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How does surrogacy work? Surrogacy

The problem of surrogacy is the most controversial and least regulated in legal terms. First of all, it is criticized for commercialization, citing the fact that a woman is, in fact, used as a paid incubator. The prohibition of the use of surrogacy for commercial purposes is stated in the Brussels Declaration of the World Medical Association (WMA) of 1985.

At the pan-European level, on November 19, 1996, the Council of Europe adopted the Convention on Human Rights in Biomedicine. The Convention is the first binding legal instrument in the field of health aimed at protecting people from possible abuses associated with the use of new biological and medical methods and procedures.

Artificial insemination methods in international law are also governed by several directives resulting from three recommendations of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, resolutions adopted on 16 March 1969 by the European Parliament, and decisions of the Commission on Human Rights in 1971 and 1976.

Surrogacy is prohibited by law in Austria, Germany (doctors and intermediaries are punished, not parents and the surrogate mother), Italy, Norway, Sweden, in certain states of the USA, France, Switzerland, etc.

In some countries, the law does not prohibit surrogacy, but does not regulate it in any way (Belgium, Greece, Ireland, some countries in Latin America and Asia).

IN USA the practice of surrogacy is the most widespread. The US Congress authorized surrogacy in 1991, although it is still prohibited in the states of New Hampshire and Virginia. Many American states have agencies for its use. The country has a huge database of donor eggs for women who cannot provide their own to a surrogate mother. It is possible to select a donor even based on ethnic origin, religion and appearance.

Surrogacy: million for native genesThe news that Alla Pugacheva and Maxim Galkin acquired twins with the help of a surrogate mother aroused a new wave of interest in this method of solving the problem of childlessness. In search of family happiness, not only show business stars, but also ordinary people turn to surrogate mothers for help.

Regarding the legislative solution to the issue of surrogacy, the United States does not have a single legal framework on its application. The Constitution of this country gives state assemblies the right to independently adopt legislative acts in the field of health care, so each US state creates its own medical legislative framework, including those relating to the use of the surrogacy method.

California is the most progressive in this regard. According to California law, the provision of surrogacy services does not contradict public conscience, and therefore surrogacy is permitted in the state, regardless of the principles on which it is based. The main criteria that a surrogate mother must meet are the age of 20 years and the presence of her own children.

IN Finland Issues related to the use of surrogacy and the establishment of the origin of children born out of wedlock are regulated by the Paternity Law of 1975. According to the provisions of the law, when a child is born by a surrogate mother, the principle of biological relationship is applied, that is, motherhood automatically follows from the fact of the birth of the child, even in cases where the donor cells of the spouses are fully used and there is no relationship between the biological mother and the newborn. Subsequently, maternity cannot be annulled on the grounds that the legal mother is not the biological mother of the child.

Family code Ukraine, which came into force on January 1, 2004, legalized surrogacy, as a result of which Ukrainian legislation became one of the most favorable in the world for this type of program.

Application for selection of a surrogate mother

Conducting the program with leading doctors of the clinic

Surrogacy is one of the types of ART (assisted reproductive technologies), in which the process of having a child is carried out with the participation of such parties

  • The genetic father who provides his sperm and is legally the father of the unborn child.
  • The genetic mother from whom oocytes are collected. She can act legally as the parent of the child.
  • A surrogate mother who agrees voluntarily or for an agreed amount to carry and give birth to a child and then transfer him to his legal parents.

Basic financial issues during surrogacy require preliminary discussion and are included in the agreement between such parties

  • Genetic parents, who subsequently also act as legal ones. Married childless couples and single women who have expressed a desire to have a child and cover all costs of the program.
  • A surrogate mother who, on a voluntary or commercial basis, has agreed to be a gestational courier with a subsequent renunciation of rights to the child and transferring him to the legal parents, and who has also accepted voluntary consent to fulfill all medical orders from doctors in the process of bearing a child.
  • Medical Center ART or surrogacy, which assumes legal responsibility to the customer, as well as medical care and support living conditions for a surrogate mother during gestation.

Conducting surrogacy programs requires the provision of such services and payment of the following expenses

  • Payment for the work of a family lawyer to resolve legal issues and to directly draw up an agreement between the parties.
  • Payment for medical care for the surrogate mother at all stages of gestation (consultation, examinations, laboratory research and drug costs).
  • Payment of current expenses for food and household needs of the surrogate mother throughout pregnancy.
  • Payment for the surrogate mother’s accommodation on the territory of the ART center or near it.
  • Payment for the IVF protocol, as well as, if necessary, for all additional technologies and donor material (ICSI, IPSI, PGD).

Complex program

It is possible to say exactly how much surrogacy in Moscow costs in 2019 only during the process of drawing up a contract, since the cost of surrogacy in a clinic, the price of legal services and, finally, the fee of the mother herself are all discussed individually in each case. In addition, the final amount is influenced by the order in which the IVF protocol is carried out, whether donor material or additional technologies are required for it. According to rough estimates, the procedure costs from 1.5 to 3.5 million rubles.

Thus, the implementation of this program requires the involvement of specialists from both medical and legal fields, constant monitoring of the surrogate mother’s body condition and in vitro fertilization. This is why prices for surrogacy in Moscow are high, because this program requires the most costs compared to other ART.

Main expense item

One of the main expense items is remuneration for the surrogate mother and her maintenance throughout the pregnancy, as well as the creation of comfortable conditions for childbirth. All this depends on the agreement between her and the future parents.

How much do surrogate mothers get paid? It is impossible to say definitively how much the services of a surrogate mother cost, but often the amount of monetary compensation for women averages 1.6 million rubles.

How much they pay for surrogacy depends on many factors, from the verbal agreement between the parties to the health status of the woman who agreed to bear the child. In addition, each surrogacy clinic in Moscow has its own pricing policy.

Price includes medical examination, pharmacotherapy, laboratory tests and search for a surrogate mother. All this can significantly increase the final cost of the procedure, however, only notarized documentation, as well as medical supervision of the surrogate mother, are the key to fulfilling all the requirements and transferring the baby to his genetic parents.

Not just a carrier

In addition, although the agency is interested in finding a surrogate mother without bad habits and with good condition health (physical and mental), this does not mean that the embryo is implanted into the uterine cavity of the surrogate mother without any action on her part.

The outcome is influenced by many factors - this is the health of the surrogate mother, and her responsible approach, and strict adherence to the doctor’s prescriptions, and her mental adequacy, as well as how IVF is carried out, how competent and professional the doctors and lawyers involved in the management of medical and medical treatment are. legal aspects in the process of this reproductive technology. No one can predict the result of unverified transactions, as well as applications to unreliable surrogacy agencies.

Since IVF is mandatory procedure in this case(which is regulated by law, since in the Russian Federation it is prohibited for one woman to act as both a surrogate and a genetic mother), then it is much better that the same specialists are involved in the selection of a surrogate mother, the conduct of IVF and, if necessary, the use of donor material. This is not only convenient, but also significantly increases the chance of a successful birth of a healthy child.

Selecting a location

If you are looking for the best surrogacy and IVF center in Moscow, you should keep in mind that choosing such an institution is a very responsible step, so you should pay attention to large clinics with a good reputation. You can compare prices and reviews of the program at different clinics.

We invite women who want to carry someone else's child to cooperate (as much as a surrogate mother receives in our clinic, she is unlikely to receive in others medical institutions), as well as married couples who need the help of a surrogate mother. Current prices for surrogacy in Moscow in 2019 are indicated in the table above.

Surrogacy is a variant of assisted reproductive technology used when a woman, due to health problems, cannot bear and give birth to a child on her own. Just a few decades ago, the only option was to adopt a child. Nowadays, infertility can be overcome even in the most severe cases; such couples will be helped by a surrogacy program. It is curious that even in ancient times there was a semblance of surrogacy. Rich ladies used their slaves to bear their children. After birth, the slaves were not even shown the baby due to the fact that they did not have any rights in relation to the children born.

Reviews and stereotypes about surrogate mothers

Of course, everyone modern man knows what surrogacy is. Reviews and opinions about it are so diverse that it is quite difficult to list them all. Some are categorically against it and say that surrogacy is the use of an outside woman as an incubator. They believe that in case of infertility, the child should be taken from orphanage. Others believe that surrogacy is an opportunity to give happiness to a childless couple and approve of this act. Opinions vary so much because modern world There are several stereotypes about this phenomenon.

Those who don’t even like the expression “surrogacy” write negative reviews and comments. They firmly believe that women decide to do such an act for the sake of money. It cannot be denied that the material aspect is, of course, present in this. But no one knows how pregnancy can affect a woman’s health. Firstly, it is unknown whether a surrogate mother will be able to bear a child without negative consequences for her health. Secondly, don’t women from wealthy families decide to do this? People who have a positive attitude towards this procedure and those who have been helped by the surrogacy program argue that, as a rule, single mothers who already have children but no husband take part in the program. Despite the weight of the material side, every woman still wants to help others have a child and create a full-fledged family.

People's opinions about the procedure of pregnancy and childbirth

It is generally accepted that during pregnancy she gets used to the child, considers him her own, and finds it difficult to separate from him after childbirth. This is not to say that this is an absolute lie. Of course, it’s impossible not to get used to the miracle that has been living inside you for 9 months. But almost all surrogate mothers are clearly aware that this is someone else’s child. That is why special psychological problems in this matter no.

The uninformed party writes in their comments that after the birth of a child, surrogate mothers do not maintain contact with the family they helped. This is wrong. During pregnancy, they are always nearby and during this time they can become very close and make friends. There are many stories where biological parents and the woman who carried the baby maintain a warm, friendly relationship.

Legality of surrogacy

Surrogacy in Russia, in accordance with the current legislation, is considered absolutely legal. This law states that first the surrogate mother has all rights to the newborn child. Therefore, the woman who carried the child may, if she wishes, not give the baby to the parents. Officially, biological parents acquire rights to a newborn only after the surrogate mother refuses. But according to the law, they are not required to collect any documents and go through numerous authorities to adopt their own child. In accordance with the law, a woman who has two children can become a surrogate mother. Her age must be less than 35 years. If she is married, she needs a notarized permission from her husband. Regarding biological parents, we can say that the surrogacy program can only be used by married couples who do not have their own children for medical reasons. An important fact is that a surrogate mother cannot be implanted with a ready-made embryo during fertilization.

Cost of surrogacy

Many childless couples are very interested in how much this program will cost. According to statistics, out of 15% of childless couples, only 0.5% take part in the “Surrogacy in Russia” program. The main reason for low demand is its cost. For carrying and giving birth to a baby, a physiological mother receives about 500 thousand rubles. The parents of the unborn child must pay for the food of the surrogate mother. This will cost approximately 20 thousand rubles monthly. The price also includes resolution of all legal issues. About 600 thousand goes to pay for medications and IVF; surrogacy without it is impossible. The large amount is explained by the fact that in order to achieve pregnancy, several fertilizations are often necessary. When calculating, you can understand that this solution is not the cheapest pleasure.

The essence of this program is that the physiological mother who bears the child has no genetic relationship with him: the embryo is obtained by IVF, from the eggs of the biological mother and the sperm of the biological father. After which the finished embryo is implanted into the surrogate mother. Surrogacy in Moscow, as in other regions of Russia, is not prohibited and is absolutely legal.

In a specialized center, with the help of lawyers, an agreement is concluded between the parties, which describes all the nuances and details. They will help you find a surrogate mother and provide the necessary medical and legal services. The specialized center, which is visited by those interested in surrogacy in Moscow, has a specialized database of women who have been examined and meet the requirements of the Ministry of Health.

What problems might both sides face?

Psychological and ethical difficulties sometimes arise during surrogacy. This is his main problem. Nowadays no one is immune from fraud. Thus, no one can give guarantees that the surrogate mother after giving birth will not want a larger amount than previously agreed upon. There is also a small chance that the woman carrying the baby will not want to give it up after giving birth. From time to time it happens that biological parents abandon their child at the last moment. In this case, the surrogate mother will have to face problems for which she was not prepared either psychologically or physically.

Who wants to ban surrogacy?

Patriarch Kirill in his speech stated that surrogacy is immoral, and even called it child trafficking, and also proposed banning this program in Russia. It is interesting that in a number of European countries (France, Germany, Italy, Spain) such transactions between the physiological mother and biological parents are officially prohibited by law. In other countries, there is a ban on surrogacy with material gain, and it is also prohibited paid services associated with it. In Russia such transactions are legal. In 2011, despite the objections of opponents, official legislation on the program was passed.

Alternative to surrogacy

Solving the issue of infertility through surrogacy requires enormous responsibility and balanced decisions from both the future parents and the surrogate mother. Before the procedure, you must weigh the pros and cons. Prepare for the fact that the procedure will take a long time, including IVF. Surrogacy is a long and difficult path to happiness. Need to think about possible difficulties, including material ones. Women who want to become surrogate mothers should also evaluate all the pros and cons. For someone who decides to help other people, it is not the material aspect that should prevail, but the desire to give happiness to a childless couple. People who cannot have babies do not need to despair. In the end, you can take a lonely person and give him your love and care.

If a woman wants to give birth to a child for a family that for some reason cannot do this themselves, then this looks noble. But for many representatives of the red sex, the maternal instinct is stronger than nobility. For religious and ethical reasons, a large number of countries state level prohibits this procedure. But this ban, fortunately for childless families, does not apply to Russia.

What is surrogacy?

Often this is the only way to become parents. In this case, a woman who is physically unable to bear a child becomes a mother. From a medical point of view, surrogacy is of two types:

1. Traditional - a surrogate mother carries a child, this woman will be the genetic parent of the child.

2. Gestational (full) - when a woman carries and gives birth to a child who is not genetically her own.

In the first case, it is impossible to obtain an egg completely healthy for fertilization from the real mother, and then it is taken from a woman who has decided to become a surrogate mother. The child’s father will be biologically related, his sperm are healthy, and they are used during fertilization.

In the second case, the expectant mother's egg is fertilized by the father's sperm. A small number of embryos are implanted into the uterus of a woman who has decided: I will become a surrogate mother. In this case, the child is foreign to the woman who bears it, and genetically native to the couple who provided their egg and sperm.

How to become a surrogate mother?

Many young women have heard about surrogacy and want to help those couples who really want children, but cannot give birth themselves, and at the same time do not know how to become a surrogate mother. Have you already given birth and have your own child, and your age is between 20-35 years? If your answer is yes, then you meet the basic selection criteria.

How do you become a surrogate mother? First of all, you should fill out a special form on the website or contact a surrogacy agency. There you will be asked questions regarding your health, anthropometric data (weight and height), and will also be asked how many children you have and what age they are.

As a rule, women who want to carry and give birth to a surrogate child are first sent for an interview with a psychologist. This is done so that there is no doubt that you will perform your duties well. After this, you will undergo a medical examination absolutely free of charge. If your health is fine and the examination does not reveal any abnormalities, then you will be included in the database of surrogate mothers.

Once your birth parents select you, you can begin the program immediately.

What is the cost of surrogacy?

The number of families who are willing to pay a lot of money just to become parents is growing every year. The amount of the fee that the surrogate mother receives also increases.

Today, not taking into account medical care and maintenance during pregnancy, the cost of surrogacy in our country is in the range of 15-40 thousand dollars. If a couple is trying to find a surrogate mother on their own, then all these issues can be resolved on their own or ask for help at a reproduction center, which will select the necessary woman.

These centers, in addition to selecting healthy women, also provide the necessary medical support. This includes fertilization of the egg, implantation of the embryo into the uterine cavity, monitoring the progress of pregnancy, and delivery.

The centers' activities also include the legal side of the matter - they draw up contracts with surrogate mothers and documents for the child after his birth. You can find out about the cost of services in such centers on their websites.

Problems of surrogacy

The main problem is the danger that the surrogate mother will turn out to be an unbalanced woman who does not want to give up the baby, or even a fraudster.

There are often cases that a woman cannot get pregnant the first time. And each subsequent attempt is not only additional financial expenses for future parents, but also additional stress.

Also, the surrogate mother may find herself in a precarious position. After all, if a married couple abandons a child, no one can force them to take it away. Often, biological parents abandoned an unhealthy baby; it happened that more children were born than they expected (usually, for a greater likelihood of implantation, not one, but several embryos are implanted at once). In this case, the woman who gave birth to them can remain with the baby in her arms. Then she can only receive the amount agreed upon in the contract and alimony from the biological father.

Because of this, both a woman who has decided on surrogacy and future parents who want to use her services usually turn to surrogacy centers for help. The psychologists working there will explain to them all the risks and consequences in this case. After this, each of them will decide for themselves what to do next.

Nowadays, childbirth by a surrogate mother causes a lot of fierce debate and different opinions. But we can still be happy for those families who will have a child.

Laws governing the basic provisions of surrogacy

According to the current legislation in the Russian Federation, every woman who wishes can become a surrogate mother. According to this law, children from surrogate mothers belong to them. This means that if a woman does not want to give the baby to a married couple, then no one will be able to take it away from her. This is clearly stated in Article 51, Part 4. Genetic parents will be recognized as legal parents only if the girl giving birth gives consent. This is used by scammers who want to get more money from customers.

But a significant plus Russian legislation is that immediately after a woman abandons her child, the genetic parents are entered in the “father” and “mother” column. They do not need to adopt a baby and go through this long and grueling procedure.

What should a surrogate mother be like?

Requirements for candidates:

The surrogate mother must be between 20 and 35 years old.

A prerequisite is the presence of at least one child.

Satisfactory state of health (medical report).

Written consent for medical intervention.

Written consent of the spouse if the woman is married.

Is it necessary to be married?

No, this is not required. The law states that it is not necessary to be married if the couple has in their hands a document such as consent to medical intervention.

How to find a surrogate mother?

Special companies provide support for surrogacy. Choose only well-known agencies that have a good reputation. The agency searches for surrogate mothers, examines them and prepares them for childbirth, and also helps draw up contracts and estimates and solve problems that sometimes arise during pregnancy.

Expect that the agency's services will cost a lot, because the price includes the search for a candidate for the role of a surrogate mother, IVF, in addition, the woman carrying the baby must receive financial support during pregnancy and during childbirth.

After the child is born and the parents have issued a birth certificate, the agreed fee must be paid. Legal services They also cost a lot. After all, a good operator has a staff of lawyers to protect the interests of its clients. But, despite the fact that you will pay a round sum to the agency for the birth of your son or daughter, you will be protected both financially and legally.

You can also search on your own. You can find a candidate via the Internet in your own or another city, but a surrogate mother in Russia often does not fully understand what is required of her. And she has to explain for a long time all the intricacies of surrogacy. In addition, such a woman may turn out to be a fraudster whose goal is to extract more money from unhappy families. Therefore, we recommend that you still contact special agencies.

Surrogate Fertilization Process

The process is carried out using two methods - IVF+ICSI and IVF.

IVF - eggs and sperm combine themselves in a Petri dish.

ICSI - an embryologist inserts a sperm into an egg. This is the most effective method, getting pregnant - 67-75%.

The process of childbirth

Childbirth by a surrogate mother is no different from normal. These are specially selected women with excellent health, a wide pelvic structure (which is important for the passage of a child), and they already have experience in how to behave during childbirth.

Conclusion medical commission about the health status of the future surrogate mother and her professional suitability - this is legal document. The conclusion is given on the basis of multiple examinations (how the first pregnancy proceeded, how the birth went, were there any complications during pregnancy and childbirth, the condition of the newborn on the Apgar scale and other data).

Surrogate mothers are women who have already given birth at least once. And their birth occurs more easily and quickly than for first-time mothers. This is explained by the fact that in multiparous women birth canal wider and it is much more comfortable for a baby to be born in such conditions:

Asphyxia of the newborn is excluded;

Much lower chance of getting a birth injury;

There is no risk of deforming the skull.


Surrogacy is The best way become parents for married couples when their health condition does not allow them to do this in the usual way. Thanks to the Family Code of Russia, you can legally get a child who will not need to be adopted and will be genetically your own. After all, many couples do not want to adopt a completely “alien” child. Protected by law Russian Federation also the rights of surrogate mothers. Therefore, you can safely contact special clinics, and they will help you. Prices for this service can vary greatly, it all depends on the person who will bear the child. In specialized agencies the price will be much higher than when searching for a woman on your own. But the probability of a successful outcome is much higher.

(4 ratings, average: 4,75 out of 5)

Previously, the diagnosis of infertility was a death sentence for women, completely depriving them of the hope of becoming mothers. Then, in 1975, IVF was invented, which allowed many women to give birth to children even with this diagnosis. Alas, even IVF does not give some women a chance to give birth to children on their own if they have serious problems health problems that will not allow this. In this case, they learned to solve the problem with the help of surrogacy.

Surrogacy is a special type of agreement when a child for a married couple or one person is carried by another woman for a certain fee. In most cases, the clients of surrogate mothers are married couples where the woman, for one reason or another, cannot bear and give birth to a child herself.

A surrogate mother can simply carry a child without being its biological parent. A ready-made embryo is implanted into her, and fertilization is carried out in advance in a laboratory. The embryo can be either freshly fertilized or one that has been frozen for a certain time.

A surrogate mother can also become an egg donor. In this case, she is the second biological parent of the child being carried. Usually, in this case, fertilization is carried out in a laboratory, after which IVF is performed and the embryo is transferred to a surrogate mother.

Both sides: both the client and the mother herself, of course, are interested in the question: how much do they pay a surrogate mother in Russia? We will talk about this in our article.

Any woman can become a surrogate mother if she has such a desire, and she responds to everyone requirements for it:

  • age from 20 to 35 years;
  • presence of at least one healthy child, no history of miscarriages or missed pregnancies;
  • perfect health;
  • lack of hereditary and chronic diseases;
  • mental health;
  • psychological readiness.

A married couple can find a surrogate mother on their own among friends or relatives using private advertisements.

Often, if a married couple does not have much money, but wants to have a child of their own, relatives or close friends come to their aid and are ready to carry and give birth to a child for free, or for an amount much less than the average market price.

Even if the future parents themselves have found a surrogate mother, she will still need to undergo a full medical examination. If a woman is legally married, her husband must give formal written permission to do so.

Also, a woman who wants to become a surrogate mother can contact a specialized agency, reproduction centers, where they search for them for clients. Almost all women who decide to carry and give birth to a child for strangers do it in order to earn money.

Clients who have children using this method resort to a surrogate mother in most cases if a woman is unable to have children for health reasons or due to her age. Very rarely they can contact and absolutely healthy women who simply do not want to give birth on their own, spoil their figure, be distracted from work, etc.

How much do they pay a surrogate mother in Russia?

The amounts vary, depending on what city and region it is, who the client is, etc. On average in our country, a surrogate mother receives for her services 500,000 - 1,200,000 rubles. This is the payment for bearing and giving birth to a child. The client also undertakes to pay for medical examinations and medical services during pregnancy and childbirth.

Every month the surrogate mother receives an allowance on average equal to 20,000 - 30,000 rubles. This money is spent on current expenses, such as food. In hand, if we talk about the “net” amount that the surrogate mother will receive, it turns out to be 600,000 - 1,000,000 rubles.

How much do surrogate mother services cost for a “client” in Russia?

For the client, the amount is more than what is announced to the surrogate mother, because he pays for everything else. If he contacts a special agency that is looking for surrogate mothers, he will only need To pay the agency 150,000 - 300,000 rubles for this service. You also need to pay for a medical examination, IVF, pay a monthly allowance for current expenses, medical services, childbirth, if she gives birth under a contract.

And the surrogate mother herself needs to be paid a fee. Amount g Honorarium for a surrogate mother can come out from 1,000,000 to 2,000,000 rubles average. It all depends on the fee that the surrogate mother will receive, the agency, the clinic the client went to, and the place where the birth will take place.

We must also not forget about lawyers, whose services should be used to initially resolve all issues so that both parties to the transaction do not have any claims against each other later. There may be additional payments to the surrogate mother, for example, if the pregnancy is multiple, if any complications arise, if the birth was not natural, but with the help caesarean section.

Prices for surrogate mother services in the USA and other countries

Many, not trusting domestic medicine, prefer to use the services of a surrogate mother abroad. The most popular are the United States, where these services have been provided for a long time, including to foreigners. There are many agencies with the help of which you can find a suitable candidate, undergo an examination, do IVF, conclude a contract and wait for the baby to be born.

In some countries, surrogacy is prohibited by law. We can cite Germany as an example with its developed medicine. Such services are not provided there.

In Israel you can use such services. Costs of surrogacy in Israel 30,000 - 50,000 US dollars (1,872,000 - 3,120,000 rubles).

In many former CIS countries similar services are provided, for example, in Georgia and Ukraine. Many residents of developed countries, including the USA and Europe, turn to Russian, Georgian, Ukrainian surrogate mothers, because here it all costs much less, almost 10 times.

Video about how much surrogacy costs in Russia:

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