Home Wisdom teeth Treatment of herpes with a loading dose of acyclovir. The use of acyclovir ointment in the treatment of different types of herpes

Treatment of herpes with a loading dose of acyclovir. The use of acyclovir ointment in the treatment of different types of herpes

Acyclovir– a drug of the antiviral group of drugs intended to act on viruses that cause the disease herpes simplex or herpes zoster, chickenpox.

Its characteristics are similar to purine deoxyguanosine nucleoside, which is part of the DNA chain.

Description of drug forms

The drug was developed by US specialist Gertrude Elion, who in 1988 was awarded Nobel Prize in the field of physiology and medicine for the development of a system of special medical supplies acting precisely on individual molecules.

The medicinal substance has the formula C8H11N5O3 and belongs to antiviral and ophthalmic medical medicinal substances, having the consistency of a crystalline white substance with properties of good solubility in water at a temperature of +37*C.

Table 1. Main properties of the components included in the drug Acyclovir.

Pills Ointment 3%, 5% Cream 5% Lyophilisate
Acyclovir 0.2 and 0.4 g

Potato starch;

Calcium stearate;

Milk sugar;

Medium molecular weight polyvinyl lyrromedon

Acyclovir 30 mg in 1 g ointment

Purified water;

Polyethylene oxide 400;

Emulsifier lipocomps

Acyclovir containing 50 mg of the substance in 1 g of cream

Cetostearic alcohol;


Purified water;

Vaseline oil;

Poloxamer 407

Acyclovir 0.25; 0.5; 1.0 g in 1 bottle of ready-to-use solution

Sodium hydroxide

White pillsWhite-yellow ointmentWhite creamWhite or off-white powder
Shaped packaging cardboard box containing 10 tabletsAluminum tubes of 2 - 15 g of substanceAluminum tubes of 2 - 30 g of substanceGlass bottles
35 – 160 rubles 25 – 40 rubles 45 – 90 rubles 120 – 450 rubles

Acyclovir cream and ointment - is there a difference?

Acyclovir ointment and cream 5% are used when it is necessary to treat damaged skin in the form of herpetic formations (redness, blisters, wounds) due to exposure to strains of herpes simplex types 1 and 2, as well as when skin lesions appear with chickenpox and shingles.

The choice of using Acyclovir cream or ointment in the treatment of herpes lesions is determined by the substances they contain.

The ointment contains more fatty components, which slows down the process of absorption of the drug by the skin and prolongs the effect of the drug on viral infections. The cream, as a means of a milder effect, is used for damage by herpes - mucous membranes, genitals, lips.

How does Acyclovir work?

Acyclovir is a drug that targets viruses and is similar in pharmacological influence acyclic purine nucleoside.

The medicinal properties of the drug are due to the effect of the active substance on the skin or mucous membrane damaged by viruses:

  • Varicella zoster;
  • Cytomegalovirus;
  • simplex types 1 and 2.

After consumption, the pharmacological effects of Acyclovir occur in the following order:

  • Once in the blood, the drug enters the cellular structures affected by the virus;
  • The virus, in turn, produces a special enzyme - thymidine kinase, which interacts with Acyclovir as a result of which Acyclovir phosphate is formed;
  • The newly formed substance is integrated into the DNA structure of the virus, blocking the genetic development program;
  • The reproduction of viruses with damage stops cellular structure tissues, and damaged cells are restored or die.

Indications for use

Acyclovir is an effective drug that is usually used on the recommendation of the attending physician, establishing a schedule and dosage of the drug that corresponds to the course of individual treatment.

The cream is used when various areas of the skin surface are damaged by infectious viruses, such as chickenpox, cutaneous herpes and lichen. The ointment is most effective when infectious diseases herpes keratitis and other eye lesions when exposed to type 1 and type 2 viruses on the lips

Tablets are used for active treatment:

  • If the structure of the skin is damaged or mucous membranes with viral infection type 1 or 2;
  • When implementing preventive measures in case of activation of the effects of viruses, taking into account the patient’s condition (immune state);
  • When using medications patients with weakened immunodeficiency, and postoperative period when performing complex operations on the bone marrow;
  • In the therapeutic treatment of diseases caused by viral infections on the skin and mucous membranes.

Lyophilisate is most effective in treating:

  • Various types of viral infections;
  • Carrying out disease prevention;
  • Immunodeficiency;
  • Postoperative period on bone marrow.

Acyclovir for the treatment of simple and systemic herpes of the mucous membranes and eyes

Acyclovir is used to treat diseases of the mucous membranes and eyes caused by herpes type 1, which infects more than 60% of the world's population.

Has the following features:

For treatment herpes simplex Acyclovir cream or ointment is mainly used, and in case of complications, tablets with a dosage of 0.2 or 0.4 g are additionally prescribed.

When the disease progresses in a complex form of severe immunosuppression, intravenous injections Acyclovir.

Acyclovir for the treatment of genital herpes

The herpes virus remains forever when it enters the human body, but with the help medications you can prevent relapses by blocking its activity.

The drug is able to block the herpes virus by affecting DNA.

To treat genital herpes, tablets are used that dissolve after consumption and enter the cells through the bloodstream, affecting viruses.

Directions for use and dosage regimen

Used to treat diseases different techniques use of the drug prescribed by the attending physician depending on the following factors:

  • patient's age;
  • degree of damage to the body (course of the disease);
  • presence of other diseases;
  • susceptibility to the drug with the manifestation of side symptoms.

Let's consider the norms for taking the drug for different age groups and release forms.

The drug in tablet form:

  • Prescribed for the treatment of herpes simplex of the mucous membranes and the surface of the skin of patients with normal level immunity according to a daily dosage regimen of 5 times 0.2 g, for patients with immunodeficiency - 0.4 g with the same frequency with a general course of treatment of 5 to 10 days;
  • When children are sick with herpes simplex with a reduced level of immunity at the age of more than 2 years appointed daily norm taking 0.4 g (½ tablet 4 times) under 2 years of age, other forms of the drug are used;
  • When preventing herpes simplex the drug is prescribed in the form of a daily dose - 2 times 0.4 g;
  • For patients with genital herpes simplex disease A daily dosage regimen of 5 times 0.2 g is recommended with a total course of treatment for 10 days;
  • For the treatment of a special form of recurrent genital herpes an appointment is prescribed according to the daily dosage regimen - 5 times 0.2 g each during a course of treatment of 5 days;
  • If you have herpes zoster A daily dose of 5 times 0.8 g is recommended with a course of treatment of 7 to 10 days;
  • For patients with chickenpox a daily dose is prescribed according to the scheme - 4 times 0.8 g with a course of treatment for 5 days;
  • In case of illness in children chicken pox aged 6 years and older a regimen of 4 times 0.2 g is prescribed, for ages 2-6 years – 4 times ½ tablet, for children under 2 years old – 4 times ¼ tablet over a period of 5 days;
  • Patients over 50 years of age when prescribing a course of treatment for a disease caused by the Herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2 it is recommended to follow daily dose 0.2 g 2 times a day.

The drug in the form of lyophilisate:

  • Prescribed to patients over 12 years of age at the rate of 5-10 mg per kilogram of weight according to the daily dosage regimen - 4 times with a dropper duration of more than 1 hour, and the daily rate cannot exceed 38 mg per 1 kg of body weight;
  • When treating children older than 3 months treatment is applied according to the scheme - 4 times 250 ml per 1 sq. m of the patient's body;
  • For newborn babies a daily regimen is used - 4 times at a dosage of 10 mg per 1 kg of weight;
  • For patients suffering from herpes simplex A daily regimen is used - 4 times at a rate of 10 mg per 1 kg of body weight with a course of treatment for 7 days, for patients over 12 years old at a dosage of 5-10 mg per 1 kg of body weight and 250 ml per 1 sq. m of body under the age of 12 years;
  • If you have a severe form of genital herpes A course of treatment is carried out according to a daily dosage regimen - 4 times 5 mg per 1 kg of weight for patients over 12 years of age or 250 ml of solution per 1 sq. m of the body of a teenager up to 12 years old with a treatment program duration of 5 days;
  • While undergoing treatment for encephalitis within 10 days, the drug is administered 4 times (daily rate) at the rate of 10 mg per 1 kg of body weight for a patient over 12 years of age or 20 mg per 1 kg of body weight for adolescents under 12 years of age;
  • If the skin of a patient with a deficiency is affected immune system herpes, covering the general course of treatment, is prescribed for 7 days and administered via dropper according to a daily regimen of 4 times 10 mg per 1 kg of weight for patients over 12 years of age and 20 mg per 1 kg of weight for patients under 12 years of age.

Acyclovir for external use:

  • The drug is in the form of an eye ointment used for patients with damage to the mucous membrane of the eyes according to a daily regimen - 4 times (at equal intervals) during the day with a total treatment period of 5 days;
  • The drug is in the form of ointment and cream applied to the area of ​​damaged skin using a tampon according to the scheme - 5 times during the day at regular intervals with total duration treatment for 5-10 days.

How to take Acyclovir tablets correctly?

Acyclovir in tablet form is best taken with a meal that does not interfere with the absorption of the drug components or immediately after a meal with plenty of water.

Upon admission medicinal product The following rules must be observed:

Precautionary measures

When undergoing a course of treatment with Acyclovir, care must be taken in case of neurological exacerbations, impaired functioning of the kidneys and liver.

To reduce the influence of factors on the patient’s condition, it is necessary to administer the drug into the body over a longer period.


Treatment with Acyclovir is contraindicated in the following situations:

There are restrictions on the use of the drug and which are possible only as prescribed by a doctor:

  • If the patient has kidney dysfunction;
  • During pregnancy;
  • Patients over 50 years of age;
  • During exacerbation neurological symptoms while taking the drug.

Side effects

Side effects that may occur when taking acyclovir include:


An overdose caused by taking pills can lead to shortness of breath, nausea, headaches, and disturbances in the functioning of the stomach.

There may be malfunctions associated with renal failure, cramps. To reduce the negative effects of the drug, special symptomatic therapy is used.

Interaction and incompatibility with other drugs

When using Acyclovir simultaneously with other medicinal substances:

  • with immunostimulants the effectiveness of impact on areas affected by the virus increases;
  • with probenecid the required period for removing residues from the body increases;
  • with nephrotoxic substances Possible impairment of kidney function.

Interaction with alcohol

Alcohol negatively affects the body's resistance to various infections, including viruses, causing diseases herpes, lichen, chicken pox.


Pharmaceutical companies produce drugs that have similar properties against infections.

At internal use in tablet form, Acyclovir has the following analogues:

  • Virolex- average cost 170 rubles ;
  • Zovirax- average cost 500 rubles ;
  • Atsik- average cost 120 rubles ;
  • Gerpevir- price from 150 rubles ;
  • Famvir- average cost 1300 rubles ;
  • Medovir- average cost 270 rubles .

Acyclovir in the form of ointment has the following analogues:

  • Gerpevir- average cost 120 rubles ;
  • Allomedineaverage price320 rubles ;
  • Erazaban- average cost 210 rubles .

Eye ointment has the following analogues:

  • Virolex- average cost 200 rubles ;
  • Zovirax- average cost 180 rubles .

Analogs of Acyclovir cream:

  • Vivorax- average cost 140 rubles ;
  • Acyclostad- average cost 120 rubles ;
  • Zovirax- average cost 170 rubles .

Analogues of lyophilisate Acyclovir:

  • Zovirax- average cost 1750 rubles ;
  • Imunofan- average cost 480 rubles .

Storage conditions

The drug should be stored indoors without access sunlight at ambient temperatures from +15* to +25*C and relative humidity not more than 75%.

The herpes virus can affect the population regardless of gender and age. The disease manifests itself by the presence blistering rash on the lips and genitals, which leaves behind small sores. Various creams, ointments and tablets have been developed to combat the disease. The most effective means is Acyclovir and its derivatives. Moreover, the majority of the population prefers to use drugs in the form of ointments. This choice has its advantages:

During pregnancy and lactation, the use of Acyclovir tablets may have an effect on the fetus, penetrating the placenta and breast milk. Therefore, ointment therapy is indicated during this period. Since this form of release of the drug does not harm the baby.

Indications for use

  • Common skin herpes
  • Genital
  • Recurrent
  • Shingles.

Acyclovir is available in various dosage forms:

  • Tablets of 200 mg or 400 mg for internal use
  • Cream 5% and ointment 3% or 5% concentration
  • Powder for injection 250 mg.

For ordinary herpes, using a cream or ointment with a 5% consistency is sufficient. If the disease has a moderate course, for example, genital herpes or smallpox, then a tablet form is added to therapy. Severe forms of the disease, including herpes zoster and systemic herpes, in most cases require injection measures. Ointment of 3% concentration is used in the treatment of keratitis caused by this virus.

Difference between Acyclovir cream and ointment

The main difference between these two forms of release is their basis. The ointment is usually made using petroleum jelly or lanolin. The cream contains significantly less fatty components.

When choosing between ointment and cream, you should focus on the location of the rash. The ointment is used on open areas of the skin, since having a fatty base, it is slowly absorbed and leaves marks on clothes. While the cream has the opposite effect.

For herpes on the lips, it is advisable to take ointment, since while remaining long time on the skin, it prevents harmful organisms from entering the wound, blocks further spread of the virus and prevents damage to the dried area.

How the drug works

Acyclovir is antiviral agent, which actively suppresses the functioning of the viral environment. The drug is similar to the components human DNA, due to which it can stop the spread of infection by blocking the repetition cycle of harmful DNA. Moreover, without affecting healthy tissue.

Upon initial contact with viral tissue, the drug becomes acyclovir monophosphate. Further, under the influence of thymidine kizan, it merges with the damaged cell, converting into acyclovir triphosphate. Having this form, the drug actively attacks the viral environment.

When taking tests, identify the presence medicine impossible, since it is practically not absorbed into the blood. And the period of complete elimination of Acyclovir by the kidneys is 24-26 hours.

Features of application

Despite the fact that Acyclovir in the form of cream and ointment has practically no side effects, their use must occur according to certain rules:

Traumatization of the blisters should be avoided, as new rashes may form at the site where the fluid spreads.

Side effects

Acyclovir ointment is usually very well tolerated, but sometimes local allergic reactions, which are accompanied by itching, redness or discomfort at the application site. Allergic dermatitis is extremely rare. When taken for more than 10 days, some patients experienced peeling skin.


Other drugs based on acyclovir are no less effective:

All these drugs help well in treating the disease. The only difference is the price barrier of drugs. Resistance to Acyclovir occurs quite rarely; in this case, analogues based on herbal components are indicated.

Herpes is unpleasant illness, which is accompanied by pain, itching and discomfort due to the presence of wounds on the skin. Acyclovir cream and ointment for herpes help to completely eliminate the disease within a few days, a maximum of a week. The main rule is the timely initiation of therapy.

Acyclovir for herpes is one of the most common drugs to combat viral cells resulting from activation herpetic infection. The use of the drug helps suppress infection cells.

It is worth understanding that it is completely possible to overcome viral infection after taking any type of medication it will not be possible: once settled in the human body, the herpes virus infection will remain to live in it for life. This is due to the fact that all measures for the treatment of herpes are aimed at suppressing symptoms, but not at all destroying the virus. Medicine does not know a remedy that can get rid of herpes once and for all.

When wondering how acyclovir works, it is enough to refer to the instructions to get an answer - the composition of the product deals a crushing blow to the virus cells, leaving no chance for the latter.

Acyclovir - tablets for herpes (photo)

The course of treatment, regardless of the stage, form and nature of the manifestation of the herpes virus, can be long or short-term. In this case, the most common forms of the drug in question against herpes are as follows:

  • Acyclovir tablets;
  • Acyclovir is in the form of a gel or cream - in other words, an ointment.
  • Tablet form.

Given the large selection antiviral drugs on pharmaceutical market, it is worth noting the fact: acyclovir tablets are the most common tablets for herpes. In the fight against the herpes virus, the drug has no equal.

This fact is confirmed in the choice of medicine and, accordingly, the prescription for the treatment of adults and children with various forms herpetic infection:

  • The tablets effectively help get rid of;
  • Acyclovir is also easily able to cope with;
  • With others.

It is recommended to take acyclovir strictly following the instructions for use, or as prescribed by the doctor who advised you, otherwise the medicine may be useless. For a full course, a 400 mg pack or two 200 mg packs will be enough.

Several tablets taken contain a dose that is lethal for infection active substance, therefore it is important not to overdo it with the intake.

Acyclovir ointment

Acyclovir ointment for herpes is not only an excellent method of combating herpes, but also good prevention. It is recommended to smear the affected areas with the product at intervals and frequency within the course according to the instructions or prescription of the attending physician.

This ointment for herpes is characterized by an excellent anti-inflammatory effect, a healing effect, and when applied to the affected area, it begins to act instantly and suppresses the reproduction and growth of viral cells.

Why acyclovir may not be effective

What to do if acyclovir does not help with herpes? How to use the product correctly to achieve maximum effect? Everything is very simple, the answer has already been given earlier: it is important to follow the instructions or prescription every day of the illness.

Important! It is best to take tablets and apply ointment together. At the same time, how many days the treatment will last depends on the stage of manifestation and the specific form of the rash.

To achieve maximum effect, you will need to drink 2-3 tablets of the product, then lubricate the affected area. It is worth understanding that the number of tablets for a single dose may be limited by a specific prescription from a specialist.

Summing up

Important! The considered remedy may be truly ineffective in several cases:

  • If the frequency of administration is violated;
  • If the dosage is incorrect;
  • In case of taking acyclovir on your own initially without examination by a doctor;
  • There is also a possibility that the product has expired. Before using, carefully check the packaging and check the dates so as not to waste time using expired medications - this is equivalent to inaction.

If all the requirements regarding how to drink acyclovir and how to apply it are met, then it is recommended to take it immediately.

To completely relieve symptoms, a 400 mg pack of acyclovir and a tube of ointment will be enough. It is important to remember how to take the drug correctly, and in what dosages, whether it is possible to use other drugs during use and take into account a number of other nuances that make a speedy recovery possible.

To date, doctors have been able to identify eight types of herpes. This virus can infect any part of the body, which negatively affects the general condition of a person. Of course, it will not be possible to get rid of it forever, but you need to use special medications that will help eliminate unpleasant symptoms and put the virus into a state of stable remission. That is why Acyclovir is considered the most effective for genital herpes.

Brief description of the virus

Experts say that external signs The presence of herpes appears in cases where a person has been exposed to hypothermia, depression, severe stress, or has a common cold. Depending on the location, The virus can be divided into two categories:

  1. On and near the genitals.
  2. On the tongue, lips, mouth and other parts of the facial area.

It is worth noting that herpes often develops on the lips due to excessive hobby tanned In addition, those who spend a long time in a room with air conditioning often encounter the virus. The symptoms are so unpleasant that they can cause a person a lot of problems of an aesthetic, physiological and psychological nature. You should always remember that external signs of herpes appear only if a person has reduced immunity.

You can become infected the moment you healthy man comes into contact with a virus carrier. When the main bacteriophage enters the body, it causes irreparable harm to cells, simultaneously spreading throughout all tissues and systems. If a relapse occurs, a profuse rash appears on the mucous membranes.

Despite numerous efforts by doctors, they have not yet been able to find effective method destroy this virus. The best option It is considered to be taking symptomatic medications that have a disinfecting and drying effect.

Among wide range Among the medications used to combat herpes, the most popular is the generic Acyclovir, sold in the form of tablets, ointments and creams.

Advantages of the drug

Numerous medical research showed that more than 90% of all inhabitants of our planet have the herpes virus, but it manifests itself in only 5%. The main reason for this situation lies in the decrease protective function immunity. This problem can only be dealt with with the help of antiviral drugs. The most effective in this case is Acyclovir, which belongs to the group of synthetic medications and is considered good analogue known nucleoside. The huge advantage is that active ingredients do not have a toxic effect on mammalian cells.

Timely and regular use of Acyclovir prevents the appearance of a rash, relieves painful symptoms, and also significantly reduces the likelihood of developing any complications during an exacerbation of herpes. The medication contains a universal substance that accelerates the process of crust formation at the site of rashes.

Numerous studies have shown that the bioavailability of Acyclovir ranges from 15 to 30%, due to which it quickly spreads throughout all tissues of the body, gradually being processed by liver cells. After 3 hours, it is excreted from the body in the traditional way (with urine). The treatment regimen and optimal dosage are selected exclusively by a specialist, since everything depends solely on the patient’s condition. In addition, the localization of herpes must be taken into account.

During primary infection, the dosage of the active substance should be high.

This is due to the fact that the body has not yet managed to produce the required amount of antibodies that could overcome the disease. Acyclovir is often used to prevent genital herpes.

Features of genital herpes

Experts say that this form of the disease is caused by HSV-2, which is sexually transmitted. Infection can occur not only during an exacerbation of the virus, but also during a period of remission, when there are no symptoms. Among similar diseases, genital herpes ranks second in frequency of occurrence. After infection you can see manifestation of the following symptoms:

  • On the walls of the vagina, on the mucous membrane, vulva or inside small blisters begin to appear on the thighs.
  • Depending on the intensity of the disease, the rash not only grows, but also connects with each other.
  • When the blisters burst, moist sores form in their place (such clinical picture may be accompanied by pain and itching).

It is worth noting that if intimate intimacy with an infected person was anal or oral, then the risk of developing genital herpes remains the same as with vaginal sex.

Of course, in some people this disease may be completely asymptomatic. Those who are forced to face characteristic symptoms, experience great discomfort from the presence of blisters on the mucous membrane. In this case there is a huge risk of complications:

  • Psychological problems that arise due to constant fear of relapse.
  • Infertility.
  • Weakening of the protective function of the immune system, the addition of other diseases that affect the reproductive organs.

It is worth noting that genital herpes is most dangerous for pregnant women, since in this case pathologies of fetal development and complications may occur. general condition or even infection of the baby during childbirth.

Rules for taking Acyclovir

To achieve stable remission and overcome unpleasant symptoms, you need to know how to take Acyclovir for herpes. There are other acyclic nucleosides that must be correctly combined with each other in this form of the disease. This is due to the fact that in medical practice There are varieties of viruses that are accustomed to the treatment of herpes with Acyclovir. The dosage of tablets should match the following diagram:

  • For 10 days, 200 mg per day. You can take a maximum of 5 tablets per day.
  • 400 mg per day, with plenty of liquid clean water. The course of treatment lasts 10 days. It is worth noting that this regimen of medication is considered the most appropriate if a primary infection with the virus has occurred. In addition, this dosage will be effective for rashes on the mucous membrane oral cavity, as well as with herpetic proctitis.

In order to minimize negative impact medication for the gastrointestinal tract, Acyclovir is best taken after meals. If, after completing the therapeutic course, the effect is insufficient, then treatment can be extended for several days.

Many people are interested in how to take Acyclovir for herpes in order to quickly eliminate uncomfortable symptoms and transfer the disease to a stage of stable remission. In this case, experts note that it is best to give preference to the simultaneous use of interferon drugs. The main advantage of this treatment is that the protein contained in it prevents the reproduction of a dangerous virus.

In order for the effect of the therapy to meet all expectations, you need stick to a few simple rules during the entire treatment course:

  • Must be avoided sun rays, and it is also advisable to refuse to visit the solarium. The main danger lies in the fact that active substances The medication increases the skin's sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation, and this can lead to the formation of burns. Of course, this does not mean that you cannot go outside during the entire treatment course; it is enough to wear natural clothes with long sleeves.
  • It is better to avoid drinking alcoholic beverages. Taking Acyclovir with alcohol may cause increased drowsiness, as well as sharp decline visual acuity.

A quality drug, Acyclovir, is increasingly being used to treat painful blisters on the genitals. You should take it if you have herpes according to some recommendations:

Adverse reactions

IN official instructions The medication indicates that after the first use, the active substances of Acyclovir quickly penetrate the patient’s bloodstream. In most cases, the medicine is well tolerated, but sometimes there may be unpleasant symptoms:

In rare cases, there may be an increase in the level of urea, a kind of bile pigment in the blood, or even increased activity blood enzymes. If such adverse reactions are present, then the use of Acyclovir should be abandoned.

Main contraindications

Before taking any medicine, you need to familiarize yourself with the available contraindications, since this simple rule can save a person’s life. The drug should not be used in the following cases:

  1. Lactation period.
  2. Small children under 3 years of age.

Women who are carrying a child, as well as elderly people, need to be especially careful with Acyclovir. Patients who suffer from impaired renal function and neurological diseases should take pills with caution. At the time of undergoing therapy for genital herpes, it is necessary to refuse intimacy or use condoms. This is because taking this medication is not considered to protect against transmitting the virus to a partner.

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