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Perseveration of motor acts. Pyramid system

Translated from Latin, this violation means tenacity, perseverance. A person suffering is characterized by a persistent repetition of certain phrases, actions, sensations, the same applies to emotions. Taking into account these features, various types are distinguished - motor, emotional, sensory, as well as perseveration of thinking. For example, the patient persistently repeats a word, orally or in writing. Perseveration of speech is a kind of “stuck” in the patient’s mind of a specific thought, including, it can be a simple idea, or multiple monotonous repetition in response to the statements of the interlocutor. Moreover, such answers are not even indirectly related to the topic of conversation.

Monotonous is an obsessive reproduction of identical movements, or their constituent elements. Often this concerns drawing or writing letters. There is a difference between “elementary” motor perseveration, which manifests itself as multiple repetitions of individual motor elements, and “systemic” motor perseveration, which represents multiple duplication of entire motor programs. It is known that any idea that has entered the patient’s consciousness is endowed with a tendency to be repeated many times when certain associations arise, and given certain circumstances, this tendency manifests itself especially clearly.

Basically, perseverations are typical if the patient has damage to the premotor zones of the cerebral hemispheres. In everyday life, perseverations are often a consequence of fatigue. In addition, this disorder explains dreams that have an affective overtones and are rich in experiences. Tendency to this disease All people have it, but children are more susceptible to it. But scientists suggest that each individual has its own degree of resistance to. Based on this, there have even been attempts to identify a special type of people who have an increased ability to get stuck in various mental experiences. That is, they belong to the so-called persevering psychopaths.

Experts explain the occurrence of perseveration for many reasons, for example, if we are talking about “elementary” motor perseveration, then the cause of its occurrence is damage to the cerebral cortex, its premotor parts, and the disease also occurs if the underlying subcortical structures are damaged. In a situation where the lesion is localized in the prefrontal parts of the cerebral cortex, a “systemic” motor perseveration. The reason for repeated repetitions of the same word is often damage to the lower parts of the cortex of the left hemisphere. In most cases, this applies to right-handed people.

A tendency to the occurrence of perseveration can be observed in the case of local brain lesions, including if there are emotional disorders, motor and speech disorders. It has also been proven that the cause of perseveration is not always pathological processes in the brain. In some cases, a similar condition can occur during acute fatigue. It is assumed that the basis of perseveration is the processes of cyclic excitations in the neural structure, which are associated with the fact that the arrival of the signal that the action has stopped is delayed.

Perseveration is sometimes confused with stereotypy, which is characterized by endless repetition of motor or speech manifestations. The difference is that their action is not caused, as in perseveration, by the content of consciousness and associative activity. IN in this case, with stereotypy it happens completely by chance. Also, it is necessary to distinguish perseveration from obsessive phenomena, which always contain elements of obsession, experienced subjectively, despite the fact that the patient is aware of the meaninglessness of such ideas, understands the absurdity of the actions or movements performed, and so on.

Treatment of this disorder, like any other disease, begins with diagnosis and examination by a doctor. Most often, clinical signs of perseveration are speech deviations, but other mental formations, for example, affects, are also capable of perseveration. Particularly common are complexes of ideas that have a bright color and affective tone. It is known that perseveration occurs as an accompaniment of a number of mental and nervous diseases, for example, the cause may be arteriosclerosis, organic dementias. In this regard, the doctor begins to treat the primary problem that caused the perseveration.

To diagnose perseveration, specialists often use a special technique that includes seven separate subtests. They consist in the fact that the patient writes words first in the usual order, and then in the reverse order. Also, phrases are written in upper and lower case letters, all text is read in reverse order and forward order. When applying the test, the patient goes through the maze, taking into account the available indicators, in the opposite direction, writes numbers, both in normal form and inverted. Performs a series of multiplications according to the table, with intermediate links specified incorrectly. In each subtest performed, the doctor compares two assessments - these are the number of correct and incorrect calculations made per minute.

Every year the number of children suffering from general speech underdevelopment increases. This type impairment in children with normal hearing and intact intelligence is a specific manifestation of a speech abnormality in which the formation of the main components of the speech system is disrupted or lags behind the norm: vocabulary, grammar, phonetics.

Most of these children, to one degree or another, have a distortion of the syllabic structure of words, which are recognized as leading and persistent in the structure of the speech defect of children with general speech underdevelopment.

The practice of speech therapy shows that correction of the syllabic structure of a word is one of the priority and most difficult tasks in working with preschoolers who have systemic speech disorders. It should be noted that this type of speech pathology occurs in all children with motor alalia, in whom phonetic speech disorders are not leading in the syndrome, but only accompany vocabulary disorders. The importance of this problem is also evidenced by the fact that the insufficient degree of correction of this type of phonological pathology in preschool age subsequently leads to the development of dysgraphia in schoolchildren due to violations of language analysis and synthesis of words and phonemic dyslexia.

Research by A.K. Markova on the peculiarities of mastering the syllabic structure of a word by children suffering from alalia shows that the speech of children is replete with pronounced deviations in the reproduction of the syllabic structure of a word, which persist even in reflected speech. These deviations are in the nature of one or another deformation of the correct sound of a word, reflecting the difficulties of reproducing the syllabic structure. It follows from this that in cases of speech pathology age-related disorders by the age of three they do not disappear from children’s speech, but, on the contrary, acquire a pronounced, persistent character. A child with general speech underdevelopment cannot independently master the pronunciation of the syllabic structure of a word, just as he is unable to independently master the pronunciation of individual sounds. Therefore, it is necessary to replace the long process of spontaneous formation of the syllabic structure of a word with a purposeful and conscious process of teaching this skill.

Numerous studies carried out within the framework of the topic under consideration contribute to clarifying and concretizing the prerequisites that determine the assimilation of the syllabic structure of a word. There is a dependence of mastering the syllabic structure of a word on the state of phonemic perception, articulatory capabilities, semantic insufficiency, and the child’s motivational sphere; and according to recent studies, on the developmental features of non-speech processes: optical-spatial orientation, rhythmic and dynamic organization of movements, the ability to serially process information (G.V. Babina, N.Yu. Safonkina).

The study of syllable structure in children with systemic speech disorders is most widely represented in the domestic literature.

A.K. Markova defines the syllabic structure of a word as an alternation of stressed and unstressed syllables of varying degrees of complexity. The syllabic structure of a word is characterized by four parameters: 1) stress, 2) number of syllables, 3) linear sequence of syllables, 4) model of the syllable itself. The speech therapist must know how the structure of words becomes more complex, and examine the thirteen classes of syllable structures that are the most frequent. The purpose of this examination is not only to determine those syllable classes that have been formed in the child, but also to identify those that need to be formed. The speech therapist also needs to determine the type of violation of the syllabic structure of the word. As a rule, the range of these disorders varies widely: from minor difficulties in pronouncing words of complex syllable structure to severe violations.

Violations of syllabic structure modify the syllabic composition of a word in different ways. Distortions consisting of a pronounced violation of the syllabic composition of the word are clearly distinguished. Words can be deformed due to:

1. Violations of the number of syllables:

The child does not fully reproduce the number of syllables of a word. When reducing the number of syllables, syllables may be omitted at the beginning of the word (“na” - moon), in the middle (“gunitsa” - caterpillar), the word may not be spoken to the end (“kapu” - cabbage).

Depending on the degree of speech underdevelopment, some children shorten even a two-syllable word to a monosyllabic one (“ka” - porridge, “pi” - wrote), others find it difficult only at the level of four-syllable structures, replacing them with three-syllable ones (“puvitsa” - button):

Deletion of the syllabic vowel.

The syllabic structure can be shortened due to the loss of only syllabic-forming vowels, while the other element of the word - the consonant - is preserved (“prosonic” - pig; “sugar bowl” - sugar bowl). This type of syllable structure disorder is less common.

2. Violation of the sequence of syllables in a word:

Rearrangement of syllables in a word (“devore” - tree);

Rearrangement of sounds of adjacent syllables (“gebemot” - hippopotamus). These distortions occupy a special place, with them the number of syllables is not violated, while the syllable composition undergoes gross violations.

3. Distortion of the structure of an individual syllable:

This defect is identified by T.B. Filichev and G.V. Chirkin as the most common when pronouncing words of different syllable structures by children suffering from OHP.

Insertion of consonants into a syllable (“lemont” - lemon).

4. Anticipations, i.e. likening one syllable to another (“pipitan” - captain; “vevesiped” - bicycle).

5. Perseveration (from the Greek word “I persist”). This is an inert stuckness on one syllable in a word (“pananama” - panama; “vvvalabey” - sparrow).

Perseveration of the first syllable is most dangerous, because this type of syllable structure disorder can develop into stuttering.

6. Contaminations – connections of parts of two words (“refrigerator” - refrigerator and bread box).

All of the listed types of distortions of the syllabic composition of words are very common in children with systemic speech disorders. These disorders occur in children with speech underdevelopment at different (depending on the level of speech development) levels of syllabic difficulty. The retarding effect of syllabic distortions on the process of speech acquisition is further aggravated by the fact that they are highly persistent. All these features of the formation of the syllabic structure of a word interfere normal development oral speech(accumulation of vocabulary, assimilation of concepts) and make it difficult for children to communicate, and also, undoubtedly, interfere with sound analysis and synthesis, and therefore interfere with learning to read and write.

Traditionally, when studying the syllabic structure of a word, the possibilities of reproducing the syllabic structure of words of different structures are analyzed according to A.K. Markova, who distinguishes 14 types of syllabic structure of a word according to increasing degrees of complexity. Complication consists in increasing the number and using different types of syllables.

Types of words (according to A.K. Markova)

Grade 1 – two-syllable words made from open syllables (willow, children).

Grade 2 – three-syllable words made from open syllables (hunting, raspberry).

Grade 3 – monosyllabic words (house, poppy).

Grade 4 – two-syllable words with one closed syllable (sofa, furniture).

Grade 5 – two-syllable words with a cluster of consonants in the middle of the word (jar, branch).

Grade 6 – two-syllable words with a closed syllable and a consonant cluster (compote, tulip).

7th grade – three-syllable words with a closed syllable (hippopotamus, telephone).

8th grade – three-syllable words with a combination of consonants (room, shoes).

9th grade – three-syllable words with a combination of consonants and a closed syllable (lamb, ladle).

Grade 10 – three-syllable words with two consonant clusters (tablet, matryoshka).

11th grade – monosyllabic words with a consonant cluster at the beginning of the word (table, closet).

Grade 12 – monosyllabic words with a consonant cluster at the end of the word (elevator, umbrella).

Grade 13 – two-syllable words with two consonant clusters (whip, button).

Grade 14 – four-syllable words made from open syllables (turtle, piano).

In addition to the words included in the 14 classes, the pronunciation of more complex words is assessed: “cinema”, “policeman”, “teacher”, “thermometer”, “scuba diver”, “traveler”, etc.

The possibility of reproducing the rhythmic pattern of words, the perception and reproduction of rhythmic structures (isolated beats, a series of simple beats, a series of accented beats) are also explored.

Name the subject pictures;

Repeat the words as reflected by the speech therapist;

Answer the questions. (Where do they buy food?).

Thus, during the examination, the speech therapist identifies the degree and level of violation of the syllabic structure of words in each specific case and the most typical errors that the child makes in speech, identifies those frequency classes of syllables whose syllabic structure is preserved in the child’s speech, classes of the syllabic structure of words that are grossly are violated in the child’s speech, and also determines the type and type of violation of the syllabic structure of the word. This allows you to set the boundaries of the level accessible to the child, from which corrective exercises should begin.

Many modern authors deal with the issue of correcting the syllabic structure of words. In the methodological manual by S.E. Bolshakova “Overcoming violations of the syllabic structure of words in children,” the author describes the reasons for the difficulties in forming the syllabic structure of words, types of errors, and methods of work. Attention is paid to the development of such prerequisites for the formation of the syllabic structure of a word as optical and somato-spatial representations, orientation in two-dimensional space, dynamic and rhythmic organization of movements. The author proposes a method of manual reinforcement that makes it easier for children to make articulatory switches and prevent omissions and substitutions of syllables. The order of mastering words with consonant clusters is given. Games at each stage contain speech material selected taking into account speech therapy training programs.

The procedure for practicing words with different types of syllabic structure was proposed by E.S. Bolshakova in the manual “The work of a speech therapist with preschoolers,” where the author proposes a sequence of work that helps clarify the contour of the word. (Types of syllables according to A.K. Markova)

The educational and methodological manual “Formation of the syllabic structure of a word: speech therapy tasks” by N.V. Kurdvanovskaya and L.S. Vanyukova highlights the features of correctional work on the formation of the syllabic structure of a word in children with severe violations speech. The material was selected by the authors in such a way that when working on the automation of one sound, the presence of other sounds that are difficult to pronounce in words is excluded. The presented illustrative material is aimed at developing fine motor skills (pictures can be colored or shaded), and the order of its arrangement will help the formation of a syllable structure at the stage of onomatopoeia.

In his manual “Speech therapy work to overcome violations of the syllabic structure of words in children,” Z.E. Agranovich also proposes a system of speech therapy measures to eliminate such a difficult-to-correct, specific type of speech pathology as a violation of the syllabic structure of words in children of preschool and primary school age. The author summarizes all the correctional work from the development of speech-auditory perception and speech-motor skills and identifies two main stages:

Preparatory (work is carried out on non-verbal and verbal material; the goal of this stage is to prepare the child to master the rhythmic structure of words in his native language;

Actually correctional (the work is carried out on verbal material and consists of several levels (level of vowel sounds, level of syllables, word level). At each level, the author assigns special importance to “inclusion in the work”, in addition to the speech analyzer, also auditory, visual and tactile. The purpose of this stage – direct correction of defects in the syllabic structure of words in a particular speech-language pathologist child.

All authors note the need for specific, targeted speech therapy work to overcome violations of the syllabic structure of words, which is part of the general correctional work in overcoming speech disorders.

Conducting specially selected games in group, subgroup and individual speech therapy classes creates the most favorable conditions for the formation of the syllabic structure of words in children with general speech underdevelopment.

For example, didactic game“Funny houses”.

This didactic game consists of three houses with pockets for inserting pictures, envelopes with a set of subject pictures for many game options.

Option #1

Goal: developing the ability to divide words into syllables.

Equipment: three houses with different numbers of flowers in the windows (one, two, three), with pockets for putting pictures, a set of subject pictures: hedgehog, wolf, bear, fox, hare, elk, rhinoceros, zebra, camel, lynx, squirrel, cat, rhinoceros, crocodile, giraffe...)

Progress of the game: the speech therapist says that new houses have been made for the animals at the zoo. The child is asked to determine which animals can be placed in which house. The child takes a picture of an animal, pronounces its name and determines the number of syllables in the word. If it is difficult to count the number of syllables, the child is asked to “clap” the word: pronounce it syllable by syllable, accompanying the pronunciation by clapping his hands. Based on the number of syllables, he finds a house with the corresponding number of flowers in the window for the named animal and puts the picture in the pocket of this house. It is advisable that the children’s answers be complete, for example: “The word crocodile has three syllables.” After all the animals have been placed in their houses, you must once again say the words shown in the pictures.

Option No. 2

Goal: to develop the ability to guess riddles and divide guessing words into syllables.

Equipment: three houses with different numbers of flowers in the windows (one, two, three), with pockets for putting pictures, a set of subject pictures: squirrel, woodpecker, dog, hare, pillow, wolf).

Progress of the game: the speech therapist invites the child to listen carefully and guess the riddle, find a picture with the answer word, determine the number of syllables in the word (by clapping, tapping on the table, steps, etc.). Based on the number of syllables, find a house with the corresponding number of windows and insert a picture into the pocket of this house.

Who deftly jumps through the trees

And climbs oak trees?

Who hides nuts in a hollow,

Drying mushrooms for the winter? (Squirrel)

Who goes to the owner

She lets you know. (Dog)

Is it under your ear? (Pillow)

It knocks all the time

But it doesn't hurt them

But it only heals. (Woodpecker)

Doesn't offend anyone

And he's afraid of everyone. (Hare)

Who is cold in winter

He wanders around angry and hungry. (Wolf)

You can simply use pictures whose names consist of a different number of syllables. The child takes a card, names the picture depicted on it, determines the number of syllables in the word and independently inserts it into the appropriate pocket of the house, depending on the number of colors in the window.

Didactic foundations of speech therapy classes with children who stutter Didactic foundations of children's speech therapy

The system of correctional education and training of children with impaired speech activity is built on the basis of the general theory of learning (didactics), the object of study of which are patterns and principles, methods, organizational forms and means. To work with people who stutter, it is necessary to adhere to didactic principles: individualization, collectivity, systematicity And consistency, conscious activity, visibility, strength etc. The totality of these principles and the uniqueness of their implementation in relation to children who stutter determine all aspects of correctional education.

The course of speech therapy classes represents a complete system of work with people who stutter, complete in time, tasks and content, and is divided into periods (preparatory, training, consolidation). In each period, a number of stages can be distinguished (for example, silence, conjugate, reflected speech, speech-manual mode, etc.). Each stage of speech therapy work consists of interrelated activities.

To tasks preparatory period includes creating a gentle regime, preparing the child for classes, and showing examples of correct speech.

The gentle regime is to protect the child’s psyche from negative factors; create a calm environment, a friendly and even attitude; avoid fixation on incorrect speech; determine and maintain a daily routine; provide calm and varied activities; Avoid noisy, active games and overload with activities.

It is necessary to calm a stuttering child, distract him from painful attention to his defect and relieve the associated tension. It is advisable, if possible, to limit the speech activity of a stutterer and thereby somewhat weaken the incorrect speech stereotype.

To attract a child to classes, it is necessary to use radio broadcasts, tape recordings or records, conversations about literary works, draw the attention of the stutterer to the expressive speech of people around him, to positive examples, demonstrate tape recordings of children’s speech before and after classes, especially in cases where they are aware of their existing stuttering.

The contrasts between poor speech at the beginning of classes and correct, free speech at the end make children want to learn to speak well. For this purpose, you can use speeches and dramatizations of children who have completed the course.

From the first lessons, the speech therapist works with the child on the necessary qualities of correct speech: volume, expressiveness, leisurelyness, correct form of phrase, sequence of presentation of thoughts, the ability to speak confidently and freely, etc.

To tasks training period includes the child’s mastery of all forms of speech that are difficult for him in different speech situations. Based on the knowledge, abilities and skills that the child acquired in the first period, they work to develop the skills of free speech and correct behavior in different forms speech and various speech situations.

In the most difficult cases of stuttering, the training period begins with conjugate-reflected speech. If all the requirements for correct speech are well and easily met at this stage, the speech therapist refuses to pronounce phrases together with the child and gives him the opportunity to independently copy the sample phrase.

At the stage of conjugate-reflective speech, different texts are used: well-known fairy tales memorized, questions and answers, unfamiliar fairy tales, stories.

Speech classes are conducted in the office or at home with a speech therapist or parents. Conditions become more complicated if strangers are invited to classes, peers who may be present silently or take part in classes.

The next step in speech therapy work with a child is the stage of question-answer speech. During this period, the child gradually frees himself from duplicating phrases according to patterns and makes the first progress in independent verbal communication. It is advisable to start with reflected answers, when an adult asks a question, answers it himself, and the child repeats the answer. Gradually, he moves from short answers to questions to more complex ones. The child, using previously received examples, learns to independently construct complex sentences. To prevent the artificiality of speech exercises, they should be carried out on a wide variety of material related to the child’s daily life and program material: questions during the game, etc. It is useful to accompany with questions various types of activities organized in general education classes: observation of others, work, modeling , drawing, designing, playing with toys, etc.

The child’s answers initially reflect his simple actions, simple observations made at the present time (I am drawing a house. There is a vase of apples on the table.). Then - in the past tense, about an action completed or an observation made (I went to the zoo with my dad yesterday. We saw a rhinoceros there.). Finally - in the future tense, about the proposed action (We'll go to children's park. Tanya and Vova are waiting for me there. We will play hide and seek.). In this case, from concrete comprehension and transmission of his immediate observations and actions, the child moves to generalizing conclusions and descriptions of expected situations and actions.

A variety of activities help children transfer correct speech skills into their daily lives.

If the child stumbles, you should ask him to repeat the phrase again, arguing that the answer was not pronounced loud enough (or too quickly, or inexpressively). The child will repeat the phrase freely. If the speech spasm was strong and the child could not overcome it, it is advisable to ask a leading specific question that will allow him to change or streamline the construction of the phrase.

When choosing speech exercises, you need to know in what cases (difficult sounds, the beginning of a phrase, the situation) a child may experience speech spasms in order to be able to prevent them or come to the rescue in time. An indicator of a well-prepared and conducted lesson with a child is the complete absence of speech convulsions.

After the child learns to freely answer simple questions, retelling and storytelling are used in classes. Following the sequence of transition from answers to questions to retellings and stories, the speech therapist first invites the child to compose and pronounce simple independent phrases from the pictures, then ask questions about the new picture and answer them.

From simple phrases you can move on to more complex ones, related in meaning, and then to a retelling of a well-known text of a fairy tale, a story), an unfamiliar one (recently or just heard), to a description of facts from the life around you, to stories about your walk, excursion, activities etc.

Accordingly, as the forms of speech become more complex, the classroom environment becomes more complex. They are carried out not only in the office or at home, but also outside them. In the office, preparations are being made for going out into public places, the upcoming excursion is being rehearsed, the speech therapist asks questions about imaginary or surrounding objects or phenomena. For example: “You see a house in front of you. How many floors does it have, what color is the roof? What flower grows in the flowerbed? Who is sitting on the bench? Who plays ball? Who is sitting on the branch? What's the weather like today? In the future, these questions become more complex, the child talks about what he saw, heard or did and, finally, participates in conversations.

After mastering the speech material, an excursion is taken, during which the child is asked the same questions.

During classes outside the classroom, the child learns to calmly react to the environment and people, not to be shy and correctly answer questions from the speech therapist, peers, and ask questions himself. Classes outside the classroom are of great importance for the formation of correct speech in children who stutter. Underestimation of these activities usually leads to the fact that a child in the office, i.e., in his usual conditions, can speak completely freely, but outside the office his speech continues to have spasms.

To tasks fixation period includes the automation of the correct speech and behavior skills acquired by the child in a variety of situations and types of speech activity. The named tasks are most actively implemented using the material of spontaneous speech that arises in a child under the influence of internal impulses (appealing to others with questions, requests, sharing impressions).

The degree of participation of the speech therapist in speech classes with a stuttering child is gradually changing. In the first stages, the leader speaks more; in the last stages, the role of the speech therapist comes down mainly to choosing the right topic for a speech lesson, directing its progress and monitoring the child’s independent speech activity. Lessons gradually take on the nature of conversations about the day spent, a fairy tale listened to, a TV show seen. etc.

Creative games are used on themes from everyday life: “Guests and the hostess”, “At the table”, “At the doctor’s appointment”, “Shop”, “Mother and daughter”, etc., dramatization games based on the plots of famous fairy tales.

During the consolidation period, the main attention of the speech therapist and parents is directed to how the child speaks outside of class. Therefore, you should not miss the opportunity to correct him when necessary, in a conversation while walking, at home when preparing for dinner, during the morning toilet, etc.

Perseverations in speech therapy

Perseveration refers to psychological, mental and neuropathological phenomena in which there is an obsessive and frequent repetition of actions, words, phrases and emotions. Moreover, repetitions appear both in oral and written form. Repeating the same words or thoughts, a person often does not control himself when communicating verbally. Perseveration can also manifest itself in nonverbal communication based on gestures and body movements.


Based on the nature of perseveration, the following types of its manifestation are distinguished:

  • Perseveration of thinking or intellectual manifestations. It is distinguished by the “settling” in the human creation of certain thoughts or its ideas, manifested in the process of verbal communication. A perseverative phrase can often be used by a person when answering questions to which it has absolutely nothing to do. Also, a person with perseveration can pronounce such phrases out loud to himself. A characteristic manifestation of this type of perseveration is constant attempts to return to the topic of conversation, which has long been stopped talking about or the issue in it has been resolved.
  • Motor type of perseveration. Such a manifestation as motor perseveration is directly related to a physical disorder in the premotor nucleus of the brain or subcortical motor layers. This is a type of perseveration that manifests itself in the form of repeating physical actions repeatedly. This can be either the simplest movement or a whole complex of different body movements. Moreover, they are always repeated equally and clearly, as if according to a given algorithm.
  • Speech perseveration. It is classified as a separate subtype of the motor type perseveration described above. These motor perseverations are characterized by constant repetition of the same words or entire phrases. Repetition can manifest itself in oral and written form. This deviation is associated with lesions of the lower part of the premotor nucleus of the cortex human brain in the left or right hemisphere. Moreover, if a person is left-handed, then we are talking about damage to the right hemisphere, and if a person is right-handed, then, accordingly, to the left hemisphere of the brain.

Reasons for the manifestation of perseveration

There are neuropathological, psychopathological and psychological reasons for the development of perseveration.

Repetition of the same phrase, caused by the development of perseveration, can occur against the background of neuropathological reasons. These most often include:

  • Traumatic brain injuries that damage the lateral region of the orbitofrontal cortex. Or it is due to the physical types of damage to the frontal convexities.
  • For aphasia. Perseveration often develops against the background of aphasia. It is a condition characterized by pathological deviations of previously formed human speech. Similar changes occur in the event of physical damage to the centers in the cerebral cortex responsible for speech. They can be caused by trauma, tumors or other types of influences.
  • Transferred local pathologies in the frontal lobe of the brain. These may be similar pathologies, as is the case with aphasia.

Psychiatrists, as well as psychologists, call perseveration deviations of a psychological type that occur against the background of dysfunctions occurring in the human body. Often, perseveration acts as an additional disorder and is an obvious sign of the formation of a complex phobia or other syndrome in a person.

If a person shows signs of developing perseveration, but has not suffered severe forms of stress or traumatic brain injury, this may indicate the development of both psychological and mental forms of deviation.

If we talk about psychopathological and psychological reasons development of perseveration, then there are several main ones:

  • Tendency to increased and obsessive selectivity of interests. Most often this manifests itself in people characterized by autistic disorders.
  • The desire to constantly learn and learn, to learn something new. It occurs mainly in gifted people. But the main problem is that that person may become fixated on certain judgments or his activities. The existing line between perseveration and such a concept as perseverance is extremely insignificant and blurred. Therefore, with an excessive desire to develop and improve oneself, serious problems can develop.
  • Feeling of lack of attention. Occurs in hyperactive people. The development of perseverative inclinations in them is explained by an attempt to attract increased attention to themselves or their activities.
  • Obsession with ideas. Against the background of obsession, a person can constantly repeat the same physical actions caused by obsession, that is, obsession with thoughts. The simplest, but very understandable example of obsession is the desire of a person to constantly keep his hands clean and wash them regularly. A person explains this by saying that he is afraid of contracting terrible infections, but such a habit can develop into a pathological obsession, which is called perseveration.

It is important to be able to distinguish when one person simply has strange habits in the form of constant hand washing, or whether it is obsessive-compulsive disorder. It is also not uncommon for repetitions of the same actions or phrases to be caused by a memory disorder, and not by perseveration.

Features of treatment

There is no universally recommended treatment algorithm for perseveration. Therapy is carried out based on the use of a whole range of different approaches. One method should not be used as the only method of treatment. It is necessary to take new methods if the previous ones did not produce results. Roughly speaking, treatment is based on constant trial and error, which ultimately makes it possible to find the optimal method of influencing a person suffering from perseveration.

The presented methods of psychological influence can be applied alternately or sequentially:

  • Expectation. It is the basis in psychotherapy for people suffering from perseveration. The point is to wait for changes in the nature of the deviations that have arisen against the background of the use of various methods of influence. That is, the waiting strategy is used in conjunction with any other method, which we will discuss below. If no changes occur, switch to other psychological methods of influence, expect results and act according to the circumstances.
  • Prevention. It is not uncommon for two types of perseveration (motor and intellectual) to occur together. This makes it possible to prevent such changes in time. The essence of the technique is based on the exclusion of physical manifestations that people most often talk about.
  • Redirection. This is a psychological technique based on a sharp change in ongoing actions or current thoughts. That is, when communicating with a patient, you can suddenly change the topic of conversation or move from one physical exercise or movement to another.
  • Limitation. The method is aimed at consistently reducing a person’s attachment. This is achieved by limiting repetitive actions. A simple but clear example is to limit the amount of time a person is allowed to sit at a computer.
  • Abrupt cessation. This is a method of actively getting rid of perseverative attachment. This method is based on exposure by introducing the patient into state of shock. This can be achieved through harsh and loud phrases, or by visualizing how harmful the patient’s obsessive thoughts or movements or actions can be.
  • Ignoring. The method involves completely ignoring the manifestations of the disorder in a person. This approach works best if the disorders were caused by attention deficit. If a person does not see the point in what he is doing, since there is no effect, he will soon stop repeating obsessive actions or phrases.
  • Understanding. Another relevant strategy with which the psychologist recognizes the patient’s train of thought in case of deviations or in the absence of them. This approach often allows a person to independently understand his thoughts and actions.

Perseveration is a fairly common disorder that can be caused by for various reasons. When perseveration occurs, it is important to choose a competent treatment strategy. Medication is not used in this case.

Dyslexia and dysgraphia General concept of dyslexia and dysgraphia

4. Perseveration, anticipation. A peculiar distortion of the phonetic content of words occurs in oral and written speech according to the type of phenomena of progressive and regressive assimilation and is named accordingly: perseveration (stuck) and anticipation(preemption, anticipation): a consonant, and less often a vowel, replaces the displaced letter in a word.

Examples of perseverations in writing: a) c within words: “shop”, “collective farmer”, “behind the tire” (collective farmer, car), b) within the phrase: “udeda Modosa”; V) within the sentence: “The girl fed the rooster and kurm.

Examples of anticipations in a letter: a) c within the word: “on the maidens”, dod roof”, with birthplaces, b) within a phrase or sentence: “Streams are buzzing.”

The basis of the errors of these two types is the weakness of differential inhibition.

If in oral speech the words in the syntagma are pronounced together, on one exhalation, then in written speech the words appear separately. The discrepancy between the norms of oral and written speech introduces difficulties in the initial teaching of writing. Writing reveals such a defect in the analysis and synthesis of audible speech as a violation of the individualization of words: the child was unable to catch and isolate stable speech units and their elements in the speech stream. This leads to the combined writing of adjacent words or to the separate writing of parts of the word.

1) when the prefix, and in non-prefixed words the initial letter or syllable resembles a preposition, conjunction, pronoun (“and du”, it began, “I’m sleepy”, “look”, “with howl” and etc.). Apparently here

there is a generalization of the rule on separate writing of auxiliary parts of speech;

2) when consonants come together, due to their lesser articulatory unity, the word “b” breaks rat”, “pop asked”, d la”,“l chela" and etc.).

Numerous type errors “by the bed”, “by the table” and so on. are explained phonetic features syllable division at the junction of the preposition and the next word.

home, above the tree.” There are frequent cases of combined spelling of two independent words or more: “there were wonderful days”, “it was quiet all around”.

Errors are peculiar boundary displacement words that simultaneously include the merging of adjacent words and the breaking of one of them, for example: udedmo Rza” - with Santa Claus."

Cases of gross violation of sound analysis are expressed in word contaminations:

Forming nouns using suffixes -search-,: hand - “hands”, leg - “legs”.

Violation of the word formation function is detected especially clearly when forming an adjective from a noun, for example: a flower growing in a field - a log flower;

The bulk of specific errors at the level of phrases and sentences are expressed in so-called agrammatisms, i.e. in violation of the connection of words: coordination and control. Changing words according to the categories of number, gender, case, tense forms complex system codes, which allows you to organize the designated phenomena, highlight characteristics and classify them into certain categories. The insufficient level of linguistic generalizations sometimes does not allow schoolchildren to grasp the categorical differences between parts of speech.

When composing a message from words, it is necessary to be able to retain the original elements in short-term memory - for their synthesis, and not store combinations of complete words in long-term memory.

According to the theory of N. Chomsky about the existence of deep grammar, identical in its foundation for different languages, this foundation is regulated by strict restrictions on the volume of human short-term memory. Volume reduction random access memory leads to coordination and control errors in the operation of composing messages from words: “The big white spot,” the elder of the fishermen said. ”, “Pushkin was not satisfied with life in Chisinau” and etc.

Operating with homogeneous members of a sentence presents certain difficulties .

The inability to highlight the leading word in a phrase leads to coordination errors even when writing from dictation, for example: “The forest covered with snow was fabulously beautiful” .

Errors in the use of management norms are especially numerous: “on tree branches”, “along paths garden”, etc.

There are many approaches to the classification of dysgraphia. The most common classification of dysgraphia is based on the immaturity of certain operations of the writing process. This classification was developed by the Department of Speech Therapy of Leningrad State Pedagogical Institute named after. A.I. Hercyna. The following types of dysgraphia are distinguished (19):

2) based on violations of phonemic recognition;

3) due to a violation of language analysis and synthesis;

5) optical dysgraphia.

The child writes as he pronounces. It is based on the reflection of incorrect pronunciation in writing and reliance on incorrect pronunciation. Relying on incorrect pronunciation of sounds during the pronunciation process, the child reflects his defective pronunciation in writing.

Articulatory-acoustic dysgraphia manifests itself in substitutions and omissions of letters corresponding to substitutions and omissions of sounds in oral speech. Sometimes letter substitutions remain in writing even after they are eliminated in spoken language. In this case, it can be assumed that during internal pronunciation there is not sufficient support for correct articulation, since clear kinesthetic images of sounds have not yet been formed. But replacements and omissions of sounds are not always reflected in the writing. This is due to the fact that in some cases compensation occurs due to preserved functions (for example, due to clear auditory differentiation, due to the formation of phonemic functions).

According to traditional terminology, this is acoustic dysgraphia.

Manifests itself in substitutions of letters corresponding to phonetically similar sounds. At the same time, in oral speech, sounds are pronounced correctly. Most often, letters denoting the following sounds are replaced: whistling and hissing, voiced and unvoiced, affricates and their components (h - t, h sch, ts t, ts - With). This type of dysgraphia also manifests itself in the incorrect designation of soft consonants in writing due to a violation of the differentiation of hard and soft consonants (“pismo”, “lubit”, “lizha”). Frequent mistakes are replacements of vowels even in the stressed position, for example, o - at(cloud - “point”), e - And(forest - “fox”).

In its most striking form, dysgraphia based on impaired phoneme recognition is observed in sensory alalia and aphasia. In severe cases, letters denoting distant articulatory and acoustic sounds are mixed (l - k, b - in, and - and). In this case, the pronunciation of sounds corresponding to the mixed letters is normal.

There is no consensus on the mechanisms of this type of dysgraphia. This is due to the complexity of the phoneme recognition process.

According to researchers (I. A. Zimnyaya, E. F. Sobotovich, L. A. Chistovich), the multi-level process of phoneme recognition includes various operations.

During perception, auditory speech analysis is carried out (analytical decomposition of a synthetic sound image, isolation of acoustic features with their subsequent synthesis).

The acoustic image is translated into an articulatory solution, which is ensured by proprioceptive analysis and the preservation of kinesthetic perception and ideas. 3. Auditory and kinesthetic images are retained for the time necessary to make a decision.

The sound is correlated with the phoneme, and the phoneme selection operation occurs.

Based on auditory and kinesthetic control, a comparison with the sample is carried out and then a final decision is made. In the process of writing, the phoneme is correlated with a certain visual image of the letter.

Correct writing requires a more subtle auditory differentiation of sounds than oral speech. This is due, on the one hand, to the phenomenon of redundancy in the perception of semantically significant units of oral speech. A slight deficiency of auditory differentiation in oral speech, if it occurs, can be compensated for by redundancy, due to motor stereotypes and kinesthetic images fixed in speech experience. In the process of writing, in order to correctly distinguish and select a phoneme, a subtle analysis of all the acoustic features of sound that are meaningful is necessary.

On the other hand, in the process of writing, differentiation of sounds and selection of phonemes are carried out on the basis of trace activity, auditory images, and representation. Due to vagueness auditory ideas With phonetically close sounds, the choice of one or another phoneme is difficult, which results in substitutions of letters in the letter.

Other authors (E.F. Sobotovich, E.M. Gopichenko), who studied writing impairments in mentally retarded children, associate letter substitutions with the fact that during phonemic recognition children rely on articulatory signs of sounds and do not use auditory control.

In contrast to these studies, R. Wecker and A. Kossovsky consider difficulties in kinesthetic analysis to be the main mechanism for replacing letters denoting phonetically similar sounds. Their research shows that children with dysgraphia do not use kinesthetic sensations (enunciation) enough when writing. Pronunciation helps them little, both during auditory dictation and when writing independently. Eliminating pronunciation (L.K. Nazarova’s method) does not affect the number of errors, i.e. does not lead to an increase in them. At the same time, eliminating pronunciation while writing in children without dysgraphia leads to an 8-9 times increase in errors in writing.

Correct writing requires a sufficient level of functioning of all operations of the process of distinguishing and selecting phonemes. If any link is violated (auditory, kinesthetic analysis, operation of phoneme selection, auditory and kinesthetic control), the entire process of phonemic recognition becomes difficult, which manifests itself in the replacement of letters with letter. Therefore, taking into account impaired phoneme recognition operations, the following subtypes of this form of dysgraphia can be distinguished: acoustic, kinesthetic, phonemic.

It is based on a violation various forms language analysis and synthesis: dividing sentences into words, syllabic and phonemic analysis and synthesis. Underdevelopment of language analysis and synthesis is manifested in writing in distortions of the structure of words and sentences. The most complex form of language analysis is phonemic analysis. As a result, distortions will be especially common in this type of dysgraphia sound-letter structure of a word,

The most common errors are: omission of consonants when they are combined (dictation -“dikat”, school -"cola"); vowel omissions (dog - “sbaka”, house - “dma”); permutations of letters ( path -“prota”, window -“kono”); adding letters (dragged -“tasakali”); omissions, additions, rearrangement of syllables (room -"cat" cup -“kata”).

For proper mastery of the writing process, it is necessary that the child’s phonemic analysis be formed not only externally, in speech, but also internally, in terms of representation.

Impaired division of sentences into words in this type of dysgraphia manifests itself in continuous writing words, especially prepositions, with other words (it's raining -“you’re coming” in the house -"in the house"); separate spelling of the word (white birch grows by the window -“belabe will earn the eye”); separate spelling of prefix and root word (has arrived -“on stepped”).

Writing disorders due to immaturity of phonemic analysis and synthesis are widely represented in the works of R. E. Levina, N. A. Nikashina, D. I. Orlova, G. V. Chirkina.

(characterized in the works of R. E. Levina, I. K. Kolpovskaya, R. I. Lalaeva, S. V. Yakovlev)

It is associated with underdevelopment of the grammatical structure of speech: morphological, syntactic generalizations. This type of dysgraphia can manifest itself at the level of words, phrases, sentences and texts and is integral part a broader symptom complex - lexical and grammatical underdevelopment, which is observed in children with dysarthria, alalia and the mentally retarded.

In coherent written speech, children show great difficulties in establishing logical and linguistic connections between sentences. The sequence of sentences does not always correspond to the sequence of events described; semantic and grammatical connections between individual sentences are broken.

At the sentence level, agrammatisms in writing manifest themselves in distortion of the morphological structure of the word, replacement of prefixes and suffixes (overwhelmed -“swept” kids -“kids”); change case endings(“many trees”); violation of prepositional constructions (over the table -“on the table”); changing the case of pronouns (about him -“near him”); number of nouns (“children are running”); violation of agreement (“white house”); there is also a violation of the syntactic design of speech, which manifests itself in difficulties in constructing complex sentences, omission of sentence members, violation of the sequence of words in a sentence.

It is associated with underdevelopment of visual gnosis, analysis and synthesis, spatial representations and manifests itself in substitutions and distortions of letters in writing.

Most often, graphically similar handwritten letters are replaced: consisting of identical elements, but differently located in space (v-d, t-sh); including the same elements, but differing in additional elements (i-sh, p-t, x-f, l-m); mirror spelling of letters (S, e.), omissions of elements, especially when connecting letters that include the same element (a, y-), extra (w -) and incorrectly located elements (x - , T -).

With literal dysgraphia, there is a violation of the recognition and reproduction of even isolated letters. With verbal dysgraphia, isolated letters are reproduced correctly, but when writing a word, distortions and substitutions of letters of an optical nature are observed. Optical dysgraphia also includes mirror writing, which is sometimes observed in left-handed people, as well as in cases of organic brain damage.

Thus, to summarize all that has been said, writing cannot be attributed only to speech or to the processes of visual perception and motor skills. Writing is a complex mental process that includes in its structure both verbal and non-verbal forms of mental activity - attention, visual, acoustic and spatial perception, fine motor skills of the hand, objective actions, etc. The formation and flow of writing and written speech is impossible without the presence of inter-analyzer connections and the joint work of all levels of writing organization, which change their hierarchy depending on the task. Knowledge about the structure of writing and its psychophysiological basis is necessary for a clearer understanding of the structural impairment of writing, i.e. in which link the violation occurred and at what level of its organization, and defects of which psychophysiological mechanisms underlie this or that type of violation. This knowledge is necessary for a clear understanding of the strategy and tactics of restoring writing.”

Akhutina T.V., Pylaeva N.M. , Yablokova L.V. Neuropsychological approach to the prevention of learning difficulties: Methods for developing programming and control skills.

Inshakova O.B. Dysgraphia and the factor of family left-handedness. // Speech disorders: Clinical manifestations and methods of correction.

Kornev A.N. Reading and writing disorders in children.

Luria A.R. Essays on the psychophysiology of writing.

Luria A.R. Higher cortical functions of humans.

Dictionary of speech therapy terms

Automation (of sound) is the stage of correcting incorrect sound pronunciation, which follows after setting a new sound; aimed at developing the correct pronunciation of sounds in coherent speech; consists in the gradual, consistent introduction of a given sound into syllables, words, sentences and into independent speech.

Automated speech sequences are speech actions implemented without the direct participation of consciousness.

Agnosia is a disorder various types perception that occurs with certain brain lesions. There are visual, tactile, and auditory agnosias.

Agrammatism is a violation of the understanding and use of grammatical means of a language.

Adaptation is the adaptation of an organism to living conditions.

Acalculia is a violation of counting and counting operations as a result of damage to various areas of the cerebral cortex.

Alalia is the absence or underdevelopment of speech in children with normal hearing and initially intact intelligence due to organic damage to the speech zones of the cerebral cortex in prenatal or early period child development.

Alexia is the impossibility of the reading process.

Amorphous words are grammatically unchangeable root words, “abnormal words” of children's speech - words-fragments (in which only parts of the word are preserved), words-onomatopoeia (words-syllables that the child uses to designate objects, actions, situations), contour words ( in which stress and number of syllables are correctly reproduced).

Amnesia is a memory disorder in which it is impossible to reproduce ideas and concepts formed in the past.

Anamnesis is a set of information (about a person’s living conditions, events preceding the disease, etc.) obtained during the examination from the person being examined and (or) persons who know him; used to establish a diagnosis, prognosis of the disease and select corrective measures.

Ankyloglossia is a shortened hypoglossal ligament.

Anticipation – the ability to foresee the manifestation of the results of an action, “anticipatory reflection”, for example, premature recording of sounds included in the final motor acts.

Apraxia is a violation of voluntary purposeful movements and actions that are not a consequence of paralysis and cuts, but related to disorders top level organization of motor acts.

Articulation is the activity of the speech organs associated with the pronunciation of speech sounds and their various components that make up syllables and words.

The articulatory apparatus is a set of organs that ensure the formation of speech sounds (articulation), including the vocal apparatus, muscles of the pharynx, larynx, tongue, soft palate, lips, cheeks and lower jaw, teeth, etc.

Ataxia is a disorder/lack of coordination of movements.

Atrophy is pathological structural changes in tissues associated with inhibition of metabolism (due to a disorder in their nutrition).

Asphyxia - suffocation of the fetus and newborn - cessation of breathing with continued cardiac activity due to a decrease or loss of excitability of the respiratory center.

An audiogram is a graphical representation of hearing test data using a device (audiometer).

Aphasia is a complete or partial loss of speech caused by local lesions of the brain. See also video lessons “Forms of aphasia and methods of speech restoration.”

Main forms of aphasia:

  • acoustic-gnostic (sensory) – violation of phonemic perception;
  • acoustic-mnestic – impairment of auditory-verbal memory;
  • semantic – impaired understanding of logical and grammatical structures;
  • afferent motor – kinesthetic and articulatory apraxia;
  • efferent motor – violation of the kinetic basis of series of speech movements;
  • dynamic – violation of the sequential organization of utterances, planning of utterances.

Afferent kinesthetic praxis is the ability to reproduce isolated speech sounds, their articulatory patterns (postures), which are often also called speech kinesthesia or articulomes.

Aphonia – lack of sonority of the voice while maintaining whispered speech; The immediate cause of aphonia is the failure of the vocal folds to close, resulting in air leakage during phonation. Aphonia occurs as a result of organic or functional disorders in the larynx, with a disorder of the nervous regulation of speech activity.

Bradylalia is a pathologically slow rate of speech.

Broca's Center is a region of the cerebral cortex located in the posterior third of the lower frontal gyrus the left hemisphere (in right-handers), providing motor organization of speech (responsible for expressive speech).

Wernicke Center is an area of ​​the cerebral cortex in the posterior part of the superior temporal gyrus of the dominant hemisphere, providing speech understanding (responsible for impressive speech).

Gammacism is a lack of pronunciation of the sounds [Г], [Гь].

Hemiplegia is paralysis of the muscles of one half of the body.

Hyperkinesis - automatic violent movements due to involuntary muscle contractions.

Hypoxia is oxygen starvation of the body. Hypoxia in newborns is a fetal pathology that develops during pregnancy (chronic) or childbirth (acute) due to oxygen deficiency. Lack of oxygen supply to the fetus at the beginning of pregnancy can cause delays or disturbances in fetal development, and in later stages it affects the baby’s nervous system, which can significantly affect speech development.

The following factors may put you at risk for developing hypoxia:

  • the presence of anemia, STDs, as well as serious diseases of the respiratory or cardiovascular system in the expectant mother;
  • disturbances in the blood supply to the fetus and in labor, gestosis, post-term pregnancy;
  • pathologies of the fetus and Rh conflict between mother and baby;
  • smoking and drinking alcohol by a pregnant woman.

Also, the green color of amniotic fluid indicates oxygen deficiency.

If the doctor suspects hypoxia, he may decide whether to caesarean section. A newborn with a severe degree of oxygen deprivation is resuscitated, and with a mild degree receives oxygen and medications.

Dysarthria is a violation of the pronunciation side of speech, caused by insufficient innervation of the speech apparatus.

Dyslalia is a violation of sound pronunciation with normal hearing and intact innervation of the speech apparatus.

Dyslexia is a partial specific disorder of the reading process, caused by the immaturity (impairment) of higher mental functions and manifested in repeated persistent errors.

Dysgraphia is a partial specific disorder of the writing process, caused by the immaturity (impairment) of higher mental functions and manifested in repeated errors of a persistent nature.

Speech development delay (SSD) is a lag in speech development from the age norm of speech development at the age of up to 3 years. From 3 years of age and older, the immaturity of all components of speech is classified as GSD (general speech underdevelopment).

Stuttering is a violation of the tempo-rhythmic organization of speech caused by convulsive state muscles of the speech apparatus.

Onomatopoeia is a conditional reproduction of natural sounds and sounds that accompany certain processes (laughter, whistling, noise, etc.), as well as animal cries.

Impressive speech – perception, understanding of speech.

Innervation is the provision of organs and tissues with nerves and, therefore, communication with the central nervous system.

Stroke is an acute cerebrovascular accident (ACVA) caused by a pathological process with the development of persistent symptoms of damage to the central nervous system. Hemorrhagic stroke is caused by bleeding in the brain or its membranes, ischemic stroke is caused by a cessation or significant decrease in blood supply to a region of the brain, a thrombotic stroke is caused by blockage of a cerebral vessel with a thrombus, an embolic stroke is caused by blockage of a cerebral vessel by an embolus.

Kappacism is a lack of pronunciation of the sounds [К], [Кь].

Kinesthetic sensations are sensations of the position and movement of organs.

Compensation is a complex, multidimensional process of restructuring mental functions in the event of disruption or loss of any body functions.

Contamination is the erroneous reproduction of words, which consists of combining syllables belonging to different words into one word.

Lambdacism is the incorrect pronunciation of the sounds [L], [L].

Speech therapy is the science of speech disorders, methods of their prevention, identification and elimination by means of special training and education.

Speech therapy massage- one of the speech therapy techniques that helps normalize the pronunciation side of speech and emotional state persons suffering from speech disorders. Speech therapy massage is part of a comprehensive medical and pedagogical system of rehabilitation for children, adolescents and adults suffering from speech disorders.

Logorrhea is an uncontrolled, incoherent flow of speech, often representing an empty collection of individual words, devoid of logical connection. Observed in sensory aphasia.

Logorhythmics is a system of motor exercises in which various movements are combined with the pronunciation of special speech material. Logorhythmics is a form of active therapy, overcoming speech and related disorders through the development and correction of non-speech and speech mental functions.

Localization of functions - according to the theory of systemic dynamic localization of higher mental functions, the brain is considered as a substrate consisting of departments differentiated by their functions, working as a single whole. Local – local, limited to a certain area, area.

Macroglossia – pathological enlargement of the tongue; observed with abnormal development and in the presence of a chronic pathological process in the language. With M., significant pronunciation disturbances are observed.

Microglossia is a developmental anomaly, small size of the tongue.

Mutism is the cessation of verbal communication with others due to mental trauma.

Speech disorders are deviations in the speaker’s speech from the language norm accepted in a given language environment, manifested in partial (partial) disorders (sound pronunciation, voice, tempo and rhythm, etc.) and caused by disorders of the normal functioning of the psychophysiological mechanisms of speech activity.

Neuropsychology is the science of the brain organization of higher mental functions of a person. N. studies psychological structure, brain organization of non-speech HMFs and speech function. N. studies disorders of speech and other HMF depending on the nature of brain damage (local, diffuse, interzonal connections), as well as the diagnosis of these disorders and methods of correctional and rehabilitation work.

General speech underdevelopment (GSD) is a variety of complex speech disorders in which children have impaired formation of all components of the speech system related to its sound and semantic side, with normal hearing and intelligence.

Reflected speech is speech repeated after someone.

Finger games– a generally accepted name for activities aimed at developing fine motor skills in children. Finger games develop fine motor skills, and its development stimulates the development of certain areas of the brain, in particular speech centers.

Paraphasia is a violation of speech utterances, manifested in omissions, erroneous replacement or rearrangement of sounds and syllables in words (literal paraphasia, for example, mokolo instead of milk, cheekbones instead of chair) or in the replacement of necessary words with others that are not related to the meaning of the utterance (verbal paraphasia) in oral and written speech.

Pathogenesis is the mechanism of development of a specific disease, pathological process or condition.

Perseverations are cyclical repetition or persistent reproduction, often contrary to the conscious intention of any actions, thoughts or experiences.

Prenatal period – pertaining to the period before birth.

Speech decay is the loss of existing speech and communication skills due to local brain damage.

Reflex - in physiology - a natural response of the body to a stimulus mediated by the nervous system.

Disinhibition is the cessation of the state of internal inhibition in the cerebral cortex under the influence of extraneous stimuli.

Disinhibition of speech in children - activation of speech development in children with delayed speech development.

Disinhibition of speech in adults – restoration of speech function in speechless patients.

Rhinolalia is a violation of voice timbre and sound pronunciation, resulting from excessive or insufficient resonance in the nasal cavity during speech. Such a violation of resonance occurs from the incorrect direction of the voice-exhalatory stream due to either organic defects of the nasopharynx, nasal cavity, soft and hard palate, or disorders of the soft palate. There are open, closed and mixed rhinolalia.

Rotacism is a disorder in the pronunciation of the sounds [P], [Rb].

Sensory – sensitive, feeling, relating to sensations.

Sigmatism is a disorder in the pronunciation of whistling ([С], [Сь], [З], [Зь], [Ц]) and hissing ([Ш], [Х], [Ч], [Ш]) sounds.

A syndrome is a natural combination of signs (symptoms) that have a common pathogenesis and characterize a specific disease state.

Somatic is a term used to designate various kinds of phenomena in the body associated with the body, as opposed to the psyche.

Conjugate speech is the joint simultaneous repetition by two or more persons of words or phrases spoken by someone.

Cramps are involuntary muscle contractions that occur during epilepsy, brain injuries, spasmophilia and other diseases. Convulsions are characteristic of a state of excitation of subcortical formations and can be caused reflexively.

Clonic seizures are characterized by rapid alternations between muscle contraction and relaxation. Tonic cramps are characterized by prolonged muscle contraction, which causes a prolonged forced tense position.

Tahilalia is a speech disorder, expressed in excessive speed of its tempo (20-30 sounds per second), related in nature to battarism. In contrast to the latter, tachylalia is a deviation from normal speech only in relation to its tempo, with full preservation of phonetic design, as well as vocabulary and grammatical structure.

Tremor – rhythmic oscillatory movements of the limbs, head, tongue, etc. with damage to the nervous system.

Phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment is a violation of the process of formation of the pronunciation system of the native language in children with different speech disorders due to defects in the perception and pronunciation of phonemes.

Phonemic analysis and synthesis are mental activities of analyzing or synthesizing the sound structure of a word.

Phonemic hearing is a subtle, systematized hearing that has the ability to carry out operations of discrimination and recognition of phonemes that make up the sound shell of a word.

Phoniatrics is a branch of medicine that studies dental problems and pathologies of the vocal cords and larynx that lead to voice disorders (dysphonia), methods of treatment and prevention of voice disorders, as well as methods for correcting a normal voice in the desired direction. Voice disturbances can also occur as a result of certain psychological disorders. The solution to some problems in phoniatrics is closely related to the problems of speech therapy.

Cerebral – cerebral, belonging to the brain.

Expressive speech is active oral and written expression.

Extirpation (of the larynx) – removal.

An embolus is a substrate circulating in the blood that is not found under normal conditions and can cause blockage of a blood vessel.

Speech embolus is one of the most common words, part of a word or short phrase before the disease, repeated many times by the patient when trying to speak. It is one of the speech symptoms of motor aphasia.

Etiology is the cause of a disease or pathological condition.

Efferent kinetic praxis is the ability to produce a series of speech sounds. Efferent articulatory praxis is fundamentally different from afferent one in that it requires the ability to switch from one articulatory posture to another. These switches are complex in the way they are executed. They involve mastering inserted fragments of articulatory actions - coarticulations, which are “connections” between individual articulatory poses. Without coarticulation, a word cannot be pronounced, even if every sound included in it is available for reproduction.

Echolalia is the involuntary repetition of heard sounds, words or phrases.


(from Latin perseveratio - persistence) - cyclical or persistent reproduction, often contrary to conscious intention, of any action, thought or experience. P. is distinguished in the motor, emotional, sensory-perceptual (see) and intellectual spheres. A tendency towards P. is often observed in the clinic of local brain lesions, with speech, motor and emotional disorders; P. are also possible in cases of distraction or states of acute fatigue (see). It is assumed that P. is based on processes of cyclic excitation of neural structures associated with a delay in the signal to terminate the action.

Brief psychological dictionary. - Rostov-on-Don: “PHOENIX”. L.A. Karpenko, A.V. Petrovsky, M. G. Yaroshevsky. 1998 .


The involuntary, obsessive cyclical repetition or insistent repetition of an action, movement, idea, idea, thought, or experience—often contrary to conscious intention. The tendency of reproducible performances to make a comeback.

Perseverations are motor, emotional, sensory and intellectual - in the spheres of motor, emotional, sensory-perceptual and intellectual, respectively.

A tendency to perseveration is often observed in the clinic of local brain lesions, with speech, motor and emotional disorders; Perseverations are also possible when attention is distracted or in states of acute fatigue ( cm. ).

It is assumed that perseveration is based on processes of cyclic excitation of neural structures associated with a delay in the signal to terminate the action.

Dictionary of a practical psychologist. - M.: AST, Harvest. S. Yu. Golovin. 1998.

Perseveration Etymology.

Comes from Lat. regseveratio - perseverance.


Clinical disorder.


Obsessive reproduction of the same movements, thoughts, ideas.


Motor perseverations,

Sensory perseverations,

Intellectual perseverations.

Psychological Dictionary. THEM. Kondakov. 2000.


(from lat. perseveratio - persistence) - obsessive repetition of the same movements, images, thoughts. There are motor, sensory and intellectual P.

Motor P. occur when the anterior parts of the cerebral hemispheres are damaged brain and manifest themselves either in repeated repetition of individual elements of movement (for example, when writing letters or when drawing); this form of P. occurs when the premotor parts of the cerebral cortex and underlying subcortical structures are damaged and is called "elementary" motor P. (according to classification A.R.Luria, 1962); or in repeated repetition of entire movements programs (for example, in repetition of movements necessary for drawing, instead of writing movements); this form of P. is observed with damage to the prefrontal regions cerebral cortex and is called “systemic” motor P. A special form of motor P. is motor speech P., which arise as one of the manifestations of efferent motor aphasia in the form of multiple repetitions of the same syllable, word in oral speech and writing. This form of motor P. occurs when the lower parts of the premotor region of the cortex of the left hemisphere are damaged (in right-handed people).

Sensory P. arise when affected cortical sections analyzers and manifest themselves in the form of obsessive repetition of sound, tactile or visual images, increasing the duration of the aftereffect of the corresponding stimuli.

Intelligent P. occur when the cortex is damaged frontal lobes brain (usually the left hemisphere) and manifest themselves in the form of repetition of inadequate stereotypical intellectual operations. Intellectual P., as a rule, appear when performing serial intellectual actions, for example. when doing arithmetic calculations (subtract 7 from 100 until there is nothing left, etc.), when performing a series of tasks on analogies, classification of objects, etc., and reflect violations of control over intellectual activity, its programming, characteristic of “frontal” patients. Intellectual P. are also characteristic of mentally retarded children as a manifestation inertia nervous processes in the intellectual sphere. See also about perseverative images in the article . (E. D. Chomskaya.)

Large psychological dictionary. - M.: Prime-EVROZNAK. Ed. B.G. Meshcheryakova, acad. V.P. Zinchenko. 2003 .


   PERSEVERATION (With. 442) (from Latin perseveratio - persistence) - obsessive repeated reproduction of any sensation, action, thought or experience. The term was proposed in 1894 by A. Neiser, although Aristotle pointed out the phenomena it denotes.

Perseveration phenomena sometimes occur within the normal psyche, for example, during overwork. In young children, due to the inertia of nervous processes (preservation of excitation after the cessation of the stimulus), individual manifestations of perseveration also do not act as symptoms of pathology (the child often requires repeated repetition of the action he liked, etc.). Perseveration, however, can be one of the manifestations of speech, motor and emotional disorders, in particular with brain damage, as well as with deep mental retardation(in the form of monotonous movements and actions, repetition of words, etc.).

Popular psychological encyclopedia. - M.: Eksmo. S.S. Stepanov. 2005.


See what “perseveration” is in other dictionaries:

    perseveration- persistence, repetition Dictionary of Russian synonyms. perseveration noun, number of synonyms: 2 repetition (73) ... Synonym dictionary

    PERSEVERATION- (from Latin perseveratio perseverance) stereotypical repetition in a person of any mental image, action, statement or state. It is observed, for example, with severe fatigue; may be a manifestation of a disease of the central nervous system... Big encyclopedic Dictionary

    Perseveration- (from Latin regseveratio persistence) obsessive reproduction of the same movements, thoughts, ideas. There are motor, sensory and intellectual perseverations... Psychological Dictionary

    PERSEVERATION- (from Latin perseverantia - persistence) persistence, especially the persistent return of an idea in consciousness, for example. constant recall of the melody. Philosophical encyclopedic dictionary. 2010… Philosophical Encyclopedia

    PERSEVERATION- [German] Perseveration Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    PERSEVERATION- (from Latin persevera tio perseverance, perseverance) English. perseveration; German Perseveration. Cyclic repetition or persistent repetition, often contrary to conscious intention, k.l. actions, thoughts or experiences. Antinazi. Encyclopedia... ... Encyclopedia of Sociology

    PERSEVERATION- PERSEVERATION, inclination of certain ideas, movements, actions, etc. to return to consciousness again. Each idea that has entered consciousness tends to reappear in consciousness (association) and the more intense it is, the less... ... Great Medical Encyclopedia

    perseveration- (from Latin perseveratio perseverance), stereotypical repetition in a person of any mental image, action, statement or state. It is observed, for example, with severe fatigue; may be a manifestation of a central nervous disease... encyclopedic Dictionary

    Perseveration- (lat. persevērātiō persistence, perseverance) stable repetition of any phrase, activity, emotion, sensation (depending on this, perseverations of thinking, motor, emotional, sensory perseverations are distinguished). For example... Wikipedia

    Perseveration- a thinking disorder in which the formation of new associations is significantly (maximum) difficult due to the long-term dominance of one thought or idea. * * * (Latin persevero – hold on stubbornly, continue) 1. term C Neisser... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary of Psychology and Pedagogy

Anxiety is common to all people to one degree or another, and many of us sometimes perform rituals varying degrees irrationalities designed to keep us out of trouble - banging our fist on the table or wearing a lucky T-shirt to an important event. But sometimes this mechanism gets out of control, causing a serious mental disorder. “Theories and Practices” explains what tormented Howard Hughes, how an obsession differs from schizophrenic delusion, and what magical thinking has to do with it.

Endless Ritual

Jack Nicholson's character in the famous film “As Good As It Gets” was distinguished not only by his complex character, but also by a whole set of oddities: he constantly washed his hands (with new soap each time), ate only with his own cutlery, avoided the touch of others and tried not to step on cracks on the asphalt. All these "eccentricities" - typical signs obsessive-compulsive disorder, a mental illness in which a person is obsessed with obsessive thoughts that force him to repeat the same actions regularly. OCD is a real boon for a screenwriter: this disease is more common in people with high intelligence, it gives the character originality, noticeably interferes with his communication with others, but at the same time is not associated with a threat to society, unlike many other mental disorders. But in reality, the life of a person with obsessive-compulsive disorder cannot be called easy: behind innocent and even funny, at first glance, actions hide constant tension and fear.

It’s as if a record is stuck in such a person’s head: the same unpleasant thoughts regularly come to mind, having little rational basis. For example, he imagines that there are dangerous microbes everywhere, he is constantly afraid of hurting someone, losing something, or leaving the gas on when leaving home. He may be driven crazy by a leaking faucet or an asymmetrical arrangement of objects on the table.

The flip side of this obsession, that is, obsession, is compulsion, the regular repetition of the same rituals that should prevent the impending danger. A person begins to believe that the day will go well only if he reads a nursery rhyme three times before leaving the house, that he will protect himself from terrible diseases if he washes his hands several times in a row and uses his own cutlery. After the patient performs the ritual, he experiences relief for a while. 75% of patients suffer from both obsessions and compulsions at the same time, but there are cases when people experience only obsessions without performing rituals.

At the same time, obsessive thoughts differ from schizophrenic delusions in that the patient himself perceives them as absurd and illogical. He is not at all happy about washing his hands every half hour and zipping his fly five times in the morning - but he simply cannot get rid of the obsession any other way. The level of anxiety is too high, and rituals allow the patient to achieve temporary relief. But at the same time, the love of rituals, lists, or putting things on shelves in itself, if it does not bring discomfort to a person, is not considered a disorder. From this point of view, aesthetes who diligently arrange carrot peelings lengthwise in Things Organized Neatly are absolutely healthy.

The biggest problems for OCD patients are obsessions of an aggressive or sexual nature. Some become afraid that they will do something bad to other people, including sexual assault and murder. Obsessive thoughts can take the form of individual words, phrases or even lines of poetry - a good illustration is an episode from the movie “The Shining”, where the main character, going crazy, begins to type the same phrase “all work and no play makes Jack” a dull boy.” A person with OCD experiences enormous stress - he is simultaneously horrified by his thoughts and tormented by a feeling of guilt for them, tries to resist them, and at the same time tries to ensure that the rituals he performs go unnoticed by others. In all other respects, his consciousness functions completely normally.

It is believed that obsessions and compulsions are closely related to “magical thinking” that arose at the dawn of humanity - the belief in the ability to take control of the world with the help of the right attitude and rituals. Magical thinking draws a direct parallel between mental desire and a real consequence: if you draw a buffalo on the wall of a cave, setting yourself up for a successful hunt, you will certainly be lucky. Apparently, this way of perceiving the world originates in the deep mechanisms of human thinking: neither scientific and technological progress, nor logical arguments, nor sad personal experience proving the uselessness of magical passes free us from the need to look for relationships between random things. Some scientists believe that it is embedded in our neuropsychology - the automatic search for patterns that simplify the picture of the world helped our ancestors survive, and the most ancient parts of the brain still work according to this principle, especially in a stressful situation. Therefore, with an increased level of anxiety, many people begin to be afraid of their own thoughts, fearing that they may come true, and at the same time believe that a set of some irrational actions will help prevent an undesirable event.


In ancient times, this disorder was often associated with mystical causes: in the Middle Ages, people obsessed with obsessive ideas were immediately sent to exorcists, and in the 17th century, the concept was reversed - it was believed that such conditions arise due to excessive religious zeal.

In 1877, one of the founders of scientific psychiatry, Wilhelm Griesinger and his student Karl-Friedrich-Otto Westphal, found that the basis of “obsessive-compulsive disorder” is a disorder of thinking, but it does not affect other aspects of behavior. They used the German term Zwangsvorstellung, which, having been variously translated in Britain and the US (as obsession and compulsion respectively), became the modern name for the disease. And in 1905, the French psychiatrist and neurologist Pierre Marie Felix Janet isolated this neurosis from neurasthenia as a separate disease and called it psychasthenia.

Opinions varied about the cause of the disorder—for example, Freud believed that obsessive-compulsive behavior referred to unconscious conflicts that manifested themselves as symptoms, while his German colleague Emil Kraepelin classified it as “constitutional mental illnesses” caused by physical causes.

People who suffered from obsessive disorder included: famous people- for example, the inventor Nikola Tesla counted steps while walking and the volume of food portions - if he failed to do this, the lunch was considered spoiled. And entrepreneur and American aviation pioneer Howard Hughes was terrified of dust and ordered employees before visiting him to “wash themselves four times, each time using a large amount of foam from a new bar of soap.”

Defense mechanism

The exact causes of OCD are not clear even now, but all hypotheses can be divided into three categories: physiological, psychological and genetic. Proponents of the first concept associate the disease either with the functional and anatomical features of the brain, or with metabolic disorders (biologically active substances that transmit electrical impulses between neurons, or from neurons to muscle tissue) - primarily serotonin and dopamine, as well as norepinephrine and GABA. Some researchers have noted that many obsessive-compulsive disorder patients had birth trauma at birth, which also supports physiological causes of OCD.

Proponents of psychological theories believe that the disease is associated with personal characteristics, character, psychological trauma and incorrect reaction to the negative impact of the environment. Sigmund Freud theorized that obsessive-compulsive symptoms are caused by defense mechanisms psyche: isolation, liquidation and reactive formation. Isolation protects a person from anxiety-causing affects and impulses, displacing them into the subconscious; elimination is aimed at combating the emerging repressed impulses - in fact, the compulsive act is based on it. And finally, reactive formation is the manifestation of patterns of behavior and consciously experienced attitudes that are opposite to emerging impulses.

There is also scientific evidence that genetic mutations contribute to OCD. They were found in unrelated families whose members suffered from OCD - in the serotonin transporter gene, hSERT. Studies of identical twins also confirm the existence of a hereditary factor. In addition, people with OCD are more likely to have close relatives with the same disorder than healthy people.

Maksim, 21 years old, suffers from OCD since childhood

It started for me at about 7-8 years old. The neurologist was the first to report the possibility of OCD; even then there was a suspicion of obsessive neurosis. I was constantly silent, spinning various theories in my head like “mental gum.” When I saw something that caused me anxiety, obsessive thoughts about it began, although the reasons seemed to be quite insignificant and, perhaps, would never have affected me.

At one time there was intrusive thought that my mother might die. I replayed the same moment in my head, and it captured me so much that I could not sleep at night. And when I’m riding in a minibus or in a car, I constantly think that we’re going to get into an accident, that someone is going to crash into us, or that we’re going to fly off a bridge. A couple of times the thought arose that the balcony under me would fall apart, or that someone would throw me out of there, or that I myself would slip and fall in the winter.

We never really talked to the doctor, I just took different medicines. Now I move from one obsession to another and follow some rituals. I am constantly touching something, no matter where I am. I walk from corner to corner throughout the room, straightening the curtains and wallpaper. Maybe I'm different from other people with this disorder, everyone has their own rituals. But it seems to me that those people who accept themselves as they are are luckier. They are much better off than those who want to get rid of it and are very worried about it.

the involuntary, obsessively repeated cyclical repetition or insistent repetition of some action, movement, idea, idea, thought, or experience—often contrary to conscious intention. The tendency of reproducible performances to make a comeback.

Perseverations are motor, emotional, sensory and intellectual - in the spheres of motor, emotional, sensory-perceptual and intellectual, respectively.

A tendency to perseveration is often observed in the clinic of local brain lesions, with speech, motor and emotional disorders; Perseverations are also possible when attention is distracted or in states of acute fatigue (-> fatigue).

It is assumed that perseveration is based on processes of cyclic excitation of neural structures associated with a delay in the signal to terminate the action.


lat. persevezo - to persist, to continue). Tendency to get stuck in speech, thinking, “persistent repetition or continuation of an activity once started, for example, repetition of a word in written or oral speech in an inadequate context.” In addition to perseveration in thinking, motor, sensory and emotional perseverations are also distinguished.


from lat. perseveratio - persistence) - obsessive repetition of the same movements, images, thoughts. There are motor, sensory and intellectual P.

Motor P. arise when the anterior sections of the cerebral hemispheres are damaged and manifest themselves either in the repeated repetition of individual elements of movement (for example, when writing letters or when drawing); this form of P. occurs when the premotor parts of the cerebral cortex and underlying subcortical structures are damaged and is called “elementary” motor P. (according to the classification of A. R. Luria, 1962); or in repeated repetition of entire movements programs (for example, in repetition of movements necessary for drawing, instead of writing movements); This form of P. is observed when the prefrontal parts of the cerebral cortex are damaged and is called “systemic* motor P. A special form of motor P. is made up of motor speech P., which arise as one of the manifestations of efferent motor aphasia in the form of multiple repetitions of the same thing. syllables, words in oral speech and writing.This form of motor P. occurs when the lower parts of the premotor region of the cortex of the left hemisphere are damaged (in right-handed people).

Sensory P. occur when the cortical parts of the analyzers are damaged and manifest themselves in the form of obsessive repetition of sound, tactile or visual images, an increase in the duration of the aftereffect of the corresponding stimuli.

Intellectual pain occurs when the cortex of the frontal lobes of the brain (usually the left hemisphere) is damaged and manifests itself in the form of repetition of inadequate stereotypical intellectual operations. Intellectual P., as a rule, appear when performing serial intellectual actions, for example, during arithmetic calculation (subtract 7 from 100 until there is nothing left, etc.), when performing a series of tasks on analogies, classification of objects, etc. . etc., and reflect violations of control over intellectual activity, its programming, characteristic of “frontal” patients. Intellectual P. are also characteristic of mentally retarded children as a manifestation of the inertia of nervous processes in the intellectual sphere. See also about perseverative images in the article Representations of Memory. (E. D. Chomskaya.)


persistently repeated involuntary, annoying resumption in a person of any image, thought, action or mental state, often against his will. We can talk about the perseveration of memory, movement, and thinking. In its content, perseveration is close to obsessive mental states.


perseveration) - 1. Constant repetition by a person of any actions, which does not allow him to pay attention to the emergence of new situations and the possibility of taking other actions. Perseveration is a symptom of organic brain damage; sometimes it can indicate the development of obsessive neurosis in a person. 2. A condition in which a person clearly distinguishes the image of an object, despite its actual absence. This condition may indicate that a person has a serious psychological disorder.


Word formation. Comes from Lat. regseveratio - perseverance.

Specificity. Obsessive reproduction of the same movements, thoughts, ideas.

Motor perseverations,

Sensory perseverations,

Intellectual perseverations.


There are several common methods of consumption; they all contain the idea of ​​a tendency to persist, to persist. 1. The tendency to continue following a certain pattern of behavior. Often used with the connotation that such perseveration continues until it becomes inadequate. Wed. with stereotypy. 2. The tendency to repeat, with pathological persistence, a word or phrase. 3. The tendency of certain memories, or ideas, or behavioral acts to be repeated without any (overt) stimulus for it. This term invariably carries a negative connotation. Wed. here with persistence.



1) (from the Latin perseveratio “persistence”) – the tendency to follow a certain model of behavior until it becomes inadequate.

The general was the kind of person who, although he was led by the nose... but then, if some thought got into his head, then it was there like an iron nail: there was nothing you could do to get it out of there (N. Gogol, The Dead souls).

If he didn’t get along with someone, then he didn’t get along for the rest of his life, not recognizing the need to adapt to anyone’s character (A. Druzhinin, Polinka Sax).

It is common for every person to make mistakes, but it is common for no one except a fool to persist in a mistake (Aristotle).

Wed. lability.

2) the tendency of certain memories, ideas or behavioral acts, obsessive images, states to be repeated without a clear incentive for this, their stereotypical repetition, in particular, with severe fatigue, in a drowsy state. Wed. the experiences of Boris Godunov, recalling the murder of Tsarevich Dimitri: And everything feels nauseous, and the head is spinning, and there are bloody boys in the eyes... (A. Pushkin, Boris Godunov). Wed. obsessive states.

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