Home Dental treatment If I have trouble seeing close up, what should I do and is it possible to cure the symptom? Blurred vision: causes and treatment I began to have trouble seeing close up.

If I have trouble seeing close up, what should I do and is it possible to cure the symptom? Blurred vision: causes and treatment I began to have trouble seeing close up.

The condition, which involves blurred vision, can begin suddenly and just as suddenly go away on its own. This may indicate, for example, accumulated fatigue or excessive exposure to the sun. But if the image begins to blur unexpectedly or, conversely, regular changes in the functioning of the visual apparatus are observed, then you must immediately sign up for an examination. Perhaps in this way the body signals a serious eye disease or another equally dangerous disease.

When a person is completely healthy, blurry vision will not bother you. Unfortunately, there are many more people who turn to ophthalmologists for help because eye problems make it difficult to perform many necessary actions.

Blurred vision can be explained by physiological reasons:

  1. Changes in blood pressure. When the pressure changes frequently, the image may become blurry or even briefly black out. A similar phenomenon can be encountered if you quickly sit down or stand up, or make a sharp turn or tilt of your head. Weather-sensitive people are the first to know about weather changes, and their vision blurs quite often. If blurriness occurs in such cases, it is advisable to check how much the pressure reading has changed. Often, based on the measurement results, you can find out about an increase in indicators, however, as a rule, they quickly return to normal. The main thing is to achieve inner peace. If your blood pressure fluctuates too often, it is better to consult a therapist.
  2. Low blood glucose levels. Lack of glucose is usually the result of physical labor under difficult conditions. Blurred vision can also be observed, for example, in athletes who deal with heavy loads.

If the objects in question become blurry, it means that the body requires a new dose of glucose.

In such a situation, you must immediately:

  • take a break from work;
  • eat food that contains carbohydrates.

The fastest way to replenish your reserves of the necessary substance is with sweet tea. Sugar that is in liquid will enter the blood faster than that that is in solid food. Thus, in a short period of time the visual apparatus will restore its functions.

Neither the first reason nor the second are dangerous for the body. The main thing is that if the image becomes blurry, stop working and do everything necessary to restore clarity of vision.

Impact of eye diseases

If factors of a physiological nature should not cause any particular concern, then in case of long-term changes in the functioning of the visual apparatus due to certain diseases, you should definitely see an ophthalmologist.

A blurry look occurs due to:

  1. Destruction of the structure of the vitreous body of the eye.
  2. Inflammatory processes of the eyes.
  3. Retinal disorders.

The most common pathological cause that results in blurred vision is destruction of the vitreous body. The condition is caused by chemical or physical damage. When such negative changes occur, the eye loses clarity, the picture turns out hazy, blurry, and opaque areas appear that do not allow light rays to pass through.

Changes in the vitreous body lead to:

  • severe myopia;
  • entry of foreign bodies;
  • shell problems;
  • impaired material metabolism.

Don't expect the vagueness to go away on its own. In order for the original clarity and clarity of vision to be restored, even surgery may be recommended. However, the ophthalmologist will make such a prescription only in case of emergency, having analyzed the degree of damage to the eye after examination.

Inflammation in the eyes can be accompanied by the release of large amounts of pus, which interferes with normal vision. Thanks to timely and correct drug intervention, such a problem can be eliminated in a short time.

However, if such infections are not treated or the wrong technique is used, the spread of the inflammatory process to the cornea (keratitis) cannot be ruled out. The situation can turn into a cataract.

When the retina is damaged, changes cannot be immediately noticed. If certain areas peel off, blurred and distorted vision occurs. Special devices will help determine why the violations occurred. In some cases, the patient is prescribed laser surgery.

Other common causes

There are a large number of factors that significantly affect the ability to see clearly.

For example, the image turns out blurry under the following factors:

  1. Presbyopia. People over 40 often need to use glasses or multifocal lenses to be able to recognize nearby objects. Such changes are age-related and are not considered a visual defect.
  2. Dry eye syndrome (keratoconjunctivitis). Artificial tears - drops - help with blurred vision.
  3. Carrying a child. Due to hormonal changes, the shape and thickness of the cornea may change, causing the image to become blurry. Also, the above syndrome is often observed in pregnant women. The doctor should be aware of such symptoms.
  4. Migraines. The disease is accompanied by temporary blurred vision, halos, and flickering light.
  5. Using certain eye medications. You should be careful when using drops that contain preservatives. Substances often cause irritation and blurriness. This can also happen when taking allergy pills.
  6. Wearing contact lenses longer than expected. If you do not follow the rules for using lenses and exceed their service life, proteins and other debris can build up on them. In addition to being blurry, the patient is at risk of getting a serious eye infection.

Thus, blurred vision can be either the result of a temporary physiological process or a consequence of the development of a serious pathology. Only through an examination by a qualified ophthalmologist can you determine the degree of blurred vision, as well as identify the cause of the condition using special devices and, if necessary, prescribe the correct treatment.

Blurred vision torments thousands of people every day, significantly worsening their quality of life. First of all, if this problem is accompanied by headaches, dizziness, nausea and fatigue, it is very important to find out how to help in this case.

Are you unable to see objects well, recognize people (especially their faces), have trouble reading, or feel like letters are jumping around on your computer or book pages? Perhaps it's time to turn to specialists. In this article, you will learn about some facts about blurred vision, its causes and treatments.

Reasons why vision becomes blurry

The checklist will help you determine the cause of blurry vision and identify the most common symptoms.

Or . Astigmatism is a disorder that makes it difficult for you to see near and far. The consequence of the second pathological condition is blurry vision in the distance. They not only blur vision, but also distort it in general.

It is more common in people over 60 years of age. Sometimes there are no symptoms. In the latter case, it causes clouding of the cornea, vision itself, sensitivity to light, double vision and progressive blurred vision.

One of the many symptoms of blood sugar imbalance can be blurred vision. You must be vigilant if you suffer from this disease as it can lead to much more serious vision problems such as blindness. Weight loss and increased appetite, rapid heartbeat, high blood pressure, tremors and blurred vision are the most well-known symptoms of this disorder, which affects the thyroid gland.

Multiple sclerosis - This neurodegenerative disorder is often accompanied by numerous vision problems, including blurry vision. It can also cause bladder problems, sensory changes, and more.

Hypoglycemia, a condition where blood sugar suddenly drops, can lead not only to blurred vision, but also to other types of impairment, confusion, double vision, loss of concentration, anxiety, rapid heartbeat and trembling. Other signs of this condition are nausea, sensitivity to light, eye pain and vomiting. It is worth noting that migraines can have the same symptoms.

High blood pressure and. If you have hypertension or eye pressure (glaucoma), you may have problems with your vision. In addition, both diseases cause additional problems, such as loss of consciousness, complete or partial loss of vision, tachycardia, etc.

What to do if you suffer from blurry vision

If you frequently experience any of the above symptoms, it is very important to see your doctor immediately. If they appear sometimes, pay attention to our advice: reduce stress. This will help you lower your blood pressure and nervousness. This will make you feel calmer and improve your vision.

Hypertension is one of your eyes' worst enemies. If you have eye pressure, it's also worth getting rid of stress. Work on reducing your anger and anxiety so that they don't affect your well-being.

If you work in front of a computer or laptop monitor for a long time, your eyes may become tired and this will cause blurry vision.

In this case you should:

  • Remain seated and close your eyes for a minute.
  • Another option: stand up, raise your index finger in front of your face and slowly move it in and out while following it with your eyes. After that, do the same, but move your finger to the right and then to the left, like a pendulum. You should only move your eyes, not your head.
  • Focusing and defocusing. Select an object and stare, concentrating on it. Then try to unfocus your attention from the object and see what is around it.

One of the reasons why our vision became blurry- this is the inability to concentrate on something specific, because every day we receive hundreds of stimuli. So watch your attention.

Watch your diet. Try to eat healthy, exclude foods that give you nothing other than empty calories (sweets, flour products, alcohol, finished products, etc.) a full list of foods that are harmful to humans can be found on specialized websites about diets, and also watch the video on the Internet about nutrition from leading fitness experts and specialists in the field of nutrition. It’s also better to quit smoking

Of course, you already know that water is your best ally in keeping your eyes hydrated. In addition, it can help remove toxins that have accumulated in the body and threaten to harm the liver, an organ directly connected to the eyes.

If your vision is blurry or blurry, try eating low-fat foods and avoiding fried foods. Drink tea daily and eat steamed or partially cooked vegetables (primarily broccoli, spinach and chard) with whole grain rice.

Don't eat fatty meats or dairy products. Make a choice in favor of lean meat and if you like dairy products, then eat homemade cottage cheese, prepared yourself. Recipes can be found on the Internet.

At the same time, you should increase your intake of vitamins A and C. You will find them in citrus fruits, carrots, papaya and broccoli. Lead a healthy lifestyle.

Increase the size of the letters on the computer screen so as not to move it closer to your eyes, do not read if there is not enough light (natural light is better than artificial light), keep a distance of at least one meter from the television screen.

Wear sunglasses when going out to lunch or returning home.

It is also good to spend time in the countryside or in nature, such as a village or a beach. This way you can train your eyes. Just like with panoramic photography, your eyes need a break from looking at so many objects at once, particularly flowers and neon bright lights.

People over the age of 40 and young children most often complain of poor near vision. Pathology occurs due to the inability of the lens to focus the image and transmit it to the retina, resulting in a blurred and unclear image. To combat the disease, glasses or contacts are used, and to minimize the likelihood of developing farsightedness, special exercises are prescribed that can strengthen the muscle fibers of the eye.

Causes of farsightedness

The most common factor that causes decreased near vision is physiological changes in the retina. It contains a photosensitive pigment, which makes it possible to transmit an image through the lens. During the aging process, it is destroyed, which leads to a decrease in visual acuity.

Main causes of pathology:

  • disruption of muscle function, namely their weakening;
  • deterioration of blood circulation in the eyeball;
  • overstrain of the muscle fibers of the eye;
  • lack of tear fluid.

The sooner corrective lenses are selected, the higher the likelihood of returning your previous vision.

It is possible that with the appearance of such a symptom, macular degeneration began to progress in the patient.

If your eyes become worse at seeing close up, this may indicate the presence of the following diseases in the body:

  • retinal detachment;
  • macular degeneration;
  • vitreous rupture;
  • diabetic retinopathy.


A disease such as hyperopia is characterized by a simultaneous deterioration in near vision and improvement in distance. The pathology provokes rapid fatigue due to constant tension in the eye muscles, resulting in frequent headaches. Additionally, the general functions of the eyeball are reduced, the so-called “lazy eye” syndrome. After prolonged overexertion, burning and itching occurs. If you do not consult an ophthalmologist in the presence of such symptoms, the intensity of the discomfort will increase, and visual acuity will decrease.


It is necessary to visit an ophthalmologist who will perform the following manipulations:

  • check your vision using a table;
  • examines the fundus of the eye with a special mirror or ultrasound;
  • will determine the appropriate lenses.

What to do?

Preparations and optics

With the help of broccoli and Brussels sprouts, you can enrich your body with lutein.

With age, the production of lutein and zeaxanthin in the body is disrupted, which leads to a decrease in near visual acuity. To compensate for their deficiency, it is necessary to eat foods that contain large amounts of these substances, for example, curly or Brussels sprouts, spinach, broccoli. It is recommended to increase your intake of vitamin C, E, zinc and selenium. The doctor prescribes the multi-vinamine complex “Okuwait Lutein Forte” or “Lutein Complex”, which can compensate for the deficiency of components artificially. After an ophthalmologist has diagnosed the fundus of the eye, the doctor determines the necessary diopters for the lenses so that they can remove the discomfort. It is not recommended to select it yourself, as it can cause irreparable harm to health.


When conservative methods are not effective, doctors perform the following surgical interventions:

  • Laser correction.
  • Thermokeratoplasty. Using thermal radio waves, the shape of the cornea and its refractive properties are changed.
  • Lensectomy. An artificial implant is placed instead of a biological lens.
  • Keratoplasty. Removal of the affected cornea.
  • Lens implantation, in which the organ is not removed, but the optics are placed in front of the lens.
  • Radial keratotomy. Changing the refractive power of the cornea using notches.
  • Thermokeratocoagulation. Point correction of the fundus with a heated needle.
230 10/22/2019 6 min.

A person’s vision may deteriorate not only in the distance, but also near. Moreover, this condition occurs not only from age-related changes or farsightedness. There are diseases that negatively affect the ability to see well at close range. Some of them can lead to complete loss of vision.

Diagnosis of blurred vision at close range helps detect diseases at an early stage of development. Preventive eye examinations should be the norm for every adult. This will reduce the risks of premature blindness.

Causes of poor vision at close distances

Vision can deteriorate due to age-related changes in the tissues of the eye. In such cases, presbyopia is diagnosed.

If a person’s ability to see at close range deteriorates and at the same time improves when looking into the distance, this means that he develops hypermetropia (farsightedness).

The cause of age-related decrease in vision at close distances is the hardening of the lens. It loses elasticity, which disrupts the accommodation process. As the body ages, the muscles that hold the lens gradually weaken. And when the areas of the brain located in the back of the head send nerve signals to these muscles, they cannot change the shape of the lens. Therefore, a person sees nearby objects blurry.

Vision can also deteriorate with other pathologies. They often lead to pronounced changes in the tissues of the eye, causing vision to deteriorate far and near. Sometimes a person notices a rapid decrease in the clarity of objects around him and the ability to see can only be restored through urgent surgery. Find out about surgery for farsightedness at.

What diseases provoke the symptom?

Visual impairment may occur due to other diseases not related to eye damage. However, they affect the nutrition of tissues, their changes, which is why, along with other pathological processes, a person loses vision, sometimes very quickly.

Diagnosis of eye diseases must be timely. Unfortunately, patients come to the doctor only when the disease is advanced. In this case, it can be very difficult to restore the ability to see.


Another name for this disease is farsightedness. There are 3 degrees of the disease:

  • (up to 2 diopters);
  • medium (up to 5 diopters);
  • (more than 5 diopters).

With farsightedness up to 2 diopters, a person does not notice a deterioration in vision either far or near. With moderate hypermetropia, the ability to see at close range is significantly impaired. A high degree of farsightedness is associated with permanently poor vision.

Sometimes with hypermetropia the patient may complain of:

  • the appearance of fog in the visual field;
  • asthenopia (severe eye fatigue);
  • impaired binocular vision;
  • amblyopia (decreased vision that cannot be corrected with glasses);
  • strabismus.

Children are usually born farsighted. As the body grows, their eyeball gradually changes, causing their vision to gradually become emmetropic, that is, normal. As a rule, emmetropia is achieved before 6 years of age. The features of the treatment of moderate hypermetropia in children are described in.

Children may not notice that their vision has become poor. Therefore, periodic ophthalmological examinations are very important for them.

Retinal detachment

This is a serious disease that requires immediate surgical intervention. In this case, the retina is separated from the choroid.

If you do not see a doctor in time, retinal detachment will lead to blindness.

Delay in receiving medical help for a retinal tear can result in irreversible blindness.

There are the following types of detachment:

  • primary (associated with the presence of a retinal tear);
  • traumatic;
  • secondary (develops as a result of a tumor and inflammatory disease.

The risk of rupture increases with:

  • myopia;
  • previous surgical interventions;
  • retinal dystrophy;
  • injuries.

The main symptoms of detachment:

  • decreased visual acuity (and a person sees equally poorly in the distance and near);
  • narrowing of the visual field;
  • the appearance of moving dots before the eyes;
  • the appearance of a veil before the eyes;
  • deformation of the objects in question.

The purpose of the operation is to restore the adhesion of the retina to the choroid.

Macular degeneration

This is a disease that affects the central region of the retina - the macula. It is essential for ensuring full visual function. Age-related macular degeneration is a leading cause of blindness among people over 50 years of age.

Macular degeneration leads to decreased visual acuity. The person feels that it becomes difficult for him to read or look at nearby objects. He also cannot perform previously familiar actions - for example, driving a car, engaging in mental work that requires visual stress.

Macular degeneration is a serious reason to consult an ophthalmologist. But it is not the cause of blindness.

Macular degeneration causes a slow, painless and, unfortunately, irreversible loss of vision, including blindness. Very rarely this process is abrupt. The earliest symptoms of macular degeneration are:

  • the appearance of spots in the central region of the visual field;
  • a progressive decrease in the clarity of the objects in question;
  • distortion of objects;
  • color vision impairment;
  • a person sees very poorly at close range when the light level decreases.

Treatment of macular degeneration is a rather complex medical problem. Combined antioxidant therapy increases the chances of restoring vision.

Retinal tear

Ruptures of the retina in most cases lead to its detachment. They arise under the influence of external factors.

Early symptoms of rupture may not be noticeable to the patient. Damage to the retina can only be detected through an ophthalmological examination.

Sometimes a person feels flashes of bright light, “lightning”. They are especially noticeable in a dark room. The appearance of floaters in front of the eye is a sign of posterior detachment or hemorrhage in the vitreous area.

The appearance of a slowly increasing dark curtain in the visual field indicates the beginning of retinal detachment. This is a late symptom of rupture. The patient must immediately contact the ophthalmology or surgical department to avoid the development of blindness. The most effective way to treat the disease is laser coagulation of the retina.

Diabetic retinopathy

This is the most common vascular complication of diabetes. It manifests itself in damage to the capillaries of the eye. Retinopathy is the main cause of vision loss in people of working age. There are 3 stages of pathology development:

  1. Non-proliferative retinopathy. At this time, the patient practically does not complain about poor vision.
  2. Preproliferative retinopathy. The patient experiences a decrease in near visual acuity as a result of increased capillary permeability.
  3. Proliferative retinopathy develops if the patient does not monitor blood glucose levels. It is characterized by blockage of capillaries, which causes areas of impaired blood supply to appear on the retina.

Retinopathy is manifested by a progressive decrease in visual acuity: first near, and then at distance. Patients may notice the curvature of objects and the flickering of “flies”. Find out about laser correction of farsightedness.

Diagnostic methods

Diagnosis of visual impairment is carried out using the following methods:

Age-related changes in the eyes, if it is difficult to see up close

Age-related changes that cause a person to see poorly up close include the following:

  • Presbyopia. Because of it, a person cannot see well at close range. To correct this disorder, glasses are required.
  • Cataract. The disease causes progressive clouding of the lens. This reduces vision both far and near.

  • Macular degeneration- cause of irreversible blindness.
  • Glaucoma. The disease is associated with increased pressure inside the eye, which increases the risk of blindness.
  • Vitreous detachment can lead to retinal detachment, which causes a person to see poorly.


This video will tell you about poor near vision, its prevention and treatment methods.


  1. Poor vision at close range can be a reaction to natural aging of the body () or as a symptom of serious illnesses.
  2. A healthy lifestyle, balanced diet, and smoking cessation will help preserve your eyes and prevent the development of blindness.
  3. The norm of behavior of a modern person should be annual preventive examinations by an ophthalmologist. This way, dangerous eye pathologies can be diagnosed at the earliest stage of their development, when a person does not feel any symptoms.
  4. Self-medication of eye diseases is strictly unacceptable, because it can lead to blindness.

Visual impairment is a problem that almost every person in the modern world faces. My eyes began to have trouble seeing close up. This is often noticed by older people. Along with this, an improvement in distance visual acuity is sometimes observed. What it is? What disease can be judged here? I can't see well up close. What to do in this case? We will provide answers to all questions below.

What is this?

Farsightedness is when you have difficulty seeing close up, but your distance vision remains sharp. This is how we can explain this refractive error in simple words. The problem mainly affects people over 40 years of age. But today it can be diagnosed at any age.

Myopia is the opposite phenomenon. A person sees relatively well up close, but distance vision acuity deteriorates. Objects at some distance become cloudy, unclear, and double. Myopia is when you cannot see the bus number, the inscriptions on signs and advertising banners, what is happening on the screen from the back rows in the cinema. This disease affects people regardless of age.

There is also such a pathology as hypermetropia. This is a deterioration in near vision, which is accompanied by a simultaneous improvement in distance. Age-related presbyopia is also distinguished. This is senile farsightedness, caused by degenerative processes in the tissues of the eye that occur with age.

What is vision called when you can't see well up close? This is farsightedness. But it can be observed in several ophthalmological diseases at once.


“I can’t see well up close. Is this a plus or a minus?” Minus - for myopia. Plus, accordingly, with farsightedness, when a person cannot distinguish nearby objects.

One of the reasons for farsightedness is precisely the age of a person from 35-40 years. More precisely, age-related changes in the tissues of the ophthalmological system. The cornea of ​​the eye becomes less elastic and cannot focus light normally.

However, farsightedness is also diagnosed in young people and children. Here it is associated with physiological disorders and characteristics. Often the problem resolves itself as the child grows older, when the tissues of his eye are fully formed.

It has been proven that farsightedness can also be caused by a hereditary predisposition. And even ethnicity. Thus, farsightedness is more often diagnosed in African Americans, North American Indians and Pacific Islanders.


A person has trouble seeing close up. This is farsightedness, which can be determined by accompanying symptoms:

  • When there is stress on the organs of vision (for example, when reading, working at a computer), a person may notice discomfort and pain in the eyes.
  • "Lazy eye syndrome" When visual acuity decreases, the eye that sees worse ceases to fully perform its functions.
  • The closer objects are to a person, the more blurred their outlines are.
  • After prolonged strain on the organs of vision, an unpleasant itching or burning sensation may appear in the eye.

The more complex the ophthalmological problem, the more clearly these symptoms manifest themselves. In especially severe cases, a person without glasses or contact lenses is no longer able to see his surroundings even at arm's length.

What diseases cause farsightedness?

“I can’t see well up close, but well into the distance.” This condition is itself a disease - hypermetropia. Age-related farsightedness is called presbyopia. However, these pathologies are often the causes or consequences of other ailments.

For example, develop against the background of a violation of accommodation. The eye loses the ability to focus on objects at different distances. The reason is atrophic processes occurring in the tissues of the lens.

“As I get older, I can’t see up close.” Presbyopia is a common problem. Farsightedness can also be caused by the following diseases:

Complications of the condition

“As I get older, I can’t see up close.” There is reason to suspect hypermetropia. It must be said that the symptoms of the disease manifest themselves clearly, and the pathology itself develops slowly. Therefore, a person has every chance to start treatment on time and avoid complications of this pathological condition.

In the case when the therapy is incomplete or incorrect (or when the person did not treat the disease in any way), the following complications of hypermetropia may appear:

  • Glaucoma.
  • Keratitis.
  • Blepharitis.
  • Conjunctivitis of non-infectious nature.
  • "Lazy eye syndrome" (amblyopia).
  • "Friendly" strabismus.

As with other diseases, it is best to start treatment as early as possible - as soon as you notice the first manifestations of farsightedness. I can't see well up close. What to do? You must make an appointment with an ophthalmologist.

Directions of treatment

I can't see well up close. What to do? You need to follow the recommendations that your ophthalmologist prescribed for you. It is dangerous to self-medicate here. The main directions of therapy are as follows:

  • Optical vision correction.
  • Contact correction.
  • Surgical intervention.

Let's look at each method in more detail.

Optical correction

“I can’t see well up close.” Drops in this condition will not help correct the situation. It is only possible to eliminate the symptom - fatigue, itching, burning in the eyes.

One of the most common treatments for presbyopia is prescription glasses. They are easiest to use for close-range work, provided the patient has good distance vision. For several decades, this has been one of the simplest, safest and most effective methods for correcting farsightedness, especially age-related.

If, in addition to farsightedness, the patient also complains of myopia, then he should be prescribed special glasses - bifocals. They are distinguished by the presence of two zones. The first one designed for near vision correction. The second, accordingly, is for distance vision correction. Another way: use two pairs of glasses designed for visual work at different distances.

Contact correction

I can't see well up close. What to do? Another popular method of vision correction is contact lenses. Today, for presbyopia, several methods can be proposed:

  • Contact multifocal lenses. By the way, they are quite common lately. They have a peripheral and central zone, which is responsible for clarity of vision. That is, it becomes possible to increase the field of view without unnecessary deformation. For the manufacture of multifocal lenses, a special innovative material is used that allows the eyes to “breathe”. With such lenses, a person can see equally well both near and far.
  • "Monovision". This type of contact lenses is selected for patients who have both farsightedness and nearsightedness. One eye here will be corrected to clearly distinguish objects in the distance, and the other - for visual acuity in the distance. Therefore, the patient does not need to buy different glasses. But the disadvantage of “monovision” is that it sometimes requires a long period of getting used to. In addition, as the name implies, a person loses the ability to have binocular vision.

Artificial lenses

Today there is a radical way to solve the problems of farsightedness. This is the replacement of the lens of the eye, which has lost its elasticity, with an intraocular lens. The operation is available to people of all ages, is performed under local anesthesia, and is absolutely painless.

The duration of such surgical intervention is no more than 15-20 minutes. Typically, the ophthalmic surgeon performs it through a self-sealing microaccess that is only 1.6 mm long. Accordingly, there is no need for sutures.

Types of artificial lenses

For age-related farsightedness, two types of artificial lenses are currently recommended:

  • Accommodating artificial lenses. Their properties are as close as possible to the properties of the natural human lens. Thanks to their unique design, accommodating lenses are able to engage the eye muscles, move and bend, just like a natural lens. They completely imitate its natural focusing ability, thereby restoring natural accommodation.
  • Multifocal artificial lenses. They are distinguished by the optical design of that part of the lens, which allows them to imitate the work of a natural lens. A multifocal lens, as the name suggests, has multiple focal points rather than just one. This makes it possible for the patient to see objects equally well at different distances. Therefore, after its implantation, the need for glasses or contact lenses will completely disappear.

Naturally, artificial lenses are selected for each patient individually. The choice is influenced by many factors: the state of the visual system, age, occupation, etc. Let us add that implantation of an artificial lens for farsightedness is the prevention of cataracts. After all, an artificial lens cannot become cloudy.

Surgical intervention

In addition to implantation of an artificial lens (lensectomy), the following types of ophthalmological surgery are distinguished:


Preventive measures come down to proper organization of your workplace. So that your eyes don’t needlessly strain and get tired:

  • Proper lighting - the shadow should not block the field of view, but the light should not hit the eyes.
  • Avoid reading while lying down or in poor lighting.
  • Make sure that when working with a computer, the distance from your eyes to the monitor is not less than 50-60 cm.
  • Every hour and a half of working with the computer you need to take a 5-minute break. It is best to devote it to massaging the eyeballs.

Farsightedness is a condition that progresses slowly but constantly. Therefore, in order to avoid complications, it is so important to start treatment on time and make an appointment with an ophthalmologist. Today there are many methods of therapy - you can choose the one that suits your indications and financial capabilities.

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