Home Pulpitis How does a cyst affect pregnancy? Ovarian cyst during pregnancy, what to do? Urgent care for a ruptured cyst in a pregnant woman

How does a cyst affect pregnancy? Ovarian cyst during pregnancy, what to do? Urgent care for a ruptured cyst in a pregnant woman

When thinking about planning a pregnancy, many women undergo a complete medical examination, because this period brings not only positive emotions, but also a double burden on the body of the expectant mother. However, pleasant anticipation is often accompanied by pathologies that can harm the health of the woman and the fetus. One of these is an ovarian cyst.

What is an ovarian cyst

A cyst is a neoplasm whose cavity is filled with fluid. It is localized on the surface of the ovaries or in the follicle, sizes can vary from a couple of millimeters to 20 centimeters in diameter.

Ovarian cysts often develop during pregnancy

Each diagnosed cyst requires treatment, since such formations can degenerate into a malignant process.

How dangerous is a neoplasm during pregnancy?

In fact, not all cysts pose a danger to the health of the mother and fetus. A real threat develops in cases where the neoplasm reaches large sizes, namely more than 6 mm in diameter. Such a cyst can suddenly rupture or twist, which will lead to bleeding and worsening general condition patient, and may also result from premature birth or miscarriage, especially early stages.

As for certain types of cysts, endometrioid, or “chocolate”, and cystadenomas are considered the most dangerous. The former are characterized by the presence of a viscous dark liquid in the cavity of the neoplasm and develop against the background of endometriosis. They demand compulsory treatment

, since under the influence of estrogens, of which there is a lot in a woman’s body during pregnancy, their active growth occurs, which can result in rupture of the formation.

As for dermoid and follicular cysts, they do not require urgent surgical intervention, but the patient should remain under medical supervision. Follicular (functional) cysts often resolve on their own. The dermoid type of neoplasm requires more attention, since it is relatively more likely to increase in size, threatening to rupture.

Corpus luteum cyst also does not pose a threat to the health of the pregnant woman and the fetus. As a rule, it is observed only in the first trimester and resolves on its own closer to the second. The threat of rupture can develop only in cases of heavy physical activity or during sexual intercourse, therefore, in the presence of such a diagnosis, it is recommended to exclude these factors.

If we take into account the location, cysts develop equally in both the right and left ovaries, characterized by identical symptoms and disease picture.


Doctors do not know for sure why cysts develop during pregnancy, but they identify a number of unfavorable factors that influence the occurrence of pathology. These include:

If a woman has any of the above conditions, the risk of developing the disease increases several times.

Video about the development of pathology


In most cases, women do not experience any discomfort when developing ovarian cysts. The diagnosis can be made by a gynecologist by chance when examining a patient. The first symptoms of the disease begin to worry only in cases where the formation increases in size or is accompanied by complications.

Manifestations of pathology may vary depending on the type of tumor.

Type of cyst

Clinical signs


Has vague symptoms. Accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, constipation and diarrhea, may also be observed dark discharge from the vagina. When a rupture occurs, symptoms occur acute abdomen. This condition requires urgent surgical intervention.

Paraovarian or corpus luteum cyst

It may be accompanied by discomfort in the lumbar region and lower abdomen, spotting, and pain during sexual intercourse. It also sometimes causes intestinal dysfunction and discomfort when urinating.


Characterized by abdominal pain, increasing weakness, hyperthermia (increased body temperature).


This type of neoplasm is accompanied by a feeling of heaviness at the site of projection of the affected ovary. Over time, the pain that occurs when bending the body or walking quickly begins to bother me.


It is practically asymptomatic. Sometimes accompanied by discomfort in the lower abdomen.

It is worth noting that right-sided cysts clinically resemble the course acute appendicitis, inflammatory processes in the intestines, therefore, if the above complaints occur, you should consult a surgeon.

In addition, ovarian cysts during pregnancy, regardless of the type, can manifest as bloating, tension in the abdominal muscles, and tachycardia.

If any symptoms develop pathological process a woman should immediately seek help from a medical institution, since she is responsible not only for her life, but also for the condition of the child.


Determine the presence of an ovarian cyst only by clinical symptoms impossible. As a rule, diseases are discovered by a doctor during gynecological examination women. The specialist manages to palpate (feel) a dense round formation in the area of ​​​​the projection of the ovary.

To confirm the diagnosis of a pregnant woman, the following studies are prescribed:


Tactics for managing pregnancy with the development of an ovarian cyst are determined taking into account the nature of the neoplasm and possible complications. Follicular and paraovarian cysts in most cases disappear on their own after a few months, so they only require observation by a specialist so as not to miss their enlargement or rupture.

Dermoid, retention and endometrioid cysts are subject to mandatory surgical treatment. It is performed by laparoscopy, or less commonly by laparotomy.

Besides, surgical removal any cyst is indicated if such pathological complications develop as:

  • twisting of the stalk of the formation;
  • cyst rupture;
  • bleeding;
  • malignancy (transformation of healthy cells into malignant ones);
  • development of the inflammatory process;
  • compression of neighboring organs due to a significant increase in size of the formation.

If the cyst does not increase during pregnancy, then it is simply monitored. Removal is carried out after the birth of the baby. When delivery takes place caesarean section, the neoplasm is excised during the same operation.

Carrying out the operation

Removal of the cyst is carried out at 12–16 weeks of pregnancy. Before surgery, a woman takes necessary tests which include:

  • blood and urine tests;
  • electrocardiography;
  • fluorography.

Laparoscopy is performed under general anesthesia, its duration can vary - from 20 to 60 minutes, depending on the complexity of the operation. The doctor makes three punctures in the anterior abdominal wall in the navel area and the projection site of the appendages. Then the tumors are excised.

After the operation, the doctor monitors the condition of the pregnant woman. If there are no complications, the woman is discharged from the hospital after 2-3 days. However, if the consequences of the operation are unfavorable (for example, inflammation has developed), the patient remains in medical institution on conservation.

Laparoscopic removal is not performed if there are diseases and abnormalities such as:

  • cardiac dysfunction;
  • hypertonic disease;
  • anemia;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • infectious processes in the acute stage;
  • overweight.

If the cyst reaches a large size, the woman undergoes a laparotomy - removal of the tumor through an incised abdominal cavity.


If a woman is planning a pregnancy, then before its onset it is recommended to undergo a full medical examination for hidden pathologies and conduct necessary treatment in cases where they are identified.

The cyst is not a contraindication to pregnancy and can develop along with pregnancy. However, in such situations, the woman should be under constant supervision by a specialist.

To reduce the risk of developing the disease, you must:

  • Healthy food;
  • avoid stress;
  • to live an active lifestyle;
  • eliminate bad habits;
  • promptly treat pathologies of internal organs;
  • prevent development unwanted pregnancy to exclude subsequent abortions.

During pregnancy, a woman’s body has a double burden, so conception needs to be planned, paying attention to diagnosis possible diseases. If a cyst develops, do not despair, because this pathology can be successfully treated and often proceeds without any complications.

A cyst is a benign formation filled primarily with fluid, which is quite often diagnosed in pregnant women. How dangerous is this formation during pregnancy? Does it need to be treated? About this and much more we'll talk below.

What it is?

Ovarian cyst in the photo

A cyst during pregnancy is quite possible.

That is, having heard such a diagnosis from a doctor, a girl should not worry, since most often the pathology does not cause serious problems.

Undoubtedly, there are types of cysts that, if left untreated, become malignant over time, transforming into a malignant process.

But this situation rarely occurs, and the woman’s neglected health condition contributes to this. So-called functional cysts often develop, which sometimes reduce and disappear on their own.

The cyst on the left ovary is no different from the cyst on the right appendage.

Causes of cysts during pregnancy

First, you need to understand the reasons for the development of this neoplasm if the girl is not yet carrying a child. After all, pathology can always form, but situations are very common when it is diagnosed during pregnancy.

This is explained by the fact that the formed structure does not have obvious clinical manifestations. Only when undergoing a mandatory examination is a pregnant woman accidentally diagnosed with benign neoplasm in the uterine appendage.

Etiological factors:

  1. genetic predisposition: if women have encountered similar problems in their family, the likelihood of formation increases;
  2. hormonal imbalance: This can be caused by the use of certain medications, frequent stress, physical exercise, diseases of the internal organs of the endocrine and other systems;
  3. in the ovaries and other parts of the reproductive system.

If we consider the issue of the appearance of a formation precisely after conception, then we are most likely talking about one of the types of functional cysts - follicular or luteal. They occur in the early stages against the background of hormonal changes in the body, which were discussed at the very beginning of the article.

The level of certain hormones increases, and due to this, a benign neoplasm of the uterine appendage may begin to form. Both estrogens and progesterone are important for normal childbearing. These hormones are actively synthesized in the body of a pregnant woman, as a result of which functional cysts can develop, which most often do not pose a threat to the health of the mother or fetus.

Important! Whatever the type of benign tumor, if it is detected, a pregnant woman should be under closer medical supervision.

Types of cysts

There are two main varieties:

  • functional- temporary phenomenon, does not negatively affect female body may disappear without treatment;
  • organic- the danger of the appearance of such tumors is that they are capable of increasing in size for a long time, becoming injured, necrotic, or transforming into malignant neoplasms. This carries a potential risk to the health and life of the expectant mother and her child.

Functional ones include:

  • – develops from an unruptured follicle. Normally, each ovulation is accompanied by the opening of the Graafian vesicle with the subsequent release of the egg. If for some reason this does not happen, the follicle may continue to fill with fluid and grow;
  • - occurs in the second phase of the menstrual cycle, develops from a temporary gland formed from a reduced follicle.

Organic ones include:

  1. endometrioid;
  2. dermoid;
  3. mucinous;
  4. serous;
  5. hemorrhagic, etc.

Note! Benign neoplasms resulting from any malfunction of internal organs, pathological conditions with a progressive course should be studied in detail. If necessary, they can be removed to prevent complications.

What may be the symptoms of a cyst?

Signs of the presence of a benign tumor in the ovary are long time invisible. Only with an ultrasound examination, which is carried out at the appointed time, can the doctor visualize the formation. With a significant increase in the pathological form, if it is organic in nature, symptoms may still appear.

Are there such symptoms?


These include:

  1. bursting or pulling painful sensations lower abdomen;
  2. mental disorders manifested by depression, lethargy or irritability;
  3. manifestations of hormonal imbalance caused by certain types of cysts, characterized by signs of masculinity;
  4. general weakness as a result of anemia;
  5. acute abdomen syndrome - with torsion of the cyst leg;
  6. intoxication syndrome - if inflammatory processes appear in the tumor.

If complications develop, immediate attention is required health care.

How is diagnosis carried out?

Regular visits to the doctor allow you to constantly monitor the well-being of a pregnant girl. Throughout the entire 9 months, the doctor must observe the pregnant woman, conduct laboratory and instrumental research. In the first trimester, with a significant size of the tumor, the doctor may notice an asymmetry of the abdomen and identify a round formation in the area of ​​​​the projection of the uterine appendage.

By using ultrasound examination The diameter, localization, and echogenicity of the neoplasm are determined. Already at this stage, preliminary conclusions can be drawn about this pathology. Additional tests are also carried out to clarify the diagnosis. instrumental methods diagnostics

To exclude malignancy of the process, a laparoscopic biopsy is prescribed. Received biological material examined by histological method. The pregnant woman’s blood is also checked for changes in the concentration of hormones and the presence of tumor markers.

Is it possible to confuse an ovarian cyst with pregnancy?

It is possible to get confused, this situation is not excluded, since there is an ectopic gestation of the fetus in the uterine tubes. During an ultrasound, a specialist may perceive a developing cyst as an embryo. But donating blood to determine choriotropic hormone will put everything in its place. With a benign tumor of the uterine appendage, its level will not increase. In the future, even on ultrasound, features characteristic of a cystic tumor, and not the fetus, will be noticeable.

Note! With a high technological level of diagnostics and qualifications of specialists examining the patient, the likelihood of such confusion is minimal.

Does a cyst affect pregnancy?

Is it dangerous to have a cyst during pregnancy? Each of them has a different impact on the intensity and resulting disturbances. female body. The follicular and luteal cells practically grow imperceptibly, and then the process of their reverse development follows. By the 16th week of pregnancy they should normally disappear. But even functional benign tumors require increased attention from specialists to the condition of the expectant mother.

Simultaneous pregnancy and the appearance of similar structures in the ovary leads to the replacement of tissue located in the uterine appendages. Due to this, the production of certain types of hormones will decrease, and others, on the contrary, will increase. Such hormonal disbalance can negatively affect the development of the child and the course of pregnancy.

Expert opinion

Anna Alekseenko

Obstetrician-gynecologist Experience 5 years

A mucinous cyst can grow significantly, squeezing surrounding tissues and organs, and also interfering with normal embryogenesis. There is also a risk of its contents getting into the abdominal cavity, which leads to dangerous consequences. Therefore, when determining this type of tumor, it is necessary to promptly treat it, which often involves resection of the pathologically altered ovary. It is also possible that the legs of the cyst may be torsioned and its contents may suppurate, and this threatens the life of the mother and child.

Some types of formations have a high probability of developing into cancer. For example, the endometrioid form is more likely to become malignant than others. Therefore, when it becomes known that the capsule contains brown contents characteristic of this variety, it is advisable to perform surgery to remove the tumor. The risk of developing a malignant disease is a direct threat not only to pregnancy, but also to the girl’s life.

In what cases is treatment necessary?

If the doctor recognizes in the formed neoplasm functional type, this means that it can be reduced on its own over time.

Regular monitoring of the course of the pathology will allow you to make a decision on the advisability of therapy.

To accelerate the reverse development of functional cysts, the doctor may prescribe combined hormonal medications, vitamin therapy, and means to strengthen the immune system.

At organic forms, being real threat for the patient’s health condition, which increases the likelihood of miscarriage, it is recommended to carry out surgery and remove the pathological formation. To do this, the gynecologist and surgeon must jointly determine the timing at which it is safest to perform the operation. In modern medical practice Surgery of this kind is carried out mainly using the laparoscopic method, since it is the safest. With laparoscopy, less tissue is damaged, the recovery period is shorter, and, therefore, it is better for a woman in an interesting position.

Only in rare cases, when it is necessary to urgently perform an operation due to complications or the risk of their occurrence, the surgeon resorts to laparotomy, during which it is necessary to cut the anterior abdominal wall.

Also, laparotomy cannot be avoided if the tumor has reached a large size. Of course, surgery can be performed in any trimester, but when choosing a date, the woman’s well-being, as well as the characteristics of embryogenesis, should be taken into account.

Important! Surgical treatment is dangerous to a certain extent, but doctors insist on planned implementation operations when identifying organic cysts, since their transformation into malignant pathology cannot be ruled out.

Is there any prevention?

To prevent the development of benign neoplasms in the body of a pregnant woman, you need to follow the same recommendations that all girls should follow - regularly visit a gynecologist, if diseases appear, do not ignore them and treat them in a timely manner, do not take medicines without prior consultation with a doctor, lead healthy image life.

Natalya Matveeva

Obstetrician-gynecologist, Gynecologist, Ultrasound specialist

Expectant mothers do not need to worry if they have been diagnosed with an ovarian cyst. Sometimes excess stress has a much worse effect on pregnancy than some benign tumors. To calm down and get more detailed information about the pathology, girls should contact specialists who will build a plan further actions to save women's health and successful childbirth.

Sometimes girls experience ovarian cysts during pregnancy. The physiological mechanisms of pathology formation have not yet been fully studied. Many experts believe that the problem most often occurs with apoptosis and inflammatory processes. According to statistics, the disease occurs in approximately seven percent of sexually mature women. Including after menopause, but this is rare, since the pathology is associated with the menstrual cycle, and health and age do not affect its course.

Pregnancy Ovarian Cyst Disease
Laparoscopic surgery performed by a specialist on a pregnant woman
scrum level clothing

When the problem appears even before conception and is accompanied by certain risk factors (abortion, sexually transmitted infections), the following are possible:

  • decreased reproductive function;
  • infertility;
  • tumor processes;
  • miscarriage.

Many people think that if a cyst and pregnancy occur at the same time, it is very scary and dangerous to health. But it all depends on the type of neoplasm. Surgery is not always required.

The risk of developing the disease is determined by the following factors:

  • obesity;
  • smoking;
  • surgical interventions on the reproductive organs;
  • treatment of breast cancer with Tamoclifen;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • the appearance of early menstruation;
  • Irregular menstrual cycles.

Signs and types of pathology

Usually girls during pregnancy do not feel the symptoms of a cyst. A benign formation rarely makes itself felt and decreases over several monthly cycles. It can be diagnosed by performing an ultrasound examination.

The main symptoms of this formation

But sometimes the disease manifests itself with the following symptoms:

  • pressure, heaviness in the pelvic area;
  • severe pain in the lower abdomen;
  • nausea after intercourse;
  • pain in the vagina, bleeding;
  • pressure when emptying the rectum, Bladder.

An ovarian cyst can appear during early pregnancy. If you consulted a doctor, but after doing so you have following signs, you need to run to him again.

  1. Seal in abdominal cavity, which can be felt.
  2. Abnormal blood pressure.
  3. Temperature is about 38 degrees.
  4. Intense thirst, accompanied by copious urination.
  5. Facial hair growth.
  6. Dizziness, weakness.

The disease looks like this:

There are several types of the disease. Each of them has its own characteristics.
FollicularIn case of pathology of the menstrual cycle, a functional view neoplasms. It is safe and does not require active intervention or treatment. Usually, simply observing the disease is sufficient. Most often, the problem may disappear after about three menstrual cycle. The pathology is most common in girls of reproductive age.
DermoidA common type in which the cavity is filled with tissues that are not characteristic of it. When a dermoid cyst occurs in conjunction with pregnancy, the pathology requires careful monitoring by specialists.
EndometrioidEndometrioid tissue is the tissue of the lining of the uterus. That is why this type appears in the cavity of the tissues of the reproductive organ. The disease is also called “chocolate” because the cavity of the neoplasm is filled with dark red blood.
Cyst corpus luteum This type is observed extremely rarely and is formed at the site of a follicle that burst after the mature egg was released. The formation appears when the corpus luteum begins to fill with fluid. It does not always have symptoms and can reach 70 mm in diameter.

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Cysts are a type of formation and look like a cavity with fluid. There are several forms of cysts, each of which has its own characteristics. The presence of a cyst does not mean that treatment is necessary, although surgery may be necessary in certain circumstances.

Causes of ovarian cyst formation during pregnancy

Ovarian cysts typically develop outside of pregnancy, but in some cases their formation is observed after conception. This can happen under the influence of several factors:

  • changes in hormonal levels;
  • long-term use of contraceptives in the past;
  • deviation of body weight from the norm in any direction;
  • congenital predisposition.

In the first trimester, a corpus luteum cyst often forms.

Types of cysts

In ovarian cysts different origins. They also differ in content. By row distinctive features There are several types of cysts. We'll talk about them below.

Corpus luteum cyst

This type of cyst is also called luteal cyst. A luteal cyst rarely exceeds 8 cm in size.

Treatment for this form of formation is rarely required, since in most cases it resolves spontaneously during the first trimester. This is due to the formation of the placenta and its production of progesterone.

Follicular cyst

This type of formation is also called functional. Its laying occurs even before pregnancy during the maturation of the egg in the ovary. In a normal situation, the main follicle bursts and an egg is released from it. The corpus luteum appears in the same place after ovulation.

If the follicle is not destroyed, then fluid accumulates in it, that is, it develops functional cyst. Its size usually does not exceed 6-8 cm.

In the case of such formation, treatment is rarely required, since it resolves on its own.

During pregnancy follicular cyst may remain from the previous cycle, but in the cycle when pregnancy occurred, ovulation still occurred from another mature follicle. It often happens that a follicular cyst is found in one ovary, and a corpus luteum in the other. This means that one ovary ovulated, and a follicular cyst formed in the second due to changes in hormonal levels. This often happens with drug stimulation of ovulation.


Inside such a cyst there may be mucinous or serous fluid. This formation grows in size gradually and can become malignant.

Such a tumor must be removed when detected, regardless of size.

Dermoid cyst

This formation can form at any age, but usually its appearance is associated with intrauterine development(antenatal period). The cavity is filled with fat, hair, and may even contain nails and teeth.

Such a formation can reach 30 cm in diameter, but it does not interfere with conception, although it should be removed before pregnancy.

Endometrioid cyst

The development of such a formation provokes endometriosis. There is a dark bloody fluid in the cavity, which is why the cyst is called “chocolate”. The size of the formation gradually increases, this happens during menstruation.

Such a cyst does not complicate the course of pregnancy.

Paraovarian cyst

The source of its development is the ovarian epididymis. It can be located on the left or right, and have serous contents. Paraovarian cysts during pregnancy are considered separately, which do not affect its course and are not inherited. Such formations rarely form a stalk.


If the cyst is small during pregnancy, its presence may not be symptomatic. When the formation is large or growing, the following signs of this condition are possible:

  • pain in the lower abdomen of a pressing or aching nature;
  • frequent urination;
  • bloating;
  • diarrhea or constipation.

The functioning of the intestines and bladder is disrupted due to the pressure exerted on them by the growing cyst.

There are also characteristic features For different types cyst:

  • With endometriotic formation, pain in the lower abdomen is observed. Before pregnancy, this symptom usually occurs in the first days of menstruation or before it. Chocolate-colored discharge characteristic of such a cyst also appears.
  • With follicular formation, heaviness and pressure may be felt in the area where the ovary is located. Unpleasant sensations may worsen during fast running or bending.
  • A paraovarian cyst often does not cause any symptoms. If it reaches 16 cm or more, then there is a discrepancy between the volume of the abdomen and the gestational age. Education big size puts pressure on internal organs.
  • If the leg of the formation is twisted, then the symptoms appear more clearly. The pain gets worse sharp character and does not subside. You have to lie on your side and bend your knees. Sometimes the temperature rises. The abdomen upon palpation causes sharp painful sensations, the muscles of the anterior peritoneum are tense.

Why is an ovarian cyst dangerous?

In most cases, the cyst does not pose a danger to either the woman or the unborn child. You should be concerned when the formation is actively growing and reaches large sizes.

A cyst is also dangerous in cases where its stem is twisted. This leads to disruption of the blood supply to the formation and its death, which is fraught with the development of peritonitis. This complication is dangerous for both mother and child.

Another possible negative situation is cyst rupture. Its danger lies in the risk of massive intra-abdominal bleeding. Signs of such a complication resemble interruption ectopic pregnancy. This situation requires urgent surgical intervention.

At natural childbirth in the presence of a cyst there is a risk of its rupture. In this case it will begin heavy bleeding, carrying a risk of death.

It is not the presence of a cyst during pregnancy that is dangerous, but the likelihood of ovarian torsion, and the larger the size of the cyst, the greater the risk of torsion.


An ovarian cyst can be detected during pregnancy using an ultrasound of the pelvic organs. In the first trimester, such an examination can be performed transvaginally. This technique is more informative compared to classic transabdominal scanning.

An effective diagnostic method is laparoscopy. During pregnancy, this method is rarely used. The study can be combined with surgery.

If surgical intervention is planned, then before it it is necessary to undergo a certain examination. It involves taking certain blood tests and electrocardiography.

Treatment of ovarian cysts during pregnancy

In many cases, when a formation is detected, no measures are taken until the birth of the child. It is important to regularly monitor the condition of the formation using ultrasound scanning.

If a cyst is present, maintenance therapy may be required. Similar measures are also used during critical stages of pregnancy. This approach avoids surgical intervention. In the early stages, they usually resort to progesterone-based drugs.

If a cyst is discovered during pregnancy, the woman should avoid physical activity. Do not bend or turn sharply.

If the size of the cyst is large, then there is a risk of complications birth process. In this case, a caesarean section is resorted to in the third trimester.

Surgical treatment of ovarian cysts during pregnancy is rarely resorted to. A direct indication for surgical intervention is the active growth of such a formation and its large size. Surgery is also necessary if the cyst ruptures or its stem is twisted.

Laparoscopy is usually used to remove the cyst. This operation involves making several holes in the abdomen, through which the necessary manipulations will be performed. Such an intervention will not harm the child if it is performed correctly.

The optimal time for laparoscopy is 16-22 weeks. If there are complications, then surgery can be performed at any time. There are a number of contraindications to such an operation. These include excess body weight.

If the cyst grows slowly and there is no danger, surgical intervention is performed after childbirth.

Ovarian cyst when planning pregnancy

A cyst is an ambiguous factor when planning pregnancy. Most experts believe that in the presence of such an education, conception is impossible. Practice shows that for some women a cyst is not an obstacle to pregnancy. This is usually observed when the formation is small.

If ovulation does not occur, then it can recover after the formation resolves on its own. In other cases, you have to resort to surgical removal of the cyst. Infertility in this case is called secondary.

For dermoid and endometrioid formations the situation is somewhat different. Cysts of these types do not affect the process of ovulation and follicle development, but when large sizes are a mechanical obstacle during conception. In this case, the follicles are under pressure, and the hormonal levels change.

At the stage of pregnancy planning, it is necessary to completely check the condition of your body. It is important to promptly identify hormonal imbalances and properly treat them.

Prevention of ovarian cyst formation

The best prevention of cyst formation during pregnancy is careful planning. If such formations are identified, it is necessary to treat them, which includes, if necessary, surgical intervention.

It is also important to comply with the following conditions:

  • maintaining normal weight;
  • rejection of bad habits.

If a cyst is present during pregnancy, in most cases you can do without treatment, but in certain circumstances surgery is required.

During pregnancy, a woman undergoes a number of examinations and often during ultrasound diagnostics a specialist discovers the presence of unwanted pathologies.Cyst during pregnancy should not be a reason to panic, because... in most cases, these processes are absolutely compatible and do not pose a threat to health expectant mother and her child. But there are also opposite cases.

What is a corpus luteum cyst?

A corpus luteum cyst or luteal cyst is a benign neoplasm on a woman’s ovaries. Appearance resembles a smooth, thick-walled capsule formed from ovarian tissue and filled with yellow liquid.

This type of pathology can be located on both the right and left ovaries and can reach up to 8 cm in size. The structure of the cyst can be single-cavity or multi-cavity.

It proceeds almost unnoticed; rarely a woman may feel a slight nagging pain lower abdomen or pressure on nearby tissues and organs, irradiation to the lumbar region, distension in the lower abdomen (symptoms are especially noticeable when physical exercise, running, walking, bending, turning).

Pathology can be diagnosed using ultrasound, examination by a gynecologist, or laparoscopy. Such a cyst occurs both in adulthood and at a young age.

Why do ovarian cysts form during pregnancy?

Doctors do not associate the appearance of this pathology at the beginning of pregnancy with any disorder in the body, so no one can accurately indicate the reason for the appearance of the formation. Experts identify only supposed factors that may affect the formation of a cyst:

  • hormonal imbalance in the body;
  • inflammatory diseases of the appendages;
  • impaired lymphatic drainage and blood circulation in the ovarian tissues;
  • excessive thinness or, conversely, obesity;
  • infections that are sexually transmitted.

Also, the likelihood of pathology formation is increased by serious physical and psychological stress, unbalanced diet, taking certain medicines(for example, hormonal). All this leads to an imbalance in endocrine system and, as a consequence, the formation of a cyst.

One more possible reason The appearance of a cyst may be a genetic predisposition. If the mother or grandmother was diagnosed with this pathology, then the likelihood of a cyst appearing increases.

How is it customary to treat a cyst during pregnancy?

If ovarian cyst during pregnancydoes not manifest itself clinically and is small in size, then treatment is not necessary. Doctors' tactics in this case will be wait-and-see. To monitor the development of education, periodic examination by a gynecologist and ultrasound diagnostics are recommended.

Recurrent, symptomatic cysts can resolve under the influence of the following medications:

  1. "Duphaston" - hormonal drug, which stops the growth of the cyst and promotes its regression.
  2. "Voltaren" is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug that is used to treat and prevent infectious processes.
  3. "Femicaps" (dietary supplement) is a general strengthening drug that is prescribed for the correction of gynecological diseases in women associated with hormonal imbalance.

From the above we can conclude that this pathology can be cured without surgical intervention. However, there are cases when mandatory surgical removal is required, these are all kinds of complications: necrotic changes in ovarian tissue, suppuration, etc.

Also, the question about surgical intervention may occur if the size of the formation exceeds 6 cm and after several months does not decrease in size. Surgical removal in this case, it is carried out to avoid the development of all kinds of complications.

Benefits of cysts during pregnancy

The corpus luteum secretes the hormone progesterone, which is necessary for the normal course of pregnancy.

If there was no conception, then the corpus luteum gradually regresses and often towards the end monthly cycle disappears on its own.

With successful fertilization, the corpus luteum continues its functional responsibility and synthesizes progesterone for another 12 weeks, thereby acting as a placenta. After this period, the production of the hormone rests on the placental membrane, the corpus luteum spontaneously resolves (sometimes the corpus luteum continues its vital activity in the form of a cyst).

What should you not do if you have an ovarian cyst during pregnancy?

If a woman is diagnosed with this pathology, then experts recommend limiting sexual activity, physical activity (especially in the area of ​​the anterior abdominal wall), sudden movements to prevent all sorts of complications. In addition, it is recommended to reduce hot water procedures, solarium.

General strengthening of the body and support of the immune system will also benefit the woman’s body. They will help with this proper nutrition containing a significant amount of vegetables and fruits in the diet, vitamin therapy, lack of stress, walks in the fresh air.

How can a cyst during pregnancy be dangerous for a woman’s health?

The danger of a cyst is that over time it can be complicated by a more serious condition:

  1. Apoplexy or rupture (corpus luteum cyst during pregnancyvery rarely complicated by rupture, this is due to the fact that the neoplasm has thick walls. If the cyst is located near an ovarian vessel and a rupture occurs, then there is a possibility of sudden hemorrhage into the peritoneum, ovary or pelvic cavity. Depending on the amount of blood lost, a woman may feel lethargy, drowsiness and weakness, as well as acute cutting pain in the peritoneum, shock).
  2. Torsion (a condition in which the leg that feeds the cyst twists around its axis, over time this leads to tissue necrosis. In this case, the woman feels increasing intense pain in the lower abdomen).
  3. Infection (pathology can lead to suppuration and inflammation of the cyst).

The positive thing is that this type of cyst never becomes malignant, i.e. does not degenerate into a malignant formation.

Consequences of having a cyst for the unborn child

Does not pose any threat to the fetus. Only too small sizes of the corpus luteum in the early stages of pregnancy (up to 1 cm) may indicate reduced production of the hormone progesterone, which threatens early miscarriage. However, timely diagnosis of this pathology makes it possible to maintain pregnancy with the help of hormonal drugs.

Signs that a cyst has burst during pregnancy

At abnormal development cysts, complications may occur. Education gap – a rare event, however, similar cases have been recorded in medical practice. This condition negatively affects the health of a pregnant woman; it is commonly called a symptom of an acute abdomen. A woman feels acute cramping pain and colic in the ovarian area. In addition, the following nonspecific signs begin to appear:

  1. Retention of stool.
  2. Nausea.
  3. Sharp pain on palpation of the abdomen.
  4. Dizziness.
  5. Pre-fainting state.
  6. Vomit.

In this case, the woman may experience low blood pressure, elevated temperature, cold sweat, rapid pulse, bleeding in the abdominal cavity.

What to do if an ovarian cyst bursts during pregnancy?

If a cyst ruptures, a woman needs urgent medical attention, because... the contents of the formation can penetrate the pelvic organs and cause peritonitis or blood poisoning. With timely medical intervention The prognosis for the health of mother and child is favorable.

The operation itself to remove the cyst does not affect the course of pregnancy, so it does not pose any threat to the fetus or mother. If the cyst is removed in the early stages of pregnancy, then afterward the woman will need to take medications that will normalize hormonal levels and prevent miscarriage.

Does a cyst resolve during pregnancy and can it go away on its own?

The cyst can regress and disappear on its own (usually this happens by the 20th week of pregnancy), so often no treatment is required, only dynamic observation by a doctor and ultrasound. Even if the cyst has not disappeared after 20 weeks, there is a high probability that this will happen after the birth of the child.


Cyst during pregnancy - This is a common phenomenon that quite rarely leads to any complications. However, it is imperative to monitor this pathology using ultrasound diagnostics and examination by a gynecologist. Thus, it is possible to timely determine the tendency of the formation to rapidly grow, begin treatment and prevent the occurrence of dangerous complications.

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