Home Orthopedics The two largest volcanoes in which country. Map of active volcanoes of the world online

The two largest volcanoes in which country. Map of active volcanoes of the world online

Volcanic activity is one of the forces of nature that can change the face of the Earth. And at the moment, underground forces continue their titanic work. Created from many layers of lava, monstrous in size, largest volcanoes in the world lurking under the surface of the water or hanging over nearby cities.

Which ones are considered the largest? Scientists have not yet come to a consensus. Some believe that the rating should be based on altitude above sea level. Others say that it is necessary to take into account the area over which lava flows spread, forming a new surface. The third is that the human factor is most important: the danger to human settlements.

The highest volcano in Europe is located on the island of Sicily and is still active. The last eruption began on December 25, 2018. Due to frequent eruptions, it is impossible to accurately determine its height - it is constantly changing. For example, over the past 30 years, Etna has “lost” more than 20 meters in height. Currently it rises above the island at 3295 m.

The mountain is famous for its bad character– its slopes are dotted with craters, from where lava steadily pours out every couple of months. About once a century, eruptions occur on a larger scale, posing a direct danger to human settlements inhabiting the slopes. However, this does not stop stubborn people - due to frequent eruptions, the soil on the slopes of the mountain is rich in elements useful for plants, allowing them to reap large harvests.

9. Erebus - 3794 meters

If other volcanoes are located in the inhabited part of the world, then Erebus is located on the uninhabited continent of Antarctica. This is the largest active volcano in the southern polar region. Despite the lifeless ice expanses surrounding it, Erebus leads a very active life. And him geographical location- exactly above several faults in the earth's crust - contributes a lot to this.

Even though people don’t live near Erebus, it still affects their lives in a negative way. From the depths of the volcano, streams of gases contained within the Earth periodically burst out, mainly methane and hydrogen, which destroy ozone layer. It is believed that the thinnest ozone sea is exactly in the area where the volcano is active.

8. Klyuchevskaya Sopka - 4835 meters

Like Etna, the height of Klyuchevsky volcano is constantly changing. Although it lost about 15 meters after the eruption five years ago, it still remains the highest active volcano in Russia and Asia.

Although, compared to other peaks of Kamchatka, Klyuchevskogo Volcano loses in frequency, it successfully compensates for this in power. For example, the 1938 eruption lasted 13 months and caused the formation of several craters up to 1900 m high. And the 1980 eruption tore off and threw into the air to a height of more than 500 m a block of ice with an area of ​​at least half a kilometer.

But the most spectacular and most terrible eruption was in 1994, when an impressive column of ash more than 12 km high rose above the volcano, and a plume of volcanic ash extended from the eruption site for many tens of kilometers and disappeared somewhere in the ocean.

7. Orizaba - 5636 meters

“The top of the volcano must touch the sky itself,” the ancient Incas probably thought and gave it the name Citlaltepetl, or “Star Mountain.” It is the tallest active volcano in North and Central America, and the third highest peak in the region. It can be seen from afar - many miles from the coast, the cone of Orizaba can be seen from the side of a ship traveling through the Gulf of Mexico to the port of Veracruz.

Although the volcano is now sleeping, its calmness is deceptive - it led a very active existence from the moment the conquistadors came to these places until the 19th century, and in last years a station located at its foot recorded constant internal activity.

6. Elbrus - 5642 meters

The most high mountain at the same time it is the largest volcano in Russia and Europe. Glaciers descending from the snow-covered surface give rise to several significant rivers that feed the plains of the Caucasus region.

In addition to its beauty, the snow-white cone with two peaks and a small saddle between them is distinguished by its meek and peaceful character. Elbrus has been dormant for a long time, and its last eruption was more than 5,000 years ago. Despite the external severity, climbing Elbrus is easy and simple - the climbing routes to the top of the sleeping patriarch are among the easiest.

5. Kilimanjaro - 5885 meters

Magnificently handsome Kilimanjaro - business card Africa, its largest volcano. The sleeping giant is actually three volcanic cones that are visible from almost anywhere in neighboring Tanzania and Kenya.

Unlike many of the volcanoes in the ranking, Kilimanjaro is the most famous volcano in the world, a typical stratovolcano. If you ask a child to draw it, most likely, he will draw a conical mountain, from the top of which ash, burning gases and very viscous lava are erupting, which quickly hardens, growing the cone higher and higher. This is a stratovolcano. The size of Kilimanjaro is 4800 km3, and its height is 5885 m. The last time the volcano was active was at the dawn of mankind - 360,000 years ago.

4. Ojos del Salado - 6,893 meters

If the second and third places in the ranking are the largest volcanoes in the world, if you count from the seabed, then Ojos del Salado is the highest volcano in the world located above the surface of the sea. It rises 6,893 m above the ground. The giant mountain is located on the border between Argentina and Chile.

Although the last active volcanic eruption occurred before the invention of writing by mankind - no data about it has been preserved - however, Ojos del Salado cannot be called sleeping in the full sense of the word. In the depths of a huge mountain, a mysterious hidden work seems to be taking place, the echo of which reaches the inhabitants of the earth in the form of clouds of steam and ash. The last such activity took place as recently as 1993.

3. Mauna Loa - 9800 meters

Mauna Loa is an underwater volcano, the peak of which (along with five others) gave rise to the Big Island of the Hawaiian archipelago. The size of Mauna Loa is 40,000 km3, the area is 75,000 m2, and the height (if you count from the seabed) is as much as 9,800 m. And it is the highest active volcano in the world - the last eruption of Mauna Loa was only 34 years ago, in 1984 year. In just the last 170 years, Mauna Loa has frightened people with its activity, throwing out lava 33 times.

2. Mauna Kea - 10058 meters

“Sister” Mauna Loa rises almost 4267 m above sea level. Doesn't seem like much, right? However, there is more potential hidden in Mauna Kea than meets the eye - its foundation lies deep under the water column at a depth of more than 6000 m. This makes Mauna Kea. If it were entirely located on land, it would break the record of all the highest volcanoes in the world, beating the “terrestrial” favorite Ojos del Salado by almost 3000 m.

The summit of Mauna Kea has very low humidity and almost never clouds - now home to one of the largest observatories in the world.

Mauna Kea arose above the earth's hot spot - a place where hot and molten magma rises up from the Earth's mantle layer. Over millions of years, the outward molten rock created the surface of the entire Hawaiian archipelago. Mauna Kea is a dormant volcano; this means that it has been inactive for more than 4,000 years, and the hot spot for magma reaching the surface has shifted. However, inaction does not mean that he will doze forever.

1. The largest volcano in the world: Tamu Massif - 4000 meters

“How, just 4000 meters - and the largest volcano in the world?” - the reader may be indignant. Yes, Tamu's height is not very impressive. But let's take a closer look at it from all sides.

Most of the largest natural objects in the world were discovered by humanity long ago, at the dawn of its existence. But the Tamu Massif - the largest volcano on planet Earth - long years managed to hide from people.

It is amazing that humanity knew more about the huge volcanoes on Mars than about the giant mountain under its very nose. The reason for this is both the remote location (it is located more than 1,600 km east of Japan) and the depth. Its top is immersed in the thickness of the World Ocean for 2000 km. It was only in 2013 that scientists discovered that the stunning mountain of lava on the ocean floor was in fact a single volcano.

Its volume is approximately 2.5 million km3, and its area is more than 311 km2. Fortunately, it has been dormant for a long time - Tamu's last eruption was about 144 million years ago.

The most dangerous volcano in the world

The Yellowstone supervolcano is considered the most active and dangerous today. Located in a US national park, it poses a huge threat not only to the state of Wyoming, but to the entire planet. It is believed that the eruption of the Yellowstone Volcano could lead to climate change throughout the Earth.

As a result of the disaster, more than 70% of the US territory will be destroyed. Magma and ash will cover the area with a 3-meter layer. Losses will amount to more than 10 million lives, and the territory will become uninhabitable due to high levels of radiation.

Today, visiting the park is limited; entry into some areas is completely prohibited. Scientists are carefully examining the caldera; an eruption may begin in the coming decades.

Today there are several hundred active volcanoes on our planet; among all this diversity there are both the most powerful and largest, and the highest. Each of the volcanoes has one important characteristic, which unites them all - they have great potential and power. Volcanoes rise majestically above the ground from several hundred to several thousand meters above the ground.

In addition, volcanoes have two unpleasant characteristics - they are very dangerous and unpredictable.


We can probably safely say that the most massive among its relatives in the whole world is located in Hawaii and has the name Mauna Loa. Indeed, it can be called a real giant, and it occupies a huge area on the Hawaiian Islands. Firstly, this volcano can scare anyone with its gigantic size, and secondly, today it is the most active volcano in the world. The first eruption of Mauna Loa recorded by people occurred in 1843, since then there have been 43 such eruptions.

Last time a rather powerful eruption occurred in the twentieth century, namely in 1984. It was then that a huge amount of lava poured out of the crater of the volcano; it covered an area of ​​more than 12 thousand hectares of land. Also, solidified lava significantly increased the area of ​​the island itself. Mauna Loa rises 4,170 meters above sea level, but do not forget that the volcano goes under water for a similar distance. Therefore, if you combine the height above sea level and the depth below sea level, it turns out that this volcano is the highest, and also that it is the largest mountain on the planet. According to this total indicator, Mauna Loa even surpasses the famous Jomalungma.

Among a large number of scientists, there is an opinion that Llullaillaco should be considered the most massive volcano on Earth, and we are talking about volcanoes that are currently active. This volcano is located in the Andes, and more specifically, among the Argentine and Chilean Andes. Llullaillaco has a height of 6723 meters; the last time it awoke was in 1877, but all local residents remembered this eruption.

Llullaillaco volcano

But there is disagreement among scientists about which volcano should be called the largest. For example, some believe that the highest and largest volcano is located in South America, near the equator. This actually means a huge volcano called Cotopaxi, whose height is 5879 meters. Despite its lower altitude than Llullaillaco, the Cotopaxi volcano has a richer history of eruptions, the last time this happened in 1942.

Cotopaxi volcano

And if Cotopaxi cannot be called the largest volcano on Earth, then it definitely deserves the epithet “most beautiful”. Judge for yourself - at the foot there is simply an abundance of green vegetation of the tropical jungle, and the top of the volcano is covered with a white snow cap. Of course, like the entire family of volcanoes, Cotopaxi is also quite dangerous, since during the entire period of observation it woke up more than a dozen times and erupted a huge amount of lava from its crater. During one of these eruptions, the city of Latacunga was completely destroyed.


If we talk about such a characteristic as height, then the highest of all volcanoes on Earth is Ojos del Salado. This volcano is located between two countries - Chile and Argentina. In Spanish it translates to “salty tears.” The height of this volcano is 6890 meters above sea level, with the highest peak located on Chilean territory. This cannot but please the citizens of Chile; moreover, they are proud of the presence of such a high volcano in their country.

Various scientists conducted a large number of expeditions to this volcano, conducted a lot of research there, and ultimately came to the unanimous conclusion that Ojos del Salado did not erupt even once. More specifically, we are talking about the last two million years. Despite the fact that the volcano is dormant, as recently as 1993 it released large amounts of sulfur and water vapor into the atmosphere. Therefore, it is not only the highest volcano on the planet, but also the calmest to date.


The most powerful volcanic eruption, documented information about which has survived to this day, is the eruption near the capital of Indonesia - the city of Jakarta. Its inhabitants felt all the fear and power of the volcano. The tragic events occurred back in 1883, it was then, on May 20, that a local volcano called Krakatau awoke. At first, the eruption was manifested by strong underground tremors, the earth literally shook. It is worth noting that Krakatoa itself is located 50 kilometers away from Jakarta. Actually, over the course of three months, tremors of varying strength occurred from time to time, but the worst began on August 27, it was on that day that Krakatoa truly woke up.

It began with a terrible explosion; it was even heard by those who were 5 thousand kilometers from the volcano. Then a huge cloud of ash rose into the sky, and the volcano threw it to a height of 30 kilometers. If we talk about the gas-ash column, it flew all the way to the mesosphere. Then a deafening explosion sounded, today it corresponds to a force of 6 points. settling long time Ashes covered almost the entire territory of Indonesia. The terrible explosion triggered a devastating tsunami, the impact of which killed 37,000 people in one day. Some eyewitnesses claimed that in some areas the wave reached a height of 30 meters.

As a result, the volcanic eruption completely destroyed 165 villages and cities. Huge clouds of volcanic ash settled throughout the Earth for several years and influenced the climate throughout the planet for two years.

Volcanoes are not only a fascinating and dangerous sight. It was thanks to volcanic activity that life originated on planet Earth. The atmosphere and hydrosphere appeared due to emissions huge amount carbon dioxide and water vapor. Today, some fire-breathing mountains remain dormant, while others cause trouble and disturbance to humanity.

Volcano Vesuvius. Italy

It is considered one of the most dangerous volcanoes in Europe. It was he who destroyed several ancient Roman cities, including Pompeii, in August 1979. He wakes up approximately every 20 years. The last time was in 1944.

Volcano Yellowstone Caldera. USA

About a third of the territory of Yellowstone National Park is occupied by an active volcano. Inside, a bubble of magma constantly heats thermal springs, which manifests itself in the formation of geysers and mud pots.

Volcano Krakatoa. Indonesia

It last erupted in 1883, resulting in the destruction of the island on which the volcano is located. The process lasted from May until the end of August. The victims of the ash and tsunami were 36 thousand people and 259 settlements. Today, a 1.5 km area around the island is closed to the public.

Mauna Loa Volcano. Hawaii

It is the second largest of the megavolcanoes, the top of which is covered with snow from January to March. Sometimes it wakes up and pours out lava flows.

Mount Kilimanjaro. Tanzania, Africa

The volcano consists of 3 extinct peaks. However, scientists discovered that only 400 m below the crater of the mountain there is hot lava. In addition, the centuries-old ice cap that covered the peak has almost melted.

Eyjafjallajokull volcano. Iceland

Not long ago, a volcano paralyzed the work of several European airports. The eruption was rated 4 on the VEI scale. Some researchers believe that the awakening of Eyjafjallajokull could be the trigger for the Katla eruption.

Volcano Cotopaxi. Ecuador

This is the most active volcano. After more than 150 years of silence, Cotopaxi came to life again in 2015. Fortunately, no one was hurt.

Volcano Merapi. Java Island

One of the most active volcanoes erupts at least twice a year, with major eruptions occurring every seven years. Local residents have to evacuate. The top of Merapi smokes non-stop.

Volcano Popocatepetl. Mexico

The most powerful eruption occurred in 2000. It was preceded by a 15-year increased activity fiery mountain. In March 2016, Popocatepetl raised a column of steam, gas and ash to a height of 2 km. The cities of Mexico City and Puebla are at risk.

Volcanoes are geological formations on the surface of the earth's crust where magma comes to the surface, forming lava, volcanic gases, rocks and pyroclastic flows. The word “Vulcan” comes from the name of the ancient Roman god of fire, Vulcan. There are several thousand volcanoes on earth, more than 500 of which are active. In our list we will talk about the 11 largest and highest volcanoes on the planet.


Tajumulco is a volcano in western Guatemala. It has an altitude of 4220 meters, is part of the burrow system of the Sierra Madre de Chiapas and the highest point in Guatemala and Central America. The volcano cone has two peaks; the eastern cone is ancient with a crater with a diameter of about 70 meters, the western one is young. There are oak and pine forests on the slopes, and xerophytic mountain meadows in the upper part. There is several evidence of its eruptions in historical times, but none of them are reliably confirmed.


The volcano in Washington state, 4392 meters high, is located 88 kilometers from Seattle in Pierce County. Rainier is a dormant stratovolcano, but there is evidence of volcanic activity from 1820 to 1894. Today, according to the USGS, in the event of a strong eruption, about 150 thousand people could be in danger. Rainier is one of the most glacially rich mountains in the world, on the slopes of which are the sources of many rivers. Up to a height of 2500 meters, the volcano is covered with coniferous forests, above - alpine meadows, above 2800 meters - glaciers and eternal snow. On the peaks there are 40 glaciers with an area of ​​87 km², the largest of which is Emmons - 14 km². The volcano and surrounding area are protected and have the status of Mount Rainier National Park.


Klyuchevskaya Sopka is an active volcano in eastern Kamchatka, about 7,000 years old. It has a height of 4850 meters, a crater diameter of 1250 meters and a crater depth of 340 meters. It is the highest active volcano on the Eurasian continent. It is a regular cone with 70 side cones, domes and craters. Despite the high altitude of the volcano, there is no snow or glaciers on it. This is caused by active volcanic activity. Klyuchevskoy volcano was formed only due to summit eruptions. Over 270 years, more than 50 strong eruptions occurred. During the 2004-2005 eruption, the ash column reached a record height of 8,000 m.


It is the highest active volcano in the Andean volcanic belt, 40 km north of the city of Manizales. Nevado del Ruiz is located in the territory National Park Los Nevados is part of the Ruiz Tolima massif and includes a group of five snow-capped volcanoes: Tolima, Santa Isabel, Quindia and Machin. The Cordillera is located at the intersection of four deep faults that are still partially active. The top of the volcano is covered by large glaciers, but they are rapidly retreating thanks to global warming. This volcano has been active for about 2 million years. Its relatively small eruption in 1985, after a 150-year period of inactivity, almost completely destroyed and cut off outside world the town of Armero and led to the death of 23 thousand of its inhabitants.


Seventh place in the list of the largest volcanoes in the world was taken by this active stratovolcano in South America. Sangay is located in Ecuador, on the eastern slope of the Andes and has three craters. The height above sea level is 5230 meters. A young cone rises above the ancient volcano, cut by deep gorges. Almost continuously since 1728, the volcano emitted steam and ash, covering the surrounding area. The volcano is believed to have formed about 14,000 years ago. The last eruption was in 2007. At the top there is eternal snow.


Popocatepetl is an active volcano and the second highest mountain in Mexico, with an altitude of 5426 meters. The name comes from two words in the Nahuatl language: popo - “smoking” and tepetl - “hill”. There are three state capitals around the volcano - Puebla, Tlaxcala and Mexico City, with a total population of more than 20 million people. The volcano has a perfect conical shape, a very deep oval crater, with almost vertical walls. Most eruptions over the past 600 years have been relatively weak. In September 2006, the volcano resumed activity, with periodic ash emissions over the volcano's crater.


Peak Orizaba is the highest mountain in Mexico and the third highest in North America. Its height is 5636 meters. Difficult terrain, significant altitude above sea level, strong winds - all this caused the presence of several climatic zones on the volcano. If tropical vegetation can be observed at the foot of the eastern side of the volcano, then at more high levels the vegetation is more similar to alpine. And to the south and southeast there are large fields of small cinder cones and maars - funnel-shaped depressions that appeared during the explosion of gases, up to 300-400 m deep and exceeding 3 km in diameter. Although Orizaba has fallen asleep since the last volcanic eruption occurred in 1687, he can suddenly awaken and show his hot temper.


A volcano in South America in southern Peru, whose height is 5822 meters, and the top is covered with snow only in winter. 17 km to the west is Peru's second largest city, Arequipa, with a population of about 1 million people. The volcano has three concentric craters. Fumarole activity can be observed in the inner crater. Geological studies indicate that El Misti has had 5 weak eruptions over the past hundred years. In the 15th century, a strong volcanic eruption forced the residents of the city of Arequipa to flee. The last weak eruption was recorded in 1985.


The third largest volcano on the planet is the Cotopaxi Volcano. This volcano is located in Ecuador and is the highest active volcano in the country, its height is 5911 meters. The area at the base is 16 km by 19 km, and the top, starting at an altitude of 5200 meters, is covered with an ice cap. The icy crater of the volcano reaches a diameter of about 800 meters, and in the lower part there is peculiar vegetation - mountain meadows and pine forests with mosses and lichens. Since 1738, Cotopaxi has erupted about 50 times.


This extinct volcano is part of the Cordillera Oxidetal range and the high point Ecuador. Its height is 6267 meters, and it was formed about 60 million years BC. The top of the volcano is completely covered with ice, in some places dropping to a height of 4600 m. Melt water from the mountain is the main water resource for residents of the provinces of Bolivar and Chimborazo. Today, the top of this volcano is the most distant point on its surface from the center of the Earth. The last volcanic eruption occurred around 550 AD.


The largest volcano on the planet is an active volcano in the Western Cordillera of the Andes, on the border of Chile and Argentina - Llullaillaco. The height of this giant is 6739 meters. At the top there is eternal glaciation. Located in one of the driest places in the world - the Atacama Desert, the snow line on the western slope exceeds 6.5 thousand meters. Llullaillaco is also a famous archaeological site - in 1999, the mummified bodies of three Inca children, believed to have been sacrificed 500 years ago, were discovered on its summit.

The article talks about the highest volcanoes in the world. The Earth has hundreds of volcanoes on its surface. In addition to small, inactive volcanoes, there are also powerful, tall and huge ones. They all have something in common, most likely, this is that they all tower above humanity to great heights and instill fear in many. After all, everyone knows that volcanoes can erupt, release steam and ash. Does everyone know what volcanoes are? Volcanoes are formations above cracks in the earth's crust, so to speak, geological formations that release ash, lava, loose rocks, vapors and gases onto the surface of the earth.

If a volcano throws out ash and releases gas and a person notices it, then it can be considered active. According to estimates, the largest number of active volcanoes is located in the Malay Archipelago, which is considered the largest on planet Earth. It is located between the continents of Asia and Australia. The largest cluster of volcanoes in Russia are the Kuril Islands and Kamchatka. In addition, there is data on those volcanoes, their number is 627 volcanoes, which within 10 years still showed signs of their life and dormancy. But still activity.

I would like to note one of the majestic volcanoes, its name (translated from Hawaiian means “long road”). In Hawaii, it is this volcano that accounts for most of the territory, in addition, it is the most active among all existing geological formations above cracks in the ground. When they began to record the activity of the volcanoes, they noted that in 1843 it was active 33 times. But in 1984 he last time proved that he was still alive. It was that year that lava covered 30 thousand acres of the earth's surface, and the area of ​​​​the island of Hawaii increased by about 180 hectares. The volcano rose above sea level at 4169 meters. However, if you measure the total height of Mauna Low, starting from the bottom, the figure will be twice as large - 9 thousand meters. It should be noted that this is larger than Mount Everest.

Mauna Low in addition to its superiority in power and height, it is also distinguished by its massiveness. The volume from the base to the top is 75 thousand cubic kilometers. Legends are made about this volcano. For example, one of the legends says that Pele (the mistress of volcanoes) was driven out of her home by her sister. The sister, in turn, was the mistress of the sea and water. And if Pele wanted to build a house for herself, then her sister, sending waves, destroyed all the work. Then the exile settled on the island and built herself a house, which she named Mauna Low. It was so big that the waves couldn't reach it.

Some consider it the highest active volcano. It is located in the Chilean-Argentine Andes. Differs in height at 6,723 meters. It last erupted in 1877. However, the opinions of scientists differ on the question of which volcano is the tallest active one. Many people give preference in this matter to the Cotopaxi volcano (South American Andes, Ecuador). Its height is less than that of Llullaillaco by 5,897 meters. Although a major eruption occurred in 1942. Whopahs are considered very beautiful in Ecuador. It has a very graceful crater and very attractive and dense greenery at the base. But all that glitters is not always gold. Cotopaxi is one of the most dangerous volcanoes. Beginning in 1742, major eruptions were recorded that destroyed the city of Latacunga (a nearby city from Cotopax in Ecuador).

The volcanoes described above are probably not known to many. But the most popular are the volcanoes Vesuvius, Fuji and Etna. Located in the south of Italy, near Naples. It is considered active, huge, with a height at 1,281 meters. Vesuvius is a representative of the country's trio of active volcanoes. He is considered the most dangerous in the world. At present, 80 of its eruptions are known, and the most massive and extensive eruption occurred in the year 79 (2 millennia ago). The eruption of 79 killed cities such as Pompeii, Herculaneum and Stabiae. The last eruption occurred in 1944 and destroyed the cities of Massa and San Sabastiano.

The highest point in Africa and the highest volcano. This volcano is located 300 kilometers south of the equator, in Tanzania. The summit of Kilimanjaro is Kibo, which reaches 5895 meters. However, the highest point is considered to be the peak of the volcano - Uhuru. According to scientists, the age of the volcano has reached more than a million years. The large accumulation of glaciers on the slopes of this geological formation can be considered surprising, since it is located close to the equator.

Asia can also surprise the eye with the presence of volcanoes. For example, located on the island of Honshu (Japan, 150 kilometers from Tokyo). For local residents this is an iconic volcano with regular conical outlines 3776 meters high. On this moment shows weak activity; its last eruption occurred in 1707.

The most powerful volcanic eruption was recorded in 1883. The giant volcano demonstrated unprecedented activity on May 20. Peals were heard throughout the Indonesian capital. And Krakatau was located 50 kilometers from the city. For three months he frightened the entire population with his “cries” of cod. The surface of the earth has accumulated large layers of pumice. But on August 27, 1883, an eruption occurred that the world had never seen before. From the epicenter of the outbreak, the roar of the volcano spread over 5 thousand kilometers, everything was incinerated, because the ash rose to a height of 30 kilometers. The radius of expansion of the volcanic structure reached 500 kilometers. A column of gas and ash rose into the atmosphere (the height of the column was 70 kilometers). An area of ​​4 million square kilometers was covered with ash, that is, 18 cubic kilometers. The explosion was rated on a 6-point scale and reached the maximum level. To be clear, this is 200 thousand times more than the explosion that destroyed Hiroshima.

After such an eruption, the result was not long in coming, and it was very sad. Just imagine, almost 300 villages and towns in Indonesia were destroyed, 37 thousand dead people, most of which were overwhelmed by a 30-meter-high tsunami.

It is considered one of the highest volcanoes in Spain (translated from Spanish as “salty eyes”). It occupied the territory of the border between Argentina and Chile and rose above sea level at 6891 meters. Its peak is located in Chile. It is considered inactive because its activity has never been recorded. Although, there are times when the volcano seems to remind of itself. This concerns the release of water vapor and sulfur that occurred in 1993. It should be noted that some scientists still consider it to be valid. This led to him being ranked as the highest active volcano, taking the place of Llullaillaco. But this fact is disputed and a unanimous decision has not yet been reached.

But there is another one interesting fact, he says that Mount Elbrus in Russia is also a volcano... How interesting our world is, and how little we know about it.

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