Home Prosthetics and implantation A new technique for eye surgery. Surgery to correct and restore vision

A new technique for eye surgery. Surgery to correct and restore vision

Thanks to developments in modern ophthalmology, the use of a scalpel is becoming less and less common during operations. This is due to the fact that new techniques are emerging in ophthalmology and eye microsurgery, with the help of which the operation is performed using laser.

Compared to other types of operations, this is the safest and effective method operative therapy in microsurgery.

It is mainly prescribed to patients aged 18 to 55 years who have a disorder:

  • Myopia.
  • Hypermetropia.

The main task when laser correction eyes to achieve precise focusing of the image on the retina of the eyeball. To make the patient feel sharp again visual perception and clarity of display of surrounding objects.

Advantages of laser surgery

Surgery using a laser medical practice has been used for about 30 years. During this time, observations have shown its superiority compared to other surgical interventions.

To the main positive qualities can be attributed:

Indications for laser surgery


In addition, surgical treatment can be performed:

  • If the value is from 1 to 15 diopters.
  • Hypermetropia from 1 to 6 diopters.
  • Astigmatism 0.5 to 5 diopters.

Contraindications for laser surgery

As with any type of therapy, laser eye correction cannot be performed in all cases. There are many reasons why surgery is not performed.

The most common reasons for refusal surgical intervention using a laser:

Such pathologies make it possible to develop irreversible changes after surgery.

If the patient, for any reason, uses steroids medicines, or medications aimed at suppressing the immune system, the process of regeneration and recovery in the postoperative period may be delayed.

Relative contraindications

Relative restrictions are temporary, and as they are eliminated, surgical intervention can be performed.

Absolute contraindications

But there are situations in which laser surgery is completely excluded:

Preparing for surgery

Before the operation you must:

Immediately before laser surgery, the patient must:

Equipment for laser correction

Modern ophthalmology clinics equipped with the latest types of laser systems, allowing for high-precision operations.

Excimer laser WaveLight EX500

This is a device, the latest achievement of scientists in the field of laser ophthalmology. Has increased laser speed.

This contributes to a minimal thermal effect on the cornea of ​​the eye.

Does not cause symptoms of dehydration, which has a beneficial effect in the postoperative period (occurs fast healing fabrics).

When using this setting, the laser depth can be automatically adjusted. This allows you to obtain data on the thickness of the cornea at all stages of the operation, if necessary.

The infrared tracking system allows you to monitor the position of the eyeball in relation to the center of the pupil or the edge of the cornea. This significantly increases the accuracy of all manipulations.

You can achieve a positive effect:

  • For myopia up to 14 diopters.
  • Astigmatism and farsightedness up to 6 diopters.

VISX Star S4 IR laser

Unlike other laser systems, this device allows vision correction in advanced forms of myopia and hypermetropia.

After vision correction, the installation creates a smoothed corneal surface.

The use of this device minimizes the development side effects and rapid recovery in the postoperative period.

It is possible to eliminate myopia if the indicators of visual impairment do not exceed 16 diopters. For farsightedness and astigmatism, the indicator should be no more than 6 diopters.

Femtosecond laser FS200 WaveLight

This device is a record holder for the formation of a corneal flap. This manipulation can be performed within 6 seconds.

With another device, you need to spend 20 seconds to carry out such actions.

What is unique is that, using this laser model, the ophthalmologist has the opportunity to form a corneal flap, while completely controlling its thickness, diameter, alignment and morphology.

Does not cause damage to nearby tissues and blood vessels. This device allows laser correction to be performed on patients who have anatomically thin corneas.


Using these devices, laser eye correction is performed using the .

In this case, the inner layers of the cornea are affected.

It is very important that most of these devices can operate without external power sources (autonomous).

Moria Evolution 3

Allows you to perform the preparatory stage of forming a corneal flap.

The design of the device makes it possible to take an individual approach to this stage of the operation, taking into account.

In the vast majority of cases this gives a positive result. And the patient’s sensations, discomfort or pain practically do not appear.

Epikeratome Epi-K

The purpose of this device is to separate the epithelial layer of the cornea, which creates the opportunity for subsequent laser correction.

The uniqueness of this device is that the removed epithelial flap has a minimum thickness, and the subsequent operation is performed in a gentle manner.

Photorefractive keratectomy and laser intrastromal keratomyelosis

To correct vision using a laser, three main techniques are used.

They are considered:

  • FRK(photorefractive keratectomy). This technique was one of the first to appear. It is used to this day to eliminate the symptoms of myopia in the early stages. Initially deleted epithelial layer cornea, deeper layers are evaporated. Recovery after surgery occurs within 5 days, less often it can take a week.
  • LASEK(subepithelial keratomileusis). The operation is mainly performed on patients with an individual characteristic of a thin corneal layer. Using Bowman's membrane, stroma, and the epithelial layer, a valve is created, which is fixed with a contact lens. The operation is usually well tolerated by patients, the rehabilitation period occurs in a short time.
  • LASIK(laser keratomileusis). Compared to other methods of laser corneal correction, this is the safest and most gentle type of surgery. Surgical intervention is divided into two stages:
    • First, the superficial corneal layer is cut off with a laser beam.
    • The second stage involves the elimination of pathological processes in the deep layers of the cornea, followed by restoration of the cut-off layer.

This technique allows you to get rid of advanced forms of any eye pathologies. The main advantage of this type of operation is practically complete absence complications and side effects.

IN Lately This methodology has expanded and been supplemented in three areas:

  • Super LASIK. Occurs using a high-precision apparatus, taking into account individual characteristics buildings visual organs patient. Has higher efficiency rates than previous methods.
  • Femto Super LASIK. The method is similar to the previous version, the main difference is the cutting of the cornea using a femto laser.
  • Presby LASIK. Surgical intervention using this technique is performed on people over 40 years of age.

According to most experts, the most promising and safest method is LASIK.

Postoperative period

To avoid negative reactions from the body and the occurrence of complications, it is necessary to comply with the rules and regulations prescribed by the ophthalmologist:

Consequences of surgery performed using a laser

Like any kind surgical intervention, during laser vision correction, unwanted side effects may develop.

The consequences include:

Restoring vision in myopia

Most often used:

Restoring vision in case of farsightedness

To deal with this pathological process, you can resort to traditional methods therapy.

They are:

In addition, people suffering from farsightedness are recommended to use:

Restoring vision with astigmatism

The correct choice of technique in the treatment of astigmatism can only be made by an ophthalmologist. It is impossible to solve this problem on your own.

To implement complex therapy the doctor may prescribe:

Cost of laser vision correction

Mostly this type operations are subject to payment. The approximate price may vary (depending on the region of Russia) from 27,000 to 105,000 rubles. The complexity and type of laser correction are also taken into account.

In some cases, applications from working citizens may be considered; after submission, it becomes possible to return them tax deduction (13%).

In all other situations, Insurance companies consider this type of surgical intervention as cosmetic procedure. This is an argument for the patient to pay on his own.

Sometimes companies can give a discount regular customers, or low-income social groups.


Laser surgery is a promising method for treating eye pathologies.

In most cases, the patient immediately after the operation forgets what glasses or contact lenses.

In addition to restored vision, the operation creates a positive psycho-emotional mood for the patient.

Modern man consciously or forcedly puts enormous strain on his eyes every day. As a result, there is an earlier decrease in visual acuity and the development of various ophthalmological pathologies. If a dysfunction of the visual apparatus is detected, this does not mean that the person is now doomed to wear glasses or contact lenses for the rest of his life. There is a modern, effective and actually painless solution to the problem - laser vision correction.

Many people are prejudiced against this procedure and refuse to do it. This happens simply from a lack of information about how the operation actually takes place and what it is. In fact, today this is the most safe way get rid of myopia, farsightedness, astigmatism in a matter of minutes, it doesn’t hurt and is quite accessible to everyone.

For information: the method of laser vision correction was developed quite a long time ago, about fifty years ago. The first operation was carried out in the late 80s, but since then the technology has improved significantly. Today, about 3 million operations are performed annually, this figure is growing, as is the number of people who have successfully undergone laser correction and regained full vision.

What is it, indications and contraindications

To get rid of fears and prejudices, it is important to understand how laser vision correction occurs and what its essence is. The clarity and clarity of the visual image is ensured by the focus of the eye. If focusing is impaired for any reason, vision also deteriorates. Using a laser, doctors can correct defects in the eye structures so that the ability to focus is restored and visual picture became clear and bright again.

A special installation is used to carry out the operation. A thin laser beam targets the cornea, the thinnest layer of cells evaporates and the cornea acquires correct form. The operation is high-tech and requires great precision and care from the doctor.

Laser correction is suitable for those who for some reason cannot or do not want to use contact lenses and glasses

One of the first questions patients ask at the preliminary consultation is what disadvantages the procedure involves. Laser vision correction is performed in the following cases:

  • myopia up to -12 diopters;
  • farsightedness up to +6 diopters;
  • at mixed astigmatism from -4 to +4.

Corrective surgery is offered to those who suffer from contact lens intolerance. Sometimes it happens that vision is impaired in only one eye. In this case, it is also better to perform an operation to correct the defect with a laser than to wear glasses, because in this case it will inevitably begin to worsen. visual functions and on the second eye.

The only negative is that not everyone is allowed to carry out such an operation. laser therapy There are a number of contraindications. These include:

  • glaucoma;
  • cataract;
  • diabetes;
  • rapidly deteriorating vision;
  • presence of a pacemaker;
  • keratoconus, thinning and other pathologies of the cornea;
  • infectious diseases organs of vision.

It is believed that surgery should not be performed on pregnant women. But this contraindication is conditional, due to the fact that after laser correction strong physical exercise. And childbirth is extreme stress for every woman. Therefore, the procedure is not performed immediately before childbirth. But in the first two trimesters and after childbirth, it can be carried out without fear; the laser acts specifically on the problem area of ​​the eyes and cannot harm the child in any way.

Pregnancy at any stage, except prenatal period, is not a contraindication to surgery, contrary to existing prejudices

Another frequently asked question patients - at what age can laser correction be done, because now even children suffer from myopia and other visual impairments. Age under 21 is a contraindication, but also conditional; exceptions are possible. The doctor determines individually in each case, at what age and when the procedure can be performed.

What complications can there be?

Today, laser correction of vision defects is indeed considered the least traumatic operation. But still, this also affects the eyes, therefore there is some risk of complications; according to statistics, it is approximately 2%. Complications occur extremely rarely, as a rule, if the patient kept silent about the presence of contraindications (or did not know about them) or the operation was performed incorrectly, in violation of the technology.

What can happen during and after the procedure:

  • hemorrhages;
  • swelling of the mucous membrane and eyelids;
  • eye inflammation;
  • corneal damage;
  • displacement of the corneal flap (if the patient violates the recommended postoperative regimen and often touches the operated eye with his fingers);
  • deterioration of the so-called twilight vision(goes away on its own some time after the operation).

That is why, if you decide to correct your vision in this particular way, you should carefully choose a clinic, first find out where you can undergo the laser correction procedure, what methods and equipment are used. The cost of the operation should not be the deciding factor.

How does the procedure go step by step?

For the operation, hospitalization and special training are not required, it is performed on an outpatient basis and does not last long. Before the operation, the patient needs to consult with an ophthalmologist again, confirm the diagnosis, and possibly undergo additional examinations. Then all that remains is to come to the clinic on the appointed day and time and carry out the procedure.

Direct laser exposure during the procedure lasts no more than 40-50 minutes, while the patient experiences sensations similar to those dental treatment under anesthesia

It goes like this:

  1. The patient lies down on the couch.
  2. The doctor administers local anesthesia using special eye drops.
  3. The eye is fixed in an open position.
  4. Next, the doctor uses special instruments to remove the thinnest layer of the cornea to the side.
  5. After this, correction is performed directly on the open cornea using a directed laser beam. Some of the cells evaporate, and the cornea takes on a pre-calculated shape.
  6. At the end of the procedure, the corneal flap is returned to its place and smoothed out.
  7. To prevent inflammation, the doctor instills antibacterial drug, the fixator is removed and the patient can stand up.

The duration of the procedure is no more than a quarter of an hour, while the direct laser exposure lasts no more than one minute. As soon as the operation is completed, the patient can return home.

The method of laser vision correction is preferred by many famous people in show business, politicians; pilots, sailors and military personnel do not refuse it

For information: many people are interested in what will happen if during the operation it is not possible to look at one point and the gaze shifts. There is no risk of injury. Modern laser devices automatically adjust to the movements of the eyeball, the beam hits exactly those points that were calculated by the computer. If they are too sharp and intense, the operation of the device will also stop automatically.

Postoperative period

Rehabilitation period After laser vision correction, it is quick and painless, just like the operation itself. However, to avoid complications, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:

  • For four weeks, do not rub your eye (or eyes), or better yet, do not touch it at all.
  • When leaving home, even in cloudy weather, you should protect your eyes with dark glasses.
  • Avoid overheating, that is, do not visit the bathhouse, sauna, solarium, sunbathe, or take a hot bath or shower.
  • Avoid physical overload: strength exercises and visiting gym, active sport games, heavy physical labor, lifting and carrying heavy loads.
  • Do not drink alcoholic beverages.

What methods and technologies are used

Laser correction can be carried out using several methods, the main difference being the type of laser beam used, as well as the method of exposure to the cornea. Currently the following methods are offered:

  • PRK – photorefractive keratectomy. This is the very first method, which was first used in the 80s of the last century. At that time, this method was advanced; today it is considered outdated and is used extremely rarely. PRK is quite traumatic and often causes complications such as corneal opacification. But since this procedure is cheaper than other types, does not require the use of high-tech equipment and highly qualified doctors, it is still performed in some clinics.
  • LASIK is a more modern and less traumatic technique, since in addition to the excimer laser, a microkeratome device is also used, which allows you to carefully remove upper layer cornea. This technology allows for correction in two eyes at once, eliminating myopia down to -12 diopters, recovery after surgery lasts no more than one day.
  • Femto LASIK is the same technique as the previous one, but a femtolaser is used to create a corneal flap.
  • Super LASIK - today this method is the most popular, the advantage is that the correction takes into account anatomical features eyes and aberration characteristics of each patient. According to reviews from patients who underwent correction using this method, within an hour after the procedure the visual image becomes clear, bright and clear, and the risk of complications is reduced to a minimum.
  • Epi LASIK is a rare technique used only in exceptional cases, if the patient has a thin cornea and other types of laser correction are not suitable for him.
  • LASEK – relatively new technique, developed in 1999 by Italian ophthalmologists, is also used for patients with thin corneas. But in terms of trauma and pain, this type is superior to the previous one.
  • SMILE - the operation is performed using a femtosecond laser, the peculiarity is in a special method of forming a corneal flap. Used when only minor corrections are required.

The method is selected depending on the task and the financial capabilities of the patient

What else is important to know

The cost of the procedure plays a role important role for patients. In Moscow, the price varies from 25 thousand to 40 thousand per eye. This run-up is due the following factors:

  • the complexity of the problem that needs to be resolved;
  • type of transaction;
  • equipment used;
  • clinic level;
  • doctor's qualifications.

The price does not include pre-operative examination and post-operative monitoring.

Sick leave is not required during such an operation. But if your work involves a computer, it is better to refrain from putting too much strain on your eyes in the first week. This does not mean that you cannot completely read, write, or work with a PC, you just shouldn’t overexert yourself.

There is a myth that after 40 years of age, laser correction is dangerous. In fact, this is not true at all. Laser correction is performed even on pensioners, it all depends on general condition patient, presence of contraindications, severity of the problem.

Patients are also often interested in whether the procedure can be repeated. Since the first operation was performed almost forty years ago and millions of them have been performed since then, doctors can say with confidence that there is no need for repeated correction.

Summary: Laser vision correction is by far the safest and effective technique elimination of myopia, farsightedness, astigmatism. There are many myths and prejudices regarding this procedure due to lack of information. The operation is completely painless, it is performed under local drip anesthesia and does not take more than 15 minutes. The patient only feels a touch to the eye; minor discomfort is possible after the operation. Using advanced methods, vision becomes sharp and clear within an hour after correction. You should adhere to the postoperative (not strict) regimen for 3-4 weeks. The percentage of complications is no more than 2%; no cases of blindness after laser vision correction have been recorded to date.

Poor vision not only knocks a person out of his usual circle, but also prevents him from living a full life and doing what he loves. Modern ophthalmology constantly offers new methods for treating eye pathologies, the main one being eye surgery. Let's learn more about the methods of operations and their main features.

To do or not

There is an opinion that modern operations are guaranteed to be safe on the eyes, as they are carried out as quickly, easily and painlessly as possible.

However, the apparent simplicity of such interventions is deceptive, since even any cosmetic surgery is a risk.

Most often, ophthalmologists suggest surgery to correct such very frequent illnesses eye like:

  • cataract;
  • myopia;
  • farsightedness.

Before the patient makes a decision, he should know about all the pros and cons of surgery. There are clear indications for which eye surgery is necessary. Such interventions are performed in the following cases:

  • professional need for maximum good vision(military, professional athlete, actor, etc.);
  • a noticeable difference in eye refraction (with different degrees of myopia in the right and left eyes), which cannot be corrected with glasses: no eye can tolerate glasses with a difference of more than 2.5 diopters.

The desire of patients to improve vision is acceptable if there are no direct contraindications for surgical interventions.

After all, higher visual acuity allows you to live a better quality of life. Having restored vision, a person can learn new skills: for example, driving a car or mastering a computer after. Women often decide to undergo eye surgery for aesthetic reasons, dreaming of getting rid of glasses.

Particular care should be taken when considering eye surgery. childhood. The child is not yet able to make the right decision himself, and instead, all possible risks of such intervention should be assessed by adults

Types of eye surgeries

There are many types of ophthalmic surgeries. For example, eye surgery eliminates many eye defects (myopia, lens opacity). Patients are now often offered surgical treatment laser or ultrasound. with such severe eye pathology as detachment or. Surgical interventions on the lens, replacing it with an artificial one, are used in the progression of cataracts. Sometimes ophthalmologists are forced to remove the contents of the eyeball or cornea when purulent inflammations(panophthalmitis). On the vitreous body, intervention is indicated if it is damaged or if there is blood (). In this case, it is proposed to delete vitreous. What types of eye surgical interventions are used in modern ophthalmology?

Let's take a closer look at the main methods of eye surgery.


This intervention is performed to strengthen the membrane of the eyeball.

It can stop the progression of myopia, but it cannot restore vision.

The operation is performed under local anesthesia and lasts about half an hour. It involves inserting a flap of sclera-reinforcing material into the eyeball. Silicone is used for this biological material or the patient's own tissue. Subsequently, the flap is “coupled” with the outer eye shell and further growth of blood vessels into it.

Scleroplasty can be of several degrees of complexity (depending on the severity of the pathology): simple, simplified or complex.

A contraindication to scleroplasty is allergic reaction patient on the material used.


During a vitrectomy, the surgeon is forced to remove (partially or completely) the vitreous humor from the eye.

This complex intervention must be performed by a highly qualified surgeon using high-tech equipment.

Indications for such treatment are:

  • eye injury;
  • hemorrhage into the vitreous cavity;
  • vitreous opacification;
  • retinal rupture or detachment.

Vitrectomy is performed with local anesthesia outpatient. Usually 2-3 hours are enough for this. After fixing the eye with an eyelid dilator, a micro-incision is made in it. Then, using special miniature instruments, the vitreous body is removed, and an artificial lens is inserted in its place. Also, a special liquid or silicone substitute is used as a replacement for the vitreous body.

However, such intervention may be contraindicated in some conditions. They are:

  • pregnancy;
  • blood diseases;
  • high degree of corneal opacity.

Laser coagulation of the retina

It is performed on an outpatient basis using a laser. The intervention lasts only about 20 minutes, and pain relief is applied in the form of drops. There is no blood loss with this type of operation. A lens is placed over the eye through which the laser is directed. At the same time, thanks to high temperature, in the eye there is a gluing of torn vessels or tissues. The effectiveness of this operation is high (up to 70%). The patient is allowed to go home the very next day.

Indications for surgery are:

  • retinal pathology (detachment, dystrophy, vascular pathology);
  • eye tumors;
  • thrombosis of the central vein.

Strabismus Correction

Most often this intervention is done in childhood (from 2 to 5 years). Sometimes the operation is also performed on adults if the strabismus is acquired, or it could not be treated previously. Surgery for strabismus lasts up to 30 minutes and consists of restoring the normal position of the eyeball. This solves the aesthetic problem appearance the patient and vision is restored.

For this pathology, there are two types of surgery:

  • enhancing: if eye muscle needs to be stretched;
  • relaxing: if the eye muscle needs to be relaxed.

The intervention is performed with local anesthesia using an eyelid dilator. Usually the patient is discharged on the day of surgery, and he recovers within a week.

Indications for this correction are:

  • impaired mobility (paralysis or paresis) of the extraocular muscles;
  • any degree of strabismus.


Cross-linking refers to operations on the ocular cornea for pathologies. This is done to strengthen and strengthen the ligaments of the corneal tissue.

This intervention is performed under local anesthesia. In this case, part of the cornea is cut off, and the eye itself is irradiated to thicken the corneal layer. A protective lens is then placed over the eye. After 2-3 days the patient is discharged. Usually the effect of the operation lasts for 10 years.

A similar operation is performed when:

  • degenerative-dystrophic processes of the cornea;
  • bulging areas of the cornea;
  • keratoconus.

Eye surgery to treat glaucoma

This eye surgery is indicated for ineffective drug treatment glaucoma.

Modern clinics mainly use laser operations without a knife, since they are low-traumatic, painless and have a minimum of complications.

Wherein laser beam An opening is made to drain excess fluid from the eye. For the open-angle form, non-penetrating deep sclerectomy is used. In this case, the corneal layer is artificially thinned to lower intraocular pressure.

The risk of complications with this intervention is minimal. However healing effect information about such an operation may decrease over time.

Cataract removal

This is one of the most common operations. In this case, methods are used to completely remove the lens and replace it, together with the capsule (or without it), with an artificial lens.

The most modern method for cataracts is the removal of the clouded lens using a laser or ultrasound.

An artificial lens is inserted to replace the damaged one. The operation is seamless and lasts about 15 minutes.

Such interventions for cataracts are usually performed when they are ineffective conservative treatment or with progressive types of cataracts (posterior capsular). More often, mature cataracts are treated surgically.

The postoperative regimen lasts about 1.5 months. It is especially important for the healing of the lens and preventing its rejection (limiting heavy lifting, eliminating thermal procedures, etc.)

Laser vision correction

This is the most popular type of ophthalmic intervention to improve visual acuity. Its effectiveness is unique - almost 99%.

Laser correction is carried out for:

  • farsightedness:
  • myopia;
  • astigmatism.

This operation is performed under local anesthesia. Next, the corneal layer is ground down with a laser to the desired level.

Although this operation has a lot of fans, it has many contraindications:

  • eye pathologies (cataracts, glaucoma, inflammatory diseases, etc.);
  • progression of myopia; patient ( diabetes, herpes, neurodermatitis, thyroid problems, etc.)

The main methods of laser correction are PRK, as well as many varieties of these methods.

The LASIK method is especially preferred by ophthalmologists due to its short postoperative period and painlessness.

This operation lasts about 20 minutes for both eyes, using local anesthesia.

The inconvenience for the patient is that at the postoperative stage he is faced with “corneal syndrome”.

This is a condition in which the following symptoms are observed:

  • photophobia;
  • pain, cutting;
  • lacrimation.

Medicines (analgesics, steroids) help to cope with such manifestations. The postoperative period includes a number of restrictions (visiting saunas and baths, limiting alcohol, avoiding heavy lifting, abstaining from pregnancy for a year).

Rehabilitation after surgery

  1. After any surgical intervention, the most important step is postoperative period.
  2. If you do not follow the prescribed regime, the consequences can be quite tragic. Let's consider the basic recommendations that are important for the patient to follow after any such operation:
  3. In the first days after surgery, it is forbidden to rub your eyes with your hands, and washing your face must be replaced by wiping with a swab with boiled water. You will be able to use facial soap after a month.
  4. When going outside, a blindfold or goggles are required to prevent dust particles from getting into your eyes.
  5. You can wash your hair only without getting shampoo on your face.
  6. For a week after the operation, it is forbidden to read, drive a car or watch TV.
  7. It is recommended to use blueberry preparations to quickly restore vision.
  8. When outdoors, it is important to use tinted glasses (for UV protection) for 2-4 weeks.
  9. The use of decorative cosmetics for the eyes is allowed no earlier than a month after the operation, since the ingress of cosmetic particles is extremely undesirable.
  10. Doctors do not recommend getting pregnant during the first three months of the intervention.
  11. Typically, the doctor schedules consultations 1, 3, 6 and 12 months after surgery.
  12. You can start working after surgery only after full recovery vision (usually after 2-3 weeks). At the same time, it is important to avoid excessive eye strain (secretaries, accountants, programmers, etc.)
  13. During the year, you should not sunbathe, have contact with pets or children, or actively engage in sports (to avoid corneal injuries).


Regardless of the type, complications are possible after any eye surgery. Such complications may be:

  • lens displacement;
  • seam divergence;
  • promotion ;
  • retinal disinsertion;
  • blurred vision;
  • inflammation of the membranes of the eye;
  • corneal clouding;
  • vitreous hemorrhage;
  • secondary cataract.

Complications after surgery require serious and expensive treatment. You should not take any eye surgery lightly, especially if you can do without it.

Most people still decide to undergo surgical treatment of eye diseases and subsequently receive excellent results. It is important to carefully choose a clinic for treatment and contact only real professionals in order to reduce troubles during eye surgery to a minimum.

How well a person sees depends on the shape of the cornea. The cornea is the transparent layer of the eyeball that covers the iris, pupil, and front of the eye. People who are nearsighted have a cornea that is too round, while people who are farsighted have a flat cornea. When someone is diagnosed with astigmatism, it means they have an irregularly shaped cornea. Exist various procedures refractive surgery that can correct these defects.

Until recently, glasses and contact lenses were the only methods of correcting poor vision. There are many reasons for its deterioration: some people like to read a lot, others spend long time in front of the TV, use various gadgets, and some poor eyesight passed on by inheritance. Professional athletes, law enforcement officers and those involved in high-performance activities consider life without contacts and glasses a gift they should have given themselves years ago.

All more people choose laser vision correction to treat moderate or severe forms refractive errors. The number of high results of the operation is 96%. After laser surgery, people eliminate the need to wear glasses or use contact lenses. Behind last years The treatment of eye diseases with laser radiation has made significant progress.

Laser vision correction is a term given surgical procedures, designed to correct certain vision problems such as nearsightedness, farsightedness and astigmatism. During these procedures, it is used to change the shape of the cornea, which helps improve the clarity of vision. After the procedure, most patients will be able to drive a car, read books, watch TV or do their favorite activities without glasses or contact lenses.

Doctors annually perform a large number of vision correction procedures using the most best practices and technologies available today. You can find out how laser vision correction works in our article. This is discussed below.

Preparation for the procedure

Before laser vision correction, patients undergo a thorough screening with comprehensive examination eye. This preparation is necessary to exclude contraindications to refractive surgery. Based on the examination, the doctor determines which laser vision correction is suitable for a particular patient. It is also necessary to conduct some blood tests, urine tests, and fluorography. During a consultation with an ophthalmologist, you can get Additional information, answers to questions, and also learn how laser vision correction works. It should be remembered that before surgery you must stop using contact lenses for 2-4 weeks.


Today there are following methods laser surgery:

1. PRK.

2. "Lasik" (LASIK).

3. Femto LASIK.

4. "Super LASIK" (Super LASIK).

5. Epi LASIK.

6. "LASEK"

PRK method

Photorefractive keratectomy (PRK) - excimer laser procedure for vision correction in patients with thin corneas. It is an alternative to surgery performed using Lasik technology.

Indications for the procedure are:

There are also contraindications to laser vision correction surgery using the PRK method, they include:

  • age under 18 years;
  • the presence of eye diseases, for example, Keratoconus, glaucoma, cataracts, inflammatory diseases;
  • period of pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • progressive diabetes mellitus and other somatic diseases;
  • mental disorders;
  • oncological diseases.

How does laser vision correction using PRK technology work? In this case, only a laser is used to perform the operation. There is no need to use a scalpel, needles or any other piercing or cutting objects.

Lasik method

Lasik Laser Vision correction (laser keratomileusis) - newest form laser eye surgery. The procedure is one of the most revolutionary vision care treatments in decades. With this laser correction method, refractive power is increased. This makes it easier for the eyes to focus on objects that are close or far away.

Lasik is one of the most popular and affordable operations. The result of the procedure is an improvement in visual acuity in patients suffering from myopia, farsightedness or astigmatism.

The following contraindications exist for laser correction using the Lasik method:

1. Age. The operation is performed on patients over 18 years of age.

2. Deterioration of visual acuity over the last year.

3. Eye diseases, such as glaucoma or cataracts.

4. Surgeries for retinal detachment.

5. Thinning of the cornea.

6. Pregnancy and breast-feeding.

How is Lasik vision correction performed? The ophthalmologist separates the corneal flap with a scalpel. Next, a certain amount of corneal tissue is removed, then the flap is returned to its place.

Femto Lasik method

How does laser correction work using technology? To create a corneal flap, a combination of two lasers is used simultaneously. creates a protective corneal flap, and the excimer laser allows you to correct both significant and small refractive defects. Thus, visual acuity improves.

Super Lasik method

This method of laser vision correction is also based on Lasik technology. The difference is the use of more modern equipment.

Epi Lasik method

How does laser vision correction using the Epi Lasik method work? This method is also a type of Lasik laser surgery. It is designed specifically for patients with corneal problems. Such problems, particularly corneal thinning, occur in people who for a long time used contact lenses. During laser correction using the Epi Lasik method, special equipment is used to separate a thin flap - an epikeratome.

Lasek method

How is laser vision correction surgery performed using the Lasek method? This technology uses a combination of Lasik and PRK techniques. Like photorefractive keratectomy, Lasek is a good alternative for people with thinner corneal tissue or patients who have previously had Lasik surgery. After vision correction, healing and recovery take longer than with other laser surgery methods.

Smile method

Smile technology is the newest, most expensive and safe. How is laser vision correction performed? There is no need to create a corneal flap during the procedure. Only a laser is required to operate. Recovery and rehabilitation after vision correction using the “Smile” method is much faster.

Indications for surgery

As a rule, the main indications for eye microsurgery are the following diseases:

  • Myopia. Occurs when the cornea becomes too curved. This feature causes light rays to focus in front of the retina, which causes blurring of objects at a far distance.
  • Farsightedness occurs when the cornea is too flat in relation to the length of the eye. In this case, light is focused to a point behind the retina, resulting in blurry near vision.
  • Astigmatism occurs when the cornea is shaped soccer ball, that is, more curved in one direction than in the other. Light is focused at different points in the eye, resulting in blurred vision, double or distorted objects.

Whatever the reason for laser vision correction, it is important to choose the right technology to perform the procedure. Many studies show that the results of surgery also depend on the experience of the surgeon.

How does Lasik or PRK laser vision correction work? The principle of all types of laser eye surgery is simple: using microscopic points of fine laser light, the cornea is reshaped, allowing incoming light rays to be precisely focused on the retina, giving the patient new life without glasses.

How is laser vision correction surgery performed? The following stages of refractive surgery are distinguished.

  1. A special anesthetic in the form of eye drops is used for the procedure, so any painful sensations are missing.
  2. A speculum is placed between the eyelids. It is necessary to keep the eye open. A special ring is then placed to lift and straighten the cornea. It also blocks motor activity eyeball. The patient may feel slight pressure from these devices. After the ring is installed and until it is removed, a person usually does not see anything.
  3. Next, a corneal flap is created using a scalpel, laser or automated equipment, depending on the surgical technology. The flap is raised and folded back.
  4. An excimer laser, programmed using the patient's unique eye measurements, is then positioned centrally above the eye. The surgeon checks that the laser is positioned correctly.
  5. The patient looks at a special spot light, called a fixation or target light, while the excimer laser removes corneal tissue.
  6. The surgeon then places the flap back in its original position and smoothes the edges. The corneal flap adheres to the underlying corneal tissue within two to five minutes. No stitches are required.

After the procedure, the patient needs rest.

Recovery period

Immediately after surgery, patients usually experience pain and discomfort. It may also occur within a few days blurred vision, increased sensitivity to the light. To eliminate symptoms, special eye drops are prescribed. They must be used within several days. Functional vision usually returns within 24 hours.

Treatment results can be seen after just a few weeks. However, most patients notice a significant improvement in vision within the first days.

In some cases, it may take three to six months after surgery for vision to improve, become fully stabilized, and side effects to resolve.

As the postoperative period progresses, it is necessary to avoid certain activities that may disrupt the healing process. For example, swimming.

How is laser vision correction performed? Reviews

Millions of people who have undergone laser surgery notice that their visual acuity, and with it their quality of life, has significantly improved. It takes about 5 minutes to correct the vision of one eye. Preparation takes more time directly in the operating room itself. For pain relief it is used only local anesthesia in drops Literally in 30 minutes a person can look at the world in a new way.

Whether to undergo laser vision correction, everyone must decide for themselves. Some people do not see any inconvenience in using glasses or contact lenses.


Laser eye surgery significantly improves quality of life. Visual acuity makes people dependent on the constant use of glasses or contact lenses. Like any operation, laser correction has positive and negative aspects. Serious complications during or after vision improvement procedures are extremely rare. Many of the risks associated with laser surgery can be reduced or eliminated through careful patient selection as well as preoperative testing using the latest diagnostic technologies.

Sometimes, repeat surgery may be necessary to achieve the desired vision correction. Such cases occur with high degrees of myopia, farsightedness or astigmatism. Typically, such vision initially requires more intensive correction. Approximately 10.5% of patients require additional treatment.

Potential risks and complications may include:

  • infection;
  • inflammation;
  • blurred vision;
  • hazy or blurry vision;
  • decreased vision at night;
  • scratches, dryness and other symptoms of a condition called "dry eye";
  • glare, flashes;
  • photosensitivity;
  • discomfort or pain;
  • small bruises on the whites of the eyes.

The advantages of laser vision correction undoubtedly include increased visual acuity and improved quality of life. The result of the procedure will depend on the nature and extent of the violations, as well as on the quality of the work performed by the surgeon. The vast majority of patients are extremely satisfied with the results of the surgery. After laser surgery they can practice various types activities without dependence on corrective lenses or glasses.

The result of laser correction of vision defects is considered a permanent effect. However, image clarity may change with age as you get older. This may result in the need to use glasses, contact lenses, or additional procedures vision correction in the future.

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