Home Removal Why do the peoples of the world study Russian? Why should you learn Russian? History from teaching practice

Why do the peoples of the world study Russian? Why should you learn Russian? History from teaching practice

Why do you need to learn Russian? Not only foreigners who are starting to learn the Russian language are puzzled by this question. Some Russians are also perplexed why they need to know the complex rules of grammar, why learn to put accents correctly, when they can do without it.

Quite weighty arguments can be made in defense of the Russian language. For a foreigner, the main reasons for learning the Russian language will be five main factors:

1. It is the Russian language that, in addition to French and English, is one of the three world languages ​​in which all existing international standards can be read.

2. Russian language is one of the most melodic and beautiful-sounding languages ​​in the world.

3. Knowledge of the Russian language makes it possible to read scientific treatises of great Russian scientists and works of literary classics in the original.

4. Russian is spoken in Russia, a country that is larger in area than any other country on the globe.

5. For foreigners, a serious argument will be that the Russian language, along with English, is used for communication on the international space station.

A foreigner who begins to study Russian should be warned in advance about the complexity of the language. What seems normal for any Russian speaker who has been listening to this language since the cradle presents a serious difficulty for foreigners. Russian has many more rules to learn than English or German.

But the most surprising thing is that it is sometimes more difficult to convince a person living in Russia and being a native speaker than a foreigner that the Russian language needs to be studied and known. Many Russians, instead of beautiful Russian speech, are content with an unintelligible mixture of vulgarisms and interjections interspersed with slang words and unacceptable figures of speech.

To convince such a person, you should let him hear his own speech, having first recorded it on a voice recorder. It is necessary to provide a person with the opportunity not only to listen to his own awkward chatter, but also to compare it with the speech of a professional reader or actor. To do this, just play a recording of a reading of a classic story or poem. Perhaps, having caught a clear difference, a person will understand how much he needs a deep study of his native language.

Many explain the uselessness of literacy by the presence of spell check functions in computer programs. Like, the computer will check everything itself. Of course, text editors and browsers do this check. But their databases do not include all words of the Russian language, which can often cause considerable problems.

And mobile phones usually do not have such functions at all. And today many people go online and communicate using mobile communications. Thus, the T9 system simply does not recognize an incorrectly entered word. Therefore, it will be very difficult for an illiterate person to write a text using such a technique.

The conclusion is that in the age of computerization, being literate is just as important as before. If an illiterate person has a question about publishing his articles somewhere, he is unlikely to find a publishing house that would like to correct his countless mistakes - or he will have to pay a lot of money for such a service. Sometimes it is easier for an editor to refuse such an author.

So, maybe it’s worth learning the rules of your native language so as not to complicate life for yourself or others?

Booker Igor 05/16/2014 at 19:17

Let us note that, following Europe, there is an increase in interest in the Russian language in some Asian countries. It’s safe to say that learning the Russian language is becoming a global trend. Why do foreigners need Russian? And why is Russia becoming increasingly popular among young people in the countries of the Asian region? Let's try to answer these questions...

According to 2012 data, half a billion people in the world speak Russian. In terms of the number of speakers, Russian ranks third in the world after Chinese and English.

Judging by the results of a W3Techs study conducted last spring, Russian has become the second most popular language on the Internet, slightly surpassing German.

It seems that it is high time to include Russian among the 24 official languages ​​of the European Union. It’s ridiculous that some of these languages ​​are spoken by far fewer EU citizens than native Russian speakers or those who speak Russian.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, interest in the Russian language, as well as in the political and state formation that arose in the vastness of the USSR, began to noticeably fade away. There were not only real political and economic reasons for this, but also outright politicking. The artificial devaluation of the Russian in the former Soviet Baltic, Caucasian republics and Ukraine cannot be explained otherwise than by evil. In foreign countries the picture was even sadder. Even in Bulgaria, Russian was the 14th language in terms of the number of schoolchildren studying it.

A certain complexity of the language also plays a significant role. After all, the “simpler” a language is, the more accessible it is to learn. It is more difficult for Indonesians to learn Russian because the Indonesian language lacks cases, verb types, and even stress. It’s also not easy for Mongols, but the Mongolian alphabet is based on the Cyrillic alphabet, so at least writing in Russian is not so difficult for them.

“The mood towards Russia is changing; many countries look at it not as a danger, but as an opportunity for mutually beneficial economic cooperation,” notes Lyudmila Verbitskaya, president of the International Association of Teachers of Russian Language and Literature.

According to the Bulgarian statistical agency, the Russian language overtook English and took 1st place. 35 percent of schoolchildren learn Russian, 28 percent learn English. In Poland, the number of people learning Russian is second only to those learning English. Dozens of Russian language courses are opening in Indonesia, India and Mongolia.

The decline in interest in learning the Russian language has continued for decades. The current revival is due, not least of all, to the growing role of Russia in the international arena in general and in the Asian region in particular.

Add the great Russian literature to the authority of our country and here is the answer to the question why foreigners want to study Russian. Interest in Russian classics has always been very, very high, but the desire to learn the language in the homeland of Dostoevsky, Tolstoy and Chekhov is not determined by the desire to read in the original alone.

Changes in recent years have been mixed. The USSR lost in the competition with the leading capitalist powers, losing political weight and the ability to provide economic assistance. But a flood of Russian tourists hit the world - a previously unprecedented phenomenon. Since it is not in the nature of a Russian person to learn foreign languages, we willy-nilly forced the hospitable Turks, Egyptians and other peoples to learn Russian.

“In Indonesia, the Russian language is now very popular, because many Russian companies are opening their branches in our country. Young people most often come for the Russian language; with Russian it is easier for them to find work: in a bank, the tourism industry and many other areas,” RIA said News from a teacher from Padyaadyaaran University in Bandung, Susi Machdalena.

“Why do people learn Russian? Why do students abroad choose Russian as their language of specialization? What is their motivation? These are the questions asked by the participants, which takes place in Moscow on the initiative of the Russkiy Mir Foundation.

This was discussed by the participants of the round table ““I would have learned Russian only for…” - For what?”, which took place within the framework of the forum. The presenter is a professor at the Varna Free University. Chernoritsa Khrabra, head of the Russian Center in Varna Galina Shamonina– I am sure that, although many people learn Russian for the pragmatic purpose of doing business in Russia, Russian is worth learning because it is the language of Russian literature. “Simplicity, clarity, depth of Russian classics continues to attract discerning readers”, - she said.

Professor Shamonina conducted a survey of students from different faculties of her university, where Russian can be chosen along with 11 other languages. And here are the answers she received: “The Russian language gives food for the mind, makes me think”, “I study Russian as a Slavic language that is close to me”, “I like the music of the language, its expressiveness”, “I study the Russian language in order to read Putin’s speeches”, “I study to understand Russia and its people».

“Russian language is my future”, said the Serbian student Isidora Cervec. She is originally from Banja Luka in Bosnia and Herzegovina, but she studies in Belgrade, since in Bosnia, according to her, Russian is not studied even at university. " My great-grandfather was a Russian emigrant, he lived in Banja Luka. People know little about Russian emigration in Bosnia.”, - Isidora noted.

According to Alexandra Aldoshina from Alicante, in Spain, the Russian language is becoming increasingly popular among students, and, according to his observation, they are mainly interested not in business, but in Russian culture and history.

Maya Katkova recently moved to Northern Ireland, although actually she is Russian, a specialist in the work of Andrei Platonov. The Russian-speaking community in this part of the United Kingdom is small. As a rule, children from mixed families are sent to study at the Russian school where she teaches. Parents have different motives: some want to speak their native language with their children, some hope that Russian will be useful later in building a career, some want the child to be a bearer of Russian culture and even study later in Russia. In Britain, Maya said, there is also a category of local residents who want to learn Russian - these are thoughtful, caring people who are interested in Russian culture or who want to understand for themselves what is happening in the world, not trusting the local press, where Russophobia reigns .

“We try to present Russia in a positive light, because we understand that we are mediators between cultures”, said the young teacher.

According to a student at Plovdiv University Elitsa Milanova, Most Bulgarian students choose Russian because it is beneficial for their career. However, Elitza believes that in order for students to learn a language consciously and with pleasure, they need to be motivated. In her opinion, the Russian centers of the Russkiy Mir Foundation are especially useful in this sense - one of them operates at her university. It is these centers that turn into “their place” for many students - a place where they not only study, but also participate in various events, where their initiative is in demand, where they themselves are drawn. Elitsa is sure: to make learning a language truly comfortable and interesting, the young person himself must be the initiator of the promotion of the Russian language, its popularizer.

There are many things in the world that are stronger than humans: natural elements, the state.

But people have a very powerful weapon - the tongue, which helps a person protect himself from all misfortunes. There is enormous power in language. Thinking is formed through language.

Language is primarily a means of communication.

Our country is a multinational state. And just like in every multinational country, there is always a need for mutual understanding between peoples.

Article sixty-eighth of the Constitution of the Russian Federation states:

1. The state language of the Russian Federation throughout the territory

is Russian language.

The Russian language has long functioned in our country as a language of interethnic communication.

In 1945, the Russian language was proclaimed one of the working and official languages ​​of the United Nations.



Municipal budgetary educational institution secondary school in the village of Sosnovka, Tandinsky district of the Republic of Tyva

Why do people of different nationalities need

Russia needs good knowledge of Russian language.

Oorzhak Ayana Paylak-oolovna, teacher

Russian language and literature.

Municipal secondary education

Institution Secondary education

Village school

Sosnovka of the Tandinsky kozhuun of the Republic of Tyva.

Postal address: Republic of Tyva,

Tandinsky kozhuun, Durgen village, Gagarin street, 28.

Index 668318. tel.: 8-394-37-2-91-91

Why do people of different nationalities in Russia need a good knowledge of the Russian language?

There are many things in the world that are stronger than humans: natural elements, the state.

But people have a very powerful weapon - the tongue, which helps a person protect himself from all misfortunes. There is enormous power in language. Thinking is formed through language.

Language is primarily a means of communication.

Our country is a multinational state. And just like in every multinational country, there is always a need for mutual understanding between peoples.

Article sixty-eighth of the Constitution of the Russian Federation states:

1. The state language of the Russian Federation throughout the territory

is Russian language.

The Russian language has long functioned in our country as a language of interethnic communication.

In 1945, the Russian language was proclaimed one of the working and official languages ​​of the United Nations.

Since the late 70s, Russian has been included in the number of languages ​​serving the activities of international non-governmental organizations. World Federation of Trade Unions, International Democratic Federation of Women, World Federation of Scientists, International Union of Students.

The position of a language in the modern world is supported by its place in the education system. The Russian language is one of the most widely studied languages ​​in the world; in more than a hundred countries it is studied in universities, schools, and classes.

Russian language began to be taught as a subject in Tuvan schools starting from the 1948-49 academic year, and before that time it was studied in separate groups.

As a means of interethnic communication, the Russian language has played a big role in the life of the Tuvan people. With the help of the Russian language, the national personnel of the republic were trained. Teachers, doctors, scientists, composers, artists, and engineers were educated in Russian universities. The best of them became the “bright color” of the Tuvan nation. The Russian language contributed to the familiarization of wide sections of the population with Russian and world culture, with the culture of the peoples of Russia; thanks to the Russian language, Tuvan writers and poets went beyond the borders of the republic.

Many sons of Tuva work outside the republic. The pride of our republic is Sergei Kuzhugetovich Shoigu. Permanent Minister of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia.

Thanks to the Russian language, a generation of people is growing up who know the culture of another people, people who are capable and willing to participate in intercultural communication.

Modern man lives in a flow of information. Mass media are designed to tell about everything that happens in the world. They help to learn about new facts and events and influence people’s activities.

Also, by studying and comprehending the Russian language, a new understanding of the native language, its role in the life of the people, in the development of culture came. The great German poet Goethe said: “He who does not know a single foreign language does not know his own.”

By learning another language, they get a unique opportunity to go beyond the boundaries of their linguistic vision of the world, look at their own language as if from the outside and better understand it. Therefore, for children of a multinational country, knowledge of the Russian language is not just part of a good education, but an urgent need. And a person’s mentality depends on this. By studying other languages, we become convinced that reality is presented differently in different languages. Hence

tolerance, which in our time is necessary in raising the younger generation in a multinational state.

Many exciting careers await graduates of multinational schools. Everywhere you need a deep knowledge of the Russian language, the ability to accurately, clearly and vividly express your thoughts. Through the Russian language they have the opportunity to communicate with other peoples living on the territory of our multinational state, and through which access to the achievements of world civilization is opened.

In order for speech to become richer and more expressive, you need to constantly increase your vocabulary, enrich your speech with proverbs, sayings, and catchphrases. This will be helped by thoughtful reading of the works of the best writers and cultural figures.

Every person should strive for high culture.

One poem expresses everything I would like to say. This is a poem by Mongush Kenin-Lopsan Borakhovich - senior employee of the Republican Museum of Local Lore, candidate of historical sciences, laureate of the “Living Treasure of Shamanism” award of the American Foundation for the Study of World Shamanism, poet, writer. This poem sounds like an instruction to the next generation.

Russian language.


Which one to the Land of Soviets


From which regions?

Will he refuse the visit?

At a festive evening

Who didn't have to

Me, a student,

Talk openly?

In Russian

I asked about health

And expressed ardent wishes

Health and happiness to the Buryats, Mansi,

To a Muscovite friend,

girl from Spain The path I've walked

and found a crucible even for knowledge

native language! He is free

like the wind

like a soaring eagle

Who knows,

is reading

and writes

Russian word! The Russian language will introduce


With the family of nations,

great and small.

Thoughts of your sages


A gift to the people

You retold them right away! O Russian language!

Science and friendship are a living fire

Light up the minds

everlasting and bright


Study it, love it,

like a native language


and schoolchildren! Don't forget about it!

I wonder why students from other countries study Russian? Why are they attracted to Russian history and culture? Read our material in honor of Russian Language Day and find out how and why foreigners master the “great and mighty”.

Study cases throughout the year? Should you stand in front of the mirror every morning and say the letter “Y”? Nonsense! The most difficult thing to understand is the mysterious Russian soul. The linguistic department helps foreign students of RSSU with this. On the eve of the holiday, we talked with Larisa Aleshina, Associate Professor of the Department of Russian Language and Literature, Candidate of Philological Sciences.

How difficult is the Russian language?

A typical situation for a Russian language teacher:

- I know why you don’t like the letter “R”

- Why?

— How does your tiger growl in China?

- X-x-x

- And the Russian tiger does “R-r-r”. Now you understand why you can't get this letter

The main difficulty of the Russian language is phonetics. Explaining to Chinese students how to pronounce the letter “R” is difficult, because there is simply no such sound in the Chinese language. The same number includes the letter “s” and the hissing words: “sh”, “sch” and “ch”. The Japanese, Koreans, Arabs and Jews experience similar problems, because the Cyrillic alphabet has nothing in common with Japanese or Chinese characters, or with the letters of the Hebrew and Arabic alphabet.

How do students cope with this problem?

We just learn these sounds. There are various techniques. For example, students from Arab countries find it very difficult to pronounce the sound “Y”. There is a special exercise when you need to put some object between your teeth and then it won’t work "AND", but only "Y". Chinese who do not know how to pronounce “R” first learn to pronounce syllables with this letter, when it is either at the beginning of the syllable or at the end.

Don't believe stereotypes! Foreigners are calm about hard and soft signs. Of course, when they make attempts to reprimand them, the teacher still has a hard time:

They realize that they are learning a foreign language and they must learn it for what it is. They have no denial. They understand everything perfectly. They are smart people with good education received in their country.

Another difficulty is that our grammar is very structured, unlike other languages. Students do not understand at all what cases and gender are.

First, we show all the cases together, according to the table, and then throughout the year we gradually work on each case. And not in order, not like in Russian schools. It is easier to first explain the features of the prepositional case, then the accusative case. And the most difficult one for foreigners is genitive.

Where does learning begin?

Acquaintance with the “mysterious” country, the first experience of traveling on the subway, walks along Red Square are accompanied by the first classes at the university:

At the Elementary level, for the first few days we start the lesson with the Russian alphabet and Russian sounds, then gradually from sound we move on to syllables, then to words, small sentences, and at the same time we learn to write.

Writing in cursive is the least favorite activity of foreign students. They explain it this way: “In China, all the classrooms are computerized, everyone has a computer, and there is no need to write by hand with a pen—that’s a thing of the past.”

What else do foreigners study in Russian universities?

Regional studies,

Culture and traditions of Russia,

History of Russian literature,

Scientific style of speech,

Theory and practice of translation from a foreign language into Russian

In general, it all depends on the purpose for which the language is studied. There are foreigners who study with ordinary students in ordinary departments. Then their list of subjects is standard: mathematics, economics, history, depending on the field of study

ATTENTION. Exclusive!

An excerpt from a student’s essay about his impressions of Russia:

“As for Pushkin. I really love his poems. Very very. Especially “I loved you...”. He is a smart, romantic, brilliant person. He started the Golden Age of Russia. Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy is also a great man, he wrote “War and Peace” - the greatest work of Russian literature, after which he wrote “Anna Karenina” - this is a novel about the power of love. More "Sunday". There is a lot of cultural life in Russia. Countless museums are located here. School teachers and children visit museums together. It is perfectly. Since childhood, a person can look, learn with his ear and eye, and get used to his surroundings. That’s why Russian culture is the World Champion.”

“All foreigners love Pushkin. The Chinese like the way this name sounds in their native language. They say it is very beautiful and melodic.”

They love our classics. But they don’t like movies. They don’t want to watch old films because they are young people and it’s boring for them. And our new ones, unfortunately, are not of very high quality. But the kids enjoy going to museums, theaters, and listening to opera. They especially like to go to children's performances.

Which student learns Russian easier?

African students are very bright. They are good at Russian. They have practically no problems with phonetics. And their success lies in the fact that they are very sociable, unlike students from Vietnam, Korea, and China.

Asians are open only among “their own”. Africans are very sociable and make friends easily. Their learning is much faster and more joyful. They are musical, they love songs very much, and it is much easier to learn a language through songs.

History from teaching practice

When we were studying the basic level of the Russian language, says Larisoa Aleshina, we came across a text about how a friend gave Irina Saltykova, a singer, a star named after her. A student from South Korea said:

“I don’t understand how you can give a star and what kind of gift it is.”

I explained to her that Russian girls are very romantic and often choose a star instead of a diamond. She didn’t believe me, she said it was impossible.

Sitting next to her was a girl from Iran, who also spoke with the Korean girl:

“It's stupid to choose a star over diamonds. We don't believe"

Then we went for a walk along the corridor of the linguistic faculty and stopped teachers, men and women, students and asked what they would choose: diamonds or a star. And almost all Russian girls and teachers, even men, said: “Of course, a star.”

A Korean woman wrote about this on Facebook. An hour later, she received a message from three thousand Korean men: “We want a Russian wife.”

“I still don’t understand,” she answered, “for example, a beautiful girl Natasha lives with me, who wants to marry a millionaire, and she will definitely choose a diamond.”

“Okay, let's call her.”

We're calling Natasha. Let's explain the situation. Natasha tells us that if her beloved man offers her such a gift, then, of course, she will choose

star. This threw our foreign students into a stupor. They thought for a long time, and finally understood the reason:

“I have my favorite guy Ali, he’s already a diamond for me, why do I need another one?! That is, I will also choose a star.”

I really enjoyed conducting this sociological survey. For several years I have been asking this question to foreign youth. And then a student from Italy came to us. I told the same situation and invited Danila to make her choice. No one expected him to take it so seriously:

“No, it’s too expensive, both the star and the diamond. I don’t agree, the maximum is dinner.”

We tried for a long time to explain to him that this was a joke, that you just need to imagine such a situation. And he:

“Well, Larisa Nikolaevna, can I at least give you a book?”

However, after much persuasion, he finally chose a diamond. This is the difference between our mentalities

Why do foreigners need Russian?

South Korea and China are establishing economic and trade relations with Russia. For African students, this is an opportunity to get a good education inexpensively.

A student from Italy just really fell in love with Russian culture.

One day he came to my master class on public speaking, where I told him the meaning of a name for a person. We talked about how a name determines a person’s destiny. He listened and then said:

“You know, you’re right. My mother always loved Russia and Russian culture. There are five of us in the family and she called me by the Russian name Danila. And here I am today with you, writing a dissertation on the classics.”

He loves Chekhov. He loves Russian literature, and he really fell in love with Russia, like many foreign students.

Text: Irina Stepanova

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