Home Smell from the mouth How to prepare peach compote for the winter. Cooking peach compote

How to prepare peach compote for the winter. Cooking peach compote

Nature has given us such a delicious fruit as a peach. These are simply divine fruits. In the summer you can enjoy them to your heart's content.

But no matter how much you eat peaches, you will want them again in winter. This is where jars hidden in the summer will come to the rescue.

Sealing compote is not a difficult job, but rewarding. You open the jar - and July lives in it: fruits that look like they were just picked from a tree, and even delicious juice. For the sake of such pleasure, isn’t it worth spending a little time during the fruit season and making some peach compote for the winter?

Peach compote for the winter - general principles of preparation

To prepare a first-class compote, you need to select peaches that have the following qualities:

1) Fragrant. Only fruits whose smell is pronounced will make the compote truly fragrant.

2) Ripe. Unripe peaches are best used for making jam.

3) Elastic. Slightly dense fruits will retain their shape. Overripe and soft fruits will turn into mush and spoil the compote.

Peaches can be rolled whole, in pitted halves or in small slices.

Fruits need to be washed and excess water removed. If desired, the fruits are peeled. The fruits will become more tender and the drink will become richer.

To prepare the compote you will need peaches, water and sugar. Cloves and citric acid improve the taste of preserves. The most common ratio of sugar to water is: 300 g. sweet ingredient per liter. And you will need half a kilogram of peaches per jar.

For variety, the fruits can be filled not with sugar syrup, but with juice from plums, pears or grapes.

Most often, the compote is rolled up without sterilization, and the fruit is poured with boiling water. But some recipes call for this process.

You need to prepare clean jars and lids in advance.

You will also need a seaming wrench, a towel, a deep saucepan, a colander, a measuring cup, and a hot stand.

Recipe 1. Peach compote for the winter “Classic”


One kg of peaches;

700 gr. sugar.

Cooking method:

    Peel the peaches. To do this quickly, pour boiling water over the fruit and immediately pour cold water over it. The peel is easily removed.

    Place the peaches in jars and pour in boiling water. Leave for a quarter of an hour.

    Pour the cooled water into a saucepan. Add granulated sugar and prepare a sweet syrup.

    Carefully pour it into jars with peaches and seal the glass container hermetically.

Recipe 2. Peach compote for the winter “Sweet slices”


Two kg of peaches;

Twenty tablespoons sugar;

Five liters of boiled water.

Cooking method:

    Wash the fruits thoroughly and peel the skin. Remove the pit and cut the fruit into large slices.

    We put them in prepared jars with a capacity of one liter. Fill the glass container halfway.

    Boil water and fill the jars to the top. Place clean lids on top and leave for half an hour.

    We drain the water. Place the lids in a saucepan and pour boiling water over them.

    Pour five tablespoons of sugar into each jar.

    Pour in boiling water and roll up (or seal tightly).

    Turn each jar over two or three times to dissolve the sugar.

    Place the glass container upside down.

    Wrap the jars and leave until they cool completely.

    We put it away in a dark cabinet or pantry until the winter cold.

Recipe 3. Peach compote for the winter “Fragrant”


Three kg of peaches;

0.6 kg sugar;

Four carnations.

Cooking method:

    Wash the peaches in running water. We divide them in two and remove the seeds.

    We wash the jars and pour boiling water over them. Boil the lids.

    Fill the jars approximately halfway with peaches.

    Fill with boiling water and leave for about twenty minutes.

    Drain the water into a large saucepan.

    Add sugar and cloves. Bring the water to a boil.

    Pour the sweet syrup into jars. Immediately roll up the lids.

    Place the jars upside down and cover with a blanket until they cool completely.

Recipe 4. Peach compote for the winter with citric acid



For one liter of water:

Three tablespoons heaped sugar;

3 gr. citric acid.

Cooking method:

    Remove seeds from clean fruits. Fill the jars 2/3 full with fruit halves.

    As usual, pour in boiling water and leave for ten minutes.

    Pour the cooled water into a separate bowl. Add sugar and citric acid. Stir.

    Boil water and pour it into jars with peaches.

    Roll up the lids, turn over and cool as is. We don't cover it with anything.

Recipe 5. Winter peach compote with pear and apple juice



Pear-apple juice - one liter per three-liter jar.

Cooking method:

    Prepare the peaches and pour boiling water over them, as in the previous recipe.

    After twenty minutes, drain the water.

    Boil pear-apple juice and add it to a glass container with fruit.

    Screw the lids tightly and turn the jars over.

    After the jars have cooled, we remove them to the prepared room.

    There is no sugar or citric acid in this recipe. Pear will give sweetness, and apples will give sourness.

Recipe 6. Winter peach compote with grape juice


One kg of peaches;

One and a half kg of grapes;

250 gr. sugar.

Cooking method:

    Squeeze juice from clean grapes. We do this using a juicer.

    Prepare a strainer and two layers of gauze. Strain freshly squeezed grape juice to remove the pulp.

    Pour it into an enamel saucepan, add sugar and bring to a boil over low heat.

    The sugar needs to be stirred lightly so that it does not burn.

    Peel the peaches and halve them. We remove the bone and traces of the tails.

    We send them into sterilized liter jars and fill them with grape juice.

    Screw on the lids and place in a deep saucepan. Fill the jars completely with water: it should cover the jars by a centimeter.

    Pasteurize a liter glass container with peach compote for about seventeen minutes.

    Cool jars of fruit at room temperature.

Recipe7. Peach compote for the winter in plum filling


Three kg of peaches;

One glass of sugar;

Half a liter of hot water;

One liter of unsweetened plum juice.

Cooking method:

    Place the washed peaches in hot water. Cook the fruit for about ten minutes.

    Then transfer the peaches to cold water. Peel the fruit, remove the seeds and cut into four parts.

    Dilute the plum juice with half a liter of water, in which the peaches were previously boiled. Add sugar. Place on the fire and bring to a boil.

    Place the peaches in clean jars, filling them a little more than halfway.

    Fill to the top with hot plum juice and immediately twist.

    We hide the jars under the blanket. When they cool down, we put them in the pantry and make an appointment in the winter.

Recipe 8. Georgian peach compote for the winter



Sugar – 450 gr. for a three-liter jar.

Cooking method:

    Remove the pits from the clean peaches and cut them into slices.

    We put them in a three-liter jar until they are half full. Add granulated sugar.

    Pour cold, clean water into the jar.

    Cover with steamed lids. Place the container of fruit in a deep saucepan. Carefully pour in water until it reaches the middle of the jar.

    After boiling, set aside fifteen minutes and then carefully unload the glass container with fruit.

    Screw the lids tightly. Cool at room temperature.

    We store the compote in a dark and cool room.

Recipe 9. Winter peach compote with honey and rum


Three kg of peaches;

One liter of water;

0.75 kg sugar;

0.25 kg of honey;

10 gr. citric acid;

Cooking method:

    Rinse the fruit and place in a colander. Place in boiling water, in which citric acid was previously dissolved, for a couple of minutes. Remove and immediately fill with cold water. Remove the skin, cut in half and remove the seeds.

    Place the peach halves on the bottom of a clean jar, cut side down.

    Boil water and dissolve sugar in it. Let's add honey.

    Fill jars with fruits with hot syrup. Pour rum into each (a teaspoon per liter container).

    Seat tightly with clean lids.

    Leave it to cool in a corner of the kitchen.

Recipe 10. Winter peach compote with lemon


One kg of peaches;


0.6 kg of sugar per liter of filling.

Cooking method:

    Cut the prepared peaches in half and remove the pit. Then we divide it into two more parts. The result was quarters.

    Using a sharp knife, remove the skin.

    Cut the lemon in half and squeeze the juice directly onto the peach slices.

    Fill the jars with fruit to 2/3 of the volume.

    Pour sugar into the heated water and stir so that it dissolves faster.

    Bring the syrup to a boil, strain through double-layer cheesecloth and let cool quite a bit.

    Pour sweet water into jars. The syrup should only cover the fruit and not reach the neck by about five centimeters.

    Cover with lids and sterilize for at least 15 minutes.

    Twist and leave to cool without wrapping.

Compote of peaches for the winter - tricks and useful tips

  • The characteristic fluff can be easily removed by leaving the fruit in water with a small amount of soda for five minutes.
  • It’s easier to remove the pit this way: cut the peach along the groove with a knife and remove it.
  • We select fruits without damage of small or medium size. These peaches are easier to take out of the jar.
  • From the seeds you can grow a new tree. They need to be buried to a depth of 8 cm and watered.
  • To prevent peaches from darkening during pitting and peeling, the fruits can be placed in cold water with a drop of citric acid.
  • When sterilizing, place a towel on the bottom of the pan.
  • If several cans are placed in a dish, they should not touch.

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  • Bright, sweet, juicy peaches are always popular and desired by everyone. Saving peach compote for the winter means stocking up on a jar of homemade vitamins without preservatives. After all, peaches are not only attractive in appearance, they contain many microelements that have a beneficial effect on the body. In winter, you will have the opportunity to enjoy not only sweet compote, but also eat the pulp of peaches. Canned fruit in compote can be consumed whole and used in pies or cakes. There are many recipes with photos of peach compote for the winter, so that novice housewives can understand how to make this excellent drink. Housewives with experience in canning will also be able to learn a lot of interesting things from a photo representation of the process of rolling up fruit and berry preparations.

    What are the benefits of peach?

    Peach is a healthy fruit for humans. It contains: vitamins B, C, T, K, PP, potassium, magnesium, zinc, manganese, phosphorus, iron, citric, malic and tartaric acids. Among the beneficial components are also pectin and essential oil. Even the peach pit and its leaves have positive properties. The seed is processed into almond oil, which is widely used in cosmetology, and decoctions are made from the leaves of the tree to treat gastrointestinal diseases.

    The aromatic pulp is easily digestible in any form. You can eat it not only fresh, but also use a simple recipe for peach compote for the winter. Whether it is juice, compote or peach flesh, they all equally normalize the secretory activity of the stomach, help digest food, improve appetite, and also treat kidney disease, cardiovascular diseases, rheumatism, gout.

    Canning peach compote

    For those wondering: “How to cook peach compote?”, there is a simple description of this process. Stir the desired amount of pitted peaches into a pan of cold water, add sugar to taste and boil for 10-15 minutes. Cool and the compote is ready to eat. Before serving, you can add a few ice cubes to the glass to keep the drink refreshing and cool. Well, if you want to preserve peach compote for the winter, then several unsurpassed recipes are provided below. It takes about an hour to make such provisions, but the result is excellent and tasty. The list of main ingredients includes peach, water and sugar. The only kitchen utensils you need are a saucepan. For those who don’t want to struggle even with a saucepan, you can get a multicooker. The compote from it comes out no worse than boiled in a saucepan.

    Peach compote without sterilization - video

    Peach compote for the winter without pits

    Step by step description:

    In one 3-liter jar, 0.9-1 kg of medium-sized peaches with pits are placed to the top, and 1-1.2 kg without pits.

    A tasty, sweet drink can be topped with more than just peaches. This sweetness can be diluted with another fruit or berry that has a more sour taste. Such an additional ingredient could be: apple, plum, raspberry, rowan,... The preparation steps will not be particularly different, but to be sure, it is better to introduce a point for sterilizing jars of fruit. This procedure will allow you to store provisions much longer and prevent possible breakdown. Below are a couple of such recipes with delicious results.

    Peach compote with and without sugar - video

    Compote of apples and peaches

    Step by step description:

    The capped and cooled compote should not be immediately moved to a pantry or other poorly ventilated room, because the lid may break off. The provisions should stand in an open place for a couple of weeks.

    Two similar fruits simply need to be combined together: peaches and plums. The beneficial properties of plums are also added to the positive properties of peach. In addition to what the peach has, the plum contains vitamin A, ascorbic acid, chromium, copper, and fluorine. These components improve vision, strengthen blood vessels, and give strength. Be sure to close this vitamin drink.

    Compote of peaches and blackberries - video

    Compote of plums and peaches

    Step by step description:

    1. Wash the fruits, remove the stems and seeds. You can also preserve it whole.
    2. Sterilize jars with lids.
    3. Place the fruit ingredients in the container up to half or 1/3 full. It depends on what concentration you want to get.
    4. Sprinkle sugar onto the surface of the fruit.
    5. Boil water and pour it into jars.
    6. Send for a sterilization procedure, which will last 15 minutes. This stage is necessary to avoid the breakdown of provisions, because the fruits are completely closed and require additional heat treatment.
    7. Take out the containers and seal with lids. Turn over, wrap and wait to cool.
    8. Peach compote for the winter with plums is ready to eat!

    According to the latest recipe for making compote from plums and peaches, you can also can other fruits. Peach can be combined with pear and get a pleasant sweet taste. Berries, blueberries, and currants will perfectly dilute the sweetness of the peach with their acidity. A beautiful and aromatic compote will come out of the fruit in question with the addition of orange slices or lemon slices. There is no limit to your imagination for canning peach compote for the winter. The main thing is to follow the step-by-step instructions and do not forget the procedure for sterilizing the jars with the contents before rolling.

    Peach compote according to a Georgian recipe - video

    Easy canning and delicious preparations for you!

    I have already mentioned in my recipes that I am afraid to eat various fruits brought to Siberia from Central Asia in raw form. If we eat fruits, then the best ones. I just cook various compotes. Today we will talk about one of my favorite drinks, peach compote, which has only competition. This is how my taste developed, I think it happened in deep childhood. While I’m writing the recipe, drinking my favorite peach compote, I’m subtly hinting to you what kind of drink you can brew for lunch or dinner.

    Ingredients for peach compote:

    500 gr. sweet peaches

    liter of water

    0.5-0.7 cups sugar

    Preparation of peach compote:

    Even for compote, I prefer to choose whole, ripe, sweet fruits. The taste of the final drink will depend on their taste and quality. Peaches need to be washed thoroughly, cut into two halves and the pit removed. There is no need to peel the skin; it will come off on its own during cooking.

    Place the peaches in a saucepan for cooking compote, cover with sugar and add water. Place the saucepan with the peaches over medium heat and bring to a boil. When the peach compote boils, cook over low heat for about 5 minutes. During cooking, the skin peels off the peaches. Allow the compote to cool to room temperature, in the meantime it will infuse.

    The peach compote turns out aromatic with a delicate taste, and the peaches themselves, while maintaining their structure, become slightly soft. You can’t drag my children away by the ears from this compote, just like me in other respects. Bon appetit!!!

    The winter preparation season is in full swing; in addition to pickles and picklings, many housewives traditionally make compotes. And, although supermarkets have a huge selection of juices and fruit drinks, real housewives are sure that there is nothing better than homemade compote.

    Indeed, homemade recipes do without preservatives and stabilizers, which are found in almost all store-bought products; they are made only from fresh fruits, unlike juices, which are mostly reconstituted.

    Peaches have an amazing taste. And there are many useful components in fruits. I want to enjoy the southern delicacy all year round, and not just in the summer. And this is possible if you prepare peach compote for the winter. It seems to young housewives that the proposed conservation requires special knowledge and adherence to strict technologies.

    Nothing like that: these are simple recipes that do not require much time or a huge list of ingredients. There are quite a few ways to make peach compote in jars at home. Small fruits can be preserved whole; large ones are best cut into halves or quarters, removing the pit.

    You can add other fruits or berries to the jar for taste and beauty. Peaches go well with grapes, apricots, sour apples, and plums. A jar of assorted fruit always sells out with a bang. Below is a selection of recipes for compotes based on peaches; their peculiarity is that the fruits can also be used in baking in winter.

    Peach compote for the winter - step-by-step photo recipe

    To begin with, it is better to prepare an amazingly tasty, simple peach compote for the winter according to the recipe, to which photos of each step have been added.

    Residents of the southern regions roll up compote for the winter in 3-liter jars. If you buy fruit, it is better to take 0.5 or 1 liter containers.

    Cooking time: 45 minutes

    Quantity: 1 serving


    • Peaches: in any quantity
    • Sugar: at the rate of 150 g per 1 liter of preservation

    Cooking instructions

    A very simple recipe for peach compote for the winter without sterilization

    The least favorite action when rolling compotes is sterilization; there is always a danger that the jar will burst and the precious juice, along with the fruits, will spill into the sterilization container. The following recipe allows you to do without additional sterilization. The fruits are taken whole, the skin is not removed from them, so they look very attractive in jars.

    Ingredients (based on a three-liter jar):

    • Fresh peaches – 1 kg.
    • Sugar – 1 tbsp.
    • Citric acid - a little less than a teaspoon.
    • Water – 1.5 l.

    Algorithm of actions:

    1. Select whole, firm, beautiful peaches. Long-term storage of peach compote is hampered by the “fluff” that covers the fruit. To get rid of it, wash the peaches thoroughly under running water using a brush. The second option is to soak them in water for 10 minutes, then rinse.
    2. Sterilize glass containers and allow to dry. Gently drop the peaches into each (since these are very delicate fruits).
    3. Boil water, a little more than normal. Pour into jars. Cover with tin lids, but do not seal.
    4. After a quarter of an hour, start preparing the syrup. To do this, mix sugar with citric acid and add water from a jar. Bring to a boil, let stand for 5 minutes. Pour boiling syrup over the fruits.
    5. Immediately seal with the tin lids that were used to cover the containers when pouring boiling water, but additionally sterilize in boiling water.
    6. Turn over. It is imperative to organize so-called passive sterilization. Wrap in cotton or wool blankets. Leave for at least a day.

    Such compotes require storage in a cool place.

    Compote of peaches with pits for the winter

    The peach compote is very tasty and rich if you cut the fruits in half and remove the pits. On the other hand, peach pits add a pleasant note, and the whole fruit looks very beautiful. Plus it saves time, since you don’t have to deal with cutting and removing seeds, which are also difficult to remove.

    Ingredients (for a three-liter container):

    • Fresh peaches – 10-15 pcs.
    • Sugar – 1.5 tbsp.
    • Water 2-2.5 l.

    Algorithm of actions:

    1. It is important to select the “right” peaches – firm, beautiful, aromatic, and of the same size.
    2. Next, wash the fruits and remove the peach “fluff” with a brush or your hands.
    3. Send containers for sterilization. Then place the cooked, washed fruits in them.
    4. Fill each jar with boiling water. Cover with lids. Some people advise covering the containers with a warm blanket (plaid) at this stage.
    5. 20 minutes of exposure (or rest for the hostess). You can proceed to the second stage of preparing compote.
    6. Pour the water, saturated with peach juice and aromas, into an enamel pan. Add sugar, stir until dissolved. Send to the stove.
    7. Pour the boiling syrup into the jars, cover with the lids that were boiling at the time, and seal.

    Additional sterilization in the form of wrapping in warm clothes (blankets or jackets) is required. You need to drink compote throughout the year. This type of compote is not recommended to be stored longer than the specified period, since hydrocyanic acid is formed in the seeds, leading to poisoning.

    Peach compote and plums for the winter

    Southern peaches and plums, growing in mid-latitudes, ripen at the same time. This gave housewives the opportunity to conduct a culinary experiment: roll up a compote containing both fruits. The result is pleasing, since the acid present in the plums promotes preservation; on the other hand, the plums acquire a pleasant peach aroma; the taste of the fruit is difficult to distinguish. Plus saving expensive southern peaches and making full use of your own harvest.

    Ingredients (for a three-liter container):

    • Fresh peaches, large size – 3-4 pcs.
    • Ripe plums – 10-12 pcs.
    • Granulated sugar – 1 tbsp. (with a slide).
    • Citric acid – ½ tsp.
    • Water – 2.5 liters.

    Algorithm of actions:

    • Carry out a strict selection of fruits - whole, firm, with intact skin, without bruises or rotten areas. Wash thoroughly.
    • Sterilize containers. Place fruits in each according to the norm.
    • Boil water. Pour over the “company” of peaches and plums. Wait until the water cools slightly.
    • Mix sugar with citric acid, pour water from the jars. Boil the syrup (cooks very quickly, the main thing is that the sugar and lemon are completely dissolved and the syrup is boiling).
    • Fill jars with syrup. Seal with tin lids.
    • Send for additional sterilization under a blanket.

    In winter, the whole family will appreciate this compote and will definitely ask for more!

    Recipe for compote of peaches and apples for the winter

    Peaches are friends not only with their “related” plums, but also with apples. It is best to take apples with sourness, which will remain in the compote.


    • Fresh peaches – 1 kg.
    • Sour apples – 3-4 pcs.
    • Lemon – 1 pc. (can be replaced with citric acid 1 tsp).
    • Sugar – 1.5 tbsp.
    • Water – 2 l.

    Algorithm of actions:

    1. Prepare the fruits - wash, cut, remove seeds and tails.
    2. Divide into jars, add lemon zest, removed in the form of a ribbon.
    3. Add sugar. Pour water into the container with the fruits. Exposure time – 20 minutes.
    4. Drain the liquid and put it on fire. After boiling, squeeze out lemon juice (add lemon).
    5. Fill the jars and cover with a tin lid. Cork.
    6. Be sure to wrap it in a warm blanket for additional sterilization.

    How to close compote of peaches and grapes for the winter

    Another recipe suggests combining peaches and grapes to make a fruit mix that in winter will remind you of hot summer with its taste and aroma.

    Ingredients (per 3 liter jar):

    • Peeled peaches – 350 gr.
    • Grapes – 150 gr.
    • Sugar – ¾ tbsp.
    • Water – 2-2.5 l.

    Algorithm of actions:

    1. Stage one is preparing the fruits, which need to be washed thoroughly. Cut large peaches and remove pits. Small fruits can be preserved whole. Rinse the grapes under running water.
    2. Prepare syrup from water and sugar.
    3. Sterilize containers. Place peaches and grapes.
    4. Pour hot syrup and cover with lids. Leave for a day in a cool place.
    5. The next day, drain the syrup and boil. Pour over the fruit again.
    6. This time close with sterilized lids. Cork. Additionally sterilize.

    In winter, all that remains is to enjoy the exotic taste and remember summer!

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