Home Orthopedics Short interesting facts about space. The most interesting things about space

Short interesting facts about space. The most interesting things about space

Space is perhaps this moment one of the biggest mysteries for all humanity. People never tire of exploring space, discussing it, putting forward a wide variety of theories, making a wide variety of assumptions, but still space remains something incredible, mysterious, and completely unidentified. And does it have an end that can be reached, guided by science? Most likely no. Probably, throughout the entire existence of mankind, space will, to one degree or another, remain a mystery, an insoluble riddle, like a huge Sphinx whose question cannot be answered. But still it is studied, and therefore we know a lot about space that amazes and sometimes frightens. Let's take a little closer look at some interesting facts about space and the Universe.

  1. Every year about forty new stars are born in our Galaxy. How many of them appear in the entire Universe is difficult to even imagine the answer to this question.
  2. There is silence in space because there is no medium for sound to propagate. So those who like to remain silent would probably like space.
  3. Man first looked at space through a telescope about four centuries ago. It was, of course, Galileo Galilei.
  4. Surprisingly, in space all the flowers we know will smell completely different. And all because the smell of a flower depends on many various factors environment.
  5. Interesting fact about space and planets - the sun more land approximately one hundred and ten times. It is even larger than Jupiter, which, as is known, is the giant of our solar system. But at the same time, if you compare the Sun with other stars in the Universe, it turns out to be incredibly tiny. For example, the star Canis Major is one and a half thousand times larger than the Sun.
  6. The first earthly creature in space was the dog Laika, which was launched into space on Sputnik 2 in 1957. The dog died on the ship due to lack of air. And the satellite itself burned up in the Earth’s atmosphere due to a violation of its orbit.
  7. The first man in space is Yuri Gagarin. With a slight delay after Gagarin, Alan Shepard, an American astronaut, flew into space.
  8. The first woman in space is Valentina Tereshkova.
  9. Most of the atoms that make up human bodies were formed during the melting of stellar mass.
  10. On Earth, due to the presence of gravity, the flame tends upward, but in space it spreads in all directions.
  11. A person will never be able to reach the edge of the Universe, since in space there is a curvature of space, due to which a person, constantly moving in a straight direction, will eventually return to starting point. Scientists are not yet able to fully explain this.
  12. On average, the distance between stars is thirty-two million million kilometers.
  13. An interesting fact about black holes in space is that they are the brightest objects in the Universe. In general, the gravity inside a black hole is so strong that even light cannot escape. But during its rotation, the black hole absorbs not only a variety of cosmic bodies, but also gas clouds, which begin to shine, twisting in a spiral. Meteors also begin to burn as they fall into the black hole.
  14. Approximately ten tons of cosmic dust fall to Earth every day.
  15. There are more than one hundred billion galaxies in the Universe, so there is a huge possibility that people are not alone within the boundaries of this Universe.

The most Interesting Facts One can collect and write about space for an incredibly long time, since our Universe contains a huge number of secrets and mysteries, which we can now, thanks to the development of science, get at least a few steps closer to.

Interesting facts about space usually attract a lot of readers all over the world. The secrets and mysteries of the Universe cannot but excite our imagination. What is hiding there, high, high in the sky? Is there life on other planets? How long does it take to get to a neighboring galaxy?

Agree, everyone wants answers to these questions, regardless of age, gender or, say, social status. This article will tell you about the most interesting facts about space and astronauts. Readers will learn a lot of new things about what they had no idea about before.

Section 1. The tenth planet of the solar system

In 2003, another tenth planet orbiting the Sun was discovered behind Pluto. She was named Eris. This became possible thanks to the development modern technologies, several decades ago, scientists did not know about such interesting facts about space and planets. Later, it was also possible to determine that beyond Pluto there are other natural ones, which, according to the decision of specialists, together with Pluto and Eris, began to be called transplutonian.

The interest of scientists in newly discovered planets is determined not only by the desire for space in close proximity (by cosmic standards) to planet Earth. It is very important to determine whether the new planet can accommodate people if necessary. It is also important to assess what dangers a new object poses for the continuation of life on Earth.

Some space researchers believe that interesting facts about space in general and studying the features of the tenth planet in particular can help in solving mysteries associated with unidentified flying objects, the presence of grandiose structures on the earth's surface, and those that have not found real explanation giant crop circles.

Section 2. Mysterious companion Moon

Does the Moon, so familiar to all earthlings, really hold many secrets? Indeed, the most interesting facts about space indicate that the satellite of planet Earth is fraught with many mysterious things. We list just some questions for which there are no answers yet.

  • Why does the moon have such big sizes? IN solar system there are no more natural satellites comparable in size to the Moon - it is only 4 times smaller than our home planet!
  • How can we explain the fact that the diameter of the moon's disk during a total eclipse perfectly covers the solar disk?
  • Why does the Moon rotate in an almost perfect circular orbit? This is very difficult to explain, especially if you keep in mind that the orbits of all other natural satellites known to science are ellipses.

Section 3. Where is the Earth's twin located?

Scientists claim that the Earth has a twin. It turns out that Titan, which is a satellite of Saturn, is very similar to our home planet. Titan has seas, volcanoes and a dense layer of air! Nitrogen in Titan's atmosphere is exactly the same percentage as on Earth - 75%! This is an amazing similarity that undoubtedly requires a scientific explanation.

Section 4. The Mystery of the Red Planet

The red planet of the solar system, as is known, is called Mars. Conditions suitable for life - the composition of the atmosphere, the possibility of the presence of bodies of water, temperature - all this indicates that the search for living beings on this planet, at least in a primitive form, is not promising.

It has even been scientifically confirmed that there are lichens and mosses on Mars. This means that the simplest forms of complex organisms exist on this celestial body. However, it is very difficult to advance in its study. Perhaps the main problematic factor is the large natural obstacle to direct study of this planet - astronaut flights are still very limited due to imperfect technology.

Section 5. Why flights to the Moon stopped

Many interesting facts about space flights are related to our natural satellite. Americans landed on the Moon, Russian and Eastern specialists are exploring it. However, mysteries still remain.

After a successful flight to the Moon and landing on its surface (if, of course, these facts really took place!) the study program natural satellite was practically collapsed. This turn of events is puzzling. Really, what's the matter?

Perhaps some understanding of this problem comes if we take into account the statement of the American who visited the Moon, that it is already occupied by a form of life in the fight against which humanity has no chance to survive. Unfortunately, the general public knows virtually nothing about what scientists actually know.

Despite the fact that flights of spaceships with astronauts to the Moon have ceased, the secrets of this extraordinary satellite invariably attract the attention of researchers on Earth. The unknown has an attractive force, especially if the object is in close proximity, by cosmic standards.

Section 6. Space toilet

Creating life support systems that function effectively in zero gravity conditions is a very difficult task. The sewage system must operate uninterruptedly, ensuring the storage of biowaste and its timely unloading as usual.

When the ship takes off and goes into space, there is nothing left to do but use special diapers. These means provide temporary, but very noticeable comfort.

Interesting facts about the first manned flight into space indicate that initially great importance was attached to the creation of plumbing fixtures for astronauts. great importance. Particular attention was paid to individual anatomical features crew members. The current approach to equipping a sanitary zone spacecraft has become more universal.

Section 7. Superstitions on board

It should be noted that interesting facts about space and astronauts cannot but affect such everyday aspects of ordinary life as, for example, traditions and beliefs.

Many people note that astronauts are very superstitious people. This statement will cause confusion for many. Is this really true? In fact, astronauts behave in such a way that it seems as if they are very suspicious people. Be sure to take a sprig of wormwood on your flight, the smell of which reminds you of your native Earth. When Russian spaceships take off, they always play the song “Earth in the Porthole.”

Sergei Korolev did not like launches on Monday and even postponed the launch to another date, despite conflicts on this matter. He did not give clear explanations to anyone. When the astronauts finally began to take off on Monday, by a fatal coincidence, a number of accidents occurred (!).

October 24 is a special date associated with the tragic events at Baikonur (the explosion of a ballistic missile in 1960), therefore, as a rule, no work is carried out at the cosmodrome on this day.

Section 8. Unknown interesting facts about space and Russian cosmonautics

The history of the development of Russian cosmonautics is a bright series of events. It is wonderful that scientists, designers and engineers managed to achieve success. But, unfortunately, there were also tragedies. Space exploration is an extremely complex field that involves working in extreme conditions.

For those who value the history of space exploration very much, information is valuable both about significant achievements in the development of the space industry and about seemingly small and even valueless facts.

  • How many people know that the monument to Yuri Gagarin in Star City has one interesting feature- V right hand the first cosmonaut caught a daisy?
  • Surprisingly, the first living creatures to go on a space journey were turtles, and not dogs, as is commonly believed.
  • To mislead the enemy, in the 50s of the 20th century, 2 cosmodromes were built - a wooden imitation and a real structure, the distance between which was 300 km.

Section 9. Fun discoveries and interesting facts about space for children and adults

Discoveries in the space industry that become public are sometimes of a humorous nature, despite their real scientific value.

  • Saturn is a very light planet. If you imagine that you can conduct an experiment with its immersion in water, then you can observe how this amazing planet will float on the surface.
  • The size of Jupiter is such that inside this planet you can “place” all the planets that rotate in their orbits around the Sun.
  • A little-known fact - the first star catalog was compiled by the scientist Hipparchus in 150 BC, very far from us.
  • Since 1980, “Lunar Embassy” has been selling areas of the lunar surface - to date, 7% of the lunar surface has already been sold (!).
  • To invent a fountain pen that could be used to write in zero gravity, American researchers spent millions of dollars (Russian cosmonauts use a pencil to write in spacecraft during flight, and no problems arise).

10. NASA's most unusual statements

At the NASA center, one could repeatedly hear statements that were perceived as unusual and surprising.

  • Outside the conditions of Earth's gravity, astronauts suffer from "space sickness", the symptoms of which are pain and nausea due to distorted functioning of the inner ear.
  • The fluid in the astronaut’s body tends to the head, so the nose becomes clogged and the face becomes puffy.
  • A person's height in space becomes greater as the pressure on the spine decreases.
  • Snoring in terrestrial conditions a person in conditions of weightlessness in a dream does not make any sounds!

Incredible facts

Sometimes it's very hard to imagine how huge is space.

We can only observe a small part Universe, and the Earth is just a small stage in the vastness of outer space.

Here are some interesting facts about space that may make you think about your place in this world.

1. The Sun makes up 99.8 percent of the mass of the Solar System.

Namely 1,989,100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 kg. All other planets, satellites, asteroids and other matter, including all people on Earth, fit into the remaining 0.2 percent.

2. The gas cloud in the constellation Aquila contains enough alcohol to create 200 septillion liters of beer.

The amount of ethanol was measured in 1995, and scientists found 30 others chemical substances in the cloud, but alcohol was the main one.

3. We have discovered more than a thousand planets outside the solar system over the past 20 years.

There are currently 1,822 planets confirmed to exist.

4. The sound of interstellar space sounds eerie

The Voyager 1 spacecraft recorded the sound of vibrating dense plasma in interstellar space in 2012 and 2013. This is what it sounds like.

Planets of the Solar System

5. All the planets of the solar system could fit between the Earth and the Moon.

Distance between the Earth and the Moon (384,440 km) – [Diameter of Mercury (4879 km) + diameter of Venus (12,104 km) + diameter of Mars (6771 km) + diameter of Jupiter (138,350 km) + diameter of Saturn (114,630 km) + diameter of Uranus (50,532 km) + diameter of Neptune (49,105 km)] = 8069 km

6. It takes an average of 170,000 years for a photon to travel from the Sun's core to the surface.

But only 8 minutes to reach Earth.

7. We won't be able to hear any sounds in space.

Voyager attempted to record the sound of interstellar space using a plasma wave instrument, but since the gas in interstellar space is less dense, we will not be able to hear the sound ourselves.

If sound wave passed through a large cloud of gas in space, just a few atoms per second reached the eardrum, and we would didn't hear the sound since our eardrum not sensitive enough.

8. Saturn's rings disappear from time to time.

Every 14-15 years, Saturn's rings turn edge-on towards the Earth. They are so narrow compared to how big Saturn is that they appear to disappear.

9. Saturn has an additional huge ring, discovered only in 2009.

The ring starts about 6 million kilometers from Saturn and extends 12 million kilometers, which would accommodate 300 Saturns. Saturn's moon Phoebus orbits inside the ring and some astronomers believe that it is the source of the ring.

10. There is a hexagonal cloud at the north pole of Saturn.

The hexagonal vortex extends almost 30,000 km across.

11. In our solar system there is an asteroid with rings like Saturn.

The asteroid Chariklo has two dense and narrow rings. This fifth object in the solar system to have rings, along with Saturn, Jupiter, Neptune and Uranus.

12. Jupiter is 2.5 times more massive (heavier) than all the planets of the solar system combined.

Its weight is equal to the weight of 317.8 planets like Earth.

13. In an hour and a half, more solar energy hits the Earth than we used in the entire year 2001.

14. If you fell into a black hole, you would be stretched out like a noodle.

The phenomenon is called spaghettification.

15. If nothing disturbs the Moon (for example, a meteorite), then the traces left on its surface will remain untouched forever.

Unlike Earth, there is no erosion caused by wind and water.

16. A star was recently discovered that was hiding in the brilliance supernova 21 years old.

The star and its companion, which exploded and hid it from view, are located in the M81 galaxy, located 11 million light-years from Earth.

17. Dung beetles navigate the Milky Way.

Birds, seals and humans use the stars to navigate, but African dung beetles use an entire galaxy rather than individual stars to make sure they move in a straight line.

18. An object the size of Mars collided with Earth 4.5 billion years ago.

This is the most plausible explanation so far for how the Moon formed. A piece broke off from the object, becoming the Moon, and caused the Earth's axis to tilt slightly.

Stars of the Universe

19. We are all made of stardust.

After the Big Bang, tiny particles combined to form hydrogen and helium. They then combined in the very dense and hot centers of stars to create elements including iron.

Since humans and other animals and most matter contain these elements, we can be said to be made of stardust.

20. There are countless stars in the known Universe.

We don't know how many stars there are in the Universe. For now we use rough estimates to find out how many stars there are in our galaxy Milky Way. Multiplying this number by the estimated number of galaxies in the Universe, we can say that there are an unimaginable number of stars.

According to a study by the Australian national institute the number of stars is approximately 70 sextillion, and this is 70,000 million million million.

April 12th is celebrated in our country Cosmonautics Day. On this day in 1961, our planet was shocked by unexpected news: “Man in space!” People's dream of flying into space has come true. On an April morning, the first cosmonaut Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin flew into space on the Vostok-1 spacecraft. The flight around the Earth lasted 108 minutes.

The starry sky has always attracted the eyes of people, beckoning with its uncertainty. People dreamed of learning as much as possible about space. Thus began the time of space rockets, satellites, lunar rovers...

Let's tell children about space and astronauts so they have an idea

It’s good if parents read books about space with their children, show pictures, and look at the starry globe. You can play games with your children on space theme, read and learn poems about space, guess interesting

Telling children about space

Planets and stars

Our Earth is a huge ball on which there are seas, rivers, mountains, deserts and forests. And also people live. Our Earth and everything that surrounds it is called the Universe, or space. In addition to our blue planet, there are others, as well as stars. Stars are huge balls of light. - also a star. It is located close to the Earth, so we see it and feel its heat.

We see stars only at night, and during the day the Sun eclipses them. There are stars even bigger than the sun

In addition to the Earth, there are 8 more planets in the solar system, each planet has its own path, which is called an orbit.

Let's remember the planets:

All planets in order

Any of us can name:

Once - Mercury,

Two - Venus,

Three - Earth,

Four - Mars.

Five - Jupiter

Six - Saturn,

Seven - Uranus,

Behind him is Neptune.

He is the eighth in a row.

And after him, then,

And the ninth planet

Called Pluto.

Jupiter is the largest planet. If you imagine it in the form of a watermelon, then in comparison with it Pluto will look like a pea.

To help children remember all the planets better, read the poem and let them remember it. You can sculpt planets from plasticine, draw them, or cut them out of paper and attach them to a lamp at home, for example.

You can see our space crafts made from plasticine

Children about space


Scientists who observe and study stars are called astronomers.

Previously, people did not know anything about space, about the stars and believed that the sky was a cap that covered the Earth, and the stars were attached to it. Ancient people thought that the Earth was motionless, and the Sun and Moon revolved around it.

Many years later, astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus proved that the Earth and other planets revolve around the Sun. Newton understood why the planets revolve around the Sun and do not fall. They all fly around the Sun in their own way.

This is how scientists discovered the secrets of space. In the Middle Ages, a telescope was invented, with which scientists observed the stars.

There are still many mysteries in space, so astronomers will have enough work to do for a long time.

Animal astronauts

To find out what a person will have to face in space, scientists sent animals for “reconnaissance”. There were dogs, rabbits, mice, even microbes.

Dogs are smarter animals than mice, but not all dogs were suitable for testing. Purebred dogs very delicate, they were not suitable for space. The dogs were selected by size, trained with them, accustomed to noise and shaking. Ordinary mongrels came closest.

The first dog, Laika, was sent into space in 1957. She was observed, but she did not return to Earth.

Then Belka and Strelka flew into space. In 1960, on August 19, they were launched into space on the prototype of the Vostok spacecraft. They stayed in space for more than a day and returned safely.

So scientists proved that space flight is possible.

About astronauts for children

An astronaut is a person who tests space technology and works in space. Now there are astronauts in many countries.

The first cosmonaut was Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin. On April 12, 1961, he flew into space on the Vostok-1 spacecraft and circled the Earth in 1 hour and 48 minutes. Came back alive and healthy.

Yuri Gagarin was born on March 9, 1934 in the village of Klushino, Gzhatsky district, Smolensk region in ordinary family collective farmer Ros an ordinary child. In his youth, he was interested in classes at the flying club. After college he became a pilot. In 1959, he was enrolled in the group of cosmonaut candidates. And for his first flight into space he was awarded the title of Hero Soviet Union and was awarded the Order of Lenin.

Yuri Gagarin will always remain in our memory as the first cosmonaut. Cities, streets, and avenues are named after him. There is a crater on the Moon named after him, as well as a minor planet.

Cosmonauts are courageous people, they train a lot, they must know and be able to do a lot in order to control a spaceship.

The first spacewalk was made by Alexei Leonov in 1965. And the first female cosmonaut was Valentina Tereshkova, who flew into space in 1963. She withstood 48 revolutions around the Earth, spent almost three days in space, and took photographs that were used to study the aerosol layers of the atmosphere.

To fly into space, you need to study a lot and study well, be persistent, patient, and enduring.


Children always look at the Moon in the sky with interest. It is so different: sometimes it is sickle-shaped, sometimes it is large and round.

The child will be interested to know what is on the Moon. You can say that the Moon is covered with crater craters that arise due to collisions with asteroids. If you look at the Moon through binoculars, you can see the unevenness of its relief.

Stargazing with kids

You should watch the starry sky with your children. Take the time to go outside in the evening and admire the stars. Show your child some constellations, try to find them together Ursa Major. Tell us that ancient people peered into the night sky, mentally connected the stars, drew animals, people, objects, and mythological heroes. Find a star chart and show your child what the constellations look like, and then together find them in the sky. This develops observation and memory.

In general, it would be great to take your child to a planetarium if you have one in your city. The child will learn a lot of interesting things from the story about stars and planets.

We don’t have a planetarium in the city, you just need to go to another city.

The space theme contains a lot of ideas for drawings and crafts. You can draw, sculpt astronauts, aliens, the Moon. Come up with new names for stars and planets. In general, use your imagination, the theme of space is limitless and interesting for children.

Here are Yulina's drawings on a space theme.

Games on the theme "Space" for children

You can play games with children. I suggest some games that you can play.

Game "What will we take with us into space."

Lay out the drawings in front of the children and ask them to choose what they can take with them on the trip. spaceship. These can be the following pictures: a book, a notebook, a spacesuit, an apple, candy, a tube of semolina, an alarm clock, a sausage.

Game "Space Dictionary" will help children replenish their lexicon words related to the theme of space. You can play with several children and arrange a competition to see who can name the most words related to space. For example: satellite, rocket, alien, planets, Moon, Earth, astronaut, spacesuit, etc.

Game "Say the opposite".

Teach children to choose words with opposite meanings. Yulia and I played these games, she was pretty good at naming antonyms correctly.

Distant -…

cramped -…

big -…

get up -…

fly away -...

high -…

famous -…

include -…

dark -…

Tell your children about space, astronauts, learn the names of the planets, look at the starry sky. Let the child grow up curious, and what if he also later becomes a scientist or astronaut and you will be proud of him.

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Space has always interested people, because our lives are connected with it. Space discoveries and exploration are so exciting that you want to learn more and more new things. Today, space is the most discussed topic. The mysteries of space never cease to amaze people. Space is something mysterious that you want to study.

2. 480 degrees Celsius is the temperature on the surface of Venus.

3. In the Universe great amount galaxies that are impossible to count.

5. Time passes much slower near objects with strong gravitational force.

6. All liquids in space freeze and boil at the same time. Even urine.

7. Toilets in space are equipped with special protective belts for the hips and feet for the safety of astronauts.

8. After sunset, you can see the International Space Station (ISS) with the naked eye, which revolves around the Earth.

9. Astronauts wear diapers during landing, takeoff, and spacewalks.

10. The doctrine believes that the Moon is a huge piece that was formed when the Earth collided with another planet.

11. One comet, caught in a solar storm, lost its tail.

12. On the satellite of Jupiter there is largest volcano Pele.

13. White dwarfs are the name given to stars that lack their own sources of thermonuclear energy.

14. per second the sun loses 4000 tons of weight. per minute, per minute 240 thousand tons.

15. According to the Big Bang theory, the universe arose approximately 13.77 billion years ago from a certain singular state and has been expanding ever since.

16. At a distance of 13 million light years from earth there is a famous black hole.

17. Nine planets revolve around the Sun, which have their own satellites.

18. Potatoes are shaped like the moons of Mars.

19. The first time traveler was cosmonaut Sergei Avdeev. He long time rotated in earth's orbit at a speed of 27,000 km/h, and therefore fell 0.02 seconds into the future.

20. 9.46 trillion kilometers is the distance that light travels in one year.

21. There are no seasons on Jupiter. Due to the fact that the angle of inclination of the rotation axis relative to the orbital plane is only 3.13°. The degree of deviation of the orbit from the circumference of the planet is also minimal (0.05)

22. No one has ever been killed by a falling meteorite.

23. Asteroids orbiting the Sun are called small astronomical bodies.

24. 98% of the mass of all objects in the Solar System is the mass of the Sun.

25. 34 billion times higher Atmosphere pressure at the center of the Sun, compared to the pressure at sea level on Earth.

26. The temperature on the surface of the Sun is about 6000 degrees Celsius.

27. In 2014, the coldest star of the white dwarf class was discovered, the carbon on it crystallized and the entire star turned into a diamond the size of the Earth.

28. Italian astronomer Galileo was hiding from persecution by the Roman Catholic Church.

29. In 8 minutes, light reaches the surface of the Earth.

30. The Sun will greatly increase in size in about a billion years. At a time when all the hydrogen in the sun's core runs out. Combustion will occur on the surface and the light will become much brighter.

31. A hypothetical photon rocket engine could accelerate a spacecraft to the speed of light. But its development, apparently, is a matter of the distant future.

32. The Voyager spacecraft flies at a speed of more than 56 thousand kilometers per hour.

33. The volume of the sun is 1.3 million times larger than the earth.

34. Proxima Centauri is our closest neighboring star.

35. In space, only yogurt will remain on the spoon, and all other liquids will spread.

36. The planet Neptune cannot be seen with the naked eye.

37. The first was the Soviet-made Venera 1 spacecraft.

38. In 1972, the Pioneer spacecraft was launched to the star Aldebaran.

39. In 1958, the National Space Administration was founded.

40. The science that models planets is called Terra formation.

41. The International Space Station (ISS) was created in the form of a laboratory, the cost of which is 100 million dollars.

42. Mysterious “dark matter” makes up most of the mass of Venus.

43. The Voyager spacecraft carries disks with congratulations in 55 languages.

44. Human body would stretch in length if it fell into a black hole.

45. A year on Mercury lasts only 88 days.

46. ​​The diameter of the globe is 25 times larger than the diameter of the star Hercules.

47. The air in space toilets is cleared of bacteria and odors.

48. The first dog to go into space in 1957 was a husky.

49. There are plans to send robots to Mars to bring samples of Mars soil back to earth.

50. Scientists have discovered some planets that rotate around their own axis.

51. All the stars of the Milky Way revolve around the center.

52. On the moon, gravity is 6 times weaker than on earth. The satellite cannot contain the gases released from it. They fly safely into space.

53. Every 11 years in the cycle, the magnetic poles of the Sun change places.

54. About 40 thousand tons of meteorite dust settles annually on the surface of the Earth.

55. The area of ​​bright gas from the explosion of a star is called the Crab Nebula.

56. The Earth travels around the Sun about 2.4 million kilometers every day.

57. The device, which provides a state of weightlessness, is called “Nautical”.

58. Astronauts often suffer from muscle dystrophy, for a long time are in space.

59. It takes about 1.25 seconds for the light of the Moon to reach the surface of the Earth.

60. In Sicily in 2004 local residents suggested that they were visited by aliens.

61. The mass of Jupiter is two and a half times greater than the mass of all other planets in the solar system.

62. A day on Jupiter lasts ten Earth hours less.

63. In space, atomic clocks run more accurately.

64. Now aliens, if they exist, can pick up radio transmissions from the earth in the 1980s. The fact is that the speed of a radio wave is equal to the speed of light, so now radio waves from the 1980s would reach planets located more than 37 light years (data for 2017) from earth.

65. 263 extrasolar planets had been discovered until October 2007.

66. Since the creation of the solar system, asteroids and comets have been made of particles.

67. It would take you more than 212 years to get to the Sun in a regular car.

68. 380 degrees Celsius may differ night temperature on the Moon from daylight.

69. One day the Earth system mistook a spaceship for a meteorite.

70. A very low musical sound is produced by a black hole located in the Perseus galaxy.

71. At a distance of 20 light years from Earth there is a planet suitable for life.

72. Astronomers discovered a new planet with water.

73. By 2030, it is planned to build a city on the Moon.

74. Temperature - 273.15 degrees Celsius is called absolute zero.

75. 500 million kilometers - the largest tail of a comet.

Photo from the Cassini automatic interplanetary station. In the photograph of the rings of Saturn, the arrow indicates the planet Earth. Photo 2017

76. The International Space Station (ISS) is equipped with huge solar panels.

77. To travel through time, you can use tunnels in space and time.

78. The Kuiper Belt consists of residual fragments of planets.

79. Our Solar System, which exists for 4.57 billion years, is considered young.

80. Even light can easily be absorbed by the gravitational field of a black hole.

81. Longest day on Mercury.

82. As Jupiter passes around the Sun, it leaves behind a gas cloud.

83. Part of the Arizona desert is used to train astronauts.

84. The Great Red Spot on Jupiter has existed for more than 350 years.

85. More than 764 of Earth's planets could fit inside Saturn (if we take into account its rings). Without rings - only 10 planets Earth.

86. The largest object in the Solar System is the Sun.

87. Compacted solid waste from space toilets is sent to Earth.

89. More than 100 billion stars exist in a typical galaxy.

90. The lowest density is on the planet Saturn, only 0.687 g/cm³. The Earth has 5.51 g/cm³.

Internal contents of the spacesuit

91. In the Solar System there is the so-called Oort Cloud. This is a hypothetical region that serves as a source of long-period comets. The existence of the cloud has not yet been proven (as of 2017). The distance from the Sun to the edge of the cloud is approximately 0.79 to 1.58 light years.

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