Home Hygiene Abstract on art on the theme of spring. Summary of an art lesson on the topic "spring"

Abstract on art on the theme of spring. Summary of an art lesson on the topic "spring"

Summary of a fine arts lesson on the topic: "Unique spring."

Summary of a fine arts lesson for students in grades 2-3.

Safronova Kristina Viktorovna, teacher additional education, teacher of fine arts, Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution of Irkutsk Secondary School No. 7.
Description of material: This lesson summary is suitable for children aged 8-9 years, both for fine arts lessons and extracurricular activities. While studying new material, students will learn that thanks to a certain color palette, they can paint a landscape of any spring month. Together with the traditional image of a picturesque background, students use an unconventional drawing technique - blowing drawings to draw trees. And at the end of the drawing, students again take the brushes to complete and decorate the drawing. Changing activities arouses students' interest in artistic creativity, increases performance and achieves interesting results.
Target: Create a pictorial depiction of a spring landscape using an unconventional art technique - blowing drawings.Educational:
- Learn to find the most important features of March, April and May landscapes using the example of landscapes by Russian artists.
- Strengthen knowledge of working with watercolor paints, mixing colors to obtain new shades.
- Repeat the rules of drawing using an unconventional art technique - blowing drawings.
- Develop creativity, imagination, emotional aesthetic perception of the surrounding world and nature.
- Develop basic work culture skills.
- Foster a love of nature, creativity, and a communicative culture of communication.

Universal learning activities

- Have a positive attitude towards learning.
- Improve existing skills in working with watercolor paints.
- Strengthen drawing skills in a non-traditional art technique - blowing drawings.
- Understand and retain the learning task.
- Monitor the process and results of activities.
- Adequately evaluate your own and your classmates’ achievements.
- Choose grounds and criteria for comparing works of art with literary works.
- Independently choose the layout of the sheet and create compositions in it.
- Independently find ways to solve a creative problem.
- Listen adequately to the teacher and classmates.
- Participate in the general conversation: listen, answer questions, analyze classmates’ answers.
Logistics support
Visual material: presentation on the topic of the lesson, sample work.
Teacher equipment: 3 palette templates from whatman paper, gouache, A3 format, brush No. 12, brush No. 2, jar of water, black ink, red ink, palette, cocktail straws.
Equipment for the student: gouache, A4 format, brush: 5, No. 1, jar of water, palette.
Lesson type: combined.

1. Org. moment: greeting, checking readiness for the lesson.

2. Motivational stage
Waking up from sleep,
Spring with a soft brush
Draws buds on the branches
There are chains of rooks in the fields,
Above the revived foliage -
The first stroke of a thunderstorm,
And in the shade of the transparent garden -
Lilac bush near the fence.

This is a poem by children's poet Viktor Lunin
- Guys, tell me, what is this poem about?
About spring.
- How does the author of the poem compare spring?
With the artist who woke up from her sleep.
-Do you want to become an artist like spring today?
To do this, listen carefully and do everything diligently

3. Updating knowledge.
Spring is the most amazing thing beautiful time year, this is the time when nature wakes up. My soul becomes calm, I want to rejoice, be outside more, and at the same time a lot of strength and energy appears.
- Based on the poem and short conversation at the beginning of the lesson, can we name the topic of the lesson?
Of course, spring, spring landscape.
Look at the work done by the guys.
-Are they similar to each other?
All drawings are different
- What do they have in common?
The trees were painted using a cocktail straw by blowing designs from a drop of paint.
So, the topic of the lesson is “Unique Spring”. Carrying out a picturesque image of a spring landscape using an unconventional art technique - blowing drawings.

4. Learning new material.
Many artists and poets admire this amazing time of year. And thanks to their works, we can see and feel a completely different spring.
Please listen to the poem called "March".
We got up early today.
We can't sleep today!
They say the starlings are back!
They say spring has come!
And it's freezing outside.
The snow is flying prickly,
And they crawl on the clouds
There are clouds in white fur coats.
Waiting for spring. A long time ago,
And you are wandering somewhere!
He won't come without you
Sunny summer!

Gaida Lagzdyn
- What month is described in this poem?
- What are the features of the first spring month?
It’s frosty, the sky is gloomy, birds are flying in, there’s still snow.
Thus, the poet describes the very first month of spring.
Artists also love to depict this amazing spring month.
Here is a painting by Isaac Levitan “March”
- What fragments in the picture indicate that this is the beginning of spring?
The warm sun melts the loose snow. Since the trees are covered with snow and there are no leaves yet, you can see the presence of a birdhouse on the tree. The snow has already melted on the road lanes. The horse is languishing in the sun.
Fine! Now listen to the next poem by Samuel Marshak April! April!
April! April!
Drops are ringing in the yard.
Streams run through the fields,
There are puddles on the roads.
The ants will come out soon
After the winter cold.
A bear sneaks through
Through thick dead wood.
The birds began to sing songs
And the snowdrop blossomed.

- What changes in nature does the author of the poem describe?
Now let’s look at Vasily Baksheev’s deeply felt painting “Blue Spring”
- What can you tell us about the spring presented in this picture?
With incomparable skill, the artist combines the yellowness of last year’s foliage, the pinkish haze that enveloped the distant forest, the ringing blue of the sky and the pure whiteness of the trees.

And one more poem, of course, about the month of May.
I. Avenberg
Greenery on the trees
The first leaves.
And on all the lawns -
Yellow flowers.
Street grayness
Warmed by the sun,
Filled with freshness.
Bright May color.
In the blue expanse
The twitter doesn't stop,
A cheerful speck
The butterfly flutters.

- What nature does the author of the poem describe?
But this is the painting Stanislav Zhukovsky painted called “The Old Manor. May"
This artist loved to depict ancient Russian estates in combination with the splendor of landscapes of different seasons.
- Guys, have you felt the difference between the three months of spring?
Yes. Then let's do the following exercise.

5. Doing the “Palette” exercise.
Three palettes cut out from A4 format are hung on the board, and three paintings discussed earlier are on the slide.
Here are reproductions of paintings.
- What genre of fine art can these paintings be called?
Absolutely right. And in order to show the different months of spring in landscapes, we will determine the palette of necessary shades and colors.
The student goes to the board and draws the main shades and colors characteristic of the March, April and May landscape. The rest work in the album.

6. Physical education minute
One - get up, pull yourself up,
Two - bend over, straighten up,
Three - three claps of your hands,
Three nods of the head.
H four - arms wider,
Five - wave your arms,
Six – let’s keep drawing!

7.Practical work.
Now, using the knowledge we have acquired, we will create a picturesque image of the landscape, but first we will divide into three teams.
1st row - performs the March landscape
2nd row – April
3rd row in May.
Let's start drawing from the background.
We divide the sheet into two parts, defining heaven and earth.

We make a color scheme, use the rules of aerial perspective - the sky and earth become lighter towards the horizon line.

We create a composition from trees. Using a cocktail tube from a drop of brown ink (we add black and red ink on the palette), we blow out the trees.

We decorate the drawing taking into account the spring month

Municipal preschool educational institution

combined type " Kindergarten"Crane" Nadym"

Abstract of an art lesson on the topic


prepared by the teacher

Miftakhova Fana Khatimovna

Nadym, 2013

Types of children's activities: gaming, communicative, productive, reading.

Goals of the teacher: introduce a new poem; learn to name the signs of spring; recite a poem by heart expressively; develop skills in painting with gouache; draw round, oval shapes, draw various lines; paint over with gouache within the contour; cultivate aesthetic taste.

Planned results for the development of integrative qualities of a preschooler: answers the teacher's questions during organizational moment, participates in conversations while looking at plot paintings, listens to a poem with interest, expressively recites a familiar poem by heart, is active in creating a collective work of the drawing “Spring”.

Materials: text of article A. Plishcheeva “Spring”, pictures depicting spring, a sheet of whatman paper, gouaches in yellow, green, blue, indigo, red, brushes, napkins, jars of water, flannelgraph.


The teacher takes the children to the window and asks the children:

Educator: What time of year is it now? How did you guess that it's spring now?

Children: The snow is melting, drops are dripping from the roof. There were puddles on the street, there was water all around, it was damp. And in the spring the snow turned gray and black.

The teacher offers to listen to a poem about spring. (A. Pleshcheev “Spring”).

"The snow is already melting, the streams are flowing,
There was a breath of spring through the window...
The nightingales will soon whistle,
And the forest will be dressed in leaves!

Pure heavenly azure,
The sun became warmer and brighter,
It's time for evil blizzards and storms
It's gone for a long time again."

Educator: What did we learn from the poem about spring?

Children: In spring, “the snow melts, streams run,” “the forest will be clothed with leaves,” “the heavenly glaze is clear,” which means the sky is clear, blue, the sun has become warmer and brighter; and children, and birds, and all people are happy about spring.

The teacher reads the poem again, encouraging the children to repeat after him.

Educator: Yes, in the spring the sun shines brighter, early in the morning the sun rises to the sky, warms all the children, birds, animals. It runs across the entire sky to keep everyone warm and light. Everyone is enjoying the spring sun: children are walking outside, birds are singing merrily, sparrows are playing merrily. Soon the snow will completely melt, green grass will appear, flowers will bloom, leaves will appear on the trees.

Educator: So, kids, tell me, what is spring like?

Children: Spring means: bright, radiant, kind, warm sun; clean blue sky; there are puddles on the ground; grass has appeared here and there, and flowers will bloom later.

Educator: Well done!

Educator: How many interesting things we learned about spring. Children, let's now draw our own picture of spring.

The teacher asks each child what he would like to draw; and what color, what shape they will draw the sun, sky, puddles, flowers.

The teacher invites each child to the easel, each child draws what he wants on a large sheet of Whatman paper.

Children do the work, independently choosing the color of the gouache, the teacher controls the work methods, provides assistance to those who have difficulties, and encourages children to complete the drawing of additional details.

In the process of work, he activates the children’s actions with words, for example, “Does your image look like the sun, because you didn’t color it?”


What have we learned about spring?

What poems did we read?

What picture did they paint with you?

P/n: “Happy Sparrow”

Goal: learn to perform movements according to the text of the game.
Progress of the game:

A sparrow jumped from a birch onto the road! No more frost chirp-chirp! (children jump and chirp)
There’s a fast stream babbling in the ditch (the children say: “W-w-w-w-w!”
And your paws won’t get cold - Jump-skock! (children jumping)
The ravines have dried up - Jump-Jump! (children jumping)
The bugs will come out - Chick-chirp! (children chirp)
Educator: “Peck, don’t be shy! Who is this (sparrow)


1. Veraksa N.E., Komarova T.S., Vasilyeva M.A. DOW: FGT Complex classes according to the program “From birth to school”, second junior group- Volgograd: Teacher, 2013.

2. Vasilyeva I. Didactic material“Let’s get to know the world” - M.: Strekoza, 2011.

Lapshina Tatyana Arkadyevna, teacher primary classes Secondary school No. 18, Sochi

Objectives: to introduce works of fine art; develop the ability to notice beauty in nature and analyze your impressions; to cultivate the ability to admire the unique beauty of our native nature, the spiritual beauty that is present in nature.


Fine art: reproductions - F. Vasiliev “The Thaw”, A.K. Savrasov “The Rooks Have Arrived”, S.V. Gerasimov “The ice has passed”, I. I. Levitan “The first greenery”.

Literary series: poems about spring.

Musical series: P. I. Tchaikovsky’s play “The Seasons”.

During the classes

I. Class organization.

1. Greeting students.

2. Checking readiness for the lesson.

II. Setting the topic of the lesson.

Teacher. Today we have an unusual lesson - we will not draw. Today you and I will take a walk, but we will not walk in a real forest, but in a painted one.

III. Updating students' knowledge.

Teacher. You will learn from the riddle what we will talk about today. Listen carefully.

She came, smiled,

The snowstorms have subsided.

Started calling

Drop bell.

The river has awakened

The ice has melted

The gardens put on a snow-white outfit.

With a roar, the tractors got to work,

And the birds sang: “It’s time to build nests.”

So when does this all happen?

That's right, in the spring. Spring has arrived everywhere. And even spring came to our lesson.

A girl enters the class dressed as spring, wearing a hat made of flowers on her head.

IV. Introductory conversation.

Spring girl. I carry spring on my wings. I give people warmth and joy. Now I've reached you. I have a lot to do:

The ground needs to be defrosted

So that the grass can grow,

Make sure they live together

All living beings.

Right on time, but not in a hurry

Choose music for the birds.

And make the lazy people laugh,

Captured units.

On a thin green leg

Strengthen the flower bud,

Go around the meadows with a comb,

Bring back birds from afar.

Banks, fields, hills

Sprinkle with dew in the morning

And warmth in the forest holes

It's high time to bring it.

He turns to the board and, pointing to the reproductions, continues talking.

I see that you have also prepared to welcome spring. Here I guess my signs. I’ll rest a little, and you’ll tell me where you got such beautiful pictures of me.

V. Analysis of works of fine art.

Teacher. Spring descends on the earth with thick fogs, rare rains, and blows warm, delicious-smelling winds across the frozen earth. She briskly drips drops from the eaves and roofs of houses, jumps with sparrows along the dry pavement and draws hopscotch together with the funny first-graders who just ran out of school and, without going home, stuck their briefcases against the wall and went about their business with the most serious and important view. Passers-by are smiling, and their mood is as if they are about to jump into these classics and, with one foot, will also push the black patch of a shoe polish can around the squares.

Spring, spring lives and breathes all around,

Spring, spring is rustling from all sides!

The rooster flew up to the very ridge of the roof,

He sings so loudly that the whole area can hear him.

The windows are open. A warm wind blows

And light steam swirls by the river,

And children noisily rejoice in the sun,

And old people think about life.

An exhibition of reproductions of paintings by Russian artists has been prepared in advance on the board.

Spring awakens not only nature, but also the human soul. Artists especially feel the beauty of their native nature. Among them are such famous creators of beauty as I. I. Levitan, F. A. Vasiliev, S. V. Gerasimov.

Look at the painting “The Ice Has Gone” by Sergei Vasilyevich Gerasimov. Throughout its long creative life S. V. Gerasimov (1885-1964) acted as an author not only of portraits, but also as a soulful landscape painter. The artist was in love with Russian nature. He passionately loved and knew how to truthfully convey her various states, her subtle color harmony. In the usual motifs of Central Russian nature, he always knew how to notice and emphasize its discreet beauty, its sweet sincerity. Therefore, the lyrical landscapes created by Gerasimov easily find their way to the heart of every person. The artist’s landscapes amaze with their magnificent rendering various conditions nature. Simplicity and lyricism are characteristic of Gerasimov’s numerous landscapes, executed by him in different periods creativity. The artist’s favorite theme was early spring, the image of awakening nature. The painting “The Ice Has Gone” is dedicated to this.

Here is a reproduction of the painting “The Ice Has Gone.” The painting depicts a typical Central Russian landscape: clumps of birch trees on the high bank of the river, hilly distances, a dark forest near the horizon. Special, unique days of early spring: stripes of snow that have not yet melted, next to it there is bare earth, brown from last year’s grass, tender, slightly reddening branches of young growth, ragged clouds and through them - rare glimpses of the blue sky. It's a windy, cold, gray day, and yet you can feel the approach of spring.

The artist depicted the beginning of spring, when talkative streams are not yet running from the fields, and the hubbub of birds is not heard. Nature has not yet woken up, but you can feel that the sun’s rays are already warming the earth, trees and air. The snow lost its whiteness and settled.

What signs can be used to judge the beginning of spring in the picture?

What did you like most about the film?

Guys, what happens in nature then?

Let's ask the spring girl this.

Spring girl. How inattentive you are! A thaw begins in nature.

Teacher. But the artist F. A. Vasiliev has such a painting - “The Thaw”.

What do you think about the weather of the day that the artist depicted?

What colors predominate in the picture?

In this painting, the artist depicted spring coming into its own. The frost-covered forest looks gloomy and stern. We see the road “swollen from melted snow.” Blue shadows lay across the distant fields. The lonely peasant hut standing near the road seems abandoned and lonely. The rays of the sun breaking through the clouds seem to indicate that nature is waking up. The combination of brown, gray, yellowish tones enhances the impression of sadness. The figure of a traveler with a child introduced into the landscape, laboriously making their way along a rutted, thawed road with a stream overflowing in the middle, further enhances the oppressive feeling of hopelessness.

By popular belief, on Gerasim Day, March 17, rooks fly from wintering to their native nesting grounds. People greet these first winged messengers of spring with joy.

You've probably already guessed which picture we're talking about?

That's right, let's look at the painting by Alexei Kondratyevich Savrasov
(1830-1897) “The rooks have arrived.” You've already known her since second grade. The artist depicted the motif of spring awakening nature, with melting snow and the first breath of spring. In depicting the lyrical perception of his native nature, the artist showed the inner beauty of the inconspicuous in his own way. appearance landscape. The snow is still cold, winter, and there is melt water nearby. In the picture we see a Russian village with a small church, wooden houses and bathhouses in the backyards. The birches have not yet blossomed, their branches seem to be swaying in the air. The sky with light clouds is already a breath of spring. And around us are the restless first messengers of spring - the rooks. With spring cries they fly over the trees, worrying about spring.

How did this picture make you feel?

Do you hear how the birds call to each other in the heights, how the drops ring?!

How does the wind rustle in the wet branches and crooked trunks creak?!

The play by P. I. Tchaikovsky “The Seasons” is playing.

The beautiful melody conveys shades of spring mood, sometimes sad, sometimes joyful. You heard light trills, reminiscent of a lark singing.

I. I. Levitan “First greens”. The master painted this work directly from life. In the picture we see young, light foliage pierced by the sun. It is especially beautiful and transparent against the background of a dark barn. The whole plot is spring foliage, gray-brown wattle fence, sandy path ahead. The sketch amazes with its freshness and purity of poetic feeling. In spring, the days are longer, and time rushes by like a fast train. The sun had barely warmed up when black holes of thawed patches appeared on the ground. As soon as the last loose snow rolled off the roofs noisily, the brown leaves of the first grass appeared; The first butterfly had barely flown by, and now spring had arrived at the outskirts of its domain - to the first thunderstorm, the joyful cry of a rejuvenated sky, intoxicated by the hot breath of the sun and the smell of blossoming poplars. This thunderstorm is not at all terrible; on the contrary, it is pleasant to man and nature:

SPRING STORM (teacher reading a poem)

A swift stream runs down the mountain,

The noise of birds in the forest is not silent,

And the noise of the forest, and the noise of the mountains -

Everything cheerfully echoes the thunder...

F. I. Tyutchev

Listen to the song of spring, look closely at its colors - it’s as if you’re drinking a magic drink and you’ll understand what the birds are chirping, the stream is babbling, or the newly born birch leaves are quietly whispering. Listen and watch spring!

Well, Spring Girl, are you happy?

As you can see, the boys and I are also welcoming the arrival of spring. We are looking forward to seeing you. We are enjoying the warm days.

Spring girl. I have to go! But in parting, I want to tell you this spring sign. After the arrival of birds - rooks, spring is gaining strength day by day. The thawed patches are widening, the sun is shining higher and brighter. Nature awakens. Goodbye guys!

VI. Lesson summary.

Summarizing the material studied.

Which artists’ reproductions did you meet today?

Who remembers the names of the paintings by Sergei Gerasimov and Fyodor Vasiliev?

We welcomed spring. We talked about how artists glorified spring in their paintings. And in conclusion, I would like to read you a poem.

Municipal preschool educational institution

combined type "Kindergarten "Zhuravlyonok" Nadym"

Abstract of an art lesson on the topic


prepared by the teacher

Miftakhova Fana Khatimovna

Nadym, 2013

Types of children's activities: gaming, communicative, productive, reading.

Goals of the teacher: introduce a new poem; learn to name the signs of spring; recite a poem by heart expressively; develop skills in painting with gouache; draw round, oval shapes, draw various lines; paint over with gouache within the contour; cultivate aesthetic taste.

Planned results for the development of integrative qualities of a preschooler: answers the teacher’s questions during the organizational moment, participates in conversations while looking at plot paintings, listens to the poem with interest, expressively recites a familiar poem by heart, is active in creating a collective work of the drawing “Spring”.

Materials: text of article A. Plishcheeva “Spring”, pictures depicting spring, a sheet of whatman paper, gouaches in yellow, green, blue, indigo, red, brushes, napkins, jars of water, flannelgraph.


The teacher takes the children to the window and asks the children:

Educator: What time of year is it now? How did you guess that it's spring now?

Children: The snow is melting, drops are dripping from the roof. There were puddles on the street, there was water all around, it was damp. And in the spring the snow turned gray and black.

The teacher offers to listen to a poem about spring. (A. Pleshcheev “Spring”).

“The snow is already melting, streams are flowing,
There was a breath of spring through the window...
The nightingales will soon whistle,
And the forest will be dressed in leaves!

Pure heavenly azure,
The sun became warmer and brighter,
It's time for evil blizzards and storms
It’s gone for a long time again.”

Educator: What did we learn from the poem about spring?

Children: In spring, “the snow melts, streams run,” “the forest will be clothed with leaves,” “the heavenly glaze is clear,” which means the sky is clear, blue, the sun has become warmer and brighter; and children, and birds, and all people are happy about spring.

The teacher reads the poem again, encouraging the children to repeat after him.

Educator: Yes, in the spring the sun shines brighter, early in the morning the sun rises to the sky, warms all the children, birds, animals. It runs across the entire sky to keep everyone warm and light. Everyone is enjoying the spring sun: children are walking outside, birds are singing merrily, sparrows are playing merrily. Soon the snow will completely melt, green grass will appear, flowers will bloom, leaves will appear on the trees.

Educator: So, kids, tell me, what is spring like?

Children: Spring means: bright, radiant, kind, warm sun; clear blue sky; there are puddles on the ground; grass has appeared here and there, and flowers will bloom later.

Educator: Well done!

Educator: How many interesting things we learned about spring. Children, let's now draw our own picture of spring.

The teacher asks each child what he would like to draw; and what color, what shape they will draw the sun, sky, puddles, flowers.

The teacher invites each child to the easel, each child draws what he wants on a large sheet of Whatman paper.

Children do the work, independently choosing the color of the gouache, the teacher controls the work methods, provides assistance to those who have difficulties, and encourages children to complete the drawing of additional details.

In the process of work, he activates the children’s actions with words, for example, “Does your image look like the sun, because you didn’t color it?”


— What have we learned about spring?

- What poems did we read?

- What picture did they paint with you?

P/n: “Happy Sparrow”

Goal: learn to perform movements according to the text of the game.
Progress of the game:

A sparrow jumped from a birch onto the road! No more frost chirp-chirp! (children jump and chirp)
There’s a fast stream babbling in the ditch (the children say: “W-w-w-w-w!”
And your paws won’t get cold - Jump-skock! (children jumping)
The ravines have dried up - Jump-Jump! (children jumping)
The bugs will come out - Chick-chirp! (children chirp)
Educator: “Peck, don’t be shy! Who is this (sparrow)


1. Veraksa N.E., Komarova T.S., Vasilyeva M.A. Preschool educational institution: FGT Comprehensive classes according to the program “From birth to school”, second junior group - Volgograd: Teacher, 2013.

2. Vasilyeva I. Didactic material “Understanding the World” - M.: Strekoza, 2011.


Lesson summary on fine arts in 3rd grade on the topic: "Spring has come. Spring mood"

Lesson type: lesson on control and correction of knowledge, skills and abilities (according to Kuzin).

Type of lesson: drawing on a theme (from idea, from memory, from life (view from the window)).

Integration of humanities subjects (interdisciplinary connections): fine arts, literature, MHC.

Target: complete a completed composition on the proposed topic, check and correct children’s skills in depicting a spring composition and working in various techniques.

Lesson Objectives (educational, developmental, educational):


  • Activate cognitive interest in art and nature
  • Learn to perform consciously linear construction drawing using the horizon line and known rules of perspective
  • Develop the ability to independently find solutions to artistic problems that correspond to the chosen technique


  • Develop memory, attention and horizons of students;
  • Develop creative and artistic thinking, imagination and fantasy
  • Develop skills related to conveying perspective, size and proportions, visual perception and spatial thinking as the basis for mastering drawing.
  • Enrich lexicon children
  • Develop educational and management skills: evaluate your own activities and the work of a friend according to the model (criteria) proposed by the teacher.


  • Promote aesthetic perception of educational material
  • To develop emotional responsiveness to the beauty of nature, the ability to notice its amazing features
  • Bring up careful attitude to nature

Forms of work: frontal, individual.

Methods: reproductive, information-receptive (explanatory-illustrative), partially search.

By the end of the lesson, children should know:

Features of the image of the spring composition, various equipment, methods and sequence of working on a composition using the chosen technique.

be able to:

Perform a completed composition using previously acquired knowledge. Follow the sequence of work, if necessary, using the teacher’s instructions (verbal or written).

Equipment needed for the lesson:

For the teacher:

  • Tape recorder, recordings (if possible)
  • Board design
  • Posters, illustrations, reproductions on the theme of spring
  • Easel for frontal display to students

For students:

  • Album or A4 sheets
  • Memos on the sequence of work (or instruction cards and safety cards)
  • Plain and wax pencils
  • eraser
  • Gouache, watercolor
  • brushes, foam rubber
  • bucket of water
  • palette
  • paper with a wax base for working in the grattage technique
  • scissors, colored and velvet paper, natural material
  • Animal stencils.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.2 min.

II. Main part:

Introduction (goal).3 min.

Introductory conversation with explanation of the topic and verification homework. 5-6 min.

Conversation about the plot on a given topic, about the rules for constructing a picture 4-5 min

Children’s independent work on the theme and composition of the spring plot (drawing the plot and drawing details) 20-25 min

Design of work in color, graphics, appliqué, layout

Physical minute (1-2 minutes during work).

Generalization. Homework

III. Conclusion.

Summing up the lesson, analyzing successful works. 5-6 min


- Guys, today we have a creativity lesson. And creativity is a source of kindness, truth and beauty.

Let's sit back and smile at each other. We are calm and kind, friendly and affectionate.

Take a deep breath and exhale…. Breathe out your grievances, worries, irritations. Forget about them.

Breathe in the beauty of a spring morning, warmth sun rays, the blue of the morning sky and the freshness of spring air…. And let all the beautiful things that you heard and breathed warm your heart.

And the joy that resounds in your warm heart will be heard by people. And you and I will close our eyes, listen to its sound, and try to understand the meaning of what I will now read to you - the Parable “BEAUTY” by V.A. SukhomlinskySee Appendix 1. paragraph 1

Reading by the teacher (against the background of the music of P.I. Tchaikovsky “The Seasons”).

Now do you understand why we listened to your warm hearts?

What did you hear? (Children's answers)

Only a person with a warm heart can create beautiful things and give people joy and beauty.

– Have you ever seen beauty along your path? (Children's answers)

– What do you guys think, what helps a person see beauty, and what hinders? (Children's answers)

– Was it easy for a person with a warm heart to get to the flower in the gray stone? (Children's answers)

- What helped him?

– Tenacity, perseverance and kind heart we will need them in our lesson. Today we will try to discern the beauty of a spring day or night, the beauty of living and inanimate nature in spring. And if you put your soul and heart into your work, it will turn out beautiful!

II. The main part is group work of children.

(When dividing into groups, the capabilities of students and their interests are taken into account)

– The beauty of nature is glorified by artists, poets, and composers. You and I read poems by wonderful classical poets about nature in different time of the year. Remember the authors and their works about spring that you studied in reading lessons

(It is necessary to create the mood, turn on music about spring, read poetry, talk about the joys that spring nature brings to children. Talk about the features of spring: how it differs from other seasons.)

Do you like to solve riddles? Guess:

What do you know about spring? - Poetry

– The beauty of spring nature did not leave artists indifferent. How many beautiful paintings they created! You have already seen many paintings and drawings, learned to describe them, determine moods and character. (let's remember what kind of pictures these are - at least those that are on the board)

Attention to the supporting row on the board: at the choice of the teacher, reproductions of paintings by K.F. Yuona “The end of winter. Noon”, “March Sun”, I. Levitan “March”, “Flood”, “Spring. Big water”, A. Savrasov “The Rooks Have Arrived”, I. Grabar “March Snow”, N. Romadina “Spring Day”, “Blooming Hillock”, A. Kokorina “Tarusy. March”, S. Gerasimova “The Ice Has Passed”, F. Vasilyeva “Thaw”, etc. For a more complete and vivid representation of nature, the features of the spring forest and meadow, it is necessary to consider several reproductions of paintings.

If the majority of children in the class are high level mental development, then they can compose descriptive stories based on the paintings themselves as they watch, and if the level of mental development is average or lower, then it is better if the description of the painting is completed or read out by the teacher himself, and the children determine which of the proposed reproductions the description fits. The same technique can be used if you need to save time in class.

Let's try together to choose sentences that fit each of the pictures on the board, accurately and poetically describing the state of nature on them.

What do all these landscapes have in common? (a horizon line is drawn, the foreground and background are filled, and on the ground flooded with water: trees, bare, as in March, or covered with foliage, as in May, a flooded river, melting snow, and in the sky: clouds, sun, flying birds , ... icicles dripping from the roof, etc.)

Answer the questions: (optional - if you have time)See appendix 1. clause 4

We have already painted plot paintings on the themes of times

of the year. And today we will create the beauty of spring nature with our own hands.

At home, you should have prepared everything needed for this creativity lesson according to your wishes.

Therefore, we ended up with several (4) groups:

Group 1: In this group, the guys chose the grattage technique. They will draw spring on a special sheet. Which preliminary work I was at home?

Gratazh is a wax-based work: the paper for the work is prepared in advance: a landscape sheet, or better yet, for drawing, is rubbed thoroughly with a candle (an ordinary household one), then painted over with gouache (what color is best to use for a spring painting?), and dried. A drawing is “scratched” onto such a sheet.
– Background applied: sky, air. Then they dried it so that they could do the main work - draw “scratching” the sun, trees, house, melting snowman, etc.

Group 2: The second group will work on a landscape sheet - using the “raw” technique.

– What is needed for this?

– The album sheet is moistened with water (with a brush). The background is applied - sky, clouds, snow, earth. When dry, the main details of the drawing. The work ends by drawing details with the end of the brush, the contours of objects are corrected, highlights and shadows are applied, they try to convey the color as we see it in life

Group 3 The guys in the third group draw with an eraser. – Explain how you will do this? – The landscape sheet is painted over with a simple pencil, shaded (rubbed), a graphic picture is drawn with paper and an eraser.

Group 4 In the fourth group different types works (The teacher can choose only one type - for example, only cotton wool on velvet paper).

Applique with cotton wool on velvet paper, applique from colored paper, from natural materials (optional and if suitable ones are available).

What are the basic rules for cotton appliqué on velvet paper? – Thin flagella are rolled out of cotton wool and traced with them around the contours of the design, previously drawn on paper, and where the snow has not yet melted, a thin layer of cotton wool (without glue) is applied.

You can recall the rules of work when making appliqués, safety rules when working with scissors, etc. (you can simply hand out instruction cards and offer to read them selectively)See appendix 1. clause 5

Children start independent work, having resolved the issue with the plot.

(The teacher slowly walks through the rows, drawing the children’s attention to the means by which space can be created in the drawing: the location of the bases of near and far trees; changing the size of the trees depending on whether it is close or far, taking into account that the trees themselves come in different thicknesses The teacher should work a lot individually, helping students develop the plot in the drawing, suggesting or suggesting additions to the plot chosen by the children).

Physical minutes during work as needed. (you can use folk chants and sayings, you can play out folk songs and games about spring. For example, “Oh, the water is running like a stream”)

It is worth recalling once again the features of working with paints: large spaces, such as the background of the sky and earth, require applying paints to the palette. When drawing details with thicker paints, strokes, you should paint the color directly on the paint, talk again about the colors and smells of spring, repeat that the colors should be bright, rich, should convey the joy, warmth of a sunny spring day, when all nature awakens from a long winter sleep and everything rejoices in life, everything blooms, smells fragrant, lives, flutters and flies.)

The work is done.

III. Conclusion. Exhibition of works, demonstration and brief description.

It is advisable to lay out the sheets of paper in a row (or put it on the board) and look at it together, rejoice at successful work, and make comments on mistakes in the form of advice. (let's see what we got, who coped with the technique, and who may have made some mistakes)


Watch the animated film “Dunno on the Moon.”

Prepare shaded sheets for work in the next lesson “Space. Flights to other planets”

(this task is given at the discretion of the teacher, since it can be completed together with children outside of class time, for example, in a circle)

Lesson summary, assessment

Let's admire our spring works together. We invite our guests to admire it too. And, I think, for such friendly and fruitful work in the lesson, we can all give “5”. Cleaning up after ourselves workplace. The lesson is over. Thanks everyone!

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