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Is it worth having eye surgery? Is laser vision correction worth it? Is the procedure painful? Is anesthesia given?


Stock is a complex technical structure (building, various equipment and other devices) designed for receiving, placing, accumulating, storing, processing, dispensing and delivering products to consumers.

Main warehousing tasks:

Determination of the usable area of ​​the warehouse;

Determining the optimal amount of handling equipment;

Determination of optimal loading of handling equipment;

Development of a strategy for optimal use of warehouse space;

Optimizing the use of warehouse capacity;

Reducing product storage time;

Increasing warehouse turnover ratio.

Main functions of the warehouse:

1. transformation of the production assortment into a consumer one in accordance with demand and in order to fulfill orders of internal and external consumers;

2. warehousing and storage of products in order to equalize the temporary, quantitative and assortment gaps between production and consumption of products. This function makes it possible to carry out continuous production and supply based on the created stocks of products, as well as in connection with the seasonal consumption of certain types of products;

3. control and maintenance of the required level of product inventories.

Time Alignment occurs in cases where time the occurrence and frequency of demand for products do not correspond to the production time.

Align by quantity refers to serial production. To reduce overall resource costs, more products are produced than are necessary based on current demand.

Volume equalization required where the location of production does not correspond to the location of the consumer of the product. This necessitates transportation of products.

Assortment alignment typical for those enterprises that produce a wide range of products; required at different times. Since consumers may not order all the products included in the production program, a warehouse is used to level out demand, where the entire range of products is stored.

Requirements for organizing warehouse operations:

The enterprise's warehouses are specialized, since products with different physical and chemical properties may require different storage modes;

The warehouse is equipped with racks, shelves, cabinets and drawers for storing products;

A label is issued for each type of product, indicating the name of the product, its product number, brand, grade, size, and unit of measurement. The label is attached to the storage location of this type of product;

Flammable substances are stored in rooms specially adapted for them, isolated from other warehouses and equipped with fire-fighting equipment;

Open storage materials (brick, sand, lumber, rolled metal, etc.) are placed in a warehouse area specially designated for this purpose under a canopy that protects them from the effects of precipitation.

Basic requirements for organizing the work of a warehouse for the introduction of barcoding technology for products:

At least 80% of products entering the warehouse must be barcoded;

Points for receiving and releasing products in the warehouse must be equipped with scanning equipment connected to the automation system;

Scanning equipment must meet operating conditions and reliability requirements.

The contract for the implementation of a barcoding system for products in a warehouse includes:

Conducting preliminary research;

Preparation and preparation of full-scale technical specifications;

Supply and connection of equipment;

Development software automation systems;

System installation;

Personnel training and system launch.


Warehouse classification:

- in relation to the functional basic areas of logistics: supply, production, distribution warehouses;

- by type of stored product: warehouses for raw materials, materials, components, work in progress, finished products, containers and packaging, residues and waste, tools;

- by type of ownership: enterprises' own warehouses, commercial warehouses (public), rented warehouses;

- by functional purpose: sorting and distribution warehouses, distribution warehouses, seasonal or long-term storage, transit and transhipment (cargo terminals), production supplies (production), trade;

- by product specialization: specialized, non-specialized, special, universal, mixed;

- according to technical equipment: partially mechanized, mechanized, automated, automatic;

- by the presence of external access roads: with berths, with rail access tracks, with roads;

- by type of warehouse buildings:

- by technical device (design); open warehouses (sites), semi-closed warehouses (areas under a canopy), closed warehouses;

- by number of floors of the building: multi-storey, single-storey

- (with a height of up to 6 m, high-rise (over 6 m), high-rise rack (more than 10 m), with a height difference).

Industrial warehouses process products of a relatively constant and homogeneous range. Products enter and leave the warehouse with a certain frequency and a short shelf life. Mainly required high level mechanization and automation of warehouse work.

Warehouses of raw materials and materials They operate with homogeneous products and large delivery batches. Products are characterized by a relatively constant turnover.

Finished product warehouses regional distribution warehouses of manufacturers (branch warehouses) carry out processing of container and piece products. Distribution warehouses (centers) transform the production assortment into a commercial assortment. Provide various consumers, including retail chains. Designed mainly for moving and processing products (consolidation, picking, packaging and labeling of goods), and not for storing them. They can be a large automated warehouse designed to receive products from various suppliers, receive orders, process them and deliver products to customers.

Sorting and distribution warehouses are intended for the accumulation of current product inventories. Storage units are kept in these warehouses for a short period of time. The main functions of such warehouses include the acceptance of products in terms of quantity and quality, sorting and preparing them for release and shipment to consumers. This includes warehouses of wholesale trade centers, as well as warehouses of retail trade enterprises.

Transit and transhipment warehouses are located at railway stations, water marinas and serve to accept cargo for batch storage. This is due to the need to reload cargo from one type of transport to another. Warehouses accept cargo, short-term storage and dispatch of it in whole containers. Wholesale warehouses mainly ensure the supply of goods to the retail network. Such warehouses concentrate stocks of goods of a wide range and uneven turnover (seasonal goods), sold in various delivery lots (from a volume of less than one pallet to several units of pallets of one group of goods). In such warehouses, mechanized processing of goods is carried out.

Circulating warehouse- operations are performed to reload complete storage units from one vehicle to another. Warehouses are characterized by a high turnover of stored products, short storage periods and high intensity of transport operations.

Storage warehouses designed for warehousing, storing, guarding and protecting products.

Picking warehouses designed for completing consumer orders. Such warehouses are characterized by an average turnover rate and an average shelf life.

Storage warehouses They accept small batches of products from industrial enterprises and send them in the form of large batch shipments to areas of consumption.

Forwarding warehouses are intended for centralized supply of retail trade enterprises, as well as acceptance of products arriving at the base and their short-term storage.

Seasonal storage warehouses- storage facilities for potatoes and vegetables, as well as other warehouses where seasonal products are processed and stored.

General warehouses designed for storing non-food and food products that do not require a special storage regime.

Universal warehouses designed for storage wide range non-food or food products.

Specialized warehouses serve for storing products of one or several similar product groups.

To special warehouses include vegetable stores and refrigerators.

Open warehouses are arranged in the form of unpaved platforms and platforms on pillars or strip foundations. Designed for storing building materials, fuel, and products in containers.

Semi-closed warehouses They are sheds for storing building materials and other types of products that require protection from precipitation.

Closed warehouses are the main type of warehouse structures, representing a separate one- or multi-story building with storage facilities. Warehouses can be heated or unheated (insulated and not insulated).

Heated warehouses have heating equipment and air ventilation devices. Designed for storing products that require maintaining temperature and relative humidity within certain limits.

Unheated warehouses designed for storing products that do not lose their properties at temperatures below OS.


Main structural elements of a warehouse building: foundation, walls, supporting columns, floors, floors, roofing, ramps and canopies above them, doors and windows.

Characteristics of space-planning and design solutions for warehouse buildings:

- step - - the distance between the main transverse load-bearing structures (columns, walls);

- span- distance between longitudinal supporting structures;

floor height- the distance between the floor level and the ceiling.

Technological requirements for the construction of warehouses:

Correspondence of the area and volume of warehouse premises to the nature and volume of technological operations performed;

Compliance of the parameters and configuration of the warehouse building with the requirements of the optimal technology for the operations performed.

Requirements for planning warehouse space:

Possibility of using effective methods of placement and stacking of products;

Providing conditions for the complete safety of storage units;

Eliminating the adverse effects of some types of products on others when they are stored together, ensuring conditions for preserving the quality of products;

Possibility of effective use of lifting and transport equipment;

Convenient access to products;

Ensuring flow and continuity of the warehouse technological process.

Main groups of warehouse premises:

premises for main production purposes - - are used to perform the following technological operations:

Product storage;

Reception and release of products (expedition);

Unpacking, packing, packing and packaging of products;

- auxiliary premises - designed for storing containers, reusable containers and pallets, as well as for use as container repair shops;

- utility rooms - designed for placement of engineering devices and communications (engine rooms, ventilation chambers, boiler rooms, storerooms for household materials and equipment, repair shops, battery charging stations);

- administrative premises- are intended to accommodate administrative services, places of rest and eating, dressing rooms, a hall of product samples, showers, sanitary facilities and so on.

Work areas serve to accommodate merchandising workplaces. The number of such zones depends on the number of assortment groups of goods exhibited in the hall of product samples.

Exhibition area divided into separate segments for displaying goods (shelves, consoles, rods). Segments are allocated for displaying individual product ranges.

Waiting and rest area designed for customers to work independently with albums, catalogs and lists of goods, as well as for them to relax after selecting goods.

Passage area serves for movement in the hall of product samples and for passage to other areas of the warehouse. The space allocated for working passages is minimal, but must still provide normal conditions movement of lifting and transport machines, mechanisms and other equipment.

Main characteristics of warehouse premises:

1. warehouse capacity- characterizes the quantity of products that the warehouse can simultaneously accommodate;

2. usable warehouse area- area directly occupied by stored products;

3. workplace area- area in warehouse premises allocated for equipping workplaces for warehouse workers;

4. areas of reception and packaging areas- are calculated on the basis of aggregated indicators of design loads per 1 m 2 of area in the acceptance and configuration areas;

5. departure expedition area- used to complete shipping batches.


Basic principles of accounting for products in a warehouse:

Efficiency and reliability of quantitative accounting in warehouses based on the use of warehouse cards or other registers by materially responsible persons;

Control of accounting workers over the correctness and timeliness of documenting warehouse operations for the movement of products directly in storage areas, as well as over the maintenance warehouse accounting;

Carrying out accounting of products in monetary terms at accounting prices;

Comparison of product balances according to operational warehouse accounting data with product balances according to accounting data to confirm their compliance.

The purpose of product inventory accounting:

link the cost of products sold (as a type of expense) with the income received from the sale of these products in the accounting period;

measure the value of the stock of products on hand, which

is an asset at the end of the period.

Types of accounting:

- ordinary- a generalized product accounting card is used, which shows the quantity of specific products available in a certain warehouse or in all warehouses of the enterprise at the time of accounting, and its cost;

- party -- commodity items of the invoice are formed in strict accordance with product receipts (according to the principle of “one receipt - one accounting card”);

- operational(removal of balances) - is a procedure for reconciliation by materially responsible persons of the actual availability of products with the data of the warehouse accounting system by counting product storage places (boxes, rolls, bags, boxes). Then, taking into account the relevant norms and standards, a recalculation is made, i.e. the quantity of products is determined and valued at current prices. Cyclic recalculation is a procedure for periodically checking inventories of a certain type of product.

Product Inventory:

The procedure for establishing the actual availability of products by recalculation, i.e. withdrawal of balances, and verification of accounts. Data on the actual availability of products is compared with accounting and warehouse data in value and physical terms;

Continuous or selective counting (recounting) of all types of products. The data obtained in physical terms are estimated at current prices and are summarized by product groups into a total amount.

During the inventory, the following are checked:

Safety of storage units;

Correct storage and release;

Condition of weighing equipment and measuring instruments;

Procedure for keeping records of products.

Types of inventory:

- mandatory- carried out in the following cases:

Before compiling the annual financial statements;

When changing financially responsible persons (on the day of acceptance and transfer of cases to

If facts of theft or abuse, as well as damage to products are revealed (immediately when such facts are established);

In case of fire and other natural disasters (immediately upon completion);

During liquidation and reorganization of an enterprise;

- current;

- solid;

- selective;

- planned;

- unscheduled(sudden);

- periodic- the volume of inventory (i.e., the quantity of products) is determined at the end of the period and the cost of products sold is derived by subtracting the volume of inventory at the end of the period from the quantity of products for sale;

- continuous- the quantity of products actually shipped to customers is measured.

Advantages of inventories:

1. protect against interruptions in meeting production needs for annual physical reserves;

2. protect against annual inventory adjustments;

3. provide the ability for staff to accurately assess inventory levels;

4. identify the causes of errors in accounting and determine measures to eliminate them;

5. Maintain the accuracy of inventory records.

Methods for controlling products stored in warehouses:

1. Tracking location stored products:

By pallet;

For a pallet space containing 2 pallets “one on top of the other”;

By box location (in case of order picking by boxes);

By location of the product name unit (in the case of piece-by-piece packaging);

For bulk storage;

In several separate warehouses.

2. Tracking state stored products:

By production date;

By the start date of the implementation period;

By expiration date (by expiration date, including taking into account delivery to remote areas; by admission to sale);

3. Track everyone movements stored products:

By internal delivery number or expiration date for each box;

According to the “history” of the movement (movement) of all pallets and boxes that have ever been at a certain place in a cell. Tracking the “history” of stored products is carried out according to various parameters:

Storage location number;

Product code;

Pallet number;

Incoming document number.

Tracking procedures are determined individually for each consumer. The warehouse computer data exchange system must operate around the clock for all partners and consumers.

For the successful development of any enterprise, regardless of its form of ownership and type of activity, it is necessary to properly organize

In most cases, a separate, well-equipped and guarded room is allocated for storing goods. Thanks to warehouse accounting, the safety of the entire volume of commodity and material assets is ensured.

This is especially important for companies specializing in the sale and production of products, where it is necessary to have constantly updated data on goods sold and remaining in stock.

According to the order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia, the organization of warehouse operations is entrusted to the financially responsible person.

About 15-20 years ago, almost all commercial organizations carried out warehouse operations manually, since not all enterprises could afford to use computer equipment.

Today the situation has changed dramatically and warehouse accounting is carried out using specially developed software and complete.

  • The warehouse can be used for the following purposes:
  • for storage of goods subject to further sale;
  • for storing finished products;
  • for storing work clothes, equipment, rags, tools personal protection etc;
  • for storing spare parts and components involved in production and repair processes;
  • for responsible storage of commodity and material assets.

What are the requirements for warehouse workers?

Not a single warehouse will operate effectively without the participation of such highly qualified specialists as: a warehouse manager, a storekeeper (if the warehouse belongs to a large enterprise, then there may be several storekeepers) and, of course, the operation of a warehouse is unthinkable without loaders and cleaners.

Each warehouse employee is assigned certain responsibilities that must be specified in the enterprise’s accounting policies.

Requirements for a warehouse manager The warehouse manager must competently organize the work of all employees under his command. He personally controls all movements in the warehouse: the arrival of goods, the consumption of goods, the internal movement of goods.

The warehouse manager is also financially responsible for the safety of the commodity and material assets entrusted to him.

Specialists who meet the following requirements can apply for this position:

  • people with secondary or higher education in specialties related to accounting, finance and economics;
  • people who previously held leadership positions;
  • people who have a certain amount of experience working in a warehouse (if they have the appropriate education).

Requirements for a storekeeper Storekeeper is a warehouse worker whose responsibilities include organizing warehouse accounting of material assets. Every day it performs the following functions:

  • accepts goods and material assets received at the warehouse;
  • checks their accompanying documentation;
  • independently enters data on the arrived goods into warehouse accounting documentation;
  • issues commodity and material assets;
  • issues expenditure documents;
  • makes appropriate notes in warehouse accounting documentation;
  • carries out re-inventory of goods and material assets available in the warehouse, etc.

Requirements for loaders and junior service personnel Admission of people to the position of warehouse loader is subject to the candidate meeting certain requirements.

In particular, the loader must: have good health, be physically developed, and must be able to operate specialized equipment that is usually involved in lifting and moving large amounts of cargo (forklifts). An additional requirement for a candidate for the position of a loader is the absence of bad habits.

Jr service staff must keep the warehouse clean, doing regular dry and wet cleaning, as well as promptly remove accumulated garbage.

Documents for organizing warehouse accounting of inventory items

Warehouse employees must fill out primary documentation when performing any business transaction involving commodity and material assets.

Their responsibilities also include drawing up regular reports that relate to the internal documentation of the enterprise. The terms and procedure for their preparation are established directly by the management of the company that owns the warehouse.

According to the Federal legislation in force in Russia, the organization of warehouse accounting at an enterprise must take place with appropriate documentation of each completed transaction with inventory items.

Such documents include:

  • act of form MX - 1 “On acceptance and transfer of goods and materials for storage”;
  • act form MX - 3 “On the return of inventory items that were deposited”;
  • warehouse receipt;
  • warehouse receipt;
  • powers of attorney M - 2, M - 2a, on the basis of which you can receive goods from the warehouse on behalf of any enterprise;
  • receipt order M – 4 – a document necessary for accounting for inventory items arriving from suppliers;
  • acceptance certificate of goods and materials M-7, which indicates all the data on the goods received at the warehouse;
  • limit-fence card M-8;
  • invoice – requirement M-11. Used for internal inventory accounting;
  • invoice M-15, filled out when shipping commodity and material assets to third parties;
  • inventory card M-17, intended for in-warehouse accounting of material assets;
  • act of receipt of goods and materials M-35, filled out when dismantling fixed assets, etc.

At each warehouse, in addition to primary documentation, accounting registers must be maintained, into which responsible persons regularly enter relevant data.

Responsibility for knowing the nomenclature of commodity and material assets, their varieties, types, properties, etc., rests with the storekeeper. This warehouse employee must know the warehouse, freely navigate the premises and, at the first request of the recipient, issue the required amount of goods and materials.

At the end of each month, the warehouse manager must summarize his work. To do this, he studies the warehousekeepers' reports and enters summary data (the exact number of goods received and shipped during the reporting period) into the warehouse accounting book.

After this, he collects all the received and issued primary documentation and, together with the completed intake card (in addition to data on inventory items, it contains information regarding returnable packaging), is transferred to the accounting staff.

Responsibility for violations in the organization of warehouse accounting

In the event that warehouse employees violate the requirements of current legislation regarding the documentary accounting of the receipt or expenditure of commodity and material assets, the responsible persons are subject to financial sanctions.

Subsequent violations occurring within the same reporting year may result in increased penalties, the amount of which may increase. These requirements, which include proper organization accounting of warehouse operations are regulated by Article 120 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

Each manager of a long-standing or newly opened LLC, commercial or state enterprise must approach the organization of the work of his warehouse with full responsibility.

This applies to both cooperation with highly qualified specialists and modern technical equipment of the warehouse ( computer equipment, specialized lifting equipment, etc.).

Regular monitoring of warehouse operations will help prevent the theft of commodity and material assets, which negatively affects the financial well-being of any enterprise, regardless of its form of ownership.


Hello! Today we’ll talk about warehouse logistics. Almost every enterprise, commercial or manufacturing, has warehouses where something is stored. Organization of a warehouse is an important stage in the development of a company. Let’s say that a novice entrepreneur engaged in business will at first be able to store all products and materials at home. But over time, when commercial success is achieved, its production will expand, which means there will be a need for warehouse space.

Basics of warehouse logistics

It is customary to consider a warehouse as a room in which the acceptance, processing, distribution, storage of goods and their delivery to their destination are carried out. Its main task is to accumulate inventories and supply consumer orders.

However, it is impossible to build a warehouse and not have further control over the inventory. They need to be managed in order to:

  1. The necessary supplies were available;
  2. Supplies did not linger and did not spoil;
  3. Inventory was delivered to the warehouse and dispatched from there on time.

Warehousing is responsible for the rational management of warehouse flows.

Warehouse Logistics - this is a technology for managing all types of inventories in an enterprise and their movement (their accounting and effective distribution). The company's warehouse logistics is part of the organization of the cargo delivery system, so it closely interacts with transport logistics.

Warehouse functions

Each properly organized warehouse performs a number of functions:

  1. Control over supplies (formation of assortment). There should be no shortage or excess of inventory. Both will entail an increase in the costs of the enterprise;
  2. Unitization of batches (combining small batches into large ones), which ensures simultaneous delivery to different, even small customer companies. This function is actively used by companies working simultaneously with several customers;
  3. Reception of goods into the warehouse and their shipment from the warehouse. This function most closely links warehouse logistics with. This also includes: product processing, quantity reconciliation, quality control, processing of related documents;
  4. Warehousing of goods and their storage;
  5. Providing other logistics services. For example: unpacking, packaging of products, assembly, testing the operation of devices.

There are several main flows in a warehouse, each of which requires management.

  1. Incoming flow. Cargo arriving at the warehouse must be unloaded, quantity checked, and accompanying documentation processed;
  2. Internal flow (movement of goods within the warehouse area). Cargo must be moved, sorted, processed, and warehouse documents must be completed;
  3. Outgoing. Products released from the warehouse must be packaged, unloaded, and accompanying documents prepared.

Classification of warehouses in logistics

There are several classifications of warehouses.
By purpose:

  1. Production (for raw materials):
  • Workshop;
  • Factory ones.
  1. Transit and transportation. Operate at sea ​​ports, at railway stations or at airports, serve for short-term storage between the movement of transported cargo;
  2. Customs (storage before customs clearance);
  3. Early delivery. Located in areas with seasonal delivery;
  4. Seasonal storage (warehouse of seasonal goods);
  5. Reserve. Provide storage in case of unforeseen situations;
  6. Wholesale and distribution. Responsible for ensuring the supply chain;
  7. Commercial (public use). They are rented and serve any clients - owners of the goods;
  8. Retail trade enterprises.

According to storage conditions:

  1. General purpose;
  2. Reservoirs (for liquids);
  3. For hazardous substances;
  4. Specialized (for example, a frozen food warehouse);
  5. Warehouses.

By design:

  1. Open areas;
  2. Semi-enclosed areas (for example, using a canopy);
  3. Completely closed;
  4. Multi-storey.

By product type:

  1. Finished goods;
  2. Raw materials;
  3. Tools;
  4. Residues and waste.

In relation to the links in the logistics chain:

  1. Manufacturers;
  2. Forwarding organizations;
  3. Transport organizations;
  4. Intermediary organizations;
  5. Trade organizations.

According to the degree of technical equipment:

  1. Partially mechanized;
  2. Mechanized;
  3. Automated
  4. Automatic.

Principles of organizing warehouse logistics

The work on creating a warehouse logistics system can be divided into stages:

  1. Decide on the number of warehouses and their area;
  2. Choose between using your own warehouse or rented services;
  3. Select a warehouse location;
  4. Determine the warehousing system and cargo management methods;
  5. Equip a warehouse;
  6. Establish the flow of information;
  7. Hire and train staff;
  8. Launch a warehouse;
  9. Monitor products in the warehouse.

How many warehouses are needed?

The area of ​​warehouse facilities and their number largely influence the further profitability of the enterprise. If there are too few warehouses, transportation costs begin to rise, work downtime occurs, and order fulfillment times are disrupted. Too much and maintenance costs increase. The decision must be made thoughtfully, after analyzing:

  1. Transport costs (more warehouses - less transport costs);
  2. Inventory holding costs (more inventory requires more warehouses);
  3. Costs of operating warehouses (more warehouses mean more costs for their maintenance).

You can come to a decision only by calculating all the options, their costs, and comparing them with the expected income.

Own warehouse or rented? Outsourcing in warehouse logistics

Warehouse logistics functions can be carried out in your own warehouse, or they can be outsourced, i.e. transferred to another company specializing in providing similar services.

More often, outsourcing is resorted to when a company does not have the necessary amount to build its own warehouse.

Cooperation with a company providing warehouse services instead of organizing a warehouse yourself:

  1. Expensive;
  2. Reduces the company's development prospects;
  3. Improves the quality of services;
  4. Increases the speed of skill acquisition.

To decide whose warehouse to use, you need to compare:

  1. Average cost of renting a warehouse;
  2. The amount necessary for the construction and arrangement of your own warehouse.

It is profitable to build your own warehouse if transportation costs are fully covered by the profit from transporting goods.

How to choose a warehouse services company

When choosing an outsourcing company, pay attention to the following points:

  1. If the company is large, the entire network should be connected by a single information flow;
  2. High speed;
  3. High accuracy of order fulfillment;
  4. Experience in this field is one of the most important indicators;
  5. The quality of services can be assessed by familiarizing yourself with the company’s work personally, or by looking for reviews from past clients on thematic forums;
  6. A large range of services provided (in addition to warehousing, the company can provide customs logistics and cargo transportation services) will significantly simplify your work.

Warehouse location

It is worth focusing on minimizing transportation costs. Each warehouse must fully pay for itself, which means it should not increase the company’s costs for transporting goods. Exist following methods resolving the issue of choosing a location:

  1. The exhaustive search method (implies a complete assessment and calculation of all placement options);
  2. Heuristic methods (based on personal experience, the specialist eliminates unacceptable options for further calculation of the remaining ones);
  3. Method for determining the center of gravity (most significant points are plotted on a map of the area, the warehouse location closest to them is selected).

Warehousing systems, cargo management methods

Organization of warehouse logistics implies:

  1. Selection of storage unit (for example: boxes, tanks);
  2. Selecting the type of storage (for example: blocks, racks, stacks). Depends on the size and layout of the warehouse, on the product carrier used and on storage conditions;
  3. Selecting the type of storage. Methods for storing goods in a warehouse:
  • varietal (different grades of goods are located separately from each other);
  • batch (divided into groups according to the parties that arrived);
  • batch-varietal (products are divided into batches, and within each batch - into varieties);
  • by name;
  1. Selection of special equipment (if all the work will not be done manually);
  2. Selecting a product picking system. Packaging takes place in three stages: processing of goods, order picking, batch picking for shipment.

Choosing a configuration system implies:

  • Selecting the area where the selection of goods and packaging technology will take place;
  • Determining the degree of order completion (with a centralized degree - one employee collects one type of goods for all clients, with a decentralized degree - one employee collects all types of cargo at the request of one client);
  • Selecting a method for controlling the movement of cargo (automatically from the control panel, online or manually).

Rational warehouse layout

At the warehouse planning stage, stock layout plans are developed and the possibility of care, control and monitoring of goods is provided. The more rational the layout, the higher the efficiency of warehouse logistics. The volumes of receipts, their frequency, and shipment volumes are taken into account. Frequently demanded goods are placed closer to the loading zone, and long-lasting goods are further away.

Rational warehouse layout implies:

  1. Allocation of special work areas;
  2. Efficient use of space when arranging equipment;
  3. The use of universal equipment that replaces part of the lifting and transport equipment;
  4. Using the most uniform space possible, with the least possible number of columns, without unnecessary partitions;
  5. No empty space above the shelves;
  6. For public warehouses, premises are required: administrative, household, technical, auxiliary and main purpose.

Correct stacking of goods greatly increases the speed of order completion:

  1. Goods are placed along the route, on both sides of the corridor (this shortens the transportation route);
  2. The packaging is turned so that the marking is clearly visible from the aisle;
  3. Only non-perishable goods are placed on the upper levels;
  4. Bulk cargo is stored in bulk, liquids are stored in tanks.

Warehouse equipment

Necessary warehouse equipment includes:

  1. Communications;
  2. Shelving;
  3. Ventilation and, if necessary, air conditioning;
  4. Fire safety;
  5. Security systems (alarm, video surveillance).

Organization of information flow system

The documentation received along with the goods must be processed and systematized. For each unit in the warehouse, information should be available at any time: when the cargo arrived at the warehouse, how long it will be stored. When leaving the warehouse, each cargo must be provided with documents that help it be written off from the warehouse and describe where it needs to be transported.

The information flow can be processed:

  1. In manual mode (without using a computer);
  2. In batch mode (data is entered into the computer periodically, in “packets”);
  3. In real time (data is entered into a computer program simultaneously with the movement of goods through control points);
  4. Online (at any time during cargo processing you can determine where each unit is located).

Warehouse documentation includes:

  1. Primary documents accompany each movement of cargo, its arrival at the warehouse and delivery to the customer. They contain information about the quantity and type of product. Their execution is regulated by the “Regulations on Accounting and Reporting in the Russian Federation”;
  2. Shipping documents (invoice, waybill) - accompany the cargo when moving it from the supplier to the consumer;
  3. Goods receipt log - for recording primary documents, filled out upon receipt of cargo, maintained in free form;
  4. Power of attorney to receive goods;
  5. Form M-2a - for registration of issued powers of attorney;
  6. Receipt order (M-4) - to record the receipt of processed materials;
  7. Request invoice (M-11) - records the movement of goods between departments and persons within the organization;
  8. Materials accounting card (M-17) - classifies materials and takes into account their movements;
  9. Invoice for the release of materials to the third party (M-15) - if the cargo needs to be transported to a third-party organization or a remote branch of your company.

The sufficient number of workers in a warehouse varies from one or two to several thousand. Sample positions:

  • Warehouse manager (bears full responsibility for the products in the warehouse);
  • Accountant or warehouse controller (keeps records of products);
  • Storekeeper (receives and issues products);
  • Loaders;
  • Forklift operators (if special equipment is used);
  • Pickers or packers (sort, assemble products);
  • Markers (engaged in marking incoming goods);
  • Watchmen (guard supplies during non-working hours).

You should never skimp on personnel. Each department and in particular each employee must know, understand and freely carry out their tasks. It is the irrational use of personnel that is one of the main problems of warehouse logistics in Russia.

Monitoring warehouse operations and inventory management

To effectively control the operation of a warehouse, optimization of warehouse logistics is necessary.

Product management in a warehouse is considered successful if the company always has the quantity of the required product necessary for sale, it is neither more nor less than needed.

The optimal inventory level is the average between too high and too low levels. In this case, reserves are considered separately for each item, and not as a single whole.

Inventory management is carried out under various restrictions:

  1. According to the deadlines for submitting applications and their execution;
  2. By economic volume of batches;
  3. By stock level.

There are several types of systems for promoting goods through distribution channels; each warehouse chooses its own system, which should:

  1. Pull systems (goods are shipped as orders are received);
  2. Push (goods are issued to suppliers according to a pre-agreed schedule);
  3. Combined (assumes the presence of computer communication between the manufacturer, intermediaries, sellers and enterprises; orders are placed and confirmed in electronic format).

In modern logistics, warehouse management becomes easier thanks to the latest information systems that help the manager control all warehouse logistics tasks while sitting in his office.

WMS warehouse management systems

WMS (Warehouse Management System) is a warehouse management system that uses automatic identification technologies for targeted storage and remote control employees. Reduces the influence of the human factor on warehouse logistics processes, increases the speed and accuracy of order fulfillment. The operator receives a task from the system with instructions on where and from where the cargo needs to be moved. All information is entered into the database via a barcode system. At any time you can see where the pallet with the goods has been moved and what is on it.

WMS warehouse management systems can be:

  1. With a set of standard options (for small companies);
  2. Created to order (for large warehouses with a complex individual system);
  3. Adaptable (for large and medium-sized companies, such systems are able to adapt to new user requirements that arise, for example, when expanding the warehouse network).

Packaging in warehousing logistics

Transportation and storage of any cargo is impossible without packaging and containers.

Packaging in logistics has many important functions:

  1. Protective. Correctly selected packaging protects the product from influence external environment at all stages of transportation and storage;
  2. Warehouse, transport and handling. The packaging must be strong enough to withstand the process of loading and unloading goods, and also be of a universal shape for convenient storage, have a design that facilitates convenient manipulation of the cargo (handles, hangers, grooves);
  3. Informational. The packaging can include information about the name of the product and its manufacturer, transport markings and a barcode;
  4. Recycling. Recycling of packaging and its disposal are also included in the cargo logistics system.

Container is a type of packaging to prevent damage to goods during transportation, loading, storage and unloading. For example: boxes, barrels, containers.

Container classification:

  1. By materials: wood, metal, glass, combined;
  1. By size: large-sized, small-sized;
  1. By time of use: disposable, returnable, returnable;
  1. By strength: hard, soft, semi-hard;
  1. By design: non-removable, folding, collapsible, collapsible;
  1. Properties: temperature-retaining, pressure-retaining, leak-proof;
  1. Possibility of access: open, closed;
  1. By design purpose: transport; consumer.

Modern warehouse logistics in Russia

Currently in our country the development of the warehouse logistics industry is hampered by:

  1. Lack of qualified personnel;
  2. Weak logistics infrastructure;
  3. Outdated warehouse logistics technologies;
  4. Lack of understanding by management of the problems of their enterprise;
  5. Lack of knowledge in warehouse management.

However, the growth in warehouse services is growing every year, which means there is a good incentive for the development of the industry. Warehouse logistics management cannot be underestimated - it is a very painstaking work that requires constant attention. Not a single warehouse, even the smallest one, can exist without leadership over its processes. It is necessary to cultivate competent warehouse logistics managers. Then it is likely that world standards of warehouse logistics will be achieved in Russia in the near future.

Logistics: lecture notes Mishina Larisa Aleksandrovna

3. Basic concepts of warehouse activities

A large modern warehouse is a complex technical structure. A warehouse consists of numerous interconnected elements, has a characteristic structure and is designed to perform a number of functions to change material flows.

The functions of a warehouse include the accumulation, processing and distribution of goods among consumers.

The basic concepts of warehouse activities include: acceptance of goods and cargo from the carrier (goods are accepted according to quantity and quality).

Placement and stacking of goods, and the placement of goods is carried out according to several principles. Storage, selection and dispatch of goods.

Some warehouses are engaged in labeling and packaging of goods, the goods are marked in accordance with developed rules and methods. The last operation is the delivery of goods to carriers.

Acceptance of goods is carried out according to quantity, quality and completeness and is a responsible procedure during which shortages, damage, inappropriate quality and incompleteness of goods are identified. The procedure for accepting goods is regulated by regulations; due to the discovery of deficiencies, recipients file claims and lawsuits against suppliers.

Acceptance of cargo from carriers. At the warehouse, before the cargo arrives, preliminary work is carried out: places for unloading are determined, equipment and mechanisms are prepared, etc.

It is necessary to strictly observe the established rules for performing loading and unloading operations when unloading Vehicle Special attention is given to special cargo markings and handling signs.

Violation of established rules leads to damage to cargo and injury.

If delivery is on railway, then the following work is required: checking seals for integrity, opening cars, preliminary inspection of the condition of incoming cargo; unloading of wagons with subsequent stacking of goods on warehouse equipment; quantitative initial acceptance of goods; delivery of goods to the receiving area.

If the goods are delivered in railway containers, then the following operations are carried out: checking the condition of the container and the integrity of the seals; moving the container to the unloading ramp and then moving it to the goods acceptance area; opening the container; unloading of goods.

If the goods are delivered to the warehouse by road, the following actions: checking the safety of packaging, quantitative initial acceptance, transferring goods to warehouse equipment and moving goods to the acceptance area.

If the cargo is delivered in a faulty wagon, or the seal of the container is broken, the quantity and quality of all delivered cargo must be checked and a report must be drawn up, which will subsequently be the basis for filing a claim with the carrier or supplier.

When receiving cargo from carriers, the recipient enterprise must check the safety of the cargo during transportation.

In the event that the cargo is released without checking the package or weight, the recipient, in accordance with the established procedure, has the right to demand from the carrier that a corresponding note be made on the transport document.

Product placement. Depending on the tasks, a method of placing goods in a warehouse is chosen, taking into account the purpose of the goods, the method of storage, the maximum use of warehouse space with a rational arrangement of departments, the protection of goods from damage, etc.

There are several ways to store goods:

1) varietal – a storage method in which goods of different grades are placed separately from each other;

2) batch - with this storage method, each batch of goods that arrives at the warehouse is stored separately, and the batch may include goods of different types and names;

3) batch-varietal - this method of storage implies that each batch of goods arriving at the warehouse is stored separately, but within the batch the goods are sorted into types and grades, which are also separated from each other;

4) by name - a method of storing goods in which goods of each name are stored separately.

Develop schemes for the placement of goods for quick placement and selection, as well as ensuring the required regimes, providing permanent storage locations, the ability to monitor their safety and care for them.

When developing schemes, the frequency and volumes of receipt and shipment of goods, rational methods of stacking, shipping conditions, and for some goods - the choice of the right “neighbor” are taken into account.

Daily demand goods are stored in close proximity to the shipping and delivery area.

There are areas for short-term and long-term storage. Accordingly, fast-moving goods are placed in short-term storage areas, and low-demand goods, which often constitute safety stock, are placed in long-term storage areas.

In warehouses with a large turnover of goods, each cell contains a consignment of goods along with the pallet or in the box in which it arrived; the passages between the racks must be sufficient for the operation of loaders with lateral movement of forks.

In warehouses for small wholesale and retail trade, goods are most often placed according to grouping by size.

Stack of goods. Typically, stacking and racking methods are used for packaged and piece goods.

Stacking is used for storing goods packed in bags, boxes, and barrels.

When forming a stack, it is necessary to ensure its stability, permissible height and free access to goods.

There are three types of stacking: straight, cross-check and reverse check. With straight stacking, which is most often used for stacking boxes and barrels of the same size, each box is placed directly and evenly on the box in the bottom row.

Direct pyramid stacking promotes additional stability of the stack. Drawers are installed in a cross cage different sizes. Moreover, the top drawers are laid across the bottom ones.

Goods packed in bags are placed in the reverse cage; the top row of bags is placed on the bottom row in the reverse order.

When stacking goods, it is necessary to ensure proper air circulation in the room, as well as take into account fire safety and sanitary requirements. Passages are left between the stacks and installed at the required distance from heating devices and walls.

With the rack storage method, individually packaged goods and unpacked goods are placed on shelves located at a height accessible to the mechanisms. The lower shelves store goods that can be picked manually, and the upper shelves store goods that are shipped entirely on a pallet.

When packing goods, comply with the relevant rules.

1. The goods are placed with markings to the aisle, goods of the same type are placed in racks on both sides of one aisle, then during selection the transportation path is shorter, if one cell is not enough to accommodate the entire volume of goods, then the remaining goods are placed in the next vertical cells of the same rack, on Long-term storage goods are placed on the upper tiers of the rack.

2. Bulk cargo in warehouses is stored in bulk, tanks are used for liquids, and mechanized hangers are used for outerwear.

Storage of goods. The organization of storage ensures: the safety of the quantity and quality of goods, their consumer qualities and the implementation of the necessary loading and unloading operations; conditions for measuring goods, their inspection carried out by the relevant control authorities, and correcting damage to packaging.

By creating the necessary hydrothermal regime for storing goods, a convenient system for their stacking and placement, the preservation of the properties of the goods is achieved.

Goods stored in a warehouse require constant inspection, care, and control, which allows us to identify signs of damage, traces of rodents or insects.

Good storage organization means not placing goods in aisles, not blocking fire extinguishers and outlets with goods, and not stacking pallets in very high stacks. Using the upper shelves as backup for items that do not have enough space on the lower shelves. If goods do not fit completely in the cells, they are placed in deeper racks.

A special place is allocated for handling equipment, and unused equipment is moved there. For supporting desired temperature and indoor humidity, thermometers and hygrometers are used, and ventilation systems and moisture-absorbing substances are used to regulate the internal climate. Goods stacked require periodic rearranging, bulk goods require shoveling.

Fur and wool products must be protected from moths; damp goods must be dried and ventilated.

To maintain sanitary and hygienic conditions, warehouse premises are thoroughly cleaned regularly.

For some types of goods, losses occur during storage and preparation for release, as well as during a number of other operations. There are acceptable and unacceptable product losses.

Natural loss norms are established for acceptable losses. Inadmissible losses include losses resulting from damage, theft, breakage and scrap of goods or poor storage conditions.

Norms of natural loss are developed on a scientific basis and approved in accordance with the established procedure. If losses occurred as a result of natural loss (shrinkage, shrinkage) and their value is within the norm, then the carrier or trading enterprise is not responsible for them. Natural loss rates are calculated taking into account items related to the time and distance of transportation, type of transport, etc.

The norms of natural loss do not apply if the fact of theft, intentional damage, etc. is established.

Sending goods. The release of goods from the warehouse includes the following operations: processing of goods based on availability in the warehouse, selection of goods from their storage location, movement to the order picking area, registration, laying or attaching packing lists, labeling of packages, movement of assembled goods to the loading area, loading of containers, used for transportation, registration of a waybill.

In the organisation efficient work is the task of the warehouse. Performance criteria are full satisfaction of requests on the list and urgent shipments.

It is more convenient for customers to receive goods immediately for a specific need, and it is more profitable for suppliers to have regular orders for a long period. These contradictions can be resolved by applying high discounts on large quantities of goods with long delivery times and noticeably smaller discounts on urgent orders.

Applications received in the first half of the day are considered urgent and must be sent on the same day. Therefore, after receiving an order, it is immediately processed, completed and packaged in order to be shipped in the afternoon.

Applications received in the afternoon are processed the next day. Large warehouses usually operate around the clock, so they also receive urgent orders throughout the day.

Selection of goods. Pickers and other warehouse workers select goods after receiving the picking list. The picking list is compiled taking into account warehouse specifics, which significantly speeds up the selection of goods.

In a large warehouse, during mechanized selection, the completed cargo is removed from the packaging area and moved to the shipping area.

With the manual picking and dispensing method, a small amount of goods is placed on hand carts and moved to the picking area.

The use of portable terminals allows you to carry out inventory without stopping the operation of the warehouse.

After selecting the product, the batch is packaged.

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What can I say, in many medieval paintings and frescoes, witches and their minions were depicted wearing glasses. The reason is simple - people’s ignorance, lack of knowledge and lack of proper information.

But time has passed and now glasses can no longer surprise anyone. Medicine has made great strides forward, laser vision correction has appeared. But now, for the same reason of insufficient knowledge about the procedure, the population is demonized and frightened by it.

Myths and horror stories, one way or another relating to modern ophthalmological technology, are added almost every year. The candidate of medical sciences, head of the refractive surgery department of the clinic, agreed to debunk the most popular of them. A New Look» Evgeniy Shestykh:

Myth 1. If ophthalmologists themselves do not use laser correction, then there are some pitfalls.

There are only a few reasons why an ophthalmologist who practices laser vision correction himself might wear glasses. It is worth understanding that he is also a person and he himself may have contraindications to the operation. For example, one of them is considered age-related changes In eyes.

After the age of 45, a person’s visual system begins to change. It weakens, and age-related presbyopia develops. In such conditions, it can actually be difficult to get an ideal result - the patient will see well at a distance, but he will have to use glasses to see up close.

At the New Look clinic, all staff from the chief physician to the nurse have already undergone laser vision correction.

It is worth mentioning other contraindications: for example, eye infections or certain chronic diseases. The ability to perform the procedure may be affected by the use of certain medications. In extremely rare cases, there are contraindications related to the structure of the human eye itself. However, all these features are identified by the doctor before the operation.

Myth 2. They don’t do it for children. laser correction because it's dangerous.

A person under 18 years of age grows and develops, therefore his eyes, as the most complex organ, change along with him. Myopia (more often known as myopia) up to 18-20 years of age progresses along with the child’s growth. If surgery is performed before this age, it will be very difficult to maintain the achieved result. Until vision is completely stabilized, everything may change, so laser correction may not be advisable.

The situation is different after the patient reaches 18-20 years of age. Laser correction should be carried out specifically for stable myopia, as this will give the maximum effect. It is clear that sometimes people have contraindications to surgery, for example, extremely thin corneas. In this case, you need to resort to the most complex techniques.

Myth 3. Sometimes after laser correction a person begins to see worse.

Statistics show that the number unsuccessful operations, during which the patient's cornea was damaged, accounts for less than 1% of all operations. Russian media still sometimes publish news about how a laser ruined a person’s vision, but these are only isolated cases the catastrophic lack of professionalism of doctors from the outback.

To avoid such risks, it is necessary to carefully approach the choice of an eye surgery clinic. Experience is very important in this matter, because the New Look clinic has performed over 120,000 operations. We have been working in the market for more than 22 years and introduce the latest technologies for laser vision correction.

The safety of laser correction has been proven by millions of people who have corrected their vision. Errors are almost completely eliminated, and the degree of safety for the patient is the highest. Let's put it this way: correctly performed vision correction almost 100% guarantees the desired result and is 100% safe.

Myth 4. In a few years, vision will return to its original state and the operation will have to be repeated.

This is also incorrect. The result is saved to long years. This is evidenced by the many years of experience of our clinic and the experience of our colleagues. Ask any ophthalmologist, and he will answer you that with a thorough diagnosis and a professionally performed and tailored procedure for a specific person, the positive effect of the operation will last for a very long time.

For this purpose, our clinic uses four laser vision correction technologies - LASEK, LASIK, REIC and Femto LASIK. For each patient, we carefully select what is right for him.

Take, for example, our cutting-edge Femto LASIK technology. This is a procedure that, from the formation of the corneal flap to the correction procedure, is completely performed using only laser equipment. We have been using this procedure since 2015, and it has proven itself to be excellent, since the entire operation is carried out only with a laser, without the use of a “knife”.

Myth 5. Women who have undergone laser correction are prohibited from giving birth.

Also a myth. Among our patients there were many nulliparous women, and the operation did not cause any problems for them during childbirth. Vision problems due to childbirth can indeed arise, but for completely different reasons. Most often, this is an initially unsatisfactory condition of the retina, which may detach during childbirth.

That is why our clinic advises all women to visit an ophthalmologist before giving birth and undergo timely diagnosis retina. If retinal tears, retinal dystrophy, or retinal detachment have been diagnosed, then procedures to strengthen it will come to the rescue, and modern medicine has all the means for this.

If we talk about pregnant and breastfeeding women, then laser vision correction is indeed contraindicated for them. But not because it will harm the child or nursing mother, but because during such periods the female body becomes unstable due to hormonal imbalance. Because of this, the result of the operation may not give the desired effect. In such cases, it is better to wait a little until the hormonal levels level out and carry out laser correction.

Myth 6. After laser correction you will have to spend two weeks in the hospital.

No, that's not true. The level of development that laser surgery has now reached allows all procedures to be carried out within one day. After the operation itself, which lasts only 10-15 minutes, you will have to spend no more than two hours in the clinic. During this time, the doctor will conduct a thorough eye examination, and the patient will be able to return home. In this case, it is best to be with someone who can walk you home, because your vision may not be completely stable at first.

Already in the clinic, the patient will notice that his vision has changed in better side. Over time, this effect will only increase. You can start working with a computer the very next day after surgery. In the vast majority of cases, vision returns to optimal condition within a week.

Myth 7. After laser correction, you can forget about sports and extreme hobbies.

In the first days, it is indeed necessary to refuse to visit the pool or bathhouse. You should also refrain from active physical activity. However, it will be possible to return to these activities very soon, and laser correction does not impose any restrictions on a person’s lifestyle. Among the patients of our clinic there are both professional athletes and real extreme sports enthusiasts.

After surgery, of course, it is necessary to protect the eyes from mechanical damage. Don't rub them or squeeze them too hard. Also at this time, sensitivity to light may increase, you should not be afraid of this. You need to give your eyes a rest and try to minimize their stress.

Flying on an airplane after surgery is not prohibited, but at first it is better to avoid it. In an unfamiliar environment, and even more so on the road, it will be more difficult to relax and allow your eyes to be in a relaxed state.

Myth 8. Laser correction does not help everyone.

According to statistics, modern laser correction is the most reliable and effective way to improve your vision. If the patient has no medical contraindications and the operation was performed using advanced technologies, then positive result guaranteed.

Science has come very far; now laser correction is performed on people with very severe cases of refraction. For each patient of our clinic, we select an individual option for the operation, taking into account absolutely all the details.

In particular, at the clinic we use the Swiss femtosecond laser ZIMMER, which minimizes the likelihood of vision problems occurring after surgery. It's all about its unique technology - the laser allows you to form the thinnest corneal flap of a strictly defined thickness.

Myth 9. You need to choose old technologies, as they are time-tested.

This is a fundamentally wrong approach. The latest technologies are created to make treatment more effective, safe and convenient. Take Femto LASIK technology, for example. The likelihood that a patient will experience complications after the procedure is less than 0.5%. The operation is carried out without a knife, and this eliminates the most unpleasant and dangerous consequences operations at 100%.

There is no need to talk about danger as such - technology has been at such a level for a very long time that it is almost impossible to get harm during the procedure. An ophthalmologist will not be able to work without modern high-precision equipment. In our clinic, ophthalmological examinations are carried out using the most modern equipment to achieve the most accurate results.

Myth 10. Laser correction is very expensive.

At the dawn of the advent of laser eye surgery, this was the case; the procedure had a significant cost. However, with the development modern technologies and with increasing automation of the process, you can notice that it has become significantly cheaper. Now almost any Russian can afford it.

The price of one procedure can easily be compared with the cost of wearing glasses or contact lenses for several years - purchasing, caring for them, selecting from hundreds of options, constantly needing to replace them and the time spent on this.

In comparison, laser correction is financially beneficial - one operation gives good vision for many years, and after the procedure no effort or extraneous means are required from the person to begin to see the world completely differently. It is worth understanding that the operation costs money, but good eyesight no price.

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