Home Children's dentistry Name of the days of the week in English. Online pronunciation of days of the week in English Days of the week in English exercises

Name of the days of the week in English. Online pronunciation of days of the week in English Days of the week in English exercises

Sunday - Sunday. The name of this day of the week comes from the Latin expression dies solis - sunny day (name of a pagan Roman holiday). It was also called by its Latin name Dominica - day of god. Romance languages (Spanish, French, Italian), which originated from the Old Latin language, retained this root (dom-) in the name of a given day of the week.

Monday - Monday. The name of this day of the week in English comes from the Anglo-Saxon word monandaeg - “lunar day”. The second day of the week was dedicated to the moon goddess.

Tuesday - Tuesday. This day of the week in English was named after the Norse god Tyr. The Romans named this day in honor of the god of war, Mars.

Wednesday - Wednesday. The origin of the name of this day of the week dates back to the Roman Empire, the original name was dies Mercurii in honor of the god Mercury.

Thursday - Thursday. The next day of the week is Thursday, and it is named after the Norse god Thor. In Norwegian this day of the week is called Torsdag. The Romans called this day of the week - dies Jovis - "Day of Jupiter", the most important god in their mythology.

Friday - Friday. The penultimate day of the week in English is Friday. This day of the week was named after the Norwegian queen Frigg. The Romans dedicated this name to the goddess Venus.

Saturday - Saturday. The name of this day of the week glorified the god of ancient Roman mythology, Saturn.

Modern English has seven days of the week. Days of the week in English are always capitalized, regardless of their position in the sentence. It is worth noting that in England, the USA, Canada and many other countries, the days of the week begin on Sunday.

Hello, dear blog readers!

Your child’s acquaintance with the everyday English language can be continued by studying the days of the week. You should start by studying the origin of words, their pronunciation and use. In other countries, like in ours, a seven-day week is used. As a rule, the days are counted from Monday, i.e. The first day of the week is Monday. But in a number of countries, for example, America, a countdown is used in which Sunday is considered the first day. This rule must be remembered so that there is no confusion when getting acquainted with the American calendar.

You should also remember well that the days of the week in English are considered proper names, so when writing them you should use a capital letter, regardless of the order of the words in the sentence itself. There is another distinctive feature in the English language - when abbreviating the spelling, you should write the first two letters, for example, Mo., Tu., We.

When writing a date, you must indicate only the day of the week at the beginning. The names themselves came from the names of the ancient gods and from other planets.

It can be difficult for children to remember the days of the week, because they cannot be touched or colored. Only repeated repetition and use of a game form of training can lead to excellent results. You need to listen carefully to the correct sound of words in English, try to find something recognizable in pronunciation, select an association, come up with some kind of reminder, and the funnier it is, the faster the learning process will happen. First of all, you should pay attention to days that are important for the family, for example, grandpa's birthday or a trip to the zoo. It would be a good idea to download or make pictures on your own that are dedicated to the days of the week. These images can be hung by the bed in the children's room and during each day when waking up, show the desired picture that corresponds to the coming day. The child should know that there are weekdays and weekends. For good memorization, easy rhymes are also useful, which will help you remember the material faster. The poetic form of presenting the material makes it easy to memorize, so it is worth reading poems to your child every evening, additionally explaining the content of a particular poem.

Week – a week, there are seven days in it –

Seven days - count quickly.

Call them in order

Start on Sunday:

Sunday, Monday - we are a team.

Tuesday, Wednesday – we’ll go around everything.

Goals and objectives:

Educational goal: To instill interest and respect for foreign culture.

Developmental goals: To form in students internal motivation to study language and culture, to develop in children attention and perception of auditory memory, thinking and imagination, and the ability to perform analytical activities.

Educational goal: to expand the horizons of students by familiarizing themselves with regional information.

Practical goals: to train students in the correct use of words that name the days of the week; teach children to use the days of the week in the practice of verbal communication.

Organizing time.

Good morning! I am glad to see you. Who is on duty today?

Phonetic exercise.

Now we know the new words. Let's repeat them.

Thank you, think, three, the, they, that, this.

Stages of checking homework completion.

You had an exercise 7 at page 23.

You must read and speak about your friends.

Students read Exercise 7. Then talk about their friends.

The stage of learning new material.

1. The task is partially of a search nature.

(There is a calendar on the board without days of the week.)

Guys, what do you think this is?

Children wonder why there are months, days, and guess that there are no days of the week.

We begin to learn the days of the week. We have a bear. It goes for a walk on Sundays. It goes to school on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays. It goes to the swimming-pool on Saturdays.

(Students repeat the days of the week, write down the words denoting the days of the week in the calendar.)

2. Conversation. Frontal survey.

What do you do on Monday? (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday)

Children take turns answering questions.

The stage of initial testing of new knowledge and methods of activity.

Mr. Greenwood is speaking the days of the week. Listen to him and repeat.

Try to remember.

The stage of consolidating new knowledge and methods of activity.

1. Working with the textbook.

Open your books at page 24 exercise 3. Look at the photos and say. What Jim and Jill do on days of the week.

2. A task of a gaming nature.

Let's learn a funny rhyme about the days of the week. We look at the screen.

Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday,

7 days in a week.

Every day is a special gift,

Just for you and me.

Make the most of each new day

Each day of the week.

Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday.

(The teacher reads first, then the children. Those who remember try to recite it by heart.)

The stage of applying knowledge and methods of activity.

I know one tricky rhyme. Attention to the screen. ( The text is projected onto the screen.)

On Monday I was kicking the ball,
And on Tuesday I painted,
On Wednesday I went for a walk in the park,
And on Thursday - to play hockey,
I played a little on Friday
And on Saturday I was running with the cat,
On Sunday I rested -
I'm very tired.

What do you think is the trick? The children answer that the boy did nothing. What should we do to make this rhyme understood in English schools?

Translate! Students, with the help of the teacher, translate the rhyme.

The stage of generalization and systematization of knowledge and methods of activity.

1. Work in pairs.

Try to ask your friend about his or her activities on the days of the week.

(Children ask each other questions about what they are doing on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, etc.)

Homework information stage.

Creative: remember the proverb about the days of the week and translate it into English.

Reflection stage.

Children tell a couple of sentences about their week.

Characteristics of group work and assessments.

Equipment; Calendar picture, toy, textbook, multimedia equipment.


  1. UMK Biboletova M.Z. Denisenko O.A.
  2. Book for teachers.
  3. “Methods of teaching a foreign language.” E. N. Solovova.
  4. Website http://

Good day everyone! Just like greeting phrases, words of politeness, numbers and time of day, one cannot do without the names of the days of the week. We work from Monday to Friday, and rest on Saturday and Sunday, regularly look at the calendar, plan vacations, etc. Every day in our conversations we mention one or several days of the week, so in this audio lesson of spoken English for beginners we will learn exactly these words.

As you know, there are seven days in a week, but in some countries, particularly in Israel, Canada and the USA, the first day of the week is not Monday, but Sunday. At the same time, the working week traditionally begins on Monday, as in all other countries. In this online audio lesson, you will learn not only what the days of the week are called in English, but also examples of phrases in English that use one or another day of the week.

The days of the week in English received their name from the ancient Roman and Old Norse gods. In addition, the name of each of them contains the word “day” - day. Make sure of this by listening to the online audio recording of the lesson right now with the translation of all phrases and words into Russian /wp-content/uploads/2014/07/RUEN009.mp3 Thanks to this lesson, you will not only learn the days of the week in English, but also repeat The topic of the lesson before last was English numerals. Try to repeat the phrases after the native speaker, the original pronunciation.

Days of the week in English

After listening and remembering the lesson in audio format, you can begin to study its text material. A table with a textual designation of all phrases and words will clearly demonstrate how to write expressions correctly and how it can be translated into Russian. Since you learned ordinal numbers in the audio lesson before last, today you will need to learn much fewer new words.

Days of the week
English Russian
the weeka week
from Monday to SundayMonday to Sunday
The first day is MondayThe first day is Monday
The second day is TuesdayThe second day is Tuesday
The third day is WednesdayThe third day is Wednesday
The fourth day is ThursdayThe fourth day is Thursday
The fifth day is FridayThe fifth day is Friday
The sixth day is SaturdayThe sixth day is Saturday
The seventh day is SundayThe seventh day is Sunday
The week has seven daysA week consists of seven days
We only work for five daysWe are only open for five days

Knowing these few simple phrases in English is necessary and sufficient for you to be able to carry on a conversation on everyday topics with an English-speaking interlocutor.

Listen online and learn everything audio English lessons

What's your favorite day of the week? Which one don't you like? Write your answer in the comments and in English! Good luck!

The poster “Work week in English with emoticons” will help you quickly and easily remember the English names of the days of the week

Rhyming words are the easiest to remember. So quickly and effortlessly you can remember Sunday ["sʌndeɪ] – Monday ["mʌndeɪ](Sunday Monday), Tuesday ["tjuːzdɪ] – Thursday ["θɜːzdeɪ](Tuesday Thursday). To avoid confusion Tuesday – Thursday, just remember that on Thursdays there is thunder and lightning, because as we previously found out, Thursday comes from the English word “thunder” - thunder, and this day belonged to the noisy god Thor.

Word "Friday" ["fraɪdeɪ] is associated with the word "free" - free, and many perceive Friday as the beginning free time– free, personal time. Saturday ["sætədeɪ]- Saturn day! All that remains is to remember the word Wednesday ["wenzdeɪ]– Wednesday.

Days of the week: catchy rhymes for kids

Poems about the days of the week in English

Learn abbreviations for days of the week in English

Accepted abbreviations for English days of the week will help you learn and visually remember the names of dates faster. In the culture of the language, two-letter abbreviations for calendars and three-letter abbreviations for short writing in text are common:

Mon, 17 March 2014 (Monday, March 17, 2014),
Tue, 27 Dec 2016 (Tuesday, December 27, 2016)

Learn days of the week with songs and videos

Voiced poems or catchy songs will also help you quickly learn the days of the week.

On a note:

If you are interested in expanding your English vocabulary in a minimum amount of time, we recommend that you read the article

Now you can find on YouTube a huge number of different variations, fast and slow tempo, British or American pronunciation. Choose a song that you find pleasant and understandable to listen to. We offer you an example of such an educational video for children:


Finally, I would like to cite the statement of the American Richard Balls, author of the world bestseller “What Color is Your Parachute?” With these two sentences, you will not only easily learn the days of the week with prepositions, but also take one step closer to English-speaking culture:

Youth is like a long weekend on Friday night. Middle age is like a long weekend on Monday afternoon. (lane Youth is like a long weekend on Friday night. Middle age is like a long Monday afternoon off.)

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