostate tumor should also be careful.

The drug "Heptral"

It should not be forgotten that best liver Only a doctor can recommend it. Some patients may be prescribed this drug.

The drug exhibits hepatoprotective properties. The main active ingredient is ademetionine. This drug has detoxifying, neuroprotective, antioxidant, regenerating and antifibrosing effects.

Multiple positive properties allow it to be prescribed for:

  1. Fatty liver degenerations.
  2. Various toxic lesions of organs (hepatitis, alcoholic hepatosis), in drug-induced pathologies that arose during long-term use of antitumor, antituberculosis, antiviral drugs.
  3. Cirrhosis, fibrosis of the gland.
  4. Intoxication with alcoholic beverages, narcotic substances, medicines, food.

When selecting effective drugs for treating the liver for a patient, the doctor often recommends the drug Heptral. It is not surprising, because the product has a number of advantages. For patients whose liver pathology is combined with other serious illnesses (encephalopathy, depression, joint and bone diseases), this medicine is most suitable.

However, you should be very careful with the product, as it has a large number of side effects. These may be headaches, disturbances in consciousness and sleep, allergic reactions, heart failure, nausea, diarrhea, intestinal and stomach bleeding, joint and muscle discomfort.

The drug "Gepabene"

Many effective drugs are widely used to treat liver diseases. The medicine "Gepabene" is one of them. The combined herbal remedy is based on the fruits of milk thistle and the herb fumitory. The drug has an active restorative effect. In addition, it perfectly normalizes the flow of bile.

The main advantages of this drug include:

  1. The ability to stabilize the patient's condition after cholecystectomy.
  2. Approved for use during pregnancy.
  3. It has membrane-stabilizing and antioxidant effects in drug-induced hepatitis and long-term use of hepatotoxic medications.

The disadvantages of the drug are:

  • Not used for acute diseases of the liver and biliary tract.
  • Prohibited for use by patients under 18 years of age.

The drug "Galstena"

Medicines for the treatment of the liver are available in the form of drops and tablets. The drug "Galstena" is sold in two forms; it is a homeopathic remedy. It is distinguished by an effective and mild hepatoprotective effect. It perfectly normalizes. The drug has anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and choleretic effects. In addition, an effective remedy prevents stone formation in the gallbladder.

Galstena drops and tablets for liver treatment have many advantages:

  1. The drug contains only herbal, natural ingredients (milk thistle, celandine, dandelion).
  2. The medicine is approved for use at any age. It can even be used for newborns.
  3. Effective for cholangitis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, biliary dyskinesia, hepatitis, hepatosis.
  4. It is used afterwards to improve the rehabilitation process.
  5. It can be used for a long period without causing adverse reactions in the patient.

Like any drug, the product also has disadvantages:

  • sometimes side effects are observed (diarrhea or increased salivation);
  • The drug is not intended for people with alcohol dependence.

Medicine "Hofitol"

Effective combination drugs for liver treatment. This is exactly what the medicine “Hofitol” is. The drug has an active hepatoprotective, choleretic and moderate diuretic effect. Helps reduce blood azotemia as a result of increased urea excretion. The medicinal effect is due to the artichoke.

The positive aspects of the drug include:

  1. Possibility of use for the treatment of chronic cholecystitis (calculous), hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, chronic intoxication, biliary dyskinesia. In addition, it is effective for kidney pathology.
  2. Used in complex therapy for obesity and atherosclerosis.
  3. It has virtually no contraindications. The exception is acute diseases of the kidneys and liver, obstruction of bile ducts with stones.
  4. Can be used for a long period of time.
  5. Allowed (under medical supervision) during early toxicosis.
  6. Does not affect reaction speed, therefore it is not contraindicated for drivers.

The disadvantages include the following:

  • liver treatment tablets are not intended for children under 6 years of age;
  • may cause side effects: itching, diarrhea, headache.

The drug "Rezalut Pro"

An excellent complex hepatoprotector. Able to stabilize membranes and regenerate liver cells. In addition, it normalizes lipid metabolism and reduces cholesterol levels.

The drug is used for:

  • hepatitis;
  • hepatosis;
  • cirrhosis;
  • toxic organ damage;
  • fatty gland degeneration;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • hyperlipidemia;
  • ailments of blood vessels and heart;
  • psoriasis, eczema, neurodermatitis.

In case of antiphospholipid syndrome, this drug is contraindicated. It is not intended for children under 12 years of age. The product should be used very carefully by pregnant and lactating women.


The human body is designed in such a way that all organs can be classified into auxiliary and vital. Undoubtedly, the liver belongs to the second group. Its importance for the vitality of the body is great. It is not surprising that any disruptions in its functioning affect many human systems.

Such a powerful organ combined the functions of the digestive gland and a kind of biochemical laboratory. After all, it is in the liver that all reactions that are responsible for supporting life processes occur. But, unfortunately, this organ is vulnerable. Even despite excellent regenerative abilities, the number of patients with glandular diseases is steadily growing. That is why it is important to start the fight against pathologies in a timely manner and very carefully select effective drugs for treating the liver.

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