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Excerpt characterizing the lacrimal bone

Stella blushed, ashamed of her outburst, and quietly whispered:
- Please forgive me, Isidora...
And Isidora has already “gone” into her past again, continuing her amazing story...
As soon as North disappeared, I immediately tried to mentally call my father. But for some reason he didn’t respond. This alarmed me a little, but, not expecting anything bad, I tried again - there was still no answer...
Having decided not to give free rein to my fevered imagination for now and leaving my father alone for a while, I plunged into sweet and sad memories about Anna's recent visit.
I still remembered the smell of her fragile body, the softness of her thick black hair and the extraordinary courage with which my wonderful twelve-year-old daughter faced her evil fate. I was incredibly proud of her! Anna was a fighter, and I believed that no matter what happened, she would fight to the end, until her last breath.
I didn’t yet know whether I would be able to save her, but I swore to myself that I would do everything in my power to save her from the tenacious clutches of the cruel Pope.
Karaffa returned a few days later, very upset and taciturn about something. He just showed me with his hand that I should follow him. I obeyed.
After walking through several long corridors, we found ourselves in a small office, which (as I found out later) was his private reception room, to which he very rarely invited guests.
Caraffa silently pointed to a chair and slowly sat down opposite me. His silence seemed ominous and, as I already knew from my own sad experience, never boded well. I, after meeting Anna and the unexpected arrival of Sever, unforgivably relaxed, “putting to sleep” to some extent my usual vigilance, and missed the next blow...

Palatine bone(os palatinum) – steam room, participates in the formation of the hard palate, orbit, pterygopalatine fossa. Consists of two plates: horizontal and vertical.

Horizontal plate(lamina horizontalis) - the anterior edge connects with the posterior edge of the palatine process of the maxillary bone, and the medial edge connects with the same edge of the horizontal plate of the other palatine bone. The lower palatal surface is rough. The upper surface – at the medial edge has an elevation – nasal ridge (crista nasalis) forming the posterior nasal spine (spina nasalis posterior).

Perpendicular plate(lamina perpendicularis) - participates in the formation of the lateral wall of the nasal cavity. It has a nasal (facies nasalis) and maxillary surface (f.maxillaries). On the nasal side of the palatine plate two horizontal ridges are visible: the superior ethmoidal ridge (crista ethmoidales), the conchal ridge (crista conchalis). On the maxillary side of the plate there is a large palatine groove (sulcus palatinum major). This groove, together with the grooves of the same name in the maxillary bone and pterygoid process sphenoid bone forms the large palatine canal (canalis palatinum major), in which the descending palatine artery passes.

The palatine bone has orbital, sphenoid and pyramidal processes.

§ Orbital process (processus orbitalis) – extends from the upper part of the perpendicular plate forward and laterally, participates in the formation of the lower wall of the orbit

§ Sphenoid process (processus sphenoidalis) - goes from the upper part of the perpendicular plate back and medially, where it connects with the lower surface of the body of the sphenoid bone

§ Pyramidal process (processus pyramidalis) – extends from the lower part of the palatine bone downward and laterally.

Lacrimal bone(os lacrimale) – steam room, participates in the formation of the anterior section of the medial wall of the orbit. On the lateral side of the bone, the posterior lacrimal crest (crista lacrimalis posterior) is visible, turning into the lacrimal hook (hamulus lacrimalis). Anterior to the lacrimal hook is the lacrimal groove. Anterior to the lacrimal hook is the lacrimal groove (sulcus lacrimalis), which, together with the groove of the same name in the maxillary bone, forms the fossa of the lacrimal sac (fossa sacci lacrimalis). Below and in front, the lacrimal bone connects with the frontal process of the maxillary bone, behind - with the orbital plate of the ethmoid bone, above with the medial edge of the orbital part of the frontal bone.

Nasal bone(os nasale) - a paired, quadrangular plate, has anterior and posterior surfaces. The anterior surface of the nasal bone is smooth, the posterior surface facing the nasal cavity is concave. On the posterior surface, the ethmoidal groove (sulcus ethmoidalis) is visible, to which the anterior ethmoidal nerve is adjacent. The upper edge of the nasal bones connects to the nasal part of the frontal bone. Below, the nasal bones participate in the formation of the pyriform aperture - the anterior opening of the nasal cavity. The medial edges of both nasal bones connect to each other and form the bony dorsum of the nose.

Cheekbone(os zygomaticus) – steam room, forming inferolateral wall orbit, has lateral, temporal and orbital surfaces and two processes: temporal and frontal.

§ Lateral surface (facies lateralis) – convex, facing laterally. On this surface there is a zygomatic-facial opening (foramen zygomaticofaciale), through which the zygomatic-facial branch of the maxillary nerve exits under the skin.

§ Temporal surface (facies temporalis) - facing posteriorly, where it forms the anterior wall of the infratemporal fossa. On this surface there is the zygomaticotemporal opening (foramen zugomaticotemporale) for the zygomaticotemporal nerve going to the skin temporal region and forehead.

§ Orbital surface (facies orbitalis) – it has a small zygomaticoorbital foramen (zigomaticoorbitale) for the nerve of the same name.

· Frontal process (processus frontalis) – the zygomatic bone goes up and connects with the zygomatic process of the frontal bone and with the large wing of the sphenoid bone.

· Temporal process (processus temporalis) – directed posteriorly and, together with the zygomatic process of the temporal bone, forms the zygomatic arch.

2. Upper jaw: structure, ossification, blood supply, innervation.

Maxillary bone(maxilla) – steam room, has a body and four processes: frontal, alveolar, palatine and zygomatic.

The body of the bone (corpus maxillae) has an irregular cuboid shape and four surfaces: anterior, orbital, infratemporal and nasal.

1) The anterior surface is concave, separated from the orbital surface by the infraorbital margin. Just below the infraorbital margin is the infraorbital foramen (foramen infraorbitale). Under this hole there is a depression - the canine fossa (fossa canina). The medial edge of the anterior surface forms a deep nasal notch. The lower edge of the nasal notch protrudes in front and forms the anterior nasal spine.

2) Orbital surface - participates in the formation of the lower wall of the orbit. In the posterior parts of the surface, the infraorbital groove (sulcus infraorbitalis) is visible, passing anteriorly into the infraorbital canal (canalis infraorbitalis)

3) The infratemporal surface (facies infratemporalis) is convex posteriorly, forms a tubercle of the maxillary bone (tuber maxillae), on which small alveolar openings (foramen alveolaria) leading into the alveolar canals (canalis alveolares) are visible.

4) Nasal surface - participates in the formation of the lateral wall of the nasal cavity. The large palatine groove (sulcus palatinus major) runs on this surface. On the medial surface the maxillary cleft (hiatus maxillaris) is visible, leading to maxillary sinus. Anterior to the maxillary cleft is the lacrimal groove (sulcus lacrimalis).

Frontal process (processus frontalis) - extends upward from the body of the maxillary bone, connecting with the nasal part of the frontal bone. On the lateral side of the process runs the anterior lacrimal crest (crista lacrimalis anterior). On the medial side of the frontal process a horizontally located ethmoidal crest (crista ethmoidalis) is visible, with which the middle turbinate ethmoid bone. On the nasal surface of the frontal process there is also a conchal crest (crista conchalis), to which the inferior nasal concha is attached.

Alveolar process (processus alveolaris) - has the form of a curved ridge4a, on the lower side of which depressions are visible - dental alveoli (alveoli dentales), intended for the roots of teeth. Between the alveoli there are thin bone interalveolar septa (septa interalveolaria). On outer surface alveolar process visible alveolar elevations (juga alveolaria).

Palatine process (processus palatinus) - extends from the medial side of the body of the maxillary bone towards the same process of the other bone, with which it connects along the midline, forming solid sky. In the anterior part of the junction of the right and left palatine processes there passes the incisive canal (canalis incisivus), which occupies the nasopalatine nerve. Behind palatine process connects to the horizontal plate of the palatine bone. On the lower surface of the palatine process, in its posterior section, palatine grooves are visible. At the medial edge of the process there is a nasal ridge raised upward (crista nasalis).

The zygomatic process (processus zygomaticus) is short, thick, extends from the lateral side of the body of the maxillary bone towards the zygomatic bone.

3. Lower jaw: structure, ossification, blood supply, innervation.

The lower jaw (mandibula) is the only movable bone of the skull; it has a body and two branches.

The body of the lower jaw is curved with a convexity forward. The lower edge - the base of the lower jaw - is thickened and rounded. The upper edge - the alveolar part - forms the alveolar arch. On the alveolar arch there are openings - dental alveoli, separated by thin bone interalveolar septa. On the outer side of the alveolar arch, alveolar elevations corresponding to the alveoli are visible. In the anterior part of the body of the lower jaw there is a small mental protuberance, posterior to which is the mental foramen. In the middle of the concave inner surface of the lower jaw there is a protrusion - the mental spine, on the sides of which there is a digastric fossa, where the digastric muscle is attached. Above the spine is the hyoid fossa. On the inner surface there is a maxillary-hyoid line. Below this line is the submandibular fossa (gland)

The branch of the lower jaw (ramus mandibulae) - male, goes from the body of the bone upward and backward. At the point of transition of the body into the branch, the angle of the lower jaw is formed. On its outer surface there is a masticatory tuberosity, and on the inner surface there is a pterygoid tuberosity. The masticatory muscles are attached to these tubercles. On the inner surface of the mandibular ramus there is a mandibular foramen leading into a canal ending in the mental foramen. The inferior alveolar artery, vein and nerve pass through this canal. At the top, the ramus of the mandible is divided into the coronoid and condylar processes, between which the mandibular notch is formed. Anterior coronoid process - serves for attachment of the temporal muscle. The condylar process passes upward into the neck of the mandible, which ends in the head of the mandible.

4. Temporal bone: parts, structure, canals and their purpose.

Temporal bone,os temporale,- a paired bone, part of the base and side wall of the skull and located between the sphenoid (in front), parietal (above) and occipital (rear) bones. The temporal bone is a bony container for the organs of hearing and balance; vessels and nerves pass through its canals. The temporal bone forms a joint with lower jaw and connects to the zygomatic bone, forming the zygomatic arch, circus zygomaticus. In the temporal bone there is a pyramid (stony part) with mastoid process, drum and scaly parts.

Pyramid, or rocky part,pars petrosa, It is called so due to the hardness of its bone substance and has the shape of a triangular pyramid. Inside it is the organ of hearing and balance. The pyramid in the skull lies almost in a horizontal plane, its base is turned back and laterally and passes into the mastoid process.

Drum part, pars tympanica It is a small, groove-shaped, open plate at the top that connects to other parts of the temporal bone. Fusing its edges with the scaly part and with the mastoid process, it limits the external auditory opening on three sides (in front, below and behind), pdrus acusticus externus. The continuation of this opening is the external auditory canal, meatus acusticus externus, which reaches tympanic cavity. Forming the front, bottom and back walls of the outer ear canal, the tympanic part posteriorly fuses with the mastoid process. At the site of this fusion, behind the external auditory opening, a tympanomastoid fissure is formed, fissura tympanoma-stoidea.

Scaly part, pars squatnosa, It is a plate convex outward with a beveled free upper edge. It overlaps like scales (squama- scales) to the corresponding edge parietal bone and the large wing of the sphenoid bone, and below it connects with the pyramid, mastoid process and the tympanic part of the temporal bone.

Os lacrimale, steam room, is located in the anterior section of the medial wall of the orbit and has the shape of an oblong quadrangular plate. Its upper edge connects with the orbital part of the frontal bone, forming the frontolacrimal suture, sutura frontolacrimalis, the posterior edge - with the anterior edge of the orbital plate of the ethmoid bone and forms the ethmoidolacrimal suture, sutura ethmoidolacrimalis. The lower edge of the lacrimal bone at the border with the orbital surface of the upper jaw forms the lacrimal-maxillary suture, sutura lacrimomaxillaris, and with the lacrimal process of the inferior concha - the lacrimal-conchaline suture, sutura lacrimoconchalis. In front, the bone connects with the frontal process of the maxilla, forming the lacrimal-maxillary suture, sutura lacrimomaxillaris.

The bone covers the anterior cells of the ethmoid bone and bears on its lateral surface a posterior lacrimal crest, crista lacrimalis posterior, which divides it into the posterior, larger, and anterior, smaller sections. The ridge ends with a protrusion - the lacrimal hook, hamulus lacrimalis. The latter is directed to the lacrimal groove on the frontal process of the upper jaw. The posterior section is flattened, the anterior one is concave and forms the lacrimal groove, sulcus lacrimalis. This groove, together with the lacrimal groove of the upper jaw, sulcus lacrimalis maxillae, forms the fossa of the lacrimal sac, fossa sacci lacrimalis, which continues into the nasolacrimal canal, canalis nasolacrimalis. The channel opens at inferior nasal passage, meatus nasalis inferior.

Lacrimal bone (os lacrimale)

Lacrimal bone, os lacrimale, a paired thin bone plate of a quadrangular shape, is located in the anterior section of the inner wall of the orbit.

The posterior edge of the lacrimal bone connects with the anterior edge of the paper plate of the ethmoid bone, forming the lacrimal ethmoidal suture, sutura lacrimoeihmoidalis, the anterior edge - with the lacrimal edge of the frontal process of the maxillary bone in the lacrimal maxillary suture, sutura lacrimomaxillcins - with the upper edge - with the medial edge of the orbital surface of the frontal bone in the frontal lacrimal suture, sutura frontolacrimalis, the lower edge in the posterior section - with the medial edge of the orbital surface of the gel of the maxillary bone, forming the lacrimal-maxillary suture. sutura lacrimomaxillaris, in the anterior section - with the lacrimal process of the inferior nasal concha (processus lacrimalis) - using the lacrimal-conchal suture, sutura lacrimoconchahs. The inner surface of the lacrimal bone is adjacent to the anterior cells of the ethmoid bone labyrinth.

The outer surface is smooth in the posterior section, smooth in the anterior section and bears a vertically directed lacrimal groove, sulcus lacrimalis. These two sections of the outer surface are separated by a ridge running from top to bottom, which is called the posterior lacrimal ridge, crista lacrimalis posterior. The lower end of the scallop is bent anteriorly in the form of a hook, which is called the lacrimal hook, hamulus lacrimalis. With this hook, the furrow is partially closed from below. The lacrimal groove of the lacrimal bone, together with the groove of the same name on the adjacent part of the frontal process of the maxillary bone, forms the fossa of the lacrimal sac, fosfa sacc; lacrimalis. (The lacrimal sac lies in the fossa.)

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"Tearbone" in books

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4. Hollow bone

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os lacrimale – lacrimal bone

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10. FRONTAL BONE. PARIETAL BONE The frontal bone (os frontale) consists of the nasal and orbital parts and the frontal scales, which occupy most of the cranial vault. The nasal part (pars nasalis) of the frontal bone on the sides and in front limits the ethmoid notch. The midline of the anterior part of this

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Inferior nasal concha, concha nasalis inferior, steam room; it is an independent bone, in contrast to the upper and middle shells, which are components ethmoid bone. With its upper edge it is attached to the side wall of the nasal cavity and separates the middle nasal passage from the lower one. The bottom edge is free, and the top connects with crista conchalis maxilla and palatine bone.

Anatomy: Nasal bone

Nasal bone, os nasale, adjacent to its pair, forms the back of the nose at its root. In humans, compared to animals, it is underdeveloped.

Anatomy: Lacrimal bone

Lacrimal bone, os lacrimale, steam room; it is a thin plate that is part of the medial wall of the orbit immediately behind processus frontalis of the upper jaw. On its lateral surface there is lacrimal ridge crista lacrimalis posterior.

Anterior to the ridge passes tear trough, sulcus lacrimalis, which, together with the groove on the frontal process of the upper jaw, forms a fossa lacrimal sac, fossa sacci lacrimalis. The human lacrimal bone is similar to that of apes, which serves as one of the proofs of their close relationship with hominids.

Anatomy: Vomer

Opener, vomer, unpaired bone; it is an irregularly quadrangular plate, reminiscent of a corresponding agricultural tool and part of the bony septum of the nose.

Its posterior edge is free and represents the posterior edge of the bony nasal septum, separating the posterior openings of the nasal cavity - choanae, through which the nasal cavity communicates with the nasal part of the pharynx.

Anatomy: Zygomatic bone

Zygomatic bone, os zygomaticum, steam room, the strongest of the facial bones; it is an important architectural part of the face, closing the zygomatic processes of the frontal, temporal and maxillary bones and thereby helping to strengthen the facial bones in relation to the skull. It also provides a large surface for the beginning of the masticatory muscle.

According to the location of the bone, three surfaces and two processes are distinguished in it. Lateral surface, facies lateralis, has the appearance of a four-pointed star and slightly protrudes in the form of a mound. The posterior, smooth, faces the temporal fossa and is called facies temporalis; third surface orbital, facies orbitalis, participates in the formation of the walls of the orbit.

Nasal bone

The nasal bone is paired, its medial edge is connected to the taco! the same bone of the opposite side and forms the bony dorsum of the nose. Each bone is a thin quadrangular plate, the long one of which is larger than the transverse one. The upper edge is thicker and narrower than the lower one and connects with the nasal part of the frontal bone. The lateral edge is connected with the anterior edge of the frontal process of the upper jaw. The lower one free! the edge of the nasal bone together with the anterior edge of the base of the frontal process; the upper jaw limits the pyriform aperture of the nasal cavity The anterior surface of the nasal bone is smooth; the posterior surface, facing the nasal cavity, is slightly concave, it has a ethmoidal groove, sulcus ethmoiddlis for the nerve of the same name.

Lacrimal bone

The lacrimal bone is a paired, very thin and fragile quadrangular plate. Forms the anterior part of the medial wall of the orbit. In front, the lacrimal bone connects with the frontal process of the upper jaw, behind - with the orbital plate of the ethmoid bone, above - with the medial edge of the orbital part of the frontal bone. The medial surface of the lacrimal bone covers the anterior cells of the ethmoid bone on the lateral side. On the lateral surface of the lacrimal bone there is a posterior lacrimal crest, ending below with a lacrimal hook. In front of the lacrimal crest runs the lacrimal groove, which, with the same groove of the upper jaw, forms the fossa of the lacrimal sac.


The zygomatic bone, paired, connects with the adjacent bones of the brain and facial parts of the skull (frontal, temporal and upper jaw), strengthening the facial region:

The zygomatic bone has lateral, temporal and orbital surfaces and two processes: frontal and temporal.

The lateral surface, irregularly quadrangular in shape, faces laterally and forward, slightly convex. The temporal surface, smooth, forms the anterior wall of the infratemporal fossa. The orbital surface forms the lateral wall of the orbit and the lateral part of the infraorbital margin. On the orbital surface there is a zygomaticoorbital foramen. It leads into a canal, which bifurcates in the thickness of the bone and opens outward with two openings: on the lateral surface of the bone - the zygomaticofacial foramen, on the temporal surface - the zygomaticotemporal foramen.

The frontal process extends upward from the zygomatic bone, where it connects with the zygomatic process of the frontal bone and with the greater wing of the sphenoid bone (in the depths of the orbit). The temporal process goes backwards. Together with the zygomatic process of the temporal bone, it forms the zygomatic arch, which limits the temporal fossa on the lateral side. The zygomatic bone is connected to the upper jaw using a large jagged area.

Lower jaw

The lower jaw, an unpaired bone, is the only movable bone of the skull, which temporal bones forms the temporomandibular joints. There is a body of the lower jaw, located horizontally, and two vertically directed branches.

The body of the lower jaw is horseshoe-shaped and has outer and inner surfaces. The lower edge of the body is the base of the lower jaw, rounded and thickened, the upper edge forms the alveolar part.

On the outer surface of the alveolar arch there are alveolar elevations corresponding to the alveoli. In the anterior part of the body of the lower jaw, along the midline, there is a mental protrusion, which gradually widens from below and ends with a paired mental tubercle. Posterior to the mental tubercle, at the level of the second small molar, there is a mental foramen, which serves for the exit of the artery and nerve of the same name. An oblique line begins behind the mental foramen, running backward and upward and ending at the base of the coronoid process.

The chin bone protrudes in the middle of the inner surface of the body of the lower jaw. On the sides of it at the base of the jaw on the right and left there is an oblong digastric fossa - the place of attachment of the muscles of the same name. U top edge The spine, closer to the dental alveoli, is also located on both sides of the sublingual fossa, for the salivary gland of the same name. Below it, a weakly defined mylohyoid line begins and goes obliquely upward, ending at the posterior end of the body of the lower jaw. Under this line, at the level of the molars, there is a submandibular fossa, the location of the submandibular salivary gland.

The branch of the lower jaw, paired, extends from the body at an obtuse angle upward, has anterior and posterior edges and two surfaces, external and internal. When the body passes into the posterior edge of the ramus, an angle of the lower jaw is formed, on the outer surface of which there is a masticatory tuberosity, and on the inner surface there is a pterygoid tuberosity. Somewhat above the latter, on the inner surface of the branch, a rather large opening of the lower jaw is visible, facing upward and backward, which is limited on the medial side by the uvula of the lower jaw. This opening leads into the mandibular canal, which runs inside the body of the lower jaw and ends on its outer surface with the mental foramen. On the inner surface of the branch of the lower jaw, somewhat posterior to the uvula, the mylohyoid groove descends obliquely down and forward, to which the nerve and vessels of the same name are adjacent.

The branch of the lower jaw is completed by two processes directed upward: the anterior coronoid process and the posterior condylar (articular) process. Between these processes there is a notch of the lower jaw. The coronoid process has a pointed apex. From its foundation with inside The buccal ridge is directed towards the last large molar. The condylar process ends with a well-defined head of the lower jaw, which continues into the neck of the lower jaw; on the anterior surface of the neck, a pterygoid fossa is visible, the place of attachment of the lateral pterygoid muscle.

Hyoid bone

The hyoid bone is located in the neck, between the lower jaw and larynx. It consists of a body and two pairs of processes: small and large horns. The body of the hyoid bone has the appearance of a curved plate; the posterior surface is concave, the anterior convex. Large horns, thickened at the ends, extend slightly upward and backward from the body on the right and left. Small horns extend from the body upward, backward and laterally in the same place as the large ones; they are significantly shorter than the large horns. The hyoid bone, with the help of muscles and ligaments, is suspended from the bones of the skull and connected to the larynx.

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