Home Pulpitis Freezes at night without fever. Night chills: main causes and effective treatment

Freezes at night without fever. Night chills: main causes and effective treatment

Thermoregulation of the body mainly depends on external conditions, but can also be disrupted under the influence of various internal processes. As a rule, this is facilitated by infectious and inflammatory diseases accompanied by fever. But in some cases there is chills without fever - the reasons for this phenomenon in women are quite numerous, and include: pathological conditions, and completely normal physiological reactions.

Causes of chills without fever at night in women

Subjective feeling of coldness and trembling in the body during sleep - typical symptom diabetes mellitus This endocrine disease usually accompanied by excessive sweating, as a result of which the body cools down faster even under comfortable external thermal conditions.

Night chills Without fever, women also experience other factors:

  • depression and chronic stress;
  • hypothermia the night before bedtime;
  • long-term stress muscular system during the day;
  • hyperhidrosis – excessive sweating, to the point of wet sheets;
  • increased blood viscosity;
  • tendency to thrombosis, including hemorrhoidal veins;
  • osteochondrosis and joint inflammation;

In addition to trembling, the listed problems are accompanied by other unpleasant symptoms, for example, irritability, pain, and myalgia.

Causes of chills and nausea without fever

In most cases, the clinical manifestations under consideration are characteristic of cardiovascular pathologies. They are often combined with sudden jumps blood pressure what provokes rapid expansion and narrowing of capillaries, disrupting thermoregulation female body.

Also, a feeling of trembling, dizziness and nausea is characteristic of traumatic brain injuries, usually concussions. Additionally, depending on the severity of the damage, vomiting, disorientation in space, a tendency to fainting, and disturbances of consciousness are observed.

In addition, the following conditions and diseases can cause the described symptoms:

It is important to note that chills and nausea are typical clinical manifestations various exotic fevers that occur after insect bites - midges, mosquitoes, flies, beetles. If you start freezing immediately after arriving from vacation, you need to urgently visit an infectious disease doctor.

Frequent attacks of vomiting are dangerous due to the loss of large amounts of moisture and disruption of water and electrolyte balance, hypoxia. Therefore, with the symptoms in question, it is important to monitor drinking regime, consuming an increased volume of fluid per day, and consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Other causes of chills without fever in women

Feeling cold and trembling may well be a variant of normal physiological reactions to fluctuations in the level of sex hormones and changes in the functioning of the ovaries. In women, chills are often early sign started menopause, pregnancy, part of premenstrual syndrome. Because of hormonal imbalance thermoregulation processes change, as a result of which the body retains heat worse and cools quickly.

Such conditions are also accompanied by other symptoms - hot flashes, pain in the lower abdomen, sweating, skin rashes, change of mood.

Chills are a subjective feeling of coldness, chilliness that occurs due to a sharp spasm skin vessels and a decrease in body temperature due to freezing. With chills, shivering, muscle tremors, and “goose bumps” occur.

Due to vasospasm in external environment Less heat is released, but the body creates more energy and heat as a result of muscle tremors. This warms the body from the inside and stabilizes body temperature. The chill goes away.

The most common cause of chills is acute infectious diseases with increased body temperature (fever). At the very beginning of fever, chills occur as a result of spasm of small skin vessels, and then as the temperature rises, the chills disappear.

But sometimes chills appear without connection with fever and cold, in itself as a phenomenon or as a symptom various diseases and pathologies, injuries.

It is worth remembering that chills are not a disease, but a physiological reaction of the body to changes in temperature and changes in metabolism, it is a way of regulating thermogenesis (constancy of body temperature and heat production). Sometimes chills occur even with excitement, stress, overwork, low blood pressure, before or during menstruation in women, during pregnancy in the first trimester.

Causes of chills

The main cause of chills without fever is hypothermia and freezing of the body. At the same time, lips and fingernails turn blue, the skin of the face and body turns white, lethargy and weakness occur, and the temperature decreases.

In this case, you need to drink hot tea, take a warm bath, put on warm socks and clothes, and warm up. If this does not help, it is important to call doctors - perhaps hypothermia was deeper and stronger than you expected.

Chills can occur with high blood pressure, then it will be accompanied by weakness and headaches, chills in the area chest and hands It usually occurs in evening time, after stress, is accompanied by a pronounced increase in blood pressure numbers. You need to calm down, take blood pressure medication or call ambulance. High pressure dangerous for cerebral hemorrhages and heart attacks.

Chills may be a sign hormonal disorders during menopause, diabetes mellitus or a disorder of the thyroid gland (hypothyroidism). Then a consultation with an endocrinologist and blood tests for hormone levels are necessary.

No less often, chills occur as a result of disorders in the digestive system - against the background of nausea or abdominal pain, as a result of metabolic disorders and autonomic innervation in the stomach and intestines.

Often chills without fever occur against the background of some sluggish current or chronic infections, such as tuberculosis or syphilis.

One of the rare, but most unpleasant reasons chills is Raynaud's disease - an intermittent vegetative spasm of the blood vessels of the hands, especially often occurring when temperatures change.

Chills can be a sign of internal bleeding, due to severe circulatory disorders and spasm of small blood vessels in the skin.

Chills often occur as a reaction to stress, extreme excitement, or emotional arousal. A glass of water, deep breathing and taking sedatives will help here.

Should chills be treated?

Chills in themselves are just a symptom of certain problems in the body. It does not need to be treated, the reasons that caused it must be eliminated.

In order to get rid of unpleasant subjective feelings, you need to wrap yourself in a blanket, take a warm bath or shower, drink hot liquid, and calm down. It is prohibited to consume alcohol for the purpose of warming and various drugs without the consent of the doctor.

In humans, it is provoked by a spasm of blood vessels. The person suddenly becomes very cold and trembles in the muscles. Due to spasms of the skin muscles, “goose bumps” appear. The main cause is a febrile state when the body temperature rises. This condition is typical for infection, injury and other diseases.

When chills develop, the human body produces a large amount of heat, so the body temperature rises. Once the temperature drops, the chills stop.

Chills - a syndrome or a disease?

Some people confuse and describe chills as a disease. There is no need to do this, it is only a symptom. Chills do not always appear only at high body temperatures. It can often occur in easily excitable people who are very worried about something. Chills may be a consequence of fright. The syndrome is neurotic; it goes away when the person relaxes and calms down.

Severe chills may be a consequence of stress, low pressure, fatigue. In women, it often appears during menstruation or worries in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Severe chills as a symptom of the disease

Most often, the symptom occurs due to an infectious disease. When the virus is in human body, it leads to the production of pyrogens. These substances warm the body from the inside, so the body temperature can rise sharply.

The appearance of chills most often indicates influenza or ARVI. The habit of Russians to delay the treatment of these diseases and to get sick “on their feet” leads to complications, and unpleasant symptoms are alleviated by symptomatic means. The danger of this approach to treatment is that often symptomatic cold medications contain phenylephrine, a substance that increases blood pressure and makes the heart work harder. In order to avoid complications of a cold, you need to choose medications without these types of components. For example, (better from Natur-Product) is a cold medicine without phenylephrine, which eliminates the unpleasant symptoms of ARVI without causing an increase in blood pressure or harming the heart muscle. The appearance of chills, runny nose and other symptoms that resemble the flu should be a signal for the sick person to begin treatment.

In the first hours of the development of influenza, the body needs support, and the patient needs relief from symptoms. If you suspect influenza, you can start treatment by taking a symptomatic remedy, for example, the European-quality drug Antigrippin. The use of this symptomatic remedy in complex treatment influenza will help alleviate the patient’s condition and prevent the development of complications.

Chills are one of the symptoms of a serious illness. It is possible that a patient with this symptom has an infectious or purulent inflammation, malignant tumor. If severe chills worries for several days, you need to urgently consult a specialist.

Complaints can often be heard from people with impaired peripheral circulation. Such patients live in areas with a humid and cold climate. Under such conditions, blood circulation decreases, oxygen does not reach the fingers and toes. The skin becomes red, very itchy and swollen. When a person wants to warm up, the itching and swelling increase.

The extremities may become cold with obliterating endarteritis - vascular disease, due to which blood circulation is impaired and can develop. Chills are also common in patients with diabetes.

Chills and a constant feeling of cold indicate that the function of the thyroid gland is reduced. If everything is normal in a person, the endocrine system provides thermoregulation of the body. When certain hormones are lacking, a person is constantly tormented by cold. Symptoms are most often observed in women over 50 years of age during menopause.

Please note if you have these symptoms:

  • Hair fall out.
  • You get tired quickly.
  • Mood changes often.
  • You gain weight suddenly.
  • The skin became dry.

If you have at least a few of these symptoms and are experiencing chills, be sure to get tested for your thyroid hormone levels.

Sudden chills may occur in patients. Such people feel cold even in a hot room. When the disease occurs, thermoregulation is impaired. In this clinical situation, it is necessary to take the following measures:

  • Visit baths and saunas.
  • Take a contrast shower.
  • Pay attention to winter swimming.
  • Take a massage course.

All of the above methods can be used if you have a healthy heart!

If chills are felt in the hands, one may suspect periodic vascular spasm in the extremities. In some situations it is strong, the fingers turn white or even turn blue. For preventive purposes, your hands should always be warm; for this, wear mittens, gloves, and give them baths.

Causes of chills without fever

Please note that often viral infection begins without fever, but with chills. This is how the body reacts to the disease. This is a signal that urgent action needs to be taken. Effective preventive method for chills during ARVI, use warm tea with the addition of raspberries, honey and lemon. If you are preparing tea, keep in mind that raspberries are not brewed with boiling water; they are added when the water cools down, otherwise they will lose all their beneficial substances.

When a person constantly refuses to eat normally and uses different diets, everything can end with chills. Remember that beauty requires sacrifice, but this negatively affects your health. Therefore, review your diet and eliminate harmful products nutrition. You need to eat food often and in small quantities.

How to get rid of severe chills?

If the chills are due to excitement, you need to take a deep breath and exhale. This condition is a blood reaction to produced enzymes. Valerian tincture has a positive effect on the nervous system. Often you can’t get carried away with the drug, it is addictive.

Helps relieve chills Herb tea. For it you can use lemon balm, chamomile, mint, sage. You can add honey or sugar to tea. If the chills are related to the thyroid gland, the patient needs complex treatment, and may need to take hormonal medications.

Remember that chills are a protective reaction of the body; they improve blood circulation. When a symptom is accompanied by high fever, aches, severe headaches, and weakness, it is necessary to take an antipyretic. You can use complex preparations - Rinzasip with vitamin C, Rinza. They contain a large amount active ingredients, which relieve chills, runny nose, weakness, and headache.

Thus, many are accustomed to the fact that severe chills always accompany high fever. This is wrong! Chills can provoke more serious illnesses. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to this symptom in a timely manner. It is dangerous when chills are a sign of endocrinological disorders, a consequence of stress. No need to bring yourself to nervous exhaustion. It is necessary to eat well; your diet should contain foods containing large amounts of vitamins. This will help prevent chills in the future.

Many people, if it is “freezing” but there is no temperature, do not pay attention to this alarm signal own body. This wrong approach is a superficial attitude towards one’s health, since chills without fever also have its own pathological causes.

If such a suspicious symptom periodically reminds you of itself, then you need to consult a specialist, undergo diagnostics, and determine the causes of internal discomfort.

So, if chills appear for no reason, and there is no fever or other symptoms of a cold, this does not mean that everything is fine with your health. If the patient listens more carefully to his own body, he will feel certain changes in his overall well-being. First, it is uncontrollable trembling throughout the body, then barely noticeable problems with the masticatory muscles of the facial joints, then severe chills in every part of the body.

Violation possible temperature regime, but the mark on the thermometer does not increase, but decreases to a minimum value. The patient is characterized by a loss of strength, there is a desire to lie down and sleep, there is no timely response to provoking factors environment. A person feels that he is getting sick, but the body temperature does not rise. Even in such a clinical picture, it is necessary to undergo treatment, but first contact your local physician to determine the cause of the growing malaise.

Before studying the causes of severe chills without fever, it is important to understand what is happening in the body at this moment. In essence, this is a vasospasm, which was preceded by a certain provoking factor. As a result of this imbalance, the vessels narrow pathologically, and the decrease in lumen interferes with normal blood flow. This suggests that all important processes are slowing down, and the body is at risk of internal imbalance. That is why such a symptom cannot be ignored.

Classification of pathogenic factors

If chills without fever appear at night, the reasons for this unpleasant condition depend on the condition nervous system, age and gender of the patient. For example, a child may have a bad dream and wake up scared. Adult women often suffer at night from hot flashes and other symptoms of approaching menopause. Muscle mass men voluntarily relax after a physically tiring day of work, so the appearance of chills is possible.

It is important not to forget that the causes of chills without fever in women and men can be pathological. IN in this case we are talking about symptoms of ARVI, flu and colds that have to be treated conservative methods. Hormonal disorders and a jump in blood sugar to a critical level are also possible.

The conclusion suggests itself: physiological factors are temporary in nature and disappear immediately after the main “aggressor” is eliminated. Concerning pathogenic factors, in such a clinical picture it is necessary conservative treatment, specialist supervision and mandatory diagnostics.

Prerequisites for the appearance of chills

Chills are not an independent disease, but just unpleasant symptom, which reduces the quality of life, gives rise to anxious thoughts about the course of pathological process. It can occur at any age, at first it is unnoticed by others and the patient himself, but soon increases in intensity.

Among the prerequisites for the appearance of chills, it is necessary to highlight the following changes in the patient’s life:

  • prolonged hypothermia of the body;
  • instability of blood pressure (chronic hypertension);
  • stressful situations, shock;
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • ARVI, colds, flu;
  • weakened immune system;
  • infectious processes.

Since chills, as a symptom, cover many diseases, doctors strongly recommend responding to its appearance even in the absence high temperature bodies. This will help speed up diagnosis, ease the course of the disease and ensure a speedy recovery. If you experience a feeling of chilliness, you should immediately consult a doctor - to be on the safe side.

The prerequisites for this symptom are known; now it is necessary to find out what is happening in the body during the course of the pathological process. There may be several development scenarios clinical picture:

  1. As a result prolonged hypothermia Vasospasm occurs, the lumen between the vascular walls narrows, systemic circulation is disrupted, and the internal processes. Externally, the patient's skin turns blue, and inside he feels chills.
  2. If this strongest emotional overstrain , then spasm is also dangerous for the body, since it can provoke dysfunction internal organs and systems, prone to chronic course. The first thing the patient needs to do is calm down, and the same chamomile decoction will help with this.
  3. When do hypertensive patients feel chills?, very quickly get used to this state, learn to control it independently. Moreover, they consider it a harbinger of another attack arterial hypertension, therefore, take vasodilator drugs in a timely manner.
  4. Feeling of chilliness during ARVI- this is a protective reaction of the body, which for a sick person should become a kind of hint that conservative treatment should be started immediately.
  5. Hormonal imbalance in the body also has a negative impact on general condition vessels. It is very difficult to get rid of internal chills without fever if the cause of the pathological process is not determined and eliminated. First of all it is shown biochemical analysis blood, then - replacement therapy.
  6. If progresses infection, chills are not the only symptom. The patient feels nauseous, vomiting and diarrhea are possible, acute attacks migraine. In this way, toxic substances are removed from the body; the presence of temperature in case of partial intoxication is not necessary.
  7. Another common reason why chills occur without fever is weakened functions immune system . If you strengthen your immune system at home, the unpleasant symptom disappears without medical intervention in a relatively short time.

Having studied the features of this alarming symptom, it becomes obvious that to eliminate chills in some clinical pictures, immediate help from a specialist is needed, while in others, implementing home self-medication methods is quite sufficient. Based on the intensity of symptoms and frequency of relapses, another classification for patients can be determined.

Chills at any time of the day

When the patient cannot predict and anticipate the appearance of internal trembling, and moreover, does not understand the factors preceding such a condition, it is necessary to consult a doctor. Over time, uncontrolled attacks only become more frequent, thereby reducing the patient’s quality of life and mood. Among possible reasons constant chills without fever, the following anomalies can be distinguished:

  1. Allergic reaction. The symptom will not disappear until the main allergen is eliminated from the body. Additional appointment required antihistamines, use of folk remedies.
  2. Vegetative-vascular dystonia. Chills can appear at any age, and the patient is characterized by cold extremities, poor tone and pale skin. It is important to treat the blood vessels, otherwise this condition will happen again.
  3. Thyroid pathologies. It is this unpaired organ that is responsible for thermoregulation of the body, which, in case of dysfunction of such important element the endocrine system is disrupted and requires drug correction.
  4. Climax. This natural cause, why a woman’s thermal regime is disturbed, hot flashes and bouts of cold sweat bother her. She feels internal trembling, cannot cope with uncontrollable chills.
  5. Menstruation. Many young ladies have noticed that chills appear during menstruation. The reason is obvious - impaired systemic circulation, increased volumes of blood flow, uterine bleeding.

If changes in your own body during menstruation and allergic reaction can still be controlled, then in the case of pathologies of the thyroid gland and when diagnosing vegetative-vascular dystonia, a doctor’s consultation is required, full diagnostics and treatment.

About vegetative-vascular dystonia, how common reason chills

Sometimes it happens that during the day a person feels great, but during sleep a slight trembling runs through his body. At first it seems that you dreamed something terrible, frightening. When the situation repeats itself almost every night, it’s time to think about your health. The attending physician will answer the question of why it freezes at night after collecting medical history data. Most often, experts suspect the presence of the following pathologies in the body:

  • nervous tension, supplemented by insomnia, depression, migraine attacks;
  • diabetes mellitus, provoking vascular spasms in the resting stage;
  • complication of hemorrhoids;
  • hyperhidrosis;
  • cold, ARVI.

Don’t prematurely overwhelm yourself with frightening thoughts about terrible diseases, to begin with, it is recommended to prepare warming tea and take a second warm blanket. If such actions do not help, and an unpleasant attack occurs again and again, it’s time to consult your doctor for advice. Then take blood and urine tests to monitor your internal state.

The patient should not wait until it “goes away on its own.” With this approach, the problem only gets worse and acquires a more intense clinical picture. Of course, it is better to enlist the support of your doctor, but home methods are unlikely to complicate the pathology on a global scale. Based on the etiology of the pathological process, the patient can be given the following valuable recommendations:

  1. When the body is hypothermic, they have a warming effect essential oils, which can be added to the bath or used for massage.
  2. If the reason is a lack of thyroid hormones, the doctor will first order a biochemical blood test, and then suggest replacement therapy.
  3. When you have a cold, warming tea and drinking plenty of fluids help you cope with internal chills and overcome a pathogenic infection.
  4. In the event of a stressful situation, its consequences still for a long time They will remind you of themselves, but first you can try to calm down and brew yourself some restorative tea.
  5. In case of disturbances in the functioning of blood vessels, it is necessary to increase elasticity and permeability vascular walls using conservative methods, i.e. medication.
  6. If chills appear without fever, but in combination with cold extremities, the reason is an incorrect lifestyle. Men and women are advised to avoid bad habits, do more sports.
  7. Some people who like to eat a hearty meal before bed do not even realize why they have chills at night without fever. This is due to overeating fatty food, heaviness in the stomach.

In most cases, what happens is that the person himself is to blame for the occurrence of this unpleasant feeling, when everything is trembling inside. Doctors strongly recommend avoiding such provoking factors and adhering to the rules of prevention. This is the only way to count on satisfactory well-being and excellent mood.

Separately, it is worth noting: during the day you should not overload yourself physically, otherwise trembling becomes a logical consequence of excessive muscle tone. This condition is more often characteristic of representatives of the stronger sex, but women should also beware of excessive physical work. Otherwise, internal chills will very soon turn into tremors of the limbs with further health problems.

Quick treatment of acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections and influenza

Preventive actions

If the causes of chills are identified and eliminated, this does not mean that a relapse will not occur in the future. However, this time the patient must play it safe, eliminate all provoking factors from his life and adhere to the basic rules of prevention. This:

  • hardening;
  • playing sports;
  • elimination of physical and emotional overload;
  • giving up bad habits and alcohol;
  • proper nutrition;
  • careful control chronic diseases body;
  • routine medical examinations;
  • timely response to the slightest signals from the body;
  • intensive vitamin therapy.

Only in this case can the patient confidently hope that the health problem will not happen again. However, the cause of chills without fever must be found out so that in the future you will know what to watch out for. To begin with, you can contact your local physician with a complaint, and then he will refer you for a consultation to a highly specialized specialist strictly for medical reasons.

If the problem is not neglected, but treated in a timely manner or if adjustments are made to your usual lifestyle, then chills without fever will no longer bother the patient at any age. In any case, for complete treatment you need to see a doctor.

Chills are a feeling of cold, for no apparent reason, which is accompanied by involuntary muscle contraction, chattering of teeth, and the appearance of “goosebumps” on the skin. At the same time, it is difficult for a person to warm up, trembling can be observed even in masticatory muscles. As a rule, such a symptom is observed with infectious and inflammatory processes when it happens sharp increase body temperature. The presence of such a clinical picture requires urgent medical intervention, you cannot take medications without permission.


Chills in a child or adult can occur with or without such a symptom. Chills without fever can be caused by the following etiological factors:

In addition, it should be noted that etiological factors, in which there may be chills both without fever and with fever:

  • toxic or ;
  • infection;
  • digestive system disorders.

It should be noted that if the chill lasts more than a couple of hours and the person cannot warm up, the body temperature does not stabilize, you need to call an emergency medical care. In such cases, chills without fever indicate an acute infectious process.

Clinicians note that in some cases, chills may occur during pregnancy. early stages, which is caused by experiences, changes in hormonal levels and in the functioning of the body.

Chills before menstruation are also observed quite often, which may be due to hormonal disorders and the characteristics of the female body. In this case, you need to contact a gynecologist or endocrinologist.


The general clinical picture of chills without fever can be supplemented specific signs, the nature of which will depend on the underlying factor. TO general symptoms the following can be attributed:

  • the person “shakes”, “goose bumps” form;
  • warming clothes and drinks do not give the desired effect;
  • increased and .

Chills during poisoning may be accompanied by such additional signs clinical picture:

  • severe weakness;
  • pallor skin;
  • observed constant chills;
  • increased sweating;
  • disorders in the gastrointestinal tract - diarrhea, rumbling in the stomach.

It should be noted that with this clinical picture, chills and nausea appear almost simultaneously. A person may feel less chilled after a bout of vomiting, but for a short time.

If chills without fever are provoked infectious process, then they may be present in the overall clinical picture.

It should be understood that severe chills without fever are always a sign of a certain pathological process, so you should consult a doctor and not self-medicate.


Only a doctor can tell you what to do if you have chills, after making an accurate diagnosis and identifying the etiology of this symptom. Initially medical specialist(in this case the physician) performs a physical examination. If necessary, the patient can be redirected to a specialized doctor. To make an accurate diagnosis, laboratory and instrumental examination methods are prescribed:

  • general and biochemical blood test;
  • general analysis urine;
  • fluorography;
  • X-ray examination of internal organs;
  • STD test;
  • immunological studies.

You need to understand that only a doctor can prescribe an accurate diagnostic program after an examination and clarification of the general medical history. If you experience chills during pregnancy, then X-ray studies excluded if possible.


Therapy will depend on the underlying factor in the development of the clinical picture and the symptom in particular. If the cause is determined to be an infectious disease, the doctor prescribes drug therapy, bed rest and diet. The list of medications may include the following:

  • antibiotics;
  • antipyretics;
  • vitamin complexes.

At food poisoning drugs are prescribed to stabilize the functioning of the stomach, sorbents. Be sure to follow a diet.

In case if this symptom provoked by the development of an STD or a systemic illness, appropriate basic therapy, taking into account individual characteristics organism and clinical picture.

Only a doctor can tell you how to properly eliminate chills in a child or adult, if there is a clearly established diagnosis. Self-medication is unacceptable for the simple reason that in this way only the symptom itself can be eliminated, and not the root cause.


In this case no specific methods prevention. If you have such a symptom, you should consult a doctor and not self-medicate.

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