Home Removal Which fruit is the easiest to make hookah with? Fruit hookah - methods of cooking with apple, pineapple, grapefruit, orange

Which fruit is the easiest to make hookah with? Fruit hookah - methods of cooking with apple, pineapple, grapefruit, orange

Everyone will say with confidence that it is hookah with fruit that is considered to be the most delicious. Smoking such a hookah is much more pleasant, due to the fact that the fruit gives up its own juice to the tobacco and its taste becomes more intense. In addition, such a hookah smokes much longer, since the fruit juice prevents the tobacco from drying out quickly.

You can choose almost any fruit for this occasion, but there are still limitations.

Firstly, the fruit must be dense enough to for a long time withstand high temperatures. Secondly, it is better not to give preference to fruits from which it is difficult to remove the seeds without spoiling the shape of the fruit itself.

This method of smoking has many positive aspects:

  • The aroma becomes more intense due to fresh fruit juice;
  • Due to the moisture content of the tobacco fruit bowl The duration of smoking increases several times. In addition, it is customary to put a little more tobacco into the fruit than into a standard bowl.
  • Compared to a porcelain bowl, the fruit heats up much less, therefore, the tobacco smolders much longer.

However, there are also certain disadvantages that can safely be called minor:

  • To prepare a hookah with fruit you will need more time and effort;
  • Throughout the entire smoking process it is necessary to maintain a stable high temperature bowls, since the fruit absorbs too much heat;
  • The consumption of coals and tobacco for such a hookah is slightly higher.

Thus, if you decide to use the fruit as a bowl for tobacco, you will enjoy one dressing much longer, and you will also get an additional long-lasting taste.

You can use a hookah on fruit for two hours, while tobacco in a regular bowl fades within half an hour. Most often, it is an apple, grapefruit or pineapple that is usually used instead of chilim.

An apple hookah is suitable for a company of two people, a grapefruit hookah is for three, and if you have a large company or are throwing a party, then a pineapple hookah will come in handy, since it is not only tasty and smokes longer, but also has presentable appearance.

How to make a hookah using an apple (and other fruit)? You will need the following items:

  • fruits to choose from;
  • toothpicks;
  • the hookah itself;
  • vegetable slicer or knife;
  • tobacco;
  • foil;
  • coal.
  • Pomegranate;
  • Melon;
  • Grapefruit;
  • Pear;
  • Green apple.

It is advisable not to use the following fruits as they are not heat resistant and smoking will end in half an hour:

  • Banana;
  • Mandarin;
  • Orange;
  • Red Apple.

There really needs to be a caveat here. Hookah on orange after all, no, no, yes, some craftsmen do it, as you can see, for example, in this video:

General instructions for preparing a hookah with fruit:

So, how do you make a hookah with fruit?

  1. First of all, it is necessary to prepare the hookah for smoking, and for this you need to rinse it under the pressure of warm water along with all the disassembled components. Next, you need to pour cold water into the flask. clean water in such a way that the water level reached the inserted hookah tube and was three centimeters higher. To improve the taste, you can add wine, juice, fruit pieces or pulp, honey, ice or aromatic oils to the water.
  2. Prepare the fruit you decide to use as a bowl. It must be tight, otherwise it will be awkward for you to cut it.
  3. Use a vegetable peeler or knife to cut off the top of the fruit and scoop out the pulp. As a result, the fruit should resemble the shape of a hookah bowl, and the depth should be suitable so that you can easily pour tobacco.
  4. The bottom of the processed fruit must be covered with foil, in which several small holes must first be made. Instead of foil, you can use toothpicks, which can be used to pierce the fruit, forming a kind of lattice. This way the tobacco will not fall out of the fruit into the flask.
  5. Choose the tobacco of your choice and fill the fruit bowl with it. You can mix several varieties without compacting. The top of the fruit bowl is covered with a special mesh screen or foil with holes. Next, it is placed on the hookah shaft.
  6. At the final stage, take the coal or crush it into small pieces if it is too large. Place the coals on the top of the bowl on a mesh or foil. The laid coal must be ignited and it is advisable to use a special hookah lighter for this. Taking strong breaths, smoke a fragrant hookah on fruit.

It is best to place a hookah for smoking on the floor. As soon as the hookah with the fruit bowl burns out, fill the coals with water. Pour the water out of the flask, rinse all the elements of the hookah and dry them. If the device is stored disassembled, it will last longer.

A relatively recently introduced fruit hookah is rapidly gaining popularity. It can be argued that this is the most delicious and original type of hookah, which, moreover, can be quite easily made with your own hands.


Fruit hookah has its undeniable advantages, which in addition to being attractive appearance, are concluded in giving tobacco a pleasant, unobtrusive flavor. That is why many people are seriously interested in the question of how to make a hookah with fruit. First, let's focus on choosing sweet fruits. Their assortment is truly large, but preference should be given not only on the basis of personal liking for the aroma or taste of a particular fruit, but also looking at its physical characteristics - size, density and stability.

So, before making a hookah with fruit, choose one of the most suitable: apple (necessarily hard, green), orange, grapefruit, melon (miniature varieties), lemon or pomegranate (an option for real hookah gurus).

After the choice is made, you can begin to describe how to make a hookah with fruit. It's no secret that a fruit hookah is just the use of this or sometimes a fruit instead of a hookah bowl. To do this, the fruit must be prepared. We select the densest specimen from the entire population at your disposal, evaluate the shape (the bowl must be stable) and size. After this, thoroughly wash the fruit and cut off a third of its top. Then we cut out the middle at an angle of 45 degrees and make a hole at the bottom slightly smaller than the diameter of the shaft in order to put it on the hookah.

How to make hookah with fruit next? It's simple: to avoid tobacco falling through, we make a lattice of toothpicks at the bottom of the fruit and put the tobacco inside the fruit. Just as when stuffing porcelain or ceramic bowls, avoid packing the tobacco tightly; it should be loose and lie fairly loose. After this we use foil. We wrap it tightly around the top of the fruit, secure it on the sides with toothpicks if necessary, and make many holes. Only after this can you attach the fruit to the hookah. To preserve the heat, you should make a small side of foil and put 2-4 preheated coals. The hookah will light up faster with fruit if you cover the coals with foil for a while.

That's all! Now you know how to make hookah with fruit!

In our catalog you can find hookah bars in Moscow that produce similar hookahs at your request.

We have all seen hookahs with apples, oranges or grapefruits, because these are the most common solutions for preparing hookahs with fruits. However, the matter is not limited to these three sweet and sour fruits, and skilled hookah makers use everything as an alternative to a clay or silicone hookah bowl.

What fruits are hookahs made from?

If you have imagination and great desire, you can make a hookah using almost any fruit of sufficient hardness. The fruit bowl for hookah is purely aesthetic in nature; it does not impart any special taste to the tobacco inside it. A fruit bowl is just a great reason to surprise your guests with not only a tasty, but also a beautiful hookah.

Hookah on an apple

The apple is cut in half, then most of the pulp is removed using a knife. Then you need to make a hole at the bottom of the apple of such a diameter that the fruit sits tightly on the top of the hookah shaft. It's good if you have a special knife for removing the core from fruits.

A metal mesh is placed at the bottom of the apple bowl, or the same mesh is made from toothpicks.

Grapefruit hookah

Not inferior in popularity to the apple bowl is the grapefruit bowl. Using a sharp knife, you cut off the top of the juicy fruit, then carefully remove most of the core and cut the bottom of the grapefruit to the diameter of the top of the shaft.

To prevent tobacco from falling into the shaft while smoking a hookah, you place a mesh of toothpicks at the bottom of the grapefruit, and put tobacco on top.

Hookah on orange

With an orange hookah, the situation is exactly the same as with a grapefruit hookah, since these fruits are very similar to each other. Be sure to place four layers of regular food foil on top so that the tobacco does not burn while smoking.

Pineapple hookah

In the first case, the pineapple is cut lengthwise, and in the second, crosswise.

Trouble with this exotic fruit there is a lot, and you can’t do it without a special knife. Pineapple is a fairly hard and expensive fruit, so if this is your first experience in making a hookah with fruit, it is better to start with an apple or orange.

Coconut hookah

Hookah on a coconut bowl - what an exotic beauty! You immediately imagine yourself somewhere on the ocean shore under palm trees.

The coconut bowl is very convenient to use, since the fruit of the coconut tree is quite hard. But making a bowl yourself is not so easy. The first problem is to make a hole of the required diameter at the bottom of the coconut. If you don't have a drill in your house - headache guaranteed. The second problem is to split the coconut evenly.

You can simply split a coconut if you use a small hammer to completely tap the coconut in the places where you want to see a break. You can also cut the coconut evenly using a grinder, if you have one in your home.

Hookah on pomegranate

Another fruit that is sometimes used as a hookah bowl is the pomegranate. The principle of preparing the bowl is exactly the same as in the case of grapefruit.

Hookah on a pumpkin

Sometimes a hookah bowl is made from the top of a butternut squash. Why is this particular pumpkin used? It’s just that it’s tall and narrow, and its top is just the right size for making a hookah bowl.

Do you like to cook hookah with fruit or do you prefer to smoke it in classic bowls?

Once upon a time, in the early days of hookah, round-shaped fruits (coconuts) were used as hookah bowls. Then came progress, fannel and upgrade. And then history repeated itself, and now making a hookah bowl from fruit is one of the favorite activities of hookah lovers. Someone is looking for something to replace a hookah bowl with, someone just wants to add some variety to their hookah routine, someone is attracted by the dashing appearance of a narghile topped with a pineapple. However, the fact remains: fruit is still relevant. And fans never tire of posting recipes and comparing which is better: grapefruit or apple? Pomegranates, coconuts and that's all we have in our review today.

What is necessary?

Suitable fruit, napkins for fruits with juicy pulp, toothpicks. Everything else is the same as in the case of a regular bowl: tobacco, foil, coals. Also, stock up on a fair amount of patience, you will need it and here's why: the general principle of preparing the fruit is the formation of a bowl in the structure of the fruit with the correct indentation from the edges, the correct hole and reusable fitting on the shaft, a bottom for tobacco made from toothpicks. Did you feel it? The process is labor intensive. Yes, and be prepared for the fact that something may go wrong (the hole for the shaft is too large, damage to the wall of the fruit) and the fruit will have to be replaced.

What fruits should I use?

Round-shaped fruits with a dense shell and pliable pulp are best suited: citrus fruits (orange, grapefruit, lemon), apple, coconut, pomegranate (there are difficulties), pineapple. There is an extreme recipe for a hookah on a fruit bowl: a banana in the form of a bowl and a watermelon as a flask. Just imagine such a hookah made from fruits. But more on that later.
How to make a fruit bowl?

How to make a hookah with fruit? Below we will describe step by step process And general principles preparing a fruit bowl for hookah:

  1. We take a fruit of moderate ripeness, wash it thoroughly and dry it.
  2. Cut off its top by at least ⅓. Or just above the middle of the fruit.
  3. Remove the core and pulp to form a bowl.
    When removing the pulp, maintain a distance of at least 1 cm from the outer edge (depending on the volume of the fruit).
  4. Be extremely careful and try not to damage the wall. Otherwise, replace the fruit.
  5. We make a hole for the shaft. Let's try it on first. The shaft rim leaves its marks. Make the hole a little smaller.
  6. Let's try it on. We expand if necessary. If the hole is too large, change the fruit. 🙂
  7. Using toothpicks, we make a grid for the fruit of such density that the mixture does not fall into the shaft. Do not make the grille too dense - this will interfere with air circulation.
  8. We attach the bowl to the shaft.
  9. Loosely hammer the tobacco. Air circulation should be good. We don’t score on touch, because the fruit will be slightly baked on top when exposed to heat.
  10. Cover the fruit hookah bowl with foil. Here the principle is absolutely the same as with a regular bowl. BUT it is important to secure the foil with toothpicks to secure it in place.
  11. Make holes in the foil using a toothpick or needle. We attach our fruit bowl to the hookah and put 2-4 coals, depending on the size of the fruit. It is advisable to place the coal closer to the middle to avoid coal getting onto the edge of the bowl. To preserve the heat, you can make a side out of foil. And to light a hookah faster, you can cover the coals with a foil cap.

This completes the main cooking process.

Benefits of fruit hookah:

Richer taste and aroma due to the fresh juice used for preparation.
Duration of smoking - fruit juice prevents the moassel from drying out for a long time, and the size allows you to fill more tobacco at a time.
The fruit warms up differently than hookah chili, which means the tobacco will smolder much longer. Therefore, a fruit hookah, as a rule, can be smoked for 2-3 hours, but tobacco in a regular bowl will only last for one hour.

Disadvantages of fruit hookah:

You need to spend more time preparing a fruit hookah - clean out the middle of the fruit to give it a bowl shape.
The entire time you smoke, you need to maintain a constantly high temperature, because the fruit absorbs a lot of heat.
You need to use more tobacco and coals.

Chips and nuances

The process of preparing a fruit hookah has its own characteristics, and they depend, first of all, on the fruit that is used.

  • All citrus fruits are quite capricious: they have a juicy, soft texture with a lot of juice, the excess of which needs to be removed with napkins, and not the most hard shell, which, when cut, does not hold its shape in the best way.
  • Pomegranate is perhaps the most difficult fruit in this regard. This is due to its atypical texture, hard shell and abundance of juice. It also gets dirty and doesn’t wash well.
  • Coconut is good, but too hard. Difficult to process.
  • Pineapple is probably perfect. Dense texture. Volume. Beautiful honeycomb pattern. Visually very good.
  • Apple is also very popular. Easy to form. And this is the most budget fruit on the list.
  • One more nuance: when preparing a hookah with a particular fruit, add similar juice to the flask and mix tobaccos with the presence in the recipe of the fruit from which you made the bowl. You will like the result.

Fruit hookah is exciting and entertaining. You will enjoy the process itself, and the result will delight you with new flavor facets and aromatic compositions. Start with more flexible fruits: apple, pineapple. And there you can swing at a pomegranate!

Here are a few articles from detailed description preparations:

Hookah, prepared traditional way using a high-quality clay bowl is certainly tasty, but true connoisseurs of hookah art have always been willing to experiment and try something new. This is how fruit hookahs made with apple and grapefruit appeared.

How to make a hookah with fruit?

The taste of apple hookah is strikingly different from hookah prepared in the traditional way. The soft and delicate apple aroma in combination with properly selected tobacco gives an incredibly pleasant flavor. If you want to surprise your guests, try making a hookah in a bowl from a ripe, juicy apple, although this will require a little tinkering.

How to make a hookah cup from an apple? Photo

You should start preparing a fruit apple hookah by purchasing this very apple. The apple should be large, fairly hard and ripe. Green “Golden” apples are perfect for these purposes, but a ripe red apple, as in the photo below, will do just fine.

First, cut off the top of the apple with a knife. Try to cut straight, because the foil will be attached to the surface of the apple, and if you cut it crookedly, it can ruin the whole thing.

Now we gradually and carefully cut out the core of the apple, trying not to damage the walls of our future bowl.

When the core is cut out, do not rush to immediately cut a hole in the bottom of the apple bowl; first, measure it against the protruding hole of the hookah shaft, where the bowl will be attached. Cut the hole gradually, because the bowl should sit on the shaft as tightly as possible; if the hole is too large, all your work will go down the drain.

We carefully measured everything, now we make a mesh of matches at the bottom of the bowl so that the tobacco does not fall into the hole.

We carefully prepare the tobacco, remove the branches, open the leaves and place them loosely in our bowl.

Cover with four layers of regular foil and wrap tightly (you can use two layers of special thick foil for making hookahs, but it’s not cheap, it’s easier to take simple food grade foil). We take a simple needle and make many small holes around the entire perimeter of the bowl.

Place the coals on the fire to heat up.

Pour into the flask cold water, add ice and half a glass of apple or grape juice.

We put the hose in the freezer.

We assemble our hookah, carefully put on our bowl, put coals on top and light it.

In order to light this hookah, it took 4 small coconut coals, usually we use 2-3, but since the area of ​​the apple bowl is one and a half to two times larger, we had to take 4 coals.

The hookah turned out to be very tasty and smoked well for an hour and a half. Important note - do not place coals on the walls of the apple bowl, in this case the apple will be baked and the hookah will not smoke for a long time.

Hookah on an apple, what kind of tobacco?

A very frequent and quite adequate question is: “What kind of tobacco should I use to make an apple hookah?”

Options for tobacco mixes for making hookah with apple:

  • 1. Double apple + mint;
  • 2. Wild berries + grapes + melon;
  • 3. Grapes + apple + melon;
  • 4. Grapes + banana;
  • 5. Apple + cherry;
  • 6. Double apple + lemon + mint.

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