Home Removal How is astigmatism treated in children. Glasses or surgery: is mixed and congenital astigmatism in children treated or not? Causes of the disease

How is astigmatism treated in children. Glasses or surgery: is mixed and congenital astigmatism in children treated or not? Causes of the disease

Eye problems are a common occurrence that affects young children too. Astigmatism is one of the diagnoses that is regularly given to children and frightens caring parents.

The disease is complicated by accompanying visual defects, so it is important to identify abnormalities in a timely manner. At timely treatment vision stabilization is possible.

Causes of the disease in one-year-old children

Astigmatism can be congenital or acquired.

In infants under one year of age, the congenital form predominates, often due to the presence of such a diagnosis in one of the parents or grandparents. Read more about the disease in newborns and children under one year old.

If among your immediate family there is a person with the same visual impairment, observation should begin as early as possible.

Congenital astigmatism may be caused by problems during pregnancy and, as a result, not entirely correctly formed organs of vision.

The congenital form of the defect often provokes amblyopia: as a result of an incorrect image entering the part of the brain responsible for vision, the “lazy eye” syndrome appears. Then the visual function may stop developing.

The acquired form basically has the following reasons:

  • eye surgery;
  • trauma to the visual organ;
  • deformation of the walls of the orbit as a result of pathologies in the structure of the dental system;
  • a number of diseases accompanied by changes in the shape of the cornea - drooping upper eyelid- this is ptosis, hypoplasia optic nerve, retinitis pigmentosa, albinism, nystagmus, keratotonus.

The most common cause of pathology in one-year-old babies is genetic predisposition.

Main signs of the disease

The diagnosis is made during a routine examination in one year. This disease is rarely diagnosed before one year of age.

The reason is that newborns often have deviations in the focusing of vision; the cornea is not fully formed.

This phenomenon can be compared with astigmatism weak degree, but this is a physiological phenomenon. Vision returns to normal just in time for the first birthday.

During a routine examination when visiting a pediatric ophthalmologist at the age of one, you can definitely say whether there are deviations or everything is within normal limits.

However, there are a number of signs of astigmatism in one year old child, for which you should not wait scheduled appointment and it is better to consult a doctor as soon as possible.

At the age of 1 year, the baby still does not know how to talk and will not be able to tell his parents what bothers him, how he sees objects.

If you observe his behavior for some time, You may notice alarming symptoms:

  • a child who can move independently constantly touches or hits the corners of objects;
  • tries to tilt his head or squints his eyes when trying to see a toy or picture;
  • red or constantly watery eyes.

All of these symptoms may indicate the presence of a non-related physiological phenomenon deviations in the child. However accurate diagnosis Only the doctor can tell.

For more information about astigmatism, see these articles:

Diagnostic methods

A pediatric ophthalmologist diagnoses visual impairments.. For babies aged 1 year, the only way to test is to instill eye drops.

There is also a method of retinoscopy, in which a beam of light is directed at the eyes, but this method is quite problematic in the case of small children.

The doctor determines the presence or absence of astigmatism, its type and degree. The disease is classified by type, but according to different indicators.

Depending on which part of the eye causes image distortion, corneal and lenticular astigmatism are distinguished. Disturbances in the structure of the cornea are more common.

There are also simple, complex and mixed types of pathology:

  • simple - astigmatism is present in one eye, aggravated by myopia or farsightedness;
  • complex - both eyes are susceptible to pathology in combination with myopic or hypermetropic;
  • mixed - as in the previous case, both eyes are affected, but in one eye there is myopia, in the other there is farsightedness.

The degree of the disease is determined depending on the dioptres:

  • up to three - weak degree;
  • from three to six - average;
  • six or more - strong.

Only taking into account the degree of the defect and its type, the ophthalmologist will be able to prescribe treatment.

Treatment options

So what to do if a child shows signs of astigmatism at 1 year of age?

With a mild degree of the disease, not complicated by farsightedness or myopia, special correction is not required. The parents' job is to monitor their child's behavior. and go for regular checkups with your eye doctor.

You should definitely not show your child cartoons and games on phones and tablets; it is advisable to limit or not turn on the TV in front of him at all.

When he gets older, you need to do special eye exercises with your baby.

With more severe forms pathologies, children over one year of age are prescribed to wear glasses with special corrective spherocylindrical lenses.

It can be difficult to control that a child does not throw away or take off glasses, but with constant wear, children get used to glasses.

By following the instructions of the attending physician, by the age of seven, you can achieve stabilization of vision, then you will not need glasses for constant wearing.

There are also special contact lenses for vision correction, they are called toric and are designed specifically for children.

But at the age of one year, it is inconvenient to put on and remove lenses from a child, so they can only be considered in the future, when the child gets older. Rigid lenses, which are worn at night and correct the shape of the cornea, are also being considered for older ages.

Doctors can prescribe eye exercises and physiotherapeutic procedures at the clinic.

By observing a competent specialist and following all his instructions regarding treatment, it is possible to stabilize the degree of deviation and prevent further deterioration of vision.

Several Yet interesting facts about the manifestation of astigmatism in childhood, you will learn about methods of treating the disease from this video:

With astigmatism, as with any other disease, timely diagnosis and initiation of treatment are important. That's why caring parents Do not neglect scheduled visits to the pediatric ophthalmologist.

And if a problem is detected, take it seriously and follow all the recommendations of the ophthalmologist.

In contact with

Astigmatism is a fairly common ophthalmological disease, which is most often congenital and therefore manifests itself in childhood. The basis of this disease is the incorrect refraction of light rays by the optical system of the eye, which is why several foci are formed simultaneously, and not one, as it should be normally, and even in different places (for example, one on the retina, the other behind it) .

A person with astigmatism sees objects as distorted (blurry, stretched out). For children, such a violation of the perception of the surrounding world is a fairly serious problem that affects mental development, school performance, etc. In addition, untimely diagnosed and untreated astigmatism subsequently leads to strabismus and amblyopia - the “lazy eye” syndrome, in which the initially healthy eye ceases to participate in the visual process.

Causes of astigmatism in children

We recommend reading:

The development of astigmatism in both children and adults is associated with curvature of the cornea or deformation of the lens. These structures of the eye belong to optical system, which provides refraction - the refraction of light rays perceived by the organ of vision. Astigmatism, in fact, is a pathology of refraction, since due to changes in the cornea or lens of the eye, it no longer refracts light rays correctly.

In general, ideally, the cornea should have a spherical shape, but this is rare, so most people are born with a small degree of astigmatism (this astigmatism is called physiological), which does not affect visual acuity and is not felt in any way. If the curvature of the cornea is more pronounced, pathological astigmatism occurs, which must be identified and treated.

Most often, astigmatism is inherited from parents to children, although there are cases of development of this disease after eye injuries, orbital deformations, etc.

Types of astigmatism

Astigmatism in children can be of several types. For example, depending on which structure of the organ of vision is affected, the following forms of the disease are distinguished:

  • corneal(the cornea has a greater refractive power, therefore, with this form of the disease, visual impairment is always more pronounced);
  • lenticular.

Based on its origin, astigmatism is divided into:

  • congenital;
  • acquired(more typical for adults).

Depending on changes in refraction, astigmatism occurs:

  • myopic(With );
  • hypermetropic(with farsightedness).

In addition, there are also the following types of astigmatism:

  • Simple astigmatism, when refractive error occurs in only one meridian of the eye (vertical or horizontal).
  • Complex astigmatism, in which the same refractive errors are observed in both meridians.
  • . With this form of the disease, myopia and hypermetropia are combined in different meridians of the eye.

According to the severity of astigmatism in children, there are:

  • Weak– up to 3 diopters (up to 1 diopter – physiological).
  • Average– up to 6 diopters.
  • Strong– more than 6 diopters.

Symptoms of astigmatism in children

As mentioned above, it is very important to identify astigmatism in early childhood and promptly correct visual impairment so that the child develops normally. Therefore, parents need to know what symptoms or behavioral characteristics of the baby may indicate that he has vision problems.

The presence of these signs, of course, does not necessarily mean that the child has astigmatism, but it is still worth being wary and contacting an ophthalmologist. Experienced doctor can detect the disease even in a one-year-old baby.

Older children can talk about their well-being, for example, complain about headache, which with astigmatism is often localized above the eyebrows and in the forehead, dizziness, double vision, blurred objects. However, many children get so used to distorted vision of objects that they begin to perceive it as normal, so parents do not realize that their child has problems with vision. This once again confirms the need for regular examinations by a pediatric ophthalmologist. You should start visiting this specialist at 2 one month old

child and at least once a year thereafter.


To diagnose astigmatism in children, ophthalmologists use the following methods:

Treatment of astigmatism in children Correction of astigmatism is usually carried out in two ways: conservative and surgical. The conservative method involves wearing special glasses and contact lenses , surgical - surgical or laser correction. In childhood (up to 18 years), only conservative treatment methods are used

, since the eye continues to grow and develop, the results of the operation may be short-lived, making any surgical interventions impractical. The simplest and affordable way correction of astigmatism in children are complex (cylindrical) glasses.

Wearing them constantly may cause discomfort in the child at first, but if the glasses are chosen correctly, the discomfort practically disappears, with the exception of cases of severe astigmatism, in which the child experiences dizziness and pain in the eyes even with the correct selection of glasses. For glasses to be truly effective, they must be changed in a timely manner for stronger or weaker ones (to do this, you should visit an ophthalmologist once every 6 months). Except For mild astigmatism, special hard contact lenses are used, which are worn only at night. Their main task is to gradually give the cornea correct form

. This correction method is called orthokeratology. In addition, in childhood, you can use toric contact lenses - lenses having special form

, which allows you to simultaneously correct astigmatism and eliminate existing refractive error (myopia or farsightedness). In addition to the described correction methods, other methods are used in the treatment of children with astigmatism. conservative methods

  • treatments (they help fight both astigmatism and accompanying visual impairment):
  • Laser stimulation.
  • Stimulation of the amblyopic meridian.
  • Development of absolute and relative accommodation.
  • Vacuum massage.

Computer pleoptics, orthoptics, etc.

Prevention of astigmatism in a child It is, of course, impossible to prevent the occurrence of congenital astigmatism, but it is possible to protect a child from developing an acquired form of the disease. To do this, you need to remember these preventive measures

, How:

In addition, it is important to protect your child’s eyes from injury and infection, and also take him to an ophthalmologist for an annual examination.

Causes of astigmatism in children

The normal eyeball, as is known, has a spherical shape and two poles: anterior and posterior. Mentally, several meridians can be drawn through these poles. Perpendicular meridians with the greatest difference in refraction are called principal. For example, imagine a watch dial - the lines connecting 12 and 6 o'clock, and 9 and 3 o'clock are the main meridians. Astigmatism is a violation of the sphericity of the eye, or more precisely the cornea or lens, in which there is a noticeable difference in the refraction of the main meridians, which leads to decreased vision. In this case, the image on the retina is projected distorted, for example, a point may appear as a line or an ellipse.

More often, astigmatism is associated with a violation of the sphericity of the cornea, less often - with irregular curvature of the lens. Lens astigmatism rarely occurs in large degrees. In a healthy eye, the cornea and lens focus light rays directly onto the retina:

With astigmatism, light rays are focused in front of and behind the retina:

Astigmatism is common in healthy children. Its incidence increases with age. A person may not notice a little astigmatism, but higher degrees of astigmatism can cause blurred vision, squinting, dizziness and headaches. Some studies indicate some connection between the presence of astigmatism and the occurrence of migraines.

A high degree of astigmatism often accompanies such general diseases, such as albinism, retinitis pigmentosa, fetal alcohol syndrome. With astigmatism, concomitant eye pathology may be present: corneal pathology, for example, keratoconus; optic nerve hypoplasia; ptosis; congenital motor nystagmus.

Astigmatism can be both physiological and pathological. With physiological astigmatism, the difference in refraction of the two main meridians is no more than 1 diopter, which does not affect visual acuity and, accordingly, does not require treatment. The occurrence of this type of astigmatism is associated with deformation eyeball with its uneven growth. With pathological astigmatism, the difference in refraction is more than 1 diopter, which, accordingly, entails a decrease in vision.

There are congenital and acquired astigmatism. More often there is congenital astigmatism, which is a consequence of a congenital disorder of the sphericity of the cornea or lens. The immediate causes of congenital astigmatism are unknown. The influence of a hereditary factor on the occurrence of this pathology is assumed. Acquired astigmatism is often a consequence of corneal scars resulting from certain eye diseases, injuries, and operations; The cause may also be subluxation of the lens with rupture of the zonules of Zinn.

Also, astigmatism can appear due to pathology of the dental system, in which deformation of the walls of the orbit often occurs.

In addition, astigmatism can be regular or irregular.

With correct astigmatism, one of the main meridians refracts light rays most strongly, and the other most weakly. There are several types of regular astigmatism:

Simple hypermetropic - the refraction of one main meridian is normal, and the second is hypermetropic;
simple myopic - the refraction of one main meridian is normal, and the second is myopic;
complex hypermetropic - in both main meridians the refraction is hypermetropic, but varying degrees;
complex myopic - in both main meridians the refraction is myopic, but of varying degrees;
mixed - in one meridian the refraction is myopic, and in the other it is hypermetropic.
Astigmatism is called incorrect if:
the transition from the refraction of one main meridian to another is not smooth, but abrupt;
the main meridians are not perpendicular to each other;
different parts of the same meridian have different refraction.

The degree of astigmatism can be judged by determining the difference in refractions in both main meridians.
As a rule, irregular astigmatism develops due to previous inflammatory processes cornea, the result of which was a violation of its sphericity, or severe postoperative scarring; Irregular astigmatism can also be caused by keratoconus.

The acuity of an astigmatic eye decreases and the image becomes distorted. Patients with astigmatism are looking for ways to improve their vision on their own, for example, squinting, pulling the outer commissure of the eyelids with a finger, or tilting their head.

Diagnosis of astigmatism in children

Astigmatism can be detected in a child already during the first examination by an ophthalmologist: at 3 months. After clarifying complaints, medical history, and conducting an external examination of the eyes, the doctor performs skiascopy, with the help of which he confirms or excludes the presence of astigmatism (the skiascopy method is described in detail in the article “Amblyopia”). In older children, it is possible to diagnose astigmatism using the autorefractometry method (a method for determining visual acuity using a device - an autorefractometer).

Older children complain of vague, blurry vision, distortion of lines, headache, dizziness, especially when reading or other visual stress. Also, the occurrence of strabismus may be associated with the presence of astigmatism.

In children from 3 years of age, visual acuity must be checked using a table, and astigmatism is determined using cylindrical lenses. Applying a weak cylindrical lens to the eye, the doctor begins to rotate it, while he finds a position in which distance visual acuity becomes better. After this, the doctor increases the strength of the cylinder. Using this method, you can preliminary judge the type and degree of astigmatism. But, of course, to clarify the diagnosis, skiascopy or autorefractometry is necessary.

The keratometry method allows you to identify and evaluate the degree of curvature of the meridians outer surface cornea.

Computer topography of the cornea – modern method, which allows you to create a three-dimensional image of the cornea and more accurately assess the degree of its curvature, thickness and shape. This is an absolutely painless method; in addition, this examination is carried out at a distance from the eye, i.e. contactless.

Astigmatism is serious pathology, which should be identified in a child as early as possible, because if left untreated, astigmatism can lead to the development of amblyopia and strabismus.

In the treatment of astigmatism, conservative and surgical methods. Usually, surgery does not apply to people under 18 years of age.

Children are prescribed glasses or contact correction.

Irregular astigmatism, as a rule, cannot be corrected with glasses, therefore, with this type of astigmatism in children, only contact correction is applicable.

Astigmatic glasses are distinguished by the presence of cylinders, which correct astigmatism. For simple astigmatism, only cylindrical lenses are used, and for complex and mixed astigmatism, spherocylindrical lenses are used, combining a sphere and a cylinder. Spherical lens refracts rays along all meridians, and the refraction of light rays by a cylinder is carried out in a direction perpendicular to its axis. When correcting a meridian, the cylinder is installed perpendicular to it. The refractive power of the cylinder must correspond to the degree of astigmatism.

In older children, the optimal method for correcting any type of astigmatism is contact correction, which is best method correction for astigmatism, as it eliminates certain disadvantages of spectacle correction. This, in turn, contributes to the clearest image of objects on the retina. But contact lenses require careful handling and certain care, which must be taken into account when prescribing contact correction children, especially boys.

There is another method for correcting astigmatism - the orthokeratology method. This method involves temporarily wearing hard contact lenses, which temporarily correct the curvature of the cornea. These lenses are mainly worn while sleeping. During this time, the cornea takes on a more regular shape, which improves vision. But this effect is temporary and over time the cornea returns to its original shape and vision deteriorates again. The orthokeratology method is applicable only for astigmatism not exceeding 1.5 diopters. This method is suitable for children and adolescents who categorically refuse to wear glasses or contact lenses.

When the child becomes an adult, surgical and laser correction vision (provided there is no amblyopia).

The degree of congenital astigmatism usually decreases during the first year of a child’s life. By the age of 7, in most children, in the absence of concomitant corneal pathology, for example, keratoconus, the degree of astigmatism, as a rule, stabilizes. It is possible that the degree of astigmatism may either increase or decrease with age.

If astigmatism is detected in a timely manner and glasses are prescribed, the prognosis for vision is favorable.
If large degrees of astigmatism are not treated, amblyopia and refractive strabismus may develop (for more information on the diagnosis and treatment of amblyopia and strabismus, see the relevant articles).

Ophthalmologist E.A. Odnoochko

Astigmatism in children is an ophthalmological disorder associated with a shift in visual focus. As a result, the image of objects is transmitted to the retina in a blurred, distorted form. And if weak manifestations of astigmatism often go unnoticed, then the pathology is highly capable of leading to severe disorders vision and even cause mental retardation.

Symptoms of the disease can occur at any age; it is not uncommon for astigmatism to be diagnosed in children under one year of age. Therefore, timely diagnosis and optimal vision correction are so important to avoid further complications.

Photo: Astigmatism in children - what is it?

Translated from Greek, “astigmatism” means the absence of a point, which most fully reflects the condition in which the focus of vision is impaired. A normal, healthy cornea of ​​the eye has a smooth, spherical surface. In this case, the rays of light, projected onto the retina of the eyes, converge at one point and create a clear and distinct picture.

With astigmatism, the sphericity of the cornea or lens is disrupted, and the rays of light “scatter”, creating several foci. The object perceived by the eye does not appear on the retina, but in front or behind it, so the image of the object is blurry or double.

In fact, astigmatism is not a disease, but a refractive error of the eyes, as a result of deformation of the lens or curvature of the cornea. However, such a violation has serious consequences and can lead to progressive vision loss, strabismus and other complications.

Astigmatism manifests itself in different forms, which differ from each other in the type of corneal deformation, the severity of symptoms, the nature of the change in refraction and the presence accompanying pathologies(farsightedness, myopia). Let's take a closer look at the classification of astigmatism in children.


Astigmatism in children can be:

  • Innate. Counts hereditary disease and appears very early, at the age of 1-2 years;
  • Acquired. It develops for many reasons, for example due to injuries or eye surgeries, and some infectious diseases.

When the cornea is deformed, several meridians appear along which rays of light move. Usually there are two main meridians: vertical and horizontal. If the pathology is detected on the vertical meridian, astigmatism is considered direct, if on the horizontal, it is considered reverse. In addition, the following types of astigmatism are distinguished:

According to severity, astigmatism is divided into:

  • Weak – up to 3 diopters;
  • Average - from 3 to 6 diopters;
  • Strong – over 6 diopters;

In addition, astigmatism occurs:

  • Physiological. In this case, the refractive difference on the main meridians ranges from 0.5 to 0.75 diopters. Ophthalmologists associate the development of this form of astigmatism with uneven growth of the eyeball, which provokes its deformation. This condition is considered the mildest, as it does not cause significant visual impairment and does not require treatment.
  • Pathological. In this condition, the indices of incorrect refraction reach 1 diopter or higher, which negatively affects the quality of vision and requires timely correction.

It is believed that most often the development of astigmatism is predetermined by a set of genes with which the child receives from his parents eye color, structural features of the eyeball and the shape of the cornea. It is these parameters that determine the tendency to develop the disease.

Thus, the main cause of congenital astigmatism is hereditary factor. In some cases congenital pathology develops against the background of albinism, fetal alcohol syndrome (if the mother suffers from alcoholism) or congenital retinitis pigmentosa.

The development of acquired astigmatism can be provoked by the following reasons:

  • eye injuries;
  • previous eye surgeries that left scarring on the cornea;
  • infectious diseases of the organs of vision;
  • violation of the correct shape of the cornea;
  • subluxation of the lens of the eye;
  • pathology of the dental system;
  • hypovitaminosis (lack of vitamin A).

How can parents understand that their baby needs the help of an ophthalmologist? Characteristic symptom astigmatism - blurred vision. The baby sees the world blurred, if he looks at a straight line, it will seem curved to him, and therefore objects seem to him to be forked and distorted.

Trying to look at an object of interest, the child squints, tilts his head in different directions, and constantly rubs his eyes. Parents may notice that the baby often trips and falls when walking, touches furniture, or puts things past a shelf or table. Additionally, the following appear associated symptoms astigmatism:

  • burning and pain in the eyes;
  • tearing, redness and irritation of the eyes;
  • dizziness and headaches;
  • difficulty focusing on printed text;
  • Older children have difficulty reading;
  • eyes get tired quickly, children complain about blurred and double images.

But how can parents recognize astigmatism in a 1-year-old child? After all, a child at this age cannot complain and explain what is bothering him. At this age, astigmatism in children is often congenital and manifests itself to a mild degree. In most cases, upon reaching one year of age, the manifestations of the disease disappear on their own and no correction is required.

But sometimes, the symptoms become more pronounced and may be accompanied by the development of myopia or farsightedness. Therefore, it is very important to show the child to the doctor in a timely manner. You should visit an ophthalmologist at 3 months, then at 6 months and at 1 year, since it is during this period that the visual organs develop intensively.

Astigmatism in a child at 2 years of age already appears characteristic features listed above. Namely, by squinting the eyes, fatigue during games that require visual concentration, unsteady gait. The baby refuses to draw, look at colorful pictures in books and avoids other activities usual for this age.

Astigmatism in a 3-year-old child is accompanied by blurred images, distortion of surrounding objects, frequent headaches, and dizziness. At this age, the baby can already voice his complaints. And if in more early age he does not yet understand his vulnerability and does not complain about his vision, but as he gets older and experiences constant discomfort, the child may become irritable, aggressive, or withdraw into himself.

If the disease was not recognized in time and the necessary correction was not carried out, the likelihood of serious complications is very high. Due to the fact that a child from childhood sees images of objects out of focus, there is a delay in the development of the visual system. In addition, the following consequences are possible:

  • development of strabismus;
  • Amblyopia (“lazy eye”) – dangerous condition leading to progressive vision loss. In this condition, the brain cells responsible for vision are unable to function normally;
  • general developmental delay;
  • asthenopia is a set of symptoms that accompany astigmatism (headaches, fatigue, eye irritation, double vision).

Astigmatism has an extremely negative impact on general development child. IN school age It is difficult for him to read and absorb information. Therefore, school performance decreases and asthenopic complaints appear. Educational process causes discomfort to the child and is accompanied by unpleasant sensations(pain and fatigue in the eyes).

Parents who are faced with manifestations of the disease should know how to treat astigmatism in children and what can be done to alleviate its manifestations. First of all, a consultation with an ophthalmologist is necessary to make the correct diagnosis and select the optimal treatment method.

It is quite difficult to diagnose childhood astigmatism, especially at an early age (up to 2 years). A child with congenital astigmatism usually does not complain about vision, since he does not realize that he has a vision defect. After all, he has always seen this way and does not understand that it is possible to perceive the world around him somehow differently.

An ophthalmologist identifies pathology using a cylindrical lens and a special plate with symbols. For older children, various tests are performed to identify astigmatism in a child according to the standards in the table. Another diagnostic method that makes it possible to assess the degree of curvature of the outer surface of the cornea is called keratometry.

On modern stage the most informative and in an exact way Diagnosis of astigmatism is computer keratotopography of the eye. This method makes it possible to see a three-dimensional image of the cornea of ​​the eye and evaluate the degree of its curvature, thickness and shape. Additionally, the following may apply diagnostic methods, How:

  • ophthalmoscopy;
  • biomicroscopy;
  • visometry;
  • autorefractometry;
  • Ultrasound of the eye.

The studies carried out make it possible to assess the degree of astigmatism and determine concomitant myopia or farsightedness. Based on the results obtained, a specialist can give a comprehensive assessment visual function and the condition of the baby’s eyes and make a final diagnosis.

Having heard the diagnosis, most parents are first interested in what methods can be used to help the baby. It is necessary to begin treatment of the disease as early as possible, this is the only way to prevent progression pathological condition and avoid associated complications.

Astigmatism in children - can it be treated or not? Experts give an affirmative answer to this question and offer several methods of vision correction:

Correction with glasses

This is the most popular and affordable way to correct astigmatism in both eyes in children. With astigmatism, the child must always wear glasses with special cylindrical lenses, which the doctor will select taking into account individual characteristics little patient.

The child must get used to such complex glasses. At first they may cause dizziness, lacrimation, headache, but all unpleasant symptoms and discomfort usually go away after a week of constant wearing of glasses. If this does not happen and the child continues to complain of discomfort, you should visit the doctor again; perhaps the glasses were not chosen quite correctly.

Despite all the advantages, this correction method also has a number of disadvantages. These include restrictions on lateral vision and spatial perception, a ban on classes active species sports and the impossibility of 100% vision correction. Cylindrical glasses are a rather inconvenient design, they are difficult to wear, and they significantly limit physical activity baby. In addition, if complex glasses are chosen incorrectly, headaches appear and a sharp deterioration in vision is noted.

Children wear glasses reluctantly; up to the age of 3, it is very difficult to ensure that the child does not take off his glasses and to explain to him that he needs to wear them all the time. Older children (from 3 to 7 years old) are already getting used to this method of vision correction, but often accidentally break or bend the frame. IN adolescence Wearing glasses with cylindrical lenses causes complexes, and children simply take them off and refuse to wear them. Thus, correcting astigmatism with glasses has its disadvantages and difficulties.

Contact lenses

For older children, wearing contact lenses is the best option. They do not have the disadvantages that are inherent in glasses, that is, they do not limit peripheral vision, do not interfere with sports and physical activity.

The use of lenses maximizes the quality of vision and helps proper development visual centers. But special toric lenses require careful handling and special care. Therefore, this method is applicable only to older children who can handle the procedure of installing lenses in their eyes themselves.

Young children are unable to understand that foreign body on the cornea is necessary to correct vision, so when you try to install the lenses, they pull out and can seriously injure the cornea.

Another method, orthokeratology, is based on the temporary installation of hard contact lenses that correct the curvature of the cornea. These lenses are not intended for constant wear; they must be installed at night. Regular use of the corrective agent allows you to improve your vision over time, as the cornea gradually takes on the correct shape. But this treatment method is suitable only for low degrees of astigmatism (up to 1.5 diopters).

Contact vision correction has a number of undoubted advantages. Contact lenses do not fall, do not break, do not cause complexes and do not create obstacles for the child to communicate with peers. They are much easier to get used to than glasses; they do not distort the picture or limit the view, which means they allow the child to see the world around him more realistically.


Wearing glasses and lenses is just a method of adjustment that does not completely eliminate astigmatism. The problem can only be solved radically, that is, through surgery.

But since active processes growth and development of the visual organs continue until the age of 16, then surgical treatment astigmatism is possible only after the final stabilization of vision, that is, after 18 years. In exceptional cases and for medical reasons, doctors recommend surgery at 16-17 years old. For astigmatism, the following types are used: surgical operations:

  • – during the operation, non-through incisions are applied to the cornea of ​​the eye, which weaken refraction and correct its curvature. This type of intervention is applicable for mixed or myopic astigmatism.
  • Thermokeratocoagulation– is carried out by cauterizing the peripheral zone of the cornea in order to increase its curvature and refractive power. Performed to eliminate farsighted astigmatism.
  • Laser photorefractive keratectomy (PRK)) – the essence of the procedure is to remove the top layer of the cornea with a laser beam and smooth its surface. This allows you to change the refractive power and get rid of astigmatism. Recommended for patients with thin corneas.
  • Laser keratomileusis (LASIK)– during the operation, the laser cuts a flap of the cornea and evaporates part of the tissue through the freed space, correcting the shape of the cornea. This is the most gentle and safe correction method, with short recovery period and a minimum of complications. (Read more about laser vision correction).
  • Laser thermokeratoplasty– surgery is recommended for low visual acuity. The laser beam carries out a thermal pinpoint effect along the periphery of the cornea, which contributes to its compression and change in shape. After operation central part The cornea becomes convex and manifestations of astigmatism disappear.

At timely diagnosis, the prognosis for astigmatism is favorable. Congenital forms of the disease often go away on their own, by the end of the child’s first year of life.

In other cases, with timely correction, the degree of astigmatism stabilizes by age seven or later. In some cases, the manifestations of astigmatism increase with age, so surgery is used to eliminate them.

To prevent astigmatism, ophthalmologists recommend using a new effective remedy - .

Watch the video: How to choose glasses for a child with astigmatism

Children look at the world and through sight receive great amount information about its structure and laws. The vision of children, of course, differs from that of adults. Until one month old, newborns can distinguish little at all. For them, the world is a collection of blurry spots.

By three months, the child is able to focus his vision and maintain attention on objects for quite a long time. Starting from 6 months, the visual organs of a toddler rapidly improve and “grow up.” But often it is at a very early age that parents hear from a doctor a diagnosis of “astigmatism.” The famous pediatrician Evgeniy Komarovsky talks about how it appears, how to prevent and treat this eye disease if it could not be avoided.

What it is

Astigmatism is a violation of the perception of light rays. This occurs when there is a defect in the retina, lens, or cornea and results in the inability to perceive images clearly. In a normally seeing person, all rays converge into one beam at one point on the retina. With astigmatism, light rays may converge at several points, in front of and behind the retina. This makes it difficult to see clear outlines of objects.

Typically, astigmatism in a child has a hereditary factor. If mom or dad suffer from vision diseases, the child has a very real chance of becoming astigmatic. The risks increase if both the mother and father of the baby wear glasses.

Other causes of the disease include poor visual hygiene (the child watches TV too close to the screen, spends a lot of time at the computer or with a tablet in his hands, there is insufficient lighting in his room or the light falls incorrectly, etc.). In addition, astigmatism can be caused by head or eye injuries or even chronic lack of minerals and vitamins in the child's body.

The disease can manifest itself as nearsightedness, farsightedness or mixed.

Today, astigmatism is one of the most common ailments: 40% of the world's inhabitants have it to one degree or another. More often, the deviation from the norm is insignificant . Until it reaches a value of 1 diopter, nothing needs to be treated. This counts physiological norm for this particular person. Astigmatism in children under one year of age also does not need correction, since most often it goes away on its own, and after a year the child begins to see quite normally.

In children under one year of age, it is quite difficult to suspect astigmatism, but attentive parents will not have much difficulty in noticing symptoms characteristic of decreased vision in the child’s behavior. The baby often cannot take the toy he wants because he misses the handle. A one-year-old child with normal vision can perform this procedure flawlessly the first time.

In older children, astigmatism can be suspected due to frequent complaints of headaches, the child’s reluctance to draw, read books, study letters and look at pictures.

It's difficult for him, so he doesn't want to. The child cannot concentrate on an object that interests him, squints to see small objects, and sometimes tilts his head to get a better look at something. Astigmatism in children is most often treated conservative methods - wearing specially selected glasses, and at school age - contact lenses. Operational methods the disease in children cannot be cured, that’s all surgical procedures

are possible only when the organs of vision stop “growing”, that is, operations are not performed until the age of 18-20. After this age, it is possible to carry out correction with a laser, using incision and cauterization.

Komarovsky about the disease

Evgeniy Komarovsky advises starting to examine your child’s vision as early as possible. It is best if the baby undergoes the first diagnosis at 3 months. Then it should be shown to an ophthalmologist at 1 year. And if in this interval something causes fears and suspicions among parents, then even earlier.

When asked by moms and dads whether it is necessary to treat detected astigmatism in a child, Evgeniy Olegovich answers that it all depends on age. If the child is under one year old, there is no need to treat anything yet. If more, then it is necessary to treat, and with what rather parents Together with the doctors, we will begin to correct the baby’s vision, the better the result will be.

The child will have to wear glasses all the time, Komarovsky emphasizes. Not only while reading or watching TV, but always, and the baby will not be able to get used to it right away. The parents' task is to choose a comfortable frame for him and to ensure that the child as soon as possible stops perceiving glasses as something alien and disturbing. The older the child, the more difficult it is for him to get used to wearing glasses. Evgeny Komarovsky warns that during the adaptation period, complaints of headache, nausea, lethargy and fatigue in a child are quite normal. On average, the adaptation period lasts from 1 to 2 weeks, in some children it is slightly longer.

You shouldn’t count on the glasses to “cure” you. They only slow down the development of astigmatism and correct the current stage. But the doctor reminds that often the disease goes away on its own as the child grows up. If this does not happen, after 18 years you can always resort to laser technologies and other methods of surgical intervention.


In general, doctors' forecasts are quite optimistic: if a child does not have concomitant diseases eye, astigmatism stops progressing by the age of 7, its stage stabilizes, and in some cases a clear improvement in vision is expected.

Parents can reduce the risk of astigmatism in their child if, from birth, the little ones follow certain simple rules formation of correct and healthy vision. Evgeny Komarovsky recommends:

  • Do not hang bright and beautiful rattles directly in front of the newborn's face. Until 3 months, he is still unable to properly examine and evaluate them. And after this age, low-hanging toys can cause the development of squint and astigmatism. Rattles should be hung at a distance of at least 40-50 centimeters from the child’s face.
  • There are parents who try not to turn on bright light in the children's room, use night lights, and with good intentions, naturally, create dim light for the newborn. This is a common mistake, because such blurry and unclear light interferes with the baby’s development of normal color perception and slows down the process of developing clarity of vision. The light should be normal, moderately bright.
  • The color of the toys, according to Komarovsky, has great value for vision development. In the first six months of a baby’s life, it is better to buy large yellow and green rattles. After six months, the baby’s visual organs can distinguish other colors, and therefore the brighter and more varied the colors of the toys purchased for the child, the better.

Parents of kindergarten students should remember that the child should not spend a lot of time in front of a computer monitor or TV, and there is no need to tilt his head much when drawing or reading.

Parents need to teach their child to sit correctly during classes.

Moms and dads of schoolchildren should pay attention to the lighting in the child’s room when he is learning lessons. In case of injuries to the eyes, head, or frequent headaches, which a schoolchild may well report, the child should be shown not only to a pediatrician, but also to an ophthalmologist.

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