Home Oral cavity Treatment of turbinate hypertrophy. Nasal turbinates: diseases and treatment

Treatment of turbinate hypertrophy. Nasal turbinates: diseases and treatment


1. Small medical encyclopedia. - M.: Medical encyclopedia. 1991-96 2. First aid. - M.: Great Russian Encyclopedia. 1994 3. encyclopedic Dictionary medical terms. - M.: Soviet encyclopedia. - 1982-1984.

See what “Superior turbinate” is in other dictionaries:

    - (concha nasalis superior, PNA, BNA, JNA) a thin curved plate of the ethmoid bone, extending from the superoposterior part of the medial wall of its labyrinth, located in the nasal cavity above the posterior half of the middle turbinate... Large medical dictionary

    TURBINATE- (nasal concha) any of the three thin curved plates protruding from lateral wall nasal cavity. The superior (superior) and middle (middle nasal conchae) shells are processes of the ethmoid labyrinth of the bone of the same name; lower nasal... ... Dictionary in medicine

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They are bony outgrowths and are located on the lateral wall of the nasal cavity. The purpose of the turbinates is to direct and regulate the flow of air in the nasal passages. In this case, the mucous membrane must be healthy and well developed. The main role in this process belongs to the lower shells.

Under the influence of various ailments, including manifestations of an allergic nature and diseases of viral etiology, deformation processes may begin to develop, resulting in the formation of asymmetry of the nasal concha and mucous membrane. This anomaly can also develop after injury or mechanical damage. In medical terminology, the disease is called hypertrophy or conchobullosis of the nasal turbinates. In this article we will consider in detail the causes, signs and methods of treating turbinate hypertrophy.

Causes of hypertrophy

Hypertrophy of the nasal turbinates is pathological process, accompanied by gradual growth and thickening of the nasal mucosa. As a result, the patient experiences breathing problems.

Deformation changes are accompanied by accelerated secretion of secretory fluid and mucus. With hypertrophy of the nasal mucosa, the inner surface becomes lumpy and loses its uniformity.

Among the main causes of hypertrophy of the nasal conchae are:

  1. Rhinitis allergic nature. The most common reason development of conchobullosis of the nasal turbinates. Inflammatory reaction, which arises as a result of the impact of allergens on the nasal membrane, leads to the appearance of edema. The result is temporary hypertrophy.
  2. Chronization inflammatory process, leading to asymmetry of the nasal passages, provokes a violation of the passage of air. As a result, pressure on the nasal mucosa increases, which leads to the proliferation of epithelial tissue.
  3. Deviation of the nasal septum. Deformation of the plate prevents the passage of air in one part of the nose and creates an increased load on its second part. Violation of the structure of the respiratory organ leads to heterogeneous growth and thickening of the mucosa. Over time, breathing in such patients becomes significantly more difficult.

Often, hypertrophy of the nasal turbinates is a consequence of long-term, unprescribed use of vasoconstrictor drugs.

In addition to the above reasons, the occurrence of hypertrophy may be due to poor condition human health and a number of external negative factors, among which are:

  • smoking;
  • harmful working conditions;
  • influence of hormonal agents.

Types of hypertrophy

The most vulnerable areas for the development of conchobullosis are the posterior part of the lower shell and the anterior end of the middle one. This is due to the features anatomical structure nasal passages, which allow air to pass through. It is in these places that hypertrophic processes are most often observed.

On this moment There are 2 types of pathology of the nasal turbinates:

  1. Hypertrophy of the posterior ends of the inferior turbinates most often develops against the background of chronic rhinitis. During the examination, the presence of polypous formations is noted, which can block the lumen in the inside of the nose. In this situation, a bilateral development of hypertrophy occurs. The pathology is characterized by a lack of symmetry.
  2. Conchobullosis of the anterior ends of the middle turbinates is the rarest pathology. The disease occurs against the background of the development of an inflammatory process in the sinus.

Signs and diagnosis of pathology

It is carried out only after a high-quality diagnosis. Questioning and examining patients is of no small importance.

Pronounced manifestations indicating the development of pathological changes are:

  • difficulty breathing through the nose, which can be observed both during inhalation and exhalation;
  • the appearance of nasality in the voice;
  • feeling foreign body in the nasopharyngeal region;
  • headache;
  • copious mucous discharge from the sinuses;
  • tinnitus;
  • decreased olfactory sensations.

Symptoms of turbinate hypertrophy are very similar to those of allergic rhinitis.

In addition to analyzing the main symptoms, rhinoscopy is performed before making a diagnosis. The examination reveals the degree of hypertrophy of the nasal turbinates and changes in the mucous membrane. In the photo below you can see a rhinoscopic picture of a patient with hypertrophy of the inferior turbinates.

Treatment of turbinate hypertrophy

Elimination of turbinate hypertrophy is a matter exclusively for specialists. Treatment should only be prescribed by a doctor based on the results of the study, causative factors and general condition patient.

It is worth noting that drug therapy in most cases it turns out to be powerless. Although drug treatment helps to cope with the symptoms of hypertrophy, it has virtually no effect on the root cause. That is why pathology is treated primarily surgically.

There are several methods of surgical intervention:

  1. Conchotomy. Manipulation involves removing an overgrown area of ​​mucous membrane from the nasal passage. Partial removal of the nasal concha occurs through the use of a wire loop. Excess overgrown tissue is cut out, excluding bones.
  2. Galvanocautic method, based on the insertion of a heated electrode into the nasal cavity, which is carried along the mucous membrane. The essence of the process is that the mucous membrane first grows even more, after which damaged tissue dies. After healing, a scar forms in the nasal cavity, which is subsequently rejected. If the operation was successful, then nasal breathing is restored.
  3. Resection of the nasal plates, which is carried out when it is necessary to remove bone or cartilage tissue.
  4. Septoplasty is a surgical correction of the nasal septum to eliminate its curvature.
  5. Elimination of hypertrophy using high-frequency ultrasound. With this manipulation, excess tricky tissue is removed. Before the procedure in mandatory endoscopic and x-ray examinations are performed. This operation is bloodless, which eliminates damage to the mucous membrane and the formation of crusts. After ultrasound treatment, swelling decreases and the respiratory process is restored.

If the operation is successfully performed, the patient’s breathing is restored, and correctly selected drug treatment during the rehabilitation period prevents the development of complications. In most cases, hypertrophy of the turbinates is temporary and reversible.

As for traditional methods of treatment, they can only be used as additional measures. It is not recommended to carry out such therapy on your own without consulting a specialist.

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Swelling of the nose and methods for its treatment

Nasal swelling refers to an increase in the volume of the mucous membranes of the nasal passages, caused by excess blood flow to the tissues. Edema is not an independent disease, but a symptom of the development of inflammatory and other pathological processes in the nose. Let's try to figure out why the mucous membrane swells and how to relieve swelling of the nasal mucosa.

Why does swelling occur?

The main function of the mucous membrane is protective. The fabric is a kind of barrier that prevents the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms (bacteria, viruses), allergens, dust and other small particles external environment V Airways.

The mucous membrane of the turbinates is lined with cells ciliated epithelium, the surface of which is covered with motile cilia and goblet cells. The oscillatory movements of the cilia of the ciliated epithelium help purify the inhaled air from pathogens, dust and other harmful impurities. Goblet cells secrete mucus, which is necessary for air humidification and thermoregulation.

Hypothermia, weakened immunity and some other reasons lead to disruption of the ciliated epithelium cells, namely to a slowdown in the movement of cilia. As a result pathogenic flora penetrates the respiratory tract. In response, a reflex reaction develops: the flow of blood and lymph to the site of inflammation increases, and swelling of the nose occurs.

Common Causes

There are four most common causes of swelling of the nasal passages:

  • viral respiratory infections;
  • inflammation of the paranasal sinuses (acute and chronic sinusitis, sinusitis);
  • allergic rhinitis;
  • mechanical irritation of the mucous membrane.

In addition, the following factors may contribute to the development of nasal swelling:

  • hypothermia;
  • uncontrolled use of vasoconstrictor nasal drops and sprays, incorrect treatment runny nose;
  • foreign body entering the nasal passages;
  • injuries;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • structural abnormalities (deviated nasal septum, hypertrophy of turbinate tissue, adenoids, polyps).

In order for the treatment of the problem to be effective, it is important to establish the exact cause of swelling of the mucous membrane.


Symptoms accompanying swelling can be divided into two groups:

Inflammatory disorders are accompanied by:

  • dryness of the nasal mucosa;
  • burning sensation;
  • sneezing;
  • eye irritation and lacrimation;
  • nasal discharge;
  • impaired nasal breathing;
  • temperature rise.

Impaired nasal breathing often causes headaches and increased fatigue

Symptoms of dysfunctional disorders occur with the development of more serious pathological processes. Difficulty or complete inability to breathe through the nose causes:

  • oxygen deficiency, disturbance cerebral circulation, and as a result - decreased performance, memory impairment;
  • complete or partial loss of smell;
  • change in voice timbre;
  • discharge of liquid mucous or purulent secretion from the nasal passages.

In addition, clinical manifestations depend on the cause of the inflammatory process.

The main signs of an acute respiratory viral infection are the separation of liquid mucous secretions and swelling of the nasal tissues. With the right approach, the disease can be completely cured in 5–6 days. Lack of adequate therapy can lead to secondary bacterial infection and the development of complications - sinusitis, sinusitis.


Allergies develop when hypersensitivity the body to one or another irritant, and its main manifestations are severe lacrimation and redness of the eyes, bouts of sneezing, and swelling.

Contact of the irritant with the mucous membrane provokes a response, as a result of which a liquid secretion begins to be released. An allergic runny nose is a kind of protective reaction that helps cleanse the nasal passages of the allergen.

Allergens can be plant pollen, animal hair, bird fluff, dust, medications, food, household chemicals.


The nose often swells as a result of hypothermia. Swelling can be triggered by prolonged exposure to frost or in a cold room, drinking cool drinks or food. People with weakened immune systems are more prone to congestion caused by cold.

Nose injuries

Swelling without a runny nose can occur as a result of mechanical damage to the mucous membrane. The unpleasant symptom goes away when the damaged tissues are completely restored.

Hormonal changes

Hormonal changes during pregnancy are a common cause of nasal swelling in expectant mother. Usually unpleasant symptom occurs in the first trimester, when the processes of hormonal changes in a woman’s body are most intense. In particular, the level of progesterone in the body, necessary for the normal course of pregnancy, increases sharply.

By the middle of the second trimester, nasal swelling in a pregnant woman usually decreases and then disappears completely.

Traditional treatment

A doctor should treat swelling of the nasal mucosa after making an accurate diagnosis. When identifying infectious inflammation and determining the type of pathogen, the appropriate drugs are prescribed (orally):

Bioparox exhibits both antibacterial and antifungal effects and is applied topically (the spray can be applied to the nose and throat)

Relieving swelling and congestion in allergies is carried out with antihistamines, provided that contact with the allergen is excluded or at least limited. Usually Cetrin, Zodak, Allerzin are prescribed. The most pronounced effect is characterized by Tavegil and Suprastin, which can be used in the form of tablets or injections.

Local treatment includes the use of:

  • hormonal drops and sprays - help remove inflammation of the mucous membrane and sinuses (Nasonex, Flixonase);
  • local antihistamines - reduce swelling and reduce sensitivity to irritants (Allergodil, Kromosol, Kromoglin, Ifiral);
  • products based on silver nitrate - have an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect (Protargol, Collargol);
  • vasoconstrictor drugs - eliminate even severe swelling caused by allergies (Tizin, Nazivin, Nazol, Xylometazoline, Galazolin, Naphthyzin).

Vasoconstrictor drops and sprays should not be used for longer than 5 to 7 days. These drugs are addictive and, with prolonged uncontrolled use, only aggravate the situation.

For inflammation of the sinuses, physiotherapeutic procedures - UHF, phonophoresis, mud therapy - have a good therapeutic effect.

Treatment of nasal injuries includes applying a cold compress and stopping the bleeding immediately after the injury, removing bone debris for 3-4 days after the injury.

Folk remedies

Various folk remedies also help relieve swelling of the nasal mucosa. They are most often used for mild forms of colds to treat runny nose and nasal congestion.

Nasal drops

  1. Based on honey. Honey is mixed with water in equal quantities. The resulting product is instilled into the nose several times a day.
  2. With honey and aloe. Fresh aloe juice is mixed with the same amount of honey. The product is dripped 3 drops into each nasal passage up to 5 times a day. These drops not only relieve swelling, but also heal the inflamed mucous membrane.
  3. Sea buckthorn oil. Place 1 drop in each nasal passage.
  4. Kalanchoe juice. Inject 1 drop into each nasal passage 3-4 times a day.

Nasal rinsing

Nasal rinsing - safe way get rid of runny nose and swelling, which can always be used, including in childhood and pregnancy. The procedure dilutes the mucous secretion and promotes its release.

Usually the nose is washed saline solution(tablespoon or sea ​​salt diluted in ½ liters of warm water). You can add a drop of iodine to salt water. The product is poured into one nasal passage and released through the other. It is important to ensure that the liquid is not swallowed. The saline solution can be replaced with decoctions of chamomile and calendula.

If the nose is completely blocked, rinsing is contraindicated.


Inhaling medicinal vapors makes breathing easier, eliminates swelling and congestion, and helps get rid of a runny nose. Inhalations are especially effective:

  • potato (the tubers are boiled, removed, and the procedures are carried out over the resulting liquid);
  • with cedar and pine, fir essential oils;
  • with saline or soda-saline solution.

Thermal inhalations are contraindicated during pregnancy.

The child has

Swelling of the nose in a child requires special attention, since constant difficulty in nasal breathing can lead to retardation in physical and mental development. As in adults, swelling of the nasal mucosa in a child can be caused by infections, allergies, adenoids and polyps in the nose, damage to the mucous membrane by a foreign body, and nasal injuries.

Severe swelling in a newborn who does not yet know how to breathe through his mouth can lead to respiratory arrest during feeding.

Another reason for nasal swelling in a child is a physiological runny nose. It occurs in newborns and is caused by the structural and functional immaturity of the mucous membrane of the nasal passages. A physiological runny nose does not require special treatment, and rinsing the nose with saline will help reduce swelling and secretion.

Infections, allergies, hypothermia, injuries - this is not a complete list of reasons that can cause swelling of the nasal mucosa. You can completely get rid of the problem only by identifying the main factor that provokes the unpleasant symptom. And a doctor can best handle this task. After making an accurate diagnosis, he will prescribe competent treatment.

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ATTENTION! All information on the site is for informational purposes only and does not claim to be absolutely accurate from a medical point of view. Treatment must be carried out by a qualified doctor. By self-medicating you can harm yourself!

Hypertrophy of the nasal turbinates - a dangerous disease and its treatment

One of the reasons for constant nasal congestion and a long persistent runny nose may be hypertrophy of the nasal turbinates: the symptoms of this disease are easily confused by the patient with chronic or allergic rhinitis. Meanwhile, for proper and free breathing, the symmetrical development of the two halves of the nose and the correct position of the nasal septum are very important.

What is hypertrophy

The nasal turbinates are three pairs of so-called “bone outgrowths” that are located in the nasal cavity on the side wall. They are divided into lower, middle and upper and perform various functions, one of which is the direction and regulation of air flow in the nasal passages. The inferior conchae are especially important in this process and require a well-developed and intact mucous membrane.

During various diseases allergic, viral origin And mechanical injuries Asymmetry may occur in the development of both the nasal turbinates themselves and the mucous membrane lining them. Hypertrophy of the nasal turbinates is the thickening and proliferation of the nasal mucosa, as well as an increase in the secretion of secretory fluid.

With this disease, the surface of the mucosa takes on a lumpy, uneven appearance, often growing in the form of a pineal formation. Hypertrophy of the inferior turbinates is one of the most common diagnoses.

Types of turbinate hypertrophy

Anatomical structure of the nasal passage and movement air flow leads to the fact that the most vulnerable places become the anterior end of the middle shell and the posterior end of the lower shell. Most often, this is where hypertrophic changes occur. Therefore, hypertrophy of the nasal turbinates can be divided into the following types:

  • hypertrophy of the posterior ends of the inferior turbinates - occurs quite often in people suffering from chronic rhinitis. The examination reveals formations in the form of polyps that cover the lumen of the internal nasal openings. Hypertrophy usually develops on both sides, but asymmetrically;
  • hypertrophy of the anterior ends of the middle shells is determined less frequently. The cause of its occurrence is mainly sluggish inflammation of the accompanying sinus.

Causes of the occurrence and development of the disease

If the mucous membrane is healthy and undamaged, it can easily cope with the pressure of passing air. But if available chronic diseases or asymmetry of the nasal passages, the movement of air flow changes. In the new conditions, the nasal mucosa has to adapt. As a result of compensation mechanisms, it expands.

One of the reasons for the development of the disease is a deviated nasal septum. With its asymmetrical position, the direction of air flow changes. If air movement through one part of the nose is difficult, then the second works with increased load. Under new conditions, the mucous membrane of the concha becomes thicker and, over time, blocks the movement of air in the second part of the nose.

Also, the curvature of the septum affects the growth of the shells themselves. In the case when the partition is tilted to the right, additional free space appears at the left sink, which it eventually fills. Other reasons may include prolonged allergic rhinitis, harmful working conditions (dust and dirt in the air), smoking, and the use of hormonal drugs.

Symptoms and diagnosis of hypertrophy

Symptoms of the disease do not always allow one to determine its presence, since they are in many ways similar to the symptoms of other nasal diseases. The main complaint is difficulty breathing through the nose. Difficulty can occur both during inhalation and exhalation, when the hypertrophied shell becomes like a valve that blocks the movement of air.

Speech may become nasal, and there may be a sensation of a foreign body in the nasopharynx (especially this symptom characteristic of hypertrophy of the posterior ends of shells). Additional symptoms may include heaviness in the head, headache, strong and prolonged nasal discharge, tinnitus, problems with smell.

It is quite difficult to make a correct diagnosis based only on symptoms. It is necessary for a doctor to conduct a special study - rhinoscopy, during which hypertrophic changes in the shells and mucous membranes are revealed.

During the examination, the doctor pays special attention to which part of the nasal passage contains the accumulation of mucous secretions:

  • if they are localized mainly at the bottom of the nasal passage, then this indicates hypertrophy of the posterior ends of the inferior conchae;
  • if an accumulation of mucus is detected in the anterior passage, then hypertrophy of the inferior turbinate is most likely.

A deviated nasal septum may also indicate unilateral or bilateral hypertrophy.

Treatment of turbinate hypertrophy

Most often, it is not possible to cope with a disease such as hypertrophy of the inferior turbinates on your own - only a doctor can prescribe treatment, based on the cause of the disease.

Besides, conservative therapy usually does not have a long-term positive effect. In most cases, surgery is indicated for patients: turbinate hypertrophy can be treated quite successfully using surgical methods.

TO operational methods therapies include:

  • galvanocaustics - the method is that after local anesthesia, an electrode is inserted into the cavity of the shell. Heating it, pass it through the mucous membrane. As a result of the procedure, the mucous membrane increases even more and dies, forming a scar. After its rejection, the rest of the shell returns to normal and nasal breathing is restored;
  • conchotomy (removal of the mucous membrane) - the procedure is carried out by removing the overgrown area of ​​the mucous membrane using a wire loop. The excess part is cut off without affecting the bony base of the shell and removed from the nasal passage;
  • submucosal resection of the bony plates of the nasal turbinates - as a result of the operation, a part is removed bone tissue or cartilage;
  • plastic surgery of the nasal turbinates - in this case, part of the bone plate and mucous membrane is removed. As a result of the procedure, the size of the nasal concha is reduced and the obstacle to the movement of the air stream is eliminated;
  • correction of the nasal septum - if hyperplasia is combined with a deviated septum, surgical correction can lead to normalization of the size of the nasal turbinates.

Hypertrophy of the nasal turbinates – unpleasant disease, which requires mandatory treatment, but today’s methods of combating the disease make it possible to get rid of the problem quite quickly. And yet it is worth paying attention to prevention: visit more fresh air and promptly treat inflammatory processes in the nasal cavity.

only to be carried out by a doctor!

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Swelling of the nose: causes, symptoms and forms, how to remove and treat

Swelling of the nose occurs as a result of dilation of blood vessels and blood flow to the olfactory organ. Swelling of the mucous membrane of the nasal passages is almost always accompanied by inflammation, which is manifested by difficulty in nasal breathing, runny nose, sneezing and other respiratory symptoms.

The nasal mucosa retains microbes that enter the body from the external environment. Thanks to this barrier, the infection is retained in the nasal cavity and does not descend into the organs located below. The fight against foreign substances is manifested by an increase in permeability vascular wall and reflex swelling of the mucous membrane.

Nasal swelling is a symptom of a number of pathologies caused by a specific cause. This is a universal mechanism for combating foreign elements, indicating a serious threat to the human body. Swelling of the nasal passages makes it difficult to breathe normally and leads to the development severe complications, for example, cerebral hypoxia. This problem cannot be ignored and must be addressed immediately.


Causes of nasal swelling that cause a person a lot of trouble and worsen the quality of life:

  • Infection - bacterial or viral. As a result of hypothermia or under the influence of other unfavorable factors, local immune defense, the functions of the ciliated epithelium in the nose are disrupted, and inflammation develops in the nasopharynx.
  • Allergic reactions of the body. Allergens, penetrating into the nasal cavity, cause local aseptic inflammation, which is accompanied by dilation of blood vessels and swelling of the mucous membrane.
  • Traumatic damage to the nose and foreign bodies. Violation of the integrity of the mucous membrane ends with the development of edema without a runny nose. After a fall and injury to the nose, a child may develop an internal hematoma, which becomes the direct cause of nasal swelling.
  • Congenital anomalies of the nose - curvature of the nasal septum and narrowness of the nasal passages.
  • Non-infectious irritants - dust, pesticides, detergents, chemical aerosols.
  • Tumors, nasal polyps.
  • Hormonal changes in the first trimester of pregnancy.
  • Long-term use of vasoconstrictor drops and the development of “addiction”.

Nasal congestion and swelling without a runny nose occurs at the first symptoms of a cold. The reason for this phenomenon is often an unfavorable environmental situation. A polluted environment affects the nasal mucosa; it cannot cope with its cleansing and moisturizing functions and swells.

  • In persons with weakened immune systems, swelling of the nose develops after swimming in cold water, winter walks without a hat, or eating cold water or food.
  • In children, a common cause of nasal swelling is adenoids - the proliferation of lymphoid tissue located in the nasopharynx.
  • Postoperative swelling of the tip of the nose. After rhinoplasty, all patients without exception have a swollen nose.
  • The cause of swelling of the sinuses is often dry indoor air. The mucous membrane dries out and swells.

The ciliated epithelium lining the nasal cavity and airways has cilia that move synchronously and unidirectionally - from the vestibule of the nose towards the nasopharynx. Normally, due to their movement, foreign substances enter the nasal cavity along with the inhaled atmospheric air, move to the pharynx and stomach, where they are destroyed. Negative impact of factors environment disrupts this function. Dust and microbes penetrate the nasal mucosa, irritate it, and enhance the process of secretion and fluid accumulation.


Nasal swelling is manifested by difficulty in nasal breathing, discomfort and congestion, hyperemia and swelling of the mucous membrane of the airways. If patients' nose swells during sleep, they snore loudly.

Symptoms of nasal swelling depend on the cause of the pathology:

  1. With viral infections, the nasal mucosa swells, body temperature rises, colorless discharge appears, headaches, muscle aches, lacrimation, and cough occur. The nose is so blocked that patients have to breathe through their mouths. The sense of smell decreases or disappears completely, and there is burning and itching in the nasopharynx.
  2. Swelling of the nasal mucosa caused by bacterial sinusitis is manifested by heaviness in the projection of the affected sinus, fatigue, irritability, and weakness. Purulent contents of a greenish-yellow color with an odor and streaks of blood come out of the nose. Severe swelling of the nose is a symptom of various types of sinusitis.
  3. Allergic rhinitis is manifested by frequent sneezing, swelling of the nose, and the appearance of copious mucous discharge.
  4. Nasal swelling is a consequence of any operation on the airways. Immediately after it, blood circulation is difficult, breathing is not completely restored, the mucous membrane is swollen and covered with crusts.
  5. Post-traumatic swelling of the nose is manifested by pain in the face, swelling, nosebleeds, and bruises.


Traditional therapy

Treatment of nasal swelling begins after identifying the cause of the pathology and making a diagnosis.

  • To cope with allergic swelling of the nose, you need to stop contact with the allergen, rinse your nose with Aquamaris or Aqualor and take any antihistamine - Tavegil, Cetrin, Loratodine. If you have allergies, you can use local antiallergic agents containing glucocorticoids - Flixonase, Tafen. Helps make breathing easier through the nose vasoconstrictor drops- “Tizin”, “Nazivin”. Children are usually prescribed Vibrocil, which has not only a vasoconstrictor, but also an antihistamine effect. When using nasal drops, a child must strictly monitor the dosage.
  • In case of nasal swelling of viral etiology, it is necessary to frequently rinse the nose with physiological or saline solution and take inhalations to facilitate nasal breathing. Patients are prescribed antiviral drugs- “Kagocel”, “Ingavirin”, antipyretics - “Ibuklin”, “Nurofen”. Warming ointments are effective for nasal swelling. Ointment with menthol or camphor eliminates swelling and other symptoms of a cold.
  • Bacterial rhinitis is treated with antibacterial nasal drops - "Polydex", "Sofradex", immunostimulants - "Cycloferon", "Bronchomunal", rinsing the nose with antiseptics - "Furacilin", "Miramistin".
  • If the nose is injured, it is necessary to apply cold to the lesion to stop bleeding, use vasoconstrictor drops to relieve swelling and healing ointments to stimulate regeneration. You should regularly perform nasal hygiene: rinse it and remove blood clots and crusts. During the recovery period, patients are advised to avoid hypothermia and use emollients and secretion-enhancing drugs.

Physiotherapeutic treatment includes phonophoresis, normalizing vascular tone and the work of the ciliated epithelium; electrophoresis and laser therapy are methods of combating vascular dystonia.

Surgery is indicated if there is congenital anomalies nose and is aimed at correcting the anatomical nasal structures. Septoplasty - reconstruction surgery correct form nasal septum. This method gives remarkable results, relieving patients from swelling and nasal congestion.

To dilate blood vessels, electroplasma coagulation, ultrasonic disintegration, and laser destruction are performed.

Neoplasms in the nose are treated comprehensively with medication and physiotherapy. If there is no therapeutic effect, the tumor is removed.

During pregnancy, the use of vasoconstrictor drops is prohibited. Breathing is restored by cleansing and rinsing the nasal cavity with saline and safe products “Dolphin” and “Aqualor”. Nasal swelling can be treated with acupressure, breathing exercises, ultrasonic inhalations, traditional medicine.

Among not medications For nasal swelling, inhalations are the most effective. Due to the influence of steam they expand blood vessels and swelling decreases. For inhalation use soda solution, decoctions medicinal herbs- calendula, peppermint, thyme. Patients are advised to drink as much fluid as possible, which thins nasal mucus and removes it from the body. It is useful to drink tea with honey and lemon, chamomile tea, and broths. Good method for swelling of the nose, warm up the sinuses with a pepper patch. It is cut into small pieces and pasted onto the bridge of the nose and cheeks in the projection of the inflamed sinuses, and left for 10 minutes.

You can eliminate nasal swelling in a child by steaming his feet in hot water before going to bed. A runny nose and nasal swelling in children, especially newborns, should be treated under the supervision of a specialist. This is not easy to do, since it is prohibited to give them vasoconstrictor drops. To eliminate nasal swelling in a child, folk remedies are used - saline solution, essential oils, decoctions of medicinal herbs in the form of inhalations and nasal rinses.


Folk remedies to help relieve nasal swelling:

  1. Flushing the airways with saline solution. To prepare it, dissolve half a teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water and pour the resulting solution into the nose. Thanks to this procedure, the mucous discharge liquefies and comes out.
  2. Inhalations with essential oils of cedar, fir or pine are carried out over a pan of boiling water. Cover yourself with a towel and inhale the healing vapors. You can breathe over potato broth.
  3. Lemon juice diluted with boiled water is sucked in through the nose and immediately released back. This is done several times a day to achieve a therapeutic effect. Soak cotton swabs in diluted lemon juice and insert them into the nostrils for a few minutes. This remedy has a bactericidal and anti-edematous effect, strengthens the walls of blood vessels.
  4. At night, apply iodine to your feet and put on woolen socks on top.
  5. The horseradish minced in a meat grinder is placed in a glass jar, closed with a lid and waited for a minute, after which the lid is opened and several deep breaths are taken.
  6. Prepare a mixture of chopped onion and garlic and inhale the vapors emanating from it. This remedy has anti-inflammatory, decongestant and healing effects.


To prevent the development of nasal swelling, the following rules must be followed:

  • Treat the underlying disease - influenza, acute rhinitis, caries.
  • Don't get too cold.
  • Strengthen the immune system: harden yourself, sleep and eat well, walk in the fresh air.
  • Use “Aquamaris”, “Dolphin” during the day for preventive purposes.
  • Avoid contact with infectious patients.
  • Avoid contact with allergens.
  • Restore abnormal nasal structures.
  • Do not injure your nose.
  • Do not use the same vasoconstrictor drops for a long time.
  • Fight bad habits.
  • Humidify the air in the room.
  • When the first signs of pathology appear, consult a doctor.

Compliance with these basic rules will significantly reduce the risk of developing inflammation and swelling of the nose.

It must be remembered that nasal swelling is an insidious symptom of various diseases that cannot be ignored and left to chance. This symptom can cause a hidden disease and lead to serious complications. A timely visit to an ENT doctor will help eliminate this symptom and prevent the occurrence of health problems in the future. Only a professional can accurately determine the cause of the pathology and prescribe effective treatment. Accurate diagnosis- the key to successful treatment!

Swelling of the nasal mucosa: the main causes of the symptom

In children and adults, swelling of the nasal mucosa is often diagnosed, and this pathological condition is predominantly a complication of sinusitis, rhinitis or allergies. Swelling itself can cause the development of many complications, so the appearance of such a symptom should be taken quite seriously.

The causes of swelling of the nasal mucosa are very different, and often this condition is accompanied by an inflammatory process. Treatment of this pathology is carried out under the supervision of a specialist using various medications, rinses and inhalations.

Causes of swelling

Swelling of the nasal mucosa can be caused by various viruses, bacteria and allergens.

In most cases, swelling of the nasal mucosa is a manifestation of a viral infection or occurs after severe hypothermia of the human body. In such a situation, the patient begins to complain of severe nasal congestion and the presence of other signs of illness. Inflammation and swelling of the nasopharynx develops especially rapidly in young children, since their nasal passages are still too narrow and they are characterized by high reactivity of the body.

In fact, individual species infections do not immediately provoke sneezing and itching, and only swelling of the nose may be observed for several days. The most common causes of swelling of the nasal mucosa are bacterial and viral rhinitis, as well as sinusitis.

Another common provoking factor for such a pathological condition as nasal swelling is an allergic reaction of the body.

The fact is that exposure to various allergens on the human body leads to the release of allergy mediators in the blood. In addition, the patient's vessels in the nasal area become greatly dilated and inflamed, and their walls begin to lose fluid due to their increased permeability. The consequence of this pathological condition is swelling of the nasal mucosa, and allergies can be caused by absolutely any drugs and substances.

More information about vasomotor rhinitis can be found in the video:

What factors can trigger the appearance of nasal swelling:

  • injuries and blows of varying strength, which are accompanied by the formation of a hematoma
  • changes in the concentration of hormones in the human body
  • long-term use of vasoconstrictor drugs
  • presence of adenoids
  • alcohol abuse
  • identification of vegetative-vascular dystonia, which subsequently causes vasomotor runny nose
  • foreign body entering the nose

In childhood and adults, edema often develops with a deviated nasal septum and with other anomalies in the structure of the organ. In addition, various polypous formations and cysts in the nose, decreased immunity of the body, constant hypothermia and diabetes mellitus can cause this pathological condition.

Possible complications

Swelling of the nasal mucosa can cause inflammation in the sinuses

If swelling of the nasal mucosa is detected, it is necessary to immediately begin treatment, otherwise complications cannot be avoided. Often this pathological condition, in the absence of adequate therapy, causes the development of an inflammatory process in the nasal sinuses. This disease has received the general name “sinusitis,” but several subtypes are distinguished, taking into account the location of the inflammatory process, the severity of the disease and the type of infection.

In the future, sinusitis may be complicated by the fact that the pathological process further spreads to nearby tissues. There is an accumulation of purulent exudate in the sinuses, and in the future this may cause the development of a pathology such as osteomyelitis. In addition, swelling of the nose can provoke complications such as conjunctivitis and even meningitis. It is for this reason that there is no need to start the course of the disease, but its treatment should begin immediately after the diagnosis.

Drug treatment

If the cause of nasal swelling is injury, then you need to see a traumatologist. He will identify the extent of damage to the mucous membrane, nasal septum and bones, and select the necessary treatment.

For rhinitis of allergic origin, exposure to allergens on the human body should be excluded and antihistamines. In order to facilitate the breathing process, it is recommended to use various vasoconstrictor drops.

Drug therapy depends on the cause of swelling of the nasal mucosa

For swelling of the nasal mucosa, the following medications are most often prescribed:

It is important to remember that drugs with a vasoconstrictor effect are recommended for use as a means for quick recovery breathing, and not drip them several times a day. In addition, you need to resort to their help when it is not possible to normalize breathing with the help of special gymnastics and physical exercises.

Moisturizing drops and nasal sprays are recommended to be used as an aid to speed up the discharge of mucus. Such products are usually made on the basis of marine or mineral water, therefore they are a source of various microelements. Most often, medications such as Salin, Aqualor, Marimer and Aqua Maris are prescribed to eliminate edema.

In the event that edema develops as a result allergic reaction, then medications are prescribed that combine antihistamine and vasoconstrictor effects.

Thanks to them, it is possible to eliminate swelling, normalize breathing and prevent the development of an allergic reaction. Popular drops and sprays for swelling of the nasal mucosa are:

In advanced forms of the pathology, the use of sprays and drops, which include antiseptics and antibiotics, is prescribed. Such drugs as Isofra, Polydexa, Miramistin and Bioparox have a good effect in eliminating swelling. In addition, treatment can be carried out using glucocorticosteroids Nasonex and Sofradex, which are intended for irrigation of the nasal cavity.

Healing procedures

Nasal rinsing - effective procedure for swelling

It is possible to relieve swelling of the nasal cavity by rinsing, and for this procedure you can use brine with the addition of a few drops of iodine. To do this, dissolve 20 grams of sea salt in 200 ml of warm water and add 4-5 drops of iodine.

The prepared solution should be mixed well and used to rinse the nose, injecting it into one nostril and releasing it from the other. If the patient cannot cope with such a procedure on his own, it is recommended to purchase a device such as a cuckoo from the pharmacy.

At home, you can use folk remedies to rinse your nose, but only after consulting with a specialist. The following folk remedy gives a positive effect in the fight against the disease:

  1. you need to pour 10 grams of coltsfoot into the bowl, pour a glass of boiling water over it and leave for 30 minutes
  2. the prepared product should be filtered and used to rinse the nose several times a day

To get rid of nasal congestion and swelling, you can instill the juices of root vegetables such as beets and onions. A good effect in eliminating pathology is given by inhalations, which can be done according to the following scheme:

  • add a few drops of eucalyptus, spruce, pine needles, cedar or fir oil to a pan of boiling water
  • the patient needs to bend over the emanating steam and exhale the vapor, while covering himself with a towel
  • It is recommended to carry out such inhalations several times a day until the unpleasant symptoms are completely eliminated

Inhalations will moisturize the nasal mucosa and relieve swelling

Potato inhalations, which can be done at home, are considered a proven and effective folk remedy. To do this, boil the potatoes in their skins, drain the water and inhale the vapors of the root vegetable, covered with a towel, until it cools down.

For a speedy recovery of the patient and elimination of swelling of the nasal mucosa, it is recommended to carry out physiotherapeutic procedures. This complex treatment helps get rid of unpleasant symptoms and avoid the development dangerous complications. To combat pathology, the following procedures may be prescribed:

Swelling of the nasal mucosa can develop due to various reasons and needs mandatory treatment. If timely effective therapy Dangerous complications may arise and the pathology may become chronic.

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The turbinates play a huge role in the physiology of the nose. Located inside the nose on the side walls, three on each (lower, middle and upper), they are responsible for heating the cold and cooling the hot air inhaled by the lungs, as well as for moisturizing and cleaning it from dust particles. The reason for surgery (performed after) on the turbinates is their enlargement, especially the lower ones, to such an extent that, filling the nasal passages, they make breathing difficult. The cause of hypertrophy may be a curvature of the nasal septum in one direction, while on the opposite side, compensatory enlarged nasal turbinates, mainly the inferior one, occupy the space vacated by the septum, thus making breathing difficult. In such cases, you can remove the interfering part of the sink. Enlargement of the shells against the background of allergic rhinitis is accompanied by copious discharge of watery mucus from the nose, which causes impaired nasal breathing and secondary infections of the nose and paranasal sinuses. Treatment of allergic rhinitis is mainly medicinal. In cases that cannot be drug treatment, partial removal of shells can be considered. A more extreme measure is complete removal, which should be carefully avoided and efforts should be made to preserve the turbinates due to their enormous importance in the physiology of the nose. Sometimes during rhinoplasty there is a need to reduce the anterior end of the inferior concha in order to preserve the so-called “nasal valve” to ensure normal function nose Removal can be done using a cutting tool or by evaporating shell tissue using a laser beam. In any case, surgery on shells should be as gentle as possible.

Treatment of turbinates - fast, outpatient, minimally aggressive!

Patients suffering from turbinate hypertrophy can be treated quickly, on an outpatient basis and without significant discomfort for the patient. As shown by clinical trials published in EUFOS Congress 2004 ("Radiofrequency treatment of turbinate hypertrophy: Our experience in the use of a radiofrequency generator" by Dr. Raffaello, Otorhinolaryngology Clinic, University of Rome), in more than 90% of cases there is a success of this method and patient satisfaction with it.

Bipolar electrode according to Binne r

The procedure can be carried out under local anesthesia. Treatment can be carried out in outpatient setting. The procedure takes only a few minutes. There is no loss of time and no deterioration in the patient’s quality of life after the procedure.

Patient preparation

A surface anesthetic (eg, gauze soaked in 4% lidocaine or spray) is applied, mixed 50/50 with a vasoconstrictor such as xylometazoline and epinephrine if indicated. The patient can leave the outpatient clinic after approximately 10 minutes, but must remain under observation. Examination of the turbinates allows one to evaluate the anatomy of the nasal cavity, especially in the bony part. It is also important to recognize the place where the enlargement of the nasal concha makes it difficult to pass air. Special attention should be paid to these areas.

The lower section of the medial wall of the labyrinth, located in the nasal cavity between the superior and inferior turbinates.

1. Small medical encyclopedia. - M.: Medical encyclopedia. 1991-96 2. First aid. - M.: Great Russian Encyclopedia. 1994 3. Encyclopedic Dictionary of Medical Terms. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. - 1982-1984.

See what “Medium turbinate” is in other dictionaries:

    - (concha nasalis media, PNA, BNA, JNA) a thin curved plate of the ethmoid bone, extending from the lower part of the medial wall of the labyrinth, located in the nasal cavity between the superior and inferior turbinates... Large medical dictionary

    TURBINATE- (nasal concha) any of the three thin curved plates protruding on the lateral wall of the nasal cavity. The superior (superior) and middle (middle nasal conchae) shells are processes of the ethmoid labyrinth of the bone of the same name; lower nasal... ... Explanatory dictionary of medicine

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    Lateral wall of the nasal cavity- frontal bone (scales of the frontal bone); frontal sinus; cockscomb; cribriform plate of the ethmoid bone; superior nasal concha; middle turbinate; sphenoid sinus; sphenopalatine foramen; inferior nasal concha; vertical... Atlas of Human Anatomy

    The pharyngeal cavity (cavum pharyngis) on a sagittal section- tubal palatal fold; pharyngeal opening of the auditory tube; pharyngeal tonsil; pharyngeal pocket; pipe roller; anterior arch of the atlas; soft sky; tubopharyngeal fold; uvula of the soft palate; palatoglossus arch; palatine tonsil; palate... ... Atlas of Human Anatomy

    Brain bones- The occipital bone (os occipitale) (Fig. 59A, 59B) is unpaired, located in the posterior part of the cranium and consists of four parts located around the large foramen (foramen magnum) (Fig. 60, 61, 62) in the anterior lower part of the outer... ... Atlas of Human Anatomy

    Respiratory system- The respiratory organs provide gas exchange, saturating the tissues of the human body with oxygen and freeing them from carbon dioxide, and also take part in the sense of smell, voice formation, water-salt and lipid metabolism, and the production of certain hormones. IN… … Atlas of Human Anatomy

    NOSE- NOSE. Contents: I. Comparative anatomy and embryology. . 577 II. Anatomy...................581 III. Physiology...................590 IV. Pathology...................591 V. General operative surgery of the nose.....609 D. Comparative anatomy and... ... Great Medical Encyclopedia

    Ethmoid bone- Ethmoid bone, os ethmoidae, unpaired. Most of it lies in the upper parts of the nasal cavity, less in the anterior parts of the base of the skull. It has the shape of an irregular cube, consists of air cells and belongs to the group... ... Atlas of Human Anatomy

    I Paranasal sinuses nose (sinus paranasales; synonym paranasal sinuses) air-bearing cavities in the bones of the facial and cerebral skull, lined with mucous membrane, which communicate with the nasal cavity; are voice resonators. To the subordinate clauses... Medical encyclopedia

What does hypertrophy of the inferior turbinates mean? To understand this issue, let's start with what they themselves are. There are three pairs in total: lower, middle and upper. They are bony outgrowths and are located on the lateral wall of the nasal cavity. The purpose of the turbinates is to direct and regulate the flow of air in the nasal passages. In this case, the mucous membrane must be healthy and well developed. The main role in this process belongs to the lower shells.

Under the influence of various ailments, including manifestations of an allergic nature and diseases of viral etiology, deformation processes may begin to develop, resulting in the formation of asymmetry of the nasal concha and mucous membrane. This anomaly can also develop after injury or mechanical damage. In medical terminology, the disease is called hypertrophy or conchobullosis of the nasal turbinates. In this article we will consider in detail the causes, signs and methods of treating turbinate hypertrophy.

Hypertrophy of the nasal turbinates is a pathological process accompanied by gradual growth and thickening of the nasal mucosa. As a result, the patient experiences breathing problems.

Deformation changes are accompanied by accelerated secretion of secretory fluid and mucus. With hypertrophy of the nasal mucosa the inner surface becomes lumpy and loses its uniformity.

Among the main causes of hypertrophy of the nasal conchae are:

  1. Rhinitis of allergic nature. The most common cause of conchobullosis of the nasal concha. The inflammatory reaction resulting from exposure to allergens on the nasal membrane leads to swelling. The result is temporary hypertrophy.
  2. Chronication of the inflammatory process, leading to asymmetry of the nasal passages, provokes a violation of the passage of air. As a result, pressure on the nasal mucosa increases, which leads to the proliferation of epithelial tissue.
  3. Deviation of the nasal septum. Deformation of the plate prevents the passage of air in one part of the nose and creates an increased load on its second part. Violation of the structure of the respiratory organ leads to heterogeneous growth and thickening of the mucosa. Over time, breathing in such patients becomes significantly more difficult.

Often, hypertrophy of the nasal turbinates is a consequence of long-term, unprescribed use of vasoconstrictor drugs.

In addition to the above reasons, the occurrence of hypertrophy may be due to poor human health and a number of external negative factors, among which are:

  • smoking;
  • harmful working conditions;
  • influence of hormonal agents.

Types of hypertrophy

The most vulnerable areas for the development of conchobullosis are the back of the lower shell and the front end of the middle one. This is due to the peculiarities of the anatomical structure of the nasal passages, which ensure the passage of air. It is in these places that hypertrophic processes are most often observed.

At the moment, there are 2 types of pathology of the nasal turbinates:

  1. Hypertrophy of the posterior ends of the inferior turbinates most often develops against the background of chronic rhinitis. During the examination, the presence is noted that can block the lumen in the inside of the nose. In this situation, a bilateral development of hypertrophy occurs. The pathology is characterized by a lack of symmetry.
  2. Conchobullosis of the anterior ends of the middle turbinates- the rarest pathology. The disease occurs against the background of the development of the inflammatory process in.

Signs and diagnosis of pathology

Treatment of turbinate hypertrophy is carried out only after quality diagnostics. Questioning and examining patients is of no small importance.

Expressed manifestations, indicating the development of pathological changes are:

  • difficulty breathing through the nose, which can be observed both during inhalation and exhalation;
  • the appearance of nasality in the voice;
  • feeling of a foreign body in;
  • headache;
  • copious mucous discharge from the sinuses;
  • tinnitus;
  • decreased olfactory sensations.

The symptoms of turbinate hypertrophy are very similar to those of.

In addition to analyzing the main symptoms, before making a diagnosis, rhinoscopy. The examination reveals the degree of hypertrophy of the nasal turbinates and changes in the mucous membrane. In the photo below you can see a rhinoscopic picture of a patient with hypertrophy of the inferior turbinates.

Treatment of turbinate hypertrophy

Elimination of turbinate hypertrophy is a matter exclusively for specialists. Treatment should only be prescribed by a doctor based on the results of the study, causative factors and the general condition of the patient.

It is worth noting that Drug therapy in most cases is powerless. Although drug treatment helps to cope with the symptoms of hypertrophy, it has virtually no effect on the root cause. That is why pathology is treated primarily surgically.

There are several methods of surgical intervention:

  1. Conchotomy. consists of removing an overgrown area of ​​mucous membrane from the nasal passage. Partial removal of the nasal concha occurs through the use of a wire loop. Excess overgrown tissue is cut out, excluding bones.
  2. Galvanocaustic method, based on the insertion of a heated electrode into the nasal cavity, which is carried along the mucous membrane. The essence of the process is that the mucous membrane first grows even more, after which the damaged tissue dies. After healing, a scar forms in the nasal cavity, which is subsequently rejected. If the operation was successful, then nasal breathing is restored.
  3. Resection of nasal plates, which is carried out when it is necessary to remove bone or cartilage tissue.
  4. Septoplasty- surgical correction of the nasal septum to eliminate its curvature.
  5. Elimination of hypertrophy using high-frequency ultrasound. With this manipulation, excess tricky tissue is removed. Before the procedure, an endoscopic and x-ray examination is mandatory. This operation is bloodless, which eliminates damage to the mucous membrane and the formation of crusts. After ultrasound treatment, swelling decreases and the respiratory process is restored.

If the operation is successfully performed, the patient’s breathing is restored, and correctly selected drug treatment during the rehabilitation period prevents the development of complications. In most cases, hypertrophy of the turbinates is temporary and reversible.

As for traditional methods of treatment, they can only be used as additional measures. It is not recommended to carry out such therapy on your own without consulting a specialist.

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